demon-blood-youths · 4 years
Soul Phoenix | Closed RP
After hijacking borrowing an airship in IIyria, the DBT took to the skies. While being in the air, they are planning of what’s next in their adventure. They probably thinking of going to Zepp or Korea! However, the plans have changed as they were low on supplies after flying so long. Not to mention, the teens were bored and wanted to take a break from being in the air. 
So, the DBT landed somewhere in China, not too far from a small town. The team disembarked from the ship, wade through the woods and goes on to explore the town in search of supplies and food. 
In the meantime, a young homecook in  white and grey clothes with an apron on and is preparing food for the team. He had kitchen equipment set up, thanks to having rocks brought over by the youngest if not the strongest member, Gerald. 
Jaron Jackal is glad that the airship they stole borrow had a kitchen installed. He put up a rack of spare ribs he already marinated added with a spice rub, he made thanks to the ingredients he brought. He put over it on charcoal grill over the fire. The fire is set lit thanks to Maggie as she watches over the food. In the meantime, he is making wild rice and mac-n-cheese. 
The smell begins to fill the woods and soon the aroma spreads to the town from the camp. 
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“That smells so good!” Said Gerald happily.
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“Well...it’s going to be even better when you start eating.” Jaron said with a smile as he keep on cooking. Soon, his friends would return back to camp with supplies they brought over. 
Jaron The Jackal meets @culinaryphoenix​
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