#Sirius black fanficion
mylavellan · 25 days
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No hate towards the writer or the fans but really it’s not my cup of tea.
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ttulipwritezz · 9 months
This Is Our Place.~ S.Black
Ootp! Sirius Black x gn! Reader
Synopsis: After azkaban, Sirius falls for his best friend's colleague, who just so happens to return his feelings. They find their place within the confines of a war. Perhaps they'll leave the Christmas lights up till January.
Wc: 2k
Warnings: lots of italics, probably grammatical mistakes, inconsistency, mentions of presents, Christmas, bad family (s.b), kiss(es), might be ooc idk.
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The clouds began to form in delicate shapes, and the roar of thunder echoed through the gloomy room. The light from a candle illuminated the kitchen, in which you sat, your mind preoccupied with the thought of the incoming rain.
Preoccupied with the thought of having to take the clothes off the drying rack anytime soon or bringing all your potted plants indoors to avoid them drowning.
It was not an odd thing—rain—being that it was the end of August.
"Knock, knock."
You looked up from where a blank piece of parchment lay in front of you, curious to know the source of the words.
"You could just, you know, knock? Like a normal person,  Sirius."
You found yourself speaking before you could collect your thoughts. The said man glanced at the parchment once and looked back at your face, his lips curving up the tiniest bit at your attempt to lighten the mood.
"Who am I, if normal, love?" He chuckles with a crooked smile.
You let your eyes roam around his face, his hollowed-out cheeks, and his half-lidded eyes. He looks tired. You conclude.
"Do you want some tea? I was just about to make some.."
You weren't really, about to make tea, that is. Still, you found yourself speaking, wanting to comfort the man, even if just a little.
Sirius was, by no means, your friend. He was just a friend of your colleague, Remus. You'd joined Hogwarts the same year Remus did; being new, the two of you hit it off immediately.
It always amazed you how well of a grasp Remus had on DADA. And he returned the favor by complimenting your herbology. You were a couple years younger than Remus, at best, and had known of him and the infamous marauders during your time at Hogwarts. Sirius Black did intrigue you the most.
You knew he came from a wealthy family, a bad one—of course, by no means did you want to intrude on his family life, but the heart does what the heart wants—and that he found solace in the friends he called brothers.
When Remus introduced you to his falsely convicted friend, Sirius Black, You damn near fainted on the spot, not because of his (undeniable) handsomeness but because of the sheer fear of standing in front of a possible murderer.
Now, years later (two to be exact), you find yourself enamored by the faded gray of his eyes and the curved bridge of his nose, which, you reckon, has been broken at least once during his time at Hogwarts, noting the sudden halt in the curve that then sharply turns to the other side and resumes its path.
Maybe it is a little peculiar to be noting such details of his appearance that you can paint a picture of his past. Strange, they'd call it. But it's routine for you. A routine you find comfort in.
"Thank you, Love," he replies.
A mumbled "'course" leaves your lips as you put the kettle to boil on the stove.
Sure, you could use magic, but these mundane tasks that don't require it seem to bring a sort of normalcy to your life. Even if just for a moment, it stops feeling like you're in the midst of a war and that people aren't dying left and right.
You were only nineteen when the first wizarding war came to an end, when your friends lost their lives, and when the dark lord seemingly disappeared forever.
He hadn't; that much was evident from the current situation.
The tea was set in front of Sirius almost unknowingly. You had been a little into your head and had been going about the task with practiced ease.
"Thanks again, Love. When do you reckon the others will return?"
Remus, along with the other order members, had gone on yet another mission. They left Sirius, concluding he was too weak to fight right now, and you, as you'd offered to stay back.
"Any time now, and really, it's no problem,"
you replied, sort of bashful at both his gratitude and the endearment.
As if on cue, the door opened with a jingle of the keys, and numerous voices rang through the empty corridors of Grimmauld Place.
Remus stalked into the kitchen and put his left hand up, leaning against the doorway with his right for some sort of support, revealing a gash running from his middle finger to his wrist and a sheepish smile on his face as he looked at you. Immediately, wordlessly, you walked forward with your wand and began healing the wound.
Removing a tin of herbal paste from the drawer beside and handing it to Remus.
"How'd that happen? I thought this was a 'harmless' mission," you asked, quoting his reassuring words from earlier.
"I nicked myself on a broken shelf." As confident as he sounded, his lie didn't escape you.
All it needed was a 'really?' look on your face to get the truth out.
"Death eaters," he stated, defeated.
"You really ought to be more careful, Rem. It worries me."
You said that and guided him out of the kitchen to assess his other wounds, which included one on his arm and a twisted ankle.
Unaware that a certain raven head was watching you from the table, envious and defeated at failing at his attempts to talk to you. The rain began pouring down, and the clothes and plants still outside ran through your mind.
The rain mirrored the heart of the black, sitting at the table, gloomy as ever.
You'd last seen Sirius when Harry and the kids stumbled through the door of Grimmauld Place, bringing an unconscious, but thankfully alive, Sirius with them.
Harry had told you that he was leaving to retrieve his godfather from the ministry, mentioning something about a dream, but you weren't paying much attention after you'd heard the news. With Dumbledore's permission and assistance, you'd returned to Grimmauld's place to help in case they ever needed it. Praying that Sirius made it back alive.
The kids, along with Remus and a few other order members, laid the unconscious Sirius on the couch and went to clean themselves up as you offered to take care of Sirius in the meantime.
Once conscious, you dragged Sirius to the bathroom on the ground floor of the house, squeezing through the thin hallways and sitting him on the counter as you retrieved a first-aid kit from the cupboard.
"Couldn't you use magic to fix my wounds?" came his distraught voice, cutting your thoughts short.
"Do you want me to inflict pain on them? Just sit still. Besides, it's not like I'm a healer."
As you cleaned each wound with precision, one thought roamed your head.
It's not like they don't have wands—the death eaters, that is—they injured him in a way that seems almost muggle.
"If you're wondering how, it was Bellatrix," Sirius said, trying to suppress a hiss at the particularly deep wound on his arm, as if reading your mind.
"Your cousin?" you answered, or rather, asked, continuing and moving onto the smaller cuts that littered his face.
Humming, he let you get the rest of the wound cleaned.
You glanced up at his face when opening the packet of cotton, only then realizing how close you had been. His breath was fanning your nose as he stared deep into your eyes, no trace of guilt or shame in them, as if he trusted you wholeheartedly.
You could have sworn you saw him glance at your lips in anticipation. The thought alone swarmed your stomach with butterflies.
Only now had you realized how intimate your shared moments were and how he had always tried to enlighten your mood with his jokes. You thought it was his defense, his coping mechanism.
Though now it seemed amidst the war, all he tried to do was hear you laugh. By pausing your movements as if in a trance, you maintained eye contact with him. He looked so stern and so soft all at once.
In his mind swam thoughts of the previous night, when you cradled Remus's hand with such grace and concern.
His lips parted, and you wanted to kiss him. You don't know why, but you did. All you had to do was move your face half an inch forward, and his lips would crash into yours. You wanted to do it so badly.
And so you did.
His eyes fluttered close, and the arm that wasn't injured came up to grip your neck, light as a feather.
His hands caressed the tiny hairs on your neck and sent a tingle down your spine. The kiss was phenomenal.
You didn't sleep that night; the thoughts were fluttering in your mind even hours later.
"I kissed him."
As soon as those words left your mouth, Remus choked on his tea and had to take a moment to steady himself.
"You kissed whom exactly!?" came his exasperated voice.
"Sirius," you said sheepishly, suddenly feeling small under his wide gaze.
"I didn't even know you liked him," Lupin said as he went to dry his clothes from the tea.
"It just…sort of happened..you know-"
"no, I don't know y/n..what were you thinking!?" Remus was confused, and a part of him felt betrayed.
You liked his best friend, but he had no clue.
The patter of the rain outside added to the deafening silence that you left. The sound brought you back to the first night in the house, the night when you shared tea with Sirius.
Your eyes flitted to the scar running along the Lycanthropes hand, and you grimaced at the angry red surrounding it as it healed.
"Did you put the balm on it today? your hand, I mean " Your words cut through the silence like a knife, and you moved your hand toward one of the many drawers housing your herbal balms.
"You're deflecting, love... If it's any help, Sirius would much rather pretend nothing happened than act on his own; you're best off confronting him first."
Remus's words were assuring, but the tone in which he said them made you scrunch up your brows and tilt your lip downward.
"Umm, I'll see what I can do." Your hesitance was evident in your voice.
You walked back to your room after handing Remus the green and silver tin, silently reminding him of his wound.
On the other side of the house, Sirius lay in bed, staring at the ceiling and thinking about the kiss.
His mind wandered to the feeling of your lips, his hands on on nape, and your gaze before it all.
Your lips. My lips.
"A Rubber Duck!" A shout came from the room beside him. Harry's room. They were playing a round of charades, he remembered.
Harry! Yes!
He should ask Harry. So he made his way towards their room.
"Harry, could I talk to you for a moment?" Just as Harry was getting up and ready to join his godfather,
"actually hold that-"
He turns to Hermione
"-Hermione!! You're a muggle. You'd know! of course" The hopeful tone of his voice sends Ron into a laughing fit, and Harry's mouth twitches into a grin as Hermione sits confused with a frown.
After discussing the matter with the kids, Sirius decides he's done with his stupid old ways. He wants to say something; make the first move.
It happened on christmas eve.
Everyone had taken to opening presents under the large tree at the living room.
After watching Ron fawn over his new wizard chess set, you decided it was time for a much needed break.
"I think i'm going to go make some hot chocolate...anyone want some?" You asked, already getting up to yout feet.
Most of them nodded no and you only just realised all their mugs were rather full.
Making your way into the rather small kitchen of grimmauld place, you got out your wand to help make your hot chocolate.
"Knock knock" a familiar raspy voice came from the doorway.
An odd sense of deja vu enveloped you and you turned around to look at the source.
"you could just knock. Like a normal person" you repeated your words from the previous day.
The relationship between you and sirius had strained quite a bit after that shared kiss.
"sorry love, how's your day going so far?" He asked, seemingly trying to dissipate the awkwardness from the air.
"Alright...i suppose, what about you?" You replied with just as much hesitation.
"Good." And it stopped at that, the conversation.
Only now did you realise just how close he had gotten. You backed yourself away slightly, only to find your leg hitting the back of the counter.
The world seemed to be silent as the sound of your breaths mingled with one another, accompanied by the ticking clock.
The noises in the living room had become nothing but a blur and muffled by your thoughts.
"I really like you y/n. I truly do" Sirius spoke first, drawing your attention from the planes of his face
"Huh?" Your reply came meek and unsure.
You weren't even sure you'd heard it right.
"i like you." He reiterated.
You did hear it right.
Your knees felt weak but at the same time you were on cloud nine.
Before getting the chance to gather your thoughts you found yourself speaking..
"I really like you too sirius"
your voice came out just louder than a whisper, you're sure he wouldn't even have heard it.
His next words sent a flurry of butterfiles to your stomach.
"May i..?" You noticed him glancing down at your lips and back at your eyes.
You couldn't stop the smile that bloomed on your face as you nodded yes.
The kiss was diferent than the last, less desperate yet more passionate. It was slow, steady and loving.
You could feel his smile against your lips before you pulled apart.
"I've waited so long to do that" his voice came a mere whisper
Your eyes followed the movement of his lips, which were on yours moments ago.
" I...umm got you a gift" he continued, his hesitation surprising you.
Forcing your eyes to look back at the grey irises you managed to let out a breathless
Sirius pulled out a box, a small one of velvet, the kind that would normally house a ring, now held a singular locket that was shaped as a star.
"A star...for my star" he said
You couldn't stop the heat from spreading to your cheeks, eyes widening a touch and lips quirking up the slightest.
Two voices giggling could be heard from the kitchen that night.
The whole night.
A/n: I spent WAYY too long on this- and the ending is super rushed lmao i hope you enjoyed it and all reblogs help me reach more ppl! I had sm fun writing this. i'm v proud of this ❤️❤️
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lord-save-me · 2 months
This 2015 fanfic is incredibly relevant
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Taylor Swift ≠ The Muppet Joker
So i have seen the Theory that Swifty, is the Muppet Joker... She isnt. How do i know that? Well let me tell you.
On November 2018 a bomb hit the Marauders fandom, a Bomb so big it would change the entriey of the Fandom forever after. Writen by MsKingBean89, ATYD retexturized the entire fandom, from shifting Remus Lupin from a soft boy to an 1970s Rock Kid. What is it about? The live of Remus Lupin and his relashenship with Sirius Black. There shipname, Wolfstar. Its a 500 000 words long fanficion about the Times of Remus Lupin, Sirius Black and James Potter at Hogwarts. Do you get the idea? Well you dont. Because ATYD redoes everything. Canon? We Kill Canon, respect the Fanon. The Marauders fandom is giant and i do not have the time to get into it more, if you want to there are some great Youtube resources that i can recommend such as the a deep dive into the marauders fandom by uncarley. (go watch it, its good)
So why is Taylor Swift MsKingBean89? Well there is evidence. First off all many of her songs can be read to be about Wolfstar. (EVIDENCE NOT MY WORK! Thank you -bookiish for collecting the evidence) As you can see many of her Lyrics can be read to be about Wolfstar. But this isnt the only thing. What else could there be? Well you see ATYD was updated then, when Taylor was on break. Taylor also stated that her songs where inspired by fictional Charaters... it must be them. It MUST be THE TRUTH.
Taylor Swift is MsKingBean89, pass it on.
So why cannot Taylor Swift be The Muppet Joker? Well you see the Muppet Joker has Harry Potter (to which the mauaraders is a sub fandom under) in his DNI. So they cannot be the same person because Taylor wrote ATYD.
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cryonme · 3 years
➵ 𝐇𝐞 𝐋𝐨𝐯𝐞𝐬 𝐘𝐨𝐮
➵ Regulus Black x reader
➵ summary: The Marauders hold a silent grudge against you for falling in love with the younger Black, until one day everything comes out in an argument, and Sirius has no choice but to find his brother, and see for himself how much he loves you.
➵ word count: 2k
➵ tw: swearing, arguing, panic/ anxiety, slut shaming
➵ a/n: lowkey kinda proud of this? pulled this idea outta my ass while zoning out at work and had to write it as soon as I got home lol. anyway, im on a real writing kick right now I have so many ideassss! happy reading xo MIZ
       ╚═*.·:·.✧ ✦ ✧.·:·.*═╝
You never spoke of your relationship to your friends.
They never asked questions when you would leave, saying you had plans, they didn’t approach you when they’d spot you hand in hand in the halls, a bright smile beaming on your face.
But you saw the resentment.
You saw Sirius grit his teeth anytime his name would accidentally slip past your lips.
You saw Remus’ eyes fall when he saw you with him in the courtyard.
You saw James’ fake smile when you’d show him your new jewelry and dresses that he knew you didn’t buy for yourself.
You heard the girls’ disapproving whispers when you’d leave your dorm to meet him.
It broke your heart every time. You wished to be able to talk freely about your love without feeling guilty, you wanted to bring him to your weekly game nights, you wanted to go to Hogsmeade during Christmas with everybody and get butterbeers and giggle as snowflakes clung onto all your eyelashes. You wanted to share that community with him.
But you loved Regulus more than any of those things.
The way his slender fingers soothed your sore muscles at the end of a long week, the way his soft lips felt on yours, the way he never spoke in anything but a gentle tone with you, the way his eyes looked at you with so much adoration you think you might melt.
That was all so much more to you than anything your friends could offer.
You loved them, with every fiber in your being you loved them so much, but they just couldn’t compare to your Regulus.
“What are you doing today, Miss (Y/n)?” James asked as he bounded down the Gryffindor dorm stairs, a smile on his face as he prepared to ask you to spend the day with him and the boys. The girls were shopping in Hogsmeade, you had already declined that invitation earlier in the morning.
“Got plans with Reg, James.” You said, a guilty smile on your face as you chewed on the inside of your lip.
James was the only one you could slightly talk about him with, the only one who would push his feelings for the younger Black aside for your sake, but even then it was barely any.
But you hadn’t realized Sirius and Remus coming down the stairs behind him.
“Spending the day with my little brother?” Sirius asked, his voice sharp.
You nodded. Sinking further into the common room couch, trying so hard to avoid conflict.
“What the fuck is wrong with you?” He snapped, his voice going lower, his teeth ground together so hard you were worried they might shatter.
“Sirius!” James scolded, lightly shoving his friend’s shoulder.
“No, you know what? I’m so tired of this. I’m tired of keeping my mouth shut for the sake of your stupid feelings when you’re being reckless and stupid!”
“You have no idea what you’re talking about you bloody idiot!” You stood from your sinking position on the couch, the hiding and ignoring was over.
“Of course I do! My little brother won you over with his charming smile and his empty words and I’m sick of it! He’s incapable of love!”
“You’re only proving my point.” You seethed.
“Merlin, you’re so daft you can’t even see what’s right in front of you!” Sirius yelled, his hands running through his hair and over his face as he flailed them around in frustration.
Remus placed a hand on Sirius’ shoulder. “He’s harsh, but he’s right, darling.”
“Oh, fuck off, Remus!” You threw your head back and rubbed harshly at your eyes in frustration. “All of you masking your judgement as just caring about me, it’s bullshit!”
“No, you fuck off!” Sirius’ voice boomed off the walls of the common room, rattling through your ears. “You know what they say about the girls Regulus dates, you know how many times we’ve defended you around the school?!” His chest was heaving and his face was red, and you swore you’ve never been more scared of your best friend in your life. Your chest began to tighten and you felt like even if you tried to speak nothing would come out.
“Sirius-” James warned.
“Shut up, Potter!” He growled before continuing. “Maybe you are just like they say, darling. Maybe you’re just a shallow slut that doesn’t know her left from right-”
Hot tears threatened your waterline and your fingers began to shake.
“Sirius.” James said again, more demanding.
“Maybe you are just a stupid bitch!” “Sirius!” This time it was James’ turn for his voice to rattle the ears of his friends, he had noticed your state, but it was too late, you were far too gone. Your hands were clutching your stomach, trying desperately to soothe the uncomfortable stress knots that were beginning to form there.
James sent Sirius a glare before standing in front of you, trying his best to soothe your jagged breaths and strangled cries.
“You went too far this time, Pads.” Remus said, using his best disappointed dad voice.
“Love, please calm down, please.” James begged, your hands tight in his but you couldn’t hear him, his pleads went in one ear and out the other. You could barely even register where you were, each word and each movement was warbled.
“(Y/n/n), hey, it’s Rem. Can you look at me, darling?” Remus asked, his voice soothing and soft as silk as he reached out to you, only for you to jerk away from both him and James.
“I was making progress, you git.” James muttered and Remus rolled his eyes.
“Sweetheart, you’ll faint. Please look at me.” Remus tried again, trying his best to ignore the two boys beside him.
But your cries wouldn’t let up, you eventually sank to your knees, your body overcome with exhaustion from your muscles tensing and your whole body trembling, but still, you wouldn’t let them near you, only harshly jerking away and crying harder when they tried to console you.
“(Y/n), please, fuck! Please, you’re scaring us, love.” Remus begged, his own voice beginning to shake at the sight of you.
“Why didn’t you let up when I told you to?!” James turned around and shoved Sirius, sending his back to thud against the nearest wall.
“All you said was my name, how was I supposed to know?!” He argued, his eyebrows furrowing together.
“Oh, your best friend not being able to breathe right in front of you didn’t give you a fucking clue?”
Your cries only worsened as the boys began to scream at each other, cowering away from the scene and closing your eyes and covering your ears.
“Cut it out! Bloody idiots you’re scaring her!” Remus yelled. He was so angry at the carelessness of his two best friends, dragging you through hell.
“Sirius, you need to find Regulus.” Remus said, calmer this time.
Remus held up a finger before his friend could argue, and slowly pointed to your fragile state, completely inconsolable.
And the lightbulb in his brain turned on.
“I need to find Regulus.” Sirius said, not giving the other two a chance to respond before he was out the door. He was so worried it was causing him to feel sick, and although he hated it, Remus was right, he had to find his brother.
The black haired boy flew through the corridors of the castle and into the library, where he thought for sure he’d find him, but to no avail. He groaned in frustration and spun his body around, running once again, towards the courtyard, where he thankfully found him sitting under a tree, nose in a book as he snacked on an apple.
“Regulus.” Sirius breathed, resting his hands on his knees in front of his brother, blaringly aware that your state was only getting worse and worse by the second.
The younger brother looked up, raising one confused eyebrow at the elder’s tired state. “What? Have you come here to-”
“It’s (Y/n).” Was all Sirius had to say before Regulus was up and running alongside his brother to the Gryffindor common room, earning a couple of disapproving looks from the paintings.
Regulus’ heart has never ached more than when he saw you cowered in a corner, eyes screwed shut and hands pressed harshly against your eyes, rocking yourself back and forth as you struggled to breathe.
“Step back, please.” He said, as politely as possible to James and Remus, who immediately obliged. He knew the two were just trying their best to help.
He sat in front of you placing his hands over yours and slowly taking them off of your ears so you could hear his voice.
“Hi, dove.” His voice so gentle and adorning even James felt his heart swell.
You immediately laced your fingers through his, still not opening your eyes, but allowing Regulus to console you.
“That’s it, darling. Doing so well f’me. Can you keep breathing?”
You nodded, trying your best to breathe steady in the hold of your boyfriend.
“There you go, there you go.” He cooed before pressing a kiss to your head and unlinking his fingers from yours so he could pull your slightly shaking frame into his lap, resting his cheek on top of your head. “Keep going, doing so good.” He praised, beginning to gently rock you back and forth.
The three Gryffindors were stunned. He was so gentle, so attentive, so loving with you.
He loved you, he really loved you so much.
And Sirius felt like a proper prick.
Your boyfriend stood up with you in his arms with ease and nodded at the Marauders. “‘Scuse me, gentlemen.”
The three stepped aside and allowed Regulus to take you up to your dorm. They all sat in silence, their thoughts bouncing around their heads a million miles a minute, until Regulus returned, alone.
“She refuses to tell me what happened, which only leads me to believe you thick headed lot said something. So, go on. I’m listening.” He crossed his arms and raised his eyebrows, waiting for an explanation.
“Didn’t say shit that wasn’t true.” Sirius muttered, crossing his arms and huffing like a child.
“Really?” James exasperated, his mouth agape, “After putting her through that nightmare, you’re still going to act this way?!” James scoffed when Sirius didn’t answer, but the brunet boy missed the slightest downturn of guilt on his friend’s lips as he turned to Regulus, telling him everything that happened, Remus chiming in every now and then.
“You are unbelievable, brother.” Regulus spat as soon as the two other boys were finished explaining.
“Didn’t mean to make her cry.”
“Well you did!” Regulus took a step forward as he yelled, causing Sirius to step back. “In fact, you didn’t just make her cry. You gave her a bloody panic attack! Thought I was gonna have to take my poor girl to Madam Pomfrey’s!”
Regulus laughed a humorless laugh, running a pale hand through his thick, black curls.
“All she’s ever wanted is the approval of you three. For you to love and support her. But all she ever gets is head shakes disapproving words and your cold fucking shoulders!” His voice was getting louder with every word he spoke but he didn’t care.
“And look what you’ve done to her!” He gestured up the stairs, the boys didn’t have to see you to know you were a wreck. “And you two aren’t innocent either.” Regulus pointed a finger at Remus and James. “I’d expect more from you two, really.”
“I don’t want any of you trying to talk with her until she’s ready to. And not when she says she’s ready to, when she’s really ready to.”
And with that he turned on his heel and trudged up the stairs, making sure to look back at his brother one last time before disappearing.
If looks could kill, Sirius would be dead.
Regulus opened the door to your dorm as carefully as possible, softly whining at the sight of you curled up in your bed, your face marked with tear tracks and eyes and lips swollen, sniffling.
“My lovely girl.” Regulus crooned as he climbed into your bed with you, holding you against him.
“I just want them to love me.”
His heart sank. “They do. They have a shitty way of showing it, but they do, so much, angel.”
You nodded, cuddling yourself further into your boyfriend.
“And so do I.”
“I love you more than the world, Reg.”
“I love you more.”
“Not possible.” You said, with just about the quietest voice he’d ever heard as your eyelids began to droop, exhaustion beginning to overtake your body.
“Okay, I’ll let you win this one.”
“Thank you.”
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theravenclawlover · 2 years
New Harry Potter Fic Series?
Okay, so I have this draft of at least twelve long ass chapters for this rewrite of the books. It starts with book 3. It involves a family of eight that must move to England on official Ministry orders, and so the kids are the new transfer kids at Hogwarts. And they end up befriending our favorite characters bc why not? Anyways, even though there are six kids, I will be mostly focusing on one character. Elizabeth.
I don't want to give much away but I've been working on this since 2019, and it's been sitting on my computer for a while. I work on it when I get inspired or get the next best scene. I want to share it with all of you, but Idk. It does contain some taboo-ish themes but nothing illegal lmao.
Would anyone be interested? Also, I wouldn't mind a beta because man, my brain just reads over mistakes. And you would also get a snippet of what I have in mind.
Anyways, let me know what yall think!
Also, I would most likely just upload it on Ao3 bc of how the book is formatted…
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oldassfuck · 7 years
Beginning ~ Part 4 of 'Nightmares'
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Pairing: Young!Sirius Black x reader
Requested: yeah, in the comments section
warnings: a little bit of swearing
word count: tbh, I’m writing this at 02:49 AM, I don’t really ave the energy to count words, or even copy&paste it in word
   like I said (^) in my country, the time is currently 02:49 AM, so I apologize if there are any spelling/grammar mistakes (just please keep in mind that English is my 2nd language).  + THIS BLOG HIT 500 FOLLOWERS, THANK YOU ALL SO MUCH! I finally got a new computer (my brother spilled water all over my MacBook, so I had to go computer-free for about a week and a half, until my parents could return from their trip and buy me a new one) BUT FEAR NOT, FOR I HAVE A BRAND NEW COMPUTER, AND I WILL BE UPLOADING MUCH MUCH MUCH MORE OFTEN. This is just ONE of the reasons so as to why I wasn’t uploading all this time, again, sorry about that, but if you are pissed, and want to find out WHY THE HELL I DISAPPEARED FOR ABOUT A MONTH AND A HALF, check the rest of them here. (check out the A/N at the end of this post since I have some more things to tell you there) 
Fay <3
“What are you going to do about it?“asks James
“I don’t think you should make a move tonight” states Remus “she’s still pretty pissed at you”
“so I just let this guy take her?” I huff in frustration
“okay, firstly, she’s going to chose herself, no one’s gonna ‘take her’“ says Remus sternly “and, no, not exactly, but you let her enjoy her night”
   I huff in frustration
““what if she chooses him over me?”
“she won’t.” the other two boys say in unison, and I look at James for further explanation
“dude! wake up! you’re Sirius Black, Padfoot, her best friend! But, most importantly, you’re a marauder! The Sirius I know, wouldn’t worry about these kind of things! She likes you, and you’re gonna make you’re move, which, let’s be honest, will be smooth as fu-”
“James!” interrupted Remus
“-as always. You’re just not going to make that move tonight” finishes talking James
“he’s right, you know. now, where’s your date?” asks Remus
“I, uh, I don’t really have one one. with everything that been going on…”
““then go find one!” urges me James as Remus clucked his tongue
“m’kay…uh, hey! Maria Hamplanket, right?” I shout across the room and she nods “how do you feel about being my date tonight?”
“sure!” she shouts back
    I turn back to look at the boys.
“Doesn’t she have a date?” asks Remus
“Of  course she has, with me!”  I reply while Remus and James chuckle “anyways, James, you got the stuff?”
   He nodds.
“Stuff? What’s stuff?” asks Remus with a worried look
“Don’t worry, we’re not pranking anyone, at least that’s not what I’m talking about right now” I add with a sly smile “I’m talking about what we’re going to use to spike the drinks”
“James, you’re head boy, you shouldn’t approve of this” says Remus to James
“Moony, did that stop me from turning every single Slytherin’s robes bright, vibrant pink, about two months ago?” he replies “Did it stop me from dying the girl’s hair each a different color a week and a half ago? Did i-”
“Okay, I think we get it” I cut him off  
  I notice James and Remus practically dragging Sirius to a more remote end of the common room, for a moment, I worry that Remus might tell him, but I quickly shake that thought away, it wasn’t like Remus at all. Plus, this was my night, no more Sirius-related drama.
“Hey beautiful.” I hear a voice I recognize
“Oh, hi…” I reply, still thinking about what the boys were talking about
“What’s on your mind? A pretty lady like you shouldn’t really be worrying about anything” my date, Thomas Smith asks
“Nothing, I just feel like something’s going to go terribly wrong tonight”
“Nothing’s going to happen! We’re going to relax, drink- I can bet your friends are going to find a way to spike the drinks- and have fun!” he sighs
“What’s wrong with you now?” I ask
“Nothing, I’m just worrying about leaving my sister all alone for so long” he says
“Relax, I bet she’s going to be fine!” I try to reassure him
“You’re right, I just have this feeling-”
“That something’s going to go ‘terribly wrong’?” I cut him off, repeating what I said earlier, as we both laugh
“Now, if you excuse me, I have to go check on my sister real quick”
    I nod, understanding. His sister, Milena, was three years younger and had caught the goblin’s flew about a week and a half ago. Madame Pomfrey had dismissed her from the infirmary, because all she needed was rest, and due to the fact that it was full of Ravenclaws and Hufflepuffs, because of the events in the Quiditch match three days prior. And that’s how poor Milena had ended up in her brother’s dorm, so that he could check on her.
  As he left, Lily and Marleen were trying to convince Alice that her hair wasn’t a disaster, and that Frank didn’t really care about these things anyways. I think at some point they asked me something, but I wasn’t paying attention. All I could think about was how Sirius didn’t even consider me being his date.  
“stop it.” I suddenly hear Marleen say
“Hm?” I ask
“Stop what you’re doing.” she repeats
“I’m not doing anything” I say defensively
“yeas, you are, and stop it” she says again, and then, she sighs when she realizes that I’m not going to say anything “stop thinking about him”
I sigh and look down at my feet “is it that obvious?”
“yes” they all say in unison
“this is our last night here! and I’m not going to spend it thinking about and ugly-”
“ahem” interrupts lily 
“okay, fine, an extremely hot guy, who is so blind, he literally can’t see the beautiful girl that is standing right in front of him!”
“thanks Mar, I really needed that…” I say, slightly laughing 
“Hey, by the way, where is Alice?” asks Lily
    We turn our heads around, looking for Alice, until we hear the boys, from the other end of the common room,
“get some frank!” shouts James 
“get a room you two!” yells Remus
   we immediately turn around, to see Alice, flushing a red from head to toe, and Frank, grinning stupidly. I guess they were making out, but I don’t really understand why the boys had to make such a deal about this.
  out of the corner of my eye, I see Thomas coming down the stairs. 
“is everything ok?” I ask
“yeah, she’s fine, she was about to go to sleep, and I woke her up by coming into the room, so she was pissed, but now she’s sleeping again. 
“that’s great!” I say, and we fall into an uncomfortable silence
“yeah… shall we?” he asks, and extends an arm for me to take
“we shall!” I respond
“we shall!” I hear (Y/N) say
     my head snaps towards her direction and I see her placing her small hand inside Thomas’s. A feeling that was uncrown to me until these past few days bubbles inside me, fighting to get out. It's not anger, it’s something more. it is  jealousy. I want to be the one that she is looking at. I want to be the one who gets to hold her hand. I want to be the one that gets to hold her all night long. I now knew why James was so angry all the time when Lily was hanging out with Snivellus all the time. I feel the exact way now. 
“You do?” I suddenly hear a small voice talking to me 
“I said everything out loud didn’t I?” I ask, flushing red
“Do you mean everything you just said?” (Y/N) repeats the question
I sigh, before I answer her “yes, I did, I meant every single word.” 
“Why did it take you so long?” she asks, and I realize she is still not convinced
“I-I’m just not used to-” I can’t believe I’m actually stuttering in front of a girl, what the hell is happening to me? “I’m jus not used to having a girl make me weak in the knees, feeling jealous when you do so much as to dance as another guys’ direction. And when you wouldn’t talk to me, it literally tore me apart.”
     I draw in a sharp breath, waiting for her to reject me right there and then. Instead of rejection hitting me right in the face, I feel her fingers lacing with mine. I open my eyes, and look down to our linked hands. After realizing what that meant, I smile and look up. 
  (Y/N) was looking straight at me, and she was smiling the biggest and brightest and most beautiful smile I had ever seen. Without hesitation, I take her chin in my arm, lift it up and kiss her gently on the lips. When we pull away, she is smiling even brighter than she was before, if that’s even possible, and I have a feeling that I am too. 
“By the way, where is everyone?” I ask, and we both laugh 
“They all left about twenty minutes ago...” she says “And don’t worry about Thomas, we’re not going to be seeing him much often from now on” 
    again, I am terribly sorry for the delay, but I hope it was worth the wait! I’m thinking of making some more parts, but let me know in the comments, or just message me. in the meantime, don’t forget that my inbox is always open, and for the next three weeks (until the 12th of August 2017), I will be accepting requests for imagines with any character you guys might like. I hope this was worth the wait, and you weren’t disappointed. Please give me feedback so that I can improve my work! 
    Fay 😘
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nebulablakemurphy · 4 years
Can I request for a Sirius x reader, post Azkaban, the reader is the Arithmancy professor at Hogwarts? Sirius and her used to be together and one day she's strolling around the castle watching the students when she comes across him as Padfoot. They go into a more secluded area and have a reunion full of fluff. Thank you for considering! xx
Sorry this took soooooo long anon 😞 thanks for requesting, and I hope you enjoy! 💕
Wanted Man
Summary: Sirius finds you post Azkaban, fluff ensues.
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There’d been a time, some years ago. When your heart would leap at the sight of any decently sized canine, with dark fur.
It was a habit really, getting excited, at the prospect that somehow...someway Sirius had returned to you. To rewrite the stars and fix your unhappy ending. But you’d let all of those fantasies go, long before becoming a professor at Hogwarts.
The school was much different; namely because you were no longer a student. James and Lily were dead, Sirius had recently escaped Azkaban, and went into hiding. Remus had just come around to join you in teaching, and Snape now got his kicks from verbally humiliating the students in his class.
Arithmancy remained your favorite subject, the transition from studying to teaching had come naturally. Despite your busy schedule, there are times when you’re still lonely.
After hearing that Sirius had been inside the castle, however briefly, part of you was disappointed he never sought you out. Even after all this time, you still had feelings for him. You always thought he felt the same.
There’s an opening in your daily schedule, normally reserved for lunch. Today you don’t feel much like eating. It always struck you square in the chest, the feeling of loss. The realization that you could be homesick for people too.
Making your way over to a part of the castle with hardly any foot traffic, you take a seat. Winding your arms tightly around yourself, you take deep breath in.
At first you thought you’d imagined it. The inky black fur in the corner of your vision. But as you refocus your gaze, the animal staring back at you still seems to be entirely real. “Padfoot?” You whisper into the space between you. It was far less painful to say aloud; much easier than... “Sirius.”
You can’t help the name falling passed your lips, as you stare at the newly transformed man before you.
“Hello Love.” Sirius smiles, keeping his distance for the moment. Unsure of how you’ll react.
“How-“ You take a step toward him.
“I told you I’d find my way back to you.” Sirius was never one to break a promise.
“But that was so long ago I thought...” you break off, “I thought I’d never see you again.”
“I can’t stay long, I’m afraid.” He admits.
“I’d expect not, you’re a wanted man after all.” You quip, letting out a small laugh.
He grins easily at you. The change in him is evident, Azkaban and solitude had hardened him. But the way he looks at you hasn’t changed a bit. “Too right you are.”
You nod, crossing both arms over your chest, “where are you headed?”
“Here and there.” He shrugs a shoulder. “Never in one place too long. Unlike you,” Sirius winks, teasingly. “You enjoy the stability that comes with staying put for as long as humanly possible.”
“That’s not true!” You object, a bit too loudly.
“Really now? When we were growing up, I don’t recall you mentioning any desire to be a professor. So why Hogwarts? There’s an entire world out there, yours for the taking.” His eyes alight, with the mischief they always seem to have during your playful back and forth.
“I want something that can never be mine. So I settled for this, because it’s as close as I’ll get. I suspect it’s the same for Snape. Because parts of Lily-“
“Don’t tell me you’ve developed a soft spot for Snevilus.” Sirius scoffs, “we all miss Lily; James too.”
Your brows furrow, “no need to worry about that first part. The two of us still can’t be in a room together.”
Sirius shakes his dark waves at you. “About this thing, the one you want so badly-“
“Well,” you cut him off, indignantly, “I never said I wanted it badly; but finish the question.”
“What is it?” He wonders, “perhaps I could get it for you.”
You can see the sincerity in his eyes. Sirius would still do anything for you. “You.” You tell him truthfully.
Sirius pauses, taken aback, “I’m yours. Under different circumstances, I’d ask you to come away with me. Just the way we talked about when we were kids.”
“I still- I can go with you.” You offer, without considering the consequences.
He shakes his head regretfully. “It’s not safe just yet. Besides your students need you. Harry is in good hands, so long as you’re here. The two of you are everything to me. I mustn’t be selfish, no matter how desperately I wish we could all be together. At least for now, this is the only way.”
“How long do we have?” You wonder, hoping he won’t disappear just yet.
“Long enough.” Sirius assures you. Taking another step toward you and brushing a bit of hair behind your ears.
With shaky hands you reach out to him, just to assure yourself he’s real. “I missed you so much.” You confess.
“And I you.” Sirius smiles. Tipping your chin up, with his index finger and leaning in for a kiss. “Is this alright?” His lips ghosting over yours.
“More than alright.” You murmur.
You carry on like this for a while, nearly forgetting the time. The clock chimes on the hour. “I-“ the words catch in your throat, “I have to go.”
Sirius doesn’t miss the tremble of your bottom lip. His arm still resting around your waist. “Goodbye is only for now.”
You nod, “I’ll look out for Harry.”
“You always do, I’ll never be able to thank you enough for that.” Sirius’ eyes flicker about your face, committing it to memory.
“You don’t need to thank me.” You insist.
“What’d you say you when this is over, we give all this a proper go? Just the three of us, we could be-“
“A family.” You finished for him. Knowing how much family means to Sirius, although his own parents never truly accepted him.
He nods, stroking your cheek patiently.
“I would love that.” You tell him.
“In the mean time,” Sirius clears his throat, “I’ll write as often as I can.”
You bite down on your bottom lip, “stay safe.”
“Take care of yourself.” Sirius insists, pecking your lips once last time. “You better get a move on, love. Don’t want to keep your students waiting.”
“I suppose you’re right...” You say regretfully. “I’ll wait for your owl.”
“It’ll come, I swear it. Until then, I’ll be thinking of you.” He places his tattooed hand over your heart.
You rest your hands over his, keeping him there a second longer, before letting him go. “I’ll be thinking of you too.”
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siriusly-parker · 4 years
Harry Potter
 Golden Trio
   Harry Potter - coming soon
   Draco Malfoy - coming soon
   Cedric Diggory - coming soon
 Marauder’s Era
   James Potter
       - Nerver Forget *series*   part one   part two   part three  
        part 4 through 8 on wattpad - part 9 coming real soon
   Sirius Black 
       - Chasing
   Lucius Malfoy
       - Under the Mistletoe
   Regulus Black - coming soon
Stranger Things
      - Dating a Stranger Things Character Would Include
Outer Banks
Rafe Cameron - coming soon
JJ Maybank - coming soon
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maysiebloom · 4 years
okok if you have read all the young dudes please dm me so we can screech together please don’t send any spoilers bc im not completely finished (harrys just been born)
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faith-black · 3 years
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A Different Kind of Magic by Maisey2k10
Fred Weasley X Hermione Granger X George Weasley
Word Count: 146,928
Hermione’s secret is discovered by the Order of the Phoenix and she's in need of saving. With the help of Sirius, she learns to put the past behind her, and with the help of the Weasley Twins, they show her a happy future. But Hermione isn’t who she thinks she is, what she discovers will change both her life and the future of the Wizarding World for good.
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ttulipwritezz · 1 year
I was hoping to request a Regulus Black x fem!reader
Where the reader is a pure blood and Slytherin and regulus is friends with her since he was a kid.
As they grow up the reader starts finding sirius attractive, but regulus watches this from afar. Hurting silently. And he confesses too late
Idk I kinda want a sad ending 💀
a/n: I usually put these at the end but here you go. I had sm fun working on this request and honestly, I don't think I did your idea justice. I took some creative liberty and kind of changed the idea. But the dynamic remains. I hope you like this &lt;33 warnings: mention of smoking, outbursts, kissing, use of the word b@stard, I use certain words a lot so maybe it got boring. anyway, I hope you enjoy it.
Wc: 0.95k
Unspoken Words That Linger In The Air
- Regulus Black
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Y/n L/n hated smokers, ever since she was young she'd seen her father smoke at every occasion possible. The smell of secondhand smoke became so familiar to her that it was almost nauseating.
When Sirius Black became her boyfriend, elevating from best friend's Brother to long-time crush to this, it became a rather obvious detail that he had to quit smoking.
He tried, he really did, and it worked for a while. But alas it was still his go-to coping mechanism. He couldn't let go so easily.
Sirius returned from his quidditch match, in which Slytherin had won against Gryffindor, and Found his girlfriend waiting in his dorm.
the other boys were still downstairs celebrating and wouldn't be up here for a while.
"How was your match?" She spoke first.
"Great, Sorry we took a little detour before coming here, didn't wanna be here after the awful loss"
"I get it," she said with a smile.
A moment passes...then another.
She pulled him in by the neck, smiling only slightly before kissing him as his lips curved into a smile.
He tasted sweet..
he tasted like chocolate.
Remus's chocolate, that the werewolf always refused to share but would often somehow find missing.
He tasted like strawberry.
The strawberry-flavored taffy Lily always carried in her robes for James, oblivious to the fact that he hated strawberries, they'd often end up with Sirius anyway.
And he tasted like...
.... cigarettes.
The nauseating smell came back. It hit her senses like a bludger.
She pulled back.
"you smoked again." She stated, disappointment lacing her voice delicately.
"I thought you quit" she continued and it sounded unsure, as if she was doubting it.
"y/n I-"
"did you lie to me? Or did you just pick it up again?" It sounded broken almost but still hopeful.
She didn't let him answer and instead walked away.
"He never listens" came the exasperated voice of Y/n as she sat on the deep green leather couch of the common room, the fire from the fireplace warming her just a tiny bit through the coldness of the space.
"I just don't understand how you are still dating him" said Regulus's cold voice, cutting through the brief silence.
"Alright regulus, he's not that awful"
"one moment you're complaining to me and the next you're defending him, great," he replied in a bored voice, seemingly done with the conversation.
"He's your brother Reg, You can't hate him forever" Her voice was calm, unlike Regulus's which seemed to be growing louder by the second.
"He's not me. And he was my brother, and I just don't understand how you can love him." His voice was stressed as if trying to prove a point.
"Merlin! What's your problem Regulus? I don't understand why you're always so against me and Sirius dating?" Her voice also started to raise, matching Regulus's tone.
"There. That. That's the problem y/n! Merlin! you're so stupid!."
"Excuse me-" Y/n tried to interrupt but was spoken over.
"No. he isn't even willing to quit smoking for you! What kind of a boyfriend is that? I quit because you asked me to." He tried to reason.
"Well, He's not you Regulus-" Again tried.
"Merlin! You don't understand. You don't understand what you do to me y/n. You don't understand how your smile makes me happy or how your tears make me sad. you don't understand how every time I see you smile because of that bastard, It hurts me. You don't understand how bad I want that bastard to be me-" His voice was broken, it sounded so hoarse and so broken.
"-You don't understand how Unconditionally and irrevocably in love with you I am."
His voice boomed through the common room, the two students playing exploding snap in the corner immediately stood up and went to their dorms.
"w-what?" she let out, as a whisper, no other sound could have escaped her.
But it did. in the form of a question.
"you love me?" It sounded stupid but she needed it said once more to believe it.
Regulus didn't say anything. He didn't need to.
An unspoken 'yes' lingered in the air.
It was past cerfew but her feet still took her to the astronomy tower.
That's where she always went after an argument with Regulus.
It was the one place she always found solace in.
As she walked up the large stairs her feet made little to no sound. Even as they halted after seeing a familiar figure come into view.
Sirius was there, smoking again.
The soft glow from the cigarette illuminated his features in a warm light.
He looked calm.
"you're smoking again" Y/n broke the silence as she leaned against the wall of the tower similar to how Sirius had been.
"It...umm gets stressful without you around." That was an excuse of a response.
"I suppose it does even when I am around" Her reply was far from sarcastic, it was true. Highlighting the fact that she'd caught the smoke a day ago as well.
"what's the matter?" Sirius could tell something was wrong, he always did.
"I had an argument with Reg..." she replied, almost ashamed at her petty fight with her best friend.
"what about?"
"what do you think?" she retorted with a question, that was the only thing that seemed plausible.
A glint of hesitance washed over his features, a moment of guilt followed after.
"was it because of me?" it came out a little louder than a whisper, seemingly too careful.
She didn't answer, she didn't need to, she simply laid her head on his shoulder, the silence spoke for itself.
And an unspoken 'yes' lingered in the air.
A/n: Not the proudest of this one but i like it Likes and reblogs always help<33
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lord-save-me · 9 months
Crazy to me how fanfics will make it a point to "talk about issues" and have the muggleborn discrimination be some dramatic metaphor and then have purebloods use mudblood because "they're not using it in an offensive way", like babes your privilege is showing
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casualmaraudering · 5 years
“Hi! Can I help you find anything?”
Remus has every intention of turning towards the worker and saying ‘no, thank you, I know what I’m here for’, because every time he gets into any sort of interaction with a Lush employee he spends twice as much money as he originally intended. He needs to learn self-control and just not let all those bubbly, nice smelling people sell him stuff he doesn’t need. 
He plans on doing that, but then he actually turns to face the worker, and all those plans exit Lush, while Remus stays promptly rooted in his spot.
The man is gorgeous, like breathtakingly, impossibly beautiful, and handsome, to the point Remus feels it should be fucking illegal. He’s tall (though that might be due to the quite sizable Doc Martens he seems to be wearing), with gorgeous, shiny black hair that falls down past his shoulders in a perfectly styled way, even though he couldn’t have put that much effort into it since he’s working - which means it’s just this good naturally (again - illegal). He has the facial structure of a pure aristocrat mixed with a marble renaissance statue, with high cheekbones and a perfectly round chin and a jaw sharp enough to cut right into Remus’s heart and steal it without a single obstacle in place. There’s not a wrinkle or imperfection in sight, which tells Remus he must be similar age to him - a college student, most likely. Or maybe a model, with a face like that.
There’s his lips, round and full and pink, curved into such a cute smile (how is this man both hot and cute?!), with perfectly straight and white teeth showing, his canines ever so sharper than a usual person’s; and his eyes, which are gray and Remus never knew gray eyes could be so lively and expressive and nice to look at.
And then Remus sees the tattoos on the guy’s arms, then piercings in his ears, the black polish on his nails, the black (and impossibly tight) ripped jeans, the dog tags on his neck. He internally curses the heavens because he has never met a man that’s as much his type as this random Lush guy.
Who asked him a question and Remus hasn’t replied, and he’s making an idiot out of himself. 
It’s not like he had a chance with Mr Bloody Fucking Perfect to begin with, but now he just seems more pathetic.
“Yes, actually,” he mutters quickly. “I’m, uh… looking for a bath bomb? Something that doesn’t have an overpowering smell would be the best?”
He doesn’t need yet another bath bomb, but if spending an additional £30 is the price of getting to talk to this guy for a few more minutes, so be it. 
God, he really is pathetic.
“Oh, that’s this way, if you wanna follow me real quick,” Mr Perfect - Sirius, his badge says (even his fucking name is interesting) - says to him in a chipper voice, then goes deeper into the store, Remus following behind.
They arrive at the bath bomb section, and Sirius squints at him with a smile, then turns to the bath bomb rack, picks something up, and turns back to Remus, with the item behind his back.
“How do you feel about bergamot oil and sweet tonka?”
Remus has no fucking clue what tonka is. “Sounds good, I think?” he says, because honestly, he doesn’t care, he’ll buy whatever his gorgeous boy offers him.
If only he offered something else, Remus thinks, and then mentally slaps himself, because being creepy about strangers isn’t on his to-do list today. He really needs to let Lily drag him to a bar one of these days, if only to forget about gorgeous Lush employees.
Sirius smiles at him brightly. “It’s a Valentine’s special, particularly favoured by… certain customers,” he explains, with a cheeky grin. “And I think you might find it up your alley.”
He then shows the bath bomb that he’s had behind his back - it’s shaped like an aubergine. And Remus has been around the block enough to know what Sirius is insinuating. He feels his cheeks turn hot red - has he really been staring so openly?! 
“Uhm,” Remus mutters, because really, he’s not sure what to say. ‘Yes, that’s perfect, glad you noticed I’m very thirsty for you and three seconds away from begging you to fuck me’ doesn’t seem like a socially acceptable answer.
“Oh,” Sirius’s grin drops suddenly, seemingly startled. “I’m sorry, Sir, that was really uncalled for,” he reaches to the shelf to put the item back. “I’ll go get someone else to assist you, I apologize for being so unprofessional-”
“Wait wait wait,” Remus says quickly before the boy can flee. “It’s fine, really! I just… I wasn’t-”
“It’s not fine, I shouldn’t have assumed, I was just…” Remus might be crazy, or Sirius is blushing. “I thought… I saw you here a few days ago and I think you’re really cute, but I never got the chance to talk to you and I was really bummed, but you came in today again so I thought I need to talk to you now or it might never happen again so I decided I’d ask to help you and maybe find out if you’re interested in guys by any chance? I mean, that was a stupid fucking way - fuck, I shouldn’t swear on the job. Or hit on customers. Jesus, dad is gonna fire me,” Sirius rambles, which makes Remus chuckle.
“I am. Into guys, I mean,” Remus replies with a shy smile. “And I don’t really need a bath bomb. I just wanted an excuse to talk to you a bit longer.”
Sirius smiles a smile so happy Remus feels his stomach turn; he could get used to this smile.
“Really?” Remus nods. Sirius reaches back for the bath bomb (Remus rolls his eyes at it - it is quite funny now). “So… how about that - I’ll ring this up for you, with an employee discount, and then maybe you can give me your number so I can come over to yours and test it out with you? Tonight?”
“I guess it’s true that Lush really cares about customer service, huh?” Remus asks back with a grin.
Sirius grins right back. “I’m very determined to make employee of the month. So, what do you say?”
“I hope you have good taste in bath bombs.”
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oldidhrenniel · 5 years
Lost Him // Sirius Black
➴ Summary: Sirius’s braincell is malfunctioning, again.
➴ Pairing: Sirius Black / Reader (3rd POV).
➴ Warnings: Truly just Sirius being an idiot.
➴ Wordcount: 1030.
➴ Tagged: @charmedevans @angelaiswriting @songforhema
If she killed Sirius but didn’t use magic, would she still go to Azkaban or to a muggle prison?
Azkaban was a horrible place and she wouldn’t risk being imprisoned there - although he was making it difficult to think about the consequences, but a muggle prison? She wouldn’t think twice before kicking his ass into the afterlife.
“You’re not listening to me, huh?” She was. Much to her own despair, she was.
Grunting, she got up from the couch and walked up to him. Sirius felt her anger and it scared him enough to make him walk backwards until he hit the wall.
Standing at arm length from him, she cleared her throat. “So, let me get this straight - James being the idiot he is thought that to make our uncle-aunt-nephew night more interesting, it would be fun to use the cloak for hide-and-seek?” Sirius nodded. “And I dared to leave for a second to get some water, so instead of using his actual blanket to wrap him up and put him to sleep- like I asked… You wrapped him up with the cloak and… lost him?” Another nod.
Even if it meant going to Azkaban, murdering him sounded like an appropriate response. But first, she had to find the four months old running through her apartment… being invisible.
Sirius didn’t lose him on purpose, alright, but he still did. He was old enough to understand that giving a child a cloak that would make him invisible was not a good idea at all but there she was looking for an invisible kid after his parents entrusted them with his well being.
“Fine,” she sighed. “Let’s split. You look through the kitchen and living room and I will check the bedrooms and bathroom. Be careful while walking, use a stick or something.”
Before he could agree or disagree - which he wouldn’t, she left for the master bedroom.
She walked with caution through the room, taking steps so small it got her wondering if she was moving at all. She wanted to see the comical part of the situation, imagine Harry running around and the two of them searching like idiots - it did sound fun, but it was also dangerous and what scared her the most was that, it didn’t seem like Sirius understood that. He was so used to be reckless, to not think about the consequences of his actions that sometimes he’d put other people in danger without realizing. Of course, Sirius didn’t want people to get hurt, but he needed to start thinking before he acted, otherwise it wouldn’t be long until he found himself in a dark corner, with no escape option whatsoever.
Kneeling down, she checked under the bed but all she found were her sneakers. Since she had checked the rest of the room, she got up from the floor with a long sigh. After exiting the master bedroom, she went into the guests’, carefully opening the door and stepping inside. Repeating the same process again, with no sign of Harry there either. Now, even more worried than before, she sat down in the bed and tried to think. Where would have Harry possibly go? Their apartment wasn’t big and all windows and doors were locked with magic and locks to ensure their safety with the ongoing war. He couldn’t have gotten far, right?
She looked towards the crib Sirius was supposed to put him to sleep and then a thought entered her mind. What if? Oh, Merlin! She scolded herself for not thinking about it earlier, then she ran towards the living room, where Sirius was still searching through for the child. Upon seeing her running around, all colour disappeared from his face.
“Be careful! You could step on him!” He caught her in his arms, forcing her to a stop.
She had the gift to laugh at the most inconvenient of times - hell, she couldn’t attend funerals because she would laugh the pain off. However, this time as she fell into his arms, shaking as she laughed and laughing even more as she watched Sirius’s confused face, she had a good reason. All the time she had worried Sirius had lost Harry, however, she had missed one important detail. When was the last time he saw him?
“I can’t believe I’m being the mature one but… I don’t think this is a laughing matter.”
“Sirius,” she shook her head and took a breath before continuing: “when was the last time you saw Harry before losing him?”
He thought about it for a moment, then replied: “when I wrapped him with the cloak.”
“And where was that?”
“In the room, where his crib is.”
She nodded. “Right, and now explain to me how could a four months old jump from his crib without us noticing? Or at least without me noticing?”
She waited for a few seconds and then, boom! Realization hit him right in the face and he let go of her and sprinted towards the room. Still giggling she followed him, a bit slower though. She had run enough for one night - and one life as well. When she reached the door to the room, Sirius had Harry in his arms - the baby was still asleep, unaware of the mess his uncle had just created for a simple distraction. Sirius was relieved, kissing him on his head and whispering words she couldn’t hear from where she was standing.
It got her thinking… She was sure as hell going to wait until he grew at least one brain cell before having children. Next time - and she was sure there would be a next time, he’d end up losing him for real. It was bad enough it was happening to her nephew but, her own kids? Oh, hell no, then she would murder Sirius without thinking twice and then her babies would grow up without parents because she would go to Azkaban. She couldn’t let that happen.
“Love!” Sirius called her out of her thoughts, smiling at her. “I didn’t lose him! You should have a little bit more of faith in me from now on!”
You know what? No children also sounded good.
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Ok. Which one of you, motherfluffers has sent me this chain. I love you, it's made my day
So, first, I’m sorry for deleting the message, nonny, I swear it was accidental. Sometims I can be really clueless when it comes to the Tumblr app (it can be SO annoying!), BUT, luckily enough, I’ve managed to copy the questions to a doc to answer them later, so, here you go, nonny:
1. Name: Patty/Patka (ok, it’s Patrycja, but don’t you ever call me that)
2. 2 things that’s made you happy today: my dogs and snow!❄
3. 3 songs or pieces of music you’ve listened to today: Arctic Monkeys- 505; Chopin/Rubinstein- Prelude in e minor op 28 no 4; Nothing but Thieves- Six Billion.
4. An album that you can recommend: There’s one I can’t get over with. It’s destroyed me and left me with an even deeper existential crisis, and I love it. It’s Leonard Cohen’s “You want it darker”, go check it out if you haven’t already. You will suffer but you’ll love it. Aesthetics and relatability 👌
5. A book you’re recently read: Shadow of the Wind. Nearly finished. And it’s one of my favourite books already. So good.
6. A fanficion you can recommend: hmm depends on a fandom, I guess? I think one of my all-time faves is the Detective and the Debutante (BBC Sherlock/Sherlolly), but Warning-> it’s unfinished.
7. Childhood pop culture crush: oooh, SoOoOoOo many! Literally. Well. I think the first one was Han Solo (my mom’s a huge nerd, so I grew up on Star Wars, ok. I love it). Then when I started reading books- Draco Malfoy and Sirius Black, hands down. Then there was Rodion Raskolnikov, and Mr Darcy, and Bill&Tom from Tokyo Hotel (a German boysband), and literally so many more, you don’t understand, I’m full of feels.
8. Say a nice things to your followers! I hope you will eat (or have eaten) something really good today. Enjoy your food, guys! 🍕🍉🍦🍫
9. And, finally- have a nice day! Thanks, you too, my dear nonny! :D
10. Tag friends or send them the questions anonymously. @giantdorktrash @notsureaboutthishug @castiel-saved-a-human @than9803 I’m looking for some snazzy recommendations from you, guys! 😄
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