#So apologies if this is wonky
sharkiethedork · 1 year
Hello! I've been seeing a lot of positivity for sex-favorable aspecs/just in general aspec people who have sex latley, and that's awesome! There's no one way to be on the asexual spectrum and I'm glad that there's an understanding that there's a large diversity in our experiences as a community :]
I would like to take a moment to shout out my fellow sex-repulsed aspecs/aspecs who don't have sex for one reason or another as well. Again, there's no one way to be asexual and our lives are just as rich and valid as anyone else's!
Happy No Bitches 👍day to those who do not and do have bitches
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machinerot · 9 months
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sbeana · 2 years
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the pool scene
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zuzu-draws · 3 months
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Cranky post war 'bito :> his grump is truly when his Uchiha side shines!
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skcirthinq · 10 months
Soooo. @xxtc-96xx 's Mewtwos' have been having. An absolutely excellent time.
No trauma or badass entrances or uh. Additional? Traumas? At all.
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No but seriously, if you're into Pokemon, or even just fun storytelling, and amazing art, check out xxtc-96xx's work. They're all linked in their pinned post! The tone is more comedic and slice of life than what I've drawn here, but like. Can't resist some drama. So.
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Image (1) Pigment, a Mewtwo, comes out of the shadows holding a purification stone. She's less than thrilled. Rendered. (2) sketch of Huey, another Mewtwo, laid out on the ground after getting beaten by his possessed uncle. He's reaching for something, and pretty unconscious. (3) Huey's mom, Newt, another another Mewtwo, who is injured and looking through the window as the dust clouds settle from battle. (4) Scarfy, you guessed it, a Mewtwo, in his mega form, who is being controlled by the giant crystal lodged in his shoulder. He looks. Great. I'm sure he's fine. (5) The sketch of the above-mentioned render of Pigment.
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slices-of-naranja · 1 month
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Cuddles (they’re totally not being awkward and weird about it)
I’ll finish this someday
More versions under cut cuz I liked the lineart more than the colored version
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bunchofdoodlesinspace · 6 months
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1st set of Winx redesigns for my version of the show, ft. Bloom! :D Here we have her Winx, Charmix, and Enchantix forms.
Transformation lore + redesign notes will be under the cut!
Winx: As described in my big hc post, this is the base form, the one everyone starts with. Once you really tap into your magic and gain the ability to transform, this is the form you start out with. I actually added detail to Bloom's form, while maintaining the basic shape of the canon design. I also switched up her wing design to sort of mimic the shape of dragon wings (this was a pain bc they kept looking too...fishy, for a while, but I think I figured it out). Also, I'm calling this form Winx because a) it sounds better than base form and b) I like the lore concept from the 4kids dub that Winx is like. your magic potential or w/e. So I'm using that.
Charmix: The power-up for Winx! I wanted to make this one feel more like...y'know, a power-up, lmao. I was actually considering making it an entire new form, but then I remembered when I was first trying to redesign the base forms (yes I've been here multiple times), I added these glowing neon lines and decided. Yknow what, that looks cool, that's what Charmix is gonna look like now. So here it is! The lines themselves are meant to glow with the colour of the fairy's magic (hence why Bloom's are orange), and using it also causes their eyes to glow, until they revert back to using Winx.
Enchantix: Listen I love the flowy dresses and long gloves and everything, I do, but I think a more armoured version of Enchantix would look so cool. Really emphasizes the whole concept of "guardian fairies" imo. Obviously I still wanted to keep elements of the original, so similar to Winx, I took the basic shapes of Bloom's dress (because it's so pretty and I love it) and played around with that. I also give all of them these long glove-things and toe-less socks to call back to the fancy gloves and sandals. Added a crown with some dragon-adjacent horns and used more fire-inspired shapes for the wings to emphasize the whole "Dragon Flame" and "Princess of Domino" aspects of Bloom's character, since I feel they are. very important. for this one.
Also, you might be looking at this and going "Cupcake. Where are fairy dust bottles." and to that I say. There uh. There isn't. I took those out BUT fairy dust is not gone, I'm not removing something THAT central to the plot. No, instead, each Enchantix fairy gets a wand that they can summon when they wish to perform spells using the fairy dust. And the reason the wand isn't in this post? ...I haven't designed any of them yet sjkdhfkg But I'll make a post in the future with all of them at some point when I do :)
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shovelbug · 10 months
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You lived a relatively quiet life. You were never one for the luxury so many Fontainians seemed to favor, but you were fine with that. You lived in a small apartment complex, and it was more than enough for you. Not much of a view, but you make do. You kept to yourself occupied with your hobbies. It wasn’t glamorous, but you were happy.
But even you knew about the recent trial of the Hydro Archon and her subsequent retirement from her position. You felt a great grief for all the woman had been through, and you held even more respect for her, perhaps even more so than before the trial.
So it was simultaneously no surprise and a great shock that Lady Furina, of all people, was your new neighbor.
It made sense, you figured. You would want a quiet life and a place to rest after all that, too. So, with that in mind, you resolved to treat her kindly, but no differently from how you would anyone else. She had enough of being put on a pedestal for one lifetime, you thought.
The day she moved in, she had very little in terms of luggage, but you offered to bring her bags up regardless. She seemed like she was ready to insist otherwise, but she didn’t actually refuse and allowed your help with a simple “Thank you.”
She sounded tired, you noticed. But also, more genuine.
You didn’t interact with her much other than that, save for when you used the fire hydrant in the hall to spray down her kitchen afyer she burned her macaroni. Despite her embarrassment, you said nothing of the incident and occasionally exchanged polite hello’s and good mornings whenever you happened to pass each other by.
It seemed wrong to judge the (former?) god of justice. More than that, you felt she was really just starting her life for the first time, as ironic as that sounded. She was stumbling, unsure, like a baby deer on its legs. But she was still trying, and kept getting back up. There was something to be admired in that.
After some time, you noticed how she seemed to pretty much only make macaroni. Now, you were no stranger to safe or comfort foods and often would make the same things yourself when you were lacking energy, but even that got tiresome after a while. So, when you were making yourself dinner one day, you found yourself making an extra portion. You put the lasagna and a few slices of the garlic baguette into a container and covered it, before taking it and peering into the hall.
Quiet, as usual. You padded along the corridor to her apartment’s doorstep, before leaving it with a quick knock and hurrying back to your own apartment.
You hoped, in some small way, Furina would find joy in the gesture.
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a/n: hi so uhhh this is basically like. Furina moves into her little apartment and you’re her neighbor who is like i’ll just treat her like a normal person but also i am mildly Concerned. i haven’t finished her story quest so apologies if this is weird or something this is just a brain worm i had. might continue it idk! anyways i love her
k thanks for reading love you bye
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7greentears · 10 months
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Lines of Hope.
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palepigeon · 6 months
so do y’all remember those lil orange critters from chapter 2. I think about them a lot.
anyways cringe culture is dead make Reverse:1999 critter ocs.
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( full image + bonus doodle under the cut; slight chapter 2 spoilers )
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any resemblance they have to Schneider is completely intentional by the way. They exist to drive Vertin insane but I feel like they’d become more of a big sister figure after a while
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thatonefandomjumper · 6 months
You ever just read a fanfic that rots your brain so much that you had no choice but to make a comic out of it? Yeah.
Anyway, here's the first 1000 words of A Mirror in the Dark by Fastern on Ao3 illustrated.
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(Click for better quality)
I know I could have picked some sort of big scene to illustrate, but idk man, I felt like going from the beginning even if it doesn't seem like much is happening. Trust me when I say this is the best Traitor Kaminari fic I have ever read. My initial plan was to do the whole first chapter but then I realized I didn´t have infinite time so have these 8 pages instead!
Anyway, go read the fic right now. You will not be disappointed.
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taterswithranch · 7 months
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Did a doodle of Demon Install Aldryx hdhsjsk
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auroraburst-1721 · 2 months
gimme riptide your art is cool
Quick little headshot/bust of Riptide!! I don’t normally draw the characters but this was fun!!
Thought about drawing him in my Headcanon design for the seawings but imma keep y’all in suspense meheheh >:]c
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thesillyvivi · 9 months
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did that one thing but instead of using comfort characters i did the first two charsctrrs i thought of
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zuzu-draws · 7 months
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["You Really think you'll be able to wriggle your way into my heart?" - Drunk OG 'Kuna ]
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solplease · 1 month
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stupid messy scara sketch
this is a redraw of one of my old scara drawings that i keep locked away in my little dungeon </3
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