#So it’s not fair to shame Alina for being attracted to him and that’s true she shouldn’t be cause the darkling is hot. I get it
glitter50000 · 2 years
The double standard that people have for Mal and Alina is certainly something. Like Alina can go for who she wants cause she should be allowed to but if Mal looks or flirts with another girl then he is clearly a womanizer and should not be allowed to date Alina.
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coeurvrai · 5 years
“The Vultures destroyed Kalyazin’s clerics,” Nadya said.
He met her gaze before he nodded. There was no shame in his eyes, nothing like remorse.
“I will not harm the last,” he said.
How Meaningful. I will give the book this, at least: I have not seen any wholesale ripped off lines or quotes so far. I mean, I suppose that doesn’t mean that much considering this is basically fanfiction of Alina/Rey x The Darkling/Kyle Ron but y’know, giving credit where credit is due.
They talk more about her growing up in the monastery, about rules and shit. 
“I don’t mind rules, or having grown up in a monastery, but I can grant you that the magic, the destiny, knowing most clerics are killed young…” she trailed off. “It’s hard living your life knowing you’re probably going to die horribly. But this is who I am. It’s a blessing, not a curse.”
She hoped it didn’t sound like she was rationalizing to herself, too. What was happening to her?
You’re being made to be attracted and willing to make out with Malachiasz, without any considering to what actual character development looks like that organically allows this. Character arc who?
“This is why our countries have been at war for nearly a century,” Nadya said. “And I do feel a little like killing you right now, so I can see why.”
“Just a little?”
“Don’t press your luck.” She returned to the statue.
In a flash, his hand was underneath her chin, thumb brushing against her jaw. He turned her face back to his. “I plan on doing exactly that,” he murmured.
If Nadya hadn’t been sitting down she suspected her knees would have given out on her.
Then, just like that, he let her go. He stood up and nodded to the altar. “Are you finished?”
She had been done for some time. She nodded, clearing her throat. He held out a hand. She hesitated before letting him pull her to her feet. He let go as soon as she was standing, digging his hands into the pockets of his coat as he started down the road to where the others had decided to camp. She watched him go. Something had shifted between them.
Also what shifted? There was flirting (which has happened before), there was “banter” (which has happened before), there was proximity (which has happened before), there was actual touching (which has happened before), there was discussions about religion and shit and you didn’t reach an agreement (which has happened before), and you checked him out (which has happened before). I don’t know why you’re so wobbly about this particular instance.
Also if Anna was a real friend and also a character with any consistency, she would’ve been barreling down that fucking road in zero time to make sure you guys don’t spend any more time together than necessary. But as I’ve already said, consistency doesn’t matter in the face of plot.
Anyways, Malachiasz and Nadya argue about the fact that Nadya’s accent was pretty obvious and they need everything in this plan to work. It’s time for Anna’s relevance to this book, if it exists, to end and the goodbye is barely described. There’s no significant scene written out, when there was whole pages dedicated to “developing” Nadya and Malachiasz’s relationship.
I’m not surprised nor hurt because I don’t care about Anna, but good to see where ED’s priorities are.
Anna’s final words to Nadya nestled down within her bones. “Don’t be a martyr. We have no use for yet another saint.”
I’m sure our beloved protagonist and totally-not-a-camera-for-the-real-protagonist-of-this-book-Malachiasz will take this to heart and it will be some meaningful words. I’m sure of it. Nadya will totally miss Anna the way she misses Kostya and the rest of her (in her mind) dead friends.
It wasn’t fair that Nadya had to lose everything for this, but she should know better. She had read the Codex enough times; her goddess demanded sacrifice.
Wish that this book was better written and those words actually meant something but oh well.
They continue on in their travels Anna-less, getting closer and closer to the border that separates Kalyazin and Tranavia. How much time has this taken them, you say? Who the fuck knows, it isn’t specified. All we know is that this could’ve taken ages and the Rawalyk could be over by now and Serefin could be dead by now bc of his insecure dad. He isn’t and he won’t, but just saying.
Nadya distanced herself from Malachiasz during those days of travel. She would rather lose the time learning about Tranavia than look him in the eyes and pretend she didn’t want to murder him.
I can’t believe I have to read this with my own eyes, knowing that it’s not fucking true whatsoever. ED is trying to have me believe that, by THIS point, Nadya still wants to kill the fuck out of Malachiasz. I can’t believe this. Literally.
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