#So aunt hears and gets pretty upset curses my mother out and then hangs up
maudlin-scribbler · 5 months
Mother has told me she thinks that my behaviour has been getting worse lately and that apparently she doesn't recognise me anymore but it's really that I'm so tired of her shit and my family in general + school + my mental state that I barely care to pretend around her anymore and yes maybe I am more of a dick around my family. But whatever me sometimes raising my voice at them and telling them to leave me alone is only like 5% of everything they've ever put me through
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heyyyharry · 5 years
Chapter 10: Darlings
(from the Flatmate Trilogy: Two Hearts, One Home)
…in which Harry is excited but Y/N is worried.
Word count: 4.4k
Chapter 9: Three’s A Crowd - Harry learns a big lesson, and Y/N cannot tolerate his assistant.
Wattpad link
A/N: Please enjoy and spam my inbox. - Allie.
Y/N was pregnant.
The doctor had confirmed it. A pregnancy test stick had confirmed it. The morning sickness had confirmed it. So it was official. She was now positively pregnant.
Before all of this, she had been devastated and almost depressed thinking she and Harry might not have children of their own. Now that the universe had given them one, she fell into a state where she was constantly afraid and anxious. She'd blame it on the hormones and the way her body was changing. The baby was probably not even...a baby yet, and she had already come up with a bunch of different scenarios where she turned out to be an awful parent. It was not until now that she realized how strong her sister had been for bringing up baby Eleanor on her own. Y/N was lucky to have a loving husband, her family, and supportive friends by her side.
Harry burst right through the door. He had just got back from work, still in his suit, and his face was white. But what he found was just Y/N and Layla sitting on the bed, blinking at him.
"Who just screamed?!"
"Layla did," said Y/N with a beam. "I just told her the news."
"I cannot believe I'm about to be a godmother!" Layla punched the air and then drop her smile to give Harry a questioning look. "Wait...why are you holding a frying pan?"
Y/N was in hysterics when her husband lowered his frying pan and rolled his eyes. "I didn't have time to choose my weapon when I heard you scream. I thought my babies were hurt."
"Not you, Layla. I meant Y/N and our actual baby."
Layla ignored him and turned back to Y/N. "He's gonna be using plural nouns from now on, isn't he?"
"He's been doing that since the doctor visit." Y/N gave her best friend a shrug and automatically lifted her face for Harry to kiss. Layla sighed in contentment as she watched them.
"I'm so excited for you guys and also for me! When I was little, I always wanted to be Cinderella and now, I, Layla Scott, is about to be the fairy godmother."
"Who says anything about—" All it took was one fierce glare from Layla for Harry to change his opinion in a heartbreak. "Yes! You're gonna be the best godmother! No doubt!"
"I'm sorry baby Styles," Layla leaned down and whispered to Y/N's nonexistent baby bump. "Your daddy's a fake."
"Well, your aunt Layla's a bully."
"Godmother! Ugh!"
Smirking as Layla jokingly flipped him off, Harry dropped his head to give Y/N a few more pecks, one hand under her chin, the other on her belly. "I'm gonna take a shower now. You ladies have fun without me."
"Don't worry," Layla gave him a lopsided grin. "We always have fun without you."
"Real mature guys. I can totally see myself trusting you two with this child." Y/N snorted as Harry walked out with his 'weapon' after giving Layla a mocking face.
"Love you, darlings," he said. "And that plural noun doesn't include Layla!"
"Thank you, asshole!" Layla shouted at the closed door, making Y/N laugh even harder.
"He's very excited," Y/N said now that her husband was gone. Though smiling, the girl was subconsciously fidgeting with the hem of her skirt. And even such a little action couldn't get past Layla's eyes.
"What's wrong with you? Why are you upset?"
"What? I'm not!" Y/N scrunched up her face. "I'm perfectly fine."
"You don't look fine though. You blink a lot when you lie."
"I do not!"
"Here she goes again." Layla scoffed. "I don't get it though. You're finally pregnant. Harry's falling more in love with you, I didn't think it was possible, but I was just proven wrong." She stuck out her bottom lip and lifted her shoulders. "So maybe instead of looking constipated the second he turns away, you should be happy."
"I'm not unhappy, I'm just..." Y/N paused to search for the right word and then went with, "worried." Taking a deep breath, she continued, "what if I'm a terrible mother? What if Harry's the favorite parent and I'm the one my kid lies to and keeps secrets from? What if we're both terrible and our kid hates us?!"
"The kid's not even in there yet and you're already freaking out about him or her going through puberty?" Layla breathed as her eyes rolled upward. "Look, I don't hit pregnant women. But I'll slap the shit out of you if you say that again, ya hear me? This isn't you talking. This is the pregnancy hormones. Your anxiety isn't real, okay?" Quickly, she grabbed Y/N's shoulders and signaled the girl to copy her as she inhaled deeply and let go of that breath.
"Feel better?" she grinned. Y/N nodded once, looking less uneasy now. "Good. Just know that we're all here for you. You're gonna be fine."
As it turned out, Layla was right.
Soon the weekend arrived, and the young couple had grown used to the new rhythm of their life. Y/N had been paying more attention to her diet and taking vitamins regularly, so she didn't feel as terrible as she had for the first few days. This morning, Harry had a meeting with a client, so he wasn't there when she woke up. He'd left her breakfast on the kitchen table with a note saying he loved her and would miss her terribly until he came home. After everything that'd happened to them, he was making more effort to make sure she knew how much she meant to him. It began to feel like those college days again, and she wanted to enjoy it while it lasted.
"Nope, I won't do it!"
"I'll pay you."
"You haven't even paid me for catsitting Tiger!"
Y/N brought Treasure toward Nam's desk and couldn't help but overhear his little argument with Stephanie. While the blonde was rambling on, Nam seemed pretty annoyed. That wasn't at all surprising, because Stephanie's only talent besides being a bitch, was being an annoying bitch. Y/N supposed it was mean to think about her neighbor like that. But that woman deserved to be called a bitch after all the things she'd said and done.
"Y/N!" Stephanie grabbed Y/N by the arm the second she saw her. "Tell him to babysit my niece for me!"
"Oh, now you're gonna drag Y/N into this?" Nam laughed wryly as he took the white cat from Y/N's arms. "Even if you promised me a fortune, the answer would still be no. I already know I wouldn't get a single penny from you. At least Treasure's parents pay me well."
Treasure meowed softly as he stroked her head. "Do you agree, my little furry baby? Tiger's parents are stingy white people, aren't they?"
Stephanie rolled her eyes as she crossed her arms. "Well, cats, children, they're all the same."
"Well, thank God, you're not a mother." That was meant to be an insult, but Nam had unintentionally given Stephanie a new idea.
Her eyes lit up as she turned to Y/N. "Since you're about to be a parent, would you like some practice?"
"Oh, no! Leave Y/N alone!"
Stephanie completely ignored Nam as she went on before Y/N could say anything. "Don't worry, my niece's a good kid. Her parents go away on business trips all the time so she's very independent. All you need to do is to keep an eye on her until her mum picks her up."
"How old is she?"
"Y/N, you're not actually considering this!" Nam cried out.
Y/N gave him a shrug as she pursed her lips. "Tomorrow's Sunday, so why not? And I'm also good with kids."
"That's the spirit!" Stephanie smacked her on the arm, causing the poor girl to flinch. "She's five. The sweetest five-year-old you'll ever meet! Her name is Darling."
Y/N saw Nam hug Treasure and turn away as he muttered something, probably cursing Stephanie. But this time, it wasn't Stephanie's fault. Y/N simply thought this was a great opportunity for her and Harry to practice being parents. It was never too soon to get prepared for such a big change in their life.
Besides, with a name like Darling, the girl must be an angel. Now Y/N couldn't wait to talk to her husband about their new plan for Sunday.
"Babe, I still think you're really overthinking this."
"I'm not," Y/N shouted from the living room as she checked her watch. "Would you just hurry up?! We're gonna be late."
"Relax! They literally live just across the hall!" he said and finally stumbled out of their bedroom.
She stared at him, lifting an eyebrow in amusement. "Why are you carrying your laptop?"
"I gotta check my emails." He chuckled and pressed his lips to her temple. "Come on, babe. Let's go fake-parenting."
Laughing, she reached out to hold his hand.
They had never been in Mason and Stephanie's flat and had never intended to set foot in there, unless it was the only safe place in a zombie apocalypse. So when they entered 'the devil's home' for the very first time, their jaws nearly dropped to the floor.
The place was much cleaner and tidier than they'd imagined. Harry had often joked about his cousin's flat looking like a porn movie set, with sex toys hanging on the walls and adult magazines lying all over the place. At least that was how he imagined porn movie sets would look like. However, the flat was actually decent. Y/N amused herself with the thought that, those who had never met Mason and Stephanie would think they were a basic white couple named Kevin and Barbara, who baked cookies and went to church every Sunday. Lesson learned: never judge a book by its cover.
As Y/N went into the kitchen to check what Stephanie had left for them in the fridge, Harry made himself comfortable on the couch (after having made sure there wasn't a cum stain on it) and opened his laptop. They waited for about fifteen minutes when the doorbell rang, and Y/N rushed to it with a big smile on her face. She opened the door and was greeted by a tall woman slightly older than her.
"Hi! You must be Mary!"
"And you must be Y/N, the babysitter!" The lady returned a smile as she fixed her bucket hat that covered most of her bobbed blonde hair. Then, she turned back to call her daughter who was still idling in front of the lift. "Darling, come here, baby!"
The five-year-old pouted as she crossed her arms and waddled toward her mother and Y/N. She was as adorable as the image Y/N had created in her mind, with big bright eyes and brown straight hair that fell right past her tiny shoulders. The ladybug backpack she was wearing was too big for her body that it made her look even smaller. She could be the baby girl Y/N had always wanted. But then again, she shouldn't be. The girl might look like an angel, her attitude, however, said the opposite. Her little round face contorted as she shot Y/N a spiteful glare. Why?! They had only just met!
"Hello, Darling." Y/N crouched down with both hands on her knees despite the unwelcoming reaction. "My name's Y/N. And that—" she pointed at Harry who raised his hand and gave the child a wave "—is my husband, Harry. We're your babysitters for today!"
Darling looked at Y/N, and then Harry, and then back to Mary. She repeated that one more time before telling her mother, "please pick me up on time, mummy. Don't leave me too long with these strangers."
The mother gave a startled Y/N an apologetic grin before turning back to the child. "Of course," she said. "But you gotta promise to be nice and listen to Y/N and Harry, okay?"
Darling looked annoyed as she crossed her arms, still, she replied with a nod, said goodbye to her mum and followed Y/N into the living room.
"Okay." Y/N breathed as she shut the door. "Why don't we just start by getting to know each other?"
Darling shrugged off her backpack and spoke with a straight face, "I want to color."
"Oh, okay." As Y/N plastered a smile on her face, Harry was biting his knuckles so he wouldn't crack up. "I'll get us some paper and we'll color together—"
"I said I, not we."
"Wow..." Y/N heard her husband say, but she was too stunned to react. The kid hadn't broken that intense eye contact with her that made her feel extremely uncomfortable.
She swallowed hard, nodding her head. "S-sure. Why don't you wait on that couch with Harry?"
Darling didn't reply and dragged her backpack toward the couch to sit on the other end, as far away from Harry as she could. Now that his wife had left, Harry thought he should start a conversation to get to know this child. But before he could come up with anything to say, Darling was the one who broke the silence.
"Why do you wear so many rings? Are you married to many women?"
"No!" The man laughed, his eyebrows pulled together. He didn't know why he was nervous talking to this five-year-old when he'd never found it hard to speak to a girl before (Y/N had been a special case). He stuttered for a moment before adding to his answer, "this is my wedding band, see?" He showed her his ring finger, smiling proudly. "This is the only ring that matters."
He thought she would react in a different way, a more childlike and positive one. However, what he got was a hardened expression that seemed like she was silently judging him.
"Are you lying because you think I'm a child so I don't know what cheating is?"
He arched an eyebrow in doubt. "Do you know what cheating is?"
"Yeah, aunt Steph taught me that word," she said casually. "Cheating is when a husband or a wife sleeps with another person that's not their wife or husband."
"Jesus Christ!" His eyes widened as he straightened his back. "She taught you that?!"
"Yeah." Darling nodded once. "But I think she's wrong, because what if you want to have a sleepover with your friends? You have no choice but to sleep with them, right?"
"Right." He chuckled nervously.
Y/N soon returned with some paper, and Harry didn't think he'd ever felt so relieved. Talking to that girl was like being interrogated by the police. He'd never been interrogated by the police before, but in his imagination, this could probably be worse. He took advantage of Darling being distracted by her paper and crayons to drag Y/N to the kitchen, telling her to keep her voice down.
"Harry, we are not having sex while there's a kid in the other room!"
Her reaction made him chuckle as he held her arms. "Who says anything about sex?"
"I'm not sucking your dick either."
"I may be horny for you all the time, but I know my limits. I'm only here to tell you that the child scares me."
"Don't you think it's a little too late for that?" she asked, pointing to her belly.
"No, I mean Darling!"
"You mean what?"
He exhaled and rolled his eyes, but still found the little misunderstanding hilarious. "I was talking about Darling, the little girl."
"Just call her 'the little girl' from now on to avoid confusion."
"Got it." He snorted and proceeded to tell her about their previous conversation in the living room, adding, "I haven't seen her smile, isn't that strange?"
Y/N gave him a shrug. "Maybe she's a mini Wednesday Addams."
"Maybe she's a mini Layla."
"Okay, that's funny."
Harry tried to look as serious as he sounded but his own joke amused him. Smirking, he went on, "I bet she's out there drawing a picture of the two of us with our heads cut off."
"Harry, you're overreacting. She's only a baby," Y/N said and kissed him on the cheek.
Other than being an emo five-year-old, Darling was actually a good kid. She had been quiet the entire time while working on her drawings. She was using a lot of red, which reminded Y/N of what Harry had said earlier, and now she was afraid to see what those 'works of art' were about.
Soon it was lunch and Darling stopped coloring as she told Y/N she was hungry. Y/N wanted to be a good soon-to-be-mother, so she asked her husband to play with Darling while she made some sandwiches for the three of them.
"No, wait, I'll do it!"
Before Y/N could protest, Harry had already dashed into the kitchen. She knew he couldn't cook to save his life but didn't want to fight him on this, so she sat back on the couch and let him be their chef. It would take forever until they had something to eat if at all. So while waiting, Y/N used Harry's laptop to go on YouTube. Just when she thought she could finally relax and watch some funny cat compilations, Darling's loud squeal made her head turn shot up.
"What happened, dear?" Y/N put down the laptop and came to see what was wrong.
The little girl stuck out her bottom lip, her eyes welled up as she held the red crayon now broken in half in her little palm. Y/N squatted on the floor with her elbows on her knees as she gave Darling a reassuring smile.
"Don't worry, you can still color with that."
"It's broken."
"Yeah but..." Y/N took the two halves, each in one hand. "Now you have two red crayons."
"Half a crayon doesn't make a new crayon."
"Who told you that?" Y/N asked, her eyebrows rose.
Darling pursed her tiny heart-shaped lips as she thought for a moment. She was probably trying to decide if she should tell Y/N what she'd never told anyone. Eventually, she confessed, "aunt Steph told mummy that mummy and daddy's marriage was a broken crayon. You can still color with it, but it'll make the picture ugly and messy."
Y/N was frozen by those words. A little girl should not have heard something like that about her parents, ever. Feeling a big lump in her throat, she tried to search for the right thing to say to Darling. It was only then that she looked around at the paintings scattered on the carpet. They weren't what she and Harry had assumed. They were just awful, messy, childish drawings of what any child would view as a happy family. Darling had used a lot of red to draw the hearts. There were so many hearts surrounding her, her mother and her dad. She'd even used that red color to cross out the face of another woman standing in the background, who, Y/N believed, was her father's mistress. That explained why she'd thought Harry was cheating. Her dad had done it, maybe all the men would too.
"Here." Y/N picked up one half of the red crayon as she sat down, crossing her legs. To Darling's confusion, she took a new sheet of paper and began to draw.
She'd been told by her niece Eleanor and Jamie, the boy she used to babysit during college, that she was good at drawing. That was what she loved about children. You didn't have to give it your best shot and they would still think you were extraordinary, simply because you were an adult. And she was right. Darling's mouth had formed an 'o' shape as her eyes followed every single movement of the crayon sliding across the paper. She was in awe to see Y/N quickly sketch a house with a nice garden, the fences, some trees, even a swimming pool. Y/N finished her 'masterpiece' with a family of two, a little cat, and an arrow pointing to the woman's belly as she wrote down the word 'BABY'.
"So this..." She sighed happily now that her work was done. "This is my family," she said, pointing to the picture. "This is Harry, this is me, and you can't see the baby because the baby's in my belly."
"Does your house look like this?" Darling asked, her eyes went round. It was the first time Y/N had seen her act like an actual five-year-old. And there was something so endearing about that. This was when Y/N's maternal instinct kicked in, she felt her heart flutter in a way that she'd only experienced when she was with Harry.
"Nah, we live right across the hall," she told Darling. "But this is our dream house."
"Why don't you buy it? It has a pool and everything!"
"We'll buy it someday. Right now, we want to stay here to be close to work and to our friends."
Darling clasped both hands in front of her chest. "Can I come visit when you finally buy this house?"
"Sure, love." Y/N nodded and handed her one half of the crayon. "Wanna draw yourself in?"
"Can I?!" she exclaimed with excitement, smiling from ear to ear. That was the first smile to be seen on her, and Y/N felt so proud knowing she was the reason for it.
"Sure, babe. You can put yourself next to me and the baby."
Harry finally returned with three (slightly burnt, but still edible) grilled cheese sandwiches. After having struggled in the kitchen for half an hour, he was now considering signing himself up for a cooking class so he wouldn't depend too much on his pregnant wife. But maybe he'd save this talk for later, because his mind went blank the moment he saw his wife...laughing with mini Layla.
"H-hey guys," he spoke, catching the girls' attention. "What...what are you guys doing?"
"Darling drew a picture of us. Wanna see?"
"Is my head still attached to my body?"
"Alright, alright. Coming."
He put the plate down on the table and sat down with the girls on the floor. His reaction was the same one as Y/N had before when he saw what Darling had been drawing the entire time. It was far different from the horrendous scenario he'd painted in his head.
Excited, the girl stood up and raised her artwork to show it to her two audiences. "So this is you, this is Y/N, this is the baby. I made it a girl because I want a little sister."
Harry chuckled but Y/N shushed him so Darling could finish her presentation, "and this is me, the babysitter."
"She volunteered to be our babysitter," Y/N told her husband before he could ask.
"Told ya she's a mini Layla," said Harry as he waggled his eyebrows, making Y/N giggle and pushed him away.
For the rest of the afternoon, things had gotten much better for Harry and Y/N. They played a few games (that was how Harry discovered he gave great piggyback rides) and did some more coloring. Since Harry had accidentally ruined one picture by coloring outside the lines, the girls threatened to take away his crayons, but eventually agreed to let him color the insignificant details like the trees and the flowers in the background. Honestly, that was the most therapeutic activity he'd done in a long time. He didn't even bother to check his emails and chat with his clients and employees. All he cared about was this happy moment with his wife and their play-pretend family of three.
In nine months, this all would be real.
"I told you it'd be worth it," Y/N said contently as she followed Harry into their flat.
Darling had just left with her mum, who had been so surprised when her daughter appeared with a massive grin and showed her the picture she'd drawn with half a crayon. Y/N hoped Mary had understood and would try to do better for her little daughter. That was what that child deserved.
"I love to see you so happy," said Harry as he hugged her from behind, kissing the spot right below her ear as she held his face. "Told you you'd be a great mum. You've been acting like my mum since the first day we met."
She rolled her eyes, a corner of her mouth turned up. "I just realized that the personality of the child depended a lot on her parents' relationship."
"That's right." He nodded, holding her stomach with both hands. "Our baby's gonna be an angel, because we're in love. I love you, you love me, we're a happy family."
"I can't have a deep and serious talk with you if you keep quoting lyrics from Barney & Friends, H."
"You're so lame. Our baby would've loved that." He scrunched up his nose and tilted his head to kiss the corner of her mouth. Then, he brightened. "Hey, I think the name Darling is very cute and unique. Let's name our baby something similar, like Honey. Baby Honey sounds so cute!"
She raised an eyebrow at him, lips pressed together as she tried to contain her laughter.
"No? Okay, I'll come up with something else. But I will not give our baby some basic names like Kevin or Barbara."
She froze. "Wait, how d'you..."
"Did I say something wrong?" He gave her a confused smile as he didn't get why she seemed so shocked.
Y/N slowly shook her head and kissed the dimple on his cheek. "I almost forgot that we were like the same person sometimes. Is it weird that I want to marry you again?"
"Not at all. I would do it all over again with you." He beamed, holding her tighter. "Don't worry, love. I promise that I will be the most responsible father and role model—
"Harold!" Mason's voice on the other side of the door interrupted Harry at once. "Harold, I have your laptop!"
"Shit, my laptop!"
"Let's see what kind of porn you have in here!"
"Fuck you, Mason! Give it back right now!"
Y/N hadn't said a word but Harry had already chased his cousin down the hallway. With a gentle smile, she stared at the open door and said to their baby, as if it'd already been there, "we'll give your daddy another try tomorrow."
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soul-music-is-life · 6 years
I have an emison prompt: Alsion and emily finding out they are having a boy the second time around Alison is pregnant. And they have a bet on what they are having.
I’m really not a big “holiday” person. But I do take stock of what I’m thankful for this time of year, and I’m more than thankful for my fans (it feels weird calling you ‘fans’ when I consider you friends). You have legitimately occupied my mind enough with the PLL/Emison stuff to where the loss of my mother isn’t constantly in the forefront of my mind so much that it makes me want to pull some “Thelma and Louise” cliff-dive. So from the bottom of my heart, thank you. Enjoy. Had to add a “read more” link cuz I prattle.
Emily’s eyes were closed in concentration. She delicatelymassaged her fingers against her wife’s exposed skin. Alison reached down andtucked her fingers underneath Emily’s chin, drawing her wife’s attention awayfrom her little protruding baby bump and up to her face.
Alison couldn’t help but smile at Emily’s dedication tomaking sure her pregnancy was as stress-free and relaxing as possible. That’show they’d ended up snuggled on the couch, Emily talking to their growing littleone. Emily had become very enamored in her conversation with their unborn babywhile she was trying to determine the sex. Emily rubbed her palm over Alison’sbelly and focused in on it in deep concentration.
“It’sa baby, Em. Not a magic 8-ball.” Alison laughed.
“Iknow.” Emily rubbed her belly again with a smile. She pressed her lips againstAlison’s exposed skin right below the midriff on her shirt. “Talk to me, littlenugget.”
“Again,a baby. Not gonna talk…” She was cut off when she felt movement, a kick.
Emilysmiled and looked up at Alison.
“Youwere saying?”
“Thatwas just a coincidence.”
“Oh,really?” Emily lifted her brow. “Kick your mommy’s bladder if you can hear me.”
“That’snot funny, Emily. I already practically pee myself every fifteen minutes as itis…”
“Sheloves you despite her complaining.” Emily assured the little fetus.
Alisonfelt movement, a reaction to Emily’s voice. Alison couldn’t help but smile.
“Okay,real important question here, peanut.” Emily spoke soothingly. “No pressure.”
“Youare ridiculous.” Alison laughed.
“Maybe.But my methods work. I have a sixth sense for this.”
“Ifthat’s true why didn’t you know we were having twins the last time?” Shemotioned to their twelve-year-old girls sitting across the living room playinga video game.
“Shh,I’m doing important work here.” Emily shushed her jokingly. “Okay, baby.” Emilyaddressed Alison’s stomach again. “Now, are you a little girl…”
Shewaited a few seconds. No motion. No movement. No kick.
“So,you’re a baby boy, then?”
Unbelievably,there was a kick.
“Fool-proofFields method.” Emily nodded. “My dad did it when my mom was pregnant with me,and he was right. So I’m casting my ballot. My vote is baby boy.” Emilygrinned, rubbing Alison’s stomach. “My little man.”
“God,if he is a boy he’s totally screwed. As if his mommies aren’t hormonal enough,he’s going to have to contend with two moody teenage sisters.”
“Youguys know we can hear you, right?” Grace looked up from the TV, a video gamecontroller in her hand.
“Ha!Suck it, Grace!” Lily took the opportunity to edge Grace out of the game theywere playing.
“Hey,no fair. I paused it for a reason…”
“Yeah,because you’re a sucker.” Lily grinned.
“Moms,she’s being mean to me…”
“She’sgloating. There’s a difference.” Emily shrugged.
“Punishher for gloating.” Grace demanded.
“Notmy fault that you can’t beat me.”
Grace’scheeks flushed red in anger. It wasn’t uncommon for them to fight every day,sometimes three to four times a day, about who was better at what. Grace hated to lose. When she was a toddlershe’d throw tantrums. Lily had beat her at Candyland once and Grace had yankedon her hair and stabbed her with a game piece. Everything was a competitionwith the two of them.
“Payup, loser.” Lily flipped her hand over, palm up. She gestured slightly with herfingers curling towards her body.
Gracelooked at her mothers and then at her sister, an idea suddenly coming to mind.She’d heard all the adults talking about whether her moms were going to be having aboy or a girl. They had even taken it as far as placing bets on it. Gracedecided she wanted in on the action.
“Howabout another game?” Grace asked.
“Comeon, I’ve already beat you three times. You really want to keep embarrassingyourself?”
“No. A different one. And the odds are 50-50. Gives us both a fair shot. But it’s along game.”
“I’mlistening.” Lily was intrigued.
“Soyou’re in?”
“Cool.Let’s take this pot and add a buy in of ten bucks for the new game. Fixed odds.Double or nothing,” Grace said.
“Whothe hell taught you gambling terms?” Alison frowned.
Grace’sand Lily’s eyes both flickered towards Emily. Emily glared back at them forthrowing her under the bus.
“Didyou teach our children to gamble?” Alison exclaimed.
“Teach is kind of a strong word. They may have stayed up late with me and thegirls for a few poker nights.”
Alison’sjaw dropped, but it had nothing to do with teaching their children how togamble. She was upset for another reason.
“Youplay poker without me?”
“Baby,you know I love you, but you give away too much with your tells.”
Themost ironic thing about Alison being one of the biggest liars in Rosewood whenshe was a kid was the fact that now that she was grown, she couldn’t bluff forshit anymore, especially not when shewas pregnant and emotional.
“Thatshouldn’t matter.” Alison sulked. “We’re supposed to be in this marriagetogether. Through better or worse, through wins and losses…”
“Iwon two grand the last time I played without you.” Emily interrupted her.
“Shuttingup.” Alison nodded.
“So,girls, you want in on the action of the baby pool?” Emily smiled at her twins.
Theywere just as mischievous and devious as she and Alison had been when they wereyounger.
“Yeah.” They replied in sync.
“Idunno. What do you think, Alison?” Emily asked with a teasing smile on herface.
“Ithink I gave birth to two suckers and it’s mean to let them practically give ustheir money.” Alison joked. “But they’ve got to learn somehow. Better at homethan at the tracks.”
“Soyou’ll let us play?” Lily smiled in excitement.
“Thereare three polls going, but only two big ones. The first is whether it’s a boyor a girl. And the second is the day you think your mom is going to givebirth.”
“What’sthe third one?” Grace asked curiously.
Emilylooked at Alison in amusement. Alison glared at her, warning her not to tellthe girls.
“Howmany times your mother swears in the delivery room.”
“Ohhh,I definitely want in on that one. Ifit’s anything like her road rage, I could clean up with my winnings of thatone.” Lily smiled.
“You’regrounded until you’re thirty-five.” Alison scowled at her eldest daughter.
After a few seconds a smile spread across her face and the two of them laughed.
Lilystood up and walked over to her moms. She looked over Alison’s stomach as if itwas a difficult word problem that needed to be solved. She flipped her tonguein between her teeth and tried to decide. Ever the scientist, she was lookingfor any factor that could steer her in the right direction. Also, gambling withher sister was serious business. She hadto win.
“Whenyou were pregnant with us did your belly stick up or hang low?”
Alisonlooked at Emily, and though she couldn’t say what she was thinking, Emily pickedup on her train of thought,
She makes it sound like adick.
Thenagain, maybe that was the point. Maybe it was part of her scientific process.Or maybe her mommies just had filthy minds.
“Icarried mostly in the middle with you girls. I started showing pretty early,but then again there were two of you.”
“AuntHanna suggested that it’s going to be twins again.” Grace smirked.
“You’renot allowed to hang out with your Aunt Hanna anymore,” Alison said dryly.
Godhelp them if they ended up with another set of twins. They loved Lily andGrace, but they couldn’t do two babies again. Not on top of the surly kids theyalready had.
Lilytook her mom’s answer into account and then her face tightened inconcentration. She looked a lot like Emily when she was trying to mentally worksomething out.
“Whatkind of cravings did you get with us?” Lily glanced at their half-eaten dinneron the coffee table.
“Sweet.Always sweet. I ate entire box of chocolates on Halloween.” Then she’d promptlypuked. “I also had a thing for dill pickle chips.”
“Yeah,and always at like two in the morning.” Emily scoffed.
“Soyou’re the reason I love pickles.” Grace nodded.
“Werethere any smells that made you nauseous?” Lily asked.
“Sobasically you couldn’t hang out with Aunt Spencer at all.” Lily laughed.“Anything else?”
“Oh,yeah.” Emily nodded. “Christmas was hell for you.”
Alisonhad insisted on letting Emily decorate a real tree even though it made her sickto her stomach. She knew how much Emily loved Christmas.
“Wasthere anything…”
“ForGod’s sake, Lily, just bet already!” Grace exclaimed impatiently.
Lilylooked at Grace with a snooty expression.
“Ithink mom is right.” Lily looked at Emily. “I think it’s a boy.”
“Andhow did you scientifically concludethat?” Grace snorted.
“Simple.”She walked over to her sister and plopped down next to her with a smile. “Momis always right.”
Emilygrinned. Alison hit her for gloating.
“Well,I think it’s a girl.” Grace disagreed.
“Idon’t have to tell you my methods.”
“You’rejust saying it’s a girl because I think it’s a boy.”
“No,I’m agreeing with mom.” She pointed to Alison. “She said the other day that thebaby was bitching at her. Girls dothat.”
“Youcurse in front of our children?” Emily looked at Alison with a smile on herface. “And you give me crap for letting them play poker.”
“Ah ha! You do let them play!” Alison pointed an accusatory finger at Emily.
Emily reached over and pinched Alison’s side where shewas ticklish and she almost leaped off of the couch. Alison glared at her, butthen laughed. Grace and Lily glanced at one another and rolled their eyes,because their moms were like so totally ridiculously mushy.
They went back to trash talking one another over their video game whileEmily and Alison watched. They didn’t have much else to do but wait. Becausethe new game they were playing was a long game. They had another three weeksbefore they knew whether they were going to have a baby brother or a babysister.
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hmratking · 6 years
Quiet Confessions
((Continued from HERE))
Mora moved about the cottage. She had brought in a small pack and set it down, "Come in and don't break anything,” she called back. Though it would have taken a few days and careful planning on what to bring back, Mora had gone with Rabbit to the shops in Dalaran. This was just what she decided to bring back. "Set it all in the middle of the room right there,” she spoke loud enough for him to hear. While in Dalaran, she had ordered a few things to be delivered to the nearest city as well. "In a few days, you will come with me to the city down the way to carry more. Understand?”
The tauren carefully walked into the cottage and effortlessly carried some of her packages. “Is…is this allowed, ma’am?” he asked right before he placed them in the middle of the room. He exhaled and looked at Mora.
"It's fine, and don't ask me again,” she said off-handedly, not knowing or showing care if she did. It was easier for her this way, at least that is what she believed. "Just make sure you get your obligations done, and you will be fine. Right?"
“Well, I mean, I made food in advance, but I’m pretty sure Mr. Flea said I was to stay in the kitchen, and I have been gone for quite a while. I don’t want to upset Mr. Rat King and all.” He really didn’t want to go back to Orgrimmar. “Can’t you just take Mr. Flea, ma’am?”
Mora ignored the last part and looked him over "It's none of your business who I take, only if you are asked upon. I have asked. I have my reasons. Are you questioning them?”
Rabbit shook his head. “No-no, ma’am.” He was concerned and maybe someone had answers for him. He stood in the room, silently, wondering if there was anything else she wanted, but he didn’t say a word.
"Make yourself useful. Lay out those rugs and take the white boxes into the room over there. I want you to collect some firewood for me. Do you do this for where you cook, or does someone do it for you? There is rack outside in the front to the side of the door. I want it stacked over there so I do not have to fetch someone. Make a fire in the fireplace and we will then have dinner. " She picked up some things she bought in smaller bags and walked them over to the table. From one bag, she pulled two white knitted blankets, too small for even her, and very soft looking.  She cradled the knits some and brought them up to her nose to smell them deeply.
He was confused for a moment. Did she want him to set out the rugs or get firewood? He looked at her, trying to figure out this small woman and wondering why she was so frazzled, aside from carrying a child. “They deliver the firewood, ma’am.” He turned and walked toward the rugs, picking them up and laid them out the way his mother would lay out the rugs in camp, carefully and with loving intent. He tried to smile and he walked toward the boxes to take them to the other rooms. 
“Ma’am, I need to go back to the kitchen.” He spoke softly and gently, hoping she wouldn’t get too upset.
"You can go…” She dismissed him looking over the things he did and then back at him. “What are you making?" she wanted to know before he left. She seemed to be lost in thought really, but for a moment, she sat on her couch with the blankets in hand.  
Rabbit paused and said, “Bear stew, bear steak cuts, and meatloaf. With mushrooms. That’s all they brought me.” He offered her a warm smile. 
She stopped what she was going while he was talking, and the food he mentioned actually didn't sound so bad. Mora leaned forward some and smiled. “OK, bring me that. Bring some for the King too, but bring it here.”
The tauren nodded and exited the cottage. Several hours later, after cooking and braising, Rabbit walked toward the cottage with two bowls of food. He was stopped suddenly the King. 
“Where are you going?” the King called out. Rabbit noticed that the King was standing dark-haired elf who was called the King’s Champion. He approached the King and the Champion.
“Your mate requested food. And she asked that I bring you food, but to the cottage.”
The King turned to look at the cottage. “I’m going to fucking regret this,” he muttered, to which Teriaan laughed faintly and patted the King’s shoulder. “Go. Carry on.” Rabbit nodded and continued on to the cottage. He gently tapped at the door with his hoof and when the door opened, he walked in, ducking to enter. He placed the bowls on a table.
The interior of the cottage was changed from the time he last saw it. It was lit from the inside with strange lights that seemed attached to nothing, they also seemed to give off just enough of a glow to illuminate rooms. Traces of Mora's colors and tastes were present. Some things still remained since Mora was not able to move it on her own, but many of the bags had disappeared and only a few larger things remained.
“If that is all, I need to go,” he said.
Mora watched the door open as she held in front of her a delicate looking crystal mobile, odd dark purple and fel touched, precious looking gems. "That is all,” she spoke curtly after him and looked to the food he had just set down.
The tauren sighed and exited the cottage. As he walked out, he noticed the King walking up the path. He stepped out of the way and the King stopped to look at him for a second. “Are you finding everything you need?” the King asked.
Rabbit paused and cleared his throat. “Um…yes….King.” He kept his head bowed and the King shooed him away. 
The King walked into the cottage and noticed the new items in the home. “I thought Flea and Sarinna helped you. Where are they?”
Mora looked up and smile upon hearing her King's voice. "My only, I was going to look for you."  She smiled and pointed to the food. "That new one brought it in, Bunny." She made a small wave of her shoulder as he asked for Flea and Sarinna. “I didn't need them. I should hope they went back to doing whatever it is they needed to do.” The mobile was still in her hands.
“No, they never did, and they’re not here yet.” He continued to look around, turning to her only when she mentioned that their cook had brought her the food. “Bunny? Oh, that bull…thing. Yes, he showed me.” He paced around, looking at what she had bought. As much as he wanted to say something, he simply bit his tongue. This was her place and he didn’t want to upset her.
Mora's brows narrowed some, "What do you mean? Where is Jhonathan?” She only seemed concerned for him for a moment. "And Sarinna?” Her eyes looked over at nothing as if she were trying to think of where they could have gone. "Maybe they went to get more things for me…"  She offered that for him to do what he would with it. 
“Hmm…maybe.” The King could have easily summoned the mage back at any moment, but he let her response go for the time being.
“I...didn't know where you wanted to eat, but you don't have to stay here. I just wanted to bring it to you." She looked at him, the way he paced. "I was going to hang this first. Since you are here, there’s your plate." She looked to where the food had been set and stood for a moment more before she walked back to the smaller of the rooms.
The King looked at the food and his stomach grumbled. It had been a while since he had eaten. He grabbed the bowl and began to eat standing.
Mora kicked a crate across the floor until it lined up beside the crib that was not fully built. Handling the mobile, she reached for a hook and sighed. She did need Jhon. "Mm..." She tried one more time before she would feel the crate wobble beneath her very unbalanced body. She gasped some and caught herself on part of the crib. "Fuck" she cursed and the mobile fell, thankfully, on the bed.
He watched her struggle and when she almost fell, he almost dropped the bowl. He sighed and put the bowl down. Walking toward her, he grabbed the mobile off the bed and reached up effortlessly to hook it up. 
She looked up as the mobile was moved from the bed and he hung it for her. Instantly, it had made her feel better, her large eyes sparkling with the dark gems and she handled them with adoration. “Look," she adored them. Gazing back at him she turned and kissed his lips, their babies keeping a gap between them. "Thank you.”
“This is ridiculous.” The King looked at everything again.  “Why bother with all this? Why are you setting them up for a life they cannot have, Mora? Look at this? This looks normal! We are not normal!” 
She tried to ignore him on the things she didn't want to hear right now. She had started to notice the more she yelled, giving into all of the stress, made her sick. It made her belly tight. "You gave me this place. It is mine. Isnt ?" she asked. “You have given me a life I never thought I could have." She smirked some and her hands rested on his shoulders. "It is the life that you offered and I have taken it as mine. They are mine and I will give them everything."
He didn’t raise his voice or yell at her. He actually sounded pained. He looked at the crib and he touched the smoothness of the wood. “This was a mistake. You should have gone to Silvermoon and given them a normal life.” He rubbed his eyes. “There, you would have had a proper home. And…” he paused a moment, almost hesitating to say the next words, “…and their grandmother.”
She knew he would not want to hear this and used his body to help her get down. Moving the crate away, she smiled at the gems starting to reflect the light. Mora's eyes looked down as he called it a mistake. She knew, but there were reasons. Even if she really couldn't tell him. "They are my mistakes. I do not want to be in Silvemoon…” She started but stopped when he mentioned a grandmother. A grandmother?  "What?" Her brows narrowed and she stared at her King "What? A grandmother?”
He ignored her words and didn’t budge when she used him to get down. He looked at her and spoke softly. “A grandmother and an aunt. They would care for them and you.” He seemed hesitant “I still have to kill my brother and maybe my father, but my mother and sister would take care of you all.” He lowered his gaze and sighed. “I know they would.”
Mora listened for a moment and shook her head like she was hearing ridiculous news. "And a sister? A mother and a… a father. All in Silvermoon… Melaeth! Why have you never told me about this? I was in Silvermoon… " She kept quite and would let it sound like she was thinking she could have met them then. Honestly, she was terrified they could have been someone she hurt and not thought twice about. It must not have been so simple. He looked back at him, "Kill half of them. Then, do they want to kill you? I do not think I would be well received with your …my … this.” She pointed at her belly shaking her head softly. “You have family?" she started to pace now, trying to stay calm, managing to stay calm. 
He cringed a bit when she called him by his name. He shook his head a bit but the conversation carried on. “Why would I tell you? They’re supposed to be dead so that my actions don’t hurt them. No, they don’t want to kill me. They think I’m dead. Well, my sister suspects I’m alive. She stands on her balcony every night calling out for me to come home. I hate my father for….” he sighed and continued, “and I’ve trailed my brother before. He’s still a fucking prick. He needs to die.”
"Why would you tell me?" She took a breath and rolled her eyes "Why? Really?" She shook her head with frustration and let her eyes close some while she collected her thoughts. "Because even if you want me gone, and have sent me away, I know where I belong. I belong by your side. I've earned your secrets, Melaeth, You know mine and maybe they are not as important to you. Everything you are, who you are, I love. And you fucking love me…" She started to get teary eyed and turned her back to him some, just to wipe them quickly.
"I-...are they… norm- are they… good people? At least your…" Mora couldn't even see calling anyone his mother "mom? And sister?”
He turned to look at her. “My sister is still the same sister I had, perhaps even kinder. She would take you in if I admitted to being alive.” The King smirked at her hidden assumptions, “Yes, they are ‘normal’. They are not me. At least not my mother and sister. I can’t say much about the other fuckers.”
Her hands wrung over themselves some. "You know your sister waits for you, so this means you have seen her recently? Has she seen you? Thought she has seen you since she believes?" Mora looked up at him when he cut off his sentence of why hated his father. That look of her trying to process all this still very relevant. With him so sure sounding about killing half of this family she just learned of, it made Mora nervous. 
"I am like you.” She held her stomach possessively, and walked back near the unfinished crib. "I do not want you to ask things of them. It would make it all much worse if your...father and brother were to find out, wouldn't it?. Besides. I have a home. You are not normal? Then I am not." She laughed at that thought. "Shut up, of course, I am not. What makes you think -they- will be,” she said, referring to the babies. "If they will die like you say they will, I want to know It wasn't by the hand of someone like your own blood." She reached up and tapped on the soul gems hanging as images of those whom she took, for her pretty motif piece, would wake and play out their trapped cycle. "If I meet your sister, you would have to admit that you were not dead?"
He turned to look at her. “I told you so that you can have a chance.” He was truly fighting back the rage that was quickly building. Melaeth was fighting the Rat King. Or was the Rat King letting Melaeth through. It was confusing even for him. When she turned away, he sighed again. “I’ve been too busy to go to Silvermoon lately because that no-good fucker wants me dead, remember? But I would find a way to get to her. I’m sure he’s not always watching.”
"That fucker? The one and his brother.. Yes, it's why I won't go to Silvermoon, and I won’t go anywhere without you. You cannot stay in Silvermoon; I won’t either,” Mora said.
“Look, I don’t care what my brother and father think. I know…I just know that my mother and sister would not allow any harm come to you…to them.” He exhaled and reached for Mora’s hand. He tugged at her, leading her to the chair in the room. He sat and pulled her onto his lap, his hand and arm protectively wrapping around her belly. He kissed her head and his eyes were on her body. “We will never be normal, but they don’t know what all this is. Why bring them into our world when they have a chance to do something else?” He spoke softly, tenderly. “And yes, if you meet my sister, I would have to admit that I am not dead.”
Mora felt her hand grabbed, and her reluctant feet followed in tow when he tugged her. When she saw he was only sitting down it was easier to get her to follow. Mora pulled into her King's lap, and she held her breath as he held over her belly. A shaky exhale found its way out as he kissed her head, her eyes closing softly when she felt his lips.
She shook her head softly. "What happens if you come back form the dead?" There were so many questions now, so many things she had to start taking into consideration. "I don't want you to be 'too busy’ here. I am here,” she snuggled into him, holding onto him tightly and resting her face just under his chin. "I do not want harm to come to them..maybe..maybe I should,” but she swallowed and just bit at her lip still thinking. 
“W-would...you cry for them, like you do for your daughter?" she asked with her eyes watering up again.
A saddened look befell his face. “Mora…” he looked away and held her closer. He couldn’t say another word. Her own were too painful for him.
"W-will I ..miss them like that? And hurt?" her voice was already breaking and the over emotional elf tried so hard to hold it at bay, to be strong. She didn't have to care if she didn't want to, right? But in this body, the emotions were not so easy to manipulate in herself. She loved her babies. “Will...you think of them and wonder who they are, where they are? Are they special in any way to you?" She didn't understand those were the reasons why he had given her the things he had. She was sure that he just wanted to bury her away. To make the problem that she held onto -go away.
He turned his head, eyes closed to avoid the tears already dwelling within them from spilling. “Of course I would,” he whispered, as if his words were meant to be an unspoken secret. “They’re mine, Mora.”
Mora's grip would tighten over her King and she kept herself curled the best that she could into him. With those words, he had stolen her insecurity and drive, “I don’t know what to do…" she confessed just as quietly." I wanted to get rid of them…to make you happy. And I can’t. What's wrong with me?" she almost spoke to herself, wiping her eyes until they were a mess of tears and redness. 
She winced as she felt the babies start to move, most of the time it was painful now. Though it hurt, she did her best to endure it quietly. “Please, don't make me send them away. I know I will have to. I just want to know them for a moment. Just a little moment.”
It pained Melaeth to see Mora in tears, to feel the babies under his arm. With a soft sigh, he said, “Make a plan. Make multiple plans. They will stay here as long as you need them to, but the moment something happens, you turn to your plans. Make sure they’re safe and that their lives are as normal as possible. I... I don’t want them to be... R....” Melaeth was losing the battle. “Like us.”
Mora pulled back from him just enough so she could look him in the eyes, "You mean it, really?" Her eyes would look up some as new tears came without warning, sliding down her flushed cheeks, but she smiled and hugged her King. “Really, really? I love you. Thank you." She rested her forehead to his nodding as he spoke, agreeing.
"I will have many plans. You have already given us the room." Mora counted off some of the ones on just the top of her mind. "I will talk with the Flea and he will help." Mora hugged him tightly. "They will be safe; their daddy is the Rat King…a god…,” she teased some if only to stop herself from crying anymore. "A God to listen to my prayers,” she kissed him, " and answer them like only a God can." Mora rubbed over her belly softly trying to soothe the babies, leaning on her love, "I want you to know them. If they are no longer safe, I will meet with your sister, if you want me to.”
He simply nodded and the soft smile slowly faded. “ Make sure they don’t fuck things up,” he growled. “Gods may be merciful, but they’re also known to be cruel.” He leaned to kiss her roughly, his hand pressing hard against her thigh.
"I will not let them fuck up,” she nodded back to him hugging him tightly. "My God is the cruelest of all Gods,” she pouted to him softly as he leaned in to kiss her, snarling slightly into it but biting his lip gently, sucking in slightly with the way his hand pressed at her thigh. "I would worship no other…ever."
(collaborative rp with @loveherdekay, mention: @allasticus, @lazraelbandtherion )
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collecting-stories · 7 years
Churchgoer | Tommy Shelby
Hi, was just hoping for pretty much anything pre-war, not broken Tommy. I'm a sucker for his sweeter side xx @breathe-the-mountain-breeze
Please could you write an imagine with Tommy where the reader is the daughter of a really religious family, yet she's the scandal of the family and she also sneaks around with Tommy and everyone knows but her family. Thanks! I love your writing ❤️
Churchgoer | Tommy Shelby
You were overwhelmingly aware of the stares you received as you attempted to sneak into Mass late. Your mum sat up toward the front of the church, in the pew that your family had donated, with your father and the rest of your siblings. You hurried up the side aisle, eyes on the ground to avoid meeting the judgemental gaze of anyone who happened to be in the church that morning. Over the heads of a patrons you caught sight of Polly Gray, head turned away from you. Even the priest was following you with eyes as he slipped in a coy warning to his followers about being through the doors on time.  
"Where were you?" Your mother whispered as she pulled you down beside her. 
"I'm sorry, I overslept." You apologized, glancing quickly toward Polly's seat again. She still wasn’t looking at you.  
"I told your father it was a terrible idea for you to move out on your own." Your mother replied.  
"No, I promise it wasn't, I'll be on time next week, no more late masses for me." You promised.  
It had only been a month ago that your mother had agreed to let you live outside of the family home, so long as you could prove that you were able to provide for yourself. The freedom came with stipulations, one of them being your mother dropping in to visit you at any given time of day to surprise you. She had nearly caught you in a compromising position more than once. You tried to keep up the way you had in the house but being on your own was too tempting.  
Living without parents constantly trying to infiltrate your life meant that you could go to the Garrison without concerning yourself with a curfew. But it meant that you got more reckless as well. While you used to hide in the private room you had started to hang around the counter instead, unconcerned with who might catch sight of you or what they might say.  
When the service ended you were the first out of your seat, eager to leave. Your mother's hand shot out, gripping your wrist before you could get too far away from her. "Stay right where you are. I won't have you cutting out when you came in late."  
"I'm sorry I was late mum but please, I have to be somewhere." You replied.  
"More important on a Sunday morning than being here with your family to worship our Lord and Saviour?" The priest's voice sounded behind you and you realized he'd come down from the pulpit for greetings.  
"Father, I-" You turned to face him, your mother letting go of your arm and turning her attention to her other children to be sure they stayed put for greetings.
"I saw a rather distressing sight the other night as I was walking home from the church." The man said, dropping his voice so your family wouldn't hear him.
You shrugged, shaking your head in what you hoped appeared to be an innocent gesture. You knew exactly what he was talking about because you had caught a glimpse of him as well.  
"I saw you with Thomas Shelby, behind the Garrison."  
You felt like a kid getting reprimanded. Your whole face felt flush as you took a quick look around. Truly, you were searching for Polly but she seemed to have already left. The priest moved on to speak with the rest of your family, telling your mother how much he appreciates their presence at church every Sunday, and you took the opportunity to cut out.  
Some of the women you passed on your way out made no attempt to hide the fact that they were gossiping about you. The priest himself was known for his gossip and so was the secretary he confided all his stories too. You were sure that if he knew than so did a majority of the congregation. You and Tommy Shelby had been having sex behind the Garrison because Harry told you he was sick of catching you both in the private room. And now everyone in the congregation was talking about it as you passed them on your way out the door.  
"I heard she had her skirts up like a regular prostitute."  
"It’s a shame you know, her family is so well off in the church. They've been burdened with a whore as a daughter."  
"That Tommy Shelby is no good...not to mention his mum was a gypsy. What's she doing fooling around with a gypsy."  
Once outside you took off in the direction of Polly's house, knowing Tommy was likely still at your place, dead asleep. He never woke up early on Sundays and had tried to convince you to stay home with him. It was tempting, surely, but you knew that after Friday night you needed to make an appearance. They already talked but they would talk even more if you started skipping church too.  
You knocked on the door to Polly's, anxiously shifting from foot to foot waiting for her to answer. When an immediate answer didn't come you tried again.  
The door swung open and Polly stood there, looking scarier than she had in church. "Tommy's not in."
"I know, I wanted to apologize to you."
"For what? For getting yourself caught by the priest? What did I tell you...I said if you were going to fool around with my nephew than you'd better be prepared for the consequences. Those people are pariah they talk about anything they can sink their teeth into." Polly stated.  
"I didn't mean to get caught." You replied.  
When Tommy had first started pursuing you Polly had caught him standing outside the church waiting for service to let out so he could take you to the movies. Polly had reprimanded both of you then and told you especially to be cautious. People would talk when they saw you with Tommy but if they didn't have any hard facts it would make their talk less concrete. They would be just rumours that you could easily deny to your parents and the priest.  
"Well you did." Polly sighed. "You need to tell your mum before Father Whitman does."  
"I suspect he already has." You replied, he was whispering to her when I snuck away. He told me he saw me, I suppose it was a warning."
"Come in and wait for Tommy, he should be home soon." Polly ushered you inside the house and closed the door behind you.  
In the kitchen you sat down, picking Finn up and placing him on your lap, letting him play with the necklace around your neck. Polly began making tea for you, not bothering to talk further. She wasn't ever interested in small talk and more often than not when Tommy left you alone with her the room was just filled with silence. You were thankful for Finn being there as a distraction.  
"Didn’t know there was a curtain there?" You said, motioning to the wall of the kitchen that you distinctly remembered a china cabinet being on.  
"Tommy and Arthur purchased the home beside us...they're expanding. Rather literally." Polly replied. She pulled one of the curtains to reveal a door. "For the betting shop."
"No more little ones running about the street collecting bets?" You laughed, "What'll they do with you then Finn?" The boy was still far too young to be their runner but he would've been once he was old enough.  
"We'll still run him...maybe if we're lucky he’ll run all the way out of Small Heath." Tommy's voice sounded behind you.  
You tilted your head back in your chair to catch sight of him and he leaned down to press a kiss to your forehead. "That's incredibly mean of you Thomas, Finn is wonderful."
"Aunt Pol," Tommy greeted, ignoring your comment and going to get a cup of tea from his aunt. "Didn't know you were having tea, I was sitting around waiting for you to get home."
"Sorry, I had to speak with Polly."
"Father Whitman saw you two behind the Garrison." Polly commented, taking her tea and leaving the kitchen.
"So?" Tommy asked, pulling a chair up beside you.
"So," You covered Finn's ears, "We were having sex Thomas."
"No, I remember exactly what we were doing. I meant so what? Does it matter that he saw? Probably the closest he'll get to a woman anyway." Tommy replied.
"He's bound to tell my mum, everyone else already knows. And they already think I'm," you cover Finn's ears again, "a whore."
"You don't have to cover his ears you know...he lives in the same house as Arthur."  
"You're not a whore. Those people are vicious...why Pol chooses to attend every week is beyond me. They've said nothing but horrible things to her and my mum. When my mum was dying they wouldn't lift a finger to help us and afterwards they refused to let us have the service there. Said she wasn't a true believer. I know it means a lot to your mum but why spend every Sunday letting yourself be humiliated by a congregation of horrible people?"
"I've always gone to church," you reply. You knew it was stupid but going to church was something you had been doing since you were younger than Finn. Every Sunday you went with your mum and dad and sat in the front pew and listened to the priest give his blessing. When you younger you hung on every word that he said but as you got older you started to find other interests. One that especially upset the church being Tommy Shelby.
You knew it wasn’t the church so much that worried you as it was your parents. "I don't want them thinking differently of me because of this."  
"You want me to go with you?"
"I'm not sure that will make it better. They'll probably think I'm telling them I'm pregnant if we both go." You laughed, trying to lighten the mood. You would have to talk to them and the thought of Tommy going along did ease your worry.  
"Next time." He joked, taking Finn from you. "Come on, I'll show you the surprise I'm sure Pol's already ruined."
"The betting shop?"
"Fucking knew it." He cursed. He set Finn down on the floor and let the young boy hurry away to find Polly. "Come on...no priests'll catch us in here, and maybe we can work on the second part of that visit to your mum's being right." He suggested grinning at you.  
baby making in the betting shop.
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sleepyfoodtruck · 3 years
back in the day (part 3)
swear to GOD i'm gonna link the other 2 fics lmao asdfg i just keep forgetting!!!
part 1
part 2
i think this is gonna be the last part of their "meet cute" (lmao), i'm gonna try and start writing about the actual mod during the weekend and stuff.
The school year had gone by in a blur, which was rather odd. Usually, Snowhill felt like the days just dragged on and on, it was annoying but she'd liked the predictability of it all.
Wake up at 6 AM. Go to school. Stay in class until 3 PM. Go home. Eat. Sleep. Repeat.
Sometimes they'd go on field trips, other times she'd volunteer to help with a school function (for a grade of course) or to stay a bit later to clean up the classroom. Her whole life had been like that and she'd liked it enough, sure it was a bit lonely at times, but everyone feels like that sometimes, right? Besides, it allowed her time to practice her spells and potion-making.
After Coral showed up, however, things took a rather harsh twist. Long gone were the days where she'd know exactly what would happen, her routine went through the window and splattered all over the pavement. No mercy from her "new bestie for life".
Wake up at 6 AM, call Coral so she'd wake up on time. Go to school and don't unpack anything yet, lest Coral crashes into the table again. Stay in class until 3 PM, skip a class or two with Coral if she's too bored. Go home? Absolutely not, Coral's hungry and she wants to beat the record for most french fries eaten in an hour; remember to carry a thermos with tea for her stomachache. Refuse to eat at home because you're full of french fries. Stay up until late talking with Coral through videochat. Sleep an hour or two. Repeat.
It...was a lot to get used to. She'd complain all the way about the numerous changes in her day because, honestly, how messed up is it that you gotta re-acommodate your whole day for only one person?
Truth was, she didn't mind it that much. It was a bit annoying at the beginning and it did take a while to get used to. Sometimes she'd forget to call Coral and, though her friend never got upset about it, she did feel awful and ended up apologizing a lot. Other times she'd be "too down in the dumps" (read: depressed) to even go to school. On those days, Coral would drop by her house around lunch time and hang out with her; sometimes she'd drag her outside, by the horns, just so she could "get some fresh air in your itty bitty lungs!!!".
She never had anyone take care of her like that. It was gross and disgusting and she didn't want it to stop. Her family was very supportive through it all, they'd come to accept her new friend with no issue. Or, rather than accept...
"That kid's way too skinny for her age!!" her mom, a centaur, huffed "Have you been giving her the lunches I've sent?"
"I have. She chows them down, last time she almosr swallowed the fork" Snowhill sat at the living room table, working on her History homework.
"Y'know how seamonsters are, they eat too much and gain almost no weight" her dad sat down next to her, petting her horns and getting to work on new spells "My coworker's like that, at least".
"I know that! But still, she makes me so nervous" she huffed again, her tail swishing in agitation "Oh! I know! Invite her over next week, I'll make casserole!"
"Don't you sass me! You gotta take care of her, she takes care of you!"
"We're classmates, she sits right next to me and she helps me with math, of course I gotta take care of her"
Her dad snorted, dropping his spell book "Oh sure, "classmates". You hear that? That's what they call it now?"
"What? But we're classmates!"
"Sure you are, dear" though she was facing the stove, Snowhill got the distinct impression her mother had that sardonic smile, the one she loathed, the one that said 'I know more than you about this but I refuse to tell you, however I will laugh at you by the time you find out'.
"B-But we are!!!!"
We're just classmates. Nothing more, nothing less.
Snowhill kept repeating that same sentence over and over. On her way to school, during classes, at lunch sharing her portion with Coral and on the subway back home.
She was absolutely sure of this fact. More than that, she was sure their relationship (whatever it was) was not what her parents were implying. She'd had crushes before, even a boyfriend and a girlfriend (kinda?), and this didn't feel anything like those two instances.
We're just classmates. Nothing more, nothing less.
Could they even be considered friends? Coral seemed to put more effort into their hypothetical friendship. She'd sit with her, help her with math and, recently, forced her to socialize with the rest of the class. She hated that last part though, it wasn't a lie that being lonely was just more comfortable for her.
We're just classmates. Nothing more, nothing less.
"What'cha thinkin' about?" speak of the devil.
Snowhill looked up from her knitting. She'd taken it up recently, her aunt and grandmother finally decided she was ready and had begun to train her; craftmanship spells were an ancient art in her family, and it was her turn to carry on the tradition.
Shrugging, she untangled a bit more yarn and continued knitting, the scarf slowly taking form "Nothing. Just trying to not miss any stitches"
"OOOOHHH!!! What're you making? Is this yarn?! It's such a pretty color too!!!" Coral grabbed the ball of yarn, twisting it between her claws and admiring the lush green color.
"It's supossed to be a scarf, granny said this was the easiest thing to start with"
The undine nodded, not answering as she was still too entertained playing with the yarn, her pupils ridiculously expanded.
"What the fuck, she looks like a cat?" Snowhill stared, perplexed "Why is that cute".
"Say!!" Coral stood, a bit dizzing from doing so too fast "Wanna come over this weekend? I found a super rad abandoned ship, I think you'd like it!!"
"Uh..." shit, shit, shit. How to turn her down without seeming like an asshole "I...have...goat things to do. This weekend. In my house. M-My goat house".
"Uh-huh" the undine crossed her arms, an amused smile on her face "your goat house?"
"Yup!!!! My goat house!!!!" she started knitting again, missing every single stitch.
"Where you do goat things. Because you're a goat?"
"Soooo...I'm sure you won't mind doing your goat things in the sea? Your mom said you'd be delighted!"
"...You arranged this with my mom..."
"Sure did!!! See you by the shore this Saturday, 12 PM sharp!!!"
The week passed by in a blur and, before she knew, it was already Saturday. That meant...Snowhill was gonna come by today!!! They'd hang out and check out the spooky abandoned ship, maybe she'd finally convince her to give sea food a try!!! Then, she could finally get her hands on her hair and braid a bunch of shells and small rocks all over it AND her horns. It promised to be a very, very exciting weekend!!!
...That is, if she'd just get in the water already.
"C'mon Snowy!!! The water's great, you've been standing there for fifteen minutes!!" Coral was lounging on a rock, her tail making small waves as it swished back and forth.
"Don't call me that" Snowhill gripped her sweater, a very tense expression on her face "I, uh, can't swim".
"Yes you can!! Your mom showed me pictures of you guys on the beach. She can swim, and she's half horse! You'll manage"
"The ocean scares me?"
"I'll be with ya, I'm the most dangerous thing in this part of the sea!!"
"My fur's gonna get wet?"
"I'll help you dry it later. C'moooon!!!"
The goat bit her lip, twisting the bottom of her very rumpled sweater. Coral sighed, she really didn't wanna pressure her and she did seem really uncomfortable. But, her mom said it was fine? If there was an issue, she would've been told, right?
Eventually, Snowhill sighed and began taking off her sweater "...Fine. B-But don't laugh. And...and don't tell anyone, or I'll curse you".
Excited, the undine perked up. She finally managed to tug her sweater off her horns and dropped it on the hot sand, twisting her hands and nervously looking around. As expected, she was incredibly hairy; as a goat, it was only natural. Coral still couldn't help but stare though, it hadn't occurred to her that it might be a problem and she might feel self-conscious about it; it looked so soft! She must spend hours brushing it.
Taking another deep breath, Snowhill slowly treaded into the water. Coral propped up on her elbows, a confused frown on her face; her friend had said she was a goat, so why--
"Why do you have fins?!"
She startled, a loud "BAAA" escaping her before she covered her mouth. Her very small but clearly visible ear-fins also dropped, she was mortified and her yelling wasn't helping.
"UGH. This is why I hate the ocean!!! My fur gets stiff and these stupid fins come out, and my tail hurts and--"
"YOU HAVE A TAIL?!" Coral dunked into the water, way too excited to completely process the full sentence.
Sure enough, there it was: an honest to god mermaid tail complete with very fragile-looking fins and scales. The tail was coated with a light layer of fur, she still had her goat legs somehow. In fact, it looked as if she had attached a mermaid tail to her waist. A bit weird, bu cool nontheless.
"This is SO COOL!!! I knew you weren't a goat, but I didn't think you were a seagoat!!!"
"Y-You knew?! Who told you?!"
"No one! But, c'mon gimme some credit here" Coral stopped swimming in circles, placing her hands on her hips and looking a bit annoyed "I've lived in the sea my whole life, I could smell it on you".
"...Oh..." to her credit, Snowhill seemed a bit embarrassed "S-Sorry"
"No biggie!" she grabbed her hand, still tiny and still fitting perfectly with her own "This'll make everything so much easier!! We just gotta swim for a bit, enjoy the view!"
At first, it went great! They went slowly for a bit, so that Snowhill could get used to actually swim in the ocean again. They passed by a few schools of fishes, collected pretty seashells and shiny rocks and even tried a few mollusks; despite claming they were "absolutely disgusting", Snowhill still ate them.
They'd been swimming for a good 30 minutes before Coral noticed something was wrong. She was babbling about the abandoned ship, how there were some doors that wouldn't open but could, most definetely, be broken if they rammed something against them. She was about to suggest using her friend's horns, turning around excitedly just to notice she was alone.
Well, not alone. But Snowhill was slowly skinking to the bottom of the ocean, very still and very much not breathing.
"SHIT!!! WHAT HAPPENED?!" Coral quickly swam to her, lifting her with ease and going back up to the surface as fas as she could "Please don't die on me!! Please, oh god, please don't die on me!!"
She reached the surface in record time, throwing Snowhill on the sand roughly. As she grabbed her shoulders to wake her up, she couldn't help but watch in fascination how the tail disappeared; it slowly faded away, merging with the back of her legs and further up her waist.
"Whoa...n-no, I gotta focus!!" once again, she began shaking her "C'mon sis, wake up! You can't die here, we still got a test on Monday!!"
But she wasn't waking up, she was too still. Touching her face, Coral noticed that her skin was cold; Snowhill ran like a furnace, her being cold couldn't be a good sign. Taking a deep breath, she placed her hands on the goat's chest.
"Please work, just focus and don't dehydrate her" she looked at her face one las time, then closed her eyes.
Everything was still for a moment. Then, focusing very hard on extracting the right amount of water, Coral lifted her hands. A small bubble began to form, its color murky; a bit of sand was also inside, as if the goat had managed to swallow it somehow. Very carefully, she dragged herself to the shore and dumped the bubble in the sea. Her tail hurt considerably (there were many rocks and they cut deep), but she crawled back to where Snowhill was.
A bit of color seemed to return to her face, though it was hard to tell since she was so pale. With shaky hands, she gently slapped her cheeks.
"S-Snowy? Can ya hear me?" nothing. She though for a moment, then leaned down and whispered in her ear "The teacher said the math test's gonna be on Monday"
"WHAT?!" the goat got up and promptyl smacked her horn on Coral's forehead.
"OW!!!!" "FUCK!!!!"
Coral rubbed the sore spot on her forehead, while Snowhill coughed up what little water was left in her lungs. Gingerly, the undine rubbed her friend's back, the coughing fit lasted forever and it sounded awful.
"Ya good?" still rubbing her back, she sat down propperly. Her tail was ridiculously sore.
"Y-Yeah, sorry" Snowhill's voice was raspy, she still seemed to be out of it, as she leaned into her friend's side as soon as she stopped coughing.
"Oh! Um, good! You give me quite a scare there" a bit flustered, Coral hugged her back "What happened? If you don't mind me asking"
She didn't say anything at first, staring off into the ocean and breathing a bit too loudly. The undine took a deep breath and hugged her a bit tighter, she was so tiny and she was shaking and it was her fault and--
"I should've told you before, that's on me" she spoke slow and ver low "Yeah, I'm a seagoat. But I haven't been to the ocean in years"
"You don't like it?"
"Uh, it's not that. My fins are too small and my gills are under my fur. I'm not supossed to be underwater for more than 20 minutes" she paused, took several deep breaths and then continued "Used to be about...6 hours, but I moved to the city and there wasn't much time to come back to the ocean. I guess my body forgot it can breath underwater"
"I'm really sorry" giving into temptation, Coral rested her head right between her horns "It was a bit obvious, you were kinda anxious. I shouldn't have pushed ya"
"It's whatever. For what it's worth, I had fun"
"You did? But we didn't even get to see the ship!"
"Well, yeah. I mean, drowning sucked but-" Snowhill sat up a bit, almost snuggling into her "I missed the sea. We'll find a way around, maybe an air bubble will work better next time"
Next time? She was planning for a next time? Coral bit her lip in giddy excitement, trying her hardest to keep still. They watched the ocean for another minute, both shivering as a cold breeze blew past them.
"I'm guessing it's late enough, I should get going" reluctantly, the goat stood up and (slowly) walked towards her discarded sweater "Ugh, gross, its covered in sand"
"Wish you could stay over but, uh, I don't think it's a good idea" she brushed a bit of sand off her tail, hissing when some of it got into her injuries.
"What the fu-- you're hurt? Why didn't you tell me?" Snowhill walked over and dropped to her knees, placing her hands on her tail "Don't move"
"You don't gotta--"
"I'm not dumb, you must've done something to get the water out of me" the cuts and scrapes glowed green before closing themselves "It's only fair I help you out, too"
"Awww, bestie, you didn't need to do that!!"
"...It's...it's what friends are for"
We're not just classmates.
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mommamouf · 8 years
The nightmares are back
I just made myself very sad
Had a dream i started cleaning my room and didnt finish. So my daughter and i were playing the game and i had some old friends come over and hang out. I dont have people in my room because i hate cleaning my room but this time it wasnt terrible so i was just chillin, My mom come homes and spazzes out takes the game from my daughter and im like chill you trippin. We were having a really good time and u just came in here and took it out on my baby. My daughter gets really upset and leaves the room crying. Theres ppl in the house which i didnt not know about. They having a whole party, apparently it was my sisters birthday. Any ways im goin after cheyenne and i hear some dude talkin about somebody needs to discipline this lil girl and then i heard two pops and my daughter scream so im rushing to her while shes rushing back looking for my mom and crying. Im furious and i go up to dude like have u lost yo fucking mind we get into it but im like who tf are these ppl. I go tell my mom she needs to handle this before do shes ignoring me and my daughter cuz she still mad i didnt finish the room im like WTF! This random ass man just hit your grandchild and u mad about a pile of clothes. So i storm into the kitchen confront the man he there with his kid and wife and the wife muggin me. At first i tried to be rational but i could feel my anger boiling and him and his wife were being very disrespectful so dude was lik lil girl ill slam u. So i punched him in the face he goes to slam me we end up wrestling and i slam him now we fighting but im winning because im so fucking angry. All i could think was he put his hands on my baby and i couldnt protect her. Then i start feeling terrible because im fighting in front of his kid. Then the wife tries to jump on me i ended up beating them pretty bad got up and left looking for my mom. They all at my exs house having the party. Apparently his dad knows my cousin and they asked could they have the party there. All the kids are in the backyard playing including my baby and my mom is in this pool. Im not even trippin off the fact that we at my exes house im just so fuckin angry. Some other shit happened that made me more upset but we’ll skip that. I call my mom in so we can talk. Her, my aunts and female cousins all come in and sit at the table with us and i can feel my anger just rising more and more. Im trying to seriously talk to my mom and they all commenting and belittling me so i start spazzing cursing ppl out and flippin ppl off and my mom is like see i keep telling yall shes disrespectful and my anger boils over like i can feel it and im trying to tell her youre driving me towards insanity shes not listening nobody is they all just tellin me how i dont appreciate my mom. My anger is like a pot of lava viciously boiling over now. There was this sign or shirt that was like “Many mothers” So i stood up and im like mom i am trying my hardest to tell you .. and then my older cousin gets in my face and is like “Many Mothers” She was so close to my face and i was so mad i finally exploded and bit half her lip off. I knew what i did but she hadnt caught on cuz she was stupid drunk. Instantly i felt fucking terrible. My mom is like in shock i spit half the lip out and gave it to my mom. Everybody is freakin out and im just like Wtf did i just do. If it wasnt for my sister comin in and wakin me up i would have been stuck in that dream for a while. My head so fucked up right now.
I just wish i had dreams about a crazy man chasing me or even dying like i use to all the time Shit rape would be better than this. My nightmares be full of the shit i go through on a daily but amplified. Real shit that could happen and i hate it so much. I hate being back in this house.
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collecting-stories · 8 years
Kids - John Shelby
Request: Can you plz do an john shelby imagine where he is mad at you only to feel bad later?
Request: Can you please do a John Shelby imagine on meeting his kids - @theaqueenakaspee
Kids | prequel to Stay
It had been a few months ago that you'd first met John Shelby. He had never mentioned his kids up front to you but you had grown up in Small Heath. You had heard the gossip from your mother and her friends when Martha had gotten pregnant. There had been a quick wedding but everyone in Small Heath knew the marriage was because of the baby. They had three more, Martha dying during the birth of the last one. Your parents went to the funeral but you didn't. You were in Cambridge at university getting a fancy degree. Your mother thought it was frivolous, women were supposed to get married and have children, not get educations like men did. The war came and went and you stayed in Cambridge. You had gotten a job at a library there. You didn't hear anymore about the Shelby family.  
In 1919 you returned home because your father had passed away. Your father, who had known everyone and was affectionately referred to as ‘the Mayor of Small Heath’, had a large gathering at his grave. You stood by your mother and, even at 25, found yourself looking around the yard at the attendees. All three of the elder Shelby boys had come along with their aunt. You found yourself watching John Shelby. He’d grown up well and had a look about him that you were sure betrayed the nature of his job.  
After the service you stood with your mother, thanking people for their condolences. Thomas and Polly both shook your hand but Arthur offered you a hug. He had been in your father’s platoon in France and had always held high respect for him. John shook your hand the same as Thomas and Polly. You didn't cry at the funeral but some days later, still in Small Heath, as you were helping your mother pack the house. She wanted to move to Camp Hill with her sister and you had taken off from work to help her pack their belongings.  
“I heard from the ladies in my bridge club that John Shelby was going to marry Lizzie Stark.” Your mother talked incessantly about everyone. Especially the Shelby’s.  
“Oh, that's nice.” You replied. When John had married Martha you'd felt indifferent. You never spent time with the Shelby’s had no feelings either way. So it surprised you this time when you felt a little upset at the thought of John Shelby marrying someone like Lizzie Stark. You didn't know anything about him but still felt that he could do better than that.  
“His children are a nightmare.” Your mother continued on, telling you how awful his three oldest were. The smallest of them was barely three. He’d been born just before the British joined the war. “Just yesterday I found the boy playing behind our house, all covered in mud!”  
That was exactly how you met John’s eldest boy and ultimately, why you met John. His son, who introduced himself as Will, scared you one morning when you were hanging laundry from the line in the alley. He was behind the neighbor’s partial wall and jumped out at you when you turned his way.  
“Fuck!” You cursed when you fell backward onto the pavement.  
He laughed, thrilled that he’d succeeded in scaring someone. “You should've seen your face! It was brilliant!”  
“You must be a Shelby,” you laughed. You stood up and swiped the back of your dress clean. “What's your name?”  
“Will. You live here?” He asked. He climbed the wall and sat down.  
“I do, this is my parents home.” You answered. 
“Your mum is evil! I scared her the other day and she hit me with a broom, that's how I got this bruise!” He pointed to the cut under his eye that had begun to bruise.  
“Would you like some supper Will?” Your mother was at her bridge club tonight so he stood little chance of running into her. You would have to have a talk with her about not hitting someone whose father could kill her. Not to mention a child that looked no older than eight.  
“What’ve you got?”  
Will came round at supper time the next three nights in a row, bringing his siblings with him. A girl called Katie and two boys called James and Henry. James was the youngest and he liked to be held, constantly. You realised this because when they came round you found yourself always with a baby in your arms. At first John was too busy to notice that his children were out everyday at the same time. It wasn't until Polly said something.  
He made a comment about not having seen Will around and Polly laughed. She told him that she was surprised he hadn't noticed before but none of his children were around. They were all at your house she told him. Your mother, who had hated John’s children, had moved down the Camp Hill and you had stayed behind with the house for a little longer. Ever since your mother left the kids were there even more frequently. Polly mentioned that Katie had even been wearing one of your old dresses.  
John, who knew he needed help with the kids but never liked the idea of charity, was livid that you had been caring for his children without his knowledge. He left the betting shop earlier than usual that night, heading for your family home. Everyone in Small Heath knew where you lived because it was your father’s house. He banged on the front door, angry and somewhat drunk.  
You only made it worse when you opened the door with James on your hip. “Daddy!” The three year old was ignorant to the mood John was in and was simply happy to see him.  
“Why don't you go see Katie,” you suggested to James, placing him on the floor. He did as he was told, something that only further contributed to John’s bad mood.  
“Who the fuck do you think you are!” John burst out when James was out of earshot. He pushed into your house.  
You shut the door, thinking of the best way to deal with this. It hadn't been your intention to feed the Shelby children. It was a complete accident but they were wonderful children. All of them smart. You’d been teaching Will and Katie to read and they were excellent students. Which you were sure John wouldn't appreciate.  
You settled on apologising. “I’m sorry, I didn't mean to overstep Mr. Shelby.”  
“Like hell, your fucking acting like their mum or something!” John shouted.  
John had always seemed like the most innocent of his brothers but you quickly realised that it was his temper that secured his spot as a Peaky Blinder. He was quite intimidating when he wanted to be. You found yourself wishing there was a considerable amount more space between him and you.  
“They’re brilliant kids.” You said.  
“What?” John looked surprised. You had caught him off guard. The only thing he ever heard was how terrible his children were. He had heard that less and less lately but no one had ever had a nice word to say about them. At least once Martha had passed.  
“Your kids, they're sweet. I didn't mean to overstep by having them round for supper but you have a really lovely set of children.” You replied.  
The anger in him seemed to drain and he just stood there in the hallway with a look you couldn't place. John felt like someone had knocked the wind out of him. Just as you had heard all about the Shelby’s growing up, your family dramas had passed as gossip in the Shelby household. He knew all about the girl who had left Small Heath for school. Tommy was the smartest of his brothers but even he had a basic education. Very few people left Small Heath because they were smart enough to and none of those people were girls.  
When he had seen you at your father’s funeral he'd thought that time away had done you well. You had matured into a very attractive young woman and he knew it was inappropriate but he couldn't stop the thought. He’d always thought you were pretty but he’d had Martha and then you were gone, your life and his never seemed to line up.  
“Thank you.” He finally said.  
“I mean it honestly, I’m not just saying it.” You replied.  
“It's the first time I’ve heard it.” John admitted. James came back into the hallway, reaching his arms up for his father. John picked his son up and held him. Usually holding James was Katie’s job. Even at six she was burdened with carrying her brother about the house whenever he pleased. James was thrilled to have John holding him.  
“I’m sorry for shouting at you. I don't want anyone taking care of my kids cause they think I can’t.” John apologized.  
“I don't think that. I asked Will round once for supper after he frightened me in the back alley when I was hanging laundry. He just kept showing up after that. I wasn't trying to say that you couldn't take care of your kids.” 
“Right well, thanks.” John nodded. He had only been home a year and it was harder than he thought it would be. He’d left the kids with Polly and Ada when he went away to France. It was easier to focus on being a soldier. He could focus on the war and not on his wife’s death and the four children he was left with.  
John wasn't entirely sure that he loved Martha. He had, as much as a sixteen year old could, when he'd found out she was pregnant. And they continued to have children because they were young and in some fair amount of love. But then she died and he remembered the day perfectly. Sitting in the kitchen waiting to hear what was happening only for a midwife to bring him a small baby and tell him that his Martha, who was always so patience and kind and lovely, was gone. All he had left of her was this crying baby and three more at home. He thought all of them looked more like Martha then they did him and even still sometimes he had trouble looking at them without thinking of their mom.  
He left his children alone and in his absence they grew mischievous. Even when he returned he was still absent from their lives. If he wasn't dealing with business than he was drunk off his ass somewhere trying to forget the last couple years of his life. 
“They're eating now, do you want some as well?” You asked.  
He followed you into the kitchen where Will, Katie, and Henry were already sitting and eating. He stood in the doorway, just holding James and watching you go about fixing him a plate. It felt like he had entered some other reality. He could remember being younger, before the war, when Martha would make dinner for everyone. John considered the thought that maybe it wasn't just his children that needed a bit of caring for but himself as well.  
“Can I take you out some night?” John asked, setting James down again.  
“What?” You remembered your agitation when your mother had told you he was going with Lizzie Stark; and your elation when they called off whatever they had together.  
You thought John was handsome. You had stared at him all through your father’s funeral thinking about well he’d grown up. But you had a life back in Cambridge. You were only here for another month and then you were leaving to return to your job and your home.  
“Let me take you to a picture or round to the Garrison for drinks?” He asked.  
“Sure.” You nodded. Cambridge could wait a little longer.  
Part 1. I need to stop writing two part stories
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