#Sir Benfro
thechemistryset · 10 months
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Preseli Transmitting Station, Pembrokeshire, 1964
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nemuinimue · 2 years
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velkyr · 10 months
Get to know me - tagged by @wazzappp, ty! 💜
under the cut cause it's a longer tag game
Nickname: I don't have as many as I had when I was going by my birthname, but I like Z :) it's fun to be called a single letter. that's my part of the alphabet now.
Sign: libra sun / sag moon / libra rising. look I don't really put any stock in astrology - I'm just here for the vibes - but I do find it funny how I got assigned double libra at birth and can't make a fucking decision to save my life
Height: 152cm/4' 11"
The last thing I googled: 'xcode manually added framework support x86 and arm64'. it was a rough day at work
Amount of sleep: probs like 6 hours on average when I'm not going through a rougher patch of sleep issues. otherwise it varies from 3-8
Dream job: to have no job and dismantle capitalism ❤ nah but really in an ideal world where I could do whatever and study to do it. I would want to work with animals. mostly birds. I just wanna work at a bird sanctuary or do ethical/educational falconry or something. give me a job where I get to hang out with corvids every day and I think that would fix me.
Favorite song: hardest question of all time. right now? this:
Movie/Book that Summarises Me: 'summarises me' is a hard one. I don't tend to interact with media from a lens of relatability aside from latching onto specific characters. if it can be interpreted as 'summarises my tastes' there are a fair few things I can list out though!
the locked tomb - tamsyn muir
six of crows duology - leigh bardugo
priory of the orange tree - samantha shannon
the ballad of sir benfro - j.d. oswald (dragon high fantasy vibes that I've never seen replicated anywhere else, where a displaced dragon is the perspective character for a lot of the series)
the memoirs of lady trent - marie brennan (she's a victorian dragon naturalist in a world where dragons are on the cusp of becoming part and parcel of the ecosystem rather than myth. it's SO good)
the handmaiden
scream series
pacific rim
deadass anything directed by edgar wright
Favorite instrument: I'm always gonna have a soft spot for percussion/drum kits because that's what I used to play. but purely on the basis of sound? probably bass guitars. their range is unmatched, they can be tuned up to drive a melody as well as the bassline, and the Crunchiness of good bass just fucks so severely.
Aesthetic: the word aesthetic really grinds my gears given its usage and tiktokification in recent years lmao so I'm not sure how to answer this one. if we're talking like, personal preference in style, it's... well, goth-lite? masc-leaning goth with an emphasis on ye olde genderfuckery
Favorite authors: tamsyn muir, samantha shannon, marie brennan, sarah waters, derek landy, mxtx
Random fun fact: uhhhhhh did you know that people with coeliac disease have a genetic mutation affecting the HLA (human leukocyte antigen) protein, which causes it to bind with gluten in the body, signalling to the T cells that gluten is a foreign body that needs to be attacked - but they end up attacking the gut itself instead, destroying parts of it? the human body is so fucking dumb fr. at least I get to joke that I'm a mutant
tagging anyone that made it this far <3 mwah
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simonjames-jam · 2 years
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Sir Benfro Haf (Pembrokeshire Summer). 
‘Between Traeth Llyfn and Abereiddy’ and 
‘In the vicinity of Porthgain’.

Addition to series.
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shadowsinfonia · 5 years
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Near Ceibwr Bay, Pembrokeshire
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manondafydd · 7 years
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penwythnos ym mis mai
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oops-ibrokereality · 3 years
Dwi'n byw gyda fy mam am yr haf tan bod fy prifysgol yn sortio mas tŷ i fi ac mae'n neis. Ooond mae'n strange, dwin siarad Cymraeg yn mwy aml nawr ond mae'r safon yr iaith wedi gwaethygu. Like dwin super cyffyrddus gyda siarad yr iaith fel hyn (obvs oherwydd dwi wedi tyfu lan yn siarad yr math yma o Cymraeg) ond rydw i'n gwybod mae'r fordd yma o siarad yn ' anghywir'. Idk bois dwin gwybod mae siarad unrhyw fath o'r iaith yn gwell na dim siarad yr iaith o gwbl ond mae rhan o fi yn gwybod byddaf yn cwmpo nôl mewn i habits o defnyddio gramadeg a geiriau yn anghywir
#mae'r iaith yn yr teulu 'ma yn strange#iaith cyntaf fy tadcu yw Saesneg ond gwneth ef eu dysgu Cymraeg fel ail iaith ar ôl symud i sir Benfro o Gaerdydd nol yn yr 70au#ond roedd fy great grandparents yn siarad Cymraeg so gwnaeth f tadcu pigo lan rhai or tafodiaith or Gaerdydd cyn iddo dysgu CymraegSirbenfr#ac wedyn gwnaeth fy mam dysgu Cymraeg fel eu iaith cyntaf yn ysgol gynradd ond pan wnaeth hi symud ir ysgol uwchradd gwnes hi stopio#ond bydd fy dadcu a mam yn siarad y Cymraeg gartref llawer ondnid oedd fy Nan neu fy Uncle yn deall yr iaithso roedd Saesneg ynmwy cyffredi#nawr gwnes i dysgu Cymraeg o'r dechrau#es i a fy mrawd i ysgol gynradd cymraeg ac ysgol uwchradd Cymraeg#well gwnes i symud i ysgol saesneg pan oeddwn i yn 8 ond es i symud i ysgol uwchradd cymraeg ar ol hynny#a mae'r iaith gartref yn cymysgiad o Cymraeg a Saesneg#ni'n siarad Cymraeg llawer iawn gartref ond oherwydd mae mam dim ond yn cael bach o addysg yn yr iaith ac oherwydd mae hanner fy teulu#dim yn siarad yr iaith rhugl iawn mae gramadeg ni'n defnyddio yn warthus#ac mae geiriau ni'n defnyddio am pethau yn.. wahanol iawn?#e.e Bara Flwff Gwyn yn lle Defaid#neu beic nofio yn lle cwch#ar ol bron 20 mlynedd o cymysg dialect Saesneg sir Benfro (geiriau fel Kifft a Caffle ) y tafodiaith Cymraeg (Wes wes bois) a geiriau hawdd#mae fy iaith wedi cael eu royaly fucked up#plus mae peidio siarad yr iaith am bron 4 blynedd ar ol gadael yr ysgol yn cyfrannu at yr safon o iaith dw'i siarad#ngl i do like the language i speak at home#ond mae'n gwneud i mi worry bach oherwydd pan dwin symud nôl i'r prifysgol byddaf yn siarad gyda mwy siaradwyr Cymraeg sy'n actually gallu#siarad yr iaith#i guess Cymraeg yw ail llais fi. yn lle ail iaith ? os mae hynny'n gwneud synnwyr?#bach o rant#b's rambling
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barkingbonzo · 3 years
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margridarnauds · 4 years
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[img desc: “A Facebook post by the user Frances May from the 18 of February, 2021, that reads “I write to you on behalf of the Diwan Breton language immersive schools that have existed for 43 years now. The secondary schools (six in all) have been informed that from September 2021, instead of having 3 hours of Breton a week for each class, the French education system will be giving 3 hours per school year. This could mean as little as half an hour a week, as we continue to grow and open new classes. Already for the next school year, there will be 6 year 7 classes on two different sites. 
The argument put forward by the government is that our pupils “don’t need” any more lessons, as they are taught other subjects through the medium of Breton. How we will be able to study grammar, literature, and Breton culture with an hour’s lesson a week is a mystery. This argument is baffling to us, as all pupils in French language and literature classes also are taught all subjects through the medium of French, yet, French language and literature classes are maintained. 
We have been warned that this is “only the start.” As you know, the Breton language has no official status in France. Only too often we see that the ethos of ‘liberté, égalité, et fraternité’ on which the republic is built does not apply to us. Breton and indeed other minority languages are seen as inferior, and are known as ‘regional languages’ as opposed to French, which is ‘national.’ The lack of official status leaves us constantly vulnerable. 
We very much need support from all over the world. Could I ask you to address a letter of support that we could pass on to both the media and regional government? We have worked so hard to maintain a good education for our pupils - Pupils, staff, and parents are deeply hurt by this attack on our basic human rights. 
Diolch o galon i chi amm ystried ein sefylla. gan edrych ymlaen i glywed oddi wrthych. Ffran May, athrawes saesneg, skolaj Diwan Gwiseni, cynfyfyrwraig prifysgol Aberystwyth, yn enedigol o Sir Benfro. /img desc.] 
This constitutes a further attack on the Breton language by the French government, in keeping with a trend that has been in place since the 1790s (and affects other minority languages and dialects, not just Breton). The language has made great strides in the past few decades, but remains endangered, with this constituting yet another attempt at gutting it. I am begging anyone who can to reblog - I understand that the world is on fire at the minute, I understand that it’s long, but anything to raise awareness would have my immense gratitude. 
If you’ve ever felt saddened or angry when I talk about what happened to the medieval manuscripts in Ireland, if you’ve ever appreciated anything I’ve had to say about Celtic Studies, Celtic languages, Celtic literatures...this is the chance to help one very endangered Celtic language out before irreparable damage is done. 
Because Tumblr swallows anything that has links, I’ll be reblogging with the relevant links. 
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kiunlo · 2 years
dude i just finished reading this entire book series (5 books long) of the ballad of sir benfro (story with dragons and magic and shit) and my god i loved it so much. the ending was bitter sweet but all the loose ends were tied up so nicely. heheh i love books
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fisherrprince · 3 years
okay SO about that book thing. it sounds kind of similar to a book called "the rose cord", #2 of the "ballad of sir benfro" series (i'm pretty sure benfro was the dragon.) that particular one was red (the covers are really pretty, not the goodreads ones, the set amazon displays), also there were sudden graphic scenes (I remember one in kind of too much detail because the protag's brother ?gets possessed by god????). I also enjoyed it but was way too young when I read it I think, and mostly picked it up because of the pretty dragon cover also. so same hat ig even if it's not the right book
oooogh I don’t think this is it, it was set in the modern-day, but it’s WEIRD it happened twice, right???? I’m shaking your hand in slight bizarre confusion
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thechemistryset · 10 months
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Gordon Barry, Preseli Transmitting Station, Pembrokeshire, c. 1960s
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museumwales · 5 years
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Antur: Y Ddaear
3…2…1… Gwisga dy benwisg a bydd yn barod am daith fythgofiadwy!
Ymuna â L.W.N.A. yr android ar antur trwy amser mewn profiad realiti rhithwir newydd yn Amgueddfa Genedlaethol Caerdydd!
Ar y daith hon byddi’n gweld sut le oedd Cymru filiynau o flynyddoedd yn ôl – o’r moroedd cynnes lle mae Sir Benfro heddiw, i oerfel Powys yn Oes yr Iâ.
Pwy â ŵyr beth welwn ni – trychfilod enfawr, deinosoriaid, mamoth blewog hyd yn oed!
Mwy ar ein gwefan!
Mission: Planet Earth
3…2…1… Put on your headset and strap yourself in for the journey of a lifetime!
Join L.W.N.A. the android on a mission through time in a new permanent virtual reality experience – only at National Museum Cardiff!
On this journey you’ll find out what Wales was like millions of years ago – from the warm depths of the seas of what will become Pembrokeshire to the bitterly cold climate of Powys.
Keep your eyes peeled - we might come across some giant bugs, dinosaurs and even woolly mammoths!
Find out more about this brand new virtual reality experience on our website!
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calochortus · 4 years
L2018_3546 - Porthgain Harbour - Pembrokeshire - Wales
L2018_3546 - Porthgain Harbour - Pembrokeshire - Wales by John Luxton Via Flickr: Porthgain harbour is a fascinating, historic place associated with the extractive industries of the area dating from the 19th and early 20th Century and now a very popular tourist centre within the Pembrokeshire Coast National Park. For more images of Portgain Harbour and its Industrial Archaeology please click here: www.jhluxton.com/Industrial-Archaeology/Industrial-Archae...
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tonyplaysthemambo · 6 years
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Pembrokeshire, Wales
Sir Benfro, Cymru
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shadowsinfonia · 5 years
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Between Poppit and Ceibwr, Pembrokeshire
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