#Sorry for my super late reply
hirunoka · 1 year
Eisy, are u ok? How are you doing 🌞
Hey Eames 🌻 Thanks for asking, how have you been? 💛
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flowerakatsuka · 3 months
Do you have a fave hesokuri au or skit au and have you kuroba’d them 👀
and yes, i do!! a few actually, heh. i've talked a little bit about the youkai & denki mystery aus i have for kuroba before and i really love those, but i think my favorite might actually be their royalty / prince au. which i haven't really talked about before so uh. i hope you don't mind, but i'm gonna use this as a excuse to ramble about it.
i'll put my infodumping under a cut bc it might get long, but here's their designs for the au. 🤭
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SO. kuroba comes from a commoner household, but because their grandfather was the royal gardener to the matsuno family and they acted as his apprentice, they've basically lived their entire life on the castle grounds in spite of their status. they've gotten to meet and come to befriend quite a few people of a higher social status than them, the most notable being the 2nd prince of the matsuno royal family, karamatsu.
they first met as children, when karamatsu ran away from his caretakers to hide in the gardens and cry by himself. kuroba had been helping with cleaning up the rose beds that day and stumbled upon him. they've always been the meddling type and can't leave others alone when they're upset so they sat with him and tried to comfort him to the best of their ability, ( even if it was just providing him company and a hand to squeeze while he cried. ) after that, karamatsu became very curious about kuroba and would often visit the gardens in the hopes of spending time with them. the two became very close over time, with him following them around the gardens as they worked and running to them whenever he needed a shoulder to cry on ( which they were always happy to provide. )
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they're still very close as adults despite some things changing, like karamatsu adopting a more flashy personality to stand out more amongst his brothers and kuroba taking over their grandfather's role as royal gardener. a lot of the things stayed the same, though.
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however, their close friendship starts posing some issues within the royal counsel. one of the princes having such an intimate relationship ( and obvious infatuation ) with a commoner is unsightly in the eyes of the nobility and could make them question the integrity & stability of the crown. so iyami, ( who's a sketchy noble adviser to king matsuzou, ) proposes that karamatsu be engaged to duchess dobusu to help quell the rumors going around about kuroba and him. matsuzou agrees and even though he tries to protest it, kara eventually agrees to go along with it for the sake of his family and kuroba.
when karamatsu tells them the news, kuroba takes it pretty well and congratulates him with a smile... or at least, that's the reaction he gets out of them. in reality, they're fucking devastated because they've been harboring feelings for him for years at that point. they already accepted the fact that they could never be together, but that doesn't make the reality of the situation hurt any less. still, they want to support karamatsu and be happy for them so they're taking the truth about their feelings for him to the grave. ( that's what they planned on doing, at least. )
they slowly drift apart after that ; karamatsu's visits to the gardens become less frequent, kuroba stops personally delivering fresh arrangments to karamatsu's quarters, they barely even greet each other when crossing paths. it doesn't help that iyami got into kuroba's ear, warning them that they should keep their distance from kara to preserve his reputation and not lose their job — which they really can't afford as the main breadwinner for their family. neither of them are happy with how things have changed, but there's not much they can do about it.
as karamatsu and dobusu's engagement party draws closer and kuroba has to help with the decorations, their discontent really bubbles to the surface. one of their noble friends, ( i haven't decided who yet lol, ) finds them crying and tries to comfort them, eventually convincing them to sneak into the party and dance with kara so they at least have one unforgettable memory of him to hold onto. with their help, they manage to do it with their identity hidden behind a mask.
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things seem to go off without a hitch ; they'll be able to have to moment with karamatsu all for themself and basically no one will be the wiser. that is until they slip up and speak while dancing with him. they start to leave when he almost says their name, but he stops them and gives them the pine-shaped brooch he was wearing before letting them slip away. to make matters worse, iyami sees this all go down.
the events after that are a lot less plotted out, but i imagine some standard historical fantasy romance webtoon bullshit going down. like karamatsu trying to confront kuroba about that night, but them telling him to stop and leave them be. it's be some wild melodrama, which i do kinda live for.
the climax would probably be iyami staging some villainess-esque condemnation event to expose kuroba for sneaking into the party and get them kicked out of the castle. but queen matsuyo and some of the nobles kuroba had befriended come to their rescue. basically, they argue that if there's someone who's willing to be with karamatsu's annoying ass, then why would you force him onto someone else? none of the other nobles want him, please let kuroba have him so they don't have to deal with him. this includes dobusu, who agrees to give the royal family her duchy's support if they break off her engagement with karamatsu and let kuroba take him off her hands. so after getting matsuzou's approval, they live happily ever after theeeeeee end. there's probably other factors that could play into them getting together at the end, but yeah.
anyways thank you for coming to my rambling, i am so sorry it got this long. this is one of the aus i've thought about A LOT so i ended up having a lot to say. 😭
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unicornpopcorn14 · 11 days
omg so like, Dazai and the shipping container incident with him getting shipped overseas got me thinking... (I am super late to reading it 😭)
Chuuya, unaware of what happened in the moment because he had been sent overseas himself for an international mission, and he had to go out and scout a foreign shipyard for illegal weapon shipments.
AT THE SAME TIME, he conveniently receives a message forward by Mori to be on the lookout for one of their own agents because a Port Mafia member had been taken hostage around the location Chuuya was in.
Chuuya's ??? because why hadn't he been notified that someone was also either on the same mission as him or had managed to be such a bumbling fool that they got caught by foreign enemies. ANYWAY, he keeps an eye out for anything suspicious while still working on his own mission when he sees a particular area of the shipyard had been surrounded by armed foreign criminals, so he's ready to go bust some ass when they all swing the shipping container doors open and barge in to see Dazai there.
Chuuya just facepalms himself in disbelief because he can't believe Dazai followed him all the way to another country (even though it was totally coincidental) but also, he's not even surprised that Dazai managed to get himself caught by the enemy. Again.
They kick some enemy ass and Dazai gets shipped back home on the next plane back to Yokohama, and Chuuya overhears Dazai complaining to Mori on the phone: "What about my home?!"
Omggg you read my silly shipping container fic hehe *hidesss* /silly
Thank you so much for this omg <333 I genuinely cackled. There really is no end with the shipping container shenanigans huh jknfjew
Lmao Mori telling him to be on the lookout for an agent without specifying that it's DAZAI so Chuuya can take this seriously pffff
I can imagine Chuuya's shocked then angry as heck face when he spots Dazai like,,, he'd probably do a double take at first being like "is that really who I think it is?" and it quickly turns to "Fuck it is who I think it is..."
Dazai would be adamant that that was part of his plan (when it really wasn't) and complain that Chuuya's ruined it and it is somehow Chuuya's fault that he has no home now fjsbfkjebaf
Which will earn him a (justified) kick to the head 😭😭
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eggcromancer · 7 months
Your art is spectacular 🤝 shaking ur hand in appreciation‼️‼️‼️ I'm Starrie btw if u need a friend and I hope u like it here in the DCA fandom🌟✨🌟✨🌟💞💞💕💖💖
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Thank you @starriegalaxy!!! My first Tumblr friend, wowie! ✨💕
Confession: I was inspired to create my tumblr when I first saw the magma doodles that you and @crabsnpersimmons did! (Sorry for tagging you here Crabs! Hope I'm not being a bother! ><)
I think the DCA fandom is really swell and I'm so so glad to be here!~ I hope we'll be able to catch each other at the next magma!! 💛💛💛
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chaotic-deity · 11 months
You could draw some Boos doing silly things... Not King Boo, just regular boos being marshmallows and mischievous
Happy Spooky Month!
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factual-fantasy · 7 months
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@elegysonnet (In response to this post)
Ok so to explain Lolbit, you'll need a little background--
In my sister location AU I was thinking that William uses the circus as a front to go from town to town killing kids. He takes the remnant of his victims and puts them in the animatronics. This remnant is making the animatronics more "human". Its giving them the ability to feel things like love, hate.. and fear..
Another detail is my animatronics do not move their face plates to appear more life like. The face plates are there for easy access to the endo skeleton and for easy make up changes and replacement. While the animatronic is in use, the faceplates are clamped shut. They are never meant to open them and are not supposed to see each other with them open.
This then leads us to Funtime Foxy. He went into a parts and service tent he wasn't supposed to go in.. and on a table he saw a set of purple and orange Foxy faceplates. But having been programmed to never remove the faceplates and having the remnant in his system.. he just.. couldn't understand what he saw.
It was his face.. but.. also not him? It had no eyes, no teeth, its jaw sat at a bizarre angle. It was.. horrifying. The remnant is really messing with Foxy's head after seeing that. He cant understand what he saw and is basically having "nightmares" about it. Seeing himself in the mirror as this "other Foxy" with missing eyes and a black mouth. With black sludge dripping from his eye sockets..
So "Lolbit" doesn't.. really exist..? Its more like a nightmare concept that Foxy created in his own head. And he just doesn't have the means to understand what he saw.
Yendo has a very similar story..
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Oh yeah.. I'm aware.😔 Remember folks, all reposted artwork is stolen. All.
(Also thank you! I'm glad you liked my FNAF stuff! :}} )
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AAA THANK YOU SO MUCH!! :DD As for the fusion idea, I love those names!! :DD And I was leaning towards it being a separate AU of sorts. Since the ability to fuse would change A LOT about my characters stories and personalities--
XD And don't worry, that was a good read! Though I believe I had already planned an encounter with King Boo.? Well, "encounter", they never saw him face to face--
I couldn't find the original post talking about this, but if I remember correctly..
Mario and Luigi had found the mansion on one of their adventures and went inside. In which the boos locked the doors and turned out all the lanterns. The boos then proceeded to play tricks on the bros and got them separated. I think King Boo was watching the other boos from the shadows..?
Now Mario had gone into one of the rooms and there was a fire flower in a plant pot. Mario grabbed the flower and created a fireball in his hands so he could see. Immediately after that the entire mansion went completely silent. The Boos were all stunned. Someone absorbing a power up was so foreign, so terrifying... so.. so impossible, that all the boos were immediately terrified of them.
All the lights leading to the front doors lit up and the doors swung open. Mario and Luigi followed the lights, reunited and left the mansion. As soon as they stepped out, the doors and windows all slammed shut. Basically saying "DO NOT COME BACK IN HERE-"
Then the bros went home! Shaken, but safe and sound <XDD
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(Referencing this post)
XDD Not exactly, my sona comes in all shapes and sizes. I just drew myself looking more human/"put together" in that post because I was resting on the couch XDD
Plus its only 1 drawing! I tend to put a lot more details into the characters I draw if I'm only drawing them once. :0
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@2006-stupid-thatsme (Referencing this post)
Oooo I've never heard of empanadas until now! They look delicious!! :DD
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(Referencing this post)
"What's a stomach ache??"
XD Ah don't worry about her! Lucky for Cici, her and the gang cannot get stomach aches. Mostly becuase I've dealt with them enough to know that they are the worst things ever! And I would never wish stomach aches upon even my worst enemy. :')💔
Sooo since I have full control over this universe, I have decided that there will never be any consequences to eating food! They can eat as much as they want, whenever they want, however they want, and they will never suffer any ill effects! No stomach aches, no gas, no uncomfortable fullness, no weight gain- no mess?? Once Cici is done chowing down on that cake the frosting will suddenly vanish from her face and hands. Cuz who likes to clean up after eating??
So don't worry bout her, anyone in the factual fam could eat that entire cake and come out absolutely thriving XDD
..Lucky aren't they.. :/
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Yes! Though its only really a moustache-
I pictured that they're basically just straight up tentacles and there's a set number of how many can grown out of his head at once.
He can grab things with them too! And I imagined that they can fully grow back if cut off and the longest they can grow is down to Octo's knees. Once they get that long they kind'a stop growing.
Though Octo has never grown them out that long before <XDD
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@minnesotamedic186 (Post in question)
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These past few weeks/months(??) have not been my best
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"The Jar".. how can a name be so haunting and creepy yet so funny at the same time? XD
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Thank you, <:} I'm sure that I'll peek into the fandom every now and again.. becuase I cant escape my love for Octonauts. But I'm rethinking how I'll approach the fandom next time around-
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<XD What can I say, I'm a wizard ✨✨ Though some parts have been spoiled but that's my own fault tbh.
As for why I haven't watched it, its just really hard for me to switch gears for some reason. All I gotta do is sit down, and watch the movie. But my brain just cannot seem to do that, it makes it seem like its this huge task/activity that will be a drag to go through. Its really hard to explain.. I guess I'd much rather just sit in my room an draw and not interrupt the usual flow/pattern of my day-
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(In response to this post)
:DD Thank you so much!! And yeah Luigi could probably use a hug or at least a friendly pat on the shoulder <XDD 💔
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XDD Not just when I wanna draw. This is my mood like 75% of the time-
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For ME??? THANK YOU!! :))))) 💖💖💖
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Its all ups and downs, not quite sure where I am rn but it don't feel great so it must be a down :(
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I don't know much about those characters or the relationship they have.. but Blue and Seafoam have been compared to them in the past. They must be really similar! :0
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OH! <:DD Whelp I guess they're not saying there long!!- <XD
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Tucked away deeeep within my brain goo. Its a rarity that I have the motivation to return to that fandom :( the characters are just so hard to draw! 💔💔
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Ooooo this is so clever!! :D I can totally see this being apart of the actual games too!
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YOO I LOVE SURFACE PRESSURE!! :DD I'll have to look into the other songs too! :00
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I cant remember much of Chef Saltbaker.. he's from the Cuphead DLC right? I imagine he's giant to them, maybe they'd be afraid? DD:
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(Related to this post) (I cant find the ask post- but this is in response to someone saying "what about Cici?" And I commented that the mic simply wasn't offered to her-)
Bibi picks up an absolutely miniscule Cici and she squeaks out a tiny;
" ᴵ ᶜᵃⁿ ᵃᶜᶜᵒᵐᵖˡᶦˢʰ ᵃⁿʸᵗʰᶦⁿᵍ >:³ "
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Hello! if you still do requests, could you plz give us a little crazy blue plz
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I wasn’t gonna post this one but here you go anyway :33
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doodlingwren · 8 months
Hi hellooo- i saw that you started follow me and i asked my self "why and how a talented artist made brain connections to decide to follow this low quality artist", did i look funny? 🥺
Do I look talented? 🤨😳
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juliavaccina-art · 25 days
You art is so incredibly bright and cheerful and shaped, it's a joy to see ♥ Please keep on creating and sharing with the world!
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Awee than you so so much !! I'm literally honoured !! < 3
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sheikahwarriork · 27 days
(Childhood enemies dimileth AU - Many years later)
Dimileth child, 6 years old: I cannot allow myself to feel down for something like breaking a weapon! I am the grandson of the greatest master of the spear ever lived in Faerghus!
Dimitri: Of course you are! That’s my boy.
Dimitri: You mean your grandfather Lambert, right?
Dimitri: Right!?
and this is the story of when byleth and dimitri almost divorced
dimileth child never told exactly which grandparent they meant. everyone will live in painful ignorance
also i'm happy my old fic is still living in your brain anon :'3
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candyunicornsateme · 2 years
Who's more into pda in K2?
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Oh you know who would be very affectionate 🧡
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becausewerebatfam · 5 months
part two for mother knows best?
Part two of Mother Knows Best would be When You Know You Know. And actually the series has three installments in this order:
Father Knows Best All fathers are protective of their little girls even when they are all grown up. When your father finds out you are dating the son of Batman he and your sister try to separate you.
Mother Knows Best After finally gaining your father’s approval to date Damian a new problem arises. His mother, Talia, also finds out and she is not pleased.
When You Know You Know You don’t know how to feel about Damian anymore,
I was working on a fourth before I went on this long hiatus that would be a conclusion to the three.
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nkogneatho · 5 months
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You are so right he is more hotter like this (and he looks like a tiger 🥺🥺🥺 so cute)
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whumpypepsigal · 10 months
guess who finally watched loki s02, then found out that this was the series finale and the last time we will see tom hiddleston as loki....... yeah, im not okay
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coollyinterferes · 8 months
*taps mic; a certain gentleman is standing right beside him*
"Good evenin', everyone!! We're back!! Hope you didn't miss us much!"
"It sure hasn't been that long.... has it....?"
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cricketanon · 11 days
S0 w3 @ll just w0rsh!p jop?
-Done @non
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