#Spiritual discipline
crystalsenergy · 5 months
_overcoming the common obstacles to human evolution (project of texts, insights & reflections)
Envy and comparison are feelings generated by excessive focus on the external (appearances, what seems to be, what is shown) and little on the internal (you, what you have, what you want, what you feel you need, and what to do about it).
Comparison and envy are the result of disconnection from yourself.
Avoid comparing yourself, projecting yourself, and if you notice yourself in this process,
try to shift the focus inward, asking yourself:
"Do I need to live like this?" "What does this add to me?" "What do I do with my personal power, which exists to some extent, when I ignore what I possess to desire what others have?
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The way to godly living is surprisingly simple: We are to walk with God in His appointed way (Micah 6:8), diligently using the means of grace and the spiritual disciplines, and waiting upon the Holy Spirit for blessing. Note that godly living involves both discipline and grace. This emphasis upon duty and grace is fundamental to Reformed, experiential thinking on godly living.
Joel Beeke
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"What is a true spiritual discipline? It is a known rhythm of the harmonised body. All is there. Nothing could be more material than to use the body for acquiring a right sensation of God."
~ Sri Anirvan
[via Ian Sanders]
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urloveangel · 2 years
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happy 11/11 manifestation portal ✨
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cosmicsage · 2 years
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Having the courage to sit with your discomfort, understanding the nature of your lesson, acknowledging your creations, owning your actions and your reactions, is the most responsible and compassionate thing you can do for yourself. It may not make it go away fast, but it will resolve it FOREVER.
This will clear your energy, bring you true inner peace, catapult you into incredible expansion, and you will never have to repeat the cycle of suffering again.
Immediate energetic compensation, a.k.a feeding, appears to be the easy way out. It brings immediate relief, giving you the illusion of resolution of “the problem”, but it is only the resetting and perpetuation of the same inner patterns that brought you to your knees in the first place. So you go, hopeful, into an even harder version of the lesson, only to find yourself wondering why it all went wrong AGAIN.
Love yourself. Be compassionate to yourself. Put your hands on your Heart and say:
“I love myself enough to brave my inner storm and deal with it.
I love myself enough to have the spiritual discipline to look at myself with total honesty.
I love myself enough to work my energy with responsibility.
I love myself enough to get it done and over with THIS time.
I love myself enough to take care of me and guide my humanity into the new level of Beauty and Sovereignty that I came here to become.
And so it is.”
-Marco A. Gómez
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northwoodsfan · 2 years
Grace Nugget for 1.4.23
Grace Nugget for 1.4.23
Grace Nuggets: Simple reminders of God’s great love for you.
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mindfulldsliving · 3 days
The "Go" of Preparation
A moral inventory involves honest self-reflection. This process includes identifying weaknesses, seeking guidance, and sharing with trusted individuals for support. Acknowledging flaws is the first step toward improvement, and accountability partners can
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biblebloodhound · 17 days
Wisdom for Life (Proverbs 11:1-31)
Anyone can find the dirt in someone. Be the one to find the gold.
The Lord detests dishonest scales,    but delights in an accurate weight.When pride comes, so does shame,    but wisdom brings humility.Integrity guides the virtuous,    but dishonesty ruins the treacherous.Riches don’t help in the day of wrath,    but righteousness rescues from death.The righteousness of the innocent makes their path straight,    but the wicked fall in their wickedness.Those who…
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Living in Alignment with God’s Will and The Mind of Christ
Introduction:In the journey of Christian faith, believers often find themselves wrestling with the dichotomy between the “carnal mind” and the “renewed mind.” The carnal mind, also referred to as the “worldly mind,” is inclined toward sin, temptation, and the distractions of the flesh. On the other hand, the renewed mind is aligned with the will of God, filled with peace, love, and the presence…
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eyeoftheheart · 3 months
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“Demonstrate discipline of Spirit, for without it you will never be free. For the slave, spiritual discipline is a prison; yet for the one who is free, it is a healing garden of beauty.”
― Helena Roerich, The Secret World Government: Cosmic Guidance for the Leader
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kspear · 5 months
Running as a Form as Prayer Step-by-step
Mornings are my favorite time to run. As I head out the door, the new day has yet to take shape. There are so many possibilities. An early morning run is an excellent time to begin the day in prayer. Indeed, I’ve found running to be a form of prayer. I agree with the ishouldberunning.com blog that prayer and running go hand-in-hand. I didn’t start running to strengthen my spiritual life.…
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The way to godly living is surprisingly simple: We are to walk with God in His appointed way (Micah 6:8), diligently using the means of grace and the spiritual disciplines, and waiting upon the Holy Spirit for blessing. Note that godly living involves both discipline and grace. This emphasis upon duty and grace is fundamental to Reformed, experiential thinking on godly living.
Joel Beeke
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meditation-music · 6 months
Why Yogis Say "Stop Seeking Pleasure:" How Spiritual Discipline Leads to liberation.
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itsmadhvi · 8 months
Guru Gobind Singh's Wisdom: Enquiry for Personal Development and Management Excellence
In a world filled with complexities, Guru Gobind Singh’s teachings shine as a beacon of light, guiding us not only spiritually but also in the practical realms of life. Born in Patna, Bihar, Guru Gobind Singh, the tenth Sikh Guru, left a legacy of spiritual wisdom and martial strength. His teachings, based on the spiritual foundation laid by Guru Nanak, go beyond religious boundaries, offering…
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turiyatitta · 10 months
Inner Flame
The Dual Paths to Spiritual EnlightenmentSpiritual enlightenment is often perceived as the pinnacle of human consciousness, a state of profound insight and understanding that transcends ordinary perception. But is this enlightenment an attainment through arduous pursuit, or is it a state into which some are born?The notion of being born spiritually enlightened is intriguing. It implies an…
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possil · 11 months
The fourth and final part of ‘The State of the West’. We are forced to acknowledge that from Sweden to Italy, from the Atlantic to the Black Sea, the West is in dire straits. It is easy to highlight the obvious features producing social breakdown: uncontrolled immigration, identity politics, intolerant progressivism, supine politicians, the list goes on and on. The results are depressing. The…
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