#Sorry im going to be gushing about this concept for forever
minevn · 1 year
first ramble of many: im feeling insane but hear me out. i’d just read this reddit story, in which OP’s bf would bully them online, anonymously, with different accounts and platforms, resulting in OP turning to the bf for comfort.
in irl circumstances, this is gross af, obviously, but i genuinely feel like kei is the type to do this same thing if he’s dating mc. you know, with his hackerman abilities and whatnot…..
he does hate seeing mc hurt in any capacity; mental, emotional, physical, etc. but he also takes a sick pleasure in being the cause of a certain pain that’ll make mc see him as a safe/comfort object, even tho he’s so deeply ashamed of his actions.
the less rational part of his mind tells him that he only wants to show you that he’s safe! that at the end of the day, he’s in control of all of this, so he can get as personal or distant with the insults coming from “pinkluvr26” or “madrabb1t” as he wants. these people can’t be kei, your wonderful, caring boyfriend who’s been nothing but supportive this whole ordeal. he’s there for you no matter what; even if your enemy is actually him.
even if you do find out, it’s not like he meant any of that stuff! he loves you! he loves you so much that he’d give or do anything to get you to love him back 💕
Your brain is absolutely massive, just huge. Mega mind literally cannot compete with you. Honestly, rn I'm not going to write a drabble for this cause my brain is fried and for some reason I just don't have any ideas, but I would eventually LOVE to write something with this concept. (I'm also sadly not the best story writer. Scripts I think I write fine, but I hate my writing whenever I write a drabble/story. Anyways I'll be working on this juicy story slowly in the background<3) For now lemme gush and brainstorm some ideas for this because I'm losing my MIND over this.
At first I really struggled to see it because it is a really shitty thing to do and I just couldn't imagine sweet baby Kei doing something like that. But the more I read this and thought about this, he ABSOLUTELY WOULD! (Bro manipulated ME even though he's my character?? like what?) Even better, he'd pin it on one of the other Li's since he knows you're already being stalked. Haruto would even be an easy target to blame for saying really personal thing, since he's known you since you were babies. And Yani and Kage are not THAT subtle with their stalking, he could easily pin it on them. Maybe even a Kage and Haruto two for one special, where Kei pins Kage saying the information, but Haruto was the one that gave it to them(He could do this with Jun and Aki as well). And the twins, the twins would be so easy to frame, they're already jerks to you anyways. Kei could say some of the most hate-filled and hurtful things to you and frame them for it. Minato might be a bit more tricky but maybe if you and Minato were friends, he could blame Haruto telling Minato your secrets or making up lies about you, after all, Haruto has been known to do that stuff in the past. He's great at mimicking their texting styles as well so it's just even more believable.
This is so devious and awful but I can really see Kei doing this, like I can't get this out of my head. Like I know I just read this, but like I'm gonna be thinking about this for the rest of my life. I'm feeling insane now too/pos. Dude, you're brain is literally on another level, this is like, one of the best things I've heard. I'm literally so in love with this concept. I do think Kei would be one of the most dangerous Li's, like mentally and emotionally, Yani is def the most dangerous when it come to physical strength(and using it. Hoshi and Minato would probably be able to beat them, but also if Yani is fighting for you then nothing can stop her)
Like especially if you have a pretty big following, I think he'd put out more personal information or spread lies that way you lose your following and get more hate that doesn't even come from him, and he'd try to use that to feel better about himself as well. Like "I may have started this, but I stopped a while ago and only said one thing." or "I didn't even say anything rude."(Because he wouldn't have to, he would just have to get the info out with proof)
He would 10000000% feel guilty, I think it would eat away at him and maybe even make him more sick and twisted. Like you said, he feels guilty, but he does get pleasure from it as well. It would just further his beliefs that you NEED him. Even if you found out it was him, who else would you turn to if he ruined your social status, no one else would want to talk to you. But it's okay, he'll ALWAYS love you. Even if he didn't mean any of that stuff, other people definitely think that stuff about you now, but he doesn't. And if you think he DOES feel that way, well, he'll work on making sure you know he loves you eventually, but for now, he uses it to his advantage a bit. You can think he feels that way about you, and he'll say things like "But I'm staying by your side, no matter what." or "I won't let you go through this alone." just to make you feel even more grateful towards him. Because everyone else has left you. Everyone but your sweet, caring boyfriend Kei.
Idk if anyone here knows what smau's are, but I would love to try a topic like this with smau. Just in case you don't know what smau's are, they're "a type of fanwork where fans create graphics that look like social media accounts for fictional or RPF characters" I've been really wanting to work with that but I wasn't sure with what, but I might have an idea relating to this concept if anyone is interested.
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thecapricunt1616 · 2 months
capri. i have a request for carmy
(jokingly) sulking and moping when someone else gets the slightest bit of attention
he jealous boi when u give anybody else attention how dare u >:(
xoxo thank u mwah -🐁
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Mousey? Mousey mouse 🐁? Are you out there?? Oh Mooouseee 🧀🧀🧀!!! I’m so sorry this has rotted away in my inbox forever! I love this concept, excuse the formatting as I’m on my iPad (ya girl still doesn’t have a laptop but I’m working on that) I hope you enjoy either way! Xoxoxo As always if you enjoy pls like/comment/reblog, requests are open but no laptop rn so they will be shorter like this 🥹❣️
Warnings for BTC: smoking, swearing, pouty Carmy, no use of y/n, kinda short (sorry it’s hard to do this on an iPad im trying to get a new laptop this week 😭😢)
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I can totally see this happening when you’re invited for family dinner. Like, okay so in my mind you’ve been really busy with school/work/the usual boring adult things - but you finally have an evening off, and Carmy decides to invite you to come hang out with the crew and him since he loves showing you off, (let’s be real once Carmy has his one, he’s never gonna stop yapping abt you to everyone in his vicinity)
As soon as you get there everyone is gushing about your promotion at work or the fact that you made it onto the deans list because Carmy is constantly boasting about you. Marcus would pull you aside to have you taste a new dessert he’d been working on, Syd would ask you about the outfit you were wearing and talk about the next time you two would go thrifting together.
Carmy would hang around you the whole time, like a little lost puppy. You didn’t really notice, as you were too busy being treated like a guest of honor. Ebra would proudly show you his new system for making the window work faster, and Tina would proudly show you her new set of knives. You would finally notice that Carmy had been looming about when Richie pulled you to the dining room and after a few minutes of yapping about the new seating design he goes
“Yo- cus, aren’t you on family today?”
This causes you to turn around, “oh! Hey baby!” You’d say happily, leaning in and giving him a kiss on the cheek.
He’d scoff, the tiniest hint of a pout on his lips and a scowl to his brow “about fuckin’ time. Hey- nice to see you, am I chopped fuckin liver?” he asked, in that winey way he took on when he was broody and pouty.
“Oh Bear- stop the sour attitude, let’s go have a cigarette mm?” You tug him by the hand, back through the kitchen where he of course obediently followed your lead (he always did) You wave off the crew like gnats as you made your way through while they ask you questions.
“Going for a cigarette don’t bother us.” You ordered as you nudged the door open with your hip, tugging him outside with you. You gently pushed him against the door and brought your lips to his, planting an open mouth loving kiss on him as you rub gentle soothing circles into the white fabric of his T-shirt over his pecs.
When you pulled away his cheeks were pink and flush, he was a bit breathless, and his lips were kiss bitten. Of course he was speechless so you started,
“When you talk me up like the fucking queen is coming here for dinner and not just your girl, it causes for people to wonder if I’m really as spectacular as you talk me up to be, Bear. If you want us to be left alone while I’m here you gotta make me sound boring” you smirk a bit and he huffs a laugh, shaking his head and digging his pack of cigarettes from his jeans and patting them in the palm of his hand a few times before taking one out and popping it between his lips.
You flicked his lighter to life with your manicured thumb, lighting it for him and he took a deep drag before popping it between his fingers and pulling you to his chest with a gentle kiss to the top of your head. You nuzzled your face in his chest, closing your eyes for a moment and breathing in the scent of bergamot, honeyed tobacco, and oud of his cologne that stuck to his skin, along with the thick smell of original American spirits.
One of the things you loved most about Carmy was his affinity for being groomed and smelling nice. And even more so since he met you, he had started going with you and getting the male pedicure and manicure at the salon when you went so his hands and feet were always well taken care of. He also loved cologne collecting, and of course vintage thrifting.
You’d had many dates to thrift stores, as well as middle eastern cologne & perfume stores, which Carmy had introduced you to. He told you while living in Copenhagen he worked with a Palestinian man who always smelt absolutely amazing, and he asked him what cologne he used and he explained in the Middle East they use cologne oils since it lasts longer.
He had since gotten you on middle eastern perfumes and no matter where you went, you got the questions of what you were wearing - whether it be because of your amazing outfit Carmy helped you put together, or how incredible you smelt.
“Gimme some” you said gently, lifting your face and puckering your lips. He took a long drag before bringing his lips to yours, exhaling the smoke into your mouth as he gave you a slow sensual kiss. You inhale graciously, eyes fluttering shut and tilting your head back to exhale once he pulled away.
“So what’s f’dinner tonight, chef?” You asked and he smiled a bit, clearing his throat before saying
“Venison loin, with charred juniper cream gravy, plum compote, and twice baked smashed potatoes”
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Dc: @mouseymilkovich ily I’m sorry it was so short it’s hard to type on my iPad and format it 🥲
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boypussydilf · 10 months
i luv every doctor (im a two stan until i die, my parasocial relationship with the eighth doctor, etc etc) but i could gush about 12 forever and ever just look at him….. he’s a living thesis statement on nice and kind being different things like he is going to help ppl out of the genuine goodness of his heart but he is going to be terrible with the genuine punchableness of his face at the same time 💚 the silly way he moves and the silly way he dresses (over time he starts to look like hes wearing pajamas, and that is gold to me) . his face blindness, i mean im a “time lords in general are basically faceblind” truther but hes the only time its actually brought up. He doesn’t know he’s old 💚 the ending of his run!!!!! moffat oscillates a lot between “truly, brilliantly, fascinatingly understanding the doctor” and “misunderstanding the doctor and failing to get what makes them them by about a million miles” but thank fucking God he sticks the landing at the end with the doctor going out fighting to keep just a small town’s worth of people alive for even just a tiny bit longer, and theres nothing Grand or Special about it it’s just kind. he gets such good stories too imo i mean we’ll see how much they actually hold up on a full rewatch but like….. clara is there and once she’s over her s7 weirdness she’s such a great concept for a companion… missy is there being my favorite incarnation of the master i mean yes theres Things To Consider about the way she’s written & characterized irt her being The Female Master but i don’t think she’s out of character or written poorly and also i love her your honor. bill is there. nardole is there. i love the husbands of river song & the return of doctor mysterio sorry to all the haters but i just have better taste than you. heaven sent literally exists. yeah parts of 12’s run are clunky but nothing is perfect ever so it’s not that big a deal and in conclusion worldwide appreciation for Peter Capaldi as the Twelfth Doctor NOW. that’s My Doctor.
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billhaderlovebot · 5 years
willy mclean hcs
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ah yes. it is time for another hannah and molly headcanon extravaganza. we've been thirsty for this hoe all damn week. @gazebros
you think you know willy the first time you meet him properly.
in fact, you do know him.
you've seen him around, verbally abusing pool-goers and smoking pot on his breaks.
you've never crossed paths other than the one time you asked him where the toilets were and he blew smoke in your face.
but the first time you meet him properly it's kinda an accident, in that you weren't looking for company.
you'd just broken up with your extremely long term boyfriend that week.
u have a child together.
it wasn't a toxic relationship and it didn't end on bad terms, and you loved each other very very much, but you both agreed that you'd grown apart and you'd be better as two seperate people.
plus, you needed to keep it cool between the two of you for the sake of your son.
nonetheless, it was a bummer.
you were the only one left at the pool, and it had long since closed. you'd been sat on the side, watching the ripples and ignoring how cold and dark it was getting. the only source of light came from the LED's on the bottom of the pool.
and willy came out of the weird room thingy he sits in while people are swimming.
"we're closed, man."
probably the biggest joint you've seen since college in his hand.
"yeah. sorry. lemme get in on that, though."
you reach up to take the joint from him and he shrugs and hands it to you.
"you good?"
"just broke up with this guy, um, we've been together since... i don't know, fuckin, forever. im sad, i guess. he's staying with his mom."
"oh, worm. i can get my bong."
and you don't know why you find yourself telling this random guy everything.
but you talk and smoke for hours.
willy is like a breath of fresh air.
you can't remember the last time you'd laughed until your ribs hurt.
and you've told each other like
everything there is to know about everything
and in this moment you actually feel like nobody else knows you better in the entire world
even though you've only been talking for like four hours.
by the end of the night you're basically sat in his lap.
you're so close that your lips almost touch when you light another joint and pass it between you.
and you hear his breath hitch
and his eyes are dark.
"your ex didn't give you syphilis or anything, did he?"
"no. why?"
and then suddenly his lips are on yours and he's holding your face in his hands.
and all you can feel is him
and its Perfect.
and he's warm and soft and you fist your hands into the front of his stupid poncho
and you have to go back to your apartment to fuck because he doesn't have one oops.
and you get there and you apologise for the mess because you've not been in a good place lately.
"dude i live in a fucking pool don't even worry."
thus begins Friends With Benefits.
the best sex you've literally Ever had in your life along with the best weed and the best 4am talks and a guy who talks to you like you're a normal fucking person for Once.
Willy McLean E*ts P*ssy.
you pull his hair sometimes
nothing extreme jus a light tug yknow
but it drives him Insane
he Loves It.
he doesn't dirty talk a lot but he's very vocal. like he's not one of those guys where it feels like you're fucking an ice sculpture. he actually like makes noise.
and tells you what he wants.
so it's just u guys hanging out and fucking for like a long time. and it's good. it's great.
no commitment or anything it's pretty chill.
you go off the radar a few times a week to spend time with your son, who's currently living with his father until you get your life in order.
one night, after sex (it was during the shining bc that movie is Long so y'all jus ignored it n Got On With Things) willy is watching you sleep.
he's watching you exist.
he just watches you for the longest time.
his heart melts when you subconsciously shuffle closer to him and bury your face in the crook of his neck.
and he realises that the feelings he has for you run deeper than he thought they did.
he realises that he might maybe a little bit love you.
you're so strong and you would do anything to protect your kid and you're not afraid of looking stupid and you make him laugh like nobody has ever made him laugh.
also the sex? 😔👌
he thinks you're probably the most wonderful human being in the whole world.
you didn't plan on introducing willy to your son.
because you didn't think it would ever be anything serious and therefore not have an impact on his life.
but it had to happen at some point.
and one day he gets in your car and there's this lil curly haired toddler in the back in this lil car seat.
"uhh. we have to go sign him up for preschool."
you'd forgotten it was almost august.
willy is really nervous because he's sure he smells of pot and he doesn't really know what to do around kids.
but elias is surprisingly quiet and he giggles along to whatever dumb shit you and willy are talking about in the front seat even though he has no idea what you're saying.
willy falls even harder for you when he watches you ruffle elias' hair and kiss his head.
and elias really likes willy's poncho.
and when you get to the school and the secretary starts gushing about what a cute couple you and willy are
willy Loses His Mind
and he's about say something
but you're like "thankyou so much!🥰" and take his hand and the paperwork she gives you and drag him into the waiting room.
"we are a cute couple."
he pretends not to notice when you don't let go of his hand for the rest of the day.
because you fuck and have been fucking for a while but this is Soft.
and you pretend not to lose your shit when willy picks up elias and you look at them both together, giggling like idiots and realise that they're all you need.
a couple months later, when the pool closes for the winter months, you realise you haven't seen him in a couple days.
which is worrying, since he lives at the pool um-
and so you go there
n he's just
jus sittin.
"hey, babe."
"hey, where have you been?"
"just around. come sit."
and for a minute it's normal. you're talking and laughing so hard that your sides split and kissing (ft inappropriate touching)
and it gets a lil cold and he puts his obnoxious knitted poncho over you.
and he looks at you for a bit.
and you barely hear it when he whispers
"i think im in love with you."
and oh
oh fuck.
of course.
and you love him the fuck BACK
but he takes your stunned silence as rejection, mumbles some garbled apology and stands up to leave.
you run right after him, though.
it's something straight out of a romance movie, he thinks, when you spin him around by his arm and pull him down to your lips by his collar.
"i love you too. so fucking much, will."
that night you invite him to stay over.
"isn't elias staying with you right now?"
"yeah. he misses you. he keeps asking about the poncho man idk"
when he wakes up the next day after watching two and a half hours of paw patrol with your son (he kept him entertained, seeing how exhausted you were, and allowed you to nap.) you're not there.
he heads into the kitchen where you've sat elias down with a bowl of cereal and you're dancing around to whatever's playing on the radio.
and he sees a box of his stuff next to the couch. everything he owns. you must've gotten it from the pool while he was asleep.
"what's going on, baby?"
"shit, yeah, um, you're moving in."
his heart explodes
and he's trying so hard not to cry
at the concept of having a home
and with you, nonetheless.
he's sure he's never been so in love.
but he cries anyway, when your back is turned, when he thinks you don't know.
he Loves You.
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taehyungsgrowl · 6 years
okay but do you want a soft/smutty sojourn!michael concept? He's all bruised and bloody and has cuts all over his torso/legs from various forest debris (bitch is a mess basically) and because he's at his lowest point, it's taking his magic a little while longer to heal him. So, you take him in and care for him, get him to take off his shirt, which he does, to your surprise, with no hesitation. You clean his wounds and he's so grateful to you and so touch starved he kisses you, sweet smut ensues
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um I always want soft/smutty concepts i’m a soft hoe! Also! Not to make everything about astrology but uh my cancer moon would nurse that boy back to health I’m 😪 plus sojourn!michael is my favorite! I love that dirty binch! also sorry im very slow @ getting to writing asks :( okay wowow i’m done talking now!
You couldn’t believe the condition you found him in. Torn clothes, covered in dirt, bruises and cuts.
It took some convincing, but after finally getting him to agree to let you help him, you had him perched on your bathroom sink, legs dangling off of it, as you stood in between them.
You took his face in your hands, assessing the bags under his eyes and hallowed cheeks. It had clearly been a rough few days for him.
Your hands hovered over your array of tools; alcohol, water, aspirin, cotton balls, band aids, you named it. Running a white wash cloth under hot water, you delicately sponged at his face, wiping away a layer of dirt.
Michael doesn’t even realize he’s leaning his face into your hand. Relishing in the way the warm cloth feels against his skin. So inviting, so enticing.
He closed his eyes until he felt you remove the pressure from his face. His skin looked softer and clear, but the purple halos beneath his sea glass eyes still prominent.
Dried blood that has seeped through his shirt made it cling to his body. You internally cringed as you imagined the potential infection.
“Take off your shirt for me,” you instructed while drenching a cotton ball in alcohol.
He moved slowly, he felt his muscles ache from the movement. He’d never felt so weak before.
Your eyes dance across his bare chest, once he discards the shirt. Dark purple bruises and shallow cuts were scattered throughout his torso. Your hand went to touch a bruise that resembled a heart, adding the slightest amount of pressure to test the tenderness.
Keeping your eyes on Michael as you did, you noticed the little gasp that escaped his lips.
“How bad does it hurt?” Worry dripping from your voice.
Michael shook his head, “‘s okay, p-please keep going.” His voice was hoarse and dry.
You could feel his warm breath on your head as you tended to his wounds. His abdomen would sink in with every sting he felt on the surface. Your free hand was place on his side, keeping him steady. You took the liberty of gently rubbing circles on it, to try and ease him.
“This might hurt a little,” you warned as he stood over you. You examined his thigh and the large gash that ran across it.
Being on your knees before this man who was down to nothing but his underwear made your mind cloudy. You purposely diverted your eyes from his rather large bulge, but even that was hard when you were eye level with it.
“Thank you,” tears coated his eyes, once you got up. “I don’t know how to thank you,” he swallowed hard, fighting any tears.
This boy was so broken, not only physically, but it was obvious he had endured a lot of trauma. You couldn’t help but want to be okay. His eyes held a certain depth and burden that you wanted to wash him clean of.
Without thinking, you wrapped your arms around his waist, and buried your head in his chest.
He groaned at the contact, feeling his bruises throb. You pulled away just as fast as you had touched him, “I’m so sorry,” you felt your cheeks hot, embarrassed.
“No, no, no,” he stammered out, “please it felt nice.” It was true. Your embrace made him feel secure and welcomed. Even with the dull pain of his injuries.
He saw the hesitation in your eyes and hugged you as tightly as he could manage. He knocked the breath out of you, but you let him hold you.
Michael was the first to pull away. He watched your face closely, his attention on your lips. Licking his own lips, imagining what yours must feel like.
Cupping your face with so much care, he leaned closer, ghosting his lips over yours.
You weren’t breathing. The anticipation killing you. “Kiss me,” your own voice surprised you.
And he did. His kisses were unsure, getting used to the way they contoured against your own.
The heat of your kiss grew and you felt him smile against your lips. To Michael, that felt like the first real smile he’s had in a long time.
He stepped forward, making you press your ass against the sink. His hands were everywhere, on your sides, under your shirt, on your breasts; it was like he couldn’t decide where he wanted to touch you. He wanted to feel you everywhere.
You followed his example and gingerly danced your fingertips along his body. You were met with the waistband of his underwear, slowly inching your hand inside, when he broke the kiss.
His eyes were a shade darker. The richest blue you’d ever seen; it made you want to dip and swim in their intensity forever.
Without saying much, you both stumbled out of the bathroom and on to your unmade bed.
Michael’s head landed on your white pillow case, curls cascading his head like a halo. 
You hovered above him with care, not wanting to hurt him. Michael sensed your caution and took your hips, sitting you firmly on his lap. He squeezed his eyes shut for a minute as a sharp pain ran through his body by the sudden contact. “I’m okay,” he grunted. “I need you,” he almost choked out. 
You nodded hungrily, feeling his hardness beneath your denim clad core. Lifting off of him, you shimmied out of them and your panties, leaving your dripping cunt exposed to him. 
Before you even had the slightest touch of him, Michael moaned, taking in how wet you were for him. He felt lightheaded and hazy. 
The following all happened like a slow motion scene out of a movie. Lining your entrance with him, feeling the slight burn of him slowly inching deeper and deeper until you felt him in your lower stomach. 
Once you were completely filled with him, you didn’t are move so much as in inch. You both breathed slowly as your pussy hugged his throbbing member. Michael took many mental pictures of the way your lips hung open as his breathing hitched, causing a slight shift in his buried cock. 
Finally, fully adjusting to his girthy length, you slowly lifted yourself off of him almost completely off before sinking down on him again. 
He covered your thighs, his large hands painting a picture on your skin. They snaked their way back to your ass, groping it as you repeated the slow, lazy movement of your hips.
Each dip of your hips made your walls contract around him. He moaned and whined as your rolled your weight on him. His felt his dick pulsing as hair clung to his forehead, sticky with sweat. 
You paralleled your chest with his to catch him plump lip in between your teeth before kissing him. You tongue darted into his mouth, tasting him. The earthy groan that left him, transcended you into your climax. 
Gushing around his cock, you rocked onto him. The tightness of your flesh made Michael reach his peak soon after. He sponged kisses on your neck and jaw, sweaty foreheads pressed together. 
Rolling off of him, you made sure to inspect his wound to make sure no further damage was done. You saw Michael’s eyes flutter shut as your fingertips carefully outlined the bruises and traced his scars. 
His face looked so blissful and serene. His breathing began to slow and soon enough, he began snoring lightly. You pull the covers over his body and kissed his head. 
YEE YEE! Again, thank you so much for this concept. I really hope people like it because I really do?? and idk if its weird to say you like your own writing/work but im really happy w this one srry guys
Tagging: @codyfernss @1-800-bitchcraft @langdonsoceaneyes@maso-xchrist @sweetlangdon @michael-langdon-appreciation@dunc-donut @dvngers @heownstheuniverse @yourkingcodyfern@duncandimension @duncan-shepherd @michael-langdxn@ccodyfern @daadddysprincesss @wroteclassicaly @lovelylangdonx@xtheinevitableprophecyx  @cryptid-coalition@queenofthedarkandsparkles@queencocoakimmie @ghostiesbedroom @sammythankyou@ritualmichael @tickled–pinkmoodpoisoning @nana15774@missantichrist @americanhorrorstudies @et-tu-bitch @eternal-langdon @kykybright98 @starwlkers @icylangdon@thorsdiana @fernshorrorstory @avesatanormalpeoplescareme@flowersiren @gremlinkween @litenbaby @infernal-langdon @kissydevil @langdonsdemon @fireandreignmichael
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oathkeeper-of-tarth · 6 years
Some “Swordsmithing For Beginners And Experts” replies!
Tumblr really doesn’t seem to want me to reply to post and reblog comments, but here are some long overdue ones, as best as I could manage. Thank you all so much! As I’ve said before, this fic was kind of a big deal for me personally for a variety of reasons, so engagement with it really makes me happy - especially since, in my experience anyway, Bismuth-centric and Bismuth-heavy content tends to overall get a somewhat lower amount of activity.
tymp3st replied:
Ahhhhhhhh This was great, just Pearl and Bismuth and the huge divide between what was and what can be. That distance between them when Bismuth was brought back again and how quickly they start patching it up again. This is so sweet.
The distance and the patching up was something I really wanted to have work in that last big segment, so I’m really glad to hear this. These two and their relationship steeped in a shared complicated and often burdensome but also valued history is something I really love, and loved exploring here, and I especially loved giving them that promise of a future, they deserve it so much.
dontmindmeoverherejustreblogging replied:
That’s gay!! And incredible
Thank you! I am glad I was able to accomplish both.
@earthsgayestdefender replied:
You left me a whole entire novel and hit the AO3 comment character limit twice, I love you, bless. I still need to go through the whole thing and reply properly, bit by bit, because it’s an absolute GIFT and a fic writer’s dream, but I have to highlight:
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Agreed. Co-signed. Valid.
@ohtakudesu replied:
#Bispearl   #HI I LOVE THIS AND AM DECEASED   #spent the last few hours on the bispearl discord reeling over this fic   #I don't even read fics that often but op this is fucking great   #thank you for my life and my soul   #added ten years to my life just now op
Speaking of other platforms... you bet I saved those discord comments into a doc for easier access for cheer-up reading during crappy days. THANK.
@jeejyboard replied:
#bispearl #it's good fic brent #this shit kills me like how much yearning can you fit into one tiny little wispy lesbian #bismuth is a little more explicable but still it's a stretch
Jeej my pal my bro your comments never fail to kill me.
@alliealliealcomfree replied:
# this is amazing! # i love how these two interact #and the mixed feelings about Rose #and the history between them #Bismuth and Pearl are so cute together
I will have you know that “mixed feelings about Rose” is the title of my hot new mix(hahah)tape, check it out.
(There is no mixtape, I’m sorry, only the sound of my tears.)
When that Dove short came out with the “I value our history” bit I just about ascended.
@nacrepearl replied:
#wow i LOVE BISMUTH AND PEARL #thanks oath for this life giving word meal
Bispearl content isn’t super abundant and I’m a great proponent of MAKE IT YOURSELF so I had to. I just had to. It took me a while but I did it, and I am glad I did. And I’m really glad you liked it.
@ajora replied:
#this is absolutely lovely to read all-together #and you know me I'm always down for examining Rose's effects on everyone around her #otp otp otp #ALSO: I was hardly suffering jsyk #ALSO: I do like the section naming scheme
I’m glad to hear it holds up as a whole even after me sending it to you rather piecemeal over the past few... who even knows how long. The section naming is legit one of my favourite things about the fic personally, hah, I am proud of it to a rather silly extent.
@starsailorstories replied:
Not only is this that sweet, sweet Bispearl/Bismuth being loved and appreciated content, I'd like to present you with your lifetime achievement award for contributions to the field of gem hurt-comfort
Not done gushing, I love the way you write Bismuth dialogue, it's so like...brisk and jaunty with just the right edge to it but always coming from that gooey center of the team place. I love it I love her
I am extremely honoured by that award, especially coming from you!
And yes! It’s a BISMUTH fic we need to have that proper wordplay as well as horribly cheesy puns in there! And as a BISPEARL fic it is absolutely necessary to include communicating concepts via relating them to swords and the making thereof. It’s the rules.
Bismuth, I feel, has a very distinct voice AND attitude AND way of expressing herself in general, even as we haven’t yet had the chance to spend as much time with her as some other characters, and getting it down right was very important to me. And there’s stuff like her being noticeably less literal than other Gems, and more prone to using both Gem and human idioms (and as evidenced by her pep talk to Steven in Legs, savvy enough to be able to switch between them at will). Speaking of pep talks, she’s an absolute master there and I love her. I believe Ian JQ said that “gooey center of the team” line on the Bismuth podcast ep and I am forever grateful to him.
Also just. Here, a random moment I just thought of that got me all feelsy. Look at her lovingly and longingly looking out at her friends and waiting to be reunited with them. That really tiny smile. I love her.
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And this moment that breaks my heart into tiny pieces, when she was convinced she’d blown her second chance and that the people she so loves and who she was prepared to go to such great lengths for don’t want her around anymore:
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Nng. Just. So much about her is related to loyalty and community and mutual support and she is so full of love and goopy feelings, while at the same time absolutely being loud and brash and a damn legit fighter and passionate revolutionary, with a definite edge and a large well of (absolutely righteous imo) anger, and she will destroy you if you endanger what she stands for and who she stands with. And the damn “she chooses to build up people instead of building palaces” metaphor that I shall continue to put into everything Bismuth-related I produce as long as I live. I love that. I love her so much.
Aaaaanyway, moving on from that little digression, I’m also flattered by the displays of faith in me, like seeing a reblog tagged with (cheers @altostratusplunge, whom tumblr now won’t let me tag, great):
#i havent read it #will read afyer rebloggimg #but i trust you as a writer and i bet this is gonna be so Good
Trust is a rare and precious commodity and I will have you know I am touched.
Once again, a great big thank you to everyone!
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jeonginify · 4 years
i cannot tell you how much ur jeongin fic has been stuck in my mind all day. like how the emotions are so REAL and i feel it in my chest — and it’s such a simple concept, but the way you write just ties it all together. again, it’s so simple yet so intricate, like every word was carefully selected and serve a purpose within the storyline; i know im going on and on but for sure you’ve become one of my favorite writers and im so excited to see what the future brings you!!
hello!! this ask has literally been sitting in my inbox for forever, not because i didn’t want to answer it but because its quite possibly the nicest thing anyone has ever said about my writing 🥺 i’m so sorry that it took me so long to respond but i can’t even put into words how much this ask means to me! i’m so so so glad that you felt what i was trying to convey with my writing, and i could listen to you go on and on about my writing because it means the world to me 😭 i can’t even express how much of a compliment it is for you to tell me that i’ve become one of your favorite writers ever when you’ve only read the measly one piece of writing i’ve posted but regardless i could gush on and on about how much this one ask means to me! i’m not even kidding when i say i’ve thought about this ask every day since you’ve sent it and i probably will continue to think about it for a long time too 🥺🥺🥺 thank you so so so much for taking the time out of your day to tell lil ol’ me how much you liked my writing ❤️❤️❤️
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