#Showboat Barbecue
lullabyes22-blog · 2 years
Forward, but Never Forget/XOXO - Ch: 11 - Handshake
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Summary: Zaun is free—and must grow into its unfamiliar new dimensions. So must Silco and Jinx. A what-if that diverges midway through the events of episode 8. Found family and fluff, politics and power, smut and slice-of-life, villainy and vengeance.
AO3 - Forward, But Never Forget/XOXO
FFnet - Forward, But Never Forget (XOXO)
Playlist on Youtube
Chapters: 1| 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 |8 | 9 | 10 | 11 | 12 | 13 | 14 | 15 | 16 | 17 | 18 | 19 | 20 | 21 | 22 | 23 | 24 | 25 | 26 | 27 | 28 | 29 | 30 | 31 | 32 | 33 | 34 | 35 | 36 | 37 | 38 | 39 | 40 | 41 | 42 | 43 | 44 | 45 | 46 | 47 | 48
CH 11: Vi and Silco share a dinner and strike a bargain.
A red band unfailingly unites us
~ "Blut" – Till Lindemann (Translation)
The flare-gun blasts skyward.
Its tracer explodes into a shimmering sphere, a dying sun in the night. It douses the acre-wide impound in a blood-red glow. Shaped like the spokes of a wheel: six warehouses funneling into a concave central hub that must've once been a wrecking pit. Steel girders bisect the inky backdrop of the sky. Strobelights fitted on telescopic tripods chase multicolored pinwheels on the walls and floors.
The place is a hotbed of debauchery.
The impound is packed with party-goers. Tatted-up bikers showboat on glammed-up crotch rockets. A crew of girls sweep across the concrete in wide arcs, tires screeching and rubber burning. One performs a stoppie, riding on her front tire with both rear-ends high in the air, flashing gold thong and silver chrome. In brightly-lit marquees with pure oxygen filters, well-heeled chem-barons schmooze between sips of martinis. On buffet tables, trays are garnished with multicolored hors-d'oeuvre, platters of shrimp suzette and crawfish étouffée crowded against elaborately-designed fruit platters glistening with syrup.
Music throbs so hard that the vibrations judder through the air. Dancers with bedazzled bodies in deluxe costumes undulate on ramps. Two androgynous performers strut in the halogen lights with scissoring steps timed to the beat. Chem-punks splice through the crowd on hoverboards, wearing too much make-up and jewelry and laughing too loudly. From the distance come the intermittent riot of gangs scarring the concrete in juiced-up musclecars in breakneck races. The air reeks of ganja, spilled liquor, gasoline, barbecued meat.
And blood.
Vi swallows. Her throat makes a dry click; she badly wants a drink.
Except the suds are probably poisoned.
She sits shackled like a Stillwater prisoner: leg irons and wrist manacles, each one hooked to a rung on her seat. She supposes she ought to be grateful she's not in sweltering heat or blistering cold.
The temperature inside Silco's marquee tent is perfectly controlled, and scented with something that may as well be Eau de Chingching. The interior is black as an oil-spill and just as sleek. Low mood lighting; luxury furnishings. The space is halved by a sleek screen: one portion reserved for private quarters, the other for a glossy minibar and a banquette as well-appointed as any five-star restaurant. The tent's flaps are peeled back to take in the chaos unfolding across the impound.
An Undercity gala on steroids.
The biggest commotion is at the fighting-pit. It is roughly twenty meters in size; sunken like a skateboard rink and splattered as a charnel pit. At least six dozen spectators range around the sawhorses that block it off. Neon discs are strung at the rims: cotton-candy pinks and toxic-sludge greens. The flashing lights distort the spectator's faces into carnival grotesqueries. A pack of deranged clowns waving fistfuls of coins.
In the center of the pit, two brindle-coated rotties—Ziggy and Stardust—toe the scratch against a black cane-corso mastiff the size of a bear. Its eyes are sunk like embers inside its wrinkle-pitted face. The points of its canines extrude in a vicious leer.
Silco's goons, clumped outside the marquee, place bets.
"Ugly bastard," Lock grunts.
"The Bilgewater ambassador's moneymaker," Ran says, crouched on a rusted turbine. "Cthulhu."
"No." Ran enunciates slowly. "Kuh-thoo-loo. That's his name."
Dustin drums his kneecaps with the hilts of two bone-handled blades: dum-dum-dap. "How much is Bilgewater wagerin'?"
"Three year's supply of rainbow trout," says Lock. "And their best kegs of rum."
Dustin whistles, his head swaying back and forth as if on a gyre. Ran tips a feline smile. "Sucks to be Bilgewater."
Lock cracks his knuckles "Ziggy and Stardust ain't just game. They're dead game."
"Seventy Hexes on them ending the fight in twenty minutes," Ran says.
"Ninety if they draw first blood."
"Pfff. You expect to see blood for a cog."
"Best of three, then?"
"Doubt there'll be a rematch."
"Let's set a fixed time. Say, twelve minutes? And see which rottie draws blood first?"
They spit in their palms, sumpside-style. Lock's huge fist envelopes Ran's metal-silvered paw.  A Spit Swear, the lite version of the Blood Bargain.
The kind of oath you don't break without breaking your neck.
Behind the marquee's screen, Silco's baritone scrapes the silence: "Razor the dogs."
The three goons lose their nonchalant attitudes, a Pavlovian snap of spines straightening. Lock gives a four-fingered hand signal to a girl perched at the guard-post. She stands ready with a flare gun, her hips shot to one side, taking puffs from a cheroot so thick it'd take a year to finish. At Lock's signal, she nods. Her gun-hand goes up. The flare upspirals to burst like a volcano.
The game begins.
The dogs are chivvied toward the scratch line. Ziggy and Stardust move in tandem: a liquid flow of muscle. Cthulu cuts forward like a ballistic missile. The dogs' noses touch. Stardust licks Ziggy's snout; Cthulu's jowls ripple. The dogs' handlers withdraw their blades—Zaun's girl a butterfly knife from her boot, Bilgewater's man a short, wickedly-curved cutlass from his belt. The slit a shallow gash into the dogs' flanks.
Fingers wetted with the blood, they smear it across their own dog's nose, then the challenger's. Cthulu snuffles and lets off a frenzied bark, red droplets spraying. Ziggy and Stardust go still as statues, their teeth daggering, a wicked red luminosity entering their eyes. The blood mainlines like adrenaline into their systems.
"Fuck," Lock says with admiration. "They're practically gagging for it."
The handlers yank the dogs to their corners, hands white-knuckling against their scruffs. The dogs' bodies give off an inexorable ferocity. Ringed around the fighting-pit, the rogue's gallery hurls cheers and insults. They seem no different from the dogs: the bloodsport whets their appetites into mania.
The flare gun ignites a third time.
The handlers drop their charges and clamber out of the fighting-pit. The dogs fly at each other as if catapulted. The impact is brutal. Ziggy and Stardust pounce in tandem, with terrifying synchronicity. Cthulhu bulldozes straight at them. They flatten as one, letting his massive shape sail overtop. Their heads twist and rip into Cthulhu's flanks on either side. Teeth leave oozing half-moons in the fur. Cthulhu snarls, angling himself away, mere inches from the pair's gnashing teeth. Next he is bulling forward, using his superior bulk to back Ziggy and Stardust into a corner, batting at them with his ferocious forepaws, his fanged head arrowing towards the nearest dog's throat.
The pair feint gamely. But it is a calculated carnage. Wherever Cthulu's skull darts and comes away, a shiny pink divot is left behind on Ziggy or Stardust's pelts. Next, it fills with blood and splatters the concrete. The music is ripped apart by shrill yowls. Likewise, the crowd's din spikes into a foghorn. Dismay; delight.
"That's it, Cthu! Atta boy!"
"Get at him, Ziggy! C'mon!"
"Rip their fuckin' heads off!"
"Yeah, Star! Bite him!"
The bloodbath sears itself into Vi's retinas. She feels sick deep in her guts. She's seen a lot of shit. Poverty, prostitution, prison brawls. But this blows everything out of the water.
A lean shadow falls over Vi's chair.
"Not fond of hounds?"
From behind the screen, Silco slithers out. Sevika lumbers after him. They'd been conversing in low tones inside his quarters. Vi couldn't hear what they were saying. Now she realizes they were watching her. Silco's eyes glitter darkly, drinking in her distress. Behind him, Sevika's expression is stony as a Marwian idol, but with a tiny sneer on her lips.
Vi sets her jaw.
She's out of her depth. Alone and unarmed. But she isn't scared. It will be a cold day in hell if she's scared of anything after Stillwater.
Even a monster whose motivations defy logic.
She says, "Rabid types aren't my thing."
Silco eyes her speculatively. "They have their uses."
"As entertainment? Or meat shields?"
"Whichever comes first."
Vi hooks her chin toward Sevika. "That why you've got her on a leash? Or—wait." She glances pityingly at Silco. "Is she your seeing-eye mutt?"
Sevika's eyes snap hotly to Vi's. She seems to be debating a riposte, the physical type. But something in Silco's sideways glance—an idle warning—defuses her temper.
Leaning in, she mutters in Silco's ear. His lips twist at the edges. The shark-eye gleams, merciless.
"Half and half," he says.
"Half now. Half later."
He offers his hand: a sharp-jointed a talon. Sevika clasps it in her own.
Vi notes the grip. It doesn't resemble the friendly handshake between Ran and Lock. This is loaded with sinisterness. For the first time, she wonders about their history. Side by side, their affiliation makes no sense except for the obvious: money and power. Beyond that, they are two very different animals: scavenger and predator. Sevika with her rough-and-tumble attitude, all brutish gimcrack and straight-shooting snark; Silco an unsettlingly scaly enigma of well-soaped wit and scalpel-edged schemes.
Yet she senses a mutual respect, if not a fealty. What the hell is their endgame?
Vi snaps, "You two done being skeevy?"
They don't even glance at Vi. The consensus of scorn needs no speech.
Silco slides into the banquette seat. Sevika sets a large serving platter with a silver lid in front of him. By this time, it's probably lost most of its heat. Still, when the platter is unveiled, a delicious aroma suffuses the air. Vi fights the raw squelch of hunger. She braces herself to stare at over-the-top exotica and rich delicacies.
But the contents are surprisingly simple. A bowl of creamed soup sprinkled with tiny herbs. A large green salad. A butter-seared clutch of crawfish with twinkling heaps of potatoes, peas and carrots.
Sevika doles out the crawfish and a big spoonful of vegetables into a plate. Her expression is deadpan. Yet her body-language isn't that of a servile hostess. Freaky as hell though it seems, Vi is reminded of Caitlyn. The way she boils Vi a cup of tea after a hard day's work. Sometimes Vi teases her for getting all sweetly domestic. Playing wifey again?
Caitlyn always arches an eyebrow: Only because you can't brew tea to save your life.
Bittersweetness nearly escapes the tight clench of Vi's heart. She inhales sharply. She needs to stay alert.
Stay alive.
Sevika untwists a bottle of whiskey from the minibar. Vi can't see the label, but she's sure it's something pricey. The other woman pours a stiff belt into two glasses, and cocks her head at Vi. "You still like a splash of cherry soda in yours?"
Vi grimaces. "I wouldn't touch anything here with a ten-foot pole."
"Suit yourself." Sevika's tone modulates. "Sir?"
Silco makes a dry moue. "Sugaring up good whiskey?"
"I've got simple tastes."
"To the manner born, as they say."
"You didn't grow up sipping top-shelf hooch, either."
A wry little smile plays on Silco's lips. "Look forward, not backward."
"But never forget."
They clink glasses. Sevika downs hers like a shot; Silco sips his own with a savoring slowness.
Vi's throat itches. She almost regrets refusing a glass.
Sevika crosses to the tent's entrance. Stops, and cuts her eyes from Vi to Silco. It is almost a question. Silco makes a three-fingered hand signal. Sevika nods. The flap falls closed on her retreating shape. The dogfight's furor muffles. A chill descends from Vi's skull down to her toes. She is alone.
Just her and the monster.
Silco's face is inscrutable as he surveys his meal. He might be inspecting a raw carcass on a slab. Then he does something unexpected. Something Vander used to do. He sits back and balances the plate on his knees. Ignoring the silverware, he begins rapidly transferring the food to his mouth with his fingers.
At Vi's stare, he offers an upticked eyebrow, "Excuse me. My stomach thinks my throat's cut."
My stomach thinks my throat's cut.
That was Vander's favorite saying. It meant: I'm starving. Powder always found it hilarious. Everytime she heard it, she'd wrap her hands around her throat, pretending to stanch a gaping hole with high-pitched sound effects. Gak! Blurgle! Pteh! The memory goes through Vi on a reflux of grief.
Her own stomach, meanwhile, switches places with her brain.
Urrrggh, it gurgles.
Silco stops, a roast potato halfway to his mouth. He tricks out a sly smile. "You're no better."
"Shut up."
"Are you hungry?"
Vi refuses to answer. Point of fact? Fuck yes. She'd been keyed up since yesterday night, and barely kept down her breakfast this morning. Now, between the after-effects of a fistfight, psychological anguish and adrenaline, she's redlining into collapse. Her body demands fuel to keep carrying on. But pragmatism wrestles with pride. How can she break bread with a man who killed one half of her family, and destroyed the other?
Silco says, "Shall I uncuff you?"
Vi blinks.
Silco pops another roast potato in his mouth. "Shall I uncuff you to eat? You've no reason to misbehave. The odds are stacked against you. The guards. The weapons. The crowd."
"Suppose I take my chances?"
"Too many witnesses."
"Good for corroborating my story later."
"I own every single eye in this impound."
Vi's jaw clamps. Rationally, he's right. She has no recourse if she attacks him. His goons are outside the tent. His blackguards are patrolling the grounds. The Undercity is his chessboard. And yet she's ready to reject rationality. She wants to attack him. Wants him to give her the smallest excuse. If he does, she'll have no choice but to react.
She'll trounce him, and to hell with the fallout.
Silco says, "I'll untie one wrist."
Vi snaps back to the moment.
"Just one. Take your time and eat. But if you make one stupid move…" His lips peel back from his crooked white teeth. "My crew are eager for entertainment. I've no problem if they make a show of you. Have you on a leash—or have you in the dog-pit." Softly, "Like a proper bitch."
The awfulness of his message spreads through the tent like Fissure-gas. Vi's lungs tighten; her pulse hitches. Silco tilts his head, measuring the steel in her spine. She matches his stare with as much steadiness as she can muster.
"You'll behave," he says. "Won't you?"
Jaw set, Vi nods.
"Good," he says softly. "Good girl."
Rising, he approaches her slowly. "Right hand or left?"
Vi exhales. "Right."
"Right it is."
Taking the key from his waistcoat, Silco leans in, fitting it to the manacle. There is a click. The metal unclamps from Vi's bruised wrist. Her right hand drops free. Her breath saws with relief. Raising her hand at eye-level, she flexes her fingers, rotating the wrist at the joint, then repeating the exercise with her elbow and shoulder.
Her cramped muscles twinge. Blood-flow resumes.
"Better?" Silco asks.
Vi pins him with baleful eyes. Silco's own are raptorially set, a casual venom in his half-smile.
"Well then," he murmurs. "Tuck in."
A strained silence hangs during the meal. Neither she nor Silco speak, or if they do, it is only through sharpened scowls cutting the space between them. But the soup, cream-of-shrimp with basil, is delicious, the salad as sweetly verdant as anything from Piltover's gardens, and the crawfish, when Vi cracks it open with her thumb in a veil of steam, tastes as if it's leapt straight out of the freshwaters.
Vi gorges without apology. She'll need her fortitude for whatever Silco is planning.
Once in a while, she hazards a glance at him. He's switched to the flatware. Yet his manner of eating is no less carnivorous. He holds each forkful at a bite's distance, then darts forward, snapping off each mouthful and grinding it down between sharp teeth. His proximity makes Vi's skin prickle.
Up close, she can only see everything that is unnatural in him beneath its much-scarred humanity. She doesn't believe in auras, or mojos, or other Fissure superstitions. But he has a vibe, eerie and amorphous and devouring, like the darkness at the bottom of the river. How can Powder stand to be near him?
A red mass of tension pulses in Vi's chest. She flashes back to her sister's silhouette at the pool. Her far-out smile. Her pale body enfolded in the towel under Silco's hands. Her glowing innocence somehow revivifying his expression, as if he'd stolen her energy and taken it for himself.
Rage sucks all the flavor from her meal. Vi drops her spoon with a clatter.
Idly, Silco asks, "Full already?"
"Lost my appetite."
"Something off about the entrée?"
"Just your face."
His throat thrums out a sound that is nearly a laugh, but not quite. "You're quite the charmer yourself."
Shoveling the last forkful into his mouth, he swallows with the eerie sinuosity of a snake devouring a sump-vole. Then he pulls a black cambric napkin from his vest, smooths it out into an edge, and primly dabs his mouth. Its borders are fringed with a multicolored embroidery that reminds Vi of the funky cross-stitches Powder used to decorate her clothes with.
Neither of them could do needlework like grand Piltie ladies. But making do with hand-me-downs, year after year, meant learning how to sew. Vi was adept at basic hemming and mending. But Powder had a real flair with the needle. Vi remembers how her sister would fix up old sweaters and shirts and socks, making them extra-poppy with pink lazy daisies and red fishbones and yellow spiraling stars. Vi can almost see her at the corner of her mind's eye, sitting crosslegged, upper-lip caught between her teeth with concentration: Onesies, knit, twosies, knot…
Vi flinches, clubbed by nostalgia. She cuts her gaze away. Except it is too late. Silco intercepts her stare, and unexpectedly their eyes are locked. An unwanted understanding flows between them.
Vi says, "Did Powder make that?"
"Her name is Jinx."
"Did she?"
A muscle jerks in Silco's jaw. He nods.
"Can—can I see?"
His features stay hard and sharkish, all oily black eye and cut-steel face. Yet his good eye loses some of its chill. Matter-of-factly, he extends the handkerchief. Doesn't hand it over, but holds on, pinched tight between a thumb and forefinger. Vi traces the needlework carefully. The stitches aren't sophisticated. But they are tiny and astonishingly delicate: a rainbow crosshatching of XOXOs. A far cry from the clumsy squiggles of Powder's childhood.
Just like her bombs.
Gooseflesh breaks over Vi's skin. She drops her hand. "Why?"
"Why what?"
"Why haven't you killed me yet? Especially if I'm such a threat?"
Folding up the handkerchief, Silco tucks it away like a stolen prize.
"I told you before," he says. "Your usefulness outweighs my reasons."
That makes no sense. He's no longer a terrorist in Piltover's shadow. He's First Chancellor of his own nation. He's allied with bigger fish than Vi on the threat assessment scale. Probably found easier ways to intimidate others into doing his dirty-work, because a little easier is all it takes for men like Silco.
Why would someone so dangerous and well-connected need Vi for anything?
Silco says, as if reading her mind, "Zaun is independent. But it isn't invulnerable. The wheels are half-on, half-off. Under Topside, it's what we were accustomed to. On our own, we deserve better." His idle gesture encompasses the tent, the feast, the furor. "I can stage a damn good spectacle. I can lure foreign investment. People always respond favorably to good showmanship."
"A little razzle-dazzle works magic," Vi mutters, a hat-tip to another of Vander's favorite sayings.
Silco eyes her strangely. His face is etched with darkness, as if troubled thoughts are massing. "Razzle-dazzle works on the surface. It's the foundation that must stay strong. I can deal with the chem-barons. I’ve spent half my life stopping blowhards from pushing their territories to ruin with shortsighted double-games. Most of them live for the moment, anyway. It's why they die at a moment's notice. But Zaun—as a nation—must live."
"Under your boot?”
He shakes his head. "With or without me. There are certain fortunes I wish to guide and certain favors I plan to extract to make it so. Otherwise any fool in the future could undo the hard work of the past." He meets Vi's stare. "For that, I need eyes and ears inside Piltover."
"My eyes and ears?"
"Among other parts."
Her eyes narrow. "I thought you said Piltover set us both up."
"They did."
"I also thought you don't trust me."
"I don't."
"Then what the hell are you—?"
Silco cuts her off. "I'll explain. Drink?"
Vi glowers. "I'm not letting you liquor me up."
"I meant water."
Rising, he goes to the minibar. Vi watches him fill two paper cups from a cooler. The liquid is acid green. Transparent and cloudless, but green.
That isn't disturbing in itself. Vi has known it be worse colors. The Undercity's tapwater is a cesspit of contaminants. Loaded with turbidity, chloride, mold and bacteria. The water-supply infrastructure is ancient, and interminably crippled from lack of funds. Worse, as the population expanded, neighborhoods developed in a haphazard tangle, each unplanned sector massing beyond the ambit of civic services. That meant slipshod cross-connections, with sewage lines regularly spilling over into supply lines. There was always news of waterborne diseases; kids dying or posh Pilties getting poisoned.
In Vi's teens, water-mafia wannabes began cropping up everywhere. They set up illegal hydrants across the Undercity, tapping into the mains to steal water, then selling it to citizens for jacked-up prices. Shortly before his death, Vander was working with the communities to stop their water being siphoned. Vi often heard him growling that the scale of theft went all the way to Topside.
Silco sips from his cup. Vi expects him to grimace. Instead he holds the water contemplatively in his mouth, then swallows. "Still too sweet."
He proffers a cup. "Try it. It's certified safe."
"Certified by who? Your poisoner?"
"Try it."
She stares at the green liquid, parched but wary. It doesn't smell weird. In fact, it doesn't smell like anything. Screwing up her courage, she takes a small sip. It tastes clean. There's a faint aftertaste of mint, like leftover mouthwash.
Silco eyes her closely. "Well?"
"It's …not bad?"
Silco nods, silent for a couple of beats. Then: "It's been fully treated for contaminants. But the offshoot is the color." He takes another sip, lips skinning back from his teeth. "And the taste. Still, it won't sicken anyone. Presently, this treatment is limited to the water plant at Entresol. In time, it will supply Zaun in its entirety. No more clogged filters. No more rations. No piling up a fortnight's soiled laundry before doing the wash. No families bathing two days a week with the same bathwater, just to tally every bloody drop wasted."
Vi notices that his accent has changed again, like when he'd smoked brightleaf at the warehouse, like when he'd complained of an empty stomach. The cultured cadences—closer to Topside than the Fissures—lose their enunciation to a familiar grittiness of bitten-off consonants and blunted vowels.
It's disconcertingly close to Vander's style of speech. With exceptions, the younger generations in the Undercity have a uniform accent. Standard, as it's called. But the older generations are a mixed bag. Each one has a distinct dialect to go with their particular neighborhood, so no single word is pronounced the same: wader, watta, vota.
Vander's neighborhood was the Pump Station. She wonders if Silco grew up there too.
Shaking it off, Vi takes another sip. Minty-clean. But it doesn't mean Silco's intentions are the same. His spiel about purification plants may seem convincing. But she reminds herself that he is likely accustomed to operating on multiple levels of deception. She can't trust him. She knows that. Yet she hates that she almost wants to believe him anyway.
Silco's stare is inexorable, the shark-eye seeing right through her.
"It must be difficult for you," he says.
"Living half-in, half-out."
Vi looks away. "I'm not getting into this with you."
"Ah. So there's something to get into?" He circles a fingertip around the rim of his cup. "Is this really what you want? To play lapdog as Topside’s Peacekeeper? To waste your talents working the beat?"
"I have my reasons. They're the only ones that matter."
"Reasons change. Especially once your eyes are wide open."
"Are yours? Hard to tell."
"You can deflect, but you can't lie. It's why you can't keep away from the Undercity. Why you're back again."
Vi bristles. "I'm back for my sister."
"You're saying life in Piltover is peaches and cream? You're lucky, certainly. It's not the usual way for an ex-con from Stillwater to smarm it up with the Kirramans, despite not having a cog to her name. Getting an apartment with a closet bigger than most rooms in the Sumps. Getting three square meals and permission to go wherever she pleases. But in exchange, they expect you to sing for your supper, don't they? To be eager to please, in exchange for getting rescued? You were brave to overcome your ordeal, but you're blessed now, aren't you?"
Vi refuses to answer. But her shoulders flex into a yoke of tension. He's needling her. She knows it.
That doesn't mean he's off the mark.
Silco drains his cup half at a go. Setting it aside, he thumbs the greenness off his lips. "Take it from someone who's been there and back, girl. Piltover will never accept you as one of them. You'll stay there. Never live. Stay. Like a dog stays in a kennel until the master bids it to heel. You'll never be allowed to hold your head high. Always be a target for their mean-spirited prejudices and ignorance. Even the well-meaning Pilties—like your Kirraman girl—have no idea what you've endured. The hardness it builds on the inside. It's like they live in one dimension. Meanwhile you live in three. Surviving as an orphan on the Day of Ash. Surviving as a casualty of Topside's negligence. Surviving as a Fissure-born emigre, only to find the part of you that's formed in violence will always respond to nothing but violence."
Vi swallows her drink. It burns going down, but that's not the water.
She knows what he's talking about. She wishes she didn't—but she does. Her eyes drop to Silco's hands. They are freakish appendages: long and bony, with a terrain of heavy metacarpals. Well-kept, but the demarcations of old scars are plain. Burn scars. Fisticuff scars. Knife scars. The same type as Vander's.
The same type as hers.
Against her will, she imagines a younger Silco, with an unfucked-up face, dead-drunk and pitching himself into a bar-brawl, his knuckles splitting open against someone's tooth, blood on his hands, on his clothes, on the floor. So much blood, night after night, just to scrape by and survive. He's been there. Vander's been there. Vi's been there. Even Powder has.
Caitlyn—sweet Caityln—has never been there.
Silco holds her eyes over the rim of his cup. "I wasn't lying when I said Piltover set you up. You were the gasoline to start a political fire. Deny it all you like. In your gut, you know the truth." He empties the rest of the cup in one swallow. "In losing Zaun, they've lost precious resources. Our factories. Our mills. Our mines. We're negotiating a treaty. But the course of peace ne'er ran smooth. They'll find loopholes to keep us beholden to them. Same as always."
He uses the royal plural; we, us, ours. As if he and Zaun are two halves of a single machine grinding inexorably into infinity.
As if Vi is part of the machine too.
She scowls. "I'm not playing your errand girl."
"You wouldn't be."
"Or your attack dog."
"I've no shortage of those." His good eye narrows. "I need a nexus."
"A link between Piltover and Zaun. Someone to serve as a bridge, in the absence of the old one. A bridge that works both ways, rather than solely in their favor."
"People walk all over a bridge."
His scarred upper-lip curls. "No one could possibly walk over you, pet."
"Don't fucking call me that."
"It suits you."
Vi isn't sure if his expression is a stifled smirk or a low-key leer. It makes her want to smack him. Is that the reaction he's trying to provoke? Or is it a mind-game at a deeper level, something to get under her skin? Make her emotionally volatile?
Vi grits her teeth.
Whatever he's doing, it's working.
"I meant what I said,” Silco goes on. “Razzle-dazzle only works if the magic is real. Zaun’s is limited, especially compared to the mightiest empires. That’s why we need security as much as investment. As much as sharp minds in politics, military, corporations, and the media. A shield protects against outside threats. A sword does maximum damage. Zaun needs its own. Something big enough to scare everyone else off."
Vi glowers. "You've already got the damn Hex-gem."
Silco tilts his head. "Sitting pretty on it won't protect Zaun."
"It's like a bomb. It must be placed in the right spot."
"I'm not following you."
"It means—"
"I mean I'm not taking your job."
Silco falls silent. Then: "Let me ask you a question. What notion has been relentlessly drilled into the head of every sumpsnipe since birth? About their place, and Piltover's?"
Vi shifts in her seat. "I don't know. That we're one city, I guess."
"Close. That we are one city. But every time Piltover is in need, they take from us. A famine in Ionia cripples produce. So we must forfeit our sleep and wages to make up for declining productivity. A flood capsizes shipping vessels full of Shuriman timber.  So we must build our houses with cheap mortar while they construct sturdy homes. A housing crisis sends rent skyrocketing. Yet the Wardens charge us ten times the price per cubic foot in our shantytowns than in the finest streets on Mainspring Crescent.” He locks his unsettling eyes with hers. “They get the Kindred's share. We make do with scraps."
Déjà vu dopplers. Past conversations with Vander, overlapping the present. Vi doesn't flinch. But it's an effort to hold still under Silco's scrutiny.
"Zaun is free now," Silco says, his voice vibrating with a barely restrained fervor. "But to stay free, we must seize our future. So we are longer exploited. Not by Piltover nor any other enemy."
"And where do I fit into this?"
"We'll discuss it. If you choose to join me."
Vi shakes her head. "Already said I won’t."
"Because Piltover is your new home?"
"Because of what you are."
Silco's insinuating demeanor sobers.  "Better the monster than the meat.” Lounging back in his seat, he drums his fingers on the table's edge. "Still… I regret that it turned out this way. We weren't meant to fight one another. We were supposed to stand as one against Topside. Just like Vander and I."
A livewire twists in Vi's gut. "That didn't stop you from killing Vander."
Silco tips his chin, a cold glitter in his mismatched eyes. "You have this notion—I don't know where it came from—that my feud with Vander sprang up overnight. Perhaps it's more comforting to imagine it did. But ask the other fellow, get the other side of the story. Our dispute took its time within a squared circle of debts and decades. What we owed, we both paid." His jaw tenses, then relaxes. "I couldn't work with Vander, though I respected him. Hopefully I can work with you."
Vi stares warily.
"You're like him. Fierce. Independent. Smart."
Vi snorts, faux-modest. "You need to quit."
"But like him, you turn a virtue into a vice. You don't understand when to do business, and when to stay out of it."
The knot in Vi's gut becomes a dagger. "Business? You mean drugs and murder and blackmail?"
She shakes her head. "You really are a piece of work."
"I do what I must for the best interests of Zaun. It's a messy dilemma. But the longer you remain a Peacekeeper, the more you'll be mired in the same. Piltover preaches pacifism in the limelight. But they break just as many laws in the dark to further their ends." His tongue plays over the point of an eyetooth. "The difference is that Piltover has the luxury of choice. Zaun doesn't. The things I've done were necessary for our freedom."
Vi seethes in disgust, "Shimmering up the Lanes was necessary?"
"Everything is permissible when there's no other way."
"You're full of shit."
"And you're abysmally naïve." He smiles without mirth. "That's the charm of youth. Like falling off a cliff. By the time you see the end, it's too late." A beat. "Rather like love."
"What the hell are you yapping about?"
His smile fades. "Jinx."
The word passes through Vi on a shock of paralysis.
"Do you want to see her?"
Hatred burns Vi's lungs and hope strangles her heart.
Silco stares at her with surface calm. But his mouth twists at the corners. "There are three tasks I need you to do. They are necessary to establish Zaun as a sovereign power. Complete each one, and I'll grant you access to Jinx. Unrestricted. No tricks up the sleeve. No strings attached."
His offer catches like a hook in Vi's ribcage. She struggles against its pull.
"You're lying," she states flatly. "I'm a threat. You told me yourself. Why would you let me near her?"
Silco's eyes hold hers in a moment of deepening silence. Then he glances away. His unscarred profile holds both bitterness and irony. As if she is a truth he dares not turn his back on.
Quietly, he says, "You are a threat. I do not take kindly to those. But you're also her sister. You're Vander's girl. That earns you the barest grace. If you expect more, then prove yourself. Show your loyalty to Jinx. Zaun may no longer be your home. But it is hers. With each task you complete, you'll leave it safer for her future."
"And if I refuse?"
"Then it becomes a matter of payment and cost."
"Just math, huh?"
"Survival is a simple equation." His darkening stare is a prelude to a kill. "So is fatherhood."
The word sounds rancid on his lips. She remembers his eyes boring into Powder at the skyscraper balcony. Remembers the way he'd set his hands on her as if he was going to swallow her up.
She doesn’t care what Sevika says. Something about him and Jinx together is inherently rancid. Fathers don't touch their daughters that way. Don't corrupt them into trigger-happy terrorists. Don't stow them away in towers like prisoners.
It isn't natural. It isn't right.
But nothing about Silco is natural or right.
(I'll get you away from him, Powder.)
(I promise.)
Forcibly, Vi swallows. Her voice comes hoarse but steady.
"All right."
"I'll do your fucking jobs. But I want to see my sister first."
He shakes his head. "You've already seen her. Killed a blackguard in the bargain too."
Fury scalds Vi. "I told you. I never—"
"You did." His tone is a clash of contradictions, cold civility yielding against a warm lure of truth. "I saw him at the morgue. He had a crushed trachea. Perhaps he wasn't dead when you left him. But certain injuries, a man succumbs to afterward."
A vein throbs in Vi's temple. She feels physically sick. Silco is lying; he has to be. She knows the blackguard was alive. He was breathing when she'd left the alleyway. But—
But she also knows bodies are unpredictable.
Is Silco telling the truth? Had she killed the guard by accident? Or had Silco conspired to make it happen? Either way, Vi could argue it was a hazard of the trade. As Vander used to say: Queensberry Rules. Once the gloves are on, the bets are off. Everything within the ring is sanctioned. She knows this. The blackguard would've known too.
And yet—
"I know you think this is self-serving theater," Silco says. "But fact is fact."
Vi's eyes flick to his.
"Fortunately, facts can be distorted. Between us, we'll make the issue go away."
Vi's eyes burn, her mouth spasming. "Quid pro quo, huh?"
"You play the bone-breaker. I play the undertaker." He lets off a strange chuckle: worn-out and vacant. "I did the same for Vander."
Vi's mind feels pulped; she's not sure how many more blows it can withstand. Instinctively, she makes a real fist with her freed hand, and slams it knuckles-down on the table—a sharp thud.
"Tell me what you want."
She nearly shivers at the expression that crosses Silco's face. It isn't triumph. His features remain impassive. But something flares to cold sharp life within the interior of his skull. His eyes exude an alien glow. "Three tasks. Once you've completed the first, I'll give the second. Once you've accomplished that, you'll get the third."
"Then I'll see my sister?"
"You have my word."
"Then shake on it."
"Shake on it. Like a real fucking Trencher. With both of us standing up and facing each other."
A smile etches itself across Silco's lips. "You expect to be untied?"
"If we're going to do this? Yeah."
Silco doesn't say anything for a moment. His unnerving eyes rove across Vi's face. He might be considering her odds of attacking him. He might be considering her chances of warding off his goons and escaping into the crowd. He might be measuring how completely he can take her word, the same way she can take his.
After a moment, he nods.
Dipping a hand into his waistcoat, he tosses her the key. "Go on."
Vi wastes no time. She undoes her left hand's shackles. Next the chains locking her ankles. The manacles fall with a heavy clank. Rising, she limbers up, trying not to wince at the stiffness. Torques the hips, rolls her shoulders, bobbing briefly on the tips of her toes. Silco remains at a distance. His eyes roam over her physique. He isn't scoping her out. He is scrutinizing her as impassively if she is a rottweiler in his dog-fight.
A pawn in his chessgame.
Vi sticks her hand out. Rising, he takes it in his own. His grip is chilly, like handling a dead twist of muscle. They don't break off. Just stand with clasped palms for a tense moment. Outside, a wild cheer goes up. The thunder of a hundred lungs emptying themselves in a chorus of triumph. Vi hears the music speakers blast a throb of drumbeats and shrieking guitar riffs. She recognizes the song.
The anthem of the Undercity. The victory call for Ziggy and Stardust. The dotted line with Vi's signature in blood.
"Well," Silco says. "Now that—"
Vi's fist barrels into his solar plexus
It is a lightning-fast right-hook. Vi summons into it all the hatred from the depths of her being. It clocks Silco straight between the ribs. He makes a sound like a dry-gulch. The impact of her knuckles judders through his chest with the flat smack of beef-cut slapped onto the chopping block.
He staggers, and Vi follows with her own momentum, pivoting to slam the heel of her palm into his throat, knocking him backwards against the table. Glasses topple and a plate crashes to the floor.
Vi holds Silco down. He thrashes, driving his knee toward her underbelly. Vi blocks it with a retaliatory stomp to his instep. thighs pinning his own. She'd expected to manhandle a jangling skeleton. But the narrow musculature beneath her is whipcord-wiry and vicious. She can barely keep him stationary beneath the clamp of her arms and legs.
Maybe he wasn't lying about being a miner. Vi had sparred with a few in Stillwater. Most had a strength that didn't announce itself—right until it crashtackled you.
She doesn’t give Silco the chance. Her knuckles jam deeper under his throat. Their eyes lock from inches apart.
"You shitbag," Vi breathes. "Tell me why I shouldn't crack your skull open."
Silco's lips are curled back over a jagged row of teeth. The glow in his eyes is feral. A blackness pouring into his expression.
Then he smiles.
"You forgot Vander's rule."
"Never drop your high guard."
Suddenly there is a butterfly knife in his right hand. He whips it wide-angled across Vi's face. The blade rakes along the fine hairs on her cheekbone, a cold vibration sharpening into hot pressure as blood spills. Vi gasps, loosening her grip. Silco jerks free and swings again, the knife a flashing arc. Vi rocks back on her heels, dodging, and reflexively snaps off an uppercut. It connects with air.
There is nobody on the table.
In the next blink, a flashbang shoots from the butt of the knife and erupts inches from Vi's face.
The shockwave is like getting blowtorched. Stars spiral before Vi's eyes. High-pitched noises ignite in her ears. Yowling, she jerks back. Her hands stay fisted despite the unbearable urge to claw at her face. Wheeling, she tries to keep Silco—a blood-red shadow—in her sightline. The second blow isn't a flashbang, but the silver tray caroming off her shoulder. She grunts, torquing to evade. Silco closes in and hits her twice more, sideways and then full-on, the tray slamming off her skull.
Vi's knees buckle, and in slow-motion, she is sliding to the floor. The rugs are so soft against her colliding cheek. Like cotton batting or Caitlyn's breasts.
She lays sprawled for a moment. Dazed. Her heart pumps with rapid unevenness. Blood seeps from the slash on her face.
Three Silco's loom over her, before coalescing into one.
He is breathing rapidly. His left hand massages his bruised ribs, then goes to his throat. Fingertips caress the blotched skin. He swallows with a rough click, muttering a paragraph of fluent billingsgate that is punctuated by a single word: Bitch.
"Worth it," Vi slurs.
She starts to get up. Matter-of-factly, Silco plants his boot on her bruised shoulder and pushes her back down. He stands over her, regarding her through flat eyes. The fingers of his right hand play over the knife handle—a cresting arc of metal like a shark's fin. Vi stares at the bright blood on the blade. She thinks of how it's a weapon signifying neither skill nor strength. It only requires a black core of ruthlessness and a willingness to cross the hardest line.
It's what puts her at a disadvantage against this monster.
Pursing his lips, Silco lets off a brisk whistle. The tent's flap lifts. Sevika walks in, followed by Ran and Lock. They turn the corner and stop short. The aftermath of the altercation crackles like electricity through the air. Sevika's dark eyes go from Vi to Silco. There is no shock in her appraisal.
Slipping a hand into her pocket, she flips Silco a gold Hex. He catches it neatly.
"Called it," Sevika says.
Silco nods. "Expect your half later."
A paralyzing chill spreads through Vi. She realizes Silco had anticipated her attack. Planned it. Provoked it.
And once again, she'd walked into his trap.
"You fucker," she hisses.
Silco tilts his head to one side. "I did warn you not to misbehave."
He jerks his chin. Ran and Lock swarm to enclose Vi. They drag her to her feet, wrenching her arms behind her back. A fresh pair of cuffs are slapped on her wrists. Vi's head throbs from the impact of the silver tray. But the pump of emotion speeding her pulse isn't fear. It's a pent-up fury she can only liken to Murderus Interruptus.
Shit—she'd been so close. She'd nearly bashed his skull in. Whatever it took to end this madness.
To save the Undercity, and Powder's life.
With a napkin, Silco wipes the blood off his butterfly knife. He returns it to the hidden sheath at his belt, with the same uncommon care he'd shown Powder's handkerchief. Crossing over to Vi, he mops the blood off her face. Vi tries to wrench away. Ran grabs a fistful of hair at the back of her skull and keeps her immobile.
Taking her jaw in one hand, Silco regards her eyes. "Pupils seem about right."
"Get out of my face!"
"I can hardly have you concussed."
"Bad optics, huh?"
"In more ways than one."
His tone is all mildness, and for a moment, Vi loses her bearings. Ten seconds ago, his face was a rictus of bloodthirst. Now it's a study of aloof reproach, as if she's a mutt who's tracked mud on his carpet. An ordinary person would be disquieted by the split. Vi takes it for what it is: proof of a lifelong intimacy with violence. She's known inmates in Stillwater who were the same. Crazies who were so adept at compartmentalizing that their different selves were like two faces of a coin. Tails; retreat. Heads; destroy.
If they deemed something necessary, they acted with no remorse and even less warning.
"Let's go," Silco says.
Vi tenses. "What? Where?"
The dog-pit. He’d threatened they’d have her in the dog-pit.
Fuck. Fuck—
Silco’s savoring stare meets her stricken one. "Don’t look so concerned. You’re being escorted to the chopper. We'll deliver you back to Topside."
"You rotten piece of shit! We're not finished here!"
"On the contrary," Silco agrees, "we've scarcely started."
Vi's body turns into a cold block of lead. Around her, the goons crack knowing smiles. Sevika's stare is sharply glossed. Ran hums to herself, a two-note chuckle. Lock bobs his head in time to no beat.
None of it bodes well.
Especially not the curve of Silco's smile.
"Deal's done." His shark-eye glints in private relish. "Welcome to the family."
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vendettavalor · 1 year
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@tacticalvalor said: your hair looks… good. and your waist is… very supportive. -> graves to psyche (。•̀ᴗ-)✧
⚔️ Garrus Vakarian Prompts // CLOSED ⚔️
// One day you'll have to answer for your sins and God might not be so forgiving-
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There's a long pause that follows the... compliment? A long moment where Psyche stops chewing her gum, lowers her sunglasses, and just stares at Graves. Silently. Judgmentally.
She's heard a lot of bad flirts before but this is easily among the worst she's heard. Ever.
"Something tells me you've never talked to a woman besides your mother before?" Hell, maybe not even his mother. With words like that, she wouldn't be surprised if his mother decided to leave him too. He was beyond pathetic. Showboating, desperate, attention-seeking. He wanted her so badly. It was obvious to everyone around him with even half a brain cell.
Frankly, she found him repulsive. He was loud. He was impulsive. He was without loyalty. He was Southern. And worst of all, he was human. She had no use for a man like him. A pitiful whelp that chased after her like a deer in rut doing everything he could and more with a paltry set of button antlers to get her attention. Perhaps in any other circumstance, she would have regarded it as vaguely amusing. But Psyche was never the type to enjoy a desperate chase. Much less from humans. Still, he was an Imperial officer. Burning his dick to get him off of her wasn't exactly an option. So she supposed she'd have to deal with it. Or...
An idea struck her.
He was an Imperial officer. An easy in-point. Entertaining him could grant her access to all the information she could possibly need. Security systems, patrol schedules and routes, vulnerable assets, prime target locations, military-grade weapons. Everything she could possibly need to singlehandedly bring down an entire Empire. The key to her revenge had practically been served up to her on a silver platter with a side of southern-style barbecue sauce. It was a golden opportunity for an anarchist like her.
And all she had to do was give him enough lede to keep him following her.
Give him enough rope to hang himself.
Well, that, and lie. Which, oddly enough, seemed significantly harder in this instance. But she'd just have to suck it up. Oh, the things she'd do for revenge.
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So, she faked a pretty, flirtatious grin and leaned back to show herself off to him a bit better. And with a coy little purr she answered him, trying to kill the part of her that was cringing within.
"That's gotta be one of the smoothest pickup lines I've ever heard, handsome."
Gag. Why couldn't she have just died with the rest of her species?
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The one thing you can never control when caravanning is the weather and on awakening the sight of storm clouds very ominous. Sure enough just as we finished packing the clouds opened up and it poured right through until we reached Ipswich.
The drive up to Aratula from Ipswich was okay and our reward was catching up with Julie and Lindsay taking some time out to have a bacon and egg sandwich, probably the best I have ever had at the local Caltex. A definite must do when travelling through ever again.
From here we started the climb through Cunningham Gap where the heavens opened reducing visibility to a car length.
This is a scary drive with teeming rain and closed off lanes due to the landslides. Throw in a low lying cloud just make it worse. Not to worry we made it and drove through to O’Shannessys Hotel in Clifton.
This place is amazing with staff to match. A must for all travellers coming through. Two caravans a night get full free access to the back car park with toilets. Beer extremely cold.
One of the best pub meals we have ever enjoyed. The town is a credit to itself with clean streets and an active close knit community. We could have even gone to the local cinema to see “Showboat” Haha
Now again on the road we ended up driving through to Meandarra where we have camped for the night. Probably one of the premier short term parking areas in Australia. Free hot showers, barbecues with electricity charged at rate of $10 for three nights.
This drive was boring with really not a lot to see. The town of Tara, we passed through, is in bad shape with by lunch time the local bakery running out of pies and no petrol garage. It is an 80 kilometre drive to the closest service centre.
From here a short drive to Surat stopping off at fishing park (donation) where we had a fire, cooking a stew and more cold drinks. Surat is a great place to stop and a local told us where to go if we wanted to fish.
It is now Thursday and we began the boring drive through to Hebel stopping off in St George and Dirranbandi both great stops with everything you need. Pies in St George amazing with the history of Dirranbandi displayed on numerous plaques well worth the time to read.
Finally Hebel, where we had been through about seven years ago. This place is now a major stop on the road with free caravan parking at back of pub with showers thrown in.
The pub is all character and to get a feed all one has to do is walk across highway to local cafe where you order your meal that you pick up to eat in the pub at a designated time later.
The main bar was rocking with us getting to meet the local road workers, Victorians doing the winter pilgrimage, shearer’s and some Irish backpackers. Beer was cheaper then Brisbane so a lot consumed. Great place to stop even if only for a chat.
We had rain last night but the ground is so dry not a drop lying around. To day we are off to Lightning Ridge where we hope to be enjoying the bore baths later today.
0 notes
memphisbarbecue · 7 years
  Every so often I’ll search Memphis barbecue images online to see what’s out there. My latest excursion found this photo, and a name I wasn’t familiar with.
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    By the picture, it was an old Loeb’s, in one of their trademark convenience store/laundromat/barbecue shop developments of the 1960s. This one was across from Graceland, and is long gone.  So, it was off to the Central Library for another dive into the Loeb’s chain and its aftermath.    The Graceland Loeb’s (3795 Elvis Presley Boulevard) first appears in the 1974 phone book, toward the end of the Loeb’s barbecue run. It’s still a Loeb’s in the 1976 city directory, but there is also a Hickory Log on Knight Arnold.
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    A year later, the city directory reflects the change of  the Loeb’s to Hickory Log, as Loeb’s is beginning to move out of the barbecue business.
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    Bonnie Burnett and Steve Marion continue to be listed as the owners or managers of the Hickory Log shops through to the 1979 city directory, but Marion has branched out into a new business.
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    A digression: The Hickory House listed on North Graham is also an old Loeb’s, and part of the Lois Pit Bar-B-Q story that I put up here a few years back. And the Tasty Burger Inn on McLemore, just down from Stax, has also been discussed here.
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    Alphonia Alexander, who ran the Tasty Burger Inn, later moved into a former Loeb’s on E.H. Crump. I didn’t eat any of his barbecue, but his burgers were as advertised. Last year I found a revived Tasty Burger Inn on Brooks Road.
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The owner said he acquired the name and recipes from Mr. Alexander. Still a tasty burger. A guy at an adjacent table said it was the second-best hamburger in the city. I asked him what the best one was, and he said it was the one he just ate. Some serious fans.      Anyway, my camera died on me in the 1979 city directory, so it’s narrative from here on out. By 1981, the EPB Hickory Log had a new manager, Kathy Burnett (don’t know if she was related to Bonnie Burnett; the city directories had no addresses listed for either Burnett or Steve Marion) and the Knight Arnold Hickory Log had morphed into the Hickory Chip. Both were gone after another year. By 1982, Steve Marion continued in the doughnut business, and had added a bar – Steve’s Place, on North White Station in a Loeb’s complex, next door to the old Loeb’s ‘cue shop at 793 N. White Station – and was also listed with Tiny’s Family Restaurant on Winchester (another Tiny’s was at 3465 Cazassa, in – yes – a former Loeb’s barbecue restaurant. Lacking any information to look for Steve Marion or Bonnie Burnett, I didn’t look past 1982.
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   Earlier this month I finally walked the Big River Crossing, and it’s simply terrific. The distance suits me just fine, and the views are spectacular. Yes, you’ll probably have a freight train or two pass by less than 10 feet away, but it’s over soon enough. The power of the barge tow was more impressive. It passed beneath me at a deceptively fast pace.    So, having worked up an appetite, I decided to visit a new restaurant in an old ghost pit –
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    It is one of the former Neely’s that were run by the TV Neelys, and the new owners (among them the Central BBQ folks) have done a great job transforming the place on Jefferson. It’s a night-and-day difference literally, with the front windows (actually, a garage door) letting sunlight finally come inside.
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   The menu is varied, to say the least, with such things as breakfast tacos and an Asian rice bowl that is apparently quite popular, plus pancakes and an omelet. They also have a long list of biscuit “sammies.”    I’m pretty much a traditional breakfast person – not into breakfast sandwiches and definitely not “sammies” – and the menu serves up tradition as “the kitchen sink.” It’s one of about every option you would find on a regular breakfast menu – eggs, bacon, sausage, grits, hash browns the size of the dinner plate they come on, and a biscuit. I couldn’t finish it; the sausage and hash browns, which I never order if I don’t have to, were too much. It was OK, but I have two or three other places I like better, and for less $$. Coffee is self-serve, and good. And good for them for opening at 5 a.m.   The best part of the visit came as I crossed the parking lot to my car. I saw a guy working on the old barbecue pit,
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so I went over to see what was going on. Turns out, it’s pits, as I saw a second one on the back that I didn’t know was there. The pits are gas-fired.  He was cleaning them out, and didn’t know what the plans might be for them. 
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   Thank you to everyone who has found this site and deemed it worthy of following. May your holiday and new year be filled with peace and joy. Two of our food traditions – Dino’s ravs and gravy and a Showboat Barbecue smoked turkey—are in the house.    Merry Christmas from the GPC home office (David Barrett, I’m still waiting to hear from you).
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victorineb · 5 years
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New instalment of my occasional series, in which Will and Hannibal are cheating scumbags and Alana deserves better. This one contains water guns, Bev Katz, and Hannibal’s entrancing chest hair...
Also on AO3.
To be honest, Alana had never expected Jack to go for her suggestion. She’d been pretty certain he was kidding when he asked what she thought he could do to improve team morale now that Will was out of prison and back working with the BAU. So when she’d told him to take them all to the park for a picnic, it had been in the perfectly reasonable belief that he’d take it in the spirit it was intended – one dripping in sarcasm.
She certainly hadn’t expected to be, a week later, attending said picnic with Hannibal on one arm and a huge bowl of potato salad in the other.
“Shall we add our offerings to the feast?” Hannibal asked, nodding at the long, gingham-covered trestle table with what Alana was fairly sure was a note of facetiousness rather less well hidden than usual under his unflappable politeness. He had, of course, not seen the casual setting as a reason to eschew his trademark gastronomic flair, and held in his hand a gigantic woven basket full to the brim with homemade delicacies. Her potato salad looked pretty frumpy by comparison (and Alana knew it was damn good potato salad, actually). She could only imagine how the usual array of barbecue wings and corn salad would fare. She couldn’t even give Hannibal the benefit of the doubt — he’d deliberately set out to win the picnic and she could already feel the smugness radiating off him.
“I wouldn’t want to deprive the crowd of your gourmet glory a moment longer,” she said, resolutely straight-faced. Hannibal didn’t buy it for a second.
“My dear Alana, can you be accusing me of showboating?”
“My dear Hannibal,” she shot back, “can you have the nerve to claim you’re not?”
He smiled at her, the slightly predatory one that made her shiver. “Why Dr Bloom, I believe you see right through me.” He leaned in, close enough to make her wonder if he was about to renege on his usual rule about public displays of affection, but instead simply deposited a kiss on her cheek and relieved her of her bowl, sauntering off to the picnic table with a triumphant swing in his hips.
Alana hung back a little, deliberately, all the better to take in the sight of Hannibal in his version of casual summer-wear. It was a rare event that he deemed unsuitable for his signature three-piece suits but apparently an afternoon in the park counted amongst them. And so Alana was treated to the sight of her usually formal boyfriend clad in the fewest layers she’d seen him in outside of the bedroom. Slim, rust-coloured pants sat on his hips, a much lower cut than Alana would ever have expected but one she couldn’t help but appreciate, given the way they framed the doctor’s enviable ass. Above the waist, a simple, crisp white shirt would have made Hannibal almost unrecognisably understated, were it not for the blazer carefully folded over his arm, a steely blue offset by wide windowpane check in the same colour as his pants. A different silhouette than usual but still the same elegant loudness that could belong only to Hannibal, not to mention the same sharp tailoring, precision cut to show his form to its greatest advantage.
“Hate to see him leave, love to watch him walk away?” Bev nudged Alana in the ribs, having snuck up while she was distracted.
“Can you blame me?”
“Mmm, nope. Best view for miles around.”
Behind them, someone made a noise of disgust. Both women turned to see Will skulking in their shadows.
“Got a problem, Graham?” Bev raised both her arms and Alana realised that she was toting two impressive looking water-guns in a genuinely horrible neon green. She trained them on Will, along with a wicked grin. “Cos my little friends here are just itching to take care of some troublemakers.”
“Do it and die, Katz,” Will growled. Probably in jest, Alana thought, though it could be hard to tell with Will these days.
“Big words for a guy in such a skimpy shirt,” Bev drawled. She had a point; Alana could definitely see the outline of a nipple poking through the thin cotton of Will’s tee. Shame he wasn’t in his boxers too – Alana would have pulled the trigger herself if that had been the case. She was only human, after all.
Will crossed his arms over his chest and glared. “Ok, all right, what do I have to do to avoid a soaking?”
Bev considered him for a moment, then flipped one of her guns in the air, grabbed it by the barrel and offered it to Will. “Help me take out Preller and you’ve got immunity.”
Will grinned, the kind of evil expression that explained why he freaked so many people out. “Deal.”
He and Beverly exchanged a handshake, both with a kind of wicked glee all over their faces. Alana was, if she were honest, a little jealous – she used to have that kind of camaraderie with Will. Plus, who said she didn’t like playing with (water) guns?
Then Bev pulled a pistol out of her waistband and offered it to Alana. “You want in, Dr Bloom?”
Alana’s hands itched to take her up on it. Visions of smacking Jack Crawford between the eyes with a well-aimed blast of water swam before her eyes. She was just about to take hold of the gun when a voice called out behind her.
She glanced over her shoulder to see Hannibal sauntering towards the little group, having divested himself of both food and jacket.
“Sorry Dr Lecter,” Bev chirped, clearly not sorry at all, “I was trying to recruit her to our hunting party.”
Hannibal’s eyes twinkled at this, as he glanced around the group, noting the guns in both Beverly and Will’s hands. “Quite the formidable team you’re putting together, Ms Katz. May I ask what kind of quarry you are targeting?”
“Only the most dangerous game.” Will was staring straight at Hannibal as the words left his mouth, a twist to his lips somewhere between a smirk and a grimace.
“Really?” Hannibal asked, delight etched across his face. “Should I be concerned for my safety?”
Will took a step towards him, coming to stand in the space between Bev and Alana, and raised his gun, pointing it directly at Hannibal’s chest. “Scared, Dr Lecter?”
“Will!” Alana smacked him in the arm. “That’s not funny.”
Hannibal waved a placatory hand, clearly amused by Will’s behaviour. “It’s quite all right, Alana; not being a wicked witch, I believe I won’t dissolve from a little water. Besides,” he said, pointedly looking Will up and down, “I’m curious to see what will happen.”
“You smug bastard,” Will snarled, and opened fire.
An impressively forceful jet of water hit Hannibal square in the chest, creating a wet spot that immediately began to grow and spread as Will strode towards him, pumping hard and maintaining a steady stream right up until his tip was pressed directly against Hannibal. Hannibal, who hadn’t moved a muscle, hadn’t even flinched, just taken everything Will had to give with both arms open. Now he stood, watching Will and being watched back, both men panting at each other as Hannibal dripped onto the ground below, his shirt turned transparent and clinging to his flesh. Will tipped his head to the side and pressed a little harder with his gun, almost as if urging Hannibal to-
“What is your problem, Will?” Alana hissed as she and Bev reached him and wrenched him away from Hannibal. “You had better hope someone has a change of clothes so that he doesn’t have to spend all afternoon soaking wet.”
Once again Hannibal stepped in to defuse her irritation, as if she were still that overeager student he’d taken under his wing. It was just as annoying now as it had been then. “It’s no problem, Alana. I believe there’s an American expression that applies in this particular scenario. What is it…” His eyes seemed to linger a moment too long on Will, who looked like he might start squirting again at a moment’s notice. “Ah yes, ‘sun’s out, guns out,’” he concluded, gleefully. With which, Hannibal began unbuttoning his shirt as a speechless Bev, Will and Alana watched, three sets of eyes following the progress of Hannibal’s deft fingers as they travelled down his placket, revealing flashes of damp skin as they went.
Alana, who was by now very familiar with the sight of Hannibal’s torso in a state of undress, was first to recover and turned to the other two, to gauge their reactions. Bev looked mostly amused, a smirk on her face that suggested she was wondering if she had any ones stashed about her person in order to make it rain something other than water. Will, though. Will wasn’t amused, or embarrassed, or even incredulous. Will was actively staring, his already-wide eyes grown to anime proportions, his posture slightly forward-leaning, as if magnetised by the sight of Hannibal’s flesh. And then, as Hannibal finished unbuttoning and peeled off his shirt to reveal nipples slightly peaked by the cold water, Will made a soft noise that Alana would be hard-pressed to describe as anything other than a whine. He even licked his lips as he did it.
Oh. Oh.
No response.
“Will?” Alana tried again, waving a hand in front of Will’s face. Still nothing.
“WILL!” she yelled, which – aided by Bev delivering a smack to the back of his head – finally did the trick, making Will jump a little and come back to himself.
“What?” he asked, voice slightly strangled, his arms twitching as if to cross over his chest before he thought better of it and let them hang at his sides, fingers drumming on his thighs.
“Were you aware,” Alana began, voice clipped and cold, “that you were staring at my boyfriend’s chest?”
Will’s eyes darted from side to side, an apparent attempt to avoid both Alana’s accusing gaze and the sight of Hannibal’s slick skin. “What? No! I… no I wasn’t. Aware of that. Because I wasn’t doing it. At all.”
Alana raised an eyebrow. “Do you think I’m stupid, Will?”
“No! Of course not. You’re one of-”
“Or blind? Do you think I’m blind, Will?”
“I… no?”
“Ok, then cut the crap. Are you attracted to my boyfriend’s chest?”
“Absolutely not. Under no circumstances. I just…” Will trailed off and Alana had the impression that he was having to try very hard not to take another look at Hannibal.
“Just what?”
“Just… didn’t realise he was so…” His eyes finally lost the battle and snapped back to Hannibal’s torso. “…hairy.” The last word came out on a squeak, causing Will’s cheeks to get even redder, something Alana wouldn’t have thought physically possible. She’d be worried for his brain being starved of oxygen if she didn’t suspect its blood supply had already been diverted elsewhere anyway.
She turned back to Hannibal, almost involuntarily, already wondering how he would spin this awkward situation into something socially acceptable. Instead, she was confronted by her boyfriend staring at her former-almost-lover with a kind of hungry, yearning expression that suggested the last thing he was feeling was awkward. And was he… Was he really…
“Hannibal Lecter are you flexing right now?!” Alana yelled.
Hannibal’s face went briefly blank before he slid on an expression of patronising indulgence, but Bev headed off whatever excuse he was about to come out with. “Definitely. Sucking in his gut too,” she added, clearly torn between disgust for the vanity of men-kind and glee at confirmation that Will and Dr Lecter were hot for each other after all.
“He does not have a gut!”
Three heads turned, in various states of disbelief (and smugness, in Hannibal’s case), towards Will, who looked entirely shocked at the words that had come out of his mouth. “Well, he doesn’t,” he muttered. “Little bit soft in the middle, maybe, but it suits him-” He slapped a hand over his mouth, as if he could trap any other incriminating statements that might fly out of it.
“Why, thank you, Will,” Hannibal purred. “Coming from you, that is praise indeed.”
“Why coming from him?” Alana demanded sharply.
“Well,” Hannibal said, with infuriating deliberateness, “when one’s admirer is blessed with the proportions of the David, it is reassuring to know that one’s own imperfections are not too off-putting.”
Will’s mouth worked as he stared, apparently stunned, at Hannibal. “I- I’m not…”
“My dear Will,” Hannibal said, gliding towards him and raising a hand to cup his cheek, “you are exquisite in every way, you must know-”
At which point he was forced to break off, spluttering, as Bev pulled Alana behind her and then soaked the romantic moment. “Dude, priorities,” she drawled, once she’d finished spraying.
“What the fuck, Katz?” Will yelled, spinning round and spraying droplets everywhere like a wet dog.
“Graham, it is trashy to make out with a guy in front of his girlfriend, come on bud.”
“We weren’t! I wasn’t going to… we weren’t!”
“Weren’t we?” Hannibal purred into Will’s ear from behind, causing Will’s already-rosy blush to deepen into crimson as his hand snaked around his waist. “I must say, I find myself quite disappointed to hear that.”
Bev hefted her gun upwards and pointed it at Hannibal with a threatening expression. “I thought you were supposed to be some classy gentleman,” she said. “Alana, if you don’t dump his admittedly fine ass right now, I’m gonna waterboard the crap out of him.”
Alana watched the exchange with a strange sense of distance, as she realised one very important fact: she did not want one single, solitary part of whatever dumb fucking shit was going on between Will and Hannibal. She stepped around Bev, putting herself in front of the still-dripping Will and Hannibal.
“Ok,” she declared, “since I’m the only grown-up here, I’m making some decisions. Hannibal, we’re breaking up. If you’re very nice I might allow you to continue being my friend in a few weeks. Will, stop lying to yourself. You don’t hate Hannibal, you’re in love with him and you’re not even subtle about it. And,” she continued, poking him in the chest to drive the point home, “if you dare try to deny it after the display you just gave, I’ll… I’ll… I’ll tell Jack you two have been getting it on behind his back. And in his office.”
Will looked utterly horrified at the prospect and even Hannibal gave a small moue of disquiet.
“You wouldn’t,” Will whispered.
“Watch me.” Alana patted his cheek, just hard enough to sting. “Now, since that’s all sorted, I don’t want to look at you assholes any more. I think I could do with a drink.”
“I can help you out there, Doc, my contribution to the potluck was entirely in the form of grain alcohol.” Bev grinned, clearly having the time of her life watching this romantic drama explode right in front of her.
“I…” Will looked all around himself, as if searching for something that would make sense of what had just happened. Eventually, he gave a tiny shrug that still seemed to express total, incredulous helplessness and looked down at Hannibal’s hand, resting firmly on his stomach. “…don’t understand what just happened.”
“That’s ok,” Alana said, “Hannibal does, and he’s just itching to explain it to you.”
“Indeed,” Hannibal said, coming round to Will’s side and taking his hand, “let us find a quiet spot. I believe we need to talk, darling. Thank you, Alana. Miss Katz,” he added, as Bev singularly failed to stifle a snort of laughter at Will’s open-mouthed reaction to darling.
They watched, as Hannibal led a dazed but unresisting Will away from them by the hand. Alana wondered for a brief moment if she’d done the right thing, if either of them was really safe for the other. Then she shrugged and remembered that she really didn’t give a shit.
“Well, damn, looks like I’m out a partner for Preller hunting,” said Bev, and then gave Alana a sly, sidewise look. “Unless you’re up for a little target practice, Doc?”
Once again, she offered Alana the pistol. Alana eyed it, unimpressed, and crossed her arms. “Either I’m an equal partner, or I’m out.”
Bev grinned and switched the pistol for the full-sized shooter Will had discarded. “Atta girl,” she beamed, as Alana grabbed it, “always wanted to see you in action.” Her grin had twisted into a smirk. It was, Alana had to admit, pretty hot.
“Help me take out a hit on Jack after we crush your nerd boys and maybe I’ll show you just how good I am.”
Bev raised a finger to give a lazy salute, her eyes glittering. “Gladly, ma’am.”
A little while later, as she and Bev were hunting for Price and Zeller, who had run like cowards the first time they’d been tracked down, they found Will and Hannibal again. They’d managed to get Will out of his soaked shirt but apparently no further, since Will currently had Hannibal pinned against his car and was furiously making out with him. His hands were, Alana noticed, buried in Hannibal’s chest hair. Then again, Hannibal’s hands were firmly kneading Will’s ass so it looked like everybody got what they wanted. Including Alana, who got her own chance to spray them like a pair of misbehaving cats, secure in the knowledge that Hannibal would either have to get his precious Bentley wet, or allow his skin to make contact with Will’s dog hair covered upholstery.
“Knew you had a bad side,” Bev cackled as they walked away.
“Only when provoked.”
Bev waggled her eyebrows. “I can be extremely provocative, you know.”
Alana bumped their hips together gently and raised an eyebrow of her own. “Promise?”
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thomasonweb-blog · 4 years
How to celebrate Christmas in Sydney
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Planning where to host your Christmas party in Sydney? Even for a long-time Sydneysider, this question might churn them in a pickle. Christmas comes at an odd timing in Sydney because it happens in summer. So if it’s your first time celebrating Christmas in Sydney, here are a few things to keep in mind. The city has its own unique ways of celebrating Christmas and summer together and it’s special. From fancy Christmas party harbour cruises to underground Christmas concerts, there are more than just a few out-of-the-box Christmas party venues in Sydney. 
Sydney Harbour has a large fleet of cruises which double up as perfect Christmas party venues in Sydney. Christmas party harbour cruises have been long-known for hosting Christmas parties both traditional and Sydney-style and guarantee a great time. For some of us, Christmas never feels whole without a roast turkey on the table. Thanks to the Christmas party Harbour cruises, you have your place to be! To notch-up your celebration, get into a Showboat to indulge in the exuberance of live cabaret shows, a deluxe 3-course dinner and the breathtaking night views of Sydney skyline. With restaurant-style dining and an impeccable waiter service, these cruises are designed to deliver the best moments and experiences to every guest on board. Christmas party harbour cruises are a perfect opportunity for a get together with your family or friends at one of the most enticing destinations in the world.   
For a true-blue Sydneysider, the beach is the ideal Christmas party venue in Sydney. Typically, on every Christmas, people here love to hangout at the beach with their family and get their favourite barbecue snags, cold meats and seafood dishes. Another well-known tradition among the people here is also bringing their own prawns, fish and oysters from the famous Sydney Fish Market and having a BBQ party on the beach. Since it’s also summer, people also engage in various beach games and activities such as surfing, paragliding, kayaking or snorkelling on the shores. Celebrate your Christmas in Sydney by heading to one of the beaches here and enjoy the simple pleasures of discovering new ways of life. 
The first obvious signs of the arrival of Christmas in Sydney can be seen and felt on the streets. Donned in red, the city tunes into a festive mood by hosting Christmas events, decorating the buildings and trees on the streets. For instance, every year on the 21 December the Woolworths Carols, Australia’s largest free Christmas concert, is held at the Domain in Sydney. Head to the site to sing your favourite Christmas carols along with the choir and revel in the spirit of Christmas. On the other hand, if you’re a person who loves to party hard, Sydney won’t disappoint you. Attend one of those underground Christmas parties for an exciting night with DJ and dancing. No matter what kind of celebration you’re looking at, Sydney’s got you covered and promises you a great Christmas.
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@tenacitybred inspired by this
     “Finish him!” The actual tag line -- produced by an overcompensating macho male timbre -- echoed her emphatic snarl, sounding to Shikamaru’s ear almost passive and pitiful by comparison. Her war cry, much like the rest of her, was energetic and uninhibited, juxtaposed by the leisurely manner in which she was poised against him; half of her reclined across him, her back pressing against his ribs, while her legs dangled gracelessly over the arm of the loveseat. Which, by both its size and condition, could only be described as squalid.      Cushioned by his sternum, her head tilted slightly back as she uttered sound effects to complement every strike and blow. Her frizzy copper mop tickled his chin like an unspoken taunt, her elbow dangerously close to his crotch and growing increasingly threatening with each jolt of her arm.       “You’d think this was a real fight,” he scoffed. The remark severely underlined his soreness, fingers aggressively battering the buttons of his controller rhythmically. He was pretending they were cymbals and skins, and attempting to freestyle a miniature drum solo to accompany his character’s ongoing ass-beating. It didn’t seem to matter who he selected or what uniquely macabre skillset they possessed. She always defeated him in five moves or fewer, and regularly bested herself in her technique.       Tonight he was on the brink of crucifixion, courtesy of Mileena, the saber-toothed slaughterer who Faye seemed to reserve for her most feminist of moods. He would have preferred Resident Evil 7 over Mortal Kombat but, as the freckled wild card often reminded him with a protesting sneer, there’s no co-op in that game.       Mileena was winding up to literally go in for the kill, and Faye may as well have been a small child perched on Santa’s lap. She bounced and tittered gleefully, a hyper schoolgirl in the body of a sultry fox. Her homemade crop top, an old tee shirt crudely sheared to expose her midriff, swayed subtly as she rocked in anticipation, boyshort underwear clinging to bare thighs as they jiggled faintly with her fidgeting. She fired orders at the TV, coaxing her warrior like a front-row stage mom gleaning vicarious victory. He knew what was coming, and resolved to at least see that he forfeited with a metaphorical bang.      Digits tapping vigorously, he hit all three toms, hammered the bass, and pummeled the snare (X, Y, B, and A, respectively, with the left and right triggers thrown in for added color and chaos), concluding with a clamorous, metallic trinity the likes of which could incite another cosmic genesis. The ominous tones emanating from the modest, glowing screen culminated in the minor keys of an organ, heralding the forthcoming fatality. The show was over, and there would be no encore. Mileena grabbed the throat of Shikamaru’s player and locked him in a kiss, inhaling every inch of his body in a single breath before proceeding to spit him back out in a pile of bloodied meat and bones, like a regurgitated barbecue banquet. Man-eater. It was the signature for the delivery that didn’t need signing.       Cue the showboat special, which tonight consisted of rapturous whooping, wiggling and shimmying -- even finger guns. Faye’s gloating was superseded (and permissible) only by her goofiness. However, in the midst of her celebration her elbow accidentally jostled his beanbag, prompting Shikamaru’s sharp yip followed by his controller skipping across the floor, flinging it with aggrieved bitterness. Truth be told he was more emotionally wounded than physically, but her inadvertent slip had only exacerbated his frame of mind.       She didn’t even apologize, though she did appear briefly concerned -- until, that is, her regretful visage was replaced by a narrowed gaze and guileful grin that stretched wider than that of her virtual fighter. Ignoring his disgruntled sulking, she reached her arm back and hooked her fingers into the thick strip of black hair that emblazoned the back of his skull. Manipulating him as one would a puppet, she directed his head to the side, encouraging his somber eyes to meet her two-tone stare. Unfortunately, his attention lingered about eight inches south, where her top was riding up from having positioned her arm in such a way, the lower half of her right nipple peeking out from beneath the shredded fabric.       Faye tightened her hold on his mohawk, yanking his head back, his chin lifted and attention forcibly aimed at her amused expression. She watched his Adam’s apple bob up and down in a single motion as he looked back at her, solemn and unapologetic. Suddenly her lips were upon his, executing her own coarse and savage kiss, drawing the breath from his throat while her free hand gently consoled his shrouded sack. There, there. Like a form of condescendingly erotic braille. Don’t pout.      When she withdrew, she released her grip on his mane, her hand sliding over his ear and pausing at his cheek. A quick pat and she returned her gaze forward, dismissing him as she reached for her abandoned controller. The main screen appeared and the organ resumed with its eerie lullaby, the turbulent notes gradually ushering him deeper into his lustful haze.       “Resident Evil?” she proposed. The words were practically devoid of meaning to him now, his fingers tracing down the slant of her thigh, absent-mindedly plucking at her underwear and pinching her hip. “Hm?” His groan of a response consisted of one part amnesia and three parts arousal. He thumbed the hem of her boyshorts, drinking in her scent as again her hair teased his mandible. “Nah. There’s no co-op in that game.”
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scarletstarkthings · 4 years
Going offbeat in Sydney
One of the most interesting facts about Sydney is that it almost-never sleeps and has one of the best nightlife in the world. And if you’ve been wondering what to do in Sydney after sunset other than hanging out at your usual coffee place or catching a movie, let’s look into some of the offbeat activities for you. From a worth-a-lifetime dinner cruise experience in Sydney to getting a reality check by climbing atop the Sydney Harbour Bridge, there could be more than just a few activities lined up for you.
 As true as it stands, the most rewarding sight in Sydney is indeed the fairy-lit Sydney Harbour after dark. And wouldn’t it be great to notch up your dinner with a visual treat at Sydney Harbour? Hop on board one of those fancy Sydney Harbour Dinner Cruises for a cinematic experience that you’ll cherish forever. There are even showboats in Sydney Harbour which organise live performances for their guests. A dinner cruise in Sydney also serves you an opportunity to savour some of the best delicacies you’ll eat in Sydney. Sunset cruises, night cruises and dinner cruises are three options you can choose from if you’re planning a night out in Sydney Harbour.
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 Sydney’s title of being called a foodie’s paradise on the internet has been a thing for a while now. So only count it a loss if you haven’t yet explored the famous eateries (oh! not the multi-hatted ones) and street food markets in Sydney clouted for its vibrant potpourri of flavours. And the best time to stroll out for your food adventures are evenings, when the weather isn’t too harsh on you and the stores are all decked up with fancy lights and great music.
 When visiting Sydney Harbour, you might have wondered which could be the best vantage point around the area. We think we have the best answer for you. Climb atop Sydney’s iconic Harbour Bridge for the most stunning views of Sydney while also getting an adrenaline fix. An instructor will guide you through the narrow stairways that lead to the top of the bridge where you’ll get a view you wouldn’t ever forget in your lifetime. Totally worth the risky climb!
The glitz and glamour of Sydney’s nightlife could be far from what one would call ‘cheap’. But don’t bother. You don’t need to break the bank to enjoy the best sunsets of a lifetime followed by barbecue night on a warm and breezy beach, do you? Head to one of the nearby beaches with free BBQ and picnic facilities and pop a champagne for the best time.
 The Sydney Observatory, located on the Observatory Hill would interest you if you’re an admirer of the skies. Head to the Observatory for a peaceful stargazing experience and if you’re lucky, you can make a wish upon a shooting star.
 Finally for the shopaholics out there, Sydney is a famous destination for both luxury and street shopping. Roam around the city streets along with your friends and explore the latest trends and everything modern and vintage. From the fascinating rock markets to quirky flea markets and more, explore the most inspiring and artistic streets of Sydney. Moreover, don’t always stick to what your itinerary says, lest you miss out on the little surprises the city has for you.
Are you tired of travelling in the same old routes in Sydney? Have you been wondering how to make your evenings fun? Read on to learn about a few offbeat activities you can do in Sydney.
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heaven428 · 5 years
So I Just Realized...
So I just read a post, and wanted to help some people out. As Americans, I think we sometimes forget that there are other places in the world where people reside. We are also like the only people that don’t use the metric system, and tel really unlikely stories that are most likely true, so I thought I’d post a “study guide” for lack of better term at 3 am.
1) An inch is about 2.5 centimeters, and a foot is 12 inches, or 30 centimeters.
2) A pound is 16 ounces, and we don’t know how it got abbreviated into lbs. either.
3) Military time is just all 24 hours. So if someone says that it’s 19:53, they mean 7:53 pm. I usually subtract the time from 12 to figure out what time it is after noon o’clock. 19:53-12:00=7:53 pm. This is what my friend in ROTC told me. I’m not actually sure, because I don’t use it.
4) Chick-fil-A is a super Christian corporation that sells chicken in all forms, with amazing waffle fries. Since Chick-fil-A is very Christian, it’s also very against the lgbtq+ in most people’s eyes. Everyone might not like their stance on sexuality, but most people will still eat there because they have good food.
5) We don’t know how far apart our states are, or where most of them are actually located. We know where we live, and the basic states that everyone knows. Beyond that, we may know the location of one or two others to showboat at everyone else.
6) We go on extremely long car rides to see people/things in other places. The shortest one I’ve been on was 5.5 hours, and I was till in the same state when it ended.
7) School shootings, and drills are something that happens on a daily basis. If it’s not someone shooting ip the school, it’s a threat. You never know if you’ll come home alive. We’ve stopped caring mostly about threats. It’s mostly a reason to get out of class. There’s one at least every week at my school.
8) The pledge is fucking stupid, and I hate it. We have to say it every morning. I no longer say it, because I’m not pledging allegiance to an inanimate object, unless it’s food. Teachers still make me stand while the pledge is going on, and everyone-including the teacher- glares at me while saying it.
9) Why our high school grades have a name, we’ll never know. They should’ve stuck to numbers.
10) Paying before pumping gas is a huge inconvenience. I absolutely hate it. I havent had a full tank since I got my car.
11) And finally Comfort Foods. The only American thing I care about. I favor all types of ice cream and chocolate. I also love potato chips. Sour-cream and onion, salt and vinegar, and barbecue.
That’s all I have for now, but American friends, please add on, and non-American friends, ask about other things that are confusing to see if we actually know the answer!
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comixgab · 7 years
Episode 32: Deep in J1-Con 2017
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In the well known South Philly wrestling venue 2300 Arena, anime and manga enthusiasts, artists and cosplayers gathered for this year’s J1-Con. Although, scheduled to be in Center City Philadelphia, the show had to switch venues last minute. The show’s producer, local Philly artist and renisance man Jason Richardson, still made it work.
The show featured a prominent Artist Alley, a video game tournament room, a cosplay contest, a bar and an official after party featuring rappers and burlesque performances. There were also other festivities happening during J1-Con’s after hours on Philly’s most famous street, South Street, which included events such as Inksterinc’s Pokémon barbecue and Dre’s weekend highlight G33kamania’s Cosplay Drink and Draw at Tattooed Mom’s, a few doors down from Atomic City Comics. Many con goers had lunch at Ikea like the familiar voices of this episode -- Dre and Cameron Jones.
Event helper Katie K. Milo cosplayed as H from FLCL, reflected on her experience, by saying, “I've been really lucky to get to work with Jason making comic books for J1 Studios.  J1-Con is like this amazing party he throws for all of us who love anime, comics, cartoons, and video games.  It gets more fun each year and it's been really amazing to see people come and have a great time at something I've had a hand in building.”
Mother Daughter team Angie & Mommy Cosplay were there cosplaying as Black Butler characters. Meg, Ang’s mom summed up her overall experience at J1-Con, “It was our first J1-Con. It was fun. I know the guy running it, Jason, really worked his ass off to make it happen, especially with the first venue flaking out on him like that. He did a great job pulling it off.  I thought it was cool that it was at the ECW arena. I'm very curious to see how it will be in AC next year.”
That’s right. J1-Con is moving to Atlantic City in 2018. Sadly, the show will be leaving the Philly lands and will be happening at the Showboat in Atlantic City in 2018. We want more festivals in the Philadelphia area, but we guess Atlantic City isn’t too far away. J1-Con 2018 will be a three day event at a hotel so if you’d like to go you can start making travel plans now and take advantage of J1-Con’s early bird specials for tickets and tables.
Here is a photo parade from J1-Con 2017. Take a look at our photos from the event and listen to our podcast.
Listen to the podcast here.
(Don’t See the Podcast? Click here.) Featured music February (Vs.) by Sloopygoop
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Cosplayers in South Philly. Photo by Dre.
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Cosplayers entering the 2300 Arena.  Photo by Dre
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Cosplay Photo by Dre.
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Tables of Gundams and anime scrolls.  Photo by Dre
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Art Supply shop Blick was there.  Photo by Dre
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Scene report from parking lot.  Photo by Dre
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Mortal Combat Cosplay photo by Dre
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Illustrators Anthony Marie Levy and Jess Clark at their table. Photo By Dre.
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Where’s Waldo Cosplay photo by Joseph Bogetti
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Mortal Combat Cosplay photo by Joseph Bogetti
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Cosplay photo by Joseph Bogetti
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Photo by Joseph Bogetti
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Cosplay photo by Joseph Bogetti
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Photo by Joseph Bogetti
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Cosplay photo by Joseph Brogetti
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Anime charms. Photo by Dre.
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Cosplay. Photo by Dre.
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Cosplay photo by Joseph Bogetti.
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Harley Quinn Cosplay photo by Joseph Bogetti.
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Ronald McDonald cosplay. Photo by Dre.
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Comix Gab team member Joesph Brogetti at the Pokemon Go BBQ after party at Inksterinc by South Street. Photo by Dre.
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The audience at the offficial J1-Con part at the 2300 Arena, 
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“Thor” themed performance.
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Boba Fet themed performance by Junebug.
MasoKiss’s Finn Balor style entrance.
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Finn Balor themed performance by Masokiss.
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Comix Gab team member Cameron Jones at Ikea. Photo by Dre.
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Comix Gab founder and host Dre at Ikea. Dre is already sporting her bow from Hikari wo Sagasu accessory shop. Photo by Cameron.
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Cosplayers. Photo by Dre.
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Cosplayers. Photo by Dre.
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Mortal Combat cosplay. Photo by Dre.
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Harley Quinn and Bleach? Cosplay Photo by Dre
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Bishop of X-Men Cosplay. Photo by Dre.
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Steven Universe cosplay.  Photo by Dre.
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Cosplay contest.  Photo by Dre.
Cameron’s favorite cosplay on the con, Link from Zelda.
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Bleach cosplay squad.  Photo by Dre.
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Teen Titans gals cosplay, Photo by Dre.
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Meg and Ang of Angie & Mommy Cosplay.
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Con helper Katie K. Milo’s FLCL’s Haruko Haruhara cosplay.  (Dre’s favorite cosplay).  Photo by Dre.
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Cosplay Photo by Cameron
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Cosplay Photo by Cameron
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Cosplay Photo by Cameron
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Harley Quinn Cosplay (Erik?) Photo by Cameron 
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Artist Photo by Cameron
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Fans having fun Photo by Cameron.
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Dre’s favorite table Hikari wo Sagasu accessory shop. Photo by Dre.
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Young cosplayer Kay Kizzle as new and old Harley Quinn, Photo by Dre.
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The model  at Wicked Lady Cosplay G33kamania’s Cosplay Drink and Draw. Photo By Dre. 
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The Comix Gab crew Dre, James/Jay Imbrie and Cameron ready to draw at G33kamania’s Cosplay Drink and Draw at Tattooed Mom’s on South Street.
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Drawing by Jay Imbrie
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Drawing by Jay Imbrie
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Drawing by Dre Grigoropol
A post shared by Dre Grigoropol (@dretime) on Aug 27, 2017 at 5:56pm PDT
Drawing by Dre Grigoropol
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Whiteboard at Cameron’s house.
0 notes
janetchavezcom · 5 years
Great Adult Getaways For Grown-Ups Avoiding The College Scene
Your college years might be behind you, but that doesn’t mean you can’t mark the start of spring with a memorable getaway. We’ve hand-picked some of the best adult getaways across America, featuring luxe spas, golf courses, and charming beaches where the vibe is a little more, shall we say, low-key.
Whether you’re traveling with a group of friends, family, or just your significant other, each of these destinations is home to amazing FlipKey rental properties that are a real step up from the party-hearty hotel rooms of your youth. Pour yourself a cocktail by the private pool and raise a glass to how far you’ve come.
Amelia Island, Florida
“While there are plenty of restaurants and rentals, the beach here is not a typical ‘teenager beach,’” one reviewer writes. “It’s more of a family-oriented place with a lot of history.” Take a trolley or carriage tour of the downtown district to see local landmarks and learn more about this barrier island’s backstory, then tee up for a round of golf along the Atlantic Ocean.
Find a great place to stay on Amelia Island!
Hilton Head, South Carolina
Enjoy spectacular views of the ocean from a condo or villa in Hilton Head, a destination known for its Lowcountry cuisine, coastal-chic resort vibe, and award-winning golf courses. With 12 miles of beautiful beaches and 60+ miles of pathways perfect for long walks and bike rides, this classic Southern destination is always worth a visit.
Find a great place to stay in Hilton Head!
Lafayette, Louisiana
Welcome to the heart of Louisiana’s Cajun and Creole Country, where bold art and big flavors are a nod to the city’s creative spirit. Visit Vermilionville to learn about the cultures that have shaped this vibrant destination, then rub shoulders with the locals at the Lafayette Farmers and Artisans Market or the monthly ArtWalk downtown.
Find a great place to stay in Lafayette!
Gulfport, Mississippi
If your version of an ideal vacation is dozing on the beach or casting a line at sunrise, book a roomy vacation home on the Mississippi Coast and fall in love with Gulfport. Whether you kick back on the wraparound porch or rent kayaks to paddle up and down the scenic shore, the Gulf Coast is a peaceful place for a getaway by the water.
Find a great place to stay in Gulfport!
Port Aransas, Texas
Tired of traditional party-hearty destinations? Steer clear of the party scene and book a rental nestled in the dunes of Mustang Island. As the only established town on the island, Port Aransas strikes a balance between natural beauty and a fun-filled beach escape. Fishing charters are easy to come by—this is the fishing capital of Texas, after all—and birdwatching, windsurfing, and kite sailing are popular pastimes.
Find a great place to stay in Port Aransas!
Branson, Missouri
Given its central location—within a day’s drive of a third of the population—this southwest Missouri town is one of the most accessible trips in the country. Take in a show at one of 50 theaters, enjoy some retail therapy at Branson Landing, or climb aboard the Showboat Branson Belle for a two-hour riverboat cruise on Table Rock Lake.
Find a great place to stay in Branson!
Kansas City, Missouri
Thanks in part to a revitalized downtown, dotted with galleries and performance venues, there’s never been a more exciting time to visit Kansas City. This buzzworthy destination is exactly where to go if you’re passionate about good food and great music. With 100+ barbecue joints and live jazz clubs across the city, you won’t be disappointed.
Find a great place to stay in Kansas City!
Henderson, Nevada
For small-town atmosphere and big outdoor adventures, escape to Henderson, located 20 minutes from Las Vegas. You’ll have easy access to the bright lights of Sin City—minus the “what-happens-here-stays-here” chaos that comes with staying on the Strip. Bike along the River Mountain Loop Trail or polish your swing at Rio Secco Golf Club.
Find a great place to stay in Henderson!
Savannah, Georgia
Romantic architecture, airy galleries, canopies of live oak—if any Southern city can charm its way into your heart, it’s Savannah. You’ll find a wealth of activities here, from walking tours in the dreamy historic district to shopping on River Street, fishing on Tybee Island, and teeing off at one of the area’s legendary golf courses.
Find a great place to stay in Savannah!
Charlottesville, Virginia
For wine lovers, history buffs, and anyone who appreciates stunning scenery, Charlottesville is the place to be. This classy mountain town offers a wealth of attractions, from the Monticello Wine Trail to two UNESCO World Heritage Sites (Thomas Jefferson’s Monticello and the University of Virginia).
Find a great place to stay in Charlottesville!
Nashville, Tennessee
With quirky shops, hidden gem restaurants, and exciting nightlife options cropping up all over the city, Nashville has so much to explore beyond the Honky Tonk Highway. Yes, you should see a show at Ryman Auditorium, but you should also eat at a few off-the-beaten-path restaurants and shop at the amazing vintage boutiques in East Nashville.
Find a great place to stay in Nashville!
Portland, Oregon
Whatever words you’ve heard used to describe Portland—trendy, creative, hipster, weird—flavorful is one adjective that definitely applies. March is Portland Dining Month, and that makes PDX one of the top adult getaways for foodies. While you’re in town, take the opportunity to grab a bite at one of 600 local food trucks.
Find a great place to stay in Portland!
Healdsburg, California
Located less than two hours from San Francisco, Healdsburg is surrounded by three winegrowing regions and more than 100 wineries. This charming small town makes the perfect home base for exploring Sonoma County, and the array of farm-to-table restaurants complement those incredible Zinfandels and Pinots. We’re all for ocean views and mountain vistas, but this adult-friendly destination is as scenic as they come.
Find a great place to stay in Healdsburg!
Mammoth Lakes, California
Rent a rustic mountain chalet on TripAdvisor and make Mammoth Lakes the headquarters for your next adult group trip. Home to postcard-worthy ridges, valleys, and sparkling lakes, this mountain town offers scenic hiking trails like McGee Pass, challenging terrain for road bikers, and paved trails in town for novice cyclists.
Find a great place to stay in Mammoth Lakes!
Houston, Texas
Why is Houston on our list of top adult getaways? Aside from having one of the largest museum districts in the country (featuring 20 museums within easy walking distance) and 10,000 local restaurants, there’s a packed calendar of exciting events happening here in March, from the Bassmaster Classic Expo to the Shell Houston Open.
Find a great place to stay in Houston!
Hollywood, Florida
What’s better than watching the sunset from your hotel balcony? Taking in the view from the covered veranda as you fire up the grill to make dinner. The waterfront rentals in Hollywood boast luxe amenities like heated pools and private docks, all within walking distance of the best bars, boutiques, and restaurants. Add in seven miles of designated Blue Wave beaches.
Find a great place to stay in Hollywood!
Jacksonville, Florida
“This is a great little beach town that has just gotten better over the years,” one reviewer writes. With 22 miles of white sand beaches, a top-notch urban park system, and ample opportunities to go fishing, surfing, and paddle boarding, we can’t help but agree.
Find a great place to stay in Jacksonville!
Memphis, Tennessee
Memphis is famous for barbecue and rock ‘n’ roll, but great ribs and Graceland aren’t the only reasons you should pack your bags for this top destination for adults. Memphis Black Restaurant Week, Memphis Comedy Fest, and the Midtown Opera Festival are just three of the exciting events happening here in March.
Find a great place to stay in Memphis!
This post was originally published on the TripAdvisor blog. FlipKey is a TripAdvisor company.
The post Great Adult Getaways For Grown-Ups Avoiding The College Scene appeared first on The FlipKey Blog.
from Tips For Traveling https://www.flipkey.com/blog/2019/04/08/great-adult-spring-break-trips-for-grown-ups-avoiding-the-college-scene/
0 notes
mrrolandtfranco · 5 years
Great Adult Getaways For Grown-Ups Avoiding The College Scene
Your college years might be behind you, but that doesn’t mean you can’t mark the start of spring with a memorable getaway. We’ve hand-picked some of the best adult getaways across America, featuring luxe spas, golf courses, and charming beaches where the vibe is a little more, shall we say, low-key.
Whether you’re traveling with a group of friends, family, or just your significant other, each of these destinations is home to amazing FlipKey rental properties that are a real step up from the party-hearty hotel rooms of your youth. Pour yourself a cocktail by the private pool and raise a glass to how far you’ve come.
Amelia Island, Florida
“While there are plenty of restaurants and rentals, the beach here is not a typical ‘teenager beach,’” one reviewer writes. “It’s more of a family-oriented place with a lot of history.” Take a trolley or carriage tour of the downtown district to see local landmarks and learn more about this barrier island’s backstory, then tee up for a round of golf along the Atlantic Ocean.
Find a great place to stay on Amelia Island!
Hilton Head, South Carolina
Enjoy spectacular views of the ocean from a condo or villa in Hilton Head, a destination known for its Lowcountry cuisine, coastal-chic resort vibe, and award-winning golf courses. With 12 miles of beautiful beaches and 60+ miles of pathways perfect for long walks and bike rides, this classic Southern destination is always worth a visit.
Find a great place to stay in Hilton Head!
Lafayette, Louisiana
Welcome to the heart of Louisiana’s Cajun and Creole Country, where bold art and big flavors are a nod to the city’s creative spirit. Visit Vermilionville to learn about the cultures that have shaped this vibrant destination, then rub shoulders with the locals at the Lafayette Farmers and Artisans Market or the monthly ArtWalk downtown.
Find a great place to stay in Lafayette!
Gulfport, Mississippi
If your version of an ideal vacation is dozing on the beach or casting a line at sunrise, book a roomy vacation home on the Mississippi Coast and fall in love with Gulfport. Whether you kick back on the wraparound porch or rent kayaks to paddle up and down the scenic shore, the Gulf Coast is a peaceful place for a getaway by the water.
Find a great place to stay in Gulfport!
Port Aransas, Texas
Tired of traditional party-hearty destinations? Steer clear of the party scene and book a rental nestled in the dunes of Mustang Island. As the only established town on the island, Port Aransas strikes a balance between natural beauty and a fun-filled beach escape. Fishing charters are easy to come by—this is the fishing capital of Texas, after all—and birdwatching, windsurfing, and kite sailing are popular pastimes.
Find a great place to stay in Port Aransas!
Branson, Missouri
Given its central location—within a day’s drive of a third of the population—this southwest Missouri town is one of the most accessible trips in the country. Take in a show at one of 50 theaters, enjoy some retail therapy at Branson Landing, or climb aboard the Showboat Branson Belle for a two-hour riverboat cruise on Table Rock Lake.
Find a great place to stay in Branson!
Kansas City, Missouri
Thanks in part to a revitalized downtown, dotted with galleries and performance venues, there’s never been a more exciting time to visit Kansas City. This buzzworthy destination is exactly where to go if you’re passionate about good food and great music. With 100+ barbecue joints and live jazz clubs across the city, you won’t be disappointed.
Find a great place to stay in Kansas City!
Henderson, Nevada
For small-town atmosphere and big outdoor adventures, escape to Henderson, located 20 minutes from Las Vegas. You’ll have easy access to the bright lights of Sin City—minus the “what-happens-here-stays-here” chaos that comes with staying on the Strip. Bike along the River Mountain Loop Trail or polish your swing at Rio Secco Golf Club.
Find a great place to stay in Henderson!
Savannah, Georgia
Romantic architecture, airy galleries, canopies of live oak—if any Southern city can charm its way into your heart, it’s Savannah. You’ll find a wealth of activities here, from walking tours in the dreamy historic district to shopping on River Street, fishing on Tybee Island, and teeing off at one of the area’s legendary golf courses.
Find a great place to stay in Savannah!
Charlottesville, Virginia
For wine lovers, history buffs, and anyone who appreciates stunning scenery, Charlottesville is the place to be. This classy mountain town offers a wealth of attractions, from the Monticello Wine Trail to two UNESCO World Heritage Sites (Thomas Jefferson’s Monticello and the University of Virginia).
Find a great place to stay in Charlottesville!
Nashville, Tennessee
With quirky shops, hidden gem restaurants, and exciting nightlife options cropping up all over the city, Nashville has so much to explore beyond the Honky Tonk Highway. Yes, you should see a show at Ryman Auditorium, but you should also eat at a few off-the-beaten-path restaurants and shop at the amazing vintage boutiques in East Nashville.
Find a great place to stay in Nashville!
Portland, Oregon
Whatever words you’ve heard used to describe Portland—trendy, creative, hipster, weird—flavorful is one adjective that definitely applies. March is Portland Dining Month, and that makes PDX one of the top adult getaways for foodies. While you’re in town, take the opportunity to grab a bite at one of 600 local food trucks.
Find a great place to stay in Portland!
Healdsburg, California
Located less than two hours from San Francisco, Healdsburg is surrounded by three winegrowing regions and more than 100 wineries. This charming small town makes the perfect home base for exploring Sonoma County, and the array of farm-to-table restaurants complement those incredible Zinfandels and Pinots. We’re all for ocean views and mountain vistas, but this adult-friendly destination is as scenic as they come.
Find a great place to stay in Healdsburg!
Mammoth Lakes, California
Rent a rustic mountain chalet on TripAdvisor and make Mammoth Lakes the headquarters for your next adult group trip. Home to postcard-worthy ridges, valleys, and sparkling lakes, this mountain town offers scenic hiking trails like McGee Pass, challenging terrain for road bikers, and paved trails in town for novice cyclists.
Find a great place to stay in Mammoth Lakes!
Houston, Texas
Why is Houston on our list of top adult getaways? Aside from having one of the largest museum districts in the country (featuring 20 museums within easy walking distance) and 10,000 local restaurants, there’s a packed calendar of exciting events happening here in March, from the Bassmaster Classic Expo to the Shell Houston Open.
Find a great place to stay in Houston!
Hollywood, Florida
What’s better than watching the sunset from your hotel balcony? Taking in the view from the covered veranda as you fire up the grill to make dinner. The waterfront rentals in Hollywood boast luxe amenities like heated pools and private docks, all within walking distance of the best bars, boutiques, and restaurants. Add in seven miles of designated Blue Wave beaches.
Find a great place to stay in Hollywood!
Jacksonville, Florida
“This is a great little beach town that has just gotten better over the years,” one reviewer writes. With 22 miles of white sand beaches, a top-notch urban park system, and ample opportunities to go fishing, surfing, and paddle boarding, we can’t help but agree.
Find a great place to stay in Jacksonville!
Memphis, Tennessee
Memphis is famous for barbecue and rock ‘n’ roll, but great ribs and Graceland aren’t the only reasons you should pack your bags for this top destination for adults. Memphis Black Restaurant Week, Memphis Comedy Fest, and the Midtown Opera Festival are just three of the exciting events happening here in March.
Find a great place to stay in Memphis!
This post was originally published on the TripAdvisor blog. FlipKey is a TripAdvisor company.
The post Great Adult Getaways For Grown-Ups Avoiding The College Scene appeared first on The FlipKey Blog.
from The FlipKey Blog http://bit.ly/2FW2nyS
0 notes
kevingbakeruk · 5 years
Great Adult Getaways For Grown-Ups Avoiding The College Scene
Your college years might be behind you, but that doesn’t mean you can’t mark the start of spring with a memorable getaway. We’ve hand-picked some of the best adult getaways across America, featuring luxe spas, golf courses, and charming beaches where the vibe is a little more, shall we say, low-key.
Whether you’re traveling with a group of friends, family, or just your significant other, each of these destinations is home to amazing FlipKey rental properties that are a real step up from the party-hearty hotel rooms of your youth. Pour yourself a cocktail by the private pool and raise a glass to how far you’ve come.
Amelia Island, Florida
“While there are plenty of restaurants and rentals, the beach here is not a typical ‘teenager beach,’” one reviewer writes. “It’s more of a family-oriented place with a lot of history.” Take a trolley or carriage tour of the downtown district to see local landmarks and learn more about this barrier island’s backstory, then tee up for a round of golf along the Atlantic Ocean.
Find a great place to stay on Amelia Island!
Hilton Head, South Carolina
Enjoy spectacular views of the ocean from a condo or villa in Hilton Head, a destination known for its Lowcountry cuisine, coastal-chic resort vibe, and award-winning golf courses. With 12 miles of beautiful beaches and 60+ miles of pathways perfect for long walks and bike rides, this classic Southern destination is always worth a visit.
Find a great place to stay in Hilton Head!
Lafayette, Louisiana
Welcome to the heart of Louisiana’s Cajun and Creole Country, where bold art and big flavors are a nod to the city’s creative spirit. Visit Vermilionville to learn about the cultures that have shaped this vibrant destination, then rub shoulders with the locals at the Lafayette Farmers and Artisans Market or the monthly ArtWalk downtown.
Find a great place to stay in Lafayette!
Gulfport, Mississippi
If your version of an ideal vacation is dozing on the beach or casting a line at sunrise, book a roomy vacation home on the Mississippi Coast and fall in love with Gulfport. Whether you kick back on the wraparound porch or rent kayaks to paddle up and down the scenic shore, the Gulf Coast is a peaceful place for a getaway by the water.
Find a great place to stay in Gulfport!
Port Aransas, Texas
Tired of traditional party-hearty destinations? Steer clear of the party scene and book a rental nestled in the dunes of Mustang Island. As the only established town on the island, Port Aransas strikes a balance between natural beauty and a fun-filled beach escape. Fishing charters are easy to come by—this is the fishing capital of Texas, after all—and birdwatching, windsurfing, and kite sailing are popular pastimes.
Find a great place to stay in Port Aransas!
Branson, Missouri
Given its central location—within a day’s drive of a third of the population—this southwest Missouri town is one of the most accessible trips in the country. Take in a show at one of 50 theaters, enjoy some retail therapy at Branson Landing, or climb aboard the Showboat Branson Belle for a two-hour riverboat cruise on Table Rock Lake.
Find a great place to stay in Branson!
Kansas City, Missouri
Thanks in part to a revitalized downtown, dotted with galleries and performance venues, there’s never been a more exciting time to visit Kansas City. This buzzworthy destination is exactly where to go if you’re passionate about good food and great music. With 100+ barbecue joints and live jazz clubs across the city, you won’t be disappointed.
Find a great place to stay in Kansas City!
Henderson, Nevada
For small-town atmosphere and big outdoor adventures, escape to Henderson, located 20 minutes from Las Vegas. You’ll have easy access to the bright lights of Sin City—minus the “what-happens-here-stays-here” chaos that comes with staying on the Strip. Bike along the River Mountain Loop Trail or polish your swing at Rio Secco Golf Club.
Find a great place to stay in Henderson!
Savannah, Georgia
Romantic architecture, airy galleries, canopies of live oak—if any Southern city can charm its way into your heart, it’s Savannah. You’ll find a wealth of activities here, from walking tours in the dreamy historic district to shopping on River Street, fishing on Tybee Island, and teeing off at one of the area’s legendary golf courses.
Find a great place to stay in Savannah!
Charlottesville, Virginia
For wine lovers, history buffs, and anyone who appreciates stunning scenery, Charlottesville is the place to be. This classy mountain town offers a wealth of attractions, from the Monticello Wine Trail to two UNESCO World Heritage Sites (Thomas Jefferson’s Monticello and the University of Virginia).
Find a great place to stay in Charlottesville!
Nashville, Tennessee
With quirky shops, hidden gem restaurants, and exciting nightlife options cropping up all over the city, Nashville has so much to explore beyond the Honky Tonk Highway. Yes, you should see a show at Ryman Auditorium, but you should also eat at a few off-the-beaten-path restaurants and shop at the amazing vintage boutiques in East Nashville.
Find a great place to stay in Nashville!
Portland, Oregon
Whatever words you’ve heard used to describe Portland—trendy, creative, hipster, weird—flavorful is one adjective that definitely applies. March is Portland Dining Month, and that makes PDX one of the top adult getaways for foodies. While you’re in town, take the opportunity to grab a bite at one of 600 local food trucks.
Find a great place to stay in Portland!
Healdsburg, California
Located less than two hours from San Francisco, Healdsburg is surrounded by three winegrowing regions and more than 100 wineries. This charming small town makes the perfect home base for exploring Sonoma County, and the array of farm-to-table restaurants complement those incredible Zinfandels and Pinots. We’re all for ocean views and mountain vistas, but this adult-friendly destination is as scenic as they come.
Find a great place to stay in Healdsburg!
Mammoth Lakes, California
Rent a rustic mountain chalet on TripAdvisor and make Mammoth Lakes the headquarters for your next adult group trip. Home to postcard-worthy ridges, valleys, and sparkling lakes, this mountain town offers scenic hiking trails like McGee Pass, challenging terrain for road bikers, and paved trails in town for novice cyclists.
Find a great place to stay in Mammoth Lakes!
Houston, Texas
Why is Houston on our list of top adult getaways? Aside from having one of the largest museum districts in the country (featuring 20 museums within easy walking distance) and 10,000 local restaurants, there’s a packed calendar of exciting events happening here in March, from the Bassmaster Classic Expo to the Shell Houston Open.
Find a great place to stay in Houston!
Hollywood, Florida
What’s better than watching the sunset from your hotel balcony? Taking in the view from the covered veranda as you fire up the grill to make dinner. The waterfront rentals in Hollywood boast luxe amenities like heated pools and private docks, all within walking distance of the best bars, boutiques, and restaurants. Add in seven miles of designated Blue Wave beaches.
Find a great place to stay in Hollywood!
Jacksonville, Florida
“This is a great little beach town that has just gotten better over the years,” one reviewer writes. With 22 miles of white sand beaches, a top-notch urban park system, and ample opportunities to go fishing, surfing, and paddle boarding, we can’t help but agree.
Find a great place to stay in Jacksonville!
Memphis, Tennessee
Memphis is famous for barbecue and rock ‘n’ roll, but great ribs and Graceland aren’t the only reasons you should pack your bags for this top destination for adults. Memphis Black Restaurant Week, Memphis Comedy Fest, and the Midtown Opera Festival are just three of the exciting events happening here in March.
Find a great place to stay in Memphis!
This post was originally published on the TripAdvisor blog. FlipKey is a TripAdvisor company.
The post Great Adult Getaways For Grown-Ups Avoiding The College Scene appeared first on The FlipKey Blog.
from Tips For Traveling https://www.flipkey.com/blog/2019/04/08/great-adult-spring-break-trips-for-grown-ups-avoiding-the-college-scene/
0 notes
marymperezga · 5 years
Great Adult Getaways For Grown-Ups Avoiding The College Scene
Your college years might be behind you, but that doesn’t mean you can’t mark the start of spring with a memorable getaway. We’ve hand-picked some of the best adult getaways across America, featuring luxe spas, golf courses, and charming beaches where the vibe is a little more, shall we say, low-key.
Whether you’re traveling with a group of friends, family, or just your significant other, each of these destinations is home to amazing FlipKey rental properties that are a real step up from the party-hearty hotel rooms of your youth. Pour yourself a cocktail by the private pool and raise a glass to how far you’ve come.
Amelia Island, Florida
“While there are plenty of restaurants and rentals, the beach here is not a typical ‘teenager beach,’” one reviewer writes. “It’s more of a family-oriented place with a lot of history.” Take a trolley or carriage tour of the downtown district to see local landmarks and learn more about this barrier island’s backstory, then tee up for a round of golf along the Atlantic Ocean.
Find a great place to stay on Amelia Island!
Hilton Head, South Carolina
Enjoy spectacular views of the ocean from a condo or villa in Hilton Head, a destination known for its Lowcountry cuisine, coastal-chic resort vibe, and award-winning golf courses. With 12 miles of beautiful beaches and 60+ miles of pathways perfect for long walks and bike rides, this classic Southern destination is always worth a visit.
Find a great place to stay in Hilton Head!
Lafayette, Louisiana
Welcome to the heart of Louisiana’s Cajun and Creole Country, where bold art and big flavors are a nod to the city’s creative spirit. Visit Vermilionville to learn about the cultures that have shaped this vibrant destination, then rub shoulders with the locals at the Lafayette Farmers and Artisans Market or the monthly ArtWalk downtown.
Find a great place to stay in Lafayette!
Gulfport, Mississippi
If your version of an ideal vacation is dozing on the beach or casting a line at sunrise, book a roomy vacation home on the Mississippi Coast and fall in love with Gulfport. Whether you kick back on the wraparound porch or rent kayaks to paddle up and down the scenic shore, the Gulf Coast is a peaceful place for a getaway by the water.
Find a great place to stay in Gulfport!
Port Aransas, Texas
Tired of traditional party-hearty destinations? Steer clear of the party scene and book a rental nestled in the dunes of Mustang Island. As the only established town on the island, Port Aransas strikes a balance between natural beauty and a fun-filled beach escape. Fishing charters are easy to come by—this is the fishing capital of Texas, after all—and birdwatching, windsurfing, and kite sailing are popular pastimes.
Find a great place to stay in Port Aransas!
Branson, Missouri
Given its central location—within a day’s drive of a third of the population—this southwest Missouri town is one of the most accessible trips in the country. Take in a show at one of 50 theaters, enjoy some retail therapy at Branson Landing, or climb aboard the Showboat Branson Belle for a two-hour riverboat cruise on Table Rock Lake.
Find a great place to stay in Branson!
Kansas City, Missouri
Thanks in part to a revitalized downtown, dotted with galleries and performance venues, there’s never been a more exciting time to visit Kansas City. This buzzworthy destination is exactly where to go if you’re passionate about good food and great music. With 100+ barbecue joints and live jazz clubs across the city, you won’t be disappointed.
Find a great place to stay in Kansas City!
Henderson, Nevada
For small-town atmosphere and big outdoor adventures, escape to Henderson, located 20 minutes from Las Vegas. You’ll have easy access to the bright lights of Sin City—minus the “what-happens-here-stays-here” chaos that comes with staying on the Strip. Bike along the River Mountain Loop Trail or polish your swing at Rio Secco Golf Club.
Find a great place to stay in Henderson!
Savannah, Georgia
Romantic architecture, airy galleries, canopies of live oak—if any Southern city can charm its way into your heart, it’s Savannah. You’ll find a wealth of activities here, from walking tours in the dreamy historic district to shopping on River Street, fishing on Tybee Island, and teeing off at one of the area’s legendary golf courses.
Find a great place to stay in Savannah!
Charlottesville, Virginia
For wine lovers, history buffs, and anyone who appreciates stunning scenery, Charlottesville is the place to be. This classy mountain town offers a wealth of attractions, from the Monticello Wine Trail to two UNESCO World Heritage Sites (Thomas Jefferson’s Monticello and the University of Virginia).
Find a great place to stay in Charlottesville!
Nashville, Tennessee
With quirky shops, hidden gem restaurants, and exciting nightlife options cropping up all over the city, Nashville has so much to explore beyond the Honky Tonk Highway. Yes, you should see a show at Ryman Auditorium, but you should also eat at a few off-the-beaten-path restaurants and shop at the amazing vintage boutiques in East Nashville.
Find a great place to stay in Nashville!
Portland, Oregon
Whatever words you’ve heard used to describe Portland—trendy, creative, hipster, weird—flavorful is one adjective that definitely applies. March is Portland Dining Month, and that makes PDX one of the top adult getaways for foodies. While you’re in town, take the opportunity to grab a bite at one of 600 local food trucks.
Find a great place to stay in Portland!
Healdsburg, California
Located less than two hours from San Francisco, Healdsburg is surrounded by three winegrowing regions and more than 100 wineries. This charming small town makes the perfect home base for exploring Sonoma County, and the array of farm-to-table restaurants complement those incredible Zinfandels and Pinots. We’re all for ocean views and mountain vistas, but this adult-friendly destination is as scenic as they come.
Find a great place to stay in Healdsburg!
Mammoth Lakes, California
Rent a rustic mountain chalet on TripAdvisor and make Mammoth Lakes the headquarters for your next adult group trip. Home to postcard-worthy ridges, valleys, and sparkling lakes, this mountain town offers scenic hiking trails like McGee Pass, challenging terrain for road bikers, and paved trails in town for novice cyclists.
Find a great place to stay in Mammoth Lakes!
Houston, Texas
Why is Houston on our list of top adult getaways? Aside from having one of the largest museum districts in the country (featuring 20 museums within easy walking distance) and 10,000 local restaurants, there’s a packed calendar of exciting events happening here in March, from the Bassmaster Classic Expo to the Shell Houston Open.
Find a great place to stay in Houston!
Hollywood, Florida
What’s better than watching the sunset from your hotel balcony? Taking in the view from the covered veranda as you fire up the grill to make dinner. The waterfront rentals in Hollywood boast luxe amenities like heated pools and private docks, all within walking distance of the best bars, boutiques, and restaurants. Add in seven miles of designated Blue Wave beaches.
Find a great place to stay in Hollywood!
Jacksonville, Florida
“This is a great little beach town that has just gotten better over the years,” one reviewer writes. With 22 miles of white sand beaches, a top-notch urban park system, and ample opportunities to go fishing, surfing, and paddle boarding, we can’t help but agree.
Find a great place to stay in Jacksonville!
Memphis, Tennessee
Memphis is famous for barbecue and rock ‘n’ roll, but great ribs and Graceland aren’t the only reasons you should pack your bags for this top destination for adults. Memphis Black Restaurant Week, Memphis Comedy Fest, and the Midtown Opera Festival are just three of the exciting events happening here in March.
Find a great place to stay in Memphis!
This post was originally published on the TripAdvisor blog. FlipKey is a TripAdvisor company.
The post Great Adult Getaways For Grown-Ups Avoiding The College Scene appeared first on The FlipKey Blog.
from Tips For Traveling https://www.flipkey.com/blog/2019/04/08/great-adult-spring-break-trips-for-grown-ups-avoiding-the-college-scene/
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memphisbarbecue · 7 years
   I love it when old and new bits of barbecue information come out of the blue and link up.    Every couple of years or so, this site gets a message from a reader. Earlier this year, one came in and sat for a few months before I finally noticed it.  It was from a grandson of A.B. Coleman, a famous figure in Memphis barbecue, and this was attached –
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   The work of A.B. Coleman – first with Loeb’s and then with his namesake barbecue chain – was detailed here a few years ago. Before those ventures, Coleman had brief stints with Tops and Little Pigs of America and then opened his own Tasty Pit Bar-B-Q shops. The first was on Winchester, the second at 698 Waring, This picture, framed along with a dollar bill, notes the beginning of Coleman’s association with Loeb’s. Coleman is second from the right, and his wife is third from the right. The dollar bill is signed by William Loeb and dated May 21, 1963, probably to celebrate their business collaboration.    I showed the picture to Showboat Barbecue’s Porter Moss, who worked with Coleman to build the Loeb’s and Coleman’s businesses, to see if he could identify the other people in the photo. No luck, but he did say that the picture was taken at the Waring shop. It was also apparently used for advertising or promotional purposes, as it still has the china marker crop marks. I haven’t run across it anywhere, but I did find this Loeb’s ad that has a picture from the Waring shop.
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Here is the Waring Road strip as it looked in the mid-1960s 
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    That was going to be the extent of this post – pretty neat with such a great piece of history – but yesterday (Thursday) morning I opened The Commercial Appeal website and saw the story about all of the dining opportunities available along Summer Avenue (truly amazing).  Down in the story was a mention of this place, at 698 Waring.
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   Wow. The old barbecue site, off and on a ghost pit, had come full circle. So I added lunch to my list of errands. I had eaten breakfast there back in the 1980s when it was a Brad’s Barbecue, and had talked a bit with the owner of the catering business that was the last occupant of the space. Big Will is William Rhodes, and this is his first restaurant. I didn’t get to talk to him, as he was busy in the kitchen, but I got some info from his niece, LaSaundra, who was running the front of the house.
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   They have been open for a couple of months. The exciting news is that they are cooking in the old pit. Kudos to Big Will for that.  It’s a gutsy move to open up flanked by two of the city’s biggest barbecue names – Central and Tops – but the soul food offerings should help him carve out a niche. I’ll have to try that menu next time. This day I ordered a pork sandwich, and devoured it before it occurred to me that I should have snapped a pic of it. It was chopped a bit more finely than I like (as Tops is sometimes), and the mild sauce could have had more zip. But it’s solidly in the Memphis middle – a bar that sits pretty high.
Here is the regular menu, which is augmented by daily chalkboard offerings. Big Will’s brought back memories of Cave’s Soul Food & More in Vollintine-Evergreen, run by Carl Johnson until his untimely death a couple of years ago. I miss that place. I’m betting Carl would be excited by the new look of the Grizzlies.
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cadillac-the-artist · 7 years
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Some of the best BBQ I've had in this city, and I've been here going on thirteen years. Satisfied than a mf. The Itis is kicking in. Lol #EatLocal #BBQ901 #TheItis #Swag (at Showboat Barbecue)
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