#Socialist Equality
axvoter · 2 years
Blatantly Partisan Party Review IX (NSW 2023): Group K (Oscar Grenfell / Socialist Equality Party)
Prior reviews of the Socialist Equality Party: federal 2013, federal 2016, federal 2019, federal 2022
What I said before: “Simply put, the SEP are the cranks of the Australian socialist space. That’s saying a lot given some of the weird units out there too. The SEP are still ranting that all other left-wing parties and trade unions, including other socialist parties, are on the ‘pseudo-left’. It’s tedious and childish. Just because you have minor ideological disagreements does not mean everyone else is some stooge of global capital.” (federal 2022)
What I think this year: The SEP failed to retain federal registration when parliament raised the membership threshold from 500 to 1,500 members, leading to a comical sequence of events detailed in my federal 2022 review. They did, nonetheless, run grouped independents at the federal election: in NSW, these were Max Boddy and Oscar Grenfell. Both of them are back for the NSW state election. Boddy is standing as an SEP-endorsed independent in the seat of Bankstown, while Grenfell leads a two-candidate SEP-endorsed ticket in the upper house. You need 15 candidates in a group to get a square above the line, so obviously this SEP tilt at office (like all their tilts at office) is a non-starter. They are whinging that they don’t get the SEP name on the ballot because of NSW’s “anti-democratic electoral laws”, when if they simply had 13 more friends they’d get an unlabelled square above the line and if they could sign up 750 members they would be able to get their name on the ballot. If they truly were a party of the workers, 750 would be no problem.
Anyway, the SEP is the most disagreeable wing of socialism in Australia. If you’ve been following this blog for any length of time, you know I think they are petty and narrowminded, habitually condemning everyone else for even the slightest disagreement. The hubris of their rhetoric is in inverse proportion to its persuasiveness. If you want a socialist option in NSW, go with the Socialist Alliance rather than this bilious not-a-party.
Also, predictably, the SEP’s rhetoric about the war in Ukraine is “look what you made me do” bullshit sympathising with Russia. Indeed, Grenfell claims in the above-linked article that this is a “US-NATO war against Russia”, which is so comical even the most craven Putin apologist would surely blush. It seems strange to me to need to reiterate to some on the left that sovereign states can freely choose their memberships of international organisations, and these choices do not justify military assaults, not even from Russia. But it seems some remain wedded to “the enemy of my enemy is my friend, and my enemy is always the US”, or to blindly supporting Russia as if the Soviet Union never collapsed. Yawn.
Recommendation: Give Group K (Oscar Grenfell / Socialist Equality Party) a weak or no preference.
Website: https://www.wsws.org/en/special/pages/sep/australia/home.html
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Democrats are feeding people xenophobia and civic nationalism on prime time tv as part of their presidential campaign.
Why is the USA's so-called progressive party allowed to do that. Why are these politicians being enabled, justified, and even encouraged if American liberals themselves are not fascists? Or at the very least, okay with fascist policy. (But I mean how are you okay with fascist policies and not a fascist anyway? There's already a modicum of denial going on there).
Democrats are calling Trump weak and vowing to be "tougher" (more abusive and discriminatory) towards immigrants & refugees crossing the border.
What makes liberals and Democrats so above critique that they're allowed to do worse than Trump and get applauded for it?
Are y'all really that easy to trick with some songs and buzzwords?
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confusedgoldenflower · 7 months
The Free and Equal debate when landback came up.
Everyone: land back. Ppl hurt. Land back. Land back.
Jasmine: here’s what it means, I got a native vp, I’m hosting a PANEL of INDIGENOUS ppl for CREATE this policy. If you want in, hit me up
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lilithism1848 · 1 year
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comrade-onion · 5 months
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Happy workers day❤️🇵🇸
Creds to PFLP
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femalethink · 1 year
Under capitalism, the inequality of women stems from exploitation of the working class by the capitalist class. But the exploitation of women cuts across class lines and affects all women. Marxism-Leninism views the woman question as a special question which derives from the economic dependence of women upon men. This economic dependence as Engels wrote over 100 years ago, carries with it the sexual exploitation of women, the placing of woman in the modern bourgeois family, as the “proletariat” of the man, who assumes the role of “bourgeoisie.”
Hence, Marxist-Leninists fight to free woman of household drudgery, they fight to win equality for women in all spheres; they recognize that one cannot adequately deal with the woman question or win women for progressive participation unless one takes up the special problems, needs and aspirations of women – as women.
—Claudia Jones, "We Seek Full Equality for Women".
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andysouldancer · 1 month
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Happy #SocialistSunday everyone. There is a better way, things can be better. It doesn’t have be like like this. A way for all and not just a few.
#SocialistSunday #SocialistSunday #politics #leftwing #leftist #socialist #socialism #socialjustice #equaility
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artrabella · 4 months
All the little John situation is such a social critic in soooo manyyyy points. Like first he can't afford a comfortable house despite his job, because the rent is tooo important. But we can see that he got money, because he can buy those galvanize squares steel. He always extended his house without the agreement of the mayor.
I think that one time we are going to have an episode of little John during his trial.
This man represent why the people disobey, because whatever is their job, and how they work at it, the rich will be rich, and the poor will be poor.
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zenzerodomina · 8 months
Scar: "Mufasa, my dear brother, I've been thinking. Maybe it's time we turn this kingdom into a more... fabulous place."
Mufasa: "Fabulous? Scar, this is the Pride Lands, not a fashion show. What are you scheming?"
Scar: "Oh, nothing much. Just considering a new dress code for the hyenas, maybe a touch of leopard print for the rocks. Spice things up a bit!"
Mufasa: "Scar, we can't have a kingdom ruled by fashion whims. We have responsibilities."
Scar: "Responsibilities, responsibilities. Why not mix a little drama into our royal affairs? Think of it as a kingdom makeover!"
Mufasa: "I'd rather focus on keeping the Circle of Life intact, not turning it into a theatrical production. Leave the fashion to the vultures, Scar."
Scar: "Mufasa, my esteemed brother, I've been contemplating a change in leadership. How about a more democratic approach to ruling the Pride Lands?"
Mufasa: "Democratic? Scar, this is a monarchy. It's been that way for generations. Why change now?"
Scar: "Well, Mufasa, everyone deserves a voice, don't they? A lion for the people, that's what I'm thinking."
Mufasa: "Scar, the Circle of Life has served us well. We can't just replace it with a Circle of Voting."
Scar: "Ah, but think of the possibilities! No more hierarchy, just a pride where every lion has an equal say. It's the roar of the majority!
Mufasa: "We'll stick to the traditional roar, Scar. Democracy might work elsewhere, but the Pride Lands thrive on the wisdom of the monarchy."
Scar: ok ok *whispering* bitch
Scar: "Mufasa, my illustrious brother, have you ever considered the benefits of a monarchy rebranding? A Scar-tastic makeover, if you will."
Mufasa: "A rebranding? Scar, we have a legacy, a tradition. We can't just toss it aside for your... eccentric ideas."
Scar: "Eccentric? Mufasa, picture this: instead of the Circle of Life, we could have the Triangle of Fabulosity. Hyenas in high heels, lions in bowties—think of the spectacle!"
Mufasa: "The Circle of Life has worked for generations. Why fix what isn't broken? Besides, I don't see how high heels would benefit the hyenas in their hunting endeavors."
Scar: "Ah, but Mufasa, it's all about making a statement! We'll be the most stylish ruling duo the Pride Lands have ever seen!"
Mufasa: "I think I'll stick to the timeless elegance of the Circle of Life, Scar. No offense, but your fashion-forward kingdom might be a bit much for the savanna."
Scar: "Mufasa, my naive brother, I've been considering a change in leadership. How about I take over the Pride Lands for a more progressive approach?"
Mufasa: "Progressive? Scar, this is a delicate ecosystem. We need balance and tradition, not your schemes."
Scar: "Tradition, Mufasa, tradition. It's holding us back! I propose a constitutional monarchy with a council of hyenas. Equal opportunity rule!"
Mufasa: "Hyenas? Scar, they're scavengers, not fit to govern. The Circle of Life should remain unchanged."
Scar: "Ah, but imagine the Pride Lands with a modern twist. A Pride Rock democracy where even the smallest insect has a say in our kingdom's affairs!"
Mufasa: "We've been entrusted with the balance of nature. Let's not turn the Pride Lands into a political experiment. Stick to the Circle of Life, Scar."
Scar: "Mufasa, my noble brother, have you ever considered the benefits of a constitutional monarchy? Less roar, more votes!"
Mufasa: "Constitutional monarchy? Scar, the Circle of Life has worked for generations. Why fix something that isn't broken?"
Scar: "Ah, but imagine the hyenas having a say in our royal decisions. Equal opportunities for all, even the ones with a penchant for laughter!"
Mufasa: "Hyenas making decisions? That's a disaster waiting to happen. Our traditions and leadership have kept the Pride Lands thriving."
Scar: "Traditions, Mufasa, are so last century. Embrace change! Besides, think of the catchy campaign slogans we could come up with."
Mufasa: "Scar, this is not a political campaign. It's about maintaining balance and preserving our heritage. No hyena parliaments, thank you."
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zvaigzdelasas · 1 year
A natural consequence of china's long 改革开放(reform/opening) is that, particularly as China starts to become competitive to the imperial core, a naive pro-labor position within the imperial core does tend naturally towards anti China even absent a world where anti Chinese racism already exists
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Sen. Rick Scott (R-Fla.) issued what he described as a “formal travel advisory for socialists visiting Florida,” on Tuesday, warning that the state was “openly hostile” to socialists and their enablers.
“The state of Florida devalues and marginalizes the contributions of, and the challenges faced by Socialists and others who work in the Biden Administration,” Scott, who is also the state’s former Governor, said in a press release.
“Let me be clear – any attempts to spread the oppression and poverty that Socialism always brings will be rebuffed by the people of Florida,” he added. “Travelers should be aware that attempts to spread Socialism in north Florida will fail and be met with laughter and mockery.”
Scott’s statement is a mocking response to recent travel issued by social justice groups declaring Florida an unsafe state for certain minority groups.
Over the weekend, the NAACP issuing a travel advisory warning that Florida has become “hostile to Black Americans” under Gov. Ron DeSantis. The League of United Latin American Citizens (a civil rights organization) and Equality Florida (an LGBTQ rights group) also issued travel warnings in recent weeks.
Scott, who has often served as a political foil to President Biden, used similar language found in the NAACP’s advisory, seeming to mock the dangers outlined by the civil right’s group by drawing parallels to Biden.
He said the counteractive travel advisory came “in direct response to the Biden Administration attempts to erase capitalism and the system that has brought prosperity to Florida and the entire United States.”
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smak-annihilation · 7 months
today is the 8th of march, international women's day
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today is 116 years since the female garment workers protested against working conditions
today is 115 years since the Socialist party of America spearheaded the first national women's day
today is 114 years since Clara Zetkin's efforts were successful and women's day turned international with the help of European socialist parties
today is 111 years since the march 8th 1913 protest in Russia, where women protested against the looming possibility of a world war
today is 107 years since the start of the February (Gregorian and Julian calendar difference) revolution in Russia, which was mainly formed from breadline protestors, those being mainly women
today is only 49 years since the U.N. recognized International women's day (for reference "smoke on the water" by deep purple is 52 years old)
happy International women's day, here's to the many more that will come and the many steps we will take towards true gender equality
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woolydemon · 4 months
i say with upmost sincerity and seriousness that komaeda is both a communist & a feminist but I always sound insane when I do
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realasslesbian · 2 years
Also, all of the red flags that have made appearances in the TRA hordes at every Australian ‘Let Women Speak’ event, well, for those of you playing in other countries, that’s an organisation called Socialist Alternative (or SAlt), and these fuckers have been leeching off Australian social movements for years now with the primary intent of making a buck out of the outrage (which is super ironic for a self-proclaimed socialist organisation, but I digress). I remember these heteronormies almost a decade ago at our marriage equality rallies. They’d basically come in, completely uninvited, set up a stall to hock their shit, abuse any LGBT police liaison officers in the vicinity (one time a pair of obviously lesbian cops got the spray and when some gay people said something they literally just started screaming into a megaphone until the marriage equality rally disbanded in embarrassment). And each one of their staff members would be equipped with a megaphone and would take it upon themselves to scream over the actual gay people at the marriage equality rally (usually with dumb fake shit about trans women throwing bricks or whatever). Once upon a time they nearly single-handedly destroyed the marriage equality movement in Brisbane by voting out all of the actual LGBT people from the marriage equality rally organising committee, and replacing the committee entirely with their heterosexual members. Weirdly, people just stopped showing up to the marriage equality rallies after that (until the gay people just formed another club and reorganised). So anyway, even in the height of my TRA phase I recognised these assholes as A Problem. I can only hope they white-ant the TRAs from the inside-out like they do every other cause they grift off. And for the love of god, when feminism becomes popular again and they switch to that cause (bc their mindless penny-chasing asses will) I hope to god we don’t just accept their shit.
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#went down a wikipedia rabbithole tonight and learned some chilean history#specifically around project cybersyn#President Salvador Allende#and the 1973 Military coup#and uh#fucking tragic#i think ive existed in a strange(? maybe its actually relatively common idrk) position as an American leftist where like#the crimes of american imperialism feel so innumerable to where at a certain point you stop learning about them on purpose#so like for years ive 'known' that what the USG has done to South America was awful#i 'learned' about honduras and so I just applied that as a template and went 'yeah some awful shit happened and its the CIAs fault'#but uh getting a bit more detailed knowledge about what our government did in chile has made me realize how callous that was#i dont know that ive nessecarily earned my previous attitude of 'cold detached and depressed' given#that not only did I not live through any of it but also that it was done in my benefit#god maybe this is some milquetoast shit#idk#I think being a leftist in the US is having to fight the passivating force of imperialism constantly#like lose sight of it for a second and it just fucking blends back in with the landscape#the internally defensive structure you build in your brain to protect yourself from complete emotional collapse while buying food#will equally be effective in ignoring the role of imperialism in everything else#anyway#I think this is perhaps a good opportunity to learn more about the other crimes the USG has committed in South America#to actually know the names and pronunciation of the deomcratically elected socialist leaders we deposed and what they really wanted to do#to know how their people felt and thought about things rather than imposing my own assumptions onto a reigon I am utterly ignorant of#it is embarrassing now to know the fullness of history I have ignored#Salvador Allendes words really fucking got to me and to think that there are men like him who I cannot even name is really disappointing#im going to stop self flaggellating and see about that reading#just my thoughts#feeling a little blue tonight
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deadset64 · 2 years
Comic by the Institute for Social Ecology
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