#Simplifying complex information
How to Use Graphics in Microlearning to Enhance Learning
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Microlearning is a powerful educational strategy that delivers information in small, manageable chunks, making it easier for learners to absorb and retain knowledge. Graphics play a crucial role in enhancing microlearning by making content more engaging, accessible, and memorable. Effective use of graphics can transform complex information into easily digestible visuals, facilitate better understanding, and promote active learning. Here’s a comprehensive guide on how to use graphics in microlearning to enhance learning.
1. Simplify Complex Information
Graphics can simplify complex information, making it easier for learners to understand and remember. When dealing with intricate concepts or data, visual representations like diagrams, charts, and infographics can break down information into more digestible parts.
Infographics: Use infographics to combine text and visuals, providing a clear and concise overview of complex topics. Infographics are particularly effective in presenting data, processes, and comparisons. For instance, an infographic about the benefits of a new software tool can visually highlight its features, advantages, and usage statistics, making the information more accessible and engaging.
Flowcharts: Flowcharts are excellent for illustrating processes and workflows. They provide a step-by-step visual guide that can help learners understand sequences and relationships between different stages of a process. For example, a flowchart showing the steps of a customer service protocol can guide employees through each stage, from initial contact to resolution.
Diagrams and Models: Use diagrams to represent structures, systems, or concepts. For instance, a Venn diagram can effectively illustrate overlapping areas of two related concepts, while a model of a cell can help biology students visualize its components and functions.
2. Enhance Retention and Recall
Graphics enhance retention and recall by leveraging the brain's natural preference for visual information. Visual aids can help learners encode information more effectively, leading to better memory retention.
Mind Maps: Mind maps visually organize information around a central concept, showing the relationships between different ideas. This technique is useful for brainstorming sessions, summarizing lessons, or revising topics. A mind map about a historical event, for example, can connect key dates, figures, and outcomes, helping learners see the big picture and remember details.
Mnemonic Graphics: Use mnemonic graphics to create visual memory aids. Mnemonics are tools that help learners recall information through associations. For example, a graphic that uses the acronym "HOMES" to remember the Great Lakes (Huron, Ontario, Michigan, Erie, Superior) can be a fun and effective learning aid.
Flashcards: Digital flashcards with graphics can enhance vocabulary learning, language acquisition, and other memory-based tasks. Each flashcard can display an image along with a term or definition, making it easier for learners to create mental associations.
3. Engage Learners Actively
Active engagement is crucial for effective learning. Interactive graphics can transform passive learning experiences into active ones, encouraging learners to participate and interact with the content.
Interactive Infographics: Create interactive infographics that learners can explore by clicking on different sections to reveal more information. This approach allows learners to engage with the content at their own pace, diving deeper into areas of interest.
Simulations and Virtual Labs: Use graphics to create simulations and virtual labs that replicate real-world scenarios. These interactive environments enable learners to practice skills and apply knowledge in a safe, controlled setting. For example, a virtual lab for chemistry students can simulate experiments, allowing them to mix chemicals and observe reactions without the risks associated with physical labs.
Clickable Diagrams: Incorporate clickable diagrams that provide additional details when learners hover over or click on specific parts. This technique is useful for exploring detailed systems, such as the human body or machinery, where learners can click on different components to learn more about their functions.
4. Support Diverse Learning Styles
Different learners have different preferences and strengths. Some may be visual learners who benefit greatly from graphics, while others might prefer textual or auditory information. Using a variety of graphics can cater to these diverse learning styles.
Visual Summaries: Provide visual summaries of key points at the end of each microlearning module. These can include bullet points, icons, and illustrations that encapsulate the main ideas. Visual summaries help visual learners quickly grasp the core concepts and serve as a handy reference.
Video Content: Integrate videos with graphical elements such as animations, subtitles, and on-screen text. Videos can combine auditory and visual learning, making them effective for learners who benefit from seeing and hearing information simultaneously. For example, an instructional video on CPR can show animated sequences of the procedure along with audio explanations.
Graphical Storytelling: Use graphics to tell stories that illustrate concepts and scenarios. Storytelling is a powerful tool for making information relatable and memorable. For instance, a graphic story about a company’s journey to achieve sustainability goals can engage learners and provide a narrative context for the information.
5. Facilitate Quick Understanding
In microlearning, time is of the essence. Graphics can convey information quickly and effectively, ensuring that learners grasp the key points without feeling overwhelmed.
Icons and Symbols: Use icons and symbols to represent concepts, actions, and categories. Icons are universally recognized and can quickly convey meaning without the need for lengthy explanations. For example, a series of icons can represent different stages of a project lifecycle, such as planning, execution, and evaluation.
Charts and Graphs: Incorporate charts and graphs to present numerical data and trends. Visualizing data helps learners understand patterns and relationships at a glance. A bar chart showing sales performance across different regions, for example, can quickly highlight areas of success and those needing improvement.
Annotated Images: Use annotated images to highlight and explain specific parts of a visual. An annotated image of a complex machine can label and describe each component, helping learners understand its structure and function quickly.
Best Practices for Using Graphics in Microlearning
To maximize the effectiveness of graphics in microlearning, consider the following best practices:
Keep It Simple: Avoid cluttering your graphics with too much information. Focus on clarity and simplicity to ensure that the visuals are easy to understand.
Consistency: Maintain a consistent style, color scheme, and typography throughout your graphics to create a cohesive learning experience.
Relevance: Ensure that all graphics are directly related to the content and learning objectives. Irrelevant or decorative graphics can distract learners and reduce the effectiveness of the lesson.
Accessibility: Make sure your graphics are accessible to all learners, including those with visual impairments. Use high-contrast colors, alt text for images, and ensure compatibility with screen readers.
Feedback: Gather feedback from learners on the effectiveness of your graphics and make improvements based on their input. Continuous refinement will help you create more effective learning materials.
Graphics are a powerful tool in microlearning, capable of enhancing engagement, simplifying complex information, and supporting diverse learning styles. By integrating well-designed visuals into your microlearning modules, you can create a more effective and enjoyable learning experience. Whether through infographics, interactive elements, or visual summaries, the thoughtful use of graphics can significantly enhance the impact of your microlearning efforts.
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fefeman · 9 months
I'm always amazed at how people fall face first to some very obviously biased survey.
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caffeinewitchcraft · 2 days
I don't think it's talked about enough how truly buck wild our level/speed of communication is. We didn't have this 100 years ago! And even then it's only been in the last 20-30 we really embraced technology and our global stage.
Our communities are still experiencing huge upheavals around this and we don't acknowledge it because of all the benefits being wired in brings. You can find jobs and resources and entertainment, sure, but you also have to have accounts here, here and here to access healthcare or a rent portal or TV.
On one end we have an elderly class that is overwhelmed. They learned complex systems already! Taxes, licensing, registration. They know where the offices are - right down the street. Why the change? "Because this site simplifies it." Does it? Does it really? Is it really more simple when someone has to have reliable access to a computer, the wherewithal to make/check an email, and the ability to navigate ten different sites to access the one they want? Why can't they go meet their doctor in person when that's the way it's been since they were children? Why did they learn to make eye contact and shake hands if not for this?
On the other, we have a younger generation that has been tasked with absorbing a huge amount of information since day one. Their brains have to work differently because the tools given to them are different than the ones older generations received. Of course they can find a primary care physician. The site operates like the one they were forced to learn in high school to turn in assignments! And why should they know how to do taxes or balance a checkbook? They were tasked with learning how to navigate the internet - they know where the information is. In a sea of "right now" demands and "this shouldn't take long because you can Google it" assignments, they have to be selective in what takes their attention.
We are currently between a time of "trust the process" and "immediately." So many people feel unheard or ignored because of this. The elderly feel isolated, helpless, and stonewalled. The youth feel anxious, mocked, and bullied.
The world changed and it happened invisibly.
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headspace-hotel · 2 years
Wading through native plant gardening resources and trying to inform other people, both through posts and in real life, has shifted my point of view on what misinformation is and does.
I don't really know what to do with it yet. But I've realized that it's often impossible to be accurate when teaching people who know very little about a subject. You have to simplify incredibly complex, nuanced things to the point where it feels like a total hack job. If you specify every complexity of the thing you're explaining, the people you're talking to don't absorb the core principle.
Various posts i've made about ecology and gardening stuff have been called "misinformation" and I'm just like. Think of it as a highschool textbook. Half of what it says is wrong but you must understand the "wrong" model to move beyond it.
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botanicalsword · 6 months
North Node in Natal Chart ☜ life purpose and area of focus
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Our inner aspirations - Talents ; Potential
The North Node is associated with our sense of fulfillment, representing our deepest desires that inspire our quest for satisfaction.
North Node signifies the potential that an individual can develop. The North Node represents a harmonious relationship between us and the collective soul, thus bringing about breakthroughs in our social sphere.
When the North Node aligns with different houses in our birth chart, offering valuable guidance for our lives. Each house represents a specific area of focus and provides insights on how we can navigate and grow as individuals.
On the other hand, the South Node is connected to our need for security. The South Node represents our habits, responses, situations, and experiences that provide us with a sense of security. The South Node refers to a person's past patterns and tendencies. It represents the disharmonious aspects between us and the collective soul, resulting in obstacles in our social relationships.
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1st House
Look inward, understand their own needs, and independent
good to pursue self-employment
learns how to share with others since they cannot rely on others or intimate relationships
rely on themselves - they have to be independent
they are forced to do things on their own and end up doing better than before because they have the ability
2nd House
Accumulate wealth and enhance self-worth; success will naturally follow
focusing on improving yourselves and your financial situation
can earn wealth through their skills
have a specific expertise
have the ability to excel in their profession
resources are not something they possess and must be shared with others
Cultivate strong motivation to accumulate wealth
3rd House
Transform the abstract into the concrete, simplify complex ideas
master effective communication
learn to communicate with people and become messengers of information, sharing their original ideas with those around them
4th House
a stable and harmonious family life provides a solid foundation for our career pursuits
find a balance between our personal and professional lives
learn to balance their family and career by developing their family life
let go of the strong attachment to power as they were power-holders in past lives
Seize the opportunity to play important roles on the social stage
5th House
Develop your talents and boundless creativity to reap abundant rewards
that will bring immense benefits and fulfillment.
well-suited to leading major projects
they need to be mature and objective
avoid spontaneous and childlike behavior
overlook present joys in pursuit of long-term goals
6th House
Emphasis the importance of choosing the right career path
align your work with your goals
strive for efficiency and effectiveness in your professional endeavors
step out of their imaginary world
engage in tangible service work every day
7th House
highlights the significance of interpersonal relationships and collaboration
let go of self-centeredness, learn to compromise
cultivate positive connections with others
learn to let go of themselves and not focus on how others perceive them
8th House
emphasizes trust and sharing
adopting a selfless mindset
being open to collaboration that can bring you numerous rewards and opportunities
need to undergo the destruction of their ideology in order to transform and liberate their souls
9th House
look beyond worldly distractions
explore profound truths and philosophical ideas
venture into new territories, both physically and intellectually, in our quest for knowledge and enlightenment
learn to find the logical reasoning behind all common knowledge and allow it to form more complex and sophisticated structures
spend more time studying profound knowledge
expose themselves to diverse cultures, as it allows them to make comparisons with their own culture
10th House
prompts us to take on social responsibilities and strive for professional success
embrace independence
make a positive impact in our chosen career path
develop a sense of social responsibility
fulfill some social responsibilities through their work and do meaningful things on the social stage
11th House
Step into the public sphere
pursue career opportunities
gain recognition, respect, and the chance to make a meaningful contribution
learn not to be too selfish and to value the importance of the socials
achieve balance through socialising
12th House
cultivate self-understanding and inner growth
focus on our spiritual development
help others achieve their goals that can find deep fulfillment and purpose in life
avoid busyness and overwhelming attention
engage with activities like meditation retreats that allow them to quiet down
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autolenaphilia · 10 months
One thing I noticed talking about Linux and free software is that a lot of people seem afraid of learning things about technology. I constantly read things like "I hate windows, but switching to linux would mean learning a new OS, and you have to be some super-smart programmer-hacker to do that." Or even: "Switching to firefox would mean switching browsers and I don't know how"
And that is precisely the attitude tech companies like Microsoft and Apple try to instill in their users in order to control them. They create these simple and “friendly” user interfaces for their products, but these hide information. From their OS being pre-installed to their settings apps, they keep people from learning things about how their computer works, and letting the companies make the decisions for their users.
I think people are underestimating themselves and overestimating how hard it is to learn new things are. It is like Windows/Macos have taught them some kind of technological learned helplessness. Not knowing how computers work and being afraid to learn how is how companies like Microsoft controls you, and justifies that control.
For example, people hate the forced and automatic system updates on Windows. And Microsoft justifies it as necessary because some people don’t know that their computer needs security updates and therefore don’t update, so they have to force the updates on them. That’s definitely true, and Microsoft’s tech support people is definitely very aware of that but it is a operating system that presumes that the user is incompetent and therefore shouldn’t control their own computer. And of course Microsoft abuses that power to force privacy-invading features on their users. Windows updates are also badly designed in comparison, no Linux distro I’ve used required the update program to hijack the entire computer, preventing the user from doing other things, but Windows does.
This is the dark side of “user-friendly” design. By requiring zero knowledge and zero responsibility for the user, they also take control away from the user. User-friendly graphical user interfaces (GUI) can also hide the inner workings of a system in comparison to the command line, which enables more precise control of your computer and give you more knowledge about what it is doing.
Even GUIs are not all made equal in regards to this, as the comparison between the Windows Control panel and their newer Settings app demonstrates. As I complained about before, Windows have hidden away the powerful, but complex Control Panel in favor of the slicker-looking but simplified and less powerful Settings app for over a decade now.
Of course this is a sliding scale, and there is a sensible middle-ground between using the command line for everything and user-friendly design masking taking control away from the end user.
There are Linux distros like Linux Mint and MX Linux who have created their own GUI apps for tasks that would otherwise use the command line, without taking control away from the user. This is mainly because they are open source non-profit community-driven distros, instead of being proprietary OSes made by profit-driven megacorps.
Still, giving that control to the user presumes some knowledge and responsibility on part of the user. To return to the update example, by default both Mint and MX will search and notify you of available updates, but you will have to take the decision to download and install them. Automatic updates are available in both cases, but it’s opt-in, you have to enable that option yourself. And that approach presumes that you know that you should update your system to plug security holes, something not all people do. It gives you control because it presumes you have knowledge and can take responsibility for those decisions.
All this also applies to the underlying fact that practically all pre-built computers nowadays have an operating system pre-installed. Few people install an OS themselves nowadays, instead they use whatever came with the computer. It’s usually either Windows or MacOS for desktops/laptops, and Android/IOS for smartphones (which are also a type of computer).
Now all this is very convenient and user-friendly, since it means you don’t have to learn how to install your own operating system. The OEM takes care of that for you. But again, this is a convenience that takes choice away from you. If you don’t learn how to install your own OS, you are stuck with whatever that is on the computer you bought. It’s probably precisely this step that scares people away from Linux, few people have installed even Windows, and installing your own OS seems impossibly scary. But again, learning is the only way to take back control. If you learn how to install an OS off an USB stick, you now have choices in what OS to use. (Sidenote: the hard part IMO is not the actual install process, but fiddling with the BIOS so it will actually boot from the distro on the USB stick. This old comic strip illustrates this very well).
That’s how life is in general, not just computers. Having control over your life means making decisions based on your own judgment. And to make sensible, rational decisions, you have to learn things, acquire knowledge.
The only other alternative is letting others take those decisions for you. You don’t have to learn anything, but you have no control. And in the tech world, that means big corporations like Microsoft, Google and Apple will make those decisions, and they are motivated by their own profits, not your well-being.
Computers have only become more and more capable and more important in our lives, and that can enable wonderful things. But it also means more power to the tech companies, more power over our lives. And the only way to resist that is to learn about computers, to enable us to make our own decisions about how we use technology.
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drchucktingle · 8 months
Good day Dr. Tingle. I haven't read your stories, but I've known about you from afar in this website for a while. Your recent post about separating Ideas and Message is very similar to how I teach a class. I wanted to ask you, if you could share some of your Messages, in whichever structure/length/complexity you think about them before writing, to have some real world examples to show in class.
Personally I tend to simplify and shorten my messages as much as possible, like "everyone deserves forgiveness" for example, so that I can permeate it throughout the story, and so that anyone experiencing the story can come to a similarish conclusion.
I'm curious as to how your Messages look like inside your head, during the creative process. Not the refined versions used for marketing and sales and stuff.
Thank you!
sure buckaroo.
high concept idea of the book STRAIGHT was this: zombie apocalypse story but the rage only effects straight cis people (there is also a second high concept idea in there which is: what if zombie plague only happened one day a year? how would culture handle this politically and otherwise?)
so i had this idea that i thought was good, but before i can write it i think 'well what do i want to SAY about this? what am i FEELING?'
and i realized that i was a little torn about how to write this story because of the one day a year thing. when is it okay to fight back? can you hurt a zombie if it turns back into a person the next day? is that right or wrong? and WHEN is it right or wrong? what situations?
then i realized that with the metaphor of this story what i was really asking was something bigger: why is it up to the victims (in this case queer buckaroos) to be forced to make these decisions? marginalized groups have TWO kinds of violations done to them, the first is the obvious act of violation, but the second is that they are forced to use their time and mental space and emotional tolerance to learn how to HANDLE the first violation in an 'acceptable way'
so THAT became my message. if you want to know how i feel about these questions you can read STRAIGHT and find out.
CAMP DAMASCUS high concept idea was (SPOILERS IF YOU HAVE NOT READ CAMP DAMASCUS STOP READING HERE) what if the church really DID decide the ends justify the means and instead of stopping demonic possession they were inflicting demonic possession to counter sinful acts.
but that is not the message of the book. that is just the idea. if i just had that idea i would not write it, but as things evolved i realized WHAT i wanted to say with this story
in this situation WHO is the force of 'evil'? would it be the demons? would it be the possessed? or would it be the SYSTEM AND MENTALITY that was creating this situation in the first place? so the book sets out the answer this question and express the conclusion that ive made for myself
i also noticed that many churches who are anti gay have a sort of infantilizing trot with how they handle their young buckaroos. this idea that gay feelings will just go away if they are ignored and that they can almost keep young queer buckaroos from ever aging into fully realized adults. obviously i think this is WRONG and so fighting back against this mentality became part of the message as well, and that informed most of the metaphor and symbolism in the book.
it is important to keep in mind that sometimes the message can change. as the book trots along i am LEARNING myself, working out these thoughts on the page and coming to a conclusion of my own. this is actually VERY true of BURY YOUR GAYS, which is probably most autobiographical thing i have written. i will save talking about that MESSAGE and HIGH CONCEPT for after book is out though
when i say i write MESSAGE FIRST that does not mean i think of the message first in TIME (although that does happen sometimes) it means the message is the most important thing over plot or characters or anything like that (although those are important too). it means that i write with message as my north star, which is rare, but it is how i make art
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thechekhov · 7 months
Hello Checkov! On the subject of AI ruining google search results: Wolfram Alpha is a special search engine that should be a little more immune to AI generated content. It doesn’t link to webpages and instead uses a built-in AI that is way older than ChatGPT and specifically designed to be as accurate as possible. It doesn’t always give you images, and it’s been out for 20 years but is still actively under development (so sometimes it just won’t have an answer) but if you just want pure objective facts it’s pretty good.
Also, I really like your comics :)
I used to use wolfram a long time ago for math stuff! I didn't realize they'd expanded into other areas.
This is certainly cool and good to know. For example, for very simple searches this presentation of information is straightforward.
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Unfortunately, it's not as flexible when it comes to more complex searches that don't relate to metric information. For example:
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this search for "foods toxic to dogs" brings up a very simplified diet of canines. Which is... not really helpful in this case. Other searches of rephrasing provided even less sufficient results. One option for "dogs can't eat" resulted in a ping of a man's name.
So while it's certainly a good tool for some things, it's unfortunately not a full on replacement for modern search engines. And I'm afraid all search engines so far fall prey to AI slog due it.... existing on the internet in greater and greater numbers, essentially.
It's still good to know about alternatives, especially since it's being developed! Maybe someday it'll be even more flexible in terms of input!
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medicineinside · 6 months
Understanding study material 📚 Effective strategies 🤔
Here are some research-backed tips to help you navigate difficulties in understanding study material effectively 💪🏼
1️⃣ Break down complex concepts
Research suggests that breaking down complex concepts into smaller, more digestible parts can aid in understanding. Divide the material into manageable sections and focus on understanding each component before moving on to the next.
2️⃣ Engage in active learning
Active learning techniques, such as summarizing, teaching others, and practicing with flashcards, can improve understanding and retention. Engage actively with the material by explaining it to a study partner or testing yourself with practice questions.
3️⃣ Seek clarification
Don't hesitate to seek clarification from your instructors, peers, or online resources when you encounter difficulties. Research indicates that asking questions and seeking feedback can enhance understanding and fill in knowledge gaps.
4️⃣ Utilize visual aids
Visual aids, such as diagrams, charts, and graphs, can help simplify complex information and improve comprehension. Create visual representations of the material or use existing visual resources to enhance your understanding of challenging concepts.
5️⃣ Connect new material to prior knowledge
Research in cognitive psychology emphasizes the importance of connecting new information to existing knowledge for better understanding. Relate new concepts to familiar ideas or experiences to establish meaningful connections and improve retention.
6️⃣ Practice retrieval techniques
Research studies suggest that practicing retrieval techniques, such as self-testing and quizzing, can strengthen memory and understanding. Test yourself regularly on the material to reinforce learning and identify areas that require further review.
7️⃣ Collaborate with peers
Collaborative learning has been shown to enhance understanding and retention of study material. Engage in group study sessions with peers to discuss challenging concepts, share insights, and benefit from diverse perspectives.
8️⃣ Take breaks and manage stress
Take regular breaks during study sessions, practice relaxation techniques, and prioritize self-care to manage stress levels and optimize your cognitive performance. Read posts about mental and physical health to find more useful information.
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mossadspypigeon · 1 month
As a late comer to some of the nonsense, can you explain or point to something explaining what watermelons have to do with Palestine? Asking google "what the fuck do watermelons have to do with Palestine" was not a productive search. Where did that come from?
hello anon! yes indeed i can. this is gonna be a long post, so buckle in lmao.
so the main and simplified reason the watermelon is used (and i'll get into some more complex stuff and context because both are important to understand with this) is because red/black/green represent the PLO flag, which is known as the "palestinian flag."
now, i don't know if you know who the PLO are, so:
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(this notice to include secondary sources is so faulty btw. this is based on primary sources written BY the plo, which removes bias of interpretation)
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i recommend reading this wiki page at least and clicking on the sources for more information. it isn't as bad as some wikipedia pages and it can provide a good introduction.
now, the PLO is an internationally recognized terrorist org. it split into numerous factions, including yasser arafat's "fatah." fatah controlled groups like black september, which committed the munich massacre and also murdered the king of jordan.
the PLO itself has committed numerous acts of terror, including the hijacking of the Achille Lauro. terrorists who hijacked this ship shot and tossed a disabled jewish man in a wheelchair named Leon Klinghoffer overboard, etc. so no, they are not a resistance group. this act was sponsored and supported by arafat.
if you want to know more about their bullfuckery, which i recommend, read their charter here.
okay, now moving on to the flag:
you've probably noticed that the red/black/green/white thing is a motif used by several countries. this is because of "pan arabism."
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rootsmetals did some good posts on arabization:
the specific colors have meanings, and those meanings are either religious or secular. the religious and secular connect though. let's take a look. i'm going to use arab sources without commentary on any biases:
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on the other hand:
so. we know about the flag's history and its meaning. we know what it represents. now, let's go into the whole "watermelon" thing:
the reason it's used depends on who you ask. if you ask the pro palestine crowd, the watermelon is used in place of the "palestine flag" due to "censoring" and "silencing."
this goes back to the propaganda that israel banned the palestinian flag. israel DID NOT ban this flag legally, but it did have it taken down because...guess why? why would israel want the flag of the plo not flown? it's like flying a kkk flag in the usa, that's why.
yes, you have freedom of speech in israel, but it has its limits. those limits are hate and incendiary speech. the plo flag is a symbol of hate based on the charter and acts of the plo itself. also, fatah/the palestinian authority, which currently governs the palestinian section of the west bank/judea samaria and east jerusalem still pays terrorists who murder jews and israelis and are imprisoned. sooooo you can guess why the flag was taken down, but here is some of the propaganda:
the lack of sources in this article lmao.
again, hilarious lack of sources.
if you ask the pro israel crowd, it's an appropriation of a very zionist crop and a symbol of decolonization.
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if i find more sources on this, i will do another post.
but yes, the watermelon emoji is used because "the internet silences palestine," which is hysterical, considering google favors palestinian sources and most major news networks employ either palestinians or palestinian allied supporters.
and of course, tiktok and the rest of social media won't remove antisemitism, but will constantly ban jews and israelis. hence why finding sources on the jewish history of the watermelon is difficult.
anyway. hope this helps. <3 if you're comfy, definitely dm me sometime if you want to discuss things and/or get sources.
@matan4il do you happen to have any sources on the israeli/jewish/zionist history of the watermelon? if you do, it would be so appreciated.
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saturnianoracle · 5 months
How to learn real astrology: what it is and is not
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As above, so below, as within, so without, as the universe, so the soul.
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It is VITAL that if you want to understand astrology properly, you come in with an open mind and forget everything you think you know. Especially, remove yoruself from the belief that astrology is some occultic mystical spiritual practice, and/or that it is solely some psychological tool.
I used to be quite the hater of astrology. None of it 'resonated', and it seemed like wishy washy hippie shit. In lockdown, astrology stuff kept coming onto my feed, and some of it made sense, but most still did not. I then initially wanted to debunk astrology. But when I properly stated looking into it, the deeper I went the more accurate it started to become. Equally, parts still remained highly inaccurate. But this was due to a mismatch of how 'influencers' out there synthesised and understood the traditional foundations of astrology and modern information. Thus, I committed myself to truly understanding astrology, and my life has significantly improved for it and I've only just started.
As an introductory post to what astrology really is, I have formatted it into the following sections: i. the problem with pop culture astrology, ii, the history of astrology, iii. how astrology works, and iv. where meaning in astrology comes from.
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The problem with pop culture astrology
This is the type of astrology we see in newspaper horoscopes, online articles, tiktok viral posts, instagram horoscopes, etc.
This is borne out of the allure astrology holds for desperate individuals seeking an easy and quick answer to their life problems, and using it as a form of confirmation bias for hating their ex (for example). But this misuse of astrology will undoubtedly hit for most people, due to the barnum effect, but is ultimately inaccurate and those who think it true have now misleadingly correlated the pop culture reasons for why X happened to what astrology is.
The new moon in your 7th house is not a sign that your crush will leave his partner for you. Being a gemini sun does not mean you are a two faced, loyal-less individual. Having your sun sign the same as their venus sign does not mean you two are compatible. And so on and so forth.
Here are some key things to understand about astrology:
✎ Stop using co-star, and those websites which give you your astrology information like this:
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-> This does not tell you anything remotely significant aside from standard archetypal and superifical meanings of having a sun in Sagittarius or whatever (which you might not even 'relate' to, because of a multitude of other factors this does not show). Your chart instead, should, at the very least look like this:
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-> Even better, make a chart and add in decans, asteroids, and considers more aspects. Viewing your birth chart like this is essential for gaining a better understanding. Aspects are what brings everything in your chart together to give it more significant and individualised meaning, the houses and the angles are also explicitly identifiable this way. Also, always make sure your chart is in whole sign houses, I will make a post on this later on why, but you will have to go to settings for this as popculture astrology has made placidus the default (as well as other inaccurate takes).
✎ Sun sign is astrology is fake, no matter how much you think it resonates with you it is the wrong footing to base your understanding of astrology off of. Astrology is extremely complex, one thing might resonate for one person and not for another, because of house placements, condition of the planet, aspects to the planet, etc. Consequently, all basic and simplified delineations of a chart are unhelpful and will put you on the wrong footing for future proper readings you might wish to do. This is how astrology can be so inaccurate.
✎ Astrology is not about resonating. Although, this is a part of how we can test astrology, it is linked far too much with resonating with personality. Your birth chart is not a map of who you are specifically, we evolve all the time (as the universe, so the soul), it is a map of your entire life. It is a map of the sky and its energies the minute you were born. Some things you think you do not resonate with is because those energies have not yet played out in your life.
✎ Astrology is not a psychological tool, although it can give us insight into psychology when used and understood properly. Again, it is the blueprint of our life.
✎ Astrology is not spiritual. It is not a belief system, either. Although, one can use astrology to advance their spiritual practices.
✎ Free will exists. I will likely go into this in another post but the energies of our bith chart, solar return chart, profection year, progressed charts, transits etc, are merely indications of how things are likely to unfold. The energies are malleable within their themes' ambit, and it is up to us to decide how we choose to interpret what is/will happen and what to do with that information. A transit might indicate difficulty in a law suit, ok, how can I mitigate that then? What other charts, energies, and transits can I use? If I did not know of this then I would not know how to alter my behaviour to yield a better results, even if it might not mean a completely opposite result.
✎ Your natal chart will not show you everything. There are relocated charts, progressed charts, solar return charts, profection years, etc. All this goes into a holistic assessment. Your natal chart, however, will always remain the anchor of it all.
A brief history
Astrology is not some woo-woo, spiritual, new age, belief system. Astrology's history and use goes back to the Babylonians. It used to be intertwined with astronomy; Galielo and Kepler, for example, were simultaneously astrologers and practised it widely (even as court astrologers). People in positions of power have always consulted astrologers to time events, in the modern era many Royal families, celebrities, and politicans still consult astrologers. Carl Jung, JP Morgan, Nancy Reagan, and Roosevelt are examples of this. Of course, it might be argued that just because famous people have used/use astrology does not give it any more credit to which I say: ok please read my post below pls and ty xo.
Astrology's history has been relatively tumultuous, however. I have condensed this timeline from an article I found below:
- Astrology was a widely accepted practice but, in Europe, after the fall of the Roman empire and much of Europe, it fell into decline along with other disicplines. - The middle ages saw a renaissance of intellectualism with a particular focus on science and thus the astronomy part of it. This was largely due to the Church who viewed astrology as divination and going against free will. - However, in other parts of the world astrology was still a crucial element of daily life, and those in power would use astrologers to time events. - Astrology did re-enter the curriculum, though, in the 14th century, with a focus on being used for medical astrology in part due to the recently available Hippocratic Corpus. These texts were crucial to advancing our understanding of medicine, but Hippocrates emphasised that "a physician without knowledge of astrology has no right to call himself a physician". Astrologer still had a healthy dose of criticism back then, though. - Astrology was a major field of study in universities in Europe, well ingrained in daily life. - It died out in the 17th century, mostly due to the increasing emphasis on science being increasingly and misleadingly viewed as separate from astrology, the church, and astrologers falling into disrepute due to political involvement. - Its resurgence in the 19th century saw an oversimplified, and largely 'spiritualised' version of astrologer. This is because this period also saw an increased interest in the occult and mystic. - Since becoming conflated, astrology has become even further diluted, but this is not to say that every new discovery has been wrong; modern interpretation is crucial to informing the bigger picture of astrology and how we can utilise it. But it is vital to be critical and separate it from pop culture nonsense, aimed at lost and desperate people looking for quick answers and confirmation bias, and have some media literacy.
So, how does astrology work?
: ̗̀➛ Astrology has NOTHING to do with the physical constellations. Astrology is based on the signs on the ecliptic (the path of the sun amongst the constellations, which is the plane of the earth's orbit).
: ̗̀➛ The equator has 15 constellations, and the ecliptic has 13. So why do we have 12 zodiac signs? This is because babylonians divided the ecliptic into 12 equal segments of 30 degrees each thousands of years ago. The ecliptic was divided into SIGNS. 12 constellations were just used to identify where in the sky each sign would be, at the time for ease of astronomical mapping/calculation - it is merely symbolic. This is why Opphiuchus is not the 13th Zodiac SIGN, although it is a constellation (and has always been known).
: ̗̀➛ Another reason why they are not based off the physical constellations is because the actual size of the constellations vary massively in size. Below is a representation of this:
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: ̗̀➛ As you can see, Virgo, for instance is huge, and on a literal view overlaps into the next segment because the constellations do not all equally fit a 30 degree division. Yet, we do not give scorpio like 5 days for its season, because the physical constellation does not dictate anything meaningful.
This gives us the tropical zodiac, which is to do with the earth's seasons:
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: ̗̀➛ The solstices are therefore reference points for Capricorn and Cancer (tropic of capricorn and tropic of cancer), not the constellations themselves. Accordingly, the spring equinox is marked by Aries (with the sun entering the segment of Aries at 0 degrees until 29), and the autumn equinox by Libra.
: ̗̀➛ The precession of the equinoxes, are therefore irrelevant to astrology (and this is why vedic/sidereal is, in my opinion inaccurate). The slow change of the direction of the earth's axial tilt, over around 26000 years, cause a precession of the equinoxes. This means, the segment of the sky that used to be identified by the Aries constellation from the earth's position at the time, is now looking at Pisces. But as we know, astrology has nothing to do with the physical location of the constellations. Vedic astrologers use sidereal positioning, aka taking into account the precession of the equinoxes, yet they still divide the ecliptic in the same way. This causes problems, leading to many branches in vedic because few agree on where aries actually even starts. But, I will write an extension of this segment in a future post on tropical vs vedic/sidereal astrology.
Where does astrological meaning come from?
As explained above, constellations do not give us meaning, the planets in the signs do (of which the signs' names just derive from where the constellations were at the time, i.e. are merely symbolic).
Astrology operates in a heliocentric context, in that its setting is derived from the solstices (as the sun is what gives us life) and the ecliptic etc, but is geocentric in function in that the meaning comes from how the celestial bodies going through the signs affect us on earth; it is all about OUR relation to the planets, not constellations.
Returning to the quote above (as above so below...), what happens up up there reflects its energies down on us below. For thousands of millenia, astrologers have developed an accurate pattern recognition framework which aligns with the maths and astronomy. This was done using the ephemeris, which tracked the trajectory of celestial bodies against the context of worldly (mundane), or natal events. Eventually, this knowledge could be used for predictions, (to understand transits, or for electional and horary astrology), by utilising the knowledge of how the trajectories of the planets and their interactions with eachother in what sign and house affected what.
Why does it affect us? Well, all the things that happen above us radiate energies. But when I talk about energies, I do not mean it in some spiritual sense, it is quite literal. Everything has frequencies. As mentioned above, astrologers, since the Bablyonian times, have studied these patterns and created an objective framework to align with it. Physical energies or not there is direct causation. The moon for instance, affects the tides on the planet because of its gravitational pull. We are 70% water, there is little reason to deny that the moon cannot affect us either (it does). Perhaps you might understand your broken leg as because of being hit by a car. But astrology can assess the chart of the event, and transits to your own chart to provide further explanation of why you got hit by a car in the first place, and why it caused a broken leg etc. Subsequently, the energies of what happens above relate to the themes found in planets, signs, houses, aspects, asteroids etc - but these energies are not set in stone as explained above.
Ultimately, it is disappointingly small-minded to think that there is nothing 'greater' than the physical reality we tether ourselves to. We are in fact part of something bigger; and again I do not mean this in some culty spiritual hippy sense. It is literally a fact, the world and cosmos at large is so vast, mysterious, and beautiful, how could anyone deny the interconnected web we are all collectively a part of. We might never fully understand the mechanisms of the universe, but what we can do is use the information we do have to make use of it and help inform us on how to live better lives. The fact there is something 'greater' inherent in our lives, connecting everything, which is objectively difficult to truly grasp, is not a reason to reject it. A lot of people who are averse to astrology (which used to be me) are those who pride themselves on rationality and objectivity, yet are restricting themselves to a very particular interpretation of what rationality and objectivity means.
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With all this said, I hope it has helped someone understand and appreciate astrology better. There is such a fascinating rich and deep history to it, spanning various cultures and eras, making it difficult to at least not enjoy learning about even if one still chooses to not practise it. I would like to reiterate, however, that to truly embrace astrology and its millenia of knowledge, evidence, and practice behind it, one must divorce its concept from pop culture astrology.
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weaselmcdiesel · 5 months
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shatcey · 26 days
My fiancé has become a child (Luke)
Luke Licht Nokto
The event contains spoilers about Luke's route. Mostly everything was sweet and fun (thanks to Clavis/Jin and … surprise-surprise Chev/Belle), but in the endings, especially the dramatic one, everything became quite sad and philosophical.
The premium ending is a continuation of the normal one. It's like the big story is divided into two parts. That's why the developers make us read it in that order.
Luke stops in the hall, watching the strange scene. Chevalier and the little girl stand and look at each other, saying nothing. Luke came closer and asked the girl (who was obviously in tears, she was standing next to Chevalier after all) why she was looking at him. The answer is obvious. A book.
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Chev just gave them the book and left without saying a word. The girl looked at the book and sadly realized that she wouldn't be able to read it. Luke thinks this is not surprising, because this is too complex book even for an adult. She asked if he would read to her. He agreed.
A fun duo appears…
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Emma asks Luke who they are. And he says they're even scarier than the blonde they've seen before. He advised her to remember how these people look at her, and the next time someone looks at her that way, she should run away. She took it very seriously. Big brother mode is on.
Clavis immediately starts joking about the fact that Luke has a child.
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Luke didn't try to explain anything, just took the girl and ran away from them to his room.
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He simplified the information so that even a child could understand. And then he stopped, Emma noticed what it's quite a difficult job to be a minister. Luke added that this is also the prince's job. Belle (no, not yet, she's still just Emma) was thrilled to realize that Luke is a prince. She looked so happy, that Luke thinks it's probably because she read the story that made such a strong impression on her.
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Hey! They're not that bad! Well… most of them.
Nokto came to remind Luke about the ball…
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Luke is surprised that there are already rumors about this. I wonder why? Clavis is known for spreading rumors. I'd like to see how he does it… really… It's not an easy task to come up with rumors that people would like to spread further…. I didn't try, I just remembered an experiment from The Big Bang Theory. I just realized I didn't finish it… I don't even remember where I left off…
Let's get back to the topic
So… Nokto remind Luke of the ball he needs to go to. Emma excitedly repeats "ball". But Luke came up why she couldn't go. She needs an invitation. And if she's a good girl and stays in his room while he's gone, he'll get her an invitation to the next ball.
Luke leaves the room, and someone with question marks exclaims that they will prove that they are reliable brothers. Indeed, who could it be?
Normal ending
On the way back from the ball, Licht stopped Luke, saying that he saw Jin and Clavis kidnap his secret child. Luke asks where they went.
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As always my baby notice everything. Good boy (pat-pat). Hey, don't flinch!
Luke ran into the kitchen and….
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Big brother mode turn on to the maximum! I won't lie, it's pretty scary.
Patting Emma soothingly on the back, he listens to the story. (pat-pat). I just like the way it sounds.
So, Emma wanted to make sweets, and who, if not Clavis, would have agreed to volunteer for this job. And Jin just followed along.
On the table were his usual ingredients with a very unique smell.
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How dare you criticize! So you know he's been putting a lot of consideration to this, and he's the perfect chef! And you… ah… this world is full of critics! It's the right food, it's the wrong food… (illegible grumbling)
So he suggests Emma cook with him. And as a result, the perfect cookies were born (in this world, where there are very strict about how food should look). I'm sad that Gilbert is not around… These are his cookies…
And the reason why Emma wanted to cook sweets
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Oh, no, it reminds me of Gilbert as well… At that moment, everything will remind me of him… I'm fine (sobbing)...
Jin tells Luke that they need to talk, but little Emma asks him not to leave her alone. And looking at that sad face, Luke just couldn't refuse her.
Emma is happy that he will stay, and Luke, looking at the smiling face, thinks that he was not interested in the lives of others before, but Emma (the big one, Belle) changed him so much…
Premium ending
Luke puts little Emma to bed. She is upset that she was a bad girl (she left the room), and now she will not go to the ball, as Luke promised. But he assures her that it's not her fault, but his older brothers.
Luke sneaked into the garden while Emma was sleeping. Where Jin was waiting for him.
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Luke agrees. And ask if it's wrong of him to forget? Like… She was the most important person in his life, but now…
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He was afraid that one day he would completely forget her…
(sudden change of scenery)
On the way back to his room, Luke sees a very familiar scene
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He looks so shocked. Like, why is she talking to Chev and not to him?
This time she is not crying and is really trying to talk to him. For example, she asks what he is doing as a prince. Emma noticed Luke and happily ran up to him.
She was looking for him and came across Chev again. This is fate! You should rethink your desire to marry Luke, girl.
Luke noticed that she wasn't crying this time. And she replied that it was because she was spending time with other princes and they weren't scary at all. But she added in a very low voice that she was a little scared.
Luke laughs at the girl's honest confession and remembers what Jin told him earlier.
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I must admit, these are very wise words. I didn't expect this from Jin.
I skipped a couple of scenes, after all, this is a summary.
For some reason, it was quite difficult for me to come up with jokes here. I have no idea why. I've been playing this game for 2 years now and I know the boys like family… but… My attempts progressed very slowly and creakily. Apologize for the result. I did my best. Maybe it's just Luke, maybe it'll be easier with other characters…
Right now, another part of this event is taking place with the Chevalier, Licht and Nokto. The description of the Chevalier's story reminds me very much of this one. I don't know if I will read it or not. Licht first, will see what's next.
🔝 Start page 🔝
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utilitycaster · 2 months
Now that it's out in the public feed I highly recommend listening to the bonus Re-Slayer's Take episode with Dani Carr (even if you don't listen to the Re-Slayer's Take, though there are a few spoilers for it within). I think it covers some of the many complexities and challenges of information management and canonicity for an ongoing, very long improvised show! There's a lot of judgement calls to be made - some of the early C1 information especially is a legacy of a less-developed Exandria, and a lot of information throughout is given to the players and therefore the audience via in-world sources subject to all the biases, mistakes, and even deliberate dishonesty those sources may carry. We just had an entire miniseries showing that the historical account of an event might be greatly simplified in the retelling. The Curse of Strife and the origin of orcs have both been changed since the Tal'Dorei Campaign Setting came out for a combination of on the fly improv and sensitivity reasons, just to name a couple of examples. Anyway, Dani's take on this is great and everyone should spend half an hour listening to this while we wait for the SDCC panel to be posted.
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Idk if you've already posted about this but opinions on Jamil's relationship with Kalim?
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I’m pretty sure I’ve talked about the Scarabia duo’s dynamic before, although not in this broad of a sense 🤔 I guess it wouldn’t hurt to try and condense my thoughts?
I think Kalim and Jamil’s relationship is one of the most complex among the core cast of 22. To simplify, it’s similar to “frenemies”, but it runs much deeper than that. There is a relationship on an individual level, but that in of itself also speaks to the expectations places on them in-universe , as well as real-world cultural differences.
I won't bore you with a summary of Jamil and Kalim's history I'm going to assume you did the required reading for that/j, but essentially their conflict is this: Jamil's family, the Vipers, have serviced Kalim's family, the Asims, for generations. Kalim sees Jamil as a childhood friend that has grown up alongside him, but Jamil sees Kalim as an ignorant and useless master. Jamil doesn't want to live this life of servitude, nor does he want to keep playing second fiddle to Kalim by downplaying his own abilities to maintain the illusion of Kalim being better than him. When this is revealed in book 4, Kalim tries to apologize to Jamil and even insists that they can still be friends or just start over as rivals. This offer is swiftly rejected by Jamil, who claims he wants nothing to do with Kalim anymore. Come book 5 though, Jamil informs us that he has decided to stay by Kalim's side for now, as it just isn't feasible for him to "break free" right away (Jamil wants to work on rebuilding his reputation, which has taken a plummet since book 4).
Now, before I move on with my thoughts, I want to point out a difference in how EN and JP presents Jamil and Kalim's relationship. JP is very clear in delineating that Jamil is a servant and Kalim is the master. Meanwhile, EN obfuscates the true nature of their relationship by labeling Jamil an "employee" and Kalim as the "employer", which come across as less of a power dynamic than that of servant and master and thus dampens the seriousness of his eventual emotional breakdown.
Another major difference which may impact how you see the duo is some book 4 dialogue changes. When asked by Grim why he doesn’t stand up to Kalim, Jamil very explicitly says in JP that Kalim’s father could make the Viper family suffer for it. In EN, this was changed to Jamil complaining that his parents would lecture him. In the original JP text, Jamil then continues and says that his whole family would be put out on the streets due to his own selfishness, and that’s something he won’t allow to happen. He also remarks that “this is the fate of those born a Viper”, referring to generational trauma. In EN, this doesn’t happen; Jamil just implies he doesn’t want to get scolded, which is admittedly a much… lesser consequence than what was stated in JP.
Please note that these differences between the original script and the localization may affect how some fans interpret Kalim and Jamil's relationship.
These are things I've mentioned in other discussions of "potential solutions" to this conflict, but I'll repeat them here before going into more detail since they are relevant. In book 4, Kalim offers Jamil whatever he wants (even the dorm seat and Kalim going home to his family). To this, Jamil refuses and states very clearly that "as long as Kalim exists", he can never be content. I feel that oftentimes this is interpreted very literally, as in "Jamil wants to kill Kalim because he hates Kalim and/or hates serving Kalim". But just because a character says one thing doesn't mean it's what they actually mean. If you think about it, what does killing Kalim do for Jamil? Aren't there countless other Asim siblings he could be sent to serve once Kalim is gone? What Jamil is literally saying does not make sense.
The other way to interpret his words is that Jamil is using Kalim as a scapegoat for all of his frustrations with larger problems that have no physical form or simple solution to them. Recall that their arrangement has been going on for several generations now—Jamil's parents, too, were given no choice in whether or not they wanted to devote their lives to the Asims, but it's all they've known and all they will enforce onto their own children to keep the cycle going. This is the root cause of Jamil's suffering—but he isn't exactly a time wizard, and there isn't a simple solution to something that has been brewing for hundreds of years. It's easier for him to cope with the unfavorable circumstances by directing his hatred towards someone convenient. And who could be more convenient to blame than the young master Jamil is forced to serve? He becomes the symbol, nay the face, of what Jamil detests about the system that put him here. This is a case of generational trauma and Jamil not knowing how to cope with it other than lashing out at someone who is unaware of his suffering.
On the other side of this equation, Kalim gets a lot of flack for not noticing Jamil's pain and not intervening to help him out despite claiming that he cares for Jamil. This coming from an omnipotent perspective (as in, we have all the information so we feel entitled to cast judgment on the characters), rather than from Kalim's perspective. We, the audience, understand Jamil's inner turmoil due to how the game presents us with each OB boy's backstory. Kalim doesn't get to have that. He may be an empathetic individual, but he also isn't a mind reader. Jamil actively hides his true resentment from Kalim. And if you were in Kalim's shoes, given everything you want and praised endlessly, why would you suspect your childhood friend, who is always at your side, to hate of you or to hate working for you (especially when Kalim is the type of person to blindly trust others)? Of course he would be totally oblivious. The Asims are so obnoxiously wealthy and privileged that they can afford to shelter their children from the harsh realities of the world, and that includes the plight of those that toil for their family. Kalim is not used to people telling him he's wrong or he sucks or he can't have something; it's how he was raised and in part why he remains largely ignorant of the real world. He shouldn't be faulted for how he grew up and the limited worldview that resulted from it; that’s something he cannot control. What he can control is his own behavior, and that’s why we see post-book 4 as he takes steady strides to earn recognition rather than be handed it simply for existing.
On the topic of Kalim intervening (whether that is through speaking with his own father and/or speaking to Jamil's parents), well... Firstly, I don't think Kalim is someone who would intentionally keep another in a bad situation out of malice or out of selfishness/not wanting to lose Jamil (as some have suggested). Yes, he deeply values Jamil's company, but I don't think he would keep someone with him knowing that they would be completely miserable even if he would be happy. Kalim is someone who cares so much for the wellbeing of others, especially his friends. He will literally give you the world at the slightest inconvenience. I suspect that there is another reason why he hasn't spoken to an adult about what went down: and that's actually consideration for Jamil’s situation.
Let's imagine a scenario where Kalim does approach his dad or the Viper parents. What exactly would he say? I suppose Kalim doesn't necessarily need to tell them about the OB, but just telling them "Jamil is not happy doing this" may not be enough on of itself to invoke a change of mind. To the Asims, they get capable people they can trust and keep close to them. To the Vipers (the parents), they are compensated for their work (Jamil implies the Vipers are quite well-off, though not to the same extent as the Asims) and are provided job stability. I don’t think either side would be willing to end a long-standing arrangement like what their families have so quickly just because there is one open instance of discontent. It is practically tradition and mindset at this point. The groups are mutually benefitting (at the cost of individual freedoms). Letting go of that isn't as easy as deciding whether or not it would be pleasant to be punched; it isn't a binary of "freeing the genie" or "keeping the genie bound to the lamp", there will inevitably be a mess left in its wake to clean up after. Again, this is generational trauma which has been normalized for generations and generations. It cannot be solved with a single conversation, the same as all the other OB boys' traumas.
Let’s say that Kalim does spill the beans about Jamil’s OB in an effort to convince them then (assuming they’d need some extreme justification). Wouldn’t that just make everyone panic and further damage Jamil’s reputation? What would the Asims and the Vipers think of him? Maybe Jamil would be released from his duties out of concern for Kalim’s safety, but what would this do to the Viper family as a whole? Jamil mentioned they could be thrown out onto the streets if they were dismissed from the Asims or found out to have so much as spoken out against Kalim. That fear could become their reality.
Another variant of "Kalim could do something about it" is simply "Kalim can release Jamil on his own". In book 5, Jamil even says that he will continue to be Kalim's aid "until Kalim dismisses him". So why not give Jamil the freedom he wants? Kalim himself seems pretty receptive to the idea, or at least to what he views as a very simple solution. Well, 1) there's no way their families wouldn't find out and question it, they are teenagers and cannot just give the middle finger and proceed to do whatever they want, and 2) again, consideration for Jamil. (It could also be said that the current Kalim just isn’t mature enough or emotionally ready to let Jamil go, but we’ll save this point to discuss later.)
Jamil cannot leave of his own will because he worries about what that would mean for his family and their livelihood. (Again, this harkens back to the line he had in JP where he said the Vipers could be thrown out into the streets.) They could get jobs doing something else, sure—but their reputations may be forever stained by departing from the Asims (especially if Kalim basically fires him). They could be scorned, ostracized, maybe even blacklisted, no matter how amicable the departure is. Kalim being Kalim would offer to pull strings to smooth things over for Jamil—but the thing is, that’s probably not what Jamil wants. He wants to be able to live free from the Asim’s influence, and likely has too much pride to accept assistance from them.
I would argue that social shame is a very subtle yet looming threat for the Scarabia duo, and particularly Jamil (especially if you look at the original Japanese text). Social shame is something that is prominent in Japan, and this aspect of Kalim and Jamil's story may not translate well for western audiences. Japan is a collectivist culture. That means the status of the group (the Viper family in this case) is more valued than the status of the individual (ie Jamil). In western countries, this is reversed and the individual is seen as more important than the group (individualism). Because of this, western audiences may not fully understand why Jamil is putting his family's needs above his own, why he doesn't talk back to parents that actively keep him down, or why he doesn’t just… rebel on the spot.
Jamil would bring intense social shame upon his family if he chose to leave or got fired. His behavior would reflect poorly on his family, likely attracting criticism of his parents for how they raised such a rebellious child and perhaps even limit the opportunities they have in the future depending on how intense the shaming is. He would feel guilty about being the cause for their fall from grace. Jamil is immensely worried about what his parents, his dorm mates, and society at large will think of him breaking from tradition and betraying the family for what would be seen as selfish and self-serving reasons. (Ideas which are all reflected in Jamil’s JP dialogue, where he comments on his own selfishness and how it could impact his family.) These may not seem very serious to those from western countries, but social shame and intense filial piety has the capacity to put so much pressure on an individual and cause their mental state to deteriorate.
Remember, too, that Jamil is already facing social shame at school for what he did in book 4 and he specifically says he has chosen to stay with Kalim to regain the lost rep. This is why he cannot be freed from his shackles as easily as Aladdin made a wish to grant the Genie his freedom. Jamil constantly has to consider the consequences and social ramifications of his own actions on his family and their wellbeing. Isn't it plausible, then, that Kalim, who is now aware of Jamil's true feelings but is also aware of the long-standing circumstances between the Asims and the Vipers, to bite his tongue and wait for less precarious conditions before even pitching the idea? Additionally, he would also technically be supporting Jamil's current wishes by standing aside for now (Jamil is willingly staying to aid Kalim in an attempt to rebuild his reputation). Is that not in the spirit of mindfulness that Scarabia extols? Mindfulness is not just knowing when to act, but when to not act. I think Kalim’s just doing what he can within a preexisting system to support Jamil’s decisions and (limited) autonomy.
Something that I feel often isn’t brought up is the responsibility that Jamil’s parents play in all of this. A lot of the blame is put on the Asims for hiring the Vipers as servants, but the fact of the matter is that the Viper parents are the ones forcing Jamil to be subservient to Kalim. They are also guilty in perpetuating the problem by projecting onto their eldest child and urging him to follow in their footsteps. Jamil is their child, so there should be some responsibility on them for not giving him the freedom to choose his own career path and teaching Jamil that he should keep his head down and always be inferior to Kalim. The blame isn’t squarely on Papa Asim (who isn’t even guilty of starting this relationship, it has been happening for generations before him; he’s just perpetuating it), this is a shared issue.
Now, as to whether or not Kalim and Jamil could or should be friends despite the bad blood between them?? It’s really on Jamil if he will reciprocate or not since Kalim already offered the olive branch. As it’s currently going, I don’t think it will happen anytime soon. There’s no doubt that a relationship with Kalim would be a valuable asset (not just for negotiating Jamil leaving and doing his own thing, but in general for the future), but whether the benefits outweigh the mental anguish of associating Kalim with his generational trauma is worth it… well, there’s no doubt that Kalim wants to start over, make amends, and be equals with Jamil, but it’s not up to Kalim to decide to make friends or not. That’s Jamil’s choice, and ironically one of the few choices he does have 😔
I do think Jamil would be happier away from Kalim for some time, finally allowed to enjoy solitude and doing whatever he wants to. Kalim would be sad about this, but then again who wouldn’t be sad to lose someone you consider your friend since childhood? That ability to let go is also something he has to learn for himself, and I feel that’s going to be a component to Kalim’s future character development.
Kalim has been doing his part to keep a distance from Jamil and develop his own agency and sense of awareness (at least in the main story; the events and vignettes are kinda screwy timeline-wise). Jamil’s working on getting over his own ego and learning how to use his own traits as strengths rather than wallowing about what he doesn’t have or looking down on others. They’re trying to improve themselves independently of one another, and I think that’s beneficial for them both.
I would personally label the Scarabia duo’s dynamic as a toxic one, but it’s not “toxic” in the way we typically think of. Often when we see “toxic”, we think of someone who is malicious and intentionally so. In Kalim and Jamil’s case, Kalim isn’t purposefully mistreating Jamil, but their circumstances are such that Kalim existing hurts him and starves Jamil of freedom. This causes Jamil to lash out (which is more closely aligned with what most would perceive as “toxic”)—but, in a way, many can understand and sympathize with Jamil’s actions. It’s like a never-ending cycle of hate 😔
I do find their dynamic (Kalim being a big ol’ gullible ball of sunshine, Jamil hovering and nagging him for being silly) entertaining on a surface level. However, it’s really stressful for me to observe them for prolonged periods of time knowing the family history keeping them in these arbitrary roles 💦 It’s quite interesting to look at their conflict on a larger scale rather than an individual one; it’s a problem with society and systems they can’t necessarily fix on their own, but when the question arises as to whether they can work together to tear down those expectations, Jamil’s pride and negative feelings for Kalim pose a roadblock.
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your-gay-grandma · 1 year
Butch/Femme history and culture introduction (written by a femme lesbian, deeply in love with being so)
💖Ideal for people immersing themselves in lesbian culture for the first time
🤍This post will contain brief summarising information about butch/femme culture and history as well as an introductory resource list for continuing your learning journey.
🧡It is by no means exhaustive and is intended as a very basic and simplified introduction that people can and should easily build on. Please try to keep this intention in mind before telling me i have neglected something!
⚠️ Disclaimer - this post is admittedly very centred on butch/femme history of the US and western culture in the 1900s. If there is a different culture or time that you’d be interested to learn more about, I would be overjoyed to research it so please let me know! Lesbianism has existed everywhere in every time and the cultural variation of this is beautiful and SO important. I do not want to neglect that but cannot fit it all in this brief introduction post.
“Whether reclaiming femininity from the male gaze or rejecting feminine gender norms by embracing butch, the subculture is intrinsically radical: it empowers lesbians to renounce patriarchal standards of beauty.” - Megan Christopher
What is butch/femme?
butch/femme is a lesbian subculture with a deep and rich history and culture. It goes far beyond masculine and feminine aesthetics and informs lesbian identity and dynamics. Butch/femme culture is a crucial part of LGBTQ+ history and culture as a whole.
It has existed for a very long time but it is very important to know that not all lesbians are butch/femme. In fact, most lesbians will not identify with either label and that is completely okay! You will see some lesbians describe themselves as butch4butch or femme4femme.
Traditionally, there is nothing in between butch/femme and to suggest otherwise negates the rich significance of the identities. Some people suggest it is a spectrum with “futch” in the middle. This is however not the case and the significance of this will become clear as we delve further into the importance of butch/femme identities to queer culture and history. Crucially too, straight women cannot be butch/femme
Aren’t butch/femme just replicating traditional heterosexual gender roles?
Absolutely not! In fact, they outwardly challenge them.
Gender and sex are constructs. A lot of lesbians find that butch/femme are gender identities in of themselves (myself included)
Instead, butch/femme are identities that encapsulate a particular “performance” of gender. The attributes of these may seem “masculine” or “feminine” but this is only because of the strict gender binary our society ascribes to gender performance.
Judith Butler, in their book Gender Trouble, notes that a lot of lesbians in general have a complex relationship to gender. This is because our binary perception of womanhood is constructed on the basis that “male” is default and “female” is the only sexed other. Because lesbianism is the only identity that totally de-centres men, a lot of lesbians (regardless of being butch, femme or neither) will not feel like they are conventionally “women”.
A lot of the time, butch/femme roles were and still are a source of safety and solace
Butch refers to masculinity in any number of ways
Butches typically and historically face high levels of discrimination and harassment for their gender non conformity.
A very important butch text is Stone Butch Blues, written by Leslie Feinberg
In the book, Feinberg discusses the importance of working-class identities to butchness.
Some butches are transmasculine. This doesn’t make them less of a lesbian, as long as they have ties to butchness and lesbianism.
Stone butches are lesbians who do not like to be touched (or “receive”) during sex
Femmes are lesbians who present more “femininely”.
Femmes do not necessarily conform to society’s perception of womanhood. Many will have complex relationships to gender identity or will present as hyper-feminine.
Hyper-femininity is an exaggerated performance of womanhood where aspects of dress, character and/or mannerisms of femininity may be heightened.
This is why a lot of the time lesbians can still “clock” (or recognise) femmes as being gay. Straight women tend to feel put off by the level of femininity common with hyper-feminine femmes.
In western culture, butch/femme culture existed underground or secret up until the mid 20th century. We can assume however that butch/femme dynamics have existed for a long time.
In the early 1900s, butch/femme dynamics were confined to underground gay bars.
In this case, femmes were often considered in a position of privilege as they were “straight passing” and could only be recognisably lesbian when accompanied by a butch.
Femmes will often assert sexuality through their femininity.
In the 1940s, butch/femme dynamics were extremely important and a thriving part of lesbian culture.
Women were allowed to enter bars without men.
In the US, butches would have to dress femininely in order to hold employment and avoid harassment and assault based on their preferred gender non-conformity.
Butches dressed in a way that was accepted by society, while still presenting as more masculine than the norm. Alix Genter writes that "butches wore long, pleated skirts with their man-tailored shirts, sometimes with a vest or coat on top"
In the 1950s, many butches refused to live these double lives. Their full-time masculine presentation made it difficult for them to work so they were often employed in factories or as taxi drivers. (hence the importance of working-class solidarity with butches)
Increased lesbian visibility and a strong anti-gay political stance at the time of McCarthyism led to increased attacks on queer women and resulted in a particularly defiant gay bar culture.
Butches are therefore extremely important in our fight for LGBTQ+ rights. It was butches and trans women who were known for fighting back for our rights and visibility.
In the 1970s, particular sentiments of lesbian separatist feminism declared masculinity and butchness was harmful to women. This led to the popularisation of more androgynous fashion amongst lesbians including boots, jeans and flannels. This movement weakened butch identifiers and is known for alienating lesbians of colour and working class lesbians.
Lesbian separatism is essentially the idea that lesbians should exist separate to men and heterosexual women. That is why some theorists believed performances of masculinity were harmful (while others did not believe this and it is obviously not true)
Introductory reading list (online articles that are short and accessible)
how butch/femme subcultures allow gay women to thrive by Megan Christopher for VICE: https://www.vice.com/en/article/wjwzqx/how-butch-femme-subcultures-allow-gay-women-to-thrive
A good introduction to the radical history and importance of butch/femme identities.
The Lesbians That Founded The Gay Village And The Mafia Alliance They Made For Protection by Diana Robertson: https://www.huffpost.com/entry/the-lesbians-that-founded-the-gay-village-and-the-mafia_b_5941d7a1e4b0d99b4c921126
Really helpful history!
No Matter What’s Gendertrending, the Butch is Here To Stay by Jack Halberstam
I don’t like the suggestion of the title but the article itself has good information. Jack Halberstam is an important queer theorist. I also recommend his writings on queer failure. This article has some generally good direction about butchness, especially in modern media. “Butch is always a misnomer; masculine but not male, female but not feminine, the term serves as a placeholder for the unassimilable, for that which remains indefinable or unspeakable within the many identifications that we make and that we claim.”
Key books for a deeper understanding (and their pros and cons)
The Persistent Desire: A Femme–Butch Reader by Joan Nestle
Gender Trouble by Judith Butler (one of my favourite books of all time. Really difficult to get through but very worthwhile and completely changed the way I understand sex and gender)
Stone Butch Blues by Leslie Feinberg (an incredibly important lesbian text. Can be very difficult to get through, especially emotionally. Please make sure to check triggers before reading)
Dagger: On Butch Women by Lily Burana
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