#Sirius: doctor
wolfstarshipping · 1 year
Multiplying Parents by @heartofspells (23.333 words) Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Relationships: Sirius Black/Remus Lupin
modern AU, muggle AU, raising Harry AU
Summary: "This isn't a date," he bites out, mostly due to confusion without any true ire. He turns to Remus, his face set into deep lines. "I don't have dinner." Remus takes a step backwards, and Sirius only then seems to realize the tone of his voice. "Shit. Sorry. I'm sorry. I didn't mean – " "No, I'm sorry," breaks in Remus, shaking his head, taking another step back, moving away from the door. "I should have known. Harry said – " "Harry," groans Sirius, his head tipping backwards over his shoulders, eyes rolling to the ceiling. Andromeda turns, hiding a snicker. She catches sight of Harry peeking through the door and passes him a delightful grin.
Or: Harry has a happy life with Sirius, but his dad is lonely. Harry decides to find him a boyfriend.
Comment: This was such a cute fic, I loved reading this wonderful raising Harry AU, and I don't think I've ever read a wolfstar fic from Harry's POV before but it was very cute and hilarious and fluffy, highly recommend!!
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moonpascal · 3 months
self insert x canon will always hold a special place in my heart
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bethsvrse · 5 months
please PLEASE learn how to tag your fanfics. Don’t tag fluff when it’s angst, don’t tag smut when it’s fluff and please don’t tag characters that ARENT EVEN MENTIONED IN THE FIC!!!!
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iknowshocker · 5 months
"oh you think you can fix him?" so close babe i actually want him exactly the way he is, no notes
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july 2 - doctor - @jegulus-microfic - word count: 162
raising baby harry au (because i love these!!)
“So, little prongs, what do you want to be when you’re older?” Sirius had once asked, ruffling the five year old’s head with a wild grin.
Harry immediately replied with a small giggle, “A doctor!”
James and Regulus, who happened to be in a nearby kitchen making out discreetly, poked their heads out of the doorway. A doctor? How special. They’d have the most successful healer ever.
Remus let out a hearty sigh, patting Harry on the back as he passed. “That’s a good job to have, Harry. I’m sure you’ll do beautifully.”
Later on that day, it was found that a polaroid was taken of Harry — fully dressed in doctor attire. He held a stethoscope to James’s heart, listening closely.
James was pretending to be terribly ill, hand dramatically displayed over his forehead with a shocked expression. Regulus seemed to be dying of laughter, for the picture was slightly blurry from movement.
What a beautiful moment for the lovely family.
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eden-3000 · 3 months
they're in a band called The Leather Boyfriends or the Leather Bitches (or someone suggested leather girlfriends)
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9th doctor, Sirius black, crowley, Edward teach, Loki laufeyson
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ryswritingrecord · 4 months
My type is an older, brooding (and/or charming as a way of masking), angry man, with a morally grey and/or tragic (ie abusive) past, who forms such intense, borderline obsessive, with the people he loves/cares about, that he would do anything in the world to protect them and make them happy
Gimme pls. Thnk u 🩵🩵🩵
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lulublack90 · 3 months
Prompt 2 - Doctor
@jegulus-microfic July 2, Word count 1000
Regulus had always dreamed about being a doctor. His parents had mostly approved. They would have preferred he’d chosen to be a solicitor or an accountant, but they decided that doctor was also a respectable profession as long as he went into the correct area. Such as plastics, where all the money was. They had a friend who ran the plastics department at St Thomas’s in London and they arranged for him to train under him once Regulus finished medical school. 
But Regulus had other plans. He secretly sent out feelers to other hospitals and got offered a job in York. It was the one that he’d secretly hoped for. Sirius had moved up to York after he’d fled their family home. He’d gone to university there and fallen in love with the kindest man Regulus had ever met. Of course, his parents didn’t know that he knew any of this. 
He’d had all his correspondence sent to Sirius’s house and he’d go out on daily walks to phone his brother on a separate phone Sirius had sent him and paid for so they could talk without their parents finding out. 
Graduation day came. He was top of his class and a highly sought-after new doctor. He had his picture taken, said goodbye to his classmates and made a run for it. He left his parents complaining about the pitiful excuse for food that had been laid out for them and ran to Sirius’s waiting car. 
“Hey, Reggie!” Sirius’s smile was full of love and Regulus couldn’t help himself. He flung himself across the gear stick and hugged his brother as tightly as he could. “I’ve missed you too,” Sirius spoke quietly into his ear. 
They rushed back to his parent’s house and hurriedly carted the few boxes of his belongings down the three flights of stairs and out to Sirius’s car. Soon they were on the M1 and on their way north. 
He hadn’t just left his parents with no idea where he’d gone. He’d told them he had found another job and was sorry he left like he did, but he had no interest in learning how to pull back wrinkly old skin, so people could kid themselves that they looked younger than they were. He thanked them for everything they’d done for him and hoped that they would still want him in their lives. 
Remus was waiting for them at the front door. He flung his arms open and gave Regulus a firm, warm hug. 
“I’m so glad you made it, Reggie,” He said as he ruffled Regulus’s hair. They’d become good friends over the years since he and Sirius had met, even before they’d started dating. Sirius would drunk dial him and Regulus would spend most of the night chatting with Remus while Sirius did keg stands and made a show of himself. 
“Can we take you on a tour tomorrow? You can get to know the city before you start your first shift.” Sirius asked over dinner. Sirius had braved the locals to go to the chippy round the corner. It was excellent, the best fish and chips he’d ever had. 
Regulus went to sleep that night, finally feeling free for the first time in his life. He took Sirius up on his offer to see the small city. They ate breakfast and hopped on a bus into the city centre. Sirius took him to see the giant cathedral towering over the other buildings. Then through the Shambles, an ancient medieval street. The narrow street was jam-packed with shops and shoppers. The top levels of the buildings overhanging the street below. They took a walk along the bar walls that wrapped around the entire city, protecting it from enemy armies. Sirius took him on a river cruise down the Ouse and then into the Dungeons to learn about Dick Turpin. 
“Stand and deliver, your money or your life!” Sirius had yelled at him as he jabbed him in the back with a fake sword he’d gotten from the gift shop. 
“Turpin would have used pistols, not a sword,” Regulus pointed out. Sirius shrugged and poked him again. They walked down by the river to get home. His feet hurt but it had been worth it. The city was beautiful and he’d spent more time with his brother than he had for years. Tomorrow he’d start at the hospital and he needed to be wide awake to be on his game. 
Sirius dropped him off at the door, kissed his cheek and handed him a packed lunch. 
“Look at our boy Remus, all grown up and off to be a doctor.” Sirius pretended to wipe a tear from his eyes. 
“There, there dear. He’s a big boy now, we have to let him go,” Remus made his voice deep but struggled by the end, as he couldn’t help laughing. 
“Yeah, yeah, love you too. C'ya later.” He blew them a kiss anyway and walked through the doors. 
The resident in charge of them was the most handsome man Regulus had ever seen. He had to take a few deep breaths to calm his speeding heart. He felt suddenly very warm and could feel himself beginning to sweat. 
“Dr Black?” Dr James Potter looked up from his list. “You wouldn’t happen to be related to Sirius Black would you?” 
“Yes, he’s my brother, Dr Potter,” Regulus replied in as even a voice as he could. 
“He’s one of my best friends, I’ll be sure to let him know how you’re getting on,” Dr Potter winked at him. Regulus felt lightheaded. Oh, great, now he not only fancied his mentor but the guy just happened to be Sirius’s friend. He should have known better than to move in with his brother. Well, he was going to prove he deserved to be here. 
Dr Potter looked at him, his eyes glimmering with something.
“Well, this is going to be fun,” James grinned widely before they began the morning rounds. 
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calliopesdiary · 25 days
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want more? request!
Marauders Era
James Potter
Remus Lupin
Sirius Black
Barty Crouch Jr.
Regulus Black (coming soon!)
Poly!Jegulus (coming soon!)
Poly!Rosekiller (coming soon!)
Poly!Moonwater (coming soon!)
Doctor Who
tenth doctor (coming soon!)
Good Omens
Poly!Aziracrow (coming soon!)
Aziracrow x Platonic!Reader (coming soon!)
Stranger Things
Steve Harrington (coming soon!)
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Mary: How are we supposed to find boys? Lily: To find them, we must ignore all keep-out signs, go through every locked door, and run towards any form of danger that presents itself Marlene: Business as usual, then
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in-flvx · 2 months
Sirius: I'm sorry for telling snape the last piece of the puzzle. I never meant to betray you like that
Remus: do you think I care for you so little that betraying me would make a difference?
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chlobliviate · 3 months
Wolfstar Microfics - Missing Scene
Words: 60
This is a missing scene from Spoons and Stars, the only non-one-shot I’ve actually finished. It’s also ridiculous. Wolfstar watch Doctor Who, SPECIFICALLY Wolfstar watch Rogue.
Sirius lifted his head from the damp spot on Remus’ shirt, opened his mouth, closed it again, and then cuddled back into him.
‘Find me.’ Remus said dreamily, causing Sirius’ breath to shudder again. “That was the gayest thing I’ve ever seen.”
“Nah, this is the gayest thing I’ve ever seen.” Marlene said, gesturing at them from the opposite sofa.
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bee-lzebub19 · 5 months
My new favourite headcannon is Sirius trying to get Remus under mistletoe at Christmas and Remus avoiding it like the plague because werewolves are allergic
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postnuclearel · 7 months
My name is El, I'll take any pronouns. This is basically a list of my interests and stuff I like so that I can pin it in case anyone is interested. I'm neurodivergent and usually my hyper fixations swing between these every couple of months
Marauders Era HP
Dead Poets Society
Good Omens
Peaky Blinders
Formula One
Doctor Who
I love reading, especially classics, actions and anything well written with a sad ending.
I love poetry and Emily Dickinson is my fav poet
I collect records!
Pasta is my favourite food ever ever ever (I eat it so much I genuinely think I have a condition)
I write fanfiction sometimes (whenever I have motivation and I'm not too busy)
60s/70s music (The Beatles, Fleetwood Mac, The Velvet Underground) I honestly just have a massively diverse music taste there's no way to pin it down, like it goes from Lana Del Rey to Adam and the Ants to the Smiths to TV Girl and I have a playlist with 768 songs on that I shuffle whenever I want to listen to music. - Boy Genius & especially Phoebe Bridgers - Hozier (I'm seeing him live in June and Lord Huron!) - I'm the biggest Billy Joel fan to ever exist - Taylor Swift (The music and not the person - I don't support some of the things she's done)
Thank you for reading <3
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eri3ne · 10 months
its so hard for me to not project onto characters when I'm writing fanfic...likeeeeeee someones gonna be dyslexic, someones gonna have an ED someones gonna be autistic. its just not in my control. and then its all "that's not how the character would act" but guess what????? idonotcare.
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eden-3000 · 21 days
Gender envy is craving to adapt another persons gender
Gender greed is stealing their clothes/ makeup to get the gender
Gender pride is those 15 minutes you get every other month where you feel really good about yourself and take 1000 pictures
Gender lust (mostly commited by bi- and pansexuals) is the attraction to someone based on their gender
Gender gluttony is the inabilaty to decide between genders
Gender wrath is the urge to become a fruity villain
Gender sloth is the oversized hoodie and baggy jeans you wear when you can´t come up with anything else
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