yesthefandomfreakblr · 6 months
Rough doodle of Ares vs. Ajax size comp
ft. Gregor, Boots, Temp, & Solavet.
I made Gregor, Boots, and Temp too big. Solavet is to scale.
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returntoregalia · 7 months
Ripred's always so proud when Gregor gets salty with others. Like. "Hell yeah, that's my boy." Bro gets so joyous and warm fuzzy when the 12 year old bitches back at Lapblood and Solavet or Luxa. He laughs and backs him up. I just love that detail with Red so much and it's so funny that he's this middle aged war vet with an elementary schooler. Like teaching a sixth Grader to say 'fuck the police' in your old hard years. It's just "AWWWWWWW that's so precious. Lookit my lil' baby."
YES I love when Ripred admires Gregor's attitude! Those are the best scenes. Like when Gregor talks back to Luxa and Henry in Book 1 and Ripred is like "Tell them, boy! Tell them your country fought a war so they didn't have to answer to kings and queens." Great times
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Solavet's sheer A U D A C I T Y to be mad at Hamnet for running away, insinuate HE hurt HER, and saying he abandoned his family and can't grieve his twin sister has to be studied with inhumane research methods.
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Speaking of hair symbolism in the series.
The fact that Luxa had to shear her hair before Solovet. Who we don't hear she ever did in the series...
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Solavet: You think you're soooo funny-
Ripred: Bitch you think I'm funny.
Solavet: ooh
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yesthefandomfreakblr · 5 months
Also how about Solavet has super long hair up in a fancy braid the whole series to signify how untouchable she is, and she buzzes it into a battle cut in the final book when she actually goes to war?
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yesthefandomfreakblr · 9 months
Okay but did Solavet INTENTIONALLY domesticate Ripred or did he completely fuck himself over all by himself.
Like. Did she invite him to regalia or secret meeting places outside of political or scheming (outright)purposes, introduce him to her family and get him attached, make him feel welcome and treat him like a friend? Out of her way with the intent of training him to be brainwashed loyal to and dependent on the humans, namely her and vikus?
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Solavet would bring home the worlds most renowned international terrorist and present it like a sad stray puppy. Vikus lets it happen because he thinks he can domesticate a grown ass fucking rager with tender love and affection. ‘I can fix him’.
Ajax supports his bond enthusiastically nodding about their newly acquired underland version of an C4 explosive. Euripides points out that Ripred is a grown ass man who can only be temporarily placated by shrimp in cream before he returns to his primary diet of the blood of the damned.
Everyone ignores Euripides.
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Vikus: I can fix him!
Solavet: I can make him worse!
Ripred: (stuffing shrimp and cream in his face ignoring both of them.)
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Solavet really is that person that brings home a stray homocidal maniac like “Babe I found this sad puppy on the side of the road eating his own kind amidst the aftermath of a massacre outshining biblical proportions! Let’s keep him!!”
Ripred looking around still munching on the breadsticks Solavet used to lure him all the way home. “where the fuck am I.”
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Wait I thought it was vikus who brought ripred home… ripred would had smited solovet on sight if she tried to talk about peace it’s all vikus
Vikus would NEVER have approached Ripred. Solavet however?.. nothing could keep her away from something that destructive.
Ripred was just so lonely and brain fried from raging for years he desperately took his only chance at ever feeling needed or even being allowed to interact with other life forms again.
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yesthefandomfreakblr · 7 months
Ripred 13/10 wanted Solavet to die and his entire plan depended on him building a relationship with Luxa. Change my mind I dare you.
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yesthefandomfreakblr · 5 months
I just spent an hour in my grandparent's field playing with King (the horse being boarded there) Because he's all alone. He's so so sweet and tries so hard to play people games and engage. He pins his ears alot cause he's a natural grouch, apparently he bullied other horses.
But he's the sweetest most needy horse I've ever met. He forcefully pulls you into hugs with his neck, rests his big head on your shoulder and nuzzles into you, kisses your face and tries to give you scratches by rubbing his lips on various parts of your body. He follows you like a puppy and gets the zoomies. When you walk to the fence he convinces you to cuddle one last time so he can hold your jacket in his teeth to keep you from goinng.
I'm working on getting King a friend but *SOBS It breaks my heart. He really is a brilliant and wonderful horse. He's a retired barrel racer at only eight (Still barely an adult) And he loves to go riding, loves to play and learn and just fucking loves not being alone. I'm gonna start visiting him daily if I can and playing with him. Cause dammit someone's got to.
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returntoregalia · 6 months
We all know Solavet WANTED to dig her nails into Hazard but a custody battle with Ripred is a literal fight to the death, so she just ignored him. Ripred is his godfather.
"You come to me on the day of my son's 8th birthday..."
😂 this is Real. Love the idea of Hamnet telling Ripred he's Hazard's godfather. The poetry of "I was partially responsible for the death of your pups and now I am entrusting my own child to you" has me reeling
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Yes I know Ripred is a meanie and I completely support him in his canon relationship with the questers, BUT-
Ripred cannonically knows when the kids need him. When it’s too much. When they need gentleness and even love. And he is always there to give it and be there. but the extent of his emotional connection with them during these times changes over the books. In the first book he reassured Gregor in dangerous situations and allowed him to grieve tick, and that was the extent of it. He was an adult being courteous of these poor random children.
In the second book we didn’t see anything but Gregor not feeling safe without him, then him forcing himself to calm down and not be mad at Gregor anymore when he relayed the tragic end of the quest. Again being an adult and reigning himself in despite his justified anger because the kid doesn’t need any more crap.
In the third book, as bad as he was, he’s gotten closer to Gregor. They know each other. Reassuring him that Ares will make it and they’ll save his mom even though he obviously has no hope. He sits and comforts the kid in his frightened moment and teaches him. Not dwelling on the negative emotions but pushing him into logical acceptance and helping himself. He’s pulled himself together as much as possible to be the sole protector and guardian of Gregor on that quest.
fourth book… we actually get a lot. Gregor telling Solavet he only listens to Ripred, Gregor feeling safe at the sight of Ripred keeping watch,THE FIRELANDS SCENE BETWEEN THEM. Ripred talking to him about his feelings for Luxa, ETC ETC ETC HOLY SHIT HES A DAD NOW.
book five!? DAAAAAMN DADDY. In training he’s more patient and even reins Gregor back to not strain himself too much. He’s ENCOURAGING. He SWEARS to Gregor he’ll get his family home safe. He cares for Lizzie. (Which Gregor is jealous of. It’s sad but shows how he’s grown to view Ripred as a paternal figure and wants his love) RIPRED BRAGGING ABOUT HIS BOY TO THE REGALIANS WHEN HES NOT AROUND. THAT’S HIS SON AND HE’S SO PROUD OF HIM. His outing Gregor’s feelings to get him out of the dungeons. Forcing Gregor to sit there until he agreed to forgive and listen to Ripred because he’ll be damned if he ruins this relationship. The pep talk before the fight with the bane. HHHHHHHHHHHH… and much more little things sprinkled in showing just how much Gregor trusts and needs him.
I love them.
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yesthefandomfreakblr · 7 months
Also hey fun HC that has zero supporting evidence:
What if every year during the fliers mating season, their fur gets thicker because hormones, ornamentation, and protection fighting but AFTER they shed it like a winter coat and the humans help groom them/brush it all out? Good way to keep track of the year cycle and there's a need for the fliers to visit and depend on the humans? BAT SALONS?? The humans get tons of fluffy bat fur they organize by color and texture, bonds keep their flier's fur for their own, and you can take it to get spun into yarn or woven into fabric? It's so warm you don't really need it but imagine giving your child a toy bad that looks exactly like your bond? getting a downy flier fur blanket? A sweater or piece of clothing so you can match your bond? CUTE. Imagine all the beautiful gold things Luxa would have, or the edgy black cape Henry had. Solavet wearing a dark dress with deep blood red fur lining/embroidery and Vikus wearing soft silver robes. The bonding time of Gregor spending hours brushing Ares and learning to groom him. And getting a cute Ares doll made or a new jacket cause Ares wrecked his.
Vikis' cape has a soft swooping shape, like it's giving him a hug. Henry's cape is big and showy and open, like it's framing him. Henry never got a doll made. Vikus had one made for his children. Luxa's mother's was passed onto Luxa as well as a doll of each of her parent's bonds. Her swaddling blankets were made of their fur. Fliers getting dolls made for their own pups. The dolls and blankets being passed down for generations. Bond shit.
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