#Some people be here defending their faves their whole lives
twilit-creature · 1 year
It's so funny to me when a character has some bad traits and people only ever look at those when discussing said character.
Imagine never looking at positive things. Embarrassing.
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spacerockfloater · 2 months
“The Targaryens/ Valyrians are not white supremacists and can’t be compared to European Colonisers!”
Oh? My bad then. I must have them confused with some other white folks who thought their appearance made them superior, brought whole continents to heel, exploited the lands of others for their own greed, destroyed whole civilizations and enslaved vulnerable people who unfortunately lacked the advanced weapons of mass destruction they possessed.
“Well, the Andals and the First Men were also colonisers, so they deserved it!”
No way! Are you actually telling me that every race has a history of violence because human nature itself is corrupt and we’re no better than animals fighting for their place on this earth? That’s so crazy and original. By the way, are you saying that people deserved to get colonised and enslaved because they were fighting other people in order to survive? Are you suggesting these “savages” should have been contained by the righteous white folks who came there to better their lives? Not to mention that the Andals and the First Men came to Westeros 12,000 and 6,000 years ago respectively, while the Targaryens attacked Westeros barely 130 years ago (literally just 3 - 4 generations) from the Dance of the Dragons? So are you comparing the morality of the people who migrated here, who were so primitive that barely even possessed weapons of steel, with that of the most advanced civilization ever built in the ASOIAF universe? That’s so interesting! It’s almost as if the Andals and the First Men didn’t know any better until it was too late and were trying to find a land that could accommodate their millions of people, so they were essentially fighting for survival, whereas the Targaryens who came from a race that had evolved philosophically, politically, academically and technologically wise, possessed enough wealth and land to sustain their little family, yet still chose to go to war against the land that nurtured them out of pure greed! Hmmm. Do you also believe that the Greeks had it coming when they were enslaved by the Ottomans and should just let go of the past because it’s been so long since they regained their freedom (barely 200 years ago btw, after 4 centuries of slavery), because their Ancient Ancestral Tribes migrated to Greece and conquered the land 3,500 years ago, a little after the age of bronze? No? Then you might see why that kind thinking is flawed.
Stop defending these inbred bastards with your full chest. We get it. They look badass. We all have a fave war criminal but all of the Targs need to be put to the sword, along with their fucking lizards. Purposely denying the parallels between the Targaryens/ Valyrians and the Colonisers/ Conquerors of our world screams white saviour complex.
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cursedvibes · 6 months
The way people are focusing on "My fav Gojo is not racist, he's just ignorant" and "Gege really hates Gojo he made him racist" when it was not even the point of that interaction. The point was to educate and talk about some stereotypes about black people that are harmful to the community and, if you look into it I'm sure you'll find has it origins in slavery.
Besides, Gojo is privileged and comes from an old money family, and it looks like he isolatehimself from others. Of course, it's in character for him to say stupid things like that. Even if he strives for change.
Yeah, everyone is so pressed that their fave is being problematic (which honestly Gojo has always been, he's hardly a saint and he treats many people quite shitty like for example Utahime and Ijichi) that they miss the bigger picture of this. Given, I think there are better ways to get that point across, but the aim here was definitely not "look at what a uniquely bad person Gojo is, I want to make readers hate him" it's for readers to reflect upon themselves and their own biases, conscious or not. Gojo is often being a dick to people, Miguel included, but this wasn't it. He wasn't just being annoying as usual, he made a misinformed statement rooted in racism "black people are naturally stronger/tougher/more resistant" and he got told off for it, which actually led to him apologizing. He expresses bigoted views, that are quite common all around the world and can lead to real harm like for example medical discrimination, but people often don't question or even notice that they have these views. I think exactly because he's such a fan-favourite character, Miguel calling him out and Gojo admitting he said fucked up shit is important.
Gojo might make a trip to Kenya to meet Yuuta, but unsurprisingly doesn't have any real black acquaintances and the one black person he knows a little better doesn't like him because he treats him like shit, an expandable tool (given, Miguel did try to help someone do a genocide so it's not like him working to make up for that in principle is a problem, but Gojo is not just treating him badly because of that) and has dismissed him and his culture as a whole. Gojo's racism towards Miguel didn't come out of thin air with chapter 255.
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No wonder Miguel wants him dead.
You could say Gojo's racism and ignorance got punished before as this powerful cursed tool he so casually dismisses here together with its history could have gotten him out of the box much earlier. If he hadn't gone out of his way to destroy part of Kenyian sorcerer's culture because of his fear that it might be used to hurt him, he might still be alive. This chapter the payback was just more direct, Miguel was given the space to push back and not just get beat up (making in the previous moment Gojo seem like the righteous cool guy, seen by how the fandom reacted to their fight) and he also didn't sugar-coat it and straight up said "you're being racist".
The fact that Gojo apologized, something quite rare for him, and didn't defend his uninformed views or mocked Miguel for questioning him also shows that a lot of this comes from unaddressed biases, irrational fears and having lived a sheltered life in terms of being exposed to other cultures (and actually valuing them) that influence his judgement. He's not trying to be maliciously racist, but he clearly doesn't know what he's talking about and why it is harmful. I don't think he revelled in destroying other people's culture, he was just driven by a base fear, but that doesn't make the harm he caused any better. He's never had any reason to engage with black people on a personal level and that has unsurprisingly led to some ignorant opinions about them. Again, a very common sentiment which Gege uses Gojo to highlight. This is clearly reflecting arguments and talking points Gege has heard themselves and tried to address here. I'm sure there are all kinds of wild racist takes about Miguel on Japanese social media, I know the English side has them plenty.
I think the message Gege wanted to send was executed a bit clunkily by for example still tying Miguel's CT to rhythm (replacing the inhumanly strong black guy stereotype with another common one) and putting the burden all on Miguel to educate the people around him. Similarly, having only one (explicit) black person in the manga who has to then explain anti-black racism to the reader makes it feel very forced. I think you could've avoided a lot of that and included these topics more dynamically by giving us more background on Miguel's technique and how he came to it and comparing it to cursed technique's of other Kenyan or African sorcerer's. Another option would be making Hakari for example Black-Asian (or Todo or Yaga). He has a darker skin tone than the other characters and differently textured hair (which would already lead to him having to face a bunch of bigotry in his everyday life) and he is hated by the conservative higher-ups. So actually do something with that and address it.
Even Japanese people who are merely slightly tanned get harassed. Just being from Kyushu or Okinawa, somewhere where it's much warmer and sunnier and therefore not being as pale as the average person in e.g. Tokyo will get you plenty of derogatory comments, especially if you're a woman. That goes extra for indigenous people like the Ryukyuan or Ainu who not only face prejudice because of their appearance but also legal discrimination because of their origins and challenge the very popular notion that Japan only has one ethnic group and one language. Japan still struggles with a lot of racism internally against their own people, so you can imagine that it's even worse for anyone who newly immigrated or with parents who immigrated (in the best of times you will always be treated as a foreigner no matter how well you speak the language or integrate into the culture simply because you look "different"). It has gotten better in recent times, but it's still a problem, as Gege pointed out in this chapter.
Coming back to Hakari, we would also be able to see through him how jujutsu society treats black-identified Japanese sorcerers, which would be a different perspective from Miguel's who only visits Japan occasionally and mostly operated outside the system until Gojo came along. Black people aren't just something distant overseas, they are also Japanese citizens. You could show if and how jujutsu society differs from regular Japanese society. Most likely they are even more behind as they also discriminate against what kind of cursed technique you have (modern or one based on a long bloodline, which would automatically work against anyone not born in Japan and with a long family history there). You could also combine it with the transphobia Kirara faced and generally show how this system fails young sorcerers who don't conform to their norm.
But yeah, sorry Gojo is not perfect and will fall into the same stereotypical and bigoted thinking as many other people who rarely step outside their narrow homogenous social circle. Like you said, he's privileged with old money and family history who pride themselves on their bloodline. He's generally very narrow-minded about things that don't interest him or he sees as irrelevant like how he doesn't bother to understand Maki or has no problem ignoring a starving child on the road (who cares what happens to Hana, she's weak and Megumi is the strong one, he's who matters here and deserves to be lifted out of poverty) and international sorcerers fall under that as well. There are so little of them so it's okay to ignore them, why should he bother reaching out or informing himself about people abroad, he's never gonna interact with them anyway. If they get too dangerous for his taste, he's just gonna slap them around a bit and take away their sharp toys.
Honestly, I think what Gojo did previously is worse than what he said this chapter. He can learn to check his internalized racism and be more mindful of how he talks to Miguel or black people in general (he shows openness to criticism and improvement here), but he can't bring back Black Rope. It falls to Kenya's sorcerers to recreate it, which will take decades. They'll feel the impact of Gojo's actions long past his death, even when he can't say anything ignorant or racist anymore.
So I don't think this ruins his character, was done by Gege to make Gojo fans feel bad, or meant to keep anyone from liking him. He has character flaws and that is fine. He gets challenged on them and receives push back for them plenty in the story. I can understand that some fans feel bad reading the chapter, hearing Gojo regurgitate talking points they might've heard said against them as well, but it's not really Gege's fault for addressing this very common issue.
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pinazee · 5 months
Psy vs. Psy
I genuinely think that if they were going to bring back any psych villian, Lindsay Leikin would pose the biggest threat. She knows Shawn isn’t psychic, she has adequate motivation to target him personally, and has the skills to prove he’s a fraud and do it slyly as she is also highly skilled in deductive reasoning (she did manage to get them to the counterfeiter to begin with so she has legitimate talent). She could even orchestrate it from prison. Maybe her parole was denied again so, like, what else is she going to do? Plus, she’s kind of nuts. Faking being a psychic with the FBI is a whole other level of bold compared to a local precinct, then she met a counterfeiter and was like yes please, more crime, then killed him when he tried to run, slept with Shawn that same night, then tried to take him hostage when she got caught. Its just a shame she wasn’t a bit more charismatic or eccentric. They had her play it as a very normal girl swept into a life of crime because of a guy (probably because she was a “love interest” for Shawn) when the receipts show she was an absolute lunatic (look at her face after they found the guy she killed. This bitch is smiling).
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Also, she just kinda gave up when she was caught. I wish she’d have been screaming “he’s a fraud!” as she was taken to the car or even had a heart to heart moment with Lou Diamond Phillips because she did betray him after all. Idk, i just wanted more. (But i think maybe the writers recognized this and thats how we get Declan later??)
Gus is basically siri at this point. Between the archeology, safes, online poker, the law, tennis players, space, comic books, of course pharmaceuticals, and now studies tender from all over the world- its a smaller list of what Gus doesn’t know. Gus clearly likes learning. I’m surprised he never thought of becoming a teacher or college professor, to try to pass that love of learning to the next generation. Though i guess we see he’s not that great with people surprisingly, considering he’s a successful salesman. (OH MY GOD WHAT IF THIS WHOLE TIME GUS ACTUALLY HAD LIVED UP TO HIS POTENTIAL AND BECAME AN INTERNATIONAL SPY. He knows all these things because of his job, psychs only been able to stay open because Gus can fund it from his spy job, joining psych was a good front but he was also lonely from never getting to be himself. I kid, i kid, but its a fun idea for me haha)
No fucking way shawn doesn’t know what a drill is. Henry definitely would have beat that kind of man stuff into him. The military time too. I just felt the need to point this out. its like the show itself is dissing my boy and i have to defend him lol
I love when Gus is proud and smarmy over shawns talent. Look at his face here. My boy about to prove you wrong.
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And do you think Shawn is actually afraid of competition or do you think he learned at an early age from his father that he didn’t have value unless he was the best? Huh Henry, huh???(Weekend warriors “you don’t want to be a loser” comes to mind)
Henry trying some reverse psychology here. I can’t tell if its because Henry is actually concerned for Shawns safety like he said he wasn’t in the previous episode, or if he’s still taking it personally that Shawns using the gifts he “gave” him to be psychic. Probably both. We know he was really bothered by his motorcycle accident, so i wonder if he’s been kind of spiraling, and adding up all the crazy situations he’s been in. (Which, i don’t think Shawn tells him about. i think Gus calls him like a weekly report haha) I think the fact that shawns cases are becoming more dangerous he suddenly doesn’t like the idea of him being a detective, well a detective this way at least, because i think in his mind he’d be safer if he was an actual cop where he had a partner with a gun, and back up, and rules, and training. I mean we know he wouldn’t be, (look at what happens to Lassie and Juliet)
I just wanted to gif this because it’s one of my fave jokes in the episode!
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Mildred to the rescue! Im not entirely sure how this worked but it did and thats what matters haha
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*Appropriate reaction is appropriate*
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spaceoperetta · 15 days
sometimes I tweet about awards shows on twitter, usually maybe one of my friends and a few randos will like it, it's a fun little addition to, say, watching the VMAs. shouting into the void, as it were.
except for last night! when I had what people would call a 'hit tweet'
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(twitter metric which we know is a lie claims over a million people saw it???)
somehow my tweet about Lisa (who I didn't even know went solo from Blackpink) half-assing her lip sync and giving an awful performance blew up BIG TIME and good thing I've had notifications for people I don't know turned off for years because it was an absolute avalanche of kpop fans. In over twenty languages!
Part people agreeing with me, part people saying I'm secretly a BTS fan doing an opp to look like I'm not a fan (a "local" as I learned aka someone who isn't a kpop stan) because I didn't know until last night that BTS fans and Blackpink fans hated each other and saw the other group as rivals!
people were out here pulling my, like, three tweets ever about BTS. (none of which were complimentary beyond "I liked their collab with coldplay!) Kpop stans get some reading comprehension, saying I'm "meh" about BTS doesn't make me a fan, it means I'm not one, one that maccas gave me a BTS bag with my fries, and one where I implied BTS fans did a whole lotta voting to get their faves an award) trying to "prove" I was an opp
Complete strangers were defending me of not being one, of being a true "local", one even pulled that time I posted my spotify wrapped from 2021 to "defend" me from BTS stan allegations. honestly just the idea of accusing some random person watching the VMAs of being a secret anti-fan is bonkers
(all that work and they missed that the one kpop group I actually would say I'm a fan of is Dreamcatcher)
I wasn't even complaining that she was lip syncing, it's the VMAs, duh, it was for having a lazy lip sync where she's actively off/has her mouth shut when the track is still going mlutiple times and yet I had hundreds of delusional stans in my mention going no it's totally live she slayed it, I'm being paid to hate
and then I wake up and look at things in the morning out of morbid curiosity and it's full of blue check accounts bots running my tweet through a "this tweet, but a little to the left" program trying to, what, make money by saying "disappointing" instead of "awful" or "uninspired" instead of "not even trying"
Like, I don't care, didn't engage with it, and am laughing about it, but it was really bizarre
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witheredbonnie · 1 month
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@randoms-random-blog-of-random since you were a coward and blocked me after whining on my post, i'm making this here for you and everyone else still defending scott cawthon in 2024 since yes i "found something" and i'm letting you know. also next time, if youre scared of debate, keep your shitty little opinions to yourself.
i made this post three years ago when scott posted it. its picking up notes again because his actions have been so washed over by people like you that there are fans today who had no idea and are discovering this for the first time. for three years his minority fans have been argued down and our feelings belittled by people like you.
this is not a reaction for notes or popularity or for "drama". scott cawthon has not changed, he has in fact doubled down on his feelings about being "cancelled" with his shitty self insert fanfiction Monster. scott cawthon didn't just make "dumb mistakes". im frankly stunned at your lack of reading comprehension, that or your willful ignorance. scott cawthon donated as much as he legally could to almost every dangerous bigot in power in the american government, and also to Trump himself, one of the biggest catalysts in the popularity of facism and radical bigotry, and who is a bigot and a rapist himself.
scott admitted in his post that he doesnt care about all of this, in fact he might agree with trump when he mentions he wants "america to be strong against its enemies" which i find interesting because if you remember the "enemies" that Trump insisted were a threat to america, it was all just racism. scott has a huge Mexican fanbase, and yet he insisted that Trump had a great foreign policy, Trump's foreign policy being that Mexicans are all drug lords and rapists. scott has a huge LGBT fanbase, and yet he insisted that actually the monsters in power who want to take our rights away are better for us
scott admitted that although other politicians have "nicer things to say" about his lgbt and minority fans, he claims to actually know whats better for us and that happens to be the american economy, not having our bodily autonomy. speaking of that, he admitted to being against the choice of abortion, he probably popped the biggest fucking bottles when Roe V Wade was overturned. and when people expressed that he was literally contributing to the oppression of 90% of his fanbase, he pretended he was being witch hunted just like his favorite president did. he cried cancel culture because he will not and probably will never actually reflect on his beliefs and actions. evangelical christians are kindof like that.
these aren't "dumb mistakes". these are purposeful, unapologetic actions he's taken to fund facism and bigotry in america. he knows this, he's an adult. he's also not just "some guy" anymore, he's a fucking billionaire. he owns probably the most popular indie IP in the world right now. we already were willing to give grace to scott's imperfections, but what cannot be tolerated is using thousands of his fans dollars directly against them. being anti choice, loving racist predators, and acting like you know better for minorities when youre a cishet white christian man is not "being imperfect", that's being a proud bigot. he and you can both pretend and delude yourselves into thinking he ~actually cares and is a nice guy~ but no one who ACTUALLY cares about basic human rights would proudly admit to literally being against them and supporting every GOP freak that is actively stripping human rights away. i dont know what more to say. if that's something you can ignore, you live with an immense amount of privilege.
also, its funny that youre asking for proof when scott's public political donations were brought up June 2021 and are the WHOLE REASON that scott even posted this on reddit in response to the backlash. it appears he's managed to scrub his own information off of opensecrets which is, fucking incredibly suspicious, but here's the original screenshot of some of his faves that he thinks are sooooo much better for minorities actually because theyll make the economy better and nothing else matters right? i cant imagine anyone who agrees with Mitch Mconnel actually gives a shit about you.
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cosm1cbrownie · 7 months
I just can't get with stevetony bc consistently and repeatedly it feels like a shipper fangirl phenom where they all only like 1 of the ship and hate the other guy and just want him to be arm candy for they fave
like idgaf abt captain colonizer tho im still waiting for marvel writers to finally understand that if steve was actually the moral force they portray him as then he wouldve drop the colonizer costume and shield yesterday, but omfg why do stony shippers hate Steve sm?
everywhere i go the shippers - really theyre just ironman fans - rag on Steve and everything abt him and anything that points to him being a character that originated from a diff franchise, and the only times they don't is when theres commercial cashgrab crossover slop that characterizes him as bland and historyless as possible. like ffs they all think that shitty avengers academy mobile game is his "best" version. atp the whole ship feels like an exercise in removing character traits until theres nothing but a blond blue eyed character design left
Honestly I think it depends on which side of the fandom your in because what you're talking Abt reminds me of the MCU Stony fandom.
Most of the people who like MCU Stony are people who mostly try cope with the fact that there wasn't really much relationship build off from Steve In that universe, because he was bland, similar to how I feel about emh Steve and EMH Stony in general despite me shipping it myself.
I think that most Stony fans don't hate Steve they just wish that the writers would like.. write him, like , good. An example of a Steve I think everyone can agree on is AA Steve, which is known for being some the best Steve characterizations we've gotten in a while, because of the way Roger Craig Smith does his softer voice and normal Steve voice that displays both a captain and a caring person that would try and help out with your problems.
And as much as I don't agree with the "Captain Colonizer" Statement, mostly because Steve is a representation of the people of America not the government, as much as marvel tries to make it seem that way cap is someone that helps the little guys and unless there's a habit avengers level threat or just something happening down town, he doesn't go side with the government, evident by the fact that in AA (S2/3ish) neither Steve and tony were working with the government, it was obviously on already uneasy terms, but after they showed lack of remorse for human lives, it ended up leading the team to split up publicly and work to help everyone underground away from ultrons weird government bullshit that entire season.
And afiak, They stopped "uneasily" working with the government after this, it was really only with big events like thanos and ultron anyway, and the avengers work alone, and they don't like being controlled by government pencil necks who don't care.
Although it should be noted that, most other Steve vary on this position, Im not gonna use civil war as a talking point here cuz both the comic and the movies adaptations are shit and Steves feelings towards the government are a lot more wishy washy in 616, and the MCU is a huge example of going in the wrong direction with how to do that. And the fact that if we're being honest Steve would go down to wherever shits going down and help him fucking self. he don't take that shit, he will defend the side of the right. Hes not about that wishy washy government bullshit as much as marvel's military funded ass shitty movie cinematic universe will try to make you believe and just and fyi: all the mcus shit is from ults.. AND IT ISNT THE GOOD STUFF FROM ULTS!!!
But anyway, most people hate Steve because they don't like the fact that Steves character keeps getting worse and worse, even more bastardized, and flanderized, and written terrible, by people who don't understand the complexites or history of his character, which end us with a problem where there are conflicts with newer steve fans who like his flanderized ults-like take in the MCU, or the comic fans who like his original version and would like for him to return back to something that truly represents him as a person, whether or not he has changed since then is entirely separate and goes too indepth so I'll leave it to the wolves.
Also, yeah most Stony fans are Tony fans, you can't have one without the other, because Tony is a key part of making the relationship work, and from what I've found Most Steve tony shippers like them both but there's either a dissonance between liking one more than the other or liking them equally, and I think that remains prevalent outside of the MCU.
And for your final question, no, most Stony fans don't think avac Steve is the best character version, idk where you got that from, but it wasn't the fandom no siree, that seems a bit biased. And as I've said earlier, the consensus on "best Steve" usually seems to be either 616 Steve or Aa Steve, me personally I like aa steve more but my other friend likes 616 Steve, and I think it really comes down to these two because one is really solid adaptable and the other is the original character finally becoming good again with writers who care about him, (tony too, hes the main reason I got back into cap comics!)
Sorry this answer is kind of long, there isn't really much of a concrete answer besides that most people hate Steve because they wish he wants written so badly 😭 it's kinda sad, but I hoped this answered your question!!! If ya have anything else to ask to drop me another ask ^_^
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mywitchcultblr · 2 years
About RPF and fandom is selective
Might get cancelled over this but i no longer give a fuck, the subject of debate over RPF celebrity fanfic made me realize that an overwhelming amount of discourse war this or that on fandom doesn't fucking matter and just something blown out of proportion because people like outrage/drama or riding high horse. I think i have seen a lot of people saying that all kind of RPF is disgusting and bad blah blah but NOBODY bat an eye when Hollywood is making BUTT LOADS of money from RPF all the freaking time!! Hell a lot of people even latch into RPF fandom like The Great or OFMD. Bridgeton itself can be considered as an RPF with the Queen Charlotte plot and now new spin-off show.
Also when someone say "Well those RPF are about dead people." You know that SNL parody about public figure and political satire comic is RPF too right? The Simpsons have RPF episodes about living people, hell freaking minions have Lizbeth II added to the movie when she's alive.
Yet NOBODY were having an outrage about it.
"Well the celeb consented into those movies"
House of Gucci movie literally didn't have the approval from the Gucci family who are still alive, and I doubt Alex Baldwin have the permission from Trump either to parodied him on SNL (which i think being parodied in a negative light on national tv is far more damaging to someone's reputation than whatever niche fanfic on a niche site on AO3. Btw, fyi i hate trump, not defending him here) Yet nobody are angry about these works. Dante Inferno is RPF, i have found an RPF novel written about a teenage girl who had a crush on Napoleon, it's called "Betsy and the Emperor" No one cares
Yeah RPF involving minors especially one that is sexual is bad i think we all can agree on that, that's entering freaking CSEM territory. And it's just weird to write RPF fanfic about nonpublic figure. But for RPF about celeb who are adults, people doesn't actually really know those celebs and mostly just using the name and public persona. There's an F in RPF fanfic for a reason. Also celeb fanfic on AO3 or whatever are not for mainstream consumption. It's niche, on the internet and tagged.
Also one of the holy rule of writing celeb RPF is TO NOT show the fanfic to the person like ever. Which means the public figure won't ever see them unless they deliberately went into the rabbit hole
These are RPF and making money...
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Nobody gonna cancel minions over it? I get it you might feel squicks and might don't like whatever celeb RPF on AO3 but it's boggle my mind how people can be so aggressive against fandom RPF yet nobody bat an eye when Hollywood doing the same thing. Yeah i concluded... This is it. This finally 100 percent opened my eyes that fandom discourse this and that nearly all of them are just bullshit 😂
Because fandom will condemned one thing but then they won't care if mainstream media doing it, then some of them even joining and celebrating the thing they claim to be bad when they like the movie/show/books 😂 things that is not a big deal suddenly become a big deal in fandom. Like whatever women should be canceled if they like yaoi *roll eyes*
I feel like the discourse came from "This are my fave celeb how dare u!" Then devolving into the whole toxic discourse or even harassment while people at the same time ignoring Hollywood doing the same.
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moviepixie · 2 years
Mr Queen
Subtitle: Comedic genius becomes the Main Character
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A/n: I will be making a post called my unattainabe crushes and adding characters i love to it after each review!
This movie is suitable for all ages but i recommend for those above 13! As always my reviews will be including spoilers so be warned. The review starts below the cut!
Word count: 0.8k
I assume that you have read the spoiler warning above so I'm just going to get right into it and say that I'm a sucker for drama but even I almost became tired of it. Firstly, the K-drama had me laughing time after time. From the mistranslations of the Queen's language by the Queen to the very dramatic moments and the identity crisis. All of it tied in to create a light-hearted yet sometimes serious K-drama series.
The plot is about a chef who through an accident finds himself in the body of the soon-to-be queen 200 years before the modern world. He gets into a lot of family drama and makes some enemies all while trying to live a quiet life in the palace. He soon realizes that that won't be possible and that the place is all about sides and sabotage, despite his attempts he still finds the people of the palace against him. The story covers him navigating the palace as well as the troubles of the King and the blooming love between the King and the Queen(Him).
This K-drama gave me new crushes, enemies and faves! But I'll talk about only a few of them here.
Firstly, The main character in the Queen's body. Now I know sometimes it's quite boring and cliche to like the main character, but admittedly to me, this guy carried the whole show. From the monologues to the identity crisis to the relationships with other characters such as the Queen's court maid and lady-in-waiting, the King's father-in-law and the chef. The unique interactions and his mannerisms in the Queen's body. He put a smile on my face time after time. He is my number 1 fave in this show and no one can change my mind.
Secondly, Palace Uibin. I did not like her in the palace, not even a little. I get that the two had a past but i just got irritated by her attitude, especially when she gave the ledger to the Queen Dowager when she knew it would help the King that she loved, because of jealousy. She also tried to shoot the queen with an arrow which could have fatally killed her! All for what? When the Queen had told her countless times that she wasn't involved. In fact, I can go as far as to say the Queen was living quietly and minding her business while everyone else tried to pin things on her. Uibin managed to be fooled by a woman who lets superstitions rule her life all for her hatred of the innocent.
Thirdly, The King, I love the king! From his backstory to just him in general and his love for the Queen just touched my heart and made me truly feel my singleness to a new degree! The King is the only one that I will defend to this day. He truly cared for his people and so I treasure him in my heart. he has been added to my list of unattainable crushes.
Kim Byung-In is someone I had a love-hate relationship with, mostly because he kept attacking my beloved King but also because the man was just doing too much. Like just rest! My cousins don't even ask me how i am, why are you in the Queen's business like this? If you had suspicions of the King, you could have asked the Queen! Because your family did more damage to the Queen than the King ever did or would! I was just looking at the guy and he was embarrassing me. But towards the end of the series, I was a little sad when he was dying but overall I was happy that he did.
The entire Jo and Ansong Kim family just left me with a bitter taste in my mouth and I hate them all. Safe to say I don't like royalty much at least in K-drama because when you sleep and wake up, there is a new problem. Why is my uncle trying to kill me and still expects me to reconcile later? Like Godforbid, it can't be me.
When the Ministers and the Grand Queen Dowager tried to have the little girl killed for trying to save the queen, this made me hate every person in that council. They irritated me to no end and enraged me greatly for the entirety of the episode and till the end of the season.
I didn't really like the ending of Mr Queen when the mc went back to, modern times but I don't mind too much.
I have decided to add the following members to my list of unattainable crushes:
Prince Youngpyeong: He is totally an introvert but he was cute and I just loved him.
Kim Hwan: He was just an idiot and that made me love him. He is a very simple-minded person which is a breath of fresh air for me.
Special Director Hong: His personality just made me love him. The way he was always going undercover and comforting Kim Hwan. I just love him!
So that concludes my review. Overall I give the K-drama a 7.5/10! I absolutely love it but the drama was getting a bit too much for me. Plus they didn't kill the Queen Dowager and Grand Queen Dowager so I was left A little underwhelmed.
Till next time loves!
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Against all my initial beliefs you are actually fair! Lo' and behold my disbelief!! I love how you hold ARMY accountable instead of sweeping everything under the rug, like JK's questionable Qatar stance, Jin's enlistment article and other instances. ARMY as whole acts very much like a cult, honestly, and please don't come for me for this. But I admire your integrity in not doing that and actually saying what it actually is. For that you have my respect. And personally, we need more non partial fans, who don't pretend to be holier than thou while excusing very contentious event, exactly like a cult.
Against you initial beliefs? What? You can't start like that and not explain yourself 😆 I basically maintained the same position since I started this blog, so this is making me curious.
One of the points of what I'm trying to do here is to show that it is possible to be a fan while not being entirely caught up in a cult-like mentality. And how that allows us to be able to separate some of the things we like about these idols, while being impartial or look at an issue from multiple sides. I was actually talking to a friend today specifically about this. As a fan, I like Jungkook. I like his quirks, how cute he is, everything that makes him "him" as an idol, aka what we are presented with. But he's also an adult who makes decisions that not always sit right with everyone, he can get caught up in all sorts of situations. And that doesn't mean that my automatic response is to defend him just because I like some parts of him. It is also not my job to defend him. I can live with all these options in my head. I also don't feel the need to make someone appear as the most morally upstanding citizen in order to like them. Perhaps it's because I'm used to directors who are shitty people in real life, but I could always appreciate their talent. And I also met my "idols", which is a good thing. It allowed me to see them as people. Which means they can stop being this one dimensional personalities in my head. And the same applies to every other member, or the group or decision they make. If I personally believe that X idol is wrongly missjudged, I will say it. If I think that criticism makes sense, I will say it. And my faves are not immune to that and will never be.
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andvys · 2 years
I've been busy with my own bullshit and I didn't even realized you posted part 7 of Everlong. I'm ashamed of myself cause this story lives rent free in my mind cause is SOOOOO FUCKING GOOD
Ok first of all, we love a girlboss who threatens to shoot at people that hurt her bf. Favorite trope of badass girlie that can fuck you up if you disrespect her man but also is such a sweetheart. I can't tell you how excited I was to see her defending him, honestly goals.
Then we have bitchboi Steve... ok, so I do feel kinda bad for him, he's got some problems he should work through, and the whole thing with his parents and probably everyone in the ST universe has added ptsd but I FUCKING LOVE THE ANGST OF MAKING HIM SUFFER, does that make me a bad person? Maybeeeee, but I enjoy it. Bitchboi Steve how are you going to come here and tell her that you can change just cause you haven't had sex since you CALLED her a slut? Oh wow, what a big change.
I can't tell you how much I loved that scene of Steve opening his heart to Reader and her being like "I don't forgive you" cause you the way you write it we can see her mind going from "I'll always love Steve, he's been my bestie for so long" to like "He fucked me up real bad". To me, in this case, it feels like a bigger betrayal and heartbreak from the fact that they've been friends and lovers (emotionally only I'm assuming, unless there's somewhere that says they slept together before and I missed it) than someone who just broke your heart.
Anyways Andy I know this ask is going long so all I want to say as always is that I love your writing, your angst makes me cry and it's the best. Love you queen ❤️
I loved writing that little action scene haha! Sunshine characters that turn into scary badass bitches are my faves 😌
I’m glad you like the part with Steve! He definitely has a lot of trauma and he needs to work through a lot of things. He had the worst coping mechanism ever and losing her actually made him realize some things!
They have definitely been emotional lovers! Aside from the kiss, nothing happened! Steve got his heart broken twice, not only did he lose her as “his girl” he also lost her as a friend! She’s gonna suffer too though, losing a best friend is the worst 🥲
I’m so glad that you love my writing so much! Thank you, love ❤️
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mama-ivy · 1 month
This little idea has been brewing for a bit. About a month ago, browsing through some fanfics I found this on the page of one of my faves, @reallyrallyauthor. I love Oscar Isaac, I do. But the whole idea of Gabriel fascinated me. How dare he be so adorably lethal.
So here (unbeta'd) is how I imagine his backstory to go.
And if you're in need of some good reads, check out Rally's masterlist.
Gabriel’s older brothers liked to hunt. They were good at it. All five of them.
Gabriel was good at hunting too, but he didn’t like it as much. It was boring.
Their father took them hunting quite a bit. Most of their grocery cabinet was wild game that he would clean for his mother to cook. Gabriel always brought a book with him on these trips. He would find his target early in the morning, kill it, and then settle down in the tent for the rest of the day to read. He like biographies. Of true crime.
His brothers liked to tease him about the books, but Gabriel didn’t care. Hunting was boring. Using a firearm to kill an innocent animal that couldn’t even defend itself was definitely not the challenge that he sought. If he were honest with himself, he would admit that the only reason he perfected his aim was so that he could make his kill early and impress his father enough that he could hide and read for the remainder of the day. Gabriel much preferred the cleaning part of the hunt. He liked the way the knife would slice cleanly and precisely. He liked the glint of the metal and the weight of the hilt in his palm. He liked the scritch noise he could make with the sharpening stone. He liked to try and skin the animal without tearing or slicing the pelt.
Gabriel imagined that if his father let him hunt with a blade, then he wouldn’t need the books. Or the shooting lessons.
When Gabriel was nine, his father died. Officially, it was called a “hunting accident”. Gabriel, being the youngest, and most expendable as far as the household was concerned, was shipped away to school where he was quickly reminded that as boring as he thought hunting was, school was far worse. He blew threw his lessons and spent all his free time at the nearby butchers where he pretended to apprentice. Really he was just honing his knife skills.
During his boss’ smoke breaks, Gabriel would go out back and throw knives at a makeshift target. That is where Lucien found him. Throwing knives at a painted pallet.
“You’re very good at that.”
Gabriel looked up momentarily at the fancy man. “Yeah.”
“What do you do for a living that you are so good at knives?”
Gabriel stopped and looked at the man. He was kidding, right? He had to be.  “I’m in between jobs right now.”
“Do you want to work for me?”
Gabriel stared blank faced for a moment trying to figure out his next move. Surely this man understood that he was a kid. This had to be a trap of some kind. “What would I be doing?”
“Throwing knives. At things that are not wooden.” The man waved his hand toward the pallet propped up against the fence. “And getting me things.”
“You know, things. People. Information. Weapons.”
If this conversation had started out as a joke, Gabriel no longer thought it was funny. “I’m supposed to be starting on the hog inside.”
“I mean, if you don’t want to, that’s fine, but you wouldn’t have to smell like old meat.”
“Where would I be staying?”
“I guess you could crash with me until you find a place of your own.” The man put his hands in his pockets and rocked back on his heels a couple of times. “But not for long. My girlfriend gets loud.”
“Hm.” Gabriel nodded like he was completely aware of this strange man’s girlfriend and her sexual preferences. “How much?”
“Enough. We’ll talk about that later. Discussions of money make me agitated.”
Gabriel thought about his school that he hated, the butcher that he hated, the family that hated him. “Yeah, ok.”
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sunnist4rs · 3 months
Intro Post
Hiya, welcome to my blog!! You can call me Sunni, that’s not my real name but I know people can get pretty crazy when it comes to politics so I’m not comfy using my main username for this blog right now. I’m a teenager so I’m still working out where I stand morally and politically so keep in mind that my views can and will change frequently.
I grew up in Australia until recently when I moved to Spain however my family and I have been planning/preparing our whole lives to live here. I identify as Hispanic as I am pretty involved in the culture and community. If you believe that this label doesn’t apply to me because of my genes that’s fine, it’s your opinion but this country means a lot to me so this is how I identify.
This intro is pretty out of date (I now identify as a radfem) so please keep that in mind while reading.
Blog Purpose:
Now onto the nitty gritty stuff; this blog is for politics keep in mind since I’m not American I of course don’t know lots about their policies. But, I know on the internet the political climate is heavily influenced by what happens in that country so I try my best to understand/keep up to date with American politics, at least the basics.
My political background:
My family and I grew up huge liberals, we used to watch pride on the TV/irl every single year for as long as I can remember. However last year my mum started to become more radical feminist in here beliefs, I remember I’d defend the trans movement with all the same stupid talking points until eventually I started watching more YouTube channels like Acheeto (I was already a fan of him for a while cuz I found him really funny even though I disagreed with him).
For a while my beliefs aligned pretty well with those displayed in a Think Before You Sleep video. Now, I’m sort of torn because my mum is radfem and I naturally want to stand with her but then I’m also still an anti 4th wave feminism. So I’m not sure where I sit with that topic but in general I stand with her.
On this account I’m gonna probably gonna reblog a good amount of TERF stuff even though I’m unsure if I stand with all their opinions. I hope people from that community aren’t gonna be judgemental of me just because I’m not 100% with them right now as I do agree with a lot of what they say.
Some opinions:
The topics I am sure on my stance with are mostly facts>feelings things such as;
Obesity isn’t genetic it’s caused by an over-eating disorder, if you want to maintain a healthy weight you have to deal with the addiction, then make sure you eat healthy food and exercise (both these things are so much fun and so amazing i guarantee it’s easier than you think).
Being transexual is a mental disorder and I feel so bad that you have to deal with that. To people like Blare White, I love you. But, to the many trans people who spread misinformation and gr00m kids into transitioning instead of dealing with their insecurities/mental health issues or try deny biology to force your way into woman’s sports and spaces, I don’t like you.
I believe in free speech (the only good thing about America istg) so there’s no DNI for this blog. Everyone is welcome just please maintain basic human decency and civil discussion when in disagreement with me or someone else here. Mudslinging and strawmanning is not civil, treat others the way you want to be treated, respect is important. If you’re rude and don’t display basic decency in debate/interactions I’ll just block you. Also keep in mind that I am a minor so NSFW accounts need to stay away for legal reasons.
I don’t have many consistent tags on this blog but my main ones are;
#Sunni posts- for my posts
#Sunni answers- for asks
#Sunni speaks- for when I add onto someone else’s post (sometimes in the tags)
#Sunni reblogs- for when I reblog something
Fave posts:
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lalka-laski · 4 months
When’s the last time you did an activity like a crossword or word search? Just a couple days ago! I haven't had the energy (mental or physical) to do any of my typical hobbies. So I bought an activity book for some short spurts of stimulation. They're pretty fun.
What holiday tradition do you find outdated or stupid? Just the whole idea that you owe someone time or energy "because they're family." I don't see the point in forced togetherness, especially if it usually ends in misery or drama!
What hairstyle (or hair color) looks ridiculous on just about everyone? A mullet, I guess. That's hard to pull off. But I think people these days wear them for the irony of it.
What food or drinks makes your teeth hurt? What a bizarre question. Sometimes tomato sauce makes my teeth and gums itch.
Are you old enough to gamble? What’s the last time you went into a casino (not necessarily to gamble)? I'm well past legal gambling age, but I've never been into it. I have too many other addictions and vices. But I was at a casino last year for a Killers show! It was a fun venue.
Is your wallet organized in any way or do you just throw stuff in there wherever? There are only a few cards in it, and no cash or anything else. So it's pretty easy to keep organized.
How far away is the bank you use from your house? Like a 3 minute drive.
Have you ever been to a shopping outlet (where all the stores have discounted merchandise)? When’s the last time you went? Did you buy anything? Yeah, I used to get such a thrill from places like that! I haven't been to one in a couple years though. And I couldn't tell you what I bought if my life depended on it.
The last restaurant you went to, what was their main cuisine (American, Japanese, what have you)? Mexican! One of my faves.
What do your sunglasses look like? I have about a half a million pairs.
Have you ever dealt with someone who defended what they were saying by simply stating they were a certain race or heritage so they were allowed to say whatever they were saying? How do you view people who do that? Yeah. I mean, you're allowed to make cheeky or even disparaging comments about your OWN community. The rules don't apply there. Unless your remarks come from a place of self-hatred, I guess. Then it gets more complicated.
Do you hate it when girls (or guys) enter stores with just a bathing suit on? I live in Rochester, New York so that's just not something I see here.
What type of jewelry do you or would you wear? I love rings, but thanks to pregnancy swelling, I can't wear them much anymore. I also love a good, dainty necklace. I went through a phase of hunting down vintage jewelry pieces a few months ago and I started a nice, small collection.
If you were to create a movie or TV show, what would the main plot be? I’d love to be the host of my own talk show.
Do you have difficulty reading long articles or books online or can you easily do that? No difficulty.
What’s the most common car you see driving around in your area? Do you often see out of state/country license plates? GIRL, beats me.
Give us a fact about yourself. I’m an ice cream fiend. I could (and pretty much do) eat it every day.
What is the most annoying commercial you’ve seen within the past few years? How about the most sexist? I'm sure I could think of some, but I'm blanking right now.
What makes you like your favorite animal? Give as much detail as possible. I love goats because they're cute, simple as that. And they remind me of one of my favorite childhood movies, The Hunchback of Notre Dame. I had a little stuffed Djali (Esmeralda's goat) growing up, and thus my affinity began.
What is your favorite type of game (card, board, roleplaying, whatever)? I love "parlor games" I think they're called.
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jaywritesrps · 5 months
That seems like Ali is vindictive af. Ashlyn told her about the divorce and Sophia multiple times. But because it wasn’t on Ali’s terms/wants/needs. She outed her. “The leak wouldn’t of happened if ashlyn did what ali wanted” that’s what your saying. There’s zero zero basis to put someone. Period. You want to fuck over your wife fine but she outed someone in the process. Her and ashlyn got the fairytale outing on Ali’s terms but she’s outed Sophia with no regard cause she was a woman scorned. As a member of the lgbtq+ community ali should be ashamed.
This is the last ask I am going to answer about this subject cause it seems that I am repeating myself, and quite frankly, it seems that you guys are only coming here to pick stuff to trash talk me on L Chat or other blogs in here and as I said before: don't like what I said? Unfollow or block me, don't be a piss baby and go to annoy other people about me or the stuff I said here. I am not going to be mad or anything, cause I really like having convos like this even with people I disagree with, as long you act like an adult and be polite. Also to the people saying I am lying: be mad all you want, but that Sophia's article confirmed pretty much all the things I have been saying about the cheating and their timeline, you just don't want to accept that your fave has flaws too, this whole thing is messed up from all sides and there are no heroes or villains.
Anyways, as I said before, when you see this outside this black and white fandom mentality, you can see that all of them have made some mess at some degree. And I totally agree with you, I have said before that as a fan of Ali, she dealt with this very badly, even thought everyone from soccer world got her back. About Ashlyn, I really doubt she spoke about divorce directly before because she would at least put an effort to defend herself, when you are in position of someone being unfair to you, you generally try to clean your name, and she never showed interest in that. She is acting like someone that has something to hide or that can't mantain the story her PR team created.
About the leak, It only accelerated a process that was going to happen eventually, but unfortunately, Ashlyn and Sophia would only have peace if they had played Ali's game, cause they brought a fight they can't win (for example, Ashlyn started to lose followers regularly again in social media and the nightosphere is still attacking on them). It's something that will follow both of them around for the rest of their lives even if they split, even more if they stay together. It's why I keep saying that they didn't thought about that properly when Ashlyn decided to fill that divorce. The only way of this not blowing in their faces and not playing Ali's game would it be if Ashlyn herself told everyone from soccer world about the divorce first or if she, Sophia and Ali have sat and figured this together. As I said, I don't think Ali would oppose to this cause she could benefit a lot of this too, instead of posing as "the victim", putting Ashlyn as "The Villain" and Sophia as "the home wrecker", and honestly, she could have win a lot more than just what she got so far with this.
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epickiya722 · 2 years
You Know What Else is an Issue in the BNHA Fandom?
(For the topic of this posts, I have touched on it before and you can checked those posts out here, here, here & here.)
Okay, you know what else is an issue with the BNHA fandom besides the homophobia and some of you are really too quick to tell people to “KYS” over characters and ships?
Damn racism.
Right off the bat, before any of you come into my inbox, do not try to tell me otherwise. And I’m honestly not surprised. Racism has always been an issue in the anime community. Black and brown skinned people can’t even cosplay in peace! But today, I’m focusing on the BNHA fandom since that’s the one I’m more active in currently. And yes, Miruko will be brought up quite a bit. She won’t be the only one though!
Starting off, I need people who watch and read this series to understand that almost everyone that has appeared in BNHA is someone of color. Almost every character we see live in Japan and actually have Japanese names. Just because the protagonist has green hair does not mean Midoriya isn’t someone of color. He is in fact, someone of color. Just because Bakugou has light hair does not mean he isn’t someone of color. Just because All Might is based off American comic book heroes does not mean he isn’t someone of color. These are human characters with Japanese names. Based in Japan. They're Asian. People of color. Think.
With that said, to the guy who made that “Hawks is white” post on Twitter (if I remember correctly), to hell with you.
Now some of you may be like “racism… colorism…? not here…”
No, no, it’s visible in this fandom. Some of you just want to not see it because you don’t think it’s a big issue. It is. And it sucks that a place where people should have fun got to face this because some of you are assholes. First!
I, for one, have nothing against canon character x reader works. In fact, I do follow blogs who post them and I do find them enjoyable. I will not bypass that some of you who write them also like to bring race into it. I’m not talking about the CC x Black(or another race) reader thing or drawing OCs. I’m talking about when you write any CC x black reader fic, STOP HAVING THE CANON CHARACTER DEFENDING THE READER FROM A RACIST ISSUE.
It is annoying and it’s already overdone in a lot of other canon media. Yes, racism is a big issue as I said. That’s what this whole post is about! But do my fellow POC and I have to see it in FANFICTION? For once, can I see a BNHA character compliment the reader? Or talk about quirks? Go on dates? Shoot, have a beach episode! Does racism always have to be the entertainment in fanfiction? Do we always to suffer before we’re happy? What’s wrong with the reader just having a good time without having to deal with being called slurs or “Oh, can I touch your hair”? I don’t want to be reminded of high school, thank you. Or even face other human issues like PTSD? Or not sleeping because of a nightmare? Or just being emotionally exhausted from exams? Anything but having to face racism, jeez.
Another thing that bothers me is the treatment of characters who happen to be brown skinned. There happened to be only TWO major (or recognizable) characters with brown skin.
You already know I’m going to bring up Miruko as one of them. It is unfair how she is treated in this fandom. I see quite a bit of “Miruko should have died” or “She’s not important” or “She’s so aggressive” or “She sucks” posts. I have became best friends with the damn filter and block options because of it. I see a lot of these posts and these posts be coming from the same people who adore characters like Bakugou, Dabi, Shigaraki and so on.
Now, I don’t hate any of those characters. Bakugou is one of my faves. But I’m not stupid. I find it odd that Bakugou can be loved by so many people and yet the same people have hatred for Miruko. They have practically the same personality! Hmm… It’s straight up colorism (because they are both Japanese) here (and misogyny).
When Miruko attacks Shigaraki, some of you want to be like “she should have died” or “she attacked him first”. Well, duh! She’s a Pro Hero who at the end of the day is trying to stop a madman from killing other people. All of you really just want her to die because she has brown skin, just say that. If she had lighter skin, you all would have said “Horikoshi stay killing female characters” off.
Some of you want to preach about “strong, badass women”, but I don’t see that support with Miruko as often as I seen it for Uraraka, Toga, Midnight and other women in BNHA. You see a brown skinned woman and immediately hate her for it. I don’t even think it’s because she’s aggressive. You all drop your panties for Shigaraki who ATTEMPTED TO KILL KIDS IN THE BEGINNING OF THE SERIES. WHO BROUGHT A BUNCH OF VILLAINS THAT COULD HAVE KILLED SAID KIDS. WHO RUINED A KID'S DAY AT A MALL WHEN HE SHOULD JUST BE HANGING OUT WITH HIS FRIENDS. The same Shigaraki who has a HIGHER BODY COUNT than Miruko. Yet, some of you act like she’s the killer? Like she's a bad person.
She has defeated Nomu and that’s about it. She didn’t attempt to kill kids, let alone abuse them.
I get that Shigaraki has a tragic backstory. But at the end of the day, he’s still a villain. He is a bad person and if Midoriya saving him from AFO doesn't work, the next best thing is to mercy kill him. When he killed Cathleen I’ve seen posts saying “I already knew her” and “Another female character is gone, not surprised”. When Miruko got attacked? “Shigaraki should have killed her” and “she deserves it”. So no compassion for Miruko, huh? Got it. You don’t like brown skinned characters, yep. I see.
I have a confession. I tolerate Shigaraki. He used to be a favorite villain of mine, but he got demoted. Don't hate him, but tolerate him because of all the hate comments I got about Miruko a while back. I don’t hate him because I do have some cool mutuals who like him and I sympathize with his backstory. But I doubt he’ll ever be a favorite of mine again because the amount of hate I see from Miruko haters also be Shigaraki defenders. You can defend him all you like, I don’t mind that at all. I do the same with Miruko. But because a lot of you have lessen my liking for Shigaraki because of your crystal clear reasons for hating her. I have only 2 edit posts for Shigaraki right now because of that. And it took me a long time to even decide to go forth with them. I almost deleted them.
And it just doesn’t stop there with Miruko. When Anairis Quiñones was cast to voice Miruko, there was so many disgusting comments of “she doesn’t sound Black enough”. Yet, hold on! I didn’t see any comments like that for Hawks and Mahoro from the second BNHA movie. Both voiced by Black people (Zeno Robinson even got an award for voice acting by Crunchyroll back in 2021.)
Easy answer to why there wasn’t comments about their voices. When people look at Miruko, they see a Black woman. They don’t think she could be just a dark skinned Japanese person. They identified her with “if they have brown skin, they’re Black” and thought Anairis didn’t sound black enough for the role because they wanted Miruko to sound how people usually want Black women to sound like, which is “ghetto”. There is no such thing as “sound Black enough”. Don’t be ignorant. Don’t say a Black person isn’t Black because they don’t fit stereotypes. Miruko wasn’t meant to sound Black. They just cast a wonderful voice actress who fit the part just as they did when they cast Justin Briner to play Midoriya, Clifford Chapin to play Bakugou, Eric Vale to play Shigaraki, Alexis Tipton to play Hatsume, and so on.
It’s not just the mistreatment with Miruko.
Rock Lock exists, too and I’m going to need him to stop being forgotten and disrespected, too.
Rock Lock’s VA, Gabe Kunda, said something during one of the con interviews that rubbed me the wrong way. He said that when people saw Rock Lock’s debut episode he had gotten messages about how people weren’t happy with Rock Lock. He laughed it off and whatnot, but just the tone of his voice already clued me in he got a lot of hate messages. A Black man got hate comments. Now, keep in mind, Rock Lock is one of the few adults of the series who looked at the students and saw them as what they are. CHILDREN. He had a point that it was questionable that high students, the majority of them only in their first year, was at a meeting about facing yakuza. Rock Lock’s VA got hate because Rock Lock made a good damn point. As much as I love the series and other series like it, I won’t deny that it is pretty messed that there are children FIGHTING WARS.
It sucks that Rock Lock and Miruko along with their VAs got hate and yet… I don’t hear that for any other character and VA. The only other VA I can think of that has had similar experience is Brina Palencia over voicing Mineta. I want to say a very “fuck you” by the way to anyone who has sent hateful messages to VAs just for voicing characters. Like an enormous “fuck you”.
And of course, to all you racists.
Gabe Kunda and Anairis Quiñones shouldn't have to deal with racism in this fucking fandom. Same goes for any voice actor of color for BNHA and any other anime. They should enjoy voicing these characters like everyone else. Gabe even mentioned how excited his younger brother was to tell his friends "Hey, my brother voices Rock Lock"! As an older sister and someone who is Black, it got to me. These people are PEOPLE. HUMAN BEINGS! THEY HAVE FEELINGS, TOO!
Continuing on with that, it will always bother me that people hate on Rock Lock when this man was thinking like a father, a whole family man. He had a point when he said what he said. Be damned he was right, too, given what happened and what’s going on. Really, out of all the adults, Rock Lock is probably the most smartest and sensible one when it comes to thinking about the children. Yes, they’re training to be heroes, but damn can they be kids, too? (AFO, I hate you for starting all this. Also previous generations.) You all love Dadzawa, but hate on someone who is an actual dad who when he was stabbed by crazy ass Toga thought about his family. He thought about his wife and his newborn son. But all you jerks saw is "another brown skinned character for me to hate, yay"!
And with Miruko, how does she suck? How? She is the highest ranked woman in the hero ratings (personally, I feel like she should be the current #1). She works with her strength, skills, and legs. She doesn’t have fire power, special feathers, telepathy, none of that. She’s literally just jumping around and yet she managed to be #5. I don’t see Mt. Lady up there, Ryukyu is only #10. Yet, she sucks. Okay. I see how it is.
Oh, and with all the fanservice shots? I see so many of you bring it up when it comes to Miruko, but I don't see that same energy with other female Heroes. For fuck's sake, Mt. Lady's debut was an ass shot. There's even a later shot of her ass again and you all dog on Miruko so much.
Truth be told, I’ll let it slide if you dislike Miruko just because she’s not your type of character, same deal with Rock Lock. But if you hate her yet love Bakugou I’m going to side eye you. If you hate Rock Lock but love Aizawa I'm going to question you.
I’m going to think you hate these characters simply for their skin tone despite sharing the same characteristics as other characters you love. It's real fucked up that out of all the characters in the franchise two of them who have brown skin are some of the highest hated characters.
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