#Someone ordered milk and cookies
holybananaoafshoe · 11 months
 ✨Team Dynamics✨
Tired Cyro Dads 4.5/8
I don't know why I didn't think of this earlier when I wrote up the boxing lessons, but here's some last minute brain rot about Kayea teaching Wrio how to sword fight.
Honestly, it’s kinda the same with boxing BUT (big but) Kaeya is definitely the more flirtatious of the two and the best teacher
Wrio’s teaching is based on showing the fundamentals and once that’s done he throws you in the ring because “What’s better than learning on your feet?” 
That’s how he learned anyway
Kaeya on the other hand, he’s trained several knights and adventurers 
I personally headcanon that he has trained Benny and Noelle (at the very least) and helped train Razor and Fischl
You know what, while we’re here, let’s throw in a handful of greenhorn knights too 
WhIlE We’Re At iT I’m going to loosely throw in Mika and Klee.
 Klee because she hangs out with him, he’s basically a second big brother to her, so of course he and Albedo have taught her how to take care of herself. 
Mika because, come on, kid is anxious. I like to think Kaeya helps him when he can while Mika is in Mondstadt….Mika is definitely the little brother Kaeya never had.
Anyway, they definitely don’t use their visions because it could get very dangerous and Kaeya wants this to be a learning opportunity and not a future hospital visit (he’d rather not relive the night he was kicked out of the manor, thanks)
He’s carefully taking Wrio through all the moves and helping him correct his stances, it takes a long time before they move from practicing swings in the air with wooden swords to practicing the movements of a spar, to going through the movements with a real sword
Kaeya is a good teacher: gently correcting Wrio’s wrong moves and softly placing his hands over his to guide him through a swing Wrio just can’t seem to get right.
Everytime Kaeya is behind Wrio, his gentle voice in his ears and his hands on his, butterflies are bouncing in his stomach and the tips of his ears get red
He can barely hear what Kaeya is saying, but he’s making an effort to remember how movement feels 
For Wrio’s credit, he’s a good learner
He’s not one to get frustrated easily when Kaeya corrects his form for the nth time 
Instead he takes the correction in stride and tries to keep it in mind while he moves through the next set of exercises
When they switch to sparing, they take it slow to make sure Wrio gets used to the weight of a sword in his hand
Hey, Kaeya wasn’t about to make Wrio into a kebab, okay?
Wrio is incredibly awkward: super stiff movements and jerky with the sword
Almost takes Kaeya’s other eye out
Kaeya was just fast enough to tilt his head to avoid the worst of it, honestly it was truly just a scratch on his cheek, just below his eye
Wrio is a m e s  s
Absolutely falling over himself to apologize, whipping out the ointment he keeps on him to dab onto Kaeya’s cheek before placing a bandage over it
It takes a little while before they resume, Kaeya reassuring Wrio that he knows it was just an accident all the while
Soon enough, Wrio is kind of getting a hang of this sword fighting thing
Just good enough to start getting cocky
As the fights speed up, Wrio keeps taunting Kaeya 
“That all you got, Cap? I could take you in my sleep.”
“Not so fast with a sword in your hand, huh? I think I might best you yet.”
At one point he does knock Kaeya’s sword out of his hand
He wasn’t really expecting how hard Wrio can hit with a sword damn
He was a little impressed, not that he would tell Wrio that though because he was already starting to boast about the win
Kaeya smirks, shakes his hand a little, and picks up his sword. “Well, if you’re confident in your skills, perhaps we can take it up a notch?”
Wrio, full of confidence from his win, is bouncing on the balls of his feet and ready to go for a round two: “You sure I didn’t hurt your hand with that last round?”
Like, he knows Kaeya is going easy on him, but he’s just so giddy from winning that he can’t help himself
Kaeya is sooo used to the trainees doing this, and the next part is always his favorite
So, he shakes his head, something sharp in in his grin, and tightens his gloves before grabbing his sword: “Then let’s see how you hold up, Duke.”
Wow is Wrio in deep shit
He figured that out pretty fast lol
Like when Kaeya just stood there until he blocked the attack, fuck, it was like hitting a wall 
For someone who got their sword knocked out of their hand from an unexpected heavy hitting, arm-numbing, teeth-rattling, swing just a few minutes ago, Wrio was absolutely shocked to see that Kaeya didn’t budge a single inch when Wrio swung his sword down with all the force he could muster
Kaeya said he could take it after all and, well, he certainly did 
Kaeya tilts his head, a slightly unhinged air surrounding them, and deflects Wrio’s sword up, leaving his torso fully exposed
Kaeya sends Wrio stumbling with a kick and from there, Wrio is absolutely on the defensive
There goes Wrio’s strategy: just hitting Kaeya with full force attacks until he lost his grip again 
Now Wrio was barely keeping up with Kaeya’s relentless onslaught
At one point Kaeya deflects a blow and just disappears and reappears behind Wrio
Wrio did not screech, thank you
He only lasted like, five minutes before Kaeya swiftly knocked Wrio’s feet out from under him--Wrio’s sword slipped out of his hand as he fell--and pinned him to the ground, sword hovering above Wrio’s neck
They both stayed like that--Kaeya sitting on top of Wrio and Wrio laying on the ground--panting from the spar
Kaeya breaks the silence by setting his sword to the side and leaning on Wrio’s chest with his forearms, his blue hair dangling over his shoulder and tickling Wrio’s cheek
“I’m impressed, not many trainees last that long.”
“I’m not any other trainee,” Wrio breathlessly tells Kaeya. 
He’s freaking out internally, because Kaeya is so close right now
Keaye smiles gently, knocks their foreheads together, and whispers: “Well, if you win the next round you may just earn a prize.”
“And what’s that?”
Keaya just grins and slowly sits up, he boops Wrio’s nose and just tells him he’d have to win to find out
It takes maybe three days before Wrio finds out, he was determined damn it 
(he may have gotten Lynette to help him)
(and Freminate too. Claymore, sword, it’s all the same, right?)
Color Kaeya surprised? He wasn’t expecting that? Here he was, teasing Wrio and suddenly he was knocked on his ass and on the ground with Wrio pinning his arms above his head.
“How about that prize, Captain?”
Kaeya starts laughing softly, he wiggles a hand free and cups Wrio’s face: “If I knew you’d be this determined, I would have pinned you down sooner.”
Kaeya doesn’t say anything after that, he’s looking a Wrio with such a soft, caring gaze that melts Wrio’s heart
Kaeya wiggles his other hand free, Wrio swears he doesn’t breath as Kaeya gently guides him down for a kiss
Their first kiss!!! (we made it!)
It was short, sweet, and wonderful
Wrio just rolls off Kaeya and they lay next to each other, looking at the sky and the sword lesson forgotten 
Both absolutely smitten
At one point they look over at each other and just smile
A strand of hair that had come loose from Kaeya’s low ponytail falls onto his face, landing just above his nose in front of his eye patch
Wrio, gently brushes it back behind Kaeya’s ear
They walk back home, hand in hand
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catboygoalie · 15 days
gonna see if this gets taken down
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managed to get a little milk out. hate that i couldn't focus it, either. i also hate that i couldn't get any more out to take a vid with.
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phas3d · 8 months
All I Wanted Was You || Slytherin Boys
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type :: angst
tw/cw :: insecurities, slight yandere (tom), mention of abuse (mattheo), sexual things implied (theodore)
contains :: draco, tom, mattheo, theodore, lorenzo
summary :: inspo by paramore's "all i wanted was you" cause it's forever a banger. basically, different situation the guys would be in for this song. kinda inspired by tara yummy and jake. i literally know nothing about them besides that tara is hella pretty but yea! - 🐍 :: masterlist!
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DRACO MALFOY (enemies)
It's just impossible for Draco to like anyone that he does not hate because his brain just does that
He's a straight bully for you, awful in every way possible
Spilling milk down your book bag, writing mean messages on your desk, and more
His entire group would join him on this, making your years at Hogwarts miserable
That was until you finally had someone stick up for you, the most surprisingly person ever, Tom Riddle
Tom was the only person that Draco was ever scared of since Tom was one year older than everyone plus he was the strongest player in the entire school
Instantly, Draco backs off, running away like a pussy when he makes eye contact with Tom
But Tom doesn't help you up or even touch you, he just simply tells Draco to piss off and find a new hobby
You decide to thank Tom for his action, making him a batch of cookies with little smilely faces on it with chocolate
The next day, you hand them to Tom and he's slightly surprised
He's never had someone be kind to him before out of pure want, normally it's out of fear
From this, you two begin to talk about baking and different desserts that you both love, Tom has a major sweet tooth which is ironic for a scary intimidating guy
Draco sees this all, feeling so angry but he's not sure exactly why
He gets huge balls all of the sudden as he marches up to you and Tom's shared potions table, tossing the entire basket of cookies on top of your hear
But before Draco can laugh at you, Tom's wand is in his hand he casts a spell to prevent the cookies and basket from falling
Tom gives Draco a death glare, silently telling him that if he ever does that shit again, Tom WILL beat the shit out of him
From this, you once again gift Tom more sweets the next day in order to thank him again
And Draco can't do anything but watch bitterly from the other side, biting the skin him his cheek until he bits off a small piece
As the months pass, you and Tom get even closer, enjoying each other's silence and small sweet gestures
Draco hates this since it spoils his favorite hobby, tormenting you, and it also hurts his heart to see the person he's obssesed with begin to forget him
In order to stop this, he makes a huge masterplan with his goons to catch Tom off guard and completely embarrass him by spilling a disgusting, smelly, sticky potion all over him
The first step of the plan requires Draco to distract him while his goons wait for his signal to spill the liquid all over him
But as Draco got closer to where you and Tom usually sit, he saw Tom and you kissing, breaking the kiss as you giggled while Tom gave you a small smile
Instantly, Draco was heartbroken. He wasn't sure how to treat his crush or what to do, and now he lost you
He can feel his heart strings rip and disconnect from the different veins in his body as he stares at what could have been his
If he was just a bit nicer
He doesn't even know why he's mean, he's never liked being mean to you
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TOM RIDDLE (best friends)
Befriend Tom Riddle was one of the most impossible tasks in the world but you somehow did it
Ever since year 4, you two were the two duo - a grumpy x sunshine duo
It was odd since you were popular, well liked, smart, all of the traits of a literal goddess
While Tom was a brooding, mean, know-it-all that didn't care for others
But maybe that's the exact reason why you two were best friends, opposites that completed each other
Tom's not good with emotions, he struggles to identify anything he feels without looking into a textbook as to why he feels that way
But he knew that you would be a good wife and mother, creepy to say but in his mind "crushes" are simply just "likely mating option"
He's weird asf for that, but that's the only way he can process a crush in his head
Cutely enough, he goes to not Mattheo or Draco, but surprisingly Theo
I think that Theo and Tom get along great due to them both being quieter and the most level-headed out of their entire group
Theo is a renowed quiet fuckboy who draws people in with his mysterious aura, which is like Tom but without the "drawing people in" part
Overtime, Theo gives Tom some advice on how to get you to like him and how to show his feelings for you
But it constantly fails due to him not being able to break out of his emotionless face and dull tone
He gifts you flowers, but mentions how they were on sale and how he picked the colors he liked despite you hating those colors
He does all of your homework as a gift, but talks about how he's surprised you're even passing in Hogwarts with how stupid you are
You get the idea... He has the right idea but horrible execution
But you're used to his meanness, making you see his attempts at romance as just "Tom being weird" as usual
So when you mention to him that you think you have a crush on someone, Tom instantly is destroyed
He wants to support you, since he loves your smile and happiness, but he can't bring himself to pretend that he likes this idea
He asks who it is, and you say Theo... The exact guy who was helping him try to get with you
Tom dismisses himself from the room without saying anything, you see this as Tom not caring for romance
But in reality, he's running down into his chamber of secrets to calm down
He throws his robe off of him in anger, slamming it into the ground
He whips out his wand and yells, blasting the beautiful snake statues that he bought
His breakdown causes him to destroy everything beautiful within his radius
The feeling of grief and pain is so odd and overwhelming to him, he doesn't understand why he feels like this
All he knows is that he wants- no needs you. And he's willing to do anything to get that
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Being friends with your ex is one of the biggest red flags ever, you never thought you would be that type of person
But here you are, still best friends with your ex, Mattheo
You two broke up over him cheating on you with some random girl, but somehow Mattheo snuck his way back to being your friend after months of apologies
He always wanted to get back together, regretting his actions every day, but you knew better than to give him two chances
You've always been popular with the guys, attracting a lot of them but turning them all down since you were still healing from Mattheo
But now, you were much more confident and content with yourself, feeling ready to get back into dating
Mattheo laughed at this thought, thinking it was just an attempt to make him jealous and that you would finally come back to him
But when he saw you walking down the hall alongside Harry Potter, he instantly felt like a bullet shot him a million times
You looked so happy with him, laughing and joking with him as if you've known him for ages - just like you do with him
Once you and Harry split up, Mattheo pulls you aside, completely ignoring the fact that you have class in about 2 minutes
"What are you doing with him?" He hissed, gripping your arm kind of aggressively
"Ow! What the hell is your problem? It's just Harry??"
"It's not "jUsT hArRy", what the hell are you doing with him?"
"Why does it matter?"
"Because you're MY girlfriend???"
"No I'm not! And I never will be again!" You shouted at him, shoving him away as you stepped into class, leaving him in the empty hallway
His heart shattered, a raw and gut wrenching feeling that he's never felt before over anyone besides his father
The pure disappointment and hurt he felt was scary - he's supposed to be big and tough, a bad boy, yet you had him wrapped around your finger against your own will
So many emotions hit him, the feeling of guilt from ruining it all, self-hatred because of how stupid he was, the jealousy, the insecurities, the fear of being so deeply in love with someone who may never reciprocate it back
He won't ever admit it to anyone, but he skipped all of his classes that day and hid in the forest by himself, smoking and crying until either his lungs or heart gave out first
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THEODORE NOTT (situationship)
You two had a weird relationship that was almost like dating but you two never put a real title on it
This went on for about 2 years: Making out, going on small dates, always hanging out past curfew
You both loved each other, but Theo wasn't able to fully commit and neither could you after seeing all of Theo's flaws and toxicity
You never told Theo this, but if he ever confessed to you, you would still accept it despite knowing how awful of a boyfriend he is
And Theo never told you this, but he's always wanted to confess to you but he knew he wasn't in a good spot mentally yet to be a good partner for you yet
A small pinch of right person, wrong timing because I'm such a sucker for that trope UGHH
Theo was yet again messing around with another random girl, something you got used to
At first, it used to make you really upset and make you have full on breakdowns, but now you're used to it and have fully accepted that you have no control over Theo
But you still couldn't help to feel a tad bit jealous of the situation
You ignored Theo and his new girl toy for a week, knowing that Theo would probably come back to you sooner or later
But a month passed, and you two still haven't spoken...
Maybe Theo did actually like this girl, but if he did, then why hasn't he told you he wants to fully cut you off?
You shrugged it off, it's not unlikely that he just completely forgot you (he would never be able to do that, but you don't know because AGH I love the misunderstanding trope idc idc idc)
Since you thought he wouldn't come back, you decided to move on to no other than Lorenzo, one of Theo's closest friends
Lorenzo has always liked you but he never made a move since he knew you were basically with Theo
But he's always kept close tabs on you and saw how you were secrectly lonely since Theo moved on from you
With Lorezno, it was so different, DRASTICALLY different
He was so sweet and kind in public which Theo never did
He was possessive over you but he still let you have freedom, something that was so complicated with Theo
He was easy to converse with and actually replied to everything you said, completely unlike Theo
And most importantly: he didn't seem to care much about your body at all
Overtime, you slowly forgot about Theo as you focussed purely on Lorenzo
But Theo never forgot.
He was so angry at first, wanting to beat up Lorenzo for taking you and wanting to yell in your face for cheating on him
But he was thinking all of this whilst gripping his new girl toy's waist
He was just messing with this girl since she was so easy and innocent, something that Theo loved about you before he corrupted you slightly
As he watched you accept Lorenzo's ask to be his valentine, Theo felt his jaw tense up as he watched you smile brightly at Lorenzo
Lorenzo was exactly the man Theo wanted to be for you, but Theo wasn't that man yet
And it broke him to know that maybe in a different universe, a universe where he was shown healthy relationships, a universe where he didn't only feel value from sexual acts, maybe in a universe where he just tried harder - That could have been him with you
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LORENZO BERKSHIRE (best friends)
You've been Lorenzo's best friend ever since you two got into Hogwarts, you two were rarely ever seen apart
People always confused you as a couple but you were very quick to state that you two were just friends
But Lorezno always hoped that one day you two could date
He's loved you for ages, literally 1 year after being your best friend he realized he was madly in love with you
But since he's been super busy with quidditch, you were left to do your own things
That's when Cedric started to talk to you while you waited for Lorenzo to get out of practice
Instantly, you two clicked and shared so many interests together
Lorenzo couldn't do anything but watch as you laugh at Cedric's jokes and playfully hit him, something he thought you only did to him
His entire heart feels so heavy that his broom starts to sink to the floor without him noticing
Once his practice ended, it was time for Hufflepuffs to use the field
"Alright let's go get some food! I'm so hungry." Lorenzo whined to you as he packed his jersey into his gym bag
"Um, actually I was wondering if I could stay behind?" You said, blushing lightly still from your interaction with Cedric
"What? Why???" He was so confused, but he knew deep down what you were going to say.
"Cedric said he would take me out to get some dinner after his practice. He made a bet that for every goal he scores, he'll owe me that many chocolate frogs!"
You smiled happily, breaking Lorenzo's heart even more
"O-Oh. Yeah that's fine uh... I'll see you tomorrow then." Lorenzo said, he was doing his best to hide his emotions but he couldn't stop his eyes from watering up
He turns away from you, speed walking away to his dorm
Once he's in his dorm, he breaks down heavily
He always thought it would be you two in the end, that you two were the perfect fictional slow-burn relationship that he's always dreamed of
But now you liked Cedric? Someone who was objectively almost better than Lorenzo in every way
Cedric was smarter, WAY better at quidditch, made you laugh within seconds, and even had the confidence to ask you out??!?
His tears wouldn't stop, he felt so stupid for crying but he couldn't control it
All he's ever wanted was you, and Cedric took you away so easily
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thank you for reading ! 🐍 :: masterlist!
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traveler-at-heart · 2 months
hi!! can I sneak a request here? I think this will be too common but nat and r always bickering in front of the team (they're together but no one knows) and then one day everyone was confuse because nat got sick and the other person who's sick is r who flops beside natasha and gave her a kiss while completely unbothered in the avengers common room and everyone's like 👁️👄👁️ "are we seeing the same thing?"
I loved writing this! Thank you for the request :)
You were constantly fighting with Natasha. Most of the team had a hard time figuring out if it was because you liked her too much or not at all.
Either way, they all tried to stay out of your way when it happened. Unfortunately for Sam, you’re both in the kitchen today, and he really needs to get something to eat.
“We’re baking cookies, wanna join us?” you say while Natasha adds milk to the mix.
“That’s nice” he says, approaching with caution. 
“I know, I can’t believe Natasha didn’t know how. Lucky for her, I was willing to show her” 
“Yeah, I’m so lucky” Natasha mutters between gritted teeth and you turn to glare, holding a knife that you were using seconds ago.
“What was that?” 
“I’m so… yucky. From all the eggs that I cracked”
“It was only supposed to be half a dozen” 
“I added a bit more”
“Why the hell would you do that, Natalia?”
“Because I can, that’s why, Y/N”
You groan, putting the knife away and looking at the dough that will no longer be useful. Before Natasha can catch what you’re doing, you grab a handful of flour and throw it her way.
“What you gonna do about it, Romanoff?”
Sam sighs, silently retreating back to his room. He can order takeout. And just to be extra sure, he locks the door and puts on his headphones. It’s none of his business if you two destroy the kitchen.
That’s how he misses the next thing that happens. As soon as Natasha cleans some of the flour, she looks at you, trapping you in her arms.
“No, Nat”
But she hugs you, making sure your clothes get dirty too, and when her lips meet yours, the feeling is so nice and warm that you forget you’re gonna have to clean the kitchen and yourselves.
“Fine, we’ll bring something else to my friend’s party” you say against her lips and she kisses you once more before smiling.
“How about a nice bottle of very expensive wine from Tony’s reserve?”
“You’re evil” you laugh, holding her close. “Not a word about it, Sam… where did he go?”
“Who knows” Natasha shrugs her shoulders, and then leans down to kiss you. “Now, get out of those clothes. I want to do things that are dirtier than this kitchen”
Natasha carries you to her room, while you giggle and hold her close.
Movie night is always a pleasant time, especially when you and Natasha sit far away from each other and don’t argue as usual. 
You usually hang in the back with Bucky, because you’re the only one who doesn’t mind explaining him all the references that go over his head.
Today, he’s away on a mission, so you take over an entire sofa and stretch comfortably.
“That’s my spot” Natasha says.
“Find another one”
“I like this seat. The AC doesn’t hit me directly and it’s far away from Sam so I don’t have to listen to his stupid impressions”
“Hey!” he says. “I make a really good De Niro”
“No, you don’t” everyone says at the same time.
“What’s in it for me?” you smile, crossing your arms. 
“Not getting your ass kicked to the point where you can’t sit anywhere else”
“Someone likes it rough” you tease her, and her smile makes you break. “Fine, we can share, but you’re giving me a foot massage”
“I am not”
The redhead sighs, but you still place your feet on her lap. For the first ten minutes, everyone’s tense, waiting for the fight to continue. But, to their surprise, Natasha’s hand is going up and down your leg, while you lean against her. 
Pretty soon, their focus is back on the movie. Until…
“Who’s snoring?” Tony says, looking around. He turns back and finds you sound asleep, your head now resting in Natasha’s lap. The redhead is running her hands through your hair.
“Looking for something?” Natasha snaps and Stark looks back to the screen.
You don’t wake up until the credits are rolling.
“Is it over?” you say, rubbing your eyes.
“I don’t know, we couldn’t hear because of all your snoring”
“I don’t snore”
Natasha scoffs and looks around, but everyone stays silent.
“I don’t snore. Come on, you didn’t finish that massage” 
But Natasha is already standing up, walking to her room.
“Get away from me. And go to a doctor, you’re gonna choke in your sleep one day” 
You laugh, following her to her room. Everyone else thinks you’re probably gonna bicker for a while longer, but all you’re planning is to cuddle and fall asleep in each other’s arms. 
It’s a quiet afternoon, with Bucky and Steve watching a game while Clint is fixing an old radio.
But pretty soon, they can hear the familiar sound of two voices arguing.
“Pick one” you say, chasing Natasha. 
“They’re the same” 
“They are not the same” you insist, holding the paint samples closer to her eyes. “Look at them”
“I am. This is blue. And so is this one”
“Oh” you flip them, eyeing them for a second too long. “I’m sorry, Nat. I didn’t know you were blind. This is shappire and this is egyptian. Pick one”
“Are we repainting the common area or something?”  Clint asks Steve and Bucky, but they just shrug their shoulders. Like wild creatures, it is better to not look at either one of you when you’re arguing.
“Neither. I think green might be better”
“I am not going back to the store to get more samples so you can tell me they are both the same green!”
“Fine, I will. In fact, they won’t be samples. I’ll get the paint and you’ll like it”
She turns, finishing the conversation.
“At least wear a damn jacket, it’s gonna rain” when she ignores you, you groan, getting her coat and yours. “Honestly, Natalia”
It’s game night, another one of the traditions you’ve incorporated since welcoming new and younger team members like Peter.
You’re starting with charades and Peter, Tony and Bucky are on your team. 
The category is thrillers and you’re on the edge of your seat, waiting for Peter to start. He smiles real big and you shout.
“The Shining!”
Silence of the Lambs, Taxi Driver, Jaws, Sixth Sense all come up and you guess them one right after the other.
“We’re leading by ten points” Tony says, looking at the iPad. You high five Peter, smiling as Natasha rolls her eyes.
“Alright, I’m next” Steve says and you have to cover your mouth to keep from giggling.
“Uh… pass” he grabs another paper and then another, and a third one. “Pass”
“I’m gonna kick your ass” Natasha groans, massaging her temples.
“Oh, I know this one” he says, doing the signal for movie.
“We already know it’s a movie, hurry up” Natasha looks ready to throw him across the room. 
Steve hunches over, his arms dangling low. He then jumps around, alternating between one feet and the other.
“Hunchback of Notre Dame. Uh… The flying monkeys of Wizard of Oz? Elephant man?”
“It’s King Kong” Steve says and everyone bursts out laughing.
“Are you kidding me?” Natasha says, while your team toasts. You’ve won, yet again.
“Better luck next time. And I hope you haven’t forgotten our little bet” you say, fixing the collar of Natasha’s shirt.
“What bet?” Clint asks and you both turn around at the same time.
You excuse yourself, going to the bathroom. The next game is Jenga, and you think you’ll pass, because there’s no way you can beat Peter. As you go back to the living room, you approach Natasha.
“Don’t be a sore loser, baby” you say, making sure no one can hear you. “I know the bet was that the winner gets to do anything they want in bed… but I do have a little peace offering”
You place your underwear in her pocket, smiling as she blushes. 
“Something to look forward to” you wink, walking back to the table as Clint starts the game.
Yeah, thinking about it, Natasha hadn’t lost at all.
The day is a bit dark, and gloomy. The morning was slow and the afternoon has been the same.
“It’s quiet” Clint comments, looking out the window as the rain keeps falling.
“Mhm” Sam agrees, sipping his coffee.
“A bit… too quiet, don’t you think?”
Everyone’s supposed to be at the Compound, and yet, there’s no arguing or sassy comebacks.
“Do you think they finally killed each other?” Clint says and Sam chuckles.
“Maybe. If the flu hasn’t killed Nat yet”
“Oh, she’s sick?” Clint feels bad for not knowing. “Maybe I’ll get her some soup…”
“Hey” someone greets from the door. You’re wrapped in a blanket, wearing one of Natasha’s t-shirts and holding a box of tissues. “Sorry, I won’t stay long. I’m just getting us some tea” 
But you’re too tired to hear what Sam says. You prepare two steaming cups and drag your feet to the living room, Clint and Sam following close behind.
“Why aren’t you in our room, baby?” you say, sitting next to Natasha. You kiss her forehead and smile. “Hey, your fever’s down”
“I told you not to stay in my room. Now you’re sick too” she coughs, but nuzzles your neck and sighs. 
“Shut up and drink your tea, Tasha”
“This whole time, YOU TWO HAVE BEEN TOGETHER” Sam shouts and you make a face.
“Can you not do that thing with your mouth? The talking thing”
“But we thought…” Clint says, looking between the two of you.
“We thought you hated each other”
“Sometimes, because she can be a pain in the ass” you say, laughing when Natasha pokes your side. “Nah, that’s not true. I love her”
Natasha smiles against your neck, pulling you down to take a nap.
“Love you too” she says against your hair and you yawn.
Clint and Sam leave the room, as if they’ve seen a ghost. 
“Is everything ok?” Steve says, running into them.
“Cap, you’re not gonna believe this” 
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kurishiri · 4 months
THE CHARA CAFE × Ikemen Villains menu translation
(src) this translation may not be 100% accurate or contain creative liberties. You can click on the image for better quality. Please reblog, not respost!
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which ones would you order? ✨✨
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To my precious robin and from the self-righteous king, a most sinful love: a frozen strawberry drink (William)
strawberry ice cream
strawberry sauce
whipped cream
I encaged the scenery I saw with you inside this glass: a blue ocean drink (Elbert)
blue raspberry syrup
lemon water
lemon slice
gold leaf
Drink this if ya want. I ain’t drinkin’ it though: a ruthless butterfly pea soda (Jude)
butterfly pea syrup
carbonated water
lemon syrup
violet jelly
I want your greatest happiness: a berry tea of happiness (Ellis)
berry tea
blackcurrant jam
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For you, the sinful one who wandered into a den of evil: the death god’s hot chocolate (Victor)
whipped cream
coffee sauce
Blooming in the dark night, a violet cream soda
purple melon syrup
vanilla ice cream
wafer cake with bean jam (monaka)
I swear a most sinful love to you on this wedding mocktail
pink grapefruit syrup
peach cheese
carbonated water
edible flower
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“So that you, the one I love, may smile, I cast a magic spell on this”: the Cheshire Cat’s fresh fruit salad (Liam)
salad mix
smoked salmon
diced nuts
lemon dressing
black pepper
edible flower
wafer cake with bean jam (monaka)
“Nothing like meat for a reward, don’t you agree, lil lady?”: the egoist’s roast beef plate (Roger)
roast beef
rock salt
baby leaves
mini tomatoes
camembert cheese
steak sauce
The Crown members’ favorite! The head chef’s special tomato sauce pasta
tomato sauce
consommé soup
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“Hey, wanna split this half and half with me?”: a chocolate mint parfait of the Lying Fox’s charm (Harrison)
mint jelly
chocolate corn flakes
whipped cream
mint chocolate ice cream
chocolate sauce
“Aha! It’s my creation, as someone with a steel stomach”: a special scone set made by Alfons
vanilla ice cream
blue raspberry syrup
whipped cream
silver dragee
A vow to fall deeper into your sinful love: a wedding berry cake set
berry cake
whipped cream
cotton candy
rock salt
wafer cake with bean jam (monaka)
Dessert of the robin on a moment’s break: a fresh fruit cocktail
orange (mandarin)
yellow peach
three-colored agar agar
heart-shaped gummy
popping candy
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if you order something from the food or dessert menu, you’ll be gifted a 2L photocard (top), and if you order a drink, you get a coaster (bottom).
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lalovi · 6 months
AN: I'm ashamed to say that I'd let him do these things to me. ANYWAY ♡
(Bro do yall want a Shadow Milk version of this- 😳)
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Affogato Cookie x Reader
Warnings: Suggestive scenes, collaring, praise, degrading, cock warming, mirror fucking, orgasm denial, choking, oral
How did you end up like this?
Sitting on the lap of the Royal Advisor..
"You're such a pretty little thing~" He'd coo while running his fingers through your hair.
"Aren't you just so lucky to belong to someone like me?"
His delicate fingers trailed down your jaw, then across your collar bone before taking hold of the tag at the end of your collar.
A hitched breath would escape your mouth as you squeezed around his length a bit tighter.
Oh how you wished he'd let you move already...
He tugged on the collar around your neck.
"Such a needy little pet. You need me that badly?" Affogato would ask with that wry smile.
You would nod your head frantically, just desperate for his cock.
"Come now, use your words."
"P- please-"
Affogato kept looking at you with those snide eyes.
"Please what?"
"Please fuck me. I want to move, I need you so badly-" you managed to choke out between heavy breaths.
"What a desperate little slut... But since you want it so badly," he leaned closer to you. His breath was hot on your neck before he whispered into your ear. "Work for it."
At his command, you'd start to move up and down, bouncing on his hard cock. His hands were planted firmly on your hips, guiding you subtly.
Affogato would let out a groan before speaking once again.
"On the ground, ass up." His normal taunting tone was no longer present, and he stared at you coldly.
"W- what-?" You'd asked in confusion as he prevented you from moving more.
"Don't act stupid. You wanted me to fuck you, remeber?"
You swallowed with a flushed face before complying with his order. It'd be humiliating if you weren't looking forward to it.
"I just love your obedience.." He'd jest before grabbing your hips again.
He lined himself up with your entrance behind you, slowly and teasingly pressing his tip in and out of you.
Your pussy would squelch, as you repeatedly clutch around nothing.
"Don't tease.." You'd mindlessly mumble.
Affogato would smirk in an amused manner before finnaly pushing all the way into you.
He didn't start slow either. Affogato went at a fast and brutal pace, leaving you breathess. He went in and out of you as his nails dug into your sides.
You'd whine and moan as he trusted into you with no remorse, and your arms and legs would shake.
Affogato grabbed a fistful of your hair and tugged it so that you looked out in front of you.
It was a mirror, and a perfect view of your fucked out face reflected in it.
"My my, you're such a needy little whore..." Affogato would say while enjoying your expression from the mirror.
How embarrassing it is to be seeing yourself like this... but it couldn't be helped.
Somehow, he managed to hit all of the good spots inside of your spongey walls. The orgasm inside of you was building up more and more.
"God, you're taking me so well." He'd moan out, beginning to get closer himself.
Your sounds would get louder, and you breathe heavier and with more need.
Suddenly, he stopping moving.
"Wh- why'd you stop?" You asked in a shaky voice.
"You wanna cum? You wanna feel good?" He'd ask tauntingly.
"Yes," you responded meekly.
He tugged on the collar around your neck. "Maybe... after you satisfy me." He pulled out of you and sat back down, waiting for you.
You shakily crawled in-between his legs, looking at his strained cock.
You began to lick at the tip, tasting yourself on it before he grabbed a tuft of your hair and pulled you fully onto him.
You'd choke and tears pricked the sides of you eyes, before you went back to sucking. You licked a long line from his tip to his base before taking in all of him.
Affogato would groan as you skillfully licked and sucked his cock. "That's it. Good girl.." He breathed out.
You'd swirl your tongue around his length, tears sliding down the sides of your face.
That, and from the previous fucking, had already made Affogato extremely close.
It didn't take long for him to release all of it into your mouth, and you slid off of him with a 'pop'.
"Swallow." He commanded as the salty liquid would pool in your mouth. You made sure to not let any of it escape, and swallowed it all.
He grinned, looking at you wryly before pushing you onto your back and lining up with your entrance once again.
"You did such a good job.."
He interted himself into you with a thrust.
Your legs were propped up onto his shoulders, and he was hitting so so deep.
Your eyes rolled to the back of your skull as he pounded into you, and the room would be filled with the most sinful, lewd sounds.
The coil inside of you snapped, and you'd release onto him. Slick dribbled down yours and his thighs as he gave you a satisfied grin.
He wouldn't stop though.
"I'm not finished with you yet, love~"
《☆》 Fin
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queensharotto · 26 days
Brittle Doughie’s Cookie Run x Reader Masterlist (Part 8: Summer 2024)
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A masterlist of @brittle-doughie’s Cookie Run stories organized by month.
Genre Emojis
😞 is for angst, 🎃 is for Halloween, 🎄 is for Christmas, 🍪 is for Cannibalism, 💗 is for Yandere, 💝 is for Valentine’s, 👻 is for Horror, 🎂 is for Birthday, 💚 is for Yandere!White Lily Cookie, and 😈 is for Ancient Beast AU (Inspired by Cuppajj’s Beast Ancient AU)
The Indents are related to the featured cookies. If there are numerous cookies (Over 10 Cookies Featured), I’ll make a note on that as well. Additionally, I’ll categorize various cookies if they’re associated with a specific hobby, location, food etc.
Also, the ⭐️ will indicate a story featuring one of Brittle’s OCs while ✨ will indicate someone’s interpretation of Y/N Cookie.
Additionally, many people proved art to showcase to Brittle, which will be indicated by this: 🖌️. I will also mention who provided the art.
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June 2024 ☀️
• “Lethality” ⭐️
Featuring: White Lily Cookie and Brittle’s OCs
• “Get Along”
Featuring: Dark Cacao Cookie and Mystic Flour Cookie
• “Back to Your Tree NOW”
Featuring: White Lily Cookie and the Five Beasts
• “Mothers of the Republic”
Featuring: Madeleine Cookie, Clotted Cream Cookie, Light Cream Cookie and Grand Madeleine Cookie
• “Pearly Contemplation”
Featuring: Peppermint Cookie and Oyster Cookie's Envoy
• “A Warm Welcome”
Featuring: Strawberry Stick Cookie and Mint Wafer Cookie
• “Yin and Yang”
Featuring: Peach Blossom and Affogato Cookie
• “Can’t We ALL Just Get Along”
Featuring: The Ancients and the Beasts
• “Walls of the Baker”
Featuring: The Ancients and the Beasts
• “I Don’t Remember You”
Featuring: Dark Cacao Cookie and Mystic Flour Cookie
• “Fishing Season”
Featuring: The Five Beasts
• “Cuddles”
Featuring: The Ancient Cookies
• “Corruption”
Featuring: White Lily Cookie
• “Stepparent”
Featuring: Clotted Cream Cookie and Light Cream Cookie
• “Auntie Time”
Featuring: Madeleine Cookie’s Aunts
• “Embracing the Purple Warrior”
Featuring: Purple Yam Cookie
• “Peach Kisses”
Featuring: Peach Blossom Cookie and Dark Cacao Cookie
• “Marriage Ensembles”
Featuring: Dark Cacao Cookie and White Lily Cookie
• “Reunited”
Featuring: Dark Cacao Cookie and Mystic Flour Cookie
• “The Ivory Prophet Joins the Kingdom”
Featuring: Dark Cacao Cookie and Mystic Flour Cookie
• “The Ancient Beast Order” 😈
Featuring: The Ancient Beasts (AU Tag)
• “Bad Endings” 😈
Featuring: The Ancient Beasts
• “The Prophet of Salvation” 😈
Featuring: Beast Pure Vanilla Cookie and Black Raisin Cookie
• “The Manufacturer of Darkness”
Featuring: Dark Enchantess Cookie and Red Velvet Cookie
July 2024 🎆
• “Fork This! I Quit!”
Featuring: Timekeeper Cookie
• “The Lover of Passion” 😈
Featuring: Beast Hollyberry Cookie, Tea Knight Cookie, Pitaya Dragon Cookie and Wildberry Cookie
• “Illusion of Dreams”
Featuring: Clotted Cream Cookie
• “Ancient Heroes Roast”
Featuring: Shadow Milk Cookie
• “Mermaid to Cookie”
Featuring: Crimson Coral Cookie
• “Volition’s End”
Featuring: Mystic Flour Cookie and Cloud Haetae Cookie
• “Amigurumi”
Featuring: The Ancient Cookies
• “Ticklish” 😈
Featuring: Beast Pure Vanilla Cookie
• “Return to Sender”
Featuring: Strawberry Stick Cookie and Mint Wafer Cookie
• “It’s Gonna Be A LONG Ride”
Featuring: Numerous Cookies
• “Hissy Fits”
Featuring: Pure Vanilla Cookie and Shadow Milk Cookie
• “Gwimbly Cookie”
Featuring: Strawberry Cookie
• “Aerokinesis”
Featuring: Gingerbrave, Snakefruit Cookie and the Five Dragons
• “Heartfelt Unison”
Note: Y/N Cookie’s Skill
• “Thank You Y/N Cookie! Your Princess ISN’T in Another Castle” ⭐️
Featuring: Crowned Cupcake Cookie
• “Cookie Flipside”
Featuring: Light Cream Cookie
• “Soda Adventure 2: Draw Your Blade”
Featuring: Cream Soda Cookie and Cherry Cola Cookie
• “Superstar! The Cookie Olympics Event!”
Featuring: Ice Candy Cookie, White Choco Cookie, Choco Bar Cookie, Skating Queen Cookie and Muscle Cookie
• “I’ll Wait For Your Return”
Featuring: Caramel Arrow Cookie, Black Raisin Cookie, Stardust Cookie and White Lily Cookie
• “Raspberry Rose”
Featuring: Raspberry Mousse Cookie and Rose Cookie
• “La Resistance”
Featuring: Black Raisin Cookie
August 2023 🌅
• “Love You or Not” ⭐️
Featuring: Royal Icing Cookie
• “Lines”
Featuring: Royal Margarine Cookie, Pastry Cookie, Parfait Cookie, Twizzly Gummy Cookie and Licorice Cookie
• “Spice and Zest”
Featuring: Crushed Pepper Cookie and Lemon Zest Cookie
• “Keeping Friends Close and Best Friends Closer”
Featuring: Cream Soda Cookie and Cherry Cola Cookie
• “Compliments”
Featuring: Dark Cacao Cookie and Mystic Flour Cookie
• “Tale of the Mansion” 🍪
Featuring: The Juice Bar Regulars
• “A Little Help”
Featuring: Star Coral Cookie
• “Feathered Envy”
Featuring: Blue Slushy Cookie, Red Panna Cotta Cookie, Sugar Swan Cookie, Pilot Cookie, The Cookiemals and Whipped Cream Cookie
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phoenix-bleh · 6 months
Um, if you don't mind, can I order a Cookie Run Kingdom Self-awareness Au from you if you don't mind y/n the baker will be a child? And the situation is like this: Child y/n was playing his favorite Cookie Run Kingdom game and one day while y/n was sleeping, Pure Vanilla Cookie suddenly pops out of the child's phone. Pure Vanilla Cookie Saw a charming child on the bed, sat down next to them and began stroking this little boy on the head and gently hugging him kissing his forehead and suddenly Shadow Milk Cookie appeared and saw this moment a little jealous as Pure Vanilla Cookie holds this little boy in his arms and he just smiles sweetly at him with a sly expression saying Hey, what happened? Are you jealous of a little baker for me?
If you don't mind of course I I thought thought that would be nice! ^^
Pure Vanilla x child! reader x Shadow Milk
After school you walked back home and dropped your backpack on the floor once you entered your house. You sat at your desk and pulled out your phone from your pocket and went on one of your favorite games. Cookie Run Kingdom. It always brought you some sort of joy especially after a very busy day. You would just go on it for hours or even just a few minutes.
However one thing that you noticed is that one of the cookie characters always seemed to notice you almost like he was aware of your presence. It was Pure Vanilla Cookie. You just got him recently during the Beast Yeast update. There was something off about him once he was in your kingdom though. He would make comments to you as if he was trying to speak directly towards you.
It was unsettling but you thought nothing of it since it was just a game, he was probably programmed to do that. 
One day you stayed up really late studying for an upcoming test. You wanted to make sure you passed this test as much as possible, but you slowly started growing tired. You try to keep your eyes open and focus on the words and notes you were reading. Until you passed out from exhaustion and fell asleep right at your desk.
A few minutes passed when all of a sudden your phone turned on and had a soft glowing light on it and then a figure morphed into your room from the phone. Pure Vanilla Cookie appeared and landed on his feet. You were not aware of any of this happening because you were too tired to wake up to see what was happening.
Pure Vanilla walked up to your sleeping form and stared down at you. He then placed a hand on top of your head. “Oh you poor child, how could you work yourself to exhaustion like this?” He said quietly to himself keeping his voice low so as to not wake you. He was always aware of your presence ever since you got him from the gacha. He felt this sense to take care of you, since you were only a child. You never seemed to care for yourself properly which made him worried for your well being, and being a healer it was natural for him to care for someone.
He picked you up and brought you over to your bed. He sat down first and then placed you laying down next to him with your head on his lap. He smiled softly at you, stroking your head gently. You looked so peaceful and he could hear your little snores, he thought it was cute. “If I ever could one day I’d bring you back to my place and take care of you more properly and you wouldn’t have to worry about anything little one.”
Some time passed and he lifted you again to place your head on the pillow and tucked you in under your blankets making sure you were warm and secure. He placed a small kiss on your head and rubbed your shoulders. He didn’t want to leave just yet so he stayed a bit longer.
Pure Vanilla Cookie then realized that your phone turned on by itself again and out came another figure. He looked at them until they finally revealed themselves to be Shadow Milk Cookie. Pure Vanilla calming looked at him and raised a brow “What are you doing here?” he asked. Shadow Milk looked at him with a displeased look on his face as he crossed his arms. “I should be asking you the same question.” 
Pure Vanilla then gave him a sly look.
“What’s with the look? Jealous I got to the child first?”
Shadow Milk Cookie was pissed lmao.
part 2!
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valencebagelbandit · 7 months
homelander head cannons<3
he doesn't drink because maeve did. I think when he was younger and Maeve started drinking to cope with being around him he automatically started associating it with stress, so between him not being able to handle the burn on his super senses he probably got turned off from it by being around someone who drunk all the time! (totally not projecting on this one )
he lets Ryan play games on his phone all the time and Ryan being the little nerd that he his downloaded Duolingo. now homelander is deeply confused when he checks his notifications to see vague threats from a green owl because Ryan forgot to do his Spanish lesson.
homelander is notorious amongst interns because when he orders coffee during a meeting he just asks for a cup of whole milk and since most of them are all younger than 30 they are all horrified and that is some of their sole reasons for thinking he's crazy.
ryan is homeschooled, plus being homelanders son is definitely getting private tutoring in house. meaning that everyone on floor 99 and the company kitchens probably know who he is and gives him cookies and such because he occasionally gets to wander around unsupervised. and by unsupervised I mean homelander is absolutely watching him through the walls because it's good for the boy to learn people skills!
homelander sleeps in a pocket like bundle of blankets with at least 3 weighted blankets. bro is so touch starved he probably thinks it's the best thing in the world! plus with super senses he has to be constantly overstimulated thank God for his gloves he would touch something sticky with his bare hands and immediately recoil in horror. so his nice, clean, sound proofed penthouse would be heaven for him and a nice cozy bed that's warm and comforting would be the reason he would even get in bed because no one can tell me that man ever closes them peepers.
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daydreamerwoah · 21 days
Motherly Neighbor Pt. 2
Simon looked at you with wide eyes, raking his eyes up and down your figure. Your face was the same, confused as to why he had on a mask in Emma's house.
She waltzed past you and sat down on the couch across from Simon, "Oh come sit dear," she urged, "Simon here just got back in town last night."
You blinked quickly before going and sitting down next to Emma as she poured you a cup a tea and placed a cookie on a small plate for you. You tried your best not to look at the man sitting on the opposite couch across from you, so you focused on the way Emma made your tea; a teaspoon of sugar and some milk. She handed you the cup and gently took it, taking a sip.
It was odd. You'd never really been a tea person, and being from the States, going to someone's house just for the occasion wasn't something you saw yourself ever doing.
"I usually don't invite Simon over the day after he gets back," she smiled at him, "But since you were coming, I thought you two could meet." she took a sip of her own tea.
"And didn't think to tell me?" Simon asked. His voice was deep, and if you hadn't heard the giggle coming from Emma you wouldn't have known he was being sarcastic.
"You wouldn't have come." she simply put it. A short hum came from his lips that was muffled by the mask making Emma giggle once more. "So Y/n, how are you settling into your place?"
You set the cup of tea back on the coffee table, "Good. Everything's pretty much unpacked. I've just had to order a few things I need, but I'm all settled."
Emma, being the wonderful lady that she was, dove into a series of questions about how things were different here than at your last city, what you did for work and if you enjoyed it, and anything else that came to mind.
Simon's gaze remained on yours as you talked with Emma. He concentrated on the words that spoke of - work, your past that you briefly touched on, and how you'd gotten lost walking back home yesterday.
You walking home alone yesterday and getting lost, made him shift his posture. He unconsciously didn't like the idea of you doing that. Anything could have happened to you and no one but Emma knew who you were. He didn't realize he was in his own head until she mentioned him.
"Simon here works on base." She smirked, "Military." You glanced at Simon, seeing his body tense when she mentioned his occupation. Emma leaned over towards your ear, "He doesn't talk much dear."
He playfully scoffed and shook his head, "I do. But-" he stood up "-I need to head out. See ya later yeah?"
She brushed off his behavior with a wave of her hand and stood up. She excused herself while Simon gave you a curt nod in saying goodbye before she walked him to the front door. You sat there, staring at the spot he was just sitting in. It was.....odd. Having tea with an elderly lady and a man in a mask. You couldn't think too much on it as she came back and took her seat next to you.
"I know he doesn't talk much but... he's good people. Helped me when I fell and broke my hip last year," she said, reminiscing on the incident. Your eyes widened so big at the story and she looked at you and laughed, "Oh don't look at me like that. I'm still here sweeping these old blokes off their feet," she joked.
Emma was a feisty woman. Probably was a true heartbreaker back in her day, and you couldn't help the giggle that left your mouth as she talked about any and everything for the rest of the day. She offered you more tea after you drank the first cup, and insisted on you taking a plate of cookies back to your place for later.
A couple of weeks had passed and you had two more tea dates with Emma. Simon joined one of those where he talked a little bit more than the previous time. It was usually him telling one of his awful (Emma's words) jokes. Although you found yourself giggle at the fish in a tank one.
One evening you were carrying a huge package from the lobby to your place. It was the rest of your things that had been shipped over and hell was the box heavy. You had set it down twice in the hallway so it wouldn't slip out of your hands.
Just as you bent down to pick it up once more, a deep voice echoed through the hall, "Y/n?" It was Simon.
Out a breath and sweaty you almost cringed at yourself that he was walking up to you, but it was too late, "Oh, hey Simon."
"Need help?" he asked glancing between the box at your feet and your eyes.
"Oh no-" you glanced at his attire. He seemed to be heading out somewhere with his jacket and balaclava on. "-it's fine. I don't wanna bug you with this."
Simon didn't even respond as he bent down and picked the box up with ease. You wanted to protest but he was already turning around and making his way toward your door. You caught up with him and pulled your keys out of your jeans pocket to unlock the door and opened it. Without much effort, Simon walked in and placed the box on the floor in your living room.
"Thank you," you said as he stood back up and faced you. He shrugged his shoulders as if it was nothing for him to do that; take carry that heavy box for you. You smiled as his brown eyes looked into yours.
Simon was an.... interesting guy. Not much for words, yet each time you'd seen him in the hallway or at Emma's his eyes told a lot. Soft, brown orbs looked as if they'd seen everything under the sun and more. Emma explained that he was a Lieutenant, often going on missions so he'd be in and out of his apartment. Yet, she never said exactly what he did when he was gone. But you found yourself wanting to know more about the quiet neighbor.
"If.....y'need anything, just-just knock on m'door when I'm home yeah?" he offered.
While his words sounded stiff, his eyes showed true genuineness in his offer to you. He seemed a bit nervous, but so were you. All you could do was smile at him and nod.
"Okay... I will."
As you led Simon out of the apartment, the door across the hall opened up as Emma walked out of her apartment with a coat on. "Simon.. Y/n... what're y'two doing?" she beamed.
"Just helpin' Y/n with a package," he said.
She hummed and continued to smile, "Well isn't that sweet. You need to help her more often," If you didn't know any better, you'd thought Emma's comment meant something. Yet you didn't dwell on it as she continued to lock her door. "I'm heading to the market. See you two later."
As she walked away, she hummed a tune, leaving you and Simon standing there. An awkward beat went by before he said goodbye to you and ventured down the hall heading out. You stay rooted in your spot in the doorway... confusion across your face about what Emma said.
Help you more often?
Ah I have no idea where I'm going with this lol!
@whataneed @romanceloverrrr
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redrose10 · 2 months
yoongi - 50
This one got a way from me a little, but I hope you like it!
#50 People are Staring
Warnings: Swearing, slightly suggestive, mean CEO Yoongi
You profusely apologized once again for the long wait times even though it wasn’t your fault. It wasn’t your fault that this was one of the only cafes in the city. It wasn’t your fault that this cafe was located right at the entrance level of one of the the biggest and busiest corporate offices in the city, probably the state. It wasn’t your fault that your co-workers all quit or got fired within the last week leaving you with just the new guy, Jungkook.
He was a nice kid and a hard worker, but he was still not familiar with most of the drinks so you had him on the register while you did your best to get the orders done.
You looked at the receipt for the next drink,
Large coffee
2 pumps vanilla
3 pumps peppermint
2 pumps mocha
Almond milk
Whipped cream
Chocolate drizzle
Chocolate cookie crumble
Whatever happened to just coffee with cream and sugar you thought as you began to work on the drink.
Just as you finished up Jungkook came over with a scared look on his face, “Umm Y/N there is a guy at the counter who wants to speak to the manager.”
“Okay, I’ll handle it. Please take this drink for order 377.”, you sighed.
Even though you technically weren’t the manager you were the closest there was right now so you mentally prepared yourself before grabbing a handful of free drink coupons as an apology and heading towards the counter.
You came to a halt feeling your stomach drop at the sight of Min Yoongi. The incredibly handsome incredibly rude super scary CEO of MYG INC. which was located on the top floor of the office building. You’d had several encounters with him. He never smiled, hardly ever looked up from his phone and if he did it was only to make a comment belittling or complaining about something. He stopped by 4 out of 5 days a week but sent his assistant Hobi on the fifth day who was a welcomed break.
You cleared your throat before speaking, “M-Mr.Min, how can I help you?”
He looked down at you through narrowed eyes, “Y/N, I’ve been in line for almost twenty minutes. That is completely unacceptable for a mediocre cup of coffee.”
You nodded with you lips in a tight smile, “Of course sir. I apologize. It’s just Jungkook and I and he is new. We’re trying our best.”
“Yeah well it’s clearly not good enough.”, he scoffed.
You took a deep breath to keep yourself calm, before sliding over the coupons, “Again I apologize Mr.Min. Here are coupons for some free drinks.”
“Ha I don’t need a free drink. Clearly I can afford a $5 coffee which shouldn’t take this long to receive. Do better.”, he spat before grabbing his coffee from the counter and heading towards the elevators.
“Wow he’s an intimidating asshole.”, Jungkook whispered next to you.
“Yeah uh he’s something for sure.”, you sniffled trying to hold back some tears.
Over the next couple weeks things improved slightly. Jungkook was getting quicker and the owner hired two more employees, Jimin and Taehyung.
Your classes had started up again so you were moved to the evening shift which you were so thankful for. It was a little slower and you no longer had to deal with Yoongi.
Clocking in for your shift you got a text from the owner,
Jin (Boss man): Hey there’s a new guy starting tonight. He’s only working a few hours a week. Something about learning to deal with people blah blah blah. Please show him the ropes.
You: Sure thing
JIN (Boss man): He’s really handsome by the way. NO OFFICE SEX!!!
You chuckled as you tucked away your phone ready to get this shift over. The first couple hours flew by even though it was relatively slow. You had your back turned to the counter as you scrubbed away at one of the machines.
From behind you someone cleared their throat making you jump.
If you had a million guesses you never would’ve been correct about who was standing behind you in uniform.
“Uh Mr. Min?”, you questioned.
He looked more pissed off than ever.
“Y/N, I guess I am your new coworker for the next several weeks. Maybe I’ll be able to to come up with a better system to solve the slow service around here.”
“Umm uh sir? W-what do you mean coworker?”
He rolled his eyes, “Obviously I mean we are working together.”
“I know what a coworker is. My question is why is a billionaire ceo working at a coffee shop for minimum wage?”
“Because my lovely parents think I need to learn some humility and how to talk to people other than just demanding things. They said I do this or they’re removing me from the company so I have no choice.”, he said picking at some lint on his shirt.
“So I’m working here a few hours a week. I figured if anyone knows some humbleness it’s a nobody coffee maker.”
Great. Just great. Just when you thought things were looking up now you have to deal with this arrogance and rudeness.
But being the reliable hard worker you are you sucked it up, “Okay sir. The easiest thing is to learn the register first.”
He followed you over to where the computer was located.
“Okay so this row is the specials. This row is basic coffees. Then when you select a coffee it asks if you want to add any thing. That’s where you’ll find the flavorings and toppings. This row is cold drinks. This row is baked good.”
You noticed he was very quiet so when you looked up you weren’t surprised to see him staring at some blond in a short pencil skirt sitting at one of the cafe tables.
“Are you even listening?”, you questioned.
“Y/N, I run a billion dollar company. I think I can figure out a few buttons on a computer screen at a coffee shop.”, he smirked.
“Okay sir, here’s your first customer.”, you smiled as an older woman came up to the register.
“Hi, welcome to Jin’s Java House, how can I help you?”, he greeted her.
“Sure can I get a medium coffee with two pumps of hazelnut, half a pump of vanilla but make sure it’s only half a pump. Last time they definitely put too much. Then also add a caramel swirl and use half oat milk half almond milk that is warmed up so it doesn’t cool the coffee too much. I also want a banana nut muffin on the side but warm it up also.”
You felt a deep happiness as you watched Yoongi’s fingers hover over the buttons unsure of how to complete the order. Reluctantly he looked at you for assistance.
You showed him how to type in the order while Jimin got to work making it.
That was definitely a humbling experience for Yoongi who was much more open to help after that.
Working at the coffee shop certainly seemed to bring a change in Yoongi. He was friendlier, calmer. One night he even apologized for always treating you so coldly, especially that one day he made you cry. He said he came down later in the day to apologize then but you were already gone and it bothered him ever since. The two of you became a lot closer and you might’ve started to developed a small crush instead of just pure hatred for him.
You were most surprised when he agreed to work with you during a Saturday morning shift. It was a last resort when you texted him explaining the situation and that you were going to be working by yourself. When he showed up Saturday morning bright and early you were in shock. He looked even hotter than usual in his ripped jeans and sneakers and the cafe shirt. His hair just combed through and messy instead of styled back. He wore glasses instead of his usual contacts. He looked good as he greeted you with a gummy smile.
The shift was BUSY. You felt like you were running around nonstop. Yoongi even broke a sweat which you didn’t think was possible.
“I have to go in the back and get more ice water. The machine is overheating again.”, you said pointing at the old espresso maker.
“I’m just going to suck it up and buy Jin a new one. That cheap bastard. This is ridiculous.”, he shook his head.
The bucket was heavy as you did your best to carry it up front without spilling any.
“Hey Y/N, how do I ring up a strawberry milk tea aga-“
Before he could finish Yoongi turned around and crashed into you spilling the ice water all over you and the black coffee he was holding all over himself.
You hissed from the coldness running down your body.
“Oh my god I am so sorry Y/N. I didn’t see yo-“
Yoongi stopped speaking rendered silent.
He came to stand in front of you when you noticed the coffee spilled all over his jeans and shoes, “Oh sir I am so sorry. I didn’t even notice. I can’t afford to buy you new ones but I’ll try to clean them the best I can.”
You noticed the waiting area full of customers all staring at you. Mostly in silence, a few chuckles. Your cheeks started heating back up even though your body was cold from the water.
“People are staring.”, you whispered.
“Um yeah uh. Probably because um…”
You’d never seen the CEO so flustered. A blush crept up his next to his cheeks before he continued, “It’s probably because your shirt is uh…is kind of see through right now.”
You looked down in horror realizing that the water had turned your white work shirt completely see through revealing your white lace bra underneath.
You ran in the back looking for another shirt to change into when Yoongi followed close behind.
“I’m so embarrassed. I’m so sorry sir. I’m sorry about your clothes and I’m sorry I embarrassed myself in front of you and now you’re never going to like someone like me and ugh I’m so dumb. Why didn’t I wear an apron today?”, you were rambling on and not even realizing what you’d said when Yoongi came and stood in front of you again handing you a shirt he had found, “Y/N, you have to stop calling me sir. Please. Especially when you’re standing in front of me with your bra on display.”
“Um sir…I mean Mr.Min I…It’s a habit.”, you said even more embarrassed.
“Mr. Min isn’t any better.”, he shook his head.
“Here put this shirt on and then let’s go out there and finish this shift so we can go back to my place, have dinner, and then I can see this lace on full display while I make you call me sir in all kinds of ways.”, he said with a smirk just inches away from your face, “Otherwise I might just have to take you here. And Jin is going to be very upset that we broke the no office sex rule.” Your eyes widened with excitement as you quickly changed before following after him reeling with desire.
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dontsh0vethesun · 9 months
christmas lights and tension
part two of home for christmas
natasha romanoff x reader
The hallmark movie inspired Christmas story that nobody asked for.
Natasha Romanoff fell out of love with Christmas, but perhaps a certain someone could help her find the festive magic once again.
Coming home to her small hometown from her life in New York City, the children’s author is reunited with the people of her past; some are happier to see her than others.
But, will rekindled relationships inspire the Christmas story she’s struggling to write? Or will she go home empty handed?
fluff, friendship, an attempt at humour, cringe of course, tension and bickering, meddling gyals, feelings good and bad, found family
wc: 2.9k | part one | part three
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The night prior played on in your head the entire journey to work. You thought about the pathetic way she could still make your heart beat with just a look of her eyes into yours and how, even after all this time, a brief closeness still made the hairs on the back of your neck stand straight. As though, they too, just wanted her nearer. 
It was aggravating, the way you wanted her within your periphery despite the hate you’d accumulated with regards to the redhead in her time away. Since she left with little goodbye. 
The festive ornaments Wanda had decorated the cafe door with dared to annoy you when you let the door shut heavily behind you and each motion you went through was carried out with more force than necessary. You loathe how easily Natasha had gotten beneath your skin. With just one evening leaving you in such a way, you dare to think what else was in store. The mere fact only sets your plan in stone - you have to avoid her as much as possible. She’ll be gone in a week, it’ll be a simple task to execute. 
When Sam and Wanda arrived they only had to share a glance, darting their eyes towards where you huffed and puffed at each menial job you carried out. The annoyance bounced off you and they knew better than to drag you into a conversation. 
They let you stew in your Romanoff-stained head, plastering on your best customer service grins before retreating to make their orders with an obvious and venomous taste left on your tongue. 
Pietro, however, was the allegorical spanner in the works. The blonde hurried into the building when he knew you’d reached the afternoon lull, an expectant smile on his face for the gossip he was waiting to hear from your lips. Wanda had warned him, and she did so again with a muttered scolding beneath her breath. She’d told him all about it last night - of course. But he wanted your side of the ongoing feud (that had been significantly lacking ignition for longer than he’d prefer).
Despite what his sister may say, he will not deprive himself of hearing your angry retelling. 
“So,” he began with a playful lilt to his vaguely accented voice. “Anything interesting happen last night?”
He merely laughed at the glare you shot his way, a trait you’d grown to despise after all of these years. 
“I told you not to say anything,” Wanda sighed, slapping his hand away from the cookie he tried to help himself to. “She’s angry,” she finished with a stage whisper and a nowhere-near-subtle gesture to where you stood beside her, 
“I’m not angry,” you muttered with a roll of your eyes that proved just the opposite. 
“So you definitely didn’t almost break my favourite mug, huh?” Sam laughed, still milking the emotional wound of the morning. It wasn’t broken, which you had assured him multiple times, but the near fatality was enough for him to hold against you for the foreseeable. 
“It’s an ugly mug, Sam,” you mumbled, letting a huff of a laugh break through your tough exterior at his overly dramatic gasp. 
“Only an angry person would say such a hurtful thing,” he frowned. 
“I’m not angry. I’m totally over it. One hundred percent, completely, over it.”
You couldn’t even convince yourself, let alone the lifelong friends who stared back at you incredulously. You could just about kick yourself with the effect she somehow has on you. You could practically suffocate in it. 
“Right,” Pietro nodded, seemingly agreeing with the others to feign the slightest belief in your statement. “So last night was good?”
“It was great,” you nodded, possibly giving yourself whiplash with the intensity. “Right, Wanda?”
“Yes. Definitely,” she agreed. “Very, um, tension-free and comfortable.”
“Yeah. It’s not as though somebody I haven’t spoken to for years was just staring at me all night,” you grumbled. 
“Someone you’re totally over.”
“Exactly. Someone who has no hold on me at all. In fact, I actually forgot about the time she blocked my number, moved away and just never talked to me again.” 
“So the annual Christmas Eve party at the Romanoff’s is still good to go?” Sam chimed in. 
“Oh - I actually have plans that day,” you stumbled out - completely blanking on the tradition you’ve all kept up since high school.
It was an unconventional family you’d all found yourselves a home within; what began as a friendship group sitting together at lunch turned into gatherings during the holidays. Melina and Alexei had become parental figures for a few of you; large gatherings were held for all holidays celebrated within the social circle you’d accumulated, and the time you’d all spend together only grew you ever closer. 
When you were younger, the ‘adults’ would be forced into the kitchen whilst you had your own teenage gatherings in the living room. Yelena would sneak a bottle of vodka from her parent’s cupboard, Kate would supply pizza, and Kamala would always amuse you with the comic stories she’d write herself into. Maria had often fondly commented on her wish for you to just ‘go to a party and get the cops called on you for underage drinking’, but you were all happy with Monica bringing her telescope - her prized possession - to show you the stars. You’d all rather critique Sam’s baking endeavours and tease Carol about her weekly changing crushes on various cheerleaders. Watching Kate clumsily lose her balance in an attempt at a race against Pietro was your preferred way to spend a Friday night. 
You and Wanda would giggle at your friends, at the way Kamala would have to be practically carried home by her parents. She’d feign tipsiness and you’d all pretend you didn’t know it was just from all the Pepsi she’d drink. And then you’d gossip. Your favourite pastime for all these years, it was the pair of you against the world. She’d try to convince you of the obvious crush Natasha harboured for you, analysing each and every time she’d looked your way to see if you’d laughed at one of her jokes. Telling you of the eyes that constantly tried to find yours across a room as though she noted down each interaction - knowing her, she probably did. 
She’d told you for years that your feelings were mutual and just as you let yourself believe her, the girl that held your heart in the palm of her hand just took it with her to college. And then to New York. And now that she was here, you swear you could see it peeking out of her jean pocket. 
“Melina’s apple pie is literally your favourite,” Wanda spoke with a poke of her elbow into your side, knowing your stubbornness could easily subside if she had anything to do about it. 
“Just bring me a slice,” you grumbled. 
“No. You’re coming,” she returned with a shake of her head that never failed to put you in your place. “Besides, you’re over the Romanoff phenomena, right?”
And just as though the universe is desperate to see you in a fugue of embarrassment the bell above the coffee shop door sounded, and the hinges you always mean to tend to creaked, as the subject of your aching resentment sauntered in. You caught a brief glance of the soft smile that pulled at her lips as she looked around before you ducked out of view, hitting Wanda’s leg when she looked down at you with a laugh. 
“You’ve got a nice place here,” she spoke. You hate how much you still adore the rasp of her voice. 
“Yeah,” Wanda answered, you saw her nod from where you sat. And hid; your cowardice seemingly ever present only when it comes to her.  “We opened it a couple years ago.”
“She always said you’d open a shop here. I knew she’d do it.” You could hear the smile in her words and though Wanda is always on your team she couldn’t miss the fondness in Natasha’s eyes. The same glint from before; she made a mental note to tell you later. She does love romance after all, even if one half of the beloved couple is on her naughty list. She couldn’t completely let go of her matchmaking fantasies, even if she had to work with a friends-to enemies-to lovers debacle. 
You rest your chin on your tucked-up knees as you remember the day she’d walked with you through town, sharing a cup of ice cream whilst you spoke about your dreams for the future. You’d pointed at an empty space with a ‘for rent’ sign plastered to the window and claimed it would be yours, that you’d let Wanda decorate and give Natasha free coffees. She’d laughed and told you she’d write her books in the back corner and name a character after you. 
Neither of you mentioned the key elements of your desired futures. The presence of one another, sharing kisses and tender embraces. 
“My mom sent me,” you heard her say. “Something about cookies to have while we decorate? Apparently you come over to help?”
“You’d know that if you ever came back, Nat.” Wanda hadn’t meant to sound so harsh, she almost felt bad at the way the redhead nervously cleared her throat at the unspoken accusation but she couldn’t just forget the way she’d treated you. It was impossible to forget the way you only let her see you cry. 
“Yeah, I know,” she breathed. “It’s busy in New York, y’know? Deadlines and meetings,” she added, trailing off when she realised her excuses weren’t even good enough for herself. “I was hoping I’d bump into her actually, is she not here?”
“No, sorry,” Wanda lied seamlessly. “She had to go and chase up a delivery.”
“I guess I’ll see her tonight?”
“I’ll see if she can make it.”
She didn’t ‘see if you could make it’ at all. Each protest you made was debunked by persuasive words and puppy dog eyes she knew you couldn’t resist. You let any attempt she made of Natasha being a ‘changed woman’ glide right off of you, Wanda Maximoff’s belief in true love be damned. 
So, you were forced into attending the annual get-together where Melina sugarcoated her forced labour with promises of eggnog. She only enlists you to help because she knows Alexei and Yelena are less use than a chocolate teapot when it comes to festive decorations. 
You muttered beneath your breath as you dawdled your way to the front door, arms full with the box of cookies as requested (Sam’s own recipe), hoping to savour as much time as possible before you were thrust into close proximity with the woman you’d made it your mission to avoid. Wanda was orchestrating this on purpose, you’re sure. 
Before you’d even had time to fish the key out of your jacket’s pocket, the face you hoped not to see was smiling at you with the door opened wide enough to let you in. You didn’t let yourself pay attention to the familiar scent of the perfume she still seems to wear. 
“Hi, you made it,” Natasha smiled, taking the box from your hands, feeling the same pull as you when her fingers brushed against yours. 
“Yeah, I couldn’t let Yelena go without her cookies, could I?” you smirked, laughing when the aforementioned woman hurried over to take them from her sister. 
“Kate Bishop, I have acquired the goods,” she shouted through a mouthful of crumbs that you knew must’ve left a trail behind her on the carpet. 
“Wanda wasn’t sure you’d come.”
“Melina promised eggnog, of course I’m here,” you smiled, directing it towards the woman who approached you with a glass and a grin. She couldn’t help the twinge of hurt that washed through her at your obvious coolness towards her, how you hardly looked at her, though she couldn’t blame you for it. 
You were soon roped into hanging stockings along the fireplace with yours and the Maximoff’s still given a place. In hindsight, you wish less of your energy was focused on being on the opposite side of the room to Natasha and more on the sly whisperings between the women in the corner. 
It wouldn’t have been as much of a surprise when the two of you were given the task of fixing stringed lights on the porch. You could’ve wrestled Wanda to the ground at the way she laughed behind her hand at each subtle way you attempted to push the job into somebody else's lap. But their minds were made up and four pairs of eyes glinted with mischievous amusement when you begrudgingly made your way out into the cold Ohio evening. 
The yellowed light that filtered onto you both from within the house made her skin glow, her milky complexion just like cream. The kind that’d entice the swipe of your tongue across your bottom lip, wanting just a taste, but wanting to steer clear of its addictive elixir even more. You didn’t let her catch sight of your eyes tracing the side of her face whilst she attempted to unbind the tangled mess of lights bundled in her hold; mapping the contours of her jaw and the sharp turn it took as it dipped down to her exposed neck. You still knew each sporadic freckle and you chased a glimpse of each one before you darted your eyes elsewhere. 
It was confusing. How all those antipathetic emotions she stirred up within you, adding to the mixture with each passing year of being out of your life, were somehow joined by those old feelings flooding back. It all washed over you in a blearily muddled wave, filling each space it could find, bubbling and boiling, spitting out in ways that made you flinch. 
How could one woman cause you such upheaval? 
“Here,” she muttered, holding out the stringed lights that seemed to be in even worse condition than they had started with a scrunched up face of surrender. “I give up.”
You took them from her wordlessly, still hoping you could get this over with as quickly as possible. 
“Things like this take time, Natasha,” you spoke. Your voice was quiet and directed downwards with your chin against your chest as you picked apart the mess she’d handed you. “You can’t just expect it to unravel all perfectly just because you want it to.”
“Why do I feel like that has a double meaning?”
You only shrugged in response, weaving the wires with care so not to damage them further, getting there slowly but surely. 
“And here I was, hoping you’d talk to me tonight,” she murmured, scuffing her foot against the worn down wooden decking beneath her boot clad feet. 
“I don’t have much to say.”
“Things don’t always happen the way you want them to, that’s all,” you breathed. “You can’t just come here and have it all fall in your lap all perfectly neat. Life doesn’t work like that.”
“Right, so this definitely isn’t about the lights,” she laughed. It was humourless and the second you dared to spare in her direction showed you the grimace that washed over her lips for just a moment before it faded again. 
“I don’t find any of this funny, Natasha. It’s a lot,” you sighed. “You being here after all of this time - after all that time I was just forgotten by you. You must be really dense if you’d expect me to just welcome you back with open arms.”
“I didn’t forget you,” she returned, brows furrowing at the way you truly believed that. “I could never just forget you.” 
“Then why’d you leave me behind?”
Any words that lay across the length of her tongue wouldn’t garner the courage to venture past her lips. Her mouth opened and closed. Opened and closed again. Words were never easy when it came to you. 
“I’m done,” you stated, doing all you could to push down the sting at her lack of reassurance. You felt foolish that, just for a moment,you’d thought that something heartfelt and profound would ease the ache. Sweet words spoken in her velvet-soft voice, saccharine enough to fix it all. You held out the neat and tangle-free length of string lights for clarification and she cleared her throat as she pulled her hands out of the front pockets of her jeans to take them from you. “Let’s just get this over with.”
The woman didn’t shy away from letting her sights linger on your body when she held the ladder still for you to climb. Still, she kept her hands away as much as she wanted to feel the solidity of you beneath them, only instructing you with words. 
“Move them a little to the left, maybe?”
“I know how to hang lights, Natasha,” you grumbled, straining the muscles of your arms to reach above you. 
“I’m sure you do but they’re uneven,” she bit back. 
“Whatever you say.” You rolled your eyes out of her sight whilst she snuck a peek at the exposed skin of your back where your shirt lifted. 
“Alright, now just hook them over the corner and we’re done,” she added, smirking at the dramatised groan you answered her with despite the tension in her jaw at the thick atmosphere between you. 
“If I’d known you’d back seat decorate, I would’ve got you to do it all,” you scoffed when you could finally make your way down from the stepladder. 
Neither of you acknowledged the hand she lay on your back, fingertips ghosting your cool skin with warmth that bit past the winter cold. Neither of you said anything about the way it stayed there. And you definitely didn’t admit to yourself that it left you willing its return when it drew away. 
Wanda was going to have a field day with this.
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sadesluvr · 4 months
Platonic! Lemon + Tangerine Headcanons (GN!)
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aka the babygirlification of two assassins (i literally birthed them it’s true)
You come across the twins as a civilian - in this case you work at a coffee shop. When they walk up to the counter you’re a little shocked, not because of anything they’ve done but the fact that one of them is bleeding. 
“Woah, are you alright?” You say, gesturing to the dark-skinned man’s shirt.
“What? Oh, I’m fine. I don’t bleed.”
It’s in your better judgment not to question it. The man next to him - classically dressed and spouting a moustache - sighs before smiling at you and ordering: one black coffee, and a hot chocolate with a chocolate chip cookie to be precise.
From behind the counter you can hear the moustached man mention something about his friend ‘eating all that sugar’, whilst he brushes it off, going on about ‘rewards’ before somehow talking about Thomas the Tank Engine?
The man isn’t even halfway done with his drink when you can see his eyes brighten, snapping his fingers with every sip.
“Ah, mate…You’ve gotta try this, init? That barista makes it proper - good layer of milk and cream, the right temperature for sipping…None of that hot water shit they used to give us in school!”
You smile to yourself, and once he’s done he comes up and thanks you personally, leaving a generous tip :)
The rest is history:
Lemon is the type of guy to come back to something when he enjoys it. When the Twins are in town, he’s definitely coming to your store, and you’re the only one who can make his hot chocolate. No exceptions.
From there you actually learn their names - Lemon and Tangerine. Tan is cordial enough, but you definitely click with Lemon the most
They ask you about your day, if you’ve been busy, all of that. It’s nice to have a familiar face in their line of work
Sometimes they stay until closing time, and if you’re shutting up they ALWAYS walk you home
Thomas the Tank Engine initiation rituals…The engine Lemon decides to give you is forever stuck onto your uniform as a badge of honour
Making fun of Tangerine for being grumpy and only liking black coffee… He orders a muffin just to shut you all up
“Would you two grow up, would ya? Can’t beat a classic Victoria sponge anyway.”
The one time you offer them to have a meal at your house it’s the sweetest thing ever: takeout or home cooked, they lap it up whilst they tell you crazy stories about their travels
They would LOVE home baked/cooked goods in particular though, it makes them feel 'normal' and like a family
They'll always bring you gifts from the different places they’ve been!! Ex. A Momomon from Japan or a snowglobe from Switzerland
I feel like Tan gets comically angry if he opens your fridge and sees that you only have oat/almond milk…He can’t get over the fact that it’s a ‘fucking NUT, it’s not proper milk’
Lemon using you as a parent, telling on Tangerine for everything- "I'm telling them that you stole from that vendor. You said you were trying to kick that habit, mate."
You figuring out that ‘outside contractors’ means something shady, but you don’t care bc they’re your friends
Tangerine is better with pets than Lemon, who isn’t really fond of them. Your animal will either love Tan or hate him, and there’s no in between
Being worried when they disappear for long periods of time :(
They're not the best at comfort (Tangerine in particular) but they try. Lemon suggests a relevant Thomas episode to help you get through it
Your watchlist is filled with animated/children's films
If there’s a stray/abused animal they find on a mission, they’re bringing it back to you. Surprise, you have a pet!
Them having your back. Tangerine is definitely beating up someone for you, and they’ll give you a bit of cash if you’re ever running behind on rent.
Them having a tiny photo of you in their jacket/wallet to look at and remember the good times missions <3
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chuuyascumsock · 9 months
Whoever asked for more Milf/Dilf Reader x Characters— what about the Gilfs?
What about Gojo telling you “I’m going to fuck this pussy/ass so hard it’s going to cremate”?
What about Tojo only being in it for the life insurance and calls you his “little hag”?
What about Geto already planning on finding places that will euthanize you because he thinks the elderly needs to be put down after 60?
What about Nanami being there because in order to be a Boy Scout leader he needs to get his “helping the elderly” badge?
What about Choso who needs someone to make him milk and cookies and knit him ugly Christmas sweaters?
What about Sukuna planning on having you burned at the stake because it’s tradition back in his day to light the respected elders on fire to sacrifice for the people? (He just wants to see someone on fire.)
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littlejuicebox · 10 months
LittleJuicebox Masterlist
Click here for my AO3 account. (Converting is a WiP).
If you’d like to be added to a tag list, please DM me and I can send you the google doc link. I have decided to keep tag lists for each individual series so you only get tagged in the ones you want.
My personal favorites are denoted by a +.
GN reader is denoted by a * otherwise assume Fem reader/OC.
Titles colored red are smut or other mature themes, 18+ only.
AstarionxWren Series:
This is a canon-adjacent passion project which focuses on Astarion and Wren, a ranger half-elf with her own backstory. She is based off my first Tav. Do you like angsty slow burns where two broken people find one another and learn to love again? Then this one is for you.
Chapter 1 / Chasing birds to get high (PG) + Chapter 2 / Between comfort and chaos (PG) Chapter 3 / Sunshine and midnight rain (PG13) + Chapter 4 / Protect the flames (M/Gore) Chapter 5 / Blue and silver bonded (PG13) Chapter 6 / Remember how it feels to have a heartbeat (PG13) Chapter 7 / Give peace a chance (M/Smut) + Chapter 8 / Dancing in a burning room (M/Gore) Chapter 9 / Lavender haze (PG-PG13?) Chapter 10 / I want to hold your hand (PG13)
Midnight Chimes Series:
Your parents own a tavern in Baldur’s Gate, and Astarion was somewhat of a regular when you worked at the bar in your younger years. You don’t exactly trust him. Now you’re an apothecary owner based in Waterdeep, and when the two of you crash on the beach, you aren’t exactly thrilled to see him there, too. But things aren’t always what they seem.
1 / The Prologue +
2 / Three years
3 / Luck +
4/ Ringleader
Midwinter Carol Series:
Eirianwen and Astarion were in love before the Ascension ritual changed his behavior toward her. She refused to become a spawn, and they went their separate ways. The story starts when they run into one another fifteen years later; Eirianwen returned to the city to deliver some news to the pale elf. Meanwhile, the Ascendant had a night time visitor that convinced him to change his ways, and he believes his ex-lover might be the key. Will he be able to change after fifteen years of living life as a debauched degenerate?
1 / The Prologue +
2 / The Barrier
3 / The Carriage
4 / The Auction +
5/ The Repeat
6/ The Affliction
7/ The Interrogation
8/ The Scheme
9/ The Snake
AstarionxReader One Shots and Mini-Stories:
Mini-Stories are grouped together in order and denoted by a “Part X” in sequential order after the title. These are in general "timeline" order and follow my (admittedly self-indulgent) headcanon for Spawn Astarion x Tav but can definitely be read as OneShots. All stories are AstarionxReader, some allusions to reader having spellcaster ability but otherwise no real description apart from being female in about 3/4 of the fics.
Act 1-2:
The little things.
Before someone steals your queen
Act 3:
Drunken nights*+
The nail salon
You'll stay still, won't you, little love? +
Mermaid whiskey+
Baking Cookies*
Astarion talks in his sleep Part 1*+
My Sun, My Moon Part 2+
Glowing in the Underdark+
Reflections on one year of marriage
Highharvestide Part 1
Highharvestide Part 2
The wish spell worked.+
Little bump.
Labor and joy
Skin to skin.
Little lockpick.
Beach babies.+
A growing brood.
Puppy love.
Pre-BG3 / Random / Ascended Astarion OneShots
Midnight chimes / The Original One Shot
Pre-BG3. You’ve known Astarion for years… or at least, you’ve known of him. You think he’s a rake, but one night he changes your mind. The series "Midnight Chimes" started based off this "prologue."
A Midwinter Carol / The Original One Shot
“A Christmas Carol” but Ascended Astarion is Scrooge. He sees you after your break up 15 years ago, and then has an unexpected nighttime visitor showing him past, present, and future. Will he be convinced to change his ways? The series "Midwinter Carol" started based off this "prologue."
Naughty or Nice?
You’re Ascended Astarion’s little toy in the middle of a party. TLDR; he’s tease and a BDSM dom.
Dancing on my own
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cloudcountry · 2 months
IT'S 'LET'S ALL CELEBRATE AUBERGINE'S GROWTH TIME'!!!!! (in all seriousness, congrats :3 )
May I order an iced coffee in a Mostro Lounge™ sponsored collaboration cup with a slice of dark chocolate & white chocolate pound cake, please? (thinking about meeting up with an old friend from my college days wink wink, nudge nudge)
an order of platonic fluff with divus crewel!
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Catching up with people after graduation was difficult. Graduates from Night Raven College were spread out all across the world in a myriad of industries, always climbing to the top of their group. After doing some soul searching during your higher level schooling, you’d decided to become a teacher and head right back to where it all started.
It was baffling to see just how much had changed in the six years you’d been gone, even if it was something as small as the arrangement of desks or the positioning of cauldrons. You’d spent so much time gawking at the new additions to the alchemy lab that you totally missed an all too familiar figure approaching you from behind, a rolled up whip in hand.
You jump when someone calls your name from right behind you and turn around, prepared to apologize for getting too lost in your thoughts when—
“Divus!?” you gasp, a hand flying over your mouth, “Great Seven, it’s been so long!”
“And you still have that dopey look on your face. Really, have you changed so little?” he shoots back, greeting you warmly with a friendly hug and a smile.
“And you still have that self important attitude.” you grumble, punching him gently in the ribs, “You’d think you would have gotten rid of that once you started teaching these boys.”
“And girls.” Divus says fondly, “I assume you heard the news about Night Raven going co-ed?”
“Did I!” you laugh, “I’m so happy Crowley caved to the pressure. Telling him it would give the school more praise and recognition was the right move, huh?”
Divus laughs, deep and rich, and it makes you laugh too. You’d missed the friend who helped you play pranks on Professor Trein, who went with you on snack runs in the middle of the night, who helped you sneak in and out of your dorm so you could come see him.
You’d missed him, and here he was. Fate had brought you two right back to each other.
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