#Sience Fiction
tomatette · 7 months
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The Fifth Element (Le Cinquième Élément) - 1997 more
Leeloo: Humans act so strange. Korben: What do you mean? Leeloo: Everything you create, you use to destroy. Korben: Yeah ... We call it human nature.
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movie--posters · 6 months
I got a friend watching Beyond Belief, I'm watching Highlander with her husband while rewatching Buffy by myself, another friend is watching Murder she Wrote and another is watching X-Files and yet another is watching Star Trek: Voyager. Everyone I know is watching shit from or that started or aired in the 90's. No matter who's house I go to it's 90's time. Are we nostalgic or did TV peak?
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kotori-mochi · 2 years
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Commission done! 
Thank you @threeHg3 from twitter for commissioning me & for your patience. 
I did go more fancy with this one but that's because it 's going to be a tattoo & I wanted it to match close to it's neighbors. 
 Hunter oc from Destiny 2 the game
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x-heesy · 5 months
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#surreal #surrealart #surrealism #surrealismartcommunity #popsurrealism #popsurrealist #popsurreal #surrealist #surrealista #surrealistic #lowbrowart #weirdart #lowbrowartist #surrealisme #surreal_art #surrealismo #surrealpainting #newcontemporary #lowbrowpopsurrealists #art #design #render #digitalart #cinema4d #3d #illustration #drawing #artwork #artist #sketch #painting #procreate #draw #digitalpainting #photoshop #characterdesign #illustrator #artoftheday #conceptart #anime #graphicdesign #digitaldrawing #digitalillustration #creative #fantasyart #graphicdesign #digitalartillustration #creative #artdesires #artgallery #artdaily #artshelp #artpost
Hᴇʟɪᴄᴏᴘᴛᴇʀ ʙʏ Vɪᴛᴀʟɪᴄ 🎧
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more-profound-bond · 3 months
Queer Books for Pride Month:
"The Darkness Outside Us" by Eliot Schrefer
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This book shook me to the core. I was crying, screaming and laughing.
For the first half I was pretty interested, for the second half I was INVESTED with all my might and recources. If you're looking for a great si-fi and queer book, this one is definetly something for you.
It explores many aspects of human nature and also has quite a few ethical dilemas in there. But it's also romantic, sweet and REALLY memorable. I've read it only once, quite some time ago and I remember almost every detail, that's how much of an impact it had on me.
The characters are of course really well written, but the main story is something you truly won't be able to forget.
But if this doesn't convince you, it also has a healthy dose of enemies to lovers, for your own personal use.
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0-yeni-0 · 3 months
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evil astronauts turns innocent alien into a homo this is the future that joe biden wants🤬
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apascalypse · 5 months
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artistmagicial · 6 months
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Solars eclipses
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yoshigostarwars · 2 years
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ilyaartemev · 2 months
Здравствуйте, дорогие друзья! Приветствую вас на моей маленькой страничке. Я - начинающий писатель и это моя первая публикация на Tumblr. Здесь я буду выкладывать начала глав для ознакомления с моими произведениями. Если они вас заинтересуют, можете увидеть их полное текущее содержание на моей странице на "Автор.Тудей". Книги находятся в процессе написания. Ссылка на одну из них будет в конце статьи. Обязательно выслушаю любые замечания и пожелания. Приятного прочтения!
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heinzzysset · 5 months
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Die Nargos In den weiten Ausläufern des intergalaktischen Raums lag der Planet Nargo, ein Ort von bezaubernder Schönheit und technologischer Raffinesse. Auf dieser Welt, inmitten der fruchtbaren, schwarzen Erde, gedieh eine einzigartige Pflanze von leuchtend roter Farbe. Diese Pflanze war kein gewöhnliches Gewächs; sie war eine Quelle des Lebens und der Innovation für die Bewohner des Planeten - die Nargos.
Die rote Pflanze war so vielseitig, dass sie nicht nur als Nahrung diente, sondern auch als Grundstoff für nahezu jedes Material verwendet werden konnte. Doch das Erstaunlichste war ihre Fähigkeit, in verschiedensten Formen und mit biomechanischen Funktionen gezüchtet zu werden. Aus den zähen, faserigen Wurzeln wurden mobile Lebensräume und Raumfahrzeuge geschaffen, die die Nargos durch die unendlichen Weiten des Universums trugen.
Die Nargos selbst waren hermaphrodite Wesen von herausragender Intelligenz. Sie waren Meister des Handels und der Technologie und nutzten ihre Fähigkeiten, um mit anderen Welten in Kontakt zu treten und ihre Produkte aus der roten Pflanze zu handeln. Für sie war Geld ein fremdes Konzept; ihr Handel basierte ausschließlich auf dem Prinzip des Tauschs.
Eines Tages entschied sich ein Nargo mit dem Namen Arlin dazu, eine Reise zu unternehmen, die ihn weit über die Grenzen seines Heimatplaneten hinausführen würde. Er hatte von einer fernen Welt gehört, deren Bewohner begierig darauf waren, die Produkte der roten Pflanze zu erwerben. Arlin sah dies als eine Gelegenheit, den Handel auszuweiten und neue Allianzen zu schmieden.
Mit einem seiner biomechanischen Raumschiffe, das er liebevoll "Naragonda" nannte, brach Arlin auf in die unendlichen Weiten des Kosmos. Unterwegs traf er auf verschiedene Zivilisationen, tauschte Waren aus und knüpfte Freundschaften. Doch sein Ziel war noch immer die ferne Welt, von der er gehört hatte.
Als Arlin schließlich die Grenzen des bekannten Raums hinter sich ließ und die fremde Welt erreichte, wurde er von einer atemberaubenden Landschaft begrüßt. Die Bewohner dieser Welt waren fasziniert von den Produkten der roten Pflanze und boten Arlin eine Fülle von Schätzen im Austausch an.
Während seines Aufenthalts auf dieser Welt lernte Arlin viel über ihre Kultur und ihre Bräuche. Er erkannte, dass der Handel nicht nur eine Möglichkeit war, Waren auszutauschen, sondern auch eine Brücke zwischen den Welten zu bilden und Verständnis und Freundschaft zu fördern.
Schließlich, nachdem Arlin seinen Handel abgeschlossen hatte und sich wieder auf den Rückweg machte, trug er nicht nur eine reiche Ladung an Schätzen mit sich, sondern auch die Erkenntnis, dass die Vielfalt des Universums eine Quelle der Freude und des Lernens war. Und so kehrte Arlin nach Hause wo er freudig empfangen wurde mit neuen Waren und Erkenntnissen die überall auf Nargo weitergetragen wurden.
Eine weitere fantastische Kurzgeschichte von mir 😉
Dies und mehr: https://www.deviantart.com/heinz7777
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anhed-nia · 2 years
BLOGTOBER 10/9/2022: THE HIDDEN (1987)
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I'm gonna say something contentious about this great movie, to my own detriment, but I think it's the truth: Boys love THE HIDDEN. I mean, I also love THE HIDDEN. Everybody who loves a good movie loves THE HIDDEN! It's a huge party with great performances, cool images, and non-stop action. Bitchin' car chases, sick guitar riffs, sci-fi weapons, fucked up parasites, and gun-toting strippers are not inherently gendered fare; they are for everyone. But I think that the way I watch THE HIDDEN is fundamentally different from the way that, say, my husband watches it. He grew up in the New Jersey suburbs in the '80s and '90s, raised with a sense that his natural, god-given culture was cool cars, hot chicks, shootouts, explosions, secret agents, alien invaders, and all this macho material that blasts out of the screen when you watch THE HIDDEN. When my husband and I watch this movie, we may experience a similar level of pleasure, but not for the same reasons. He sees a great movie, but he also sees the greatest expression of what he was raised to believe is an inherent part of his being. He gets a sense of ownership, a feeling of having his own true nature acknowledged, that I can't really touch as a cis het girl who was raised as such—and I've noticed this every time I watch THE HIDDEN with the dudes in my life. They get a sense of social patriotism from it, a feeling of unity, and an affirmation of the most basic tenants of their cultural identity. And I think that's totally great.
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So anyway, THE HIDDEN is the best movie by director Jack Sholder, unless you understand that WISHMASTER 2 is the greatest movie ever made, or unless you are doing contrarian hot takes on the quality of NIGHTMARE ON ELM STREET 2 just to point out that it's not as bad as its homophobic haters insist that it is. Without knowing for sure, I'd bet it's also the best movie from Bob Hunt, who also wrote THE BOOGENS. THE HIDDEN is a buddy cop movie in which hardboiled cop Michael Nouri and obvious space alien Kyle MacLachlachlan and hunt an intergalactic parasite with a taste for fast cars, rock'n'roll, and ultraviolence. It resembles ELM STREET 2 in its focus on male bonding and male fears around bodily vulnerability. It resembles WISHMASTER 2 in being an uninhibited, imaginative, balls to the wall good time. THE HIDDEN is fun, funny, and oddly moving, and it's basically only going to put you off if you hate joy.
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It's easy to be distracted by the high octane spectacle of this movie, but it is also beautifully cast and performed. Kyle MacLachlan is typically wonderful and he has great chemistry with Michael Nouri, but the parasite also gives us a string of great performances from its hosts. My personal favorite is William Boyett, a lantern-jawed square who usually showed up in movies and shows about cops, cowboys, spies, and other GI Joe types, and his straight-laced appearance is a perfect foil for the extreme antisociality of the parasite, who totes around a boombox blasting shedding rock music on its relentless crime spree. Other standouts include Twin Peaks alum Chris Mulkey, Claudia Christian from MANIAC COP 2, and last but not least, Jake the dog from NIGHTMARE ON ELM STREET 4.
I don't really have anything deep to say about THE HIDDEN besides the sociological observation that I led with. But, even though I maintain that it offers a delightful and, all things considered, not particularly toxic reflection of American masculinity, I should underline that THE HIDDEN is definitely for everyone. Watch it today to turn off your brain and boost your mood.
PS Here is my husband's hilarious photo of us watching THE HIDDEN on my laptop during our recent road trip. It really says how we feel about William Boyett.
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cattherapistwriter · 1 year
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Did you know that David Tennant, who portrayed the Tenth Doctor in the iconic series "Doctor Who," was actually a huge fan of the show before landing his dream role?
That's right! As early as three years old, little David was captivated by the charm and time-travelling prowess of the Third Doctor. From that moment, he was set on becoming an actor and playing this amazing character. His dream came true when Tennant joined the series in 2005.
This passion for "Doctor Who" shone through in his work, and David Tennant is considered one of the most beloved actors to ever play the role of the Doctor.
Remember, each of us can turn our passion into reality, just as David did. Keep your dreams and follow them, like the Tenth Doctor travelling across the Universe! 🌌🚀
Why did David Tennant leave "Doctor Who"? He had given all his passion and energy to his role as the Tenth Doctor, which he had long dreamed of playing, making him one of the most beloved Doctors in the history of the series. So why did he decide to leave?
Firstly, it was a decision he had long contemplated. Tennant said that he wouldn't want to stay in the role for too long to avoid "taking it for granted". He always wanted to leave at a peak, when the audience still wanted more.
Secondly, after three years working on "Doctor Who", he wanted to explore new opportunities. As an actor, he was looking for new roles and new challenges that would allow him to continue to grow and evolve.
Finally, the change of Doctor is a tradition of the series, which allows a fresh take on the character and to continue his story. Tennant was aware of this and made the decision to leave, allowing a new actor to embody the character of the Doctor.
However, David Tennant left an indelible mark on the series and in the hearts of fans. His Tenth Doctor will always live in our hearts, as a symbol of unending adventure, love for exploration, and boundless energy.
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x-heesy · 4 months
Michael Boehme — Parallel Worlds
#contemporaryart #art #artist #painting #artwork #abstractart #modernart #artgallery #arte #fineart #artoftheday #artcollector #instaart #artistsoninstagram #drawing #contemporarypainting #abstract #contemporaryartist #gallery #kunst #abstractpainting #design #illustration #digitalart #artlovers
Beam Me Up Jesus by The Wong Boys 🎧
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bymete-blog · 2 years
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2arttt · 19 days
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The Fifth Element (1997)
Dir. Luc Besson
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