#South Africa and India collaboration
kesarijournal · 7 months
The Grand WTO's Food, Fishing, and Farming Fiasco
The Grand WTO's Food, Fishing, and Farming Fiasco
Welcome to the latest drama that’s more tangled than your earphones in a pocket – the World Trade Organization’s (WTO) ongoing saga involving a cast of nations with India and South Africa in leading roles, and a contentious plot over food, fishing, and farming subsidies. Set against the backdrop of Abu Dhabi’s Ministerial Conference, our story unfolds with India and South Africa uniting to…
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queering-ecology · 6 months
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Chapter 5 . Non-white Reproduction and Same-Sex Eroticism: Queer Acts against Nature by Andil Gosine prt 1
“In Euroamerican-dominant cultural contexts, two kinds of sex have been (are) said to be toxic to nature; reproductive sex between non-white people, and sex between men.” (149)
The concept of ‘overpopulation’ has put the blame for global ecological disasters/climate change on the reproducing proclivities of the poor; due to the easy collaboration of capitalism with patriarchy and racism, that has meant the economically dispossessed non-white peoples of the world, particularly child-bearing (or potentially child-bearing) women from Asia, Africa, and South and Central American, as well as First Nations and non-white women in North America. (149)
“Although overpopulation propaganda and its material offshoots (family planing programs, coercive sterilization practices, etc.) and the criminalization and policing of sexual acts between men have been and are generally treated as distinct phenomenon, their genealogies are intimately interwoven through the projects of colonialism, development, and nation building. Read against the heterosexist, racialized formations of nature engendered by these projects (the creation of national parks,etc.), heterosexual, potentially reproductive sex between non-white people and homosexual sex, I argue threaten colonial-imperialist and nationalist ambitions. Both are “queer acts'' in that they challenge the stated norms of collaborating colonial narratives of race, sex, and gender, through which modern formations of nature have been constituted. Both fail to meet and are threatening to the white nation building projects engendered through the process of colonization, and uncritically buttressed in historical and contemporary discourses of environment and ecology.” (150)
Any acts seen to upset this agenda are constituted as not just unnatural but toxic to nature. This claim is not far removed from those made by postcolonial scholars and psychoanalysts who recognize sex as a primary site through which the terms of empire are negotiated and stipulated. (151)
The Sex of Others
The sex of “Others” has long preoccupied the imaginations of social and economic stewards of Euroamerican culture. The author provides many examples of this. These fantasies exerted a powerful influence on figures such as Columbus and “informed the organization of colonial society around the tropes of race and gender” (Rattansi 1994, 44) (152) (ie the first time Columbus saw 'America' from his ship he compared the land to a woman's breast)
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“The management of sexuality, parenting, and morality were at the heart of the colonial project” (Ann Laura Stoler 1995, 226) (152) Through the course of colonization, anxieties about non-white peoples’ sexualities would also inform the constitution of natural space across the world. The creation of “wildlife preserves'  and national parks across the colonized world was predicated on the removal of their human, reproductive presence: the areas’ indigenous populations. Aboriginal peoples in Africa, North America, and Asia were viewed as both a part of and a threat to pristine nature, a contradictory argument that rested in no small part on fears about the potential reproduction and ‘abundance’ of them. (152) 
English cleric Thomas Malthus is credited with innovating the idea that the sheer growth of human population (and not what humans do) is socially and environmentally destructive. In his 1798 Essay On Population, Malthus argued that since agricultural production increases arithmetically and population soars geometrically, poverty and disease acted to check excess numbers of people who were outstripping available resources. (He was strongly influenced by his work as a colonial administrator in India for the East India Company)
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Malthusian theory has been revitalized by racial theorists, birth control advocates, American military agents of imperialism and national security, ethno-nationalists, international development policy makers and project managers, and environmentalists.
The idea that population growth in non-white communities poses an ecological threat has throughout the twentieth century enjoyed considerable popular appeal, particularly in the Global North. (153) i.e. Tragedy of the Commons-Garrett Hardin (1968) (“Freedom to breed is intolerable”, eugenics, sterilization, against redistribution of wealth, privatized ownership of natural resources)
Most credible scholarship has outright rejected Malthusian claims. The overpopulation myth is simply bad science, unsubstantiated by lived experience and driven by particular ideological interests that serve to deflect attention from the fact that most environmental problems–global warming, pollution, deforestation, and so on–are the direct consequence of industrialization, over-consumption, and capitalist territorialization, and NOT simply the overabundance of people. (153)
For preservationist-conservationist environmental movements in North America, the myth of overpopulation was an appealing distraction from the effects of capitalism and industrialization that became especially apparent in the 1960s, effectively turning attention away from the consumption activities of white, middle-upper-class Americans who often made up the movements’ membership (Darnovsky 1992). (153)
One important point oft overlooked in Malthusianism is that in overpopulation discourse the main culprit is sex. Identification of overpopulation as the cause of poverty and environmental degradation necessarily implicates the people said to be engaged in dangerously overproducing themselves: non-white men and women living in the Global South engaged in heterosexual sex. Sex itself, then, is the act of destruction. (154)
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disneytva · 2 years
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Lucasfilm Unveils Animation Studios And Creatives For Star Wars Visions Season 2, Slated For May The 4th Be With You On Disney+.
May The 4th Be With You as Star Wars Visions expands beyond Japan with multiple animation studios around the world for second season. Today, Disney+ and Lucasfilm announced that the second volume of the animated anthology series Star Wars: Visions will premiere exclusively on Disney+ on May 4, (a.k.a. Star Wars Day).
The studios tapped for Vol. 2, the titles and directors of their shorts were also revealed, with storied European outfits such as Aardman and Cartoon Saloon taking part alongside Oscar-winning Chilean boutique Punkrobot, Korea’s Studio Mir, South Africa’s Triggerfish and more.
Participating studios for Volume 2 include:
El Guiri (Spain)
Cartoon Saloon (Ireland)
Punkrobot (Chile)
Aardman (United Kingdom)
Studio Mir (South Korea)
Studio La Cachette (France)
88 Pictures (India)
D’art Shtajio (Japan), in collaboration with Lucasfilm Ltd. and LucasFilm Animation. (U.S.)
Triggerfish (South Africa)
“Sith” | El Guiri | Writer-director: Rodrigo Blaas
“Screecher’s Reach” | Cartoon Saloon | Director: Paul Young
“I Am Your Mother” | Aardman | Director: Magdalena Osinska
“In the Stars” | Punkrobot | Writer-director: Gabriel Osorio
“Journey to the Dark Head” | Studio Mir | Director: Hyeong Geun Park
“The Spy Dancer” |Studio La Cachette | Writer-director: Julien Chheng 
“The Bandits of Golak” | 88 Pictures | Director: Ishan Shukla 
“Aau’s Song” Studio: Triggerfish | Writer-directors: Nadia Darries and Daniel Clarke
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darkmaga-retard · 30 days
With Belarus and Azerbaijan Becoming BRICS Members, Russia Gains Weight in Eurasia
By Kester Kenn Klomegah
Global Research, August 26, 2024
Russia today is taking another pivotal moment in its history, (with a series of many landmark issues) under its presidency of BRICS (Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa), referred to as informal association, consistently forging collaborative relations with developing countries. With geopolitical situation heightening, spotifying challenges predominately remain on the association’s track. But the evolving developments are positive and promising, particularly increasing number of countries expressing the desire to join BRICS. It shows an interesting and indelible sign which reflects the necessity for the world’s re-configuration. This factor indicates the urgent yawning action for a multifaceted change, a new global architecture embracing geopolitics, the economy and security as well as socio-cultural and humanitarian spheres. 
Noticeably, Latin American countries and also in Asian and African regions are carving to join BRICS. There are many reasons including the sovereign desire by like-minded countries to deepen their cooperation with BRICS with a proper sense of respect. In addition, BRICS follows an open-door vision, and stronly committed to the fact that the principles governing this format – mutual respect, balance of interests and a consensus-based approach – are very appealing. In the former Soviet space, Belarus and Azerbaijan have recently expressed their sanonymized interest to leverage unto BRICS platform. 
“Azerbaijan has filed an official application for joining BRICS,” Azerbaijan’s news agency quoted Foreign Ministry’s spokesman, Aykhan Hajizada. Baku’s intention to join BRICS was reflected in a joint declaration on strategic partnership between Azerbaijan and China, which was signed on the sidelines of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO) summit in Astana in early July.
Apart from that, Azerbaijani parliament speaker, Sakhiba Gafarova, said at a plenary session of the 10th BRICS Parliamentary Forum in St. Petersburg on July 11 that her country wanted to be a full-fledged BRICS member. 
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whileiamdying · 7 months
Mississippi Masala: The Ocean of Comings and Goings
By Bilal Qureshi MAY 25, 2022
often remark that my Punjabi parents immigrated to the American South woefully unaware that they’d brought us to a place with an incurable preexisting condition. Racism doesn’t belong exclusively to the South—the former Confederacy—but it was implemented at industrial scale across the region’s economic, political, and cultural life. Alongside this landscape’s sublime natural beauty—rivers, fields, and bayous—sits the history of America’s unsparing brutality against its Black citizens. On the other side of the world, in South Asia, as well as among its global diasporas, anti-Blackness is embedded in ideas of colorism and caste, in tribal imaginaries and policed lines of “suitable” marriages.
The possibility to live—and to love—across racial borders is the theme of Mira Nair’s extraordinarily prescient and sexy second feature film, Mississippi Masala (1991). Three decades later, it speaks to a new generation as groundbreaking filmic heritage—but also with an almost eerie, prophetic wisdom for how to live beyond the confinements of identity and color. Even by today’s standards, the film is a radical triumph of cinematic representation, centering as it does Black and Brown filmmaking, acting, and storytelling. It is also a genre-defying outlier that would likely be as difficult to get financed and produced today as it was then. Part comedy, part drama, rooted in memoir and colonial history, the film that Nair imagined was a low-budget independent one with global settings and ambitions. The notion of representation—perhaps more accurately described as a correction of earlier misrepresentations—wasn’t its point or its currency. Race was its very subject. Nair has said she wanted to confront the “hierarchy of color” in America, India, and East Africa with the film—the kinds of limitations that she had experienced firsthand by living, studying (first sociology, then film), and making documentaries in both India and the United States. In a shift that began with her first feature film, Salaam Bombay! (1988), Nair set out to transform those real-world issues into fictionalized worlds, translating her sociological observations into works suffused with beauty, music, and, in the case of Mississippi Masala, humid sensuality.
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Nair first engaged with the questions at the heart of the film when she came to the United States from India to study at Harvard in the mid-1970s. As a new arrival to the country’s color line, she has recalled, both its Black and white communities were accessible to her, and yet she belonged to neither. The experience of being outside that specific American binary would be a formative and fertile site of dislocation for the young filmmaker. Nair trained in documentary under the mentorship of D. A. Pennebaker, among others, and her first films were immersive explorations of questions that haunted her own life. The pangs of exile and homesickness for lost motherlands became the foundation of So Far from India (1983), and the boundaries of “respectability” for women in Indian society the subject of India Cabaret (1985). Salaam Bombay!—made in collaboration with her fellow Indian-born classmate, the photographer and screenwriter Sooni Taraporevala—carried her Direct Cinema training to extraordinary new heights. Working, from a script by Taraporevala, with nonactors on location in the streets of Mumbai, Nair found a filmic language that could merge the rigor of realism with the haunting emotion of fiction. It would become the creative model for Nair and Taraporevala’s translation of the real-life phenomenon of Indian-owned motels in the American South into a spicy cinematic blend of migration, rebellion, and romance.
During research trips across Mississippi, Louisiana, and South Carolina that Nair made in 1989, she discovered that many of the Indian motel owners in the South had come to the United States from Uganda following their expulsion by President Idi Amin in 1972. Ten years after the East African country gained its independence from British rule, Amin had blamed his country’s economic woes on its privileged and financially successful South Asian community. In the racial politics of empire, the British had privileged the Indian workers they had imported to East Africa, creating racial hierarchies Amin now wanted to destroy by way of politicizing race anew. In a line that is repeated in the screenplay, the mission was “Africa for Africans,” and for tens of thousands of Asian families, it was an uprooting and dislocation from which some would never recover.
In Mississippi Masala, the classically trained British Indian actor Roshan Seth plays Jay, the immigrant father who is the focal point of the “past” of the film’s dual narrative, which is beautifully balanced in the way that it interweaves the perspectives of two generations. In the film’s harrowing overture, Jay—along with his wife, Kinnu (Sharmila Tagore), and their daughter, Mina (Sarita Choudhury)—is being forced to flee Kampala, and he laments that it will always be the only home he has known. With stoic reserve, holding back tears, Seth conveys the gravity of the loss, as the camera captures the lush beauty of the family’s garden and the faces of those they must leave behind. Throughout the film, as Kinnu, Tagore—an acclaimed Indian film star and frequent Satyajit Ray collaborator—is a composed counterpoint to Seth’s troubled Jay in her character’s strength and resilience. When the film picks up with the family two decades later, Kinnu is shown managing the family’s liquor store, while an aging Jay writes to petition Uganda’s new government to reclaim his lost property. Nair’s camera pans up from his writing desk to reveal through his window the parking lot of a roadside Mississippi motel. This is where Jay works and exists in a permanent state of nostalgia, until he is jolted awake by Mina’s demands for a home and a life of her own.
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Even as Jay dreams in sepia-toned memories, the film itself never descends into saccharine longing or scored sentimentality. The rigor of the research and on-location filmmaking in both Mississippi and Kampala is reflected in an unvarnished and immersive visual style. While Nair herself clearly understood the fabric of the lives of the Gujarati Hindu families she was portraying, she has discussed how Denzel Washington became a critical collaborator in ensuring that southern Black life was rendered with equal attention to detail, cultural specificity, and dignity. The result is a film whose homes and communities are etched with a palpable sense of reality.
All of Mississippi Masala’s disparate threads are bound together by a distinctly sultry southern love story, which naturally remains the best-remembered feature of the film. The meet-cute of Mina and Washington’s character, Demetrius, is quite literally a traffic collision, a not-so-subtle suggestion that, without a bit of movie magic and melodrama, these two southerners might never have been maneuvered into the exchanged numbers and glances, and palpable wanting, that still burn the screen today. The film is fueled by the gorgeousness and megawatt charisma of both its stars, the young Washington paired with Choudhury in a prodigious debut as a woman at the edge of adulthood—her mane of wavy hair, their sweaty night of dancing to Keith Sweat, aimless late-night phone calls, dark skin in white bedsheets, secret meetings, consummated desires.
In the background of the R&B song of young, electric love are the film’s quieter, deeper notes on migration. A string leitmotif by the classical Indian violinist L. Subramaniam recurs whenever the vistas of Lake Victoria across the family’s lost garden in Kampala appear on-screen in brief flashbacks. Nair’s mastery with music has only deepened with time, resulting in films that integrate archival and original music with a free-form alertness that is distinctly her own. Both for the African American people living amid strip malls in the dilapidated neighborhoods of a region to which their ancestors were brought by bondage, and for the Indian families forced by Amin to flee their homes, exile is expressed in stereo. As Jay pines for the country he lost, Demetrius’s brother dreams of visiting Africa and saluting Nelson Mandela—disparate but recognizable longings and family histories shared over a southern barbecue, American bridges.
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There wouldn’t be racial borders, however, if they weren’t policed, and the policing authorities here come from across the racial spectrum. When Mina and Demetrius’s relationship is discovered by nosy Indian uncles, those boundaries flare up. From the Black ex-girlfriend who asks why the good Black men can’t date Black women, to the Indian uncles who barge into Demetrius and Mina’s hotel room, to the gossiping aunties who during phone calls mock Mina’s rebellious scandal, there is a veritable chorus of condemnation. It is portrayed with great comedic timing and wit, including from Nair herself, who delivers some of the sharpest lines of disapproval in the role of “Gossip 1.” But the implications of those judgments remain unfunny by design. The film’s remarkable achievement is the way it never buckles under the thematic weight of these uncomfortable truths. Nair always delivers her cerebral punches with a lightness and warmth that are precisely calibrated. These are the markers of a filmmaker in full control of the tone, color, production design, and, always, music to accompany the emotional demands of her material, and that facility has only gotten sharper in such masterpieces as Monsoon Wedding (2001).
Mississippi Masala showed at festivals in late 1991 and was released commercially in American cinemas in February 1992, within weeks of Wayne’s World and Basic Instinct. Working outside Hollywood’s conventions, Nair joined an extraordinary flowering in independent filmmaking that continues to be celebrated. The year 1991 had been a landmark one for Black cinema already, with the release of Julie Dash’s Daughters of the Dust, Mario Van Peebles’s New Jack City, and John Singleton’s Boyz n the Hood. Spike Lee’s opus Malcolm X, with Washington in the title role, would be released in the U.S. in late 1992. Nair’s film was shown at the same 1992 Sundance Film Festival at which a landmark panel about LGBTQ representation heralded a movement, named New Queer Cinema by moderator B. Ruby Rich, devoted to reclaiming stories of love and suffering from Hollywood’s gaze. These were parallel currents that echoed larger shifts and openings happening in global culture. The collapse of the Soviet Union, the end of apartheid in South Africa, India’s economic liberalization, and the rise of a youthful southern Democrat in the U.S. following a decade of Republican rule were stirrings of a new order. The possibilities were being felt all over the world as Nair’s film of southern futures arrived. Described by the New York Times at the time as “sweetly pungent” and by the Washington Post as a “savory multiracial stew,” Mississippi Masala opened in American cinemas to rave, if exoticizing, reviews, less than a decade after Richard Attenborough’s Gandhi and Steven Spielberg’s portrayal of Indian characters eating monkey brains during a ritual dinner in Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom. Realistic international cinema featuring everyday South Asian life—as opposed to the Indian musical tradition or Hollywood’s tropes about foreignness—had almost no precedents or peers at the time. The depiction of South Asian characters as ordinary working-class Americans navigating questions of family, money, and love remains a radical achievement. Mississippi Masala also manages to decenter whiteness altogether. In a film about racial hierarchies, white characters appear only in the background, as the motel guests, patrons, and shopkeepers of Greenwood society. By design, this is first and foremost a film about Mina and Demetrius, and the families and communities that formed them. Despite all the extraordinary accomplishments in the streaming age by the current generation of filmmakers of color, Mississippi Masala’s layered portrayal of race and love still feels unparalleled. To hear its characters speak candidly about the real lines that divide them, and reflect on the costs of crossing those lines, is to recognize the rigorous thinking—and living—that informed the screenplay. Even more disappointing than the lack of contemporary equals to the film, perhaps, are the offscreen parallels in South Asian communities like my own, where colorism and anti-Blackness are stubborn traditions yet to be fully dismantled. Stories of interracial love are still rarely told on-screen, and these relationships—the masala mixes—are still not visible enough to become as normalized as they deserve to be.
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One of Nair’s first films, So Far from India, was filmed between New York City and Gujarat. It opens with a folk musician in the streets of Ahmedabad, a sequence that serves as a prelude to the film, about an Indian immigrant and the wife he has left behind. Nair, as narrator, translates his singing about the ocean of comings and goings. With Mississippi Masala, Nair positioned herself as both a great chronicler and a great navigator of that vast ocean of comings and goings. America is one of Nair’s homes, and she has made several films about the immigrant experience there, including her adaptations of Jhumpa Lahiri’s The Namesake (2006) and Mohsin Hamid’s The Reluctant Fundamentalist (2012). Each has sought to look at the country through the eyes of those usually on the margins in order to dramatize and problematize the idea of the American dream. It is these poetic and cinematic ruminations on identities in flux that feel like her most enduring, almost personal, gifts to hyphenated viewers like myself.
When I was younger, I thought Mississippi Masala embodied Mina’s rebellion, the promise of independence, and the freedom to choose whom and how to love. But now, twenty years after I first saw the film, at university, Jay’s longing for home and his incurable displacement feel equally, achingly resonant. With the limitations of America laid bare by the gift of adulthood, migration is no longer only a hurtling forward toward the rush of freedoms; it is now also the unknowable costs borne by my parents, the homes and selves they left behind.
The film’s closing credits, braiding Jay’s return to Kampala with glimpses of Mina and Demetrius kissing in the warmth of the southern sun, capture Nair’s exquisite feat of balancing—and blending—in Mississippi Masala. For a film traversing so many geographies and registers, there is finally a seamless harmony between father and daughter, between tradition and future, between here and there. As seen anew in restored colors, Mississippi Masala endures not for its spicy and pungent aromas of cultural specificity or representational breakthrough but for this profound commitment to multiplicity. It is a timeless song for and to those who live—and love—in multitudes.
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burlveneer-music · 1 year
Steve Shehan - Arrows (Made to Measure Vol.26) - remastered reissue of 1990 album, a percussion-rich Fourth World affair
Born in the US (of a Native American father and a French mother), composer and musician Steve Shehan has travelled around the world, collecting instruments and sounds along the way, making extended stays in Asia, South America and Africa, and initiating long-term collaborations with artists such as the late Tuareg musician Baly Othmani. Steve is also a member of Hadouk Trio (alongside Didier Malherbe -of Gong fame- and Loy Ehrlich). A much-in-demand percussionist, he has collaborated with a host of artists (from Bob Dylan, Paul Simon, Peter Gabriel and Khaled to Salif Keita, Youssou N’Dour, Rokia Traoré, Carla Bruni, Nitin Sawhney and John McLaughlin). Steve has recorded many albums of his own music, and Arrows -which came out on Crammed's Made To Measure series in 1990- was his first solo record. A mesmerising ambient global journey with jazz overtones, laced with Steve’s own field recordings made in Bali, Turkey, Kenya, Morocco and India, Arrows has elicited comparisons with the work of Jon Hassell and other ‘fourth world’ explorers. Most of Arrows was recorded in Paris by Steve Shehan. The 7 compositions feature him performing on thirty-five instruments (including derbouka, caxixi, afuche, cymbals, glasses, ikembe, sanza, Malaysian, balinese and thai gongs, djembe, angklung, balafon, koto, gender, kendang, terompong, bells, Armenian tar, surdo, keyboards, congas, steel drums, vibes, sticks, cuica, sitar, kodo, udu & hadgini drums, octoban, Baschet structures, sampled sounds, bass, concert piano, electric guitar). Only a couple of guests appeared, including his friend Richard Horowitz on flutes (Steve had participated in the recording of Horowitz & Sussan Deyhim’s Desert Equations album, which is how he & Crammed Discs first met). Written & performed by Steve Shehan Featuring Mwa Japeth Mutemi, Nyerere, Gede Wijaya Saputra, Sarden Kim, Vasken Solukian and Richard Horowitz
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a-film-app · 2 years
Exploring the vibrant worlds of the Gujarati, Bhojpuri, and Marathi film industries.
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Among the oldest and biggest cinema industries around the globe is found in India. A public screening of an Indian movie occurred at the beginning of 1913. It was called Raja Harischandra. Finding someone to play female characters at the time was quite difficult. It has only recently been questioned whether the middle and lower classes still associate acting with a decline in virtue, female chastity, and credibility.
Gujarati Film Industry
Among the important regional and popular film industries in Indian cinema is Gujarati Cinema. The business has reached its best point over the past ten years thanks to sane and competent directors who have won the audiences' high praise. The movies have original stories, excellent acting, beautiful music, and a wide range of genres, including Family, Tragedy, Comedy, Mystery, Sports, Sci-Fi, Historical Drama, Action, and Relationship.
At the 64th National Film Awards, the movie "Wrong Side Raju" won the National Film Award for Best Motion Picture in Gujarati. The next film, "Reva," took up the 66th National Film Award for Best Motion Picture in Gujarati.
The Gujarati film industry's most admirable quality is that it consistently embraces Bollywood stars who are not Gujarati (Bollywood). Amitabh Bachchan, a Bollywood celebrity, and Jaya Bachchan both had cameo appearances in "Carry On Kesar."
The Gujarati film sector has produced numerous films filmed outside of India, demonstrating the sector's rapid expansion. The industry supports artistic filmmaking and its promotion across various media.
More than 8 crore Gujaratis and a global audience have been reached by Gujarati cinema thanks to innovation and art over the years. Gujaratis are wealthy, and the Gujarati movie business will soon reach new heights of development. There are several Gujarati actors in Bollywood as well.
Bhojpuri Film Industry
In recent years, Bhojpuri cinema has seen a significant evolution. This has enticed numerous prominent Bollywood actors to join the Bhojpuri film industry.
Bhojpuri film was fighting for its life and was on the verge of extinction until lately. However, the collaborative effort of the Bhojpuri film industry's creators, directors, and producers brought the sector back to life by turning it profitable once more.
Bhojpuri cinema has established a niche today, and its popularity on the international market has skyrocketed. There is a worldwide audience for Bhojpuri films, not just in Bihar and Uttar Pradesh. The Indian diaspora living in Brazil, Fiji, South Africa, Guyana, Suriname, Mozambique, and Trinidad & Tobago enjoys watching Bhojpuri films. To know more about this in detail you can log into our Bhojpuri film industry app.
Marathi Film Industry
The Marathi film industry has continuously produced works of art. The business has developed a reputation for being content-centric and important thanks to movies like Fandry, Court, and Kaasav. A few years ago, the phenomenal box office success of Marathi films like Sairat, Natsamrat, and Lai Bhaari gave the impression that the industry was prosperous. But, the reality of Marathi cinema's box office performance could be better. 2019 witnessed 11 weeks where three or more Marathi films were released on the same day, which is unusual in an industry where even a solo movie struggles to maintain at the box office. This gives these movies no chance at the box office.
The Marathi movie business has its work cut out for it as the pandemic effect on the box office fades over time, and the box office throughout languages starts to rebound. It must address some fundamental structural issues for more sustained success at the box office. To know more about this in detail, you can log into our Marathi film industry app.
Bollywood is acknowledged as having the biggest global film production sector. In all, 2961 films were made in India, including 1602 features in 2012. India offers some of the lowest prices in the planet for movie tickets.
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stevecarell600 · 2 years
Drone Package Delivery Market Are Estimated To Increase During Period 2029 USD 31,188.7 Million At Exhibiting a CAGR of 53.94%
The global drone package delivery market size is projected to reach USD 7,388.2 million by 2028, exhibiting a CAGR of 41.8% during the forecast period. Widespread deployment of drones to deliver medical and food supplies amid the COVID-19 pandemic is expected to aid the market make substantial gains, observes Fortune Business Insights™ in its report, titled “Drone Package Delivery Market Size, Share & Industry Analysis, By Type (Fixed Wing and Rotary Wing), By Package Size (Less Than 2 Kg, 2-5 Kg, and above 5 Kg), By End Use (Restaurant & Food Supply, E-commerce, Healthcare, Retail Logistics & Transportation and others), and Regional Forecast, 2020-2028”.
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The report states that the market value stood at USD 642.4 million in 2019 and shares the following information:
Comprehensive depiction of the industry outlook and trends;
Detailed insights into the upcoming opportunities in the market;
Tangible analysis of the market drivers, restrains, and all possible segments; and
In-depth assessment of the regional and competitive dynamics impacting the market.
Driving Factor
Emergence of Drone Startups in Logistics to Augment Market Potential
The growing demand for enhancing the efficiency of logistics operations has triggered a sudden emergence of startups specializing in drone technologies to cater to these needs. For example, DroneScan, a South Africa-based startup, designs drones that transmits live data of scanned items in warehouses, making inventory management more efficient and upping the productivity quotient of workers. An Italy-based startup, Archon, provides autonomous robotic drone services to facilitate supervised as well as unsupervised inspection of warehousing and logistics operations. The drone startup culture is gathering momentum in developing countries as well. For example, in India, several startups have spawned in the past few years that are providing next-gen drone services. Aarav Unmanned Systems, for instance, was started in 2013 and is India’s first drone company to develop drone solutions for commercial applications in the public and private sectors. These developments are expected to power the drone package delivery market growth in the forthcoming years.
Regional Insights
North America to Top Other Regions Backed by Rising Preference for Drone Deliveries by Shoppers
North America is set to dominate the drone package delivery market share during the forecast period owing to the increasing inclination of online shoppers towards delivery of goods through unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs). With a market size of USD 237.7 million in 2019, the region is likely to retain its leading position, which will be supported by the strong financial support to drone startups in the US and Canada.
In Europe, the market is anticipated to be driven by the growing presence of tech companies that are expanding their operations in the region through collaborations and partnerships. Asia Pacific is expected to create exciting opportunities for market players on account of the emerging trend of online purchasing of groceries in the large cities of India, China, and Indonesia.
Competitive Landscape
Supportive Regulations to Novel Ideas to Feed Competitive Ardor of Key Players
With the scope for innovation widening, key players in the market drone package deliveries are engaged in coming up with novel drone solutions, especially during the current coronavirus crisis. Supporting their efforts are regulatory bodies that are easing flying norms and rules to ensure timely delivery of essential supplies to people.
List of Key Companies Profiled in the Drone Package Delivery Market Report:
DroneScan (South Africa)
Cheetah Logistics Technology (US)
Flytrex (Israel)
Flirtey (US)
Matternet, Inc. (US)
Boeing (US)
Amazon Inc. (US)
Wing Aviation LLC (US)
Workhorse Group Inc. (US)
Drone Delivery Canada Corp. (Canada)
Zipline (US)
DHL International GmbH (Germany)
United Parcel Service of America, Inc. (US)
FedEx (US)
Industry Developments:
August 2020: Amazon secured clearance from the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) to deploy its Prime Air delivery drone fleet to efficiently and securely deliver packages to customers. Amazon is now the third company to receive FAA approval to operate drones on a commercial scale after UPS and the Alphabet-owned company, Wing.
May 2020: Wing, a subsidiary of Google’s parent company Alphabet, announced that it has made thousands of drone deliveries in Australia during the pandemic. Launched in Canberra in 2019, the demand for Wing’s services rose by 500% between February and April 2020.
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strangemusictriumph · 2 years
Raisins Market - Forecast (2022-2027)
Raisins Market Size is estimated to reach $3.1 billion by 2027 and is poised to grow at a CAGR of 5.7% over the forecast period of 2022-2027. Raisins are commercially made by drying the harvested grape in various places. Raisins can be consumed in their raw form, cooked, baked or brewed forms. The USDA National Nutrient Database states that raisins are a good source of protein, dietary fiber and carbs. They are incredibly useful for treating hypertension and relieving constipation. One of the main factors propelling the growth of the raisins market is the rising usage of raisins in cooking, including sweet and dessert meals, brewing and a range of other uses. Raisins are also gaining popularity as a result of their health benefits as a potent source of antioxidants, potassium and magnesium riboflavin, dietary fiber, linoleic acid and oleanolic acid. Raisins are also employed in the cosmetic and pharmaceutical industry owing to their malic acid content which exfoliates the skin. To meet the growing demand for raisins and their wide application various research institutes focus on developing new varieties of grapes. For instance, in March 2022, Cornell AgriTech and Sun World International collaboratively developed Sugrafiftytwo, an ultra-early ripening green seedless grape variety and Sugrasixty, a midseason ripening red variety with large berries and a tropical aroma. Such innovations and increasing demand for raisins in the market drive growth of the Raisins Industry over the forecast period 2022-2027.
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Raisins Market Report Coverage
The “Raisins Market Forecast (2022-2027)" by Industry ARC, covers an in-depth analysis of the following segments in the Raisins Market.By Category:
 Conventional and Organic.
By Product Type:
Natural Seedless, Golden Seedless, Black Currant, Sultana, Muscat, Monukka and Others.
By End-user:
Food Industry, Food Service Provider and Households.
By Packaging:
Pouches, Jars & Bottles and Others.
By Distribution Channel: Supermarket, Speciality Stores, Retail Stores, Online Stores and Others.
By Geography: North America (the U.S., Canada and Mexico), Europe (Germany, United Kingdom (U.K.), France, Italy, Spain, Russia and the Rest of Europe), Asia Pacific (China, Japan India, South Korea, Australia and New Zealand and Rest of Asia Pacific), South America (Brazil, Argentina, Chile, Colombia and Rest of South America) and Rest of the World (the Middle East and Africa).
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Key Takeaways
Geographically, North America held a dominant market share in the year 2021, owing to the developed varieties and better farming techniques surge the growth of the Raisins Market Size.
The Raisins Market is predicted to increase owing to its growing application in the food and beverage industry.
However, the fluctuation in production and supply chain limits Raisins Industry growth over the forecast period 2022-2027.
A detailed analysis of strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats will be provided in the Raisins Market Report.
Raisins Market Segment Analysis - by Product Type
Raisins Market based on the product type can be further segmented into Natural Seedless, Golden Seedless, Black Currant, Sultana, Muscat, Monukka and others. The Sultana segment held a dominant market share in the year 2021. This is owing to the growing popularity of sultana raisins owing to their smaller size, sweet taste, juicer and lighter color. Also, it prevents constipation, reduces blood sugar levels and reduces the risk of developing type 2 diabetes. Such attributes of Sultana raisins drive the growth of the Raisins Market share. However, the muscat is estimated to grow with the fastest CAGR of 6.1% over the forecast period 2022-2027. This is the result of its attributes like a high content of vitamin C, A and K. Also, it helps to lower blood pressure and improve overall heart function. Also, the growing demand for sun muscat raisins fuels the growth of the Raisins Market share over the forecast period 2022-2027.
Raisins Market Segment Analysis - by End-user
Raisins Market based on the end user can be further segmented into Food Industry, Food Service Providers and Households. The Food Industry segment held a dominant market share in the year 2021 and is estimated to grow with the fastest��CAGR of 6.4% over the forecast period 2022-2027. This is the result of the growing trend of ‘ready-to-eat’ food, frozen food and healthy snacks. Also, the nutrient content of raisins such as iron, calcium, potassium, manganese and zinc increase their nutritious value such as high riboflavin, dietary fiber, antioxidants, linoleic acid and oleanolic acid. It is mostly used in smoothies, cake mixes, frozen treats and other food and beverage products. Such extensive use of raisins in the food industry fuels the growth of the Raisins Market Share over the forecast period 2022-2027.
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Raisins Market Segment Analysis - by Geography
North America held a dominant market share of 36% in the year 2021. This is owing to the high production and growing demand in this region. As per the International Nuts & Dried Fruits Council, the production of dried grapes is anticipated to hike by 6% in 2020/2021 with 2,09,000 MT production and 215 thousand MT consumption. Such high production and growing internal demand drive the growth of the Raisins Market Size. Furthermore, Europe is estimated to grow with the fastest CAGR over the forecast period 2022-2027. This is owing to the high demand for raisins by healthy living consumers and sports people. In 2020 the United Kingdom and Germany are the largest importers of raisins with $208 million and $159 million respectively as per The Observatory of Economic Complexity. Such growing demand for raisins in this region fuels the growth of the Raisins Market Size over the forecast period 2022-2027.
Raisins Market Drivers
Growing Demand for Raisins in International Market Drive Market.
The demand for raisins in the international market of European and American countries is very high owing to their health benefits and content like riboflavin, dietary fiber, antioxidants, linoleic acid, oleanolic acid and others. From September 1st, 2021 to 19th March 2022, Turkey exported 1,42,812 tonnes of raisins which is 8% high compared to the same period of last year as per trading economics. Such rising international demand and growing export drive the growth of the Raisins Industry over the forecast period 2022-2027.
Improved Technology to Produce Raisins to Drive Raisins Market Growth.
Raisins are made up by drying grapes. The traditional practice of sun drying or shade drying took a long time but with improved drying techniques such as hot air drying or microwave drying. Microwave drying has an efficiency of about 70%. As per commodity insight, the maximum price for dry grapes is 18,400 INR per quintal and the minimum rate is 1000 INR per quintal depending on quality. The quality of grapes mostly depends on the drying technique and the advanced drying technique gives a better price, hence producers adopted advanced technology which drives the growth of the Raisins Industry over the forecast period 2022-2027.
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Raisins Market Challenge
Fluctuation in Price Range is Hampering Market Growth
The price of raisins depends on various factors including production of availability of workers, demand in the market, logistic cost and others. As per Mundus Agri data published in July 2022, Turkey sells their raisins at price ranging from $1500 per metric tonne, while in Iran it is high at $1800 metric tonne. Such difference in price may limit the growth of the Raisins Industry growth over the forecast period 2022-2027.
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Raisins Market Industry Outlook
Product launches, mergers and acquisitions, joint ventures and geographical expansions are key strategies adopted by players in the Raisins Market. The top 10 companies in the Raisins Market are:
Murray River Organics Ltd.
Sun-Maid Growers of California
Del Monte Foods Inc.
Dole Packaged Foods LLC
National Raisin Company
Mariani Packing Company
HBS Foods Ltd.
Bob’s Red Mill Natural Foods
Newman's Own
For more Food and Beverage Market reports, please click here
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kesarijournal · 7 months
The Grand WTO's Food, Fishing, and Farming Fiasco
The Grand WTO's Food, Fishing, and Farming Fiasco
Welcome to the latest drama that’s more tangled than your earphones in a pocket – the World Trade Organization’s (WTO) ongoing saga involving a cast of nations with India and South Africa in leading roles, and a contentious plot over food, fishing, and farming subsidies. Set against the backdrop of Abu Dhabi’s Ministerial Conference, our story unfolds with India and South Africa uniting to…
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tushar38 · 2 days
Growth Drivers of the Flexible Hybrid Electronics (FHE) Market
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Introduction to Flexible Hybrid Electronics (FHE) market
The Flexible Hybrid Electronics (FHE) market is at the forefront of technological innovation, blending the flexibility of printed electronics with the performance of traditional semiconductor devices. This market is rapidly expanding, driven by the growing demand for lightweight, flexible, and durable electronic components in applications like wearable devices, IoT, and healthcare. With the ability to integrate thin, flexible, and stretchable substrates, FHE enables the creation of advanced sensors, displays, and other electronics that are more adaptable to various environments, offering significant advantages over rigid electronics.
The Unified Communication-as-a-Service (UCaaS) Market is Valued USD 32.01 billion in 2024 and projected to reach USD 107.51 billion by 2032, growing at a CAGR of 14.50% During the Forecast period of 2024-2032.The market is being propelled by advancements in materials like conductive inks and films, and by the increasing demand for flexible, portable, and wearable electronic devices across various industries, including consumer electronics, healthcare, automotive, and industrial applications. FHE's potential to reduce production costs while enhancing product performance and durability makes it a pivotal area of focus in next-generation electronics.
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Major Classifications are as follows:
Unified Communication-as-a-Service (UCaaS) Market, By Component
Unified Messaging
Collaboration Platforms
Unified Communication-as-a-Service (UCaaS) Market, By Delivery Model
Managed Services
Hosted/Cloud Services
Unified Communication-as-a-Service (UCaaS) Market, By Enterprise Type
Small & Medium-sized Enterprises (SMEs)
Large Enterprises
Unified Communication-as-a-Service (UCaaS) Market, By Deployment
Private Cloud
Public Cloud
Unified Communication-as-a-Service (UCaaS) Market, By Vertical
IT and Telecommunications
IT-enabled Services (ITeS)
Retail and Consumer Goods
Government and Defense
Key Region/Countries are Classified as Follows:
◘ North America (United States, Canada,) ◘ Latin America (Brazil, Mexico, Argentina,) ◘ Asia-Pacific (China, Japan, Korea, India, and Southeast Asia) ◘ Europe (UK,Germany,France,Italy,Spain,Russia,) ◘ The Middle East and Africa (Saudi Arabia, UAE, Egypt, Nigeria, and South
Key Players of Swarm Intelligence Market: 
8x8 Inc. (US), ALE International (France), Amazon.com Inc. (US), Avaya Inc. (US), CenturyLink Inc. (US), Cisco Systems Inc. (US), Fuze Inc. (US), IBM Corporation (US), Mitel Networks Corp. (Canada), NEC Corporation (Japan)
Market Drivers in the Flexible Hybrid Electronics (FHE) Market
Increasing Demand for Wearable Devices: As the wearables market grows, so does the need for flexible, lightweight, and durable electronic components, which FHE can provide.
Advancements in Material Science: Innovations in materials such as conductive inks and flexible substrates are driving the capabilities of FHE, enabling more diverse applications.
Rising Adoption in Automotive and Healthcare Sectors: FHE's potential to enable smart surfaces and embedded sensors makes it highly attractive for these industries.
Environmental Sustainability: The growing focus on sustainable and recyclable electronic solutions is boosting the adoption of FHE, which uses less material and energy in production.
Market Challenges in the Flexible Hybrid Electronics (FHE) Market
High Initial Costs: The development and integration of FHE technology can be cost-intensive, posing a barrier to entry for smaller companies.
Technical Limitations: Issues such as lower device performance compared to traditional rigid electronics and durability concerns in harsh environments can hinder market growth.
Standardization and Scalability: Lack of standardization in manufacturing processes and difficulties in scaling up production remain significant challenges.
Market Awareness and Adoption Rates: Limited awareness and reluctance to adopt new technologies in traditional industries can slow down market penetration.
Market Opportunities of Flexible Hybrid Electronics (FHE) Market
Expansion in Consumer Electronics: The demand for flexible displays, foldable phones, and other innovative consumer products presents vast opportunities for FHE.
Emerging Markets: Growing economies in Asia-Pacific and Latin America represent significant growth opportunities due to increased industrial activities and technology adoption.
Internet of Things (IoT): The proliferation of IoT devices that require lightweight, flexible, and low-power electronics is a key area for FHE growth.
Innovations in Medical Devices: FHE's potential to create flexible, patient-friendly medical devices, such as wearable sensors for continuous health monitoring, offers immense opportunities.
The Flexible Hybrid Electronics (FHE) market is set to grow robustly, driven by advancements in materials, rising demand across diverse applications, and increasing emphasis on sustainable electronics. While challenges such as high costs and technical limitations exist, the ongoing research and technological developments are expected to mitigate these issues over time. As the market continues to expand, key players will need to focus on innovation, collaboration, and overcoming scalability challenges to fully capitalize on the opportunities that FHE offers. The future of electronics is flexible, and FHE is at the forefront of this transformation.
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reedintelligence · 2 days
Electric Baby Bouncers Market Giants Spending Is Going to Boom | 2024-2032
Electric Baby Bouncers Market
The latest study released on the Global Electric Baby Bouncers Market by Reed Intelligence, Research evaluates market size, trend, and forecast to 2032. The Electric Baby Bouncers Market consider covers noteworthy inquire about information and proofs to be a convenient asset record for directors, investigators, industry specialists and other key people to have ready-to-access and self-analysed study to help understand market trends, growth drivers, openings and up and coming challenges and approximately the competitors.
Some of the key players profiled in the study are:
Tiny Love
Get Free Sample Report PDF @ https://reedintelligence.com/market-analysis/global-electric-baby-bouncers-market/request-sample
Scope of the Report of Electric Baby Bouncers Market :
The Electric Baby Bouncers Market refers to the industry segment focused on the production, distribution, and sale of electric baby bouncers—automated devices designed to soothe and entertain infants through rhythmic motions, vibrations, or music. These bouncers are powered by electricity (batteries or direct connection) and come with various features that make them a popular choice among parents for infant care.
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The titled segments and sub-section of the market are illuminated below:
Segment By Type
Wired Electric Baby Bouncers
Wireless Electric Baby Bouncers
Segment By Application
Maternity & Childcare Store
Brand Store
Online Store
Get Detailed Segmentation @ https://reedintelligence.com/market-analysis/global-electric-baby-bouncers-market/segmentation
Geographically, the detailed analysis of consumption, revenue, market share, and growth rate of the following regions:
• The Middle East and Africa (South Africa, Saudi Arabia, UAE, Israel, Egypt, etc.)
• North America (United States, Mexico & Canada)
• South America (Brazil, Venezuela, Argentina, Ecuador, Peru, Colombia, etc.)
• Europe (Turkey, Spain, Turkey, Netherlands Denmark, Belgium, Switzerland, Germany, Russia UK, Italy, France, etc.)
• Asia-Pacific (Taiwan, Hong Kong, Singapore, Vietnam, China, Malaysia, Japan, Philippines, Korea, Thailand, India, Indonesia, and Australia).
Objectives of the Report:
•To carefully analyze and forecast the size of the Electric Baby Bouncers Market by value and volume.
• To estimate the market shares of major segments of the Electric Baby Bouncers Market 
• To showcase the development of the Electric Baby Bouncers Market in different parts of the world.
• To analyze and study micro-markets in terms of their contributions to the Electric Baby Bouncers Market, their prospects, and individual growth trends.
• To offer precise and useful details about factors affecting the growth of the Electric Baby Bouncers Market
• To provide a meticulous assessment of crucial business strategies used by leading companies operating in the Electric Baby Bouncers Market, which include research and development, collaborations, agreements, partnerships, acquisitions, mergers, new developments, and product launches.
Key questions answered:
• How feasible is Electric Baby Bouncers Market for long-term investment?
• What are influencing factors driving the demand for Electric Baby Bouncers Market near future?
• What is the impact analysis of various factors in the Global AElectric Baby Bouncers Market growth?
• What are the recent trends in the regional market and how successful they are?
Buy Electric Baby Bouncers Market Research Report @ https://reedintelligence.com/market-analysis/global-electric-baby-bouncers-market/buy-now
Region Included are: Global, North America, Europe, APAC, South America, Middle East & Africa, LATAM.
Country Level Break-Up: United States, Canada, Mexico, Brazil, Argentina, Colombia, Chile, South Africa, Nigeria, Tunisia, Morocco, Germany, United Kingdom (UK), the Netherlands, Spain, Italy, Belgium, Austria, Turkey, Russia, France, Poland, Israel, United Arab Emirates, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, China, Japan, Taiwan, South Korea, Singapore, India, Australia and New Zealand etc.
At long last, Electric Baby Bouncers Market is a important source of direction for people and companies.
Thanks for reading this article; you can also get region wise report version like Global, North America, Europe, APAC, South America, Middle East & Africa, LAMEA) and Forecasts, 2024-2032
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Reed Intelligence, a leading strategic market research firm, makes a difference businesses unquestionably explore their strategic challenges, promoting informed decisions for economical development. We give comprehensive syndicated reports and customized consulting services. Our bits of knowledge a clear understanding of the ever-changing dynamics of the global demand-supply gap across various markets.
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indiaandforeignaid · 3 days
Mahatma Gandhi International Solar Park – A Beacon of India’s Renewable Energy Leadership
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In a symbolic and strategic gesture that aligns with global sustainability goals, India unveiled the Mahatma Gandhi International Solar Park (MGISP) at the United Nations headquarters in New York in 2019. This initiative, celebrating the 150th birth anniversary of Mahatma Gandhi, not only underscores India’s commitment to environmental stewardship but also highlights its emerging leadership in promoting renewable energy solutions on the world stage. In partnership with the United Nations, this solar park sets a powerful example for developing nations to embrace solar energy as a sustainable and accessible resource.
The MGISP, powered by 193 solar panels representing each UN member state, symbolizes the potential of solar energy in combating the global climate crisis. With a modest yet impactful capacity of 50 kilowatts, this solar park supplies clean energy to the United Nations building, reducing its carbon footprint. More than just a symbolic gesture, the MGISP serves as a functional model of how small-scale solar initiatives can be scaled up globally, especially in developing countries facing energy challenges.
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For nations with ample sunlight like countries in the tropics, adopting solar power is not only a practical solution but also an economically viable one. India, with its ambitious International Solar Alliance (ISA), has already positioned itself as a global leader in advocating for solar energy adoption. The MGISP reinforces this role, showcasing India's technological advancements and diplomatic efforts in renewable energy.
India’s partnership with the United Nations on this project goes beyond energy production—it sends a strong message about sustainable development, environmental responsibility, and the importance of global collaboration in achieving these goals. As the world grapples with the twin challenges of climate change and energy security, projects like the MGISP prove that solar energy can be a key player in meeting the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), particularly SDG 7 (Affordable and Clean Energy).
Furthermore, the choice of Mahatma Gandhi’s name for the solar park is deeply significant. Gandhi’s principles of non-violence, simplicity, and self-sufficiency align with the very essence of renewable energy. By invoking his legacy, India not only honors his vision of a self-reliant world but also demonstrates how modern technologies, like solar power, can help achieve that vision in today’s context.
What makes the MGISP particularly remarkable is its role in showcasing India’s tech-driven foreign aid strategy. Traditionally seen as a recipient of aid, India is now transitioning to a donor nation, leveraging its expertise in technology, renewable energy, and sustainable development to assist other developing nations. The MGISP stands as a testament to this shift, providing a practical example of how India can help other countries adopt renewable energy technologies to foster economic development while tackling climate change.
India’s efforts, through the ISA and initiatives like MGISP, provide a pathway for South-South cooperation in renewable energy. Developing countries in Africa, Southeast Asia, and the Pacific Islands, which share similar climatic conditions with India, can benefit immensely from India’s solar expertise. By sharing its solar technology and know-how, India is helping these nations leapfrog traditional fossil fuel-dependent development models, paving the way for a more sustainable future.
At a time when climate change is disproportionately affecting the most vulnerable nations, the MGISP embodies a commitment to climate justice. The transition to renewable energy is not just an environmental necessity; it is a matter of equity. Developing countries, which contribute the least to global carbon emissions, often bear the brunt of climate-related disasters. By promoting solar energy through initiatives like MGISP, India is playing a critical role in empowering these nations to combat climate change while ensuring energy access.
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In my personal opinion, the Mahatma Gandhi International Solar Park is more than just a symbol of India’s dedication to renewable energy; it is a call to action for the world to prioritize sustainability over short-term gains. For developing nations, the park serves as a blueprint for integrating renewable energy into their national agendas. India’s leadership, particularly in the renewable energy sector, highlights the importance of self-sufficiency, climate resilience, and global cooperation.
India’s bold move to establish MGISP in partnership with the United Nations not only solidifies its standing as a global leader in solar energy but also sets the stage for a future where clean energy is accessible to all. This shift is particularly vital for countries in the Global South, which stand to gain the most from embracing renewable technologies. The MGISP is a testament to the power of innovative solutions, diplomacy, and international partnerships in tackling the world’s most pressing challenges. If more nations follow in India’s footsteps, we could see a future where the sun powers more than just homes and cities—it could fuel hope for a more just and sustainable world.
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tamanna31 · 7 days
Energy As A Service Market by Regions, Type & Applications During 2021-2028
Energy As A Service Industry Overview
The global energy as a service market size was valued at USD 59.37 billion in 2020 and is expected to grow at a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 8.9% from 2021 to 2028.
An increase in Distributed Energy Resources (DER), tax benefits for energy efficiency projects, new revenue generation streams for utilities, and a decrease in the cost of renewable power generation and storage solutions are some of the factors driving the growth. The market is driven by the rising potential of renewable energy, price volatility, and rising energy consumption are other significant factors driving growth. Organizations have gradually been looking for sustainable energy sources, which in turn is anticipated to positively influence the growth.
Gather more insights about the market drivers, restrains and growth of the Energy As A Service Market
The Energy as a Service (EaaS) concept is still at its nascent stage, especially in developing economies. The market for EaaS is segmented on the basis of service type and end user. The services include management of usage, supply, and assessment. Most energy providers are opting for partnerships and business collaborations in order to attract more consumers. Developed countries, such as the U.S. and Canada have laid down policies and regulatory standards to promote the adoption of EaaS.
Increasing focus on renewable as well as non-renewable energy sources that mainly support renewable energy due to lowers costs, reduced carbon footprint, environment-friendly, and energy-efficient is projected to contribute to the market growth. Increasing government investments in sponsoring renewable sources are anticipated to drive the growth of the market over the forecast period.
Energy as a service also provides the customers with the flexibility of choice regarding pricing and ownership. It also helps the operators customize energy generation projects based on different power requirements of the customers in terms of both robust and modern. The service also enables easy and rapid assimilation of energy storage assets with a distributed generation system.
Browse through Grand View Research's Power Generation & Storage Industry Research Reports.
The global next generation batteries market size was estimated at USD 1.76 billion in 2023 and is expected to grow at a CAGR of 8.4% from 2024 to 2030.
The global battery leasing & swapping market size was estimated at USD 2.90 billion in 2023 and expected to grow at a CAGR of 46.9% from 2024 to 2030.
Global Energy As A Service Market Segmentation
This report forecasts revenue growth at global, regional, and country levels and provides an analysis of the latest industry trends in each of the sub-segments from 2016 to 2028. For the purpose of this report, Grand View Research has segmented the global energy as a service market report on the basis of service, end user, and region.
Service Outlook (Revenue, USD Billion, 2016 - 2028)
Energy Optimization
End-user Outlook (Revenue, USD Billion, 2016 - 2028)
Regional Outlook (Revenue, USD Billion, 2016 - 2028)
North America
Asia Pacific
South Korea
Central & South America
Middle East & Africa
Saudi Arabia
Key Companies & Market Share Insights
The market looks promising as the large and small enterprises are looking for easy accessibility of energy sources from trading facilities. Hence, the governing bodies need to take major steps to strengthen the infrastructure for safeguarding quality and safety. The key players are also undertaking contracts for DER and energy efficiency solutions and audits and are thus contributing to the overall growth. However, deployment and integration challenges coupled with the governance of the centralized utility models may hamper the growth.
Nevertheless, the introduction of pay as you go and free for service models is expected to bode well for the key players. The companies are focusing on the successful deployment and distribution of energy to commercial and residential sectors. The ability to determine overhead intake helps them manage the energy portfolio to encounter their goals. The shift toward decentralized supplies is anticipated to help new players to enter the market. The providers are focusing on widening their geographical reach. The rising adoption of smart cities, energy storage systems, and electric vehicles is expected to positively influence their growth.
The key players include Schneider Electric; Engie; Siemens; Honeywell International Inc.; Veolia; Enel X S.r.l.; and EDF. Schneider Electric is a major player in automation and energy management. The company is inclined toward providing microgrids as services to commercial and governmental institutions. It has signed several agreements to enhance the EaaS business model driving the adoption of microgrids. Engie is another prominent player and is engaged in undertaking several novel and innovative initiatives to cater to the rising demand for sustainable and customized solutions.
Order a free sample PDF of the Energy As A Service Market Intelligence Study, published by Grand View Research.
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urbtnews · 7 days
Vehicle-To-Grid (V2G) Market Size Is Likely To Reach a Valuation of Around $15.03 Billion by 2031
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Vehicle-To-Grid (V2G) Market Size Is Likely To Reach a Valuation of Around $15.03 Billion by 2031Stay Trendy with URBTNews.com (Subscribe Today Free!) The Vehicle-To-Grid (V2G) Market report provides a detailed analysis of top strategies, market trends, market size, and future growth estimates. This report serves as a valuable resource for new entrants and existing stakeholders to refine their strategies and solidify their market positions. Request sample pages now: https://www.alliedmarketresearch.com/request-sample/A08446 Key factors driving growth of the vehicle-to-grid (V2G) market include rising electric vehicle demand and government initiatives for charging infrastructure development. Growing economies such as China, India, Brazil, and South Africa provide lucrative opportunities for the electric vehicle industry's growth. Additionally, increasing investment in electric vehicle infrastructure in developing countries boosts overall market growth prospects. The report profiles key players like Nissan Motor Corporation, Wallbox, Fermata Energy, and others, offering insights into their strategies. The report details the global vehicle-to-grid market segmentation based on technology, vehicle type, charging type, components, and region. This comprehensive analysis assists market players in establishing strategies aligned with the fastest growing segments and highest revenue generation. Buy now the exclusive report: https://www.alliedmarketresearch.com/checkout-final/e7d40d7c9141edc5025f96a7a95e71f1 The vehicle-to-grid (V2G) market segments include power management, software, unidirectional charging, and bidirectional charging technologies. Battery electric vehicles, plug-in hybrid electric vehicles, and fuel cell vehicles are categorized under vehicle types for market analysis. Based on region, Europe held the largest market share in 2021, expected to maintain its leadership during the forecast period. The region is also projected to achieve the fastest CAGR of 26.6% throughout the forecast period, highlighting robust market dynamics. Get customized reports with your requirements: https://www.alliedmarketresearch.com/request-for-customization/A08446 The report analyzes key global vehicle-to-grid market players using strategies like joint ventures, collaborations, and product launches. These strategies maximize foothold and prowess, providing insights into recent developments, portfolios, and operating segments in the industry. Interested in procuring the research report? Inquire before buying: https://www.alliedmarketresearch.com/purchase-enquiry/A08446 The unidirectional charging segment dominated the market share in 2021, expected to maintain its leadership through the forecast period. In contrast, the bidirectional segment is projected to achieve the fastest CAGR of 26.7% throughout the same period. Check out more related studies published by Allied Market Research: Electric Vehicle Motor Market - Link Solar Boat Market - Link Electric Two-Wheeler Lithium-Ion Battery Management System Market - Link Utility Vehicle Market - Link Electric Vehicle Market - Link Legal Disclaimer: EIN Presswire provides this news content "as is" without warranty of any kind. We do not accept any responsibility for accuracy. Read the full article
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communicationblogs · 10 days
Reverse Osmosis Membranes Market — Forecast(2024–2030)
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Reverse Osmosis Membranes Report Coverage
The “Reverse Osmosis Membranes Market Report — Forecast (2024- 2030)” by IndustryARC, covers an in-depth analysis of the following segments in the Reverse Osmosis Membranes Market.
By Material Type: Cellulose-based Membranes [Cellulose Acetate (CA) Membranes, Nitrocellulose Membranes, Others] and Thin Film Composite Membranes [Polyamide (PA) Composite Membranes and Others]. By Filter Module: Plate & Frame (PF), Spiral Membranes, Tubular-Shaped Membranes and Hollow-Fiber Membranes. By Application: Wastewater Treatment & Reuse, Desalination, Utility Water Treatment and Process Water Treatment. By End-user: Building & Construction (Residential, Commercial and Infrastructure), Medical & Healthcare, Chemical and Others. By Geography: North America (the USA, Canada and Mexico), Europe (the UK, Germany, France, Italy, the Netherlands, Spain, Russia, Belgium and the Rest of Europe), Asia-Pacific (China, Japan, India, South Korea, Australia, New Zealand, Indonesia, Taiwan, Malaysia and the Rest of APAC), South America (Brazil, Argentina, Colombia, Chile and the Rest of South America) and the Rest of the World (the Middle East and Africa).
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Key Takeaways
The Cellulose-based Reverse Osmosis Membranes market is analyzed to grow at the fastest rate during the forecast period 2022–2027, attributed to increasing demand for pure water & physical water treatment process, rising demand for packaged drinking water and more.
The Reverse Osmosis Membranes market for Wastewater Treatment & Reuse is analyzed to grow with the highest CAGR during 2022–2027, owing to government initiatives to increase clean drinking water availability, technological advancements in wastewater filtration and so on.
The APAC region dominated the global Reverse Osmosis Membranes market in 2021, attributed to the increasing use of nanofiltration techniques for the purification of industrial wastewater, rising awareness about water-borne diseases and so on.
Growing utilization of partially permeable membranes for seawater desalination & water purification and increasing health concerns regarding safe drinking water among consumers are analyzed to significantly drive the growth of the Reverse Osmosis Membranes market during the forecast period 2024–2030.
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Reverse Osmosis Membranes Market Segment Analysis — by Material Type
The Cellulose-based Membranes segment is analyzed to grow at the fastest CAGR of 9.2% in the global Reverse Osmosis Membranes market during the forecast period 2022–2027. This growth is fueled by the increasing demand for pure water & physical water treatment process, rising demand for packaged drinking water & filtered water for use in aquariums and others. According to a report published by Nature Briefing in 2020, Cellulose-based Membranes are estimated to remove up to 99% of lime nanoparticles, while the bleached & unbleached RSNF membranes can remove 97%. Such factors are analyzed to accelerate the adoption of Cellulose-based Membranes for the purification of contaminated water. These factors are accelerating the growth of the Cellulose-based Membranes segment within the Reverse Osmosis Membranes industry.
Reverse Osmosis Membranes Market Segment Analysis — by Application
The reverse Osmosis Membranes market for Wastewater Treatment & Reuse applications is analyzed to grow with the highest CAGR of 8.4% during 2022–2027. This growth is fueled by government initiatives towards increasing the availability of clean drinking water, technological advancements in wastewater filtration through the use of partially permeable membranes & activated carbon and so on. In October 2020, Koch collaborated with Waste 3R Engineering & Solutions to promote advanced separation technologies for industrial water and wastewater projects across Bangladesh. This was a move aimed at encouraging the reuse of wastewater by leveraging membrane products. These factors are set to boost the growth of the Reverse Osmosis Membranes industry for Wastewater Treatment & Reuse applications.
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Reverse Osmosis Membranes Market Segment Analysis — by Geography
The APAC region dominated the global Reverse Osmosis Membranes market with a share of 38% in 2021, attributed to the increasing use of nanofiltration techniques for the purification of industrial wastewater, rising awareness among the citizens about water-borne diseases and more. Additionally, the increasing adoption of water filters in residents & public buildings and growing environmental concerns regarding water pollution are boosting the adoption of Reverse Osmosis Membranes in the region. In August 2020, DuPont Water Solutions collaborated with Onsitego to launch FilmTec residential reverse osmosis (RO) elements on Amazon India. These factors are set to transform the Reverse Osmosis Membranes industry outlook.
Reverse Osmosis Membranes Market Drivers
Growing Utilization of Partially Permeable Membranes:
Increasing utilization of partially permeable membranes for seawater desalination and water purification is accelerating the growth of the Reverse Osmosis Membranes market. Partially permeable membranes are widely used for seawater desalination as they produce high-quality water. Partially permeable membranes are widely used for the desalination of water as it removes a high percentage of dissolved solids and the desalinated water is used in a variety of industries and households. According to The Future of Water report published by Fisiait in 2020, 1% of the world population is totally dependent on water from desalination plants for domestic use. It further stated that the percentage is expected to rise rapidly with the increasing scarcity of water. In January 2020, DuPont Water Solutions launched dry-tested seawater reverse osmosis elements to enable the shift from wet to dry testing and increase storability & flexibility. These factors would eventually help in expanding the Reverse Osmosis Membranes market size.
Increasing Demand for Safe Drinking Water:
Growing health concerns regarding safe drinking water among consumers are boosting the growth of the Reverse Osmosis Membranes market. Increasing adoption of water purifiers in homes and other public places, as well as rising consumer awareness about waterborne diseases, have been resulting in significant health-care spending. Such factors would eventually lead to the adoption of reverse osmosis membranes. According to a report published by World Health Organization in 2020, only 74% of the global population has access to safe drinking water. In October 2020, AO Smith launched the ProPlanet series of water purifiers which featured reverse osmosis and Silver Charged Membrane Technology to provide 100% RO-purified, baby-safe water through an eight-stage purification process. These factors are set to elevate the growth of the Reverse Osmosis Membranes market size.
Reverse Osmosis Membranes Market Challenge High Cost: 
Buying a Reverse Osmosis system to use in a commercial or large residential space is significantly expensive as compared to other technologies. These commercial systems must be much larger in capacity to meet the needs of filtering and dispensing a large amount of water from multiple points of use, especially for restaurants, hotels and breweries. Additionally, some under-sink installation requires professionals that further enhance the installation complexities & costs. According to a Forbes report published in 2022, reverse osmosis membrane installation costs can range from $100 to $800 or more. Such factors are impeding the growth of the Reverse Osmosis Membranes industry.
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