#Somewhere alone the lines sensi Wu joins in
localguy2 · 2 years
Zane and PIXAL get bored so they decide to play chess together
It ends up going for 17 hours and no one is able to checkmate the other
So as to ease the bordem they take it to the Sam-X cave and set the board down next to a broken mech
And let's say Zane moves a piece, now he gets up and starts fixing the mech until PIXAL moves a chess piece herself, in which case PIXAL gets up and starts fixing the mech while Zane thinks about his next move
Eventually the mech is fixed and they move on to building new vehicles, WHILE THIS DAMN CHESS MATCH IS GOING ON
So the days ends and everyone goes to bed, but upon waking up the first thing Zane and PIXAL do is immediately go back to the chess board again which is STILL THERE WITH THE SAME PIECES FROM LAST NIGHT
And the only times they stop is when the others need them for something like a mission or cooking or cleaning, etc
Eventually they take this to a whole new level when they decide to continue the chess match while on missions
The ninja get captured?
"Fuck gotta wait for rescue, in the meantime please excuse me and PIXAL, we're gonna continue our chess match" Zane randomly says while they're all in a cage
So he just sits next to PIXAL and connects with her and they continue the chess match in their own heads
And when they get back to the monastery, they go to the chess board and set the pieces exactly the same way they left them when they continued the match in their heads
It's now been 6 months and the match is still going
Everyone is this close to losing it already with these 2
Meanwhile Zane and PIXAL are genuinely really interested in this and they're having way too much fun
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