#Shin Splint Exercises
southeast-northwest · 5 months
'puter how do you get rid of shin splints, quickest method, no rest
'puter do you hear me
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san--jose--sharpedos · 4 months
I wanna go to another concert even if I am still in pain from my last one
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totalfapseosydney07 · 2 years
Podiatrist for Shin Splints | Total Foot & Posture Sydney The podiatrist for Shin Splints is now here at Total Foot & Posture Sydney. We will help you to get back on your feet! Give us a call.
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samuel-star · 9 months
Disability isn't "adult".
The fact of the matter is that, even though they would just love to deny it, able-bodied people think that disability is a sign of your age. They avoid acknowledging any sign that a child could have a physical disability, even if it is screaming in their face. An 8 year old is in pain after failing the pacer test and complains that they have shin splints, the bridges of their feet hurt, they feel dizzy. And their able-bodied PE teacher tells them, "that means you don't run enough, those things will go away if you work out more often." And that child will believe them. That kid will internalize that. "All of this pain I feel is my fault. I run around the playground with my friends, but maybe it's because I sit down more often than them. If my shins hurt when I run, but running will get rid of that pain, what am I supposed to do?"
And it takes years of assuming that all of this pain was normal, everyone would experience this if they were lazy, for them to finally go to the doctor. Years of avoidable pain. Years of feeling lazy. And that kid, the child that never learned that the pain could've been relieved, will never forgive those teachers. And those teachers won't give a shit. Of course they won't, why would they? They told a child that they were normal, told a kid that it's something that can be fixed easily with the very exercise that hurts them, that teacher was clearly in the right. Ehlers Danlos Syndrome. A connective tissue disorder that explained everything that they had experienced, down to the smallest thing, even the constant joint popping every time they move. The shooting pains that they would get in a random joint for weeks on end which would randomly just dissipate.
At this point, I don't know why I'm writing this. Maybe I wish I could go back, tell that kid that he should tell his mom about the pain in the bridges of his feet. Something that would've helped me in the long run. Maybe I should've told my doctor about my "zombie foot", where I turned my leg 180 degrees around while standing in place.
Because of those teachers, I have to relearn my own limits, understand that if I'm in pain and there's a way to relieve some of it, fucking do it! I know that I've grown as a person since I learned about my disability, but now I'm seeing the rage I never released and I wish I had half as filthy a vocabulary when I was in 3rd grade as I do now! Even just a good "fuck off" would be nice. Knowing that I didn't just take what they were saying as fact. For anyone who read through all of this, you're fucking awesome, and there isn't a person who deserves chronic pain. Nobody "deserves" it. No one is "at fault" for a chronic disability. I'm not disabled because I'm lazy. I have to rest and heal because I'm disabled. Because I'm human!
I'm going to use my wheelchair in public because I know that my hips stop hurting when I use it. I'm going to sit down if my feet hurt because I know there might be less pain later if I take care of myself. Self care shouldn't be something you shame people for, and to anyone who thinks that the validity of my disability depends on how much pain I'm in, fuck you. Fuck you, go learn basic human empathy and get back to me with an apology. I have nothing to prove to strangers, I'm living my life to the best of my abilities, and that means using my wheelchair. Thank you guys for reading, have a fucking awesome day, and drink some water.
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iidanen · 1 year
Käärijä in a Finnish magazine called Seura before esc 2023.
Topics on magazine cover:
• Eurovision hero Käärijä open: Was close to lost his life and end his career "Nothing is written in the stars"
• Seura investigated: Pension isn't enough for living - 65-years-old Heli and Maija are still working in the nursing field
• Daughter's and mother's touching story: 3-years-old Iiris's brain cancer has been treated already twice
• New Finnish research: exercise helps treating cancer
• Sixten Korkman: "Age discrimination is still a problem but situation is changing" *Korkman is a Finnish economist
• 10 questions: Walkers can suffer shin splints
• Maria Lund hides sugar cubes in her bra *Lund is a Finnish actress and singer
• Travel: Riga is full of stories
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"We will never know when we have to face departure from here. We have to enjoy every moment and do things that we truly love.
"My mother is very silly and brisk. She is very loving and helps always. I love her very much." 🥰
"I have never liked if other people tells me what I have to do.
"170 cm is short height for a man but I can survive with that. I can still go to amusement rides."
"My goal is to be the best live performer in Finland."
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kemetic-dreams · 3 months
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Running a mile per day for the rest of your life can have both benefits and drawbacks. Let's explore them in detail:
Cardiovascular Health: Running is an excellent cardiovascular exercise that can strengthen your heart, improve blood circulation, and lower the risk of heart disease.
Weight Management: Regular running can help you maintain a healthy weight by burning calories and increasing metabolism.
Mood Enhancement: Running releases endorphins, which can boost mood, reduce stress, and promote overall mental well-being.
Bone Health: Running is a weight-bearing exercise that can help improve bone density and reduce the risk of osteoporosis.
Enhanced Lung Function: Regular running can improve lung capacity and respiratory efficiency.
Improved Fitness: Consistent running can enhance overall physical fitness, including endurance, stamina, and strength.
Time Efficiency: Running a mile daily doesn't require a significant time commitment, making it a convenient option for busy schedules.
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Overuse Injuries: Running frequently can increase the risk of overuse injuries like shin splints, stress fractures, and knee pain.
Joint Impact: The repetitive impact of running may put stress on joints, potentially leading to joint pain or issues, especially if proper form and footwear are not maintained.
Burnout: Running every day without adequate rest can lead to burnout or reduced motivation over time.
Weather Dependency: Running outdoors might be challenging in extreme weather conditions or during illness.
Muscle Imbalances: Running primarily targets specific muscle groups, which may lead to muscle imbalances if other areas of the body are neglected.
Time Commitment: While running a mile daily is relatively time-efficient, it still requires a regular commitment that may not be sustainable for everyone.
Lack of Variety: Running the same distance daily might become monotonous for some individuals who prefer diverse workout routines.
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To mitigate the drawbacks and make running sustainable, consider the following tips:
Incorporate rest days to allow your body to recover and reduce the risk of overuse injuries.
Cross-train with other activities like cycling, swimming, or strength training to work different muscle groups and add variety to your routine.
Invest in good-quality running shoes and pay attention to proper form and technique to minimize the risk of injuries.
Listen to your body and adjust your running intensity or distance as needed based on how you feel.
As with any fitness routine, individual factors such as age, fitness level, and any existing health conditions should be considered. It's advisable to consult with a healthcare professional or a certified fitness trainer before committing to a long-term running regimen. They can help create a personalized plan that aligns with your goals and takes into account any specific needs or concerns you may have.
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afniel · 8 months
Hurgh, I went for a nice walk and my legs are still absolutely blown hours later. Really wish I had any idea why their first and only reaction to exercise is to cramp the fuck up to hell until they're basically useless, especially through my tibialis anteriors (right on the front of the shins). If I power through it they'll sort of straighten out (though they'll kind of bounce between really stiff and reasonably okay) but that involves powering through it, which is not my favorite activity. >:[
Like what the hell even gives you shin splints so bad you basically go around with foot drop when it's bad? I'd like to know because boy do I have it, whatever it is.
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retrointhenow · 2 years
Match Maker II Lance Sweets X Reader
A/N : I think we need some more Lance Sweets fics around here, so this is my official attempt :))
Dr. Sweets could be anything he wanted. He could get you to do anything. Which is why you were a squint and not an Agent. Say the right thing to you and you do whatever was needed. Lance knew it.
"Y/n! Glad I caught you!" Sweets stopped you before entering Booth's office. "Hey Lance. What can I do for you?" You had a long-time crush on the shrink, you assumed he knew. Being a psychologist and all. "I have the files from the Alabama case analyzed. Mind delivering them to Brennan when you head back?" He flashed his pearly whites at you. "Of course! Anything for you." You lightly flirted. Normally you'd clam up around Sweets and make a complete fool of yourself, but today you must have had a newfound confidence. "A darling you are." He disappeared down the hall to his office. Your heart fluttered; he called you darling.
"You are so easy Y/n." Booth chuckled, peaking his head out of his office. You frowned and looked at the agent. "How so?" Booth motioned for you to enter his office, closing the glass door once you did. You took in his office, looking at the hockey photo behind his desk and the photos of Parker. "You fold at the sight of him. Your demeanor changes when he enters the room. It's amazing how you got through that short conversation with him." You face flushed then blushed instantly. "I won't say anything if you don't want me to. But Sweets is totally oblivious to you." He opened emails on his computer. You shook your head. "Sweets wouldn't. It's just a harmless crush. I'll get over it by the time the snow thaws." You shrugged and went to the door. "I might not be a psychologist, but I can pick up on body language, Sweets doesn't reciprocate." You held onto the file Sweets gave you earlier and headed to the Jeffersonian.
You swiped your key card to enter the forensics platform to hand Brennan the folder. "The smells never get easier, do they?" You asked to no one in particular. "Not really." Angela laughed and pulled up photos of magnified bone chips. You studied them for a few minutes before looking back at the skeleton of the table. You asked Angela to zoom into the shins. There was still a few bits of muscle and flesh covering the body. "That looks like shin splints does it not?" You asked Cam. "Yeah, it does. Good job Miss L/n." "I know a lot of girls in my high school got shin splints during track. Coming off winter sports or an off season. They're cause from overworking or changing their exercise routine." You smiled proudly. Brennan nodded and looked at the exposed bones. "Very well." You ran back and forth between the bone room and Hodgins's lab trying to solve this murder.
"Ah Mrs. Sweets. What can I do for you this time." Hodgins smirked looking into his microscope. "W-what?" You fumbled. "I uh brought you some soil samples found in the muscles." You shook it off. Maybe you just misheard him. He grabbed the empty Petri dish from you and ran it through his machines. "It's gonna take a few minutes. So, you and Sweets huh?" He wiggled his eyebrows. "I have no idea what you're talking about. There's nothing between us." You shifted uncomfortably. He nodded skeptically. His screen dinged with the results from the soils. "I'll leave you to your work." You quickly got away from the scientist.
"Alright squinty! Come on, Parker wants to see you." Booth ran into the bone room clapping his hand. You racked your mind for why Parker would wanna see you of all people. You're just a squintern. You only had a few real conversations with Parker when you first started at the Jeffersonian. He was a sweet kid, but he could be something else, either way you followed Booth to the Royal Diner.
"Y/n!" Parker ran up and hugged you. You hugged the young boy back and ruffled his hair. "Hey buddy!" Your smile quickly dropped when you saw Sweets sitting at the table. "What's he doing here?" You looked at Seeley panicking. Seeley threw his hands up in defense. "Parker invited him. Blame the kid not me." He slid into the seat next to Parker, forcing you to sit with Sweets. You may have mentioned to Parker that you had a slight crush on the shrink, but that was ages ago.
"Hey Y/n. Thank you again for running those papers for me." Sweets smiled. God you could have melted right there. "Oh yeah, of course." You chuckled and blushed. Seeley smirked. Go figure you couldn't have the confidence you did earlier when speaking to Lance.
"So, Dr. Sweets." Parker started. "Why doesn't my dad have a girlfriend yet." He asked innocently. You and Booth choked on your food / drink. You were laughing, Booth was embarrassed. "Parker!" Booth scolded. "Uh well. I think maybe you dad is just waiting for the right person to come along." Sweets tried not to offend Booth. He took it lightly. Parker smiled at you before asking Sweets, "Do you have a girlfriend?" Lance set his fork down and looked at the young boy. "I don't." You could have sworn he glanced at you. "Well, what about you Y/n? Do you have a boyfriend yet?" You took a deep breath. "No Parker I don't. The last one wasn't cool." You grimaced at the thought. A shit eating grin spread across his face; Seeley looked down proudly at his son. "So why don't you two get together then?" Sweets spit out his water and you turning a burning red.
"Well, uh I-" You started, completely flustered. You didn't imagine Parker trying to set you up or whatever. "Uhm, I think it would be a conflict of-" Lance started, focusing on you. "I can tell that Y/n likes you, and I think you like her too. I may be a kid, but I can definitely tell these things."
You and Sweets looked at each other for the first time during the outing. Your face still fiery red and his turning a light shade of pink. The corner of his mouth turned up ever so slightly. You broke contact and looked back at Parker. "Yeah uh, respectfully, you're still just a kid Parker." You got up and hurried out of the Diner. Embarrassment flooded your whole body; you could not believe Parker. Sure, he was a kid, but he had no idea what he was doing.
"So, you just walked out?!" Angela shouted as you laid on her couch. "What was I supposed to do Ange? Admit that I like Sweets? No way." You laughed. You could imagine him turning you down and having to avoid him the rest of your life. "Sweetie, he smiled at you, that's gotta mean something." She played on the Angelatron.
You groaned and threw your hands over your face. "You know what it means? It means that Parker made me look like a fool and now Sweets has probably already done his shrink stuff on me and has made a pros and cons list. Let's face it. I have no realistic chance with someone as smart as Lance." "I beg to differ." You shot up as Sweets walked into Angela's room. He looked at her, asking her for a moment alone. She smiled at you and scurried out. "Don't- run out on me. Please." You bit down on your lip and avoided eye contact yet again. "What do you want?" You stood up and walked around the room. There was no way you were going to sit still. "Can we talk?" His eyes followed your body around the room. "Nothing to talk about." You deflected his questions. He analyzed your emotions and movements as you reacted to his questions.
"There's not need to be embarrassed or humiliated Y/n." "Not be embarrassed? Really? Parker basically outed me about my feelings about you. And you totally did your shrink shit." Your body shook with nervous energy. "I pray to my spirits and ghosts that you'd never have to find out. Because you know what's worse than you knowing? It's you rejecting me, and then I'd have to see you every day until one of us moves on or does something else. And I can't handle that." He grazed over to where you were standing and took your hands into his own, he tilted your head up to meet his eyes.
"Look at me." His voice was soft and sweet. You dragged your eyes to meet his. "I am not going to shrink you or make a list of pros and cons about you, you certainly don't have to pray to your supernatural spirits, and more importantly I'm not going to reject you." Your body relaxed as his arm held your body. Still tense in some parts, not completely believing in him yet. "What are you saying?" You voice was just above a whisper. Eyes flickering between his gorgeous eyes. His lips curled into a smile, and he leaned down to your height.
"What I'm saying, Y/n, is that I like you. That I want to give us a chance." His lips connected with yours. You could have stayed like that for forever. His hand cupped your cheek and the other remained on your waist. Your hand laid on his neck and your opposite held onto his bicep. The only thing that pulled you away was a sudden roar of applause. Everyone from the Jeffersonian squints team, Booth, and Parker were cheering.
"It's about time." Clark exclaimed. You all looked at him with amusement. "I pay attention and keep my thoughts to myself." He shrugged and went back to the forensic platform. Sweets wrapped his arm around your waist and smiled down at you. You smiled back at Parker and mouthed 'thank you', he was pretty good at playing match maker.
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zombie-rott · 1 year
"Burying myself alive."
Prompt: “Have you eaten anything?”
Pairing: Established Papa IV/ Reader
POV: You / Your 
Pronouns: She/her
You haven't been coping lately, and things are getting stressful as the new tour dates approach. You don't know how you're going to survive without him, especially when feeling so vulnerable, and take to running to calm your anxiety.
But, even as a seasoned runner, you neglect yourself. Slowly you began slipping back into a world you promised you never would.
This is a short, two-chapter (because it was way too long for one Tumblr post) personal piece. It is based on a conversation had by my husband and me many years ago after I relapsed pretty hard into Anorexia Nervosa. I don't have a lot of memories from that time (or previous relapse because, well, long-term side effects), but this is one of the conversations I will never be able to forget.
It's also now that I realise all the fluff I write about Copia is literally just how my husband is. Do with that what you may.
Mentions of anorexia nervosa, eating disorders, and mental health issues.
Part II
~ ~ ~ ~ ~
The Abbey had wonderful and expansive grounds, lined with beautiful evergreens and towering willow trees. There was a lake to the east of The Abbey and flower gardens maintained by Elder Primo to the South. Better still, there were pre-laid stone trails twisting and winding throughout. Perfect for evening strolls or morning activities. 
Specifically your favourite thing; Running.
It was a hobby you had taken up during high school and carried through into your adult life. Throughout your life, it had gone from being a hobby to being a way in which you could release your emotions and practice self-care. When your mind began to feel fogged and overwhelmed with anxiety, you took to the cobbled paths. 
Over the years you worked and lived in The Abbey, you’d encouraged quite a few others to join you. Specifically, the ghouls of various Papa’s who enjoyed the freedom to release pent-up energy when they weren’t performing. 
You’d even tried to convince Copia out on a run when you’d first established yourselves as a couple. But he shot that idea down, instead suggesting that sex with you was enough exercise for him. 
To show his support, however, he met you at the end of your route each morning. It had been well over a year and six months, and he was still doing it. And each morning he brought a different treat. Sometimes it was just coffee, either black with sugar, or a light latte. Other times he brought juice, croissants and even, on one occasion, muffins. He would walk you back to their quarters where he often joined you in a shower before you both went on with the rest of your days. 
However, recently things had become rather stressful in The Abbey. Your paperwork never seemed to end, and Copia was always caught up in rehearsals or meetings about the upcoming tour. 
Ah. The tour.
You were avoiding thinking about it, for each time a new tour began, you were left without your Copia. The king-sized bed was suddenly three miles long, cold and empty. 
You thought you would be used to it by now, but you still felt the ache in your chest. Of course, he would call often, but it wasn’t the same. No one lay sleeping while you got up early to run. No one was there with coffee at the finish line. No one was there to help you wash off the sweat and shin splints. And, worst of all, no one was there to help chase away the darkness. 
Copia was aware, of course. He knew how you felt and, truly, leaving you broke him also. But you both knew that, while it wasn’t what you wanted, it was what needed to happen. It was the will of The Unholy One to spread the word through music. And Copia was his chosen one. All he asked in return was to travel the world, doing tour after tour, and enslaving as many as possible. 
Copia was nothing if not a good servant. 
You’d managed it, but you can’t lie and say it was easy. Things really took a turn for the worst during their last tour. You had struggled with a nasty bout of depression brought on by several little things, and exacerbated by his long absence. As a result, you experienced a little bit of a relapse in regard to disordered eating habits. Anorexia Nervosa, in particular, You truly had thought that you were far enough into recovery to ever fall backwards. You knew the signs to look out for and, therefore, it wasn’t an issue. You’d catch it before it became a problem! 
Except, you didn’t. 
You’d tried downplaying it, of course, but Copia knew something was off. He just didn’t know what. He sent word for his older brother and former Papa, Terzo, to ensure your safety, and act as counsel if needed. After a few weeks, you called Copia to confess, after having had a particularly eye-opening conversation with Terzo. 
You could still remember that phone call and the pit it opened in your stomach. You felt like vomiting with each word that came out of your mouth and, had it not been for Terzo sitting beside you, you wouldn’t have gone through with it. 
It had been a very dark time in your life, a time that you didn’t like to think about very much.  So, naturally, as the new tour dates approached you found it harder and harder to stay positive. You were trying to prepare yourself mentally, telling yourself it was alright. You had done this before and while the last time was hard, having Terzo to talk to had made it easier. He was sweet, if not a little sleazy. And a surprisingly good listener. 
But this time the anxiety was coiling in your gut like a vicious snake. You had no appetite, no motivation, and no way to get out of your head other than to run. So run is what you did. Sometimes three times a day. Copia met you after each morning route, but not the others. It was almost like you were trying to condition yourself to not see him there as you approached your metaphorical finish line. 
A few days before the beginning of the tour things had ramped up. The nausea was wreaking havoc on your palate, and everything tasted disgusting. In fact, you didn’t even feel hungry, why bother trying to force yourself to eat? Instead, you gulped down a few ounces of water and laced up your running shoes. You were determined to get out of your head this morning. The last few days had been rough. The stress even led to an argument last night about something so stupid and insignificant that you can’t even remember what it was. You just know it hurt like hell to hear him raise his voice like that. 
You shook off the memory and made your way to the usual starting point.
It was cold outside, the leaves of the trees were beginning to change in colour and fall from their stems. You pulled your scarf up to your nose and, seeing your starting point in front of you, started into a light trot. It wasn’t long until you were hitting your stride, but you weren’t gaining as much momentum as usual. In fact, your legs felt weaker, and you weren’t able to catch your breath in the same way. For the first time in a while, you slowed to a quick walk, and even then you felt a stitch in your side. 
Deep down you knew it was because you were running on empty. You’d barely eaten a decent meal in the last few days and had even been forgetting to drink water. Everything was just feeling so difficult, and basic self-care had become so tedious. And then there was the anxiety eating away at your insides. 
You frowned. This wasn’t helping at all. Running was rushed, it was the feeling of your feet hitting the ground hard, and your breath catching in your chest. It was endorphins running wild and allowing the spillways to lay open, releasing emotion.
Walking, even as briskly as you were, was time to think. You could feel your stomach churning with hurt, both over your argument and what was to come. Your eyes stung, and your throat hurt as you battled to fight back your tears. 
But it didn’t work. The emotions were too hard to hold back, and you pulled your scarf to cover your nose as you allowed the tears to fall. They were warm against your cold cheeks. 
All the while you walked your routine. 
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catmomjudy · 16 days
I laugh when I read about late 30ish/early 40ish epilogue-Buck waking up with cricks and creaks and body aches and pains, as though the author thought to establish the character’s age through that.
I didn’t have any more of these things than I had in my 20s. And I’m not saying I didn’t have them: I just ALSO had many of those same aches and pains in my 20s. Lower back pain (I used to sit on the floor and crack it when it got bad); neck pain (I played the flute); shin splints (I was in the Navy and this body was not made to run—swimming was my sport of choice).
When I turned 40, I was chasing around after 3- and 5-year olds. I was going on hikes and trips to Acadia, and feeling fine the whole time.
I’m not saying that someone with an old injury wouldn’t have it act up. Certainly 40-ish Buck is going to start feeling that leg, and 40ish Eddie is going to start feeling that shoulder.
But, truthfully, they would have felt those things in their late 20s when it happened, too. And they would have embraced a lifestyle of healthful eating and exercise that kept it to a minimum.
And they’d still be living that lifestyle at 40.
But I just get the feeling that sometimes 20-somethings are writing this stuff and thinking “Yeah, 40. God they’re old and creaky, right?”
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I like to go on nighttime walks now that the temperature has dropped to somewhat bearable lows. My usual route is 2 miles to a bus stop near the mall which takes me about 35 minutes. If it's not too late I'll bus home, but about half the time I turn 180 and just start walking back. 4 miles total, usually takes me an hour and five, an hour and ten (an hour even if I hit all the crosswalks at the right time). Tonight though, my Forest Gump instincts kicked in. I got to the bus stop and figured I may as well walk to the end of the road, only a block and a half more. Then I got there and figured I wasn't tired yet so I could round the corner and walk to the mall, quarter mile, third of a mile maybe. Then I did some mental math and realized that it would take me about as long to turn around and go back the way I came as it would to keep going forward and make a big loop past the highway and back around some side streets.
I usually get super winded on long walks, but it was nice and cool and I had drank plenty of water before heading out, so I pushed on like it was nothing. My feet started hurting about two-thirds of the way around, but that's mostly because I have really terrible old shoes and have worn away the inside soles with my communist flat feet, as well as most of the inside heel so a chunk of plastic rubs against my Achilles tendon every single day and gives me horrible blisters (I cut the chunk off with scissors, but the entire heel is plastic, so the jagged hole where the chunk used to be still chafes; it's more duct tape than heel now, my futile attempt to cushion it).
I had my phone and could call my sister to come pick me up if I absolutely needed to, but I powered through it and made the entire 6.3 mile loop in exactly 2 hours to the minute (I timed it). This was my longest walk since moving in September. One of my longest walks ever, really. I'm out of shape and overweight, so I could really use the exercise, and I'm proud of myself for not giving up. I used to get horrible shin splints or side stitches on long walks, but tonight it was just my feet that hurt, nothing else. I'm sure I'll be dead exhausted in the morning, but I feel really good right about now!
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teeth--king · 20 days
Ah dam, I was doing some exercises and hurt my leg. I have possible shin splints so I think it was aggravated by impact on my hard laminate covered concrete flooring :P It's cheap and painful to walk on, I also can't do any floor exercises because it destroys my back even if I have padding between me and the floor.
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sinigangsta-ao3 · 10 months
Brainrot a bit with us about Eren starting going to the gym, getting hot and muscular and Mikasa, his best friend, sees him taking off his shirt and sees his six pack for the first time
UGH love it. I imagine her reaction being similar to how we all probably reacted when we saw post-time skip Eren all dripping wet in the mirror 😭😭
Let’s make this a full glow-up situation. Normie Eren has always been kinda scrawny, kinda annoying, and definitely unassuming. His mom still picks out his clothes. But he’s decided that he’s had enough, especially since he’s been noticing the types of guys that Mikasa has pictures of taped up in her locker: not exactly BULKY guys, but they have broad shoulders, nicely defined arms…
He whines to his mom about getting some dumbbells at home lol. He starts off by running around his neighborhood, doing strength workouts that he found on YouTube and TikTok at home. But he eventually starts meeting up with Reiner and Bertholdt at the gym after they cross paths during a weekend run. They spot each other while doing chest presses, compare macros, and share protein shake recommendations (lol).
Armin and Mikasa think it’s weird, especially when Eren starts skipping out on some after-school hangouts with then because he has “something to do with Reiner and Bertholdt.” Mikasa eventually confronts him, and he tells her that he’s just been trying to exercise more “because I’m not getting any younger, so might as well work on my health.” She grumbles that it’s no excuse to blow her off, so she insists that she’d like to join him on his run.
He shrugs and sneers a little bit. “Okay, but I do at minimum three miles. Think you can keep up?”
Mikasa rolls her eyes and reminds him: “I’m an Ackerman, Eren. I’d easily lap your three miles without breaking a sweat.”
She joins him after school at a trail by his house. They share AirPods, so they’re listening to the same music as they run. Mikasa is elated because it’s a new activity that they can do together; she wants to propose making this a regular thing for them after school. When they’re done running, Mikasa offers to help him stretch — can’t risk shin splints.
“Yeah, but fuck.” Eren gestures to his sweat-drenched shirt. “Gimme a sec; I swear to god I run too fucking hot.”
He yanks off his shirt and uses what little dry fabric is left to mop his face. And Mikasa turns BEET RED because she didn’t realize how jacked Eren has gotten — hard to tell while he’s wearing clothes: sculpted shoulders, defined arms, strong pecs. She wants to run her finger across all his abs and along his Adonis belt, only visible bc his shorts are hanging so low. She should feel guilty but she’s practically drooling; it’s like her brain has short-circuited.
“Mikasa, you okay? You look like you’re about to pass out.”
“Sorry,” she croaks. “I think it’s just the sun.” 🥵🥵
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mizkit · 2 months
new blog post: physical therapy and stuff
new blog post on https://mizkit.com/physical-therapy-and-stuff/
physical therapy and stuff
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A few weeks ago my husband, who is suffering from tendonitis in his achilles, went to have his feet scanned and better insoles found and stuff, and thought it was interesting enough that I should do the same. Especially because I have stupidly wide feet, although as it turns out, they’re apparently only wide, not STUPIDLY wide. That’s something, I guess? Except they remain too wide for most women’s shoes, so, y’know, oh well.
Anyway, so I went in and did this thing and it was in fact interesting. I, uh, overpronate slightly on my left foot (which means it rolls in a bit too much) and underpronate slightly on my right foot (which means it rolls out a bit too much). I suspect the latter is due to having stepped on the dog’s bone very, very hard a couple of years ago and having only extremely recently having fully healed from that. Knock on wood. So on my list of things to do now is exercises to correct my various pronation issues, because I’ve been SO GREAT at exercising in general, right? Right. Feh.
More interesting, though, was that apparently I put like ALL my weight on my heels when I’m standing, so now I have fancy insoles that help to keep me from doing that. I’ve had them about a week now and they’re starting to not hurt my feet as much, and I’m certainly more conscious about where I’m holding my weight, which is the idea. But because I stand on my heels so hard, I guess, she was like, “You get shin splints, yeah?”
Me: uh, no, basically never
her: like when?
me: like…maybe if i’ve walked A LOT?
her: what’s ‘a lot’?
me: IDK, 10+KM? (altho tbh i’ve done 15 & 17km days in the past week and no, i just don’t get shin splints.)
her: oh ok yeah no
But while she was bending my feet around to examine them, she also said, “You have REALLY flexible feet!” Which, IDK, I sort of assume that’s from dancing in my callow youth, but whatever the reason, apparently it’s genuinely pretty unusual.
And it reminded me that my PT has commented any number of times on the fact that regardless of what other issues I’m having, I have “great feet!” I guess people’s feet aren’t bendy? Or they get tense? IDK, who knew? But she’s always like “ok let’s look at your feet…oh, ok, moving on.” So I guess I’ve learned something about my anatomy compared to most peoples’. :)
I also took a REALLY LONG DAY to go see said PT, who lives on the other side of the country, but I love her very much and she really gives me a good workover, so for a birthday present to myself I, uh, got up at 4:30am, rode a train for 9 hours, spent 90 minutes getting worked over, and got home in the middle of the night.
On one hand, you’d think I have TERRIBLE ideas about what to do as a birthday treat for myself, but on the other, my GOD it was worth it. It was so worth it that despite 9 hours on trains I still actually felt great when I got home.
Despite having not seen her in almost a year, I was apparently in pretty good nick. Certainly the bits I was most anticipating being extremely terrible were not all that bad, which I attribute to the exceptionally pathetic attempts at stretching I’ve been indulging in the past couple of months. I mean, at least I’ve done something, apparently.
I do need to find a yoga class, though, because one of the problems with being responsible for my own stretching is I get bored really fast, so I don’t do as much as I should. Although in my defense, I signed up for a local yoga studio’s newsletter MONTHS ago in hopes of being told when the next classes start, but apparently they don’t use it. I’ve just found their stupid facebook page, though, so I’ll follow that and try to get in on the next round.
So anyway, for the moment, not feeling entirely terrible about myself, which is kinda nice. :)
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lactosefreeapple · 3 months
I firmly believe that rn I wouldn’t have shin splints if I was skinnier bc the 10 minute run would have been easier bc I wij’le be doing it more often (the problem is legit that we hadn’t stretched before that or the previous hour of exercises but I’m legit mentally unstable)
On a diff note does anyone know how to help with shin splints I hurt fr 🫥
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ovaruling · 1 year
realizing only now that years of wearing high heels in my younger years completely ruined my dorsiflexion and subsequently my ability to squat in my late 20s is now deeply stunted.
not only that, but my ability to balance—despite daily practice—remains fucked up, and, no joke, i have a tendency to fall backward if i’m not constantly on the ball of my foot. this affects EVERY other natural movement i do.
i also can’t run very well and i get shin splints when i do run. that feels way too consistent with hobbling a prey animal.
i haven’t worn high heels in years but conforming to femininity for just 5 years of my early adult life legitimately ruined my ankle and foot mobility in a really lasting way. the exercises i do to try to correct it are painful enough to bring tears to my eyes.
i can’t even imagine what the damage of more than 5 years of heels is like. there are women who wear them from teenage years well into their old age. i just. cannot even imagine.
literally ruined my own damn evolutionary design as a bipedal
but yeah heels are so empowering
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