#Sorry if it feels rushed (which could just be a flaw in my writing) I made this literally the day before Valentine's Day
cindersfireplace · 8 months
4town Valentine's Day 💘
Jesse, Taeyoung, Aaron T, and Aaron Z walk through the hallway to their hotel room after taking a stroll around the neighborhood:
Taeyoung: There's nothing like bird watching on a calm afternoon.
Aaron T: I'm just glad there was an ice cream truck. That was one of the best chocolate cones I've ever had. Thanks for helping me chase it down Z.
Aaron Z: *walks behind him exhausted* Anything for you buddy 😊
Jesse: You good Z?
Aaron Z: *gasping * Yeah when I catch my breath next week I'll be able to function again 😮‍💨
Jesse: I wish Robaire came with us. It's good to get outside once in a while.
Taeyoung: I'm sure he has his reasons.
*Jesse opens the hotel room door*
Jesse: Yeah probab- sweet cheese and crackers! What's all this!?
*The room is decorated with heart, banners, balloons, pillows, roses, and LOTS of candles*
Robaire: Welcome home my friends! I thought I would put up some decorations for Valentine's Day. *Sigh* Love is in the air.
Aaron Z: I didn't know love smelt like *sniffs* vanilla and *picks up a candle* … Late winter breeze. Whatever the heck that smells like.
Jesse: We were gone for like an hour? How?
Robaire: I'm very efficient when I'm passionate about something.
Taeyoung: So that's why Jess is always yelling at you to do your taxes.
Aaron Z: Were you not efficient enough to get any cookies or candy?
Robaire: That will be for the gift exchange.
Aaron T: Why can't we just buy cards?
Robaire: Because first of all the 4town best friend Valentine's super special gift yearly extravaganza exchange -
Aaron Z: I still say we should shorten the name.
Robaire: -is a time to appreciate each other's gifts and is a testament to how well we know each other. I love giving gifts and I put a lot of thought into them.
Jesse: And I very much still appreciate those custom ‘Art Dad’ oven mitts, but shouldn't we be focusing on our gig that day? The 4townies are so excited to see us perform One True Love live for the first time next week, and after the show I want to go to bed.
Robaire: Then go right to bed on another day of the year but you have to be there for the opening of gifts. Besides we've already drawn names for it so no going back now.
Jesse: Fiiiine if I must.
Robaire: That's the spirit.
Jesse: Uh I think a spirit is what we'll be if all of these candles stay lit. This is most definitely a fire hazard. I'm only agreeing if I get to put half of them out.
Robaire: Fiiiine. If I must.
Aaron T: We've known each other for a while shopping for each other should be easier. Right Z?
Aaron Z: Totally….
*Skip to the day before Valentine's Day at the mall*
Aaron Z: …Not.
Jesse: Come on Z it'll be fine.
Aaron Z: Not when I'm shopping for Robaire it won't. I don't know what to buy and he's definitely gonna try to one up us with his amazing gift.
Jesse: Does anything else in this world motivate you quite like your need to be better than Robaire?
Aaron Z: Absolutely, this is just a continuous priority of mine.
Jesse: So no then. Got it.
Aaron Z: I will search through every isle of this mall if it kills me. I will be victorious.
Jesse: Or you could breathe and let it go…and he's gone. Valentine's is gonna be fun.
*The next day*
Taeyoung: That must have been our best performance yet! Everybody was so excited, and despite my mild fear of heights trying to convince me otherwise, the rising heart platforms weren't so bad after all.
Robaire: Told you it would be incredible!
Jesse: Anyways now that that's over we can open gifts now.
Aaron T: Yeah guys the sooner we get this over with the sooner old man Jesse can take his nap.
Jesse: I'm not ol-
Aaron Z (whispering to Aaron T) You just want to get candy from your gift don't you?
Aaron T (whispering back): Shhhh I just care about Jesse's health…and my blood sugar.
Robaire: Anyways, who wants to go first?
Taeyoung: Me! I got T! Here you go! *Shoves present box into his hands*
Aaron T: YESSS! *Opens package* *gasp* It's a book of skateboard tricks! These are some of the most advanced out there and….a box of chocolate. Thankyou *hugs Taeyoung and whispers* This is why your my favorite.
Taeyoung: No problem at all.
Aaron T: So I guess it's my turn to give and I got Jesse *gives him a very messily wrapped package with 50 bows on it*
Jesse: Geez this looks interesting *opens the box* *gasp* ITS THE SUPER SMOOTH 3000! I've been trying to find this blender for months! My fruit smoothies will be so much better now! Thank you *lifts Aaron T off the ground in a hug*
Aaron T: Your *cough cough* welcome. Could you please put me down now?
Jesse: *Drops Aaron T* I'm next and I got Taeyoung. So here you go?
Taeyoung: *Carefully takes the box from his hand and opens it* Woah! Bird watching goggles! They even have little doves on them! Thanks Jess. I'm gonna have so much fun taking these to the park.
Jesse: I'm so glad you like them. They were some of the best I could find.
Aaron Z: I guess Robaire and I are last. You can go first Ro 😊
Robaire: No, I insist. You go first 😁
Aaron Z: Well this day means the most to you so you should go 😊
Robaire: And I like to share that joy with my friends so you should go 😁
Aaron Z: You.
Robaire: You.
Aaron Z: YOU.
Robaire: YOU!
*While these two keep going back and forth Taeyoung and Aaron T give each other a look and then open the presents themselves (whilst Jesse has too little sleep in him to deal with this)*
Taeyoung: Wow Robaire this is a really nice Destiny ‘s Child record.
Robaire: That's the exact one we listened to when we first met 🫢
Aaron T: Dang Z you got this cool basketball trophy. It even says ‘best basketball player I know ‘. Nice Sentiment.
Aaron Z: That was one of the first things I told you that I dreamed of receiving 😯
*They hold the gifts in their hands for a moment appreciating them*
Aaron Z: *clearly struggling* Th-th-th-
Robaire: Are you trying to say thank you?
Aaron Z: Nah I'm trying to say ‘That's all folks’. Yes I'm trying to say thankyou. Anyways thank you … for … this.
Robaire: Then I guess I want to say thank you too…I guess.
Jesse: Awww this is too sweet.
Aaron T: Maybe it wasn't about who got the best present after all?
Robaire: Mhm. Even though we all know it was me.
Aaron Z: Wh- if anything it was me!
Robaire: No you didn't!
Aaron Z: I got you the record that you sorry self was too BROKE for when we first met!
Robaire: I got you a CUSTOM TROPHY 🏆! Do you know how much that is in this economy?!
Aaron Z: But did I ask-
Robaire: But my-
Aaron Z: No but Robaire answer the question. Answer the question! Did I ask though? Did I?
Robaire: No but you can't just throw that in my face when I'm trying to be nice.
Aaron Z: Clearly not nice enough to admit I'm better…
*Senseless arguing continues in the background*
Jesse: T! They were this 🤏🏻 close to having a nice moment.
Aaron T: Sorry, I was just trying to bring some positivity.
Taeyoung: I'm positively sure they will be arguing for a while so I'm just gonna go now.
Jesse: Agreed. *yawn* 🥱 I'm going to sleep.
Aaron T: And I shall consume all this chocolate within the hour. I love Valentine's Day!
*Later that night Aaron Z and Robaire go to bed setting their gifts down on their night stands smiling at them and then turning the lights out to sleep*
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coraniaid · 3 months
I'm pretty critical of Buffy's final season (because ... well, I've watched it), but there are some things I think it does well and, since I'm trying to talk myself into working on my S7 AU fic again, I thought it might be worth trying to write down what they are.
I like the sense of completeness there is in going back to some of the show's beginnings. I like seeing Buffy in school again, but this time as an adult with a job. It doesn't just let us re-examine the high school years from a new perspective, it gives Buffy's arc over the last few seasons a nice sense of direction. I like what little we see of Dawn in high school. (I wish there were more episodes like Help.) In principle, I even like the fact that this season's Big Bad is a supernatural threat we've seen on the show before.
While I think there are a lot of problems with the execution (and even with the wider concept) of making the First Evil the primary (frequently the only) antagonist, the First being around does give you a lot of possibilities for having characters literally come face to face with their pasts. I like the final scene of Lessons and I like Conversations With Dead People and I like seeing the Mayor on screen again. I wish the show had done more with this concept.
I like meeting new (Potential) Slayers and finding out more about past Slayers. I like Robin Wood. I like Kennedy. (I wish the show did a better job making the audience care about any of the other Potentials.) I like that Faith comes back. I like that there is a focus on what it means to be a Slayer this season (compare how the show opens, with Buffy taking Dawn on patrol and telling her "it's about power..." [which Dawn doesn't have], to the scene in Chosen where Buffy asks the Potentials "what if you could have that power?").
I also (sorry) really like the fact that the writers resisted the urge to make Dawn a Potential or have her suddenly develop any magical powers as a result of being the Key (which there are at least rumours they were talking about doing). I like that the show stuck with the idea that Dawn is the part of Buffy who gets to be an ordinary girl.
For all its flaws (silly CGI battle against monsters I don't care about which is resolved by a random mcguffin from a different show; weird retcon about Sunnydale apparently being inland; a bunch of other unfortunate writing choices I won't get into here) I really do like Chosen a lot. It feels very fitting that the show ends with Buffy both finally getting to leave Sunnydale and with her no longer having to shoulde the burden of being "the" Slayer (or one of only two Slayers, anyway) anymore. I love how open-ended and hopeful that manages to be.
And speaking of Chosen, I like Buffy's "cookie dough" speech. I like the fact that the show lets Buffy end the series single, and recognizing that she doesn't have to be in a serious romantic relationship if she doesn't feel she's ready for one right now. (I like post-S7 Fuffy as a concept a lot, sure, but I think I prefer it as something that neither of them rushes into.)
I like that Amy comes back? I mean, I don't like anything the season does with her, but still: points for remembering she exists, I guess.
I like the fact that Willow gets to grieve Tara but also move on with her life and start dating again. [I don't know if I would have killed Tara off if I was writing S6 -- I think probably not -- but given that Tara did die I think this is the only good option.]
Empty Places is a good .... name for an episode?
For all my (many, many) issues with Andrew Wells this season (and in particular with just how much Andrew Wells is in this season, which is ... a lot), I think Storyteller is ... pretty good? I liked Jonathan, I think it's sad he dies (and his speech about missing high school now that he's left is another good moment from this season) but I wouldn't really have wanted to have him turn up and help save the day either. Having Andrew kill him (and then have to face up to the fact) feels like the right choice, to me, if you were going to bring either character back [I'm not really sure I would have done that though, to be honest].
Equally, for all my irritation at the time wasted on the "is Giles the First Evil?" subplot and at some of the other character deaths the writers did go for, I'm glad that the Core Four all survive. What the season actually does with Giles isn't very good, and neither Xander nor Willow are in this season enough (especially not in its second half), but at least they all get to live.
Oh, and Anya. I'm glad the writers didn't give in to the temptation to kill off Anya for some sort of cheap shock value, the way some leaked early drafts of Chosen suggest they were thinking of doing. Can you imagine how infuriating that would have been? I don't know if I would ever have accepted it. I might even now be living in denial. Thankfully common sense prevailed there and Anya definitely survived.
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miel-ji · 1 year
It's My Problem
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Genre: angst w/ a happy ending, established relationship 
Pairing: Hyunjin x Fem!Reader 
Word Count: 2.2k
Warning: crying, some curse words, pet names, kiss 
Summary: You’ve been overworked and stressed from university, and it causes you to neglect the one thing in your life that eases your mind from it all 
A/N: Based on this request by anon! I’m sorry it took me so long to write this, but I hope you enjoy it!!
Ever since you had gotten done with classes that day, you have been sitting in the same spot in your apartment living room working on the same essay. Your professor decided to inconvenience everyone by moving the deadlines earlier without notice, so you were rushed to get through this week's assignments. Your grade had already taken a serious blow when you failed your quiz earlier, and now you were on the edge of pulling out all of your hair trying to get done with this essay. It didn’t help that no matter how much effort you put into an essay, it seemed your professor always read it with the intent of finding flaws to be able to fail you. 
You have been staring at your laptop screen, absorbed in the mind-numbing topic, until all the words started to mold together and there was nothing but static in your brain. However, you couldn’t afford any breaks, so you pushed through just hoping you weren’t asking too much of trying to get it done in time and bring your grade up a little. This essay had brought you to the brink of tears more than once, but there was nothing you could do with your pent up energy but pour it into writing like a vicious cycle. You were mentally exhausted and didn’t have time or spare energy to devote to anything else which is how you had missed the numerous texts sent from your boyfriend. 
Hyunjin was also having a miserable day, having created a whole routine that he had to scrap at the last minute since the company decided that it wasn’t the right look for him after all. He was feeling completely drained and useless having wasted so much time on something he was proud of just to be told it wasn’t good enough. He had felt he let himself down, his members, and stay, and all he wanted was to be somewhere that he could forget everything for a moment. He just needed to go home to you and put this whole day behind him, knowing that you’d give him the encouragement to try again. 
He ignored the weird feeling in his chest he got that you haven't responded to any of his texts, telling himself that you were busy at university today. The sun had long set when Hyunjin was entering your apartment, and the darkness he walked home in reflected his mood. However, when he saw you curled up on the couch in his oversized hoodie with your messy hair falling into your eyes, he felt that twinge in his chest start to ease. His features softened as he gazed at you, and he could feel the tightness in his muscles melting. 
He wordlessly made his way over to you, and he wrapped his arms around you and buried his face in the crook of your neck. You engulfing his every sense was already returning some of his energy, and he held onto you tighter. “Hey, my love,” he mumbled, pulling away to kiss the pulse point under your jaw, delighting in the steady rhythm of your heartbeat. 
“Hyunjin, love… I’m trying to work.” You ruffled his hair without even sparing him a glance, and your voice was monotonous as your headspace remained immersed in the work in front of you. 
Hyunjin was a bit taken aback about how unreceptive you were being, his grip around you loosened and his brows furrowed with worry. “Angel… Why don’t you take a break? You seem a bit tense. Maybe you just need to clear your head.” 
You bitterly laughed before pulling away slightly from Hyunjin’s arms, “No, I just need to get this done.” He sat up from the hug, but he wasn’t ready to let you go, his hands resting on your hips and rubbing soothing circles on the skin that his thumbs brushed when he slipped his hands under your hoodie. 
Hyunjin felt a sting in his heart when you moved away from him, but he realized what class you were working on and exactly how stressed you were. What hurt more was seeing your eyes glazed with tiredness and the lingering frown on your lips, so he tried again. “Y/n-“ 
“Hyunjin,” your tone was stern, almost like a warning, and you let out a long sigh. Normally, you wouldn’t have missed the way that his hands were trembling a bit from where they still rested at your sides. You wouldn’t have missed his wide pleading eyes wanting you to look at him, becoming glassier each second that yours remained trained on your laptop. You didn’t think anything about the way that he silently got up and disappeared into your bedroom with heavy footsteps. 
You weren’t really thinking at all, your mind being on autopilot to fill in every part except for this all consuming essay that could be compared to the likes of a parasite. You’re not sure how long had passed since Hyunjin had left your side and been replaced with a deafening silence, but you were finally attaching your essay file to submit. When you closed your laptop screen and plunged yourself into the darkness of your apartment, the sense of dread never left the pit of your stomach, but it was out of your hands now. You sat there for a second, letting your mind recover from the strain that you put it through, and your eyes adjusted as you looked around and noticed just how empty everything felt. 
You had a sudden longing for your boyfriend that you remember had tried to greet you earlier, but you couldn’t pull yourself away from your work. You felt around for your phone on the couch to check what time it was, momentarily blinded by the brightness before spotting the numerous notifications from Hyunjin you had received throughout the day. The text started off cute as usual, telling you how pretty you had looked after you left him to attend classes and him wishing you to have a good day. You smiled absently to yourself as you read over these, but hours later at the company, they became less and less happy as he filled you in on the emotions he was battling that day. 
Your smile slowly faded and tears welled in your eyes as you read his last text: “I can’t wait to come home to you. I just really need you right now.” A lump formed in your throat as you remembered the way you had shrugged him off of you earlier when he came home, and you regretted that you couldn’t even make the effort to show him any attention. You took a deep breath and pulled yourself off the couch, making your way to your bedroom to find Hyunjin. 
You quietly turned the door knob and pushed open the door to be greeted by the sight of a Hyunjin shaped lump under the covers, only his black tufts of hair peeking out. Your shoulders drooped at the sight of how vulnerable he looked tucked into bed like that, on his side curled into himself, and you hated that you weren’t there for him today. You tentatively made your way over to your side of the bed so as not to wake him and gently peeled back the covers to slip in beside him. You carefully shifted until you could wrap your arms around his sleeping form and press yourself closer into him. 
You wished you could make it up to him now, but it was too late, deciding that he’s had a long enough day and just needed the rest. You let the scent of his shampoo and the warmth of his body calm you as you thought of all the ways you could make it up to him in the morning. You leaned up to leave a light kiss on his shoulder before settling back down with your forehead resting against his back. You closed your eyes, ready to try to find some sleep of your own, but failing as you still felt unease in your chest. 
You were listening to Hyunjin’s steady breathing when you felt a gentle touch to your hand that was holding Hyunjin, and his raspy voice shattered the crushing silence, “y/n?” He said your name so quietly, but your heart still picked up speed. 
“It’s me, love. I’m here.” You whispered back softly, and he shifted in your arms to face you. The room was dark, but you could still make out Hyunjin’s round questioning eyes and full lips turned downwards at the corners. 
“I’m sorry for bothering you earlier today…” Hyunjin closed his eyes and exhaled shakily. 
“Love, no. You don’t need to be sorry. I’m sorry. I’m so so sorry, baby.” You reached out and caressed his face, but Hyunjin’s eyes remained closed. You went to retract your hand, but he brought his up to wrap around your wrist to keep your hand in place. 
You stayed like that in silence for a long moment, stroking your thumb over the smooth skin of his face while his thumb did the same with the back of your hand, and you waited for him to say something. When it seemed like he wasn’t going to, you started to speak up again, but you felt something wet on your thumb. 
“It’s my problem. I just keep fucking up,” Hyunjin said brokenly before more tears spilled down his cheeks. “At the company, with my members, and now you…” His brows were pinched tightly and his eyes were screwed shut, trying to get the tears to stop. 
You pulled him closer to you and stroked his hair, feeling your heart crack each time that his shoulders shook from crying. You clenched your jaw in an attempt to stop your own tears, but soon you were sniffling too. “No, love. That’s not true. You didn’t do anything wrong. I should’ve been there for you.” 
Hyunjin pulled away from where his face was buried in the crook of your neck to look up at you, “shit, are you crying too? Please don’t cry, my love.” He brushed away your tears while his own still dampened his face. 
“You needed me today. You needed me to tell you how much I love you and how proud I am of you. How you’re an amazing dancer and the company is wrong for what they did. I saw your routine, love, and I cannot fathom how you can be so talented.” You said all in one breath and continued, letting it pour from your heart while Hyunjin listened with bated breath. 
“Your moves were so powerful and every detail was perfect down to your facial expressions. Even the members knew how great it was which is why they all supported you the whole way. Don’t let the company’s greed determine your worth because they are blind. They can’t see that there are millions out there captivated by your talent and all your efforts.” 
Hyunjin’s eyes shined with tears and sparkled in the moonlight as he looked up at you, and his sad expression changed into a wobbly smile, “you really mean all of that?” He asked in a tiny voice that made him seem completely unshielded. 
“Of course I do, my love. I’m so sorry-” 
“You don’t have to be sorry either. You were stressed with university, and I should’ve realized that before disturbing you.” 
“I was stressed, but that’s not an excuse for snapping at you like that. You were just trying to take care of me, and I should’ve let you. You always know how to ease my mind and take my stress away, and I just want to do the same for you. I’ll make it up to you, I promise.” 
Now Hyunjin was wearing a genuine smile that made his cheeks round and his eyes turn into crescent moons. Seeing him smile again caused your own heart to warm, and you could feel your breathing become steadier. “My love…” He pulled you close to him, closing the distance until you were both tangled together again. You were face to face on the same pillow now, and you could feel his breath ghost against your lips. “You don’t need to make it up to me. You’re all I want and need.” 
“Oh, my sweet romantic boy,” he giggled when you said that, and the beautiful sound ringing in your ears brought a smile to your face. “I’m still going to make it up to you because it’s important to me that you know how much I love you.” With that, you leaned in and pressed your lips against his soft plump ones. 
The kiss was slow at first, barely grazing each other's lips until you couldn’t take it any more, and you smashed into him. You gripped at his shirt to keep him close while his own hands made their way into your hair. He coaxed your mouth open with his own, quickly gaining access and continuing to deepen the kiss. You swallowed all of his delicious sighs, and he did the same with yours until you were both out of breath, not wanting to be the first one to pull away. 
You both were breathing heavily when you finally broke the kiss, and your eyes remained on the way his lips looked even more beautiful, swollen and shiny. You reached up and traced your thumb over them, and your eyes finally flickered up to meet his gaze watching you just as closely. “So, what did you have in mind for making it up to me?” Hyunjin finally spoke up, laughing breathily, and you laughed with him before leaning back in to finish what you started.
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neteyamyawne · 1 year
A/n : I'm in my Jake and neytiri feels for now so I'm gonna write all their requests now 🙂😩🤌🏼 y'all get ready. It's freaking 7.2k words wtf? I thought it'll be 4k max, i think i just proved myself wrong 😭💀 I'm so sorry this took so long 😭
Snarr ♡
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Pairing : Jake x reader x neytiri
Summary : request
Light 🕯️
❈ Warning : mild to no angst, war, mention of blood, blacking out, injury, fluff, mutual pinning, etc. Let me know if more
❈ Word count : 7.2k , not at all proof read
"word" - dialogue
❈ Note : holy shit 7.2k? Even I'm surprised i wrote this much lmao
❈ Glossary : y/n - your name, y/t/n - your tulkun name, yawne - beloved, tiyawn - love , tsmuke - sister etc. Let me know if any were left out
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I was swimming with tsireya when we heard the horns blow, it was uncommon to have newcomers here on Awa'atlu, i looked at tsireya who was already looking at me, this was new, just then we saw a few creatures flying over us, first i mistook them for tsuraks but then i saw them closely, these were different, i had an inkling what they were but i needed to see it myself, getting on a ilu, Reya and I, glided over to the shore.
As we reached the shallow waters, i dipped in, Reya following me, standing up i brushed away the hair that stuck to my neck and chest while i looked at the more bluer Na'vi than us, my eyes trailed, what looked like, the family of six, more exactly on the couple who stood in the front, their eyes were such beautiful amber color, changing every now and then in the sunlight, their hair beautifully braided with beads and trinkets, their attire had vines and ropes creatively threaded together, as i was looking them over, i made eye contact with the gorgeous woman who stood with courage and strength oozing from her, i smiled and blood rushed to my cheeks as i looked down when she gave me a slight smile back, walking towards tsireya and standing by her side, in between tonowari and her, while slapping ao'nung's shoulder when he made fun of the newcomer boy.
The atmosphere in the air was thick with tension as Ronal criticized the family roughly, they were here for uthuru, which has not been asked since years before i was born, the group of kids looked tired from the trip and so did their mother, though she was trying not to show it, Ronal then pointed out their flaws, i cringed as she raised the boy's hand who ao'nung was making fun of earlier, their father stepped in " look, look" he held his hand up, "i was born as a sky people, but now I'm Na'vi ,you can adapt." He let out an exhale "we will adapt, okay?" His statement clearly made a point, but then his wife said " my husband was toruk makto! He led our clans to victory against the sky people '' though her words were said with defense, toruk makto looked at her in retaliation, ronal's voice spiked up after that " you call this victory? Hiding among strangers? It seems eywa has turned her back on you, chosen one" i reeled back when the other woman hissed at Ronal and the tsahik did hold back either. I shared a look with tonowari, we both knew this was going too far, so he stepped in, holding a conversation with the man, i didn't hear the rest as my eyes focused on the little girl who stood with her family, while everyone was busy raising their voices, i waved at her smiling and and she waved back, taking a step away i knelt down to her height, she came forward her smile as bright as the daylight " hii, I'm y/n, what is your name little one?" She giggled and said "I'm tuktirey but you can call me tuk" but before i could respond her mother called her back, her eyes lingered on me, i backed away as i did not want to cause a scene.
Soon tonowari and Ronal accepted them, while ao'nung and tsireya were given the task to train the omaticayan kids, i was introduced to them by Ronal , walking beside tsireya with a basket of fruits and fishes in my hand as we showed them the way towards their mauri, tuk was bouncing on the pathway smiling in her own little world, neytiri and Jake , which i found out to be their names, walked behind us, i stopped in front of the empty mauri that faced a beautiful section of the sea, letting the couple enter i heard Jake say "this is nice? Yeah?" Followed by a sickening thump when neytiri let the mats in her arms fall down, i quickly put down the basket, ushering tsireya out with me to give the family some alone time to adjust to the new surroundings.
»»————- ✼ ————-««
It's been a few days after the sully's arrived, tsireya and ao'nung were teaching their kids, i sat in the open common patch, where all the kids shuffled and talked, i taught the metkayina kids the sign language, so when they get into water one day for longer period, their communication can be better, but not only was i their teacher, i was the clan garment weaver as well, as the noise of the children got louder , i shushed them all, their doe eyes wide when they were caught, i was about to start talking when i saw movement behind the kids, Ronal, neytiri and tuk walked towards me, i got up warning the seated kids to behave i walked to them.
"Y/n, ma tsmuke, i need you to add another pupil to your class" ronal said putting a gentle hand on tuk's shoulder, the girl looked at me with the same sunshine smile, i smiled back holding out my hand for her , she happily took it, i nodded at Ronal, giving me a small smile like she knew something i didn't, she left, i shook that out of my head and looked at neytiri " don't worry, tuk will be safe here, I'm happy you decided to put her in my care" she nodded giving me a curt thank you and told me Jake would came take tuk after the class before leaving, i picked up tuk in my arms and took her to introduce her to the class.
After hours of laughter and teaching them some signs they could fit and remember in their little brains, i waited for each and every parent to come pick their kid up, everyone left except tuk, who was now dozing off in my arms, Jake still hasn't come yet, it was getting dark now so i decided why now drop tuk off myself? Making my way to their pod, i knocked on the entrance circle, neytiri's head whipped towards me, i waved at her, motioning to a fast asleep tuk in my arms, lo'ak and kiri were in a corner discussing something but stopped when they saw me, neytiri stood up , standing infront of me she asked in a soft voice "didn't Jake come to take her?" I adjusted my hold on tuk as i said "no, he didn't, maybe he must have been stuck somewhere and couldn't come, but it's okay, it was no problem for me to bring her" and for the first time from the moment she has been here, i saw her smile, a real smile , with her head tilting to the side slightly, and in that second, she looked gorgeous but i stopped myself, what was i thinking ?she has a mate, mentally slapping myself i moved to hand tuk to her but this girl was not ready to leave my neck, i awkwardly looked at the woman in front of me but she took a step back motioning me to step in, not wasting any time i walked in, trying hard to gently lower tuk onto the hammock and not to wake her up, straightening up i turned to look at neytiri who sat near the fire again, i was about to bid my goodbyes but she started before me " we'll be happy if you could stay with us for dinner, that is if you want to and thank you for bringing tuk back" i was seconds away from refusing but then thought about the lone dinner with no one to talk to back at my own mauri, atleast I'll not be so lonely tonight and agreed.
Jake was surprised to see me when he got back but before he could say anything, Neytiri talked his ears off about not going to pick up tuk and that I had to carry her all the way. I did not get in between , I valued my life more. Neteyam sat by my side, giving me a sheepish smile at their bickering parents, neytiri huffed at him, throwing her hands up at her mate's excuses, she made her way over to my side sitting down and serving me the food, Jake sat in front of me giving me an apologetic smile, i just chuckled under my breath at his tries to please neytiri.
The dinner with them was one of the best I had in years. Tuk woke up in the middle of it and no one was happier to see me in this world than she was. Immediately she sat with me, giving my introduction to everyone. Especially to her sister kiri, who was talking to me earlier about how to weave seashell necklaces, as she was having some trouble with hers and i was more than happy to help her, neteyam and lo'ak were busy bombarding me with questions about the sign language, though i tried to answer them all but they had way more to learn. when the dinner was nearing the end and my time to go home came closer, something in my heart panged, it looked like Jake and neytiri felt the same but i could be wrong and it's just my thoughts, i hugged each of them, giving tuk the extra longest as i departed, both the adults lips were pressed in a thin line, even if no words were said, feelings were changed that night.
I laid in my hammock, staring at the ceiling of my pod, the time of dinner played again and again in my mind, did neytiri really brush her hand against my cheek during the dinner or was it nothing? Was Jake really staring at me all that time or was it just me? My mind was in chaos, I was falling for a mated pair , what is wrong with me? I groaned, turning on my stomach and buried my head into the pillow, i hated this feeling but then again loved it more than life itself.
»»————- ✼ ————-««
It's been weeks after the dinner and now it's a regular occurrence, I'd drop tuk at their pod and stay for dinner like it was all normal while i died a little every time i saw them, the longing increasing more and more, right now i sat with neytiri as i taught her how to weave a seashell and pearl top, just when horns blared across Awa'atlu signaling the return of the tulkuns, the return of my spirit brother, i dropped all my work and grabbed neytiri's wrist tugging her along, i said in a hurried tone " come on, my spirit brother is here, i need you to meet him!" We met Jake on the way along, they dived in behind me, i connected my queue with an ilu bringing Jake behind me as neytiri bonded with another, my eyes roamed to see a familiar tattooed tulkun, meeting his eye i had to suppress a giddy giggle that was about to escape me, hugging his side i said " it's so nice to see you again brother, i have so much to tell you, and about someone i met, well two people to be exact but you get my point!?" I signed as fast as i could, his chuckle reverberated in the water, neytiri and Jake watched in fascination, i motioned them to come closer and they did, taking support of his fin, i introduced them to my spirit brother, while he side eyed me, giving a all knowing look, i just rolled my eyes at him.
Jake and neytiri were thrilled to Meet y/t/n, plus the Olo'eyktan announced a celebration in return of the tulkuns, i dressed in the best pieces i made, and helped Ronal, neytiri, kiri , tuk and tsireya get ready as well, tsireya being my baby i gave her the top i was working on, and it looked gorgeous on her, at least now the forest boy's attention would be all on her, but it's not that his attention wavers from her anyway. I smiled walking out of my pod, after getting everyone ready, I was now late for the celebration myself and no one even waited for me…..as usual, i sighed.
The celebration was at its peak, drinks were being passed, couples danced together near the fire it, i went near the drink stand, the liquor glinted in the fire light, i sat on a log that was tucked into a corner, enjoying the songs bobbing my head to the tune, but soon enough my eyes trained onto the couple who stood up from the crowd automatically, their azure skin reflecting the soft shades of oranges so beautifully, their bright honey eyes looked ablaze in the moment, neytiri's top, that i gave her, accentuated her looks even more, their smiles making my heart flutter, just then Jake caught me staring, giving him a hurried smile i looked down at my drink swirling it in the shell glass, this was now getting worse, if this didn't stop soon i knew I'd get hurt, i get up to go for a walk as my mind would not stop reeling back to them. as i was about to walk out a hand rested on my shoulder , i jumped turning back only to be met with a face i was yearning to see but was too afraid to, Jake smiled, it was like a warm trickle of light on my skin, and neytiri stood beside him, she came forward taking my hand in hers, at this point my heart was racing faster than a tsurak on hunt, Jake leaned forward grabbing my other hand and i looked at them wide eyes, mouth agape, is this really happening? Are they BOTH choosing me? But before getting the answers to my questions, lo'ak popped up and we all jumped apart, the boy stopped in his track, looking at his parents then as me, as both jake and neytiri held my hands, i immediately wringed my hands out of theirs, looking at lo'ak as heat rushed to my face , lo'ak raised an eyebrow at me and i chuckled nervously asking " what do you want lo'ak? Is there any problem?" He still looked skeptically between the three of us as he replied " yeah, i was looking for you , y/n, i wanted to ask how you made that armband for neteyam, i want one like that too" I sighed in relief ushering him to come with me, i looked behind that them, both of them having a sly smile that i knew the answers to all my questions were giving without uttering a word. The whole night after that was too hot even when the breeze was chilly.
»»————- ✼ ————-««
I sat with all the sully's laughing at something Jake said, neytiri lightly hit Jake on his arm, tuk snuggled in my arms and lo'ak leaning on me, as i patted his head, neteyam sat with neytiri, and kiri's head rested on Jake's lap as she was napping, i was being consumed by this family and i had no problem with it at all, Jake looked at me, his ears up, tail swaying side to side and i blushed under his gaze, neytiri wasn't any less, there was something going on between us, even the kids could sense it but we haven't given this "situation" a name , yet, we all knew what we wanted but still kept quiet for some reason, by now i practically live with them, I'm at their house almost all the time, even at night now i slept in their pod, it felt more normal than sleeping in my own mauri.
Brushing kiri's hair, I applied the oil to her scalp, massaging it gently, pressing on the point to make it enjoyable and she quite literally melted beneath my hands "do you like it?" She let out a loud sigh and said " like it? This is the best massage I've ever gotten, from now on will you, please, always do my hair?" I laughed at her request " but your mom does a better work than me" , "noooooo, she's good but you do it different, please please please, don't tell mom though" we both giggled at it but in the end i agreed, just then neteyam walked in, he looked at us, raising an eyebrow at kiri is said " i thought only mom could do your hair, huh?" Kiri just huffed and replied " ohh yeah, just try it and then you'll understand bro, her massages are like no other" her eyes closing, clearly enjoying the massage, so neteyam did exactly what she said, pushing her out of the way he sat in front me, kiri exclaimed loudly at being pushed as well as being interrupted in her massage " HEY! It was my turn, get up you skxwang" neteyam just smirked at his sister not budging when she tried to push him, in the end i had to break the fight, promising kiri I'll give her more massages later, while neteyam sat smugly, it was funny seeing the siblings bicker but it was homely like this, i unbraided his hair, brushing them back and carefully applying the oils, he let out a long sigh as he leaned back a little, i smiled he was liking it and that's a good sign "kiri was so true for this, you really do it different, ah" after the massage i rebraided his hair nicely, matching the metkayina style and adding the beads of his choice, all the while have good chats, the time well spent after he was done, he went to flaunt it to lo'ak on who did his hair today, shaking my head, i got up , arms aching but still content they were happy, i walked into the sully tent, meeting Jake i sat beside him, exhausted leaning on him, he grabbed my hand, caressing his thumb over my knuckles "long day?" I shook my head "no, it was a fun day!" I said, smiling at him.
»»————- ✼ ————-««
I sat roasting a fish on the fire, as Jake was cutting fruits and neytiri was taking out the plates to eat, the kids were out swimming and training with tsireya and ao'nung, i laughed as Jake tickled my side suddenly and neytiri grumbled "i dealt with this for 15 years, eywa know how" at that even jake bursted out laughing, but my laughter died down when i saw a very serious looking tonowari walking towards our mauri, Jake and tiri noticed as well, and what tonowari said next made goosebumps rise throughout my body.
The other clans were being tortured for information but due to one word from wari they haven't revealed Jake yet but everyone knew this won't last long, my appetite evaporating as i looked worried at neytiri, she just placed a hand on my shoulder, rubbing the spot for reassurance, i let out a breath , sending a prayer to eywa for our safety, we thanked tonowari, now thinking about what we're going to do next, but something in the back of my mind nagged at me that something's bad is going to happen….and i was not ready for it
»»————- ✼ ————-««
I rode on a ilu, beside Jake and neytiri who were seated on Jake's tsurak, my heart shattering in a million pieces as Ronal wailed for her now dead spirit sister, her roa, who just bared her first babe, who also now layed dead by his mother, tears streamed my face, sobs wracked my body as the memories of Ronal showing me to her sister for the first time, this should not have happened, those demons did this, rage kindled in my chest but my sorrow was too great, i swam besides Ronal, who hugged me instantly, ohh how excited she was to show her newborn to her sister, they were going to be mother's together, now she'll never get the chance too, i held her close to me, this was not how it was supposed to be.
The clan screamed and shouted for revenge on the sky demons, they were killing our tulkuns, this will not go without consequence, i stood beside neytiri, my heart thumped inside it's cage, i grabbed her arm in fear, the people raging towards Jake, blaming him for all this, my heart panged for Jake, he hopped onto the elevated rock and spoke "listen, you have to tell the tulkuns, to go away, far away as possible" but Ronal hissed at him lunging forward, i had to get in between to stop her, she hissed again before saying "you live with us and still haven't learnt anything!" I cringed back but held my ground, looking back at Jake he said the next best thing he could think of, grabbing the red tracker he raised it above his head, showing it to everyone "tell your tulkuns, if this was attacked on them, then swim away fast! Tell me and I'll come deactivate it" everyone looked unconvinced and i shouted at them to get them moving " go, move, tell every tulkun you come across, now!" They grabbed their weapons and dived into the waters, i knew a war was brewing deep in the sea, everything weighed on me, my knees gave out and Jake caught me, i held onto him for dear life, neytiri came closer hugging us both and i melted between them, and for the first time after whatever this is between us started neytiri kissed me, on the lips, i was surprised but kissed back in seconds, as we pulled back Jake groaned "heyy i wanted the first kiss with her!" Neytiri just smirked and said "looks like you lost, ma' Jake" with that she kissed me again but Jake got in between, this time he kissed me and i couldn't be more happier, we still stood in the communal tent, but none of us cared one bit, i leaned on both of them as their arms enveloped me, my mind going silent as no unwanted thoughts plagued my mind for now.
I packed my bags for later, they both asked me to come live with them and i couldn't be more happier, the smile that started from the kiss still lingered on my face, i was shaken out of my thoughts when tsireya burst into my mauri, tears ran down her cheeks and she barely stuttered the words out " it's lo'ak, he's going to tell payakan, come we have to go with him" dropping everything i sprinted with her towards the shore, we swam towards the three brothers rock, where neteyam, lo'ak , tuk, ao'nung and rotxo were pulling out the tracker from payakan, my eyes widened at the scene, "ohh no, no no no" they were targeting payakan, i looked around to see any sign of the sky demons, relieved when none in the sight i got onto payakan's fin, and helped tug the tracker out, and as if lo'ak saw me for the first time he shouted even if he was seated beside me "mama, what are you doing here?!" And my work stopped as I looked at him, wide eyed, did he just call me mama? If i wasn't fighting to save this tulkuns life I'd probably hug him and cry but right now all i did was "yes, listen to me lo'ak, call your parents right now, we do not have much time, the hunters will be here any minute" he nodded not even registering the fact that he called mama, i got back in pulling the tracker, finally after so many tries that piece of metal was pulled out, just when the demon ship rounded the corner.
I took the tracker from neteyam, yelling at them to scatter as i got onto my ilu, swimming away, i look back and some kind of ships following , i threw the tracker away rounding about when one of the ships caught my ilu's fin and i was thrown over, i wanted to scream but stopped, trying to swim away but the other ship was catching up to me, just as i thought i was caught my wrist was pulled, taking my whole body with it, lo'ak smile down at me as tsireya pulled me closer onto the ilu, the ships still chased us, weaving into the long seaweeds, the machines got stuck, leaving our ilu we swam towards plant that created an air pocket inside it, when i broke to water surface, i was surprised to see tuk there, gasping for air i held tuk against me, we calmed down, catching up on air, we had to get out of here soon, so taking in a deep breath we got out, swimming towards the seaweed but our path was blocked as some of the weird shaped machine shot out a net trap, that captured me, tsireya and tuk, lo'ak got out somehow but held on to the net as we were pulled out of the water, tuk latched onto me crying in my neck, my brain was distrort on what was happening but i held on.
The net was thrown onto the ship, our bodies hitting the hard metal with a thud, i groaned , the net was opened and someone ripped tuk out of my arms as i screamed and thrashed to get her back, fear gripping my heart, another one of the soldier wrapped his hand around the nape of my neck, pressing my cheek on the cold metal, my wrists were cuffed behind my back, right after i was dragged to the railing and strapped to it, even after tugging it hard it wouldn't budge, lo'ak was on my left, tsireya beside him while tuk was on my right, fat tears rolled down her face, i tried to comfort her but couldn't do much. To my surprise one of the men grabbed my face making me look at him, he leaned down and tuk screamed " MAMA!! Leave her alone, please" the demon Na'vi who held my face, tilted his head and said in a low voice " looks like sully got himself another blue bitch" he chuckled and so did the others, lo'ak bared his teeth at him, tsireya and tuk crying out when a brut pulled at their queues. The demon who held my face shoved me and lo'ak hissed at him, but the man ripped the transmitter from lo'ak's neck, speaking into it " Jake, tell your friends to stand down. If you want your kids and wife back, you come out alone. You know better than to test my resolve" he points a gun at my head " I took you under my wing, Jake. You betrayed me. You killed your own. Good men, good women. I will not hesitate to execute your bitch" my breath wavered, eyes jumping from him to lo'ak, fear evident in his eyes, i couldn't catch what Jake said but i prayed he would take a good decision rather than a hasty one.
I looked at the horizon, plenty of Na'vi floated on the water and saw Jake coming closer, my heart dropped, he was giving himself up, i tried to pull away but the demon hold my queue yanked me back and a scream erupted from my throat at the pain, i inhaled deeply praying to eywa for his safety, absorbed in my thoughts i didn't see payakan coming up, the splash of cold water brought me out of my prayers, payakan fell on the ships deck, slapping of several sky demons with is fin while crushing many of them beneath him, lo'ak whooped for him, celebrating in the moment, payakan slid down from the edge falling back into the water, but before i could say anything the ship started to move forward picking up speed, it didn't stop even when we approached a rock Island, the collision shook the whole ship as we were lifted up into the air, slamming down my head hit the railing, hard, my vision blurred for a moment and pain bloomed at the back of my head but i didn't say anything, looking around frantically, i saw tuk pressed against the cold deck, tsireya holding onto the bars for dear life and lo'ak trying to get a grip on the rod, sitting up straight, i saw neteyam bolting up onto the ship, running towards us he cuts up tuk's binds, then tsireya's and mine, lastly lo'ak's, i pull tuk to my chest, standing up, i lost my balance but straighten up quickly, pulling tuk and tsireya with me, i look back at neteyam and lo'ak who didn't follow me " c'mon we have to get out of here" lo'ak hesitated but said " we have to save spider, we can't leave him here" neteyam looked conflicted, sighing, i had to get tuk to safety and as far away as possible, so i spoke " be careful please, if you do not find him, turn around, okay? I do not want you two to get hurt, am I clear?" They both nodded quickly running to the hallway.
I swam with tuk and tsireya when the latter stopped me, her voice barely above a whisper "y/n, you are bleeding" i shushed her, nodding, it wasn't much, i just had to get through this, it can be taken care of later, we met kiri inbetween, i heaved a sigh of relief hugging her, but there was no time , just as we started to swim in the other direction, a roar boomed above us, two big talons grabbed kiri, pulling her up as she screamed for the rider to let go but to no avail, they took her to the ship, tuk pulled my hand, i looked at her, she signed towards the ships pulling me "baby we can't go there" , my mind frantic, i had to save kiri life but i can't risk tuk's as well, she shook her head " sully's stick together" so we swam to the ship.
we popped above the water and hauled ourselves up, crawling around until we saw kiri bound to the railing of a pool, we ran towards her, trying our best to free her but we were too late as the demon walked towards us, he pushed tsireya into the pool, i screamed but as quickly as i blinked he shoved me down and his men bound me and tuk besides kiri, tuk wailed " i can't believe I'm tied up again!" He looked at his soldiers, huffing he said "we can still get this done" and one of them replied with a "hell yeah" and We waited for a long time with bated breath,before the man who held a gun at me earlier spoke " Did you hear me corporal , same deal as before, you for them" he was talking to Jake, i knew it, he walked around us "I need the answers Jake or there's gonna be consequences" i couldn't hear anything what Jake replied with , i sighed inwardly, exhaustion was creeping in but i fought it, the blue demon walked towards his attendees "Let's get this guy, that's what we came here for" clicking his gun ready.
he walked towards us, pointing the gun out, he looked through the lens for a couple of seconds before he said " hold fire" they all looked around here and there searching for Jake, by the look on the sky demons face i knew he lost sight of him too, he swirled around and spoke into the mic after a while "Talk to me corporal, the ship's going down and your girls with it, only one way to keep 'em safe" a few minutes of silence before a blast was heard, the ship groaned at the explosion, tillting down, people were screaming and running everywhere, minute by minute people were being killed, then like a ray of hope i heard Jake's voice, but the demon crouched in front of us to trap Jake, i screamed at the man in front of me " THEY'RE COMING FOR YOU!" and tuk hissed at him.
I heard neytiri's screams from a distance, my head turned in that direction, heart dropping to the floor but before i could react, a hand clamped on my mouth as he undid my cuff from the railing, pulling me back against the metal wall so we couldn't be seen, i tried to scream but they were muffled by the hand on my mouth, he leaned down to my ear and whispered " one more sound out of you mouth and your pretty little lover won't be alive" i stopped thrashing against him as he held a knife to my throat, i saw Jake rescuing tuk and kiri, he pushed me forward , walking into Jake's eyesight, knife still held against my neck, Jake and tuk walked forward but he stopped tuk as she cried "mamaa" Jake put out his arm, he looked between me and the man who held me " kill him Jake" the demon pressed the knife even harder drawing in blood as i recoiled, " c'mon sully, weapons down" quatrich threw a orange band at him " cuff yourself, Do IT!"
Jake grunted, he threw his axe and gun away , bending down to pick up the band, " you son of bitch" Jake bit back, "not one step corporal" my blood coated the knife now, burning the place where it rested against my neck, tuk and kiri were behind Jake, and i didn't not see neytiri come up behind us and so didn't quaritch, she pounced out gripping a boy holding a knife against his throat, "you think i care about that boy? We're not even the same species" quaritch said, she tilted her head, lips pressed into a thin like as she spoke " a son for a son" dragged the blade up, plummeting it down towards the boy's chest with a yell, quaritch screamed "No, NOo" taking the knife from my neck and holding it up, i yelled at the sensation, letting me go Jake pulled me behind him, neytiri let go of the boy and hissed viciously, she towards us and tuk pulled her back gently, we all backed away slowly.
the ship still sank down second by second, quaritch stayed back but called out to Jake " I'm coming back for you, when i do, I'll kill you and your whole family" baring his teeth, Jake stopped in his track looking at back at quaritch "let's get this over with" and he pounced on to quaritch, i propelled forward to stop him but neytiri pulled me back, shaking her head, we dived into the water, swimming away but there was an oil spill and it caught on fire due to the blast, making us stop in our way out, the human boy from earlier, spider, yelled to turn around towards the ship, neytiri grabbed my arm as we swam back, getting onto the ship, i pushed kiri forward to go ahead of me, neytiri was with tuk, i turned back to her, i went to grab tuk but her foot slipped and she fell into the doorway, my heart lurked and i went in after her, neytiri right behind me.
I fell onto my side the water cushioning my fall a little but i didn't care, i grabbed tuk and neytiri was there beside me, i ushered tuk to go forward , we ran to the door in front, neytiri tried to open it, water was trickled our calfs, finally after a hard pull she opened it, the water pumping us forward, our yells and shouts muffled by the water, we got into a room with lots of tables, the ship was turning so we had to climb up them, i pulled tuk up by her hand, pushing her up to neytiri, we got to a closed door again, water up to our waist now, neytiri struggled to open it, i stood beside her and pulled the door with her, with all my might, finally the door gave away, quickly letting tuk in, me and neytiri swam in after her and the door slammed shut with the pressure.
i looked ahead but there was no other way, water was filling up, neytiri pulled me and tuk closer to her and we stood there, the wound was throbbing and being tossed around while coming here was taking a toll on me now, my head felt light, vision blurred, my hand latching onto neytiri's, she looked at me worried but i couldn't even explain what was happening, tuk answered for me " she hit her head on the bars, when we were on the ship, there was blood coming out too" now neytiri was worried sick, i shook my head trying to change the subject " it's okay, I'm fine, it was nothing" but she looked skeptical, there was nothing she could do either, there was no way out , i leaned on her " stay close to me please" time passed agonizingly slow, the pain in the back of my head now slowly spreading down my back and arms, water levels were rising fast, the ship sinking down faster, we were trapped and there was no way of getting out.
i looked at neytiri, all hopes of my survival leaving and i said those words before it's too late "ne- neytiri, this is not how i wanted to say it but ole ngati kameie, i see you and Jake, I've never known love before you two came in my life, you were the ember in my darkness, the light that led me to meet you, if this is the time we get in this lifetime, then all my hardships were worth it, you both were my light in the darkness that lead me to love you, if this is the only time I'll get to spend with you, than, would not hesitate to do it all over again " i smiled at her, tears spilled down her face , she placed a hand on my cheek wiping my own tears with her thumb, tuk wrapped her arms around my torso " you're going to be okay mama, i want you with me" new tears formed in my eyes, i leaned down kissing her forehead, neytiri spoke after a while " you're going to be fine yawne, we'll get out of this and you will live with us, do not lose hope now when we are so close, ole ngati kameie ma' y/n but please do not leave me, not now" she pressed her forehead against mine, i savored this moment, feeling every bit of it, exhaustion made its way but i fought back.
the water was now till our necks, i tried my best to keep tuk afloat as well, it was getting harder to breath, the lights went out a while ago, it was pitch black, so when a golden light flooded the place we all turned to the source of it, golden fishes swam in the water we stood in and then popped in kiri's head, i laughed in relief pulling her in for a hug, oh I've never been happier, we are going to be saved at last, she pulled back, taking the air giving creature off her back and put it on my back, connecting my queue to it, and surely air rushed to my lungs, i nodded, they all took a deep breath and Kiri lead us out, neytiri held my hand all the time while the other was in tuk's, after weaving through doors and passages we finally got out, seeing the surface both neytiri and kiri pulled me up and we all broke the surface and i gasped for air, i looked around and saw payakan, with Jake and lo'ak on his fin, we all swam to them, more like neytiri dragged me to them " ma' Jake - ma' Jake!" We both said in sync and he pulled us for a hug, i was hauled onto payakan's fin, and finally i let myself go, as i lost my fight against exhaustion, my head falling onto Jake's shoulder, eyes rolling to the back of my head, i pass of completely.
»»————- ✼ ————-««
I open my eyes but the blinding bright sunlight stopped me, squinting, i looked around me, neytiri sat beside me and i looked up at her, memories of war flashed through my mind, me, neytiri and tuk being stuck, kiri coming to save us, me passing out on payakan and i bolted upwards, sitting up but the pain in my back took over and i cried out, neytiri immediately held me close, i didn't even notice Jake until was was beside me as well, checking on my bandages, my breathe uneven and labored, everything felt like it was on fire, every nerve in my body ablaze, i sighed in her neck, getting a grip on myself i leaned back, meeting their faces that held the brightest smile I've ever seen, i laughed lightly, then they started laughing and in the end we all laughed together, at what? I don't know, but I'm glad the great mother deemed me worthy to hear it again.
The celebration was full blown at its highest note, people danced in the joy of our victory, elders sang the most treasured songs in the name of another achievement, my heart swelled as i saw tsireya and lo'ak dancing together, i sat with Jake and neytiri, in between them while they both crush me beneath their body weight, as the party progressed, Jake took us both out for a walk, it's been a week since the war, we mourned the fallen now we must move past it, celebrate a new phase, i walked on the crunchy sand, the moonlight illuminating the bioluminescent dots on our bodies, Jake's tail wrapped around my thigh, while neytiri held my hand in her's, fingers intertwined, we got to a grassy part of Awa'atlu, where the sea was still visible, it was where the forest met the sea, the plants and surroundings glowing, it looked magnificent, we sat down on the soft grass, the silence comfortable as we laid there, under the blanket of stars, but it was disturbed when Jake and neytiri sat up, i looked at them confused, they helped me sit up and Jake cleared his throat and i stared at him " umm i know, this is long over due now, hmm i- will you-" but neytiri completed the sentence for him "will you do the honour and make us happy by agreeing to be our mate, tiyawn?" Jake nodded hurriedly, blood rushed to my face as it heated, not much as it was already hot whenever I was with them, i nodded smiling " yes, i loved to be" right after i said it, they attacked me with a hug as we fell down again on the grass, both of them peppering my face and neck with kisses as i giggled between them, soon Jake brought his queue in front of him, and so did neytiri joining hers, my mind literally dancing i brought mine coiling around both of theirs, the tides of emotions washed over me, as i looked at them mesmerized, their love for me wafting over to my side, seconds later i was huddled in their arms, warm and protected, this is all i ever wanted and that's all i got, i didn't know how much time went by at the celebration but as i saw the first rays of sunlight illuminating the dark sky, i knew this was eywa's way of telling me that this was it, this was my share of the love and i couldn't be more happy about it.
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A/n : i finished writing this at 2am in the morning, it's still not proofread so bare with me please, I'll proof read it soon 🫡😊🤭 i hope y'all like it, share your views.
Yawne : @fanboyluvr, @callmeoncette, @lu-the-ghost-reader, @brisbriskett, @saltedcoffeescotch, @ducks118, @itscheybaby, @jackiehollanderr, @zoetrope1997, @yeosxxx, @persefolli, @im-in-a-pansexual-panik, @theycallmesia, @killua2dot0, @ilovechickenwings, @kylobensgirl, @darling-imobsessed, @majathepapaya, @sweetirilly.
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©Neteyamyawne2023 | All Rights Reserved. Do not repost on other platforms, copy, steal, or translate any of my works!
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three--rings · 13 days
4 Minutes episode 8
Non-spoilery conclusion: this show was flawed but I did enjoy it and I want to see more from everyone involved, you know?
So we're in the reality where Tyme is a caring doctor?
And where he is a good boyfriend even when breaking up...
I'm sorry but doctor/patient to dating is super uncomfortable. Like I get this is the fuzzy version of events but IDK gives me the ick.
Akira! My favorite actor in the show!
Okay toxic yaoi threesome I guess.
Wait tell me they didn't go back to Tonkla house, right? Are you fuckers at home when there's a manhunt?
Well, yeah, okay that clusterfuck was always gonna end badly. And honestly? I fuck with that kind of tragic doomed love between flawed people.
Okay making merits for the guy who shot you? Did Great know about their relationship?
Ah yeah I figured the money exchange was a setup.
Okay, okay. So...ultimately, I think the show was a valiant attempt at doing something different and being a really twisty mystery, but it could have used a rewrite, and probably more episodes.
Like, I really think rushing through the resolution in this episode is a mistep because it skips over the actual resolution of Tyme and Great's relationship, the actual love confession and getting together. Like, that's the MONEY SHOT of the romance and we don't really get it. Like, sure we got to see their 4 minutes versions of their relationship, but they didn't, and we didn't get to see them reunite and work it out.
I get from a writing standpoint, that's a very hard thing to write, especially in a snappy manner, which is why the easy choice is to skip it, but you're denying the audience the emotional payoff. And also sorta denying the really messy version of their relationship they had by only presenting us with a sanitized honeymoon version at the end. Like what I really want is seeing that hard work of these two flawed and hurt people getting over it and accepting each other for REAL.
Yeah what I really want is the fanfic of this show I think.
Other big missteps are how confusing a lot of the out-of-order stuff was with the Tonkla plot, though I ultimately got that.
And most of all, the lack of real characterization of Great up until we get the real version of his story. He just felt flat and blank until then, and I get WHY and I don't know how to better resolve that while still getting the "oh shit it wasn't real" reveal. But like...IDK.
This show very much feels like an experiment that was worthy and had a lot of hard work put into it but didn't quite land.
I really think the actors all did great and the filming and everything was excellent, so I hope we continue to get good stuff from BOC. I also really like Bible and Jes individually and think they're both super talented, but I'm not entirely convinced by the chemistry... IDK.
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batmanfruitloops · 26 days
Hi! Im having trouble with starting my first Batman AU and I love the one you two have so I was wondering if you have and tips or pointers of starting one? Like maybe how to introduce characters and such or how to start the story?
Im sorry if this was long or if its too much, have a great day/night!
I think it really depends on what you want out of it. I use this AU to practice skills for my career, such as writing, character-building, animating, etc. I listen to a lot of videos about every part of film production to help me better understand what to do. Especially things related to character. Even if your AU is just for fun, I think it's still a good idea to do a little research about writing. Observing your favorite movies and films helps a lot! I think animated films are a great teacher of storytelling! Especially Pixar films, since their philosophy is "story is king". Watching movies is just how I personally learn, you may have some other way of learning best so take all this with a grain of salt, I'm no expert I'm just very passionate about storytelling especially through animation (though in this case, it's storyboards/comics since that's what is possible right now).
Your characters are everything. I would suggest developing them as much as possible before you introduce them. They should feel like a real and complex person. They shouldn't feel like a robot that are only made to achieve their motivation. Sometimes simple things like "What are their favorite foods?" can start building them up as a person. They should have flaws, blemishes, strengths, hobbies, everything a living person should have. That way when you introduce them, you will have an easier time showing your audience who they are. First impressions are very important to characters, your audience should be able to understand what kind of person they are right off the bat. I think a good example is Gene Wilder as Willy Wonka. The whole point of his introductory scene is to tell the audience "he is unpredictable and you will never know what to expect from him." Show don't tell is a very important rule to follow, don't tell your audience what to think.
For starting your story, you need to consider when it is. Is it at the beginning, middle, or end? You can put your audience anywhere in the story, so think about the optimal place they should be for the story to make sense. There are many different versions of Batman but they all begin in a different place of Batman's life. Some stories start at the beginning of him becoming Batman like The Dark Knight, and some start at the end of him being Batman like the Arkham series. It's up to you to consider at what point of your character's life the audience should be placed at.
To be honest, it's all up to you. What do you want? How do you want things to be done? This is all just a big case of "learn the rules to break the rules." Maybe you don't even want to learn the rules at all, and that's ok. It's important to remember to make what you want to see. Your art is for you. There is no right way, just some ways are more efficient than others. Let your soul make its messy finger paintings and enjoy the ride. Because more important than anything is the enjoyment of your work and the process. I have a hard time not being a perfectionist over this AU because it's what I want to do with my life. I want to tell stories. I have to keep reminding myself this is for fun, and it's ok if it's not perfect. It just has to be what I want to make. Honestly, I could ramble on and on about storytelling, so I'll save an 8-page essay (which I actually wrote on a similar topic for class). My DMs are open anyway if you want to ask anything else. I hope this was helpful!
I also agree heavily that your characters should feel like people. And along with that, pacing is really important. You don't want your story to feel rushed or lagging at any point. Like Fluffy said, it's always a good idea to reference your favorite materials. It's good to have moments that are just very real, for lack of a better word.
It's also important to understand your setting. The main focus may be the characters, but you want to make sure they feel present, and not just in a void. Establishing shots are really good for that, since it shows off a large area, then allows you to "voom in" and focus on where ever there's action happening. Reference photos are your best friend here. Use as many as you need, it'll only get easier with time. Which leads to another part of settings; if you're in a characters home/base what makes it theirs? Like how the Riddler usually has question marks and scribbles all over the walls, as well as generally being a mess. It gives you an immediate impression of how scatterbrained and paranoid he can be. In comparison, someone like the Penguin presents a clean, luxurious lounge that shows he means business. Whether or not a character is meant to go through a defining change, it's important that they stay true to themselves as a person. If they had trust issues before, they shouldn't trust someone without a reason. Or perhaps someone makes a mistake, that mistake should have consequences. I just think of this because there's a lot of cartoons where something will happen one episode only for it to be treated like it didn't happen in the next episode. Dialogue is also another important factor. Does that feel like something you could actually hear someone saying? Does the grammar make sense? If their natural pauses? This can be broken up from panel to panel, if it's in comic form. Depending, you can give characters different fonts to emphasize that they sound different, although I'm not an expert in that, it's just something I've seen before.
Again, pacing of characters talking (or thinking, etc.) is a must to be aware of. If spoke that aloud, does it feel rushed? Too slow? Are they giving enough context? As the writer, you know everything that's going to happen. Because of that, writing incomplete sentences can happen. That doesn't mean you have to explain everything in simple terms for everyone, just enough for it to make sense and feel real. If you're going for a comic, layout is another factor to consider. Read as many comics are you want. Stare at how it's set out, how everything flows from one panel to another, one page to another. I'm not much good at this one myself yet, so I just suggest looking at your favorite layouts and figuring out what about them you like. A bit of what I've learned is to consider what's happening. What I mean is, if everything is very straight forward, you can do a bunch of box panels, whereas if you're meant to feeling something along with a character, you can go more organic, there doesn't necessarily need to be boundaries in scenes like that, and a mix is generally good for most scenes. A whole establishing shot can be one page and do plenty.
I tend to ramble, and I have a lot of other stuff that I'm passionate about with writing and visual in comics/storytelling, like colors, symbolism, and lighting, and character design so my dms are also open for anyone who'd like is discuss more, :)
Fluffy and Sarsee
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zombubble · 3 months
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From In Memory; In Truth Chapter 13:
“It’s my job to help make running the sect easier, right?” Mo Xuanyu asks. “Not your job, anymore,” Jin Guangyao says, “but a favor that Gege would appreciate greatly. Do you think you can keep a secret for me?” A jolt of something in Mo Xuanyu’s core, the words familiar in all the wrong ways. Oh, he feels sick. Really fucking sick. “Of course,” he says, closing his eyes. Breathing. “A-Yu? Have I upset you?” Jin Guangyao stops him, grabbing him by the shoulders. “Gege is sorry, he didn’t mean—” “I’m just… seeing things,” Mo Xuanyu says. “Sorry, I—I didn’t want to appear weak, but I…” “Oh. That’s… It’s okay. Gege doesn’t think less of you. Why don’t you rest? I’ll come see you later about everything; there’s no rush.” Nodding, Mo Xuanyu bows his thanks to his brother. Lets a-Zhen lead him away. Tries not to get sick while they walk because his mind is reeling and everything is cold and hot and he doesn’t—doesn’t know what—why—when this happened but something happened. Something that started with words much like those. Not for the first time, he fears the full, unknown extent of what he’s gotten himself into. Not for the last time, he tells himself to stay strong, that he needs to help, that he can do this.
Got this snippet in the post in time, but then I realized this was the perfect moment to go into how Mo Xuanyu is characterized/portrayed in this fic, and it ended up taking me some time to write that up.
Given how little we know of Mo Xuanyu's particular brand of neurodivergence in MDZS, I've decided to put him on the schizophrenia spectrum, he has psychotic episodes, but does not have paranoia, (and believe me, I'm doing literally everything in my power to do this with respect to schizophrenic and psychotic buds out there, I don't want to do any of you dirty with this, you deserve better). He does have auditory, olfactory, and visual hallucinations throughout the fic, which get worse over time as he is under more and more stress.
In this scene, however, he's also lying to his brother and playing it up so Jin Guangyao underestimates him for his own reasons.
CW for nonspecific mentions of sanism, ableism, and various forms of abuse and discussions of consent following this, as I am going into a little bit of detail about how I've chosen to portray Mo Xuanyu, so people know what to expect from this fic with him being such a major character.
The tl;dr is Mo Xuanyu is treated with dignity and respect by those working alongside him, and is given adult levels of agency throughout the fic's present timeline. His mental illness is acknowledged and described, but not made fun of within or by the narrative. It is not considered a character flaw, but a disability, and I've tried to portray it respectfully. While some characters are sanist/ableist both to and about him, they are not major characters, nor are they in control of him. There are mentions of past abuse, but he gets good medical care throughout the fic. He is an important character with major positive contributions, could not be removed or switched out for another without drastic changes, and gets the happy ending he deserves (without a magic cure).
More on how I'm handling Mo Xuanyu after the cut (a little spoilery, but I've kept it as vague as possible. See above content warnings):
I don't want to spoil the plot too much in public, though I'm happy to answer questions privately via message or ask, but I will say up front that Mo Xuanyu is, very intentionally on my part, given adult levels of agency throughout the fic in decisions both big and small.
There are (brief) mentions of him being treated badly in the past, including not giving consent (informed or otherwise) to medicine/medical procedures and other instances of abuse similar to canon, including being relocated and restrained against his will, but within the present timeline of the fic he is under the purview of the Nie Sect and working with a doctor with whom he has a good, mutually respectful relationship.
He makes his own decisions (and has established plans for what he wants done when he's unable to do so safely), gives informed consent to all instances of medication and relocation that happen during the present timeline of the fic itself, and is treated respectfully by the people he's working with. Like Jin Guangyao above, some people make ableist (and sanist) assumptions (and commentary) both to and about him, and he does personally lean into those assumptions for the purposes of making people underestimate him.
Those who are working with him and care about him only play up his mental illness with his prior input, consent and at his behest, and these instances are few, far between, for the purposes of the mission they're on, and never used as the butt of a joke, or done in a mocking way.
Mo Xuanyu has a solid, well-developed personality outside of his mental illness, though does talk casually and frankly about the symptoms he experiences, including hallucinations and his disconnect from reality. He doesn't enjoy having symptoms, but he does not have a self-pitying or self-loathing inner monologue. Though sometimes he tries to hide his symptoms from others (and, at times, fails), he does not make a habit of minimizing them (or exaggerating them) when he's describing them seriously.
When he does speak lightly of them, it's not mocking, and I intentionally avoided anything that sounded like it might come across as "LoL so random omg!" types of humor. Overall, though, he typically refuses to go into details with others, though his inner narration in his pov does, on occasion, describe what he's seeing, hearing, or smelling, without lingering too long on the descriptions.
His visual hallucinations edge more towards abject horror (monsters, things moving that shouldn't be moving in the ways they're moving, people looking dead/like ghosts with unnatural features (pure black, bleeding eyes, far too many sharp, non-human teeth, as a few examples)) instead of utilizing potentially-real facial/muscular/skeletal differences or movement disorders for shock value.
I do not portray him as someone bloodthirsty or irrational when it comes to killing. He wanted his family dead for the abuse they caused, he wants his brother dead (and wishes he didn't) for various shitty actions at various times. With everyone else, he's kind of just trying to keep to himself (or, when he can, be helpful to the people he gets along well with) and not get involved with any more conflict than he has to. He does not kill anyone in the course of the fic.
Jin Ling has a bit of trouble understanding at first, but does make efforts to be respectful and he improves over time. They end up growing close, and Jin Ling is not distrustful of Mo Xuanyu by the end of the story. The other juniors are similarly respectful.
The help Mo Xuanyu offers everyone is a) help only he could give, utilizing his skills and/or achievements specifically (e.g. making arrays/talismans a certain way, other forms of espionage that rely on his ability to lie and/or memorize information) and b) crucial to many of the successes they have. He is an essential member of the core cast of this fic, and it would be markedly changed if I were to remove him or switch him for someone else.
Mo Xuanyu does not die, nor does he get cured at the end of the fic. He ends up in a loving, mutually respectful relationship where his agency is respected, with a man who understands full well that loving Mo Xuanyu includes accepting his schizophrenia, psychosis, and the symptoms thereof. While Mo Xuanyu is doing better at the end than he was just before the end, it's because he's in a stable home and being treated by medical staff, rather than a magical cure.
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Okay okay so: could I maybe request some headcanons for Dracula with an S/O who’s dealing with some insecurity?? I am… going through it with some insecurities myself, at the moment, so I just think it’d be nice to see some comfort from the big bad vamp himself. <3 <3
(BTW, you can totally send me a classic monsters req too, I haven’t gotten one in a while and I miss writing for them!)
Hope you’re doing well, my love!! 🫂🫂🫂
dracula with an insecure! s/o.
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-> ft. count dracula
-> warnings.
-> ziggys thoughts. I LOVE THIS REQ SM!! also i didn’t know which version of drac to use do i kinda just. morphed them all together?? so it’s not a specific version?? HOWEVER it’s heavily based off of the monster squad version (which you should totally watch!! i think you would like it <3) divider by @/benkeibear
-> links. m.list || classic monsters m.list || nav.
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he’s rlly confused at first
he’s like “you???? insecure??? why.”
he like listens for a bit but he’s still confused cause like he doesn’t see any flaws about you
if he finds out like someone was the cause
uhhh wait i have a photo
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him fr ^^
he’s :( very upset
and angry
but before he goes out and does something STUPID he does his best to cheer you up even though he’s kind of a dumbass
and he also probably makes it worse but it’s okay he’s trying <3
anyways when he’s done his (failed) attempt at making you feel better he hunts down anyone who made you feel insecure
and i’m gonna let you decide what he does to them!!!
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shigarakisslutbag · 4 months
how we feeling bruh
I'm feeling at my limit, anon. MY. LIMIT.
Regarding the manga leaks;
I know I sound delusional (I am but idc), but genuinely I can't wrap my head around this being tomuras end?? Like? Just like that ? I will say, I am not very caught up with the manga, so I'm just going to comment on what I do know.
Let's say it is the end for him, and tomura is really gone;
I don't say this often, bc usually I know the writer knows best, but if that is tomuras end it just feels,,, not impactful. I know horikoshi has said the manga is going to end soon. But he's said that,,, sooo many times lol. But back to what I said about the ending, it feels rushed, and tbh it's felt rushed for a while. I think, from my understanding, it seems he's just burnt out on writing it. Which tbh I don't blame him because the series has been going on for 8 years.
Personally, I wouldn't be upset if he just took a break and came back. Even if it's a very long break. But of course, that's up to him entirely. Im not gonna be *that* fan lol.
That being said, I'm going to take the ending with a grain of salt (if it's truly tomuras end). I think someone also mentioned there was a small mention of a "reconstruction" part of of his quirk?? So it's possible horikoshi is going to revisit that in the scene where tomura may die.
It would really feel odd to see tomura die, after all this time. Like so much was put into his character. In my *personal* opinion, he has more character depth than izuku at this point. Izuku had great potential, but to my knowledge there's no back story other than him being quirkless and fatherless(?). The only thing that I liked about his character in the beginning, was his drive and genuine determination to be a real hero.
At this point though, it feels like I don't even know his character. Having so many characters, and trying to fit so many stories in them, will eventually lead into some sort of conundrum with the plot. It got to a point where I felt more connected to the villains than our supposed main character?? I almost thought that that was the direction horikoshi was going in. To be like "oops you thought izuku was the main character, but really this is tomuras story" which would've been really cool. It's so hard to relate to izuku as a character because there's no depth. I don't see many flaws in his character. His flaws as a character are his flaws, if that makes sense. He had nothing to improve on besides his quirk. I didn't see any growth in him as a person because there was nothing to grow from.
That being SAID, it feels like an absolute waste of tomuras character if he's thrown away, and would feel so unnecessary. Tomura had so much growth, and development, it's so hard not to love him. So many of us can legit relate to the villains on a personal level. I think I'm going to be more sad at the fact that the characters are being wasted. I grew up with these characters. I started watching when I was 16 and I'm 21 almost 22 now.
If this is tomuras end, I'm just gonna write a self indulgent fanfic about how I want the ending lol. Even if tomura is meant to be the villain, he deserves a better ending. They all do. I'm still in denial about twice's/Jin's death 😭.
Sorry for the seemingly long rant LOL. But ugh, I'm gonna be so disappointed to make a long story short. Again, I am not caught up with the manga, so if there's something I don't know just let me know lol. I tried to make this as broad as I could because I don't wanna seem like I know everything. So I apologize if I came off that way:').
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synergysilhouette · 9 months
My issues with the 12 Kizuki
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This is based on my experience with the anime alone, but I do feel like the Kizuki fall flat as characters, despite being cool villains. Lemme explain:
Rokuro, Wakuraba, Mukago, and Kamanue are killed without much elaboration on their characters due to Mizuki wanting to abolish the Lower Ranks. It's a bold play and makes Mizuki's character interesting, but it feels like a waste, making the story feel a bit rushed, with dead demons as an explanation for a shorter story.
The Upper Ranks and Enmu come one after another for the arcs. After the Asakusa arc, there's no arc where there's a minor demon (aka not one of the 12 Kizuki) who Tanjiro and Co. face during his training as a demon slayer. Again, it feels rushed and makes the demons--the most powerful there are--come off as easily thwarted. Even if Tanjiro and his friends worked hard to beat them, there's never a circumstance of "this is a MAJOR DEMON and thus too powerful for us"; it's just "oh, we were all barely strong enough"--but that's what makes this crazier; Tanjiro defeated Hantengu's main body and Kyogai himself, teamed up with Inosuke to defeat Enmu and Nezuko to deafeat Rui, Muichiro and defeated Gyokko himself. Daki/Gyutaro were defeated by Tanjiro, Uzui, Inosuke, and Zenitsu, which is the only battle that truly feels earned. Tanjiro (as well as Inosuke, Nezuko and Zenitsu, to an extent) are novices, which makes it kinda frustrating that he was powerful enough to defeat several of the Kizuki, whether by himself of with help from other novices. Having the villains go back to back on the arcs only to be defeated mainly by Tanjiro feels like plot armor rather than good writing. He always overcomes and always manages to beat them, and Muichiro, despite being a Hashira, is still super young and on his own, so I wish his fight against Gyokku's true form lasted longer, if he was even allowed to win.
The story arcs fall flat. Several of the demons have a sad backstory showing their life leading up to becoming a demon. While some are sad, none of them really feel as impactful as they could be, since they're one and done villains, not antagonists that we slowly get intgrated to and understand more as the story goes on. I definitely wanted more from Daki/Gyutaro since they were essentially evil demon versions of Tanjiro and Nezuko. That said, other demons got no backstory at all, ie most of the Lower Rank demons, Enmu, and Gyokku, which made it feel disjointed, almost as though the characters who had backstories were people you were supposed to feel sorry for. But that exposes the flaw; the preferences for certain demons makes them all feel underutilized by rushing through some of their backstories and completely ignoring others'. I wish they were stronger threats, characters you see in several arcs a piece, characters you got to understand more rather than being one-note evil with a short and sad backstory (and don't get me started on how rushed and confusing Hantengu's backstory was, especially since the forms his emotions took was never explained).
Perhaps I'm reading too into this, but this is a frustrating thing for me watching the show. I do hope that the Upper 3 demons do better.
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asura22zoro · 5 months
on the but they broke up argument
I made it obvious multiple times how i feel korrasami in the end was just a last minute retcon ( as in they admitted that when the finale was being made to throw in korrasami because they didnt include lgbt rep before and I partly think it was due to the fact lok was running out of publciity stuntand k/a provided that
I am sorry to say but korrasami being the one queer ship thats canon in lok is irrelevant bad writing is bad writing good writing is more important then the genders involved even if it means that as a result there wouldnt be a same sex ship in lok ( its not like they couldnt include same sex ships lgbt stuff in the future of the series. The notion that if you care about/support the lgbt community you should automatically support korrasami just on the basis of korrasami being a same sex ship is idiotic. being against korrasami doesnt equal being against gay people anti korrasami isnt homophobic. shipping isnt activism
we see tons of ship wars between het ships so why shouldnt there be ships wars between a het ship and same sex ship how is opposing the same sex ship automatically homophobic ( they seem to use it as a shield from criticism
would everyone automatically support the same sex ship when that doesnt happen when a het ship becomes canon
so they made it happen at the cost of breaking the narrative and making korra ooc.
certain korra and asami are not compatible personality wise for a romantic relationship given their different needs and handling of conflict
and the narrative pointed to makorra eventually getting backtogether
korrasami shippers will try to claim they broke up due to incompatibility or insult mako to raise up their ship when the truth is they broke up due to mutual flaws neither of them were ready for a relationship with anyone.
they both showed that they will always love each other and the way the b2finale happened pointed to them getting back together.
the issue wasnt that they argued ( arguing isnt inherently unhealthy arguing can be healthy have you heard the term arguing like an old married couple ( I even reblogged post by fantastic-nonsense that went into that
by b4 mako and korra overcame those flaws
I always roll my eyes at the but they broke up as if we haven't seen tons of shows where a couple at first breaks up but gets back together later after some development
or times where while two characters love each other its after some development for if they were in relationship at the start it would have been unhealthy
seriously hasnt this person heard of the like old married couple trope “Two characters who seem very comfortable with each other to the point that it seems like they have been married for a long time, though obviously it doesn't apply to couples who actually have been together for a long time. Usually it is done through constant arguments with each other, as only people who are so closely bonded can have such open communication between them”
arguing in a relationship doesnt equal unhealthy
the b2 finale was shot in away that makorra shippers believed they would eventually getting backtogether (after they matured and solved their mutual flaws ( korra wouldnt have worked with anyone in b2 )
it had romantic tension
kirbyspits . tumblr . com/post/639871356603908096/
We have hand holding…
Trouble parting ways…
Forehead touches…
Declarations of eternal love…
there are alot of shows where a couple which broke up got back together later on
fantastic-nonsense . tumblr . com/post/111785796250/on-book-2makorra-korras-mentality-about
fantastic-nonsense . tumblr . com/post/111620875135/could-you-take-each-of-makorra-book-2-arguments
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elliebyrrdwrites · 5 months
The Rings of Saturn
I don't know what's wrong with me. I don't know why I need to write stories like this. I just do.
I did Theomione and I'm sorry. It just had to happen because I wanted to see how it felt. I like it but Dramione is my main boo, don't worry.
The Rings of Saturn
A Theominoe oneshot.
Theo sat across from his co-worker as they picked through a mediocre lunch from the Ministries café. Cucumbers and tomatoes filled a salad he assembled on his tray as his fork pushed around a single hard-boiled egg.
“Isn’t it weird,” Hermione Granger began as she stared out over the café. “That we have magic, but no wizard has ever been to space?”
Theo lifted his head from the lunch tray and frowned. “Do we know that as a fact?”
Granger shrugged and pushed her tray away, lunch untouched. “I mean, do you know of any wizards turned astrophysicist? They fly on brooms for Godric’s sake.”
Theo huffed out a laugh. “Maybe we could fashion a broom into a rocket and launch one into the skies.”
Granger pursed her lips and focused her eyes onto his. It caused him to shift, uncomfortably in his seat. “Haven’t you ever wondered what’s on the edge of the outside?”
“The Outside?” He cleared his throat. Granger had the tendency to gaze hard into his eyes when she was passionate about something and Theo had the tendency to want to kiss her, sufficiently shutting her up and breathing her words into his lungs. Immortalizing them into his soul.
“Outside of space?” He set his fork down and eyed her. “You mean outside of our galaxy?”
“Well, yes.” She leaned back in her seat and ran her finger along the edge of the lunch tray.
“No?” Theo said but it was ultimately a lie. Of course, at some point or another, he had wondered what all was out there. But he had accepted the reality that they would never know. They couldn’t. It was all just so far away. Too out of reach.
“Do you think that if we applied magic to science, we might find a way to find out?”
Theo opened his mouth to reply but Granger kept speaking. “What if what we found was the past and the future? What if out there is not something more? What if it was everything all over again, everything to come again and again.”
Theo’s brow quirked up, but a smile pulled at the edges of his mouth. “Do you think you could find a way to invent something that would allow us to see into this everything?”
Granger crossed her arms over her chest and pouted. “I don’t know.” She sighed. “Perhaps we could together.”
At this, Theo found himself sitting up straighter. “Together?” He chuckled. “I know nothing of science and I think the Muggles are doing a fine job with all of their nifty robots and telescopes and what not.”
“What about Divination?” She eyed him.
“I, what?” Theo blinked several times. He knew of the witches distaste for the subject.
“What if we created our own potion to help us see, more accurate, that which we cannot know?”
Theo stared at his co-worker, who was subsequently, the most perfect witch he had ever met. Even all of her flaws, like these asesine ideas that led her into belligerent ramblings were enough to cause his heart to soar. What was worse, was that they weren’t stupid or belligerent at all. She was bloody brilliant and Theo worked hard, every day, to remember that she wasn’t his.
But he laughed at her and pushed his chair back. “I think you’ve been working as an Unspeakable for too long, Granger.”
She let out a strangled sort of cry of indignation as she watched him stand. “You think I’m joking.” She finally said, accusingly.
“No, unfortunately,” Theo picked up his tray. “I don’t.” Their lunch hour was coming to a close and he had an interesting piece of metal that arrived through a portal in the middle of Beltany that he had to investigate.
He heard the clatter of her tray and the rush of her footsteps as she came up behind him to despose of her lunch.
“What are you working on right now?” She hissed in his ear, suddenly appearing beside him.
Theo shuddered and jumped back at the feel of her breath against his ear. “What?!”
Her eyes widened, urging him to understand whatever it was he wasn’t saying as she asked again, “What are you working on?”
He shook his head and stepped around her. “You know I cannot tell you that. We’re Unspeakables for fucks sake.”
Her fingers gripped the fabric of his robes and her nails grazed his arm through the fabric. “Come on, Theo. Show me yours and I’ll show you mine.” She crooned and hauled herself closer to him.
Theo stiffened beside her but continued walking towards the exit of the café.
“This is highly inappropriate, Granger.” He sniffed and allowed her to be pulled by him through the hall toward the lifts.
“Yes,” She agreed as they stepped into the lift. Theo was frowning as she remained clinging to him. Perhaps she had seen him as a friend like she saw Potter, someone to chit chat with about books and boys.
Books, he could do but boys? Theo inwardly groaned at the idea.
“We cannot speak what we are working on, even with other Unspeakables. Hence the title, Unspeakables!” Theo whisper yells at her.
“Yes, yes, I know.” She waved her hand, dismissively. “But what if, while working on said projects, we find ourselves unable to continue alone. Or...” She frowns. “There is something that appears to be missing from said project that we think another Unspeakable might have that missing piece?”
Theo scoffed. “I assure you, Granger, I do not have any missing —” He paused and narrowed his eyes in on her. She had leg go of his arm and was leaning against the other side of the lift. “What makes you think this is even a thing?”
“How far have you gotten on your...project?”
“I’ve only just received it today.” He sniffed. “Why, how far have you gotten?”
“I’ve had mine for a little over a week and, well.” She paused, chewed on her bottom lip and Theo watched as her eyes went a little wide and wild. “It’s the strangest thing.” She finished with a whisper.
Theo had to admit he was curious. The idea of something blowing Hermione Grangers mind as he witnesses now was...intriguing.
“You’re just trying to get me interested so that I will crack.”
“Yes!” She rushed forward and grabbed hold of his robes. “Because it should. It is incredibly interesting!”
From this close up, Theo could make out the little flecks of gold in her irises and further more, he realized that she didn’t exactly have brown eyes, but more of a green hazel? Only when she wore her purples robes, that is. Because, when he had lunch with her the other day, he was certain they were brown.
Theo shook his head, dispelling the power of eye gazing and wrapped his hands around hers. “This sounds like a real brain scratcher you have, Granger.”
She nodded but her tongue snaked out and dampened her lower lip. She swallowed and her eyes darted over his face, going fro his eyes, his nose, his mouth.
“I’d love to help you, Granger, I would.” He said, softening his voice. “But we could both get put in jail, or worse, fired!”
Her mouth quirked up in a soft smile and Theo realized, then, that his thumbs were making intimate strokes over her knuckles and her chest was quite literarlly pressed up against his.
Her skin was soft and supple and he thinks he might like to taste it. And maybe he might have, had the lift doors not opened at that moment.
Several people slid in, effectively forcing the two of them apart, and he watched her sink into her corner lip caught between her teeth. But her eyes were distant, far off and thinking, most likely, of the project waiting for her back at her office.
Theo removed his robes and stared at the lump of metal on his desk. It was not so much a lump, but a cuadricular form of a combinations of metals, if he had to guess. Perhaps cobalt chrome, titanium? He couldn’t tell exactly which metals this thing consisted of but it was definitely more than one type. That much was obvious at first glance.
There was something odd about its presence, as it sat under the light of his lamp. It didn’t glow, or make any noise, but there was something...overwhelming, something palpable that caused the hairs on Theo’s arm to stand as he neared it.
There was a real charge in the air, bouncing between his skin and the lump of metal that looked luminescent at certain angles.
Perhaps, Theo thought, it’s a rock from another planet. It arrived, quite mysteriously, with a crack of power shot through a portal in Ireland, in the middle of a circle made of large stones. There are several of these structures around the world, and Theo had to wonder if there were any other unusual occurrences within the numerous other stone circles.
“Well, enough staring at the thing,” Theo muttered to himself. The mysterious piece
was sent here, magically, having landing on his desk with a note informing him of where it was found and when. The note also dictated that he find out exactly what it was composed of, if there was any evidence that it was magical and if so, what does it do and how?
Theo’s right hand reached for the rock and felt the incredible force of some kind of energetic pulse buzzing off of it. However, as his mind stuttered, his hand continued to reach for the stone.
His fingers had only grazed the rock when the vision hit him.
Now, he couldn’t say for certain if it was a vision or the misfiring of his own synapsis as he was possibly electrocuted.
But the cosmos flashed in his his minds eye, beautiful balls of gas that expanded far beyond their galaxy. It was as if his mind had drifted out into space, was floating through it and looking at the beautiful view of the planets and the stars gleaming all around, millions of light years away.
His vision passed through Mars and Jupiter until it settled on Saturn and it’s glorious rings. The light from the sun cast a shadow on part of the rings while shining light on the other and revealed hues of orange and grey and red and he thinks he was meant to reach Saturn.
But the vision was cut short. As if it was incomplete. The journey unable to be made in its entirety.
He knew then, that he should go talk to Granger. Only, he immediately couldn’t bring himself to move away from the rock. He wanted to try again.
He did.
His hands reached for the maybe a rock, maybe a piece of metal and touché the smooth surface. Nothing happened.
With a frown, Theo tried again and again.
He muttered curses and pleas and asked it nicely.
But it wasn’t until his mind wondered through questions that it happened again. Questions like, What is it showing me? Why is it showing me this? Where was it taking me? Why!
He was pulled, like a mental force on his mind, into the journey again. Only, this time, he veered a different way amongst the cosmos. This time, his visions were not just of the plantes and the stars but of nebulas that held something within them. Like answers to his questions, he saw hands. Feminine hands, masculine hands, they held one another. They held wands.
They held magic.
When Theo was pushed from the vision again, he laughed. A maniacal sort of laugh that bubbled up his throat and refused to be kept in.
His hands dug into his hair. He pulled his hair and shook his head.
He was absolutely stunned.
Theo paced the entirety of his office/lab as he considered everything he saw. As a dozen questions continued to assault him. But the one he kept thinking about was the one Hermione had asked him at lunch.
Haven’t you ever wondered what’s on the edge of the outside?
Surely, this meant that whatever Granger was working on was as mind blowing as this was. And perhaps, whatever she saw when she touched the rock took her beyond Saturn and it’s many rings.
What if what she found was something more prophetic? What if it was more magic?
Theo tore from his office minutes later and found himself running down the halls, his tie fluttering at his shoulder. Granger’s office was key coded, as was his and so, unable to just open the door, he began to knock. No, not know. He beat his fists against the door over and over.
Her door swung open just as he put all his force into the next bout of beatings and therefore found himself stumbling into her office, tripping over her in the process.
“Theo!” Granger squeaked and wrapped her arms around his torso.
His hands found her shoulders, but the momentum of his fall was too great. They both fell to the floor. With his body sprawled over hers, she grunted when her ass hit the hard floor.
“Ouch.” She moaned as her arms fell away from his torso and fell to the floor, spread wide.
Theo pushed himself up enough to look down at her. She had one eye squinted open, the other shut as she frowned up at him.
“Are you alright?” He asked, smiling sheepishly.
Theo rolled off of her and jumped to his feet. She remained sprawled on her back, arms and legs spread out as her chest moved up and down in rapid succession.
“What’s the matter with you?” Theo peered at her, closely. “Were you running?” He looked around her office/lab. It looked very much like his. It was a sterile room with a large labratory table that also served as a desk.
There weren't many luxuries in the Department of Mysteries, and therefore there wasn’t typically a place to sit comfortably. However, on one far corner of the lab, there was a small two seater couch. There was a blanket thrown over it and a pillow perched on a cushion.
Theo quite liked the idea of putting a couch in his own lab, particularly when the subject matter he was studying or working on was incredibly taxing.
Such as todays.
Recalling why he had barreled into Grangers office, Theo spun and faced the lab table, and realized there was a very similar piece of metal/smooth stone. Only, this one was larger and hollow!
“I was working.” She finally answered from her spot on the floor. “Are you alright?” She frowned up at him as he looked down. “I thought the Fire Brigade had shown up.”
Theo shook his head and held his hand out for her. She slid her hand into his and allowed him to lift her to her feet. She was light, and nimble as she got up.
“What are you doing here, then?” Her eyes suddenly looked alarmed, realizing that they were now breaking a very important rule. They were breaking the contract that they had both signed when agreeing to work as an Unspeakable.
She quickly shut her door and locked it and then turned to press her back into it.
“I -” He stopped and closed his mouth. How did he explain what he saw?
“You have one, too!” She hissed excitedly. She pushed off of the door and pressed her hands into his chest. She didn’t grab at him, like she did in the lift. No, she pressed her entire body into him as she whispered at him. “What did you see?”
Theo’s hands, instinctively, went to her forearms.
“I saw Saturn.”
Her brows furrowed, but she licked her lips with a hunger he knew well. That hunger for more knowledge. More information. More questions to ask. “Saturn? Like the planet?”
Theo nodded. “And a nebula.”
“A nebula?” She looked wild with intrigue. “What else?”
“I saw men and women and wands. I saw magic, Granger! What did you see?” His hands moved to her back. “I know you saw something mind blowing.”
She bit into her lip as she fought a grin. “I did.”
“Tell me!”
But she shook her head. “I cannot tell you.” Her grin grew and her eyes turned devious. “But I can show you.”
Theo stood beside Granger at her lab table and stared down at strange object. It was shaped just like his, except, it was bigger and had a hollow center. As if the piece he had could just slide right in, fitting perfectly.
The energy pulsing from this one was more palpable and Theo surmised it was in direct relation to it’s size.
She was practically bouncing on her toes.
“Tell me where it was found.” Theo demanded.
“In Keswick.” She paused. “Yours?”
“Beltany.” He glanced over at her and she nodded, encouragingly and bit down on her lower lip.
Without further encouragement, Theo reached out and that same charge between his fingers and the object sparked and seemed to draw his hand in, forcing the contact.
Theo was instantly pulled into a similar journey his mind took with the object in his office. But it wasn’t the same. Theo saw beautiful colors spawned from gases and the light reflecting off of it from all of the stars surrounding him.
He was beside himself with joy at the ability to witness such beautiful marvels without being burned or frozen, or imploding!
This journey took him beyond their galaxy and into something much more phenomenal. He got the distinct feeling that he was being pulled into a wormhole of sorts, for everything was only existing around him, and just beyond. But it kept going and going. More stars like their sun were burning balls of gas and around them were beautiful objects floating around them. Other planets! he realized as he continued through the worm hole.
But was there life on those planets? Did magic?
He was nearing the edge of this something. Whatever it was, a wormhole, a tunnel, a journey. And was suddenly pushed out of the vision.
He was breathing hard as he stumbled back from the object.
“What did you see?” Granger’s voice pulled his eyes away from the thing. He saw the light in her eyes and for the first time ever, Theo reacted to his wants and his needs.
He moved and stepped into her, lifting a hand to her cheek.
She sucked in a breath but she didn’t step away from him. Her eyes widened but there was something in her eyes that encouraged him further.
Theo lowered his head and kissed Hermione. Their lips met and just like with the object on the table, energy sparked between them, drawing them together by some otherworldly force.
And just like the object, their kiss took Theo on a journey into something new and beautiful. He hauled her closer to him, molding her against his body as he deepened the kiss.
Her hands moved through his hair, combing and testing the texture before settling at the nape of his neck. The tips of her fingers played with the shorter strands there, as if they had always belonged there.
He continued to cradle her face, his hand sprawling over the curve of her jaw, his thumb grazing her her cheekbone. His other hand pressed into her back and together they journeyed into the unknown of something new, something they had always thought about, but could never see themselves exploring. Just like the cosmos beyond.
When Theo pulled apart to catch his breath, she grinned up at him and pressed her cheek more firmly into his hand.
He smiled back at her and that was when he remembered her plea for them to work together. A potion, she had said once. But what if they didn’t need a potion. What if...?
“I’ll be right back.” He said, still slightly breathless.
Her brows pulled together but she didn’t ask him why, nor protest when he tore from her office.
He was careful to creep back to his office. Once inside, he locked the door and looked for something to put his own object into. The rock, or whatever it was, was about the size of a cat or a small dog. A small Weiner dog, he concluded as he shuffled through drawers. He could find no box nor bag that would contain the item and so, he grabbed his work robes and wrapped it up, carefully not to brush his skin against it.
The fabric of his robes was enough to cancel out the connection that seemed to be there with bare skin.
When he returned to Granger’s office, she opened after the first light tap of his knuckles.
He stepped in and quickly leaned over and kissed her again. Her lips tasted like berry Chapstick and her breath like butterscotch. He wondered if she had a bowl of candy hiding somewhere in here, but didn’t ask.
She looked down at his arms when they pulled apart and grinned at the way his robes were wrapped around his own object.
“You wanted us to work together on trying to find that answers to the unknown. To the everything.”
She nodded. “I’ve always wanted to work with you.”
“Same.” Theo set the object, still wrapped in his robes, onto her table.
There was a more powerful force of something thrumming in the air, now. So much so that it caused Granger to gasp and settle a hand over his arm, holding him back from the two object. They were on opposite sides of the table, now but there seemed to be some sort of subtle vibration occurring and Theo could have sworn that they were demanding to be put together.
Theo patted her hand in reassurance before stepping back up to the table. Carefully, he plucked the fabric of his robes and pulled it off of the item.
Granger stepped, nearly tripping, up to the table when she saw his piece.
“Can I?” She asked, her big brown eyes gazing at the thing like it was magic. Like she had never seen magic before.
Theo nodded and swallowed.
He watched as Granger reached a hand out and brushed against its surface. Her body stiffened and Theo realized this is what he must look like when he went into the visions. Her eyes were wide, but glazed over. Her mouth had parted as her jaws slackened. She remained frozen, like a statue. She barely breathed.
When she stumbled back with a gasp of air, Theo slid his hand around hers and hulled her into his side.
"It's...” she shook her head, and looked up at him in wonder. There was a hint of something in her eyes that looked like more than wonder. It looked like she had been touched by the hands of the gods. “The hands...”
She smiled a soft smile and then pulled her wand from her pocket. “Get yours.” She said and so he did. Together, with their wands in hand, their hands wrapped around one another.
“We need to join them.” Theo told her, matter-of-factly.
“By sliding yours into mine.” Granger said and immediately blushed at the innuendo.
“Essentially,” Theo grinned. “Yes.”
They stared at the pieces and hesitated for just a moment. Their hands each slid onto the pieces and braced themselves for the visions to bombard them. But they didn’t and Theo thinks it might have been because of their wands or their hands holding onto one another.
Their eyes met and Theo nodded while Granger smiled.
They moved the pieces close together, the pulsing of energy between them was strong, it was magnetic! as they practically glided across the table toward one another.
They kept their hands connected with their wands tangled into their fingers and their other hands on the metallic objects as they slid into place. The smaller one glided into the bigger, hollow one and as it settled there was a satisfying click as they melded into one another. It was quickly overshadowed as their bodies were struck by the visions that bombarded them.
In Theo’s minds eye, he could feel Granger beside him in the cosmos that was full of stars and gasses and magic. But it was more than that.
It was everything.
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liameowlia · 1 year
i discovered tumblr messed up and this post was not in fact posted lmao, thank god i saved the draft before hand.
warning: i tried my best to leave this as most spoiler-free as i could, but if you really don't want to know anything about the plot at all (not even vague things about it) just jump to my tldr.
i don't really have the brain-functioning hability to put into words everything i'm feeling about the miraculous movie right now, but i just wanna say i loved the movie.
i think it was GREAT, it made me extremely emotional and i'm really sorry that apparently not everyone feels the same way (and i super understand why they may differ from me), because i genuinely will hold this movie dear to heart, as a comforting piece of media to watch when feeling sad or needing a pick-me-up.
i know it seems like a joke, but this movie genuinely feels like a fix-it fic ksdksdkjk i feel like they really tried hearing the fans while producing this and it made me happy! i understand that some people are kinda mad that they did all these big changes in the movie and not in the show, and i agree that many of the aspects of the movie would be super satisfying in the show, but unfortunately it's all we got :(.
at this point i feel like the series is like a train on fire that the crew are trying to keep on track lmao. i say it as a joke, but i really do think that they've noticed how many flaws there are in so many aspects of the series and are trying to (maybe) fix them in a way that makes sense, while simutaniously going foward with the plot, but that's hard to do and will aways leave some unsatisfying things behind, and that's another reason as to why i liked the movie so much.
i know i'll unfortunately never get to have the "perfect" development or writing or plot or characterization or finale for the show, because of so many (big or small, objetive or personal) flaws there are inbedded in the show and how it has been biult up until now, but i can get pretty close to that with the movie. no, i'm not trying to say the movie is perfect, it's far from that, but watching the movie from the perspective of someone who's been watching the show since it frist aired, it made me really happy! i got to see a new version of the story, a new retelling, with most of the things i love being rearrenged, plus some new improvements, and best of all! it's canon! it's not in the same universe as the series, obviously, but still canon.
i feel like the movie made canon (parts of) a version of the story that i've always wanted for miraculous, it made it possible and true, not just frustated and sour daydream. it's canon, guys. i know that for many people that doesn't mean a lot, but for me it weirdly does. and i'm really happy about it.
i loved the songs, i love musicals, so sorry if you weren't pleased by that. i loved the designs, even though i did find adrien's art different from the series, so it took me a while to get used to (not bad, just different!). i did miss my marichat or adrien <3 marinette action, but it's fine bc it's a movie and they can't fit everything in there. i liked the pacing, but idk if that's bc i already know the basis of the plot, so idk if it'll seem rushed to someone that never watched the show. i have some other critiques and things i personaly would've changed/improved, but i mostly liked pretty much everything.
tldr, i guess (?): i loved the new miraculous movie, even though i undertand why some may not like it and have my own critiques about it. my rating is like 8/10, maybe even 9/10 depending on which aspect i'm talking about, from the perspective of a fan. i'd give it a solid 7/10 for those who have never watched miraculous before (maybe i'm being too generous bc i literally just watched it). i would definetly recommend you to watch it, even if you haven't watched the series before, no matter how old you are. hope you guys like it just as much as i did.
thank you for coming to my tedtalk and have a nice day, evening or night. bug out!
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celestialsonata7 · 1 year
I can buy Pat being the crooked man and the energy corrupting him, but I don’t like how they treated the actually development that led up to it, does that makes sense? He is entitled, has boundary and anger/ jealousy issues. I can buy that, but his arc I’m not sure if it needed more time or if it was because of how sudden his change was or because you grew to like his character through the series.
I didn’t like how they handled the whole “he is always been evil and is impossible for him to change and any attempts to change are useless or another form of manipulation” I think the series does a very good job at showing his perspective and making you feel sorry for him at tikes and even empathize with what he is going through to just be like “oh, he is just evil and has always been like that and when everyone thought he was dead nobody cared and resented him for still being alive”
(I acknowledge that what he did was 100% wrong, he did terrible things Nicole was in her right to hate him and be distrustful of him. He is a very scary person because guys like him actually exist in real life)
Is weird because I’ve seen other shows do similar arcs to this one where the villain that turned evil due to their own personal flaws, shortcomings and issues and somehow still being unredeemable and dying at the end, but still the narrative being able to show them some kind of sympathy or acknowledgement/understanding towards their issues and still having them be unredeemable and die in the end. Sadly I don’t think Pat’s character arc had rbis.
How do you feel about the way his character was handled? Am I the only one who feels this way?
Hello Anon! Thank you for asking this! I could launch into a whole essay about what I think about this. XD So I think I will. Strap in, folks!
For those confused, this is pertaining to the Netflix series, 'Raising Dion', and contains MAJOR spoilers, so be forwarned if you plan on watching it.
(I'd like to premise this by saying it's been a hot minute since I watched the show, so I'm sorry if my recollection of its events is a little fuzzy.
I would also like to state that I freaking looooove Jason Ritter, and his perfomance in this show is amazing as always, and the reason that the character arc of Pat vexes me so is that I felt they did Jason dirty.)
So, I absolutely agree that it felt like his whole reveal was definitely rushed through, which is really poor writing on their part considering they knew where they were gonna take the character from the beginning. They had all that time to work out how they wanted to present the character and he still didn’t feel fleshed out enough. They just wanted to make the twist so surprising for the audience for shock value that they made sure we would never suspect him until the reveal. I can buy that people lie about themselves, they hide certain traits and motivations, sure, but for him to do a complete 180 of his character was just too ridiculous, especially when you consider how irrevocably determined and devoted he was to his goals once the reveal happened. Either he’s a hurting and desperate man who’s only doing what he needs to survive, OR he’s an evil being bent on making others suffer, you can’t have it both ways.
I think the main reason Pat is so unbelieveable as a character is that they kept flip-flopping him. He would CONSTANTLY contradict himself; "Dion, always listen to your Mom, BUT also let's have pizza even though she said 'no'", "Dion, only use your powers for good, BUT also let’s cheat at this basketball game", "Dion, good guys are always true, BUT definitely lie about using your powers in public", "Dion, I'm happy you got superpowers and can fight evil, BUT it definitely should have been me instead because I was there and everyone else got powers so I should have too", "Nicole, I like you, however if you don't feel the same way, I'm okay with that, BUT how dare you kiss other guys when you should be with me", like, it's not even bipolar, it's just bad writing. His motivations and desires are constantly changing that it just feels random and disorganized and done on a whim. It felt rushed and random simply because you never know what he wants. He wants to be a good godfather and friend to Dion and Nicole but no actually he just wants to kill them, but no actually he'd never hurt them, but no actually he'd do anything for power. It just doesn't make any sense.
People can have major flaws and still be good people, and people can have good traits and still be bad people, but these traits usually line up with a person's motivations, i.e. "I need to survive but I'll try not to kill if I don't have to, and if I do have to it will upset me because I still value human life. If there was another way, I'd take it but there isn't and that sucks", or "I value YOUR life because I'm attached to you but everything and everyone else is meaningless to me and I have no qualms with ending them for my own gain". You can't have, "I wish I was a better person except just kidding no I don't", it doesn't work that way.
You can say that Pat's motivation from the beginning, to the very end, was power; all he wanted was power, that was his end goal, that was what he always strived for, but then his actions should back that up. If all he wanted was power, why did he waste his time raising Dion, teaching him how to use his powers, helping Nicole, being a good friend to her, working at his job, hoping for promotions? Why not just go out and collect all the powered people at once, keep absorbing people, keep gaining power? You'll say, "well he wanted to wait for Dion to get stronger so he could absorb more power, he needed to be close to Nicole to be close to Dion, he needed the resources of his company to find more powered people", okay, yes, that all makes sense. If that was what he was planning the whole time, then that shows that he's smart and conniving. So everything he did was in service to that main goal; he helps Dion become more powerful so he can take all that power for himself. But he inadvertently creates his downfall, he "dies", all his power is gone, over and done with. Then WHY come back to "warn" everyone of another rising threat? You could say, "he wanted to get his power back", okay, but how? He no longer had the power to absorb people and he didn't even know he COULD get it back, he just knew it was still out there killing, and if he DID know he could get it back, why not go to where the power is in the first place? Why bother with going back to the city and the job and the people that would never help him in a million years? He KNEW he would be shunned and arrested and locked up forever if he showed his face there, and without any power he had no way of escaping, so why go back? He also knew they didn't understand that power either anyways; a superpowered eight-year-old beat him, not the highly educated and technologically advanced company, so what did he think he could gain from going back there? We already know he's smarter than that, if the above is true. By all accounts it doesn't make sense.
You could say the desire for power solely came from the crooked energy, and season one was all just Crooked Man-Pat, and once that was gone the true Pat came back, and he really DID just want to help and redeem himself, fine. But then he should not have been capable of reverting back to Crooked!Pat at the end, before the energy was even back in him. If all he wanted to do was help, then the concept of being powerful would mean nothing to him. The desire for power, the deceitful nature, the entitlement and selfishness should not have been there while he was "trying to help". You can't be selfless and selfish at the same time. You can't be forthcoming and deceitful, you can't be humble and entitled. All those things contradict each other. Again, it doesn't make sense.
Another thing that really really irked me while watching the series was that, from the very beginning, it seemed like Nicole never really liked Pat anyway. She was ALWAYS cold and distant with him, as if she already knew he was bad news even when he was "trying" to be kind and thoughtful. I don't know if that was a directorial problem or an acting choice but it felt so unfounded and random, and it made all the "nice" scenes feel forced. Not to mention Nicole was far too quick to just accept that Pat was evil all along, it just pulled away from their relationship so much so that it felt like they didn't even have one, like the only thing connecting them was Dion. Again, I don't know it that was intentional, or even if anyone else felt that way, but that's how it came across to me and it made it really hard to connect to either of them. Honestly, it felt like Pat had more chemistry with Dion than with her.
The only reason I fell in love with Pat at the beginning, and continued to route for his redemption until the end, was because, as stated at the top, I love Jason Ritter. I've seen many of his roles and applauded all his performances and so yes, I'm biased, but as I'm sure everyone else can agree, he has a kind face, and plays enduring really really well. He gets cast as kind people quite a lot, so anyone that has seen him before will already feel a sense of comfort when he's on screen. I think that is really only reason that Pat is so likeable at the start, and possibly feels redeemable at the beginning of season two; because people see this kind face and can see him being capable of kindness. But it's all for naught because of the way that the show and character is written; there's only so much you can do with what you're given. The script of 'Raising Dion' was basically a mess of tangled Christmas lights that are impossible to untangle, and the more they tried, the more tangled it got.
tl;dr Pat's character was really poorly handled from a writing standpoint; nothing he did made sense and his motivations were all over the place and his character was never consistent. All that is an absolute, crying shame because Jason Ritter was amazing in it anyways and I wish I could have enjoyed it more.
I hope that answered your question, and if not I'm sorry. I've never really written my thoughts on anything like this before and again, it's been so long since I saw the show so I may have gotten some things wrong or misremembered some things. But I had fun writing this, it's been a while since I've written ANYTHING and I really really appreciate you wanting to know my opinions, no one ever wants that. XD Hope you have a lovely day, Anon!
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septembersghost · 2 years
been thinking a lot about our occasional bcs exchanges and wanted to ask you: what do you personally think about "gene" in 611 and 612? because, at least to me, they really tried their best to make jimmy even worse than he was in brba – and saul was veeery bad already. it's probably just my pov, but it felt like they were trying to convince us that he deserved thoss 86 years in jail and i can't wrap my head around it, because this kind of "morality" was never the point of this narrative universe. it's totally a me thing, but i look at jimmy going crazy after the phonecall (and i am not talking about the anger outburst which is very jimmyTM, i am referring to everything he does after that) or thinking about killing marion, and it rubs me the wrong way, i can't help it. he was always flawed and became an asshole and did awful things, but like that? never. and i just... i don't get it. not saying i am right, because i am emotional and have a hard time being rational, so i am 99% wrong tbh, but is it really agency if everything a character does seems like a excuse for the plot to go in a certain predetermined direction?
i know we've talked/lamented about kim and the erasure of her agency and how crushing the treatment of her as a means to an end felt (and i could rant/cry about the mishandling of her and why it feels particularly terrible forever), and in a couple of replies you've mentioned jimmy too, and i'm sorry for being so awful at responding to things lately, because i swear i read everything you say like this:
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i don't think you're wrong, but if you are, we're wrong together, because i completely agree.
my problem with everything that happened after point and shoot was that, not only was it rushed, it suddenly *felt* like writing. what i mean by that is, so much of the strength of the show was in how organic each development felt for the characters, how real it was as part of their journey. even when something was devastating or violent (chuck's death, mike and werner, nacho's fate, etc), it felt utterly honest for the story. of course that had to happen. fun and games is where this breaks for me. kim fidgeting in court only to announce she's quit the law feels written. the breakup scene...i desperately tried to understand that at the time, but it feels this way too, manipulative towards us as the audience in a way the show simply wasn't at other times. and then we get plunged into the gene storyline and very little of it makes sense (the stealing from the mall mishegoss remains incomprehensible and inconsequential lmao), but perhaps the more grievous aspect is that it doesn't matter. you could skip from the saul jump at the end of fun and games to him being caught at the beginning of saul gone and very little fundamentally changes because none of the wheel spinning in those episodes served any purpose to me, *except* to vilify jimmy. this then becomes a failure of plot - why does he need to be taken to this extreme? we know saul did despicable things, but also that certain lines weren't crossed, why go so far here? and the only answer is: to try to justify sentencing him to 86 years in federal prison, with no hope of parole (sorry to peter, who somehow doesn't seem to get that this is the reality of such a sentence). it's maneuvering pieces for a determined outcome, rather than fulfilling characters' arcs more naturally. "gene" ends up feeling more like a split personality than another mask over jimmy (you could easily argue he has a complete psychotic break in waterworks). kim is silenced.
a further problem then becomes, okay, if they needed to prove to us that jimmy could sink that far, they needed to do that in abq, before the full saul descent, show some worse nadir in jimmy himself, but they didn't because we, and they, loved him too much to go there. jimmy does many bad things, but keeps coming back from the brink. then we have an episode where he does the most unselfish thing he could do in being willing to die if it means kim escapes safely, and no time to process or recover from that, or see the two of them attempt to do so, before breaking them up. i know they described this as continually breaking him and stripping things away from him and kim leaving being the final catalyst, but it doesn't sit well with me because there's no room for it to develop, it's just a swerve. he goes from the most empathetic moment to utterly devoid? and then unfortunately they're boxed in by breaking bad and they couldn't concoct a more unexpected way to approach those parameters.
"is it really agency if everything a character does seems like a excuse for the plot to go in a certain predetermined direction?" exactly. and, sure, everything is written to take the plot to a certain place in a story, but we shouldn't be able to feel the seams of it and question its integrity.
what's unsettling to me is they spent six seasons humanizing jimmy and showing his vulnerability and exposing the heart underneath the colorful suits and the mask, only to then take us to a place where i have legitimately seen people interpreting him as worse than walt. which is insane and the wrong conclusion, but that shouldn't have been open for debate (much like i hate how certain audience members can now so easily blame kim for everything and claim she betrayed him - it's wrong, but can i see how they arrive there? yeah, and that's troubling). you can't undo character development like that in three episodes and have it feel right. those last few episodes undo them. we only have the shared smoke scene to reconcile it.
"this kind of "morality" was never the point of this narrative universe. it's totally a me thing, but i look at jimmy going crazy after the phonecall (and i am not talking about the anger outburst which is very jimmyTM, i am referring to everything he does after that) or thinking about killing marion, and it rubs me the wrong way, i can't help it. he was always flawed and became an asshole and did awful things, but like that? never. and i just... i don't get it." say that!!! one of my biggest problems with this is the moralizing aspect of it. brba never fell into that trap, and maybe you could argue it should've been ~morally~ harsher to walt and jesse (although, objectively, it's extremely dark, it's not necessarily about moral judgment so much as it is about consequence, fate, and transformation). walt dies, but he dies on his own terms in a blaze of glory. jesse's imprisoned and tortured, he'll carry those scars, both physical and soul deep, but he escapes. it doesn't hinge on moralizing at us in a literal sense, it's rather what you said before - this universe was never about balancing morality and choices with the justice system. it was about balancing those choices with yourself, those you love, and those you hurt.
the balance doesn't come, because jimmy and kim never even have a conversation. she is powerless and voiceless in the unfolding of these events. he only gets her to show up by making it seem like he might turn on her. and i know they talked about synthesis, i fully understand and appreciate the reclamation of his name, but (at the risk of belaboring this point, because I've mentioned it before), there's no reconciliation or middle ground here. saul lies through the truth by putting the weight of everything on his extreme trauma, jimmy then negates this altogether and give himself more credit than is even due for the heisenberg empire, and the depth of his trauma isn't acknowledged. it's unbalanced. it's seven cushy years at club fed or 86 in supermax, like...this show was so beautifully nuanced only for them to literally and figuratively end in strict black and white? there's a puritanism to it, and the ways in which jimmy and kim are "punished," that's unsettling. it's meant to be tragic irony - the lawyer who mocked the system is the one who will spend the rest of his life in jail - but feels clashing somehow to the more humanistic (and even mythic) elements inherent to both shows. it's not even that it's antithetical, i get what they were aiming for, but the purpose and heart of the story isn't ultimately served for me. and so much of that is due to the lack of space it had to breathe, and the rushed decline and whiplash manipulation of the characters, jimmy particularly.
this is long and i don't even know if i'm answering you properly or running in circles because this is what it's been like in my head for months. it's tormenting. i miss our show so much, it was my favorite and i still consider it a genius piece of television and an artistic triumph from the creative standpoint of the acting, the cinematography, the majority of the writing, but something fractured so badly for me by the end. i miss having more insightful/deeply felt thoughts about it, i miss its magic, and i miss the sense of comfort that it gave me, even in its tragedy. i know you understand that, and i wish i could help us reclaim it. when we'd say bcs is a ghost story...it haunts me, but not in the way they intended.
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heliianth · 2 years
this question might seem out of no where because you haven’t talked on it in a bit. sorry. just interested! related to ATLA: i know you agree with the choice for aang to spare ozai, but what do you think of the lion-turtle as a way to get there?? i know there are opposed opinions in the fandom
this is actually a really interesting ask and dw its not out of nowhere at all!! i just think i deleted some of the textposts i made abt it recently bc i feel like some of the stuff i say is redundant compared to other analyses. i really love talking about atla so asks related to it are always a hype moment for me c:
the thing about atla is a lot of people like to think of it as a perfect show with no poor writing choices or universally competent execution. this isnt true. its a really fucking good show and i’d have to nitpick to find more issues than i could count w my fingers. there IS a reason why its a cultural milestone and staple of modern western animation. but its not a flawless masterpiece.
the romance in the show is probably its hardest blunder and thats unfortunate considering its character writing is one of its most impressive strengths. the kataang and maiko relationships arent well-developed (katara needed more agency and emotional exploration, mais narrative function is providing zuko w a connection to his home in s3 and this doesnt lend well to being in a romantic relationship with him considering his home is abusive) and in general im not a fan of stories where young protagonists “get” their romantic interest and they stay together for the rest of their lives. a lot of things are also left unexplored, such as the nwt’s systemic sexism and aang’s racial trauma, which is unfortunate considering the latter is a huge informant of his character and his decision in the series finale
these things are all understandable considering that i think atla was written much in the same way someone might write fic: w a loose outline consisting of a few thematic ideas, important plot points, and a lot of wiggle room in between. since its been released on netflix, i think people have an idea that it was written like modern shows on streaming services, without acknowledging that it was a 2005 nickelodeon show airing on a cable network with months between premieres. many plot points were probably made up on the fly and needed to be condensed into a 20 minute isolated structure (excluding 2-parters) so each episode would have its own story structure and could be satisfyingly concluded on its own without the serialized problem of constant cliffhangers
the lionturtle is a symptom of these construction restraints/struggles. i do not hate it in the same way many people seem to, but i do think it feels rushed. some people have issues with yue in the same way, but yue’s connection with the spirits is less polarizing considering 1x19 and 1x20 are not the finales of the entire series. the lionturtle probably shouldve been given an episode of two more of development, and aang probably shouldve had more independence in his decision to seek it out. one proposition i have seen is that aang flees ember island to think on his own, and gets into some sort of hijinks that ends with him encountering it, perhaps by way of communication with the past avatars. i like this suggestion because its consistant with aangs character in the way that a huge flaw of his is that he is avoidant and will deny responsibility because he fears failure and loss. in this way, with more time on our hands, the lionturtle also forces aang to reconsider this about himself, which focuses his character arc around decision, agency, and duty. the energybending works really well with the preexisting theme that separation is an illusion—build on that to establish it a little while still keeping it mysterious for the huge ending fight. also talk about why aang is hanging onto his pacifistic beliefs. a lot of his motivation for this gets lost in translation (i would know, i frequent reaction channels, lmfao) and addressing that this is about preserving a culture of which he is the only surviving member of—addressing aang’s propensity for latching onto ideas and people out of grief—would add wonderfully to the refocusing of his character arc. energybending and lightningbending are both very thematically entrenched and metaphorically dense practices within the show, but the former needs groundwork, because all we have in the show is the conclusion of what it represents and not what its trying to say about aang as a person.
anyway. this is probably all over the place. tl;dr: i dont mind the lionturtle as much as other people seem to, but i think it was poorly executed and developed and couldve used a standalone episode to introduce it. that way the 4-parter series finale doesnt feel as rushed as it ends up feeling in some places, particularly the energybending climax. giving it more room to breathe would strengthen the audiences suspension of disbelief and make the themes it attempts to introduce/advance feel more thought out and purposeful. however, i understand why it was written the way it was, because of the way tv shows were made and presented at the time, which is also the source of other poorly executed moments and ideas within the series
anyway, dont hesitate to talk atla at me ^-^ i could talk all day !!!!!
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