#Sirius is taking the leap fighting the fight taking the shot
moonheavens · 1 year
last line
thank you for the tag @pretentiouswreckingball <3 you and Tzi are really getting me warm for Drarry at this point.....
not technically a last line as I haven't fully finished the chapter yet but it's a /paragraph/ last line so it counts? right? I say it does. (unedited, from itcoac ch5)
The most horrible part of it, the pain of the unrequitedness that has Sirius so down about this messy ‘in love with your best friend’ business, would fade. Hope’s said so, and Lyall too, and rationally speaking Sirius knows it will. If Remus says no, it will fade. It might take a lifetime, but it will. And maybe, just maybe, he can risk enduring it just for that small flicker of hope he won’t have to. What is Sirius if not an expert in dealing with hardship, at this point in his life? Life has thrown calamities at him since he was born, curveballs with claws, treacherous things for him to overcome, and he’s done it all—he’s still here. He’s traumatised and fearful, tainted and poisoned and flawed at just seventeen, sure, but he’s here. He made it out of that mansion and away from the terrors it housed within, fought tooth and nail to get to where he is now—safe and healthy, strong and street-smart and powerful, loved. An integral part of a family and a friendship that brighten his every day and means more to him than he can explain. And maybe, just maybe, he can risk it. Howl at the moon in search of that answering call. Take the shot and pray to all the heavens he strikes true. Tell Remus the truth, and hope he wants Sirius, too.
tagging @tortoisebore @arcturusnebula @saintlupin and anyone else who wants to do it <3
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goblinpuppy35 · 4 months
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Out of Place Together
University Remus x Male Reader
(Previous Chapter) - Part 3 - (Next Chapter)
Summary: An academia-core themed story about the Marauders during their final year of university in the Muggle world. Soon after meeting each other  Remus begins to fall for one of Sirius' friends Y/N another shy student.
CW: Implied previous truma
Lights faded and the small stage fell into complete darkness. After a pause audience members began to clap. "Claire can you give me a cue when all the actors are back on stage please" Y/N ask letting his fingers pressure off the comps button to his headset. A soft crackle emerge around his ears before the stage managers replied "Okay, yeah all actors are on stage, ready for you", thanking the stage manger Y/N from the box set off his last lighting cue. All the stage lights shot back on revealing the ready and waiting line of student actors, who with beaming faces took several bows. After which they gestured to stage left to encourage a round of applause for the stage hands and then their arms rose up towards the box, as a recognition for the technicians. Y/N always felt a smell amount of pride in this moment, looking down he smiled to himself. 
While the actors left the stage and the members of the public began to stand from their seats and ascend the stairs to the lobby, Y/N switched on the house lights, thanks the stage manager for all her help, then removed his tight headset and sighed, leaning back and resting his hands on his neck. Tilting further he scanned the clock above, 10:45pm, his eyes began to drop. As planned Y/N had arrived at the drama theatre at 7:30am that day. Preparation for the performance had been productive but long, between rigging lights, checking cables, testing the smoke machine and helping actors know where spotlights appeared for their marks, Y/N had barely had time for lunch himself that day. "One down .. three more nights to go" muttered Y/N turning to his fellow technician across on the sound deck. Tiredly grinning at one another they began to shut down the equipment. 
After checking and clearing up the stage it was just passed 11pm as Y/N exited the building from the back, his breath instantly creating small clusters of clouds. There was still a substantial group of friends and family all huddle around the actors sharing hugs and compliments. While people watching Y/N hardly notice a small collection of people making their way to him. "Y/N!" was all he registered before the figure of Sirius leaped upon him, bring him in for a long bear hug. "Sirius! Ah you came, thank you!" Y/N chuckles against his friends shoulder. "We all did!" declared Sirius stepping back and presenting James and Lily, waving towards Y/N and  behind them towered Remus. Y/N was shocked, his eyes wanted to stay fixed on Remus' but out of politeness they flickered between everyone's. "He came. I can't believe it" Y/N thought. They all chatted in the cold night air, Sirius insisting he could have done a better job then the lead actor and James admitting he didn't quiet follow the plot but enjoyed watching the fight scenes. "I thought the lighting was great" Remus chimed in before allowed his manic friends to take control of the conversation once more. This comment brought Y/N's eyes back to Remus' and they shared a moment which felt so precious to Y/N, his wrapped his fingers around his shirt sleeve tightly.
"Will you come out with us for a drink now Y/N?" Lily asked sweetly, shivering slightly as the breeze picked up, James wrapped his arm around her. "Sorry I can't, this show week will be pretty intense for me but I'll definitely need a drink after the final performance on Saturday" Y/N said and Lily egerly agreed as the other two started to make their way down the street. "You coming Remus?" called out Sirius, the tall man was hovering next to Y/N with his hands deep in his pockets, "Errr no, I was going to offer Y/N a lift home again if he wanted it?". Y/N stared dumbly at Sirius and then at Remus realise the question was directed at him. "Oh gosh, thank you Remus! if that's okay with you that would be really helpful!", Y/N felt himself rocking on the heels of his shoes and a smile stayed painted on his face. "Well you two have fun" called out James grinning, carrying to walk down the street the two man where now alone.
"Honestly, I really liked the lighting you did. Especially creating those lightening effects!" insisted Remus as they approach his car and ducked inside. Y/N enjoyed having someone noticing the work he was putting into the show and happily spend the car ride home explaining how the production worked behind the scenes. Remus seemed genuinely fascinated and while keeping his eyes on the road still asked numerus questions, enjoying each answer Y/N gave him. Driving down Y/Ns street Remus' car slowly halted outside Y/N student house, behind closed curtains shown sickly neon flashing lights and a slow repetitive thumping could be heard seeping through the brick work. Staring pensively through the passengers window Y/N let out a long groan and exhaustion. "Your house mates have impeccable timing don't they" Remus said, tapping the steering wheel with a long finger. Y/N stayed stationary, he felt deflated, he had several long days with early starts ahead of him. Remus studied Y/N's face, "Do you have all the stuff you need for the play in your bag" he asked. Y/N nodded still staring out of the window, his trance of despair was broken as the car engine erupted to life again and Remus began to reverse the vehicle. "What are you doing?" Y/N asked looking back at Remus, he couldn't help but stare down at Remus arms, his large jumper sleeves pulled back to his elbows revealing his skinny but tones arms. Small muscle definition on display as he held onto the steering wheel. Y/N bite the inner part of his lip. "You can't sleep there Y/N. I'm taking you back to ours. Sirius would insist the same if he was here", Y/N didn't argue, in fact he was relived by the suggestion. 
As they drove across town again Y/N told the story of how when him and Sirius were on the same course Sirius has demanded to play the leading role of Juliet, resulting in a month long fude with theatre kid turn star pupil and local commercial actress on the course.  Each time Remus laughed, his deep husky nosies made Y/N cheeks blush and his fingers fidget. He found the sound intoxicating. By the time they arrived at Remus' house it was close to midnight. 
Remus opened the door to the living room but before he flicked the light switch a series of curses fell from his lips. Peering in between his chest and arm Y/N could make out two figures, one draped across the sofa, boots still on , and clutching a half drunk bottle of something with the other half poured down their shirt. The second unconscious guest was on the floor facing downwards, an attempt to get undressed was made by this individual but alas they had only got as far as pulling their trousers down to their ankles, shoes still on, before surrendering to a drunken sleep. Both were snoring loudly and irregularly. "Fuck sake. These are Peter's mates" Remus grumbled visibly annoyed by the unexpected guests. 
Y/N's own levels of exhaustion were finally getting to him, making his eyelids heavy and his legs slightly wobbly. He just wanted to sit down. In his state he suddenly said something he normally wouldn't dream of uttering, "Can you take me to your room please Remus". The tall man looked down in surprise but his eyes quickly softened in-between strands of his messy brown hair and nodding he guided Y/N up the stairs. They passed what Y/N assumed to be Peters own room, with the door half open, several crumpled beer cans laying in the open door way where sporadic snoring erupting from with in. As they passed Remus grabbed the door handle and sharply closed the door. Remus entered his bedroom and started fumbling to find a light, Y/N frozen in the open door way, suddenly feeling rather nervous. A click of a lamp created a dim radial of light from the rooms far corner. Remus room was small with a large single mattress laying on the floor above a grand four panelled window, the view from outside was endless darkness. There was a chest of draws with a mirror and cassette player on top of it, on the other end of the door was a shabby armchair with a battered guitar propped against it. Every other possible space in the room was littered with piles upon piles of books. One pile nearly surpassed the height of the armchairs armrests. Even the lamp next to his bed was on a makeshift stand out of several thick spine book piles. Y/N simply had no idea where to place his feet, the room had an overall vibe of organised chaos. "Please come in" called out Remus as his quickly removed several books from the bed.
Thirty minutes later Y/N had successfully made his way into the room and onto the mattress. Perched on the corners edge he was flicking through a paperback he's found in a pile which after scanning the spines he believed to all be poetry. Remus re-entered his room after going down to the kitchen to make them some tea. There was a subtle but cool breeze which sept through the old window frame which Remus apologies for multiple times as he passed Y/N his tea. "It's really nice Sirius was able to get you guys to all come along, turn outs like tonight are great for everyone's moral in the department" Y/N said in-between blowing on his hot mug. "I demand Sirius had to bring us along actually" Remus said sipping from him own cup, "Oh really?" the hairs on Y/N's arms started to prick upwards. Cradling his tea Remus smiled and then looking up met Y/N's gaze "Yeah, because I wanted to see you again". Placing his mug on the ground Y/N picked up the book of poems again and awkwardly began to flick through the pages, "Why .. I mean you barely know me", "Maybe" mused Remus "but I like all the parts of you I know about so far". There was a strange echo in Y/Ns head which was urging him to get up and leave, instead he continued to scan the books pages, trying to ignore how Remus has not stopped staring at his face.
"Ode to a nightingale by John Keats" stuttered Y/N tapping his finger on the open page "it's a really good one". The duvet under them moved slightly as Remus shuffled a little closer to Y/N, "Read it to me" he requested softly. There was a pause as Y/N contemplated this, rotating himself slightly so his back was to Remus, clearing his throat Y/N began to recite the poem. "My heart aches, and a drowsy numbness pains. My sense, as though of hemlock I had drunk." his voice jittery at first then gradually smoothing out as he got into the flow of the verses. He could feel Remus' presents behind him and tried to focus simply on the words upon the page. He was nearing the penultimate verse when he froze as the obvious sensation of Remus' hand gently placing itself on his waist became apparent. The book in Y/Ns hands suddenly felt weighted, nearly slipping through his fingers before he placed it beside him, his eyes still facing forward as a second hand was placed on his opposite hip. The feeling of tightness returned to his chest. "Is this okay" Remus whispers into Y/N's ear from behind. Several thoughts were rushing through Y/N's mind at once, closing his eyes he waited for them to calm down. Once peace re-entered his mind he tilted his neck to the side, meeting Remus face, which was closer to his than he thought. God Y/N thought he was beautiful, his piercing blue eyes gleaming against his strong features. Wisps of hair falling down over his forehead, almost covering his eye.
Their heads leaned in together and their lips met. A slow intimate kiss was followed with a second, and third and forth. Remus' moustache brushed up against Y/N's nose and he felt the taller man's warm forehead rest against his. Each kiss made Y/N desire another and as they opened their mouths Y/N let out a relaxed sigh, he could feel Remus' lips curve into a smile between embraces. As they continued Y/N began to feel Remus' weight above him and Remus' arms gradually guided Y/N's body down onto the mattress, with Remus' own body above Y/N's now. Everything around Y/N from the duvet to their clothes, to Remus cheeks felt so comforting and soft.
But then Remus' hands dipped under Y/N's shirt, reaching his bare stomach and a sharp feeling of panic hit Y/N in the centre of his chest. As Remus' finger tips glided around, Y/N breathe quickened and images started to flash inside his head. Imagines which made him tense and scrunch up his brow. "Stop" muttered Y/N barely audibly, then again loud enough for Remus to hear and freeze his actions. Seeing the clear distress on Y/N's face he pulled his hands out of Y/N's clothes, "I'm sorry! What's wrong?" he asked as he let Y/N sit up and place his head in-between his knees. Y/N felt foolish and ashamed, "No, nothing.  It's fine. I'm sorry, it's just" he paused and tried to steady his breathing. Remus sat next to Y/N, his hands resting on his knees and observed him, wanting to help but not sure how. His ocean blue eyes look at Y/N's fidgeting hands and then rapidly tapping foot, then back to his hands. After a moment Y/N sharply sat back up, brushed his hair out of his face and exhaled loudly, "I haven't .. for a while .. and the last time was .. well it .. it wasn't" Y/N paused as he felt one of Remus' hands place itself on top of his clenched fist. "It's okay" he said kindly, Y/N smiled weakly and stared up at Remus, "You have beautiful eyes" Remus remarked and delicately kissed Y/N's forehead, just above his eyebrows, Y/N laughed bashfully and looked towards to ground "And I like the way your cheeks blush" Remus remarked planning a single kiss on each side of Y/N's face, Y/N could feel his tension reducing. "Would you like to get some sleep here? I can sleep on the floor?" Remus asked sincerely, "No please stay, I'd like you to stay" Y/N said, finally opening his fist and interlocking fingers with Remus, it was now the messy brunettes turn to look down and blush. 
Turning off the lamp and room was engulfed in the night, the two men laid down on the mattress. Y/N put his back against Remus' chest and felt one of Remus' hands drape over his hip while the other made it's way to his head and he felt Remus fingers gently caress him hair. They seemed to fit together so naturally. Peaceful sleep came to both of them gradually. 
Y/N's mind was blank. Quiet. Then his subconscious flashed and pulse abruptly. Again and again with violent painful images and scenes. Bright red filled his mind. "Stop .. stop... STOP" screamed repeatedly inside his mind until the noise was defending and then silence. Silence and the picture of a face. A face he knows all too well. Even silhouetted in the dark Y/N still knew those terrifying eyes anywhere. His own eyes shot open and he was awake but Y/N wasn't sure at first. He jolted up right in fear and tried to remember where he was, his pupils darting across the unfamiliar room. "please don't be here. please don't be here" repeated frantically in his mind. Looking down next to his he saw the vague shape of a body. Remus' long body next to him, still asleep. Scooting along to the end of the bed, Y/N rested his feet on the cold floorboards, placing his hands over his eyes, "Stupid... Idiot" escaped his lips over and over. 
"Y/N.." Remus' body shifting behind Y/N as he rose up from his sleeping position. Y/N wishes he was somewhere else. "Y/N .. your shivering" Remus whispered ever so lightly against Y/N's bare neck. Y/N could only answer with erratic hitched breathing. Within the dark the sound of rustling fabrics arose and then Y/N felt the woollen weight of Remus' jumper going over his head. He didn't object to Remus helping him put it on, despite feeling foolish, all Y/N could currently do was sniff. Wrapping his knuckles into the cuffs of the oversize knitwear. The jumper smelt musky just like Remus did, it was pleasant. A secondary pressure came upon Y/N as he sensed Remus' slender arms snake under his armpits and wrap around his stomach. Remus' legs were either side of Y/N and using his arms Remus pulled the whimpering Y/N up against his chest. "I'm sorry, I'm really sorry" Y/N's voice quivered, he felt humiliated, refusing to acknowledge how nice being this close to Remus again felt. 
"Shhhhh, it's okay" Remus murmured gently into the crook of Y/N's neck. In the dark touching one another felt even more intimate. "It's not! I don't like people seeing me like this" Y/N sniffed getting more frustrated with himself with every sentence he spoke. "Why?" Remus asked calming, huffing in the dark Y/N's cheeks grow warm. "Because I don't like people seeing how broken I am". Y/N was trying so hard not to cry but both men could hear the quivers rising from his throat. There was a long gap before Remus spoke again. "Have you noticed the scares on my body?" the question took Y/N by surprise yet as he thought back to their previous meetings he suddenly become aware of several notable scars littered across Remus arms and rising above the collar of his jumper. Y/N remembered even seeing one just above his eyebrows. The scars seemed to vary in freshness, "Umm yeah I have, on your arms and stuff". "I have lots more." Remus said plainly "My infliction has left me feeling like an outsider my whole life. It makes me scared to every let other see me for who I really am". "Your infliction?" repeated Y/N confused. Another long pause passed between them. "I'm a werewolf Y/N." They both sat in the dark, motionless. 
"Does that scare you?" Remus finally asked. Y/N honestly thought about it, "no" he replied. "It's alright if it does, you don't have to pretend" Remus urged, "No I know, but genuinely it doesn't frighten me" Y/N said confident in his own words, "I still trust you Remus". Y/N felt Remus grip on him tighten suddenly. Both men felt cathodic and in sync drew each other back down to the mattress in their embrace.  There was still a few hours before Y/N had to get up so they tried to rest for a little longer. 
It was early the next morning when Y/N woke up significantly calmer then before, still wrapped in the tender arms of Remus. Y/Ns eyes felt heavy with sleep yet his company was an endearing way to start his day. As he shifted around to face Remus he watched the gorgeous man's face slowly flutter awake. Once Remus' eyes adjusted to see it was Y/N's face smiling at him he grinned back, "Good morning" he grumbled. "Hi" Y/N said softly placing a hand on Remus cheek, his fingers running over his skin in circles, "I'm afraid I need to get going". They both pouted dramatically before laughing and then groaning both proceeded to get up.
Y/N was at the bottom of the stairs by the front door putting his coat on as he heard Remus' foot steps creaking down towards him. He was wearing the same baggy jumper and pyjamas bottoms Y/N had seen him in the first time they met. This made Y/N smile privately to himself. "I'm sorry for last night. Not the sexiest thing having someone have a panic attack in your bed" Y/N attempt of humour was masking a  mortified mountain of self hatred. As Y/N was preparing another self deprecating statement Remus without a word leaned down and kissed Y/N tenderly on the cheek and then on his neck. The second kiss made Y/N gasp slightly. "The first night with someone should always be filled with the bearing of one's soul and fears." Y/N awkwardly twiddled with the strapped on his shoulder bag, he badly wanted to kiss Remus back. "I liked you Y/N" Remus said honestly "And I would like to spend more time with you but we can go by your terms and pace okay" and Remus out stretched his hand. Y/N studied it carefully, taking note of the scares spanning across the knuckles "Okay" Y/N hummed taking Remus hand, the touching of fingertips transported him back to last nights embrace. They stayed smiling and shaking each other's hands, both clearly enjoying the touch. "Can I take you home again after the play tonight" Remus asked, a look of hope in his eyes. "Yes" Y/N replied quietly before turning to the front door and opening it. They both whispered goodbye to each other, taking in each other's faces until the very last moment as the door shut, separating them.
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the-dream-team · 3 years
Can I Try Again
Another ridiculously fluffy one-shot for @efkgirldetective's summer of jily week four prompt: picking berries // I know I've kissed you before, but I didn't do it right // the entire song, pink in the night <3
She is beautiful and he is in a perpetual state of falling. Down and down and down the goddamn rabbit hole, but somehow the further James plummets, the brighter his life becomes. It’s the kind of brightness that blinds him- somewhat painfully- and leaves his vision spotty, but he wouldn’t have it any other way.
Lily Evans walks ahead of him, a spring in her step, sunshine pouring through her hair. She’s cut it short for the summer, just above her shoulders, and he’s mesmerized by the way it bounces around her neck as she walks through the gardens of his family’s home. It’s an image he’s played over in his head an infinite number of times, but his rosiest daydreams don’t hold a candle to the real thing. The afternoon light hits his glasses just right and suddenly there’s a halo of glowing stars framing her as she tucks a dark red strand behind her ear. He can’t even see her face, but it doesn’t matter. I could stare at your back all day.
He is the luckiest boy in the world and every moment is made up of the sweetest form of torture. Agony and exuberance whipping his heart back and forth like a rogue Bludger.
She must know, he thinks. Must have some sort of clue that she’s occupied every corner of his mind for well over a year now. Even more so now, after the platform. He wishes more than anything for the ability to read minds as she glances over her shoulder with those startlingly green eyes, that friendly grin.
He can’t help but smile back- or maybe he was already smiling before she even turned around. It doesn’t matter. By some miracle, she’s here, and he can only marvel at the kindness of fate.
It had been a passing comment. One of those early morning conversations as his friends frantically scribbled out unfinished essays while shoving waffles down their throats. Chatter muffled by mouthfuls of eggs and yawning. Remus had commented offhandedly about the fruit bowl being passed around, and then-
“Oh, raspberries are my favorite.”
He’d be lying if he said he wasn’t already looking at her when she spoke. But truthfully, he was always looking at Lily, a habit he’d long since stopped fighting once he realized how fruitless his efforts were. She was beautiful and he was hopeless. Simply lucky to be in her presence. She was the sun, and he, but a lonely planet, entirely reliant on and endlessly seeking out her light.
Sirius spoke the words James should have if his mind hadn’t gone fuzzy from hearing her voice.
“You know, the Potters have a raspberry patch in their gardens.”
“Oh, really?” She glanced from Sirius to James with a brilliant smile and excited eyes, so purposefully glued to his that he had to duck his head and rake a hand through his hair to hide his heating cheeks.
“That’s right,” he said more to his plate of sausages than to her. “They’re usually ripe to pick by early August.” When he peered back up, she was still looking his way.
“You should come over this summer and take some off our hands,” said Sirius casually, turning towards James as if it had been his idea.
“Yeah,” he jumped in a little too eagerly. “I mean- if you’d like, you’re more than welcome.”
Her smile widened, rounding the apples of her cheeks in a way that made his stomach flip pleasantly. “That sounds like fun.”
He assumed she’d forget the conversation, it had been just another morning, just another casual chat among housemates, but that didn’t keep him from daydreaming about the potential of a far-off day in August rather incessantly during the following months. But then as the school year ended and summer rolled on painfully slowly (and Lily-less), an owl arrived. And her handwriting crawled across the page like a message written in the clouds.
Lily swings the woven basket back and forth in her pursuit of the best raspberries. There’s already an impressive bounty growing in her basket, far more than he’s managed to collect- too busy watching her kneel down and pluck berries off their delicate branches to pick any of his own.
He turns to a leafy bush, green and lively and swaying slightly in the warm breeze, and quickly pinches off a handful of berries in an attempt to catch up with her. When she spins around, he’s thankful for the distraction. A minute earlier and she would have caught him staring. Again.
She smiles pleasantly and brushes her fringe off her sweaty forehead with the back of her wrist. James’ heart leaps into his throat.
“You’ve been quiet,” she says, but not accusingly.
“No I haven’t,” he responds, voice gravelly from underuse. “Just been busy picking raspberries.”
She glances at his measly basket, then back to his face with arching brows and an amused smirk.
He can’t help his own guilty grin. “Alright, Evans, I’m sorry we can’t all be unreasonably talented at everything we do.”
“It’s berry picking, Potter,” she laughs, “not advanced Arithmancy.”
In retaliation, he plucks a raspberry off of the nearest branch and playfully throws it at her. She somehow has the gall to lean her head back and catch the goddamn berry between her teeth. His brain short circuits. He’s quite certain his jaw is on the ground. She acts as though this is no big deal, swallowing the fruit with a satisfied smile, her tongue brushing her lower lip before tossing another into her mouth.
“Oh, these are delicious!”
He can’t form a response even if he wants to. Even if it was a matter of life or death, which it sure as hell feels like. He can only stare at her mouth, at her lips stained raspberry-pink, and lose himself in the knowledge that he knows how they feel against his own- even just briefly.
The platform teemed with students stretching their legs after the long journey home from school, saying their goodbyes to friends as their families greeted them for the summer.
A pit sat in James’ stomach- heavy and demoralizing- the entire train ride back to London. He knew she’d be gone soon. Back with her parents in Cokeworth for two excruciating months before their seventh year began. He’d taken their close proximity for granted during the school year, and as he faced a summer without the promise of her warmth, he wondered if it was even possible living in the dark.
He laughed loudly at a joke Peter told, overcompensating for the fact he’d missed the punchline while his thoughts were spiraling over her. Sirius shot him a look that suggested he wasn’t doing a great job of masking his emotions. Had it been so obvious the entire way home? Could she have noticed the despondency in his eyes, heard the heavy thumping of his heart? He rolled his eyes at Sirius and mustered up the most unbothered smirk he could manage.
But then, without warning, she was in front of him.
“Alright, Potter, don’t let your head overinflate while I’m not around to keep you grounded.”
“Wouldn’t dream of it, Evans,” he laughed, thankful his voice sounded steadier than he felt. “Just so long as you promise to consider switching your loyalties to Puddlemere. There’s no way the Harpies even make it to the semi-finals this season, and I can’t bear seeing you heartbroken again.”
“Oh, piss off, Potter,” she replied, but the way she threw her arms around his neck seemed to argue she didn’t mean what she said. Instinctually, he hugged her back, and thank Merlin he had her to hold onto as the wind was knocked out of his lungs at her touch. An overwhelming warmth sparkled across every surface their bodies met, and it took every ounce of control he had to restrain the truly pathetic sigh that threatened to escape his throat.
“And I haven’t forgotten,” she spoke into his shoulder, breath hot thorough his t-shirt, “you promised me berry picking this August.”
It would be impossible to miss the rapid beating of his heart through his chest pressed up against hers. “I’m already counting down the days.”
When she pulled back, hands resting on his shoulders for a beat longer than expected, his body moved faster than his brain could keep up with. He leaned forward, aiming for her cheek, but miraculously landing against her mouth- connecting for the briefest of moments before parting again, as though nothing out of the ordinary had happened between them. If it weren’t for the ghost of her lips still burning against his own, he might have thought he’d dreamt it.
“Lily, I’m not waiting any longer, we’re leaving, now,” came the unpleasant voice of her sister from across the platform.
Lily’s disoriented smile faltered slightly before she composed herself again, meeting his eye. “I’ll see you in August?”
“Yeah, August,” he somehow said with his mouth still tingling, forever changed by what they now knew.
The memory of her lips, how they feel pressed between his smile, is harder to ignore when they’re in front of him. He can remember the warmth where they touched him over a month ago and absentmindedly he brings a raspberry to his mouth so he can imagine how she must taste.
His emotions were hard enough to control before he knew what he was missing, but now they are impossible to reign in. He forgets how to breathe, and as a result, his head spins maddeningly. Unsure of how much longer he can stand up straight without making a fool out of himself, he walks forward and lays a hand on Lily’s back- partially to lead her forward, partially because the desire to be connected to her in any way is driving him mad.
She lets him guide her through the rows of bushes, under an ancient wooden archway, and across a courtyard of blossoming poppies and forget-me-nots enclosed by walls of hedges. Yellow and purple petals reflect brilliantly in her green eyes, creating their own fields of wildflowers within her irises. He walks her towards a wide, circular fountain in the middle of the grass where bubbling water spills over onto stone tiers and pours into the basin below, its floor littered with glinting coins, dancing under the water’s rippling surface.
He sits down and she follows suit on the stone ledge surrounding the water, partially shaded by an impressive plum tree. Cool droplets spray off the fountain, refreshing like summer rain singing I love you, I love you, I love you. Lily glances his way and he wonders if she can hear his thoughts.
“Are we finished picking berries?” she asks, eyes squinting and nose crinkling in the sun.
“I figured you had enough to feed a village.” He reaches over and grabs a raspberry from her basket and she gasps in faux outrage.
“Are you really stealing my raspberries, Potter?”
He adores his name on her tongue. “My apologies,” he says, pulling a silver Sickle out of his pocket and sliding it over to where she sits. She looks at him like he’s lost his mind. “For your troubles. Go on then, make a wish.”
“Oh!” Her eyes light up and she takes hold of the coin, lifting it to her heart as she closes her eyes in search of a wish.
He thinks he could look at her forever. Happy, sunkissed, an unconscious smile playing across her lips. With her eyes shut, he uses a minute to take a deep breath, attempting to calm his racing heart and compose his dopey grin. They’re sitting close together, knees almost touching with the basket of berries between them. As she tosses the Sickle behind her shoulder, he smells the faint scent of her vanilla shampoo.
She noticeably tries to hide her smile when her eyelids flutter back open.
“What did you wish for?” he asks, unable to stop himself.
She freezes with her eyes locked on his. A pink blush spreads across her cheeks, growing darker the longer he stares back at her. “I can’t tell you,” she says, words sounding choked, “or else it won't come true.”
Her flushed face awakens something in his chest, a confidence that blooms magnificently, turns his nervous, pattering heartbeat into a steady, powerful drum.
His voice drops to a hoarse whisper when he asks, “Can I guess?”
Her breath hitches. “I think you might already know, James.” Her words, the sound of his name, melts him down to a puddle. By some miracle, she continues speaking. “Look, I know I’ve kissed you before-”
“But I didn’t do it right,” he says frantically, his hands finding her face and brushing through her hair. He starts to understand why people advise against looking directly at the sun because being this close to her fills him with such astounding emotion he thinks he might explode. She stares up at him, blush deepening, lips parting, and he takes a ragged breath. “Can I try again?”
This time, when she smiles, he knows exactly what he’s doing.
He leans in slowly, letting their breath mix together, their noses bump lightly before he closes the space between their lips. She’s soft and warm and beautiful and radiant and he’s never felt a happiness quite like this one, never experienced a kiss this perfect. His fingers travel over her scorching skin and brush her neck as he deepens the kiss, tasting the raspberries on her tongue, his heart soaring as she responds blissfully until they’re both left breathless.
“And again?” she asks, pulling him back with a smile against his lips.
“And again,” he smiles back, marveling, once again, at the kindness of fate.
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kohanayaki · 3 years
.:Time and Time Again:. (Marauders Era x Reader) Ch 7
Severus looks back on everything that went wrong.
tw: non-consensual kissing/harassment, trauma responses
LINKS:   CH 1   CH 2    CH 3   CH 4   CH 5   CH 6   CH 7   CH 8
Ch 7 .:Things Unforgivable and Things Left Unsaid:.
Graduation day at Hogwarts was supposed to mark the beginning of a new adventure for you. Instead, it marked the day you decided that whatever it was between you and Severus Snape, friendship or otherwise, it was over.
Or at least that's what you had thought. Of course, the universe just loved making things more complicated for you. You were working with Charlie in Romania when you had gotten word that Severus defected from the death eaters and was now working as a double agent at Dumbledore's behest. He continued teaching Potions at Hogwarts, and was even indited as a member of the Order. If anything, that only solidified your decision to go to America instead of staying in London. You didn't even know what to think. Of course you trusted Dumbledore, confusing as the man was, but you didn't know if you could really trust Snape again. You had worked towards forgiving him; over time you moved past what happened, but it was difficult to really say it was 'resolved' when you quite literally haven't spoken a word to each other in over a decade. You didn't even know where to start.
For the entirety of your seventh year, you didn't speak a word to Severus. It was hard to imagine that such a tight knit trio like the one you, him, and Lily had formed could crumble in an instant, but that's exactly what happened.
The end of your sixth year at Hogwarts was a quarter Snape would never forget, no matter how hard he tried. It was when everything fell apart. . .
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~   1976  ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
“James!” you yelled, running to the top of the hill where he and the rest of the Marauders had Snape held upside down.
“What are you doing?” you said, immensely hurt and trying to keep your voice steady, “You said this would stop, you promised. . . you swore.”
“(Y/n), I. . .” James trailed off, immediately feeling guilty. As he turned to you Snape dropped to the ground, attempting to scramble to his feet but finding his ankle twisted.
Sirius moved towards you to say something but you put your hand up firmly.
“No,” you said, “not a word out of you, Black.”
Sirius stared at you, wide-eyed, shrinking back as you called him by his last name for the first time in a long while. Not Sirius, not Pads. Black. As if your whole friendship had just been reset.
“And you two,” you said, addressing Remus and Peter, “how could you let this happen?!”
All four boys looked at you in shame, none of them daring to verbally respond.
Suddenly, Lily came running up the hill, having fallen behind you in your quick pace.
“Severus!” she panted, rushing over to him, “are you alright?”
Snape was in an angered daze, not even registering the words being said around him. The blood rushing through his veins felt like lava, his heart pounding in his ears, his chest, his tongue. His face burned with humiliation and hatred. Pure fucking hatred for James Fleamont Potter. For Lily to see him like that. . . for you to see him like that, pathetic, helpless, in need of your help once again. He wouldn't have it. He was a master of the dark arts now, he didn't have to fucking take this. He would curse Potter into the next century, he would—
Snape's eyes snapped open, not even realizing they were closed. The world came rushing in around him and he was suddenly acutely aware of Lily's hand on his arm. He reeled back at her touch as if he'd been burned.
“Don't touch me!” he screeched, startling the redheaded girl. Her eyes were filled with concern, but all Snape could see was pity.
“I don't need any help from you, you filthy Mudblood!”
And everyone in the clearing stilled.
The color drained from Snape's already pale face as he realized what he'd just said.
“Lily. . .” Severus whispered; pleading, desperate.
“Don't come any closer,” Lily said, her voice stone cold as tears welled up in her eyes.
“I'll kill you,” James said lowly.
“Prongs, no—”
“I'll kill you, you slimy bastard!” James growled, Remus moving quickly to hold him back.
You stood in the middle of it all, staring at Severus. Severus, who'd always told Lily that blood status didn't matter. Severus, who you and Lily always stood up for no matter what. Severus, who you thought you had feelings for up until this exact moment.
Without even thinking you stepped forward, grabbing Lily's hand.
“Let's go, Lils,” you said, your expression unreadable as you looked down at Severus. Lily squeezed your hand back gratefully, fighting the sobs racking her chest as she turned around and took off with you.
“(Y/n), wait—” Snape tried to get up but found himself shoved back down to the ground by Sirius.
“No,” he said sharply, “you don't get to say anything to either of them, you hear me?”
“What?” James spat, “you're sorry? Well sorry doesn't cut it! You say a word to her after what you called her and you'll wish you'd never have been born.”
Snape's head hung low, that wish already present in his mind.
“Leave him,” Remus said, this time not out of mercy, but malice; letting Snape wallow in his own misery as he left with his friends, looking for you and Lily.
Soon, Severus was left alone. Just as he began, and just as he should have never hoped for anything different. Was this it? That's how it was going to end? One mistake, and the only two people he'd ever cared about were ripped away from him.
No. He decided he had to apologize properly, consequences be damned. If those Marauders wanted to beat him to a bloody pulp afterwards, that was fine by him. He just needed to talk to Lily one more time. To tell her how deeply sorry he really was.
He took off down the hill, sprinting towards the castle and completely ignoring the burning pain in his ankle. He rushed through the grass, ignoring the looks he received from the other students walking by. He ran past the oak tree, through the castle gates, flying through the corridors and cutting across the courtyard when he skid to a stop at what he saw.
Lily and James stood in the center of the garden, her arms wrapped around his neck, pulling him closer as his lips captured hers. Her eyes were still wet with tears, the tears that he had caused. Severus didn't do a thing. His presence remained unknown to them as he slunk away back to his common room, heart silently breaking.
He was too late.
Nothing was the same after that.
Lily insisted that if you wanted to remain friends with Snape, as she now referred to him, she wouldn't hold it against you, but she made it very clear that she would never forgive him herself. But it wasn't as easy as wanting to stay friends with him or not; he'd changed that day.
After some time to let things settle down you tried to approach him, but he only became more and more hostile towards everyone, including you. You hardly saw him anymore. The only time you occasionally spotted him was when he was walking around school with Malfoy, Mulciber, Wilkes, and Avery, unable to look you in the eye lest you see the utterly crushed expression on your face as he fell deeper and deeper into the dark side.
You held your books tightly to your chest as you made your way to Hagrid's hut for one of your last Care of Magical Creatures class. You were being paired up with a few lower classmen to teach them the ropes for feeding all the creatures Hagrid kept in the meadows. You were a tad late, having been preoccupied at lunch, speedwalking to try and arrive on time when you saw a flash of silver-blue light emit from inside the forest. You could hear warbled shouting and laughter coming from the same direction, and your instincts told you to run.
However, because your nerves were on high alert, that also told you someone in there was in danger, and you couldn't just walk away from that. You drew your wand, abandoning your books by a rockface and moving towards the commotion, the distorted shouting soon becoming words.
“Oh come on, you little runts, you lot can do better than that!” you recognized Mulciber's voice.
A young girl shrieked as a giant acromantula barred its fangs at her, its front legs raised and poised to attack. Her friends were huddled in a corner, more students who couldn't have been older than second or third years, being forced to watch by Avery and Wilkes.
“How's this for Care of Magical Creatures, eh?” Mulciber taunted as he walked over to the other students, pulling a young boy out from the group.
“No!” the girl cornered by the spider cried, “please, don't!”
“Aw, how cute,” Mulciber drawled, “is this your little boyfriend, huh? Shame.”
The boy screamed in fear as he was suddenly lifted into the air by his ankles, forced to hover right above the spider just out of its reach. You wanted to wretch as you watched the scene unfold, unable to keep yourself hidden any longer.
You leaped into the clearing, a quick flick of your wrist relieving Mulciber of his wand. You did the same to Wilkes as he turned to you.
“Well well, why am I not surprised?” Avery scoffed. Right behind him stood Severus, his expression vacant.
“Grab this, and get to Professor McGonagall immediately,” you shouted to the younger Gryffindor students, tossing them a gold galleon. As soon as they touched the coin, the portkey shot them all back to the castle.
“Why are you always the one spoiling our fun?” Mulciber sneered.
“Someone's gotta do it,” you said, putting up a brave front although you were under no illusion as to your situation. You weren't fourth years anymore, and you were alone this time. They'd been studying the dark arts for the past two years. You knew you were outmatched, even with your dueling skills.
“Oh, come on, (Y/n), don't be a bore.”
You turned around at the sound of the familiar voice to see Rosier, an easy grin set into his face. Your heart dropped.
“So you too, huh?” you chuckled bitterly, “and here I thought you were one of the few good ones left.”
“You're not really that naive, are you?” he tutted, “you had to have known I would be inducted eventually. Might even get Barty to join us, even if he is a little nutty.”
You went for a stunning spell but found your wand spinning out of your hand before you even saw him move.
“Not so fun to be on the receiving end, is it?” Rosier said, “you're not the only one versed in non-verbal magic, (Y/n). In fact, I'd even go so far as to say we've surpassed you. Lucius will be furious, but I like you a lot, so I'll re-extend his old offer for him. Join us.”
You had no wand, no backup, no way out of this, but you stood your ground nonetheless.
“Eat shit,” you seethed. Rosier glowered at you, taking a few menacing steps forward. He grabbed your jaw firmly and you grit your teeth.
“I don’t think you heard me—”
He reeled back as you spit right in his face,
“You bitch,” he growled, wiping his face in disgust, “clearly no one ever bothered to train you.”
Without your wand you were really only left with one option, ready to defend yourself by revealing your animagus form, but you never got to take the first step forward.
You stopped in your tracks as a veil of what could only be described as pink fluff drifted over your mind. A smile immediately appeared on your face, and a giggle rose in your throat.
Severus looked at Rosier with horror, the rest of his crew looking among themselves uneasily.
“What do you think you're doing?” Snape hissed, “are you trying to get us all expelled?”
“So what?” Rosier said, “we've used the killing curse loads of times.”
“On insects, you loon,” Snape shot back, hoping his concern for you was masked enough.
“Don't worry, I'm not gonna hurt your precious (Y/n), Sev.”
The nickname made his stomach churn. You used to call him that. Lily used to call him that. No one else did. No one else got to.
“Release them,” he said, raising his wand, “now.”
“Put that away,” Rosier's eyes narrowed, a smirk sliding back onto his face as he got an idea, “hey, (Y/n)?”
“Yes?” you answered, your voice dripping with honey.
“I don't think Severus likes you being under this spell,” Rosier said, “but you like it don't you?”
“Mmm hmm,” you nodded, your head feeling like it was floating, “it feels so nice.”
“You know what else would feel nice?” Rosier goaded, “if you gave our friend Sev here a kiss.”
Severus' heart dropped to his stomach.
“You're sick, Rosier,” Snape said, his voice close to tremmoring.
“You don't have to act like you don't want it,” Evan chuckled, “we've watched you putz around (L/n) like a fool for years. Besides, they want to. Isn't that right, (Y/n)?”
“He's right,” you said, your voice deceptively melodic, “I love you, Severus. I've always loved you.”
And in that moment, Snape had never hated himself more. Because he didn't care that Rosier was making you say the things you did. He didn't care that you were under the influence of a curse. All he could hear was the words he longed to hear spill from your lips, over and over like a skipping record.
I love you, Severus. I love you, Severus. I love you, Severus.
He played the words on repeat in his head. His heart was beating almost painfully in his chest, so much so that he hardly even noticed you slowly walking towards him, wrapping your arms around his neck like Lily had done to James. And when you leaned forward to kiss him, his selfish desires held him in place.
It had lasted a fraction of a second, but he didn't pull away. It was the greatest regret of his life that he didn't walk up to Rosier, break his nose, and curse every single person in that clearing instead of doing nothing, knowing full well you had no control over your actions.
When his eyes drifted open and met yours and his stomach twisted into ugly knots, fear and panic wracking through his spine. Your eyes were completely empty, irises a vacant white, and in that moment it felt as if he were kissing a corpse.
Suddenly the color returned to your eyes, and fear immediately filled them. Snape grunted as he was shot away from you, unable to move when he hit the ground. The other Slytherins looked around for the assailant, but they had no time to react when every single one of their wands was pulled from their hands. McGonagall stood there, expression the same as ever but clearly brimming with fury.
“(L/n), come,” she said, ushering you over and taking you protectively in her embrace, “we'll get you to Madame Pomfrey.” Her eyes narrowed dangerously as she regarded Snape and the rest of their group, “As for you,” she said, “Mr Filch, secure them in the dungeons until the Headmaster calls for them. And put all of their wands in the lockbox.”
“With pleasure,” Filch said, almost blending in with the trees behind her.
“Are you alright?” McGonagall asked you as she helped you back towards the castle.
“No,” you said, honestly, “n-no, I don't think I am.”
“No amount of apology could ever equate to the remorse I feel that this happened to you, (L/n),” she said earnestly, “I am truly sorry. This was completely unacceptable, and I will see to it that the proper measures are taken for their punishments. Expulsion would suit just fine, but even if the Headmaster disagrees, I will personally ensure you never come into contact with any of those boys again.”
“Thank you,” you said, your voice sounding hollow in your own ears.
You didn't remember walking the near half-mile to the infirmary. Madame Pomfrey's words felt so far away, as if she were speaking underwater. You just remembered laying down in the hospital wing bed as she checked you for any lasting damage, and as soon as she'd turned her back you'd just wept.
That night, Snape found himself in the Prefect's bathroom, leaned over the sink and watching the water rush into the drain. His hands clutched the marble sides of the basin so hard his knuckles turned white, every breath catching painfully in his chest before he forced it out to take another shaky inhale. He was an idiot, he knew. There was no fixing this. Not really. First Lily, now you. Was he just predestined to lose everyone in his life?
He paused. No, he didn't deserve to think like that. Everything that had gone wrong was his own doing.
When he heard the door to the bathroom open he whipped around, ready to curse whoever dared to interrupt him until he saw you standing there, your eyes red from crying and the Marauder's Map clutched in your hands like a vice. He was half certain you were a hallucination, but as soon as he pulled himself to the present, he rushed to apologize. You had to know how horrible he felt about what he did, even if you would never forgive him. He made the mistake of being too cowardly to properly apologize to Lily, he wouldn't make that mistake again.
“(Y/n), I'm—”
“I know you're sorry,” you said callously, “and I know you mean it. That's not the issue.” you took a breath to collect yourself before you continued. This was so much harder than you thought it would be. Maybe this wound really was too fresh right now. You thought you'd be able to handle this conversation, but your prior feelings weren't making this any easier.
“Why did you do it?” you asked quietly, “Better, why did you do nothing? You were my friend, Severus.”
Whatever was holding back the flood of emotions in him, it snapped at your words.
Were. Past tense.
“I don't know what I was thinking,” Snape said in exasperation, though it came off more as anger directed at himself. His hands threaded through his messy black locks, his eyes nearly manic. You'd never seen him unravel quite like this. He was desperate to fix this, to keep you in his life. “No, I wasn't thinking at all, (Y/n). I couldn't, not when you were . . . not when I. . .”
Don't say it, don't say it, don't say it—
“Not when I've fancied you for years.”
Snape knew immediately that he had made a mistake. The expression on your face made his stomach twist, and he knew there was no taking back what he said.
“No,” you said, tears welling in your eyes, “Severus Snape, don't you dare say that. What, do you think that just makes this all okay? You're an oblivious idiot, you know that?”
Your heart ached so bad it felt as if you couldn't breathe.
“Do you know how many times I wished you would have kissed me?” you said shakily, not bothering to hide the hurt in your voice.
Snape was sure his breathing had stopped, eyes wide with shock. He couldn't have heard that right. Did you really feel the same way about him? But reality hit him in the face when he saw your expression. This was no heartfelt confession on your part.
“For you to just. . . for it to happen like that,” you said, still struck with betrayal and disbelief, “If you've ever respected me, you never would have let that happen. I was under a curse, Severus. And you took advantage of that— of me. All because you were too much of a coward to just tell me how you felt. And then you go on and say you've liked me this whole time as a last ditch effort to save our friendship? How the hell did you expect me to react?”
He had nothing to say to that. He blamed himself entirely. Every verbal blow you struck he gladly took, he would have sat there still as stone if you hexed him, but you refused to draw your wand at him. You just stood there, staring straight through him with unbelievable hurt in your eyes.
“I can't do this, Severus,” you said, “please, just. . . just leave me alone. I'm not saying I'll never forgive you, but right now I can't even begin to think about that. Not now.”
You looked like you wanted to say something more, but your mouth snapped shut, and Severus saw the finality in your eyes. He stayed glued to the spot where he stood long after he watched you leave, his eyes trained on the door you'd slammed shut.
If you thought Snape had made himself scarce after what he said to Lily, after what he did to you he practically vanished. He no longer sat underneath the tree that had become so symbolic of your former trio. He no longer roamed the Slytherin common room, or even the Great Hall for meals. Instead he would walk through the forbidden forest alone, or hole up in some empty corridor purposely hiding but hoping you would walk up to him. You never did.
The people who did find him in the few days that followed were the newly named Marauders, though incomplete as they arrived without you. As he glanced down at the parchment in Lupin's hand he had no questions about how they'd located him. Snape grimaced, not bothering to get up from his seat beneath the stone pillar. Anything they did to him was what he deserved.
James stepped forward from the group first. His expression was unreadable, but Snape saw the way his jaw was set firmly in place, fists clenching and unclenching at his sides. The Slytherin had expected Potter to come at him guns blazing, sending a flurry of verbal attacks and hexes his way. However, James Potter simply stared down at his former enemy with a look that met in the intersection of barely contained anger and utter disappointment.
“You didn't deserve them,” he said coldly, his voice oddly level.
“I know,” Snape glared, but not feeling very self-righteous.
“No, you don't,” James said, his voice rising steadily, “you will never know what you put them through. You sat there while your lunatic friends used an Unforgivable Curse on them, and you took advantage of them. I don't care if you know, I'm going to throw it back in your face, because it's what you deserve.”
“I think it's clear that (Y/n) doesn't wish to speak with you any longer,” Remus said, “if for some inconceivable reason they want to in the future, they'll approach you. Don't you even think about going about it the other way around before they're ready and willing to talk. If they ever are.”
“It's settled, Severus,” James said simply, “you're officially not worth our time anymore.”
Snape blinked up at him, trying to recall a time when Potter had ever called him by his actual name.
“Don't get us wrong,” Sirius glared, “the only reason we aren't throwing you to the Womping Willow is because we know the last thing (Y/n) would want is her friends getting expelled because of them.”
“We'll leave you alone now,” Peter said grimly, “just like you've always wanted.”
And they were telling the truth. They left him completely alone, not speaking a word to him after that; 'they' now including you and Lily, which destroyed him more than any amount of bullying had before. He watched from afar as you grew closer and closer to the Marauders. . . no, you were a Marauder. It was only natural that you became almost like a family in your seventh year. You, James, Peter, Sirius, Remus, and Lily had become as inseparable as Snape thought you, him, and Lily were, but he'd ruined that. He had ruined every good thing that had ever happened to him and pushed away every important person in his life.
The last time he saw you was graduation day. Everyone was running around excitedly, dressed in the ceremonial jewel-toned robes of their respective houses as they awaited Dumbledore's speech. You had been sitting with your group as usual, now having carved out your own spot at the Gryffindor table, when you noticed that Snape was nowhere to be found.
You frowned, wondering why he of all people had to slip into your mind on a day like today.
“You alright, Fangs?”
Sirius' voice snapped you out of your thoughts.
“Yeah, I'm fine. . .”
His handsome features contorted in concern, but that easy grin slid back onto his face as he nudged you with his shoulder.
“What, you worried you're gonna miss us?” he smirked, “this isn't goodbye, you know. We'll all see each other at the Order meetings—”
“Which you always seem to talk about at an extraordinary volume,” Remus shushed him pointedly. Sirius brushed him off with a roll of his eyes.
“(Y/n), are you sure nothing's wrong?” James asked from across the table.
“I'm alright, Prongs,” you said, “I just. . . you know what? I just remembered I left something in my dorm, I'll be right back.”
Your friends exchanged worried glances as you got up from the table, taking off towards the Slytherin common room. It wasn't a total lie, but your intentions went against your better judgment. After today there was a very, very good chance you would never see Severus again. What he did wasn't okay by any means, and it would take more than an apology or a simple conversation to forgive him, but you needed closure at the very least. Not for him, but for you. You deserved that much.
You swiped the map off your bedside table and opened it fully, your eyes quickly picking out Severus' name near the cellars only a few rooms away from where you were. You took off quickly down the hall, reaching the intersection where all the dungeon's corridors converged when you spotted him. Your heart stopped.
His left sleeve was rolled up to his elbow, as was the person's standing across from him, their back to you. Even though you couldn't see the second person's face, you recognized who it was immediately.
Evan Rosier.
He wasn't on the map before. . . how had he gotten in?! He'd been expelled after the day he cursed you. Did he somehow find a way to bypass the anti-apparition charm?
You felt your breathing hitch, fear creeping under your skin. There, on both of their arms, was a tattoo of a skull, a serpent weaving its way through the mouth and eye sockets in an undeniable pattern.  You stopped breathing all together. You knew Severus had fallen into the dark arts, but to actually be a death eater? To be proudly showing off that awful display of radicalism along with the person who had used an Unforgivable Curse on you, who had invaded your free will and taken over your body. . .
Severus must have felt you even from the opposite side of the hallway, because something pricking at his skin told him to look up, and when he did he wished he never had. You were looking at him for the first time in over a year, your eyes full of terror. Rosier followed his gaze, but when he looked over his shoulder there was no one there.
Severus sighed, trying to push the less than pleasant memories out of his head. He knew by now he was likely the last person left in the house besides you, Harry, and Sirius who were all staying here. Something like hope had sparked in his chest when he saw the faintest ghost of a smile on your lips as you saw him for the first time since graduation. He wanted to talk to you, to tell you he knew he deserved nothing from you, but he would spend the rest of his life trying to make it right if you would only give him a chance after all this time. In truth, he missed his friend. With Lily gone, you were one of the closest things he had to that left.
Against his better judgment, Severus made his way up the stairs, silent as a thestral as he headed for your room, but he stopped in his tracks when he reached the top. Sirius' door was cracked open the slightest bit, and what Snape saw inside made his blood run cold. You were sitting next to Sirius on his bed, your head resting gently on his shoulder. As you craned your neck to look Sirius in the eyes, that's when Severus saw it— the way the Marauder looked at you. The way his face seemed to light up, the spark that returned to his gray eyes, the utter adoration in them.
And just like that, Snape was a seventeen year old boy again, transported right back to that courtyard garden, watching Lily and James share their first kiss on the day he had made one of the biggest mistakes of his life. His heart shattered silently, though his departure was not so quiet as he took off down the stairs as quickly as he could. He grimaced at his own feelings, ones he knew he had no business owning.
As he was about to open the front door to leave, his instincts suddenly screamed at him to turn around, and he was just barely able to cast an invisibility charm as you began to come down the stairs. He held his breath as he looked at you. He knew he had no right to think so, but you were still beautiful like this; dressed in pajamas, hair disheveled, eyes still sightly puffy and red. He saw you look around, knowing you had no doubt heard his rather noisy descent of the staircase, and he cursed himself for not leaving sooner. Your eyes searched what should have appeared to be the empty space in front of you, but he saw you look him in the eyes, and he knew that you knew.
“Severus?” you called his name out softly, and the sound felt like a strike to his face.
He wanted nothing more than to say something to you, talk to you, hold you. But his mind flashed back to the way you had been with Sirius, and his words died in his throat. He said nothing, trying to remain unphased at your hurt expression as you turned around to walk back up the stairs. As soon as your back was turned to him, he left, unable to bring himself to do anything more.
Once again, he was too late.
Read chapter 8 here!
Taglist:  @sleep-i-ness, @blackpinkdolan, @parker-natasha, @ornella0910 @undertaker1827 @thatwierdo-koemi @nxstalgicnxbxdy @calaryssia @aleksanderwh0r3 @juggysgirlfriend @beautifulsweetschaos @kattirin @mialupin1 @crazy-obsessed-fangirl, @youcantbesirius​
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embrassemoi · 3 years
Surrounded by the Moon and Stars ✷ 21
Pairings: Sirius B, Remus L, [F]Reader      CW: Language, unbeta'd, filler   Songs: T.Rex - Get It On and ABBA - I Do, I Do, I Do, I Do, I Do
Important question, are you guys team Remus or Sirius so far? 
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Chapter 21: I Do 
March 10th, 1976
‘So let’s dance,
Take a chance,
Understand me,
You’re dirty, sweet and you’re my girl,
Get it on, bang a gong, get it on…’
The Marauders were a talented group, nobody could deny that. They all had their own strengths: Remus was incredibly smart and bloody talented at every class he was in. Peter was beyond amazing at baking and making people feel seen — wanted. James’ Quidditch skills could land him a position on an actual team and he was someone you could always rely on. Sirius — she had to admit — was brilliant at caring for magical creatures and quick as a whip. But together, they knew how to throw a good party.
Remus’ birthday was split into two different parties. The first party was the Marauders embarrassing him in the common room; gathering students from all different houses and making them sing happy birthday loudly. The Marauders led the song but puberty had been hitting James hard as his voice cracked, going half an octave higher which caused Remus to weep. At one point, they managed to get ahold of fireworks and set it off by accident, which Lily then deduced points from. A large cake was produced, courtesy of Peter, before they hauled him up in their dorm for the second party — one for close friends. She, along with the rest of the girls was invited, all bearing gifts.
Lily wore a deep purple crochet dress, as striking as ever. Mary’s curly hair haloed around her face, charming her eyelashes to make them long and fluffy, giving her a doll-like appearance. Marlene dressed casually, ditched her braids and Dorcas wore bright red overalls.
Because Oats was still too young, both she and Sirius decided that tonight, Oats was to stay in Y/N’s room. Everyone had been joking about them being divorced parents fighting over custody, but it really felt like it. Sirius was so attached and now offered — no — was incredibly persistent to keep it full-time until the assignment was over;
“Please, PLEASE let me have 'em.”
“You dolt. You said you didn’t want Oats in the first place!”
“I’m a changed man, I swear.” “No —”
He clapped his hands together, pleading with his best puppy dog eyes, he begged. “Pleaseee!”
“Sirius! Pipe down! We’re in the library!”
“Not until you say yes, dipshit! I’m a father! PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE —”
They were getting odd stares and Y/N waved her hands to get him to calm down but it didn’t work. “For fuck sake! Sure! Stop bothering me!”
She shook her head, ridding the memory.
“Happy birthday,” Y/N mused, dropping down to sit with Remus on his bed. They watched as everyone in the room danced. Once, she recalled the Purebloods, specifically Sirius and James, had to take dance lessons when they were younger for balls and galas. Sirius mentioned he knew multiple types of dances but mostly ballroom. That was a blatant lie because the way his body swayed to the music as he danced with Mary — that definitely wasn’t ballroom. Too many thoughts piled into her head that she wouldn’t dare say out loud and ignored the feeling of her heart leaping. “Brough a gift.”
“You didn’t need to,” Remus took the bag but then quickly added, “But I really appreciate it. Thank you so much.”
“Stop being modest — just open it.”
He opened the bag, pulling out the sweater as a huge smile, big and bright filled his face. “No way! You knitted me a jumper?!”
“I learned from the best.”
For the past two days, Y/N became increasingly frustrated and eventually succumbed to magic to help make the sweater look like an actual sweater. The holes and spots that were too large or small became the same size and whole.
Remus gaped and he hurriedly pulled it over his head, covering his long-sleeve shirt. The sweater was loose in certain areas, like the arms, but either than that, fit perfectly. She visibly relaxed, pleased her hard work had paid off.
“Wow — it’s grand! Thank you.” Remus really did look dashing, the colour suiting the undertones of his skin nicely.
“You’re more than welcome.” She went to rest her head on his shoulder, comforted by how warm Remus’ body temperature ran.
They chatted quietly for some time, letting Remus geek out over a new book. A few times, he’d stop, becoming a bit shy but Y/N encouraged him to keep going.
Once the T.Rex song blared its final bars in the background, someone spun on another record.
‘Love me or leave me, make your choice but believe me,
I love you
I do, I do, I do, I do, I do’
“Who the fuck put ABBA on?!” Remus moaned.
“C’mon, love,” Lily went up to him, a teasing tone to her voice. She hauled him to his feet, “Care for a dance?”
‘Oh, no hard feelings between you and me,
If we can’t make it, but just wait and see’
Glee shot around the room as Remus was unsteady on his feet but managed to clumsy twirl Lily. She snorted, swinging him around. Everyone watched Remus cling onto her for dear life to not have Lily flying to the other side of the room. Once Y/N’s fit died down, the first person that she looked to subconsciously was Sirius who looked back. All she wanted to do was inch closer, and the idea made her feel both excited and appalled.
They averted their gazes a little too quickly to be considered normal once they snapped out of their daze.
‘I can't conceal it, don't you see, can't you feel it?
Don't you too?
I do, I do, I do, I do, I do’
“Accio camera!” Marlene shouted, grabbing Y/N’s Polaroid that she brought, forcing everyone to take a photo.
They all huddled up around the bed but Remus protested about how he wasn’t photogenic but everyone shushed him, unable to further object. Y/N got to her feet, about to position herself to take the photo before they shouted at her.
“If I’m taking a photo,” Remus cuts in, “Then you are too.”
Mary flickered her wand and the camera flew from her grasp as it floated above, ready to take the shot. Y/N ran up to the group, besides Sirius but they had to press together so they’d all fit in the frame.
“Don’t worry, I’ve got enough good looks to share between the both of us,” Sirius whispered.
“Okay! In three… two… one…!
When they snapped the photo, they duplicated it — one for each person. Y/N didn’t bother to look at it until she got back to her dorm that night, tired and groggy.
Mary’s arm was sung around both Marlene and Dorcas, James and Peter were poking Remus’ cheek — Remus’ smile was dazzling, blushing madly. Lily threw up peace signs, getting her to hold one up but Sirius — Sirius was caught watching Y/N — so tenderly that she was sure she was envisioning it — but then he quickly looked up to the camera, wearing a smirk.
‘I do, I do, I do, I do, I do’
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wlntrsldler · 4 years
hi love! i was wondering if you could do “false god” + cedric diggory? i hope you are having a great day ❤️
anon: omg can you do a cute little one about cedrics ghost watching over you during the battle of hogwarts (you’re part of Harry’s friend group) and then you die and reunite 🥺
A/N: i combined these two requests. i hope you guys don’t mind!
PROMPT: Cedric and Y/N finally reunite years after his death.
WARNINGS: mentions of death, major character death, angst
WC: 2K+ 
false god (c.d one shot)
When Cedric thought about the afterlife, he never once expected it to be like this. He thought that he would be calm and serene, surrounded by white clouds and sounds of harps softly playing in the background. But the afterlife that Cedric was exposed to, was nothing like that. 
Now, he spent his eternal days, with his heart crumbling in his chest as he watched you lose a part of yourself everyday since he died. He wanted nothing else but to yell and call out for you. He wanted to say, “My darling, you’re better than this. Don’t lose your life just because I’m gone.” It wasn’t fair of him to ask that of you, he knew that. Cedric knew that if the roles were switched— if you were the one in his shoes, he would be acting the same way as you. 
Sometimes he felt selfish because he was relieved that he didn’t have to go through the pain of living life without you. Cedric lived his entire life with you by his side. Since you were kids, you were beside Cedric as your parents were friends with his. You took your first steps together, rode your brooms with one another, entered Hogwarts together. Merlin, both of your first words were a variation of each other’s names. Cedric knew, deep down in his heart, that he wouldn’t know how to live without you. 
Cedric watched fondly as he saw Harry approach you. He was thankful that Harry looked after you after his death, no doubt knowing how close you and Cedric were when he was alive. You looked up at Harry, leaning against his chest as he wrapped a protective arm around you. Hermione and Ron stood off to the side, smiling sadly at you. The start of the year only reminded you more of Cedric’s death and in honor of it, you had a portrait of him hung in the Hufflepuff common room. You were made Head Girl this year and your first duty— which all of the Prefects and Head Boys and Girls agreed to— was to tell all the Hufflepuff first-years about Cedric. 
Now, three months into the start of term, you saw many Hufflepuff students, both first years and older students who had known Cedric when he was alive, talk to the portrait. They sat there for hours, not caring if the image never spoke back. You understood why. The mere sight of Cedric’s contagious smile, the crinkles by his eyes, was enough to put anyone at ease. And if you closed your eyes and focused hard enough, you could hear the sound of his glorious laughter ringing throughout the common room. 
“You ready?” Harry asked quietly, taking a quick glance at Cedric. 
You nodded, ready to enter the Room of Requirement to train for Dumbledore’s Army. You pulled away from Harry and smiled at Cedric, “We’ll talk later, Ced? I love you.” 
Cedric smiled to himself, wanting nothing else but to reach down and touch you. He replied, though you couldn’t hear him, “I love you.” 
As the years passed, Cedric continued to watch over you. He saw you fight and grow into an amazing witch. You learned curses and charms that would’ve thrown Cedric’s head in a frenzy. And all Cedric could do was grin from above and clap his hands happily when you perfected casting your Patronus— a beautiful, Black Swan. He of course had to look it up— who knew there were books available in the afterlife?— and knew that it was perfect for you. You were passionate, driven, and kind with a heart so full of love, Cedric sometimes thought he was undeserving of it. 
He watched you become a Healer St. Mungo’s, living off on your own in a humble flat, not too far from where the both of you grew up. He would listen intently as you talked to him before you went to bed, as if he was right there beside you the entire time. Cedric felt his heart flutter in his chest when he saw you putting up the Christmas ornaments that he made for you when he was 7 years old, too fond of muggle clay for his own good. The ornaments were wonky, and truth be told, they were ugly, but you put them up every year, without fail. 
Cedric watched you live your life but he saw something that most people never saw— he saw you were tired. You were tired of fighting, tired of walking into work to find beds filled with witches and wizards of all ages— some were children— trying to get better because they were attacked, tired of living a life where you were alone, all the time. Despite how tired you were, Cedric knew you were going to keep fighting as long as there was a fight to win. 
When the Battle of Hogwarts came around, there was this feeling in his stomach that told him everything he needed to know. He knew not everyone would make it out alive. For Merlin’s sake, look at him! He was killed like he was just a scrap of rubbish in the way of the Dark Lord, and perhaps, he was. Cedric watched as Sirius Black, Mad-Eye Moody, and even Professor Dumbledore, joined him in the afterlife. It was clear that the Dark Lord and his followers didn’t care who was hurt. 
Cedric watched you limp into the Great Hall, bloody and exhausted, as you pushed past students running around trying to get to their loved ones. He saw you nearly throw up, when you saw the sides of the hall lined with bodies— bodies of students you knew during your time at Hogwarts and some who looked too young to even be exposed to a war like this. You walked down silently, saying prayers for the ones you lost in the battle. 
To your left, you saw Professor Lupin and his wife, Tonks, on the floor, lifelessly, with their fingertips half an inch apart, as if they were trying to touch one last time before the end. You remembered how Professor Lupin teased you endlessly over your crush on Cedric. He was the first professor who noticed it, or maybe he was the first one to have the courage to say it out loud. You weren’t really discreet with your feelings and you were almost sure that Professor McGonagall was aware of it too, but Professor Lupin was the first one to tease you about it. He was the first one to hug you and welcome you into 12 Grimmauld Place when you joined the Order. You were the second person, after Harry, to find out that Tonks was pregnant with Teddy. 
Ahead, you saw the Weasley family gathered around a body. Walking into this war, you knew you were going to lose some people, but never once did you expect to lose a Weasley. You knew that no matter how many of them there were, not one of them could be replaced. As you walked closer, you recognized the body as Fred Weasley. Beside him was his twin, crying quietly into the shoulder of Ron. It was Fred Weasley on the floor— the same bloke who made it his mission to make you laugh once more after the life was sucked out of you when Cedric died. You stood off to the side, an arm wrapped around Hermione. 
Cedric remained silent, looking down at the casualties. Professor Lupin, Tonks, Fred Weasley, young, Colin Creevey with his camera still around his neck— they were all gone. Cedric hoped that he could promise them that the afterlife brought peace, but he knew he couldn’t do that, because ever since he arrived, he found no peace until he knew you were alright. 
A hand touched his shoulder, and he looked up to see a smiling Fred Weasley. The redhead spoke, “You alright there, mate?” 
“Yeah,” Cedric chuckled, pulling him in for a hug. “I appreciate you looking after Y/N.”
“No worries. It seems like you’ve been looking after her too,” he commented, peeking at the display in front of Cedric. “Godric, Georgie’s a bit of a sap, isn’t he?”
He laughed because only Fred Weasley would make a joke during a time like this. Fred gave a goofy smile and patted Cedric’s back before he walked away, leaving Cedric alone again. As the war picked up again, Cedric focused on you, making sure that you were safe— whatever safe meant in a war zone. When Harry leaped out of Hagrid’s arms, he saw the relief wash over every single person’s face. People fought harsher than before, knowing that the war would soon come to an end and it seemed that young Potter would rise as the victor. 
The Deatheaters knew it too. Many of them began to retreat as they saw the Dark Lord stumble under Harry’s magic. For a split moment, Cedric was entranced by the fight between the two wizards, before you caught his eye again. You were smiling sadly, happy that the war was almost done. Harry was going to win. The fight was won. 
And that’s Cedric saw it. You broke down your walls. 
“Avada Kedavra!”
You didn’t move or try to counter it. You let the curse hit you and you drifted away with the same smile on your face. You knew you weren’t needed down there anymore. The war was finished. Now, you needed to take care of yourself and join the others. You had to pick up the pieces of yourself that you lose over the years. 
When the display ceased to be nothing, Cedric frantically looked around, afraid that he had lost you. But it was the opposite, because not more than a second later, your soft touch landed on his back and there you were. He breathed out a sigh of sadness because you deserved to live, a long and happy and fruitful life. You didn’t deserve to be here so early. He shook his head in disbelief and pushed you away, refusing to look into your eyes. 
You were patient, of course, you always were. You kept your distance until Cedric had the courage to look at you. In your face, he saw you— the person that you were before his death. You were smiling with the smile that made Cedric fall in love with you in the first place. The burden of the war was no longer on your shoulders. You stood tall, finally breathing calmly instead of gasping for air to survive. Cedric understood then that your decision to not fight back was not because you wanted to die, but because you wanted to live. 
The life that you had on the ground was not a life you saw for yourself, but this afterlife, was everything you could wish for and more. He approached you, hesitantly, afraid that you might reject him and Merlin, if you rejected him in the afterlife he wouldn’t know what he’d do. You were here for eternity. You made no moves to get away, instead you melted into his touch when his hand cupped your cheek. 
“I should’ve said it when we were still alive,” Cedric confessed, whispering, hoping that if this was a dream, his quietness would cause it to last a bit longer. He continued, “I love you. And I’ve been in love with you since before I even knew what it meant to be in love. And I’ll continue to be in love with you until our life here comes to an end. I’ll love you even through this other lifetime— especially through this other lifetime.” 
“Cedric Diggory, I’m so in love with you,” you replied, your lips touching his. “I know heaven's a thing. I go there when you touch me and this is the feeling I’ve been yearning for, for years. I’m so glad to be here with you, finally.”
He closed his eyes, pushing his lips against yours. And for the first time in years, you and Cedric finally knew of peace. 
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ihopuhopwehop · 4 years
Leap of Faith
Warning: Talks about blood purity.
It was the most hyped up and controversial game of the year. Slytherin versus Gryffindor. In a fight for the Quidditch Cup.
James was quite exhilarated about it all though, despite the hostility surrounding the game.
James lived for large crowds, chanting, rivalry, and winning.
He loved winning.
The feel of being revered when he made a game winning catch. Of being able to walk the halls with people congratulating him or even better, envying him.
Well, the Slytherins congratulated him. And sometimes Hufflepuffs, but Hufflepuffs congratulated both teams for the sake of sportsmanship.
The Gryffindors would envy him. For a while at least, until there was some fight between the sides, showcasing how disgusting some of his housemates truly were, and then Gryffindors didn’t envy the Slytherins anymore.
But despite all of the quidditch-induced rivalry and buzz, James was excited for the game for an entirely different reason.
 Going against Lily Evans.
 Lily Evans. Christmas on a stick. Sass level unmatched. And also, Gryffindor’s seeker.
James was the Slytherin seeker.
Which meant he’d be allowed to observe Lily Evans all game long without being scolded by his housemates.
Of course, he was always being scolded and harassed by his housemates because he thought muggleborns and half-breeds alike were worthy of life, liberty, and love. Though his house did not seem to agree.
Besides Regulus Black to some extent. Though Regulus usually sided with his family in public, James knew he did not agree with them entirely. This led to James trying to protect Regulus and lead him down a more morally powerful side, but that only worked for so long.
Regulus had gotten the dark mark, and now there was no amount of protecting James could do.
But through all of his efforts to help the younger Black heir, he befriended the older Black ex-heir. Sirius Black was good fun to be around, though he sometimes lacked ambition surrounding his studies and future achievements.
James didn’t blame him, but thought it was dumb not to at least try to get top marks and excel anywhere he could. Especially if Sirius wanted to outrun the infamy of his last name.
Oh well, at least he was noble…most of the time.
But back to Lily Evans.
James had only gotten to know Lily through Severus Snape, and as such, was skeptical of her character at first.
But when Lily Evans allowed her sass to go against her childhood friend and his beliefs, James knew she could be trusted.
He also knew she could be trusted because after the incident that caused her to end her and Snape’s friendship, she had requested a new potions partner. Slughorn had only been too happy to switch Snape with James, much to Snape’s anger and James’ joy.
Not to mention Lily’s eyes matched his house colors, which he thought made her even more likeable.
The first day they had worked together, Lily had seemed put out to be partnered with him. But after James made sure to stay on top of the potion, and even prevented a catastrophe when Lily confused two different dragon scales, she seemed to at least tolerate him.
 And then the quidditch pitch happened.
James had been on his way to practice a few extra moves before his official practice but had been prevented when he found the snitch already being used by his favorite Gryffindor. Well, besides Sirius.
Lily had been trying to practice a diving roll to catch the snitch, which was typically done if the snitch was close to the ground so that one could jump off their broom and land safely on the grass, but Evans didn’t seem to be able to truly jump off her broom.
Her bravery had been lacking that day, and his had been soaring.
He had ruffled his hair as he had begun to speak, “Quite ambitious of you to be practicing outside of your time slot, don’t you think?”
She hadn’t even batted an eye as she responded, “And quite brave to be teasing a girl who could unleash the bludgers while you’re unprepared.”
 “Touché. Now are you going to ever actually jump off your broom or continue to miss the snitch because you’re scared.”
She had now dismounted her broom and blew some of her auburn fringe out of her eyes. “If it’s so easy, then you do it Mr. Brave Slytherin.”
James smirked as he mounted his broom, “Alright. Release the snitch.”
Lily had quirked an eyebrow as she pushed the snitch forward. The snitch flittered close to James nose, enough to reflect in his glasses, and then zoomed forward and towards the ground. James leaned as far forward as he could, prompting his broom to speed up, and then at the last second, pushed off the broom with his feet and clasped the snitch safely in his palms. He completed the move with a barrel roll and a quiet “accio” to retrieve his broom, which he smugly caught when he stood up to wink at the dumbfounded girl.
“That—That was—How--”
James smirked at her floundering and ruffled his hair, “Takes resourcefulness and ambition and, something I thought Gryffindors were supposed to have in abundance, bravery.”
He inwardly grinned when her eyes narrowed, “Alright. Fine. Teach me.”
He beamed at those words.
“A Gryffindor asking a Slytherin for help. What would Godric think?”
She stuck her tongue out at him, “A Slytherin being kind, what would Salazar think?”
He chuckled and motioned towards her broom. He had her practice balancing on her feet a few times and then pushing forward with her feet as well.
That had been an awkward exercise for him as he had to stand behind her to make sure she was doing it properly. It had given him a perfect view of her in her quidditch trousers. He had to admit his chivalry was really lacking during that exercise, but he figured he retained a normal amount of it. Not everyone had Gryffindor levels of chivalry.
Finally, it was time for her to actually jump. He should not have been surprised when she achieved it on the first try, but never-the-less, he was.
“Brilliant! Good job, Evans! You’re a natural!” He may have gotten over excited and pulled her into a hug, but well, he felt pride when he was able to help a fellow student.
He remembered the way his chin had sat on her head and her head laid on his chest. It was, in his humble opinion, a good hug.
Lily had blushed at his compliment, or maybe his hug, he wasn’t sure, and told him, “Well yeah. I’ve been practicing on my own for awhile. Just had to gain a little courage and confidence.”
“Just had to use your courage and confidence. You’ve always had plenty, you just let your fears get in the way.”
She had smiled lightly at him, “You know, you’re not that bad. For a Slytherin.”
He snorted, “You’re not that bad for a Gryffindor.”
She had side-eyed him, “I assume you aren’t a blood purist? You didn’t even hesitate to hug me.”
James furrowed his brows at her, “What made you think I might be?”
She shrugged, “Everyone in your house seems to be. Wouldn’t be surprised if you were, especially since you’re a pureblood too.”
James clenched his jaw. People always assumed that about him. On one hand, he couldn’t blame her, on the other, he thought every person deserved the chance to show who they really were, regardless of house or family.
“Right. I guess you just see what you want. Wouldn’t be surprised if you thought Sirius was a purist too.”
Lily could tell she touched a nerve. She had shaken her head, “No. It’s just. We have to be cautious. Could cost me my life if I assumed you weren’t a death eater.”
James raised his eyebrows. He hadn’t thought of it from that perspective. “That makes sense. Sorry for snapping at you.”
She had seemed surprised at his apology. “It’s alright. And um, I think your team is here. I should probably go, but thanks for the help. I’ll be sure to use it when we beat you.” Then she had winked and made her way back to the castle.
James had ignored everything his teammates had said that day in favor of replaying her wink.
 After that day, Lily seemed to consider him a friend.
Lily had made it a point to keep a conversation going during potions. Had studied with him in the library. And she had even invited him to sit with her, Sirius, Remus, and Peter at the Gryffindor table. 
He thought they were getting along smashingly and hoped it would not crush their budding relationship when Slytherin won. 
The game had started in a whirlwind, with the noises from the audience growing to deafening sounds and the wind beating against his face. He tried to drown it all out by focusing on searching for the snitch but when he noticed Lily flying towards him, he couldn’t help but acknowledge her.
He had begun to wave, but Lily continued straight towards him, until she was close enough to lightly shoulder check him.
He rocked a little on his broom but was able to gain enough balance to shoulder check her back.
“Better watch where you’re going Evans. Hate for you to miss when I catch the snitch.”
“Don’t worry. I won’t miss what doesn’t happen.” Then she had turned a 180 and flew towards the sky to get better optics.
They had each tailed the other a few times and yelled at fellow teammates, cheering and booing respectively when someone scored.
Slytherin was up by 120 points. Surprisingly, if James was honest. But apparently, Gryffindor’s chasers were suffering today, much to Lily’s dismay.
Malfoy had yelled at James to stop ogling Lily, though Lucius had used a word James made a point to never say.
Sirius had shot several bludgers Malfoy’s way after that, and Regulus shot a few back towards his brother, though slightly slower compared to when he aimed at other Gryffindors.
Then, James saw it. A golden glint thanks to the sun, near the Slytherin goals.
Unfortunately, Lily had seen it too, and they both shot off towards it.
Eventually, they were both right behind it, with James longer arms being closer than Lily’s. They followed it higher for a few minutes, the air getting harsher, and each of them inching closer,
 until Lily yelled a loud, “CATCH ME!”
James looked at her like she was insane, only for her to wink and jump completely off her broom, into the freezing sky.
James abandoned his quest for the snitch and instead focused on grabbing some part of Lily Evans that had dived towards the snitch.
Gravity had barely begun to pull the absolutely mad girl down, when James finally grabbed her fanned out shirt.
He felt his arm strain and he grunted as he worked to pull her up onto his broom, “You’ll be the death of both of us Evans, I swear.” He heaved and used his other hand to support the arm that was holding Lily. 
Finally, after tremendous effort, Lily was sat behind him on his firebolt, grinning victoriously and holding the snitch up proudly.
The crowd was cheering raucously, with many people standing and whistling. The Gryffindor team was running towards the Quidditch Cup McGonagall was holding up, with Sirius hugging the usually professional woman. James noticed his teammates looking equally parts angry and shocked.
He ignored them and instead turned to Lily while he began their descent.
“You’re either certifiably insane or incredibly brave Evans, though at this point the lines are blurred.”
Lily grinned at him, “The jump wasn’t that big of a deal. But trusting a Slytherin was.”
And then she kissed him. Which was also very dangerous in the air, but James figured some things were worth the risk.
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shychiwrites · 4 years
Yuily x Reader
Hey! Sorry I vanished for a few weeks? Months? I’m really sorry. I’m so bad at positing things regularly. I promise I’m going to keep posting, just not frequently. If anyone has any requests, feel free to let me know!  
Here is a short fanfic for Sirius the Jaeger. I feel like this one could have turned out better, so maybe I’ll rewrite it sometime? I just really wanted to write something for Sirius the Jaeger. I found Yuliy kind of hard to write for, but I did my best. 
Anyway, enjoy! 
That was one of the only words your “father” ever spoke to you. From a young age, you were put in cages with vampires and forced to kill them. You never knew why, even to this day. The Jaegers had found you recently. You were huddled in the corner of an underground lab, surrounded by the dust of vampires. Your father was lying facedown on the floor, dead. What happened was a blur, you were fighting a vampire, then another smashed through your cage. Your father’s screams echoing from just a few feet away. Then, your instincts kicked in and you fought. The next thing you knew, a boy your age was standing over you. He had the bluest eyes and a single white streak in his black hair. At first, you flinched and scooted further towards the wall. Yuily sat down across from you. 
“It’s okay. We aren’t those filthy vampires, we won’t hurt you.” And there he sat, until you knew he and his friends really meant no harm. 
That was how you joined the Jaegers. You were silent, hardly ever spoke a word. A few weeks had passed, and everyone was generally pretty nice. They were a bit loud for your taste, but nice. Yuliy was easier to be around. Like you, he was quiet. The silence between you two was never uncomfortable. He had been the first to show you kindness, after all. It didn’t take long for you to find out about his Sirius side. He had such an intense hatred of vampires. It was easy for even a hermit like you to figure out in the past, they had done something to him. You killed them because it was all you knew. 
As for Yuliy, he was confused by you. Your fighting abilities were no joke and you picked up fighting patterns quickly. It didn’t take you long to learn to follow Yuliy once he rushed in. You and him had never once exchanged words, but he’d often quietly offer you a bite of a new dish. He learned you enjoyed trying new foods. He wondered if you ever got to leave the lab they found you in. 
He didn’t mind your silence. Despite your lack of words, he could tell when you offered him comfort. You’d often sit in the same room, offering him company but never forcing him to talk or go out. 
You had stayed with him after he had been wounded, One night, he found you asleep outside of his room. You woke to him gently shaking you awake. 
“It’s late. What are you doing?” He kept his voice at a whisper. You yawned, stretching out your legs. 
“I was worried.” You looked up at him, a small frown present. Yuliy looked away. 
“I’m sorry.” He remembered being shot in midair, then nothing. He sat down on the ground next to you. 
“Are you mad?” You let out a soft sigh, looking out the window. 
“A little. It scares me so much when you run off on your own, but seeing you leap through the air like that…It’s amazing. You’re amazing, Yuliy. It makes it hard to stay mad.”  Yuliy couldn’t help the little smile that appeared on his face. 
“I’ll try not to do it again.” At his words, you let out a light huff. 
“Don’t lie.” You nudged him, giving him a pointed look. He looked away from your gaze,   confirming that he was lying. You smiled a little. 
“Even if you do it again, I’ll be behind you.” You whispered. Yuliy barely caught this, and looked over at you. 
“You need rest. We can talk in the morning.” You stood up, offering him a hand. Yuliy took your hand and bid you goodnight. He liked that side of you, never forcing him to stay with the others but always close enough to offer him help. Yuliy unknowingly smiled as he drifted back to sleep. 
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halothenthehorns · 3 years
All in the Family
Chapter 122: The Centaur and the Sneak
At first they all thought they landed outside again, which would have been a welcome relief considering the last time they'd been in open air it had not been a good night. This little clearing was dappled with light, the tree canopy just enough shade for them all to breath in the fresh air dancing about, the floor was soft spring grass that was at least a more tolerable landing than most places.
Peter knew better first though, as he seemed to have knocked over a wastepaper bin. Sirius had landed upside down against a stump, so he spotted a door for what it was instead of an oddly shaped bit of wood through a gap in the trees, and went over to pull it curiously, though it refused to open.
"Guess we're in Firenze's classroom," James said excitedly, twisting this way and that in the light, it really had been too long since they'd just lounged out by the lake. Even the last bit of fresh air they'd really had without having to worry about Moony had been a miserable time up in the owlery.
He waited only a moment more to appraise Evans one last time, but she was brushing furiously at her face and trying to pretend like nothing was wrong, and he could respect that. He summoned the book to him, and declared the chapter title.
Remus gave a slow, sarcastic clap at how proud he seemed of himself. "Congratulations Prongs, even Sirius could have made that leap in logic."
"I think calling it a leap is too kind," Peter grinned, "more like a hop."
Regulus busted out laughing in surprise, and he wasn't the only one. James and Sirius exchanged a fond smile as even Alice and Longbottom got a snicker at their expense, only Evans seemed to be trying to repress her smile, and she really wasn't trying that hard.
"I do wonder who the sneak will be though," Sirius said loudly with an exaggerated eyeroll for his 'hurt' feelings. "Maybe Harry? He can be pretty sneaky when he likes."
"You've won the last two bets, I'm certainly not going against you," Peter raised his hands up in surrender.
"A miracle in itself really, your luck must be changing for the better Padfoot," Remus grinned.
"I've got all the luck I need Moony," Sirius proudly declared.
James didn't even want to start reading as he watched, the book held loosely in one hand as he lazed back against a tree. He could have thrown himself to the ground and closed his eyes, and it really would be like none of this had even happened, they were all just laughing and ribbing at each other like old times.
Then Regulus came over and asked Peter for one of those sandwiches, and Sirius got that shifty look back in place and retreated slightly. It was better than him going and picking a fight like James would have thought he'd do by now, so even he couldn't deny things really were changing.
Someone finally cleared their throat impatiently, and he sighed deeply and sheepishly went back to the book, mostly aware there wasn't a real bathroom in here so he couldn't pretend this would go on forever.
It only took a quick conversation from Parvati and Lavender before Harry was being brought in here, and the place was pointlessly described again, but he read about Firenze with honest curiosity. Of the few centaurs they'd bothered to talk to in the forest, it was never very long, let alone getting on a first name basis with them.
"I was shocked there even were centaurs in the Forbidden Forest," Longbottom said casually enough. Not so loud as if he expected everyone to listen, but not quietly either, just chatting with Alice. "This really does sound unprecedented. I've read about them, and it's so rare for them to talk to humans really, let alone what's now going on at Hogwarts."
"I think we've all had more than enough of what he's read," Sirius huffed behind him, grabbing Remus' wrist and pulling him to the back of the classroom nearly out of sight. He knew he shouldn't now, but this wasn't an impulse he'd try to stop even when James did know, and it's not like he was going to have that conversation here. It could only be a good thing to keep Moony out of a fight as well, and otherwise distracted, he assured himself.*
James sighed in exhaustion but let the two leave, it probably was best to put some distance there, even if Longbottom actually looked apologetic for a moment. That was new at least, but clearly their plan to seem more approachable to the others was at least going to be put on hold, if not trashed all together, considering recent events.
The lesson itself wasn't really that interesting, the same nonsense Trelawney had been going on about, but now even Firenze was instructing that this was all theoretical and unpredictable. At least he was honest about his hogwash.
Sirius seemed to at least like the idea though and had to jump nearly twice his height, but finally caught a low hanging branch, and when he came down with it, they were now all glinting in starlight instead.
James made a chuffed noise at the idiot and repositioned to get the book in some better light so he could keep going.
The end of the class came with some sort of new details on Hagrid's issue this year, and he'd saved this centaur from his own heard in the meantime. He sighed and glanced back, but Sirius and Remus were now completely hidden in shadows, and Peter and Regulus were having their own whispered conversation about Hagrid's newest 'attempt.'
He could have joined them, it's not like there was anything really stopping him, just the odd idea in general of talking to Sirius' little brother. He hadn't even known the kid existed until his sorting, and Sirius had not spoken a word about him sense. James had some questions about him, but none he could bring himself asking of either, especially not now. He chanced a glance at Evans again, but she was clearly still in no mood to talk to anyone. She'd sat herself in a patch of sun, but even now that it was stars shining down she just kept fidgeting with her hair, her knees still to her chest. At least it hid her red rimmed eyes better.
When he tried to keep going and talk just turned to OWL's, he pushed away his misgivings. This was just getting ridiculous, and James Potter did not mope. He strode over and plopped himself down beside the two as Peter was saying, "and it was this gray centaur with a beard as long as Dumbledore's, and we'd caught him at a bad time cleaning his hooves so he was really short with us and-"
"That's the centaur story you went with?" James scoffed at him. "How about the time we saw this pinto one that must have been out hunting, and when he spotted Moony, he shot an arrow at him; and I do mean Moony. So he growls a warning and rears up right, all eight feet of him, and-"
"Excuse you," Regulus scowled. "It's sort of rude to be interrupting one story with another, isn't it?"
James scowled right back. "You'd know all about etiquette."
Peter cleared his throat softly and gave James a beseeching look, and he huffed. He didn't understand why Peter was clearly trying to hide a smile, maybe Sirius' little brothers idiocies was rubbing off on him. "It was a boring story," he added petulantly. He'd never gotten to tell any werewolf stories before, and this one involved both, why should Peter get all the fun?
He didn't want to pick another fight with Wormtail though, especially not over something so stupid, so took his obvious hint of eyeing the book and kept going.
At least their coming OWL's weren't forced into his consciousness long, as instead talk turned to Dumbledore's Army, and Harry teaching them all the Patronus charm!
"I've meant to yell at you about this for ages," Evans' voice sounded a little shotty, but it got better as she easily directed at him with that old irritated tone again. "You lot lied! All four of you can produce a patronus, can't you!" Nobody really wanted to be reminded of their time in Azkaban enough to bring it up before now.
"Yep," James' tone reached an impressive level of smug as he looked at her. "There's been studies done on the correlation of animagus' and patronus' and we all did them before hand to see. Would have been pointless doing all that work just to not get any good animals from the bunch."
"I've never heard that," Regulus sounded genuinely curious as he looked from him to Peter.
"McGonagall got us onto the idea," Peter nodded, "we were asking her some questions about the whole thing and if there was any way to tell-"
"As subtly as possible of course," he interrupted with a smirk.
Peter rolled his eyes but kept going, "and she mentioned it, seemed happy to actually have a reason for us hanging back in class for once without issuing a detention."
"That's really cool," Regulus actually grinned, and he didn't look half as pompous as usual while doing so. He got to his feet, took the precious time to brush the grass from his pants, but drew his wand and tried again.
Like before though, it came out very bright and solid, but still vanished before it could solidify. Regulus huffed in frustration and glared at his wand like it had done him a great personal harm.
"It really does take a lot of practice and concentration, not just one burst of energy," Peter happily coached. "You have to really feel the happy emotion you're going for, and keep it in mind for a long stretch of time-"
"We only did it around dementors that one time," James uneasily agreed, "and that was the hardest it's ever been. It still took us months of effort."
Regulus still looked annoyed every time James spoke even when he was agreeing with Peter now, but the other three all gave it goes again, with the same results as last time to all of their agitation.
Remus and Sirius finally came back over to grace them with their presence much to his relief. They looked like they'd been chasing each other around back there, a twig was even stuck in Sirius' hair and they looked a little flushed even in the dim lighting, but when they saw what was going on they looked almost pleased enough not to go running off again.
Sirius made his dog appear with pride, and it went bounding around everyone just as smug as its castor, even darting right through Longbottom before stopping at his feet once more before vanishing.
Remus just rolled his eyes at the display and quickly asked him to keep going, though James understood why, Moony hated showing off his wolf patronus and he didn't want anyone to ask for it.
As several students guardian animal was described, Regulus leaned very close to Peter so Potter couldn't hear and whispered, "if you don't tell him to stop that, he never will."
"He doesn't mean anything by it," Peter sighed. His heart stumbled unevenly though as he thought about it again, it had only started annoying him recently, he was used to not getting a word in edge wise with those two loud mouthed idiots, but if he did just keep letting them do it would the resentment return?
They all stopped their own little tasks as if a dementor had showed up anyways though, when Dobby came in and delivered the news they'd all feared since the beginning. She knew.
Alice and Frank sat up abruptly, their wands in hand and an almost terrifying look in place. Harry had gone so long without a detention, and the mark had still been mentioned to be on his hand. Would they now forever have to picture Neville the same? He'd been doing so well, they didn't even get to hear what his animal would be!
Lily scowled and wished for the millionth time she could blow that woman up as Harry had once done to Marge and send her into the stratosphere, they were learning for crying out loud! And now these kids were running for the lives!
James looked as if he were reading the death of a dear friend as his son was forced to abandon his group and make a run for it, but not fast enough. He couldn't sit still as Umbridge began hauling him off, though at least it was to the headmasters office rather than her own for another round of torture.
He was pacing in frustration and kept kicking a nearby bush on his path as he went through the rest of the other unexpected guests to this, the Minister and Percy were back! Along with two aurors?! Just what was going to happen to his son, were they really going to haul him off to Azkaban for this!
At least one of them was Kingsley, and Mcgonagall was there too, it couldn't be that bad, right?
It got almost that bad. They couldn't even laugh at the expense of the girl.
"I found our sneak," Sirius said viciously as Marietta was dragged in, James was almost in a flying temper for Harry having no way to talk himself out of this because someone in his group ratted him out.
Then he winced at his own choice of phrase and glanced at Peter, who was ducking low and trying to pretend he wasn't even there even as his fists kept tensing up in frustration for this situation same as them.
The Marauders were all trying to move past that instance now, but it was of some comfort to Sirius if Peter did still blame himself. He just wasn't sure how to tell him it was okay to forgive, but not forget, he was still working on that himself.
Remus was distracted enough though when Dumbledore got a new animal association, a scapegoat! What was he doing, pinning the whole thing on himself? He half wished James was just making all this up as Marietta began actually confirming the story, and Fudge sent Percy off to get orders ready to send Albus Dumbledore to Azkaban!
Dumbledore at least kept his head better than James was, who kept cursing fluently at this in between reading to nobodies protest, as he dispatched anyone who dared raise a wand against him, made one last cryptic remark to Harry about those merlin-awful occlumency lessons, and left in style.
The others aren't ever going to be able to do patronus' in fic, I'm really not trying to make these guys all elite students who can do anything and the DA was apparently practicing since January to get this far, it's mid-March in the books when this happens, so here's what I imagine their patronus' would have been-
Lily- Adder Snake/ Until she fell in love with James, then the Doe
Alice- Elephant/ Thesteral
Frank- Kangaroo Mouse/ Thesteral
Regulus- Lion (think Scar)
Personal headcanon on top of these headcanon picks, none of their patronuses' would have taken shape even if they had been practicing long enough to do them, because they're all in the most in between moments of their life. Their animal can't form, because they're not even sure of who they are right now.
Last thing of note, I imagine Neville's is a honey badger. Let me know your thoughts on all of these, especially if you disagree and imagined different animals for any of them!
* The excluded scene will appear in a separate post
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evywrites · 4 years
The War pt. 2 [remus lupin x gender neutral!reader]
summary: The battle ensues, lives are lost. Live of which you were close to, some you were not. You could at least be thankful that the one person you needed had survived. At least, for now. The future is becomes quickly uncertain. warnings: minor character death and a brief injury. It’s nondescript, but still mentioned. word count: 2k a/n: So sorry for the delay! Life has been kicking me down extremely hard. I should be able to update hopefully more frequently now though. part 1
    The battle erupted, chaos and mayhem everywhere, invading Death Eaters destroying everything you held dear to you. People on both sides fell, unable to be identified in fear that you would soon join them if your focus strayed too far.
Your eyes squinted in focus, shooting spells, deflecting attacks. You worked with the people around you, lending help whenever you could. It didn't matter if you knew them or not, you helped them out, they helped you out.
You stood back to back with a kind looking girl. She couldn't have looked a day older than 16, yet she was still fighting a war. That knowledge spurred you on tonight as hard as you could, despite the fatigue that you felt creeping up on you.
Although, you couldn't help but wondering about if Remus was okay. You knew he was a tough cookie, that he could survive practically anything, but that didn't stop you. You both had lost many people close to you from the first war. You didn't want this one to be a repeat. You had to protect the people you loved.
As your thoughts strayed from the task at hand, you spaced out a little, letting your guard down. A sharp pain ran through your side, toppling you over. Hissing in pain, you squeezed your eyes shut. Your hand grasped the wound as the chaos continued around you. You couldn't do anything except sit there and blackout as the attack continued.
The girl next to you kept shooting you worried glances as the battle went on. She felt the weight of not having another person helping crushing down on her shoulders. She didn't let that deter her, however. Her face twisted with intensity as she sought to take down every last Death Eater near you.
The Death Eaters were no match for her as they swiftly fell or ran. Soon enough, they were all gone, and there was a fleeting moment of peace.
"Is there a healer anywhere? Please!" She shouted desperately, scanning the area. She let out a sigh of relief as she spotted a healer running around the corner with clear signs of exhaustion.
"I got it, you go help others." He stated, kneeling beside you. You felt the song of sleep calling you, beckoning you towards it. The pain in your side subsiding gradually. She nodded before standing up, giving you one last reluctant look before running off.
The healer cast a spell on you, and the pain quickly subsided. Your vision cleared as you lifted your head, thanking the healer.
"The spell wasn't severe, no need to thank me. Be safe out there, okay?" He patted you on the back, quickly standing up and heading off again to check for more injured people.
You stood up, still mildly dazed from remnants of the pain from a few moments ago. You knew you had to keep going, though. For Remus, for James and Lily.
You shook your head and ran off to help the others. You could only pray that this would end soon.
Remus deeply breathed as he took out Death Eaters one by one. He stood alone but kept a close eye on those around him. The incoming Death Eaters seemed unending. He moved with precision, taking out Death Eaters swiftly.
Despite the calm, collected look on the outside, his inner thoughts scrambled about. He incessantly worried about you, despite the task at hand. He should've gone with you, he should've. He'd be doing so much better if he was with you, by his side. Like always.
Eventually, he couldn't take it anymore. His eyes quickly darting around him, he assessed the current situation. It seemed manageable by the people there. He shot one last spell at the Death Eater, toppling them over.
He clutched his wand tightly, running off to find you. He knew it was stupid, but he wasn't going to let you go that easily. James died while he wasn't there, Sirius got jailed without him there, he wasn't going to let you be next. You two still had so much ahead of you.
He wasn't going to accept a world without you in it.
He ran around the chaos of the castle aimlessly, eyes constantly scanning for any sight of you. He didn't have time to think about how sadly the castle looked at the moment, he only cared about you. He shot the occasional spell at an unsuspecting Death Eater as he went, but that wasn't his priority.
After a few minutes of running, he started to slightly back down on his idea. How was he going to find you in all this mess? The castle was so big, there was little to no chance of finding you.
Until by miracle, he found you. He instantly ran up to you, seeing you look a bit dazed, getting approached by Death Eaters. He silently shot spells at them, distracting them. You took advantage of the destruction and took the Death Eaters out. You lifted your eyes to meet Remus' with a relieved, yet worried look.
"Remus, oh Merlin." You grasped his face in your palms, taking a moment for yourselves. Your surroundings seemed calm for the time being. "How did you find me? Shouldn't you be helping others? We went entirely separate ways."
He lifted his hand to cup yours on his cheek, staring into your eyes. "I couldn't let you be alone, I thought I could do it, but my thoughts drifted too much."
"You idiot." You leaped forth and captured him in a tight embrace, burying your face in his neck. "You shouldn't have." You two stood there for a moment before letting go. You wished you could've stayed there, but you knew you had a battle to fight.
You defended Hogwarts together, feeling as motivated as ever. You both knew that each other were safe, and that allowed you to focus on keeping as many of the others safe as possible.
However, at some point, it just felt useless. The battle wasn't stopping. It seemed like you were just fighting a losing battle. Even you and Remus were worn down by it, but that didn't stop you. You were stubborn and would not be giving up.
A voice reverberated around the castle, startling both you and Remus. You jumped back, clutching at your wands.
"You have fought valiantly." The voice dominantly silenced all movement around the castle. There was no movement, only frozen bodies, frozen people, listening inescapably to the voice. The voice which belonged to Voldemort.
"Yet, you have lost many. If you continue to resist me, you will all die. I do not wish for that to happen, for it'd be truly tragic. I command my forces to retreat immediately." Instantaneously, the Death Eaters disappeared in a puff of smoke, leaving behind the death and destruction.
"I will give you one hour. Dispose of your dead with dignity, treat your injured." Your mouth slightly gapes open in disbelief, not comprehending what you were hearing.
"I speak directly to you now, Harry Potter. You have let your friends die for you rather than face me yourself. I shall wait for one hour in the Forbidden Forest. If at the end of the hour, you have not come to me, then the battle recommences. This time, I will enter the battle myself, and I will not be merciful. I shall find you, and punish every last man, woman, and child who has tried to conceal you from me." Remus' hand subtly rested on your shoulder protectively, "One hour, one hour."
An overwhelming silence took over the castle, leaving behind only the sound of crackling fire and the murmurs of those around you. The atmosphere shifted. It seemed peaceful, yet it wasn't right. Nothing seemed right, Harry was just given an ultimatum. Thoughts swirled frantically around in your head, bubbling you up with worry over Harry.
Remus pulled you back into his chest, giving you a tight hug. Tears fell from his eyes as he wept, out of relief or grid, he didn't know. Neither of you two knew the full extent of the damage done yet, but you had each other, and you were so grateful.
"You're okay, you're really okay. We're okay. We'll be okay." Remus wept, still holding onto you tightly.
"We will." You whispered, clutching onto him. Neither of you wanted to go and assess the damage done, but you knew it had to be done.
You reluctantly trudged off in the direction of the Great Hall where everyone was gathered. You gathered your hand in Remus', tightly squeezing. Were you prepared for what you were about to find out? No.
You entered the Great Hall to find what seemed like millions of bodies scattered throughout. The sound of sobbing echoed ominously throughout, reeking of doom and despair. You shook your head, burying it into Remus' arm. A few tears leaked out of your eyes. You hadn't even seen the worst of it yet.
Remus' eyes scanned across the Great Hall, looking for anyone familiar.
Unfortunately, he did.
The next moments felt like a blur, unreal. So much death, so much loss. Fred, Tonks. It wasn't fair. None of this was. The tears blurred your vision, your reality slipped away as the crushing actuality of all the lost people crushed down on you. You clung to Remus for support, tears streaming freely down your face. You hadn't experienced loss like this since the first war.
You sat for the hour with everyone, mourning the losses. You could only hope that Harry would be okay, the last remnants of James and Lily. You didn't know what you'd do if you'd lost another Potter to Voldemort. You swore you'd protect Harry, but here you were, being physically with him yet feeling unable to protect him. You knew that you were no match for Voldemort, and felt powerless.
"Harry?" You called his name softly, catching his attention.
"Be careful, Harry. I love you. Remus and I love you. I wish I could've protected you more or done something more." You shook your head, looking down.
"You've done fine, don't worry. This isn't your fault, this is Voldemort's fault." Harry replied, nervously smiling at you. Remus joined in, standing next to you and putting his hand on Harry's shoulder.
"Harry, I'm so proud of what you've accomplished. You're an amazing wizard and have gone through so much. James and Lily would be proud."
"Thanks, Remus." His voice falters, attention focusing down at the ground. You saw his mind clearly racing, and your heartbeat quickened. You knew that he was tough, that he's survived many things, but you couldn't help it. You couldn't help but to just want to take him away to a place where he could enjoy life without the danger, without the stress.
But here you were, in the middle of a battle against Voldemort where Harry had been given an ultimatum.
"I have to do it. I'm going to face Voldemort and show him that I'm not a coward. I can't let all of you suffer more because of me." Your face fell, quickly being overtaken by panic.
"Harry, no. I'm sure there's a better way we can go about this I-" He cut you off.
"No, there isn't. No one else is going to die because of me, no one." He stood up, swiftly glancing around before determinedly walking off. Tears formed in your eyes, threatening to spill. Remus wrapped his arms around you in a tight embrace.
"We'll be okay, eventually, my love. Don't worry." Remus whispered in your ear, pressing a ight kiss against your earlobe.
Leaning back into his chest, you nodded subtly. You hoped so.
part 3 will happen !
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Shooting Star Sonia 3.5: Event Horizon
Part 6
Couronne breathed heavily as he stared across the Wave Road at Auriga, the general too looking a bit worse for wear.  The fighting around them had all but ceased, only a handful of FM-ians still having the energy left to keep going, while the rest watched on to see which of their commanders would emerge victorious.
“Truly, you are an astounding warrior, general,” Crown said.  “Your men are quite fortunate to have you.”
“The credit goes to Master Apollo,” Auriga said.  “I am simply doing my best in service of him.”
Couronne nodded.  “Hm-hm! Yes, I’ve figured it out.  It is your devotion to your master which drives you!”
“Of course.  I am Master Apollo’s loyal servant!  I shall not fail him by falling here!”
“Ah, but you are mistaken!  It is exactly because that is your motivation that I will defeat you!  Have at thee!”
Auriga charged, narrowly evading thunderbolts as he bore down on his foe. Couronne conjured his shield to absorb the impact; pushed back by the unstoppable force, he somehow managed to keep his footing, and signaled his remaining spirits to attack.  Auriga pulled back to avoid their blows, but found himself fenced in.  Leaping forward, Couronne bashed him in the face with his hammer, standing back as the XM-ian slumped over the edge of his chariot.
“Curses,” Auriga said.  “What do you mean?  You think devotion is not a cause worth fighting for?”
“Goodness, what manner of knave dost thou take me for?” Couronne said.  “To think that I would ever be so cold-hearted!”
“You see, general,” Crown said, “you are not the only one who fights for love! We seek to ensure the safety of the people of Planet FM!  In addition, I have always been driven by the desire to protect my beloved nephew Cepheus! This is a battle of our love for them against your love for your master!”
Auriga drew back, grumbling, “A battle of love…?”
Couronne pointed.  “Aha! And that is why you shall lose such a contest: because you are holding back in your love!”
“Not to say that we blame you, of course,” Crown said.  “Given the conditions you have endured, it is no wonder that you have felt the need to disguise your affection.  In fact, I commend your astounding fortitude for enduring such a trial!”
“Most certainly!  Come, let us not be enemies!  No longer need you shackle your love.”
Auriga stared at him.  Ultimately, he summoned a roller before his chariot, and then crossed his arms as he looked down his nose at his foe.  “Hmph…until I receive orders otherwise, I am to fight under Sirius’s banner.”
“Hm, I see,” Couronne said.  “That is a pity.”
The spirits that remained on the field all flew into Couronne’s body, birthing an aura of rainbow light as he took aim with his lance.  Auriga charged ahead at full speed.  Couronne remained exactly where he was, not moving an inch until Auriga was nearly upon him.  He thrust the weapon with all his might, driving it straight through the roller and the chariot behind, and lightning shot from it wildly.  Auriga was thrown from his chariot, stunned but still conscious. Not wasting a moment, Couronne leapt forward and traded his lance for his chain, restraining his opponent before he regained control of his body, ultimately knocking the bound Auriga flat as his aura faded away.
“Rrrgh...I’m not done yet!” Auriga said as he struggled to free himself.  “I can still fight!”
Couronne crouched next to him, smiling brightly.  “At ease, my friend!  Take a look: both our forces are too exhausted to fight.”
Glancing around, Auriga realized not a single FM-ian was still standing.
“Let us call it a draw,” Crown said.  “Our associates further in are no doubt settling their quarrels as well—once they are done, we can see how the situation develops.  I’m certain you’ll be receiving new orders then.”
Auriga studied Couronne for a moment before sighing.  “I suppose...that would be the most tactical decision.”
Couronne sat down, his spirits materializing in a loose circle around him. “Hm, yes!  I have not yet surrendered all hope that this day can end in peace.  Let us await the end with head and heart held high!”
Meanwhile, Apollo continued to dodge Moon’s attacks, shooting a fireball when he spotted an opening.  Moon endured the hit and kicked Apollo in the chest.
“Come on, come on!” Moon said.  “I know you got more than that, yo!”
Fiery tornadoes swept towards him.  As he dodged, Apollo said, “It was you who insisted I be calm.”
Moon threw a boomerang—Apollo simply tilted his head, losing only a few strands of hair.  “Who said anything about calm?  Yo, do I seem like the kinda guy who’d ask you to be calm?  I want you to focus!  Hit me with your best shot!”
Boomerangs flew off from Moon as he spun towards Apollo.  None hit their mark, but the maneuver got Moon close; he leapt up into a spinning kick, which Apollo stepped back to evade, and upon landing he immediately pushed off the ground to ram his elbow directly into Apollo’s gut.  Winded, Apollo staggered back as Moon drew two boomerangs.  Apollo clenched his teeth, pulling back a fist as Moon got close again, but then paused for a half-second before simply jumping away and shooting an easily-deflected fireball.
“Do it!” Moon said.  “Really let me have it, yo!  Take me seriously!”
“Shut up!” Apollo said.  “I...am not like you.  I am not a fighter—I am a scientist!  I mustn’t lose myself to these violent whims.”
“What, you can’t do both?  Look, yo, I definitely ain’t cut out for sciencey stuff.  I’m a brawler through and through, and I wouldn’t have it any other way!”  He pointed at Apollo.  “But you, you’re great at both, yo!  Ain’t that even more incredible than just being great at one of ‘em?  How can you not be proud?”
Apollo looked down at himself.  “This isn’t who I want to be, Moon.”
“You mean you ain’t who the others said you oughtta be?”
Apollo looked up.
Throwing his arms wide, Moon said, “And yo, either way, who cares?!  You are who you are!  Can’t be anyone else, so might as well take some damn pride in it, yo! And I ain’t going nowhere ‘til I knock that into you!”
Moon rushed forward.  With no time to question it, Apollo willed himself to act.  A fire jet leapt toward Moon as he closed in, so he raised his arm to block it—but to his surprise, Apollo’s foot was within the flame, the kick successfully knocking him off-balance.  Apollo then leaned forward and punched Moon, releasing a huge blast of flame on contact to blow him away.  As Moon rolled down the Wave Road, Apollo stared at his hand, watching the fire wreathe his fingers as he processed what he was feeling.
“Heh...that’s more like it, yo!” Moon said as he picked himself up.  “You finally ready?”
Apollo’s fingers curled into a fist, the flames intensifying around it.  A smile came to his face as he looked up at Moon. “Hm...I think so.  Don’t regret this when you lose, Moon.”
“Yo, tough talk!  Let’s see you back it up!”
Apollo ran forward.  He dodged Moon’s boomerangs one after the other, getting in close and throwing a punch. Moon blocked the hit and absorbed its energy.  When he moved to return it with a kick, Apollo caught his foot in both hands, spun around, and sent him flying.  The fiery halo behind Apollo’s head began to shine brightly.  Fire jets spun into tornados as he advanced again; Moon guarded one of them to be able to meet Apollo’s next blow, trying to counterattack only to be blocked himself.  They clashed a few more times before Moon twisted his arm, tricking Apollo into knocking off one of his boomerangs, and the projectile circled around to strike him in the shoulder.  Moon landed a few clean hits, but then a burning punch to the jaw sent him sprawling.
“Satisfied, Moon?” Apollo said, laughter in his voice.
“Yo, yo, this is what I’ve been waiting for, yo!” Moon said as he sprang up. “Finally, my rival has appeared!”
Moon went in flanked by dozens of boomerangs.  Apollo simply took the hits and focused on Moon, the two exchanging blows in perfect synch.  Finally, Apollo found an opening: after blocking one of Moon’s punches, he successfully feinted and pushed back the fist he had intercepted, shattering Moon’s balance.  Apollo tightened his own fist, a tiny replica of the sun constricting around it, and threw his finishing punch with a triumphant shout.
The second the blow made contact, the orb expanded, consuming Moon in a raging sphere of flame.  Apollo stepped back, panting heavily.  When it finally ended, Moon dropped back to the Wave Road, swaying a few times before collapsing.  Coughing, he said, “Dammit...alright, Apollo...you win…”
Apollo chuckled.  Taking a seat next to him, he said, “No...it seems to me that you won, Moon.”
At the same time in another part of the server, Bud endured another blast of acid before retaliating with a rocket punch.  The attack missed as Scorpio skittered aside, getting in position to attack with his tail again, the stinger only just missing Bud.
“Why prolong your suffering, child?” Scorpio said.  “Accept your fate.  This struggle only has one ending.”
Bud kept a close eye on his foe as he tried to catch his breath.  “So much for waiting to see if this power boost would wear off.  Looks like we’re gonna have to overpower him after all.”
“He’s talking big, but our attacks are still hurting him,” Taurus said.  “Only problem is, we’re in about the same place stamina-wise, and one slip-up for us is way more costly.”
Bud grinned.  “Right...in that case, I guess we’ll just have to go all out!”
The temperature of his armor began to increase.  Shaking his head, Scorpio said, “What is this stupidity?  Where does your bravado come from, simpleton?”
Pulling back one fist, Bud said, “It’s neither of those!  This is white-hot passion!”
He punched the road, calling up flame pillars to encircle Scorpio.  The FM-ian doused one right away, but to his surprise, Bud came charging through the resulting opening, spitting a volley of white fireballs that forced Scorpio to get moving.  Boxed in by the flames, Scorpio quickly ran out of space to run—Bud closed the gap and landed a direct hit, the Wave Road cracking under the force as Scorpio was flattened against it.  Knowing that wouldn’t be enough, Bud readied for another hit.  Just as he shifted his weight, Scorpio’s tail wrapped around his fist and tugged; he lost his balance, unable to do anything as Scorpio reached up and pressed an open pincer against his torso.  A torrent of acid washed away the screaming Bud, and all his flames died away.
“You are simply outclassed,” Scorpio said as he picked himself up.  “Perhaps your ‘white-hot passion’ is enough to brute force your way past lesser beings, but not I.”
Bud groaned as he pushed himself up.  “Darn it...he is tough…”
Scorpio spread his arms.  “Do you surrender yet, human?  Passion alone can only carry you so far.  Passion alone will not surpass the wall before you.”
He had expected the remark to discourage Bud, or at least provoke him into a defiant rage.  The response he got was laughter.  Back on his feet again, Bud said, “Man...you’re a real idiot.”
Scorpio lowered his arms, eyes narrowing.  “…And how so?”
Pointing at him, Bud went on, “‘Cuz that’s one of the dumbest things I’ve ever heard!  Passion alone?  Passion doesn’t exist in a vacuum, dumbass!  Doesn’t a fire need oxygen to burn?”
Bud got into a stance, armor heating back up.
“Passion makes you wanna grow, or opens your mind to new things, or creates new strength where you didn’t have any before!  It’s never alone: it’s always part of something, spreading and connecting more and more to burn brighter, and brighter, and brighter!”
Still grinning, Bud raised his fists, the heat climbing higher and higher.
“So yeah, Scorpio: you’re a giant idiot!  You don’t know the first thing about something as simple as passion! And even if you are right—even if my white-hot passion isn’t enough to beat you…so what?!”
Bud focused all the heat he had built up into one hand.  His gauntlet shone with such dazzling light that Scorpio had to shield his eyes, feeling the waves of heat batter him from a distance.
“If that isn’t enough, I’ll just push even harder, reach even farther!”
A fleck of color appeared in the blaze.  Then another, then a full streak, the white flame skyrocketing in temperature to become something far greater.  Scorpio backed away.
“Until my passion burns brilliant blue!”
Drawing back a fist cloaked in azure flame, Bud put all he had into one more rocket punch.  The attack shot out in an instant, and before Scorpio had even realized it had launched, it collided with him head-on, bringing with it a searing pain unlike any he’d felt before.  After what felt like ages of agony, the projectile exploded, bringing even worse pain as it flung Scorpio down the Wave Road, ultimately leaving him to lie in a crumpled, smoldering heap.
“N...no...” the FM-ian said.  “How…?”
Bud walked up and stood over him, looking twice as exhausted as he had a moment before.  Giving a thumbs-up, he said, “Because at whatever pace it happens, I’ll never stop growing!  No puny wall is ever gonna stop me for good!”
Even farther into the server, Luna watched as Clock continued to type away at his wrist, racking her brain for a new strategy to slow him down.  Her snakes were at the ready, but with the energy she had left, she could only manage just over a dozen at once.
“Almost there,” Clock said.  “You may as well admit that you have no chance of stopping me.  XM-ian science is a peerless force in this universe!”
“Give it a rest already!” Luna said.  “I told everyone I’d deal with you, and I keep my promises!  You’re the one who should quit while you’re ahead!”
Clock got moving as she fired her Gorgon Eye.  Sweeping the area with the beam, Luna created a series of stone pillars around the edge of the Wave Road, and while Clock was questioning that, she transformed the road itself into a series of metallic panels emanating magnetic energy.  Clock was pulled one way, then another; he became too disoriented to continue his task, retaining just enough clarity to realize the panels were slowly but surely dragging him towards the edge.  One pillar collapsed as he was bashed into it.  He quickly summoned a clock hand and jabbed it into the road: a small ring of terrain reverted to normal, giving Clock a chance to steady himself and get back to work.
“Not a bad plan!” he said.  “We really did underestimate you Earthlings.  No wonder the fighting freaks have been failing left and right.”
Luna generated a boulder in the space above Clock.  He leapt clear, being pulled around by the panels a bit before creating another safe area.  Eyes still glowing, Luna said, “You should be ashamed, talking about your friends like that!”
“Friends?  Hah! Administrator Sirius is the only one here worth respecting.  Those others are just useless underlings who can’t win even when a genius provides them with a battle plan!”
Another blast from Luna’s Gorgon Eye forced Clock to move.  This time, however, Luna transformed the area he was pulled towards into lava.  “It’s still shameful!  If you don’t do your best to take care of those working for you, then you don’t deserve their support!”
Pulling himself out of the lava, Clock said, “Hm...what an interesting perspective…”
A snake appeared to snap at his face.  Barely throwing himself clear, Clock teetered on the edge of the lava to fire a beam of his own at Luna, and then cleared a space and kept typing away.
“However, I don’t think it’s worth further investigation.  Especially since I’ve finally gotten all of the server’s functions back online!”
Clock raised his hand high and then made one final keystroke.  He stood there, smiling triumphantly as...nothing happened.
He returned to the screen on his wrist, trying to determine what the problem was.  Luna let out a sigh, saying, “Good...I knew she’d get it in time.”
“Wh...what is going on?!” Clock demanded.  “Why aren’t my repairs taking effect?”
Luna turned to the rock shell she had created around Clock’s terminal.  It crumbled away to reveal Ophiuca floating there, casually typing away.  Glancing up, the FM-ian said, “A rather close call.  You did an excellent job distracting him, Luna.”
“This was the easy part.  Thank you for locking him out...can we cancel the Real Wave Body now?  Using it while we’re Wave Changed really is way more straining…”
Ophiuca vanished in a flash of blue.  Clock stood perfectly still for a moment, gaping at Luna and the terminal. Suddenly leaping into motion, he tried to make a break for it, but Luna struck him square in the back with her Gorgon Eye, stunning him long enough to trap him in stone.
“I...I can’t believe it,” Clock said.  “I was outsmarted?  By an Earthling and an FM-ian?  This is…”
Luna sat on her coils, giving a weary grin.  “It’s just as you said, Clock.  You underestimated us.”
In the heart of the server, Sonia, Geo, and Solo all surged forward at once, obliterating the barrier before them in a single combined attack.  The four wing-like drones behind Sirius moved, each pointing themselves at the invaders and firing a narrow, fast-moving beam. Solo blocked all four with wave barriers.  Geo teleported next to Sirius, sword bursting with electricity, and made an overhead swing that brought down a thunderbolt.  One of the wings blocked his attack, protecting Sirius from all harm. Sonia, who had taken a moment to charge energy, now aimed the head of her guitar, firing a beam of compressed Noise right at her foe only for another wing to intercept it.  Sirius just kept smiling as the two of them backed away, giving Solo an opening to attack with a Le Mu fist.  It too was unable to breach Sirius’s defenses.
“No way,” Geo said.  “I didn’t think it’d be easy, but this…”
Battle Cards began to orbit the head of Sonia’s guitar.  “We’ll just have to keep the pressure up until we figure out a weakness!  Come on!”
She swiped one card, sending it down the neck of her guitar and transforming its body into the blade of a Great Axe.  Sirius floated back, saying, “Yes, squirm to your little hearts’ content. We mustn’t allow things to become dull now!”
Sonia swung, blocked by a wing.  Solo put both fists forward and unleashed a flurry of Darklight blasts, and Sirius continued to move, gliding between the attacks like a leaf in the wind. Spotting an opening, Sonia shot a beam of Noise from her hand; another of Sirius’s drones swooped in to block, all four then retaliating and landing grazing blows on Solo and Sonia.
“Ouch!” Sonia said, stepping back in shock.  “I felt that even through my armor...”
“But of course,” Sirius said.  “All the power of a cutting-edge MBN Core, focused into one precise attack…I wonder how many you’ll be able to withstand?”
As Sonia took stock of the situation, she realized she had completely lost track of Geo—prompted by an upward glance from Sirius, she looked up to see her friend flying straight at the server core, thrusting his blade in an attempt to skewer it.  A metallic shell sprang into existence around the orb to foil his plan.
“Worth a try,” Geo said, turning to look back down at Sirius.  As he worked on a new plan, he noticed the space on either side of him distorting, peeling away briefly to release four more drones which quickly surrounded him.  He teleported away and regrouped with the others, not willing to press his luck any further.
Solo generated a glyph that let loose a wild torrent of lightning bolts.  As the wings were occupied with that, Sonia loaded a Buzz Saw Battle Card into her guitar and played, summoning about a dozen bladed disks that homed in on the drones, having little effect.  Geo shot a Wide Wave, the burst of water moving past the drones and continuing on towards Sirius; he avoided it, but Solo generated another glyph in that time, shooting a massive fireball at the XM-ian who simply waved a hand.  More drones appeared, shooting the fireball and dispersing it.  A Noise-infused sound pulse came next, but the drones arranged into a shield that absorbed even that.
“We need to find a way to distract or destroy those drones,” Sonia said, “but without knowing just how many he can use it’s hard to say how.”
“Back him into a corner,” Solo said.  “Then he’ll show us everything.”
She adjusted her grip on her guitar.  “Go for it.”
Solo leapt at the nearest group of drones, summoning a Laplace blade to each hand. His targets scattered, moving to encircle him, so he flipped around in mid-air, summoning a wave barrier to kick off of and dive straight at one of the wings.  Solo swung his swords in a cross-slash, letting go so that they arced wide and slashed the other drones before returning to his hands; the initial attack did little more than stun the tiny crafts, so he dropped down to the Wave Road and slammed both swords into it, calling up a great purple inferno to engulf them.  As it raged, Solo stood above it all on top of a wave barrier, scanning for movement. All at once the half-scorched drones emerged.
“Got it!” Sonia said.
A massive speaker dropped on top of one of the drones, pinning it to the road before emitting a stream of Noise that crippled the rest of the fleet. Solo spotted Sirius and jumped closer, creating another wave barrier to stand on; he aimed another Le Mu fist at him, but Sirius simply chuckled and slipped out of the way.  The drones were regaining their bearings now, but not quickly enough: Geo rapidly teleported from one to the other, cutting them down as he went, working his way over to Sirius just as Sonia dropped more speakers around the Admin to box him in.  Solo generated a wave barrier over the formation to further restrict their target as he dropped down.  Sonia’s speakers blared, Geo unleashed a barrage of light blasts, and Solo fired an intense beam from the emblem on his chest.  They all waited anxiously for the smoke to clear…
A drone shot each of them in the back.  The pain momentarily brought all three to their knees, and when they could turn, they saw Sirius floating back down the Wave Road flanked by at least three dozen drones.
“Quite the display.  I was moved by it, really I was.”
Frustrated for only a moment, Sonia began to play, charging up more energy. “When you’re so focused on dodging, it makes me wonder how well you take a punch.  If you spend all your time in the lab, then I guess you wouldn’t have had the chance to train your defenses all that well, huh?”
“True, I’ve never been struck,” Sirius said.  “I’ve had more intellectual tasks to focus on than your primitive ‘training’. The power of the Black Hole Server is more than enough to keep me safe from those oh-so-frightening attacks you’re throwing around, as I’m sure even you can deduce by now.”
“Solo,” Geo said, “if we keep him busy, do you think you could hack this place again?”
“It wouldn’t do any good,” Solo said.  “I’ve done what I can, and his Rosetta Compiler isn’t affected at all.”
Spreading his arms, Sirius said, “Do you see now the futility of your meager efforts?  You spend your entire lives wallowing in disgusting violence, thinking you will grow strong enough to have your way.  But, when faced with the results of true genius, all your toil means nothing! This is why you are inferior—why you will always be inferior.  Lowly creatures such as yourselves lead an existence without purpose, save for providing entertainment for we enlightened few.  Please, do fight on with everything you have.  It’s so very much fun to watch!”
Sonia stared hard at Sirius, a gaze that cut right through the smugness that enveloped him.  “Funny. We asked to solve this peacefully. You’re the one who made this violent.”
Sirius’s smile faded.
“If you hate violence this much, then why accept a job watching over a group of fighters?  Why order them to fight if you’re so convinced it’s pointless?”
The drones’ formation began to tighten around Sirius.
“I think someone else told all this to you, all that nonsense about violence and ‘lesser beings’, and you thought you had to believe it.  But deep down, Sirius...you really want to be able to fight, don’t you?”
A hideous sneer coated Sirius’s face.  Putting one hand forward, he shouted, “How dare you!  You all shall die for such an insult!”
The drones all came together in a honeycomb shape, light glinting within their barrels.  Sonia and Geo prepared to move, but Solo shook his head, holding one hand at the ready. A high-pitched whine rang out as the drones took aim, and all at once, they fired, sending down a truly massive beam of energy that shook the entire server.  Just as it was about to make contact, Solo created three identical glyphs. In a puff of smoke, the three of them teleported safely above the attack as it raged on, ripping the Wave Road into unrecognizable shreds of data.  Taking aim, the trio fired beams of their own, which twisted together into a combined blast that tore through the wall of drones.  Sirius glared at them through the freshly-seared gap.
“I think I have a plan,” Sonia said as they began to drop down.  “What I’m gonna try…”
The three of them landed as she finished explaining.  Solo gave a nod, and Geo said, “We’re with you, Sonia. Let’s go!”
Sirius hovered there, his damaged drones falling away as the surviving ones flocked around him.  Still more were summoned forth to restore their numbers.  Breathing deeply, he reconstructed his smile and said, “You’re truly desperate, it seems, if you’re grasping at such far-flung straws.  Tell me, how are your precious defenses holding up? I’ll have to calculate how many more shots are required to delete you!”
The drones began to fire randomly.  Loading a Synchro Hook Battle Card, Sonia reared back for a punch—Solo used a glyph to teleport her right next to one of the drones, and when she hit it, all of the machines spun out of control momentarily.  Geo used the opening to race in, shooting a rapid stream from his buster to keep Sirius moving.  The Administrator called more drones as he moved, twisting around a Le Mu fist to see Sonia rushing him with a Jet Attack; she aimed the head of her guitar, making him jump back, but when she fired her strings she grabbed hold of a drone that was just about to fire.  Yanking it aside, Sonia redirected the drone to aim at Sirius.  Dodging back, Sirius put himself in range of a charging Geo, who made several rapid thrusts at the same time that about a dozen copies of the Laplace Blade began to fly about.  Sirius managed to find the narrowest openings to slip through, but his smile had now permanently withered into a scowl.
“Wretched insects!” Sirius said.  “When will you cease this pointless assault?!”
Sonia busied herself charging energy in her guitar and speakers.  “I warned you right away, Sirius!  That if you didn’t agree to do things peacefully, I was going to find a way to take you down!  I’m not giving up until I’ve delivered!”
Despite being pinned down by Geo and Solo, Sirius was still able to give orders to his drones.  They began to gather in one massive cluster again, and Sonia played even faster.  Solo threw a glyph at her—she felt her power leap even higher.  Just as the drones began to fire, Geo pulled away from Sirius and exerted his control over gravity, pulling the flock askew just enough that the beam went right past Sonia as she fired three Crimson beams in return.  The impact was explosive, shocking the drones into disarray. Before they had a chance to recollect, Solo dug in and readied two Le Mu fists, launching into a rapid series of punches with the monolithic hands that beat the drones apart even further. Lastly, Geo generated an Elemental Cyclone to gather the damaged drones back together, before shooting an Atomic Blazer down the middle of the twister to finish them all off at once.  Not willing to waste a single second, the three of them then charged towards Sirius.
“Am I to be impressed?” Sirius asked.  More drones were already emerging.  “Do you think this means you’ve won somehow?  This server and its power belong to me—I have complete control here!”
Unleashing all the power he could, Geo magnified gravity upon Sirius and his drones tenfold.  Sirius finally dropped to the Wave Road, while his drones were pulled beneath it, disappearing into the void.  Geo took aim with his Crimson-cloaked sword, but a drone emerged at just the right angle to fire a shot before falling, leaving a wound across his chest and knocking his blade from his hands.
“My genius will not be surpassed by violence!  I won’t allow it!”
He was able to move just enough to dodge the two Laplace Blades that flew by. Solo jumped in from the side to catch them, fusing them back into a single sword, and after igniting it with golden energy, ran at Sirius with a barrier at the ready.  A drone appeared right above him, and when it was pulled down by the increased gravity, it crashed through Solo’s shield and fired just before succumbing to the pressure—Solo was knocked off his feet, Laplace sent flying from his grip, only able to launch one last glyph at Sirius.
“Sirius!” Sonia yelled, leaping towards him with all the enhanced strength Red Joker afforded her.  She reached out both hands, catching Geo’s sword in one hand and Laplace in the other just as the increased gravity began to pull at her.  Sirius tried to move, but he could not: Geo’s power still held him down, and though the paralyzing power of Solo’s glyph did not take complete effect, it still locked his legs in place.  A drone shot her, but she didn’t flinch.  Angling her fall directly towards Sirius, Sonia lifted the two swords and shouted, “It’s over!”
She swung with all her might, cross-slashing Sirius and unleashing a devastating burst of power from the blades.  The XM-ian screamed, the Wave Road fractured, and the entire server shuddered.  Sonia managed to stand back up afterwards.  Sirius did not.
Solo picked himself up, calling Laplace back to his side.  “Hmph.  To think someone so fragile gave us so much trouble.  I’ll be happy to put this event behind me.”
Sonia smiled at him.  “Thanks for your help, Solo.”
He murmured something.  Choosing not to press the issue, Sonia limped over to Geo, extending a hand to help him up before returning his sword.  “Thanks,” he said.  “Kind of hard to believe we really pulled it off, huh?”
Sonia shook her head.  “Not at all. We’re an unstoppable team, aren’t we?”
Geo chuckled.  “Yeah. I guess so.”
The three of them turned to Sirius then.  He was unconscious, but not deleted; happy as that fact made Sonia, she was at a bit of a loss on how to proceed.  Before she could voice these concerns, however, something above caught her eye: the server core flashed briefly with red light, and then a link appeared on the Wave Road directly beneath it.  Sonia tensed, not sure what to expect.  Her anxiety turned to exasperation when a familiar face appeared from the portal.
“Hello again,” Blitzar said.  “I see you’re all still doing well.”
“It’s that guy from Meteor G!” Mega said.  “What’s he doing here all of a sudden?”
“I was sort of expecting this,” Sonia said.  “You and Sirius share an interest in studying Planet FM, right Blitzar?”
Blitzar tilted his head.  “Hm...I should perhaps clarify that our methods differ significantly.  I assure you I come here bearing no ill intent. I’ve simply come to reclaim my colleague.”
Solo stepped in front of Sirius, fists at the ready.  “You think we’ll just let you take him?”
“Oh? It seems I have not yet made myself clear.  You see, I have been dispatched with orders to take Sirius into custody so that he may face admonishment for his hostile actions.”
“Huh?” Geo said.  “You’re...arresting him for attacking Planet FM?”
“Correct.  Sirius’s actions here constitute a breach of conduct.  I have already revoked his Administrator privileges, and now need only guide the Black Hole Server back to Planet XM.  We express our apologies that he behaved in such a way.”
Sonia tapped one finger.  “You came in right as we beat him.  How long have you been watching?”
Blitzar paused.  “Several days, now.”
“Days. So you could have stopped all this at any time, and chose to wait.  Why is that?”
A longer pause.  “Planet XM knew that your party would be arriving soon.  While we certainly condemn Sirius’s actions, we still wish to test the MBN Cores, and you have proven quite useful in that regard.  I was ordered to act only after you had completed your own efforts.”
Sonia ground her teeth, waiting a few moments to distill her reaction.  “People have been dying.  Maybe they’ve all been reconstructed, but still: people have been dying.  So many people have died because of these stupid power cores.  You’ve put so much effort into studying them, but do you have any idea how much harm this project of yours has caused?  You made Mu reliant on a flawed core that eventually gave out on them.  You left one just lying around, and Planet FM used it to destroy so many worlds.  How many planets did Meteor G destroy?  And now, because you thought it would be a good test to let Sirius run around with one, a planet trying its best to build a better future could have been completely wiped out.”
She shook her head.
“Those are only the ones I know about!  This has been going on for thousands of years?  I can’t begin to guess how many people’s pain can be traced back to this MBN Project of yours!  All because Planet XM gave into some baseless fear, built their entire society around it, and never thought to question it.  I just...I can’t even put into words…”
She trailed off, putting a hand over her face as she tried to breathe. Blitzar, who up until this point had remained totally still, now nodded, and hung his head.  “You are entirely correct.”
Sonia looked up.
“The truth is that, in recent years, a small but growing group of XM-ians have begun to question the ethics of how the MBN Project has been handled.  After spending so much time with Kelvin Stelar, and further reviewing your own data...I too have come to feel that perhaps a change is in order.  A great many more opinions have begun to shift in light of Sirius’s behavior.  It is only conjecture at this point, but I believe Planet XM stands on the precipice of a great change, Harp Note. However…”  He hesitated.  “We are entrenched in our ways.  Even if we want to change, we may not be able to devise a strategy to do so.  But then, Planet FM was much the same, and they are now undergoing the sort of change I feel we would also benefit from.  The determining factor that tipped the balance here...seemed to be exposure to your then-foreign ideology.”
Sonia blinked.  “Are you...asking for my help?”
“I realize we have no right to.  But this situation is crucial, so I must ask nonetheless.  If at all possible, Harp Note...would you be willing to meet with leaders from Planet XM, and discuss this matter with them?  Would you be willing to help us to grow?”
The silence was suffocating as he waited for Sonia’s reply.  Eventually, she deactivated Red Joker, walked over to Blitzar, and said, “I will.”
Blitzar’s eyes widened.  “T...Truly? After all we’ve done, you’re still willing to help us?”
“I’m not going to blame every single XM-ian for the harm the project has caused. If the people in charge are really willing to change, then I want them to have that chance, and create a better chance for future XM-ians too.  I’ll do my best to help you achieve that.”
After a short pause, Blitzar laughed.  “I’m sorry…I suppose I hadn’t expected you to actually agree.  Thank you, Harp Note.  We are in your debt.”
Sonia shook her head.  “Don’t worry about it.  Honestly…” A smile crossed her face.  “It’s sort of a relief.  For once, someone’s actually willing to settle things by talking.”
Couronne, Crown, and Cepheus watched as a beam of light shot up from Sonia’s guitar, opening a portal to the Noise Wave high above.  She turned to smile at them, saying, “Even if circumstances weren’t really ideal, it was nice to see all of you again.  Now that we have the Noise Wave, it won’t be so long before our next visit, I promise!”
“You’re welcome any time,” Cepheus said.  “Thank you again for everything you’ve done—all of you.  I’m proud to have such wonderful friends!”
“Indeed, simply superb comrades through and through!” Couronne said.  “It has been an honor fighting alongside you, warrior-bard.  Rest assured that in your absence, we shall see that Planet FM flourishes like never before!”
“Yes, even more marvelous!” Crown said.  “Those hard-hearted rebels now lie defeated, and while we must certainly remain vigilant, no longer are they so eager to fight.  We are at peace!  Huzzah!”
Giggling, Sonia turned to face another group: Moon, Apollo, and Auriga.  First, Moon stepped forward and said, “Yo, thanks for everything Harps!  Really owe you for talking Blitzar into letting us go.  I’m itching to start my new life on Planet FM!  Next time you’re here, let’s have a rematch!  I ain’t gonna lose to you again!”
“You’re on, Moon,” Sonia said.  Looking at the other two, she said, “Are you sure you don’t want to come with us? From the Noise Wave we can drop you off pretty much anywhere.”
“Your kindness is appreciated, but we must decline,” Apollo said.  “I believe it is time we found our own way.  But I’m certain our paths will cross again, when the time is right.”
“You have our eternal gratitude, Earthlings and FM-ians,” Auriga said. “Should you ever require assistance, seek us out, and we will be more than happy to lend you our power!  Won’t we, Master Apollo?”
Apollo smiled, setting his hand on Auriga’s arm.  “Indeed we will.”
“Yo, and I want another round with you too!” Moon said.  “You’re my rival, after all!”
“Haha...that’s right.”
Sonia turned back to her friends.  “Ready to go home, guys?”
“Quite,” Luna said.  “I’m sure we have a bit of homework to catch up on, plus I have my duties as president to attend to.”
“You’ll have plenty of time to catch up while your legs recover,” Ophiuca teased.
“Don’t worry, Prez, I’m sure Zack’s doing a great job filling in for you,” Bud said.  “Though, I do wanna get back and see Amy…”
“Mrrgh!” Taurus grunted.  “Not to mention more Earth food!  I didn’t realize how hooked I was until now.”
Mega set a hand on Geo’s shoulder, saying, “And I bet you’re pretty eager to see Pat again, huh, kid?”
“Of course!” Geo said.  “Plus Mom and Dad are probably still nervous.  And then there’s Mr. Boreal, Dr. Goodall, Jack...there’s a lot of people I want to check back in on.”
Laplace buzzed.  Crossing his arms, Solo said, “Yes, we’re heading back to Whazzap for the time being. They’ve been good to us.”
Luna tugged at Sonia’s sleeve.  “Will I at least have you for a bit before you go off to Planet XM?”
Giving her a kiss, Sonia said, “Absolutely.  Blitzar said it’d take about a month to arrange everything, and that he’d check in with WAZA as soon as they’re ready for me.”
“Good. We don’t get a lot of time to just be normal, so I intend to make full use of what we get!”
“Hehe! Sounds perfect!”
Sonia finally turned to Lyra, the FM-ian staring thoughtfully up at the portal. Giving a smile, the harp said, “You know, I find myself thinking of the last time I departed Planet FM.  I was in quite the rush to abscond with the Andromeda Key—had to trick a few people along the way, and while I likely wouldn’t have admitted to it, I was fearing for my life just a tad.  The atmosphere this time...it’s quite different.”
Offering her hand, Sonia said, “Better, right?”
Lyra reached out to meet her.  “Yes, dear. So much better.”
The Earthlings and their partners offered a final farewell, and then a beam of light shot from the portal to pull them in.  Once they were through, the gateway closed, and the XM-ians went off; Cepheus continued to stare up, a sad smile on his face.
“I know they couldn’t stay,” Cepheus said, “but I can’t help but wish they didn’t have to leave.”
“Hm, I completely understand, Your Majesty,” Couronne said, stroking his beard. “When wonderful times and wonderful people come along, it can be most difficult to let them go.”
“Yes, but regardless, let go we must,” Crown said.  “Time moves ever forward, after all!  Yet we need not fear such change: the happiness of the past will forever remain preserved in memory, and in the future we may find a happiness even greater than we can imagine!”
Giving a sigh, Cepheus nodded.  “You’re right, Uncle Crown.  I’ll never forget any of them...and I can’t wait to see what the future has in store!”
The FM King and his retainers finally departed the site.  The stars around Planet FM, now unmarred by the pall of the Black Hole Server, seemed to shine brighter than ever before.  And, even if no one was there to see it, one star, more brilliant than all the others, shot fearlessly across the sky.
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| Denial | {Sirius x Reader}
Description: First and foremost I would like it to be clear that this story has optional smut!! The main story is first and the smut is at the bottom. The reader gets into a relationship with someone who Sirius finds unfitting and unworthy of her, and they both fight their feelings for one another. 
Word Count: 2.2k+
Warnings: Eventual smut!!!!
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“ She can’t be serious,” said James in disbelief when he saw you walking hand in hand with Kashin Rosier, “ Is she out of her bloody mind?”
Sirius said nothing but grabbed a fistful of grass with a scowl. James looked away and studied his friend, “ I know you liked her mate-,”
Sirius’ eyebrows shot to his hairline as he scoffed in disbelief, “ I don’t like her, James, it’s just he’s completely wrong for her, I mean,” he gestured frantically to your back and the guy you were with, “ There’s nothing there, and besides Rosier is a prick if I’d ever seen one,”
James raised an eyebrow, “ Well, Padfoot, you’re not wrong, but you’ve had a crush on (Y/N) since fifth year,” 
The silver-eyed man threw his head against the tree the boys were sitting under and huffed, “ No, James, it is possible to care about someone and not feel that way towards them,”
The quidditch player chuckled, “ You’re right Pads, I care about (Y/N) like that, but unlike you, I don’t check out her arse when she bends over to pick up something-,”
Sirius’ hand met the back of James' head and he pushed himself to his feet and stormed up toward the castle, trying to ignore James laughter behind him.
“, And so father said to me…”
You only nodded along, barely listening to what Kashin had to say. Your parents had owled you, urging you to form some type of relationship with Kashin Rosier. According to them, Kashin is rumored to be heir to the Rosier fortune and Head the House of Rosier once he gets out of Hogwarts.
You watched him ramble on about how his father had special connections with the Minister’s son and how they were planning on doing this and that once the Minister stepped down. 
He was handsome, you thought, but he was just so damn boring but you would try and power through, he wasn’t that bad. He was kind to you and respectful but he just couldn’t make your stomach do somersaults or make your heart flutter. Maybe in time, he would?
“ Well love, I need to go, I’ll see you at dinner,” Kashin leaned in and pressed a kiss to your lips. 
You smiled slightly when he pulled away but frowned as soon as his back was to you. He was a perfectly fine boyfriend, but you weren’t happy. 
It was Friday and Sirius was on his way to class with you walking beside him. The topic of you and Kashin hadn’t been spoken about, but by the way he was acting, you felt like Sirius knew.
 You decided not to say anything, knowing Sirius would blow up on you because you were dating a Rosier. At the same time, you wondered if he even cared.
 Sirius, on the other hand, was practically biting his tongue, trying not to say anything about Kashin Rosier, trying his damnedest to stay out of it. He wondered if you even knew how much of a dick Kashin was, obviously not.
 You both continued your walk in a somewhat uncomfortable silence until Sirius broke it, “ So you and Rosier,” he said, shoving his hands in his pockets, not looking at you. 
You felt your mouth stretch into a thin line before nodding, “ Yes, me and Kashin,”
“ How’s that going,” he said with a tone you couldn’t quite place, it was between disappointed and disgusted.
 Even though you were unhappy to hear it, you weren’t surprised by the disgusted part, but the disappointed tone confused you, to say the least.“ It’s fine I guess,” you said with a slight shrug.
.Sirius finally looked at you, his eyes hard and analyzing, “ Are you happy?” he asked stopping in his tracks.
Your eyebrows shot up into your hairline, “ W-What?” you stuttered.
“ Are you happy?” he asked once more.You weren’t sure what to say, should you just nod and say yeah because that was the easy thing to do, deny and deny over and over until you believed that you were happy? Or tell your long-time friend the truth?Kashin was overbearing, jealous, arrogant, had no sense of humor, and cared about what others thought too much.
You weren’t exactly perfect yourself but you rather be with someone who shared your good qualities. Kashin didn’t exactly meet that standard. Where you were selfish, he was even more so. Where you were sneaky and lied more than you’d like to admit, once again, Kashin was even more so.
“ Well I’m not exactly unhappy I guess, but it’s only been a little while, y’know.”
Sirius’ stare didn’t waver, “ You’re lying (Y/N), I know it when you lie,”
 You felt your face contort into a glare, “ Whatever, why do you even care-,”
“ Why do I care?!” Sirius shouted angrily, “ You’re one of my best friends idiot, I’m going to care!”
 Your eye twitched, “ Listen, Black, my relationship with Kashin is none of your business, so butt the hell out!” you yelled before storming off, not looking back. 
It had been a few days since your fight with Sirius, you hadn’t spoken to him, and he hadn’t said a word to you. You weren’t mad, you hadn’t been mad in all honesty, you were just frustrated because he had seen through you.
 You planned on apologizing but you had to take care of something first.You weave your way through the halls, dodging your dorm mates who were on their way to dinner. You decided to end things with Kashin, unsure on how he’d take the news.
 You said the password and entered the Common Room and stopped in your tracks. Kashin had Amilda VanHouten pressed against the stone wall of the Slytherin Common Room. 
You felt yourself smile slightly, well now you didn’t have to worry about your parents getting pissed about you dumping him. You grabbed a small book from one of the end tables and threw it with all your might.
 The edge of the book hit its mark and Kashin yelped before turning toward you, “ (Y/N)!” he said with shock.
 You approached him and smiled, “ Fuck off slut, I need to talk to my boyfriend, “ you said cheerfully, turning toward Amilda. 
The blonde blushed ten shades of red before running off and you turned back to the dark-haired boy in front of you, his pale face even more so. “ Well, we’re done, and your parents will be sure to receive an owl on you fraternizing with a lowlife such as a Amilda VanHouten,” 
His green eyes widened, “ I-”
 You spun on your heel, “ Bye Kashin,”
You exited the common room and picked up your pace, practically running to the Gryffindor Common Room. During those few days away from Sirius you came to terms with your feelings, you had feelings for him.
You were right outside the Common Room, you’d wait for him if you had to, but luckily enough the portrait swung open and he stepped out.
 He seemed surprised to see you but he quickly looked down at his shoes.“ Sirius I came to apologize, “ you began, “ I know you were just looking out for me and I’m just sorry,”   
 He looked at you with a soft smile, “ I’m sorry too, I just got… jealous,”As soon as the words left his mouth he regretted it, you were with Kashin, he couldn’t say things like that. No matter how he felt, after talking to James and Remus he learned that he couldn’t be his usual outspoken self, he had to respect your relationship.
You mouth gaped open and closed, trying to find the words, “ Do-do you have feelings for me?” you blurted out. 
Sirius just stared at his shoes, “ Er- well you're with Rosier-”
“ We broke up,”
Sirius’ eyes shot up and looked at you, “ You guys broke up?”
You nodded, “ I was planning on breaking up with him but he kinda insured it when I saw him kissing Amilda in the Common Room,” you said with a small smile.
 Sirius’ eyes flashed as he began marching towards the staircase, “ He’s going to wish he was never born!” he hissed.
 You grabbed his arm, “ I don’t care about him Sirius, I came to tell you that… that I have feelings for you, it just took me a while to understand how I felt,” you finished in a small voice.
Sirius felt his stomach flip with excitement, “ Well that works out perfectly,” he chirped, turning to you completely.You were about to ask what he meant but he caught your lips with his own
✧・゚: *✧・゚:*  *:・゚✧*:・゚✧✧・゚: *✧・゚:*  *:・゚✧*:・゚✧✧・゚: *✧・゚:*  *:・゚✧*:・゚✧
✧・゚: *✧・゚:*  *:・゚✧*:・゚✧✧・゚: *✧・゚:*  *:・゚✧*:・゚✧✧・゚: *✧・゚:*  *:・゚✧*:・゚✧
.-------- SMUT------- 
The two of you rushed into the Gryffindor Common Room and practically flew up the stairs. Right when the door slammed you were on top of each other, pulling every article of clothing off. 
When you were stripped down to your undergarments Sirius lifted you up and practically threw you onto his bed, a giggle escaped you but quickly turned into a whimper when his lips latched onto your neck
.You ran your fingers through his dark silky hair and wrapped your legs around his waist, “ More,” you breathed and Sirius obliged. 
His fingers flew to the clasp on your bra then went to your panties, and soon you were completely naked underneath him. He stared down at you, “ Beautiful,” he muttered before taking your hard nipple into his mouth.
 You gasped at his tongue flicked and swirled around it, and moaned when he began sucking. He did the same with the other one before trailing a path of kisses down to where your cunt was, and surprisingly Sirius didn’t go straight for your pussy but rather went to your inner thigh. 
Leaving hickeys and love bites in his wake. You were practically dripping yet Sirius hadn’t touched you so you decided to take matters into your own hands, literally. 
You snaked your hand down toward your clit but Sirius stopped you, “ A bit impatient are we, kitten?” he all but growled. It sent shivers up your spine, “ Please Sirius,” you groaned.Sirius chuckled before spreading your legs apart. Your stomach leaped as you felt his eyes on your most intimate places but it aroused you nonetheless. 
You felt one of his fingers touch your sensitive bud and your breath hitched in your throat. “ Stop taking your time- Fuck!”Sirius’ mouth latched onto your clit and sucked. His tongue began lapping up your juices and his fingers entered your drenched pussy, pistoning back and forth. 
Your hips bucked and another moan ripped from your throat, “ S-Sirius,”Sirius snickered into your snatch, “ Yes love?” 
“ I need you,” you said in a slightly irritated voice, growing more and more impatient by the second. 
Sirius laughed and you heard his boxer fall to the ground, “ Are you ready for me love?” he asked grabbing your hips.He grabbed his hard cock and rubbed it against your clit and leaned down until he was hovering over you, “ I want to hear you scream, kitten,” He entered with an earth-shattering force and began moving in and out. 
Your walls clenched around him making him growl, “ Scream for me, love,” And you did. Pleading him to go faster and harder. Sirius picked up the pace and caught your lips in a kiss, “ You’re so fucking beautiful,” he said when he pulled back for air. 
“ I’m s-so close,” you stuttered, that familiar feeling of ecstasy creeping up on you.
“ Cum for me, love, I don’t know how much longer I can last,” That’s all it took for you to cum around him. Your mouth forming an ‘o’ shape and Sirius following suit, releasing inside you. You both stayed there like that, Sirius was practically on top of you and your chest was heaving. 
You were both covered in sweat and tired, “ Well shit,” you said
.Sirius began laughing, “ Where’s my wand?” he asked before standing up and grabbing it off the floor. Sirius muttered a spell and he was clean, he then did the same for you.
Your hands went to your exposed chest, “ Turn around,” you said.Sirius raised an eyebrow but turned around. You made your way to the top of the bed and climbed under the covers, “ We have about thirty minutes before they come back,” you said with a small smile, “ Come here,”
Sirius smiled and grabbed his boxers off the floor and slid them on. He then climbed into bed beside you and opened his arms for you. 
You felt your face heat up slightly as you lay your head on his chest, “ Hogsmead this weekend?” you asked. 
Sirius laughed, “ Of course,” 
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the-dream-team · 3 years
hi dylan! i've seen you around a lot but never interacted with your posts before (a tragic error) so i wanted to remedy that by saying that 'July' was very beautiful and utterly perfect!
P.S. I've heard some mumblings about Shirtless James May 👀👀 here is my formal request for you to participate 😂
Oh my gosh, hi! I’ve definitely seen your username around, so it’s lovely to finally say hello :) That’s so sweet, I’m glad you liked July- it was very fun to write! And you know what else was fun to write? This ridiculous one shot for Shirtless JP May, dedicated you, @sunshine-marauders <3
Three Times Lily Evans Did NOT Want to See James Potter Shirtless and One Time She Most Certainly Did
“Mr. Potter, please put your trousers back on, my boy!”
“Sir, I would, but there’s just no way of telling if this potion might be poisonous, and I’d rather play it safe.”
Lily’s eyes narrowed as she shrugged off her own robes, now covered head to toe in acidic slime from the Dungbomb that had just exploded in her and Sev’s cauldron. The purple liquid smelled something foul, but there was nothing poisonous about what was once a perfectly brewed Sleeping Draught. James Potter knew that, but he’d stripped down to his pants regardless. 
“Really, Professor Slughorn, I don’t mind,” Potter continued while he sauntered back to his own workstation, bare chest puffed out as though he wasn’t practically nude in the middle of the damn classroom. His display garnered a collection of giggles from around the dungeons and a wolf whistle from Remus. “And who am I to deny my fellow third years of this view?”
Lily scoffed. She couldn’t speak for her classmates, but she knew her own view consisted of scrawny limbs, knobbly knees, and the most insufferable smirk known to wizardkind. And when he turned to her with fingers running through his hair and an infuriatingly pointed look in her direction, Lily balled her hands into fists, nails digging into her palms to keep herself from reaching out to smack that stupid grin and those lopsided glasses clean off his face.
“There’d better be a good explanation for this, Potter.”
“It kills me, Evans, because there is an excellent explanation for our current predicament- one that I think you’d find admirable and impressive- but unfortunately we’re sworn to secrecy, so you’ll just have to assign us detentions and continue on with your rounds for the night.”
Lily turned, exasperated, to Remus, whose Prefect’s badge looked awfully heavy on his robes that night. He didn’t meet her eye, instead focusing on his three naked friends standing before them in the middle of the first floor corridor. Well, mostly naked. Each of the fifth year Gryffindor boys held strategically placed Shrivelfig leaves to cover their most intimate areas, but only Peter looked as though that protection was a matter of life or death. Sirius stood as casually as he always did, completely unphased to find himself caught clothesless in the middle of the night, and James somehow looked more confident than usual (if that was even possible) with his chest on full display. He seemed to be strategically flexing every Quidditch-trained muscle as he grinned down at her with that pointed look she’d become far too familiar with. She spent every last drop of concentration keeping her eyes locked on James’ face to avoid any potential… drifting. 
“Did you have any luck?” said Remus after a moment. Lily whipped around in shocked betrayal. He couldn’t possibly approve of this behaviour?
“Not this time,” Sirius responded, “but I got bloody close. Don’t think having clothes makes a difference, but it was worth trying.”
“I’d say we should be on track to making it work before the end of the month,” added James, his crooked grin turning into a proper smile. 
Remus’ eyes sparkled. “Holy shit, that’s brilliant.”
Lily let out a frustrated grunt before turning on her heel to storm away from the disrobed boys and her fellow Prefect, upset that Remus wouldn’t take their duties seriously, but thankful to be out of sight from James’ sharp gaze, finally able to let the blush she’d been desperately fighting back escape across her cheeks.
“I’m sorry, Evans, but I don’t make the rules. You’ve got to lose an article of clothing or else you’ll have to forfeit.”
“That’s bollocks, Black, you literally came up with the idea for Strip Exploding Snap this evening.” 
The sixth years were circled up around the Common Room’s fireplace, loose socks and sweaters littering the floor, a half-empty bottle of stolen Firewhisky passing around from hand to hand. If it weren’t for Mary’s ridiculous crush on Sirius, Lily would never have found herself anywhere near this kind of event, but she’d decided to be a good friend, and now she was down to an undershirt and knickers. It was unclear whether her face burned red from the whiskey or the nerves. 
“Look, Evans,” Sirius continued with an air of indifference, “if you’re not going to participate, you can just put your cards back in the pile-”
“I’ll do it for her!” James nearly shouted as he jumped up from his seat, swaying slightly. His eyes as glossy as the crooked glasses falling down his nose. He reached for the collar of his white t-shirt, grabbing hold to pull it over his head, but a competitive rush propelled Lily to her feet. 
“No!” she protested before the shirt could make its way too far up James’ stomach. He froze in place, peering over the fabric at her in confusion. “You can’t just play for me, Potter, that’s not fair. I want to win on my own.”
“Really, Evans, I don’t mind,” laughed James, finally following through to remove the shirt completely. His glasses came off in the process, stuck in the fabric, and Lily nearly choked as her mouth went dry at the full sight of him, broader and fuller than she’d remembered. Had she ever seen him without his glasses before? His face as naked as his torso? She needed another drink. 
“I’m not going to let you cheat,” she said, actually stomping her foot in the process. And to prove the dedication to her claims, she stripped down to her bra and sent James her most determined, pointed stare. His glasses made their way back to his face so fast, he nearly poked his eye out. “Now, put your shirt back on, Potter, or I’ll come over there and do it myself.”
“That’s not the threat you think it is, Evans,” he breathed, nearly choking on his words. 
Lily thought her leaping heart must be horribly visible through her exposed skin.
“Do you both need the rest of us to leave?” chimed in Sirius, throwing Lily from her rapidly spiraling thoughts. 
She immediately sat back down, throwing James his shirt in the process, desperately trying to contain the butterflies threatening to escape through her throat. His shirt never made it back over his head and the rest of the night no longer passed in minutes, but instead in glances stolen from across the room.
“Whatever is the problem, Miss Evans, my dear?”
“Sir, I accidentally spilled an entire vial of Mermaid venom all over Potter. It’s burned straight through his robes and I’m worried it might be serious. Do you mind if I leave to take him to Madam Pomfrey’s?”
Professor Slughorn fumbled out a concerned response, granting his blessing, and Lily spared no time grabbing James by the wrist to drag him out of the classroom and through the dungeons. His eyes were wide as he studied the golden liquid eating through the fabric of his sweater. “Is this poisonous?” he asked, fingers fumbling with his deteriorating uniform. 
Lily spun around with emerald fire behind her eyes. “It is,” she responded, stopping him in his tracks as they turned a corner. “So we ought to play it safe and get these off you.”
She watched his eyes flash with sudden realization before she pulled off his sweater and made quick work of the buttons on his shirt.
The knowing grin that broke out across James’ face sent waves of elation through her heart, radiating out to find him again and pull him down to her. Their mouths met with smiling lips and heavy sighs, eager to reconnect after what felt like ages apart, but in reality, couldn’t have been more than an hour. 
“What did I do to deserve this?” James asked through jagged breaths as he grabbed for the door handle to the nearest broom closet, dragging Lily in after him by the waist. 
“You gave me that look,” she said, laughing slightly as she moved her hands up his warm skin to comb through his tousled hair. “That bloody pointed look you get that drives me crazy.” She kissed him and he deepened it before pausing. 
“Wait. You poisoned me because I looked at you?”
“I spilled poison on you because I wanted to get your shirt off.”
He beamed, his smile brightening the dim, crowded cupboard as he brought his hands up to hold her face. “Well, in that case, who am I to deny you this view?”
She scoffed. Then kissed him again.
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wxlfstxrx · 5 years
Gone, Gone, Gone (Oneshot)
A/N: NOW. I honestly never expected to be the one to write this crossover; I was actually hoping someone else would. But I can’t stop thinking about this scene and now I’ve gone and put myself under immense pressure to deliver. HAH. Anyway, I know Gwen Stacy in the comics died while falling off a bridge, but since my post referred to The Amazing Spiderman 2, featuring the gorgeous Andrew Garfield (who I already envision as Remus Lupin anyway), I shall write the clocktower scene instead. As mentioned in my teaser, I also found it incredibly awkward to name Harry as the villain. Because, well. Ha ha. But yes, a major thank you to @fleursowl for prompting me to write this, and for leaving comments on my drafts, I hope I didn’t disappoint :”)
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9H9bm1Oj1wQ&t=200s here’s the link to the video I referenced from!! 
The title is actually a song from the Spiderman soundtrack, and god. I destroyed myself. I’m crying so hard now. Hope you guys like it.
“HARRY! This is between you and me, you wanna fight? FIGHT ME, LET HIM GO.” 
“... Okay.”
Remus’ heart dropped into his stomach.
Everything was happening so fast, yet they seemed to be happening in slow motion. He didn’t allow himself even a breath before he leapt up, off the top of the domed roof. He watched helplessly as jet black hair obscured what would undoubtedly be a face of panic, and hoped and prayed with all his might that he could catch him. He extended his arms, rising to meet Sirius, who was tumbling down through the crisp autumn air. I’ve got you, I’ve got you, he chanted in his head, not letting Sirius out of his sight, although the wind was making his eyes sting. 
Finally, after what felt like forever, he felt the other boy crashing into his body, the pull of gravity sending them both falling through the sky and through the roof of the clocktower with a loud smash. He didn’t care that shards of glass were piercing his skin through his latex suit, he just instinctively curled his body around Sirius’ to make sure he was okay. He could feel the other’s heavy breathing; he knew how afraid Sirius was of heights. He just held him tighter, bracing themselves.
They hit a narrow metal platform, and for a moment Remus allowed himself to breathe. His arms were wound tightly around Sirius’ waist and he pulled him towards his body even more, thanking all the gods that he was safe. 
“I’ve got you, love. God, I was so fucking terrified, but it’s okay, I’ve got you, you’re alright now,” Remus rambled as one hand travelled up and down Sirius’ back, trying to soothe his frenzied breathing. Sirius weakly shook his head before burying it in the crook of Remus’ neck, letting out a choked sob.
A short clink of something dropping, and an accompanying beeping noise startled the two of them, and Remus’ head snapped up to follow the sound just several inches away from them. Too late did he realize where that sound had come from.
A red hot explosion blasted the pair off the platform, and Remus turned them on their sides to shield Sirius. 
And then, they were falling again. 
Remus heard Sirius scream and he felt his blood run cold. With one foot hooking desperately around an intact railing, he grabbed Sirius’ wrist with his hand. He barely had time to look down at him before the latter was slipping out of his grasp. He vaguely heard Sirius cry out his name.
Blood rushing to his head and heart pounding in his chest, he shot a web out to wrap around Sirius’ wrist tightly, breaking his fall. 
A swooshing noise caught Remus’ attention and he was forced to look up. Good thing he did; had he been mere seconds later he would have been knocked off the railing by Harry. Swinging himself up, he dodged yet another attack, and managed to sneak a look at Sirius, who was (sort of) safely perched on a rotating gear just several feet below him. He was looking back at Remus fearfully, eyes widened in terror. 
In normal circumstances, Remus would never be tired of staring into his boyfriend’s gorgeous face. 
In that moment, that was all he allowed himself before he sprang back into action.
Remus leaped from surface to surface, trying to create as many webs as he could around the clocktower to impede the glider’s movements. Harry chased after him relentlessly, missing Remus by a hair’s breadth too many times for comfort. He barely noticed Sirius trying to maneuver himself from gear to gear in an attempt to get to safety. 
Swinging from web to web to confuse Harry, Remus gained enough momentum to jump as high as he could, past the shattered roof. Shooting a well-aimed web down at Harry’s glider, he pounced on his enemy’s back and caught him in a headlock. He knew he didn’t have much time, especially with them zooming around uncontrolled in the air. 
He worked quickly to coil webs around Harry’s throat, praying with all his might that this would be enough to gain the upper hand.
It wasn’t.
The glider reversed at top speed and sent Remus crashing into a wall. His vision blurred for a moment, allowing Harry to break free from his grasp. Recovering quickly, Remus kicked himself off the wall and jumped, swinging himself around a web. He barrelled into Harry and knocked him off his glider, finally, sending him crashing into a metal beam. He thought Harry had fallen face first onto another platform, knocking him out for the meantime, but he couldn’t be sure. 
His eyes were instead fixed on Sirius, who was looking right back at him. Time seemed to slow down as the glider fell through the air and into the gear that Sirius was currently kneeling on.  
Remus didn’t so much hear himself shouting as he felt the burn in his already hoarse throat. 
Sirius was falling further and further away from him, and Remus struggled to web him back. No, no, no, not again, Remus almost cried. But he knew Sirius was counting on him, and at last the web coiled around Sirius’ wrist for the second time in ten minutes. 
Sirius was now dangling in mid-air, suspended only by the strong web Remus had caught him in. 
Remus frantically pulled at the long web, trying to reel him back up onto a concrete surface. As he was almost at a close enough proximity to reach for Sirius’ hand, he heard the other boy shout, “REMUS!”
He turned his head so fast he got whiplash, but it didn’t register in his mind. He had turned back just in time to feel Harry’s hands around his neck, forcefully backing him into a gear behind him. 
Harry grabbed Remus by the shoulders and slammed him down on the gear they were currently on, and the web loosened, jerking Sirius down a few feet. Remus’ head throbbed painfully but he fought to maintain the web even as Harry’s foot stomped down on his wrist with a sickening crunch moments later. 
He heard a broken cry from Sirius, and it wasn’t until he craned his neck to look at his broken wrist, which was still holding onto Sirius via the web, that he realized why. 
The gear was turning slowly but surely, and from the way the web was caught in one of the gear’s teeth, it was a matter of seconds before it would meet the other gear and snap. 
A broken metal joint that had fallen a few feet away from Remus’ hand caught itself between the pair of gears, halting the rotating of gears temporarily with a loud screech. Sirius’ breath hitched as he watched on, helplessly dangling in the air. 
Taking Remus by surprise, Harry brandished a sharp knife-like weapon, aiming it at the web. Thankfully, Remus’ quick reflexes blocked the attack. Pushing his left hand into Harry’s face, he knocked the weapon out of the way with his right arm, letting it skid across and off the platform.
Remus’ hold was broken seconds later as Harry gained control over him once again. The latter wrestled to pin the former’s arms down by the side of his face, but Remus slammed their foreheads together, knocking Harry off balance. He delivered a heavy blow to Harry’s cheek and shot a web out to trap the arm that had been trying to retaliate. 
Harry’s snarled, and his hand shot out to clasp around Remus’ throat, choking him. Through his watery eyes and blurred vision, Remus managed to shoot a web out through one of the gears behind Harry without him realizing. 
Working quickly, he ambushed Harry by winding the long web around his throat several times just as the gear shifted, causing him to howl as the web tightened painfully around his own neck. Still, he didn’t relinquish his hold on Remus’. 
The loud clang of metal caused Remus to turn his head around, watching as the broken metal joint gave way to the force of the shifting gears, and it snapped all of a sudden, falling to the depths below and narrowly missing Sirius’ suspended form. 
Remus let his eyes linger on Sirius, who was dangling a little way below another gear, partially hidden from his view. Despite the chaos surrounding him, all he could hear was his own voice shouting in his mind, over and over again.
I’ve got to save him, I won’t let him die, it’ll be all over soon, we’ll make it through, I love him I love him I love him.
Remus remembered how, just hours ago, they had been on the top of the bridge, on top of the world. How he’d professed his love for Sirius and how he’d offered to go to England with him. To be with him. He wished that he could turn back the time. What he’d give to be back on that bridge, just him and Sirius against the world. He closed his eyes and swallowed hard, willing himself not to lose focus. 
In a desperate attempt to buy more time, he stuck his left foot out and wedged it between two gears, ignoring the pain shooting up his foot. He felt like he was being torn apart, what with Harry’s fingers still clamped around his throat, his left foot raised up in an awkwardly painful angle and stuck between gears, and his right wrist hanging semi-limply over the edge of the gear he was currently pinned down on. But it was worth it. 
Saving Sirius would be worth all the broken bones in his body.
The gears were cranking in protest, and the web was centimetres shy of snapping. Remus could no longer feel his foot, but he wasn’t going to let go. There was no way. Mustering all that was left of his strength, he tried to push his upper body up so he would be able to kick Harry off him with his right foot. He was panting heavily with exhaustion and his heart was slamming against his chest. The voice inside his head was going a hundred miles a minute. Just a little more—
A deafening screech filled the clocktower. 
And everything happened so fast. 
One of the gears dislodged itself, producing bright orange sparks as a result of the friction. 
Sirius’ voice broke, “Re?”
His vision zoomed in to the web, tracing it from his wrist to where it was caught between the two gears. 
Where it snapped in two. 
In that moment, he could no longer feel any pain. He could no longer feel anything. His heart felt like it was about to leap out of his mouth and drop down to his feet simultaneously. 
The gears in the clocktower started spinning furious and uninhibited, and the gears in Remus’ mind followed suit. No no no, shit, fuck—
Remus didn’t even realize that Harry had released his hold on him, sailing across the air with the web still coiled around his neck and slamming into a gear, knocking him out. He was too focused on Sirius’ freefalling form. 
He watched in despair as broken metal joints tumbled down alongside his boyfriend, falling further and further away from his reach. 
So far. 
He took the plunge. 
Willing his body to pummel through the air faster, Remus kept his eyes locked with Sirius’. The glittering pools of molten silver he had come to love after all this time was now a thunderstorm, with flecks of white-hot lightning flashing every few heartbeats. If he thought Sirius had been scared earlier, the look in his eyes now almost made Remus‘ throat close up with raw emotion. The torrential rain took over, and Remus wanted nothing more than to be huddled up together in their thick blankets at home, kissing away every tear that had ever trailed down the other boy’s face. 
So far. 
Extending his arm, he shot a web out. Please let this be the last one. He hoped it’d reach Sirius in time. Please. 
They were still gazing at each other. Remus willed the other boy to understand everything unsaid in the silence that stretched between them. I’ve got you. Trust me. I love you. I won’t let you go. Please. I’ve got you. 
Sirius swallowed hard, gave him one last pleading look, shook his head ever so slightly, a fraction of a degree, and closed his eyes. 
No, please look at me, please open your eyes, don’t let go. 
Don’t let go. 
Finally, the web caught hold of Sirius’ broad chest, capturing him in his grasp, finally. 
He let himself breathe out as he caught hold of a railing, clinging onto it with his uninjured hand. Thank g—
Remus’ heart stopped.
Wrapping one end of the web around the railing, he dropped himself down to the ground, where Sirius was suspended a few feet in the air by the other end. 
Remus approached slowly, inhaling sharply. 
Sirius wasn’t moving.
He removed his mask and ran a shaky hand through his mussed up hair. His lips were trembling as he stepped forward and lifted Sirius in his arms.
With one arm under his boyfriend’s back, he placed his other hand over his heart, feeling desperately for a heartbeat.
Remus didn’t think he’d ever be able to breathe again.
There was a deafeningly loud ringing in his ears as he cradled the lifeless body in his arms, as though his whispered pleas would be heard. As though they could be heard. 
Please, stay with me. 
Don’t go. 
Don’t leave me. 
Please, I love you.
You’re everything to me.
In just the span of a few minutes, he’d lost the only person he’d ever loved. He would give anything, anything at all, to have the other boy alive again. 
There was complete silence all around, save for the shuddering breaths that Remus let out. He blinked his eyes furiously, tears spilling onto his lover’s face, refusing to accept whatever had just happened. 
“Sirius... Sirius, please. Sirius...”
His whispered pleas grew into loud cries and he didn’t even know how much time had passed anymore; when Sirius had hit the ground it was as though the concept of time stopped existing. All he was aware of was the pain coursing through his veins, searing and never-ending. 
Remus looked up, blinking past the tears, and saw the moon through the shattered roof, watching over him. In sympathy perhaps. 
How was he going to survive this, when Sirius had been his rainbow after heavy storms, and the brightest star on his darkest nights? 
He didn’t think he’d be able to. 
Remus collapsed onto his knees, still clutching Sirius’ body in his arms, and let the wracking sobs take over him.
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sagessoftwings · 5 years
pairing: Remus Lupin x Reader
Warnings: CONTAINS ROUGH SMUT!! Cursing and padfoot and moony fighting oooo.
Summary: You and Sirius have just gotten out of a relationship, though still friends, Remus and you have gotten extremely close. After a game, Gryffindor throws a party and you and Remus get a little to tipsy leading to the two of you shagging. Rumors spread though and Sirius find out.
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 You sat on Sirius’ bed as he paced back and forth, you played with the hem of his blanket and he sat down on the edge of the bed only to get back up again. “Sirius-” you said just above a whisper and he points at you his face red with fury “NO.. n-no. You don’t get to say anything! After all this time Y/N Really? Really!? And to think you actually loved me? I should have known it was all rubbish” he yelled and you slid from under the covers.
“I don’t know why your jumping to conclusions Sirius, I haven’t even kissed him! I haven’t shacked up with him so don’t get all upset” you said harshly jumping at your own tone. Sirius groaned “Can we please just end this?” he asked and you looked at him in shock. “Are you kidding? Sirius, Remus and I are just friend you know that! I look at him like a friend”. Sirius mumbled and you huffed snatching his wrist up which he yanked away and you two met eyes. “I know for a fact that you look at him as anything but a friend. You look at him like I never even existed.” He said slowly and you met him with tearful eyes. 
“So you’re saying I never loved you-” you questioned and you looked at you with sorrow filled eyes and you opened your mouth quickly shutting it and storming out of his dorm room only to run into Remus who was probably listening in on the two of you. He went to say something but you quickly moved around him and left the common room.
The next morning Sirius avoided you like the plague, but you didn’t blame him, you did love Remus. After dating Sirius for so long and always being with the boys, you started to develop something for Remus. You thought is stupid though but you couldn’t take it anymore, Remus showed you more attention while Sirius was off ‘Talking’ to girls. 
You sat outside for lunch and Remus came looking for you in his quidditch gear, he always did look good in them and the pants really do him justice. “Hey-” he said while taking a seat next to you, you smiled softly and looked up to see Sirius and James also in their gear and then Peter in his good old uniform and scarf to show house pride. Sirius though, crossed his arms and turned around like a fourth grader. Remus chuckled “In my opinion I’m glad the two of you called it quits” he said and you let out a quiet laugh and closed you book. 
“And why is that Remus Lupin” you asked crossing you legs and he slid you a piece of paper. “More for me” he whispered and took off with his friend and you flushed up your face becoming heated quickly. You and Peter took off to the match siting in the stands and cheering on the boys. After James caught the snitch (Surprise surprise)  the whole stand cheered and screamed and you also clapped along to the chants. Peter grabbed your hand and the two of you sprinted onto the field, Peter pranced around the boys and you smiled as he screamed out compliments about the boys. 
You met with the boys back at the common room but was met with the sight of some girl grinding up on Sirius. You could feel the pain grow in your heart and you went to walk out but Remus snaked his arm around at you whispering in your ear ‘Two can play at that game’ to which you grinned. Remus smirked and you two danced the night away and also played spin the bottle which got pretty heated. Remus kept stopping the bottle so it landed on himself, that was until the two of you got kicked out of the game. 
The two of you laughed up the stairs and you two slipped into his dorm room. “I’m pretty sure half of those boys wanted to make out with you” he said and sat on the bed as he held your hands and you smiled softly. He looked up at you and smirked “I don’t blame them” he said as his hands slipped to your thighs playing with the hosiery you had underneath your skirt. A bright blush slipped across your face and your hands found their way to his hair playing with the curls.
The smile on his lips got even bigger and he rubbed your inner thigh softly while he pulled down your underwear. You loved the feeling of his callused hands on your thighs and you craved more. Your hand maneuvered their way from his hair to his shirt and pulling the vest over his head and unbuttoning his shirt. You slowly climbed onto Remus’ lap and he yanked you by your shirt into a deep kiss. Your lips moved in sync as he gripped your waist and you pushed him back on the bed, you tugged his pants off and climbed back up his toned figure playing with the hem of his boxers and he sighed having enough of your teasing games.
Remus quickly flipped the two of you over so he was on top and your hands moved up his toned chest pushing the dress shirt off of him and he did the same with your sweater vest and shirt. He unclasped your bra and massaged your breasts taking one in his mouth swirling his tongue around your hard bud. You let out a soft moan and your hand shot to his scarred up back and the other to his hair lightly tugging on his locks. Remus let out a groan and lightly nipped at your bud, he stood up taking off his boxers and his thick shaft spring free and you felt a wave of heat come over you. 
Remus laid back on the bed and placed his head between your thighs lapping up your juices and sliding a thick finger into your pussy. You let out a long moan and he smirked knowing HE was making you feel this good. Remus continued to lap at your folds and you were right on the verge of cumming but the he stopped. “I want you cumming around my cock” he whispered into your ear and nipped it softly as he slipped his shaft into you. You let out a whimper and he kissed your lips softly “It’s okay love” he said and you motioned for him to thrust.
He smirked and started to move in and out in a slow pace, letting you get used to his size. You pulled him down closer to you body “Hard Rem” you said and he smirked, it radiating lust. Remus lifted your legs around his shoulders and grabbed your waist pulling out then quickly slamming back into you. Your throat sounded out the most pornographic moan Remus had ever heard. He groaned quietly and he continued to pound away at your small cunt.
Remus pulled out and turned you over onto your knees, quickly sliding back into you. His hand gripped you hard enough to leave bruises like the ones down your back from his love bites. You moaned louder and louder with each thrust, and he leans forward in your ear “I bet Sirius never fucked yo like this” he said into your ear and you shook you head making him smile. “No? Only me? I like that love, so fucking much, being the only one who can make you feel this good” he bit your neck and you gripped onto his bed sheets.
“Moan for my love, I want this whole damn school to hear you, the way I make you feel, the way I pound into you” he growled and you screamed his name. His hands gripped your hair and pulled your head back. “Remus please, please I’m close. Please-” you begged and he groaned leaving open mouthed kisses down your neck and back. “I like it when you beg like that, when you say my name like that” he grumbled and took a shaky breath before whispering ‘cum’. You felt your walls clench around him, cumming around him. 
Remus moaned in your ear as he finished off, collapsing next to you letting out loud pants, the two of you being exhausted since his full moo was last week. He pulled your body next to his so your head rested on your chest “Mine” was all he send before the two of you drifted off. The next morning the two of you ran off to breakfast with the boys. But you noticed Sirius looked pissed that you two had arrived together. “Where were you two?” he questioned and Remus looked at you and he smiled “Had to get this lazy bones out of bed” he said and you were about to ask where Sirius was last night but that would have proved that you were with Remus. 
The lot of you ate and returned to the comom room and sat on the couches together. Sirius crosses his arms and Remus linked his pinky with yours and Sirius wasn’t happy with that. Then Sirius piped up “hey! How about tonight we go to the lake like we used to” he said and Remus looked at you with a questioning look and you nodded “yeah that sounds fun”.
The rest of the group headed up to put their swim trunks on as James went to retrieve Lily, on the way up to your dorm Remus grabbed your wrist. “Are you sure, you know this is a trap, right?” He asked and you nodded. “He’s gonna try to get it out of us” he said and you smirked “let him” you said and threw a wink his way.
You and Remus raced down to the lake holding hands and he looked around to see if anyone was around, you followed his eyes and smiled “I think were the first ones” you said and he picked you up by your thighs, your hands flew to his face and he licked along your lip. “Hey, hey, hey!” You heard lily and Remus dropped you making you yelp. Lily raised a brow with a smirk and Sirius rushes around the corner.
The rest of the night surprisingly was filled with laughter and Sirius not being a dick. Once the rest of you all sneaked back into the common room and Sirius saw that you and Remus had your hands intertwined. Sirius leaped forward and separated the two “I knew it, you’ve gotten over me this quickly” he said and Remus rolled his eyes “Sirius do you have to do this tonight?” He asked and you pulled Sirius’ hands off of Remus and you pushed him back lightly. “Don’t” you said quietly and Sirius pushed your hands off of him and Remus jumped forward.
“Don’t touch her like that” he said and Sirius pushed you once more “what are you going to do about it, she was mine first” he hissed and Remus grabbed him by the collar “no she’s mine” he growled and Sirius shoved him “Fine have the whore” he grumbled and Sirius stopped surprised by what came out of his own mouth. Sirius whipped around but you stopped Remus from tearing him a new one. Sirius ran a hand through his hair making his way to the dorms and you looked at Remus “You’re staying with me tonight”.
The next morning you walked downstairs finding Remus and Sirius siting together and Sirius got up grabbing your hands and you could see that he had just been crying “I’m so sorry. I never meant to call you a whore Y/N. I was just jealous that’s all, I’m happy for you. I am, as long as your happy I am”. You smiled and hugged him softly “I forgive you” he smiled into your hair “Just don’t go rubbing it in” he said with a smirk walking back to the dorms. Remus smiled and wrapped his arms around you. “Told you, You’re mine” he whispered and kissed you softly on the neck. 
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toujourslibre-blog1 · 6 years
ETCHINGS ON YOUR CONSCIENCE ( by the hands that had them killed )
place | south bank of muggle london time | october fourth status | closed (  @rxgulusxarcturus  )
               There was something different about being in Muggle London, something that always quelled the fire burning in Sirius’s chest when the flame threatened to consume him wholly. Maybe it was the way Muggles always appeared so fixated on the problem directly before them, or how they could be oblivious to an entire war threatened to spill into their world. There was a simplicity to be found in the exhaust and soft drop of the rain on his cheeks, and that simplicity lulled Sirius back to the days before the war when his biggest concern was finding a way to talk himself out of detention. It left him with bittersweet nostalgia settling in the back of his throat that was difficult to swallow.                 Digging his hands deeper into his pockets, Sirius jogged across the street, ignoring the resulting honks of several cars as he darted out in front of them. The rain had started to warp from comfort to chill, and he sought shelter in what appeared to be some sort of pastry shop. He placed an order at the counter before finally taking a seat, restless energy finding a home in gentle music and the white noise of idle chatter all around him. It was peaceful -- until he noticed a sight that made his heart leap from chest to throat.                 Seeing Regulus shouldn’t have this effect on him anymore. It shouldn’t freeze his blood, wrench his heart with a guilt that had been bred into him. But it did. More subdued reactions arose whenever he heard someone speak his name, or when a throwaway phrase jolted him back to the days where he would died for the boy. There’s no point in admitting that the knee-jerk reaction to protect was still ingrained in him, that he could feel a part of himself unwither and spread like ivy across the space between them. It was a part of his soul that Sirius Black had yet to ruin, though he tried his best.                 Over the past several years, an unspoken truce had befallen them. To save them the frustration and embarrassment of a fight, they ignored one another. There existed between them a plane that could never be transversed for it was full of half-baked lies and self-deception. It was a no man’s land, a place where the first to set foot would be shot down within a second. It was where weakness went to die, and Sirius had no intention of becoming a martyr this afternoon. 
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