#So I'm trying to do a proper lineup now. This will be my first proper full body drawings of them :3
galactichelium · 9 months
Very unfortunate that I am a very slow drawer because I am also very impatient. Why must it take 1 million years for my drawings to manifest
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gluedwithgold · 7 months
Agent of Chaos AU lineup Pt 1: Cult of Chaos
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This is the MAIN main cast of the AoC AU (Yes Leshy is in the main cast but he isn't visibly present most of the time). Agares, Valefar, Amdusias, and Barbatos are the last remaining followers of Leshy before his imprisonment, I like to call them the Og four. After Fawn took on the crown and role of chaos god, these four became their babysitters and have been helping Fawn rebuild the cult of chaos.
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Agares is the oldest out of the four and was Leshy's first truly devoted follower. The imprisonment of his god hit Agares hard, he has become a lot more closed off towards the others and ESPECIALLY dismissive towards Fawn, seeing them as a false idol and trying to replace his precious Leshy.
Valefar is the mom of the group (and my personal favorite), she is the glue that keeps the group together as well as keeps their cult together. Originally she was a follower of Heket but left the old faith to join Leshy. Valefar is a strong, confident woman and I reaaally enjoy drawing her!
Amdusias has no braincells. Their head is completely empty and their character in this Au is entirely based on my own experience with them while playing cotl. Am always has a smile on their face and is always ready to go along with whatever shenanigans Fawn comes up with.
Barbatos is silent, being almost completely mute and speaks either through sign language or through the chattering of their head teeth. No one really knows where Barb came from but they are rocking with us so we are rocking with them. Barb and Am are besties and it's usually Barbs job to make sure Am and Fawn don't do anything tooo stupid and reckless.
And lastly, Fawn. Harbinger of chaos and vessel of the green crown. They are the definition of a wild child and the perfect successor to Leshy! I am a big fan of the "cute but dangerous" characters and being a young deer, Fawn is often underestimated and isn't perceived to be a threat by others. Thats all I'm going to say about them right now...
Some notes I didnt know how else to incorporate:
Witness Agares, He/him, 8'ft tall, Old man, Demonic bug
Valefar, She/her, 7'2ft tall, Adult, Bag worm
Amdusias, They/them, 5'7ft tall, Young adult, Chaser worm
Barbatos, They/them, 5'3ft tall, Young adult, Bobbit worm
Fawn, They/them, 4'ft tall, A child/pre-teen, Fallow deer
(When I find the proper credit for Fawn's pose I will put it here. I love Pinterest but HATE how pretty much no one is ever credited!)
Character lineups:
Cult of Chaos Pt 1 (here)
Court of The Red Crown Pt 1
Court of The Red Crown Pt 2
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artazura · 18 days
Heya! You probably don't know me, but if you do then hey! So I've been working on a Homestuck Lineup for a few months now and I'm happy to announce that it's finally done! This is a huge project for me and I've definitely struggled on certain parts and though it may not all be perfect in certain parts, it's the fact that I managed to finish this. So I hope you guys enjoy looking at my silly Homestuck OCs lmao
I'll be posting these in 3 posts, The Kids and then the 2 halves of the trolls
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Temi Temira
She could probably tell you what's poisonous or not just by looking at it
Well this ere' thing is lookin'like a true diamond in th' rough!
Surprisingly good at Tetris
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Ankr Kvetch
He smells of Angst, EDGE and Axe body spray
Clearly you don't have what it takes to comprehend my superior speech.
He doesn't need friends, they disappoint him (Lies.)
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Alex Forzan
Absolutely will play Staircase to Heaven on command
She owns at least 50+ guitar picks
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Casy Mattyr
He's trying his best
today i got to eat a proper sandwich! it uh, was a bit moldy though
He's read so many books he could put a library to shame
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Saii Acumen
Gonna beat you with her shovel and dig your grave in the same swing
Staying comfy is basically the meaning of life if you think about it.
She'd probably get lost and show up when needed the most
Other posts here!
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phyriaxi · 1 year
Sketchbook Post! [ 1 ]
Welcome to my first sketchbook doodle dump!
I ended up having a bunch more drawings to share than I initially assumed, so I wanted to include some of my thoughts as well! This post will be quite a bit longer than usual :] thanks for stopping by!
NEW UNIVERSE (personal project work)
Sketches from life
Fanart (there's a lot of Arknights)
A couple of mini-comic sketches
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NEW UNIVERSE // character explorations and other doodles from my personal project!
I haven't really talked about it here, but for the past couple of years I've been working on an original story in my free time! The image above is a quick lineup of the main cast that I doodled while waiting at the station. Progress is slow, but the placeholder name is "NEW UNIVERSE", and I'm currently working on developing the stories for my characters and their origins!
(yes, i draw a lot of Arknights fanart ... but I do have some original work too LOL)
A couple characters you may have already seen are Lyda Khatra (the white-haired girl with bows in her hair) and Maria Serval (the lady who has horns and is usually smirking). They appear many times in my sketchbook, alongside many other characters that I'll try to introduce~
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[ Clockwise from the top-left: Sara, Lyda Khatra, Kiron Schiavona, Red-Eye, Iris Serramount (2) ]
I recently found an old pack of red pencil leads prior to this page, so its purpose is mostly to test the material and less about the characters. But a bunch of them are on here, so I suppose it's a good chance to talk about them a bit :)
>> Sara, the top-left character drawn in light red pencil, is a young Verlin adult (note: Verlin are basically the in-universe demon people, and they're the counterpart to the angel-like Zaurites... it doesn't really give them powers or anything, I just wanted characters with horns and halos lol). She's pretty aloof and was originally a scout for the Blackbird Syndicate, one of the three power-holding entities currently in control of the (tentatively-named) city of Midria. However, she was quite terrible at her job, and they eventually realized that Sara enjoyed making/maintaining records of Midria's various fauna and cryptids. She is often followed around by a trio of little eyeball creatures :D
>> Lyda Khatra is the next character here, whom I've drawn a couple times before and posted here. In short, she's an agent for a security company known as WALTZ, which is in turn a subsidiary/cover of a group called The Styx. On missions, she partners with a boy named Sasha, but due to his unique condition (which I'm still expanding on, so I won't explain it here), she is often outcast by other WALTZ members and nicknamed "Miss Mortician". Truthfully, Lyda is just a child who ran from home, who believes that she won't ever have to acknowledge her fears if she can delude herself enough.
>> Following Lyda is Kiron Schiavona. He's a prodigy marksman who was discovered by one of the Administration's commanders, Elena Sparrow. He takes pride in his abilities, but for whatever reason, Elena has rarely assigned him to any proper missions.
>> Red-Eye is up next, in her usual twin-tailed hairstyle. She is from the Blackbird Syndicate's courier department, which is pretty much the city's only remaining postal/courier system. As a highly capable messenger, she and fellow courier Orion take on many high-priority delivery, retrieval, and escort missions. (additional note: I used to draw her with only one red eye, but somehow the heterochromia felt boring after a while, so both her eyes are usually red now. But either is fine)
>> Last on this page is Iris Serramount. Her story continues to be revised and rewritten, so there's not much I can say about her yet (except that she's 19, which is a fact that has stuck throughout most of her iterations).
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Some other characters that I don't draw as often include Myra ("Malady"), Seremi and William Khatra (Lyda's older siblings who work for the Administration), and to a lesser extent, Maria Serval. Red-Eye's coworker/partner Orion doesn't get much time in the spotlight either :P
The following group of images includes a bunch of their sketches. Seremi is the one with the chin-length messy hair + a cape. She and Maria have a lot of history, and the two of them still work in the same division to this day. Myra/Malady is the one with the choppy hair, holding a chain-scythe in the third (?) image. Her original concept had her as a cowardly clairvoyant trying to take back her life for herself, but the clairvoyance isn't really relevant to the story anymore. Orion is in the last image.
(Yes, I did draw Arknights' Lappland with my Maria Serval in the first one. I'm a big fan of their 'shit-eating grin' energy lol)
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Sketches from/inspired by life // quick studies of people and places, often at the park
I'm lucky to live near many wonderful parks and greenspaces, which gives me a lot of opportunities to people-watch and draw from life. Admittedly, I only started taking advantage of this recently, but I'm glad to have started late rather than never :]
Also, I have access to this really awesome roof, which I take inspiration from in a couple of these drawings. It's in a pretty industrial but under-maintained area, but luckily that means there are lots of rusty pipes, worn bricks, and random metal gadgets that really scratch my aesthetic itch!! I hope to incorporate more of that visual feeling into my artwork going forward.
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FANART DOODLES // unsurprisingly, it's mostly Arknights
This is probably the content you're the most familiar with, albeit in a different style than usual. At this point, Lappland is my warm-up and passtime go-to, so she shows up a lot. I also drew Asuka from Evangelion the other day, and I really like how that sketch turned out!
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MINI-COMICS // doodles of scenes that popped into my head
I'm terrible at writing, especially when it comes to stories, so these are probably mediocre at best. But I hope to publish NEW UNIVERSE as a comic/manga-styled story eventually, so you could say these are just my first steps, hehe :]
1: Red-Eye and Courier receive an unconventional request
2: Commander Sparrow introduces Kiron to his new squad members, the Raptors (featuring Maria Serval being very snarky)
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That'll conclude this sketchbook post! If you've read this far: I know this was a REALLY long post, but I hope it was enjoyable! I'd love to hear your thoughts and feedback!
There are a couple more drawings that I'm quite fond of, but unfortunately I've now hit the image limit for a tumblr post. Maybe I'll save them for next time :] I hope to make more posts like this in the future when I have the time. Usually the stuff in my sketchbook stays in there forever and I never share it with anyone (nor do I often take the time to look back and think about it), so this was a lot of fun for me!
>> Oh, and lastly, thank you very much for nearly 500 followers!! <3
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bcatdfox · 2 months
The Road to 'Road to Kingdom 2: Electric Boogaloo' [RTK2 #1]
The time has come, my friends. 'Road to Kingdom 2' is coming, set to start airing in September (as far as I know, there's no specific date yet). At this point in time, I'm planning on watching the entire series and, after running a poll on my twitter, I will be (attempting) both livetweeting my reactions to the episodes, as well as posting full recaps and thought posts here on tumblr.
Why, you may ask? Well, first of all, I'm an absolute survival show junkie. I don't necessarily watch all of them (because there are so very many of them) but I try to watch as many as I can. Secondly, I am actively part of the performing arts community, from musical theatre to concert band to choir to dance to drama - and I enjoy engaging with things in that area. And thirdly, I'm very opinionated and I enjoy hearing myself talk, lol. So instead of terrorising my various group chats, I'm just going to get all my thoughts out there into the void.
Anyway, with that out of the way, here's what we know so far. Taemin is going to be the MC (so fun), and the official lineup of participating groups is Oneus, Cravity, Tempest, Younite, The New Six, 8TURN, and The CrewOne. Mnet have already announced that, unlike the first season of RTK, this season is no longer for smaller/unknown groups with no music show wins and will not be a precursor to 'Kingdom' proper; the prize for the winning group does not include a spot on that show, apparently. This show is effectively going to be a whole different show from the original RTK, just using the same name, which... why bother? Just give it a new name, then, instead of piggybacking off one of your existing IPs, Mnet. Removing the ticket onto Kingdom element thoroughly defeats the purpose of the show, in my opinion, but hey, since when has Mnet ever cared about doing stuff logically. I could say something about 'Build Up' and how that was handled both during and after the show, but I digress.
Due to it not being the same show as the original season, there's not a lot that can currently be predicted about how it might run, what sort of challenges the groups will face, or how any of the rounds will be conducted. The only thought I currently have is that an uneven number of groups (to me) is implying potential eliminations, which I'm not thrilled about. I'm still traumatised by Golden Child's elimination on the original season, and I'm not likely to be getting over that any time soon.
Now, onto the actual groups. I'm actively a fan of two of the groups (Cravity and Oneus), a casual listener of one other (Tempest), and am only tangentially aware of the other four groups. So, leading up to the start of the show, I'll be making a few intro posts to the groups with my first impressions and thoughts on them as they stand, to see if the competition affects those impressions (I could come out of this with a new stanlist...). If anyone has any MV recommendations for 8TURN, TNX, ATBO/Justb (The CrewOne), or Younite, please feel free to drop them here or reply to me on twitter or whatever.
Pre-voting opened today (July 22) and will run until 12:00pm KST on July 26. As far as we know, the group that wins the most votes during this time will receive some sort of benefit when the show starts. The groups also seem to have started preparing for the first round (most likely will be some sort of introductory performance) if the posts I've seen on SNS are anything to go by. If you want to join in the voting, you just need to download the Mnet Plus app and create an account.
I think that's all I have to say, I'll be back over the next few days as I get to know the rest of the groups on the show. For now, happy voting, and I'll see you all in September for the airing of the first episode!
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lamonnaie · 5 months
hi!!!! gmmtv part 2 is happening soon so i wanted to ask you a few questions :)
what kind of shows are you expecting?? what kind of shows so you want to see??? which couples do you want to get a show and which couple do you think will get one??? is there anything you don’t want to see at all???
sorry anon this has been sitting in my inbox for over a month, but it's gmmtv24 p2 eve so i'm finally getting around to answering it :)
ngl i haven't been super up to date on gmmtv stuff lately + a lot of my favourite actors aren't in the lineup which is kinda sad :(
NEVERTHELESS, let us proceed with the fun stuff hehehe
Based off what artists have leaked + reddit detectives + my general delusions: (first 5 with asterisks are ones i'm extra excited for!!! :D)
**firstkhao mafia romcom directed by p'jojo - fk have a series confirmed by khao himself, and all their interactions with p'jojo ever since that first sus ig story makes this one almost 100% confirmed for me (maybe not all the details exactly, but fk with p'jojo at the very least).
**estwilliam cp debut - ALL THE DETECTIVE WORK HAS CONVINCED ME, after greatinn and thorfluke were successfully sussed out before part 1, i have faith that this is gonna come true too 🙏
**KRISTSINGTO COMEBACK - YOU DON'T JUST BRING BACK SINGTO WITHOUT EVERYONE CALLING FOR THIS and there's nothing gmmtv loves more than the big bucks so we all know this is happening 😌
**bounprem's vampire project reannounced (possibly with a new trailer) - i think this one's a given and probably why bp will be there. i'm not sure how long this whole sws gmmtv overhaul has been in the works for, so i dont know whether they'd have filmed a new trailer or not, but i'm expecting some more gmmtv artists to be added to the cast as well.
**new perthchimon bl - i hate myself for not staying up to date enough on perthchimon news lately😭 but i swear someone somewhere strongly hinted at it ???
new joongdunk bl (more adult setting??) - again, i swear i saw someone somewhere confirming/hinting at this, but idk
At least 1 more gl announced - 23.5 is going pretty well and i think they're gonna keep trying it out (emibonnie? viewjune? janjane?)
lego lykn's acting debut + mark pakin main role - As confirmed by the people themselves in livestreams (just grouping them together for shits and giggles lol) also leads me to think some of the other lykn members might dip into acting? 👀
gemini in a het series (with prim or a newbie) - definitely expecting non-bl works for both gemini and fourth, and i've been seeing stuff about geminiprim?? 👀
perthchimon non-school bl directed by p'aof - i will happily take them in whatever capacity we get but i'd love to see them with p'aof in a more mature setting + with a solid good plot
perth in a bl with a different cp partner - i love perthchimon and i love dangerous romance with all my heart, but i also love mixing and matching all the blorbos and i'd love to see perth opposite some others (gmmtv would give us ohmperth if they weren't cowards)
more plot-heavy bls where romance isn't necessarily the main thing - i want to see some less tropey works, where the non-romance plot is more the main focus of the the show
midnight museums s2 - this is not in a million years happening, but a girl can dream 😭😭
dark romance/something more gritty - honestly thing gmmtv does best with their lighter shows, which is why i think it'd be interesting to see them branch out a bit more
another bounprem bl 🤪 - this probably wouldn't have even happened before the gmmtv switch, and don't think it's gonna happen now, but bp are my day 1s and i'm always gonna root for them, solo or together 🥹🥹💞
sports bl !!!! - i've been on a sports drama kick lately, and gmmtv has plenty of sporty people, so make it happen!!
a proper enemies to lovers bl (WITHOUT a childhood meeting reveal) - i need them to truly DESPISE each other's guts before they get together
heartliming spinoff 🫡 - geminifourth's best work imo and i don't think anything will ever beat it for me <3 it would make for such a good show if it's executed well (i have full faith in gem4th and p'aof), it's been too long now, but i would actually die if this happened
a platonic friendship-based show - i just wanna see a really good friendship group (which we can make gay in the headcanons anyway lol) and put them in situations, whether it be crime fighting, trouble making or anything in between honestly
be gay do crime - need i say more? (why are half of my wishes lowkey the same thing reworded 💀)
I think that's all i have in mind (for now). Happy gmmtv24 part 2 everyone !!!! <33
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lgcsaem · 5 months
✰ … I'M FINE AND YOU? brushing up on their korean ( ft. @lgcxjasper ).
misaki has never been a good study, the act of needing to sit still and force information into his brain often the cause for shakey, impatient legs and the huffiest, puffiest sighs of boredom imaginable. he's not a thinker, he's a doer, but right now, everything he needed to do involved rather laborious thought, languages jumbling in his already rather hectic brain. his korean isn't bad, not by any means ( living in korea these last few years have done wonders in furthering his grasp on the language thanks to heavy immersion and practical, day-to-day growth ), it's just not up to the standard the company would like for it to be at.
well, misaki had first thought, at least jasper is here too!
jasper, one of the new potential additions to nknds lineup, someone misaki didn't know incredibly well but would know soon enough. for the foreseeable future, they're meant to spend a lot of time together, now even more so thanks to this bootcamp, so misaki sees no harm in diving headfirst when it comes to breaking the ice. even now, sat together during class as their coach watches on, misaki decides to try livening things up so as to both not fall asleep and get jasper engaged. "hello, my name is misaki, but you can call me . . . saem!" this is probably the most proper misaki has ever spoken in korean, but he's just as loud as usual. "what is your name?"
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crystalelemental · 8 months
"books-are-my-life-stuff: And it's not like Rapidash is anything better either (it takes a long time to evolve and its movesets are pretty boring save for Megahorn and Poison Jab from Move Reminder), but it's the only Fire-type option for non-Infernape users that doesn't need super late game TMs to be able to function as a proper Fire-type mon.
Gen 4 is great story and design-wise, but the Pokemon lineup and movesets are…very lacking, something that I didn't notice until I replayed a few times, trying to use different team and different starters, only to end up with mostly the same ones again."
I don't remember ever running a Rapidash all the way through a game, but yeah, late level evolution is kinda rough, though Ponyta has really good BST for a pre-evo in compensation. It's not as bad as like...pretty much anything in Gen 5, if we're being honest. Like yeah okay, Deino, you can evolve post-League if you really want to buddy.
I think it's also the issue of...game structure. Like okay, let's say you're doing what I'm doing, and running some slow Pokemon, like Gastrodon and Lickilicky. Your life is now miserable, compared to someone running Floatzel and Lopunny. You're slow, so you take more hits, and if you even get recovery moves, they come in super late, so you're using a lot of Potions, and you can never really travel around with them in the lead slot because they're slow so you can't run from anything and get stuck in even more battles that land even more damage on you. Back when money was a lot harder to manage, this was difficult to justify. So on top of the moveset issues, you now have money issues as you stock up on more healing items so you can make progress without stopping at the center every other encounter, and what felt like a really fun game the first time through because you ran some good sweepers and just shitstomped things, becomes a tedious slog of trying to level this slow, lumbering shit. It's less engaging, and more effort, for reward you could achieve much easier any other way. While people complained about the Gen 5 habit of healing your team constantly, it objectively made using slower Pokemon better. It's purely an improvement.
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papersparrows · 2 years
🦋 Wanderland Day 1 🦋
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Was too lazy to take outfit pics the whole weekend. It's my 3rd Wanderland na and at this point pagod na kami umawra mauuwi lang din naman sa pagiging sabog, pagod, at haggard HAHAHA tamang pacute na lang. Went for a cute frilly top + jeans lang but I super love my earrings! They're faux butterfly wings and I had another pair (blue) that I wore for the 2nd day to match my blue outfit.
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Late na kami pumasok sa venue and Ylona was playing her set already mga 5:30 pm na ata `to kasi naglunch pa muna kami at nag-ayos, mga gustong umiwas sa arawan kaya nagpa-late.
After her set we went on and walked around the festival mostly to buy drinks while listening to Men I Trust ^__^
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RAVEENAAAAAAAA ssnsjsjskksk jusko!!!!!!!!!!!! Nahiwalay ako sa friends ko her entire set kasi sobrang dinumog nga kami ng mga tao at hinayaan na lang ako ng friends ko na sumingit paharap to see my dyosa Raveena 🥺
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SOOOOO. HAHAHAHA. After Raveena was No Rome's set and can I just say. Sobrang fan niya ako since idk ????? Years ago pa??? Sobrang crush ko si Rome ever since huhuhuhu. Yung last gig niya sa Makati di ko na napuntahan kasi walang kasama at tamad na kong lumabas ng bahay at bumiyahe so first time ko siya makitang live 🥹
Anyway... dahil nga mag-isa na lang ako during set ni Raveena, wala akong ginawa kundi ubusin yung dalawang malaking baso ng beer na hawak ko habang nakikinig. So pagdating ng set ni No Rome wala na lasing na ko hahaha.
To make things worse, ni isang patak ng tubig hindi pa ako nakakainom that day at all! Kasi naman sobrang takot akong maihi at gumamit ng portalet :(((( bawal din kasi re-entry sa venue so no choice kundi yun gagamitin mo unless star wanderer ka, but i mean, in this economy?? So wala ang bilis kong nalasing at ang tagal kong mag sober up HAHA. Buong set ni No Rome nagwawala, nagsisisigaw, at nagtatatalon ako hanggang sa nasira bra ko hhsjsjsjsjsjajhahHahshshdhsjsj I thought it was a good idea to wear strapless ones para bawas sakit sa shoulders at sa likod... di ko naconsider na ang hina ng support if nakasalalay lahat sa nag-iisa niyang hook sa harap. So yun I spent the rest of his set hiding behind my friends' backs trying to remove and hide my bra sa bag looool. Very on brand for someone na sobrang may crush sa kanya ang mahubaran ng bra hahahahshsjskskks OK ayos. Trendy naman to go bra-less diba. Literally fell to my knees when he sang Narcissist as his last song :') As expected, I have no proper photos or videos of his set given my drunken state. Oh well, masaya naman.
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Fast forward na lang tayo kay Madam Carly!!!!!!!! Headliner ng Day 1. WHEW WHERE DO I EVEN BEGIN. I never expected to be such a fan I mean I love super pop-y songs din naman and I listen to her from time to time lalo na may collab sila ng isang fave artist ko. Pero!!!!!! Ever since na-announce na kasama siya sa lineup months ago, I started listening to her more and I never thought na sobrang magiging fan ako but here I am. Si madam Carly ang laging soundtrip ko pag naglilinis at naglalaba. Grabe yung discography niya sobrang pop perfection pero sobrang malaman ng songs like di siya walang kwentang bubblegum pop it's soooo good at puno ng substance!!! Muntikan ko nang sisihin friend ko na naimpluwensiyahan niya ko kay Carly Rae Jepsen dahil siya yung talagang super fan pero sabi niya sakin I'm a convert on my own daw. Wala na raw siyang kinalaman doon. Nawelcome na tuloy ako sa kulto daw ni Carly hahahaha. Anyway grabe!!!! She's so good live at may pa-costume change pa si ate girl ang lala!! Hay ang hirap ng may bagong sasambahin chz.
Yun lang for Day 1. After the festival deretso hotel kami. May naka-book kaming room but I didn't sleep over na with my friends as I initially planned kasi nagpapainom ako ng gamot sa pets ko for now at marami pa akong di maiwan na responsibilities that time. Di pa keri ng schedule kong umabsent ng 2 whole days kailangan ko rin umuwi-uwi at some point. Nagpalipas lang ako ng oras with friends then booked a ride home para iwas sa rush hour 💃🏻🪩
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icharchivist · 2 years
Your randall propaganda worked now the man is forever bound to my wind team
(I always struggled while deciding for a third character on my lineup for long battles with wind, so after seeing your f.a team I decided to give him a chance considering he's been benched since I got him a few months ago and honestly I was pleasantly surprised! For reference my other 2 frontline characters are lvl. 110 siete and v.grimm)
i'm so!! so so happy i'm so glad it's working out for you!! and so glad my propaganda is working eheheheheh, Randagenda ftw
I think Randall particularly shines on long battle, once his 3rd skill is charged to attack he's just unstoppable. He's handy on short battle thanks to his skill dmg on dodge, but, yeah, on long battle he's just. so incredible. If you give him proper support, with boosting his dodging with rings or characters like Ewiyar in the back, and proper Charge boost, with say, Kengo MC or Siete's kit, he just ends up really holding his ground.
When i looked for set up for him at first, i found quite a few set up recommending him with at least level 100 Siete, so i do think it's a brilliant choice because that really helps out.
V!Grimnir is always a good choice so :nods nods:
Honestly i've loved Randall when we as still R/SR only, and even more so when his VA became one of my fav seiyuu (mister "still has one of his song on top of my most listened songs of all time and most listened song of 2021"), so i was super excited when his SSR was announced.. and a bit disappointed because i didn't see how to use his kit and i didn't like to use wind teams then. (mostly bc i only had some favs in my team but therefore even if they hit hard they had bad survivability and synergy).
A friend was determined to find a way for me to manage to use Randall and the moment it started clicking how to make him work, it's just been a blast since.
I genuinely can't think of ever replacing him, between his high hostility and constant dodge it means that no one hits the rest of the team bc they're too busy trying to hit him while he just goes dodge pew pew, so thanks to him my survivability is just so much bigger than without him. And then just his skill dmg AND his CA dmg is just so great that he hits so hard i love him so much.
So i'm just very glad it's working out for you too!! I can totally relate on not specifically seeing how to use him at first, which is why i spread my agenda because it's just! Take a chance on him! he's soooo good.
I'm honestly so glad it's working for you <33 i'm wishing you all the best with using the dodgey boy :3c And i truly think you have a great team there.
Take care eheheh!!
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whitehartlane · 5 months
hello hello! how have you been? i hope you're doing alright and are having a good day <3
i'm buzzing at having secured tickets for my national team's fifa qualifying match against south korea in june! i'll be attending with my mum (who's just there to watch sonny LMAO) and i'm hoping for a good match, despite us having a close to non-zero chance of beating south korea.
i admit my knowledge of the south korea nt isn't great (the only players i know of/follow are sonny, lee kang-in, kim min-jae and cho gue-sung) so as the south korea national team expert, who are others to watch/your faves? thanks and COYS - 💙
hello hello 💙 anon!!! i’m doing okay, hope you’re well! and oh my god i’m SO jelly, that sounds like so much fun! so glad you got tickets to go see the lads and your mum’s a real one for wanting to go just to see sonny. i’m sure it’ll be a good match 🫶🏾
ah thank you so much for thinking of me as an expert on sknt footy that’s so sweet 😭🥺 i wouldn’t say that’s true but i know enough to answer your question! so as for other players on the nt (you mentioned in your other ask you know heechan so i’ll leave him out), there are a lot that are super fun to watch! i’m not sure who’s going to get called up since we’re between managers at the moment but going off of previous lineups i’d keep an eye out for:
lee jaesung (31, mainz, CAM/RW)
jaesung has been a cornerstone of the nt for ages, he’s the same age as sonny and the two of them link up very well. normally jaesung plays in the attacking midfielder role and that’s where he functions best in the nt, sometimes they try to shoehorn him onto the wing but that normally doesn’t get the best out of him. he’s been described as having an engine similar to park jisung. he just runs and runs and runs!
seol youngwoo (25, ulsan hyundai, LB/RB)
youngwoo is fairly young and has just got his first run out in the nt over the past year and he’s been doing pretty well! he’s very well regarded in both the k league and now in the world of football data outside the k league as well (there are rumours of prem clubs being in for him). he’s a good modern fullback and does well to support attacking play as well! also he’s the one who said on a tv show that he wrote ‘i want to play with son heungmin’ in his childhood diary, which is everything. wouldn’t be surprised to see this kid in europe sooner rather than later.
paik seungho (27, birmingham city, CM/CDM)
oh, seungho. i don’t know if he’s going to get called up honestly especially considering birmingham city also got relegated this season to league one. there’s a good player in there somewhere, he’s one of our ones who went to spain, like kangin and lee seungwoo, but then he lost his way a bit. he’s been good for the nt whenever he’s appeared for it, most notably scoring the consolation goal against brazil in the wc. i suppose we’ll see!
jeong wooyeong (24, vfb stuttgart, FW)
wooyeong has had an interesting season! he was the top goalscorer in the asian games last season but scored his first goal for stuttgart just a few days ago when bayern played them. there’s potential there, i think, he just needs time and a proper manager. he plays all along the front!
one wild card long shot:
eom jisung (21, gwangju, FW)
i don’t know if they’ll call jisung up but he does already have one appearance for the nt i believe, as well as one goal. there’s a lot of whispers in korean football circles about this kid being ‘the next son heungmin’ and while i a) don’t want to put that pressure on him and b) don’t think anyone could technically come close to the impact sonny’s had on the game, there are aspects to jisung’s game that remind me of sonny. he doesn’t have that same off the ball movement and speed, as he’s admitted himself and also said he wants to learn from sonny, but the way he runs and shoots the ball with either foot is very reminiscent of him. i’d keep the name in your memory, maybe he’ll come good, maybe he won’t. but he’s fun to watch!
anyway, these are just a few players!! i’m hoping for more ‘unknown’ players to be called up from the k league but i left those out mostly since i’m not sure who’s actually going to be on the list. once we get the callups for the qualifiers shoot me an ask and i can talk about who to keep an eye on the most from the list!! hope this helped somewhat have a lovely day 💙💙💙
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galactichelium · 6 months
I want to create more than anything. I love drawing I love coming up with ideas I love MAKING things. I think about drawing every single day. And yet I never end up actually drawing that much? Because despite all of this DRIVE there's always at least one mental block. (Can you tell that I make these posts whenever I'm feeling such an intense Drive but can't actually get myself to do anything?)
So basically the past 5 months have been interesting. I've been trying, more intensely, to think about these four OCs i have that I hope to make a webcomic with someday. But without any visuals of how they looked like, particularly bc I have aphantasia, it was hard to think about them beyond vague concepts.
(Ramble continues below the cut)
So I began to try to draw bust shots of them in October. It took me the entire month, struggling with minor things, but I did complete it. I wasn't really super happy with it, but it got the general ideas down. I spent a lot of November and December looking at it, coming up with Some ideas, making some minor edits even. But then.
The beginning of January. I decided I wanted to draw a proper lineup of them all together. So I had more than just their bust shots, could see them together. And also hoped that drawing their full bodies would help me realise things that I wanted to change abt their designs.
I've been trying to draw this for... 3 whole months now. Though to be fair like 99% of that work was done in the first 2 months. I've completed 3/4 of the characters. (But even then it's more like "completed", I'm almost certain their designs will end up changing more with time.) I have just one character left on this lineup. But I've been stuck here.
I think this is a combination of a few different things. For one, the design I had done on the original bust... I don't think entirely suits the vibes. Like it does in some ways, but, I wanna draw the hair better, maybe give him different clothes. I wanna change other minor things about him too. But, once again, because I'm aphantasic, I can't see in my brain what I want to change it to. I can only see with my eyes the version that I Wanted to change. So I just see that and go :( and get demotivated. But also, secondly, man, coming up with poses is hard. Especially when they have to all be standing mostly straight so that I can convey their heights.
But also probably the biggest factor is that I spent 2 months drawing at least a little bit most days. (Way more than I'm used to drawing.) Spent 2 months obsessively looking over The Same Drawing. My brain needs to draw other things but my brain doesn't want to draw other things until this is done!!! Also I don't have any other ideas anyway HJKSDHGKSJDGHS.
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hezuart · 2 years
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Here's a photoshop edit of my take on the Hazbin Hotel Redesigns! Some of the recent redesigns have felt unbalanced in color, so I decided to try it out myself and give some fixes! Though Alastor's I'm still unsatisfied with. You can see the struggle in the lineup. There are too many good ones.
Shoutout to @darlinkaz on twitter for their black-gloved Angel Dust design, they were gOING places with that. I just made them fingerless, and gave him some bracelets!
Alastor's red suit and shirt are iconic, but that's all there is to his color scheme. To break it up, I added more gold in both his shirt and eyes and messed around with some white. What design do you guys like better? I actually like Alastor better with a tie, but I felt like removing his bow tie felt... wrong... despite most of the cast having bow ties.
Definitely prefer Charlie's redesigned hair. A lot cuter and makes more sense. Her redesigned outfit is very nice, but everyone complained about too much red. Keeping her pants black and adding just a slight red tint to her eyes should do the trick! (Also her long white shirt? I'm in love... she looks so professional!)
Vaggie's new design made me think she was going to Sunday church, however, I will recognize again, that she looks more professional in that button-up shirt than the last outfit she wore. The problem is again, too red. So I took her new outfit and mixed it with her old color scheme, and kept her stocking because she's gotta keep some of her gothic pastel personality! I also gave her boots, and her redesigned hair, and took off her bow strings since I feel like... with all that hair it's unnecessary to have them be that long, especially for the animators to deal with.
Husker's new design isn't out yet, but he too has too much red. Don't even get me started on those symbols, my god, those poor animators. So I simplified his colors to mostly black and brown! And I gave him shirt sleeves, and gasp- PANTS! With a belt! My man may be a furry, but he's not a nudist. He looks like a legit fancy bartender now.
Niffty doesn't have her new design yet, but her current one needed a lot of help. I erased her odd bullet holes in her shirt and instead gave her yellow polka dots on her dress! She has a gold/orange shirt, and an apron. She also has a new hairstyle that better represents a 50s hairstyle with a classic headband bow! She's so much more cute and charismatic now. A proper housekeeper.
Angel Dust's redesign was pretty solid up until it got to the gloves. I love the long gloves, but the pink AND white gloves? Unbalanced and distracting... feels weird. So as mentioned, kept his redesigned look; used @darlinkaz's black glove design but made them fingerless gloves, and gave Angel Dust some cute pink bracelets to be more fashionable! I also added hot pink soles to his heels. Some people draw Angel Dust with his classic hat, but Angel Dust seems like a character that gets with the times. I think he seems more genuine without his hat, especially since the mob business is what messed him up in the first place. I think he'd want to separate himself from that.
Anyway, that's what I've got so far! spindlehorse pls hire me
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megumisbimbo · 3 years
Marry the Stars - Chapter 2
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series masterlist
Pairing: Levi x fem!reader
Word Count: 1.4k
Content: College au, Angst, Fluff, Pining, Eventual Smut
Summary: A fresh semester with new faces and new opportunities. Y/N had just started her job as a professor at Eldia University and was determined to make it the best semester yet. A moody philosophy professor gets in the way of her plans. Will she be able to capture his heart, or will she accidentally win the heart of her student?
taglist: @awkwardangelthings @vinseul @txzierbaby @mitsuluv @oblxvion @fiaficsxo @aotwrites @piscesfairies @rintarouss @shisoaya @ikigaitooru @innrsoul @dancingazaleas @sukunas-lady @x6nji @izukine @luvmegumi @erekami @hoeyadoingbitch
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“That profesor of ours is really something huh?” Armin asks. 
Mikasa and Eren stand beside him as they walk to their next class.
“I like her, she seems like she really cares about her students.” Eren answers.
“Yeah like...really cares.”
“Anyways, I’ve scheduled a one on one with her since I’m majoring in her field. Mikasa says. 
“You can do that?!?” 
“Don’t get any ideas Eren.”
“What do you me-” 
“We all see the way you stare at her, it’s not a secret you think she’s hot.” Armin explains.
“Who’s hot?” a voice behind them says.
“Jean? Shouldn’t you be at practice?” Armin asks, looking over at Eren questioningly.
“Yes, but I came looking for Eren. We have a game tomorrow and he’s in the starting lineup. You’ll come watch us right Mikasa?” 
“Don’t I always come to your games?” 
“Yeah but you leave whenever Eren’s off the court.” Jean answers. 
Eren gives Mikasa a confused look. Her eyes shift to the floor, refusing to look at either man.
“We’ll all be there Jean. Now, Mikasa and I have another class and Eren you need to get to practice. We’ll see you guys later.” Armin says, wrapping his arm around Mikasa’s wilted form and dragging her down the hallway. 
“Levi can you pass me the sodium chloride?” 
“Please? My hands are full.” 
Levi turns and eyes the taller woman who’s carefully holding a burning hot beaker.
“Hurry! This experiment is time sensitive!”
“I’m not even in proper gear Hange. What if it gets on me?” 
“It’s salt Levi!!” 
Levi hurries over to the counter opposite Hange and picks up the container labeled sodium chloride. She instructs him to pour some into a test tube. He follows her directions and rushes away from the scene, eager to get back to his book and far away from Hange’s latest experiment. As much as Levi hates Hange’s antics, he couldn’t help but feel thankful for having a friend like her.
“So are you coming to the meeting today? I heard they’re introducing a new curriculum.” Hange asks.
“I hate those meetings.”
“Yeah well just because we’re friends with the principle, doesn’t mean either of us can skip out.”
“I wouldn’t skip the meetings if anything actually applied to me. We only ever gather to talk about the science departments. The humanities department is almost always overlooked. It’s not Erwin’s fault, the principal can only do so much.” 
“I suppose, but you should still go.” 
“I’ll think about it.”
You walk into the room, professors and administrative employees mingling around you. You don't seem to recognize anyone, so you take a seat at the back and pull out your phone. You scroll through your emails and notice one from a student with a familiar name.
Hello Professor, 
My name is Mikasa Ackerman, we met the other day. As you know, I’m an anthropology major, and I was hoping I could meet with you sometime to discuss matters related to my major and classes and universities you would recommend. Thank you so much.
Mikasa Ackerman. 
Mikasa...I recognize that name, but I can’t remember her face...Anyways I’ll respond when I get back home.  
“Excuse me, is this seat taken?” A tall woman with glasses asks you. 
“No, it’s not.” You respond, giving her a bright smile. You turn your attention back to your phone, reading over a few more administrative emails. She happily sits down in the seat next to you and turns her head to look you over. Your head turns in her direction once again, this time giving her a confused look.
“Um…do you need something ma’am?” 
“Huh? Oh no- sorry was I staring?”
You nod sheepishly, a small giggle leaving your lips. Her attention turns to the front of the room and she waves her hands frantically in the direction of another man. Oh it’s the same guy I bumped into. 
“Levi!! Over here!! I saved you a seat!” 
The man hurries over and slaps a hand onto the woman’s mouth. 
“Hange would you quit yelling?!” 
“Sorry.” She answers, barely audible due to the hand currently smothering her.
You observe the pair, trying hard not to be caught noticeably staring. Would be weird considering I just called her out for staring at me. 
The shorter man takes a seat as a blonde man takes the stage. This is Erwin, the principle of Eldia University, aka, the guy who interviewed you. 
“Thank you all for coming today, this meeting will be brief and it will cover the new material for the humanities courses.”
“See Levi, this is why you shouldn’t skip the meetings.” Hange whispers.
“Well this is a first..” Levi responds, pulling out the IPad he uses for work.
“Oh ho ho look who’s getting all excited now.” Hange says, nudging Levi in the shoulder 
“Shut up four eyes.” 
Your ears perk up as well. You had put in a request for a field trip to the National Museum of Anthropology and were eagerly waiting for a response. You planned on assigning them a report about their time and experience at the museum, rather than have them regurgitate all the information you taught that semester.
“In regards to the anthropology museum trip submitted by Miss y/n, it has been approved.” Erwin says, glancing in your direction.
You smile and bow your head, silently thanking him. Levi follows Erwin’s eyes and finds that you’re the one he’s talking about. So you’re the new anthropology professor, the one Zeke was talking about. Zeke was the head of the humanities department as well as an economics professor. Levi didn’t particularly like him or how much of a flirt he can be with the ladies in their department. He definitely couldn’t understand why the board made Zeke the head of the department and not him, but he knew it wasn’t his place to complain about the decision, and he didn’t want to put Erwin in a bad situation. Both you and Levi listened intently to the words Erwin  spoke and after about half an hour, the meeting was over.
“That’s all for today, thank you everyone. Also, please make our new staff feel welcomed.” Erwin says, ending the meeting. You gather your things and make your way to the door as friendly faces smile in your direction. A tall figure stepping in front of you halts your movements, your eyes landing on a scruffy looking older man. Definitely not my type. 
“Hello Miss y/n, I’m Zeke Jaeger head of humanities.” The man says lightly grabbing your hand and placing a kiss on your knuckles. You awkwardly slide your hand out of his grasp and discreetly rub the unwelcomed kiss on your pants. 
“Nice to meet you Mr. Jaeger. I should get going. I'm late for an appointment.” 
You brush past him and hastily walk to your imaginary appointment. As you reach the door, you feel someone tap you on the shoulder. It better not be him again. You turn and see the woman you were sitting next to earlier and next to her, the man you’ve successfully pissed off twice.  
“Hi! you dropped this.” The woman says handing you a notebook. 
“Oh..um... that’s not mine.”
“I know, it’s mine, but I needed a reason to talk to you and this was the only thing I could think of.”
You giggle, receiving a bright smile from the woman.
“My name is Hange, Hange Zoe, and I’m a chemistry professor. If I’m being honest, I just wanted to introduce myself so I could ask if you wanted to join us for drinks tonight at 7.” She tilts her head towards the shorter man who sports an award winning scowl. 
“This is Levi Ackerman, and he teaches-”
“I can introduce myself Hange, anyways we’ve met before.”
“Oh you have?” 
“We haven’t spoken to each other but I have run into him before...literally. So what do you teach Mr. Ackerman?” You respond. 
“And he’s damn good at it.” Hange adds.
You smile sweetly at both of them.
“I don’t think I’ll be busy tonight. I’d love to join you for drinks.” 
“Wonderful! We’ll see you at 7 then!”
You nod and finally reach the exit. You couldn’t lie, Levi was handsome. You wouldn’t mind getting a little bit closer to him. Anyways it might be helpful for work, since you both work in the same department. 
Tonight will be...interesting.
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k1nky-fool · 2 years
aight lets do 😅 😈 ✨ 🍦 ❌[if you dont want to say then don't] 🎨 📈 💞 😬 💔 🤩
fic ask game
😅 What's a story or scene you've created that you're a smidge embarrassed exists?
I have an entire scene in They Called Her Mania, where Vega jokingly slut shames both Slayer and Mania by how long it took each of them to change their mind from wanting to kill the other, to wanting to sleep with the other.
That scene has since gone under some heavy editing, but I am embarrassed that scene left my fingers in the first place.
😈 Has there been a point in a story where you did something just to be playfully mean to your readers?
"You'd kill me?" Her voice was glitching as her mask modulator struggled against the previous damage.
"Only if you survive the fall."
Putting this at the end of a Least Sane Moments part 3 is probably my favorite cruelty in my writing.
But also in Devil of the Crossroads
The assignment should have had her back by sundown at the latest. It would have been more dangerous to hit the warehouses at night as Sevika had found weeks ago, his security was tightest after sundown.
"Silco." Pepper's voice warned. "Where is she?"
He didn't have an answer.
Is another cliffhanger I'm very satisfied with.
✨ Give you and your writing a compliment. Go on now. You know you deserve it. 😉
Uhh… I like to think that I write very compelling and likeable characters, even in antagonistic roles.
🍦 What's the sweetest fic you've created so far?
Without a doubt, Innocent Schemes and Guilty Consciences part 1 is the fluffiest thing I have ever written. I don't think that fic is going to stay very fluffy tho.
❌ What's a trope you will never write?
Emotional clinginess is by far the most annoying thing I keep seeing in a lot of fics. If it's something you like, then it's great that you found something for you, but I personally, absolutely hate seeing fics where the OC or the reader insert is just overly dependent.
Like, if you wanted to write a fic about Viktor, if your point is to write him in character, then he would not drop everything because his partner is pouting for attention. He would not thrive with a partner that constantly requires him to leave his passions at the door for them. Nobody should expect their partner to drop everything and give attention whenever it's convenient for them.
And I hate even more when the OC/reader insert acts like their partner owes them something in return for not dropping everything and giving them attention. I've been in enough relationships with emotionally clingy people to tell you that shit is draining, and I could never write that unless I was specifically trying to show a dysfunctional relationship.
🎨 How do you feel about fan art of your stories?
I literally love it so much, please make all the fanart, I will reblog it, and perhaps I can offer blog shout outs in fics, and even feature fanart (with permission and proper credit) in chapter updates themselves.
At this point, you can also send me short stories with my own OCs (just credit me) and I will reblog them. If I like it enough, and it's possible, I might even enjoy putting the short on my canon timeliness (with your permission and proper credit also).
📈 How many fics do you have?
I have a lot of fics (especially in my star wars phase) that never saw the light of posting. And as of now, I also have several fics in other places, that I have yet to post because they're sequels to fics that are already on my Masterlist, and I need to finish those stories before I start posting sequels and short stories and other fics.
I have 9 currently on my Masterlist, 3 more MHA fics that may never get posted, 1 Venom x OC fic that I barely have a concept for but still have something written, 9 unfinished Star Wars concepts including several space lesbians and other pairings, 1 other Doom fic that I actually already have 18k written for and I just haven't finished editing the first few chapters, and 2 sequels to my current Arcane fic lineup that both start a bit before or during Act II of Arcane, including a fic of a grown up Sketch, and Devo joining Viktor in a spiral out of Piltover's control.
💞 Who's your comfort character?
In MHA, Fatgum
In Star Wars, Ahsoka Tano, Cal Kestis, and Hera Syndulla
In Doom, Vega
In Steven Universe, Peridot
In Arcane, Ekko, and Viktor
😬 Which of your fics would you be most horrified for friends, family, or coworkers to stumble upon?
I suffer from a disease known as "No shame to the point that I openly talk about writing fanfiction in my real life."
However, that being said, there's a reason I have yet to post that second Doom fic. And it's because I'm not too sure how my friends (who know my tumblr) will react to knowing I wanna fuck a 10 ft tall, morally gray, robot. Like they probably already know, I'm just scare of the consequences of them knowing exactly in what detail.
💔 Is there a fic of yours that broke your heart?
Honestly, Least Sane Moments breaks my heart most of the time. I have the occasional moment in Fuck Around and Find Out where it just hurts, but Least Sane Moments is just a heartbreaking story the most put of all of my fics. At its core, it's a story of someone getting all the support the world can possibly afford them, and still struggling to accept and trust it because of how they've been treated.
🤩 Who is your favorite character to write?
Pepper very quickly became my favorite character to write when I realized just how much people liked to read her. Whip smart with a funny accent, and an attitude appears to have accidentally been the crabby patty formula for a very specific niche of OC content consumers, and I couldn't be happier about it.
I don't know how many of my followers know this, but I'm from Georgia. I've grown up around Southern accents, and I even struggle to keep mine down a lot of the time. Writing Pepper wasn't really a therapeutic experience, she's just a fun one. Like she doesn't have to be anything for me, she's just entertaining. And I think a lot of the reason her dialogue is so fun to write is because it comes naturally to me, and her narration is fun to write because it's usually what I'm thinking anyway, she just thinks of it quicker than I do.
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Hi there! Read your post, and GOD! After years of reading fanfiction about any fandom but The Hollies, you are like a dream come true! But sadly, I'm the least creative person, and I wouldn't know what to ask! Yep, my fav is Tony, and I love the second and third lineup (Tony, Allan and Bobby with Bern, Graham or Terry). If I imagine some smut, it would be some angry sex between Tony and Graham, even though they never clashed that much in RL. (1/2)
Hiii! I’ve seen your blog before and can I just say how much I love it
Anyways, I am totally digging that Tony/Graham hate fuck, so I wrote a little (6000 word) fic about them. I kinda got carried away, sorry XD So yeah, I haven’t read over it and I’ve never really written all that much about Tony before, so I just keep that in mine. Otherwise, I hope you enjoy; 
“Did you just,” Graham laughed, turning to look at the other boys in the studio as though for back up despite being well aware before even regarding their disapproving expressions that he was looking to the wrong people for help. Really, these comments were only to make light of the situation for himself, “Did you just see that? My god.” He turned back to where he’d just watched one of his bandmates storm out and sighed. “Tony Hicks. Who knew?”
Well, it seemed they all knew. They knew from the moment Tony started raising his voice, a odd spectacle for such a quiet young man, that he was capable of as much of a dramatic and aggressive exit as any one of the boys had managed before. Just because he stayed out of fights, stayed away from drama, didn’t mean he was totally incapable of getting involved. And the thing was, this wasn’t his fault. He hadn’t got into a fight, he didn’t instigate it. If anything, he was being patient for a good time longer than the other boys could. And when he did eventually snap, everyone agreed that he was totally valid in doing so.
Even the guy who started it, the very man who marvelled at the reaction in its aftermath. Graham had to admit he kind of went over the top on that one. He didn’t mean to start an argument. He just seemed to spark them by accident, and he wasn’t the type to back down on anything, even if it was better off if he did for his own benefit.
Still, he’d fucked up, what could he do now?
He shrugged off the negativity in the atmosphere and turned his attentions to finding his guitar. Where had he put it down?
“Guys, have you seen my pick?”
Not a peep sounded from his remaining bandmates. Casually, the rhythm guitarist looked up. He’d practically forgotten the fight in about two seconds of distraction. Apparently, it wasn’t so easy for the others, mostly because they had no interest in forgetting.
“What was all that about?” Allan was first to speak. He’d clashed with Graham many a time throughout the years, so wasn’t afraid to do so now. In fact, he felt inclined to do so to defend his mate and let his discontent be known to the perpetrator.
“What? Oh, the thing… nothing.” Graham muttered. He was outnumbered. Even he wasn’t on his own side about this. That was why he was so quick to try and ignore it. He’d done wrong. Something pretty fucking wrong. There was no reason to go off of Tony like that, yet he’d done it and… well… the not backing down thing, the trait that would get him killed if he wasn’t careful. He could see the headlines ‘English musician mauled by bandmates.’ What a way to go.
“Sure sounded like nothing.”
“Well, it was. He overreacted.” Ok, he didn’t even believe what he was saying, never mind whether Allan did, or Bobby or Bern. Basically, he was losing a war he’d inadvertently started with that minor battle, and that was pissing him off.
“Yeah?” Allan stepped forward, challengingly.
Graham ground his teeth, standing up to the challenge, “Well what do you want me to do about it now? Hu? Go and kiss him and make up so we can play some shit on another record we didn’t write. Oh sure.”
Apparently, kissing was a bit too much, but making up was exactly what Allan wanted. Graham sighed, frustrated as he turned to the door. He felt like a kid being told off by his parents, made to go and apologise to an annoying brother for aggravating him. Since when had Allan been so damn uptight? Oh yeah, since forever. Since he’d settled down with Jen. Even before that, in fact. He was suddenly so worried about what kind of music the band should be making or how much work they were all putting in or bullshit like that. Making music often isn’t something you can plan. It should be fun and exciting and…
…this had nothing to do with the argument. It seemed like Tony wasn’t the only one with a lot of pent up frustration. Graham rationalised that perhaps the guitarist should be thanking him. After all, it's not good for people to keep things bottled up without letting it out once in a while. And Tony constantly seemed so cool and calm, either he was getting it all out with some great sex every night, or he wasn’t getting it out at all. If the former was true, at least he was saving Tony’s chick from having a right good fucking tonight.
Actually, that was regrettable, depending on how you look at it. And as Graham wandered down the corridors, trying to find his bandmate, he found himself considering it from every angle. If he was Tony’s girl, he’d be a bit put out if she wasn’t getting anything out of him. He was handsome guy. It was the eyes, the slightly hooded, striking blue eyes. That was the first thing Graham thought of when he thought of Tony, the first thing he could imagine girls noticed. It was the first thing he noticed when he met the boy way back when. Though he may’ve grown into his ever youthful looks, his ears now were the right size for the rest of his face- or at least covered by a thick mass of fair hair curling down his neck- and he’d ditched the overly skinny look for a little more filled out and muscular, his eyes remained very much the same, as stunning and bright as they always had been.
What was Graham doing thinking like this of his mate? He laughed at himself, shaking the thought from his mind. He only had to apologize to the guy to get him back in the studio so they could finish a recording, not flatter him with complements of his eyes. Not only would that be really weird, but it wouldn’t work. Either Tony would think Graham was taking the piss or he’d get all shy. It was strange that such a handsome, sought-after boy like Tony was not used to receiving compliments.
He was doing it again, thinking about him like that. It would make it damned hard for him to face the boy if his mind was in other places.
Well not too hard. As soon as he caught sight of Tony in the loos, a cheekiness came over him, the same one that had persuaded him to go over the top on the little disagreement not ten minutes ago. He sauntered into the room and leant up against the wall by the door, arms crossed over his chest, one foot balancing on its toes beside the other, an expectant smile gazing at the guitarist who was washing his hands quite quietly. There was a bit of aggression in his actions. Graham didn’t think he’d ever seen Tony quite like this, letting something bother him to the point that his actions were affected. He wrung his hands beneath the water hard enough to turn his slightly tanned skin red and pressed the soap dispenser violently, causing the clear liquid to shot out and spray half on his cupped palm, half on the sink beside him. He then, after rinsing, pulled way too much tissue from the dispenser and threw the scrunched up, soggy ball in the bin with such force it popped back out, settling on the floor.
“Didn’t your mum ever tell you you should pick up after yourself?” Graham laughed, gesturing to the bin as Tony pivoted on his heels. He did not seem at all startled by the rhythm guitarist’s presence. In fact, perhaps he did already know that he was in there, hence the aggression in his actions and the casual way he regarded Graham as he leant back against the sink, his lips pressed into a hard, white line. He didn’t even bother to acknowledge Graham’s little comment. He just stood there, glaring.
“Come on, are you really going to be mad at me over this?” Graham sighed, bored of this already. He was also really starting to get bored of the silence treatment. It grated on him. He waited for a reply. None came.
His voice took a more impatient tone when he opened his mouth again.  “Look, I’m meant to apologise to you, so let’s just forget about this shit so we can keep recording and you can hate me afterwards, ok?”
The expression on Tony’s face changed, which Graham saw as a positive. At the very least it might be an indication that he might start talking and he was right.. It just wasn’t the response Graham had been hoping for.
“No, fuck you. You always seem to just bypass apologising, like you’ve done nothing wrong.”
Graham swore he didn’t mean to, but habitually rolled his eyes, which Tony obviously didn’t take well. He didn’t get angrier as such. He, if anything, looked disappointed. He had that ‘why do I bother’ look in his eyes, while which, in turn, irritated Graham to the point that had he been considering a proper apology, it was now definitely off the table.
“Mate, are you serious? All I did was disagree with you.” He said, any friendly tone now dropped completely.
“You fucking disagree with everyone.” Tony retorted.
“So you shouldn’t be taking it so fucking personally.”
“I’m not. I’m mad for everyone. I don’t know what the hell has got into you, whether it's fame or something, but you’re bloody unbearable at the moment, and the other guys can sit back and take it, but I’m not going to.”
“No?” Graham was now laughing at the younger man, amused by the determination to stand up to him. He thought it cute, and knew that would annoy Tony.
That, coupled with patronising him, and Graham knew he was heading to a breaking point. He wanted to see how far he could push his mate, since he was already in so deep.
“What are you going to do?”
Tony glared at his so-called friend intensely. His blood boiled in his veins, mostly those in his clenched fists that longed to slug the rhythm guitarist in the jaw. Oh, but he couldn’t, could he? It would make for bad press, unease in the group, which was the last thing they needed. Then again, there was a chance the fight would be settled with that one swing. Graham would know not to mess with Tony, he might learn a lesson or two about irritating the rest of the band and Tony would get out all the anger on his bandmate. When he thought like that, it was just too damn tempting. Not to mention that Graham, as he looked down and saw Tony’s skilled fingers curled into fists, practically asked for it.
“Are you going to punch me? Oh that I have to see!”
Well, he didn’t want to disappoint. Allowing all the anger he usually let go of build up, he jolted violently up, stalked towards the older man standing by the door and let the knuckles of his powerful right hand make contact with Graham’s cheek. Immediately, the rhythm guitarist stumbled sideways, one hand reaching to stop himself from falling, the other grasping his bruised cheekbone. When he steadied, he shot a wild look up at Tony, planning his revenge.
While Tony did feel pretty sorry, he wasn’t going to say it. It wasn’t he who owed an apology. The only reason he was considering it in that moment was because he didn’t really want to get into a fist fight, which seemed the way this was going, judging by the look in Graham’s pale blue eyes. Still, he stood his ground, waiting for Graham’s move.
Which turned out to be an attack, heading straight for the boy’s wrists. He wasn’t interested in hurting Tony. No, he was going to pin him down, make him beg for an apology. Once he had hold of one of Tony’s wrists, he spun him around, bending the arm up his back, applying enough pressure to have him totally under his control, then guided him to the sink area where he bent the kid over. A short hiss escaped Tony’s mouth as he pushed against Graham, writhed under his control. Graham wasn’t that much stronger than him, he just had the upper hand at that moment, in a position that made it near enough impossible to fight against.
This was also quite a compromising position. Even Graham had to admit he didn’t really want to be caught by anyone like this. For all the strength he possessed in that moment, his crotch was pressed against Tony’s butt, he had the boy literally bent over under him. No wonder why Tony struggled. But Graham was not going to let him up, not for anything.
He laughed evilly, “What’s the matter down there?”
“Get off!!! Graham, get the fuck off me!!!”
God, this gave Graham such a rush of power. He ignored how weird the moment looked in favour of bending right over and hovering his lips over Tony’s ear.
He caught a quick glimpse of himself in the mirror above the sinks. The oddest feeling waved through him that he refused to address. He shook his mind clean for a moment to say, “Is there something you want?”
“Get the fuck off me!!!” Tony yelled. It echoed around the room, followed by a low chuckle from Graham’s throat that had the younger boy struggling once more in anger.
“I thought you wanted an apology.” Graham teased, “You can’t be greedy and have both.”
Tony lifted his head slightly, enough to also see the mirror. He looked so stupidly helpless under the weight of his friend, now baring down on his back. He met Graham’s gaze, gave him a filthy look until he noticed something. He saw a flicker of something in his pale blue irises. He’d seen it a few times before, most notably the time they’d all gone to that club with that belly dancer, the one they all had a crush on. Well, a crush was putting it nicely. They all wanted to fuck her. Graham was looking at him with a glare that would’ve been quite threatening and annoying- due to the cheeky smile on his lips- had he not also got that sparkle, that wanting gaze.
Did Graham want to fuck him?
“Oh my god…” Tony chuckled, turning his head downwards towards the space between sinks that thankfully wasn’t wet or dirty. Graham had been kind in where he’d pinned him down.
“What?” Graham demanded. He didn’t much like the feeling of loss of power that Tony’s laughter provided him.
Still giggling, Tony peered up a little.
“Are you turned on right now?”
“The fuck? Of course not!”
“I think you are, you fucking creep.”
Graham felt his cheeks flush. No way he was turned on. No way. Not even if he’d already kind of seen the excitement when he’d glimpsed the mirror. Nope. He’d deny it. He’d keep on denying it.
And he certainly wasn’t going to let Tony see the sudden colour in his cheeks. When the guitarist attempted to look in the mirror again, Graham snaked his fingers around his neck and twisted his head back to one side, resting on the surface.
“Listen, you’re the creep for even thinking that. Now, you wanted something, didn’t you?” He tried to regain the atmosphere from before. Both the boys were mad, and Graham was in control. He had Tony right where he wanted him and… ok so it might’ve turned him on a little bit, but at least in that moment Tony didn’t know.
He heard Tony make a breathy gasp. The position for him was awkward, but he was in no way screaming for oxygen. He barely even fought anymore. The smile on his lips, though, had faded in favour of a more frustrated expression.
“Yeah,” The boy said through gritted teeth, “I wanted you to get the fuck up, because you’re enjoying yourself too much.”
Graham ignored the indication of his pleasure in the position.
“Why don’t you ask me nicely?” He suggested.
Tony hid a smirk.
“And here I was thinking you were going to make me beg for it.”
Something, the same thing that had lit Graham’s eyes and coloured his cheeks, stirred within him again. He stared down at Tony, wondering what his next move should be.
He decided not to give the boy the satisfaction of knowing he was right. Or at least, he wasn’t going to get defensive. He wasn’t going to deny anything anymore, not outright.
“Alright, that seems like a good idea. Beg for me to get off you.”
Oh yes. That had Tony hesitating. It was a moment before he piped up.
“Are you serious?” He laughed.
In a low voice, Graham replied, “Deadly.”
“Fuck off.”
“I don’t hear any begging. I guess you like this, you like being bent over, do you?”
Fuck! Tony struggled once more, annoyed that Graham had somehow flipped this situation on its head, yet again. Not only did he have full power over his body, keeping him firmly against the sink, but he also had power because there was no way Tony was going to beg. He wasn’t a dog or a child and he certainly did not take orders from someone like Graham.
But what choice did he have?
“You can’t be fucking serious!”
“I told you, I am.” Graham chuckled. He decided he was going to have all the fun he wanted in that moment, letting loose a lodged phrase he’d been wanting to say as he waited for Tony to retort. “And since I am actually enjoying this, I might as well take advantage of it.”
Tony... didn’t get it. He was totally confused, thrown off by Graham’s admission. He really didn’t know how to reply. He really didn’t know how he felt about the whole situation anymore. He just knew that his neck was starting to hurt like this.
He tried to arch it away from the sink, only to have Graham push him back down, smothering him further into the countertop.
“Plea-“ Tony gasped. For a moment, he was about to beg. And in that moment, after hearing a small chuckle escape Graham’s lips, the fingers around his neck loosened. He was given a little leeway to move. Humiliated, he shut his eyes. Could he really do this? Could he really beg his friend for anything, a guy who he was still mad at, who he would happily kick in the balls if his legs weren’t pressed up against the back of his thighs? No, no he couldn’t.
Graham was beginning to enjoy the power again. Perhaps a little too much. But he’d half admitted as much, so he didn’t really care. He ignored the distinct feeling of swelling down south- he didn’t press himself too hard into Tony in case he could feel it- and instead directed his energies to thinking of something to say next, something evil, something that would really piss Tony off. Because it got him off, for some reason. Just the idea of the kid so helpless under him, conflicted as to whether he should humiliate himself or not, allow the older man to manipulate him or not.
He leant down again, hovering his mouth over Tony’s ear, the soft, fair hairs whispering against the curve of cartilage tickling his lips. Tony could feel his hot breath hit his skin. He cringed as he felt Graham laugh.
“What was that?”
“I didn’t say anything.” Tony muttered.
“I think you did.” Graham laughed, “Go on, you can do it and I’ll let you up.”
Not a peep escaped Tony’s throat for a whole minute as they stood in that position, so Graham decided to make it worse for him.
Since he’d first bent down and whispered in the guitarist’s ear, he’d got the urge to do it. The back of his ear looked so enticing. It was stupid and weird, but it wasn’t the only thing in the situation that fitted that description. There was a small sensation of this being a step further, but Graham had lost the ability to really stop himself, just as he had in the argument. He succumbed to the temptation and stuck out his tongue.
Tony felt a more humid breath against his skin, following a wet slap that sounded almost like a kiss being broken. Having no idea what was going on, his mind drew blanks until he felt it; Graham’s tongue dragged against the back of his ear, right at the tip of it.
And Tony found himself sighing involuntarily. He caught himself, eyes shooting open, body tensing, but the damage was done, Graham had heard it. If he could not tell by the way the rhythm guitarist abruptly paused, then he could by the chuckle rumbling low in Graham’s chest.
The older man, after his hesitation, completed the lick before closing his mouth and reopening it again. Suddenly, he had plenty of things to say.
“Now, if I didn’t know any better, I would say you enjoyed that.”
Tony had no reply.
“And you called me the creep.”
The younger man let his jaw fall slack, ready to reply, but the older man beat him to it.
“You’re a very bad boy, Tony Hicks.”
“Don’t say things like that!” He snapped back. His vigour, however, was beaten by the chuckles vibrating through his bandmate’s body. Did he ever stop laughing? Boy did Graham know how to piss people off. Tony wouldn’t be surprised to learn if that was the first thing Graham looked for when he met people, a way to really get right on their nerves.
“Well, you shouldn’t have moaned.” Graham warned, letting his lips fall a little closer to Tony’s skin, rather than his tongue this time, “Would you like me to do it again?”
And this time, even though given an option, Tony could not think up an answer. He should’ve said a definitive ‘no.’
That is, if that was what he wanted.
Suddenly, the conflict in the boy’s mind was still fixated on whether he should submit to his bandmate, only in a very different way, and with a very different answer he found himself reaching.
Without a reply, which Graham found annoying- he really hated being ignored- he let his lips close around Tony’s ear, kissing him this time before running his tongue over the flesh. Tony tried really hard not to enjoy it, but it’s pretty hard when such an act coaxed feelings like the pleasurable shiver rushing directly to his spine. His body tensed, though this time not out of discomfort. It was due to the beginnings of a tight pleasure pooling below his stomach. It seemed that, inside him, his boiling blood and flashes of red behind his eyes were starting to convert into a different kind of frustration than he’d felt previously towards Graham. Instead of the desperate want to punch him in the face, he really wanted to pin him down on the floor and have his way with him.
He’d never thought such a thing about a guy before, but in that moment, gender wasn’t a concern of his, certainly not to the part of his body responsible for his thinking.
Graham seemed to be taken over by the same appendage, as he began kissing down Tony’s neck, moving his hand out the way, and Tony’s hair, to reach the hot, slender parts of his skin. His hands, now free, ran down the boy’s torso until they reached his hips, which they grabbed with considerable force. He dug his nails in tight to the thick layers of fabric Tony was clad in, in hope of feeling his skin, his flesh, his bones beneath.
“Are you sure you want me to get up?” He giggled lightly between kisses. He was not going to give up teasing his bandmate for anything, and that was a fact. He’d gotten off on irritating him, he’d relished his humiliation, why stop now when things were just getting interesting.
Of course, Tony saw it as an annoyance, but that was exactly what Graham wanted it to be.
“Will you just shut up for a minute?”
“Oh, of course not!” He breathed, “I want it known that you got off on me bending you over and…”
Tony realised that Graham had gotten complacent in his pleasure. Despite the grasp he had on Tony’s hips, he no longer had the good positioning that gave him all his strength. In one swift movement, Tony twisted around under him and pushed him towards the wall. As Graham attempted to recover, Tony lurched at him and pushed his whole body up against him. His hands sought out Graham’s, pinning them to the wall either side of his head. Now he could see the light in the older man’s eyes, the desire he’d only glimpsed, the damaged he’d actually done to the left side of his face. It was already bruising. Hmm, they’d have to explain that to the media, those that saw them as good, clean boys, not the types who got into fights.
Tony doubted they’d see them as the types who liked other boys either, so perhaps a black eye was the least of their worries. He suddenly thought of the unlocked bathroom door, the studio that lay beyond it, and the one room where three friends, no doubt concerned about them, were and may not remain. There was any number of people who could walk in at the worst moment and see what they really shouldn’t.
But… if he went to lock the door, he’d lose his power over Graham, and boy had he been waiting pretty much the whole day- if not since he’d met the guy- for a chance like this.
He looked Graham in the twinkling eyes. The rhythm guitarist was waiting, waiting for a next move, aching for it. His stare was challenging, encouraging Tony to do something, anything, so the boy decided to risk everything to keep his position. He glared at Graham, thinking ‘you’ve no idea what we’re risking for this.’
His move, he decided, was to slide both his hands up, with Graham’s in their grasp, and hold them over Graham’s head. He found a way to keep both wrists pinned to the wall in just one hand, so the other could travel down his bandmate’s aching torso, down experimentally towards the waistband of his trousers. He looked so unsure. Graham did too, but his mind was now set on this moment. He needed this, he needed a release for his frustration and believed Tony could benefit from it too.
“I want this.” He whispered encouragingly. Never before had he ever so explicitly given consent, never had he previously had to, but it felt right in this situation, one neither he nor his friend had been in before. It struck a little confidence into Tony, evidenced by the quickening of his movements. He spread his hand over Graham’s hardness and lightly applied pressure. Graham gasped, to which Tony wanted to administer a little of Graham’s own medicine to him. He chuckled.
“Enjoying this, are we?”
Graham’s eyes met his.
“Now you can’t deny that you’re not.”
The younger boy shrugged, slowly removing his hand, much to Graham’s displeasure.
“I’m going to enjoy it a lot more in a minute.”
Curious, the older man watched. He wasn’t sure what part of his friend he should keep his eyes on; his face, his wandering hands, his torso, his… trousers. Eventually, though, the most interesting part was his hands, the one that lingered between both their crotches before turning upwards towards it’s owner’s waistband and those skilled, guitar-playing fingers hooked around the zipper of his trousers. He watched as Tony pulled down his fly and palmed himself through his boxers, straining handsomely against a thick bulge within them. He watched as Tony got off, pleasured himself, leaving Graham practically totally untouched, straining himself under far too many layers of clothing. The older man whimpered.
“This isn’t fair.”
With half shut eyes and a blissful smile on his face, Tony asked, “What isn’t?”
“I was winning. You’re a fucking dick. I had you…”
“Oh, but you wanted me so bad, you just couldn’t help yourself, could you?”
Graham recognised his own tactics. Oh, they were cruel. He smirked to himself, almost as a pat on the back for being so goddamned smart. If only he could just work out a way to tip the tables again in his favour.
In fact, he didn’t care much about being in power, he just wanted not to be left out. He wanted to be touched. He’d happily beg, though he’d never say as much voluntarily.
“Fuck, look at you!” Tony continued. Graham could see more bliss, more pleasure building up tight within the guitarist. It was quite a sight, a view that cause want to simmer below his stomach. He recognised the pleasure that Tony was affording himself and wanted some for himself. “Quiet for the first time today. If it wasn’t so illegal, I’d do this everyday to shut you up.”
Graham’s voice came out as a half strangled moan when he tried to speak.
However, he did managed to say, “You’d do it because you fucking love me, admit it.”
“I love it when you’re not pissing everyone else off.”
“You love me when I’m not pissing everyone off.”
“I like the peace and quiet.”
“I…” He gasped loudly, “…really just want to come. Tony, come on!”
Tony grinned. He stared at Graham, making his own pleasure more obvious with rolls of his blue eyes and bites of his kissable lips. He even took it to the next step, pulling himself totally out of the boxers hanging loose on his hips and tugged hard, in full view of his friend. If a high level of adrenaline, caused by frustration and desire, had not been coursing through his veins, he probably would’ve felt more than a bit embarrassed and self-conscious under Graham’s watchful gaze, but his levels of confidence were soaring. He was coaxed on by Graham’s words too, as humiliating and embarrassing as getting your dick out in front of a mate was.
“Don’t… come on, I’m aching. Tony…”
“If you don’t beg,” Tony wickedly said, “You don’t get.”
To his surprise, it seemed a lot easier for Graham to stoop to that level of indignity than it had been for him.
“Ok, please Tony will you touch me. Or let me touch myself. I don’t fucking care anymore.”
“No?” Tony gasped, now unable to control his tone, “That’s disappointing, I thought you loved me. I though you wanted me.”
“Alright, alright, I want you, you fucker. Please, I want you to touch me.”
“If I move my hand, are you going to overpower me?”
Graham was not lying when he replied, “No.” And Tony could tell. It was probably the most genuine thing he’d said all day. So, if a little gingerly, the guitarist removed his hand from Graham’s wrists and feathered it down his body. Helpfully, Graham’s shot down to his fly and ripped it open. He groaned as Tony’s hand wrapped around him.
Oh, it was way better to have someone else do that rather than his own hand, Graham decided. Just the unfamiliar touch was enough to improve it, but there was so much more going on. Namely, the fact that Tony had an idea of what he was doing. Graham was sure he could make many a joke about that, like that Tony wasn’t really so much of a ladies’ man as he was a ‘right hand’ man, but he wouldn’t dare ruin the mood, by cracking some awful, distasteful and mocking joke unless, like the jokes about loving one another, both of them would know they were merely in good fun. There was also the forbidden aspect that made it all the more exciting. It had not slipped Graham’s mind that the bathroom door was open and he was well aware of all the shit they could get into, least of all the prison sentences they could receive should something like this get out. But, instead of scaring them shitless enough to do something about it or stop, it enticed at least Graham to continue.
And he knew it would not take long. He’d been aching at the most innocent of acts. By the time Tony had his hand pumping at his dick, he was further than half way close to climax.
So, it came of no surprise to him that he was first to come. He spilled over Tony’s hand, moaning with his head tossed back against the wall. He thrust up into Tony’s hand until the shockwaves of pleasure ceased. Then he looked down at the younger man, simpering.
Tony gave him a dirty look back.
“It’s not a fucking race.” He breathlessly snapped, “It’s not good that you were first.”
Graham nodded, “I know. I was actually glad, because now I can do this.”
He reached out and clasped his own, capable fingers around the base of Tony’s dick and followed the boy’s movements until he let him do it on his own. It seemed Tony had the same thought as Graham; it really was better done by someone else. A fact he well knew from all the chicks he’d had, but when directly compared to himself, and faced with someone who knew what they were doing, oh it was perfect. A few short minutes later and he’d dirtied Graham’s hands. Thankfully, as both the boys did check, they’d managed not to get anything on their clothes, save perhaps for some water from the counter and the sinks.
Breathlessly, the two boys regarded one another. They grinned stupidly, disbelievingly, not knowing what to say next. What was the protocol here? There wasn’t even one. All they could do was go back to how they always were. Nothing had changed.
“So…” Tony’s voice echoed around the room. After all that noise, the sudden lull in that bathroom was both too much for the boys, and not enough. They wanted to talk, to fill the empty space, but really didn’t, because it would mean addressing what had just happened.
Graham decided to go about that in an indirect manner by, once he’d tucked himself back into his trousers and zipped himself back up, nipping across the room to the tissue dispenser. He brought two bundles of tissues back with him, one for himself, the other for Tony. With that minor distraction, they found their voices.
“We always were.” Graham replied, “I know I’m pretty overbearing and all…”
“You can say that again.”
“Fuck off. I’m trying to… apologise.”
“Does that mean we have to go back and record a song now?”
They both looked pretty helplessly towards the door, nodding as though to answer the question for themselves.
“So…” Tony repeated, “Do you want to go first… or… or I can…”
“Nah,” Graham waved that idea away, “We’re mates again. We go back together.”
Neither made a start to the door for a moment. Tony pretended he was making sure there was no more evidence of their ‘time’ in the bathroom, while Graham chuckled to himself to get over the whole situation. Then, as though they’d agreed, they strode together out of the bathroom, into the corridor of the studio, which remained quiet. They silently made for their studio, keeping their eyes forward, their hands in their pockets, undistinguishable expressions on their slightly flushed faces.
They then walked into the room where their three friends were sitting almost in wait of them. Allan stood up immediately, waiting for a verdict as to whether they’d made up or not.
Tony opened his mouth, “He’s a fucking dick.” He announced, though that was not news to anyone. What was a slight surprise, though, was the smile on his face as he walked off to grab his guitar, and the one stretching Graham’s lips as his watched him.
“Yeah, but you all love me.” He insisted.
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