25ne0n · 4 months
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sindria 🌊🐚
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queenofanime · 2 years
Could you do Masrur, kouha being dads to girls. Please?
Hi!! I'm so sorry I took so long. Christmas was crazy (too many family dinners that I did not enjoy).
Masrur and Kohua with their daughters
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So we know Masrur already has a daughter called Sadi. At first, he was afraid of having daughters. Masrur even states that he can't do delicate things, so he's afraid of braiding hair, clothing, and feeding.
 He tries, he really really tries. (Seen Brooklyn-99? Terry building the princess castle? Yeah, that's Masrur. He just doesn't ask for help or yell. The suffering is internal).
Most of his father's references actually trace back to Ja'far. He teaches his daughters to read and write (even though he hates it himself). And while he is not great with the sword, he teaches them a few moves for self-defense.
His communication skills might be lacking, but his observational ones aren't. He knows when his daughters are down and he knows how to cheer them up. (He probably suggests hunting or sparring).
Sometimes a little overprotective but at the same time, Masrur knows children will be children.
Takes their daughters to the Dark Continent.
Masrur and Hinahoho have a lot of playdates since Fanalis and Imuchakk are known for their strength. Other 'normal' children always seem to leave crying. 
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Bless whoever dates/marries Kouha's daughter because he will not have mercy on their soul.
For his daughter's third birthday, he gave her an axe (what kind of woman doesn't have an axe?). Told her she could decapitate anyone she desired (everyone told him 'no').
Unlike Masrur, Kouha will spoil his daughter rotten, he hates saying no. And hates grounding her. Deep down, he knows he needs to discipline her and can't let his daughter get away with everything.
While he loves fighting, he teaches his daughter how to dress with class, how to style her hair, and how to always be 'good looking'. He loves Koumei, he just doesn't want his daughter to pick up his brother's bad habits.
One thing Kouha is set on teaching his daughter is to always protect the weak and the outcasts. 
His daughter is way too smart for her one good. She ends up causing trouble and quite the commotion everywhere she goes. (Always make an entrance: Life lessons from her Kouha himself)
If you enjoy my writing, even just a little bit... can you follow my insta?
I'm trying to grow my newly created art account: nena_rpa
Your support would mean the world to me :)
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morimakesfanart · 1 year
Honestly Sindria to me is a mix of Hawaii Canada and India
I definitely see India in the Middle Eastern architecture, and Hawaii in it being a tropical island, but I don't know enough about Canada to give an opinion there.
If you don't mind me giving my 2 cents, I think the tropical influences for Sindria are focused on south of the equator. The orami are like lemurs which are only native to Madagascar. And the papagoras look a lot like toucans which are from Brazil.
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myspecialinterest · 2 years
i! keep forgetting! to show you, guys!
but i’d like to share that i bought acnh a whiiiile back and my island is called sindria, i love getting the morning news and seeing isabelle mention it
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amateurchefstuff · 4 months
Gaspatxo de síndria
INGREDIENTS: 1/2 síndria 5 tomàquets madurs 1/2 pebrot vermell 1 ceba tendra Oli, sal, vinagre, pebre Preparació: Traurem les llavors de la síndria. Pelarem els tomàquets (per facilitar la feina els podem escaldar dos minuts en aigua bullent i així traurem la pell fàcil) i els traurem, com a la síndria, les llavors. Rentem i tallem el mig pebrot i la ceba tendra. Amb la batedora elèctrica ho…
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anitacoro-blog · 1 year
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devilrosola · 8 months
Ever the pursuit of knowledge~
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zeawesomeness · 8 months
I love Khatas' family so much, they're actually a fucking mess :)
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teatitty · 2 years
Sinbad’s dynamic with Alibaba is best described as just
Ja’far: All Sinbad does is worry about you. It’s a little disgusting if I’m honest
Sinbad, gritting his teeth: We weren’t going to discuss that in front of him
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almabanker · 5 months
Sometimes evil people need vacations too! though it was out of the question to actually put on the outfit, he had to find his old clothes which miraculously fit him. Thankfully the easy job was something that did not effect his physical health. The words of a cool magician in his mind...
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"Ah, it really is so hot."
He complains though not really feeling the heat. The empire of Sindria was honestly too easy to get in if you weren't doing anything.
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highseaskxng · 1 year
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It was another successful trip without foreign lands to collect those in need among other refugees. This was merely his promise never to abandon those who have been abandoned and forgotten by the world. He owe it to those children that had been slaughtered in his name that he proceeded right by them, to ensure those sacrifices were not in vain. Sinbad was on the ship as its captain, disguised as a merchant of course, there was no reason to have these people know he was the king Sindria, the very country they were going to see within a few moments now. “How about you? Have the passing nights have been alright for you?”
liked for a starter / @atherissquamigera​
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Aniette: Storm-borne romance
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{The early morning breeze dashed with the scent of the sea}
{"Come my lady, hurry away to an adventure with me"}
For @a-perfect-summer-storm
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nnayomaise · 1 year
some of you magi fans need to do a little critical thinking before you engage in conversations about lore
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morimakesfanart · 2 years
talking about theses different stories u had almost made me forget about Sindria's Prophet 😅 i'm excited for all of them
XD I'm having a lot of fun working on them so that's really encouraging.
I haven't forgotten about Sindria's Prophet though ;3 It will be a little longer until I get the next chapter done. I decided to take a few weeks to learn Blender so I can make backgrounds and common items for all of my stories. I learned 3D modeling in college as part of my animation degree. I learned with Maya though, so I'm currently experiencing a learning curve with figuring out how Blender works. Here's a little preview what I've got done so far :3
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It's the important meeting room in Sindria's Palace from Season 1 Ep 23. Since I keep writing meetings I figured it would be a good idea to just make the room. I'll also be making Sinbad's office, Mori's bedroom, a few rooms for the Black Libra Tower and I'm not sure what else.
A lot of the next SP chapter takes place in Mori's room so I'll have to model that asap. When I finish that I'll do the art for the chapter.
I have to model a few rooms of my actual home because my diary comic needs it and I figure it will be useful for any chapters of the Reverse Isekai AU. I have a few rooms from my OG series to make too, like the MCs homes, and other important buildings. I will be using as much as I can of premade assets from the CSP asset store for that though since it isn't based on anything that already exists.
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myspecialinterest · 1 year
guess who might or might not be working on a sinbad no bouken mini animation for pris final uni proyect….
IF YOU GUYS would like to see stuff about it i would love to show you…
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amateurchefstuff · 7 months
Ingredients: Uns tres quarts de quilo de polpa de síndria (sense llavors). Tres tomàquets grossos ben madurs. Un granet d’all (opcional). Un raig d’un bon vinagre de vi blanc. Un raig d’un bon oli d’oliva. Sal, pebre. Un toquet de salsa Perrins. (SALSA WORCESTERSHIRE) Un toquet de salsa Tabasco. Api. Preparació: Passarem pel braç elèctric la polpa de la síndria, els tomàquets, ben nets però…
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