blankdblank · 7 years
Secret Scarves Pt 4
Warning - two paragraphs with mention of abuse, then the rest is good
Fluffy and funny with more flirting
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You were out on your walk and your memories flashed back to you, the feeling of the water pouring over you, the sound of the cheers as your head came up over the water, unable to see the other swimmers behind you frantically trying to catch you. The surge of adrenaline flowing through you as you climbed out of the water, knowing that you had won, seeing your parents jumping up in the stands, all the flashes of the cameras. Feeling the air trying to leave you as you felt the scars on your ribs start to burn, remembering the bat that had left them, shaking and forcing yourself to keep breathing you worked your way through that memory again, the same way you had done for the past eight years any time it popped up, now able to do it without even showing a flinch still wearing the small smile that the snowfall had brought.
 As you relaxed as the memory had passed you still heard the announcers, the screams from the crowd, feeling your coach wrap you in a tight hug, the only man besides your Uncle and Agent who tried to free you from your pain, making you feel safe for once, loved, free to breath on your own, form your own thoughts and opinions teaching you that they could not keep you forever. Your mind ran back to your training with Legolas, and the ache that had grown as you trained together, you hadn’t felt such a pull back to the pool before, needing it again, feeling the familiar burn of your muscles after a long trip to the gym, loving being back there again imagining being back again. For weeks now you had fought against the feelings, thinking you couldn’t just jump back in, but now you just had to try, unwilling to let your fear define you anymore. You pulled out your phone and dialed the familiar number and hit call.
 Halfway across town in the upper floors of the massive Gondorian Sports Agency building there was a board meeting going on, all of them trying to figure out what to do, their latest athlete they had represented had just gotten a second DUI and they were going to have to drop them as they refused to get help for their problems. Next year was an Olympic year, they needed a solution and fast,  Aragorn the young CEO had just covered his face with his hands grumbling to himself as he propped his elbows up on the table, trying to block out the loud talking filling the room around him. His hands stopped moving as he heard the ringing phone break through the voices, he lowered his hands and hit the intercom button, hearing his secretaries voice ring out, “Mr Estel, there’s a Miss Pear on line three for you.” The voices ceased as they heard your name, all of them looking at the intercom then to Aragorn in shock, as he drew in a deep breath, headed into his office across the hall taking a seat behind his desk and picked up the phone hitting the button for line three.
You felt another small smile on your face as you heard his voice, “Hello Aragorn. It’s been a long time.”
He leaned back in his chair with a small smile on his face again, “Yes, how have you been?”
His eyes were on the group of men watching through the glass walls from the meeting room still, “Good, excellent really since the last time I saw you.”
“Good, I’m glad to hear it, you’re still with your Uncle?”
“Yes, I’m attending his University, I’m actually graduating in May. That’s part of why I’m calling you.”
“Okay.” He gently started to press his teeth into the tip of his little finger to keep himself calm.
“I’ve actually been training a friend of mine, he’s on the swim team.”
“Your training someone? Thats excellent, is he any good?”
You giggled, “In his last semester we got him from 7th to 2nd place ranking, his team coach is trying to get him to try out for the National team.”
“You should send me his tape, I need a new athlete, and if you’re training him I want to see him. What’s his name?”
“Legolas Greenleaf, he’s got a page on the University Swim page.”
“I will look him up definitely.” As he typed the name into his computer, quickly finding his page, the first picture popping up being from his last meet with the medal around his neck and his arm around your neck, his mouth dropping at how much you’d changed.
“Still there?”
“Hmm? Oh yes, sorry just pulled up his page on my computer, his ranking looks good. You’ve certainly grown.”
You giggled, “Had to eventually, it has been eight years. That’s also part of the reason I called.”
He straightened up a bit in his chair, “Go on.”
“I was wondering if there was any way to start competing again, I know it’s been a while, and next year is just going to be a rocket aimed at the sun with the level of competition…”
He let out a chuckle, “I’ll make a call, we can have you back on the National Team by New Years. You are sure about this?”
“I’m stronger than I was then, and I want to know how I rank. I know the time gap will make it harder for me.”
“There certainly will be a lot of press about you coming back, are you ready for that?”
“I’m used to it, it’s my friends, I’m not sure how ready they will be for it, but it should die down soon enough. Easy enough to manage around them if they need their distance from it. But I know my Uncle and Cousins will be happy for me and stand by me through it as much as they can handle. Do you want me to send you a tape of me in the pool?”
“I’d rather see you at your training sessions, We’ll have to meet about the paperwork and about the new regulations.”
“Are you free for dinner tomorrow?”
His smile grew, “Yes, I will get you that try out and we can settle the rest tomorrow. Where do you want to meet?”
“Do you know the Carrock over by 22nd?”
“Yes, they have amazing steaks there, so is 6 good?”
“Sounds perfect.”
“I will see you then and we can talk it all out.”
“Good, Oh I’ll leave you my cell number, it’s _.”
He added it to his cellphone and gave you his before hanging up and rubbing his face again before he went back into the meeting room, “We have two new possible athletes, a Legolas Greenleaf and Jaqi Pear, who is wanting to get back in the pool, so we need to get on the phone and get her into the pool again, I’ll call the National Team myself.”
Grima, “Who is this Greenleaf person?”
“Jaqi has been training him, I’ve seen his stats and a few videos, I’ll handle him after we get her settled. He’s still only a Freshmen in College, plenty of time for him.” They all scrambled to their offices and got on the phone gathering information about what teams would take you and what competitions you would be able to compete in, especially if you were going to try for the Olympics again.
You felt your nerves settle as you hung up adding his cellphone number into your phone before slipping it back into your pocket, feeling better about trying out, but still anxious about how your group would handle the news.
Sat. Breakfast after the gym
 The guys were all in the locker room changing when Thorin looked over at Legolas curiously, “So, how did you get her to train you?”
Legolas smirked as he buckled his belt after zipping up his jeans, “We were both headed for the pool, I asked if she wanted someone to keep pace with, after we talked about swimming and we agreed that we would spot each other and pace each other in the pool when we ran into each other. After about a week we traded numbers so we could know when we couldn’t sleep.”
Thorin, “So you’re not paying her then?”
Legolas raised his eyebrow, in shock slightly at the ridiculous question, “No.”
Dwain nudged his Cousin, “So is she ever gonna compete again?”
Legolas smiled as he pulled his arms through his shirt, “She’s considering it. It’s been a while, it’s not something to take lightly.”
Thorin, “She’s obviously good enough for you to train with her, what’s to consider?”
Legolas, “Mostly the press about it, the Olympics are next year, the Women’s team has been in a slump for a few years, if she’s even at the same level she was at eight years ago she’d easily take first place on it, sending her back to the games again.”
Dwalin, “So they do a few interviews, maybe a few pictures, what’s the hard part?”
Boromir chuckled, “No, not just a few pictures, at her last games she was swarmed by cameras, she was at the top then she just stopped, there will be thousands wanting to know why. She’s not going to be invisible anymore, I know if she does call her Agent again they’ll be trying to get her face on as many products as they can.”
Thorin and Dwalin’s eyes went to the floor and Dwalin said, “So that’s what her life is going to be like then, just competitions and swarms of cameras?”
Boromir, “The cameras are mostly around the competitions, for the rest of the year it’s normal, a few autographs here and there, but Women’s swimming is different then Men’s, nowhere near the publicity.”
Thranduil, “Did you just expect her to just jump back in the water without having anyone notice?”
Thorin, “I didn’t think she’d be like a celebrity or anything with the swarms of cameras. You know more about this than I do, your kid is doing the same thing.”
 Making Thranduil smirk as he tied his shoes before standing again, “Just be supportive, she’ll need us behind her if she’s going to compete again.”
They grabbed their things and saw you waiting for them, with your hair pulled into a ponytail with your bangs hanging out again, earning a smile from the group as Legolas wrapped his arm around your shoulders again, and led you out to their car again. You caught the slightly jealous look from Thorin as Dwalin and Boromir both climbed into his car seeing you gently placed inside by Legolas after climbing into the back again.
 You all went to Denny’s choosing the round corner booth, settling you in-between Thranduil and Thorin again, both of them happily resting their hands on your lap as you all flipped through the menu’s. Each of you gave your orders as you caught Boromir’s smirk you asked, “What?”
He smirked, “Have you called yet?”
“Yesterday, he said he’s going to get me all the paperwork and regulations.”
Thorin glanced down at you feeling his nerves rising slightly, “So you’re going to compete again?”
You looked up at him, “I’m going to try out, see how I rank. If I do well then yes.”
Thorin forced a smile onto his face, “I’m sure you’ll be amazing.”
You all joked through the rest of the breakfast and then all climbing into your cars again, this time after a bit of snuggling in the booth he was happier at your parting, especially after you snuck in another squeeze as you passed him, but being too far for him to get you back when he turned.
 As you headed back you admired the smiles on their faces as they looked out the window and windshield, seeing their similar features, noticing the darker shade of hair on Legolas and the slight difference in in their noses and the obvious eye color difference, before just turning and watching the moonlight shining through the windows making Thranduil’s eyes sparkle before looking away through the windshield at the sparkling snow. Your mind trying to imagine the woman he had conceived with, remembering when Legolas had told you she had left them and hadn’t seen them since, wondering how anyone could have just left such an incredible Man and their child who was equally incredible. As you slid your finger tips along the nails on your other hand lost in thought you spotted Thranduil glancing at you, his smile growing as he looked you over, then back to the road and asking softly, “What’s that look for?”
“Just thinking.”
He nodded slightly, “Hmm.” As he grabbed your hand gently, raising it to his lips, gently kissing your knuckles as he stopped at a light, lowering it to the arm rest and folding his fingers between yours, as he started driving again, “About what?”
“I mentioned Legolas to my Agent.”
His eyes darted to you quickly as Legolas jerked his head eagerly towards you and leaned forward grabbing the sides of the seats in front of him, and asked, “Really?”
You chuckled as you looked between them, “I wasn’t sure if I should have said it earlier, though it’d be better with just you two.”
Thranduil, “What did he say?”
“I told him to look at the videos on the college sight, he’s looked over your rankings, the rest of the conversation was about me coming back but he was very interested that we were training together. I know he’d want to meet up with you both.”
Thranduil smirked, as Legolas spoke again, “He seemed impressed?”
“Yes, especially when he saw you’d jumped five spots in a few months. We made plans for a meeting and I’ll ask him more about you if you want.”
Legolas, “Ah, don’t worry about that now, you get yourself settled and then we can meet with him. I’m sure he won’t settle on anyone with just what’s on the college sight.”
Thranduil, “How long does he usually research his athletes?”
“At least a few weeks, if it helps he said he wants to watch one of my training sessions.”
Thranduil chuckled, “He’s going to check your skill level?”
“I think it’s more about seeing if I’m healthy enough, last time he saw me I wasn’t. He made sure to ask if I was still with my Uncle and if I was sure I was ready to get back into it.”
Legolas wrapped his arm around your shoulders hugging you, “Don’t worry, no matter what we’re with you.” Making you chuckle as he kissed your cheek, and pulling back as Thranduil pulled into their driveway again.
As he stopped he kissed your hand again before letting it go to shift the car into park, the three of you climbed out of the car as he popped the trunk, Legolas grabbed the bags handing his Fathers bag to him and shouldering yours before closing the trunk. You spotted your bag on his shoulder and went to reach for it as he avoided your grasp and wrapped his free arm around your shoulder leading you to the door as Thranduil unlocked the door smiling at you both as you got to the door.
 The three of your bags being dropped by the door as Thranduil locked it and hung up his coat, taking your coats as well before sliding his arm around your middle making you shiver slightly as Legolas placed his arm around your shoulders again saying, “Alright, time for the full tour.” You chuckled as they led you around the massive house enjoying their stories and being wrapped in their arms, especially at Thranduil who slid his hand gently over your side as they led you around. Legolas eagerly led you to his room showing you his poster of you and his trophies and medals he had won before leading the tour to his Father’s room where he conveniently left the two of you alone making you giggle again.
 Thranduil chuckled, “Not very subtle is he?” As he slid his arm tighter around your middle as you spotted the sunrise through the window leading to the small balcony, he led you to the window, releasing you and pulled his large armchair over to the window settling inside and pulling you into his lap as you giggled again as he wrapped his arms around you. You settled into his chest as you slid your fingers over his arms before giving him a kiss on the cheek and turning back to the sunset, relaxing as his chest rose and fell behind you. He kissed your cheek gently as he said, “That wasn’t all you were thinking in the car was it?” You tensed up a bit and he kissed your cheek again, “You can tell or ask me anything.” As he tightened his arms a bit making you relax.
“I was comparing how you and Legolas look.”
He chuckled, “Has he told you about his Mother?”
You sensed the slight sting in his voice as he said ‘Mother’, “He mentioned once that she left the two of you when he was little. I think he said it to make me feel a little bit better after I told him about my parents, so I wouldn’t feel alone I guess.”
He rested his chin on your shoulder as he took in another breath, “Lana Blaine, we met in middle school, she was a few grades above me, but we still rode the same bus, I was 14 when she got pregnant, she was 16 after he was born she kept leaving him with me, which I absolutely loved, as did my Mother, she graduated when she was 17 and wanted to go away to college but by that time she hadn’t seen Legolas in months and her parents refused to see him at all. So we talked about it and she left, when she turned 18 and got a job my parent’s lawyer started the paperwork for child support, so she signed away her rights.”
You rested your head against his, “But he must have been such an amazing child.”
He chuckled as he hugged you tighter, “He was, she just wasn’t ready or willing to have a child.”
“And she just hasn’t seen him since?”
“Not at all, I sent a few photos until she gave up her rights, she sent them back after.”
“That’s terrible.”
“Honestly with my Mother around when he was younger it helped, he had a Woman to fill the space. A bit harder after she passed, but it gave me chance to see a softer side to my Father.”
“He was hard on you?”
He chuckled, “He was hard on everyone, District Attorney, had very high standards. I was nervous he wouldn’t be happy with my job, but he was thrilled that I managed to get a job at such a great school. I was sure that I was going to get a lecture when I studied Art History, that it wasn’t serious enough a subject for him.” As he let out another quiet chuckle, you ran your fingers over his arms again as you chuckled, sliding them slightly under his sleeves, making his smile grow and he rolled both sleeves up to his elbows and wrapped them around you again.
  “He didn’t tell you about my parents?”
He glanced at you from the corner of his eye slightly nervous at your answer, “He mentioned that you stopped competing after they died, wouldn’t say anything else.”
“I was 14 when they died.”
His eyebrow perked up when you said 14, remembering the pictures of you on the podium, not able to pair your age with your appearance, “When I was little I loved to swim, and they quickly saw the profit in it, so they kept pushing me. Every competition, every meet they pushed and waited for the payout, so they would make sure that nothing went against their paycheck. Kept me out of school, made sure I didn’t talk unless they allowed it, controlled everything down to what I ate, when I slept. I tried everything I could to get away, but no one believed me but my coach, agent and Theoden.
 They kept calling CPS but my parents just kept insisting that I just wanted out of my training that day. So when I got into the Olympics I was set to be the biggest payday, nearly $10,000 per gold medal, so when I spoke with my agent I was happy to hear that for the money there was an option for a trust fund, I got him to slip the papers in convincing them that they would get the money faster.
So I won, 10, and a few weeks after the games I knew my Father was in a mood, they still hadn’t gotten the money yet so they called about it, and after he told my Mother they came after me. She held me down when my Father got the bat.” You felt his arms tighten again and his pulse jump up as he fought back a growl as he rested his mouth against your shoulder.
“The Neighbors heard me screaming and when the cops arrived and they had made it look like a botched break in, apparently my Father had gotten carried away and had hit her in the back of the head, she passed out a few hours later and died. When I woke up the next day the hospital called the police, they didn’t have any luck in finding the so called burglar so they wanted to hear if I had gotten any other details my parents missed. When they came in the room they were shocked when I told them who it was, until I told them where I hid the camera.” He lifted his head a little, squeezing you a bit tighter at the break in your voice. “My Mother had tied my Father up when they heard the cops coming, so ‘the Man who had fought so hard to free himself to save his family’ had lied to them, when they went to go arrest him they found him dead from an overdose. They called my Uncle, and because I was still a minor it was sealed, and thankfully I got to disappear, all the world ever found out was that my parents were dead and I was safe, mostly people just assumed it was from injuries from the break in. Thankfully the internet and media wasn’t like it is now.”
“Well it’s safe with me. Do you still have any pain from it?”
“My scars sometimes, but it’s mostly with flashbacks, but I’ve managed to get those down to once a year.”
“That’s good, not the pain but the drop I mean.”
You chuckled, “It took a lot of work, Boromir especially worked hard to pull me out of my box, it was his suggestion to get the tattoos.”
“He picked them?”
“No, just thought it might make me feel better about getting undressed around people, and with swimsuits. Took me a few years to pick the right ones.”
“They are beautiful.”
“Thank you. Do you have any?”
He chuckled, “I have a stag and a fawn on my back. I didn’t get a good look at yours.”
You chuckled as you pulled his arms off you, stood and raised the bottom of your shirt, making him swallow at your sudden stripping. He scooted closer as you turned to the side and gently slid his fingers over your side, finally noticing the thin white scars across your ribs that had been used as vines between flowers and accent lines, admiring the otter, then the jackalope and the olympic rings under it, noticing a larger number of scars on this side. He chuckled as his touch caused bumps to rise over your skin again, gently kissing your side and pulled your shirt back down around you whispering “Beautiful.”
 As he looked back up to you before standing and saying, “My turn.” As he pulled his shirt off by grabbing the back of it and pulling it over his head, smiling at you as he pushed his hair back and spotted your blush at seeing him shirtless just inches away from you before he turned to show you his sculpted back with the tattoo between his shoulder blades. You couldn’t get quite a good look at it so you climbed up on the chair making him chuckle as he saw it, turning again so you could inspect it, gasping slightly as your fingers touched his back tracing the line work, giving you a chance to see the bumps rise across his skin. He chuckled as you said, “Gorgeous, Big Leaf and Little Leaf.” And you kissed his shoulder before you rested your chin on it and caused him to shiver slightly as you slid your fingers around his middle hugging him.
“Big Leaf huh?” He leaned over and kissed your cheek whispering, “I like it.” As he slid his hands over yours.
You both heard a chuckling from the doorway, “I’m not interrupting anything am I?”
You both turned to see Legolas who snapped a picture of you both with a large smile on his face, Thranduil smiled at him, “I was showing her my tattoo.”
He nodded, “Uh huh, sure you were, and the hugging?”
You giggled, “If you want a hug Little Leaf all you have to so is ask.”
He chuckled, “Little Leaf?” As he walked over and hugged you both tightly getting a hug in return from his Father, as he pulled back he smiled up at his Father, “I guess that make you Big Leaf then. I like it. So what are your plans for today?” Looking at you as Thranduil did the same as he pulled his shirt back on.
“Eowyn asked if I’d drop by the coffee shop at noon and a dinner at 6, other than that I’m free.”
He turned and looked at the alarm clock on the table by the bed, “Six hours, should be enough time.”
Thranduil raised his eyebrow, “Enough time for what?”
Legolas smiled as he picked you up, “Home videos.” With a chuckle as he carried you off downstairs as his Father followed closely behind, chuckling as he was gently pushed into the couch and you were dropped into his lap with a chuckle. Legolas pushed the giant cushioned foot rest under his Father’s feet so you could stretch out and left to get the videos.
Thranduil chuckled as you settled between his legs as he wrapped his arms around you again, “You don’t have to watch these if you don’t want to.”
You chuckled as you snuggled closer into his chest, “And miss footage of you both growing up, never.” Kissing his cheek again.
Both turning as Legolas entered again, popping in the first video and snapping a picture of you three as he sat down, all smiling and he snuggled against you both, Thranduil removed his right arm and wrapped it around Legolas becoming a pillow for both of you, feeling his heart warm up as he saw Legolas snap a second picture of you three, not able to wait until he had printed it out and added it to their wall, hoping to sneak a copy for himself to keep with him.
The three of you snuggled and broke for snacks, sharing a few stories from your childhood as well, promising as they drove you home that you would have them over to watch your videos with your cousins and Uncle, receiving another round of hugs and kisses on the cheeks.
 You dropped your bag back in your room choosing to keep your same shirt on as it smelled like them, and quickly charged your phone before heading out to the coffee shop. As you entered you spotted Eowyn and Arwen behind the counter who happily popped back up straight as you crossed the empty coffee house.
Eowyn, “Jaqi, glad you’re here, how was your night with the Professor?” Shooting you a wink.
You rolled your eyes, “Why did you need me here?” Resting your elbows on the counter.
Arwen huffed, “Linda got fired, bumbling girl couldn’t count for change, and besides she couldn’t tell a cappuccino from an espresso.”
Eowyn, “So Lindir asked if you’d be alright with taking your old job back.”
You chuckled, “Alright, I can’t start tonight though.”
Both, “Ooooh, another date?”
“Not a date, just a dinner with my agent.”
Eowyn leaned across the counter, “If you weren’t on a date then why do you smell like you spent the night in a Man’s arms?”
You fought your smile, “I did, but it wasn’t a date.”
Both, “YOU DID WHAT?” Drawing the attention of the few people in the coffee shop making your face turn pink.
“I got invited to a movie marathon, I fell asleep between two of my professors, then went to the gym, then got invited to watch more movies with one of them at their house.”
Eowyn, “So you snuggled with TWO professors?”
Arwen, “Which ones? The ones that were here before with you?”
You giggled, “The brunette and the raven haired one.”
They both squealed happily, “Which one was the second time with?”
“The brunette.” They squealed again.
Arwen, “So you’re picking him then?”
You blushed again, “I..um..” and cleared your throat, “When do I have to start?”
Eowyn, “Tomorrow.” She leaned across the counter grabbing your hand gently slightly concerned at your pulling back, “Are you alright?”
“I’m nervous about starting swimming again, I’m not sure how they will all react to it all.”
They both nodded and Arwen said, “Well then I suppose we are just going to have to wait then.”
Eowyn, “Don’t worry, they won’t go running off, if they really know you then they’ll be stuck to you through it all.”
“Alright, well I guess I’ll head back home then.”
Arwen hopped up, “Let’s get your apron and shirt for you. I can’t wait to see the spike in the customers and tips.” Winking at you as she slipped into the back room.
Eowyn giggled, “We made sure to remind Lindir to double our supply orders, last time we had to shut down for three days, remember.”
You giggled, “Yes, if it wasn’t for that car nearly slamming into the front we would have had to turn the customers away ourselves.”
Arwen came back and dropped the apron on the counter and held the shirt up to your chest, testing the size, refolding it and setting it back down on the apron, “Just tight enough to show you off, don’t forget about the tight pants. My car needs some body work, and you are just what we need to raise the tips.” Making both of you giggle.
Eowyn, “Besides, you’ll get to see more of your teachers, they all come here everyday.”
As some customers entered Arwen told you to stop in at 10 for your shift the next morning and you headed back to the apartment to plan your outfit for the night.
You finally forced yourself into the shower, pulling out of your sweater leaving it across the bench at the foot of your bed, quickly showering and jumping into the task of drying yourself and your hair which always took nearly half an hour to dry. You pulled your hair up into a loose ponytail and flipped it through the middle pulling it back through and tightening it to hide the hair tie and brushing your bangs behind your left ear before applying your makeup, sticking to just simple eyeliner and some deep red lip-stain that doesn’t smudge and heading to your closet. Pulling on your sea foam green dress with sleeves that went down to your elbows that fit you tightly and went to your knees, pulling on your sheer stockings, hooking the straps to hold them up, adding a pair of your black heels and turned in the mirror smoothing your dress. You ran your fingers along the necklaces draping across your chest before adding another coat of sea foam nail polish to your nails. After that dried you filled your small bag and headed downstairs joining your Uncle who had agreed to drop you off on the way to his date with his girlfriend.
 You climbed out of the car as he stopped, he wished you luck as you closed the door, and you headed through the door that the teenager who worked there had opened for you, eyeing you over as you passed. You gave your name and settled into your seat, relaxing at the restaurant your Uncle brings you to often, the familiar setting easing your nerves, ordering a double shot of whiskey and a peach tea to follow, with two orders of steaks and grilled vegetables with mashed potatoes, bouncing your foot on your leg that was crossed over the other slightly noticing the few stares you had received as you slid your fingers over the bag on your lap. As your drink arrived you lifted it to sip on, before spotting Fili in the corner of the room staring at you intently next to his brother and a woman who looked eerily like Thorin who was currently trying to straighten Kili’s tie, before noticing the rest of the Durin clan and the Greenleaves following after, all of them noticing you as they took their seats, setting their jackets on the backs of their chairs and shooting you large smiles as they took their seats. The woman had noticed their stares and turned to look at you quickly asking Kili who you were and her gaze turned from a curious one to an intent hunting one as if she’d claimed you as her prey, Thorin had caught the gaze and had forced her back into her seat again and started a long argument that was only broken when he spotted you stand up.
 All of them eying your figure in your dress, seeing your full outfit as you smiled at the Man in a dark well tailored suit with a pale blue shirt and a silver tie with a bare tree shaped tie clip, with his dark hair brushed back and his short beard with sparkling blue-silvery eyes who froze as he spotted you. He swallowed as he forced a smile on his face taking a timid step forward and timidly kissed you on the cheek and pulled back resting his hands on your arms, “You.. look..incredible..”
You chuckled, “Thank You, I ordered us steaks.”
He chuckled as you both took your seats, giving you a chance to catch the intent gazes of the Men at the other table as you crossed your legs again settling back into your chair resting your bag back on your lap, as he chuckled nervously, trying to avoid eyeing your figure again, “Good.” Before ordering a double shot himself and a mango tea for after, watching as you finished the last of your shot and ordering a refill for you as well, as your empty glass was taken away you gave the table across the room another glance until he spoke again. “So, you should know, I got you a try out for the National team.”
You gave him a smile which made him swallow again, “Really, that fast?”
He took a sip of the drink that the waiter had just set down before him as you thanked him for your refill, then spoke again, “Well they were very excited when they heard you were wanting to come back again, there’s a list with over 100 teams on it that want you. We also got you the regulations and competitions that are coming up, all of them willing to offer you a spot to compete as long as you rank above 30th.”
You take a quick sip of your drink, “Should be easy enough.”
He chuckled, before taking another sip as you set your glass down, catching your gaze again, “You certainly look healthy, and a great deal happier.”
You nodded, “I am, it’s been a good 8 years, how have you been, I am sorry I wasn’t able to go to your Father’s funeral.”
He smiled as you finished your drink and reached for your tea the waiter had just brought, telling him thank you softly as you unwrapped your straw, dropping it in gently and took a quick sip, “Thank you, we didn’t really have one, he didn’t want one, just had a bonfire cookout in the Bahamas on his favorite beach and spread his ashes. Other than that it’s been good, I got the CEO position, the company has been doing well, how is your school going?”
You set your drink back down and laid your hand back on your bag, “Straight A’s, like I said before I graduate in May.”
“Any thoughts on work?”
You chuckled, “My Cousin offered me a job in his Company, writing short stories, editing other people’s work and even doing some cover art for them, and I start my old job at the coffee shop tomorrow.”
His smile grew again, “I’m glad you found a job to tide you through between competitions, and they’re supportive of your possible schedules?”
You nodded as your food arrived thanking the waiter again as you caught another gaze from the group, including the Woman whose eyes had yet to leave you no matter what Thorin or the other’s did, “The writing can be posted online, and my friends at the coffee shop will all cover my shifts if I need them to, I’m really just filling in until they find a replacement, unless I decide to stay for a while.”
You both started on your food when he said, “So tell me about this Legolas of yours.”
You smiled again, looking up at him as you swallowed, and started telling him about ‘Your Legolas’, watching his eyes light up as he listened intently as he ate. As he took over the conversation you ate your food and sipped on your drink.
  Dis, “She certainly is stunning.”
Thorin grunted in approval as he took another bite of his massive steak doing everything in his power not to stare at you.
Fili, “You should see her in blue.” With his eyes still fixed on you and the Man trying to ensure that he did not cross any lines.
Dis swallowed her mouthful and said, “So which one of you is claiming her?”
Thranduil and Legolas both froze mid bite and glanced at each other before continuing their chewing as Dwalin said, “Not your business Dis.”
Dis, “Now don’t be like that. I think Thorin, you should go after her, she doesn’t seem to be interested in him at all, and she keeps glancing over when he looks away.”
Thorin looked at his Sister fighting back a growl, “She’s looking over because you won’t stop staring.”
She glanced up at him with a stern gaze, “I’ll stop staring when one of you make your move.”
Dwalin stabbed his fork into his next piece of steak, “She’s our student Dis, that’s a line we can’t cross.”
Dis, “Well when does she graduate then?”
Dwalin, “May.”
Dis, “Then make your move then Dwalin.”
Dwalin, “I’m seeing her cousin.”
Dis rested her elbow on the table, “Really? Why wasn’t I informed of this?”
Dwalin, “Because who I drop my pants for is not your business, same for the rest of us.”
Dis rolled her eyes and nudged Thorin’s elbow receiving another small growl, “Now Thorin..”
Thorin growled out, “I’m not talking about this again, Dis. She’s off limits to all of us until May, especially you, Dis.”
Dis glanced up catching you excuse yourself for the restroom, as you stood the Men got a quick glimpse of the strap holding up your stockings making them thankful for the table cloth covering their laps as Dis snuck away as Thorin was distracted by your thighs, growling again as he spotted her entering the bathroom just before you, catching your stunned reaction as the door shut.
  As you entered the door you spotted the Woman from across the dining room waiting for you standing just behind the door waiting for you in a stunning blue dress with her hair wrapped up in a tight bun who appeared nearly Thorin’s height in her short heels, you forced out a smile as she smiled and said, “Jaqi Pear, it’s good to finally meet you.”
You let out a nervous chuckle, “I’m guessing you’re Thorin’s sister, Dis.”
She smiled again, “I’m glad to hear you’ve heard of me. I would think that the boys would have avoided speaking about me altogether by how they’ve been hiding you.”
You chuckled again as you said, “I really have to pee.” As you slipped past her into one of the stalls, hearing her turn on a faucet as you handled your business and came back out to wash your hands and dry them. She turned to you holding out a slip of paper, “This is our Family home adress, we are throwing a New Years Dinner Party, I would love it if you would attend.”
You gently took the paper and nodded as she slipped out of the bathroom, groaning a little as you took another deep breath before stepping out, pausing as you saw Fili on the other side of the door.
  Fili smiled slightly as his eyes slid over you, “Sorry, tried to stop her, we wouldn’t have brought her here is we’d have know that you were going to be here.” The last few words coming out in a slight grumble.
You smiled, “I’m still breathing, so no harm done. She did invite me to New Years though.”
His eyebrow rose, “Are you coming then?”
“I’ll think about it, I’m not sure what my Uncle and Cousins are doing, if I’m free I will.”
He rubbed the back of his neck, “Well, I should let you get back.” As he quietly headed back to the table, quietly confirming that Dis had in-fact invited you to the New Years Party, the men relaxing, watching again as you slipped back into your seat.
As you both finished your dinner he paid for it all and he kissed your cheek as he left, setting a stack of papers out for you on the bag on your lap discreetly, which you slipped into your bag, as the waiter brought your dessert which you happily ate still eyeing the Men who seemed to grow more irritated by the minute.
  As they watched him leave Dwalin let out a grunt startling the table behind them, “He’s just leaving her here.”
Ori nodded, “At least he paid though.”
The Durins started leaving a few at a time watching as you pulled out your money, Thorin had slipped over dropping some money on the table, smiling at you gently with his sparkling eyes, “Allow me, your date left you here alone?”
You smiled as you slipped your money back in your bag, “It wasn’t a date, and he had to get back to work.”
His eyes lit up as you said it wasn’t a date, “Do you need a ride?”
Your eyes slid over to the emptying table, “You sure you’ll have room?” With a slight smirk.
He chuckled as he offered you his hand, which you accepted and climbed back to your feet, “I’ll throw the boys in the trunk if I have to, Dis is riding with Dwalin and Balin.”
You chuckled as he led you to the door, wrapping your hand under his arm as you got a friendly smile from Thranduil and Legolas who were climbing in their car as Thorin led you to the car being warmed up by his Nephews. As Kili spotted you he jumped out of the front seat and climbed into the back and Thorin opened the door for you and waited as you climbed inside, smirking as he caught the strap of your stocking slip into view as you sat down, before you covered it again. He walked around and climbed in catching a glimpse of Dis watching from the car that was leaving the parking lot, seeing her grabbing Dwalin’s shoulder as she pointed at you before heading back to your place.
Kili leaned forward, “So where’d you find that guy?”
You chuckled, “He’s an old friend.”
Fili leaned against his brother into your view, “So it wasn’t a date?”
“No, not a date.”
Kili smirked, “You met Mother, what did you think?”
You spotted Thorin’s shoulders tense as he remembered him letting her slip past him, “She’s gorgeous, certainly seems to have the Durin looks, I suppose. She’s taller than me, but that’s not uncommon though.”
Thorin, “I’m sorry she slipped past me, don’t feel obligated to come to the party if you don’t want to.”
You giggled, “It wasn’t that bad, not like she ran in there and threw me against the wall or anything.”
Fili, “Wouldn’t put it past her though.”
Kili chuckled, “Ya, she’s set on hooking you to one of us.”
Both, “Mostly Uncle Thorin though.”
Making you giggle again as he grumbled, you caught him glancing at your legs again, admiring how long they looked with your heels on, catching the edge of the thigh highs you had on as your skirt bunched around your thighs eying them hungrily as he fought back another growl at his sister’s antics, you said, “You weren’t kidding then?”
Making his eyes dart up to yours quickly then back to the road, “No I wasn’t”
“So who all is going to be at the party?”
Thorin, “Most of the Durin clan.”
Kili, “And my Tauri.” he blurted out lovingly
Fili, “And I think Boromir is coming as well, along with Ori’s girlfriend.”
You giggled again as a smile slid across your face, “So does your Family all look like the Durin’s I’ve already met, because I’m not sure I can manage a night with a room full of people looking like you all.”
Thorin finally smiled again as he glanced over at you, “Then perhaps it’s best you don’t attend.”
You rolled your eyes and looked out the window next to you as you fought the urge to groan at the thought of a room full of Thorins all watching you with those same piercing eyes, he caught another glimpse of you as you licked your bottom lip still admiring the shade of red that you had on, wondering how you’d managed the night without it smudging, his mind racing at the thought of what he would have you do with those lips of yours to test the endurance of it.
 As you reached your apartment he got out as you did leaving it running for his Nephews and quickly walking over to join you on the other side and shutting the door for you with a smile.
“You look incredible tonight.”
“Thank you, as do you, and thank you for the ride.”
He smiled down at you speaking in an authoritative growl, “He should have made sure you had one.”
You smirked up at him, “Eowyn agreed to get me on her way back, even if she hadn’t, I have money, and I’m sure with the entire table of you all, there would have been one of you willing to drop me off.”
He smiled again as his eyes slid over you again catching the bumps rise over your skin, “We certainly wouldn’t have let you stay there alone. You should get inside before you freeze. I will see you on Tuesday, we are still on for coffee?” Raising his eyebrows a little.
You smiled again, “Yes, unless you cancel.”
His smirk came back as he leaned in to kiss your cheek, whispering in his low gravely voice, “There’s no risk of that ever happening.” Choosing to gently kiss your cheek again before slowly sliding his hand over the center of your back making the bumps rise across your skin again and making you want to melt into his touch, walking you to the door and opening it for you, “Oh, if you’d like, wear something comfortable, thought we might get in a movie after if you want.”
You smiled up at him making his heart skip as you twisted slightly in a small circle on one foot, resting the other behind you on the toe, “Sounds good, whatever you pick will be good.”
He smiled again as he nodded, “Goodnight.” As he turned and headed back to the car, glimpsing back to see your dress bouncing around you as you headed for the elevator.
 When he climbed back in Kili was back in the passenger seat as Fili leaned over the arm rest both looking at him with huge grins, he raised his eyebrow as his face went stern, “What?”
Both, “So when’s the date?”
He rolled his eyes, “We made plans a week ago for coffee.”
Both, “Ah.”
He raised his finger, pointing it at both of them, “No mention of this to your Mother, it’s not a date, and I don’t need her scaring her off.”
They both chuckled as they pulled back into their seats and buckled in, “Sure Uncle.”
Pt 5
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