#Someone's going to get candy placed on top of his head.
fyeahiwatarikei · 11 months
Trick or treat.
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He doesn't have the non-existent heart to ask him whether he's supposed to represent a pumpkin cop or a very ungrateful son, but he's never regretted not carring his smartphone and its included camera everywhere.
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yuujispinkhair · 2 months
Attending a formal family event with Sukuna
Modern!Sukuna x Reader (female). Fluff with some sexual implications. 1.3k words. Minors don't interact. Divider @/plutism
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You didn't want to go to your great-aunt's 80th birthday party, where you only know about a third of the people, but they all seem to know you, and you are expected to do awkward small talk. But you couldn't back out, and now you are here in this fancy hotel, wearing a party dress and uncomfortable shoes with heels that make you feel wobbly on your feet.
But luckily, Sukuna is next to you, letting you hold onto his strong arm so you won't make a fool of yourself by falling in front of everyone. When you think about it, it was very easy to convince your boyfriend to accompany you. You even got the impression that he was happy that you wanted to bring him along to such a big family event, letting even the most distant family member know that Sukuna is the man in your life.
And surely, everyone knows by now. Sukuna has all eyes on him. He stands out with his imposing figure, the pink hair, and the face tattoos and various piercings. You can see the curious glances he gets, but Sukuna is someone who doesn't give a fuck, and instead even basks in the attention he gets, always grinning smugly at everyone who looks his way. And he never lets go of you, making sure everyone knows who he is here with.
It makes you feel strangely proud, too. You won't say it so as not to feed your boyfriend's arrogance even more, but you are beginning to enjoy the looks Sukuna receives. It feels good to show him off as your boyfriend. He looks sinfully good in his black pants and the black dress shirt that sits so snugly on his athletic figure, accentuating his broad shoulders and all the firm muscles.
But it's not just that Sukuna is sexy eye candy on your arm. You are grateful he is by your side because you feel much more at ease with him keeping you company. As boring and awkward as events like these can be, Sukuna is making it better, just like he always makes everything better.
He stands behind you close enough so you feel his tall, firm body brush against you, giving you comfort and security. And providing constant entertainment.
Sukuna leans down to rest his chin on top of your head, hugging you loosely and watching the crowd with his cat-like eyes, analyzing everyone in this room and sharing his deductions with you in his sexy, low voice the whole time.
You laugh and sometimes exclaim in mock outrage, but you find Sukuna's comments very fitting and funny. Your boyfriend is always a first-class shit-talker, and at least the hours pass faster when he is here to make you laugh with his surprisingly accurate character studies of each and every family member.
You catch yourself leaning against Sukuna, resting more of your weight on him, knowing he can easily take it. And he hums approvingly.
One strong arm is wrapped around your waist, Sukuna's large hand sprawling casually and yet possessively over your stomach, high enough so he can feel your heart beating under his fingers. A heart that is currently picking up speed because you can feel Sukuna's firm muscles press against your back, and his breath is ghosting over your neck before he places a soft kiss right under your earlobe.
The band starts to play, and all the older couples gather on the dance floor and wave at you to join them. You shake your head apologetically, but Sukuna takes your hand firmly in his and tugs you along, making you complain all the way to the dancefloor, telling Sukuna that you can't dance, but he just laughs and grins that boyish grin at you,
"Doesn't matter what you can or can't do, princess. I'll take the lead, so don't worry."
Sukuna spins you around the dance floor amidst the elderly couples as if he is doing this for a living. You stare at him with big eyes, while Sukuna smirks smugly and informs you that his grandpa taught him and Yuuji how to dance because he said a man needs to know how to take his girl dancing.
You realize you have already relaxed in Sukuna's arms, letting him take control and trusting him blindly to keep you upright. You see several nods of approval from the couples around you as you dance past them - or rather, your boyfriend steers you past them.
"I think you are winning their hearts, baby."
"Of course I am."
After a few more songs, Sukuna leads you back to your table, and you lean into his side and whisper a thank you to him, not even knowing what you tank him for right now. For dancing with you, or for making an effort to get your family to like him, or just for being here with you.
Sukuna answers it with one of his rare dazzling smiles and a whispered, "I love you," which you return with an equally whispered, "I love you, too," and a soft smile.
Your great-aunt pulls you to the side later and tells you that your boyfriend is such a handsome young man. She doesn't really like the face tattoos, but oh, it doesn't matter, right? If that is what young people do nowadays, and he looks good with them and is so handsome and so tall! Such a charming young man!
"Does he make you happy?"
You nod and beam at your great-aunt, unable to stop smiling from ear to ear,
"Yes, he does. He makes me very happy."
And she gets that cheeky expression on her face and nods knowingly,
"Oh, I bet that goes for every aspect of your relationship, huh?"
She winks at you, leaving no doubt about what she is implying. And you feel your face heat up, stuttering nervously and trying to laugh it off while your great-aunt pats your arm and tells you,
"Make sure to keep him, honey. A handsome, tall man who makes you happy and looks like he can protect you is always a good choice!"
You walk back to Sukuna, who is leaning casually against the wall with his hands shoved into the pocket of his suit pants. There's a shit-eating grin on his beautiful face, and you roll your eyes as you stop in front of him and tilt your head to look up at your boyfriend's face.
"What did your aunt say about me, princess?"
"Basically that you are very handsome and that she thinks you are good in bed."
The smug smirk on Sukuna's face grows even bigger, and he wraps his arms around you, pulling you closer to him, making you sway a bit on your heels, so you stumble against him and end up bracing yourself with both hands on Sukuna's chest. He sounds far too conceited when he says,
"Well, she is right. Wouldn't you agree?"
Sukuna cocks his head, waiting for your confirmation, and you laugh and wrap your arms around his neck, getting on your tiptoes with a matching teasing grin on your face. You slowly lean closer to Sukuna's tattooed face, pressing a little kiss on his cheek before you look deeply into his amused maroon eyes,
"I don't know, baby. Maybe I need a little reminder."
And Sukuna laughs softly,
"Oh, don't worry. I'll refresh your memory all night. And I promise to be very thorough."
His tongue flicks out to lick over your lips teasingly before it pushes into your mouth, and Sukuna kisses you deeply while his arms tighten around your waist, pulling you even closer to his tall, muscular body.
Maybe that 80th birthday party wasn't so bad after all.
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I AM SIGHING SO LOUD 😭😭💗💗 I have no idea why I thought of this scenario, but it wouldn't leave my mind anymore, so I HAD to write it. The thought of bad boy Sukuna being able to charm your family into liking him makes me very soft for him :((
I hope you enjoyed it!! Thank you so much for reading! Reblogs and comments would be very sweet 💗
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incorrectbatfam · 9 months
Jason is a hopeless romantic 100%
it just doesnt show
But everyone goes to him whn its time to plan dates
Dick: Hey, can I ask you something?
Jason, reading: No.
Dick: You see, Wally and I have our weekly date night coming up, but we've been to pretty much every place there is. You got any ideas for how to shake things up?
Jason: *scribbles coordinates and tosses him the Bat-plane keys*
Wally: Wow, I've never been to the top of the Eiffel Tower.
Dick: I'm glad you like it.
Dick: *texts Jason a thumbs up*
Jason: *read at 8:55 PM*
Tim: Jason, glad you're here! I totally forgot it's me and Bernard's six-month anniversary. Help me out, man.
Jason, clipping his toenails: Fine. You better write this down 'cause I'm only saying it once.
Tim: *nods*
Jason: Go to Home Depot. You're gonna need some rope, a tarp, hammer and nails, a hatchet, matches, and fuel. After that...
Tim: *furiously takes notes*
Bernard: A camping trip was a great idea. It's nice to get away from it all. And I can't believe you set this all up yourself.
Tim, chuckling nervously: What's a boyfriend for if not to build a tent and chop down a tree?
Duke: So the school dance is coming up.
Jason, working: Theme?
Duke: Under the sea.
Jason: Ugh, how cliché. Anyway, Armand's Tailoring has a blue suit that'll match whatever your girlfriend's wearing. Tell him I sent you. After that, call Patricia's Bistro and make a reservation with the code word "surreptitious." Alfred can take you in the limo if you give him a 24-hour heads-up to clean it. Once you're there, remind the DJ he owes me a favor to get your song requests bumped up. And remember, a slow dance is basically moving your feet in a square but otherwise go with the flow.
Duke: Sweet, thanks!
Cass: Steph is sad.
Jason, cooking: *sighs*
Jason: *takes out a tub of ice cream*
Jason: *scoops a hole in the middle*
Jason: *fills it with candy*
Jason: Here.
Cass: Thanks!
*phone rings*
Jason, waking up from a nap: What?
Kory: Sorry if I woke you. Barbara's coming over for breakfast in half an hour but I burned it with my powers. It was supposed to be eggs benedict.
Jason: Order takeout and put it on fancy plates.
Kory: You're a lifesaver—
Jason: *already hung up and went back to sleep*
Kate: It's Renee's birthday tomorrow. I have a gift, but I'm not sure if it's good enough.
Jason, polishing his gun: If it's from you, it will be.
Bruce: *walks in*
Bruce: Hey, son. Selina's not talking to me after our argument. How do I tell her how much she means to me?
Jason, reciting Shakespeare: I know no ways to mince it in love, but directly to say, "I love you."
Bruce: You're right. I'm just gonna tell it to her straight. Thank you.
Bruce: *leaves*
Jason: *takes off his headphones and turns around*
Jason: Did someone say something?
Damian: Todd, what is love supposed to feel like?
Jason: Why do you want to know?
Damian: None of your concern. Now tell me.
Jason: *shoots a training dummy*
Jason: It's when they're lodged in your head like a bullet. Except without the excruciating pain and messy red stuff.
Damian, nodding: Tell me more.
Roy: *takes down a villain*
Jason, sitting on a roof: *wolf whistles*
Roy: The hell?
Jason: I know hot when I see it.
Roy: What are you doing here?
Jason: I brought Arrowdogs.
Roy: You hate Arrowdogs.
Jason: But you don't.
Roy: Aw, how sweet—EYES UP HERE, TODD!
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blaydie · 24 days
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ᥫ᭡ HOW THEY WOULD REACT TO YOU FALLING ASLEEP FIRST DURING A MOVIE — Aventurine, Blade, Boothill, Dan Heng, Dr. Ratio, Jing Yuan + GN reader.
Word count: 1.6K
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Booking out a cinema for a date was something you had gotten used to. Whenever there’s a new movie out that piques your interest, he makes a reservation in the snap of two fingers. Now in the secluded cinema room, you sit in the recliner seats and beam at the big screen while the ads play.
“My drink is here if you want it.” Aventurine pats the cup holder and you nod, shoving your tub of candy his way.
“Take some.”
“I’m okay. Slow down though, you’ll end up with a stomach ache.” 
“Won’t.” You murmur, snatching your tub back and cradling it to your chest.
“Will.” He responds quietly, grinning from ear to ear. Both of you know he’s right. It wouldn’t be the first time you’ve done it. 
The lights illuminating the walkways dim, the room silent. A flash of colour pops back onto the screen, followed by the opening of the soundtrack. You slide your hand over the armrest and link your fingers with his, giving his hand a firm squeeze before devoting your attention span to the beginning scene. 
Nearing an hour into the movie, the sound of your breath picks up in volume, casting Aventurine’s attention to your sleeping body. He clicks his tongue against the roof of his mouth and pinches your skin, waking you from your slumber. 
“Come. Sit here.” He speaks in a soft tone, patting the space between his legs when your eyes eventually peel open.
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“Well?” Blade glances at you, pointing the TV remote towards you as if it was a sword.
“You want me to pick something?”
“I don’t typically indulge in things like this.” Blade passes ownership of the remote and rests back on the sofa, his feet resting on the coffee table. 
Since Blade had been going through a tough time, you insisted that you’d be the one to take care of him. As long as he had some company, that’s all that was necessary. Selecting a random movie from the top 100, you slump beside him, your eyes keenly flicking from the screen to his figure. 
Twiddling with his bandages, his attention was directed elsewhere. He had no idea what the demand was with these videos of people pretending to be someone they’re not. It’s more likely to entertain a toddler with a low attention span than it is an unamused adult. 
Rolling his head to face you, he recognises the way your body is slumped—you always wind up sleeping in strange positions like this. He doesn’t care to wake you, he’d much rather sit in silence with you by his side. Switching the TV off, he places the remote on the arm of the sofa and lies you down, your head resting on his lap.
It was refreshing to be vulnerable for a change when he knew no prying eyes were lurking on him. Everything hurts, from his physical body to the thoughts he yearns to rid of—he just learned how to live with it, yet numbing the pain doesn’t remove it. You try your best, and that effort doesn’t go unappreciated.
“How can you be so peaceful?” Blade mumbles, the sensation of his body beginning to relax kicking in. “I almost envy you.”
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Throwing on one of his old favourites, Boothill cosies up with you on the sofa. He rests his head against yours, completely entranced by the scenes playing before him despite already watching the movie countless times. He finds that sharing his favourites of the past with you would give them new meaning, allowing him to continue enjoying what he used to without feeling the guilt he’s used to. 
Even though you want to entertain him by speaking about it after the credits roll, you couldn’t make it to the end, your eyelids are too heavy to remain open. You had fallen asleep during the last half an hour, not even the obnoxious noise of the guns could startle you. 
“That’s right! Get that motherfudger!” Boothill exclaims, pointing to the TV screen. “He’s the real bad guy. ‘Shame how he had so much potential.”
Eventually, the cowboy manages to de-arm his rival, pressing him against the floor with a gun pressed to his temple. They remained in that position, continuing their squabble until the sheriff arrived. Boothill was sure to inform you of all the small details you may not have picked up on, completely unaware you were no longer conscious.
As the end credits finally hit, he rotates his head side to side and lets out a yawn, brushing up your arm with his icy, metallic hand. 
“You’ve been quiet. What do you think, hey?” He taps your cheek, receiving a whine in response. 
Squinting his eyes, he turns to face you and sees your peaceful state. Your eyes are closed tightly and your hand is still wrapped around his index finger, entirely knocked out. Now realising he had been talking to himself for the entire time, he snickers and takes you in his arms, redirecting himself from the sofa to the staircase.
“Let’s get you to bed now. We can talk about it tomorrow instead.” 
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Dan Heng:
The archive room was always a serene environment. Dimly lit, warm, and strangely comforting. Resting on the makeshift bed, you hug your knees to your chest and observe as the projector plays. Dan Heng often shied away from taking breaks, but after some extensive begging, you managed to reach middle ground. 
“This won’t be as exciting as you’d hoped it would be,” Dan warns, cracking his knuckles before resting back against the pillows. He had been extremely busy all day, the exhaustion now catching up on him. 
“I don’t mind. As long as we get to spend some time together, I’m happy.”
While it’s not the type of movie you would personally choose to watch, he claims that it would greatly assist him with his research if you’re going to persist in pestering him about spending time with you. 
Seeing him in loungewear was almost an eerie sight; you’re so used to seeing him in his daily attire. Growing uncomfortable from your original position, you lie down on your side, accidentally slipping away into a dream before you knew it. 
Not long after you, Dan’s body grew weak, his head sliding down your shoulder with an arm loosely wrapped around you. Both of you were fast asleep, the rest of the movie playing on mute.
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Dr. Ratio:
The documentary intro music sounds out from the speakers, the therapeutic sound of rain thudding against the windows in the background. Veritas was fond of educational pieces of media, though he has a strict selection that he engages in. Before he watches anything with you, he skims through it first himself to fact-check if the information it contains is valid. Those who post outdated research get under his skin; it’s often a reason for common misconceptions in society because of how many people watch things like this without a second doubt. 
In the armchair, you curled up between his legs, your head snuggled against his chest. The two of you were in nothing but your nightwear, the crackle of the fireplace burning to keep the living room warm. Veritas himself was like a heater, providing a perfect temperature for you to close your eyes and…
Fall asleep—which is exactly what you wound up doing. Less than ten minutes in and you were out like a light. His strong arms held you tightly, his lips curving up as your breathing pattern became slower. 
“Goodnight. Sleep well.” He muttered, rubbing your shoulders gently before placing his lips on your forehead. “It’s nonsense anyway. You’re not missing out.”
“What type of fool makes a documentary on something so useless?” He grunts, turning off the TV and rising to his feet, your body clung to him. “Perhaps we should’ve watched your choice.”
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Jing Yuan:
“You? Want to watch a movie with me?” Jing Yuan muses, placing his hand over his heart. “I’m flattered. It must be something extremely special considering how desperate you are to get me—”
“Shush! It’s going to start now! Hurry up and get in.” You pat his side of the mattress and he dramatically sighs, slinging his shirt to the other side of the room. 
It’s safe to say that you and Jing Yuan have an extremely different taste in movies. While you adore movies which contain thrill, he prefers to sleep through them and then claim he was awake when the ending scene finally arrives. He’s notorious for it. Judging by the way he wrapped the blanket around himself and the way he’s rubbing his face against your hair, you can practically predict the outcome. 
That’s until you realise how awful the movie you picked out was. The plot was absurd, and the CGI itself was a tragedy—never mind the script. After watching the family cat transform into an alien, you briefly closed your eyes and drifted off into a nap. 
Jing Yuan, on the other hand, was horrified at the acting on the screen. Having to ensure himself this was not the result of some twisted dream, he clears his throat and pinches your cheek. When he receives no response, he lets out a scoff. A smirk dances onto his face as he kisses your exposed neck, just enough attention to stir you from your slumber. 
“Congratulations. Were you truly that eager to beat me at something that you put on this piece of rubbish?” Jing Yuan points towards the TV, the mutant alien cat currently doubling in size and seizing the city. “I suppose this makes us even. You slept first.”
“… It had 5% on rotten tomatoes. It was meant to be good.”
“My love, having a percentage that low is not a “good” thing. The higher the percentage, the better the reviews.” Jing Yuan’s low rumble of laughter emerges due to your misunderstanding, now draping a section of the blanket over you to keep you close. 
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kingkatsuki · 4 months
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Kaji finds you crying in an alley on one of his evening patrols, and it’s then that he realises just how hopeless he is when it comes to women— especially when he thinks they’re pretty.
Pairing: Kaji Ren x f!reader.
Warnings: 18+, slight suggestive thoughts from Kaji, mostly comfort.
Word Count: 2k.
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Kaji was not good in situations like these, averting his eyes as though he’d caught you doing something nefarious while he stood statuesque in place. He pauses his music to confirm that you’re actually crying, hearing the muted sobs tumble out from between your pretty lips with more clarity as Kaji tries to decide what to do next. He immediately regrets choosing this route for his scheduled Friday patrol, wondering why he hadn’t tried to take the path that didn’t fall under the only open izakaya in the area.
He’d expected to break up a bar fight tonight, or at the very least stop someone getting mugged. Or perhaps guide a drunken worker in the right direction home, like he’d done two weeks ago. But Kaji had not prepared himself for this— especially when he had no idea what to do in this situation. His pink sucker stills between the side of his gum and his teeth as he shoves both hands into his grey hoodie pocket— maybe he should text Kusumi or Enomoto, they’d be far better at this than him.
“Sorry,” You sniffled from your position on the ground, shifting your thighs slightly as you brought your knees up to your chest. Seemingly unbothered you were wearing a skirt as the fabric bunched around the tops of your thighs. And if Kaji was any less of a man he’d be able to get the perfect view of what colour panties you were wearing under it, “I’m not normally like this.”
Kaji frowned, cursing himself for having such depraved thoughts when you were in front of him crying. Despising the way his cock throbbed at the thought as he tried to think of something, anything more than what kind of panties you had on right now.
Why was he like this?
You didn’t seem to care as tears continued to spill down the sides of your face, your head poised towards the ground to try and hide yourself away as people continued walking down the rowdy street. Kaji couldn’t leave you like this— not when there were awful men out at night, and if they found you there’s absolutely no telling what they’d do.
And why the fuck were you alone?
“Can I call someone for you?” He shifted from foot to foot, standing awkwardly in front of you as you immediately looked up at him with pleading eyes, shaking your head no.
“Please, don’t—” Your friends had told you this would happen, and you should’ve listened, “There’s no one I wanna call right now.”
Then what the hell was he supposed to do? Kaji groaned internally, wondering if he’d at least be able to take you somewhere safe until you were ready to go home.
“I’ll be fine, really.” You managed to warble through a fresh hot stream of tears, but Kaji wasn’t so sure.
Shifting his sucker from one cheek to the other as the hard candy clinked against sharp canines, Kaji finally allowed himself to step forward. Thinking about leaning against the wall beside you before deciding against it, trying to appear as harmless as possible as he flopped down to the ground beside you. He spread his thighs in a feeble attempt to quell the throb of his chub beneath tight black skinny jeans as he rested his forearms on top of his knees.
He notices you visibly stiffen beside him, despite his attempts to appear as non-threatening as possible as he heaves a rough sigh. Tugging his silent headphones down around his neck he tries to think about what Hiragi would do in this situation, what he should say. Was it rude to call you dumb for being out in a dangerous part of town all by yourself this late? Probably, but he was right. Kaji decides on another question as he leans back against the cold brick wall.
“Why you cryin’?” It came out harsher than he’d intended, immediately noticing his mistake when you broke into a fresh sob beside him. A light hue of pink dusted against his cheeks at your reaction as he wished he had a tissue or something to offer you, deciding on the only thing left in his pockets as he shuffled to pull out a single strawberry chupa chups. Holding it out to you as he kept his eyes trained forward, lips smoothed into a firm line with his jaw locked.
He heard the pretty sound you made at his offering, a saccharine scoff that seemed to be more of an exhale as you reached out to take the lollipop from his outstretched hand. Your soft fingers grazed his as Kaji felt tiny sparks of electricity bloom upon contact, trying to ignore the heat that they raised against his skin as it shot through his veins like molten lava.
“Thanks,” You murmured, cradling the lollipop between your manicured fingers as you brought the side of your thumb up to your eyes to try and wipe away the pearly tears that clung to thick lashes and blurred your vision.
This is the closest he’s ever sat to a girl, Kaji thinks. The flowery scent of your perfume invades his nostrils and has him feeling lightheaded as he tries to ground himself against the cold brick. Glad he decided to sit down, as he’s certain any longer his legs might have given way.
“It’s stupid.” You murmur, sniffling as you begin to toy with the wrapper of the candy at the top of the stick. Pressing your nail beneath it as you twirled it between your smaller fingers, leaning your hands against bare thighs.
“Ain’t stupid if you’re cryin’ over it.” Kaji continues. Honestly, it probably is stupid— but he’s glad he’s managed to stop you being noisy for a moment at least. Even though the tears still continue to silently trickle down your cheeks, leaving messy lines of ruined make-up in their wake.
“My boyfriend just broke up with me,” You continued, “Or well, I just broke up with him— I don’t even know.”
Kaji groaned internally, he was right— it was stupid. It felt as though he’d started a ridiculous conversation with Umemiya that he couldn’t escape. Remembering the conversation he’d had with his leader a few weeks ago about a heartbreaking scene in one of his favourite K-dramas that had him sobbing for hours after.
“So what you doin’ out here?” He pressed, trying to push his apathy to the side. It was late and dark, and you were sitting out on the street like you had nowhere else to go.
Kaji didn’t have the first clue about love or romance, aside from the songs that would sometimes come up on shuffle or the shitty rom-coms that Sako used to make him watch.
“I dunno.” You shivered, and it was then Kaji noticed that you weren’t even wearing a jacket.
This was so annoying. He groaned internally for getting himself into this situation as he pulled his headphones off from around his neck, moving them to sit on either side of his knee for a moment as he reached out to tug his grey hoodie up and over his head. Tousling his hair with static as he pulled it off before handing it out towards you.
“What?” You turned your head towards him in surprise, “Oh, no— it’s okay. I can’t take that—”
“Just put it on,” Kaji growled, feeling the brisk evening air hit his bare arms as he leaned back against the wall. Giving him a slightly better angle to look at you without turning his head to the side.
“I don’t wanna ruin it,” You continued, shaking your head, “My make-up’s—”
“Just fuckin’ put it on.” He cut you off briskly with a harsh snap, shaking his head. He’d definitely had worse than a bit of spoiled makeup on his clothes, and he was positive that bloodstains were harder to remove than some lipstick or whatever it was Tsubaki-chan used.
That thought had Kaji’s thoughts wondering. He tried to think about what Tsubaki-chan wanted whenever he was sad, and his mind settled on something. Pulling out his phone to check the time as he saw Pothos should still be open for at least another thirty-five minutes— that should be long enough.
“Thank you.” You mumbled, moving to pull his hoodie up and over your head as Kaji took the opportunity to watch you again. You really were pretty, he wondered what could’ve happened to make a guy break up with you— because he was positive that if you were his girlfriend he wouldn’t want to let you go.
But women were more trouble than they’re worth— at least that’s what he’d overheard Seiryu say before. Moving his headphones back around the curve of his neck as Kaji sat beside you in silence, the rowdy bass of music from the nearby izakaya mingled with the chatter of its patrons the only sound with your muted sniffles.
Kaji was thankful you’d calmed down with little effort, but he wondered whether beating your ex-boyfriend to a pulp would’ve been easier.
“You shouldn’t cry over some guy.” He manages to force the words out, trying to provide his own kind of comfort.
“I didn't think he was just some guy, though,” You pouted gently, and it made Kaji’s eyes focus on the glittery gloss of your lips, “I really liked him.”
“Yeah, well clearly you deserve better.” He snapped, nose scrunched in irritation, “You’re too pretty to be cryin’ over some loser in an alleyway. Do you know how fuckin’ dangerous that is?”
Kaji caught himself after he’d said it, noticing his mistake as he willed the ground to swallow him whole. He’d just called you pretty—
He moved his lollipop back to the middle of his mouth, pressing the ball of candy against his tongue as he sucked hard. Trying to tame the frustration, anger and annoyance that burned inside him, reaching boiling point as he felt his heartbeat begin to lull.
“I know,” You mumbled sadly, “I should’ve just gone home, but I wasn’t ready to go just yet.”
“Okay, so don’t go home yet,” Kaji stretched his legs out in front of him to ease his muscles before he shifted to stand, moving a palm to brush off any dirt from his ass before he reached out to offer you the same hand, “You comin’ or what?”
You looked up at him through pretty lashes, and Kaji had to catch himself when your glistening eyes met his. Trying to ignore the incessant throb inside his chest as his heart rattled against its cage desperate to be set free as you reached out to take his hand. The same pulse of electricity ignited inside him as he wrapped his fingers around yours, using his grip to pull you up off the ground as you came to stand in front of him. Dangerously close to his face you gave him a shy, soft smile.
“Where we going?”
The feelings building inside him were only made worse when you moved to stand. From the way you were engulfed in his scent now to his oversized hoodie practically dwarfing your form as he tried to swallow the wetness from his sucker that puddled at the back of his throat.
“What? You got any better offers right now?” He snapped, before biting down on the lollipop inside his mouth. Crushing it beneath his teeth as he hated himself for how harsh he sounded, although you didn’t seem to mind.
“I guess not.” You laughed bitterly, a soft smile appearing on your face as Kaji tried to remember to breathe.
Kaji’s Adam’s apple bobbed in his throat as he swallowed thickly at the sight of you— You looked real pretty when you were smiling, even with dried makeup and tears caked against your cheeks. It made him want to be the one to make you smile like that again.
“You’ll see.” Kaji began to pull you through alleyways to try and avoid the rowdy crowds spilling out from the sole izakaya in the area on the busy Friday night as he made his way in the direction of Pothos.
Noticing that he was still holding your hand— and you hadn’t pulled away.
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latenightdaydreams · 3 months
Hi, im having a hard Time, and thought about a Kong scenario, where reader goes to Best friend könig crying cause her boyfriend asked her for a Time/break up, so könig consoles her (you know what I mean) and sends a video of the two of them to reader's ex
I hope things get better for you, whatever it is that you're going through. Know you deserve the best in life and love. Please remember to care for yourself and I hope you have a great day/night💖
More Than Friends (fem)
Master List ✍🏽
>cw: fem/afab, oral, p in v, recording
1.8k word count
The second König heard your voice on the phone call, he knew what you were going to say happened. While his heart breaks to hear you like this, he’s relieved to hear that toxic man is officially out of your life. He rushed out of his office to the garage, jumping into his SUV before rushing to be by your side.
You lay on your couch in a ball sobbing. This isn’t how you expected your day to go and you’re completely blindsided by your boyfriend’s decision to end things. König is the only person you know would be there for you without judgment, someone that can help distract you from the pain.
About thirty minutes later, there is a knock at your front door. You stand to answer it, wiping your tears onto your oversized t-shirt. On the other side of the door, König stands with his mask off, a bouquet of your favorite flowers, and a box of candies. He has a soft smile on his face as his eyes land on your sad, puffy face.
“Liebling.” König steps forward and wraps his arms around you, bringing you in for a fight embrace. “Come on, let’s go sit.”
König closes and locks your front door, his eyes following your body as you walk to your bedroom. He follows you and sits with you on the edge of your bed, placing the flowers and candy on the nightstand next to him. As he turns his body to face you, he looks over your face with a small smile on his lips.
“You want to talk or cuddle?” He asks, knowing that sometimes you just need to be held.
“Snuggles, please.”
König nods, leaning back onto the bed against your pillows. You climb on the bed snuggling up to him, resting your head on his chest; his massive arms wrap tightly around you. He peppers kisses on the top of your head, enjoying having you this close. It will hurt for now, but in the long run, you’re better off without him. Eventually, you’ll see it too.
“I just feel so stupid.” Your voice cracks as you speak.
“You aren’t stupid. He is, has always been. You’re much better off without him in your life,” König says comfortingly. He moves his fingers to your cheeks to wipe away tears that stain your soft skin.
You tilt your head up to look at him. His pale blue eyes meet yours with a warm smile across his thin lips. He continues to caress your face, enjoying having your body pressed against his. “Don’t look at me with those eyes.” König chuckles softly.
A soft giggle escapes your lips, the first time you’ve smiled since the breakup. Your eyes linger on his for a while. He’s always been soothing to you. His voice, smell, touch. Without warning, you move up slightly and press your lips against his.
König moves his hand from your cheek to the back of your head, holding you into the kiss. Sparkes flow throughout his whole body, he’s been wanting to kiss you for years. While he loves this, he pulls back, wanting to make sure that you’re okay with this.
“Liebling, I don’t want you to make impulsive decisions in the heat of the moment.” His eyes study your face trying to read your expression.
“I’ve wanted this for a long time.” You assure him. It’s true. There has always been a feeling between the both of you, but neither has ever made a move due to being nervous about ending the friendship.
That’s all the König needed to hear; he leans back into the kiss. One hand slips down to your body, squeezing your hip, pressing you against his body. Slowly, he creeps his hand up your side and moves underneath your baggy shirt. He’s pleasantly surprised to find your breasts free without the confines of a bra, cupping one in his large palm and sliding his thumb over your nipple.
“Let me make you feel better, Liebling. Just lay there and enjoy the pleasure.” His lips begin to trail down your jawline to your neck, leaving sloppy open mouth kisses in his wake. In a slow fluid motion, he pushes you on to your back.
König grabs the hem of your shirt with his teeth, lifting it up until your stomach is exposed. Instantly, his lips continue the trail of messy kisses over your body. His hands continue to push up your shirt until your breasts are in full view for him.
“Schön.” He whispers as he leans down and kisses around one of your areolas, licking your nipple with a small flick. The moan that he hears from you pushes him to continue. His lips wrapping around your nipple and suckling while his other hand comes up and squeezes the other breast. In an instant he changes direction and kisses back down your stomach, nipping at your skin as he goes down.
“May I?” König has his fingers wraps around your waist band.
Your eyes meet his, nodding your head. His fingers pull down the elastic of your leggings and underwear. He swallows hard as his eyes fall on your soft mound, instinctively licking his lips as he grows excited to finally be able to taste your cunt.
König leans back in the bed, pulling your leggings all the way off your stunning legs. He holds your right leg up kissing from your ankle up to your thigh. You watch with eager eyes, every kiss feeling euphoric on your sensitive flesh. There is no time wasted as he reaches your pussy. Your natural musk consumes his nostrils, his body has never craved something so much.
Your right leg rests on König’s shoulder as he lowers himself between your thighs. His tongue sticks out, parting your wet folds with his tongue. The second he tastes a drop of you, he drives in. His face becomes squashed between your supple thighs. You brush your fingers through his blonde hair, letting out loud moans of ecstasy. Sucking your clit into his mouth, he moves his head back, letting you go with a pop.
König gently removes your leg from his shoulder and sits up right. He quickly pulls his shirt off, going into his pants pocket to remove his cellphone and place it on the bed next to the two of you. A lustful gaze consumes him as he looks you up and down.
“That man is a fool for letting you go.” He says finally pulling his pants down and tossing them off to the side. You can see his boner straining against the fabric of his boxer briefs, he’s absolutely massive. König can see your eyes widen as he pulls down his underwear. His heavy cock springing free.
A cocky grin plays at König’s lips as he watches you. “Big, ja?” He chuckles as he positions himself between your thighs.
With his large hands, he grabs both on your legs and spreads them open. He slaps his cock on your wet pussy, letting out a sigh at the feeling of your wet warmth simply touching him. His eyes focus on yours as he lines himself up with your entrance, he wants to see the pleasure on your face once he slips in.
As he pushes his hips forward, he can feel your tight cunt squeeze around him, struggling to accept him. Your face scrunches with pleasure as König buries himself deep inside. Your hands reach out for the bedsheets, holding on tightly.
“Oh, fuck!” Your moan is almost a scream.
König’s eyes drop down to your pussy, watching the way your lips stretch to accommodate his size. “I bet your little ex would be devastated to see you’re celebrating the break up with your best friend's monster cock.” He teases as he pulls back, slamming himself inside of you again.
“He’d…cry.” You try to joke but the pleasure is simply too overwhelming. Pathetic mewls flee from you with every single thrust forward. His pace is slow but harsh.
“Maybe we should send him a little video and show him how to actually please a woman.”
You blush at his suggestion, but the thought of possibly hurting him felt too good. You know his cock is less than average and has a delicate ego. He was always insecure about your friendship with someone like König so, why not?
König grabs his cellphone after you give him the ‘ok’. He pulls open his camera app and holds it up. On the screen he focuses on your creamy cunt already beginning to gush around König. One finger taps the screen and records himself.
“Fucking perfect tight pussy. All mine.” His words almost come out in a growl as his pace quickens. He pulls back, slamming himself into you, causing you to let out the most desperate pleas to be fucked König has ever heard. “There you go, Liebling. Beg for me.”
He records the way your breasts sway in rhythm with his motion, your hands not knowing what to do as you cling on to him and the bed for support. Your velvety walls suck him in and squeeze him as his cock bullies its way in and out of you.
König pulls out quickly to prop the cell phone up on your night stand, making sure he can still see the two of you. He quickly climbs back on your bed, man handling you so effortlessly as he turns you over. Your ass props up in the air as your face rests on the soft bed underneath you.
He shoves himself back into you, hands gripping your ass tightly as he begins to buck forward into you. Instantly, you feel yourself flutter around him.Your head lifts up as you cry out in pleasure, one of his hands reaching around the front of your neck and pulling you back to him.
“König! Fuck!”
“Ja, scream my name, Liebling.” His voice is shaky as he tries to breathe. He focuses on ruining you for any other man. Especially so your ex can’t try to come back and take you from him.
You moan out his name like a mantra. Your legs tremble, body becoming tense as a steady trickle drips from your body, wetting your bed. “Oh, my god!” Panting and eyes rolling back, König doesn’t let up for you to recover.
Your ex sits in his room, stood up by the woman he was cheating on you with, with tears burning his eyes. He can’t seem to look away as he watches your best friend, König, make your squirt multiple times. Seeing you move on so quickly hurts him, but what’s worse is knowing he can’t compare to König. The primal way you moan, eagerly suck König’s cock…he’s never seen you act that way before.
He quickly tries to call you once the video is over, pacing back and forth in his room with adrenalin flowing through his body. The line rings twice before he’s greeted with a thick Austrian accent on the other end.
“Hallo?” König’s voice sounds smug.
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omg hii ! love your fics !!
can i req emily x youtuber!reader going on a road trip and reader is just like vlogging the whole way there
thanks! <3
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summary — you decide to vlog your road trip with emily
pairings: emily engstler x fem youtuber!reader
word count: 600
warnings: pure fluff
authors notes: hi anon! thank u soo much!! i love this idea so much i hope i did well 🫶
“Hey guys!” You waved to the camera you set up in between you and Emily. “Em say hi.”
She put on her seatbelt and waved shyly. “Hi guys.”
“Today, we’re gonna be going on a four to five hour roadtrip and we wanted to bring you guys along!” You said as Emily reversed out of her parking spot.
“Except someone might be sleeping the whole ride there.” She looked at you accusingly.
You scoff. “I promise I won’t!”
“You need to keep me entertained baby.” She grabs one of your hands and places it on top of the gear stick, leaving her hand on yours like she always does.
It was thirty minutes into the drive and you were slowly starting to run out of things to do.
“Should I do my makeup?” You remove your hand from hers and rummage through your bag.
“You don’t need makeup right now, you look pretty.” She reached for your hand again.
You look at the camera with an ‘is she serious’ face.
“It’s true! I wish you could see yourself the way I see you.” She stroked your hand gently.
Your cheeks flushed at her comment. “Should we stop at the gas station?”
She nods, turning slightly to enter the parking.
Once you guys parked, Emily leaned over to remove your seatbelt and kiss your forehead.
You both made your way to the convenience store, holding your camera while Emily had her arm around your shoulder.
“Okay so this is our first stop of the trip,” You spoke to the camera. “I might go crazy with the snacks.”
Emily chuckled. “My bank account might go crazy.”
“Who said you were paying?” You put your free arm on your hip sassily.
She groans. “I’m not going to argue about this again. I’ll pay.”
You ignore her and go straight to the chips aisle, getting all of your favorites.
You try holding up the chips in your arms for the camera to see. “Here’s what im gonna get,” You grab Emily’s favorite chips and candies. “and here’s what im getting for Em.” You smile while trying to balance all the things in your arms.
Emily finally spots you, shaking her head and laughing at the amount of things in your arms.
“Baby, let me help you.”
You sigh in relief once your arms are empty. You follow your girlfriend to the counter, pulling out your wallet.
“That’ll be 38 dollars.” The worker smiled warmly at the two of you.
“Here. Keep the change.” Emily placed her money on the counter and pushed your arm away before you could pay.
“Let me pay. I wanna spoil my girl.” She cut you off and grabbed the two paper bags full of snacks.
Once you sat in the car, you set your camera up and gave a short haul of what you got while Emily continued to drive.
“-and here.” You handed her the candy and chips you got for her. “These are for you.”
“Thanks baby.” She rubbed your hand as a way to thank you.
You guys continued to talk and play games for another hour before you slowly started to doze off and fall asleep, leaning against your window.
Emily pulled over and admired you for a few seconds before taking a picture of your sleeping figure.
She faced the camera with a grin on her face. “Alright I think we’re gonna end the video here. Thanks for watching and keeping us company.” She waved and stopped the video.
She turned back to you, tucking a piece of hair behind your ear and kissed your cheek softly.
“I love you.”
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imfinereallyy · 1 year
“Dad is going to be very angry,” El says with wide eyes taking in the scene before them.
“You think Hop will kill him?” Steve says as he leans against the doorway, eating a Twizzler.
El looks at Steve momentarily, sticking her hand out for some candy. Steve hands her one without hesitation. El rips a piece off before speaking. “Oh yes. He might ask you to help hide the body.”
Steve nods solemnly, “I’ll do what needs to be done. Mikes’s my least favorite child anyway.”
“Hey!” Mike yells, gaining the duo's attention. It brings them back to the scene they walked in on. Mike and Will, with the door closed (no three inches in sight) on top of each other, making out.
Steve doesn't think he’ll ever get that image out of his brain.
“Chill, Wheeler, I'm joking,” Steve says pointedly before turning to El and mouthing no, I'm not.
El giggles, and Steve can't help but feel like he won a prize at the sound.
“I'm sorry, El.” Will blushes with shame, like he is betraying his sister somehow.
El just shrugs, “I do not care. But Dad might. He hates Mike.”
Steve snorts, “That's the understatement of the century. I don't think Hop has ever hated someone’s partner like he has Mike. Honestly, I was surprised he liked Eddie. I mean like is a strong word. But he tolerates him.”
Will pipes up, “I think he does mostly because he knows you'll move out, and he only just got you to agree to stay here.”
Steve shrugs, “I’ll take what I can get. At least he doesn't walk on me having sex.”
“We weren't having sex!” Mike practically screams. Hands up exasperated. “And don't talk about you and Eddie; it's gross.”
Will blushes deeply with head in his hands, “Oh, God.” El pats him on the shoulder in sympathy.
“Also, this wouldn't have happened if you weren't an idiot and just knocked!” Mike stomps. Jesus, this kid is 15 acting 6.
“I was the one who walked in, Mike. I wanted to know if Will wanted to watch a movie.” El says coldly, getting defensive of her brother.
Mike clams up, Steve can't help but feel smug.
“Who’s having sex?!?” A distinct Hopper-like voice echoes through the house.
Will and Mike share a panicked look while Steve and El take more Twizzlers from the bag.
“Oh no. Mike! What are we going to do?”
Mike sputters, “He doesn't have to know it was us! And we weren't having sex!”
Will looks at him like Mike is the biggest moron he's ever met. Steve loves the kid (despite early protest) but has to agree. “Oh gee Mike, I wonder who he will think it was about. Steve? Who is dating a man who isn't here and keep in mind, it's Steve. Who is our brother, and five years older than us? And in a relationship? And let's not forget..is Steve?!”
“This is fair.” Steve agrees. If anyone but Baby Byers had attempted to say that, Steve would have been pissed. But it's Will, so it's coming from a good place.
“Also! Also! The other person here is El! Who is my sister! Not to mention your ex—”
“—well it could have been—”
“Micheal Steven Wheeler, if the next words out of your mouth are it could have been you and El, I will never be kissing you again.” Will uses a deathly tone. Steve isn't convinced he didn't get from El.
“Your middle name is Steven?” Steve fills giddy.
“Shut up Steve!”
Will pinches his brows, “And you idiot, if it were you and El, you would still he toast.”
Steve whistles, “Shit, Will. Next time I need to win an argument against Eddie. I'm coming to you.”
“How long does it take for dad to get upstairs?” El interrupts.
All of them look down the hall. “Huh, maybe we are in the clear,” Mike whispers.
“I said who is having sex?!?” Hopper comes thundering up the stairs.
“I think this is what Max calls a jinx.” El looks at Mike unphased.
Steve can't help but feel a little bad for Will. He looks panicked around the room, probably looking for a hiding place. Steve knows that it isn't that same fear Will once had of Lenny, Hop wouldn't hurt them ever, but he can't help but feel a little protective of him. Steve knows all too well how the fears of biological fathers can sneak up on you, even if you know you're safe. “Don’t worry, Will. I'll make sure Hop takes it easy.”
Will relaxes, “Thanks Steve.”
“What about me?” Mike asks, eyes wide.
El shares a look with Steve. Spending as much time as they have lately has allowed them to talk without speaking most of the time. It freaks everyone but Robin out (she gets it). Seconds go by before they both nod in agreement.
Steve and El both wip their heads towards Mike, and Steve says, “You were grossed out by my relationship and called me stupid. Suffer.”
Mike's outcry is in synch with Hop breaking through screaming, “There better be three inches!”
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pixxiies · 4 months
ꨄ ⌒ ⋆。 ˚ SHOW ME .
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│⊹ warnings ⋆ ;; light swearing, mostly chris’ pov, y/n used, lowercase intentional, thats it!! its all fluff
│⊹ pairing ⋆ ;; chris sturniolo x fem!reader
│⊹ haven’s notes ⋆ ;; i was originally writing matt smut but i was too lazy to finish it LMAOOO
incoming message from: nick 🥸
chrissy pooh!! guess what? y/n is coming over for movie night 🥰🥰🥰 get ready!
chris’ — pov
my heart had skipped a beat once nick told me that y/n would be coming over for a movie night. i have been liking her ever since sophomore year, even though i had the courage to ask her out (surprisingly), she got a boyfriend before the day i was gonna ask her.
it was hard for me to talk to her after she got a boyfriend, i always felt weird to start a conversation with her knowing i had a crush on her while she had her feelings for someone else. but recently, he cheated on y/n. i was probably the first person to find out. since in her words im her ‘second favorite triplet’ other than nick, who is her first favorite triplet. she ended up coming up to my place and i comforted her. y/n said that she was extremely grateful that i was there for her and such. and honestly? it just made me feel more in love with her.
unfortunately, nick and matt know about my crush on her. every-time she leaves our house after her and nick hang out or we all just hang out, they both tease me about it. they always either pick me on something i did that was a bit awkward and whenever i got close to her.
i was currently sitting down on the couch, my leg bouncing up and down as i waited anxiously for y/n. “you need to calm down.” matt told me when he noticed my anxious body language. “im fine?” i chuckle dryly. he looked at me like i was crazy while rolling his eyes. “matt seriously?” i say with my words laced with annoyance. he laughed a little bit before he said something. “your obviously nervous for y/n to get here just so she can lay next to you the entire movie.” matt giggled as he placed his phone down on his chest.
“what?? ‘m not.” i deny. a small knock was heard from downstairs, and my heart skips several beats. “we’ll see about that.” matt smirked at me as he sat up to go answer the door, running behind nick since he was too excited to see y/n.
end of chris’ pov
you were greeted by two pairs of blue eyes. “hey y/n/n!!” nick smiled as he dragged you into a hug. “hey nickkk” you giggle as you hug him back. it took him a while to let go of you but once he did, you went to hug matt as well. they both move a little bit so you could walk into their home.
you smiled at the brunette boy that had been sitting down on the couch. “hey chris!!” you giggle as you run over to give him a hug. he smiled softly as he embraced you tightly. “hiiii” he dragged out before letting you go. “y/n! you can go put your bag in my room.” nick called out from the kitchen as him and matt prepared some snacks. you nod before scurrying up the stairs to put your bag down.
“what movie are we watching??” you ask while skipping down the stairs. “probably a horror movie, i really wanna— fuck this is heavy! watch tarot. is it on netflix chris??” nick asked his brother while struggling to carry two bowls of popcorn to the sofa. chris shrugged before searching it up, surprised that the movie was on netflix already. “yeah, it is.” he said, scooting a little bit to make room for you to sit down.
you comfortably sit down next to chris, enjoying the warmth of his body against yours. “nick pass me the popcorn” you say while reaching over chris to try to grab the bowl. the blonde boy handed you the white bowl filled with buttered popcorn. you put it in on top of your lap and you laid your head on chris’ shoulder.
“wait wheres matt?” you ask while shoving a handful of popcorn into your mouth. “hes grabbing candy from the car, chris start playing the movie!!” nick says eagerly, as if he needed to watch the movie as soon as possible.
“wait for me! jeez.” matt giggled as he emerged from downstairs. he threw the packs of candy in a pile on the foot rest. chris pressed play and the movie started. the living room was filled with the sounds of munching on snacks and the movie background music.
you occasionally heard small giggles coming from the two other boys on the sofa. you lifted your head in confusion and saw them looking at you and chris. after a while, the giggling wouldn’t stop. “guys! shut up.” you mumble, your eyes flickering from matt and nick to chris.
“sorry! sorry.. sorry.” matt giggled. you ignored them and just fixated your eyes back on the tv. soon enough, your eyes grew heavy, even though the tv volume was at 32 and it was a horror movie.
eventually, you fell asleep with your head slipping down to chris’ chest.
chris’ — pov
nick and matt kept giggling like little kids when they saw y/n laying her head on my shoulder. i shot them an annoyed look after they both said sorry when y/n told them to shut up.
i tried my best to pay attention to the movie and not to y/n. the movie was actually surprisingly good. i jumped a few times to the jumpscares that were scattered in it. a few more minutes went by and i felt y/n’s head slowly slip down to my chest. my breath hitches a little bit loudly and matt breaks his neck to look at us.
“awww.” matt teases. “jesus shut up matt!” i say quietly, blood spreading everywhere on my cheeks. “shh, is she sleeping?” nick asked with a cheeky smile. i nod slowly, my cheeks burning up. “here gimmie— go take her down to your room or something.” he said while grabbing the controller to turn the volume down.
i sigh a little bit frustratedly before struggling to pick up y/n since of the position we were in. “you guys can continue the movie without me.” i grumble as i bridal hold y/n close. “okaayyyyy!! have fun chrissy.” matt says in a high pitch tone quietly and with a pout.
i carefully walk down to my room, trying my best to not have y/n bump her head on the wall or anything. i quietly open my door and shut it silently. i flick the light switch on with my elbow slowly before walking towards my bed. i gently rest her down on my bed, covering her body with my white comforter. “jesus what do i do.” i whisper underneath my breath.
since i was already getting a little bit sleepy, i gave in to lay down next to her. i flicked off the lights and slowly laid down on my back next to y/n. i stared at the ceiling, my breathing unstable from nervousness. as soon as i was about to fall asleep, i hear the comforter rustling and feel her hide her face in the crook of my neck.
i freeze in place, hesitant to move. but i finally did after a minute or so. i turned onto my side and wrapped my arms around her. it was a little bit obvious that she was awake when she quickly wrapped her arms around me as well. “you awake?” i whisper softly. she lets out a small ‘mhm’ that made me smile a little bit.
“i hear your heart beat.” y/n croaked with a little smirk. my cheeks start to heat up once again. “no you don’t.” i giggle. she untucks her head from my neck to look up at me. “don’t make me feel like im going crazy!” she smiled. i laugh a little bit at her, a small hint of pink growing on my face when i saw her smile. “your hands are also cold.” the girl told me, reaching to her back to grab my hand. “they are always cold.” i state, intertwining my fingers with hers.
i blink at her a few times in the comfortable silence. y/n licked her lips before kissing my own. "g'night c." she whispered softly. my mouth was left opened a little bit out of shock. "y-yeah, g'night y/n/n." i say. "wait no, we aren't gonna unpack that?" i ask before i closed my own eyes to go to sleep.
"hm?" she hums at me. "you kissed me." i state. "yeah?" the girl mumbled again. "was it like a.. a friend kiss or." i mumble back, my hand leaving her's and to her waist instead. "god chris your so slow." y/n giggled at me. "i like you, idiot." she said again, looking up at me.
"what? really?" i say. "do i need to kiss you again to make you believe it or what?" she asked me, her hand coming up to play with my hair. "mm it would be nice." i mumble, making her lean up slightly to kiss me.
│⊹ taglist ⋆ ;; @deftonesmatt @mattsluttywaist @luverboychris @sturniol0s @mxqdii
read part two here!!
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joedirtymadre · 5 months
Angst+fluffy Luffy x reader where the reader almost dies! Like, after a battle reader faints and luffy gets worried sick cuz he remembers of Ace death
“Come on (Y/N)!” Luffy grinned as he dragged you towards the island’s main plaza. “Luffy, we're supposed to be undercover… Nami warned us how this island is one of the Navy’s bases,” you warned as you continued following your boyfriend.
But he continued on towards the main plaza, hoping to find a food cart. “We’ll be fine, plus you’re with me! I won’t let anyone hurt you,” he smiled as he grabbed your hand. “Plus you’re just as strong as me, so we’ll be fine!” He added. You playfully rolled your eyes and nodded.
“Finally! The plaza!” He smiled. “Oh look, they have ramen over there. Or takoyaki there! Or cotton candy there!” He said excitedly as he scanned the different food carts. “Did you even bring bellies?” You asked. You quickly noticed him freeze up. “I’ll take that as a no…” you sighed.
You watched as he slowly turned to you with the biggest puppy eyes. “Luffy…” you sighed. “Ok then I guess we can go back to the ship,” he moped as he walked past you. “Oh shut up, you know I’m gonna buy you something,” you rolled your eyes. You watched as his mood changed in an instant, “Thanks! That’s why you’re the best girlfriend in the world!” He smiled as he pulled you into a tight hug. “Yeah, yeah… you owe me Straw Hat,” you smiled. “I’ll give you one of my takoyaki!” He smiled as he dragged you back to the carts. “Just one?” You asked yourself.
After you watched Luffy eat 2 bowls of ramen, 4 orders of takoyaki, and 1 bag of cotton candy… because you didn’t want to deal with a sugar rush. It was finally time to head back to the ship.
“That was good,” Luffy burped, as you both walked down the path. “Yeah, the ramen was pretty good. But I think I’ll always prefer Sanji’s,” you replied. “Yeah, that’s true!” Luffy smiled. You soon arrived to the cliff where the crew hid the ship and noticed it was gone.
The ship’s hiding spot was now filled with soldiers, and Navy ships.
“Did we go the wrong way?” Luffy asked. “No, this is the spot. Maybe some soldiers found them and tried to trap them,” You told him, worried for your friends. “Do you think they escaped?” He asked. “Franky, Brooke, and Usopp stayed behind, I’m sure that Franky was able to escape from them. Plus they’re probably waiting here, hoping to catch one of us who stepped into the island,” you explain. “Well let’s go look for them,” he said.
“No, we should go back into town,” you said, stopping him from running off. “Why? The ship is missing!” He shouted. “Because what if the others don’t know that the ship was found. That means the Navy knows we’re here, so they’re probably looking for them. We have to warn them, we have to find them before any soldier does,” you explained. “But…” he trailed off.
“Come on Luffy! Plus Franky has gotten us out of a bunch of bad spots, I’m sure he did it again! We need to find the oth-“ you stopped yourself. “(Y/-“ you quickly placed your hand over his mouth. “Shh,” you whispered as you heard some faint footsteps.
But it was too late. “Well, well, well… I thought I saw something on top of this cliff,” you heard a booming voice from the trees. You looked over and saw a large bald headed man in a suit. With around 10 soldiers behind him. “Crap…” you muttered. “It’s fine (Y/N), we can handle the- HEY!” Luffy yelled as a net shot at him.
“Luffy?” You called out and noticed your boyfriend struggling inside the net.
“Sea prism net, it works great when someone’s not expecting it,” the bald headed man laughed. You rushed over to Luffy without thinking, “I-I’ll get you out!” You stuttered. “(Y/N) no! Behind you!” He shouted weakly.
You quickly turned your attention back to the group and realized they were closing in on you two. “I’m sure bringing you two in would promote me to Vice Admiral,” the bald man said. “(Y/N) please run,” Luffy begged. You shook your head, “I got this, we’re ok when we’re together,” you said determined as you rose up and turned your attention towards the troop.
You were a weaponist, but all you had was a small knife. You pulled it out and the soldiers began to laugh. “That’s it? You’re planning to take us all down with that?” The man laughed. “Yep,” you said softly, before charging at one soldier who was still laughing.
You sliced him up and kicked him towards a small bunch of soldiers. Causing them to be knocked over. “Fire! Fire!” You heard one of the soldiers shout. You leapt into the air and avoided any gunshots.
You landed on another soldier and sliced up his face. You continued to cut up as many of them as you could while knocking others into one another. “How are you men still having trouble with this girl?” The tall man yelled. You raced towards Luffy and began cutting at the net, but it won’t budge. “(Y/N)… behind…” you heard Luffy say. Before you could turn around you were quickly grabbed from your hair and yanked up.
“You’re a lot of trouble for a little girl,” the man growled. “D-Don’t touch her…” Luffy said weakly as he slowly thrashed under the net. “Like you can talk! Like I said… you’re a lot of trouble, so I’m dealing with you now before you can get loose again,” he said menacingly. You squirmed and thrashed, trying to rip yourself out of his grasp, but nothing worked.
“Well good thing the flyer says alive or dead,” the man said as he lifted his sword. Before he could hurt you you jabbed the small knife into the hand that held you. The man screamed and you rushed towards Luffy.
“(Y/N) please… run,” he begged. You shook your head, searching for the strings that kept the net tied. “You bitch!” You heard. You ignored his words and finally found the knot to the net, you sliced at it with your knife and opened the net.
You smiled as you were finally able to free your boyfriend. “Luff…y,” you gasped. You felt a sharp pain pierce through your torso. “(Y/N)!” You heard, but your hearing was slowly being taken over by a sharp ringing.
Luffy’s POV
I stared in shock, but before I could think I landed on the guy that hurt her. My fists pounding on his face, until he’s unrecognizable. Before I become too caught up on him I quickly turn back to (Y/N).
She’s laying on her back holding onto her wound. I rushed over and slowly picked her up. “(Y/N)! Hey, I’m here, I’m here. You’re ok now, I-I just need Chopper. He’ll fix this! S-So don’t worry… fuck!” I panicked as I raced towards the plaza. I need a doctor, any doctor. She can’t die, I won’t let her. I thought as I raced through the forest.
I made it back to the plaza and scouted the area for
Chopper or for anyone. “I-I need a doctor…” I choked out. People began to stare at us with worried looks. “I need a doctor!” I screamed. “Please! Anyone! Please!” I cried out. Residents stared at me with panicked looks as I ran around, hoping to find someone to help. But no one stepped up, they all just stared.
My legs felt weak, and I fell to my knees, still holding her. My vision is too blurry, “Please anyone! I’m begging you! I can’t let her die!” I begged as I pressed (Y/N) closer to my chest. She can’t die, she’s supposed to be with me forever…
“Follow me!” I heard a voice call out. I snapped my head towards the voice and noticed an older man in front of a building, motioning over towards him. I jumped up and raced over, “Can you save her? Please tell me you can save her!” I shouted. “It seems she’s lost quite a bit of blood… but hurry and set her down inside! We can’t waste any more time!” The grandpa demanded and I ran inside and placed her on a small white bed that was inside the tiny office.
I watched the man rush over to (Y/N) and began placing pressure on her wound. “Hold this, she’s going to have to do an emergency surgery. I need to get ready!” He instructed and I rushed over to take his spot. After a few minutes he was back with gloves and tools. “I can take it from here, go wait outside,” he said. “No! Let me-“ he interrupted me. “I said get out! I need total concentration!” He yelled. I hesitated, but forced myself to go outside.
I sat outside and stared at the dried blood on my hands. “I should have protected her! What kind of capt- what kind of boyfriend am I?” I cried out. “It happened again! Someone I care about… I couldn’t save them…” I said as my hands snaked. “Luffy!” I quickly looked up and saw Nami, Sanji, and Chopper. “Y-You guys…” I said softly. “We saw the Navy ships, and- i-is that… blood?” Nami asked. “Where’s (Y/N)?” Chopper asked worriedly. “S-She, I… I couldn’t-" I was interrupted with a kick, sending me flying back.
Sanji grabbed me by the collar, “Where is she? If something bad happened to her…” he trailed off. “Sanji!” Nami called out.
“Now I’m not sure if this rowdiness is the best thing for your friend right now…” a soft voice said. We all turned and saw the old doctor standing at the entrance of his office, wiping his hands. I shoved Sanji off of me, and raced over to him. “How is she? Is she ok?” I asked. The doctor stared at me for what felt like a century. “She’s… she’s fine my boy,” he said as he patted my shoulder.
I lunged onto the grandpa, “Thank you… thank you for helping her. I thought I would lose her,” I cried. He patted my back, “Well she’s a tough gal, a little too tough,” he smiled. “She’s already awake,” he said softly as he pulled away. My eyes widened, “Can I see her?” I asked. “Hmm… well I’m sure a quick visit wouldn’t hurt…” he said softly as he led us into his office.
As soon as I walked in, I rushed over to her. She was sitting up, looking out the window. “(Y-Y/N)?” I choked out. She jumped from my voice and slowly turned towards me, she then smiled once our eyes met. “Luffy,” she said softly. I rushed over to her and collapsed, “I’m sorry, I’m so sorry. I should’ve done better, I’m sorry, please don’t leave me…” I cried onto her lap. I felt a soft hand play with my hair, “Stop acting like I’m dead, I’m fine. Just a little scratch,” she giggled. “I love you,” I said softly. “I love you too,” she smiled as she wiped my tears.
“(Y/N)!” Chopped cried as he hopped onto her. “Hi guys,” she smiled. “Are you ok?” Nami asked as she shoved me out of the way. “I’m fine, just a bad scratch,” she smiled. “Well good, or else I would’ve killed your boyfriend,” Sanji said. “So, let’s go back to the ship?” (Y/N) asked. “We found it on the other side of the island!” Chopper said. “Well I’m not so sure she should be moving yet,” the grandpa said. “I can carry her,” I said. “Well… the Navy is looking for you now…” he muttered. “I’m a doctor as well, and I know this isn’t the best thing for the patient right now. But if anything happens I can take care of her!” Chopper explained. “Well alright then,” the grandpa said. We all nodded and prepared to safely transport (Y/N) back to the ship.
… Nighttime…
I never left (Y/N)’s side, as soon as we arrived at the ship she fell asleep and hasn’t woken up since. I even missed dinner to make sure she doesn’t wake up alone. After a few minutes she slowly opened her eyes. “Luffy,” She smiled. “(Y/N)!” I smiled back. “Have you been here all this time?” She asked me. “Yeah, I didn’t want you to wake up alone. I also… wanted to make sure you were ok,” I said softly. “I’m sorry (Y/-“ she interrupted me. “Stop, I wasn’t careful enough. I’m ok, I promise,” she said as she cupped my cheek.
“I know but I was so scared, I thought… I thought I was going to lose you like-“ I cut myself off. “I know and I’m sorry for scaring you, but you found me a doctor right?” She asked. I slowly nodded. “So you saved me, and I’m very grateful,” she said as she pulled me into a soft kiss. “Just… always keep your weapons bag on you at all times,” I say. She laughed and nodded. “I’ll keep an extra set of weapons on me too, just in case,” I said. “Sounds like a deal,” she smiled. “I love you,” she said. “I love you too,” I said as I gently pulled her into a kiss.
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anastasiabowe · 8 months
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𝙏𝘼𝙎𝙏𝙀 𝙇���𝙆𝙀 𝘾𝘼𝙉𝘿𝙔! — song lyrics corresponding with your boyfriend!
note: Hey guys! So, I have been writing a lot of KNB posts (which I’ll never stop) but if you guys want someone or many to be written about OTHER than KNB, then just request!
P.S. I wanted to try something new so this is why this is a little different from the recent posts!
Content warnings: smut, piv, licking, pussy eating, back scratching, pussy pounding, dick sucking, praise, jealousy, cuffs, overstimulation, and body worship.
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★ — 𝗞𝗔𝗚𝗔𝗠𝗜 She's just like candy, she's so sweet!
Kagami dragged his tongue across your neck, growling in the process. You whimper as he did that action, you’ve never done this before, and his tongue feels weird! Kagami continued to dig his fingers that were on your thigh help keep your legs open as he laid between them, and the other on the bed holding himself up.
Kagami wanted to take it slow, savoring in your sweet innocent taste. He has never enjoyed smelling and licking someone like a fucking dog before, but if you asked him to bark, he’d yap. Your hands were on his collar bone as you tried to push his head away. He grabbed your hands with the hand that was on your thigh, and pushed them above your head.
When he was done enjoying your neck, he moved lower. This threw you off. Your face heated up, and panic filled your lungs as he lowered your fitted top past your boobs. Kagami kicked and kissed around your nipples and eventually your nipples causing your- down there to heat up.
Kagami sucked on your nipples, and slowly moved his hand down to your cunt. “W-wait!” Kagami stopped his movements, and lifted his head to look up at you.
He didn’t say anything, waiting for you to clarify. He didn’t move his hands, he actually moved them away from your parts. Eventually when you covered your face from embarrassment he got the memo.
“We don’t have to do this. I just can’t get enough of your taste. You taste sweet.” He smiled, you looked at him through your fingers, and sighed.
“O-ok, well, just go s-slow.” He chuckled, and moved his whole body lower so he was face to face with your cunt.
“Alright, let’s see how sweet she is.” He slid of your panties, and you felt extremely exposed, but yet extremely turned on. Kagami’s mouth practically frothed at the sight. He pushed your legs farther, you pushed back, not wanting him to see all of that, but he was stronger. When you kept fighting he stuck his tongue out and started eating you out. You then slammed your legs closed around Kagami’s head and he chuckled into your cunt.
After a while, he pulled his head from your cunt, prying your legs apart, and looked up at you with a cheeky smile.
“Mhm, she is sweet!”
★ —𝗞𝗨𝗥𝗢𝗞𝗢 Baby, I got everything and so much more than he's got!
Kuroko’s hand gripped yours as he saw your ex playing basketball in the local basketball courts. He was really good, no, very good, and he caught you taking a quick glance. You didn’t seem interested, but a glance was enough to make him jealous. He pulled you into his house quickly, and you let out a whine thinking you were in trouble or something. Kuroko only got like this when he was upset, so what is he upset about.
He pushed you up the stairs, very gently, but you were moving too slow, and he walked you into the bedroom. He slammed the door behind him and grabbed your face in a heated kiss. His face was so smushed into yours you had to pull away because it was becoming painful. Kuroko placed his hand behind your head to keep your lips on his. You whimper out in pain from your lips digging into your teeth.
Kuroko laid you down on the bed, and when you got a good look at his angry face, you could tell it wasn’t you. It was him. Kuroko quickly pulled your pants down, and spat on your cunt. Even though he is mad and not in the mood to be playing games, you couldn’t help but stifle a quick giggle from his cute little tantrum. He perked his eyebrow up when he head you laugh, and soon it wasn’t funny anymore.
“B-baby! I’m sorry, please just slow d-down!” Kuroko pounded into your cunt, his hair in your and his face. He hit his bottom lip as he kept thinking about how you were probably getting fucked by your ex before Kuroko came along. He kept thinking about how you probably once upon a time enjoyed your ex during sex since you stayed with him so long. These thoughts field his fire which he usually didn’t have very much, and it was becoming too good for you too handle.
“Whatever I did, I-I’m sorry!” Kuroko smashed his lips on yours so you could shut the fuck up. He of course wouldn’t dare say that to you, but that was what he wanted to say to you right now. You whimpered into his mouth as he pounded harshly into your cunt. You felt like cumming again, hoping Kuroko wouldn’t deny another one for you.
“I-I’m gonna c-“ kuroko pounded harder and brought his hand down to your pl cunt and started rubbing your clit. You moaned loudly at the action and came, hard. Kuroko wasn’t quite there, he wanted another one from you, and maybe a few more after that. He wanted to show you he was so much better than your ex!
★ — 𝗔𝗢𝗠𝗜𝗡𝗘 I can name a couple ways, baby, this shit might go!
Aomine clenched his jaw seeing you with your friends. You were wearing a skin tight black dress with ripped tights and black pumps. He already knew guys were up against you wherever you were, and he was upset he couldn’t even punch one in the face. You didn’t know Aomine was following you and your drunk friends. I mean you wouldn’t have been hard to find with all that yapping and screaming you all did. He hurriedly walked towards you and your friends calling out your name so they know he wasn’t a creep.
You turned and stumbled from how drunk you were. Aomine grabbed your arm and dragged you a little ways ahead of your friends. You were in heels so he eventually just had to pick you up and carry you home over his shoulder. He got angrier by the second when he kept pulling your dress down over your ass. Why the fuck did you wear this shirt dress. Your ass must of been out in the open and you weren’t even wearing underwear under the tights.
Once you both reached home, Aomine had an idea. He removed your clothes, put on new ones, washed your face and put you to bed. You may think you’ve gotten away with this, if your altered brain could think at all, but tomorrow will be an interesting day.
When you woke up, your wrists and legs were cuffed to the headboard. If you hadn’t recognized the area, you would’ve thought you were kidnapped, but you heard the shower running and knew Aomine was home. “Shit.” You pulled on the cuffs, thankfully you didn’t have a major headache from all the drinking you did, don’t know how, but Aomine must of Gaven you something.
“Aomine?” You tried to yell out, but the shower was too loud. After maybe 5 minutes, the shower turned off, and out walked Aomine. Wet, hot, and mad. To a normal person he looks normal, but to you, you could see the slight twitch in his jaw, showing he is clenching it, which he only does when he’s upset.
He grabbed another towel and laid it over his head. You watched him, getting hornier by the second, but Aomine knew this. The towel around his hips hung low, and his abs were practically punching you in the face from all the workouts he did.
“Ao-“ “shut the fuck up.” His calm voice saying such an aggressive thing made you even more turned on.
Aomine took a deep breath, a tactic he learned from his anger control therapist, and he thought about what he was going to say.
“Y/n. Why the fuck did you think going out dressed like that, without telling me, is okay?” You frowned, annoyed he even noticed. “I don’t usually give a fuck about what you’re doing, but when you ignore my texts for 4 hours, it’s going to tick me off.” He quickly riddled his hair in the towel, and threw it into a hamper. The towel around his waist came off right behind it and you stared at his cock.
He took another deep breath, and walked towards the bed. “There’s a couple of ways this can go, I can’t decide on one, so why don’t you help me, okay?” You looked at him confused, and he smiled.
“Do you want the good option, or the bad one?” You couldn’t breathe. What this a trick question? “W-what?” You tugged on the cuffs again, getting nervous.
“Do you want the good option, or the bad option.” He repeated the question, still standing waiting for your response. “G-good.” You let out a shaker breath, and he smiled. “Good.”
Aomine pounded into you as you screamed, begging him to slow down. He had been making you cum over and over and over, and never once did a smile not break off his face.
“Oh baby, you had a choice, and this is what you wanted!” Your nails slid down his toned back, making him groan in pleasure. “I personally think this was the best choice.” He leaned down and softly kissed you, almost taunting you, because you guys never kissed gently.
“Don’t worry baby, just a few more, then I forgive you. Does that sound good?” When he looked at your face, he could see your eyes slowly closing. He softly slapped you face and chuckled.
“Don’t pass out on me baby, we still got a little more left to do!”
★ — 𝗛𝗬𝗨𝗚𝗔 Need someone who's sweet enough, who'll shoot to make that high note!
Hyuga never had time for a girlfriend, ever since their win at the winter cup, girls up just to speak with him, but he didn’t pay them any mind, until you. Hyuga used to joke about how he wanted a girl who wasn’t needy and could handle herself, so every girl that talked to him acted independent despite then being only a year 1 living with their parents.
But when he met you, his ways changed. You were sweet, kind, and needy. But for some reason, you were an enticing needy. You always wanted him to hang out with you and cuddle with you, and whenever you asked he would, like in a trance, obey you. He doesn’t know why, but he never feels annoyed by the hold you have on him. You aren’t intentionally trying to keep him wrapped around your little finger, but you do!
Hyuga would skip practice for you, very rarely, but if you both made plans and Riko for some reason assigned practice on that day, he would skip it. If there was a game, you were always front row, or on the benches cheering him on, to all the other Seirin girlfriends jealousy.
“Hyuga! Hyuga! Hyuga!” You cheered on the bench with the other teammates of Seirin as the time was ticking and he had to make this final shot. He looked over at your cute face cheering him on, and he felt that go straight to his dick-
He embarrassed but determined, reeled back, soread his feet and and jumped, pushing the basketball high past his opponent and straight into the basket. The arena erupted in a loud roar, and the other Seirin players ran towards Hyuga in victory, but he pushed past them and went straight towards you. He lifted you off the ground and hugged you as if you made the shot.
“You did it! Oh my god you did it!” You excitedly praised him. He felt his dick harden by the praise and had to cut this little victory short.
“We gotta go.” He excitedly said, but panic prevalent, you didn’t even question him and followed him. He led you both into a locked changing room, and he pushed you into the wall.
“I’m sorry baby, this is so inappropriate.” He breathed heavily as he pulled his pants down. You looked up at him with your pretty eyes, and he nearly came right there. You dropped down to your knees and grabbed his cock.
“Did I do this?” Your glossy lips slightly parted after the question which is so innocent but so hot in this current situation.
“You always do this.” You giggled, and brought your lips to his red tip. Hyuga’s knees nearly buckled in when you wrapped your pink lips around his cock.
“Ah! S-shit!” You jumped knowingly and started to take him as much as you could. Hyuga apologized as he grabbed your hair and pushed you onto his cock. You gagged which again, like almost everything you do, nearly made him cum. It was embarrassing at how quickly he came into your mouth, but you don’t care, you know he deserved this!
When you swallowed his cum, and showed him, the groan he let out sent a shiver down your spine. He pulled you up by your hands, and kissed you.
“Don’t make me hard again, we have to get home first.”
★ — 𝗧𝗘𝗣𝗣𝗘𝗜 Sugar coated, lies unfolded, you still lick the wrapper It's addictive, you know this, but you still lick the wrapper
Teppei is the definition of innocent. You lean in to kiss him, he turns his cheek, he thought you were trying to kiss his cheek. When you try to touch his abs, he laughs because he’s tickilish. And when you try to hint towards sex, he thinks you’re hinting towards going to sleep! You don’t want to seem slutty or horny, but if you have a hot boyfriend you deserve to have your hot boyfriend! And so, you try everything in your power to see if he’s even comfortable doing it.
You ask him if he’s a virgin. He responds with “what’s your definition of a virgin?” Face slap. You ask him if he’s ever kissed anyone. “Oh, yeah! I’ve kissed my dog, my mom, my sister, my pillow, well I do that every night when I sleep, I don’t have much control over that and I-“ face slap. You ask him if he finds you hot and if he thinks about you at night, he says “of course I think you’re hot! You’re gorgeous, but I always think about you, so.” Double face slap.
You can’t blame a man for being a gentleman but he really is a gentle man. One day, you were so sexually frustrated you resorted to jumping your pillow. Your fingers couldn’t reach where Teppeis COULD reach, and you can’t just rub your cunt! You cried into the air as the pillow wasn’t doing its job. Teppei walked up into the room, hearing your cries and approached you on the bed.
“What wrong?” His hand softly laid on your back as you laid your head against his shoulder. Your lip quivered and he couldn’t tell why.
“It’s nothing.” You softly said, and he pulled you off of his shoulder and made you look at him.
“No, tell me, if you need something or want something I can get it for you.” You frowned, and he softly ushered you to speak.
“It’s so stupid!” A tear ran down your face, for something that could be easily fixed, it wasn’t getting fixed.
“Nothing is stupid! Tell me what’s wrong, I promise it’s not stupid.”
“I can’t fucking cum, Teppei!” You already knew that word went over his head, but when he hugged you, you were shocked.
“Then why didn’t you say anything?” Your breath got caught in your lungs and you pulled away from him.
“Because I thought you didn’t know what my issue was..” Teppei softly smiled and pulled you into a kiss to your absolute shock. You kissed him back, and truly you didn’t know what the fuck was happening.
Teppei pulled you onto his lap, and you deepened the kiss. “Teppe-“ “What do you need?” He asked, you were almost confused by the question until you saw the look in his eyes.
“I-I need, wait Teppei-“ “what do you need, baby?” His voice still gentle, but more serious.
“Your fingers.” You softly said, he let out a little “alright.” And turned you both around on the bed.
“Teppei.” You called out to him.
“Wha- how- I thought you didn’t know how this all worked.”
“I don’t, so you’re going to teach me.”
You looked at him in disbelief. He looked back at you, ready to listen to your every command. But he wasn’t stupid, so he started to kiss your neck and jaw. You eased into the feeling, but he was still waiting for you to tell him what you want him to do.
“Teppei, please go lower.” You softly moaned when he listed. He kissed your collar bone and sucked on it. He would then lick the mark, and move on. It felt so soft and loving, you were getting wetter by the minute, and Teppei could feel it on his thing since it was between your legs.
He kept going lower till he reached your nipple.
“Play with the other one t-too.” He sucked on your nipple and brought his thumb to the other and softly rubbed it with his thumb, and soon switched to his thumb and index finger, pinching it.
If you thought you were wet, you were wet now. You instructed him to touch your cunt, and like always, he listened.
He moved his mouth to the other nipple, wanting to satisfy everything and brought his and that was holding your boob down to your cunt. He swiped his thumb from your hole to your clit and back down. Even though he thought it wasn’t doing much, it was doing so much.
You moaned and arched your back at the feeling making him smile.
“What else baby, talk to me.” His breath warm on your boob, and fingers soft and gentle made you feel more than taken care of.
“Please use your mouth on my c-cunt.” Your voice shook from the immense pleasure and he moved himself down to your cunt.
He brought his face close to it, and inhaled your sweet smell. “Mmm, smell so good baby.” You smiled down at him, and he opened his mouth, and started to lick and suck on your cunt. Your hands instantly grabbed his hair, and he moaned when you tugged in it. When he got the taste of you, he became addicted. All the denying of knowing how to please a woman, and the innocent facade he worked hard to maintain fell the second he got a taste.
He felt almost too selfish from denying you of this, he shouldn’t have even pushed this off if he’d know you tasted this good. He had both hands on the sides of your ass, pulling you farther into his mouth. Your back arched and Nails scratched his head. Teppei was getting lost in your cunt, and you felt close.
“Teppei!” You squealed when you felt the euphoric sensation wash over you. Teppei never slowed his tongue movements sending you into overstimulation.
“F-fuck, T-Teppei, too much!” He moaned into your cunt, he couldn’t get enough of you, and his cock was getting dangerously hard by the second. Who knew eating you out would turn him on so much. Who knew eating you out was so addictive.
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zwhoreo · 1 year
someone requested a fic of luffy eating you out, so here it is <3 anon i hope you see this.
luffy eats you out on the deck of the ship in another story i wrote but there can never be too much of that, right?
something to eat - luffy x f!reader
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summary: put on watch, luffy gets bored and hungry. luckily, you’re there to help with that
contains: oral (f receiving), luffy’s oral fixation
words: 1.3k
The sunset is long gone and the sky arches over Luffy in misty remnants of the day. There are pelicans in the tidepools and he likes to watch them, he likes their large wings and glassy eyes. But he’s so, so bored. He’s all alone here, sitting on the deck and dangling his legs over the side of the docked ship. He’d been humming to himself but he grew bored of even that. Now he just sits there, as solemnly as he can, keeping watch like they all asked him to.
You’re sleeping right next to Luffy, wrapped in a burlap blanket. He looks at you sometimes, curious, loving eyes examining your face in detail, his cheeks growing warm whenever you shift against him in your sleep.
He’s missing you but he promised not to wake you up, at least not until a few hours from now when you said you’d take a turn as look-out. But worse than boredom or loneliness, he’s hungry. It’s just this tiny itching pain of wanting something to eat, maybe just to occupy his mouth in general. He chews on his hand in the meantime but that isn’t anything, really.
It takes twenty minutes of fidgeting and staring at the pelicans for him to poke you and say your name really quietly under his breath.
And when you stay asleep he pokes you some more and keeps calling out to you and finally you open your eyes unhappily, reaching out to hold his hand.
“I’m so boreddd…” Luffy lays down on top of you, making you squeak in lack of preparation. “And I’m hungry and I also wanna play and cuddle and hangout and…”
Candy-sweet deer eyes gaze into yours, begging, so you sit up and lean in to give him a kiss on the cheek. “Mhh… ok, I’m here, Luffy,” you say, still sleepy but wanting to make him happy.
“Do you have something to eat?” He presses his face into your shoulder, mumbling.
“Not with me, no, I’m sorry…”
“Can we go get Sanji to cook something? Can we go into the kitchen?”
“Sanji’s sleeping and the kitchen’s locked up, I’m sorry, Luffy…”
“Mmgh… ok, can I kiss you? I just um…” You notice drool at the corner of his mouth, an oral fixation flare-up, maybe.
“Aw, ‘course you can…” You cup his face as he leans into you and kisses you with deep enjoyment. He licks your lips and then plunges his tongue into your mouth, chewing your bottom lip. He stays like that for a while, eyes closed, making little satisfied noises.
You place your hands on his waist and his muscles squeeze and contract under his skin in desire. He pulls away and licks his lips. It’s clear that he wants more.
“Can we play? I wanna eat you out…” he says rather bluntly, tilting his head at you. You’d told him, before, that if he wants something he should just ask directly, and he’s never afraid to, you like that about him.
“Sure,” you whisper and you’re blushing so hard. In preparation you slide your panties off and let cool air blow beneath your night dress. You lean in for a hug which Luffy is more than happy to accept.
“I love ya!” he grins and kisses you quickly on the neck, before laying down on his stomach eagerly, resting his head on his arms, staring between your legs happily.
You’re still a little shy, in the face of all this excitement. But you’re smiling too. You lay back, head propped on the railing of the deck, pulling your dress up so you can see Luffy as he crawls up to you, salivating, this is perfect right now.
He isn’t familiar with lust, still. He often mistakes horniness for hunger, and so he loves to eat you out, being close to you and tasting you and getting to feel your hands in his hair while he eats.
So he reaches out his fingers to your pussy which looks so unbelievably soft, he feels his stomach growl in anticipation, even. He pets it, at first, gentle caressing along your folds just to get himself familiar again, he knows you need to be warmed up before he goes in with his teeth, so he hugs your thigh with one arm and keeps rubbing in messy circles. He pushes his thumb in, just to experiment, making you twitch in his arms and he nuzzles into your thigh, mouth open, drooling on your leg.
And then he goes in for a kiss, his lips wet against your sensitive skin, a tender kiss that makes your heart race. And then long, tender licks, tongue flicking your clit after each slow stroke, he starts purring deep in the back of his throat and you place your hand on his head because he really likes when you do that, and so do you.
More kisses, but his neediness is coming out, he can’t hold it back anymore, so he suckles on your skin where his lips meet you and lets his teeth graze you. But soon he grows impatient and jams his tongue inside you, jaw latching around you, making small growls as he gets more and more into it. His jaw moves rhythmically and his nose is dipped within the silky juices that now coat you there. His tongue twists and swells as he laps within you, his power is useful right now.
Wanting to be close to you so badly, he tries to crawl up your body more while he stays neatly attached to you, still sucking greedily. This folds your body inward, shoving you into an uncomfortably tight position as he reaches out so he can hold your hands. Your breathing is labored, he’s making this feel so good.
His licks and swallows are very audible, cool night interrupted by ravenous slurping as Luffy gives in to his needs, his hunger overtaking him, his love like icicles through his heart, through his stomach.
It seems like he’ll never be satiated, coaxing a few orgasms out of you before you’re too sensitive and squirming beneath his touch, every nerve fried and spent. You tap his head gently and he pulls away reluctantly, but he’s wonderfully happy, your juices drip down his chin and he’s flushed with exertion.
“Heyy, that was good, thank you,” he giggles and moves up your body, arms wrapping around you, falling right on top of you on the deck again.
Pinned beneath him you rub his back appreciatively and thank him and, as he always does, he wants his face right up against yours. Wetness drips on your cheek, his breath is heavy and it smells tangy and raw, you turn your head away but he takes this as a challenge, chasing down your lips for a series of little kisses, so unashamed at the state of his mouth.
“Can you not go back to sleep and can we cuddle all night?” he asks, so sweetly, against your chin, eyes just inches away but still staring into yours.
“Sure, Lu.”
But he’s so warm and his weight is so comforting that eventually you do fall asleep, after a couple hours of holding him and kissing his neck. Dawn will bring soreness from his body crushing yours but it’s all worth it because this is what Luffy does when he’s really, really happy.
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mysticmunson · 1 year
buddy; steve harrington x f!reader
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s.harrington x f.reader
a little blurb i wrote quickly about reader ditching the mushy nicknames they both love. no warnings, but blog is 18+ and special thanks to the loveliest girl ever, autumn, for entertaining this idea w me @lilacletter word count: 1k
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The idea sprang into your brain through a conversation with Robin over frozen yogurt, a mountain of toppings on each of your treats. 
“The way you two fawn each other is weird!” Robin scolded, shoving her plastic spoon in her bowl.
“What! How?” You laughed, wiping a bit of vanilla from the corner of your lips.
Rolling her eyes, she huffed, “Baby? Sweetheart? Love? Don’t even get me started on darling or mama-And yes! I did hear when he called you mama and it made me gag. Use something less gross.”
Her tangent made your cheeks warm, covering your face in embarrassment. The names were cavity levels of sweet, both of you loved them, but it was silly to consider how often you indulged in them.
So sitting on your blue sofa, you watched TV with the volume a bit higher than you wanted it to be, too lazy to stand and turn it down. 
“Hey buddy, can you turn it down please?” You asked from the mountain of blankets as he walked into the room.
“Yeah- Wait what?” He froze, finger on the sound, pushing down for a few notches.
“Thank you.” You replied, ignoring his question and just relieved you could watch Family Ties in peace. 
Your warm smile made his own question fade, figuring he misheard you, and moving on with what he was walking towards. Which he forgot, so he went into the kitchen. 
It would be an hour or so later when you were getting ready to hang out with friends, standing in the bathroom and applying some concealer when it would happen again. The wand glided over your skin, gently patting it with your fingertips as he walked in behind you.
A hand firm on your waist to solidify his balance and keep you in place, he went over your head to reach your medicine cabinet, taking the pot of hair cream you bought him for Christmas.
At your side, he opened it and began applying it to his hair which was now scattered with shades of blonde due to the brutal summers of Indiana. After he finished, he wiped his hands on the towel hanging on the rack, turning around to put his cream back.
“You look so pretty.” He gawked, kissing your temple before looking at your concentrated face in the mirror as you applied mascara. The words made your heart flutter, a small ache in your tummy that could only be brought on by emotions from another person.
Recalling Robin’s words, you smiled, “Thanks, pal.”
A nearly disgusted look went onto his face, not remembering the last time someone called him a pal. But you looked unphased, so he assured himself it was a bit of a tease, settling for squeezing your hip assuringly and walking out of the confined space. 
However, the ride to Eddie’s new apartment was seamless with listening to Wham on the radio, stopping for candy, and walking in his front door with that and the movies in hand. Nancy and Robin were already there, and Jonathan and Argyle were ditching this week's movie night to go on a small road trip to buy certain plants in another state.
The pizza man had delivered dinner as you all sat on pillows on the living room floor, napkins and paper plates in hand. 
“Thanks, dude.” You quipped, taking a bite of the pizza your boyfriend had just set on your plate. 
Eddie’s loud cackle broke Steve’s distressed look into a more agitated one, Nancy smirking to herself as Robin joined the laughter.
“Harrington, how did you get friend-zoned by your own girlfriend!” Eddie barked, grabbing his own stomach. The use of ‘dude’ wouldn’t have caused such a fuss if they weren’t already aware of how overtly affectionate you two were in terms of endearment.
 “I’m not in the friend zone, you asshole! There’s nothing wrong with being friends with a woman- But we’re not friends- Wait! No! She is, but we have se- She is my best friend and girlfriend!”
Cutting off his rambling, you patted his shoulder, “I know what you mean, man.” You placed a kiss on his forehead, but that didn’t erase what you called him. 
Swallowing his pride, he pouted through the rest of movie night, even when you cuddled up next to him sweetly. Physically, your public displays of affection weren’t too egregious, so the normalcy felt pleasant.
As the night came to a close, both of you now in pajamas, the frustration had dissipated. Beneath the sheets, you curled and waited for Steve to turn off the light before joining you. Walking over while scratching his belly, he joined you, shuffling to be closer to your body.
“Goodnight, sweetheart.” He whispered, kissing your nose, followed by your forehead.
Putting a kiss on his collarbone, “Goodnight, buddy.” 
What you didn’t expect was his foghorn whine, dramatic as he sat up, yanking you with him, all to just hover over you with your wrists in his hands. It was embarrassingly easy how quickly he could overpower you like this, but this was probably due to how you didn’t fight back. 
Giggling with girlish lit, you looked up at him, “What?”
The creases between his brows doubled as the scowl on his lips grew, pressing his face to your cheek as you shrieked. 
“Stop calling me buddy!” He complained, resting his weight on top of you, “Or any of those other names either! Why do you hate me!”
“Stevie, I don’t hate you!” You cooed, nudging his head up with your cheek until he looked at you, “Robin mentioned how gooey our names are and I wanted to try to switch things up.”
Scoffing, he rolled his eyes, “Of course, Buckley had something to do with this.”
Slinking your hands free, you cupped his cheeks and kissed his lips. There was something so enticing about his skin that you were convinced you were reliant on it. 
“I love you, baby.” You murmured, his sigh of relief audible as he deflated to his side, pulling you in close to his chest.
“I love you too,” He began, speaking into your hair, “don’t call me dude like that again though or I will lose my mind. Absolutely bonkers. I will fight Robin at work-”
“Okay, sweetheart.” You cut him off, kissing his chest as it rises and falls.
“Much better.”
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thank u for reading! check out my other fics in my masterlist :)
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eubybubble · 9 months
“you could live a hundred lifetimes, and never deserve that boy”
pairing: lorenzo berkshire x reader
summary: he's always there when you need him, but he's nowhere to be found at the Yule Ball. while searching for him, you come across something heartbreaking.
word count: 1.5k
pt. 1 | pt. 2
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Everyone around you knew. Even the teachers, but you. Enzo would just smile when you nudged him and called him the “best friend you could ever have.”
Even after all these years, it amazed you that whenever you were craving something sweet or were moody, he could pull out candies - your favorite ones, specifically. He'd just shrug off your questions, “Y/N, you're not that special. I have a sweet tooth too, you know? Could've carried ones with you as well so that we can switch roles for once,” he playfully rolled his eyes.
Enzo was one of Hermione's close friends. Maybe that's why he cared so much about school. Or vice versa. But the thing is, he was the top student, and you were just above average. You often forgot to do homework, which played against you, but hey, you had Enzo who would give you a copy of his homework and whisper the right answers to you. But if it were others... “Hey, mate, can I copy that too?” Mattheo looked pleadingly. “Sorry, gotta maintain academic honesty,” he got his notebook back and winked at Mattheo.
“Guys, wanna go to Hogsmeade this Saturday?” you asked cheerfully. Everyone exchanged awkward looks, and it was silent for a while. “We were planning to go out as couples, and some of us got homework to do,” Blaise explained softly. “Yeah, don't hold a grudge against your amazing friends, cara mia; Blaise is only telling the truth,” Theo grinned at you.
“I can, I have nothing to do anyway,” Enzo didn't lift his eyes from books. “Wasn't it you who just complained about Numerology class's workload-“ Draco was confused, but Enzo immediately looked up, staring at him intensely. “Really? Don't think so.” And so, you found someone to go with.
As you two went out, he noticed that you didn't have a scarf on. Your nose and cheeks were red, and you tried to hide your face in your jacket. He just furrowed, but then took off his scarf and wrapped it around you. “Why'd you go out like that? You'll get sick,” he asked coldly. It was unusual. You felt uncomfortable as you tried to return the scarf to him. “Ah... owl tore mine apart; I was planning to buy new. Sorry, let me give it back to you.” He stopped you. “It's okay.”
Your primary goal for today was to buy a dress for the Yule Ball. As you two went into every shop to see if they had something decent, never once did Enzo complain. After two hours, you finally found the perfect one. It was a beautiful shade of orange, which turned to pink towards the end. It was long and had a sweetheart neckline. It just enhanced the beauty of your clavicle, shoulders, and waist. Probably the most beautiful detail was an artificial flower on one shoulder. You were blushing hard as you saw his mouth was agape.
“You look beautiful.” You blushed harder, turning away to face the mirror. The dress was bought successfully, and you two headed to Three Broomsticks. Having placed your order, you just sighed.
“Something wrong?”
“No. Thanks for sparing your time to help me today,” you smiled softly.
“Uh, it's really nothing. I enjoyed spending time with you.” It was strange. You were alone with Enzo so many times, but it never felt so awkward, or rather nervous. He seemed to be braver with compliments today.
“Have you invited someone to the ball yet?” “Nah. Mustering up courage to ask someone special. And you? I mean, has someone asked you yet?” He smirked.
“No... I don't really know why I bought that dress if no one asked me...” To tell the truth, you were utterly embarrassed. You thought he'd start laughing at you, but his smile widened.
“Maybe there'll be someone special in the end. Don't lose hope.” You rolled your eyes at him. “Easy to say when you're so handsome and popular that everyone sends you love letters. He nearly choked from the sudden outburst of laughter. And with that, the conversation topic changed.
The ball was tomorrow, and you still had no pair. Maybe it wasn't meant to be? You groaned as you threw the pillow across the room. “Do you want me to die or?” Pansy was amused at this sight. “Pans, just leave me alone,” you mumbled into the bed.
“Are you still upset because of that ball? C'mon, it's a silly thing, just go with me, you don't need any pair!”
“Easy to say when Draco asked you the first day.”
“Maybe you're right. But you're still going to have fun.” she winked. “Now, let's go to breakfast.”
You two walked into the Great Hall, observing everyone worrying and exchanging shy looks. You could feel someone's gaze on yourself. You turned your head and saw Enzo. He was smiling. A big box of chocolate and a note with flowers lay in front of him.
“You look so sour... Don't tell me no one asked you yet?” He laughed.
“Shut up. And who's that for?' You mentioned things laying on the table.
“Uh, these. They're for-“
He didn't get to finish his sentence as someone tapped your shoulder. It was a tall boy from Ravenclaw. You saw him on quidditch team. He was handsome and smart, given that he's from a blue house. He smiled nervously. “Hey... you're Y/N, right? Would you mind going to the Yule Ball with me?” So straightforward. Yet you were dumbfounded as blush slowly creeped up your face. You just nodded, and he happily went back to his table, giving you a bouquet of chrysanthemums.
You were beyond happy as you shoved the invitation in your friends' faces to brag. However, everyone was throwing worried looks towards Enzo who had his jaws clenched. “Is everything okay? Why is everyone so quiet?” “Nothing. I'm happy for you.” Enzo smiled for a second before standing up and leaving the Great Hall with his belongings. “I have to go; Numerology's starting soon.” Everyone tried to ease up the atmosphere, but you still felt weird.
Yule Ball. Oh, everyone and everything was so amazing. You put every effort into makeup and outfit today. That Ravenclaw boy, or Henry, which turned out to be his name, accompanied you from your common room to the Great Hall. Everyone was having a great time, and you enjoyed the evening. You made your way to your friend group and noticed how beautiful everyone was. There were couples everywhere, but you couldn't see one person. Lorenzo Berkshire. Slowly pulling Pansy aside, you tried to speak loudly enough for her to hear you over the music. “Hey, where's Enzo?”
She looked at you weirdly. “Oh, he just got somewhat sick. He decided to stay in the dorm.”
“He WHAT? Maybe I should check up on him..." You didn't let Pansy finish as you made your way out of the Great Hall.
A million thoughts rushed through your head, making it harder to concentrate on one. Enzo didn't like to be ill. He was rarely ill, but every time, he'd get so scared of being left alone in the dorm. No one could joke about it since it had a stinging backstory. But you stopped in your tracks as you overheard loud talking and laughing. No one was supposed to be in the halls of Hogwarts now.
"She agreed so easily; one could think she'd have many suitors, given that she's such a bitch." It was such a familiar voice.
"Mhm, but now you have to sleep with her. Isn't it a bit hard, Henry?"
"Nah, she'd fold after the right amount of firewhisky."
“I doubt it. But if you win the bet, 100 galleons are yours." You could only stare into space in disbelief. Someone betting on you? It felt so wrong, so disgusting. So your worth was 100 galleons. Tears started rolling down your cheeks as you tried to be as quiet as possible. But you were hurt, you didn't even care anymore. You just ran in the opposite direction, wherever the feet would carry you, until you bumped into someone. Books fell from their hand.
"Hey, what the hell-" He stopped abruptly. It was a familiar voice. Not Henry, but Enzo.
"Y/N, what's wrong?" He seemed perfectly healthy.
"Enzo?" You blinked in confusion. Your face was puffy with tears, and his heart clenched at the sight. "Weren't you ill..."
As he picked up his books, he just sighed. "No... I just. I didn't want to, that's all." Indeed, he wasn't dressed in a fancy suit. He was in his favorite sweater and jeans. "But it isn't about me. Why were you crying?" He asked sternly. "It's nothing... I just..." time passed, and you couldn't think of a single excuse.
You just sighed and sat on a nearby staircase. "What the hell is wrong with me, Lorenzo?" He wasn't used to you saying his full name. "Huh? Who told you that?" He tilted his head curiously. "No one. I was wondering why no one could love me? And why did the only boy who invited me to the Yule ball turn out to be a dickhead who bet that he could sleep with me?" He nearly choked as his face turned dark with anger. "Huh. So he did that?" He got absorbed in his thoughts. You could see his features becoming more sharp as he did so, so you tried to switch the topic.
"So? Why didn't you want to go? Don't tell me you got rejected by that girl?" You teased him. "That girl is you." He just blurted it out.
After seconds of silence, you started laughing. "Nice one, Berkshire. Bet you drooled over me all those years."
"I'm being serious." He averted his eyes. "Ever since I met you the first year, I've always wanted to be your friend. But this changed during the fifth year. I started wanting more than friendship. I am lost in your eyes; in this dark world, they're the only light that keeps me going. I can listen to you ramble all day long. I love all your habits; I want to be there when you cry and when you laugh. I find myself wondering how does your hand or lips feel like. I wanted to be with you, I wanted you to notice me. But all my efforts seemed to be futile." He blushed, hiding his face in his palms. "Is confessing always that embarrassing?”
“Is being confessed to always feels that amazing?" You asked quietly. You've had a crush on Enzo for a long time, but you settled for unrequited feelings. Every sign he gave was shut down by you. After all, he’s kind to everyone, right? Turns out, no. His eyes locked with yours, and he tilted his head, getting closer to your face. He seemed to be asking for permission, and when you didn't push him away, he finally leaned in.
a/n: planning 2nd part with hcs (lorenzo as a boyfriend), yes I’m THAT obsessed with him. anyway, english isn’t my first language so sorry for any any mistakes! you can drop other requests with other characters in my ask box
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fatkish · 5 months
Hi!! 🐶 anon here. Was wondering if I could request a sort-of sequel to the last fic I requested? Like the reader after being rescued by him has separation anxiety from him and their therapist recommended for now reader stays close by him, so he’s taking a break from hero work, but for teaching he just brings reader along? So basically 1-a seeing reader being clingy and stuff with Aizawa. Maybe they experience a PTSD episode, idk. Just something like that! Take ur time with this request ^^;;
Aizawa x SA Victim Reader Part 2
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After going to a therapist for a few months, the therapist decided that it would probably be best to slowly reintroduce you to social situations
Since Aizawa was the only person who you seemed to trust wholly and entirely, your therapist suggested that he work with you
The first few activities were simple enough
A walk in the park, literally, you both held hands or stuck together as you spent an hour in the public space
The next was a picnic in the park, Aizawa had made Bentos for the both of you. They had chicken Katsu on top of fried rice and for sides he put stir fired vegetables and some seaweed wrapped tamagoyaki. He brought a blanket with you guys as well as drinks and you both sat together and ate your lunches
Plenty of women would giggle seeing such a cute seen of a father and daughter
After a couple of these outages your therapist suggested slightly more densely populated areas
So your next adventure was grocery shopping with Aizawa. He promised you that you didn’t need to worry or feel paranoid because he’d be watching your back
You were slightly anxious when walking down aisles that other people were in but you simply held Aizawa’s hand and persevered
After each outing Aizawa would give you a soft smile and tell you how well you did and how he’s so proud of you
If you panic or freak out, he’ll pick you up and have you focus on him, and tell you that you’re safe because you’re with him and he won’t let anything hurt you
During one of the grocery trips, a kind old lady remarked about how cute it was seeing a little girl with her dad
After giving you a compliment the old lady offered you a candy to which you looked at Aizawa to see if it was okay. He smiled and gently nudged you forward and you accepted it and thanked the lady.
After a few more outings at places like grocery stores, restaurants, the mall basically just any place where people are closer together, and after having a few interactions with people, your therapist thought it was time to focus on social interactions
For this, Aizawa begrudgingly agreed to getting you a service/guard dog. Basically the dog would stay at your side and alert to any potential threats and lead you away. If you had a panic attack, the dog would sit or lay on you and help ground you. If someone tried to attack you, there were specific words in a foreign language that would tell the dog to attack
Now that you had this dog, Aizawa decided it was time he returned to teaching
The first thing he did was introduce you to the teachers. Coincidentally, Vlad kind had brought his bulldog in that day. You immediately warmed up to his dog and was somewhat okay with him since he kinda looked like his dog
Later you met Nedzu who you immediately had the urge to pet. Aizawa thought Nedzu would be mad when you pet his head and asked if he was Mickey Mouse’s cousin
Nedzu laughed and smiled not bothered at all by your curiosity, infact, Nedzu was more than happy to help teach you and satisfy your curious mind
After a few days getting to know the school, Aizawa decided to introduce you to his class
This is when things went south
Despite having warned his students (particularly a certain grape head) about your past and to be careful with their words, some obviously didn’t get the memo
Upon entering the class, many had greeted you which spooked you a bit
The first students you were comfortable with were Asui, Momo, Koda and Todoroki
Asui and Momo seemed very mellow and almost motherly in their calm and relaxed demeanors. Todoroki was quite and greeted you once but then seemingly ignored you which actually made you feel good because you felt that it meant he wouldn’t come after you. Koda was quite but your dog seemed to like him which is why you trusted him
The students had tried not to scare you but Iida, Bakugou, Ashido, Uraraka, Kirishima and Kaminari had spooked you
Ashido had practically jumped on you telling you how cute you were which scared you, Uraraka, and Iida were really loud which scared you. Kirishima didn’t really understand personal space to which Kaminari tried to tell him off, albeit, a bit loudly, which them prompted Bakugou to use his quirk setting off explosions and yelling at everyone to shut up cause they’re obviously scaring you
When the class went quiet it allowed for you to hear what Mineta had said
Of couse, he had to make a comment about how hot you’d look in a few years as he imagined you with a curvaceous body whilst making a lewd face and drooling
This triggered you
Bakugou immediately slammed his hand down on Mineta’s desk setting of small explosions and yelling at him
You started to hyperventilate and ran away to Nedzu’s office since he made you feel calm
When Nedzu saw your upset state he made you some tea and offered you some cookies while he asked you yes or no questions
Whilst Nedzu calmed you down and talked with you, Aizawa yelled at his students and decided that something had to be done with Mineta. Once he managed to get his class back under control, he was about to deal out punishments when the door opened with Nedzu in front and you behind him
You ran to Aizawa and he immediately wrapped his arms around you. Nedzu then walked into the room and nodded at Aizawa, giving him permission (read as kindly ordered him) to leave the room
As Aizawa cradled you and walked you to the teacher’s lounge to settle you down, Nedzu asked the class what happened and after lecturing them for 2 hours, Nedzu finished his lecture by Expelling Mineta and blacklisting him from any hero courses
That night, Aizawa made sure to have your favorite food for dinner and made sure that you felt safe and gave you all the cuddles you could ask for
(Hope you enjoyed this puppy 🐶 anon. And I hope it helps)
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sinnersweets · 7 months
DogDay x Reader part 9
<-----part 8, part 10----->
When I woke up I could tell that DogDay had left. The bed smelled like him which made me miss him more. Having a broken ankle was not fun at all. I was given crutches but honestly who likes using those. Not me. And to make this worse; the doctor said I should heal up in four weeks. That’s right near Christmas time! He said as long as I keep my ankle elevated and follow his directions I should be all healed up in no time. Yay. 
I was on my phone texting my mom when someone knocked on my door. “Who is it?” “Hoppy!” Hoppy? That’s new. “Come in!” She opened the door and right away I saw that she had a basket with plushies and candy. “Brought you something; DogDay had all of us put together this ‘get well’ basket.” She placed the basket on the nightstand next to me. “That’s sweet of you all, thank you.” I reached over, picked up the basket and started looking through it. “Sorry about your ankle; I wasn’t in the theater room when it happened, but DogDay told me what happened.” “Yeah, it’s so weird that the day Bobby asked to be my understudy, I get injured so that she could take my place. I bet you she somehow spoke to the universe to send a storm over and have the power go out.” I spoke while opening a piece of candy. “The power went out? That’s odd. All the lights were on everywhere else in Playcare.”  
When she said that I almost choked on the candy that I had just put in my mouth. “What did you say?” Hoppy looked confused but she said what she had said just a second ago. “Yeah...the power didn’t go out.” I sat in silence and started thinking. The power didn’t go out; so that means someone cut the power in the room. But what about the trap door? It was closed the whole time and would’ve made a noise when it opened.... The thunder. It was really loud and someone must’ve been waiting for that to happen in order to open the door without anyone hearing it. This was planned. 
I started to clench my fists in anger. “Y/N? You okay?” Hoppy sat down at the end of my bed. “This was all planned! Haha oh my gosh.... Bobby. She did this. She cut the lights, she opened the trap door, hell she even placed a spider on top of my head!” I started laughing historically. Bobby just looked at me with her eyes wide open. “Y’know what? I could totally see her doing something like that. She's not keen on someone trying to steal her 'man' from her. Especially since you and DogDay are getting close.” She clicked her tongue and moved her eyebrows up and down.  
My face started to feel warm. “We’re just friends!” Hoppy then started to laugh and pound her fist on the bed. “Uh huh sure~ When you’re not here DogDay talks about you nonstop! It’s cute but can get tiring.” She laughed while saying that last part. “He talks about me? What does he say?!” “Nope; can’t say. I’m sworn to secrecy by my leader and friend.” I playfully rolled my eyes at her.  
Hoppy and I chatted for a little bit longer before she had to go back to rehearsal. When she left, I was all alone for like five seconds and then my phone started ringing. I looked at the caller ID and saw that it was my mother. I took a deep breath in before answering her call. “Hi mom.” “Y/N M/N L/N what’s this I hear that you broke your ankle?!” “Oh thanks mom I’m doing fine thanks for asking.” I could hear my mom sigh through the phone. “Y/N I’m serious! All you texted your father was that you broke your ankle and that’s it! You didn’t even tell me your own mother!”  
I was thankful that she couldn't see my face right now. I know my mother meant well but she was just so over barring. “I didn’t tell you because I knew how you would react and guess what? This is exactly how I pictured it.” “I’m not going to argue with you. Where are you right now?” “Um...work?” I had to pull the phone away from my face because my mothers voice got louder. “You’re at work! Young lady you shouldn’t be at work. You should be at home so someone can look after you.” “I live alone mom, and besides I have doctors here to look after me.” And DogDay. “Where do you work that has doctors on board?” “Playtime mom.”  
I stopped listining to her because the door started to open and DogDay poked his head in. I waved at him to come in. “Hey mom-listen I’ll call you back one of the doctors just came in.” “Well then put me on the phone with them I want to have a word with them because-” Click. “Oh no we got disconnected.” I laughed and set my phone on the nightstand. “Didn’t mean to interrupt your call Angel.” DogDay walked over to me and pulled up a chair. “Oh no you weren’t interrupting at all.” We both chuckled. DogDay was resting his head on his paw as he looked at me. “I missed you Angel.” I smiled and said, “I missed you too. How was rehearsal?” DogDay sighed before saying, “Long. Especially now that BB is in it.” I thought about telling him that I’m most likely like this because of her, but I also didn’t know how he would take the news. They were all supposed to be friends. 
“CatNap wanted me to tell you that he hopes you’ll recover soon. Oh, and that he hopes that he didn’t scare you when you fell.” I didn’t remember seeing him around me. “He was there?” “Mhm, he’s the one that put you to sleep. He’s not really a fan of seeing anyone cry.” As I put two and two together it made sense. “Oh, I totally forgot that he has the sleeping gas.” DogDay nodded.  
“Where’s Damian at? I miss the little kiddo.” “He’s in the counselors office with Mrs. Stella I think.” Odd. I wondered what he was doing in there. “You look a little down Angel.” “Hm? Oh no I'm just bored.” “Hmm...Ah ha! I’ll be right back Angel.” Before I could ask where he was going, he zoomed out of the room. Double odd. 
Half an hour went by and DogDay had yet to come back. I could feel myself starting to get sleepy when a knock jolted me up. “C-come in!” As the door opened, in stepped in DogDay; wearing a white lab coat, a stethoscope, and a clip board. A huge grin appeared on my face.  
“Good evening, Angel, I am doctor DogDay here to do a check up on you.” I chuckled at how silly and cute this was. DogDay walked over to me and placed his clip board down. “First things first I will be listening to your heart.” You’d expect him to use the stethoscope but no. He leaned down and pressed his ear against my chest. I froze and felt my face heat up. “Mhm heart rate is a little elevated.” “I wonder why haha....” DogDay moved away from my chest and scribbled something down on his clipboard. “Next your temperature.” His paw moved to my forehead and rested there for a few seconds. “A little warm.” DogDays paw then slid down to my cheek and he rubbed his thumb there while asking me some questions. “Elevated heart and warm face, can you think of why this may be happening Angel?”  
I just stared blankly at him. “I-I um couldn’t say.” DogDay nodded his head and went to go write something else down. “Well Angel, there’s only one thing that could describe these symptoms.” “Oh? And what’s that?” His other paw grabbed onto my face and pulled me closer to his. My heart started beating faster and faster as my face got close to his. I closed my eyes not knowing what to expect. “Mwah.” He kissed my nose. I fluttered my eyes open not expecting that. “You have a crush on me~” I chuckled nervously. “Whaaat?” “Don’t deny is Angel.” I tried thinking of something, anything! But couldn’t. I sighed in defeat and nodded. “I do.”  
DogDays tail started wagging. “Well Angel I think you’ll be happy to know that I too, have a crush on you.” I smiled widely and pulled him into a hug. “Haha, oh I would’ve been crushed if it was one sided.” “Me too Angel. Thankfully Hoppy told me today after she visited you.” I pulled back and looked at him. “Hoppy?! She told you? I didn’t even say anything to her!! What did she say?!!” “Sorry Angel, I was sworn to secrecy.” I fell back onto the bed and laughed while shaking my head. “You guys and your secrecy.” We both laughed and spent the rest of the day together; now knowing that we both liked each other. 
A/N: Yay he likes us back!!! Next chapter is the show!!
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