#Shotha chikitsa
dheemahi · 11 months
Rheumatoid Arthritis treatment in Kerala - Dheemahi Kumarakom
Exploring Ayurvedic Solutions for Rheumatoid Arthritis in Kerala
Understanding Rheumatoid Arthritis (RA) in Ayurveda
Rheumatoid Arthritis (RA) is an autoimmune condition where the body's defense system mistakenly attacks joints, causing swelling and pain. In Ayurveda, this correlates with "amavata," characterized by elevated vata aggravated by metabolic toxins impacting the joints. Shared symptoms include joint pain, stiffness, and inflammation.
Contributing Lifestyle Factors
Several lifestyle factors, such as Virudhahara (incompatible food combinations), Mandagni (weak digestion), and Snigdhahara Bhojanam (consumption of oily foods), can contribute to the formation of ama and exacerbate amavata.
Recognizing Cardinal Symptoms
Key symptoms of amavata include Sandhi shoola (joint pain), Sandhi shotha (joint swelling), Stabdhata (joint stiffness), Sparshashatva (joint tenderness), and Sashabda sandhi (crepitation in joints).
General Signs and Symptoms
Amavata manifests as Angamarda (bodyache), Aruchi (loss of appetite), Trishna (excessive thirst), Alasya (lethargy), Gaurava (heaviness), Jvara (fever), and Apaka (indigestion).
Ayurvedic Management Strategies
Shamana Chikitsa (Conservative Treatment)
Langhana: Fasting or depletion to eliminate accumulated ama.
Deepana: Boosting digestive fire (agni) to improve digestion.
Pachana: Therapies aiding digestion to eliminate undigested material.
Shodhana Chikitsa (Biological Purification)
Snehapana: Consumption of medicated oils or ghee for internal lubrication.
Swedana: Fomentation or sweating therapies to open channels and eliminate toxins.
Virechana: Purgation therapy using natural laxatives.
Basti: Enema therapy to remove doshas and toxins.
External Ayurvedic Treatments
Podikizhi: Poultices with herbal powders for joint pain and inflammation.
Valuka Swedam: Sand fomentation to improve blood circulation.
Dhanyamla Dhara: Application of warm herbal decoction to reduce inflammation.
Naranga Kizhi: Herbal poultices for pain relief and improved mobility.
Lepanam: Application of medicated herbal pastes to reduce pain and inflammation.
Upnaham: Application of medicated bandages for joint support.
Benefits of Choosing Kerala for Rheumatoid Arthritis Treatment
Kerala is renowned for authentic Ayurvedic treatments and Panchakarma therapies. Dheemahi Ayurvedic Village in Kerala stands out for its specialized approach, utilizing natural surroundings, a serene atmosphere, and expert practitioners.
Dheemahi Ayurvedic Village: Premier Rheumatoid Arthritis Treatment Center
Dheemahi offers a holistic approach, combining curative therapies, Panchakarma, and personalized treatment plans. Expert doctors provide daily consultations, ensuring comprehensive care and supervision throughout the treatment.
Personalized Care at Dheemahi Ayurveda
Dheemahi prioritizes patient health through a rich Ayurvedic tradition. Routine follow-ups and doctor supervision in every therapy ensure reliability and effectiveness, particularly for chronic conditions.
In Conclusion
Rheumatoid Arthritis treatment in Kerala, exemplified by Dheemahi, provides a comprehensive solution for individuals seeking relief from rheumatoid arthritis. The holistic approach, traditional therapies, and expert care contribute to healing and overall well-being. Opting for Dheemahi ensures a therapeutic environment focused on health and vitality.
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vaidyanamah · 2 years
Shotha | शोथ : Symptoms, Treatment - Modern correlation
Shotha | शोथ : Symptoms, Treatment – Modern correlation
शोथ (Shotha) या ‘श्वयथ्‘ शब्द ‘टुओश्वि-गतिवृद्ध्योः‘ से ‘टुओ’ की इत्संज्ञा कर शिव से वृद्धि अर्थ में अथुच् प्रत्यय लगाने पर ‘श्वयथु‘ शब्द बनता है, जिसका अर्थ= बढ़ा हुआ होता है। शोथ किसे कहते हैं:- शोथ/Shotha (swelling/ oedema) के समान कारणों वाले जो ग्रन्थि, विद्रधि, अलजी आदि रोग हैं तथा जिनकी आकृतियाँ भी अनेक प्रकार की हैं। उनसे भिन्न, पृथु, ग्रथित, सम या विषम, त्वचा और मांस के आश्रित एक, दो…
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21digitalmarketing · 5 years
Ayurvedic Regimen for Rheumatoid Arthritis [Amavata]
“Rheumatoid Arthritis” is a chronic- disabling and progressive autoimmune disease that causes inflammation (swelling). There is severe pain in the joints, the tissue around the joints, joint deformities. Rheumatoid Arthritis has is called Amavata in Ayurveda, in which Vata and Ama afflict pain in the lining of the joints, which causes Shula (pain) & Shotha (swelling).
Treating Amavata –The Ayurvedic Way—
The treatment for ‘Amavata’ includes Shamana (conservative) and Shodhana (biological purification of the body) Chikitsa. Depending on the stages (acute/chronic) and the Doshas involved, many measures are advised. They are Langhana (a method of depletion of body tissues), Deepana (increase digestive fire), and Pachana (digestion of food) for accumulated Ama [ undigested material]. Snehapana (oleation), Swedana (therapy that uses herbal steam), Virechana (purgation) and Basti (enema therapy) for use in the elimination of Doshas from the body.
The medicines used in the management of Amavata should be Katu (pungent) Tikta (bitter) Rasa (taste); Ushna (hot in potency), Laghu (easily digestible) and Tikshna (property of penetrating through tissues).
*To-Do Ahara: [FOOD]
The critical ‘Pathya Ahara’ (strict diet) to be followed, includes-
Cereals: Dhanya --Purana/Shasti Shali (rice), and Yava (Barley).
Pulses: Chanaka (Bengalgram), Kalaya (Pisumsativum), Kulattha (horse gram), Kodrava.
Shaka (vegetables): Shigru (drumstick), Ardraka (ginger), Rasona (garlic), Karavellaka (bitter guard), Patola (pointed guard), Vastuka (ridged guard), Mulaka (radish)
Liquids: Boiled water, Panchakola Siddha Jala [herbal water]
Cow products: Takra (buttermilk).
Not to Do---Apathya / Contraindicated foods
Food - Guru Ahara (heavy to digest), Dadhi (curd), fish, raw sugar, Masha (black gram), Kalushita Jala (contaminated water).
Vihara: Specific Pattern
Divaswapna (Day sleeping), Ratri Jagarana (night awakening), Ajirnashana (eating without the feel of appetite), overeating, Vishamashana (eating at odd timings), physical exertion just after eating, exposure to cold, sedentary lifestyle etc. must be avoided.
Abhyanga--External oil application using
Visha Garbha Taila
Pancha Guna Taila
Kottamchukadi Taila
Brihat Saindhavadi Taila
Karpooradi Taila, can be beneficial in arthritic pain.
Meet our Ayurvedic Vaidya at ‘The Madras Institute of Ayurveda’ Chennai [MIA], to learn more about how these treatments can be beneficial. This centre of Ayurvedic medicine and treatment in Chennai follows age-old traditional regimen with modern techniques, ranging from Panchakarma treatment to Rejuvenation therapy. It includes facilities for a whole range of quality treatments with the highest standards and finest traditions dating back to Vedic times. So, come to MIA, Chennai and get a full range of treatment options or log on to www.miayurveda.org for queries.
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