#So what if. and hear me out. Spiriter chimera.
soft-serve-soymilk · 5 months
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evilminji · 4 months
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Behold! o/ The Face Of Benevolent Evil!
Mr. Principle! A professional hero and educator!
Also possibly some sort of stoat hybrid! Certainly a chimera of Japanese fauna! With the Quirk High Specs, he is one of, if not THE, smartest beings on the planet of which he resides! With a background perfectly justifying a decent into hatred and villiany, he instead chose to channel his incredible world shaking intellect into the shaping of future generations!
He likes to fuck with people!
What can he say? It keeps a man young and mentally stimulated! Plus the hysterical screaming of his staff and students is HILARIOUS. He can even argue it makes for good reaction training! Unforseen situations, children! React!!! *psychotic chortling*
Mmmmm, yes. We all have our trauma responses. Ways we deal with them. He should probably find other means... but he won't! Tea and tormenting the student body make for good future heroes, you know! They adapt!
But! You may ask! Why am I introducing you to this... *polite yet somehow deeply threatening smile* c-completely sane and normal individual!? Esteemed educator that he is! Ha ha...
A good and not at a under threat question!
Villains? Are fuuuuuckin STUPID!
Doesn't matter how many PHDs you possess! In fact! That makes it WORSE! You moron! You absolute fool! No traveling circus would have you, you sub-rate CLOWN of a jingle jangle dunce jester! You have a god damn PHD! Possibly MULTIPLE PHD!
And you thought "ooooh I should go into cwiiiiime~☆"?
Do you hear yourself when you talk? DO YOU?! Ooooh boohoo. They won't let you study what you WANT to study. It's called an ETHICS BOARD. And YEAH, NO SHIT! Maybe get over it and keep you fucked up fantasies to your SELF.
Or? If you REALLY can't hold it in? Lay the ground work like EVERYONE FUCKING ELSE! You're not special! Everyone wants to play god! It's FUN! They let you have the COOL toys! But you have to EARN that shit! Not jump straight from graduation to "fucked up superscience"!
And? If it's NOT the Ethics Board? But just some bureaucrat on a power trip? You don't have to fucking STAY. This? This RIGHT HERE? Is why I-Island fucking EXSISTS.
They are SO MANY countries you could move too. SO MANY other labs. You actual DUMBASS.
But NO! You decided to commit to a fucked up underground Villian Lab. As though HUNTING THOSE isn't the PERSONAL fucking passion project of THE SMARTEST BEING IN JAPAN. Frankly? You deserve this. You deserve this and our school doesn't know you. Never heard of you. You whoms't?
Coulda changed the world. But instead all you did was piss of The Fuzzy White Demon Lord of UA. Rest in pieces. *click*
*sound of doors smashing open*
*violent Raid Upon Your Labs noises*
But! You may ask? What's IN the Lab?
What MAKES this a DP crossover?
I like your question asking spirit! Good one! And the answer? You know what's better then ONE(1) Nedzu? A second one that you can ACTUALLY control this time! After all! You could consider Mr. Principle a prototype. A proof of concept, if you will. If you were able to make ANOTHER.....
Well, you would set off EVERY. SINGLE. ALARM. Nedzu has set up!
All of them!
Because he don't PLAY THAT.
He has long last trauma from the labs and is the SOLE FUCKING SURVIVOR. There WERE others. They Did Not make it. And their slow agonizing deaths are carved into his brain for the rest of his life. Truely "The living shall envy the dead"; it was a place that made hell seem merciful.
When he declare Never Again?
He fucking MEANT Never Again. He will BURN your empires to ash, with you in them. No More Labs.
So :) You can IMAGINE :) HOW HAPPY HE IS :)
That someone out there is trying to RECREATE his SUPER traumatic childhood, on ANOTHER CHILD. Ha ha! Gonna be a second Nedzu huh? Planning to torture HIM like you did me, HUH? Shove him in a cage and treat him like an animal? Force him to watch as the others die? Collars and whips and cattle prods? Mazes?!
Nedzu may lose his shit.
Juuuuust a little bit.
But if anyone there knows what good for them? They saw NOTHING. What's a little PTSD flashback between friends? Now what is the baby?
Smashcut to said baby!
Because it was a TEAM effort, Danny was successful in "Nuh Uh!"ing out of Rulership. But NOT out of governance. Since he DID help. He's a Councilman now. It's? Not as bad as it could be, honestly. Since it's opened the Zone up to a more democratic system.
Still held by "kick the ass of the person you wanna replace" but still!
Thing is? There was apparently this weird? Leak? Like a couple hundred years ago, in this one area, that was never addressed. Everyone just moved their doors and stuff. Treated it like the floors flooded. But now that they HAVE someone to complain too?
They all want their territories back.
"Go fix it!" What are we? Janitors?
Danny looses the rock, paper, scissors competition. He's pretty sure Boxy cheated. But like? Dude has a kid to go home too, so Danny doesn't fight him to hard on this. Uuuuuugh. Just remember the Spider-Man motto. Great power~ blah blah blaaaah~
And? Wow is it fucked out there.
The whole PLANET has to be limnal as FUCK. Yikes.
Problem is? When he and his team (Because YES, he HAS learned from his mistakes, Jazz.) get close to the... frankly the Zone here looks like distorted spiderwebbing. With him leading the charge, obviously.
....something happens.
It's... it's not a portal. Wrong color. It's like someone USED the weird spiderwebbing effect to... to reach INTO the Zone? But they are severally Limnal. Clawed hands, blue tint. But that's not the problem.
No, the problem.
The Horror.
The thing that his team can only watch on in agonized terror as it plays out... is that hand? It shoots out of nowhere. Ghostlike in the Zone. Meaning it must be living. And PLUNGES directly into Danny's chest to wrap around his core.
Time seems to slow.
He can't even scream in pain. At the violation. His team, acquaintances, yes, but friendly ones. Can not even cry out in horror, as they watch their friend and team lead be butchered before them. Before that uncaring hand is ripping back. Perfect ice and starlight in its uncaring grip.
For a terrible moment... he is in two places at once.
Then he is crushed in a burning grip. Like molten bars. Watching his own body dissolve into nothing in an instant, pain and horror still etched upon his face. The beginnings of screams ripping from his team as they jerk away from the nightmarish threat.
Then he can not think at all.
He... he TRIES. Knows he has been captured. Is certainly not the sort to give up easily. But... he's so tired. His body feels? Weird. Not wrong, per say. It's HIS. But... small and weird. Like he's shape shifted into a new form and hasn't adjusted yet.
He's getting really sick of all the goop against his whiskers and in his ears. It feels WEIRD against his fu- WAIT a second... did those assholes shove him into an animal? Why?! To contain him? Ha! Jokes on them! He's DONE THIS before!
For FUN!
He once spent a whole ass summer as a tiny dragon just 'CAUSE!
Unfortunately, said assholes notice him waking up. Dump him in a glorified hamster cage. But like.... a SHITTY "I don't care about the pet I bought" hamster cage. Dude. And he's naked.
Is that Japanese? Ooooh! It IS! Thank you, Tucker's Weeb phase.
......actually, never mind. Lotta dehumanizing language there, my guys. What is this? The GIW international? You couldn't even give me PANTS? Swear to God, call me an "it" ONE more time and the next time I have to go? I am going to aim through the bars at your-! *alarms going off*
....wasn't me.
I mean, be all means, ha ha and get fucked, but? Wasn't me. Oh hey! Some one exploded the doo-
AND? In Lab 4?
Nedzu finds a child with fluffy, ungroomed black and white fur, and the curious yet cautious eyes of a survivor. They are the most magnificent green, pale and luminous they glow in the laboratories lighting. Paws too big for his small frame, delicate ears on the swivel, equally large. Yet to grow into either. Adolescent, at best.
He watches the child take him in. Note his features and the chaos behind him. The injured scientist under his feet. Come to him conclusion. Nedzu will not rush him. Now that he... he stand the chance to be the hero he himself never had. It is a strange feeling. At once cathartic and unbearably painful.
He is given the equivalent of a cheerful grin, as the lad points the the lock on the cage. Is asked if he happened to bring a spare pair of pants. He can not help his amused chortle as he makes quick work of the lock. The unbearable RELIEF he feels.
He... he was not too late.
These monsters had no chance to crush the boy's light. To make a monster of him, like they did with him. He survived his laboratory, his hell. But not all of him left that terrible place. He knows that. Some innocence, some goodness, died alone in the dark. But here? He insured there would be no chance.
With amusement, he watches the boy turn the lab upside down until he finds spare scrubs. Triumphant, he then considers his own, tiny claws. Dismisses them. Attempts to hop up on a chair to retrieve something sharp. It? Is unbearably cute. To watch him rip and shred, problem solve. His little mind churning away. Whiskers twitching as his eyes dart around, considering his options.
Nedzu offers one of his spare knives.
Watches him light up.
@legitimatesatanspawn @hdgnj @nerdpoe @babbling-babull @lolottes
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||The Misadventures of Phoenix and Shadow Chimera Sorcerer Part 19: A small curse terror||
Hi dears. I just got another idea for this so have another chapter. It was funny in my head so I hope you like it. Please enjoy part 19.
----- Chapters of Adventure so far --------
||Previous chapters of Chapter 1-9||
||Previous chapters of Chapters 6-13||
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
((Your reading chapter 19))
||Drabble Summary||
It's been some time after Kisho brought back the little Possom like Raccoon curse spirit to the school. However, it seems things have gotten a bit bad after he did. What chaos has this little curse brought? read to find out.
~A little curse brat
~lots of yelling and cursing
~destruction might be present in this
||Muses in this drabble||
Taz Hellion, Kinie, , Daichi/Eito belongs to my friend and amazing rp partner@chunibyo-x-sorcerer that is a side blog owned by @demon-blood-youths
Ryomen Sukuna, Yuji Itadori, Megumi Fushiguro, and Nobara Kugisaki belong to Jujtusu Kaisen but also to me due to rping them as muses. While the same for Miko Yotsuya, yuria niguredou nd Hana Yurikawa from the anime series/manga series Mieruko-chan but also to me due to rping as them as muses.
((Note: This drabble will have heavy grammar mistakes and errors but this was written for fun. I hope you understand but also enjoy please.))
"So Taz, how have you been so far? We heard your still growing stronger by the day. We all still do miss you but we hope your well." Taz Hellion was speaking to her leader from the DBT: Van Ink the dragon. She's been doing the daily check up today seeing her in her dorm room.
"Hi Ink and I miss you too. I've been alright and still getting stronger by the day. Though, we are just having another day off though due to some things." she laughed a bit while sitting on her bed to look at the screen.
"Ah, I see. Well, knowing how training has been I believe that. Though, has anything new happened with you and the others?" she asked as Taz thinks about it.
"Hmmmm, not really. Though, some things have happened." Taz explains before she looks seeing a baby quoll near by rolling on it's back. The same one that Taz summoned when she became a toddler. However, their was another curse that was curled up in her lap happily.
"Uhhhhh wait, what is that?" Ink noticed to see the Possum racoon curse. However, she blinks to pet his head to smile.
"Oh this is Charlie. He's a curse that Kisho and Megumi found when on a mission. He tends to be a grumpy pants but he's not too bad." she said while petting him. The baby quoll nuzzles against her hand too as she was petting both of them.
"Wait..Kisho and Megumi found him? Though, he don't seem like a grumpy pants.."
"Trust me, he is. He tends to be a trouble maker." Taz said with a sweatdrop. But maybe she can explain.
"So yeah! I figured if we bring him back we can teach him now to be nice!" Kisho was speaking to the others even the Principle Yaga who was seeing both Megumi and Yuji scratched up all over while Megumi was doing his best not to be angry.
"Uh huh........and your telling me this how? I thought the curse was with them during the time-"
"Lets just say we found it during the time we were shopping for Taz and Yuji. But Kisho figure it was a good idea to go and bring it back." he explains to see Yaga sigh.
"Please Mister Yaga. I'm sure he can be nice..." Kisho said only to see the curse hiss and hops on his face scratching his face again. Kisho screams in pain trying to stop it.
"........" Nanami, Yaga, and Gojo blinks to hear this but they were unsure on how this curse will be good. With a sigh, he looks to him.
"Fine. I guess you can prove it. You boys will just try to make our 'guest' welcome. Just....keep it out of trouble." he said.
"R..right.." Megumi said seeing Kisho rolling on the ground trying to get the curse off his now scratched up face.
"Oh wow. So that curse named Charlie was like that?" Ink asked.
"Yeah but he don't mean to. Though, he seems to be friendly with the girls instead of the guys." Taz said still petting his head seeing the baby quoll now sleeping in her lap too.
"Charlie was either very scared when being found or maybe he was just unsure on what to do."she said but Taz keeps holding both curses to her.
As soon as Kisho and Megumi was given the order to keep a eye on the curse. He already caused some chaos. From the first day, he's been always biting and clawing at the boys who would take turns to it but it was after Taz and Yuji were back to normal. At first, Taz was shocked hearing this even Yuji was too when hearing this. But more when seeing the little curse.
"Why are you two so scratched up?" Nobara said but Kisho sighed.
"You don't want to know-Ow!"
"Sorry!" Miko said trying to put some medicine on the scratches of his face while holding a bottle, a cotton ball with tweezers.
"Well, even though you guys look like a mess..." Nobara sighed. "Though, has the little guy gotten used to his new home?" she asked.
"..Eh...in a way.." Kisho said remembering it shredding his clothes, trying to bit Eito. Their was times it sneaks off causing problems like attacking Megumi while he sleeps or jumpscaring. To Yuji being bitten and him scratching at his face. All Sukuna would do is laugh.
"Well you guys have got to try being more nice to it or...him?" she said.
"Well, it's more like a monster if that's the right word!" Megumi said annoyed with this curse hearing it hiss at him but he saw it glare at him before seeing Megumi holding him.
"Besides, we wouldn't have to worry about him if he stops biting me and the guys." he said poking his nose seeing veins showing till it chomps down on his hand. "OW! YOU FUCKING LITTLE-"
He sees him jump from his hands right into Taz's arms as she blinks to hold it. He hisses angry at Megumi, Kisho, and Yuji but nuzzles happily against Taz.
"Uhhhhhh....he seems to like you...." Miko said to Taz.
"HA!?!? THAT'S NOT FAIR!" Kisho said.
'Wow, I can't believe you brats are so scared of a little thing. You call yourselves sorcerers?!' Kinie said laughing at the boys even if they look to her trying to not say anything.
"You don't get it Kinie that THING hates us!" Yuji said.
'Yeah, no kidding!' she said bursting out laughing.
"I..I don't know how he likes me. I just met him.....but he does look cute." she said seeing him now trying to be cute before it looks to Nobara wagging it's tail.
"Huh, she's got a point. He looks more like a little kid than most." she even reaches to scratch it's head hearing a happy trill from it's throat. It even wraps the tail around her wrist hoping for more.
"You...that fucking little-"
"Easy Megumi, easy." Kisho said nervous seeing him wanting to destroy that little beast.
"How can I!? Why did you think bringing him back was a good idea!?" he said grabbing Kisho by the shirt who yelps.
"I thought he would be added as a new member like Wilson!" he said in a panic.
"SERIOUSLY!?" He said only to see the cruse being petted by Nobara, Taz, and Yuria. Miko was just done with fixing Kisho up before seeing the curse hop and lands in her arms. She squeaked seeing him nuzzling her cheek.
"H..hello there little guy.." she said being carefully while even Eito, Wilson, and Anaconda was curious he only keeps being happy with the females but he seems to be alright with them too.
'Oh this little jerk!' Kisho thought only for him to still be admired by the girls. He even walks over to glare at it. "How come your so nice with them and not us!? Why be a little brat!" he said only for the curse to hiss and chomp down on his hand again.
Kisho twitched only to yelp out in pain from the bite as he rolls on the ground from the pain. Megumi and Yuji sweatdrops even seeing Eito looking at him with a deadpan expression.
"Now now, I'm sure he didn't mean it.." Yuria said.
"Oh he did! I'll get you for that!" Kisho said with tears in his eyes even if the curse hisses at him but goes to nuzzling Taz happily calm again.
"I..I think we should give him a...a name right?" Miko asked seeing the girls agree.
"Hmmmm..true. So...what should we name him?" Nobara asked.
"....How about Ross?" Yuria said seeing the curse shaking his head.
"Mark?" Nobara said seeing him shake his head.
"..St...steve?" Miko said seeing him shake his head. Taz thinks a little but she blinks to look.
"How about Charlie? Is that okay?" she asked to see him blink but nod as he goes to hop in Taz's arms to lick her cheek. She blinks holding him.
"So Charlie hmm? Alright then, we'll call you Charlie!" she said as the girls were happy. However, the boys were shocked seeing this. That sneaky little punk got the girls to love him! However, when doing so, he shows a snickering grin from the girls to the guys who was seething right now.
"Ohhhh now I get it. Wow, he must cause a lot of trouble around don't he?" Ink asked.
"Hmmm, In a way but he's not bad. He's just a little curse. It's just like Wilson when he was taken out due to be cursed. So I think Charlie will be fine. The other shikigami get along with him. I don't know why he don't get along with big brother and the others though." she mutters wondering about it.
"Well, I'm sure in the future they will get along. I do want them to be happy even with this little guy. Mr. Yaga already made a cute plush for him too so it means he's part of the family now!" she smiled looking at the two sleeping shikigami.
"Speaking of them, where are the guys?" Ink asked.
"Ehhhh they said something about doing some cleaning work around school. I'm sure they will be done before lunch later." she said. This made Ink blink wondering what happened but she gets the feeling it involved Charlie.
Meanwhile with them, they had to clean the classroom due to Charlie's rage so they were cleaning it up before Megumi was brushing something away.
"You know, maybe it was a bad idea to bring him here.." Kisho said only to get bonked on the head hard by Megumi leaving a swollen lump. "OW!"
"He's right. Maybe we just got off on the wrong foot. I'm sure he will be nice....if we try." Yuji said. Moments later, Yuji and Kisho were running out of the classroom with bunnies chasing them.
"COME ON MEGUMI!! WE WERE JUST SAYING!" Yuji said scared as he ran.
"GET YOUR ASSES BACK HERE!!" He shouted chasing them as Kisho and Yuji runs off screaming for their lives. However, they will be sure to finish up the cleaning and maybe think of a way to get better with knowing Charlie. Maybe.
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chunibyo-x-sorcerer · 9 months
The Misadventures of the Phoenix and Chimera Sorcerers. Part 8 - Training
Hi everyone. This is part 8. This is for my rper parnter;
@the-silver-peahen-residence's muses ( Megumi, Yuuji and Nobara ). Also if you notice, I decided to make a Daichi/Kisho blog so in order to built up a good activity for this blog. This is the first step! Also if you want to read the other parts, they are here!
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5
Part 6
Part 7
----- Summary ----
A normal day at Jujutsu High, the students are training at the grounds to practice with their cursed techinques. Megumi gets a glimpse of Daichi's training and is curious. How will this day go out?
There is a day off at school today but it doesn't mean that the students can slack off. Today is training day meaning that the students must take the time to train with their cursed energy.
Right now, Megumi has subjugated another shikigami in his arsenal. The Piercing Ox. He got it thanks to his shikigami. Yuji got some done with his Divergent Fists and came up with new moves using his feet. The two are wondering what Kisho is up to. They see Kisho on an isolated hill. He is moving while flames are around. It's like he dancing or doing karate, using dynamic hand and feet movement. Yuji and Megumi are curious of what Kisho is up to so they go over to see what's going on.
"Hey...uh..." Yuji is conflicted. Should he call Kisho or Daichi.
'Just say 'hey dumbass', brat.' Sukuna grumbled. He is still sour about the goat that Daichi exorcised is now staying here as a spirit. Good thing, that Principal Yagi made a cursed doll for the spirit to go inside and possess it. Now the goat is more cuter much to Sukuna's displeasure.
'No way!' Yuji retorted.
Wilson the goat is now sleeping with Eito sitting on top of him, watching his partner train. Great, two more damn plushies! Sukuna rolled his eyes. He heard the goat helps Principal Yagi since the principal enjoys its company. Goddamnit.
"Oh hi, guys!" Kisho smiles. He is not wearing his glasses but he isn't wearing his uniform. More like activewear. He wears a tee and shorts with leggings underneath. His hair is wild, seeing the red strand. "What's up?"
"We're just here to train more! Looks like you have been training too!" Yuji smiled while Megumi wore a neutral expression.
"I am! I am now inspired in making movement with my flames!" Kisho grinned.
"We saw." Megumi said. "You don't usually throw fire or anything like you usually do. It's like you're dancing..." He said, curious. "Are you trying to do what Itadori does?"
"Somewhat! But yes, it looks like I'm dancing! But I'm not!"
"Oh? What is it?" Yuji asked. Kisho chuckles and does a pose, "It's called Firebending!"
This silences the duo. What???
"Fire...." Megumi said.
"Bending?" Yuji finished. Kisho nodded. "Yep."
"Hold on...." Where did Yuji hear that term before? "Isn't it from that show called Avatar?! Where people has the elements like fire, water, air, and earth?! That show?!"
"Indeed, Itadori!" Kisho smiles, happy that someone knows it.
"What's Avatar?" Megumi said. The boys gasped, making Megumi raise a brow at this. "What?"
"You never heard of Avatar The Last Airbender, Fushiguro?!" Yuji said, shocked. Sukuna doesn't know it either and is curious.
"How could you not know Avatar The Last Airbender?!" Kisho gasped. Megumi sighs, rolling his eyes, "Just tell me."
"Okay! It's an anime from America. It's like they're inspired by our anime so it's a story about...where people bend and control the water, earth, fire, and air. Four nations represent the four elements; The Water Tribe, Earth Kingdom, Fire Nation, and the Air Noamds!"
"You mean manpiulate the elements?" Megumi said. Okay, Megumi gets it. Sounds interesting.
The boys nodded. Kisho continues, "Yeah. Long ago, the four nations lived together in harmony … " He frowns, "then everything changed when the Fire Nation attacked. Only the Avatar, master of all four elements, could stop them, but when the world needed him most, he vanished."
"You make it sound like it's history." Megumi made a face.
"That's how the intro goes!" Kisho explained.
"I saw it and it's pretty good! You should watch it with us, Fushiguro! We should binge watch it" Said Yuji. Megumi nods, "Yeah sure. So...what you're doing is Firebending because you saw it from the show? And you're thinking of applying to your cursed technique?"
"Yep." Kisho said.
Megumi doesn't want to say this but he has to. Or someone else will and they're not going to be nice about it. Megumi said. "While it's good to put martial arts into your technique. You can't rely on cartoons or fictional shows to help you with your training." He said bluntly.
"Huh?!" Kisho said, blinking, "Why not?"
"Because cartoons don't apply to real life all the time, Kisho." Megumi tells him with a sigh, stating the obvious.
"Actually, Fushiguro. Firebending is inspired by Northern Shaolin kung fu!" Yuji informs him. Megumi raised a brow.
"It's true. All element bending is inspired by martial arts of this world!" Kisho answered as Yuji nods.
"Regardless, my point still stands," Megumi said. "It's good to be inspired but jujutsu sorcery is serious thing. If you said it like that, people might not take it well."
Kisho slump his shoulders, "Okay then.....so how am I supposed to do it into hand-to-hand? My techniques need some help somehow. Is there anyone who with cursed energy that uses martial arts?"
"I mean I do." Yuji said with his hand raised with a smile. "Mine is Taido Martial Arts along with MMA." He answered. "It helps a lot."
"There's one." Megumi points to Yuji.
"Okay! That's a good example. But I'm not as strong as you, Yuji! You're way better than me at that, especially with combat." Kisho said slumping his shoulders.
"Then there's Maki as she is skilled and uses martial arts and is master of using cursed tools. And she doesn't have cursed energy." Megumi sighed. Kisho seems surprised by this. "Wait she doesn't?"
"Huh? Didn't you know?" Yuji asked.
"I haven't! But if she doesn't have cursed energy, how would she see curses?" Unless she has other spiritual powers that aren't cursed energy.
"Her glasses." He answered. Now thinking about it, how would Kisho react to someone without cursed energy.
"Oh!" Kisho nods and accepts. "That's pretty cool!" Though, he wonders why Maki wants to become a sorcerer. Probably for personal reasons. But he won't pry into it. "I bet Maki-senpai would think Firebending is a good idea."
"Dude...she would wipe the floor with you if you tried that with her," Yuji said. Although...it would be good to see some bending in real life. Yuji is curious. Sukuna wanted to see what this Firebending is about. Shaolin monks?
"Okay, okay! But you know I'm just practicing, right? I need tio train my Firebending and do the The Dancing Dragon."
"The what now?" Megumi asked.
"It's an ancient form of firebending made by the Sun Warriors." Kisho grinned. Yuji beams, "Ohhh...I want to see."
"You...know it's a cartoon, right?" Megumi said.
"Yes but I call it inspiration." Kisho said, stubborn about it. "Besides Megumi, you should learn somethin from the show with your shadows!"
"Wait...there's Shadowbending?" Yuji asked. He doesn't remember that in the show.
"There is! There was a comic on it! But it's non-canon." Kisho said. "Megumi. Your curse technique to manipulate the shadows reminds me of Waterbending."
"Oh!" Yuji said before nodding, "Yeah, yeah, yeah! I can see that." Yuji said with his hand on his chin. Kisho smiles, "Right! Megumi, you can control shadows like water."
"And how is that going to work?" Megumi crossed his arms, "Water and shadows are two different things. With water, you can touch it, since it's physical....and with shadows...you can't touch it. You can only see it. I mean-"
"Huh? Then what about when you store your weapons inside your shadows?" Yuji points out.
"Yes but I have to bear the weight of them," Megumi explained.
"So like a backpack but in shadow form. A form of storage that has a limit like in a game." Kisho said. Megumi nods, "That's right. Not only that, I can conceal myself in shadows like objects and people, including my own."
"Woah." Yuji blinked.
"Dude! Megumi, you're seriously like a ninja!" Kisho said with stars in his eyes.
"Like Markkos Ninja!" Yuji laughed. Megumi makes a face hearing that with an eye twitch, "Don't remind me...." That name is so cringe, remembering it hurts when he first met Kisho or Daichi. Ugh. Same person.
Then Kisho had an idea. "Then if you can hide in shadows like that and hide items in it, can you touch people's shadows or affect them?"
Megumi raised a brow. "What do you mean?"
"You said...if you store items in it, you have to bear the weight of it, right? What if you can put something in someone's else shadow like let's say a curse user and you put a pile of bricks inside their shadow to slow them down? Would it work?" Kisho asked.
Megumi pauses. He never thought about it like that. "I....never try it." Because it didn't come to mind. That's something he can try in a spar.
"Or heck...what if you pull the shadow of an object what happens? Or change the shadow into some kind of weapon? Is it like a different dimension" He asked. Megumi never considers that either but he did use people's shadows as a way to hide himself.
"Well....I did use it as...like using shadows as a trap. Like when they step into it, they fall into it."
"Like a puddle? Or wait...pothole!" Yuji asked. Megumi nods. "Yeah."
Kisho and Yuji nod. "Oh! So is it like water-bending!" They both said.
"No, it's not!" Megumi yelled. "Ugh...look. Shadows aren't like water, okay. But..." He rolls his eyes, "What you mentioned, by putting weight in other shadows. I will try that." He said. And other things."Anyway. I'm going to go to the vending machine..." He said. "Anyone needs a drink?"
"Oh! A melon soda!" Kisho said.
"I want an aloe drink!" Yuji grinned. Megumi nods and goes on ahead. It's a bit of a distance but Megumi decides to try what Kisho suggested. He looks at a couple of rocks and a small tree. He goes to use a stone and decides to touch the tree's shadow. He drops a couple of rocks. Nothing. Then more rocks. Megumi heard a sound. A branch fell off. He blinks. It works.
Megumi will admit. Kisho says ridiculous things like his planning for example. But the questions he asked were something he never took note of. He thinks back to when Kisho suggested having Wilson the Goat as his shikigami. That was a no. But....
'Why only ten, why not more?'
It's true. Why not more? Megumi thinks back to it as he is now at the vending machine, pressing the options. But it just isn't possible. How could he expand to Eleven or Twelve shadows? it's not an innate technique, it's an inherited technique but hasn't any sorcerer before him tried to do it? It wasn't said in the record. In a way, it sounds like Kisho wants to push the limit further. Mergumi isn't sure if that's ambitious or dangerous.
Then he hears a huge kaboom! It's coming from hill where Kisho and Yuuji are. What the hell?!
Megumi rushed back to the training grounds and heard shouting. Wait...are they're arguing? Both Kisho and Yuuji are glaring at each other as they panted. Were they sparring?! When did that happened?
"Jennifer Lawerance has a big ass and she's cool!" Yuuji yelled.
A record sratched.
What? Megumi stared.
"No! Anne Hathaway! She has the look and the ass! She's good! Way better than Lawerance!"
'What the hell is this?' Megumi uttered, hearing this nonsense.
"HUH?!" Yuuji can't believe it. Megumi can already guess that Sukuna also going, 'What the hell did I get himself into.'
"Yeah well...my type is in the Hunger Games and she's popular! Way popular!"
"That's all she was ever known for! To be the greatest actress, you must adapt to all roles! Hathaway has all that! She even voiced a cat in a Ghibli Film. Can Lawarence voice act?! I don't think so! She has ass and the assets. She's better."
"Oh yeah?! Anne Hathaway is in some dumb movies! Like Ocean's Eleven! Who asks for that?! At least, Lawarance has three movies and was in X-Men movies!" Yuuji said.
Are...they fighting over this stupidity? Megumi thought. Sukuna, Eito and Wilson are watching this like it's pure entertainment.
"Oh yeah?! X-Men?! That has been done already. Hathaway has classics going for her. The Devil Wears Parda! It was nominated for Oscars!"
"Yeah, well....Lawrence won awards for American Hustle!' Yuuji asked. "So take that!"
Why me? Megumi groans internally.
"Anna Hathaway is BETTER!" Kisho readies a fire arrow.
"NO! Jennifer Lawrence!" Yuuji shouted, raising his fists imbuing them in cursed energy. He picks up a huge rock and is ready to throw at Kisho. Megumi just came back from getting drinks from a vending machine like....just for a few minutes. How did this escalate to a full-blown argument. Quickly, Megumi forms a shadow puppet with his fingers and summons Max Elephant. The shikigami trumpets its trunk and launch water at the both boys, drenching them in water!
"You guys are both idiots.' Megumi said. "Are you trying to make a mess out of this ground?" He asked them sternly. "Over something like this?" He asked them.
Both boys look at each other and went, "YES!"
Oh my god.
"Megumi! Who do you like more? Anne Hathaway or Jennifer Lawrence?" Kisho asked.
"YEAH! WHO?!" Yuji asked. Are they serious? Megumi twitched an eye. "Do I look like I care?" He asked. Before the boys said anything, a king interjects.
"You both are idiots." Sukuna's mouth appears on Yuuji's cheek. "Kinie Ger is the most beautiful one than both of your so-called idols."
Megumi groans internally.
"I'm sorry...what did you said, Kisho?" Sukuna's tone changed dangerously.
"Nothing." Kisho quickly answered as he doesn't want to get smack around.
"Thought so." Sukuna answered. Megumi shakes his head, "Let's head over to where Nobara and the others are. They're probably training as well. Let's see what they're up to." Megumi said, wanting to see how the others doing.
"I heard little sister is working on that barrier technique of hers!" Yuji asked, hearing about Taz. Kisho nods, "So is Yuria and Mike with their cursed techniques!" He smiled. The two quickly forget the subject of 'whose celebrity is better' as they want to know how girls do. Megumi sighs, and leads the way.
As they got to the other training grounds, the girls seem to be exciting at what Yuria is doing.
"Wow! So Kisho help you with that?" Taz asked. Yuria nods her head. "Of course, thanks to him! I can able to do this!" Yuria said.
"Do what?" Kisho asked as he, Megumi and Yuji arrived.
Nobara is the first to tell them. "Yuria can shoot cursed energy from her finger tips!" She said, grinning. Taz nods, "Yeah! It's so cool!"
"No need to praise me!" Yuria laughed. "I just need a good aim and I will be rocking it!"
"Can I see?" Kisho asked her to which Yuria smiles, happy to be ask edabout it. "Right! Miko!"
"Right!" Miko smiles as she sets up a bottle at the railing. "It's all yours!" She said, backing away from the bottle. "Right!" Yuria raised her right hand and holds her wrist with her left. Cursed energy begins to surround and then is channel to a singer point. She does a finger gun gesture as something is powering up at the tip of her finger. The boys were amazed and then...
"SPIRIT GUN!" Yuria fires and immediately, hits the bottle shattering it. Yuria blows an imaginary smoke at her finger.
"Yuria! That was amazing! Freaking cool" Kisho exclaimed, clapping his hands as he is so proud of her. Yuria blushes as she heard this. Yuji nods. "Right! So cool! That was some good shooting!" But the name of that technique sounds so familiar. Where did he hear it from.
"How did you learn something like that?" Megumi is genuinely curious. Yuria smiles and skips to her bag, taking something out. "Kisho, give me this manga to learn and I found it!" She smiles. The name of the manga is YuYu Hakusho!
Megumi stares in disbelief. "What?'
"Oh!" Yuuji now gets it. "That makes sense! The Spirit Gun is something for anyone to use! I wish I could of thought that!" He said while Sukuna groans, 'In that ridicioulus stance?! You can leave yourself open!'
"Oh come on, Sukuna! You have to admit it's pretty cool!" Yuuji argued.
Nobara hums, "So reading manga gives you an idea! It sounds like a non-innate technique!" She said. "This can help the assistant managers!"
"That must be cool!" Taz said. Yuria said with a nod, "It's true but it's harder than it looks. I end up brushing few fingers of my finger in getting it down! But all you need to do is channel the concentration of cursed energy in the fingers, which is released in your mind. Like pulling a trigger technique. That's how little guy say it in the book." She explained. Yuuji, Taz and Nobara paused hearing this and nods. "Uh-huh."
Megumi process this and asks, "And this is how the book explains it?"
"Well..I guess." Yuria shrugs. "But that's what training is all about! No pain, no gain!" She smiled. Megumi narrows his eyes, noting the bandages on her fingers and says, "Kisho...." He said his name as waves of danger emit from the shadow sorcerer made Kisho and Eito sweat drops. Yuji, Nobara and Taz are now gulping.
That tone, again. Kisho is in trouble now!
"Wow! Look at the time, Rioto must be calling me by now!" Kisho quickly said, hurried himself out of there with Megumi glaring at his back. "KISHO!"
"Uhhhh...." Yuria asked, sweat dropping. "I didn't know it was that serious."
"I mean...brusing your fingers...gotta hurt." Yuji said. Does Kisho about this?! It's a bit risky.
"Didn't you tell anyone? Does Kisho teach you knowing that?" Nobara asked with concern. Yuria shakes her head, "No. I just want to surprise Kisho. He gave me manga based on the supernatural to get inspiration fro. I mean he helps out a lot! I didn't think it was that bad. I mean...if I have to go up against curses, I need something to defend myself." Yuria said. "The Spirit Gun does it and you have to cut through the pain to sue it."
Good point. But someone needs to change the name because that's going to be copyright issue.
"Oh! That reminds me. Kisho is planning to add some martial arts to his technique!" Yuuji asked. Miko is now interested, "Like what?"
"Oh from Avatar The Last Airbender?" Taz asked, knowing of it with a smile. Nobara blinks and made a face, "Don't tell me it's...
"Yeah, an anime." Yuji chuckled sheepishly. They can heard Megumi and Kisho yelling now. "Don't make me use the Dancing Dragon Megumi!" He warned him. "I'm not a-afaird to use my firebending!"
"Oh! Please do! I can't wait to wipe the floor with you using that!" Megumi laughed. "TRY ME!" He taunted.
Kisho yells in fright. Sounds like he tried and fail.
"Oh! I did learn how to do a technique! It's called Expelliarmus!" Miko smiles. "I was thinking of disarming people who use cursed objects! I think it will help."
"Expellairmus?" Nobara questions. What kind of cursed technique is that?! Then Miko shows her book, Harry Potter. "Yes! I read this and it give mean an idea." She said. Nobara and Yuji doesn't know what to think.
'Wow. It's like that idiot relies on fantasy books to teach people in develop cursed techniques instead of going for something practical and focus on the basic ones first.' Sukuna commented. 'Yeah. What can go wrong?' He said scarastically while Kinie Ger is snickering. "But you admit, these names sounds very interesting.'
In fact, does reading fantasy books and taking inspiration to do techniques is a good idea? Nobody knows. This training day is going to be crazy.
To be continued???
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songs from my playlist kitty section would listen to
arch enemy – reason to believe
You are more than they'll ever know Like sand through your fingers Don't let your life slip away This prison of glass can't hold you back no more Self hatred I know it well, it's dragging you down Listen to me now There's a reason to believe again There's a reason to go on
starting strong with a female screamer, clean vocals, power ballad. rose is an inspiration
august burns red – float
We all move like spirits in the wind We've been stripped of what used to be within If everyone had more soul Maybe we would have more control We're the ones to blame if everything stays the same Stays the same Where's the fire, the desire An inherent right to stand up and fight
she sees metal as empowerment. she and juleka would listen to this band together
polyphia – chimera
he is a guitarist next question. math rock and technical death metal would be his home
animals as leaders – red miso
he loves picking apart instrumental tracks and experimenting with rhythmic and tonal variations. he loves when each member of a band has their own unique flavor and contribution
dream theater – panic attack
Why do I feel so numb Is it something to do with where I come from Should this be fight, or flight I don't know why I'm constantly so uptight
one of the most impressive basslines in progressive metal and self explanatory subject matter. juleka uses music to express her emotions
la dispute – king park
i don't have anything to say for this one. heavy content warnings.
slaughter to prevail – bratva
russian deathcore, guttural vocals, and powerful drums. what's not clicking here
slipknot – psychosocial
Sinking in, getting smaller again I'm done, it has begun I'm not the only one And the rain will kill us all Throw ourselves against the wall But no one else can see The preservation of the martyr in me
stoneheart moment for real. do you see this guy's shirt and the poster he was holding in révolution
avenged sevenfold – the stage
Who is the crowd that peers through the cage As we perform here upon the stage? Tell me a lie in a beautiful way I believe in answers just not today Hope my wheels don't abandon me now Seeing that I'm out here alone I'm running out of fight And the wind speaks a comforting voice Guiding me to her arms Mother, I'm alright
luka showed him this song to ease him into the genre. adrien isn't sure how he feels about it but he definitely feels something
oceans ate alaska – hansha
Detached from everything that lives and breathes Emotions just words on a screen So fabricated is the life we lead So fabricated is the life we lead Side by side You'll watch the whole world pass you by
another fantastic introductory piece. he's really getting into it now
as i lay dying – my own grave
I thought I was an architect, but I was just moving dirt Stacking mud over malice covered up, forming nothing but a pile of hurt I hadn't been building The time was spent digging Boring the barriers that kept others away The deeper the walls, the less anyone could hear me fall So now I know there is no one else to blame
a bonus for all fellow season finale enjoyers. this girl wore skulls on her prom dress
(playlist masterpost)
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rhaaclaws · 1 year
do you have any voiceclaims for your ocs?
TOOK ME A WHILE TO GET TO THIS BC FINDING CERTAIN VOICECLAIMS IS HARDDDDD like I can hear them in my mind but I cant just Project that. Anyways, this got real long so its under the cut
✨ Akemi Masuwaka
I always imagined her with a higher and cuter voice and what I imagine is Yoko Oginome's voice.
🌌 Andros Stellar*
His voiceclaim is Courtney Love but specifically in the Hole song Teenage Whore. I chose Love's voice because of the raspiness and just Raw emotion in it. I do prefer to use examples from her songs though bc of the vocal fry + it's more accurate to my vision
☢ Ayumu Van Halen
He's my cool guy and of courseeee i had to give him Spider One's voice from Powerman 5000. They've got a pretty deep voice and Spider One's is perfecttt for it
🧤 Chimera Reznor
While on the higher pitch spectrum, their actual voice [not augmented by its stand] is still very broken and often cracks. Her voiceclaim is Jessicka of Jack Off Jill
🔂 Dani Navarro
im. in love with her but listen he is THE most californian person ever man it's almost too much. he's a surfer and a bassist and also born and raised in Los Angeles. literally the closest I can get to is this vid and even then, she always says “dude”, “bro”, or “man” at the end of a sentence with a vocal fry. love and joy
🗡 Darling Nikki
Literally, the hardest one to pin down because their entire character is based on the fact that she is a mirror to people to get them to trust her easier. So the voice is more of a Ranged thing than a set one. I once had them appear in my dream though and I'm so mad i can't exactly send that as an example. But her voice ranges from Damiano David of Måneskin to Meryl Streep's performance as Miranda Priestly in The Devil Wears Prada. They usually speak with a very breathy tone, almost whispering in your ear, but with some rasp. For screams though she sounds like the song Nakedness Of Need by Pharmakon. Aaaaand if you're about to get eaten [or are lucky enough to be part of her polycule] they sound like Machine Screw by Type O Negative [which does not have a definitive credit]
🌹 Beatrice Franco
While a very minor character, she's Nikki's mother and I cannot leave her out of this. She sounds like Myss Keta <3
👻 Jing Kalachuchi
They have a small but permanent echo to their voice. It's a voice that is very light and airy, as if a ghost was trying to talk to you. For this, as much as I dislike this person, I think she'd sound like Grimes in the song Oblivion. She doesn't speak much though and often forgets she can't communicate with living people the same way they do with spirits.
🕶 Mariqueen Westwood
My loveeee <3 Her voice often cracks and sounds like its about to give out but she loves to be loud soooo it doesn't matter much to her. For this the best example would be Patti Smith's voice in the live version of My Generation
⌨ NikitA Nakamoto
I can't exactly say what they sound like because 99% of the time they are using a voice augmentor. The closest I can really get to is Viktor from League Of Legends, but you can just imagine a 90s techno DJ and it'd fit ngl
💄 Sayoko Kawakubo
She sounds like Sade 100%. She has a very very smooth voice that is so perfect for her more quiet personality in contrast to her past job as a supermodel
🦠 Sheri Moon Teese
I already had her voice picked out from the beginning and it's Jennifer Tilly's performance as Violet in Bound (1996). It has a very sultry voice that is a joy to listen to [especially to her wife <3]
⛓ Steele [Jäger Wolfgang Heinekein]
This is such an Obvious choice but 💔Peter Steele's voice with a rasp and a heavy ” German “ accent [she's from 1700s Prussia, kinda hard to put that in modern accents]. I can't really get an accurate voice esp since thon's voice is more androgynous in a complicated way to explain but bear with me man
Thierry Itō [can't get the emoji to work on my PC so ill edit this on my phone later]
Probably one of my favorite voiceclaims: Patricia Morrison of The Gun Club, Sisters Of Mercy, and The Damned. They have this smooth and comforting voice and it's really helpful considering they are a therapist. You could listen to anything they say and you just want to hear it until you fall asleep because of how soothing it is.
🍸 Valentino Schiaparelli
Also a favorite of mine, his voice sounds like Prince's. From everything about the pitch, the mannerisms, the dramatics, it just fits him perfectly and most importantly: oh my god he needs to have some slay going for him
👑 Phthonus “The Prince” Morrissey
They've got one of the most recognizable voices imo, and it's that of Jinx from League Of Legends/Arcane. I think it really matches their appearance and the mask they put around others
📐 Guccio Piranesi
He has the voice and wavering of Peter Garrett of Midnight Oil, specifically in the song Beds Are Burning. But he's got a really fun way of talking that I can't just leave out when speaking. He constantly repeats his sentences in different ways to get one point across, so much to the point where he ends up overexplaining and overcomplicating the message so it's hard to understand what he's saying.
While this isn't everyone, the rest I either do not have enough confidence to set down a specific voice, or I haven't developed their character enough yet.
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lmelodie · 2 years
For the ask meme, Sibling for Killians and Secret for the character of your choice
So far, the night of casual fun between the four had brought them onto the subject of dating life. A thirty-year-old Lucy, along with Jack, Killian and Chimera had started going around the circle with strange and entertaining dating stories between drinks. And Jack just had to steer the conversation to himself, yet again.
“And that's how I ended up, making nachos with Kathrine Hepburn,” he punctuated the sentence with another sip of whiskey.
The self-aggrandizing story led to unimpressed groans from the other three. Finishing off her drink, Chimera developed a malicious grin. A great story idea!
“Listen Luce, I can tell you for certain that this guy's dating reputation is not as glamorous as he's saying it was,” she said, “I got a really good one about him and a past girlfriend.”
Killian perked up from beside Jack in realization, “Are you gonna tell the story I think you're gonna tell?”
“Absolutely I am!”
“Yes! I love this one!”
Both Jack and Lucy could do nothing but look bewildered at the two very excited spirits.
“Well now my interest is piqued. Tell me about another one of the snowman's blunders,” Lucy spoke up as she set down her wine glass on the table.
“Alright so, this one involves a little satyr lady named Clare he was seeing at the time. A pair of handcuffs and the key!”
Once Chimera had laid out the groundwork of the story Jack immediately remembered the situation she was talking about. He quickly jumped into action, slamming his glass down on the table and shooting up from his seat.
“NO NO NO NO! No no no no no no! You can't keep telling this to everyone you know, it was supposed to be a secret!”
“Mera please start spilling! I gotta know why he doesn't want me to know so bad,” Lucy exclaimed.
“No! I do-” Jack was promptly cut off by a collection of shadow magic covering his mouth.
Killian reached one arm up to grab Jacks and to pull him back down into his seat again, “Quiet Frost, I love this story. Go on Mera.”
Both Killian and Lucy were on the edge of their seats when Chimera began. Jack sank lower into his and his face turned a bright red as she went on.
“So, I'm minding my own business, right? I got a fresh vat of acid I'm working on, when I got a crystal ball message from someone I don't know. Says her name is Clare, she’s with Jack right now and that I need to come over ASAP. Weird right? So, I go over there and what do I find the herald of the winter season doing?
The man is half naked, with one wrist handcuffed to the headboard. Clare, over top of him also with one wrist handcuffed.”
It's at this part that Killian is barely clinging onto the vestiges of restraint and is leaning against a very unamused Jack in silent laughter. Lucy’s eyes widen as she puts the pieces together in her head.
“No. No! He didn't!” she gasps.
“He totally did!” Chimera told the rest of the tale through fits of giggles.
“Clare told me that they got as far as putting the cuffs on, without realizing that the key to unlock them was in the guy's suit jacket. In the other room! They had to call me to walk across the house to get it for them.”
If not for the alcohol, the two redheads of the group would’ve tried to control their laughter out of respect for Jack. But tonight, that simply wasn't going to happen, as they both erupted into simultaneous laughter. Jack, still very unimpressed, was shooting Chimera all kinds of dirty looks as she tried to continue. He thought about how he might need to make new friends after this.
“How on earth am I just hearing about this now?” Lucy asked.
“That's not even the best part! After a solid minute on the floor, I went to unlock them, right? GUESS what this man says to me,” Chimera said.
Killian and Lucy were on the tail end of their spiral, when Jack tried and failed to physically leave the conversation before the worst part kicked in.
“I tried to unlock them, and he stopped me and said, ‘I never asked you to do that. Just leave it on the nightstand where I can get to it. Other than that, you're done here’.”
Lucy's eyes widened as she slowly turned her head toward Jack in disbelief. He refused to make eye contact with her, which only confirmed everything she needed to know.
After the briefest of pauses, the three of the friends went into another laughing fit. It was at this point that the enchantment on Jack’s mouth disappeared, and he could finally talk again.
“I thought you were my friend! What the actual hell Mera!”
In the midst of his humiliation Jack was left to try and stir up an equally embarrassing story about Chimera, or anyone else really, for a taste of their own medicine.
The disheveled looking spirit of fear made his way into the garden swiftly and silently. Long strides on the overgrown stone pathway made it difficult for Vic to linger anywhere for too long.
He knew that if he kept up the pace, they would be too scared to be left alone anywhere in Mother Nature's garden.  And would be forced to stick close to him.
Stopping just before the large open pavilion, he stepped off the stone path and leaned against a large tree with his back to the structure. With his arms crossed he could hear the idle chatter of the other legates in the distance.
Around him the dappled light of the canopies he could feel the shadows moving around him. And he could feel Vic moving around in them, very close by.
“I know you didn't bail. Come on out,” he said quietly, just above a whisper.
The shadow of the tree he stood under rippled and darkened, with a red glow emanating from an emerging figure. The shadows dissolved off of the tiny stature that was his own legate. A very tiny goblin child, no older than 14. Their face obscured by a delicate porcelain mask.
“They’re not going to bite ya know,” the boogeyman said.
Vic responded in a soft voice, “The rabbit might...”
Killian paused for a moment before continuing, “Ya know what I’ll give you that one. That kid is a wild card. But you still have to go. You even cut your hair for this and everything.”
The man ruffled the mess of shaggy black hair on the kids head before taking a seat on the grass. Vic shuffled over to the edge of the trunk to try and get a peek at the meeting.
At this point he’s known Vic for years, considers them his own sibling in a way. And by now he is very used to the whole song and dance of their social anxiety and various other phobias. Exceptionally gifted in shadow magic, but just very afraid of a lot of things.
“They’re not gonna like me.”
“Oh yeah? And why is that?”
Vic sat down next to Killian, crossing their legs in the same manner as he had his, “Nobody does. Nobody likes the boogeyman.”
“That has some truth in it,” Killian reaches over to put a reassuring hand on Vic’s shoulder.
“The job has always been a little misunderstood. But these people are gonna be the ones to really understand that it is just a job. These people, out of everyone else, know how to separate the work life and the person attached to it. They're not as judgmental or violent as you think.”
Vics posture relaxes ever so slightly, as an exhale tries to escape through the mask. Through the anxiety ridden thoughts, they knew that Killian was ultimately right. Hopefully.
Sensing the lingering doubt in the legate, the shadow spirit decided to add one last bit of incentive. Just to push the kid over the edge.
“Aaaand if you do go, and you don't freak out too much, there might be a time slot later to go to the black market.”
He couldn't see it, but he could practically feel the wondrous smile behind the white porcelain.
Killian smiled back down at them, “Maybe. If you actually talk to someone there."
“I’ll go to the meeting. But that's all I can promise you," Vic said standing back up.
“Well, the meeting is mandatory either way. You might be overestimating your decision-making power here.”
In one swift motion, Killian grabbed Vics ankles and stood back up with the legate hanging upside down. Their laugh was still quiet but much louder than their previous whisper. And their laughter in amusement only continued as he started shaking them midair for good measure. The goblin half-heartedly tried kicking themselves free but to no avail.
After a few more good earthquake imitations, Killian set his legate back down on the ground, and sent them on their way to the meeting.
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ultraericthered · 1 year
Anime Update V2 61
Vinland Saga S2 - Pretty on the nose for this episode to be titled "We Need A Horse", which is a dilemma that Einar vocalizes early in, but for the most part it's spent on Einar and Thorfinn's developing bond of friendship that gives us some amusing and sweet moments, also introducing us to Sverkel, Ketil's elderly father, who now has an odd relationship with Snake as he frequently crashes at the old man's farmhouse. Snake states that the farm is poorly defended against any enemy that might be more formidable more than local thieves, should any such enemy arise and want to conquer the land. Sounds like foreshadowing for what's going to be going on later...
Hunter x Hunter - Gon and Killua are still training and taking on Knuckles (with Shoot lying in wait but having not done anything yet), Bisky is still around and a delight to have on screen, Netero is trapping and killing many of the Chimera Ant forces, and the third and final of the Royal Guards came out of his cocoon to join the other two, as the Queen giving birth to the King becomes more imminent.
Fruits Basket - Akito being a sympathetic figure who doesn't make me want to retch is such an astonishing thing; was not expecting Saki to easily figure out her gender upon their meeting, or Arisa to hug her, and I was glad to her Arisa admit to herself she'd handled the whole Kureno thing poorly from the offset, being now willing to start over with him as a friend and companion, and I wish it would stick in terms of being definitively platonic. The scene between Yuki and Kyo was so cathartic and so overdue since the very earliest episodes of the show, and just as I'd praised Jerry Jewell's voice acting last time, Eric Vale knocked it out of the park here - why can't he do that sort of voice acting as Trunks these days? Kyo then going to settle his baggage with his hideously spiteful and pathetic biological father was appropriately tense, particularly when intercut at one point with the Sohma Family head maid confessing to Akito how much things have come apart for her and how, at her age, she'll having nothing left once the curse is no more. I sort of wish we could've seen Kyo's father's reaction to Akito telling him that Kyo's not getting locked up for life after all, but part of me would also dread what I'd have to see and hear there given all the shouting he does...
This story goes on into the next episode where Tohru and Kyo mutually consummate their love for each other, Kyo embraces Tohru and does not transform into the cat, prompting him to finally break off his beads and embrace a life of freedom, and we're told via Tohru's narration the real story behind the Zodiac animals and the lonely celestial person they called "God", why the cat (who was present at the banquet with all the rest, not tricked by the rat into missing it) was really shunned, and how "the bonds" based upon the promise between God and his animal friends got carried forward by the spirits who reincarnated repeatedly into what would become the Sohma family, before this eroded into the curse that the cat knew it would inevitably become should it be stuck to into perpetuity. And then, one by one, all of the Zodiac Sohmas curses break, and it's such a beautiful moment of pure catharsis that it sucks you in just enough to forgive how Akito's internal monologue gets a liiiitle over-indulgent and almost too direct (even as enthralled as I was, when she was repeatedly telling me to cry, I couldn't help but find it a little silly.)
Fate/Stay Night: Unlimited Blade Works: Sorry, none this week!
Re:ZERO - W...ha....wha....what do I even say? It was all going in a direction I'd consider natural and expected coming off from last time, but when Garfiel transformed into a ginormous tiger and started slaughtering everyone in his path, including Otto and a bunch of the villagers aiding in Subaru's escape, it started to go off the rails. But I still was not prepared for what I was about to see: Subaru gets thrown into some place covered in snow and gets very painfully torn apart and eaten into by a bunch of killer rabbits with unicorn horns. THE ACTUAL FUCK WAS THAT ABOUT? It was so gruesome and so over-the-top horrifying with the music and visuals and then ended so abruptly as Subaru re-spawned that it crossed the line into being downright hysterical - not since Blood-C have I seen such a bloody rabbit massacre! This moment stands out so much to me that it's amazing that I was still attentive to what followed; Subaru meets with Echidna at her tea party garden and is able to tell her, free of any repercussion to himself, about the Return By Death ability, leading to him breaking down sobbing as Echidna offers him comfort. Awww.
Symphogear AXZ - Forgot to mention the alchemically created big snake creature last time, but it sure is a thing and not a thing you want the enemy summoning when you're facing off against them. Shit also got heavy when in a fight in a village taken hostage by enemy forces, Chris had to shoot the leg off of a boy caught by an AlcaNoise in order to save him from disintegration. To make this worse for poor Chris, the boy's big sister is a woman Chris used to be friendly with prior to her parents death, so now the rift between them have widened. The alchemist servants of the Illuminati seem like interesting adversaries at the very least, Team Dango (Maria, Kirika, and Shirabe) are as badass as ever, and the ending was the most metal thing - Hibiki breaks through the serpent and declares herself to be the truly invincible foe that the baddies ain't ready for.
Eureka Seven - It'd be hard for me to even talk about this one - half of it was an Evengelion-esque mindfuck in some Coralian-made illusionary world Renton, Eureka, and Anemone found themselves in following things going awry in their fight, and the other half was an intense dogfight between Gecko State and the Military forces.
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kingofthewilderwest · 4 years
what do you think of the ending of fmab? do you think it was well-written how ed was able to give up his gate of truth? i personally think it's a deus ex machina bc even if it WAS possible to give away your gate, it's kinda cheap that it has the same worth as Al's soul when it was established souls are invaluable. also even if ed did learn alchemy isnt all too great, i can still never see him choosing alchemy over their bodies even before he learned this lesson
I think it’s a downright *BRILLIANT* ending.
I would say it’s clearly planned from the beginning. Arakawa established the rules of equivalent exchange from the start. And one of the things she shows is that Ed could trade his leg for Al’s soul. I’m more used to hearing the FMA fandom joking about that exchange rather than Ed exchanging Al’s body and soul for the Gate of Truth, a gateway which is so powerful that entering inside of it provides you with all knowledge and understanding of the universe, not to mention the power of alchemy, which allows you to manipulate matter in magic-esque ways with ease. To me, it’s weirder to swap a leg with a soul, but I accepted the premise there (given as it’s a soul without a body, I can fly with it), so I’m more than fine accepting the exchange of Ultimate Knowledge And Power Of Everything with one human’s life.
Given as every character has a gateway, and it’s tied up into your identity, it seems just as plausible to me that someone could give up your gateway, just as you can a soul, or a leg, or your eyesight.
And it’s to note that... Truth has a say in the exchange. Ed is still the person offering his gate; Truth is the being accepting it. Truth approves of Ed’s loophole. Truth is the arbiter who takes things away when someone commits the taboo of Human Transmutation, and Truth intentionally takes away body parts that are representative of the person’s flaw. Truth knew about Ed’s arrogance from the beginning; Truth knows about what Ed learns now.
And what is it that Ed has learned?
As far as Ed and lessons, I believe that Ed giving up his ability to do alchemy is the entire demonstration of Ed learning a lesson. It’s the culmination of his character growth arc, in a way. 
Ed started as an arrogant character, one who believed alchemy was the ultimate way in which he could solve challenges - in some ways, rise above humanity's struggles. Alchemy will provide a solution to saving their bodies, too, he believes. Throughout the series, Ed and Al realize that they're only human. Moments like being unable to save Nina, or witnessing the birth in Rush Valley, or going through all the near-deaths they have in their adventures... make them see that what's truly great about humanity is its... humanity. Ed becomes humbled in understanding what he can and can't do, and at the same time, comes to find where the greatest value in his experiences are: his friends and family and the people around him.
FMA lets us know humanity's abilities are limited. We can't do everything. We can't raise the dead. We can't create life from nothing. This is all interconnected into the scholarship of Amestrian alchemy, especially as taught by Izumi: all living things are small in the grand scheme of the universe, but they’re interconnected into something incredible. We are one part of All is One and One is All. BUT. Humanity is also beautiful in what it can do: unite together, help one another, live together, fight for what's right. And as the FMA manga and FMAB shows, humanity is a beautiful thing, and all of human life should be cherished. It doesn't matter if you're a chimera, or a soul bound to armor, or Ishvalan, or Amestrian, or Xingese: your life is profoundly beautiful and worth being saved.
It’s to note that the reason the good guys win against Father is because of FMAB’s theme of how humanity unified is the ultimate best thing of humanity.  It’s this bonding strength of humanity that allows them to defeat Father. It’s the Dwarf in the Flask’s downfall to underestimate the power of working together over brute power and alchemical doings.
Likewise, the solution to getting Al’s body back isn’t alchemy: it’s the bond of the human spirit.
Ed giving up alchemy isn't a throwaway last minute deus ex machina, I’d say, because it’s integrated into the biggest themes of the story and the plot developments and Ed’s character development and more. By the end of the series, Ed has become humbler and wiser in acknowledging the limits of alchemy and the strength of humanity. It’s Ed having learned his lesson that alchemy is not all-powerful, to the point that it’s fine to give it up... to sacrifice it, in the ultimate act of solidarity to be with his brother.
The way I read you describing Ed’s exchange, you’re suggesting Ed never learned alchemy isn’t too great, or that Ed wouldn’t prioritize alchemy over physical bodies. Yet I think that Ed giving up alchemy is the culmination of an entire series of Ed learning better about alchemy’s strengths and weaknesses, and Ed growing into appreciating the strength of human character. Ed isn’t just trading clappy science for bodies here. Ed is making a trade to get what he finds most important: a promise to his brother kept, and a sacrifice to make his brother and him move forward in their personal lives. What Ed finds the more important thing isn’t the power of alchemy... but what he can do as a human with his brother. 
ALL of Al is now trapped behind the gate... without this exchange, Ed would never be with his brother again. And that bond Ed has forged with Al was always powerful from the start of the series, and inseparable, and deeper than his love for alchemy. And Ed, with an even greater appreciation for the human spirit at the end of the journey, is more than prepared to drop alchemy for a human bond.
Ed giving up alchemy is fine because he's human, and will be able to experience the great things of human life without alchemy. He'll be able to be with his brother again. He'll be able to live a life with Winry. Alchemy isn't needed for that. Alchemy can't save everything, anyway - they couldn't save Nina with it. Ed's much less arrogant than before, and is willing to give up alchemy for something he understands is much more beautiful and important. 
I’m sorry that this is a skimpy (for me) response, because I’m writing off the top of my head rather than pulling open the text and posting in manga graphics demonstrating my points. It would be fun to talk about this in more depth. Analyzing specific quotes and scenes throughout the manga and anime. Looking in depth at that final conversation with Truth. That stuff. But. I also recognize I have significantly less time in my life than I have in eras past. So I hope this answer suffices! In short, I feel like Arakawa had this ending planned from the start, interwove it with many important concepts that she developed through the series, and came up with a CLEVER AS FUCK loophole as to how Ed and Al can exit Truth’s presence whole - the brothers, who have shown to be intertwined in their beings throughout the series, can now walk together out one door.
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doomed-prophetess · 3 years
2/2!!! also YEAH i guess… he’s supposed to “””die””” (sorry i’m in denial too 😭 absent daddy ana can’t be dead ok) as to show claude’s authority and it should be ?symbolic? i guess?? and i don’t expect much from claude since he’s a tyrant and… lucas… who this chapter disappointed me too. he dismissed aeternitas so quickly 😔 and after so many chapters ahh. sorry! this looks like throwing a tantrum but i’m so… idk. 😔⚰️ and if ana really had to be out of the picture why not exile? or live under house arrest with his daughter visiting daily! and if he really had to die, i think a good excuse would be uhhh… “he was actually dead before so his body will naturally not last long so let him live his last days in peace” kind of plot :( but that’s just wishful thinking don’t mind me lmao knowing claude he’s not that kind :( there’s no way he would stage his brothers death and forgive him. the most merciful he’s been is having him executed at night when so ones watching in contrast to lp!athy being executed publicly 🔪
"there’s no way he would stage his brothers death and forgive him."
why not tho. One of Claude's biggest weaknesses is sentimentality.
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Penelope was present when Anastacius died. In fact she was so close that his blood splashed onto her face when Claude killed him. So close Claude could have just grabbed her. And yet he still let her go.
Penelope might have hurt him deeply, but she was also the first woman that showed him love. When she escaped, no guards were pursuing her. It seems to me like Claude didn't even try to find and punish her. He could have just gone down the list of relatives who would hide her or the people who would benefit the most from hiding her and he would have found a link between Rosalia and Duke Alpheus after observing them for a while.
Not only did he let her go, he kept her portrait and when Jennette introduced herself he took her in and let her believe she was his daughter, even though he knew she was the child of the woman who betrayed him and his tyrant brother who wanted him dead.(While part of his fondness of Jennette can be attributed to her dark magic, I believe similar to Athy and Diana, he saw part of Penelope in her and wanted to see how much they resembled each other.)
Even after everything she had done to him he still cared for her.
The same goes for Anastacius. Anastacius mocked Claude, humiliated him and alligiently tried to kill him over and over again*, Claude endured it (probably still clinging to the good image of Ana in his mind) and only turned against him when he was mentally pushed to the edge. After Claude killed Anastacius he moved into Ana's old room and he changed nothing except for the bed and the door. If I had to move into the room of the person I despised I would throw everything away, but Claude kept the furniture, kept the family paintings (even through he referred to his bloodline as "cursed"), he kept the decadent gold decorations which we know were so not to his taste. (side question why did he even move into Ana's room, he could have just picked one of the thousand rooms that the main palace had to offer.) And even 15 years after Ana's death a certain question still haunted him.
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 When Aeternitas/Anastacius apologized to Claude and blamed the evil spirit for manipulating him, he hit the nail on the head. He told Claude exactly what he wanted to hear. Claude was doubting the evilness of Anastacius' nature and wished for a reason to excuse him. Had Lucas not stopped Aeternitas’ attack, everyone might have died because Claude was too distracted by Anastacius' words, he wanted to believe in him.
I have an idea why Claude didn’t soften Anastacius’ sentence to exile or house arrest. He would’ve needed a good reason for the public alas he would have to reveal Aeternitas existence and risk outing Jennette as a chimera who was illegally created of black magic, which would have resulted in Jennette’s execution and not Anastacius. Anastacius took the fall to protect his daughter. But Claude will spare Anastacius because he still loves him (family love wins).
*(I don't believe this since the narrator claimed he killed Claude's mom which we know is incorrect, but I have no evidence to disprove this claim, so let's run with this for the sake of the theory. The “fact” is actually a sore spot for me since the author never elaborated on it.)
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straydawg-writing · 4 years
𝐭𝐡𝐫𝐞𝐞'𝐬 𝐚 𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐫𝐦.
- 𝓚. 𝙯𝙤𝙡𝙙𝙮𝙘𝙠
• hunter x hunter series
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Chapter 2–
You knew that if anyone outside of this car saw you right now, you might just pass away. To put it simply: You were sitting on Killua's lap.
All because Kite's truck only fit seven people.
The way this predicament came about would have been comical if it weren't for your burning embarrassment. Unfortunately, you could remember very clearly how it all unfolded:
"Hmm, it seems that there aren't enough seats for all eight of us, so one person will have to squish in," Kite said, opening the car door to check the seats.
"Who's the smallest one here?" Gon asked. All seven pairs of eyes turned to look at you.
Great. The benefits of never having had your growth spurt.
Killua was the one to open his mouth, snickering, "Obviously it's Y/N. She's like a midget!"
"Killua, you are literally an entire 2 ½ feet shorter than Kite over there," you defended yourself.
From a distance, you had guessed Kite was around 6'3. Once you got a closer look at him, you discovered that he towered over you like a skyscraper. Your curiosity got the best of you and naturally, you had asked him what his height was. The man was a whopping 7 foot 10.
"It's okay Y/N, you can squish with me," Gon offered.
Killua shook his head. "No way. Squishing will just make everyone uncomfortable. It's better if only one person suffers. Y/N, you can sit on my lap."
He had left no room for argument. Sighing, you knew that even if you tried, you had no say in this anymore. You would just have to suck it up for the next 4 hours.
Now you were here, sitting on him, worrying about whether you were cutting the circulation off to his legs or not. Or perhaps you were too bony and it was hurting him.
You could feel his warm breath on your neck, and it sent goosebumps across your entire body. This was beyond awkward.
"Stop it," Killua muttered, right in your ear.
Oh, you'd done it now, hadn't you? Killua was gonna push you off onto Gon instead.
"Stop what?"
"You're so stiff, just...relax," he paused, "I don't mind sitting this way."
Hearing his voice so close to you sent butterflies fluttering in your stomach.
Maybe this was okay.
You untensed, trying to adjust yourself to a more comfortable position, but the bumpy car ride wasn't making it very easy. Kite ran over a rock, and without a seatbelt it sent you jerking upwards. Thanks to his fast reflexes, Killua gripped your waist, holding you tightly to his body.
"The seatbelt won't reach over the both of us, but this'll keep you from flying."
"Heh, thanks Killua. I think we should reach the beach in a bit..." you said, hoping that the thought of it being over soon might offer him some relief.
It doesn't matter who it is, being this close to someone could send anyone into a frenzy. You were hyper-aware of every one of his fingers grasping onto your waist. He wasn't lying. He was keeping you right there.
You'd just have to stop thinking about it, you told yourself. Or else you'd go crazy.
Trying to relax back into Killua like he had asked, you let your mind wander to the reason you were driving in the first place. The day before, the three of you had decided to stick with Kite and help him investigate the Chimera ants. The beach you were headed to now is supposed to have a clue about where the ant queen is located, so you could bring an end to the destruction before it starts. During the car ride, you had learned they were a truly deadly species. One bite of an innocent passerby, and they had the means to bring the entire human race to extinction.
You felt like something was starting. And your intuition was rarely wrong.
Gazing at Gon who had been talking with Kite for a while now, you noticed how his eyes crinkle into little smiles whenever he talks. You knew that having Kite around, his father's best friend, surely excited him to the bone. Gon was just oozing with optimism, without even trying. You could tell that just by being himself, he was keeping the spirits up of all eight in the group, not allowing any room for doubt or fear to creep into anyone's minds.
At that moment, you swore that whatever happened, you would be there to protect Gon and Killua. Even if it costs you everything.
Hopefully, this wasn't one of your friends' last few moments of tranquility. But if it was, you were determined to spend it well.
Resting your head against Killua, you hoped that he wouldn't mind if you indulged in this for just a moment. You were tired, having not gotten much rest since completing Greed Island and meeting Kite.
It didn't take much time for you to fall asleep to the rise and fall of Killua's steady breathing and his sweet vanilla scent. If you'd been awake, you might have even heard his heartbeat racing beneath you.
You had finally reached the beach.
Killua had nudged you awake once you'd gotten there. You remembered how his blue eyes stared back at you as he poked your face, calling you an idiot for falling asleep, and you chuckled.
There was one thing you were clueless about; Killua had made sure not to move even once the whole rest of the car ride. He was nervous that he might disturb your peacefully sleeping form.
You were still pretty groggy as you looked out at the sea, the bright sun reflecting on the ocean's surface. You wanted to wiggle your toes in the sand, but you were there for a reason. To find anything that might lead to the Queen.
You searched in bushes, behind rocks, under seashells, and even used your nen to sift through as much sand as you could. So far, the group had ruled out the forest and deemed it difficult to know if the ant even ended up on the same island. That's when they decided to release the hellhound. Well- it wasn't a hellhound. It was the little dog you played with yesterday. Along with Gon.
Gon was following behind the dog on all floors, sniffing the ground as he went.
"He can do that?" You asked no one in particular.
"His nose is as sharp as a dog's," Killua responded, watching Gon with an amused look in his eye.
A couple minutes went by with no luck. The only thing the dog had found was a tree to pee on. It looked like the ant wasn't going to be on this island, though Kite had an idea.
"It may have washed ashore somewhere else. Which direction do the currents flow here?" Kite asked the two that had brought us down to the beach. One was short with brown skin and grey hair that sprouted up like hay, while the other had large glasses and two front teeth poking out from his mouth.
"The direction is reversed between day and night. And it also changes with the seasons. I've even heard it's different on certain days. So it'll be tough to pinpoint a location..." said Chipmunk Teeth. That's what you'd call him, since you hadn't gotten his name.
So basically, no one had any idea on how to find the Chimera Ant Queen.
"Continuing to search blindly is pointless. We should return to YorkNew and see if we can find any new leads there."
You heard the group around you agreeing with Kite. He and his friends began walking back to the truck already, but you stayed put. You would catch up to them later.
The ocean reminded you of your home. You thought you should say goodbye to it first.
Ripples of water lapped gently at your feet. You always had a connection with nature. Having lived in a small village located in the middle of a jungle most of your life, the earth had become your dearest friend. One of your earliest memories was from exploring the coves back at home. You stretched out your arm across the water, and watched the liquid softly rise to your hand as you called it.
That's why you chose this nen ability. It tied you to the elements. When you fought with it, together you were one body.
"Y/N, come on! Kite's threatening to leave without you," Gon waved you over. Taking one last look at the sea, you turned away.
The sun was already setting by the time you left for the city.
Going back to YorkNew was the right decision. Now you all knew where to look.
Kite had discovered that the possibilities of the Chimera Ant landing in NGL were the highest. Apparently, NGL was a country populated with people who wanted to get away from machine civilization and live in nature.
You loved nature too, but you thought that was a little extreme. There was a reason you had to leave your beloved jungle behind.
"There may very well be a giant swarm of Chimera Ants already hunting humans down. If that's the case, my top priority will be saving them. You must be able to protect yourselves," Kite warned us.
"And if I am the one in trouble, you should escape without me."
At that, Gon and Killua looked unsettled. But backing down now was not an option.
"Got it," you said, breaking the silence and offering a kind nod to Kite, "and until the very last moment, the three of us will have your back."
"Yeah!" The other two boys concurred.
Now, you sat with Gon and Killua on an airship to NGL. The three of you were sitting on a bench, looking out of a window that framed velvet-peach clouds displaying brilliant silver linings.
Gon was reflecting on their last conversation with Kite.
"You said that Ging had a reason for bringing me and Kite together," he rested his arms and head on the window-frame.
Killua broke his sight from the clouds and looked at Gon.
"Yeah, I did."
"You're probably right. I don't know the reason, but I can't give up halfway, no matter what's going on. Otherwise, I'll disappoint Ging... And I'd never be able to forgive myself either. So I won't run away," Gon continued, resolved with his decision.
There was a moment of silence as the three of you let his words sink in.
You admired Gon's determination, but you hated that Ging had a son risking his life just to avoid disappointing a dad he's never met.
"Man, you had this totally serious expression, so I was expecting something big. But it's just business as usual," Killua smiled.
"Huh?" Gon's mouth hung open. "I thought about this a lot, I even ran a bunch of mental simulations! And I liked what Y/N said earlier, about having Kite's back until the very end."
"Think all you want, but you'll still be Gon. If someone said to abandon them, you'd never do it," You lightly punched his shoulder.
He pouted, cradling where you hit him, and you rolled your eyes.
"Drama queen."
Gon chose to ignore that and turned back to Killua. "Then what would you do?'"
"I'm a spontaneous guy, so I'd think about it once the time comes."
"So, you'd run away?" Gon questioned.
"Depends. I can't say until it actually happens."
"Say for instance..."
Killua threw his hands up, beat, "I can't tell you what I'd do in a hypothetical situation!"
"Then, what about you Y/N?"
"Gon!" You whined.
Truth be told, you hadn't thought about what you would do. It depended like Killua said. But you did know one thing...
"I would never leave you two behind. Even if that meant I'd have to die."
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chunibyo-x-sorcerer · 9 months
||The Misadventures of the Phoenix and the Shadow Chimera Sorcerers Part 10- Battle of Ice and Fire ||
Hi everyone. This is Part 10 of this Drabble series. This is for my rp friend, @the-silver-peahen-residence. If you haven't read the parts yet, please do. That said...my grammar is a bit iffy as this is written for pure enjoyment. Enjoy.
---- Previous Parts -----
Part 6
Part 7
Part 8
Part 9
--- Esteemed Guests in drabble ---
Taz Hellion, Kinie, Rioto Kir-IN, belong to me Taz and Kine from @demon-blood-youths and Daichi and Rioto on this blog. Both blogs belong to me.
Ryomen Sukuna, Yuji Itadori, Megumi Fushiguro, Maki Zenin, and Nobara Kugisaki are Peahen-men's muses. They are mentioned briefly in the Drabble.
----- Summary ----
The Tokyo and Kyoto have a team-up mission regarding an infenstion of cursed spirits in huge village. The mission has been completed and both schools are taking a break. Daichi and Rioto meet up and hang out together until they came across a missing one. What will happened?
"So Rioto. How are you doing at Kyoto High?" Daichi asked.
"Um....Kyoto is alright. Utahime-sensei is nice and but a little strict. So is the principal, Gakuhanji is something. I had to prove myself why I want to become a sorcerer. So I did and told me that I should stick to being a first-year to catch up and help other years."
"Did you make any friends?"
"Well...uh...there's Kamo and Miwa. They're just classmates but they were nice. The rest...are uh....getting used to it." Rioto sighed.
"That's good!" Daichi
"Not really? I mean Kamo feels bad for me and so is Miwa. The rest don't like but they like Miryu." Rioto mentions his cursed companion, Miryu. A blue seahorse with a unicorn horn and two antlers. Similar to Eito, he also look plush-like and flies with tiny flappers similar to seahorse. He blows bubbles while saying 'Buu...' and 'Muuu."
Both Miryu and Eito are playing as they are flying above the two sorcerers. No doubt, his classmates like Miryu.
"So what happened?"
"Everyone." Utahime introduced Rioto to the class, "This is our new student....Syougo Shin-"
"I am Rioto Kirin!" Rioto said his name. "I prefer if you all call me by that name!" He said firmly surprising the class and startled Utahime. "And this is my trusting partner, Miryu!"
A seahorse floats by Rioto's side.
"Muu..." Miryu introduces himself, blowing bubbles from its nose as he is swimming around the class. The girls in the class, Miwa, Momo and Mai find it cute. The boys are intrigued.
"It's nice to meet you, Rioto. My name is Noritoshi Kamo." He said with a respectful nod. "This is Mechamaru, Arata Nitta, Todo Aoi. You must be the new first-year."
That I am, yes." Rioto nods.
"What's up with horns?" Arata asked, pointing at his ice horns that look like antlers. Not to mention, the fur around his collar of his uniform.
"This is for daily battle!"
"Daily Battle?" Arata sweat dropped.
"So you must be the one who brought a village almost to a ice age ." Mai said. "I'm surprised a curse user is allow to attend our school."
Kamo sighs a little, hearing that. Mai has no filter. But he is surprised to hear Rioto's response.
"Correction. My issue is with the few people of the village before my deserving defeat at the hands of Great Daichi Pheon-X. My goal is fight Daichi Pheon-X. That said, I am here to owe a great debt to him and work to pay it off to make it up for my wrong choices by contributing in Kyoto High and to help jujutsu society in general." Rioto says.
"Daichi Pheon-X? The sorcerer who streams online?" Kamo asked.
"The guy with that little bird of his?" Mechamura asked.
"Looks dumb." Momo said. But the bird is cute.
"I hear he's attending Tokyo school." Said Miwa. Rioto nods, "Correct. The Great Daichi told me that Jujutsu High is a good place to meet others who wishes to understand jujutsu sorcery and curses along with other things. That said, I hope we get to along well."
"Doesn't sound bad." Daichi said. Rioto sighs, "Yes....errr..."
During lunch time where Kamo explains the classes to him, Todo got in his way.
"Hey! What kind of girls do you like?"
Rioto blinks. "What?"
"Todo...please." Kamo sighs, knowing where this is going.
"I asked if you have a type." Todo asked. "What kind of type is your woman? Answer me!"
"Uh....well..." Rioto looks unsure of this, looking dumbfound a bit.
"It can be boys too." Todo said. Kamo begins, "Rioto...you don't have to..."
"If you're talking about romance....then...then.." Rioto begins. Kamo held his breath, hoping Rioto has a good answer.
"Then I have no interest in that kind of thing! Something like that does not interest me at all!" Rioto said with utmost confidence which made Kamo gasp and sweat dropped. Oh no...
Then Rioto hears a sniffle and is staring wide as Todo cries. Making Rioto blinked, "Wait...why are you cryin-" The ice sorcerer got whiplash by a clothesline. "You! A coward!" Then he picks up Rioto and does German duplex, Rioto quickly breaks the fall using ice making Todo slip. Rioto got out of his hold and does a flip, not before taking his asthma pump.
"What do you think you're doing?! If you wish to fight, I will be glad to take your challenge!!"
"You don't think about women?! Not only, you're not interested in women and men?! What kind of man are you?!" Todo yelled. "What kind of answer was that?!"
"Why does that matter?!" Rioto yelled.
"I'm going to beat the crap out of you and I hope you change your answer!"
"BRING IT!" Rioto summons his ice golems. Kamo yells in a panic, "Not inside the school!"
Little does Rioto know, he has been brutally defeated thanks to Todo's Boogie Woogie technique. Kamo had to take him to the nurse's office for his injuries.
"Then I got beat up by the third year, Todo Ali The Oni!" Rioto tightens his fists as he is upset.
"Uhh...because of your answer on what kind of woman is your type?" Daichi blinked. Rioto sighs and nods, "And he keeps bothering me till I change my answer. To be honest, I don't know what woman or man is my type because I never think of it so I try to come up with a excuse."
"You could of been just honest?"
"So I get beat?!" Rioto exclaimed. "No way! I make sure to avoid him at all costs! I even try to pay Mai to get him out of the way!" He sighed. "I even ask Miwa to hide me from him!" He sighed.
"Well...at least you have friends!" Daichi pats him on the back. But as they walk together, passing a warehouse. They felt a prescence. A cursed one.
Both look at each other and enter inside without hesitation. They missed a cursed spirit and on their way to exorcise it. Not thinking this spirit is almost above their grade.
"Where are we?" Rioto asked as the room changes. Daichi gulps, "I read something about this. Where we are is in innate domain?"
"Huh?! Wait...if that's it! Then that means..."
"We're dealing with 1st grade or a special grade!" Daichi frowns which makes Rioto spooked a little. Both Miryu and Eitio can sense their concerns so they stay close to their partners. "Okay, Rioto. You and me gotta be careful until we found the cursed spirit."
"So what kind of cursed spirit would make this?"
The place is full of edges and stairs. It's like an labrinyth. Regardless, they kept going and going. Going. Going. Going. Still going.
"I CAN'T TAKE THIS ANYMORE!" Rioto yelled, stomping on the ground as ice freezes the part of the ground. Daichi sighs. They have been walking, climbing the stairs and everything. They keep on moving but nothing in sight. Daichi thinks as he sits down on a stair. Maybe the cursed spirit is smart and tries to exhaust them by having them walk anywhere in its domain. They passed rooms because Daichi doesn't think it's good idea to enter in one of them so sooner or later, they have to confront this spirit.
Then both heard a chuckle. "You will never find me. You two are just bait!" A voice crackles. Two immediately became on guard as they brings out their preceptive elements. Daichi with his flame sword and Rioto with his icy lance. Miryu and Eito remain close to the duo. More laughter is heard.
"You two have no idea what you're dealing with! Can't believe one of you is with the vessels that held King of Curses and the other one that calls itself Kinie Ger."
Daichi widens his eyes. Wait..what?
"My master would be pleased."
Master? Daichi narrows his eyes. "Who are you?"
"The name is Tsumi! Your enemy and I found you two the most ridiculous bunch! You two make the perfect bait. I will lead those sorcerers here and kill them until I get to face off those two cursed spirits! Who knows! Maybe I can get that girl that hold Kinie Ger. She seems fun."
Daichi scowls hearing this. Yeah...no way in hell. He won't let anyone hurt his friends. "Where are you?"
"Patience. If you wish to jump to your death, go up!" Tsumi chuckled. Daichi takes a breath and looks to Rioto. Rioto nods. "Wherever you go, I will go with you, my great rival!" He grins. Daichi smiles. Both went up. To see a door and enters. Inside is a arena where a skinny male with a youthful look. He has green slick-back hair and swishes his long tail.
"Here we are!" Tsumi laughs as he brings out his claws. He jumps down, "So you two must be Rioto and Daichi! Two idiots over their heads. For I am Tsumi! A cursed spirit who is smarter than any human."
Rioto and Daichi just stared.
"Listen here, you foul curse! We will prevail!" Rioto points as he strikes. pose. Daichi chuckles and does it too. Tsumi sneers, "Let's see what you got!"
The battle begins.
----- Somewhere ------
"Hmmm..." Megumi sips his drink, making a face as he is eating his soba noodles. Nobara and Yuji noticed this. "You okay, Fushiguro?" Yuji asked, eating his noodles. Taz is eating her grilled eel over rice, hearing this with a curious look.
"Not sure. Just a feeling." He said. "A feeling where things go wrong." He said.
"I mean we exorcise all the cursed spirits in the area." Nobara said. Megumi grumbles a bit, "True. But...there's something else." A face came to his mind.
"Where's Daichi?" He asked.
"He's hanging out with Rioto." Taz answered. "That's what he told me." She answered. Megumi hears this and sighs, "I just hope those two don't run into trouble."
"Oh come on, what would the worst thing can happened?" Nobara said.
"Wow! So these are the Great Daichi and Rioto! You two with dumbest titles I ever heard of is on their knees. What makes you think you two can defeat me?!" Tsumi laughs. Daichi and Rioto are on their knees, panting. Right now, they felt disoriented whenever Tsumi keeps on moving.
Daichi tries to figure out his cursed technique. Is it dizziness, messing with the senses. Tsumi chuckles, "You see, my technique is Distortion. I mess sense of direction and spin the room around." He laughs.
So that's it. Daichi looks to Eito and whispers to him. Then Eito whispers to Miryu. Miryu whispers to Rioto. He widens his eyes and look at Daichi to whom he nods. Both are slowly standing up and hold their hands together. Tsumi laughs seeing this.
"What? Are you going to confess to each other? Well..I can't blame you. You two are going to die anyway!" Tsumi laugh and activates his distortion.
"Not quite!" Daichi said as both unleashes their curse technique. Flames and a blizzard. With them both holding hands, they go to dance as they go in a circle. Shooting out powerful flames and blizzard, this got Tsumi blink as he backs off. Soon, they turn into a spiral of the dual elements. Weathering the arena to where it becomes weak. Tsumi screams as he felt the burns of both fire and ice. Tsumi unwittingly turns off his technique. Tsumi got blasted by fire and was impaled by a ice shard. Tsumi stumbles and staggers. Then he widens to see Tsumi blink his eyes, both sorcerers of fire and ice jump in the air, throwing their respective attacks.
Fire in a form of a Pheonix. And a blizzard attack in form of a Kirin. Both hit Tsumi and send him flying and he was crashed against the wall. The domain begins to fall apart.
"Have you two lost your minds?!" Said the cursed spirit as he can't believe this. Tsumi can't believe these two will cause so much damage. The scaly figure had to take steps back from them with fear now. These human children. ARE NOT NORMAL!
"HAHAHAHAHA!" Rioto and Daichi laughed together insanely as they combine their attacks together. Calling it their combo attack, "Dual Elemental Blast!" They both said as they fire off their attack of their presceptive elements, fire and ice.
An explosion is heard in the distance. Megumi and Kamo look at the huge smoke coming off from their positions. What the???
--- Minutes later ----
Under the rubble, Daichi and Rioto got out as they are breathing heavily. Their companions, Eito and Buu were getting them out of the rubble. The sorcerers have won.
"We survived!" Rioto exclaimed with a grin.
"That was crazy." Said Daichi, dusting his hair off from the debris. As both Chunibyo sorcerers got out of the rubble and dust themselves, a crash is heard making them turn around. The warehouse is now half in rubble.
Both look at each other. How are they're going to explain this?
"Uh...so...how are we going to tell this to them?" Rioto asked.
"Well...let's just say we fought a strong cursed spirit with a domain! Knowing them, they pretty much understand!"
"Right! If I tell Kamo, he will understand! Kamo is always understanding!" Rioto smiled. Daichi blinks, "Kamo?"
"Yes! He's the first I trust!. " He said as Miryu is blows a bubble and gives a 'buy'. Eito chirps in understanding.
"Anyway! I'm going to go to Kamo for help and tell him what happened! I think he's nearby!" Said Rioto. Daichi nods. "Right!"
Daichi lets out a sign as Eito chirps. "I know, right! I think me and Rioto did a pretty good job. Now...we need to explain this! As long as we get our straight, we will be fine!"
Little did they know, the explosion is heard from others. And they're going to deal with a very angry Fushiguro very soon.
To be continued...
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softranswolves · 3 years
"You need to let go"
Prompt: Whumptober Day 1, "You need to let go" and Bound
Fandom: Teen Wolf
Rating: E
Characters: Stiles Stilinski, Donovan Donati
"Fucking- hold still," Donovan's voice grunts out.
After tracking him down in the library, toppling a shelf when he pulled Stiles back, Donovan has him pinned. Stiles is panting below Donovan's body, straddled by the chimera and bucking his hips to no avail. A corner of the shelving unit traps his ankle, preventing that leg from moving, and his upper body is currently being wrangled by Donovan's weight. A solid punch to the face dazes Stiles briefly, head snapping down against the floor, and Donovan takes the momentary reprieve to lean back, pulling his belt off with a slashing movement.
"No no no, get the fuck off me," Stiles says, voice sinking close to a growl. Tears streak down his face out of anger and fear but he pays them no mind. Too much of this is like a memory, distant but sharp, a bear trap switching legs in his mind.
He raises his arms to shove Donovan off but his wrists are caught and Donovan is wrapping the belt around them, securing his wrists to the table behind his head. Stiles is strung out, and even with all the fury behind his strained movements, he can't get any momentum to throw Donovan. His shoulder aches from the initial bite in the parking lot and the tension from his arm's position makes the joint shake, exertion burning across his form.
"Don't worry, Stiles, I'm not going to kill you!" Donovan's voice sounds too excited for whatever he has in mind, and Stiles bangs his head back against the floor in frustration, trying to block out the sound of his attacker. "I learned something recently. Would you like to know what it is?"
The question is punctuated by his hand curling in Stiles' hair, gripping it tight so he can't continue his motions.
"Real pain, Stiles. Do you know what that means?"
"You have no idea," Stiles hisses. He's more talking to himself at this point, knowing Donovan isn't actually going to hold a civil conversation.
"No, no, see that's where you're wrong. You might've felt physical pain, you even lost some friends recently I hear. But the most basic, real pain, that's the kicker. Guilt, Stiles. Guilt for not protecting your dear old dad from seeing you forever injured, guilt that he is going to feel for not being able to protect you. It's like a two-in-one."
Donovan leans in to press a kiss to Stiles' sweaty forehead, savoring the way his fear smells to his new senses. He swings a leg over Stiles' body now that he knows he can't go anywhere and leans back, seeming to debate a decision.
"What are you going to do?" Stiles whispers. His voice is raw from the screaming, exhaustion taking over his body as he continues to buck up, pulling at the binding around his wrists. He gave up on his ankle already, numbness setting in.
Instead of an answer, Donovan smirks to himself and reaches for Stiles' waist, unbuttoning his jeans and zipping down the fly. Stiles stills briefly before wiggling under Donovan's hands trying to avoid what he worries is coming next.
"If you don't stop moving, this is going to be even more painful." The smile is gone from Donovan's face, and he places a hand over Stiles' crotch in warning. The same hand that he bit Stiles' shoulder with. The boy goes still, knowing Donovan is correct, regardless of how easy he is on him.
"'Atta boy," Donovan says, pulling the pants down. He leaves Stiles' boxers in place, and Stiles lets out a sigh of relief. The hand on his crotch moves almost gently, massaging his member, while the other hand tugs the jeans down the rest of the way. "Now, where should we have you cut off?"
"Cut- cut off? What are you talking about? Why are you cutting anything? I don't see how that's particularly necessary, all things considered."
"You're right, biting is more applicable, not cutting. So. Crotch, thigh, calf? I don't think just a foot would send a message."
Stiles pales as realization dawns on him and his mouth opens and closes a few times, coming up blank on how to convince Donovan to let him go. He saw the kid when he was just human, he can only imagine how much worse this can get with his supernatural adjustments. Donovan watches him, head tilted to the side as he considers, and sets to work. The hand on Stiles' groin leaves, migrating down to his thigh. His breath of relief is short-lived when he feels the teeth dig in, worse than his shoulder now that he can see what is happening. The initial yell he lets out in pain and horror deepens into a wail as the pain pricks at his eyes, clenching them shut as tears come unbidden.
Time feels like a vague wash of pain and ache as Donovan continues, a hand and his actual mouth both working in tandem. Stiles is thankful that Donovan has limited himself to one leg so far, but he realizes it's the leg he can still feel, indicating the other may be just as bad. He's shaking his head, still squirming, though half-heartedly now.
"You need to let go," Donovan finally speaks, words slurring a bit. He almost sounds... drunk to Stiles' ears.
Stiles grunts in response as he wills his eyes open, immediately regretting the decision when he sees how much blood Donovan has on his face. His eyes are shining with glee as he leans up and presses another kiss to Stiles' forehead, and he can feel the way the gore on Donovan's lips clings to the skin.
"Don't worry, Stiles, I'll take care of you."
Stiles can feel the belt around his wrists come free and he tries to move his arms but they're like lead. Everything starts to feel fuzzy around the edges as he fights to ignore Donovan, to fight his way out of this. But he doesn't have a dark spirit inside his mind this time to push him, and he thinks maybe rest would be good.
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artpharos · 4 years
46. "What if I told you I’ve been in love with you since we were kids?", requested by @takoyakicorn
2,904 words, Lonashipping
Figured since I took so long I may as well make it as worth it as possible 8′D
Prompt List from waaaaaay long ago lmao 
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ 
Moon loves the unpredictability of Alola. 
It comes about from living so close with nature, with the jungles and seas teeming with Pokemon. The Tapu's blessings flit in and out between every boulder, every tree. No day is exactly the same. And with each one, new challenges and new friendships are just waiting to be discovered. 
Being the Champion, she's the one that the people call on for dealing with tough and unexpected problems. It's a role she's grown into since she was twelve. Adults would turn to her for guidance after she proved herself capable, time and time again. And now she looks forward to every moment of it- knowing full well that every day, something new will surprise her, catch her breath, steal her heart away. Be it the sun, the moon, the stars, or even something beyond. 
But in between all the turmoil, all the chaos, there are a few things that Moon likes because they never change. Predictable, solid; an anchor in the swirling excitement that fills her days.
Gladion is one of those things.
Sure, at first he stuck out like one of the many many unpredictable things of Alola. Even more so, with his black clothes and dour attitude in the midst of the cheerful colours and Alola's sunny disposition. But ten years on, Moon knows Gladion- how he's loyal to a fault, how he cares deeply for the people and Pokemon around him. How sweet he can be when he offers her a malasada, or how his rare, gentle smiles always sets her heart aflutter.  
How he will always command Silvally to land a super effective hit on Decidueye when he's desperate.
Silvally caws, leaping into the air. Gladion's trained it to be faster, stronger- and now its movements are too swift for the eye to follow. Decidueye just can't keep up, and there's a victorious glow of the Fire Memory in Silvally's eyes. The flames sear around its claws as it strikes. But Moon sees the attack coming a mile away. 
"Pivot! Synthesis!"
Decidueye spreads its wings, shimmering in the light of the setting sun. It's ungainly on its feet, but it turns just enough to avoid the brunt of Silvally's attack, the flames just barely scorching its cloak. Then it's wrapped in a glow of brilliant green, and when the light fades-
"Not a scratch, huh." Gladion winces. He's long ago outgrown gripping his hand every time he battles, but his fingers still twitch at the failure of his plan. His green eyes betray a hardening frustration. "Silvally, back up-"
"Don't let him! Spirit Shackle!"
Decidueye lets out a raucous cry as it takes to the air. Energy gathers at the tip of its bow, and it fires. Silvally is fast, but it can't outrun the arrow. 
The chimera braces, its claws digging into the ground. As the dust clears, its eyes still remain fixated on Decidueye, and Moon wonders if her estimations are off. Then, it sways, and with a final trill, Silvally falls to the ground.
When a battle ends, there's a moment when time hangs in the air. When Moon can see across the field and feel her heart pounding with the exhilaration, the thrill of battle. The triumph of the moment seeps into her skin and her soul. Then the dust settles, and her breath catches in her throat. 
The sight's familiar- the frustration of defeat in Gladion's eyes across the field, the momentary twitch of his fingers. It's followed by his shoulders relaxing and his gentle exhale, skittering across the translucent floor. Then, he lifts his chin, meets her gaze with his own. His green eyes are filled with a warm respect, a small smile gracing his features. 
In that moment, Moon's stomach always flutters- silhouetted by the fading light of the sun, Gladion glows calm and warm despite his sharp features and black clothes. It always steals her breath, and she stays still, trying not to yell out the feelings that have remained in her heart for all these years. Instead, she schools her own posture. He recalls his Pokemon and steps forward to her with an open hand.
Ten years on, she's never told him how he always makes her feel like this. How she always treasures the quiet, stolen moments she has of him. After all this time, it'd just make things awkward between them, and as much as she likes unpredictability, she still likes the solidity of Gladion's presence, his touch. 
She takes his hand. The handshake is firm, steady. Expected. His grip is neither tight nor loose. Warm, his callused palm is a welcome sensation against her own. 
"Still have dirty tricks up your sleeves, I see." His words are sharp, but they're mellowed by the easy tone of voice, the familiar smile. 
Moon arches an eyebrow, feels the usual, teasing smile pull at her cheeks. "You're too predictable." 
Gladion lets out a soft huff. His hand drops away, and Moon laughs as he turns away.
And like every other time before, he glances at her through his bangs, his fingers twitching slightly before he holds a hand out to her again. 
Moon chuckles. She takes a moment to still the butterflies in her stomach, and smiles as she threads her fingers between his own. 
_ _ _ _ _ _ 
Their favourite shop is at Melemele island's port, a stone's throw away from Moon's home and the ferry back to Aether. They buy their favourites- Moon's, a spicy Malasada, and Gladion's, a sour one. Then they sit at the docks, watching as the ships anchor and rest. The remaining Wingulls fly back towards land, and the stars begin flicker up overhead. 
Today, they make it just in time to catch the moonrise. Her namesake slowly crests above the waves. The glowing half-orb of luminous blue casts a silvery light upon the waves. Surrounded by the dusting light of the stars across the purple sky, it's beautiful.
She realizes she's staring when Gladion catches her eye, a faint smile gracing his cheeks. 
"Nothing." He turns away and takes a bite into his malasada. "Some things never change. You always stare at the moon as if it's Arceus's greatest gift to mankind. Or Tapu Lele's, depending on the legend."
"Careful, that's sacrilege." Moon lifts an eyebrow. "Wouldn't want the Tapus to hear you calling their feats as mere 'legend'."
"Duly noted." Gladion keeps his face stern. "After all, wouldn't want you reporting my bad behaviour back to Tapu Koko."
Moon laughs, and that is enough to crack his feigned veneer, the ghost of a gentle smile shining through. 
She loves that look on his face. The way he always looks warm and exposed and soft around her. It's almost enough to keep her entranced, to let her drown into the depthless pool of his beautiful green eyes.
She clears her throat, takes another bite of her malasada. Turns her attention back to the sky.
"It's just... back in Kanto, the city lights would have drowned out the stars and the moon." She giggles. "Here, it's so bright and beautiful. Growing up, I could never imagine it. No matter how many times I look at it, it always surprises me."
"Hmm." Gladion acknowledges her explanation with a thoughtful nod. Then, his expression changes back to a familiar smirk. "Unlike me?"
Moon pouts. "You make it sound like that's a bad thing."
Gladion laughs. It's a simple sound, but accompanied only by the soft crashing of the waves, it sounds beautiful. He smiles as he turns to her, leaning closer ever-so-slightly. 
"Champion, you are the first person who has ever called me unsurprising."
Up close, his smile is warmer, his eyes brighter. Over time, it's easier to resist the urge to lean closer, and instead, Moon rolls her eyes. "That's because people expect a posh businessman when they're looking for the Aether president. Not someone just out of his teens who has a fondness for black hoodies."
"And the black hoodie doesn't surprise you?"
"Maybe it did, at first, but... it's been ten years, Gladion." Moon grins. "You wake up, work yourself silly. You go to Battle Royales on Wednesday specifically because that's when Royal Mask fights. And then you show up at the League every Friday at 5pm to battle. You're as predictable as the tide."
Gladion's eyes widen, and Moon wants to remember the look on his face- the mild parting of his lips, the small crinkle of his eyes. But too soon, Gladion huffs and turns away. He doesn't retort, instead settling back to his original position. But his shoulders are relaxed, his breath calm. He continues to eat his malasada in peace.
Moon chuckles and bites into her malasada as well. She's not one for silence. But sitting here, next to Gladion, with only the stars and the sea around them and a companionable quiet surrounding them... she doesn't really mind. She looks forward to the nights like this, a routine part of her life and a man she's grown to love.
And yet sometimes she wonders what it'd be like to reach over, to tell him...
She cuts off that thought. Finishes chewing the last remains of her malasada. Tries to stifle the now-familiar pang of sadness that twinges in her chest. 
"You done?"
Gladion scarcely waits two seconds after she dusts the remaining sugary powder off her fingers when he turns to her. He's watching her, waiting.
Moon chuckles. Routine dictates that she should go home and sleep, prepare for tomorrow. Dream of green eyes as she sleeps. "Guess this is goodnight, huh?" she asks as lightly as she can. 
Gladion gets up, and holds a hand out to her. She stares up at him, silhouetted by the night sky, at the hand so close that she can remember the warmth of his touch. 
"How about we do something different for once?"
"I know what this is." Moon arches an eyebrow with a grin. He looks so confident, so eager to prove himself, that it makes her heart warm. "What do you have in mind?"
He smirks. "I'm told you like surprises."
Moon laughs. Without a single mote of hesitation, she takes his hand.
_ _ _ _ _ _ 
He leads her down the familiar paths of Melemele, away from Hau'oli and towards the wilderness they both love. The moonlight filters through the large palm leaves, and when she looks up, Moon can still see fragments of the night sky; the stars and the milky way. All around her, the trees are like a comforting blanket. It enshrouds them in a gentle darkness, scented with freshly fallen rain and barely-trodden soil. Gladion's hand holds hers throughout, the faint smile on his face guiding her on through the dark. 
Eventually the familiar trail lights a spark of curiosity. This turn from Route 3, this scent in the air- Moon says nothing, doesn't voice her questions. Then Gladion guides her to the hilly overlook where the Melemele meadow stretches out in front of them. 
Moon gasps. 
She's been to the Melemele meadow at night before. The moonlight shines upon the yellow flowers. Now they're illuminated, almost glowing with a gentle blue. There's nobody else here this late at night, and the air is scented with sweet honey. A gentle, brisk breeze flutters through the sheltered field. But what truly steals her breath is the sight of the Cutiefly, dancing among the flowers, sparkling motes of light following their every movement. They form a trail of sparkles across the field, a web of light that Moon's never seen before. 
Truly, something new that catches her by surprise. 
"Figured we'd be just in time to catch the Cutiefly." Gladion watches her with a small, triumphant smirk. 
"How'd you know they'd be here?" She can't keep the awe from her voice as she watches the Pokemon dance, their little chitters filling the air with a pleasant song. 
"I'm President of Aether." He shrugs in response. "Learning about Pokemon behaviours is part of what helps our conservation efforts. And I learned a while back that the Cutiefly tend to be active during the half-moon. I hadn't seen it myself, but I figured you hadn't either, so..."
Even though his face is stern as usual, there's a faint colour on his cheeks, a warmth in his eyes. His hand grasps hers loosely, so easily, that Moon feels a swell of affection towards him. 
She leans against him, giggles as the wind blows fairy dust around them. "Thanks, Gladion. It's a very nice surprise. Maybe you're not as predictable as I thought."
He huffs and turns away. The angle hides his eyes, but his fingers twitch against hers. He says nothing at the close contact, doesn't move away nor react. 
"You're predictable too, you know."
He doesn't meet her eyes. His words, soft on a breath, sound... different. Reverent, even. Intimate. And even though she's used to his moods, his curtness, it's not a tone of voice she's familiar with. 
A shudder runs down her spine. But instead of laughing, instead of pretending she doesn't love him, doesn't love how close he is right now... she threads her fingers into his hand. He doesn't pull away. 
"You wouldn't hesitate to help anyone in need." Gladion smiles when he looks at her then.  "You're always up early in the morning, because you're eager to live the day. You laugh, even when you're upset. You love everyone- humans, and Pokemon alike. And even though you treasure your unpredictability, I know exactly what goes on through your head."
His green eyes pierce into her soul. His hand burns against her skin. And quietly, she asks, "Is that so?" 
"Yeah." Gladion nods, and his chuckle sends goosebumps down her arms. "You're happy right now, aren't you? That we're here together, watching the Cutiefly. That it's something that reminds you how much you love Alola."
Moon shivers. He's so close that she can feel his breath against her cheeks. Feel the intensity of his beautiful stare. Almost imagine that, just this once, maybe- 
"Moon?" He leans in close with a frown, and she realizes she's been quiet, too quiet. 
But Gladion's always gentle, always kind, always honest and bright and she loves him and maybe... having him surprise her like this, having him being unpredictable, wouldn't be that bad a thing. 
"You're half-right, you know." She licks her lips, searches his face for any hint of repulsion, rejection.
But instead he smiles, soft and sweet. "Yeah?" 
And Moon takes a deep breath, takes a chance.  
"What if I told you I’ve been in love with you since we were kids?"
The fairy dust flutters around them. The moon continues its upward climb. The moment holds. The Cutiefly flit about the glowing flowers, and the meadow sways in a gentle breeze. 
Gladion's breath catches. His green eyes widen. He says nothing. In the moonlight, his beautiful, angular features may have been cut from stone. 
Disappointment swirls in her chest. His touch burns, his proximity sending a sharp pulse through her. She moves to pull away-
Then his fingers thread with her own. 
Green eyes search hers. He inches forward slowly, and his free hand lifts to graze along her cheek.  
"Have you really?"
His bangs are like a curtain against the moonlight, shielding them from the field. He runs a thumb across her knuckles, and he holds her closely, so intimately, as if...
His lips are softer than she imagined, pressed against hers. Warmer, too, far warmer than her dreams. He pulls her flush against his body, his arm wrapping around her back. She shivers at the closeness of his touch, the warmth that floods her body from his kiss, her legs trembling. But he braces her, holds her close- kisses her, until she realizes that this is very very real. 
"Moon." He whispers her name as they part, the flush on his cheeks as warm as her own feels. A small smile dances across his face, and he looks so buoyant, so happy, that it stirs a soft giggle from her lips.
"Did I surprise you?" she whispers.
"It's a good surprise." His thumb brushes her bangs aside, leaving a warm trail on her skin. He chuckles. "And here I thought I had you all figured out."
"Likewise." Her smile is shy, but it makes him hold his breath and widens his eyes once more- and Moon has barely enough time to register the reaction before his lips are on hers once more. 
She pulls him closer, tugs his head down towards hers. His laughter bubbles against their lips, and when she looks at him again, he watches her with a warmth so pure, so bright, that she's sure it's a sight nobody's ever seen before.  
It catches her breath. Steals her heart away.
"Come on." He pulls away with a smile. He's barely a few paces away before he turns to her, holding a hand out to her once more. 
Without hesitation, Moon takes it. Threads their fingers together, secure. 
Gladion grins. The look on his face is bright, beautiful. He tugs her towards the meadow, where they're surrounded by the glowing flowers and the dancing Cutiefly. And when the moon rises to its peak and the fairy dust swirls around them, they dance, hand in hand, laughter and joy filling every inch of Moon's heart.
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little-red-rabbit · 3 years
Hello! I’ve seen you talking about Floramore before and it’s really cool! I saw you mention some other fan planes too on a fanwalker list but I haven’t heard much about them. What are some of your other fan planes and what are they like?
You Anon are my new favorite person! 😍
I love to world build it is both a hobby and a way for me to calm my mind when it becomes overwhelmed with thoughts. With the world of magic the gathering has beening very fertile ground for my created endeavors.
Firstly we have the plane of Highverta a large plane with many landmasses and an overabundance of natural resources. We are talking mountain ranges of marble, deserts that glitter with gem dust, and forests with gilded leaves from how much gold is in the soil. As such the plane has developed a complex bartering system as there is nothing rare enough to act as currency. This is also a plane with a strong focus on the arts, as even the poorest of commoners can go out and gather the material needed for artistic expression.
Though not everyone see this dedication to art as a positive. The elven tribes of the H'gar Groves see such self indulgent decadence as distraction from ones duties and a insult to the majesty of nature.
Next we have Crusabella a plane locked in a eternal struggle with the parasitic plane of Dismorat for the souls of it's people. With the church of the four flocks being the beacon against this darkness. Rooting out demons and their corrupting cults and ensuring that the spirits of the people find their way to the arms of the angels. Who themselves serve the church seeking redemption for falling to wickedness long ago.
While the church holds ultimate authority it interest are more spiritual in nature, so the day to day running of the plane falls to wealthy merchant families. Who often engage in disputes over land and trading rights. Hiring well trained mercenary companies to settle their grievances with one another, in mock battles.
Dismorta was once a plane like any other until is was visited by a mysterious man in red. Who preyed upon fears and vanities of seven of the planes most powerful individuals, until they succumbed to his corruption. This corruption then spreading to the plane itself until it was a twisted mockery of what it once was. Now ruled by seven dark princes who drew power from the torment of the souls of those who once lived upon Dismorta.
One of the princes seeking even more souls and even grate power unmoored Dismorta from it's place in the Blind Eternities. Such a feat leaving him weakened and his fellow princes took advantage of his state. Casting him out just as Dismorta crashed into Crusabella. Jungalla is a ancient plane almost as old as Dominaria, and covered almost completely with lush rainforests. It vast jungles are teaming with carnivorous planes, chimera like animals, and the ruins of countless kingdoms and cities that have risen only to be reclaimed by the jungle. It is a plane ruled by the beast men who worship their great mother goddess.
The very soul of Jungalla itself who manifests avatars of great beasts, incarnations of the weather and even mortal born demigods. Two such demigods have founded the great city of Harva'parva. The city that spans both banks of the river Bö was built to honor the great mother and her many children. Though the shadow of ruin has taken noticed of the great city and soon the rakshasa queen will see it reduced to ruin, like all the ones before it. Next is my newest plane Golgarthum, a plane born upon the back of a great decease beast the slowly drifts through the multiverse. The insects, oozes and fungi that make their home there, where once little more then the implements of decomposition. But feeding on the mana rich flesh of the beast, changed them into something more.
They have terrace farms of crops found nowhere else in the multiverse, nestled along the beasts rocked scales. Flowers the sized of redwoods bloom above fugle forests, where sweet nectar his harvested. Even a sweet water lake, formed with the help of a old walker, where gnat fish and tick crabs are grown.
They even create imitation of creatures they hear about from planeswalkers who visit the plane. Mushroom pigs and ooze hydras the inhabitance refer to as oddities.
Lastly I have the plane of Loch'tamor which a good friend of mine @im-your-paladin has a planeswalker from!
Like Ixalan, Loch'tamor shares it's name with a geographical location on the plane. In this case a massive lake where all of the planes leylines meet. It is as dark as deep as any sea and great power bubbles in that darkness. A wizard once tried to access that power and it raged beyond his control, cascading across the land as a mighty storm.
From this storm of roiling mana was birthed angels, elves and all manner of beasts, but none more feared then the elder dragons of ruin. Who laid waste the kingdoms of old tell not but stories remained of them. And lo the world would have gone to the dragon if not for one brave knight, so sealed them beneath the earth with the legendary sword Dragonsrend.
Now the dust has settled and new powers have risen to fill the void of the old. The forest courts of the light and shadow elves, the highland clans of cat giants and the kingdom of the bright isles.
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cynthiaandsamus · 3 years
Custom Toonami Block Week 73 Rundown
Code Geass: Lelouch and co. are still stuck in China and Xingke’s flipping out because the Chinese assholes are gonna kill the Empress and go with someone less problematic for their political marriage to Britannia’s creepily overaged prince. However Lelouch pulls out a Knightmare that’s basically the Twink version of the Gawain and busts everyone up as well as pulling a Father Cornello on them and letting the people know they’re all elitst 1% assholes that don’t care about them, which I suspect all countries probably know about their leaders but it sucks to hear it in a recording so riots show up all over China and CC Geass Flashes Anya to take her out so Britannia has to back out because the Chinese Hierarchy are now the least popular people in the world. So Xingke gets to be with his Empress and joins the Black Knights but Dietard wants the Empress to marry someone on their side so they can basically do the asshole move Britannia just tried to do but for them. All the girls are like ‘hey no’ and Lelouch is like “Oh hey Tamaki buddy, let’s go talk and get me the fuck out of here” so before Lelouch actually has to give Tamaki more lines and elevate him beyond the Black Knight’s Yamacha Shirley calls and Lelouch just straight up asks Shirley about love in a weirdly forced series of circumstance. But Shirley’s like “Yeah don’t fuck with love, don’t you love anyone?” and Lelouch is like “Yeah I do, Nunally!” and I don’t think that’s at all what Shirley meant but it does mean Lelouch sees that fighting for something beyond politics is powerful and agrees to not marry off the twelve year old girl, so that’s good. Lelouch decides to return home while they hunt down the Geass cult which is in China for some reason despite that being one of the like two places on earth Britannia doesn’t control and the Geass Cult largely being a Britannian affair. Meanwhile Sayoko is basically a Lelouch Vtuber at this point with her insanely accurate Lupin III mask of Lelouch and kisses Shirley so Shirley’s a little bit more gay than she was before and is not sure how to feel about that. When she’s about to tell the real Lelouch he kisses like a girl, Anya and Gino show up because we’re retreading the whole ‘sleeping with the enemy at school’ thing from the first season except with way less interesting enemies. Also the preview for the next episode is Lelouch dramatically talking about enemies finding out he’s Zero overtop footage of Shirley and Milly absolutely naked in a batthouse scene so I think we know what kind of episode that’ll be.
Inuyasha: The Panther Demon filler concludes with everyone meeting at the site where the Panther Master is being revived behind a strong barrier, if only someone just got a barrier upgrade to their sword, oh wait. But yeah everyone manages to free the hostages so even though Kagome’s jewel shards revives the Panther Master he’s still a zombie without a sacrifice which is weird since Naraku managed to completely revive the Band of Seven with one jewel shard each from skeletons and the Panther Lord has three shards so idk the rules here but yeah he steals the souls of his own men to revive and is Wind Scar Proof because he just is. It’s pretty cool to see him shooting his claws and lightning and shit but he’s too big and slow for it to be much of an interesting fight. Sesshomaru’s about to go full demon which would be interesting since we haven’t seen his full demon form since he lost his arm but in a neat bit of character development, Tenseiga calms his rage and tells him to use it instead. You get the feeling Sesshomaru only goes full demon when he flies off the handle and forgets about speed and strategy so him opting to not repeat the mistake he made against Inuyasha is pretty cool. Anyway Tenseiga heals the souls of the Panther Demons and drains their energy from the lord so he’s back to Zombie Cat Man which Inuyasha can Wind Scar because that’s what happens to villains on this show, all Wind Scars all the time. The Panthers don’t wanna fight anymore since their boss just killed them and tell Inuyasha to tell Sesshomaru the feud is over and they’re going back to the West. Honestly this is basically the same backstory they gave Kirinmaru in Yashahime so it’s funny for them to say they’re going back to the same place Kirinmaru is from, wonder if it’ll ever come up in Yashahime since most filler seems canon there.
Yu Yu Hakusho: Yusuke and Kuwabara continue the assault on Tarukane’s compound and basically plow through the lower demons easy since they’ve been fighting minor deities up to this point. It’s always pretty cool in Shonen to just have a few rounds to show how much power creep the heroes have had where certain things just don��t bother them anymore. Toguro murders a Chimera which has an oddly similar backstory to Nina from FMA and he seems really bummed about it but he’s like “Hey we’re both monsters made by humans telling us to do shit, so sorry for killing you bro”. And Tarukane basically sees Toguro is the next boss and is like “Yup time to scam some people off of this” and he sets up a betting ring for how far Yusuke and Co will get into his compound. This is kinda neat because it puts Tarukane in the weird position of betting against his own guards and hoping Yusuke will make it all the way to Toguro and then lose after everyone else has seen how awesome Yusuke is and bets on him. And funnily enough Sakyo’s in on the betting and he’s watched anime before so he knows to bet on the plucky teenagers with weird powers. So yeah Yusuke and Kuwabara finish plowing through the demons while Hiei kinda stalks them and remembers getting his eye surgery and wanting to help his sister but it’s kind of against spirit world rules for demons to just go plow through humans even if they’re scumbag humans so now Yusuke and Kuwabara have to go fight the Triad of boss demons Toguro has under him before Hiei busts in and just murders everyone for kidnapping his bird-loving jewel-crying little flower of a sister.
Fate Zero: So Kiritsugu can break Kayneth’s Terminator 2 Gaara defenses with rib bullets that just say ‘no’ to using magic and fucks his arrogant ass up. Saber and Lancer do some combo shenanigans to stab Caster right in the book and disrupt all his hentai tentacle demons but the book heals so idk why he can’t just make more. Kirei fucks up Maiya and Iris but didn’t double tap Maiya and DID double tap iris but she’s got Saber’s bullshit healing scabbard on her which no one knows about so Saber’s like “uhhh why are you healing” and Iris can’t tell her so she’s basically “Uhh internet?” Lancer comes in to save Kayneth’s worthless ass and tells Kiritsugu to stop being a dick to Saber because she’s pretty dope. But as usual for an early Fate encounter, no one dies and nothing of terrible consequence happens despite it being teased a couple times. I’ve noticed a trend with Fate that it really doesn’t like killing characters early so you’re basically guaranteed to have the first 2-3 major battles have a zero net gain/loss. Rider in UBW was probably the subversion to that since it happened crazy fast and anticlimactic but even that wasn’t till like ten episodes in.
Konosuba: So we finally meet Wiz the big booby Lich and Kazuma learns a new skill, both fun things. Also the gang gets a house to stay in after escapades with an army of haunted dolls and the most “I need to pee” in a horror setting since Corpse Party. But yeah, good progress this time honestly, the living in a stable gag was getting kind of old so Kazuma’s a bit stronger now and they have a home base so that’s pretty cool. Also Wiz is a Demon General or some shit but no one cares cause there ain’t no money in murdering busty zombie waifus.
Sailor Moon Crystal: So turns out Minako is Princess Serenity, except everyone who knows anything about Sailor Moon or indeed plot structure knows Sailor Moon is Princess Serenity, that’s like the Luke I Am Your Father of this series. But still turns out Minako has been guiding everyone with the power of video games but also thinks the power of friendship sucks and she’s gotta go do everything alone. This makes things super awkward because Mamoru’s pretty sure he was in love with the Princess but likes Usagi, now instead of running with this interesting thread of a reincarnation falling in love with someone new we’re gonna do the reveal that Usagi’s the princess and the whole ‘till death do us part’ part of marriage was just a metaphor and you’re stuck with one person no matter how many times you reincarnate. But yeah, Minako fights the bad guy on top of the tower but he has Naraku’s Barrier now and Minako doesn’t have the Red Tessaiga upgrade yet so she needs the power of friendship but this barrier is friendship-proof and this fight is basically a bunch of kids on the playground making up increasingly stupid powers that negate the other powers the other guy just made up. Anyway Tuxedo Mask shows up and is like “Holy shit Sailor Moon I love when you kiss me and kick ass, go get em sweetie I’ll hold your flower” and they kiss and Usagi has learned that if she just pretends she got this the power of her confidence will beat the bad guy. Unfortunately she does not got this and Tuxedo Mask has to pull a Piccolo and throw himself in front of the blast.
Durarara!!:  So now that we’ve had our climax for the arc we have a six month timeskip and everyone’s just kinda living life, Mika and Seiji are being clinically insane together, there’s cops harassing Celty to the point of mental breakdown (normal cop stuff) Shinra’s dad’s in town, Namie’s become Izaya’s secretary for blackmail shit, you know, normal stuff. Also there’s a katana-wielding maniac going around slashing people and Anri’s being bullied and sexually harassed to the point of mental collapse, normal stuff.
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