lime1991 · 2 years
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guy version of the silly age chart
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lime1991 · 1 year
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woodpecker and his replacement
i dont really have much to say other than ive been thinking about The Network recently and redesigned Woody the other night. its a very messy and sketchy picture because i really just wanted to put together a vessel in which to test out a new color palette for him, so dont even mind it. its just a basic idea of the new design ive got for him. and next to him is my first official design for Budgie, who is 12 and replaces Woodpecker as Dark Owl's new sidekick.
Budgie, unlike Woodpecker, actually has superpowers. and hes a little boy while woody is like 19 years old and offically considered "too old" to be owl's sidekick (if i say i created these characters and story half inspired by an episode of The Boys where we see Payback and how Soldier Boy had a 14 year old sidekick that he was abusive towards, will you guys get the picture that im painting here?)
I need to really flesh out everyone's separate universes for The Network, ive really only done so with woody and gabby. i think ill pay some attention to daisy next. mist barely exists anymore im like phasing him out, sobghost is pretty self explanatory hes a rantsona, and there isnt much to be made about bunflakes, hes just a cereal mascot with the same personality as jack from greg the bunny.
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lime1991 · 2 years
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what a wonderful collection of characters im sure nothing will go wrong during this fun company outing...
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lime1991 · 2 years
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Might as well post another The Network drawing... Gabby, Daisy, and Sobghost at the local pool (not company mandated, they're just friends.)
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