#So he has to leave her injured in a tree & fake a car crash she is found by Enid & Bianca
tumblingxelian · 8 months
Wednesday Fanfic Concept Compellation:
This is a compellation of all my Wednesday fanfic ideas I likely will not have the time or energy to write but wanted a record of:
Wednesday Fanfic Concept - Rivals and Roommates to Lovers With her parents fast approaching for a string of "Family Therapy Sessions" and with the looing promise of their intervention in her nonexistent love life, Wednesday is forced to take drastic action.
"Enid, Barclay, I have need of one or both of your assistance in a little deception for the duration of my parents extended visit."
Wednesday Fanfic Concept - The Traumatized Time Traveler Enid watches as her new roommate stares her down, glassy eyes wide as she offers her hand, the words "Wednesday Friday Addams," Escaping her mouth in an almost pained whisper.
Smiling brightly she grasps it, not too firmly given Wednesday looks like she might be bowled over by a stiff breeze and she cheerily greets her.
"I'm so glad you're here Wednesday, I'm Enid asiménio oíko Sinclair."
Her gaze flickered to the adults and she could only wonder…
Why were they giving Wednesday such shocked stares?
The Nevermore Affair When Wednesday Addams was forced to attend Nevermore Academy she was confident about two things.
1: She would be escaping in short order. 2: She would in no way follow her mothers matrimonial footsteps.
Which begs the question of how she managed to find herself engaged twice over within the first twenty four hours!?
Worse still, it is to the two most vexing people at Nevermore, Enid Sinclair and Bianca Barclay.
The Worlds most unhinged road trip! If Wednesday had to choose between listening to her parents passionate declarations of love, at best, or a road trip with Tanaka and Divina to free Enid from boot camp and Bianca from her mother she would choose the lesser of two evils and hit the road.
Wenclair - Fake Courting, Politics and Assassins Oh My! Wednesday does not wish to return home just yet to be coddled and cooed over by her parents. So when Enid dreads her mothers attempts at matchmaking now that she has transformed the Seer concocts an ingenious plan to both irritate Esther Sinclair, ward off Enid's unwanted suitors and give herself some space.
Unfortunately she did not account on Outcast politics. let alone Esther Sinclair endorsing their false relationship for her own schemes. It seems Enid was right to worry there were factors she had not considered.
Wednesday Fanfic Concept - Soulmate Struggles Wednesday has always loathed the idea of a Soulmates. Emotions of warm nostalgia and love forced on her for a stranger by the whims of fate? IF she ever meets the people whose marks match hers she will ensure she doe snot become a slave to passion as her parents did!
Bianca had always feared meeting her Soulmates. Already terrified of the power she had over the minds of others she could think of nothing kinder than to reject them as harshly as possible.
Enid had always longed too meet her soulmates, hoping to find two kindred spirits who could perhaps love her without conditions or demands.
Too bad for the three of them what they got was each other.
Wednesday Fanfic Concept - Mothers When Enid slipped away from her mother and the horrifying thought of Conversion Therapy she did not expect to stumble on a conversation between Bianca and her own mother, let alone one so terrifying.
Bianca did not expect to spend Parents day trying to escape her mothers grasp. Let alone trying to do so in the Nightshades catacombs with Enid Sinclair at her side.
With any luck their mothers will kill each other or give up the search, but then, when have they ever been lucky?
Wednesday Fanfic Concept - Duo Detectives! Enid does not trust Tyler, not in the least. So when Wednesday skips away to get a ride for him she doubles back to make sure the girl won't be ambushed in the parking lot or something.
Instead she finds herself pursuing Tyler into the woods and witnesses his trust nature and the death of Rowan
Wednesday, now armed with a secondary witness and ally is determined to fin out the truth behind Rowan's death, the prophecy and most of all…
Why Principle Weems and Sheriff Galpin are coordinating to cover up Tyler's murders?
Wednesday Fanfic Concept - Nevermore Never Worry Wednesday finds her efforts to escape Nevermore consantly frustrated by everything from annoying people to her own proclivities.
It is vexing, but at least nothing more serious is going on that might lure her into staying long term; even if she is finding some tolerable people.
Wednesday Fanfic Concept - Shadow Wolf Wednesday does not notice the rainbow lights or the bright pastels of the dorm room. Let alone the fact half the window is etched in greys blacks and white or that half the room is already laid out for her arrival.
No, her gaze is locked solely on the figure awaiting her inside it.
"I'm Enid Sinclair, welcome to Nevermore, Wednesday."
The voice is gentle but firm and she keeps her distance and no one else seems to notice anything amiss, but Wednesday does.
Because in place of a head, or face, or any human features is the visage of bleeding wolf, thrashing and snarling in fury, blood dripping down its savage maw, glowing eyes gazing into her own.
Wednesday Addams has no idea what Enid Sinclair is, or why no one else can see it, but she intends to find out. If the shadowed wolf doesn't devour her first.
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derivativealigner · 4 years
I rewatched the second season of South Park and took so many notes that I had to split them into two parts. Like seriously, I took so. many. notes. And pictures this time. I started rewatching just in case I’d find some cool little facts to sprinkle into my fanfic but I went way too far and now there’s a million facts under this cut (including gay stan, a domestic violence psa, and craig fucking dying)
Stan doesn’t like hospitals, he finds them gross and he gets sick 🤮. Also the hospital in South Park is called Hell’s Pass hospital. Early seasons have the name as Hells Pass but it gets fixed later
Cartman has to sing all of Come Sailing Away by Styx if he hears a part of it. After he says this, Kyle sings the first part and Cartman has to sing the rest. Kyle does it again later, which is kinda mean
Cartman’s mom tries to abort Cartman, who is an eight-year-old child and thus cannot be legally aborted. Later, after she slept with Bill Clinton to change the law and make 40th trimester abortions legal, it turns out she meant adoption
Kenny sacrifices himself to turn on the generator to the hospital and save Dr. Mephesto’s life along with others. He says “I’ll fucking do it” then does it and dies, absolute legend
Cartman gets way too into his deputy role. He goes undercover, pretends to be a prostitute, says “Respect my authoritah!” a lot and beats people up with his police stick
Kenny’s brother first appears when Cartman responds to a call about a disturbance at Kenny’s house. Apparently there are like 10 adult family members in the house at that time. Kenny’s dad has a black eye because Kenny’s mom punched him. She says he can’t hold a job
Token sits in the classroom in season 2
Cartman starts hating hippies in this season, like a lot
Chef tells the boys that the right time to do drugs is in college
Ike’s name is Ike Moisha Broflovski and he was born in 1996, making him 2 years old in 1998 when this season aired
This is probably obvious but yeah Kyle and Ike are circumcised
Kyle says family isn’t just blood, it’s who you care about, and he says “That’s why you guys are more than just friends, you’re my family. Except for Cartman.”
Craig’s finally sitting in the classroom in S02E04
None of the boys like dodgeball
Clyde gets a dodgeball to the face and he cries :( and he’s the only one who cries by the way
Pip throws a dodgeball in Kyle’s face and breaks Kyle’s nose
When Kyle’s mom tells the boys about conjoined twin myslexia (which isn’t a real term) and says anyone might’ve absorbed their dead twin in the womb, Stan and Cartman run away screaming but Kenny and Kyle stay to listen. Kenny even leans in to look at the book “Freaks A-Z!” that Mrs. Broflovski is reading from, and when she leaves, Kyle grimaces and Kenny laughs
Stan’s mom (Sharon) calls Kyle’s mom (Sheila) when Stan is all freaked out and trying to put an icepick through his brain, and Sharon tells Sheila to get run over by a truck. Sharon is pretty mean in these early episodes
Mr. Broflovski doesn’t really listen to what Mrs. Broflovski is saying, bad husband >:(
South Park’s team is always called South Park Cows no matter the sport
The school nurse, Nurse Gollum, went to Colorado State University
I just realized Butters exists. I think he appeared before S02E05 but I didn’t notice but yeah he’s there with the dodgeball team, injured
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Here’s a picture to make up for my disgusting anti-Butters bias
Kenny’s dodgeball uniform number is 69 obviously. Kyle is 7, Stan is 4, Cartman is 325
Sheila smacks Gerald in the face so hard he falls off his chair, lots of violence perpetrated by women in this show. Remember, don’t do domestic violence no matter your gender, it’s not cool
I realized after this whole Butters thing that I should’ve made more notes about Pip, so I’ll make a note about his anger issues now. When people call him French, he gets angry and throws dodgeballs at them
The boys launch a jelly roll at Ms. Crabtree and make her crash the bus. They do it just for fun
The kids somehow go to China in the school bus
Cartman references Moby Dick, but he probably doesn’t know what he’s talking about
Kevin Stoley gets named in S02E05 and has his first speaking role when he says he has Chinese parents and after Cartman hears it he immediately says something racist. smh cartman, what a problematic fave
Cartman says “I love you guys 😊” but Stan and Kyle just stare at him and he goes 😐 “Eh, screw you guys 😠”
If Jimbo and Ned really fought in Vietnam, they youngest they could’ve been in 1998 is early forties, which means in the latest seasons they would be early sixties. Btw they met in Vietman
Jesus and Pals is a recurring TV show in seasons 1 and 2. Jesus just kind of lives in South Park
I just remembered that Terrance and Phillip are really old in canon, it’s so weird, like how can South Park canon still be changing, it’s been 20 years
Also the early seasons are casually racist who knew
Kenny flashes his ass on a tape the boys send to Jimbo and Ned’s TV show, which airs and at least 12 people see Kenny’s bare naked ass
Cartman really doesn’t like hippies in these early seasons. He throws a chair at Ned and yells, “Take that, hippie!” (Ned is in a catatonic state and did nothing to provoke this)
Jimbo and Ned live together I guess. Jimbo’s gonna take Ned home and show him some hardcore porn to snap him out of his catatonic state, good husband unlike Gerald Broflovski
Saddam Hussein is in hell and has a Canadian accent and is Satan’s lover in S02E06, I guess he died in Canada in the first episode this season but I wasn’t paying much attention since that’s the Terrance and Phillip episode that pissed a bunch of people off in 1998 because the audience wanted to know who Cartman’s dad is instead. It was kind of a boring episode so I understand why everyone was pissed, but it is funny that Matt and Trey did that so I’m not mad about it
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Aww look at them!!! We’ve got background Style, the vaguest inkling of Crenny, and Cartman/Cake
I’d take more screenshots but it’s a pain since I’m watching legally and stupid legal websites block screenshots so I have to find youtube videos instead ughhhh piracy is the answer kids
Apparently there’s a huge waterfall and canyon somewhere close to South Park, maybe? At least in Stan’s dream
Mary Kay Bergman was an incredible voice actor. How the hell did she voice all the moms, Wendy, Shelly, principle Victoria, the mayor, Nurse Gollum, and fucking Ms. Crabtree??? Holy shit what a queen
Kenny has some feelings about death. He reimagines the episode where death boops him to death and in his version, he beats death the fuck up, then has ice cream and is happy 😊 But again, this is in Stan’s dream
S02E07 kind of establishes that nobody remembers Kenny dying because when Cartman tells a story where Kenny dies, Kyle questions how Kenny could’ve died then when he also died just a few hours ago when a giant monster took him
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rip craig, he falls out the bus and into a canyon
But it’s okay because it was all Stan’s dream so everything in the episode is questionable. Everything after this is no longer a dream
Pip’s parents are dead and he has to go to summer school while everyone else is having a nice summer break
Officer Barbrady and the mayor are having sexual relations, I’m sure this is the most interesting note I’ve made so far. Idk I’m just writing everything down, this is how I enjoy things, I have no off switch
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Ew summer bus stop, cursed
Kyle casually sings little tunes every once in a while, how cute
This is pretty obvious but Kenny likes dirty jokes, he laughs when Cartman innocently says he loves Chef’s salty chocolate balls (which are chocolate candy). Nobody else laughs
Cartman says “Screw you guys, I’m going home” or variations of it a lot in this season
So Stan throws up when he likes someone, right? Well, he’s watching an indie movie about two gay cowboys who start making out and he throws up, which is either a terrible homophobic joke or confirmation that Stan’s a little gay. I know which one I prefer
Kyle says Mr. Hankey is his best friend after Stan. Like I know it’s definitely canon that Stan and Kyle are best friends but it’s still nice to see confirmation, it’s very precious. Also Kyle is best friends with literal shit, so cute 😊
Kenny deaths:
S02E02 Kenny sacrifices himself by connecting a generator wire, which electrocutes him but brings power back to a hospital
S02E03 A tree falls on Kenny and crushes him
S02E04 Kenny falls in a grave and the gravestone falls on him
S02E05 The Chinese dodgeball team throws a ball at Kenny and he gets splattered against a wall
S02E06 Two guys pull on Kenny and tear him in half, as in one has the head and one has the legs
S02E07 A big scary monster plucks Kenny out of the school bus and carries him away. Also in Cartman’s fake memory of Fonzi jumping over cars, the motorcycle hits Kenny and crushes him against a brick wall. Kenny gets smashed against walls a lot, doesn’t he?
S02E08 Flashback: Baby Kenny has a firecracker and it explodes, sprinkling little baby Kenny parts everywhere. Later in the episode, current day Kenny dies when a giant firework snake bumps him off a stage and under a fence, which then crushes him.
S02E09 Kenny is playing with a yoyo outside a movie theatre when a bunch of people come outside and trample him to death. They say “Oh my God, I found a penny!” and “You bastard!”
I’ll post part 2 of season 2 in a couple days. I’m having way more fun writing these stupid notes than I thought I would (also gnomes is coming up soon and i am fucking ready for tweek)
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kv-muskwa · 4 years
These are all just the ones I have on my google drive, the rest are all on my laptop and like a good 4 of them were on my phone before it broke so RIP all those ones, they’re gone forever
Afk Arena -
5 + 1 
Shaking his head, Baden looked at Thane and felt his breath catch in his throat.  Thane had a soft smile on his face, a rarity that only very few were privy too. Dried sweat made the loose hairs stick to the sides of his face, outlining his sharp jawline. The late afternoon sun only brought out his mesmerizing dark eyes and brought attention to his long eyelashes.  Dura, he was beautiful.  Baden glanced away, nervously changing the subject. His wife was expecting.
Icy Winds Consumed By Shadows
Joining Shemira on the ground, he glanced back up to where Kelthur still sat. "How did you find out?" He kept his voice quiet so only Shemira would hear, the sounds of the forest drowning out his voice from being carried.  Shemira didn't reply right away, instead letting out a soft sigh. "Silvina. Her and Kelthur were sent out to gather more oils when they came across the wind whisperer."  Ferael blinked a few times before looking at Shemira. "When?"  Shemira looked up at Kelthur, who was climbing higher in the tree with an amused grin. Kelthur waved down at them and she waved back. "A few weeks ago, before autumn."  Ferael nodded. He made sure to keep himself as calm as he could, though silently cursing.
An Uneasy Camaraderie 
"I may have chosen this, but I assure you; many of the men and women who fight alongside us on the battlefield didn't. There is a reason why we have the division in our own undead factions. While some of us get along, there are those that don't. I only told you this as a warning when it comes to trying to understand us, we aren't all evil as you have presumed."  There was silence among the few gathered around the fire until Kaz jumped up. Running and pouncing, she jumps at Ferael, making both Silvina and Kelthur laugh as the archer struggles to catch his balance. Kaz grins from her spot on top the archers shoulders. "Pffft- you're getting slow, old man!" Kaz laughs, jumping off of Ferael.  "Shhh, don't say that to his face! He's touchy~" Silvina jokes as Ferael walks away  throwing his hands up in the air.  Kelthur stops laughing, cursing under his breath before turning towards the girls with an apologetic grin. "Sorry, would hang longer but I'm being forced to go with him back to the forest to restock."
Transforners -
Evening Out The Battlefield  
Glancing down at his arms, he did a quick internal scan to see if anything major was injured. Thankfully, his important and major systems were functional, only superficial wounds that appeared but he’d dealt with worse so those could wait. Unfortunately, because it was, of course, an organic planet, he had dirt, leaves and sticks stuck in his amour seams. Never mind the scratched and scrapped paint by his less than gracious crash landing, Sunstreaker already felt annoyed by this planet.  Getting up and trying to ignore the gross feeling of dirt and gunk caked in between his plating, he stared to where their pod crashed. They’d travelled a long way and he was honestly surprised that their escape pod even lasted as long as it did. When they broke the planet’s atmosphere, the pod had overheated which was probably why they’d been flung out of it.  Reaching out with his spark bond, he felt Sideswipe begin to online. With his spark directing him towards his brother, Sunstreaker curled his lip. He could feel the dirt creep into his joints and protoform with every step he took.  Primus he hated organic planets. Why did Prime choose an organic planet?
Wherever The Solar Blasts Take Us
Having stopped by a tech shop earlier to buy some ‘high tech’ computers which were really primitive, he was relieved to find out that his old credit card still worked. Of course, this was still going off on the hope that the autobots really were struggling like he had assumed. If not, he could just give it to one of their human friends, maybe he could win some points.  It wasn’t because he was nervous, no way!  Knockout felt his spark quicken up as he drove into Jasper. He never really gave it much thought on why neither him or Breakdown had reported to Megatron that he was aware that the autobots resided somewhere nearby the small town. He had told Star, who only shrugged at the information.
All You’ve Got Is Yourself(And Me)
Dear God, he was still alive and quirkless and useless.  "You are still alive. And completely healed." A rough voice spoke through his sobs. Izuku took a deep and shaky breath, shakily sitting himself up. He wiped his tears with his sleeves though it was done in vain as the tears kept pouring out.  The man was now crouching beside him, head tilted as he watched Izuku. "Did you know you would survive?"  "No." The answer spilled out of Izuku's mouth before he could even process his mouth opening. A fresh wave of sobs and tears worked it's way to his throat, though he was now trying to calm his breathing. The stranger hummed, before tugging on Izuku's sleeve. "Well, no one else besides me saw. I'd say get out of here before people come near and see you sitting in a big pool of your own blood."  Izuku nodded and stood up before freezing altogether. A pool of his own blood. That meant- looking at the sidewalk, Izuku noted the large splatter of blood across the ground. It painted the sidewalk a dark, angry red.
The Terror Teens 
He’s glad he brought her. She can deal with Giran better than he could, even on a good day. Despite dealing with the older man for the past four years, he still finds him insufferable. Who cares if he’s doing alright? Why act as if he actually gave a damn about Izuku when he was still selling him weapons and support equipment?  God, he’s annoying.  “Whoa, that’s an impressive face you’re making Midoriya.” Giran says, chuckling as he pulls out a cigarette from his pack. “It’s in the car but first we’re waiting for someone else.”  Himiko nodded before bouncing over to the old man. “Who would that be? Are they fun? Are they going to stab Izu again? Why didn’t you bring it with you? Where’s your car? Are you planning to do something gross with us old man? Are you a pervert?”  Giran takes a long drag of his cigarette while stepping away from the girl before letting out a long sigh. “If I didn’t know that you guys have the money, I wouldn’t even bother with putting up with you two.”  Izuku rolled his eyes at the fond tone Giran used. Did he expect them to believe he even cared for them besides being regular customers? Himiko let out a faux gasp before running to Izuku in a dramatic show of fake crying. “Izuuuuuu! He was being mean to me!” “Well someone has too.” Izuku replied, grinning at the look Himiko shot him. He ignored the choked sound Giran made.  She placed a hand over her heart, looking both offended and shocked as she took a dramatic step back. “Izu, I thought we were friends.”
Fog In The Peripheries
Izuku opens his eyes. The fog is gone, instead replaced with confusion before being overrun with pure terror. The labs again.  Izuku struggles against the restraints, feeling sick at the too bright fluorescent lighting, not seeing the doctors come rushing to him. At the sight of a doctor, Izuku goes limp, staring at the ceiling as all fight leaves him.  If he fights it will only hurt more. He will be punished before something would happen and he will be pulled into the fog once more.
Some Things Never Change(d) - Suspected Traitor AU
It’s hard not to notice the way everyone’s been treating him. Very reminiscent of his life before now.  Izuku notices the way everyone has slowly pulled away from him. How no one partners up with him besides Todoroki or Iida. How they seem to avoid him whenever they can. He notices how they cut him off when he’s talking. How they’ll walk away if he’s heading in their direction. How they talk about him whenever he’s not in the room, something he couldn’t believe the first time it happened.  He had been running back to the classroom to grab his school bag, having written an idea for the new headphones Mei was working on for his costume. He was outside the doors, still in the hallway when he heard Uraraka and Iida arguing. About him. “You can’t trust Deku!” Uraraka. “This entire thing makes no sense!” Iida You were an idiot to think things would change just because you have a quirk.  But why? Is there ever a reason?
A Convenient Scape Goat - Homewrecker Au
“You’re quirkless, yet while you attended U.A, you had a quirk which you used. Now, you are once again quirkless. How are we supposed to believe you that you’re not connected to-” Izuku didn’t bother listening, staring a hole into the table. All Might hadn’t bothered wasting time, demanding Izuku to give him One For All back as soon as he was taken into police custody. Of course, Izuku realized that it was his plan all along to get it back. He wasn’t surprised, but it still hurt. Knowing that his hero, the one man he had believed and trusted had used him and then looked for a way to throw him away. Izuku was only a means to the end, though he had wondered what would have changed if he had never introduced All Might to his Mom.  Would All Might have actually cared about training him? Would he have been proud of him? Would All Might actually care about him other than seeing him as a mistake as soon as he brought up his own issues with his Mom? Izuku would never know.  Because it was All Might’s fault he was here in the first place.  Izuku was shaken from his thoughts as a hand gripped his hair and slammed it into the metal table. He heard the crunch of his nose breaking again, though he only shut his eyes closed. He would not give them the satisfaction of crying, not even as they repeated the motion until the darkness of unconsciousness took him.
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callsignbaphomet · 4 years
Y'think thats enough pens? Either way I don't expect you to do somethin for aaaaaaaaaall of em lol
Gsudkblbzysuv hun, this is so beautifully chaotic!
🖋 Ginger's a vampire but both of her dads (Lee Grimm and Glenn Grimm) are werewolves (Mist Walkers). Both are trans men.
🖋 Jelani uses male, neutral or female pronouns. Has no preference to which ones someone should use.
🖋 Trevor knows ASL. His little brother was deaf and in his memory he learned ASL.
🖋 Angelus sorta, kinda had a daughter. Ok tl;dr back in the late 1800s he ran into this little girl that was living in the street and tried to steal some money off him but she got caught. He gave her everything he had on him and then she ran off and he lost track of her. Much later he found her again but this time she was a bit older, like 11 years old. They recognized each other and they both went to get a bite to eat and she told him she ran away from home because her parents were abusive. Obviously coming from a similar background he heavily sympathized but he didn't know the first thing about kids but he still took her in. She grew up, married and had kids of her own and those kids grew up and eventually his adopted daughter (her name was Alice) grew old and died of old age. He kept in contact with his sort of grandkids obviously but as his great grandkids grew older and had families and kids of their own Angelus distanced himself. How the fuck are ya gonna explain your sort of adoptivr great grandfather looks like a 20 year old twink? He's kept an eye out on them as a "friend of the family".
🖋 AJ introduced Angelus, Mahmud, Tre and Madison to his favorite hobby: parkour. The five of them regularly get together to free run in places they think would be both challenging and fun.
🖋 Madison introduced Mahmud, AJ, Tre and Xiomara to spelunking and scuba diving as a hobby.
🖋 Sanaa loves and collects windchimes. So Ingvarr modified an alarm clock to make any chime she puts on it chime whenever she sets the alarm. So instead of some jarring alarm she wakes up to a windchime.
🖋 Angelus has an abnormally high tolerance for pain to the point where he won't react to most injuries. This was due to years of having to learn to control his cries of pain because the more he cried out the harder he'd get beaten.
🖋 Trevor holds the world record for longest confirmed sniper kill. Can't be found in any public record but it's in Oracle records and that's good enough for him.
🖋 Jelani (Loke and Jela's grandad, not J lol) and Subira made a spell called "Bright Light". Basically a faint little orb of light that when cast makes anyone near it calm down. It works for regular nervousness, anxiety, panic attacks, anger and so on. It's one of those beginner type spells that barely requires any energy and it can either hover over the caster's palm or it can be "attached" to an object.
🖋 Sunniva (she was Ingvarr's first wife and the woman who gave birth to Loke) is still alive. After she became pregnant she heavily regretted it so that's why as soon as Loke was born she ran away without telling anyone anything. Loke was always told that she disappeared but honestly speaking he never knew her so he has no attachment to her. To him Sanaa is HIS mother and only her.
🖋 Latoya was what you would consider a sickly kid. Someone in another country sneezed and she got sick. Her colds and flus lasted longer than usual and she was a super skinny little girl. When puberty hit she took up sports and when she was 18 she started lifting weights, blew up in terms of muscle tone and got laser eye surgery. Now she's like Rambo in his prime but pretty.
🖋 Abigail is constantly coloring her hair different colors but her favorite is any hue of green since that's her favorite color. She'll also help and color anyone else's if they ask her for help.
🖋 Ginger and Abigail got married on October 13th. Yes, the wedding had a Victorian goth theme to it. Even though they couldn't eat it the cake was red velvet with black frosting and everything. It almost looked like a funeral 'cause everyone was wearing black. I hope to doodle Ginger and Abby in their wedding dresses someday.
🖋 Haakon had a habit of collecting leaves from different countries he visited and kept them safe. Ingvarr and Jørgen both keep journals with leaves of different countries they've visited. They write down the tree the leaf came from, country where they got it from and date.
🖋 Anette can't drive until she's 21. When she was 14 she took Jelani's car, drove her and a bunch of her friends super late at night in winter (from what I've read driving in Norway during winter is horrible), crashed into another car after she lost control, totalled both Jelani's car and the other car and severely injured some of her friends and the other driver. The funny/not funny part is Jela was planning on giving her that car when she got her license but she totalled it. It was BMW by the way. Fuckin' teenager driving around in a 2 year old Beemer lol.
🖋 Speaking of cars. Grete (Anette's mother and Loke and Jelani's aunt) is horribly afraid of driving. She can't get behind the wheel of a car without freaking out. Anette crashing made the fear 10x worse. She can be in a car as long as she isn't driving and the car isn't going too fast.
🖋 During a visit Anette convinced both her parents and Jelani to let her stay with him during the summer. She also convinced both Leah and Xolani to stay over as well. So for a whole ass summer Jelani had three teenagers staying over as a kind of sleep over vacation. It actually turned out fun in the end, the kids had fun and Anette and her rebellious attitude kinda softened.
🖋 Anette, Xolani and Leah have one defining thing in common. None of them know what to do with the rest of their lives. Thing is Leah is very nervous about it, Xolani is kind of aloof about it and Anette is kinda of frustrated about it. Anette is frustrated which leads her to act out and cause trouble. Xolani just looks like they don't care but they do. Leah is super nervous about it. Another thing they got in common is the three of them tend to look up to Loke and Jelani 'cause they feel both understand them better than their parents do.
🖋 Ginger is kinda very obsessed with portals. She's fascinated by them but also respects them as they are incredibly dangerous and unpredictable. She is basically the only person in the world that managed to control portals even if it's for a short amount of time.
🖋 Shaine got really into explosives when she was just a kid. After an accident with a dozen cherry bombs she was left partially deaf, now has to wear a hearing aid and is the explosives expert.
🖋 Before joining Oracle Katya financed her transition by making fake IDs and passports. She also doxxed corrupt government officials and ransomed vital information she got off them.
🖋 Loke is allergic to bird dandruff but would love to have a pet pigeon. At least he can have dogs which is his other favorite animal. His favorite dog is the pitbull.
🖋 Until he got together with Jelani all of Angelus's previous relationships were short and ended in kind of disaster because he constantly compared them all to Jelani and to him they didn't measure up. He ultimately said no to relationships around the 1930s and just fucked around. Obviously until he got shit faced once and confessed to Jelani he was in love with him and the rest is history.
🖋 Tre is one of the super rare seers that can see and feel visions. He's so sensitive that merely standing in an area with a lot of energy could affect him.
🖋 In Oracle there is a head of the organization and two leaders. Current head is Aleksey with Jelani and Angelus as leaders. There's always three as kind of a callback let's call it to when Oracle was started. Aleksey and two close friends started it so from then on there's always 3 leads. When Aleksey steps down Jelani will be head, Ginger will be the second lead and Angelus is the third lead, however he plans on making Trevor the third lead. The reason is because Angelus is fully aware of what he can and can't do and he knows damn well that he isn't lead of an organization material. When he steps down he'd be the Trickster team leader, that he can handle, and since Trevor left a vacant spot Loke would take that spot.
🖋 There is a place called Kironia. It's theorized to be a sort of epicenter for portal activities. Angelus and Ginger have been tasked with keeping an eye on it but it's shrouded in so much mystery most people don't think it's real.
🖋 Despite the fact that Trevor personally knows a Maker and a goddess (Jade, Latoya's girlfriend) he's still an athiest.
🖋 Trevor didn't have a name growing up, he chose the name Trevor because it sounded pleasant. He took his surname, Ravencroft, from a woman he'd heard of from other Oracle agents. He eventually got to meet Morgana Ravencroft, she thought it was flattering he took her name.
🖋 Speaking of Morgana Ravencroft, Angelus was first introduced to the concept of magic because of her. He went with Trevor to help him with some supplies and after being completely hypnotized by some illusions she gave him a book on the basics and helped him get started.
🖋 Loke stopped aging and it's something of a weird occurrence that is brought up every so often. When he was 28 years old he and Jelani (who was 15 at the time) were delivering some supplies to another village. They ran into bandits and as usual Loke was trying to protect Jelani and in doing so he was fatally wounded. Of course Jelani freaked the fuck out and his "fail safe" kicked in. Jela doesn't remember but Loke does, he saw Jelani change form and after dealing with the bandits he turned his attention to Loke and stopped him from dying. He was rusty as fuck so he put a little more oomph behind it and a tiny portion of his energy slipped into Loke. Neither of them know but Loke is basically kinda frozen in time when it comes to aging. So because of this Loke can't die unless Jelani dies.
🖋 Loke has a black feather that's warm to the touch and small embers can be seen floating out of it. He's never mentioned it to anyone and keeps it close to him. The feather came from Jelani when he changed form to fight off the bandits. After he blacked out and changed back Loke found the feather on the ground. He knew where it came from that's why he kept it. He's never told Jelani about that day because he doesn't know what it means and he thinks telling him would only serve to confuse him further.
🖋 Continuing with Loke, he's your average run of the mill berserker. That means he cannot use magic while in berserker mode or even with his weapons. The only ones that can do that are arcanist berserkers (the Nyota tribe). Sanaa is an arcanist berserker, she can use magic while in berserker mode. However, through years of practice Sanaa managed to teach Loke one spell that her people are really fond of. Falling Stars is a spell that has the user charge a single arrow. The arrow is shot upwards and as soon as it reaches high enough it splits into hundreds of arrows that rain down on the target. Loke started practicing when he was 8 years old and by the age of 30 he managed to pull it off making him the first berserker to use magic.
🖋 Jelani and Leah are two of the extremely rare and fortunate people that have gone through a portal and have returned. Whether their return was sheer luck or the fact that he's a Maker is something I'll elaborate on later.
🖋 Haakon knew Jelani wasn't a berserker. Haakon himself had a feeling that his grandson was something far more, if that makes sense. The day Jela was born Haakon had a dream but instead of fear he just felt an insurmountable amount of wonder. He's only ever told his wife, Eli, who in turn believed him. Both always made sure Jela didn't feel out of place and Haakon frequently encouraged him.
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profoundnet · 5 years
Profound Member Post - November/December 2019
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Header by @cryptomoon​ and is available on merch from her redbubble store. You can use all those fancy emojis (and more!) on our Discord server!
The Masterpost is open for all creations by ProfoundBond members which are posted in their entirety during that month.
Masterpost below the cut.
JessJessTheBest - @saywhatjessie - JessJessTheBest
Forgot all prayers (of joining you)
Dean had forgotten how real and close emotions were when he was here. When he was this close to Cas. When there was nothing between them but time. He wasn’t saying any of this right. His words weren’t working. He couldn’t make his mouth cooperate. But maybe… Or Dean prays to Cas in purgatory. (s15 e08 coda)
Tags: s15 e08 coda, Dean Winchester prays to Castiel, Mild hurt/comfort
One Hell of a Pilot
He leaned again to get close to the pilot. “This is a rescue. I’m helping you escape.” He took a deep breath, letting it sink in for just a moment that he said those words. That he was doing this. There was no going back. Or Cas is a reformed Stormtrooper, Dean is a rebel pilot, and this is the story of their escape.
Tags: Alternate Universe - Star Wars Setting, Star Wars: The Force Awakens Spoilers, It's literally just the first 36 minutes of TFA, Poe!Dean, Finn!Cas
The_Madness_Linked_To_A_Hat - @the-madness-linked-to-a-hat - The_Madness_Linked_To_A_Hat
Happy Holidays Cas
Where Dean and Cas follow a seasonal tradition.
Tags: Mistletoe, first kiss, happy holidays SFW
Isangelousdenim - @isangelousdenim - Isangelousdenim
Wishful Drinking
It started with Dean drinking on a case. It escalated to Dean drinking everywhere.
Tags: TW: Suicidal Thoughts, Violent Thoughts & Alcohol Abuse Character Study, Season 15, Heavy Angst
Co-written by: Bumocusal
goldenraeofsun - @goldenraeofsun - goldenraeofsun
Head Down, Walk with Reason
As an omega, Castiel is ineligible for the throne after his father dies. When his uncle takes the crown, Metatron's first order of business is to arrange a betrothal with King John for the hand of his firstborn son, the Crown Prince of Terra.
So Castiel flees. His first night on the run, Castiel stumbles into a band of outlaws just at the border. Injured and wary, he has no choice to stay with them. And although he had planned to return to his own kingdom once it was safe, home might not be the place he left, but instead with Dean, their alpha leader that took him in.
Tags: a/b/o, medieval au, royalty au, omega cas, alpha dean, secret identities, angst with a happy ending, castiel and meg friendship NSFW
MaggieMaybe160 - @maggiemaybe160 - MaggieMaybe160
A Thanksgiving Feast
Dean Winchester's dirty prayer before Thanksgiving dinner leads to some shenanigans under the table. Tags: Food Kink. Top Cas/Bottom Dean.
One Night
An accidental one night stand between Castiel and Dean leads to whispered confessions and miscommunications.
Tags: Internalized Homophobia. John Winchester's A+ Parenting. Angst with a happy ending. NSFW
followyourenergy - followyourenergy
Christmas in July
When Dean Winchester follows a service dog who won’t leave him alone, he finds Cas Novak, passed out in a stairwell with a Christmas tree on top of him. A Christmas tree? In July? Who does that? Turns out that Cas does that. And once he gets to know the snarky, independent, handsome man, Dean can’t help but fall for him. A story about being seen.
Tags: Christmas, fluff and angst, pining, blind Castiel, service dogs, snarky Castiel, sweet Dean, falling in love
Nickelkeep - @nickelkeep - nickelkeep Pillowfort
Talk to Me Now
It started off simple. An ad on Craig's List: Looking for a Roommate, 700/mo, Utilities included...
Tags: AU - Roommates, idiots to lovers, pranks and practical jokes, misunderstandings, comfortably bisexual dean, queer castiel
Stuck in the Middle With You
"Fine." Cas slid his right pointer finger into the trap and almost instantly felt the trap snap around their fingers. "That's not right." Dean looked up at Cas. "What did you do?" Cas attempted to pull his finger out of the trap. "I didn't do anything."
Tags: canonverse, cursed object, idiots to lovers, homophobic language, everyone ships dean/cas, love confessions
What I Thought I Knew
Dean rolls his eyes and turns to go back to the kitchen when his eyes lock on a guy across the room. He has dark, messy hair and eyes that cannot possibly be so blue. He stares for a moment, ripping his eyes away only when he realizes the other guy has caught him staring. Dean blushes and rushes back into the kitchen. Tags: AU - Modern, Strangers to Lovers, One-sided Enemies to Lovers, Objectification, Miscommunication, Dub-con Kiss
Slice of Your Pie
He pulled up the Casual Encounters section of Craig's List and was surprised to find out how right Gabe was. Many people were offering their services for Thanksgiving company. As he scrolled through the ads, one with an interesting title caught his attention. Alone on Thanksgiving? Want to stop the ‘Why are you still single?’ questions?
Tags: AU - Modern, Fake/Pretend Relationship, Dysfunctional Family, Crush at first sight, pre-Dean/Cas, Homophobic Language, Sexism
"I wouldn't leave it there. I grabbed the most important things and left." Dean shook his head vehemently. "Are you sure?" Sam's face started to crinkle up in an 'I told you so' expression. "Did you really get everything before you ran and asked to crash with your baby brother and his wife?" Dean glared at Sam. "I don't want to go back. It can't be there."
Tags: AU - Modern with Magic, Witch!Cas, Witch!Dean, Blizzards, Car Accident, Getting Back Together, Angst with a Happy Ending
Overcome by a moment of whimsy, Dean walked down the stairs and stepped into the middle of the yard. He looked towards the sky and closed his eyes, letting the snowflakes gently kiss his skin. Tags: Canon Compliant, Fallen!Cas, Snow Angels, Marriage Proposal, Established Dean/Cas, Short and Sweet
Chandeliers of Hope
"You seriously Christmas themed our D&D game?" Dean rolled his eyes in disbelief. Charlie walked over and patted Dean on the cheek before taking some of the candlesticks out of Cas' arms. "Of course, I did. You said to write what I wanted, I wrote tonight's campaign. It's a one-shot, and it's going to be a lot of fun, I promise." "Gonna hold you to that, Red." Dean pointed at her accusingly before looking and smiling at Cas. "And I'm going to hold you as an accomplice."
Tags: AU - Roommates, Christmas Party, Characters playing D&D, Recreational Marijuana Use, Alcohol Use, Mistletoe Kiss, Cas/Dean First Kiss, Idiots to Lovers
A Cold, Dark Winter’s Night
Charlie pulled out a small gift bag and handed it out to everyone. "Secret Santa!" Cas rolled his eyes as Charlie came to stand in front of him, gently shaking the bag. He reached in and pulled out a slip of paper, waiting until Charlie moved to the next person. He flipped it open, and butterflies fluttered in his stomach. Dean.
Tags: AU - Roommates, Christmas Fluff, Idiots in Love, Secret Santa, Everyone Ships Dean/Cas
Twas The Night
“It’s Christmas Eve!” “Uh, yeah.” Dean got up from his bed and walked down the hallway to Emma’s room and leaned against her doorframe. “You gonna tell me something I don’t know, Kiddo?” “We need to get started!” Emma was sitting on her floor with her back to the door. “It’s Cas’ first Christmas with us, and I want to make sure he enjoys it.”
Tags: AU - Modern, Timestamp, Domestic Dean/Cas, Established Dean/Cas, Christmas Fluff, KidFic, Marriage Proposal
You Make it Feel Like Christmas
"Well, considering I haven't had a chance to go Christmas shopping. How about you?" Sam zipped up his bag and did a second check around the hotel room. "I already took your bag out to the car." Sam crossed the room to the motel door and headed outside. Dean stood in silence for a moment as Sam closed the door behind him. Shopping, on Christmas Eve?
Tags: Canonverse, Last Minute Christmas Shopping, Idiots in Love, Mutual Pining, Light Angst, Happy Ending
Auld Lang Syne
"She's cute. You ask her out yet?" Dean stabbed his pie with his fork and shoved another bite into his mouth. "Uh, no. Why?" Dean winked. "Means she's available, right?" "No offense Dean, but you don't have a chance. She has standards." Cas took a sip of his tea and looked at his roommate. "Ouch. You wound me, Cas." Dean rested his elbow on the table and his chin on his knuckles. "Bet you I can get Meg to go to the New Year's Ball with me."
Tags: AU - Modern, New Year's Eve, New Year's Kiss, Oblivious Castiel, Eventual Dean/Cas, Dean/Cas First Kiss
Leafzelindor - @leafzelindor
Artwork for On The Road Again
Artwork done for the DCBB fic "On the Road again" Tags: destiel, fluff, au
For On The Road Again by @hekate1308​
Artwork for Life is But A Dream
Artwork done for the DCBB fic "Life is but a Dream" Tags: Destiel, AU
For Life is But A Dream by @crowleyhasfeels​
Jdragon122 - @jdragon122 - Jdragon122 Pillowfort
from stardust to stardust
~ from stardust to stardust ~ The art prize for the lovely gii-heylittleangel ;) who won the Destiel Artists United 500 follower giveaway! They asked for Castiel and wings XD my favorite lol. I was happy to comply <3
Tags: N/A
Jemariel - @jemariel - jemariel
Human Error
Cas is human now, and things aren't going to plan. (Not that Dean had a plan. Nope. No plans of any kind.) Anyway, what's a Winchester to do when everything he tries seems to blow up in his face? Go hunting. Obviously.
Tags: Human!Castiel, Alternate season 9, Casefic, Only One Bed, Mutual pining, Miscommunication, Sex under the influence of alcohol, Canon-typical violence, Wendigo, Injured Cas
Sarasaurussex - @sarasaurussex - sarasaurussex
Don’t Mess with Dean’s Alpha
Dean and Castiel are enjoying a relaxing night out, until Cas gets hit on by another Omega.
Tags: Omega Dean x Alpha Cas, Possessive Omega, BAMF Dean, Jealousy, Fluff
The Wendigo
Dean has a lot of baggage from his childhood. Castiel wants to help, if Dean will let him.
Tags: PTSD trauma, parental abuse trauma, Hurt/Comfort, Injury, Healing, First Kiss, Confessions
Destiel Christmas Sweaters, Part I
I had some funny Christmas sweater ideas and couldn't resist dressing up the boys. Dean is not amused. Tags: Destiel, Crack, Humor, Christmas
Destiel Christmas Sweaters, Part II
More ugly Christmas sweaters for the boys ;D Tags: Destiel, Crack, Humor, Christmas
Miracle on Lebanon Street
The bunker gets an unexpected visitor on Christmas morning, and it’s not Santa! (Contains Destiel and Sabriel)
Tags: Ugly Christmas Sweaters, White Christmas, Gift Giving, Christmas Feast (it’s pie), Mistletoe, Fluff SFW
vaudelin - @vaudelin - vaudelin Pillowfort
of mundane things
“You never told us,” Dean hisses, during a muted conversation carried in the protective depths of the kitchen. “You got hitched to a djinn? Since when?” “I did tell you,” Cas growls back. He slams on the faucet, filling the glass with vigor. “It’s not my fault you weren’t listening.”
Tags: Alternate Season/Series 14, dream walking, Dean in Castiel's Dream, Getting Together
a tale that can’t be told
Black leather and oil scent the air around him, a welcome change from antiseptics. Impala, Castiel thinks. Baby. Except he’s not allowed to call her that. A flash of brown panelling slides through his memory, rattling on a rusted truck bed with wood for bed rails. Outside the car, the brothers are quietly arguing. Castiel cranes to listen, but he only picks out a partial phrase from Sam: Since when was he losing his powers? The snippet from Dean is even more troubling: Is Chuck fucking with us by giving him a factory reset?
Tags: Alternate Season/Series 15, Castiel Losing His Powers, Human Castiel, Memory Loss, Dean's Top 13 Zepp Traxx Mixtape, Castiel's Missing Brown Truck, Getting Together, Sharing a Bed, Hopeful Ending
low voices in the library (are appreciated)
Sam moved, though in which direction Dean couldn’t yet tell. Not the library, Dean mentally begged. He didn’t want to deal with the scene Sam was about to stumble into, let alone its know-it-all aftermath. Tags: Library Sex, Plot What Plot/Porn Without Plot, Semi-Public Sex
a handful of seeds
Dean paused in his chopping. He swiped the green pepper chunks into a neat pile on the cutting board. He was running out of excuses to make. Weakly, he asked, “Where would I even keep a garden?” Cas, sensing victory, rose up in height. “Behind the bunker entrance, in the patch of earth lined by mulberry bushes.” Dean cursed, caught out. “Why’d you even bother to ask, if you already knew?” Softening, Cas gave a small smile. “I’d like to add to it, if that’s okay.”
Tags: Mary Winchester Feels, Gardens & Gardening, Domestic Fluff
LanaSerra - @lanaserra​ - LanaSerra  &  Spandwiches  - @spandwiches - spandwiches
300 Complementary Characters: a forum on Kansas City University’s student website. You can write whatever you want, but it has to be 300 characters or less. Dean is crushing hard on Sam’s TA, but it feels different than it has before; it feels like he needs to do it properly, to have a grand declaration and to prove that romance isn’t dead. What better way to profess his feelings than posting a poem on 300cc? Castiel is torn. There’s no mistaking the poem is for him, but who could be posting them? Despite being very tempted by the very attractive new light and sound engineer that will be working on the play he has written, Castiel can’t ignore the feeling that he and the anonymous Poet are meant to be together. A comedy of errors, mutual pining, and erotic poetry.
Tags: college-au, two person love triangle, explicit poetry, fluff, the boys fail to use their words while using ALL of their words, consent is sexy, POV switching, explicit, minor Sam/Eileen
MittensMorgul - @mittensmorgul​ - MittensWraith
This Must Be The Place
Seven years after their profound meeting, Cas knows he's exactly where he was always meant to be. (a sequel to Lifetime Piling Up, but can be read as a standalone)
Tags: Doctor Castiel/Tattoo Artist Dean, Established Relationship, Marriage Proposal, Fluff
On This Night
Something goes terribly wrong while hunting a djinn. Newly-human Cas had never considered what the effects of djinn poison could be for a human, and struggles to remember why everything seems just so slightly off when he wakes up back at the cabin he and Dean had been staying in during the hunt. The cabin has been transformed with holiday decorations, and Cas wonders just how long he'd been unconscious. Only when he tries to get answers from Dean, reality comes crashing back in on them both, in the best of all possible ways. Tags: Canon case fic, Christmas Fluff, snowed in, first kiss, POV Castiel, djinn dreams
firefly124 - @firefly124-writing​ - firefly124
Making It Up as We Go
Dean’s not entirely sure what he’s looking at, but he’s almost sure it’s a message from Chuck.
Tags: mentions of past (temporary) MCD, spoilers through SPN 15x06
Something Bright to Dispel the Gloom
A road trip to Salina had sounded like a good idea when Dean had suggested it. Cas hadn’t been back for long, though, and this was shaping up to be the world’s most awkward road trip ever.
Tags: spoilers through SPN 15x07
Crumblin’ Down
Dean’s feeling nostalgic. Cas is mystified. Sam is oblivious.
Tags: spoilers through SPN 15x07
Overdue Explanations are Overdue
If Dean thought this day had been a rollercoaster ride before, he didn’t know what to compare it to now.
Tags: spoilers through SPN 15x07, reference to past (temporary) MCD
Faith, Hope, and Maybe Something Else
Castiel figured he’d probably just ensured that the Empty would never come for him.
Tags: spoilers through SPN 15x07, reference to canon character deaths
The Choices We Make
Castiel takes a moment to reflect on the choices he has made as well as those others have made, and is presented with a new one to consider.
Tags: spoilers through SPN 15x07
Wargurl - @wargurl83​ - wargurl83
Christmas in the Bunker
Join TFW as they discover a little bit of the magic of the season. Tags: Cannon-Divergent, holiday shenanigans
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damn-stark · 6 years
Lost way ch.9
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A/N- I was inspired by the Last of us II teaser trailer in the first part!!
Warning- Language, Violence
I strum my guitar strings lightly. Tune it when I hear it out of tune. After my fingers gracefully start playing . I quietly sing along to the song that I’m playing. I feel as the tears start to roll down my cheeks while I’m playing. The sound of rain drops outside easily heard through the open hotel window. My eyes close feeling the moment. When I finish playing I open my eyes and wipe my tears. I rest my guitar on my lap I take a shaky deep breath.
“ that was great.” I hear Steve softly say as he’s leaning by the door frame. I look up startled just a bit after hearing his voice.
“ I didn’t hear you come in.” I say as I lean the guitar by the bed. Once he sees my tears he comes to me and kneels down in front of me. He wipes the tears from my face.
“ you were so into playing I didn’t want you to stop.” He responds as he cups my cheeks. I lean in taking In his warmth. My tears kept rolling down. “ you really want to go through with it?” He asks quietly.
“ yes.... (I reach for my brothers cross chain that’s around my neck.) I owe it them.”
I stand further away from the base keeping watch of any guards or soilders walking out the base. I sit down and zoom in my scope to take a closer look. I take a sip of my drink that’s in my other hand.
“ okay nobody guarding on the south side and nobody walking in or out the door.” I report to Natasha through my earpiece.
“ I’ve got some on my side.” I hear Natasha say.
“ okay do what you gotta do. We’re not killing them remember.” Steve reports.
“ yea we know just putting them to sleep and tying them up for them to arrested.” I say.
Steve had convinced me not kill the hydra agents but instead take them down quietly. Not letting ourselves be seen to remain hidden. I wanted so badly to kill them all but I was convinced not risk it or let myself go that path. I knew he was right. It’s just hard for me.... it’s hard not to kill them especially knowing what they did to my family. And to other people. Killing innocents. Brainwashing. Controlling. Experimenting. among many other horrible things.
“ okay they’re down.” I hear Natasha say.
“ same here.” Sam says.
“ okay let’s move in.” I say. I put my drink back in backpack. And hop off the post I was keeping watch in. I crouch down and head for the door. I see Wanda approach on the other side. I give her a signal and we both open the door. Once the door is open I throw a couple smoke screens so we can unseen. We move up and hear people coughing and yelling orders. We keep walking by the walls and once we see the hydra soilders come to check what’s happening we knock them out. When we cleared the hallway we go our separate ways trying to take them down faster. I get close to a opening and peek and see computers and scientist panicking and confused on what was happening. I put my mask on that covers the bottom half of my face only my eyes showing. I stand up and walk towards the opening. I make duplicates of myself blocking their paths. I then make them feel enough pain for them to go unconscious. I make my clones disappear and stick small sticky bombs on the computers. I walk a good distance away and cause all the computers to explode. After that I went back and tied all of them up so when they woke up they couldn’t go nowhere.
“ all clear on my floor.”
“ here too.”
“ yea me too.”
I hear all of them report. Once we do another sweep through on the place making sure there’s nobody else we all go at our location where we agreed to meet up. Steve and I were the first ones there. I take my mask off and hood off. I smile at him before giving him kiss. A little while later we hear someone fake cough from behind me. That causes us to break apart. When I turn I see Sam, Wanda , and Natasha standing there.
“ sorry to inturrpt the very intimate moment here but you know we do have to start heading out before they find us here.” Sam says. Steve Scratches the back of head a little embarrassed at the current situation. I could see that Natasha was amused because she was looking down at the ground with a smile trying not laugh at Steve’s reaction.
“ yea...sure.” Steve said akwardly. I coudnt help my snicker at his very adorable akwardness.
“ we did great guys just one more base to go and we can take it easy.” I say highfiving them. We all get the Quinjet that we Natasha had taken before having to leave the compound. After We then headed for the last location we needed to go to. I know that they’ll mostly likely come back but I just needed to do this. I just needed to take them down. Doing this makes sure that they won’t be coming back for a while. We also knew that they might move have more hidden bases but this just gave me satisfaction. Knowing that they’ll be taken down. And if we did it right they wouldn’t know who or what hit them.
We were at the last base we needed to take down. This would be the last one and after that we would be done. We do our usually spotting. This one was a little harder because it was hidden inside a wooded hill. We had to be more stealthy. I was up on tree that was looking across from the hil they were in. There was no visible entrances from here except for two hidden windows. They were big enough for me go through them. Sam had finally found the entrance. It was well hidden far off from the base. It mostly likely connected through some tunnel. It was big enough for cars to go through so that meant that this was a big base. Him and Steve has found recent car tracks leading towards it. They exploded the door down and entered. It took them a while to report back but they did. I gave Natasha the signal. And we broke the windows. We then got our grabable hooks and used them to get through the windows. While I was sliding towards the broken window I threw a smoke screen to hide us.
When we landed with Wanda flying and landing by us. When we were inside and it was quiet. We didn’t see or hear anybody. I stood up and caustiouly walked forward trying to get a better look. I looked at Natasha confused on the abandoned room. We knew that their was people in this base. We slowly moved foraward trying to look around through the smoke. As we were looking around I heard something land by my feet. I looked down and saw a grenade.
“ GRENADE!” I yelled warning Natasha and Wanda. I immiedialtly threw it back where it came from using my telekinesis. It exploded midair. Seconds later gunshots started getting shot. I kicked down a table making it my shield.
“ we’ve been compromised here.” I try to tell Steve and Sam through my ear piece.
“ we did too!” Steve responds back.
It was still hard to see because of the smoke but I still heard gunshots. I looked over at Natasha who had used a table as I shield too. She was shooting back.
“ told you that you needed a gun.” She said smugly.
“ yeah yeah whatever.” I say back occasisnly peaking over the table. Wanda cleared the smoke out making it easier for us to see.
“ thanks for that.” I tell her.
Once I could finally see I threw a table towards the soilders that were shooting at us. That caused them to get knocked to the ground. But before we could get up more came from behind us. Wanda flings their guns away from them. I jump up and get closer to them. I then knock them out and we tie them up. We move up and tie the others up. After we slowly keeping an eye out for anymore of them. We go in to another room. And see more of them approach us. One comes towards me and tried shoot me but duck down grab his hand and hit him with his own gun. One tries to come up from behind me but I turn around and kick him making him stumble back. He regains balance and got his gun out. But I was quicker and caused him pain. Seconds later he hit the ground.
We keep moving on hearing shots coming from the other side of the base. We were running to go help Steve and Sam but we were blocked by more hydra soilders. Natasha, Wanda and I got back to back as they surrounded us. I flung one soilder causing him to crash to some behind him. After they were taken down we keep moving. Out of nowhere one appears from a hidden door and gets me. He has a gun pointed at the side of my head.
“ try anything and I’ll shoot her!” He yells.
“ don’t.” I warn Natasha. Without moving my head I signal her that Steve and Sam are hiding over by the wall. Unexpectedly I kick the soilder in the crotch. He groans in pain so use that and grab his hand and flip him over. I glare at him and he started yelling in pain. He yelled louder as I made it worse.
“ Maxine!” Steve yells I immidiatly look up towards him making me snap back to reality.
“ sorry.” I mumble. I tie the now unconscious guy up. We didn’t hear any other soilders come to us so we went and destroyed their computers. That contained their probably super important work. While doing that i went to the last table of computers and stuck the explosives under the table. I then felt burning pain in my shoulder. I turn around and see a soilder hidden behind some shelves. Wanda grabs him and throws him across the room. Steve runs to me worried.
“ are you okay?!” He asks concerned.
“ yea it’s nothing I think it went through I should be fine.” I tell him with a small smile so he could calm down. “ let’s blow this up and start heading out.” I say.
After we explode all the computers and finally head back to the Quinjet. We’re finally out and headed to some hotel far away from here so we wouldn’t be spotted. Steve then comes to me and helps me with my wound. With my non injured arm I reach for my chain and look at it. My eyes get watery as I’m looking at it. Remembering my family. I kiss it lightly and put it back.
“ thank you guys.... for coming along with me and doing this.... I know this wasn’t easy but I’m grateful that you guys came along it means a lot to me that it really does.” I tell them all gratefully.
“ no problem it was nothing. We all know this was important for you.” Natasha says from upfront as she’s flying he Quinjet.
“ yea plus what else could we do. There’s nothing else for us to do.” Sam says.
“ you know I always got your back Max.” Wanda says.
“ still thank you guys.”
I’m laying bed looking up at the ceiling lost in my own thoughts.
“ something in your mind?” Steve asks as he lays by me. I look at him as he snaps me from my thoughts.
“ just thinking about this about everything. It’s crazy how my life changed all in two years. It’s just crazy to think about it all. Two years ago i was training to be a police and now I’m a war criminal..... I was in such a dark place after my family’s death so consumed my revenge I got tricked by the bad guys..... tried killing all of you because of it...... and now I’m here an ex avenger on the run with my also war criminal boyfriend.” I tell him as I cuddle up next to him. I take a pause before talking again “ I also want to say thank you... to you... for helping me with all of this... it really helped me. I was lost in my ways and you helped through it.” I finished saying.
“ you know I would do it for you.... I- I love you.... I’m in love with you.... I would do anything for you..... I’m sorry that we have to be on the run. I know this isn’t easy. ” He says. I sit up and look at him with a huge smile on my face.
“ I love you too Steve... being here with you makes me happy. I wouldn’t want anything else. And I don’t mind being on the run. You being here with me means everything.” I tell him. I then lean in and kiss him. He holds me and pulls me closer and
“ I’m in love with you too Steve.” I say before kissing him again.
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scared-aquarius · 7 years
signs as haunted places in New Jersey
(I’m starting a series where I assign haunted places from each state to the signs. I’m starting with New Jersey because that’s where I’m from! Also the Red Mill is located in my hometown so I thought that was cool. Ok anyways)
Aries: The Pine Barrens, NJ- The Pine Barrens, also known as the Pinelands or the Pines, is a heavily forested area that covers more than 7 counties across the state of New Jersey. This area has been the site of many legends and is also the alleged home of the infamous Jersey Devil. The Jersey Devil is described as a kangaroo-like creature with the head of a dog and the face of a horse, bat-like leathery wings, horns and a tail. There have been many sightings over the years, specifically in South Jersey, leading many to believe that the Jersey Devil actually exists or is at least a real animal. Some people believe that the vastness and remote nature of the 1 million acre Pine Barrens could allow a species to remain hidden over time. Other legends include the ghost of Captain Kidd, a pirate who supposedly hid his treasure in Barnegat Bay. Some locals say that they’ve seen his ghost wandering along the beach. There are two other ghosts who are actually known to be kind spirits. There is the ghost of a man named James Still, more popularly known as The Black Doctor, who was a man studying medicine in the 19th century who wasn’t permitted to do so because of his race. Undiscouraged, however, he went into seclusion in The Pine Barrens to study his textbooks and also learned herbal remedies. Some say he died from lynching after being discovered and others say he died of a heart attack. His ghost however is still said to come to the aid of injured or stranded travelers in The Pine Barrens. Lastly, there is a white stag that many have claimed to see. The stag supposedly is known to prevent disasters. If you see the white stag, it is supposed to bring good luck.
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Taurus: The Devil’s Tree, Bernards Township NJ- The Devil’s Tree is a single oak tree with some dead limbs in an undeveloped field. A common claim is that Bernards Township was the central headquarters for the Ku Klux Klan in New Jersey during colonial times and the tree was used to lynch black people and rebellious slaves. Others say that a farmer hanged himself from the tree after murdering his own family. The legend says that the tree is cursed and anyone who tried to cut it down will “come to an untimely end”. It is said that those who damage or disrespect the tree, either by peeing on it, carving into it or even making remarks about the tree while nearby, will soon come to some sort of harm. This harm will often come in the form of a car accident or experiencing a major breakdown while trying to leave the field in which the tree lives. Other legends claim that if you touch the tree, your hands will turn black if you try to eat. In winter, the ground beneath the tree is allegedly free from snow regardless of how recent the snowfall was or how much has fallen. Some have claimed that the tree is occasionally warm to the touch regardless of the season or time of day. It is thought that this is because it is disguised as a tree but is really a portal to Hell.
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Gemini: The Union Hotel, Flemington NJ- This hotel was built in 1878 during the Victorian Era. In 1934, it stood witness to the media event that was dubbed the “trial of the century”, when Bruno Hauptmann was accused of the kidnapping and murder of Charles Lindbergh’s infant son which was tried at the courthouse across the street. The hotel became the base for journalists and the temporary home of the jurors. Most recently, the hotel was used as a bar and restaurant with the upper floors being blocked off. Previous staff members recall many paranormal encounters that they had. One former manger says that one night after a bouncer had locked the doors, the staff were all sitting around having a drink. Suddenly the locked doors flew open wide and a cold wind swept past them. When the bouncer went to go re-close the doors, he saw a pair of disembodied black leather shoes walking up the main stairway. He freaked out and ran out of the hotel. The manager also recalled of a time a waitress was going up the stairs when she heard a disembodied voice humming a lullaby. She was so afraid that she ran out of the building and quit. Other former employees remember constantly seeing a young girl with dark hair in a fancy dress running around the dining room. She is also said to play with a doll on the main stairway and is known to trip people. There are stories of ghosts ordering drinks at the bar and then disappearing. There was also a time when an employee was cleaning tables and saw two people chasing each other who then suddenly vanished into thin air. No one is sure of the origin of these possible specters. However, there is one story about a man who was murdered in the basement of the hotel.
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Cancer: Red Mill, Clinton NJ- The Red Mill was built in 1810 as an industrial mill. For the first few years, it was used as a wool processing plant. Milling was very dangerous work and at the time, there were no safety latches or guards on the machinery. Many stories have been passed down about the workers who met their untimely death while on the job. By 1820, however, the wool business had failed in the downturn for cloth. Ralph Hunt, the owner at the time, lost hundreds of acres because of this. Today, the Red Mill is now the main building of the Red Mill Museum Village, which includes the mill, a 19th century one-room schoolhouse, carriage sheds and other quarry village buildings. Tours are available nowadays and the most popular paranormal encounter is that of a man wearing period clothing and a black hat who doesn’t speak who roams the third floor. Many visitors have claimed to see this ghost as well as feeling like someone is touching them or tugging on their clothes. Another spirit that is said to frequently be seen is that of a young girl around the age of 6 or 7 who died around 1900. She was the daughter of one of the mill’s owners and was supposedly very fond of coming to the mill with her father. Additional grisly things that have happened on the grounds is a mill worker fell head-first into a mill hopper and suffocated. There is also a story of a young boy who was cleaning his weapon in the tenant building and accidentally shot himself. Another member had a heart attack and died on the steps of the tenant building. Strange occurrences at the tenant house include footsteps on a vacant second floor and bells swinging back and forth on their own. Now, because this mill is in my hometown, I just want to share that I believe I have seen the ghost of the little girl for myself. I was in town with my friend and was walking along the bridge towards the mill and I saw a girl who was extremely pale from head to toe and it seemed almost blurry, like when your eyes water and everything looks skewed. I turned to tell my friend but when I looked back she was gone. I know this sounds super fake but I swear that’s what happened. I was so freaked out that I had to go home.
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Leo: Clinton Road, West Milford NJ- Considered to possibly be the most haunted road in America, this 10 mile stretch of road definitely has a sinister past. The road and the land around it have been known to be teeming with paranormal occurrences. It is said that if you drive down the road, you may encounter ghosts, witch gatherings, Satanists, the KKK or even strange creatures like hellhounds or mutated monkeys. It is also known to be a place where murderers have disposed of bodies in the surrounding woods- with one actual recorded case of this happening. In 1983, a body was found in the woods after a cyclist noticed vultures pecking at it. An autopsy revealed that the man had ice crystals in the blood vessels near his heart, suggesting that someone had tried to freeze the body before dumping it. It came out that he was someone who had affiliations with the Mafia. Later, Richard Kuklinski, aka “The Iceman”, confessed to the murder. Some well-known ghost sightings involve a young boy at a bridge who apparently was struck by a car and killed. Legend says that he will push anyone who looks over the edge into the water in order to save them from being run over like he was. There are also accounts of phantom vehicles, specifically a black pick-up truck that will tail you and flash its headlights before completely disappearing. Other ghosts include two park rangers who died on the job in 1939 and a girl driving a Camaro who died in a car crash in 1988. Whether you’re a believer in the paranormal or not, I think most would agree that driving down Clinton Road at night would be one of the creepiest things one could experience.
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Virgo: White Hill Mansion, Fieldsboro NJ- This mansion was constructed over 250 years ago. Robert Field, a successful merchant, decided to settle down in New Jersey. This proved to be more of a curse than a blessing as he drowned in the Delaware River under mysterious circumstances in 1775. After his death, he left his young wife, Mary Field, to care for the 600 acre property on her own. Mary raised her 3 children in the home throughout the Revolutionary War. She tried to remain impartial, however there were many times when her house was invaded and searched. Over the years many people have lived in the mansion, including senators, rum runners, prostitutes, inventors, and by the early 1920s the house was converted into an upscale restaurant. Over the years, workers began to notice strange things happening at the mansion. Many visitors reported seeing a shadow man who lurked near the basement and would then disappear. Disembodied voices are very frequent according to people who have visited the mansion. Other phenomena include phantom sounds of children playing in the nursery and footsteps going up and down the stairs at night. There is also supposedly a ghost of a former servant who identified herself during an EVP session and is known to be very talkative and enthusiastic about interacting with visitors. During restoration efforts, over 30,000 artifacts were found that suggest the mansion was built atop an ancient Native American settlement which some believe may contribute to the paranormal activity.
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Libra: Trenton Psychiatric Hospital, Trenton, NJ- This hospital, originally named New Jersey State Lunatic Asylum, opened in 1848 and held a mere 86 patients. The first superintendent of the hospital, Horace Buttolph, provided excellent care for his patients and was a good man. Then, Dr. Henry Cotton took over in 1907 and the horror began. He believed that infection caused mental illness, so to test his theories he would remove his patient’s teeth, tonsils, limbs, testicles, ovaries, gall bladders, colons, stomaches, spleens, cervixes, or any other body part that had the slightest sign on infection. This was done often against the consent of the patient and the family of the patient. Some psychiatrists questioned his work, however the New Jersey State Senate approved of his treatments. He would continue to kill his patients until 1930, when he retired. Only after his death in 1933 would his work be reviewed to find that his medical procedures killed 45% of his patients. Thousands of others were left permanently mutilated. The most common ghost sighting at the asylum is Dr. Cotton himself, who people have claimed seeing roam the hallway near his old office wearing a white doctor’s coat. People have also reported hearing disembodied voices, mainly muffled screams and moans as well as being touched. Orbs have been caught on camera, each having a strange blue glow to them. There are also claims of seeing patients without limbs, or the limbs themselves on old medical tables before suddenly disappearing. 
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Scorpio: Greystone Park Psychiatric Hospital, Morris Plains NJ- Originally known as New Jersey Lunatic Asylum, this hospital opened in 1876 and housed over 7,500 patients. Overcrowding was definitely an issue. The building was made to house only around 1,500 people. The patient population peaked in the 1950s with the return of WWII soldiers who had PTSD. Greystone adopted controversial treatment for its patients, regularly administering Insulin shock therapy and electroconvulsive therapy to the veterans. In the 1970s and 1980s, deinstitutionalization became more popular and the hospital officially closed its doors in 2003. There had always been much bad press about the hospital, including stories of patient suicides, patient on patient violence, the sexual assault of patients and a twice-convicted rapist escaping from the hospital. Since it’s shutting down, many people have gone and explored the old abandoned building. People have reported feeling watched and “not being able to get out quick enough”, especially in the dark underground tunnels beneath the hospital which were used to transport dead bodies. There are also a few accounts of seeing full-bodied apparitions in the windows as well as in the shower area in the basement. The building was demolished in 2015. 
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Sagittarius: Burlington County Prison, Mount Holly NJ- This prison operated from 1811 to 1965. It was known for public hangings and also housed some notorious people, including “The Boston Strangler” (Albert DeSalvo). The prison was known to use thinner than average rope, which led to prolonged suffering.  One of the first executions there was the hanging of a man named Joel Clough who, in 1833, stabbed Mary W. Hamilton, a woman he was obsessed with. On July 26, 1833, he was hanged and buried on the grounds of the prison. He is said to haunt the dungeon, a room where he was kept leading up to his death. People have reported hearing the chain that originally held him rattle as well as hearing moaning and feeling cold spots. A murder also took place in the prison basement in 1920. One night when a guard went to deliver medicine to a prisoner, the prisoner struck him with an iron rod and killed him instantly. The prisoner then went to the kitchen and murdered another prisoner who was on cooking duty. People have reported seeing a shadow in the corridor where the guard was murdered. There are also claims of seeing a figure underneath the stairs. Other paranormal occurrences include disembodied voices and screams and workers have claimed their tools get moved around or go missing. Many people say they feel like they’re constantly being watched and some have even claimed that they’ve felt someone touching them. 
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Capricorn: Lambertville High School, Lambertville NJ- This high school was built in 1854. In 1926, much of the building had been destroyed by a fire caused by arson but was later remodeled and rebuilt in 1927. More tragedy struck the school in 1935 when a boy from a rival high school (New Hope Buckeyes) was killed while playing the traditional “Turkey Bowl” football game. His neck broke after a particularly rough tackle and his head had almost completely turned around. The parents of the boy who was killed petitioned that football was too dangerous and that New Hope should give it up. New Hope still does not have a football team to this day. His spirit is said to linger on the grounds of the school. People have reported seeing a ghostly figure in the windows. Legend says that if you challenge the Buckeye on the old overgrown football field, a strange mist will form and you will suddenly see something charging at you. The school was closed down in 1955 as it had become too small and outdated for the growing area. The building then became a popular hang out for teenagers who would regularly go and get drunk. Allegedly, two teenage boys died under unexplained circumstances while visiting the building. In 2012, the old high school was demolished however visitors who have gone after the fact claim that they still feel cold spots and get an uneasy feeling when standing in the spot where the building once stood. Some have also said that they’ve seen the apparition of the boy who was killed.
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Aquarius: Gates of Hell, Clifton NJ- The Gates of Hell drain stands out from the others nearby because of its square shape and also because it has no water flowing in or out of it. There is a ladder inside which allows visitors to climb in and explore the connecting drains. Reportedly, the drains go hundreds of feet underground and has 7 layers. They are said to be filled with the remains of satanic sacrifices including bones, decaying carcasses, crosses and more. It is rumored that the drains used to be frequently used by satanic worshippers and the KKK because of it’s concealed nature. There is also supposedly a deep underground room that is used to summon the devil. There are tales of people drowning in the drains while trying to explore them. People have reported hearing faint chanting, faint footsteps and thumps as well as seeing dark figures in the distance. The entrance of the drain as well as some of the inside is covered in graffiti, some of it being satanic. If you ever decide to visit this place, be careful and don’t go too far deep because many are known to have gotten lost in the complex draining tunnels. 
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Pisces- The Grenville Hotel, Bay Head NJ- Opening in 1890, this hotel was known as one of the most luxurious summer hotels that populated the shore. It is still in operation today, and many guests have checked out with stories to tell. Both guests and employees report hearing the sound of children playing and laughing as well as seeing people dressed in period clothing. There are claims of hearing stomping down empty hallways and footsteps in unoccupied rooms. Many guests have said that they have seen imprints on their bed, as if someone was sitting or lying there. One guest even claimed that they saw a man in a dark suit with a top hat one night in their bathroom, who then suddenly disappeared. Later that night, their doorknob wouldn’t stop rattling. Another guest claimed to see a woman in a white dress in their room at night walking towards their bed. The owner says that all of the supposed ghosts are friendly. The third floor is supposedly the most haunted floor, specifically rooms 303 and 304 where disembodied voices can frequently be heard. Some believe the ghosts to be that of the former owners and possibly a guest who perished shortly after the hotel was first opened. 
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(Let me know what state I should research next...)
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thursdayfilebuzz · 7 years
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Van Hits Pedestrians in Deadly Barcelona Terror Attack by Anne-Sophie Bolon, Palko Karasz and James C. McKinley Jr. Reporting was contributed by Rukmini Callimachi, Michael Wolgelenter, Silvia Taulés, Eric Schmitt, Yonette Joseph, Raphael Minder and Mark A. Walsh. August 17, 2017 https://www.nytimes.com/2017/08/17/world/europe/barcelona-catalunya-van.html -- Photo III: Stunned onlookers minutes after the van ran down pedestrians. - by Sergi Alcazar Photo IV: People left a cordoned off area of Barcelona after the attack on Thursday. - by Pau Barrena Photo V: Downtown Barcelona on Thursday after a van crashed into pedestrians. - by David Armengou -- Details: Barcelona Attack Adds to the Toll of Terrorism in Western Europe: https://www.nytimes.com/interactive/2017/05/23/world/europe/europe-terror-attacks.html -- Spain was hit by its worst terrorist attack in more than a decade on Thursday, when a van driver plowed into dozens of people enjoying a sunny afternoon on one of Barcelona’s most famous thoroughfares, killing at least 13 people and leaving 80 bloodied on the pavement. Hours later, the Catalan police said they foiled a second vehicular attack, in the seaside town of Cambrils, 70 miles to the south, fatally shooting four people. A fifth died later of wounds, the police said. The suspects appeared to be wearing explosive belts, though these devices were later found to be fake, police said. Six civilians and one police officer were injured during the episode, the Catalan emergency services said. The Barcelona attack was at least the sixth time in the past few years that assailants using vehicles as deadly weapons have struck a European city. The police cordoned off the Plaza de Cataluña and Las Ramblas in the heart of Barcelona, both tourist destinations, and began a chaotic pursuit for the attackers. Three people were arrested, including a Moroccan man whose identification documents had been used to rent the van. The Barcelona police said none were believed to be the driver, who escaped on foot and remained at large. The Islamic State claimed responsibility for the Barcelona assault, which shattered a peaceful afternoon in one of Europe’s most picturesque cities. President Trump and other Western leaders quickly condemned the attack and pledged cooperation. In a sign of the confusion that prevailed after the attack, local television reported that one assailant, armed with a rifle, had run into a restaurant and was besieged by the police. The police said the entire version was false. Witnesses described people screaming and running for their lives as the van driver wove back and forth just after 5:30 p.m., apparently trying to hit as many people as he could. Police officers swept through the area near Las Ramblas, a wide boulevard with a large pedestrian section, moving people out of the area. Videos taken by witnesses and posted online showed men, women and children motionless on the ground amid broken umbrellas and chairs, in the shade of trees, many bleeding profusely. Paramedics and friends knelt to comfort them as police sirens wailed. Whitney Cohn, a mathematics teacher from Montebello, N.Y., was walking along the mall with her husband and two daughters, on the way back to their hotel after visiting a museum, when the van came careening through the crowd, throwing people aside like dolls as screams pierced the air. She grabbed her daughters and started running. “It was flying,” Ms. Cohn said in a text exchange from a nearby restaurant. “The van missed us by a sec.” Other witnesses described chaos as people dropped their belongings and fled as the van entered the mall and accelerated, hitting people indiscriminately, among them children and the elderly. Among the seriously injured was a 6-year-old girl hospitalized with a cerebral hemorrhage, an official at Vall Hebron University Hospital said. People streamed onto side streets, many of them weeping. “It was horrific,” said Sergi Alcazar, a 25-year-old photographer who arrived 10 minutes after the attack to find victims lying amid broken umbrellas, chairs and cafe tables. Until Thursday, Spain had been spared from the recent wave of terrorist attacks in Europe — many involving vehicles plowing into crowds — claimed by extremists in France, Germany, Britain and elsewhere. Keith Fleming, an American who lives just off Las Ramblas, told The Associated Press that he was watching television when he heard a noise, looked out over his balcony and “saw women and children just running and they looked terrified.” Mr. Fleming said the street was deserted, except for police officers with guns drawn or in riot gear. “It’s just kind of a tense situation,” The A.P. reported him as saying. “Clearly people were scared.” Maj. Josep Lluis Trapero, a senior police official in Spain’s Catalonia region, said at a news conference that the police were investigating a possible connection between the van attack and a gas explosion the previous night in Alcanar, a town south of the city, which killed one person and injured several others. One person, a Spaniard from the Spanish territory of Melilla in Morocco, had been taken into custody in Alcanar, he said. A second man, identified as Driss Oukabar, a Moroccan citizen, was arrested in the northern Catalan town of Ripoll when he walked into a police station and reported that his documents had been stolen. Major Trapero said neither man appeared to be the driver of the van, which came to a stop near Barcelona’s opera house. The driver escaped on foot, he said. “It was clearly a terror attack, intended to kill as many people as possible,” Major Trapero said. A third person was later detained in Ripoll, about 65 miles north of Barcelona. A national police official, speaking on the condition of anonymity to discuss a continuing investigation, said at least three vans had been rented under Mr. Oukabar’s name. As night fell, the Barcelona police were frantically searching for the two other vans, combing the streets and underground parking garages, the official said. A counterterrorism expert, who was briefed on the details of the investigation, said late Thursday night that the police now believed the plot initially involved the use of explosives and a large truck. “Part of the plan was they tried to rent a larger truck, but they didn’t have the right permit and so they ended up getting” smaller vans, said the expert, who requested anonymity to share information that had been disclosed to him in confidence. He added that the building in Alcanar where the explosion occurred had been packed with gas canisters, as well as other materials used to make explosives. American counterterrorism officials in Washington said they were in contact with the Spanish authorities to offer any assistance, but underscored that the investigation had just started. Mr. Trump said on Twitter that the United States would “do whatever is necessary to help,” telling Spaniards to “be tough & strong, we love you!” Pro-Islamic State accounts on the Telegram messaging service shared news of the attack. One channel, called “Expansion of the Caliphate,” posted video of the scene alongside a message in Arabic. “Terror is filling the hearts of the Crusader in the Land of Andalusia,” it said. In the past year, the Islamic State, also known as ISIS or ISIL, has devoted resources to translating its channels and messages into Spanish. Although countries like France and Britain have repeatedly been named in ISIS propaganda urging followers to stage attacks, Spain has been less in the cross hairs. The country has, however, been a transit point for recruits of the militant group, both for those going to Syria and those returning. The Spanish police arrested nine people in April who they said may have been connected with deadly attacks in France and Spain. The Barcelona attack appeared to follow the playbook of recent assaults in which attackers drove vehicles into crowded stretches of large European cities. “While it’s not clear whether the attackers corresponded with ISIS prior to the operation, it’s clear that the methods used in the attack is something ISIS encouraged and incited over and again,” said Laith Alkhouri, a director in New York of the business-risk intelligence company Flashpoint. In the French city of Nice, a man drove a rental truck into a crowd celebrating Bastille Day on the seaside Promenade des Anglais last year, killing 86 people. A few days before Christmas last year, a driver in a stolen van mowed down shoppers at a holiday market in Berlin, killing 12 people and wounding dozens. At least seven civilians were killed and dozens injured in June when knife-wielding assailants sped across London Bridge in a white van, ramming numerous pedestrians before emerging with large hunting knives to attack the capital’s Borough Market, a crowded nightspot. ISIS claimed responsibility, saying the attack had been carried out by “a detachment of Islamic State fighters.” That assault was reminiscent of another, on Westminster Bridge in London in March, when Khalid Masood, 52, drove a car into pedestrians, killing four. He then fatally stabbed a police officer near Parliament before he was shot and killed. The police treated that attack, in which 50 were injured, as “Islamist-related terrorism.” There have been other deadly attacks using vehicles that were not related to Islamist extremists. A British man rammed a rental van into Muslims leaving prayers in North London during Ramadan, and a man who was part of white supremacist demonstrations in Charlottesville, Va., is accused of driving his car into a crowd Saturday, killing a woman. In 2004, a series of bombs ripped through commuter trains in Madrid, killing 191 and wounding over 1,800. The bombings were carried out by a group of North African Islamists that intersected with a band of petty criminals. Leaders of European countries and cities that have suffered attacks quickly expressed solidarity with Barcelona. In Germany, which has been on alert for potential terrorist threats ahead of the general election on Sept. 24, members of Chancellor Angela Merkel’s cabinet showed their support. “I am deeply shaken by the terrible news from Barcelona,” said Thomas de Maizière, Germany’s interior minister. “Once again, terror has shown its grotesque face.” -- Steven H MacDowall http://www.thursdayfile.com
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