#ShiAr Empire
comicchannel · 17 days
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Marvel Legends Series The Uncanny X-Men Warlord (Professor X) Hasbro F9084
Link para compra BR: *Possível importar pelo Link abaixo
Buy here: bit.ly/46ksx…
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curtvilescomic · 4 months
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Lilandra by Chris Samnee
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jrlunaart · 5 months
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Another relatively obscure character design that I've had for years that is now going to (hopefully) get more love now that "X-Men 97" has shown him in the latest episode. Love Gladiator!
Etsy Shop Storenvy 
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doctorslippery · 1 year
(via Uncanny X-Men 🏳️‍🌈 on Instagram: “Lilandra by Arthur Adams & Al Williamson | Classic X-Men #13 "Lifesigns" (1987) . . . . . #marvel #comics #marvelcomics #marveluniverse…”)
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chadepitanga · 6 months
I like romulans because the idea of a hypertech alien roman empire full of scheming and conspiracy and senators arguing is so insane. Do you think it gets really gay in the trenches for the tal shiar too. like those roman guys used to be all over eachother
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artist-dont-know · 9 months
The Progression
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The tunic is done
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romulanslutempire · 1 year
Adelaide Kane needs to reprise her role on SNW (somehow) so we can see her in Romulan tactical gear and with those famous pointy ears.
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starlightseraph · 9 months
i would love to be a romulan.
aside from the whole police-state thing, you’re telling me i could be as brilliantly intelligent as a vulcan but but actually be allowed to feel emotions? hell yeah
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karmirage · 1 year
personally my favorite fact about izzy kane is that she massacred refugees to get the super guardian title
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doyouwanttoseeabug · 11 months
Star Trek crew but they're all different species hear me out:
Jim - Jim has to remain human. He's the humanist human around, and also there is infinite comedy in the idea of a bunch of other species making exhausted eye contact whenever he pulls his bullshit.
Spock remains Vulcan obviously.
I initially thought Tellarite Bones BUT I think Andorian Bones fits better. Adding an extra-spicy layer to his Thing with Spock if their grandparents were literally shooting at each other. Every time Jim is Extremely Jim, Bones pulls out the ushaan-tor with a Dammit Jim I'm a doctor not a duellist but DON'T TEMPT ME
Romulan Uhura. No listen, trust me on this. Escaping from the Romulan empire because her love of languages leads her to a love of other cultures and a fiercely anti-imperialist anti-hegemonic stance. Her poise and calm comes from a lifetime of lying to the Tal Shiar, who were aggressively trying to recruit her before she joined Starfleet. How did she become an expert in diplomacy? Well her favourite childhood hobby was not getting dissapeared by the state so the rest came naturally.
Klingon Rand was revealed to me in a dream.
SCOTTY is the Tellarite. Jim rings down to engineering all meek like "hello Scotty can you tell me why the "ship is about to explode" light is flashing" and Scotty's like your mother was a leper and your father was a clown. Yeah the engines are fucked.
Chekov is Orion for The Angst TM
I know I KNOW that the Federation hadn't made contact with the Cardassians in TOS but Cardassian Sulu. He's so nice and smiley and polite :) and he's just saying Captain that if you want anyone poisoned I might know a guy :) the guy is me, Captain :)
I really wanted a Ferengi on here but no one fits so. Ferengi Chapel I guess. She's actually incredibly nice and way more professional than Bones but occasionally there's a gleam in her eyes and you just know she's thinking Oh, if I wanted to, I could rip these suckers off.
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comicchannel · 5 months
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Marvel Legends Series Build a Figure X-Men Gladiator Hasbro E3401
Link para compra BR: *Possível importar pelo Link abaixo
Buy here: https://amzn.to/3xMQVUI
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deepspacedukat · 5 months
The Lifeline - Part One: The Message
...Yes this is another plot bunny. Yes I still have a ton of requests to get out. It's fine. Blame the brainrot.
If anyone wants to be added to or removed from my taglist, please feel free to let me know.
Cross-posted to AO3 here.
Vreenak (DS9) x Reader
[A/N: This will contain smut, so 18+ ONLY, MINORS DNI!!!]
Warnings: Spoilers for ST:VOY S1E7 "Eye of the Needle", references to Romulan politics, references to an interspecies relationship, Romulan/Human relationship, interspecies romance, threats, espionage, angst, time travel bs (it'll make your head hurt if you analyze it too much, or at least it made mine hurt), references to marriage/a mating bond.
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**2367 - Stardate Classified, Late afternoon - Romulan Senate**
Listening to Sabrun drone on and on about the threat of the Federation-Cardassian peace treaty was usually something Vreenak would enjoy, but today, his head ached. He'd been in nothing but meeting after meeting for weeks on end, both for the Senate and the Tal Shiar, and the tedium was finally getting to him.
When was the last time he took leave? Years, most assuredly - before he was elected to the Senate seven years ago.
Wasn't that about how long Sabrun had been talking? Consciously straightening in his seat, he forced his shoulders to release some of their tension. He relished the opportunity to serve his people, to protect them, but he hated long-winded sessions like this.
A tap on the arm knocked him out of the deep, sinking morass of his thoughts, drawing his attention to the aide who'd approached him. He wore not the uniform of the government, but that of the Tal Shiar.
Elements bless Koval for saving him from such an utterly dull session!
Quietly, he gave the Praetor a deferential nod and slipped out of the Senate building. The fresh air caressing his face sent a bolt of relief through him. Even though he would likely not be allowed to rest for some hours, he couldn't find it within himself to be resentful. He did need to take some leave, no doubt, but for now, he'd gladly accept the moment's respite that his position with the Tal had just given him.
"Ah, the Chairman summoned you, as well?" Vreenak smirked at the sound of Letant's voice, and he slowed long enough for his friend to catch up.
"Luckily. I thought Sabrun would never shut up. He makes good points, obviously, but does he never tire of the sound of his own voice?"
Letant let out a tired chuckle of his own at Vreenak's ire, but both men were too relieved to be free to dwell on their frustrations.
"Any idea what this might be about, Mr. Vice-Chairman?" Letant's use of the title brought a genuine smile to the other man's lips. Vreenak had only earned it a year prior, and he was damned proud of his success. "Am I to finally be silenced for knowing too much about you?"
"Never, old friend. We may disagree on some points, but I value you too much to ever allow it to come to that." Vreenak murmured as they walked.
"Thank you for coming so promptly. I hope that I have not inconvenienced the Senate too much by pulling you both mid-session," Koval called the moment that the pair of Senators stepped into his office, shrugging off their outer robes. A smirk played across the Vice-Chairman's lips.
"You and I both know that inconveniencing others is one of your favorite pastimes," he called taking a seat before Koval's desk and allowing himself to sink into the cushioned chair with a relieved groan. Letant took the other. "I must thank you. One of our colleagues had become...tedious."
"You will not thank me in a moment." Koval's tone was graver than Vreenak had heard it in some time. Uh oh. That was always a bad sign. "What I am about to show you goes no farther than this room. One of the Empire's scientists - Telek R'Mor, Captain of the Talvath - died recently."
Vreenak's brow furrowed slightly, and Letant tilted his head.
"His family has our sympathies, but I, for one, fail to see the relevance," the latter remarked.
The Chairman stood and poured both of his guests generous servings of kali-fal.
"There was a data storage device found in his belongings. It was accessed, and the contents were...intriguing. You see, it contained personal messages from the crew of a Starfleet ship to their families," Koval continued, "a Starfleet ship that has not yet been built."
At that, Vreenak froze with his glass halfway to his mouth, and Letant's lips parted in surprise.
"They were messages from the future?" Vreenak hadn't meant to ask the question, but it slipped out anyway.
"Indeed, but that is not all. Computer, play visual message one-three-one-alpha," Koval ordered, and the screen before on the desk before the Senators lit up with the image of a woman - a Human woman.
Mentally, Vreenak acknowledged that she was actually quite pretty for a hevam.
"Hi, sweetheart. I know you're probably surprised to hear from me...after such a long silence, I mean. I doubt you'd write me off so quickly, but, well, I'm sure by now you've worked out that something is wrong." Vreenak glanced at Koval, not yet grasping the significance of this seemingly random message, but the Chairman simply nodded back at the monitor. Letant seemed intrigued by the woman on the screen. "It's been a few months since Voyager went missing, and while I can assure you that I'm physically alright, I...Vree, honey, we're stuck in the Delta Quadrant."
His eyes widened at a single syllable amongst the mess of her rambling. 'Vree.' Was...? She was talking to him? Why the hell would a Starfleet officer - a Lieutenant Commander, by the look of her rank pips - be contacting a Romulan Senator? He'd never seen her before in his life. Out of the corner of his eye, he saw Letant look at him curiously, but he couldn't bring himself to care.
"We're doing everything we can to find a shorter way home, but it might take years," she admitted, and he noted that tears had slowly gathered in her eyes. "I understand if you want to petition the Praetor for an annulment. After all, it's not much use having a wife who's stuck in a whole other quadrant of space. But, I...I want you to know that no matter how long it takes, I will make it home to you. You're in my thoughts every day and night, deyhhan. I love you. Give Koval and Letant hell for me, okay?"
She blew a kiss to the camera just as a tear rolled down her cheek, and Vreenak set his glass aside just as the message cut off.
"Computer," Koval called, "display addressee for visual message one-three-one-alpha."
Vreenak's stomach clenched as he saw his own name and rank pop up on the screen along with the stardate on which the message was recorded - nearly four years in the future by the Federation's calendar, assuming his mental calculations were correct.
"Well, my friend, you seem to have gotten quite lucky. As far as Humans go, she seems delightful," Letant murmured as he downed his drink. "She's stuck in another part of the galaxy, of course, but she obviously cares for you–"
"This is a joke," Vreenak rasped, feeling anger bubble up inside him. She seemed to know about all three of them, but that couldn't be possible. "I've never even seen her before! Why would I marry a...a hevam?"
"I assure you, I would not have called you here if I had not already verified that this was not a joke," the Chairman stated, and he handed the Senator a data pad containing the results of the inquiry he'd conducted into the subject. An encrypted visual message from Telek R'Mor himself detailed the encounter he'd had with Voyager in 2351, including his logs, and even a covert visual recording he'd snagged from their communications with his ship. Apparently, the man had left instructions for the delivery of these personal missives, but his daughter had turned them over to the Tal Shiar as soon as she'd discovered that one of them involved three well-known Romulans.
A wise choice.
Farther down, he found a report on the woman in the message. She was a Lieutenant currently serving aboard a science ship. Having received high honors at Starfleet Academy, she also had several commendations on her record from various superior officers. There was no indication that she was involved with Starfleet intelligence or Section Thirty One, though.
How odd, given the circumstances. How else, hypothetically, would they have met if not through clandestine contact?
Koval was nothing if not thorough, and the fact that he'd already looked into this meant that there truly was no chance that this was a deception.
Vreenak had a wife. A Human wife. Or, at least, he might end up with a one at some point in the next four years.
Just in time to lose her to the Delta Quadrant.
"I take it you're interested in having this looked into, then?" Koval asked, and the sound of his voice spurred Vreenak into action. He downed the kali-fal he'd been served, then got to his feet.
"You're damned right, but I'll do it myself," the Senator said, straightening his tunic before donning his robes once more. "If this woman really did send a message from the future, then I need to know more about her. Her intentions, motives, possible schemes... This isn't just a mystery, it's a personal one."
"Of course. Do what you have to. I'll have transportation and an alias arranged, as well as a surgeon," the Chairman confirmed. "I trust you'll want a Vulcan persona to save time?"
"Oh, and Vreenak?" Through Letant's opening inquiry, he could already hear the mischief in his voice. The man in question glanced back at him over his shoulder. "If you don't like what you see when you meet her, do feel free to send her my way. She is rather alluring."
The Vice-Chairman let out a gruff huff of laughter.
"Be careful what you wish for. I'm certainly not marrying a hevam, but if you're willing to debase yourself in such a manner, then by all means, have at her," Vreenak said as he strode to the door.
Pledge himself to a Human? Ha! He would never disgrace himself like that. His taste was much more refined.
Romulan words:
hevam = derogatory name for a human
deyhhan = husband
@akamitrani @android-boyfriends @attention-bajoranworkers @bigblissandlove1 @darkmattervibes @emilie786 @groovyqueer @horta-in-charge @live-logs-and-proper @slutty-slutty-vulcans @starrynightgardens @toebeans-mcgee
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doctorslippery · 5 months
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chadepitanga · 5 months
Ok but the real question is. Does Pon Farr affect romulans? Is there a time every 11 or so years when idk Prator Neral needs to fuck or he dies? Can you imagine the convo
"where's chairman Koval?"
"Pon farr got him, he's on leave :/ got so frustrated due to arousal that he almost removed the entirety of his outfit in the senate"
"oh. Unfortunate"
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Romulan Summer
Pairing: Chairman Koval x fem! Reader Fandom: Star Trek: Deep Space Nine Words: 1.7K Summary: Koval knew that Humans we're fragile, however he was not aware of the extent to it. A/N: I recently fell in love with Romulans. It is summer. Et voilà. I know he's not that known or liked, but I like him.
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Koval looked at his wife with a raised eyebrow. She had her hands folded as if in prayer and looked at him from begging eyes.
"Please." Koval massaged the bridge of his nose. "E'lev. Do you think it's a good idea to do this? Can you even remotely imagine the risks involved?"
"It's a trip to the beach. Not to a war zone."
"And you're the wife of the chairman of the Tal Shiar. Even a walk in the park comes with risks."
Sighing, she looked to the side. "Of course. I forgot, forgive me. It's just-" Her gaze out the window seemed almost wistful. "It's summer, it's hot, and I used to just lie on the beach or swim or do something with my friends or family for weeks at a time sometimes. It's been years since I've been able to do it, which is why it sounds a bit ridiculous now, but it almost feels like... like homesickness. Which is silly because my home is here, right?"
She smiled at him, however Koval could see that her smile did not reach her eyes.
"You know what. Just forget I asked." She stepped towards him and pressed a quick kiss to his cheek. "Excuse me, darling, please. Cetax let me know earlier that he wanted to try his hand at human cooking today. Again. I may not be a master chef, however, unlike him, I know you don't make spaghetti in the oven." She laughed lightly and then left the room with a light step and scurried down the corridor.
Koval gazed sadly after her and a heaviness spread in his chest that almost took his breath away. Guilt.
She had given up everything to be able to live a life by his side. She had left her home, was hardly able to see her family or friends, and with him as her husband she was exposed to constant danger, which often robbed her of even the last bit of freedom.
In all that time, she had never complained, had accepted every disappointment with a smile, and all that because she loved him.
Koval closed his eyes. What was a little trip to the beach? He was one of the most influential and important people in the Empire. Such a thing really shouldn't be a matter of concern to him.
He owed it to her.
Concerned, Koval paced up and down the corridor, a certain anger at Doctor Onduk.
This was ridiculous, absurd. He was the chairman of the Tal Shiar! He should not be ordered around in his own house!
Instantly, however, his anger fizzled into nothingness and he wiped his face. It had been his own fault that he had been thrown out. Koval should have done nothing but sit still instead of pacing like an animal in a zoo, but he had not been able to pull himself together.
After all, it was his wife who was lying there in their marriage bed, pale and weak, and who had fainted in his arms not even an hour ago.
It was his right to be nervous and upset.
Apparently, however, it had distracted or annoyed Doctor Oduk too much, because he had unceremoniously thrown the chairman out of his own bedroom.
Koval leaned back on the spread towel and watched with a gentle smile as his wife splashed in the waves, squealing with delight. It was an unusual sight, as she was usually quieter and more dignified, but he feasted on the view.
As expected, he had not found it particularly difficult to have a part of a beach near her house cleared for the afternoon. This order might have seemed strange to others, but he didn't care what others thought about him.
What he did care about was the enthusiastic expression on his wife's face as she dug her feet into the sand for the first time in a long time.
In the last four hours she had frolicked as much as Koval had ever seen her do. Although she had mostly been busy swimming in the sea, an activity he was not particularly fond of, she had also returned to him under the sunshade for a short time.
As a Romulan, which, as much as he would like to forget it, he was related to the Vulcans and accordingly highly resistant to the sun, however, he had learned a long time ago that most humans should not stay in the sun for too long, especially in summer, as this could lead to unpleasant consequences.
Cetax had given them drinks and food, Koval had made sure his wife had some regularly, and she had enjoyed aiming grapes at his mouth.
With her aim, she would not even be able to become a cleaner in the Romulan Senate, but Koval had simply let her do it and enjoyed the joyful glint in her eyes.
As Koval emerged from his reverie and looked over at her, a worry furrow began to form on his brow.
His wife came walking towards him, though her walk lacked the vigour of the previous hours and in general she looked more tired.
Koval brushed his worry aside and stood up.
She was probably just exhausted, nothing more. After all, she had hardly rested today.
"Tired out, e'lev?" His words were teasing, yet his tone was gentle as he placed his hands on her arms.
"I'm a little woozy," she mumbled and Koval's worry crease returned at the slurred tone.
"E'lev?" His voice sounded concerned, even to his own ears, yet he could say no more as in that moment her legs gave way beneath her and her eyes twisted before she fell, caught by his arms.
The door opened and instantly Koval's gaze shot up.
Doctor Onduk stepped out and towards him.
"Well?" Koval made an effort to remain calm, though he had to admit, ashamedly, that he did not manage to hide his emotions as well as a Tal Shiar member should.
"She is fine so far. She did suffer a heat stroke, though."
Koval frowned. "A heat stroke?"
" Heat stroke is an occurrence among humanoid species, humans most especially, in which the person is exposed to too much sun and heat, especially in humid environments. Normally, as the body temperature rises, the human body regulates the cooling of the body with sweat.
However, when the humidity is too high, the sweat does not evaporate and makes it much more difficult for the body to cool down.
The rising body temperature can damage the central nervous system in particular, which can then lead to fainting, as we have seen."
Koval swallowed. "Symptoms?"
"Mostly weakness, nausea, headache, thirst and coordination problems. Heatstroke can be quite dangerous once it is not treated immediately by a doctor."
He gave Koval a sharp look. "Your wife is still not perfectly adapted to the Romulan climate and is often unable to assess her abilities and resistance. Take better care of her next time."
Koval's jaw worked sullenly in the face of the Doctor's rebuke, however, he nodded.
"What can I do?"
"Fortunately, because of today's medicine, she doesn't need to go to hospital. However, I have left some medicines which she must take three times a day, morning, noon and evening, one hundred milligrams each. In addition, make sure she doesn't move around too much, it's best to keep her lying down, her legs raised and to drink plenty of fluids. I will check on her again the day after tomorrow."
Koval nodded stiffly. "Khnai'ru rhissiuy Ihhai."
Onduk bowed his head slightly. "Dhaemnasi."
As soon as the doctor had left the house, Koval quietly opened the door and entered their shared bedroom, where the lights had been dimmed. His heart grew a little heavier at the sight.
His wife lay in their bed, a little more central than usual, her feet propped up on pillows and still looking pale, though not as much as before.
For a moment he thought she was asleep, but he quickly noticed that her eyes were half open and looking at him sleepily.
With brisk strides he was at her side, kneeling beside their bed and gingerly taking her hand in his, pressing a gentle kiss to its back.
"E'lev. How are you feeling?"
"Better." Her voice was still a little slurred, however he sensed that she was already feeling much better. She tugged lightly on his hand and after a moment's hesitation he complied with her request and settled down on the bed beside her, where she sleepily leaned her head against his shoulder.
"You scared me to death," he whispered in her ear and pressed another kiss to the back of her hand. "I knew humans were weaker than Romulans, however I was not aware of exactly how fragile you could be."
"Hey," she protested faintly and Koval thought he saw a smile on her lips. "We are not that weak. We can be very tough too."
Despite the circumstances, he chuckled slightly and kissed her forehead gently. "I know, e'lev. I know."
Gingerly, he took her hands in his and looked into her eyes, which made him twist his head a little. "Promise me you'll take better care of yourself next time. I'm an old man. I can only take so many heart attacks." His teasing brought the familiar sparkle he loved back into her eyes.
"Next time? We're going to go again?"
Koval frowned. "Don't you want to?"
"Yes, I do!" She tried to sit up, however Koval pushed her back into the pillow with low murmurs of reassurance. "However, I thought that after today-"
She didn't finish her sentence, but she didn't have to.
Gently, Koval put his hand under her chin and lifted it.
"E'lev. I admit that today did not go as I had hoped. However, I saw how much you enjoyed yourself." He stroked her cheek. "I have rarely seen you so happy. However, I certainly plan to do it more often." The smile on her face was all the reassurance he needed to know his decision had been the right one.
A yawn escaped his wife and gently he kissed her forehead one last time. "Sleep, e'lev. You need to rest."
She snuggled a little closer to him.
"Of course."
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thealmightyemprex · 7 months
Sci FI Month:Why X Men the Animated series is awesome
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So I binged the entierty of X Men the Animated Series and I intended to make an epic review with episode reccomendations,annnnnd it ended up too long ,so instead I am going to go over reasons why this show is Great and has an enduring legacy
1.X Men in general as a franchise has tons of characters to choose from and I think it is so wise of the show that they limit it to 9 core characters,while some fan favorites get really good guest appearences like Nightcrawler
2.The Characterization and relationships are top notch ,every character gets a spot light and each character has layers ,with each character having their own demons.Even Professor X who couldve just been the mentor figure gets fleshed out to where you understand why he does what he does .Oh if you wanna know who my fave characters are:Storm,Wolverine ,Gambit, and Beast
3.The villains are varied ,from the anti villainous Magneto ,to the brutish Juggernaut ,to the bigoted Graydon Creed ,to the sadistic Sabretooth,to the complicated Mystique ,to the cold Mr Sinister to (My favorite ) the bombastic Apoclaypse
4.As a comic adaptation I think its fun that the show doesnt limit itself to one period of X Men but pays tribute to 30 years of comics:The designs are Jim Lee inspired,they pay tribute to Lee and Kirby,the stories pull a lot from Chris Clairmount ,and several episodes were written by comic legend Len Wein
5.The show doesnt have the biggest budget but with its shading ,strong character designs and editing it still holds up rather decently
6.Voice acting is all around solid,Cal Dodd,Lenore Zahn,George Buza and John Colicos are the go to voices for Wolverine,Rogue,Beast and Apocalypse to me
7.The series is serialized with a conitinuity,which while common with modern cartoons,was kind of a new thing back then.We can thank this show for changing how action cartoons were done.Also each season has a distinct feel with the first three having story arcs(The Sentinels in season one,Magneto and Xavier trapped in the Savage Land in season 2 , andDealing with the aliens known as the Shiar Empire in season 3 )
8.The writing does not talk down to kids,in fact the writing for the show is very good not shying away from the fact this is a show about prejudice
9.I think the show has good momentum getting better and better up to Season 4 ,which is the best season of the show .Now Season 5 does feel like it is running on fumes,but it still has great episodes and contiains one of the greatest animated series finales ever "Graduation Day "
10.And of course.....The theme song is kickass
If you want me to explain my feelings more just ask me,I am more then willing to ramble about this amazing cartoon.I plan to do my top 10 favorite episodes,villains,and multi parters
@ariel-seagull-wings @the-blue-fairie @piterelizabethdevries
@amalthea9 @themousefromfantasyland @princesssarisa
@angelixgutz @theancientvaleofsoulmaking @filmcityworld1 @countesspetofi
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