snowflakechallenge · 2 years
Welcome to Fandom Snowflake Challenge 2023!
For long-time Snowflakers, welcome back, we’ve missed you and can’t wait to catch up! For the new and the curious, come on in, we’re all going to have a good time.
What is Fandom Snowflake Challenge? Well, I’ll tell you what it is not. It is not to do with winter, or snowflakes really. The snowflake in the title is a metaphor, an image of unique and beautiful, of swirling and bone-deep. A single snowflake is all of us individually; unique and beautiful. But as a group, a snowflake can blanket, can blind against the dark and ugly, can still the world of the mundane.
That’s what we’re going to do in January. We’re going to start the new year reflecting on what makes us rare and beautiful and what makes us as a community mighty and life-altering.
And that’s it for the metaphor. Now on to what is going to happen. On the odd days of January, we will be dropping challenges, some new, some old, some about creating, some about consuming, some about being a great big geek and others about being alive in the 21st century. You can do what you want, and don’t do what you don’t. There are no points, no keeping score, no way of doing this wrong. There is just you, doing this momentous thing, and us cheering you on.
Not doing fandom on LJ/DW anymore? That’s okay, we’re here too:
Twitter: https://twitter.com/SnowflakeDW
Tumblr: https://snowflakechallenge.tumblr.com/
We’ll be here tomorrow with some more introductions and whatnot, and then the first challenge will be posted on the first. Remember, we’re all over the world, so there’s no telling what time of each day the posts will go up, but they will happen every other day.
Can’t wait to read and get to know you all again!
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mekare-art · 2 years
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alexseanchai · 2 years
in service of @marchmetamatters 2023 and also @snowflakechallenge 2023 challenges 4 (add something to your fandom's canon; I am adding a timeline) and 8 (polls):
The star stickers in "Mr. Pigeon 72" tallying up the number of times each of the depicted akumas have been seen. I'm assuming the sticker count for Volpina does not include Chameleon, but I'm not sure about some of the others. For instance, Lady Wifi and Gamer have four stickers each. We've seen Lady Wifi in her self-titled episode and in "Felix" and "Gang of Secrets" as one of several people akumatized as a unit, which accounts for three of her stickers. We've seen Gamer in both of his self-titled episodes and in a level of Rise of the Sphinx, which accounts for three of his.
We've also seen Gamer on Heroes' Day, which might account for his fourth sticker, but then again it might be an attack between episodes or in which all that was onscreen was Miraculous Cure as an episode opens. Lady Wifi might also have been in an offscreen attack, or that fourth sticker might be for her appearance in "The Puppeteer" or in "Gamer 2.0", when Alya wasn't akumatized herself but ended up running around as an akuma because someone else's akumasona has power of More Akumas—but at most one of those two instances got counted. Ladybug also knows what happened in "Gamer 2.0"; about Heroes' Day, only Gabriel and Nathalie know why there was a flood of red butterflies instead of a single violet one.
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maluron · 2 years
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@snowflakechallenge suggested "add something to your fandom’s canon". I think Howard needs glasses back. (Well actually I think he needs rectangular, Tenth Doctor-like frames but. There's only so much I can do with Paint and a short time limit.) So here are his discarded old design's round glasses?
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convexicalcrow · 2 years
Hello, frens! Call me Lex or Crow, queer, he/they/she pronouns bc gender is weird and fucked. Old Millenial. Australian. Practicing Witch.
This tumblr was mostly set up for Hermitcraft and Empires shitposting, and that's mostly what I'll use it for. I do occasionally post fics and other ramblings, sometimes snippets from streams or from watching episodes, new or otherwise. Lots of art and fic reblogs. And sometimes I post my minecraft builds.
And now that it's Snowflake Challenge time again, i thought I'd do these posts over here and the first challenge is getting your fandom info and links organised, and I really don't have anything like that over here yet, so. Have an intro post. :D
Ships and Fandom Interests:
I'm mainly hyperfixated on Cub and Scar and the ConVex, as well as Sausage and Pearl and their lore, but I also write RenDoc and Ren/Martyn and others when the inspiration strikes.
I am shippy and do occasionally write smutfic and kinkfic, but I do also write gen and platonic fic as well when the story wants that instead. Mostly I am your niche rarepair writer who isn't interested in the big juggernaut pairings. And who wrote skulk Cub before it was canon lmao. XD
Follows come from this account bc I set this up not intending for it to be my main and then I left twitter like an idiot and well. Here we are lol.
I have a sideblog set up @lexstellaris for non-fannish shitposting and other more personal things. No need to follow that unless you want to.
Feel free to submit asks if you have questions, or there there's something you want me to discuss, or you want to throw fic prompts at me. :D I have a tag for all my ask responses if you want to look through that as well.
You can find my fic posted on AO3 here under the name orphancrow.
I have been posting fic on AO3 under other accounts for a long time, and I mostly adhere to AO3's guidelines when rating my fic. So you may find kinkfic and other sexual content in my M-rated fics as well as my E-rated fics bc both are designed for adult content, but this will always be clear from the tags so there shouldn't be any surprises. I know I differ from some of the fandom on this, but it's how I do things, and I want to be upfront about that.
Transformative Works Policy:
If you wanna write fic or draw art inspired by my works, that's totally fine with me, just link back to the works that inspired you. I'm also fine with anyone wanting to podfic my works or translate them into other languages, as long as there's a link back to my original works.
You can find this in my AO3 profile as well.
Tags and Projects:
#spoilers - I'm (mostly) consistent in using the spoilers tag for any new eps or current streams I'm posting about so feel free to block that if you're not interested in knowing. I mostly use this for eps just released if I'm watching them then.
#fanfic - Fanfic posted on this account can be found under the fanfic tag. This does include stuff I've posted to AO3 as well, some of which is stuff I've edited and tidied up after posting it here.
#vex magic grimoire - If you're interested in the Vex Magic Grimoire, I have a tag for that where you can follow the progress of that grimoire. The concept behind it is that it's being written mostly by Pharaoh Cub in s7, with inputs from Scar, and it's exploring and explaining Vex magic and potions and a bunch of my Vex lore.
I have also started an archive for the grimoire pages over here at the Liber Vex archive. It's just simple links back to tumblr rn, but it'll be more of a full text archive in time. New pages will be updated there and I'll link this at the end of each new post as well, so keep an eye on that site if you want to keep up with all the lore.
#minecraft builds - All my minecraft screencaps and builds are housed under this tag. I play mostly java these days. I currently have two worlds I'm working on:
#villa hekatea - This is a Java solo world, seed -6478546301100136766. I mostly play this as survival, but it's become a bit of a crevival world, as sometimes I just don't have the energy to grind resources in survival, so I build in creative instead. It's its own personal mix of builds for particular gods, and just whatever else I want to do. Current project is a woodland mansion base near a mountain that I cannibalised for ores early on.
#hctcg smp - This is the Creo minecraft server, where I have a big desert base inspired by ancient Egypt as well as Pharaoh Cub and other things.
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Snowflake Challenge Day 1
First challenge is to update our information, so I'm using this post as a general update about me!
Transformative Works Policy: Hmm I've never actually made one of these before. I mainly write fanfic but also make some art. Anyone who is interested can make fanfics/fanart/other works of my fanfic/fanart! I'd love to see it; please show me! Also please link back to my work that it's based off of. I also love comments on my works!!
Current Passion: I have many. Within the past year I've really gotten into danmei fandom! (mainly mxtx and 2ha) I'm very excited about it but it's been difficult to find a friend group/break into servers that aren't tumblr. So if you're into it too, lmk! Also I've gotten back into lolita fashion in the past 2 years. My dream is to design/sew my own brand of dresses!! Maybe one day I'll get there and do very small releases.  I have so many ideas! I've posted some of my current coords here.  It's been so much fun and my local comm has been wonderful. I've met so many new and kind people!! It's been great because its so easy to meet and make friends in person!  Also still into bookbinding, pokemon, yoi
Where to Find Me: Well, I nuked my twitter. I've mainly been on tumblr recently and I hope to find the time to start posting on ao3 again. I'm also on pillowfort intermittently, but I feel more like I have to actually make something to post so it's more infrequent.
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snowflakechallenge · 2 years
Snowflake Challenge #1
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Introduction Post * Meet the Mods Post * Master Post on DW
Remember that there is no official deadline, so feel free to join in at any time, or go back and do challenges you've missed.
Some of the names you see here during Snowflake 2023 might be familiar, and some might be complete strangers. (Or, as we like to think of it, friends you haven’t met yet.) We’d like us all to take the first step towards making new friends with this first challenge, which has become our annual first challenge.
Challenge #1
In your own space, update your fandom information! Leave a comment in today’s post at The Fandom Snowflake Challenge on DW saying you did it. Include a link to your post if you feel comfortable doing so.
If you want some prompts for this challenge, simply copy-paste the form below and then fill in your information between the brackets:
Transformative Works Policy: [what is it, where is it posted]
Current Passion [not necessarily fandom or fannish, but anything that takes up your time and thoughts - e.g. knitting, interpretive dance, meta about a movie that doesn't exist, or you know, one that does]
Where to Find Me: [what platform do you use the most, or what platform do you use for different purposes?]
Master List: [for fic, for art, for recs, or anything else]
Anything Else: [anything else you'd like to include]
If you already have a sticky post or full bio on your profile, make sure they’re up to date so that people visiting your journal can learn something about you. Update your interests; make sure your fic posts are current; check that all your links work, etc. If you don’t already have a sticky post introducing yourself and your fandom interests, create one!
Some of your mods have already done this so that you can get an idea of the variety of ways you can fill this challenge: Tjs_whatnot’s updated DW sticky post; Tellshannon815’s updated DW sticky post; Spikedluv’s updated DW sticky post; Verhalen's updated sticky post; Seleneheart's post using the template above.
Check out the comments for all the awesome participants of the challenge and visit their journals/challenge responses to comment on their posts and cheer them on.
And just as a reminder: this is a low pressure, fun challenge. If you aren't comfortable doing a particular challenge, then don't. We aren't keeping track of who does what.
(If you want us to reblog your response here at our Tumblr, we’re tracking: snowflakechallenge2023.)
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snowflakechallenge · 2 years
Snowflake Challenge #2
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Introduction Post * Meet the Mods Post * Master Post on DW * Challenge #1
Remember that there is no official deadline, so feel free to join in at any time, or go back and do challenges you've missed.
Seems like we all spend a considerable chunk of our fandom time trying to convince loved ones, friends and total randos alike that our fave is in fact the best. This can take shape of anything from watch parties/read-alongs to capslock squee in DMs to relentless gifsets to PhD dissertations.
One of my favourite forms of this is the "fandom manifesto" or "fandom primer," wherein one writes up an outline of what their fave is, why it's great, and links to where one can find more (with more or less detail and formality, depending on the venue).
Challenge #2
In your own space, write a promo, manifesto or primer for your fave character, ship or fandom. Leave a comment in today’s post at The Fandom Snowflake Challenge on DW saying you did it. Include a link to your post if you feel comfortable doing so.
These can be as short or as long as you like! If you're looking for examples to inspire, check out Crack_van's Fandom Overview tag, meta_manifesto's AO3 Collection, or the "Fandom Promo" tag of your favourite fest.
Check out the comments for all the awesome participants of the challenge and visit their journals/challenge responses to comment on their posts and cheer them on.
And just as a reminder: this is a low pressure, fun challenge. If you aren't comfortable doing a particular challenge, then don't. We aren't keeping track of who does what.
(If you want us to reblog your response here at our Tumblr, we’re tracking: snowflakechallenge2023.)
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maluron · 2 years
help i have fallen down the Arcane hole and I can't get up (~500 words of "Ximena seeks out Viktor shortly post-Divorce" just because)
A strange figure made its way through the Undercity. Elderly woman, face set with purpose, bearing stately. Nobody really thought about mugging her—not out of pity: everyone down there knew at least of one example of a little grandma that was a survivor and would viciously fight back, not out of respect either: she hadn’t done anything yet to deserve it, but out some sense of reservation. She wore nice, rich clothing that screamed Topside but the hand that held her travel cloak close was half-flesh, half-shiny metallic, and when she spoke—very politely, to ask for directions to the Doctor who repaired people’s limbs’—her accent was not Piltie. Most Zaunites knew better than to just assume but one could easily make an educated guess. And nobody in their right mind would dare to butt their nose uninvited in The Machine Herald’s business, whatever business this old little lady had with him. So no mugging occured and rightful directions were given to that one house on Emberflit Alley. The wrought iron gate opened before her. "Mrs Talis. What are you doing here?" "Why Viktor, I believe it’s called a courtesy call. How have you been, my dear boy?" Courtesy goes both way and whatever the circumstances you do not let your (ex?) mother-in-law out on the porch. The Machine Herald stepped aside and let her in. He held no hostility toward her. But if she was to yell at him, better not the whole of Zaun to hear it. He and The Defender of Tomorrow would throw back and forth the worst insults and make a game of it, but to have Jayce’s Mother scold him? He would never live that down. "Mrs Talis, if you’re here on his behalf…" "Viktor. Please. no. I love my son dearly but we both know how what a subborn idiot he can be. No, I’m not here to plead with you to just take him back." Viktor gesturing for her to make herself at home in whatever corner of his workshop that would be hospitable enough. "I’ll get us some tea started." When in doubt and awkward social situations, tea was always a good answer. Fidegeting with kettle and hotplace and tea stuff gave him time to regain composure. And tea was nice. Ximena accepted the offered cup gracefully. Appreciated the warmth, the scent, the taste. Gave sincere thanks. And yet something stern remained in her eyes. No, something sad—worry remained in her eyes. "I know you both hurt each other deeply and that can’t get just… taken back and forgotten." (To say nothing of forgiven. Not matter how much they’d loved each other. Probably because they’d loved each other so much. That made the betrayal all the worst.) She reached for his hand, half-flesh meeting full-mechanic. "Now. I mean it. Tell me, cariño: how are you?"
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alexseanchai · 2 years
so my participation in @snowflakechallenge this year is apparently Mostly Not (I do have something in progress for challenge 4, at least?), but challenge 6 is easy enough:
In your own space, post the results of your fandom scavenger hunt.
1. A favorite character
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2. Something that makes you laugh
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3. A bookshelf
All the other images in this post have alt text, but the interesting part of shelfies is always the book titles and I ain't typing all that up.
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4. A game or hobby you enjoy
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5. Something you find comforting
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6. A TV show or movie you hope more people will watch
I... huh. Good question. I'm gonna go with the 1990s Sailor Moon in the VIZ dub, because of reasons. (Even if it does keep weirding me out that Luna and Artemis sound entirely unfamiliar, that is, entirely unlike the DiC/Cloverfield dub.) Close attention to 8 and 9 below will reveal one of my several reasons. 😸
7. A piece of clothing you love
my Seanan McGuire music shirts no longer fit 😭
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8. A thing from an old fandom
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9. A thing from a new fandom
Okay, this one's cheating a bit, because I as a Miraculous Ladybug fanficcer am Up To Something, but also I didn't name that character and this really explains a lot about kwagatamas:
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The Three Sacred Treasures (三種の神器, Sanshu no Jingi/Mikusa no Kamudakara) are the imperial regalia of Japan and consist of the sword Kusanagi no Tsurugi (草薙劍), the mirror Yata no Kagami (八咫鏡), and the jewel Yasakani no Magatama (八尺瓊勾玉). They represent the three primary virtues: valour (the sword), wisdom (the mirror), and benevolence (the jewel).
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maluron · 2 years
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@snowflakechallenge sent us on a scavenger hunt again!
Challenge #6 In your own space, post the results of your fandom scavenger hunt. Leave a comment in this post saying you did it. Include a link to your post if you feel comfortable doing so. Search in your current space, whether brick-and-mortar or digital. Post a picture or description of something that is or represents:
1. A favorite character: Howard McKenzie 2. Something that makes you laugh: my Peepoodo plushie 3. A bookshelf: have three shelves out of my several bookcases 4. A game or hobby you enjoy: knitting 5. Something you find comforting: look at my bed it has curtains and an unicorn bolster pillow 6. A TV show or movie you hope more people will watch: LastMan again 7. A piece of clothing you love: my Mars Express hoodie 8. A thing from an old fandom: I don't want to consider FMA an ~old~ fandom but... this CD case holding fansubbed episodes from... 15 years ago?? 9. A thing from a new fandom: my e-reader opened on my Arcane fic collection, I've downloaded already over 500
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snowflakechallenge · 2 years
Snowflake Challenge #3
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Introduction Post * Meet the Mods Post * Master Post on DW * Challenge #1 * Challenge #2
Remember that there is no official deadline, so feel free to join in at any time, or go back and do challenges you've missed.
Okay, hear me out… I know Snowflake is sunshine and rainbows and singing from the rooftops all the lovely and brilliant that is being in a fandom. But, let’s be honest. Sometimes–like with other things–there are sucky parts, heartbreak parts and just plain UGH parts. Rather than holding onto those slights and resentments, or burying them and pretending they don’t exist, just to have them slowly and almost imperceptibly seep into the rest of the challenges this month, why don’t we just let it all out?
Challenge #3
In your own space, Scream Into the Void. Get it all out. Leave a comment in today’s post at The Fandom Snowflake Challenge on DW saying you did it. Include a link to your post if you feel comfortable doing so.
For those of us who celebrate Festivus for the rest of us, this will be familiar. We call it “Airing of Grievances” and it is actually very satisfying, whether you do it tongue in cheek, get introspective or just literally scream.
Things to note with this challenge. Please do let readers know if you want or need words of encouragement or advice to make it better--some of us don’t, we just want to vent. Also, while we still totally encourage everyone to visit participants journals and spread the love and the cheer, do prepare yourself and don’t feel obligated to spend more time than is healthy for you in other people’s negative. It’s called a void for a reason.
Check out the comments for all the awesome participants of the challenge and visit their journals/challenge responses to comment on their posts and cheer them on.
And just as a reminder: this is a low pressure, fun challenge. If you aren't comfortable doing a particular challenge, then don't. We aren't keeping track of who does what.
(If you want us to reblog your response here at our Tumblr, we’re tracking: snowflakechallenge2023.)
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snowflakechallenge · 2 years
Akamine_chan created The Fandom Snowflake Challenge back in 2012 as a way to remind herself “why I loved fandom so much”. Over the years the challenge itself has come to mean a lot to many of us, so by way of introduction some of the mods for this year have written about what the snowflake_challenge means to them and why they are excited about it.
spikedluv: Hello to all returning and new Snowflakes! I love Snowflake and I’m thrilled to be part of the group bringing Snowflake to you again this year. The best thing about this challenge is that it reminds me of all the great things about fandom. The feeling of community. The comments and feedback. The squee that comes with discovering new fandoms and new fic and new friends. And while Snowflake only lasts for one month, these are things we can take with us into the rest of the year. As I’ve said previously, Snowflake has taught me that I need to be the change I want to see in fandom and gets me pumped up to go forth and be a more active participant.
seleneheart: I love Snowflake because it is such a marvelous way to start the New Year - to know that I''m not a lone voice crying out in the wilderness, that there's hundreds of people who love fandom and they are all right here! This is my fifth time to be a mod for Snowflake, and every single year I've come away with new friends, new ideas, and new connections with old friends. Some people I see all the time during the year, and some I see only during snowflake_challenge - all of you warm my soul. I can't wait to get started!
tellshannon815: This is my second year as a mod at Snowflake and I'm looking forward to getting to know more people, sharing the love of fandom, and generally brightening up January. Hope you all enjoy this year's Snowflake!
sparrow2000: Hi I'm sparrow2000 on LJ, DW and A03. I've made my fandom home in the Buffy 'verse for the last 20 odd (sometimes very odd!) years and it's where I write. I read in any fandom that catches my eye and I'm an avid reccer because I believe spreading the love keeps our fandoms alive. I've taken part in the snowflake challenge every year since 2014 and it never fails to energise my fandom joy. I'm thrilled to be helping out behind the scenes for the second year running and can't wait to see how everyone expresses their own fandom love this year.
tjs_whatnot: Hi! I thought I wasn't going to be able to commit to Snowflake this year, not as a mod, not as a participant. But then I looked through my journal and realized this would be my 10th year participating!! How could I not celebrate that? And if I were going to participate, how could I not volunteer (I've been doing that almost as long). The answer was, I couldn't. I need it to much. Need you all too much. Need to feed this pocket of my life too much. I miss it. I miss you all. LET'S DO THIS!
muccamukk: Mostly writes fic and reviews, usually in western media fandoms, and can never turn her back on a kink meme. She's been participating in the Snowflake Challenge off and on since year one, helping mod for the last four, and there still hasn't been any cake.
goddess47: Hi! I'm goddess47 -- on DW and everywhere else (AO3, LJ, Tumblr). My primary fandoms are Stargate Atlantis, Harry Potter, and Teen Wolf, but I've written in a handful of other fandoms and read in a huge bunch more. I've been working on Snowflake for four years now and enjoy how it gives me a great start to the new calendar year. After the holidays, Snowflake is an invigorating way to be involved in fandom and get to meet new people. I'm looking forward to seeing everyone!
turps: Hi, I'm Turps and I've been taking part in Snowflake since the very beginning. Last year I helped mod for the first time and enjoyed it so much I'm back again. I love this challenge. It gets my fannish year off to a great start, but what I love the most is how low-pressure it is. Some years I've managed to complete every challenge, and others only a couple. Sometimes I've done a challenge but not linked at the comm, and that's fine. I've made some good friends due to Snowflake Challenge, but also see and read posts from people I only see once a year, and I love that. It's like meeting old friends who I have a quick natter with before heading off into the virtual distance, and I'm looking forward to doing that again.
cornerofmadness: Hi I’m Cornerofmadness. I’ve been taking part in the Snowflake challenge for a few years now, helping out where I can. It’s such a fun start to the year. It’s a great way to get the creative juices going. The best part is, it’s low pressure. If you’re not feeling a challenge, there’s no need to finish that one. No time when a prompt comes up, that’s okay too. You can work them on your own time frame which is wonderful. I love seeing all the different fandoms and original works that come up occasionally. It’s fun showcasing my own fandoms as well. I’ve met new friends through this challenge. I’ve been in the fandom world since the 80s and I never tire of seeing all the creative energy fans bring with them. This challenge is a good way to tap into that energy, see what old friends are up to and find new ones.
misbegotten: I'm [personal profile] misbegotten / [archiveofourown.org profile] misbegotten I dabble in many media types, though Dark Shadows, Doctor Who, Star Trek, and Star Wars are my forever fandoms. Snowflake Challenge is a positive way to start the new year for those who find their happy place in fandom and I'm very pleased to be acting as a mod for the first time. Fandom has been my lifeline to sanity for as long as I can remember.
gillo: Hi, I'm gillo/GillO more or less everywhere. I'm returning to Snowflake after a gap and looking forward to making a few - or many - new friends. I write and read mostly in the Buffy the Vampire Slayer fandom, with a distinct bias towards Spike, but I enjoy many other fandoms. I'm British, live in the English Midlands and am an escaped/retired teacher of English and theatre, with a side obsession with Shakespeare and his contemporaries.
scribblemoose: Hi, I'm scribblemoose (DW, Twitter, Tumblr), and Snowflake is my favourite challenge (because it brings people together and is gentle to participate in) so I'm delighted to help out this year. My current fandoms are in K-pop (Tomorrow x Together and BTS among others) but I have a large collection including Merlin, Teen Wolf, various anime fandoms and gaming (Final Fantasy, Dragon Age etc.) I really love to see how varied fandom is, how full of amazing creative minds. I'm a Brit, born in London, based in Yorkshire, fanzine generation. Let the snow fall!
verhalen: Hi! I'm verhalen on DW and AO3. I'm not on other social media sites, DW is my home. My primary fandom is the Silmarillion but I've also written for Star Trek, Game of Thrones, and Father Ted. I also sometimes write o-fic. Additionally, I make fanart! I'm over 40, a queer trans man [he/him], chronically ill and disabled. I am owned by several cats and live in the midwest US. I enjoy how low-pressure Snowflake is, while still being a good way to make new friends and share things; I like the atmosphere of inclusivity as well. This is my first year at a mod and I'm happy to be helping out!
lilly_c: Hello all, I'm lilly_c and I've been in fandom for a long as I can remember. I've participated in Snowflake for a few years now and always had a ball. This is my third time helping out with Snowflake and I can't wait to see what we all come up with over the month.
As you can see the challenge means so many things to the mods, and to everyone who has participated before, and will hopefully also be meaningful to anyone joining us for the first time this year. You’ll find us all wading through comments, welcoming everyone, answering questions, keeping the peace, so if you need anything, don't hesitate to flag one of us down.
Tomorrow starts the first of the fandom challenges, so hope you all are ready for some fun times! Feel free to do any challenge that strikes your fancy (or all of them), or leave a comment on someone else’s challenge response at anytime.
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alexseanchai · 2 years
still haven't got the chronology stuff done or the Insta stuff incorporated but 🎉
(partly because the Insta stuff is all dated 2019–2020, and still has to fit into the rest of canon, which is dated ?? 2014–2017 ??)
this is for @snowflakechallenge 4, "add something to your fandom’s canon", and @marchmetamatters !
[meta] ML episode order (9691 words) by AlexSeanchai
Chapters: 3/?
Fandom: Miraculous Ladybug
Rating: General Audiences
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Additional Tags: Meta, Nonfiction, Fanwork Research & Reference Guides
Time flies like an arrow; fruit flies like a banana. Or, causality is not an oxymoron.
A suggested episode order for Miraculous Ladybug canon, with reasoning.
Chapter 1: First-watch order, spoiler-avoidant (with dates of upcoming episode premieres)
Chapter 2: Chronological order
Chapter 3: Episode order reasoning (assume spoilers for all aired-in-order episodes and all deuterocanon)
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snowflakechallenge · 2 years
Snowflake Challenge #6
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Introduction Post * Meet the Mods Post * Master Post on DW * Challenge #1 * Challenge #2 * Challenge #3 * Challenge #4 * Challenge #5
Remember that there is no official deadline, so feel free to join in at any time, or go back and do challenges you've missed.
Fans (and human beings in general!) accumulate stuff that reflects our interests. A scavenger hunt is a chance to share some of the things you enjoy with others and let them get to know you better.
When you find an item on the list, post a picture or a description of it or both. If you only post pictures, consider including alt text in your image code for the visually impaired or those who have images turned off. If you are using Dreamwidth hosting for your pictures, use the Short Description field to automatically include the alt code in your embed.
Interpret the items on the list as literally or creatively as you want and skip any you don't want to do!
Challenge #6
In your own space, post the results of your fandom scavenger hunt. Leave a comment in today’s post at The Fandom Snowflake Challenge on DW saying you did it. Include a link to your post if you feel comfortable doing so.
Search in your current space, whether brick-and-mortar or digital. Post a picture or description of something that is or represents:
1. A favorite character 2. Something that makes you laugh 3. A bookshelf 4. A game or hobby you enjoy 5. Something you find comforting 6. A TV show or movie you hope more people will watch 7. A piece of clothing you love 8. A thing from an old fandom 9. A thing from a new fandom
For examples of a fill, see the link to my entry in the comments.
Check out the comments for all the awesome participants of the challenge and visit their journals/challenge responses to comment on their posts and cheer them on.
And just as a reminder: this is a low pressure, fun challenge. If you aren't comfortable doing a particular challenge, then don't. We aren't keeping track of who does what.
(If you want us to reblog your response here at our Tumblr, we’re tracking: snowflakechallenge2023.)
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snowflakechallenge · 2 years
Snowflake Challenge - Friending Meme
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The post-Snowflake Friending Meme has been such a rousing success that we’ve made it a permanent fixture here at the Fandom Snowflake Challenge, so come and make some new friends!
Just copy and paste the template into a comment at the Friending Meme post; include as much or as little info about yourself as you want.
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