#Skin Conditions
incognitopolls · 2 months
Answering yes to eczema, psoriasis, and/or rosacea does not mean you don't have any other skin conditions, those are just the main focus of this poll.
Acne is separated from "another skin condition" just because it's so common that I suspect separating it will yield more useful responses about other, less common/less known skin conditions.
We ask your questions so you don’t have to! Submit your questions to have them posted anonymously as polls.
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positivelyqueer · 5 months
Hi people with chronic dandruff, psoriasis, eczema or any other skin conditions which cause dryness and flaking. I hope you’re having nice, low pain or pain free days. Know that you don’t have to access treatment you don’t want or that doesn’t benefit you for the sake of other people’s comfort. You are amazing.
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the-rest-is-silenc3 · 9 months
i hate that it’s seen as ok for people to make fun of skin conditions
this includes skin conditions that are caused/exacerbated by poor hygiene btw
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nemfrog · 1 year
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Eczema. Library of health. 1921.
Internet Archive
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Why I hate how dandruff is presented
You've all seen the jokes- old man with dandruff, shaking his head and a cloud of snow falls down, dandruff just being there for a laugh... It's never treated as anything serious, ever. It's just a joke! And just a joke about old men at that.
I'm 17 years old. I've had dandruff since I was at least 11. I've been made fun of all that time for the white flakes that are a constant on my head.
I just saw dandruff as a joke, too.
At most, it was just my scalp being a bit dry, so it needed a moisturising shampoo.
Yeah.... Turns out I have scalp psoriasis. I'm in near constant pain, which gets worse whenever I'm ill or stressed, because psoriasis is an autoimmune disease. My immune system is attacking my own skin. It's gotten to the point where shampoo doesn't help. I'm just in pain, always. I'll have a doctor's appointment where we can discuss options soon hopefully.
It's painful enough that I end up with scabbing all over my scalp from scratching. I pull my hands away and my nails are bloody from repeatedly picking and itching the scabs.
So no, not just a funny joke.
When I mentioned how painful it was to my friend, (only referring to it as dandruff rather than psoriasis) he said "I didn't realise dandruff could be painful!". In fact, several conditions that can cause dandruff have the fact that they're itchy or sore in their their symptoms list- eczema, dermatitis, and of course psoriasis.
And yet people just see dandruff as a joke. Even now, I feel anxious writing this- I feel like someone's gonna read this and think 'why are they getting so serious about dandruff? Lighten up!'
Sure, for some people it's not painful. Just flaky. But even then, they can experience the same social issues I did- I still remember a pair of kids seeing my large white skin flakes on my dark hair and exclaiming that I had nits (lice for Americans), and running away shouting at me. I hate that it's treated as a joke, or stigmatised, and seen as just an old man thing.
It's an actually serious issue for so many people. Why isn't it treated as such?
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teenytiny-ant · 6 months
Starting to actually hate my skin conditions like my arms are covered in eczema and scabs from itching it too much and if I even touch my face a big red line with appear.
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beenovel · 1 year
Hey does anyone know of a site like CurlScan (a site that tells you if a product is Curly Girl approved) for Rosacea???? I'm just so overwhelmed looking through the ingredients on every single product I go to buy. I just want to wear sunscreen without my face feeling like it's on fire and be able to type in the name of the product to find out whether it's going to give me hives/acne/a rash/etc
Please reblog this even if you don't have an answer just in case someone else does
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brisingr-sword · 24 days
me: psssh i can totally eat hot cheetos now, last fall was a fluke
also me, after eating hot cheetos: * half of my face is covered in patches of red, dry, itchy skin *
me: goddamnit
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skincraft-by-alex · 5 months
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witchofthesouls · 1 year
I just realized something.
Skin conditions, such as eczema, are the original Material Girl.
They're such pricey bitches to manage, especially if you need the products that are either expensive or getting expensive. And you have to get them. Otherwise, it will hold you down by the throat and set you on fire.
It's the most intense critic of your lifestyle and choices, but with the experience of a torture specialist.
This is my long way of saying that I'm severely regretting trying a new shampoo and conditioner because it was just there instead of driving out to get a brand that doesn't slowly kill me.
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cloudxxiii · 1 year
Just remember, you're all beautiful the way you are. Whether it be acne, rosecoa, vitiligo, psoriasis, eczema, warts or even skin cancer, or maybe something else, you're still beautiful. :)
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peaceforpeople · 11 months
The Skin Conditions (made in Gacha Club):
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A disease in which pigment disappears in areas of the body with age and leaves light spots
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Albinism is a congenital disease in which pigment is absent from birth.
And Melanism is the opposite of albinism, that is, from birth the pigment is not absent, but on the contrary, there is too much of it.
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Acanthokeratoderma or "Blue skin syndrome" is a disease in which a person's skin color changes to blue or purple
Hypercarotenemia – a disease in which the skin color becomes yellow-orange due to an overdose of carotene (it is found in carrots)
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pretty-pink-seaslug · 2 years
When you have eczema and bad dandruff and it’s cold and when it rains it gets muggy thus making you really uncomfortable and also you have depression so its hard to wash your hair often so you use hair lotion but you keep asking yourself if it’s working and your mom tells you to comb your hair but that would require undoing your box braids and RE-doing them and you don’t know how to braid hair and have never done so before
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chubs-deuce · 1 year
I was nerfed at birth when I was given ADHD with a tendency to get easily overstimulated from itching and bad textures on my skin + a bad habit of picking at said skin...
... And then additionally inherited my mother's keratosis pilaris, psoriasis AND an out of left field fucking allergy to aloe vera, which presents itself in itchy rashes and just so happens to be one of the most popular ingredients in skin care products. :')
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Humans have UV stripes, called Blaschko's lines. They're all unique to each human. There's been studies that show, while invisible to the human eye, are able to be seen by cats, dogs, rodents, hedgehogs, bats, ferrets and okapis.
I don’t know how true it is that’s animals such as cats can see it, someone with more knowledge that isn’t Reddit may be able to add some information, but
They’re also visible in those with a mosaic skin condition or in chimeras where different cell lines contain different genes. The lines may have different amounts of melanin, or become visible due to a “differing susceptibility to disease.” They can become apparent as whorls, patches, streaks or lines in a linear or segmental distribution over the skin.
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nightfuryobsessed · 1 year
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A bit of a family tree, slowly working on it but have the ref sheets for the children of Kolka and Draco. Kovu gets his blue eyes from his grandparents on Draco's side, Naught gets her mothers eyes (though darker due to Draco's dark eyes), and Vail gets his eyes from his father, though they're brighter due to his mother's eyes. Vail also has a bit of vitiligo from his mother and it was aggravated from a strong hit to the head.
Technically all of the children have vitiligo in their genetics but Vail is the only one who has his actually show.
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