#Space Pirate Sara
jacscorner · 7 months
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With Princess Euphora defeated and the Space Pirate Sara Scorpion standing triumphant, the Forever Star seems farther away than ever before. Will the brave crew of the SDF Catalina ever escape Planet Vox or is this the end of the journey? Tune in next week on the next exciting episode of Jumplight Odyssey! The most ambitious crossover of 2024: a game that ran out of funding and a hentai OVA. I didn't think I'd ever wanna do a crossover with Space Pirate Sara and Jumplight Odyssey, but here we are!
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puppetsoftomorrow · 3 months
what if more legends got cloned?
they shut themselves in the lab for twelve days because ray is Sure two of him could make a breakthrough, until his clone reveals he'd actually much prefer to be creative, so they drop clone-ray off in new york and he becomes a very cool underground performance artist. the legends visit his first installation in an abdandoned warehouse.
behrad tries to convince his clone to attend business school for him, but the clone refuses. he Does agree to go to a tarazi family dinner as a joke, but he enjoys the food so much he keeps going back, and the behrads have to be careful about scheduling to not show up on the same day. the tarazi parents love having behrad around every weekend.
the Clone Trauma means ava ignores her clone for a solid week, until the legends persuade them to at least have a chat. they end up going out for the night, and they have such a wild night out ava arrives back three days later, covered in glitter, and very hungover. the clone isn't heard from again but ava us pretty sure she became a park ranger at yellowstone.
spooner gets Very bad vibes from her clone and they end up in a high noon stand off in the library, and nate steps in to save his books from potential bullets. ava mediates and they agree to live in peace, but to never speak again. the last anyone heard of the spooner clone she was hunting down poachers in the african savannah.
professor stein accidentally clones himself in a lab accident, and rip orders the clone to leave the ship, never to be heard from again, until the legends get attacked by time pirates five years later and who shows up but space ranger stein!! he wears a beret and has a laser pistol, he saves the legends then hitches a lift across the galaxy. its upsetting but the legends take comfort that the clone is living stein's dream.
they zoom so hard together they rip a hole in space. sara yells at them until they fix it. clone!wally ends up on the other side of the hole when it closes, and he's never seen again. somehwere, in another universe, clone wally is Very careful about how fast he runs.
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randomly assorted scott pilgrim headcanons!
(mostly involving roxy)
(some involving future scenarios)
envy & roxy have the same weak spot behind their knee. they are also girlfriends. this is the most important headcanon & i have a whole separate thing that goes more in-detail on this but this is all you need to know
kim is a huge tegan & sara fan (she’s from canada and definitely bi so it makes sense). she likes their earlier albums (since it takes place in the mid-2000s it would probably be around the time so jealous and/or the con were released), and when heartthrob and lytd came out she tried to pretend she hated the new pop sound but she secretly loves it.
lynette lost her arm while performing a show with tcad that brought the house down. literally. the frequency of the vibrations emitted from their performance was powerful enough to cause a minor earthquake, and while the band was trying to escape the venue, her arm was crushed by falling debris.
envy is bilingual, having grown up in montreal, and speaks both english and french.
roxy & matthew are best friends. however, when they first joined the league, they absolutely could not stand each other. each thought the other was totally obnoxious, and they would constantly bicker and fight with each other. they also definitely got into the pirates vs ninjas argument on more than one occasion. eventually, after a sparring match gone wrong, they bonded over the fact that ramona had used them in some form while they were dating her (matt for his powers, roxy for her sexuality), as well as their love of too much black eye makeup, and they’ve been inseperable ever since. they definitely have a partners-in-crime dynamic, and their friendship is 80% snark and 20% chaotic dumbass.
later on, lucas gets roped into their friendship as well, and they form an unstoppable friend trio. roxy sees him as a cool older brother type. matt has such a huge repressed crush on him you don’t even KNOW and roxy teases him about it literally all the time
after the events of the series, they form a 3-piece punk band called roxy & the hooligans (title derived from a book i read when i was a kid). roxy is the lead singer and bassist (she learned how to play out of pure spite just to flex on scott & todd), matt is lead guitarist & backup vocalist, and lucas is the drummer. matt is also their special effects/pyrotechnics guy.
they’re also housemates for a little while, then matt & lucas start dating and roxy moves in with envy when they start dating. of course, this does not affect their friendship, and they have double dates frequently.
after she starts dating envy, roxy also forms another best friend group with julie powers and lisa miller. at first envy is worried roxy and julie won’t get along bc she thinks julie will be jealous of roxy for “stealing” envy’s attention, but they end up bonding over their shared hatred of scott.
lisa and roxy are identical twins who were separated at birth. (this was bc they’re both portrayed by mae whitman but i might retcon this one, idk)
meanwhile, roxy & todd actually, genuinely HATE each other. todd was always kind of a bully to her when she was in the league & she hates how much he gets on her nerves. to make up for it she loves to rub in his face how much he fumbled the bag with envy
envy was genuinely hurt by lynette going behind her back with todd bc she thought they were friends. lynette is pretty indifferent about it.
after the events of the comic, ramona starts a support group for all the women affected by gideon.
envy is a natural redhead, but started dyeing it blonde once she had her big rockstar makeover, and often alternates between the two shades.
(tentative, still figuring out whether i wanna make this a full headcanon) roxy is a natural brunette, but dyed (and maybe also cut) her hair after ramona broke up with her, as the gays™ are known to do. she also used to wear her hair in space buns instead of pigtails (whaat nooo this totally wasn’t inspired by spinel what are you talking about)
roxy doesn’t really care about the spelling of her name; she spells it with a “y” and with an “ie.” (alternate idea: she spelled it with an ie before the breakup and with a y after the breakup?)
barbie movies exist in this canon, and envy recorded “hope has wings” for the magic of pegasus when she was a teen (back when she was still going by natalie) but she’s super embarrassed about it. she has literally done everything in her power to hide it, but as soon as her friends find out about it they refuse to let her live it down.
likewise, finally out of pe exists in this verse except now it’s just part of envy’s early discography, which she wrote before she formed TCAD.
technically the events of the story happened at the same time the early barbie movies & brie’s album came out but we can afford to move the timelines around a lil bit just for funsies
kim created the maid costume herself, & she’s a closet geek/cosplayer. later on she & envy end up bonding over their secret nerdy sides.
she’s also a closet theatre kid
roxy is the kind of person that tries to put on a tough front to avoid getting hurt & being seen as weak but if you give her even one (1) single tiny bit of affection she will instantly fall apart (especially if you happen to be a pretty girl)
when gideon was messing with everybody’s memories, he ended up causing a rift in the universe that caused the timeline to branch into two separate realities (the books and the movie, respectively). when he was defeated, they merged into one again, but the characters now have memories from both realities. it’s a little confusing
wallace ends up getting together with stephen later on (maybe? they seem like they’d have a fun dynamic), and they’re happy together, but once wallace finds out about matt & lucas dating he’s so fucking salty about it bc HE HAD A CHANCE WITH LUCAS LEE THIS WHOLE TIME
ramona eventually becomes the lead singer of shatterband. scott & kim decide the two-person lineup isn’t working out for them; they need a frontman, someone with charisma to tie them all together. then they hear a voice coming from the bedroom. they go to investigate and find ramona singing softly to herself. she’s a bit hesitant to join at first bc she’s not super confident about singing in front of others, but they manage to convince her by telling her how she could totally one-up envy.
matthew is a proud, unabashed theatre kid. roxy is the kind of person who acts like she absolutely despises theatre kids (even tho she’s really just as melodramatic as matt but won’t admit it) until karaoke night rolls around & she suddenly knows all the songs
roxy is a mixed media artist & is proficient in quite a few different techniques, but her specialty is graffiti. since being a ninja takes a lot of discipline & she often got criticized for letting her emotions get the better of her, it gives her an outlet to be more uninhibited.
the twins are pretty aloof & don’t really talk to anyone else besides themselves; they just kinda do their own thing while viewing everyone else with either mutual respect or smug superiority. gideon doesn’t really give a shit about the other league members, but the twins are his “favorites” (relatively speaking) just bc of how efficient & powerful they are
scott & ramona end up in sort of a semi-throuple with kim. no one really knows what their exact situation is; whether they’re an open relationship, friends with benefits, or just officially all dating each other, but wherever they are, kim is usually also there, & they don’t question it. (honestly the more i think about it the more i like the idea of polyamorous ramona just bc there’s so many characters i ship her with)
maybe wallace also gets involved. just for funsies
in the future, roxy ends up taking knives on as her ninja protégé. as a mentor, she’s pretty no-nonsense bc she wants her to be able to reach her full potential, but she also tries to keep her temper in check & not be overly harsh on her just bc of what she went through in her own training (at the ninja academy she was looked down upon for her half-ninja status & constantly belittled for being too soft, undisciplined, emotional, etc. which caused her to push herself to the brink of total physical and mental exhaustion to prove them wrong, & that led to her parents pulling her out bc they were worried she was gonna push herself so hard it would kill her, & that whole situation is the main source of most of her insecurities). at first she’s put off by how relentlessly upbeat knives is, but then she sees how eager she is to make her proud & roxy can’t help but see a bit of herself in her. over time she comes to see her as sort of a kid sister, especially when knives eventually comes out to her, though she refuses to admit how much of a soft spot she actually has for her. she knows knives can handle herself, but she’s also grown more than a little protective of her (and scott is terrified of her for this reason)
i have a LOT of other HCs regarding specific backstories/relationship dynamics/etc that i might post later if i get the motivation for it but these are just some of my shorter ones
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batmanisagatewaydrug · 10 months
reading update: november 2023
hiiiii, sorry I'm late! I know we're a week past November now, but I've been busy! and struggling to pull my mental health out of an absolute crevasse! I think I've mostly made it at this point, but unfortunately my month of seasonal affective woe did leave me with a pretty paltry reading list for the month of November :/
not that I have a quota to hit, but I'm getting back into reading with a PASSION now and I'm hoping to get a few more really great novels in before the year ends!
what have I been reading?
Exquisite Corpse (published as Poppy Z. Brite, currently known as William Martin, 1996) - man, you guys know how I love a fucked up little story about some nasty freaks? this is a FUCKED UP story about the NASTIEST freaks. gay serial killer Andrew escapes a life sentence in England by faking his own death and flees to America, where he lands in New Orleans and promptly meets a man named Jay, who is - holy shit, what are the odds? ALSO a gay serial killer! they get along like a house on fire, setting their sights immediately on a beautiful young runaway drug deal name Tran who has his sights set on Jay. but Trans' ex-boyfriend, Luke, a bitter writer turned pirate DJ dying of AIDS, is also up in the mix, complicating things for everyone. the tone is unrelentingly gruesome but beautifully written and frequently funnier than should be possible. certainly not a book for everyone, with about every possible trigger warning on the table, but god. WHAT a ride. I savored every second.
Unmasking Autism: Discovering the New Faces of Neurodiversity (Devon Price, 2022) - any hype you've heard about this book is absolutely worth it. Price is really exemplifying the excellence that comes from in-group writing, the magic that happens when people with firsthand experience living a life outside The Norm infiltrates academia and get the credentials to be recognized as the experts they are. I can't speak to the experience of reading this book as an autistic person, but as someone who's often the token allistic among my friends it clarified things that I had never even thought to wonder about with straightforward, accessible style and firsthand understanding. also, hey, it's so cool to see a book just straight-up advocating for autistic people to get more autistic and worry less about appeasing the allistic people around them. Dr. Price writes great advice, and I strongly recommend checking out this book and more of his work here. reading this also made me absolutely feral to check out Price's first book, Laziness Does Not Exist, so expect notes on that soon!
Momfluenced: Inside the Maddening, Picture-Perfect World of Mommy Influencer Culture (Sara Petersen, 2023) - listen, we can be honest here: that title is too long. but the read is worth it, even if I do have some mixed feelings about Petersen's messaging. she's not a momfluencer, but she is a mom who has been and still is very invested in momfluencers, letting that fascination fuel this book's creation. I found Petersen a bit too quick to come to the defense of influencing as a profession, which could grate. yes, women influencers are often the targets of a particular hostility that certainly stems from misogyny. yes, it certainly is true that being a full-time Instagram poster on top of raising living human children requires a lot of time and effort, which I guess does make it a "real job". but there are lots of "real jobs" that I disrespect on principle, and influencers are certainly on the list. Petersen has analysis on the stark hegemony of momfluencers, particularly the insidious white supremacy that controls which mothers are seen as aspirational, and she's certainly not lacking in self-reflection about the role momfluencers have played in her own parenting decisions, but it would have been nice to see more pushback on the concept of influencers existing at all, not just creating space for more diverse moms to take up the title. having said that: the chapter in which Petersen reflects on her own mother's lifelong dissatisfaction and grapples with learning to see her mother as a person, rather than just a perfectly happy crafty homemaker, was one of the most riveting things I've ever read and attacked me right in my own maternal baggage. she's a chatty writer who sometimes pulls back the conversational curtain to say the most haunting shit you've ever read in your life, particularly if you're like me and regard motherhood as a sort of horror movie scenario.
Unfortunately Yours (Tessa Bailey, 2023) - god, more like UNFORTUNATELY THIS BOOK, am I right? Unfortunately Yours was November's romance novel, which I finally got around to reading after it was gifted to me this summer by my housemate who clearly hates me. I already bitched about it at length in this month's hater roundup over on my Patreon, but god. jesus christ. I've had a lot of fun reading romance novels that are pretty charmingly crappy, but Bailey just fucking sucks. this book has it all: incessant references to the size difference between our hulking he-man protag and his itty bitty love interest, WEIRD gender dynamics, the most half-assed alleged "enemies-to-lovers" I've ever seen (they just kind of don't get along, it's nothing), convoluted fake marriage, "witty" "banter" that really reads like Bailey has never heard two clever or funny people talk to each other before and has to guess, and some viscerally upsetting sex scenes including one that takes place IN THE MIDDLE OF A FLASH FLOOD. also, the male protag is a war criminal. nobody ever shuts up about how he's an ex-Navy SEAL, but they never seem to want to talk about what SEALs actually do. might be kind of a boner killer.
what am I reading now?
The Bandit Queens (Parini Shroff, 2023) - I started this novel a couple days ago and I'm absolutely devouring it; I've got about 100 pages left and cannot wait to see how the story resolves. it's tremendous fun but also hits on emotional depths that I didn't expect going into a black comedy about rural Indian women killing their husbands! I'm very excited to finish it up and talk about it in my next recap; I think it's one of my favorite novels of the year for sure.
Out There Screaming: An Anthology of New Black Horror (edited by Jordan Peele, 2023) - I meant to read this for October but oops, there were too many holds at the library! regardless, the stories have been nothing but bangers so far.
Small Game (Blair Braverman, 2022) - I haven't started this novel yet, but it's been on my list for a while and after listening to several of Braverman's guest episodes on You're Wrong About in a row, I had to check it out. her episode on the Flight 571 crash in the Andes almost had me in tears; cannot recommend it enough.
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tracybirds · 1 year
Remember my TAG Sims 4 save that I’m building? Well it’s well time for an update on where I’m at! I’m having great fun populating the worlds with characters and various people’s OCs* and thought I’d show off how they’re going! I’m focusing on CAS (Create A Sim) rather than building in this save and trying to create a full world of sims! Also note that I’m planning on the gameplay beginning with a teenage Jeff, so no main characters for now. I play with aging off and age them all manually so the other characters will just stay the same age until I’m ready to interact with them.
I’ve finished three worlds; Willow Creek, Oasis Springs, and Sulani. Working on Newcrest and Henford-on-Bagley next! Today I'll show off the characters made in Willow Creek :)
*I’m only showing the TAG characters and the OCs I have made for them today, not OCs made by other people... mostly because I'm not done!! Also if you're interested in my making your Thuderbirds OCs, let me know! I have a lot of households to fill lol and they'll just hang out in the background of the game :D
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Notable changes: I moved the park to the Oakenstead lot, added a second park (in Foundry Cove) and a skate park. I changed the museum into a botanical library and placed a community garden next to it. There is now an early childhood education centre and a hospital that can be visited, and I placed a gym and a museum. I did not make any of the builds, they’re all found on the gallery and then tweaked.
There are twelve households in Willow Creek, including an apartment with four families. The only townies I care about are the Goths so they’ll end up being the only non TAG characters. I found a renovated Goth Mansion and a Goth family revamped to look closer to their Sims 2 counterparts on the gallery and stuck them in there :)
Sims 4 lore down, let me show off the sims!!
Sally, Grant and Jeff Tracy
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In this save, Jeff has two brothers and a sister, based off of @amistrio's hc :D
Kyrano, Kayo and Tin-Tin
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I decided I wanted to add in Tin-Tin and I have vague memories of reading a fic where they were sisters, so I went ahead and did it :D
Brains, Brains and Fermat Hackenbacker
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I love Brains ahaha so I put him in twice :D why not after all!
The Apartment Building has four families: Ned Tedford, Tycho Reeves (and his brother David...lol), Wayne Rigby (and his daughter Eleanor... double lol, I think it was @katblu42 who suggested that name :D), and Kat Cavanaugh (who I gave a sister who lives in Oasis Springs, but I've included said sister for completeness)
Ned Tedford
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I gave him lots of freckles mostly because I think they look sweet ahaha... I'm tempted to make Gladys a Plant Sim, but for now he's just going to enjoy gardening :D
Tycho and David Reeves
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Come on... I had to XD David's a doctor whose aspiration in life is to solve the Strangerville mystery ahaha
Wayne and Eleanor Rigby
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Yes the glasses are on purpose :D I love the idea of Rigby being a single dad and I also aged him up a little simply because he's clearly been with the GDF for a while and it made sense to me.
Kat and Sara Cavanaugh
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Sara is Kat's older sister but they don't get on so they live in different worlds.
And finally, our last couple of houses are filled by...
Cass McCready, Aiden Hawkins and Theo McCready-Hawkins
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Cass is obviously our favourite firefighter, and so I decided to create Aiden to be her fiance and Theo to be their kid. I always imagined Cass having two boys and to be a single mum when she met iR for the first time, so I did give Aiden a couple of less desirable traits lol... I'd like to play out their story at some point so they only have Theo to start :D
Reece and Dobbs (aka our favourite space pirates/scrappers!)
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I love these guys so much, they crack me up :D They're space married, don't question me on this, and they live in a tiny home with some chickens xD I might see if I can replace their current home with one that's modelled after a spaceship bc that would be fun!
Robert and Aidan Williams
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Aidan is one of my favourite kid characters in the show and I love him! So cool headed even when crisis is happening and his dad is hurt :( I thought for a long time about whether I'd add in more family but then I realised the house was only two bedrooms and then I invented a story where his mum had recently passed away and him and Gordon could have some bittersweet bonding (bc Gordon stays in touch and remembers everyone obviously!!) so I decided to leave them as they were and also the smaller the household the less likely the game is to crash lol
WillowCreek also is resident to three OC families, but they are not mine so I don't want to post about them without permission :)
Anyway I hope you enjoyed the update on this!!! Someday I'll have real gameplay to share lol, but I'm having so much fun building the world up!
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🍓 ⇢ how did you get into writing fanfiction?  So, the pre-history of my involvement in writing fanfiction basically starts when I was a grad student 20-some years ago, and one of the other grad students was writing a master's thesis on fan communities, so I got to learn a lot about early 21st century online fan culture from an academic perspective. During this time, on and off, I'd try to write novels, but always petered out after a bit, though I did "finish" nanowrimo in 2008, but never did anything with what I produced. At one point, I read the complete works of Jane Austen, and took advantage of my Netflix subscription to watch every single adaptation I could get my hands on. In terms of fandom spaces, around this time, I was also really into CSI, and was somewhat involved in a discussion board mostly talking about Grissom/Sara, but fanfiction wasn't really on my personal radar, and I was also starting to watch Downton Abbey and Mad Men and even though I had some (what I'd now call) post-canon headcanons, it never occurred to me to write those down or turn them into stories.
Anyhow, fast forward to 7 years ago or so, and my oldest had gotten obsessed with Frozen, and we had watched both Frozen and Frozen Fever. While babysitting a friend's kids at bedtime, the oldest had some decorations leftover from his birthday party, which were Frozen Fever themed, so I mentioned something about it, but he hadn't seen the short yet, so he asked me to tell the story. Anyhow, after the part with Hans being hit with the snowball, he asked me if Hans then went back to Arendelle. I said I didn't think so, but he insisted, so I started telling a story about Elsa sending him to the island of Elba after he tried taking over again. "And then he escapes?" Umm... well, it worked for Napoleon, so sure... then he returned to Arendelle, and then he got sent to St. Helena. "And he escaped there?" Um, sure, he got on a pirate ship, but first they sailed to the South Pacific, and he ended up ruling the island of Pitcairn...
So, after this, I realized that I had basically made a fanfiction, which I hadn't really thought about doing before, and it wasn't even for a character I liked, so I started thinking about Anna and Kristoff. I didn't really get very far because I wasn't involved in any fandom spaces yet, but fast forward to 2019, and I started seeing trailers for Frozen II, and by the fall, once I had burned through all the plausible spoilers on reddit, I had gotten on Tumblr and started reading kristanna fanfiction, and by November of that year, I had started writing a few different fics, one of which became The Young Diplomat, which I started posting around the end of the year. The rest is history (plus, um, writing was a very good hobby for the following year, let's be honest...)
Oh, and at some point I will rework my 2008 nanowrimo project into a kristanna modern coffeeshop AU. Because it really fits.
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aggressivelyarospec · 9 months
‘Aro Tunes Thursday’: Master List ⇝ July / August 2023 (Part II)
[Completed 9/1/23] | [Spotify]
Leading Man — Will Jay [Link]
Fatal Flaw — Will Jay [Link]
Gangsta — Will Jay [Link]
You and Your Heart — Jack Johnson [Link]
Born To Be Alive — Bea And Her Business [Link]
Knock ‘em Out — Lily Allen [Link]
Thank God I’m Pretty — Emily Autumn [Link]
Spock’s Missing — Spizzenergi [Link]
She’s Not in Love — Kim Stockwood [Link]
Warsaw — Lovejoy [Link]
Laplace's Angel — Will Wood [Link]
Bad Idea — Blind Channel [Link]
I'm A Beliver — Smash Mouth [Link]
One Whole Me — Dev Lemons [Link]
The Mechanical Girl — Voltaire [Link]
Falling Behind — Laufey [Link]
Freeze — Sara Kays [Link]
Brandy — Looking Glass [Link]
Everybody Says I Love You — Groucho Marx [Link]
I Don’t Understand Anything — Everything But the Girl [Link]
Innocent — Voltaire [Link]
The Shadow that Falls Over You — Voltaire [Link]
The King is Dead — Voltaire [Link]
The Beast of Pirate’s Bay — Voltaire [Link]
I’m Your Moon — Jonathan Coulton [Link]
Let Me Be Myself — 3 Doors Down [Link]
I’ll Tell My Cat — Marc Gunn [Link]
Lord of the Pounce — Marc Gunn [Link]
What Shall we do with a Catnipped Kitty — Marc Gunn [Link]
When Kitty Eyes are Smiling — Marc Gunn [Link]
The Cat Came Back Cats Perspective — Marc Gunn [Link]
Black Kitty Paw — Marc Gunn [Link]
Catnipping Green — Marc Gunn [Link]
Jasper Tabby Kitty Cat-y — Marc Gunn [Link]
Sunset Val the Pirate Queen — The Cog is Dead [Link]
The Iron Horseman — The Cog is Dead [Link]
The Copper War — The Cog is Dead [Link]
The Space Cowboy — The Cog is Dead [Link]
Mirte Against the Big City — The Cog is Dead [Link]
Captain Gustave Foster vs the Metal Underground Army — The Cog is Dead [Link]
The Marvelous Mister Low — The Cog is Dead [Link]
Born at the Wrong Time — Abney Park [Link]
Sorry We Lost Touch — Will Jay [Link]
A Loft in New York — Will Jay [Link]
Glory Days — Will Jay [Link]
Night Like These — Will Jay [Link]
Was it Even Real? — Will Jay [Link]
Ribs — The Crane Wives [Link]
Trial by Love — The Mechanisms [Link]
Ties That Bind — The Mechanisms [Link]
{ ALL ↺ } { ⬅ Previous | First ⬆ | Next ➡ }
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jacscorner · 2 years
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You know, since this is MY Corner, I do feel some kind of way about posting someone else's art. But, this is a commission, so i think that counts.
This is a commission I got from an artist named Circe, who I've admired for a VERY long time! I commissioned a pic of Jango spanking Sara Scorpion from Space Pirate Sara. Cause as one of the only, like, 10 people who actually liked that series, I might as well pay money see art of it.
Jango: Pirates and booty goes hand in hand with each other. Shishishishi~
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skylarstark4826 · 8 months
She should have seen it coming; really. It was easy to see that the auction was a set up and just as the whole place went up in flames Sara felt being pulled out of the building by the strong arms of none other than Leonard Snart. She and the crook had decided to volunteer to go undercover in an arm-dealer's auction and of course someone really wanted the men dead. The host of the event, Jack Smith, was associated with Time Pirates and he supplied them with weapons of top quality that were stolen from military bases. But it looked like the military got to him before Sara's knives or Leonard's cold gun did. Both of them had fallen onto the ground as the bidders who survived rushed to their cars and fled the scene.
Sara lifted her eyes to look at Leonard; whose face was now covered in smoke and dirt, which somehow made his eyes seem that much brighter.
"What do we do?" Sara asked and prayed that her comm was not somehow damaged during the fire. The answer came almost immediately and the blonde felt relief course all over her body as she heard Rip's usual stressed voice in her ear.
"From the looks of it, the place will be swamped with police and I wouldn't recommend you sit there and be questioned; you can't show them a 2017 ID in 1996." Rip said and then Sara looked at the still on-going fire, even though she knew that no one that was inside could be saved. "I suggest you lay low and unless you want to walk two hours back to the ship… there's a motel not very far from the warehouse. In the morning we will be there once the coast is clear and we will be on our way."
"So blondie and Snart are gonna be bed buddies?" She heard Mick's voice and then laughter in the distance but after something that sounded like Amaya shushing him, it stopped.
"Okay, sure." Sara answered and heard Rip's sigh of relief. He very well knew that the co-captain of the Waverider did not particularly enjoy taking orders from anyone. "We'll meet you in the morning."
"Guess we'll be bed buddies after all."
"Checking in?" The woman who was behind the front desk asked. She was about 25 years old; blonde hair in pigtails and bright green eyes set on Leonard as she chewed her bubble gum. Sara was throwing her a killer glare and moved closer to Leonard; clutching his hand tighter. Even though it was all a show to not get unwanted attention now that they had managed to scrub the smoke off of their faces, Sara really wanted to hold Leonard's hand. She felt the steady beating on his heart through their touching wrists and at that moment it was a big comfort for her.
"Just one night." Leonard answered and the young blonde smiled at him as she wrote something on her notebook.
"James Smith and Olivia Miller." He stated with a grin and the woman's cheeks reddened. Sara felt her blood boil at the sight of the two but Leonard soon took a step back. "And do you happen to have any rooms with single beds?"
"Unfortunately not." She handed them a key and let her fingers brush against Leonard's as she did. "Enjoy your stay and I'm always at your service."
"Thanks but we can manage it on our own." Sara told her and basically dragged Leonard out of there.
After his extraction from 2014 and restoration of time, Leonard had returned to the team; memories from his time in the Legion torturing his mind. Sara didn't press him to talk about the kiss on the Oculus; instead she helped him any way she could to come to terms with the things he did when Darhk had control of his mind. Now she was going to have to spend the rest of her night stuck in a motel with Leonard.
The room was small; like very small. A king sized bed was taking up most of the space and across it was a small two-seat sofa. There was also a dressing table with a mirror next to the bed and a door that leaded to a bathroom with the basics and a small shower. One of them would have to sleep on that sofa and from the looks of it; neither of them would fit properly.
"Dibs on the bed." Sara announced as she fell on her back on the bed and let out a sigh of relief as she felt her bones melt on the mattress. Leonard eyed her before walking over to the sofa and sitting down; realizing that he was never going to fit in the furniture. Nevertheless, he didn't say anything and just took his coat off and then jacket; leaving him only with his shirt and pants.
"I'm going to take a shower." Said the blonde as she stood up from the bed and started removing the knives from her dress; placing them on the bedside table. When she was done she turned her back to Leonard and pushed her hair to the side. "Unzip it?"
Leonard hesitated only a moment before he let his cool fingers trail the zipper down Sara's scarred back until it reached its end; right in the end of her back. He felt his mouth go dry and his cheeks were blossoming with color and then Sara turned and flashed him a smile before walking over to the bathroom and closing the door behind her.
Only when he heard the water running he was able to sit on the uncomfortable sofa and let out a breath he had been holding for way too long. But then he started thinking about what Sara was doing just a thin wall away. She was until the spray of the shower; naked as water fell crystal clear on her skin and he could just get up and open the door… He could walk in there fully clothed and press her against the wall and whisper in her ear all the things he wanted to tell her since he returned… But he couldn't… shouldn't.
The door opened again a couple of minutes later and Sara walked out of the now steam-filled room, wrapped in a towel that reached her mid-thigh and Leonard really needed to stop himself from wondering if she actually wore anything underneath. So that called for a very cold shower. Without a word, or another glance Leonard walked inside the bathroom and let the water wash away all the inappropriate thoughts he had about his teammate. By the time he walked out, Sara's towel had been neatly folded on the bedside table and the blonde had crawled underneath the covers. She watched him closely as he moved to the couch wearing only his pants and leaving his chest exposed.
Sara knew about the scars from stories they had shared in the past but she had never actually seen them. And now finally she could say that she wished she had had a chance to hurt Lewis Snart much worse than he had hurt his children. Deep scars on his ribs and small burns that spoke of old cigarettes on his torso. She vaguely saw the lines on his wrists; barely visible but her throat tightened only in the thought of Leonard… She cleared her throat.
"You can sleep here if you want." She stated and sat up a little and Leonard realized that she really didn't have anything on; at least as a top. He grabbed his shirt and only with a moment of hesitation he threw it to her and she smirked. "Someone doesn't want to be tempted…"
She passed the already buttoned shirt over her head and smoothed it a bit before lying back down and pulling the covers back on the empty right side of the bed. A silent invitation.
Again, he found himself just staring at the blonde for a long moment until he finally gave up and unbuttoned his pants; not being really comfortable with sleeping wearing them. Sara gave him an appreciative stare that lingered until he finally joined her under the warm covers and turned to face her.
"Fate must really want us together since we always find ourselves in situations like this." He said and Sara smiled up at him. Despite the awkwardness that should have been there, somehow… laying in that motel bed with Leonard felt nothing but natural.
"Sometimes fate has a way of pushing stubborn people together, Leonard." Sara answered as she glanced at the clock on the bedside table; 1.54 and she was exhausted. "You want lights on?"
"I prefer the dark." He drawled as Sara reached for the switch and soon enough the only light came from the tiny gap of the bathroom door. They couldn't see each other properly but the outline of Leonard's jaw and face could be seen, as well as Sara's bright blue eyes. "Makes things… easier."
"Was this your plan so you can seduce me, Leonard?" She teased and he didn't answer, so she took it as Leonard challenging her this time around. "Or is it easier to talk to me when you don't see my face?"
"Stop it. Stop with the 'Sara' and that stupid distance you have been keeping from me ever since you came back. I'm sick and tired of walking on eggshells."
He took a deep breath. He was trying to avoid that particular conversation for way too long even though Sara and he had talked about every other subject.
"I might have been a bastard when I first came onboard but not even then I was close to being the monster that they made me." He said and Sara heard the genuine hurt in his words. "I killed Amaya; Sara I killed Mick. I used to be heartless but not at that extent. I would have never hurt Mick or… anyone I cared about. I would have threatened to kill you."
"It wasn't you." Sara told him as her hand slowly reached for his and her slender fingers tangled with his. He felt a peculiar sense of bliss with Sara's skin against his; a strange comfort with that simple touch of skin. "Anything that Cold did has nothing to do with Leonard Snart and the man that you have become."
"Maybe Darhk didn't need to blur the lines that much for me. Maybe he just blocked my memories and let the old me do his handy work…" He trailed off and Sara squeezed his hand tighter.
"Barry told me when we met… that you were a bit of a pain in the ass back then, but I know that the mayhem you caused in Central and how you messed with Barry is nothing like what Cold did with the Legion." She felt Leonard squeeze back in her hand before he suddenly pulled it back and stood up from the bed. "Leonard what are you-"
"I just need some air." He announced and before she knew it the man had pulled on his pants and walked straight out of the room in the chilly night. Thankfully it was early June so she wouldn't worry about Leonard falling sick because he spent his entire night shirtless on the parking lot of a motel. Less than a minute later, all of Sara's self-control had disappeared and she was marching out of the room and straight out the chilly night.
Leonard was leaning against a pillar; head leaning back against it and eyes shut. Sara began walking towards him but at some point Leonard somehow heard her and his eyes opened; setting immediately on her.
He watched as the fearless assassin now resembled a scared woman more than anything else; wearing his shirt and tugging one sleeve as she balanced on her heels.
"Come back inside Leonard." She said and started to walk closer to the man. Her right hand was slowly lifting; she itched to touch him, to hold him and tell him that it was going to be okay. Because after all they had been through they were there. They were safe and they were themselves and they were together. So what was even stopping them from-
And then he was kissing her; hands tangled in her hair as his own snaked around his waist. He pulled her close; telling her with his mouth what he couldn't say out loud. He pinned her against one of the pillars and his lips were almost brutal in hers; trying to somehow show her how much he had missed her even though they had reunited a while ago. Sara whimpered against him; but soon they were turned into moans as he slid his hands to cup her where had been wanting to since the first day he met her. His hungry mouth started pressing open-mouthed kisses to her neck as Sara's hand tried to get him to come closer to her; more and more because his chest was exposed and she hadn't wore almost anything under his shirt and she just missed him so fucking much. A large palm found its way through the shirt and Sara almost cried out at the coolness of his palms against her heated flesh.
"Inside; now. I don't want to have to explain why we were having sex in a parking lot." She mumbled against his mouth and Leonard let out a groan but didn't make a move to let her go. Instead he pressed a soft kiss on her shoulder.
"Oh, so this is where this is all going?" He asked with the most teasing tone he could use and Sara leaned forward and let her hands drag from the bottom of his stomach and wrap around his neck.
"If you are game that is." The blonde asked and Leonard smirked. His eyes lingered on the bit of exposed cleavage; the blonde hair that were flowing free on her shoulders and her blue eyes that were mostly blackened with need that matched his own.
"I'm game… So game." He let go of Sara and turned towards their room; smiling at her disappointed sigh. Leonard felt her following him and once she was inside the room she closed the door behind her.
"Leonard?" She asked and he immediately turned as he relished the sight of her; disheveled with her cheeks reddened and lips swollen from his kisses.
He had thought about it. Hell he had been thinking about it since St. Roch; how she would feel against him, how that bad-ass assassin would be like sated next to his own body. But as he came to know her better these fantasies of him began to change; he began to imagine less of the physical connection they could share and more of… He thought of Sara's blonde hair sprawled on his chest as she slept soundly on him after a very tiring night together. He imagined her voice whispering in his ear that the second round was totally worth it before dozing off to sleep on top of him.
But no fantasy was as good as Sara in front of him in that small motel room; waiting for him to come to her. So he smirked and did just that. The woman let out a squeal as Leonard cupped the back of her head and pulled her in for a knee-weakening kiss.
"Bed." She groaned against his mouth and Leonard chuckled but complied with the woman's will. The smirk on his lips grew as he let his hands go underneath the thin material of the shirt and slide down her stomach and then- "Oh my God…"
"Looks like someone is impatient…" He breathed against her ear as goosebumps started to appear down her arms.
"Now it's not the time for teasing, Len." She whimpered; actually whimpered, and Leonard was quick to act as he slipped one finger inside of her and Sara's back arched at the utter bliss of Leonard's touch. "Yes, that's more like it."
He pulled her with him towards the bed and as he fell back against the mattress flat on his back; earning an appreciative hum from Sara who was quick to stand up with her knees in each side of Leonard's hips. She let her palm caress the man from his collarbone down to lower abdomen and soon her lips replaced her hands as she placed small kisses and nibbled her way down to the buttons of his pants. His body was exactly as she had imagined; all lean muscle and tight skin, and his skin was almost ice-cold before she managed to heat things up. She saw the scars but didn't linger on them; they were a part of Leonard and they were something that made him… him.
"I have missed you… I have longed for you so long, Leonard." She lowered herself until her lips grazed his ear. "Any person I kissed afterwards isn't a match for you… I want only you…"
He let out a growl as he felt Sara's fingers graze his growing erection while she unzipped his pants and helped him throw them out of the bed. She gave him another of these smiles before she cupped his face and pulled him in for a searing kiss.
"Enough with all of the teasing." Leonard murmured as his hands slid upwards from her hips and in the buttons of his shirt; slowly popping each of them and revealing more of Sara's bare and beautiful skin.
By the time he threw the garment off of her, Sara had been taking sharp breaths. She craved him for so long and she finally had him. After everything, Leonard had returned and now she could show him just how much she wanted that future with him.
"You wanna do something or should I?" Smiling, Leonard reached for her panties and took them off to join the rest of their clothes. "Finally, Len."
And then she sunk into him and that's all she needed, all she wanted. His body molding perfectly with hers as she was now joined with the man she adored. Placing her hands on the headboard Sara started to move; in a slow and torturous manner at first but Leonard's grip on her leaded her to a fast and hard pace which had both of them unable to contain their moans.
"Sara-." He tried to say but he realized that the heat of her around him was stopping him from even talking.
"Shh Len." She told him as she finally surrendered herself to him and let Leonard take control; flipping them over. "Just fu-."
She didn't get to finish because Leonard had done something with his tongue and then his fingers; something that had her screaming out her release almost painfully. Sara let her nails leave long scratches down Leonard's back, as she tried not to linger on the old scars that were there because she knew that it would be a total buzz kill to start comparing scars at that particular moment.
Less than a minute later she felt Leonard reach his own peak and then releasing himself with a gaping shout. Sara gave him another kiss; a silent thank you as he climbed off of her and lied on his back on the bed.
"That was…"
"Worth repeating."
He gave her a sly smile.
"Many, many times."
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thepearlmans · 10 months
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Meital: wow, is this the castle at th beggining of every Disney movie??
Liat after the fireworks: I could watch that on tv forever
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Best day ever at magic kingdom, Disney world
Meital- the whole day but if I have to pick the pirates ride and the fireworks
Ilan - space mountain
Liat and Sara - fireworks and space mountain
Nana - fireworks
Opa - the whole day
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Ten Random Lines Tag
Rules: Pick any ten of your fics/writing projects, scroll to the midpoint, pick a line (or three) and share it. Then tag people (ten if you want to follow the theme).
Tagged by @korblez and @wintersstreams (ty!)
Tagging @otemporanerys @equusgirl @drumsandwaves and ofc anyone else who wants to play along!
I'm cheating of course bc I'm allergic to writing decent sentences so:
The Seasick Pirate (Aka: Sunseeker!Kaidan's adventures in space) “This is The Waterloo, please state your name and business, we mean you no harm. I assure you we mean you no harm.” He repeated in desperation. Static answered them and, as he thought the strange spaceship was about to ram right the way through them, suddenly, there was a change in the static. “-aterooo?” Hissed a voice.
Wipe My Hands Clean - Chapter 9: The Noose Around Your Neck (Aka: Beating Sunseeker!Avitus with a baseball bat) “Then I’d say that’s not justice.” She folded her arms across her chest, letting the accusation weigh. “But besides that, I’m not willing to let the reapers claim another life. There has to come a point where they stop getting to win.”
Beyond Familiar Stars - Chapter 8: 2828 part 3, Relapse (Aka: Beating regular Avitus with the baseball bat) Did he? Did he really want to entertain that suspicion? Avitus would have liked to say that, no, he didn’t. That he knew his people were better than that but… shit. “If you’d been a month later arriving on Havarl…” He met Sara’s eyes, seeing tired resignation there and hoping she could read just the same in his. “I think you’d have found things you wouldn’t have liked.”
Follow My Lead - Chapter 4: Pleading With Powers Which Are Not Real (Aka: Beating regular Castis with that baseball bat since we own it) “His loss is a just statistic.” He finished, hating that the synthetic was right, that he did feel better for talking. “There are millions of his kind, living and dying just as he did. Billions, across every organic race, I imagine. Good people, excellent soldiers regardless of their convictions and upbringings, who will die because an uncaring force we cannot stop demands they do. I will remember Fario for the rest of my life. My daughter too, I suspect. After us though, he will be forgotten, like the rest of his kind. But when the dust settles and our ashes are blown to the wind, who will remember us all?” The hoard let him talk himself into silence, strange, glowing lights focused on him just as a living creatures eyes might. But… it was alive. They were alive, regardless of how uncomfortable that fact made him. “We will.” They said, at last. “We do not forget important data. So we will remember everyone.”
Take The Very Best Of Me (Aka: The baseball bat is hanging over Avitus' head but we haven't hit him much yet) “I’m well aware some people will think I let him stick his dick in me so he lets me talk back without consequences because that’s exactly why I did it.” His eyes were distant, glazed over with some thought he wasn’t quite willing to voice. “That doesn’t answer my question though; does it bother you personally?” It was none of his business what he got up to. Not in the slightest. But… “It does.” His mouth said, even as he’d been trying to formulate a negative response to that question.
A Little Too Much Like Me (Aka: The spectres/C-sec teambuilding paintball-playing no-reapers AU that's occupied the best half of my brain for a month now) Shepard hummed indecisively, tilting her head to one side. “Technically no. The competition isn’t over.” Ah crap. “Shepard, honey…” Garrus met her eyes, equal parts teasing and pleading — just how she liked it best. “Would you really shoot me?”
Untitled (Pre-Andromeda BFS companion piece which needs a name and a plot because it's just dialogue atm) Now he’d had time to cool off, he was doubtless worried sick about the brat. For all that Garrus had been a constant source of frustration and concern to him, Castis had still adored his son and would have done anything for him if he only asked. He likely wasn’t coping well with any part of this. “You want me to find him, don’t you?” He sighed, wishing it wasn’t so plainly what she was after. “I know you have resources at your disposition which we don’t…” She hesitated. “He doesn’t know I’ve contacted you, nor do I intend to tell him unless you want me to.” For the first time, Macen spoke, shifting uncomfortably beside him as he clearly guessed just where his thoughts were headed. “Avi…” Yeah, yeah, he knew just what he meant. Avitus cut off whatever he’d been about to come out with with a gentle headbutt and a growl to shut up before he looked back to the comms screen. “I’m sorry, Rems, I’m no longer any of that. Resigned after they tried to make me drag Saren's memory through muck to sate the damned media. I... probably don’t have much more going for me than you do right now.”
Wipe My Hands Clean - Chapter 8: The Fools Morals (Aka: Also hitting Sunseeker!Macen with a baseball bat whilst it's in hand) The old turians expression was calculating, as if this were an abstract puzzle and not a life they were talking about. “Will you commit treason for a dead man, Captain Barro?” For Avitus? He’d do it in a heartbeat and he wouldn’t regret it. Well there was a realisation. It’d been so easy, up until that point. 
A Little Too Much Like Me (again) “Sounds liberating.” Garrus felt safe admitting that much. “I don’t want to get her in trouble either but… is it egotistical that I don’t want to be my dad?” “You mean you don’t want to be sixty-three and stuck in a dead-end job with no hope of promotion because Venari Pallin knows you play house with the enemy?” Rix snorted, then looked away from him. “It’s a dream, kid, and you’ll see that eventually.” “It doesn’t look like a dream come true.” He looked down the scope once more to avoid showing how uncomfortable this conversation was rapidly becoming, as if he hadn’t been the one to make it that way.
Follow My Lead - Chapter 6: Recover Our Pride (Aka: We're here, so let's also use the baseball bat on Daddy Ryder's memory) “Ryder’s pet project?” Shepard, of all people, said, frown evident. “They made it out in time?” “I believe so.” He suddenly wondered just why the name was familiar to her. “Did you know the admiral?” “Nope.” The last syllable was pronounced with far too much disgust. “Nobody knew admiral Ryder, Castis, he never existed, legally.” That… What? “I can assure you Alec did exist.” He pointed out, trying not to be uncomfortable with that after everything. “The alliance erased every record of his career.” She said flippantly. “They were pissed after the council found out about their AI experiment on Luna, especially since it brought to light his private-sector work. So they drop-kicked him back to nowhere, stripped him of his N-designation and then gave him a dishonourable discharge to really rub salt in his wounds.”
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ashthehermit · 2 years
Legends of Tomorrow: A Retrospective 1.7
A lot of these episodes are melding together.  I think I was used to the later Legends, which changed mood drastically episode by episode.  Maybe humans weren't meant for bingeing television like this.  
The rooms on the Waverider are rather limited this early on.  There's the bridge, the brig, the cargo bay, the parlour.  But I don't think I've seen the kitchen yet.  I know that the joke about the single toilet will come about much later.  Right now, the Waverider seems like it isn't a place where people live.
We start with a Star Trek-esque cry for help.  Rip doesn't much care, but he knows the timeship in question will have a computer he can use to find Savage.  It's finally time for a space adventure.
It is also time for flashbacks on Rip's past.  Rip and Miranda are dressed like they are training to be in Starfleet.  There's no other sane reason to wear a miniskirt in a situation like this.  The Time Masters dress like Vulcans to my eye.
Jax quotes Star Wars, but precedes it by saying that he is quoting Star Wars, just in case we were wondering.  I think this is the first mention of this series' Time Pirates.  I never quite understood where they came from.  Are they people who stole from the Time Masters?  Are the legends effectively Time Pirates?  It feels like they are.  Rip did steal that ship against orders.  Apparently they're the natural enemies of the Time Masters.  That's all I've got.
'You're not Captain Kirk.  You're Picard.'
Ray and Kendra start talking about Star Trek, in case the reference was lost on me.  The episode isn't parody, and it isn't accurate enough to be a pastiche.  Again, it isn't quite sure what it wants to be.  Legends will reference Star Trek again in the future, but better.
Sara and Snart get trapped in the engine room (another room we've seen!), which allows for plenty of quality time.  The chemistry between these characters has been overlooked until now, but one of the better pairings of the show at the moment.  They talk about dying, which sounds dour, but they make it compelling enough.
Rip states that personal attachments are expressly forbidden, making the Time Masters the Jedi Council, as well as the Time Lords.  This season is really let down by how much it relies on other properties.  The later seasons continue this  Legends loves to reference other media.  The difference is that later down the line they become more parodical, more honest about where these ideas are coming from.  They might reference Indiana Jones, but it's in an episode that George Lucas is a character in.  This episode is Star Trek style, and this has been lampshaded, but it just isn't as fun.
'That'll teach him to mess with a nuclear physicist.'
Rip goes a little Sherlock, and offends Rory.  That isn't hard, but the admission that Rip was only ever interested in Snart was a good one.  It makes a lot of this make sense.  Rip wouldn't pick Rory.  He's got no talents that Rip can use.  It's part of the arc that sends Rory away from the team, so it's all fair enough.
Watching this though, reminds me that I do prefer the Savage-less episodes of season one.  There's more time for character moments, and more direct stakes.  Sara and Snart face the prospect of freezing to death.  Rip, Jax and Rory face the problem of maybe being killed by pirates.  There are no apocalyptic futures here.  Instead, Rip is devastated by the loss of his family again.  Sara and Snart get to cuddle up to stay warm, despite typically keeping people at arm's length.  Plus, Stein is funny wearing that beret.
'Time to choose a side I guess.  Chosen.'
It escalates to a punch up.  I enjoy this one a lot more than the previous.  There's a few corridor shots which are fun to look at.  And they're fighting Mick, which ups the stakes.  There's less of a sense that these are faceless goons.  At least, the pirate leader has been built up enough to be a secondary villain.
The message of the episode is that love is the highest power.  Which is pretty positive for this season of legends, and even a little philosophical.  Contrary to all that, Snart takes Rory to the woods to kill him.  This is, at least, what we have been building towards.  We are left to assume that Snart succeeds.
Now, we are going back to 1958, apparently before Savage encountered the legends at all.  I cannot remember how that will play out, but at the very least they are not moving chronologically anymore.  
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fishystuff · 1 year
Danny: well this all begins in my past life before I was reincarnated into the pre merge pirate world. I was a race of robotic being called a cybertronian from the planet cybertron. Humans and other beings called is us transformers I transformed into giant robotic space turtle and my name was snap trap. I was part of the faction known as the decepticons who you know as terrorcons . We fought against the autobots and chased them off world. Our leader was the terror, the nightmare, the tyrant amongst all of tyrants. lord megatron! Are you following so far sara?
Sara: Yes, but I have a question. How come you can remember your past life? And why did you fight the autobots?
0 notes
anatifery · 2 years
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Warnings: attempted assault; references to medical violence; gun-related violence Astronomically Adrift
The preparation room was always dark perhaps to hide the stains of the failed medical experiments that had once been conducted there. Along the wall were dozens of storage compartments for cadavers. Half of them had open doors and Sara slowly dragged a body toward one of them.
“You pretentious little jerk,” she spat, heaving on the shoulders and backing up toward the freezer. “You thought you could take me because of the coma, didn't you? It’s….” She grunted, pulling it back and shoving it against one of the lower compartments.  “It’s been over a year since I woke up. You think I didn’t work out? We’re a frickin' pirate crew. I've learned self defense.”
She looked around the room at the bodies present. This one was Jonesy, a once-gorgeous man whose beauty had been thoroughly marred by what she had done to his face. His nose was missing and an eye was thoroughly destroyed. His surviving hair - once fine and well-coiffed - was matted with blood from his face and the side of his head where her killing blow had landed.
“Well we were a pirate crew, I guess.”
She sighed, collapsing against the cooler beside the body.
“You know, Jonesy, most people heard the coma child story and took pity on me. It was great for making friends. I have to assume you were some kind of psychopath, and not in the way pirates usually are. What did your parents do to you?”
Patting his leg she yawned. She was exhausted deep into her very core from the ordeal. He had come up from behind her and wrapped his arm around her neck in a tight headlock to drag her back away from the table and out of the lab. She’d instinctively slammed the back of her head into his face, stunning him before she stomped down on his right foot, the real one and not the bionic leg which she herself had replaced for him just weeks ago. That had given her the time and physical space to lean forward and grab the bottle of acid from her workstation. She’d whirled around and before he had recovered his senses she smashed it against his face. It hadn’t broken the first time so she followed him down to the ground and crushed his orbital and nose with it until the bottle shattered, driving glass deep into his soft tissue. For her part the work gloves seemed to have protected her from most of the damage though the acid had begun to eat through them and she’d been forced to fling them away from her. She was certain he’d been near death already and the acid would take him the rest of the way to his end.
It was a shame that she’d lost the acid though. It would have been good for a trade if she ever figured out how to get off this godforsaken ship.
She took his baton and his pistol from him knowing this was her chance. At no point had she ever really been onboard with the piracy but what other choice had she actually had? She’d been comatose and on life support for years on a gleaming colony ship when the pirates had raided it. Why they took her capsule exactly, she didn’t know. Likely her caretakers - if they were still alive - assumed it was for use as a pleasure slave but the pirates had never touched her in such a fashion. They’d never even tried to be honest.
The year and change had worn on her, though, and while she was always kind to the rest of the crew and to their prisoners, there was nothing she could do to change anyone’s fate. Pirates got killed going around corners and prisoners got their organs harvested for the black market or to save the lives of the ship’s own crew. And they’d made her do the harvesting. The one positive side she supposed was that she had also learned how to save lives as a result.
She would have said she was at a crossroads but that made it seem like the choices were equal. In truth it was either fight her way off the ship or die trying (or, she supposed, not trying). Maybe it was all out of self-defense knowing that killing Jonesy especially in such a horrific manner would have turn the crew against her even if she had any goodwill left over with any of them. Destroying a pretty boy’s face in such a way looked like an insult on top of injury. She had no real way of knowing how it would turn out if she tried to explain herself and any chance of success there rested solely on if there was even anyone left on her side. For him to try to seize her like that… she’d probably run out of chances with them.
That was probably an impending execution, right? He was going to take her down to an airlock and toss her out with the remains of the last couple of surgeries wasn't he?
Jonesy’s sidearm was a micro-railgun pistol. She had only ever seen one of its kind and that was in the holster on Jonesy’s thigh. Even he had rarely used it though, preferring instead a standard projectile carbine for boarding actions. It was more of a status symbol than anything else; he was the executive officer and he got the fancy gun. She had seen and heard it fired once or twice before and so she grabbed some cotton balls and jammed them in her ears, taping over them to keep everything in place. It would make it easier to sneak up on her but that probably wouldn’t matter. The crew wouldn’t expect to hear the thundercrack of the weapon and would be woefully unprepared and disoriented. They wouldn’t be sneaking around.
She’d become good with a pistol in her time with the pirates. She didn’t really have to be since she was always the last in to help save anyone she could but there had been several times when they’d underestimated resistance or gone up against a tactically superior force and she’d been trapped with the dead and dying, soon to join them. Had she not practiced she certainly would have.
So, she exited the lab with the micro-railgun close to her body and pointed down the hall. First she would go to the command center. There would only be two or three people there and by cutting off the head she could ensure there was no ability for the crew to coordinate or get any understanding of what was happening and how to deal with it. She didn't encounter anyone on the way there and when she crossed into the control room's antechamber she heard the confirmation of Jonesy’s intent.
"He done spacing the twerp, yet?" The captain’s voice was muffled from the ear plugs but she could make it out well enough given his sheer volume. "I haven't seen an airlock notice."
"Is this because of the eyes?" She asked, likely too loud herself but that wasn’t an issue: it was in fact probably appropriate to the situation even if alien to her.
She had refused to remove a young man's eyes to replace those lost by two of the crew. The young man had still been alive and they wanted her to keep him that way. By the man’s own request she had botched the job so thoroughly that he passed in his sleep and the drugs she used had destroyed the most valuable parts.
She'd outlived her usefulness with a single moment of moral clarity.
The captain had turned to face her while gesturing for his comm officer to issue an alert. The officer didn’t get the chance, though. Her first shot hit him square in the chest, exploding through his back and demolishing the console behind him. Her ears were protected but she could feel the force of the shot against her throat and eyes. The shock of it made her forget to fire a quick second shot to be sure; fortunately she didn't have to.
"Peps!," he exclaimed using the nickname the crew had given her. "What are you…."
"Don't you even think about opening the intercom. Did you send your XO to kill me?"
In her head, the words seemed smooth and calm but given the hot tears streaming down her face, she probably looked and sounded unhinged; insane, even.
She didn’t remember bothering to wait for the answer. She knew already anyway. The captain lunged for a console and his speed caused her first shot to miss and hit the bulkhead. Having lost none of the energy it would have had she hit him, the round went clear through the wall. The second and third, though, painted the wall and floor with what had just a moment earlier been his insides.
The rupture in the bulkhead triggered the door to seal to prevent loss of atmosphere and she had just barely escaped back through it to avoid being trapped.
The crew had been ten-strong; nine discounting herself. That was a third of them down. The next stop was the armory. If the weapons fire had been detected then the crew would be convening there but wouldn’t be prepared yet since they would be waiting for the captain or his XO to come and unlock it or at least do so remotely from the bridge.
By the time she got there they’d gotten it open. The inability to contact the bridge probably made them panic enough to break it open. A lot of them had that skill; they were professional breakers and enterers after all. She entered the doorway and without any second of honest thought shot down the two brawlers immediately. They were the greatest threat and she had no delusions of being able to convince them to back down. Before ducking back behind the wall, she saw the remaining four huddled in the armory flipping tables to serve as cover. She couldn’t make out what they were yelling as they did so.
“I’m really sorry, guys,” she called out. “Cap was gonna space me and umm… I couldn’t let that happen. Things have gotten out of control, I know. But we can talk about it. There’s still half of us left, right? No captain to get in the way and that horrible little goblin XO is gone.”
The response came as a couple of shots out into the corridor. The rounds embedded safely in the walls. They were low-power weapons designed for boarding actions and to prevent passing through bulkheads.
“Hey now!” she yelled. “I got the railgun and it’ll go through that wall if you make me shoot back.”
She unstuck the tape over one of her ears so she could hear them talking inside.
“That’s probably why the bridge is sealed off. She probably missed a bunch. How much ammo could she possibly have left?”
Sara shook her head and said, “I’m down eight and I only need one with you guys trapped in there. Half a magazine is more than enough. Anyone want to talk to me, or what?” 
After a few moments of quietly waiting and hoping for a positive response, she added, “Hey, since I beat the captain in single combat aren’t I the captain now anyway? Or maybe I get to choose who is?”
She peeked in for just a moment to see them organizing some kind of plan. One was standing and started creeping toward the door. She ducked back behind the doorframe and took several quick steps back to give herself some space. As she did so she restuck the tape to protect her hearing. Sure enough, the man had come around the door expecting her to still be right there. When he realized that he was wrong, he tried lunging at her and so she fired twice, one shot grazing his face and splitting his cheek hoping while the second went through his chest. Graze rang down from the other end of the hallway and another alarm triggered. A bulkhead sealed. She’d punctured the hull again.
“What the hell, guys? I’m giving you a chance, what do you have against me right now? What would you have done in my position? You can’t tell me you’d just let them put you out an airlock. You mad about the eye, Abara? Look, there was no way I could save it but like… we have at least four good pairs onboard right now that don’t need to stay where they are. I can fix you without butchering some poor kid to do it.”
She hadn’t realized until a few moments after she said it that the only reason those eyes were now available was that she had killed… quite a few people now to free them up.
When they didn’t respond she changed tack. “Look, there are two holes in the ship and we’re cut off from control. There’s only four of us left and none of us are engineers so we’re on a sinking ship already nevermind if I puncture the hull again, right? Let’s get to escape pods. I will take you to the main pod. It already has supplies. You can take off and restart. I’ll get in the second pod and head in another direction. We don’t have to see each other ever again after this. Let me save us, please.”
She heard the sound of their weapons being placed on the ground though knew better than to assume it was anything other than a ruse. She kept her weapon up and distance from the doorway.
“I can’t hear very well so I’m just gonna ask that you come out into the hallway slowly, one at a time and unarmed. We can have a nice conversation while I take you to the pod. I can bring you a spare eye for transplant whenever you get to civilization, Abara. I’m sure you don’t want to trust me to put you under now.”
The three men entered the corridor one at a time, each one keeping their hands raised and visible. Sara kept the pistol aimed in their direction and took several more steps back just to ensure that she had enough distance to react to any hostility from them.
“You know where the pod is, get going. We’re all dead if we stay here,” she said, her voice cracking a little with the last bit.
They didn’t hesitate. They ran down the corridor away from Sara and toward the larger escape pod. She followed at a distance and just before they went in she called out to them, “Abara!”
Abara turned his remaining eye toward her.
“Do you want me to pack up an eye for you?” she asked. “Any medical center could put it in. You’ll probably have some explaining to do but at least you’ll have it. Or… you could decide later I guess. Trash it if it seems to suspicious”
He shook his head and turned back to the pod, yelling over his shoulder, “You’ve done enough.”
She wasn’t sure what he meant but she couldn’t ask. He probably wouldn’t have responded anyway and in any case didn’t provide the time. He ducked into the pod and they sealed the airlock. They were gone.
Sara had gathered up some remaining supplies and loaded them into the secondary pod as quickly as she could but when she began the power-up sequence there was nothing. No lights, no sounds, no indicators of any kind. The hand-cranked generator didn’t do any good after ten minutes of work on it. All it did was use up the ever-depleting oxygen.
“Shit,” she muttered.
This ship was going to be her grave after all.
But Sara was a survivor. She sank against the wall and cried for a good five or ten minutes, maybe more but who could really say. When that was done, though… when she had poured out all of the emotion she had in her, spewing it forth until the tank was completely empty and she had nothing left to give, she got to work on lengthening her life.
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jacscorner · 1 year
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Once again, Jango catches the notorious space pirate, Sara Scorpion!
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therealmofamorus · 1 year
Hentai muse idea: Space Pirate Sara. (Space Pirate Sara Scorpion is on a quest to find the "Sword of Bernstein" in order to become heir to the Imperial Throne, but has an "extended" sexual misadventure along the way.)
I do remember doing a few asks and prompts(?) on Space Pirate Sara....
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