#Sorry this was short
fcthots · 1 year
Let me describe heaven to you: Sitting on Jason‘s lap with your head buried in the crook of his neck and one of his arms holds you close to his chest while he scratches your head with his free hand. (Also cockwarming when either of you are in the mood)
Anon you're so fucking right. I can't.
Like it doesn’t always involve cock-warming but when it does, he gets so excited. Like he loves the physical touch aspect, and he loves that it makes you feel safe, wrapped up in his arms. He loves it when you make whiny little noises into his neck and he gets to coo at you. He loves bouncing you every once in a while so you grab onto him.
I am in love.
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⋆ ₊☽˚𝓵𝓸𝓷𝓰 𝓱𝓪𝓷𝓭𝓮𝓭 𝓵𝓸𝓿𝓮 𝓵𝓮𝓽𝓽𝓮𝓻𝓼˚☾₊ ⋆ 
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𝓼𝓾𝓶𝓶𝓪𝓻𝔂 : you and coryo had gone through hell and back, you've been together and far apart yet you could never find the courage to say how you truly feel for him. so, you wrote them into letter form, but you never sent them. and so what happens when one mr. snow finds each and every letter only to realize that it's too late?
𝓽𝓻𝓲𝓰𝓰𝓮𝓻 𝔀𝓪𝓻𝓷𝓲𝓷𝓰𝓼 : written in letter form from the readers perspective, talks of jealousy and sad feelings, r is definitely from the capitol
𝓪/𝓷 : tbh, i have SO many other things i should be writing but this idea popped into my head and so i've been writing it when i have time in between classes and other stuff so here ya go, hope you enjoy!
𝓷𝓮𝔁𝓽 𝓹𝓪𝓻𝓽
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⋆ ₊ ☽ ·˚𓍲⋆ 𝓹𝓪𝓻𝓽 𝓸𝓷𝓮: 𝓽𝓱𝓮 𝓶𝓮𝓷𝓽𝓸𝓻 ⋆𓍲˚· ☾ ₊ ⋆ 
Dearest Coryo,
Congratulations on making the top twenty! I am so proud of you darling! 
After everything that we’ve been through, you deserve it. I am sure that the Plinth Prize will find its way home into your hands so you can pay off your family's debts and so you can finally take me out on a proper date.
I know that I will be there in person to congratulate you at the reaping ceremony but I just wanted you to know that no matter what, I will be cheering you on from the side lines. 
You know, the first letter I ever wrote for you was way back when we were kids during the war, right? 
Me and my family had just fled to our safe house in the mountains and I was wondering how you and your family were doing. Then of course, news of your fathers murder spread even into our small cabin in the middle of nowhere. Of course, my first instinct was to pull out parchment and a pen and just write, write, write. 
And write, write, write I did. I somehow ended up writing 30 pages of parchment front and back recounting every single moment we had until that exact moment. From the first time we met at the tender age of three at a family dinner, to the first moment we played at the park together. Even now, I still remember the ache of my wrist after writing for nearly the entire afternoon. My mother even helped me bind the collection of letters into a book for you, do you remember that?
Or well, I suppose you don't see as I never sent the letters. Something in my chest just never let my hands grab the letters where they lay hidden in my room, underneath my bed. My heart never left those pages though, and as I write this letter I feel my heart once again pouring into every dotted i and crossed t. 
I have no doubt that this letter too will never see the light of day just as many other letters I have written over the years have. It is quite the affair after I finish a letter. I feel as though I have accomplished something by immortalizing my feelings and memories into these written pages of paper.
Anyways, I love you and I am just so proud of you my dearest Coryo.
Your Biggest Admirer
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Dearest Coryo,
I am so terribly sorry for you. My heart aches just knowing that you got so close to the Plinth prize only for Dean Highbottom to rip it out of your grasp and shred it into a million pieces right in front of your eyes.
And not to mention, the new mentorship you are expected to undertake, I mean do they not know who you are. 
Coriolanus Snow, the brightest, most intelligent, most caring, and most loving student at the Academy, a school known for the rich snobby kids who pay their way up to the top.
You’ve worked so hard to get to where you are today, even your cousin worked so hard just to help propel you to where you are now darling.
I believe that it is an utter disgrace to the Academy name to have students such as ourselves, though one could argue you are from another world entirely compared to us plebeians, to mentor district scum. Not to mention, they think it will be a challenge for you to tame that wild Lucy Gray Baird. 
Sure, you may get nervous but I know you will pull through. After all, Snow lands on top right?
Although, sometimes I wish that Snow would land on top of me. Oh to feel you hovering over me as you kiss me tenderly or passionately. To be honest I would take either of the two. 
It is quite ridiculous, and embarrassing really, how gorgeous you are. I often find myself staring at you from across the room. Your deep blue eyes focused on the assignment or task at hand, sometimes your eyebrows would pull together when you are concentrating on calculations or deep in thought. Your nose would scrunch, adorably, and your lips would forma tight line when you stumble across a particularly hard problem. 
But you never stop trying, it's why I love you. You’ve worked hard to reach where you are today, never bribing people with long winded promises or money. You always worked for what you got, even if you didn’t have to put in all your effort. 
The fact of the matter is that you’re brilliant Coryo. Even when we were young, I remember there was a time when we were playing hide-and-seek and you just knew me too well and found me within five seconds. 
And see that’s the thing, you remember. You always knew exactly what to say to make me laugh when I was crying, what to do when I was furious, and especially when I was sick, you’d bring me flowers and snacks while I lay too nauseous to even ask anyone for food. You truly know me too well.
Just like I know you. Or atleast, I like to think I know you better than say Clemensia. I know that you prefer tea over coffee in the mornings no matter how many espressos you drink with Felix. I know that you dislike strawberry shortcake no matter how many people rave about because you dislike cake. And I know that no matter how hard to try it, those bright blue eyes of yours can’t hide the hunger you have. 
Most importantly though, I know you hunger. Money, power, glory. You thirst for it and I just know that through this mentorship you will be satiated and heavy with happiness after. 
I will cheer you on, no matter what Coryo. 
Your Biggest Admirer
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Dearest Coryo,
It’s been awhile, hasn’t it?
You’ve been quite busy though so I understand. You’ve really taken into this mentorship, haven’t you?
Not that I blame you, everything you’ve ever wanted is right within your grasp as long as you prove to Dr.Gaul and co. that you are deserving of the Plinth prize. But, that also means that you have to do everything you can to also prove Dean Highbottom wrong. 
Of course, that also means that we haven’t really been together in quite a while. 
Not that I mean it in that way it’s just, I miss my best friend sometimes you know. 
It’s been a blessing to have grown up with you. And to have found you after the war. You are after all, still my Coryo. 
But of course, because I know why you’ve been busy so I guess I’ll let it slide as long as you let me treat you, and Tigris and your Grandma’am, out to dinner when you win that prize. Once you solidify your future with me. 
Of course, not in that sense, but as in we can attend the University together and take this country by storm together. 
I’ve noticed that you and Lucy Gray have been quite close. It was sweet of her to not leave you for dead after that awful rebel bombing. 
Did you know I visited you in the hospital as soon as I heard? 
You were laying there, skin all sickly and sticky. There were tubes and stuff hooked up into you. The doctors said that they would help you heal quicker so of course I thought nothing of it. And now you are better. 
Me and Tigris never left your side in that hospital bed. Sometimes I wonder if you had heard all of my ramblings as I say there beside you in that dingy hospital. 
I wonder if you felt my hand as I stoked it back and forth waiting, pleading really, for you to wake up. 
I wonder if you felt my hands as I wiped the sweat off of your forehead and handsome face as I cried for you. 
I wonder how it felt for you when you woke up and I wasn’t there. You see, Gaul and Highbottom had asked me to step in your place to soothe wild Lucy Gray before she performed on stage. I’d like to think it was because they both knew how close we are. Or perhaps they thought it proper torture to remind me just how much you needed this win and how willing they were to keep you from it. 
Regardless, I still begged Lucy Gray to perform with a guitar from my family’s collection that had been requested by you. 
And I’m glad that we had a common shared interest, you. 
It may have been too much of a shared interest between you and her because I saw you two at the zoo tonight. I left before you two could notice me but the burning ache in my chest left a scar that wouldn’t heal. The way that you cradled her fear ridden face. The way that she tenderly took your hand as you wiped her tears away with your mother handkerchief.
Do you like her!??
But regardless you are my best friend and I just want you to be happy so I’ll pretend I never saw anything, promise. 
Anything for you, right?
Anyways, the Games are tomorrow and I hope the odds are ever in your favor Coryo.
Your Biggest Admirer
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Dearest Coryo,
You did it! That Plinth prize is as good as your darling. I'm so proud of you, I mean this is huge, it's your ticket into the presidency. Now, not even Dean Highbottom can catch you now. I hope you unleash your bitter fury onto all of those who doubted you and show them truly how Snow lands on top. Some people just seem to gossip as they please, talking about your too tight shoes and your tile buttons but none of them can take this win away from you Coryo.
Goodness, the way you lit up as you won. It kind of hurt though when you didn;t even spare me a second glance after you won. You and Tigris just looked so relieved and happy which made me happy for you. That all that mattered to me at that moment, you happiness. You smile that nearly lit up the entire Capitol. Of course, when you turned to look at me with those warm arms of yours open for me to jump into you, I don’t think I’ve ever been happier.
And the feeling of you lifting me up, thanking me for supporting you through everything, kissing my cheek, I don’t think I’ve ever been more in love with you Coryo. 
The feel of your lips against my cheek lit up a light in my chest that I thought I lost when I saw you and Lucy Gray in the zoo that night. 
I’m just glad that now that the games are over, we can forget this Lucy Gray and cleanse ourselves of the Games. She can go back home to 12 a hero and a leader and we can continue our lives as they were. 
Maybe we could even go out for a celebratory round of drinks, if you want.
Your Biggest Admirer
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Dearest Coryo,
Where are you? 
After your win it’s like you’ve just up and disappeared. Tigris has been talking about an eviction and losing the penthouse. I thought that the Plinth prize was yours?
Even Highbottom hasn’t said anything about your whereabouts, or well not to me anyway. But even Sejanus said he knows. 
Coriolanus, I’m worried about you.
There have been rumors that you cheated in the Games and got exiled. I hope they aren’t true. I know you, you’d never cheat and destroy your chances at getting the money. Highbottom, no matter how much we hate him, had a point with making the punishment for cheating in the Games severe. There’s no way you would stake your entire family and your home for some District girl, right?
You hate cheaters yourself, remember that one time that we were playing a card game and I had hid some of the cards in my sleeve to ensure I won? You didn’t talk to me for three months. You hate how Clemensia always takes all the credit for your partner assignments when you know damn well that her wrist has never known ache like yours. You hate how Felix has never even had a meaningful conversation with any of the people at political dinners yet he had more support than you did amongst the rich and powerful. You even hate that Sejanus’ family had so much money from a war that we suffered from only to be inducted into the very society their people had been at odds with.
Sejanus told me that you had given Lucy Gray rat poison to kill the other tributes with. He even told me that you retrieved him from the arena, killing one of the tributes. And he said that you had been exiled to 8 to serve as a peacekeeper.
That can’t be true, it just can't, right? 
I mean, even if you had been sent to 8, you would’ve at least told me right? And Tigris would’ve told me and your Grandma’am would’ve surely written to my father with the news. 
Highbottom and Gaul must be mistaken right? There's just no way in my mind that a boy as smart and sweet as yourself would throw away everything for some District clown in a frilly dress. There is just no way that you would’ve manipulated Gaul into letting her into her lab just so you could sneak in and make sure Gaul’s hellish snakes wouldn’t sic Lucy Gray. There is just no way that you snuck her your mothers compact full of poison to use in the Games. And there is just no way that you killed a boy in the Arena saving Sejanus, there's just no way?
There is no way that you would leave me here to rot all by myself in the capitol without the one person who has ever mattered to me. 
Regardless, whenever you come out of whichever hole you are hiding in, I’ll be here, waiting for you to come home.
Your Biggest Admirer
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this one was admittedly not as sad and its not too long but i hope you enjoyed! stay tuned for pt 2!
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cloudninetonine · 1 year
👀 request open?
I see this and wonder if I can request minish Four accidentally getting stuck in like one of empty potion bottles and getting found by the Player.
The noise that left your nose wasn’t short from amusement, your mushed lips and wide eyed fighting back the watery glaze that dared to cast over them not short from Four’s gaze as who looked back at you, unimpressed and scowling while he waited.
And waited.
And waited.
“I’m sorry, I just-” You burst into cackles, hunching over with an almost painful belly laugh before hacking violenting from the force. “Oh my god, I fucking can’t-”
“Just get me out of here!”
You couldn’t help it you just couldn’t- the scene was akin to something from a movie. Four basked in his minish magic the size of a dainty little field mouse, brooding and slowly boiling to seething in the confinement of an ordinary household glass. A fucking glass- when Warriors had come out of the kitchen squealing about a rodent in the premises of Four’s home, you expected a minish though more an actual mouse (could the Captain even see the Minish?) So, without further adieu, you waltzed into the kitchen to deal with it as Warriors continued to curse “They’re on me! They’re in my clothes!”
And you found Four.
Looking as embarrassed as ever, sitting under the cup in his little glass prison and who only shrunk more when seeing your evil little grin.
You weren’t gonna let him live this down.
“Okay- okay.” Giggling you reached out, grabbing the offending object carefully and freeing your tiny friend. “A fucking glass, how’d you manage that?”
“I don’t want to talk about it.” He huffed, hopping onto your hand which you lent to him. “And stop smiling!”
“I can’t help it!” You laughed again at his frustrated pout, “Awh, come on, Link.”
He turned away, his back to you as you continued with your giggles until they finally subsided your sigh light before you called his attention. Four only spared you a glance but it was still enough, your soft kiss enticing a surprised gasp from his small form before he shrunk again, this time to hide his flustered blush.
“There- you gonna stop throwing a strop?”
“I’m not throwing a strop.”
“Sure, that’s why you’re pouting.” He hardened his stare, “Oh stop it, it was funny.”
Four huffed, crossing his arms but stayed silent.
“...You wanna know what else was funny?”
At your second devious grin, the man raised an interested brow.
“Wars screaming.”
You both paused before bursting into little evil giggles.
Ah, blackmail, what an amazing thing indeed.
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tlou-reid · 1 year
Okay so your AFAB nonbinary Emily fic got me in my feelings. It was so good!!!
I have a request idea where the AFAB nonbinary reader starts dating Spencer and Spencer being Spencer is all reassuring and scientific like, “people have been using gender neutral pronouns for thousands of years. It’s completely normal.” And he likes to impress the reader with his research that he’s done after getting to know them
If that’s also too specific I get it
note 1: i love that you guys enjoy me writing nonbinary reader!! my best friend is nonbinary so being able to show love for your community means a lot to me <3 but did want to say i am not nonbinary and i encourage you to seek out and support nonbinary writers as well!
note 2: i am a full-time student so i am not spending a lot of time researching lol if this info is wrong its bc it was from a quick google search
Send more requests here
All Spencer could do was smile as you were rambling about your gender identity. He loved listening to you talk, almost as much as he loved the blush on your cheek as you told him how you preferred gender neutral pronouns, and how you viewed yourself. "Honey," he chuckled as he cut you off, "I understand."
"Okay because," you rushed out, "I've just been thinking about this a lot and I know some people think it's weird or wrong or doesn't exist or stuff." Your voice fell as you finished. Your heart was pounding in chest. You knew Spencer would never judge you, he was the kindest man in the world. But Spencer was just the first step. After coming out to Spencer, there would be never-ending cycle of coming out. Friends, families, coworkers, doctors, everyone. It was overwhelming.
"Did you know gender neutral pronouns have been around for a very long time?" Spencer inquired, cutting off your train of thought. "It's dated back to the 14th century, at least the written record is. The first recorded use was a French poem about a pair of brothers. One turns into a werewolf, he saves his brother from his uncle that is trying to kill him."
All you could do was listen to Spencer spew facts he had memorized. You offered a "really?" and let yourself be comforted by both his voice and his knowledge.
"Really!" he exclaimed as he continued, "And while not completely correct as Native culture varies from tribe to tribe, there is a general idea of a 'Two-Spirit', of someone who is neither male or female. The idea of this can be hard to describe as the definitions available have been made to fit traditional western culture, and Native American culture has different rules and roles attributed to gender."
He barely let out a breath as he finished, "And, after all, gender is nothing but a social construct. What you define gender as is even different from what I define gender as. We all have our ascriptions based on our own personal education, experience, values, and perspectives. So whatever you choose to identify with is completely and totally up to you! I will do whatever I can to make you comfortable, I hope you know that."
A pleasant smile spread across your face, "I do know that." He leaned forward, said a quick "good", and pressed his lips to yours briefly. "I love you."
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outsidersheadcanons · 2 months
headcannons for Johnny with a curly haired significant other?👀
So.. someone said they HC Johnny with curly hair and I really like that as well <3 (he's more fun to draw this way as well, and musical Johnny had curly hair 😍)
But Johnny takes a lot of pride in his hair (when he can. It's hard though bc he doesn't really have a stable place to live). The gang knows this esp the Curtises so they've gifted him a few different products)
He doesn't like. gatekeep at all. He will tell them everything he knows abt styling curly hair (and after a while of practice he got the hang of it. sometimes people stop him and tell him how nice it looks).
And Johnny would LOVE a s/o with curly hair since no one else in the gang really gets it?? like they can just put grease in their hair and call it a day but with curls it's not that simple 😭 (i have stick straight hair lol) they would talk a lot abt it and it would be very nice.
and he LOVES their curls. sm <3 I think if Johnny had a s/o he'd think they were just. the prettiest person in the world. and if they had curls?? 😍
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lvxybby · 1 year
Music Ties (kurt cobain x fem reader) (pt 3)
my hands began to shake as i picked up my house phone and put kurts number in. it rang for a second before i heard the calming voice of kurt. "hello?" his rough, tired voice spoke. "uh...hey kurt its Y/N" i said trying to regain my composure. "oh fuck...whats up?" he said sounding a bit more awake. "nothing...i was just thinking about the offer you gave me..." i said twirling the cord around my finger. "oh yeah?" he said sounding a bit eager. "i thought....i should take it.." i say anxiously. "ok! that sounds amazing...jeez i really cant believe this...its gonna help out so much...wanna meet tomorrow? around...1 or 2?" he said excited now. "uh sure...where?" i asked. "uh...is my place ok? its a small apartment....its uh...uhh...give me a second...." he said before i heard him talking in the back to someone. he called out for dave "dave....dave!" "what!" "whats the address!" "can i ask why?!" "cause im tryna get Y/N to come over tomorrow!" "its....114 Pear St North East...she doesnt live too far from us?....shes just outside of olympia right?!" "yeah...ok thanks!" their conversation quickly ended. and kurt and dave lived with each other? i didnt know that...but its ok i like dave hes pretty cool. "uh...ok its 114 Pear St North East" kurt said returning back to me. "ok let me right that down real quick..." i said grabbing my notepad and pen from my table. i held the phone to my ear with my shoulder as i wrote the address. "uh ok that sounds great" i said throwing the pad on the table. "ok....you know i just realised we say uh a lot..." kurt said starting to giggle a bit. his laugh was so adorable...i could listen to it for all eternity and never get tired of his cute voice. "yeah we do" i say also giggling. "alright...i'll hopefully see you tomorrow" kurt said still giggling "alright sounds great...goodnight" i said smiling "night" he said before hanging up. oh my god....im part of Nirvana now. one of the biggest bands in the world...holy shit this is amazing. i run to my room and throw myself on my bed kicking my legs. my face was burning hot. but wait...i..dont have a crush on kurt or anything? right? no i dont...but do i?....no i cant im just really happy...i cant like him..."holy fuck i love kurt..."
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enluv · 1 year
taehyun drabble?? 😋😋😻😻
oh you got it nonnie☝🏽he’s been bias wrecking me w/ soob lately it’s BAD! okay picture this, it’s early in the morning when you realize you’re in need of milk, and eggs, and actually you need to go to the grocery store because wow what the hell have you been eating? so as you walk down the isles you see two men, one looks like he’s just about done with the other and the other seems to be unknowingly clueless, he keeps asking the other man if he can get random items and the other keeps telling him no, it’s a sight to see but you decide to ignore as to continue shopping, but just as you stroll past them the one who kept asking for things stops you, he points towards you and that’s when you realize he’s painfully familiar, “omg hi y/n we went to school together do you remember me? it’s beomgyu!! oh you’re getting groceries too wow this is fate.” you get to talking and soon he’ll turn and introduce you to his friend, taehyun. he’s pretty, too pretty for your eyes because your heart begins to beat and as you three walk along the market you get to know one another, taehyun says they have to go since they’re done and just as they go to split away from you, you panic, “wanna get dinner sometime?” the boys stop for a moment and nod, beomgyu walks a bit ahead and taehyun slips you his phone, he’s asking for your number.
send me an idol for a drabble of them!
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thesnarkybrother · 28 days
wow , nice trick . i'm sure you're a hit at parties .
▶;; { fillory & further } ↳  Lillian - @compellingthought
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                       ❝     I am actually, ask (( ANYONE ))...      ❞     Damon widened his eyes slightly, smirking     .
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spinejackel · 1 year
What are dead man walking tornadoes? :O
it’s a multi-vortex tornado. i dont remember the tribe it originates from (i think it was cherokee), but there’s a native american legend…? saying? that goes “if you see a man in a tornado, you are about to die.”
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the most infamous shot of a dead man walking tornado hit jarrell, texas in 1997
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it did so much damage to the town it caused the scale that tornados are measured by, the fijita scale, undergo revisions, and it made anchoring buildings in the tornado alley region pretty much mandatory. (it took the entire town off the map. only those who had taken shelter outside of the town or in underground bunkers survived.)
two more examples of dead man walking tornadoes looking like a person are a tornado from 2011 that hit cullman, alabama
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and a tornado from 1975 that hit xenia, ohio
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edit: it has been brought to my attention that the native american “legend” part of this post was a rumor spread by a documentary.
i have been asked to remove it, but i believe in letting my errors stand because i’m not perfect. i make mistakes
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spicybeefu · 5 months
What if Pokemon & Animal Crossing had a crossover game? #10 Made in Blender, Wooper design by @omuart on instagram!
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koreanthrillerenjoyer · 4 months
ep 2 begins youth reaction
What tf is happening?
Lmaoo a gay joke (yoonkook aswel bro)
The references to cake in someones face (spring day mv)
Omg omg demian the book, my bae
Call back to a mv or two where someone blocks the sun (in this case yoongi) with their hand above their eye.
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stalebagels · 9 months
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Edit: muted this monstrosity but if you're looking for the blank template it's on my blog and I'll tag this and it with "the stupid fucking shorts post" so you don't have to scroll through everything 💀😂 (I did not make the template btw, I don't know who the OP is but if you do please let me know)
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vistarya · 7 months
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May I have this dance, Mrs Tims?
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spencer-is-dead · 5 months
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I love YouTube shorts because if you wade through all the slop you'll find art
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shower-phantom-ideas · 10 months
Imagine the batkids fuck up major and a batdad had to step in and clean up their mistake
Everyone kinda embarrassed because of their blunder and Jason is lashing out to protect himself from shame
Dick is joining is cause well he feels bad about it being his idea
Now Tim is arguing too
Damian wants to feel involved and u can’t convince me other wise
Bruce is trying ti make a point about safety thats just fully derailed
Anyway Danny as Fenton is just there in the background around all the bad guys he took out before Bruce actually got there like “awkward” but the moment he tries to just tippytoe his way out Bruce turns to point at him “and don’t think you are getting out of this. Your grounded too”
He just freezes. Can batman do that? Is he legally allowed to do that? Wait what does Batman mean by grounded?!!? Whats his move here.
“Everyone in the batmobile we will discuss this more in the morning”
Oh ok thats his move. Ok yea Batman just grounded him. He better go.
So they r having the ride home and everyone is sulking and Danny is just there confused but doesn’t say anything because hes probably tired and it’s batman wtf you gonna do.
So they are at the cave and Danny finally just “so can I call my family to tell them I wont be home tonight?”
You everyone just stops. And slowly turns to face him. “Ah yea dumb question. I guess uhhh no phones huh?” No one moves. Everyone is pretty shocked. Cause one bruce kidnapped some kid. Two theres a civi in the batcave. Three bruce kidnapped some fucking kid. Four some random kid just got in the car with them. Five holy fuck bruce kidnapped some kid.
Breaks over enjoy post
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egophiliac · 4 months
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bring your son to work day
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