#Sin's mini-series: Roddy's Ghost Adventures
sinspark4 · 11 months
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Roddy's Ghost Adventures
The Rake: This is the first video Rewind stumbled across after finding something called "The Dark Web" when searching for media for his crew mates. The video is distorted, corrupted, everything inside it is hard to make out or understand. All Rewind can gather from the feed is the panicked screaming of a human and glowing, yellow eyes. He does his best to clean up some of the feed but there are strange viruses lurking in the coding Rewind doesn't want to get anywhere near. He thinks he sees a forest, a house in the background, and a sign reading "Warren Park Trail, Montana." Then the video just ends. Abruptly. He took a moment to contemplate the recording before reading the caption.
Locals spoke of a creature known as "The Rake," a nightmarish being with sunken eyes, elongated limbs, and razor-sharp claws.
Legend had it that "The Rake" was once human, transformed by dark experiments or supernatural forces. Its first recorded appearance was in the late 1800s when it stared hauntingly at a family before vanishing into the night.
As years passed, more encounters were reported, each describing the creature's ability to appear and disappear, leaving behind an aura of dread. Witnesses spoke of its featureless face and guttural noises, claiming that even a brief encounter could plunge a person into madness.
Rewind snickered. This was ridiculous. They'd been on and off earth enough times they would have known if there were any humanoids outside of humanity by now. Some sparkling humans must have just gotten bored.
He ignores the twinge of discomfort ringing in the back of his processor and shuts his vocalizer off just in time to stifle the high-pitched yelp clawing up his intake when a bright yellow hand lands on his shoulder.
"Hey Rewind, whatcha got there?" Rewind turns his helm to stare up at his captain. Slowly, a smile spreads his lips behind his facemark. Oh this.....this will be good.
Log 1
Bots along for the ride: Rewind, Rodimus, Drift
Location: Warren Park Trail, Montana
Subject of interest: Urban Legend - The Rake
Notable Mentions: The air here seems....heavier. Shadows seem to somewhat defy sources of light. Rodimus has taken it upon himself to "Flame up" so everyone can see where they place their pedes. Drift's headlights help but they don't seem to penetrate the strange blanket of darkness. Walking around tonight in search of this legend has proven fruitless. Perhaps this is the first he can strike off the list? He will have to wait till they were back on ship and he had a moment to himself before he can review the feed. He's going to have to do a lot of tweaking before the video is comprehensible.
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Here is the rendered photo without the drawn on Video Cam.
This is the first installment of my new mini-series. I am so excited to finally post this, I've had the rendered photo done for a while now and was just waiting on myself to finish up the companion comics.
This literally was entirely inspired from solely two things.
1.) As I was sketching Roddy for practice, the song "Dumb Ways to Die" came up on my for you playlist on Spotify. This kinda put in a little seed of sorts.
2.) My brother is starting to get into art and we often go to the cafe together to practice. It's great being able to have a critique buddy right there as you're working together. On the day after scenario 1, him and I went to the cafe and I had been practicing landscapes. My intent had been to make a fairytale like environment. I showed him, we looked at each other, and both stated. "Yeah that's haunted." It's like a light bulb went off in my head. A very very insistent light bulb.
And thus, "Roddy's Ghost Adventures" has been born! Stay tuned for future installments~
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sinspark4 · 11 months
So I originally only had the intention to sketch Roddy (the one attached) so I could practice different frame types. However, I am always listening to something while drawing and I had Spotify’s DJ playing random songs in my ear.
And let me tell you, the cackle I let out when “dumb ways to die.” Came on….. my lordie the inspiration this created.
Imagine: Rodimus getting approached by Rewind to film him showing his “bravery” by hunting down human urban legends and proving them fictitious. Only they aren’t. And poor Drift gets dragged in as collateral damage. But Rewind won’t let him back out because he’s “proving his bravery to the crew”.
So, In honor of Spooky season passing, I am starting a new mini series called “Roddy’s Ghost Adventures.” I’ve got the first drawing finished, (using the below sketch), just waiting till I have a little companion comic scribbled out to post with it.
I can’t wait XD
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