#Sorry for the slight undertone of abelism
i-may-be-an-emu · 1 year
Autistic Jerry Seinfeld HC (the charachter not the person)
Reasons Jerry Seinfeld (fictional charachter) is autistic:
He has little to no empathy
Trouble understanding social cues/norms
Germaphobe (not a symptom but just something I've noticed a lot of autistic people have in common)
Superman special interest
Doesn't like waiting
Uses humour as a defence mechanism
Doesn't get genuinely mad at people (apart from in that one episode but then he goes back to not)
Strong sense of justice
He always eats at the restaurant they always eat at because yay routine and sameness
he likes cereal every day for breakfast (again, this is the routine and sameness)
Doesnt seem to have a "filter" or blurts out things that others find offensive, and is often "too" honest
Again, this is about the show and the charachter, not the actor who plays him. I know he has commented about the possibilities of him being autistic before but I dont really follow that so idk whwhat'really up with that.
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