bijoutarot · 11 months
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The Person On Your Mind
Pick an Image
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Image 1
Some of you have a connection that started in the workplace. This person might have gotten close to you after spending a lot of time together at work. As things began to get hot and heavy your feeling started to grow for this person. At the time you were waiting for them to ask you out on a real date and not just “hanging out.” This person is afraid to let someone get in their heart. They worry about getting hurt again like in the past. A previous heartbreak lowered their self esteem and they blame themselves for letting someone get too close.
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Image 2
Recently you and your person decided to part ways. Both of you are handling this separation differently. This person is seeking distractions to keep their mind off of you. They want to contact you but they are fighting the urge. This person made a huge mistake that has you defensive. They have lost your trust and crossed the line. They are being stubborn by not apologizing.
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Image 3
The person on your mind has been thinking about you a lot lately. They wonder if you have moved on with your life with another person. They wonder if you are dating or being intimate with someone else. These thoughts make them feel uneasy. They are not quite ready to let you go. You have not been communicating with this person and they miss hearing your voice. They want to make a romantic gesture to win you back.
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Image 4
Right when you decide to start dating the person on your mind will rushing back into your life. You gave up on this connection due to their immaturity or the age difference. You were getting frustrated with how they were not ready to get serious. You are attracting new suitors and opportunities right now and are starting to explore for the first time in forever. Take your time.
Which reading resonates?
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Let’s Talk About: Earth Bending
Recently, I had some more insight into bending energy and I decided it’s finally time to write a #longpost. I’ve missed doing them.
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What is Earth Bending?
Earth bending is when you know how to manipulate your own energy and frequency to be able to match that of the earth (soil, sand, the ground). What you’re really doing is working with them on their level. It’s sort of like translating energy.
How do I learn how to bend earth?
When you know how to control your own energy, then you know how to filter outside energy. This process of learning to control your energy is part of how you become an expert of your own energy, from there you can feel which energies aren’t yours and you can feel things come through the frequency line you create. Your hands may tingle when you do this as energy transfers. When you create that connection, you can talk to the earth.
You can feel its energy and listen to what it yearns for. Maui is yearning for joy. It wants its people to find joy on its shores, it needs aloha and its ohana too. I felt it there. On Oahu, the land yearns for water. In some places it felt so dried, I was brought to tears just to water it.
How do I get on the same frequency?
You can create such a powerful connection with the elements when you ask them questions. They hear our cries all the time and we never ask them about themselves. It’s a one sided dynamic. You have to form a relationship with the element.
I stick my hands in the dirt and I ask questions. I caress and play with the sand. I spend time with it and learn about what it wants and how I can help tell people.
My gift as a communicator isn’t just in public relations but also in hearing things people can’t always hear. Talking to that which people think isn’t sentient. How cruel. To diminish the ocean or the sand in that way. Just because things don’t express themselves in a human way, doesn’t mean they aren’t sentient or communicating. That’s how I’m also able to talk to animals and find their frequency. It’s like a radio tuner and you have to get it to the right place for the clearest signal.
Tips for strengthening your bond with the earth:
—bury your hair
—bleed into the soil (a little like a pin prick)
—remove invasive plants
—caress and play with it
—laugh and talk with it
—help it heal (ie plant native plants, help restore the soil, bring the water back)
**do this at a place you spend a lot of time enjoying, give back to that which gives so freely to you**
—Go spend time pouring your love, your life force into it
—plant beautiful plants in an aesthetically pleasing way, help the land gain its confidence and pride back
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The Land Feels Too
When land is stripped of all its uniqueness (native/endemic plants) and nutrients, it too feels defeated and sad. It needs to be brought back to life as well, made excited, so it can pour out to us like it so wants to. Right now the earth can barely hold itself together.
I saw this post from a Lahaina Strong Activist, Paele, and he said that West Maui is not in a place to lovingly open its arms to tourists when its arms are so tightly wrapped around the community. And that sat with me.
Mama earth wants to abundantly feed us, and block hurricanes and care for us. To let us eat fruit and look at her beauty all day. But capitalism has crippled her, broken her spirit, made her devoid of light. It’s our job to lift her up. We need her as much as she needs us.
So I can just move earth around and stuff? Like in Avatar?
Earth bending at this point in time is only to be used to send healing and loving energy to the heart of our mother Gaia. That is the only channel that is open to human kind at this point in time because, the earth is not strong enough to support other bending. She has to be healed first.
This channel was opened in 2022. The pandemic allowed her to regain enough strength to open the channel again, but it’s a pretty dire situation. To be totally frank. She’s very resilient but it needs so much from us. So much to balance all we’ve taken.
This channel is what allows me to hear her more clearly and to translate it. I realize now, I’ve always felt the earth but I never could quite translate it. Like I knew not to step on graves or instinctively how to talk to the wind. But it’s much clearer now. 2/22/22 Tuesday was the day the floodgates of energy opened. Access to magic was heightened for everyone after the collective uplifting during the pandemic.
Spirit was preparing me for a while because 2022 was a big year magically. Mathematically things aligned that’s how we had that wowza Tuesday. I don’t know much about math but spirit is urging that this is tied to sacred geometry and other magical math. I don’t have a math brain so I can’t quite explain it. People with math brains translate numbers, I translate energy and frequency. There are different energetic/soul expertises.
So right now, earth bending is being used as a tool to give voice to the earths desires and wishes. It needs intervention. When the earth tells you what it needs, it’s your job to work to take that action.
What Else?
Energy vortices are merely places where the land still has a strong life force. This is what I meant when I said some of us incarnated to hold the frequency. I’ve been sent to energy vortex locations all my life because I can plug into the energetic life force grid and power surge it, boost it. Which it needs because it’s not running at full capacity and it needs some help upgrading. That upgrade comes through conservation. Basically the energy expands, becomes stronger as the land functions more circularly. Right now it’s a straight line of extraction with barely anything coming back into the land
What can I do to help even if I can’t bend earth energy?
—get involved with sustainability based volunteering (physically caring for the land)
—lead neighborhood cleanups
—pick up trash at your local park
—ask your county parks about how you can plant more native plants in your favorite public park
—grow your own food
—work on healing your heart chakra
Also I want to state that I think a huge key in healing the land is found in indigenous cultures and the way they lived in harmony with their land of origin for so many years. I believe indigenous knowledge about the land is the only way we can save the earth.
I also want to state that this is a spiritual way to assist the earth. There is more than spiritual work that needs to happen to help her heal. But this is a way you can help spiritually/energetically.
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polykrom · 2 years
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« Hazzy Landscapes » « Paysages Voilés»
Autumn 2022
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monk-with-quotes · 2 years
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spiritualmagic777 · 2 years
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Comment | Share~ Follow 👉@avoid_ofdarkness For spiritual knowledge, guidance, & wisdom. Tag a friend who would like this post And don't forget to check out the link in our bio! #spiritualjourney #divineguidance #ascension #soulguidance #audreykitching #spiritualgangster #higherconciousness #higherself #spiritualawakening #lightwork #lightworkersunite #thirdeyewideopen #chakrasaligned #divinefeminine #spiritualrevolution #spiritualrealness #spiritualmemes #spiritualmeme #lightwarriors #shaman #beyondtheveil #starseed #stayinyourmagic #stayconnected #connectedtosource #spiritualaf #5D #1111 (at Los Angeles, California) https://www.instagram.com/p/CouLQteynOC/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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baba-ifadare-1 · 2 years
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Whatever you’re going through in life , it’s temporary. Be strong , determined and seek spiritual consultation and everything will be fine. ……………………..b’ójú o ba ri ohún bí okùn Kòle rí ohún bí ide …………………. The eyes that withstand or goes through challenges and hardships Will surely see greatness, blessings and goodness for life . Àse òrìsà 🕊🙏🏿 #ochosi #méxico #gangster #ifa #herbalism #atlanta #spain🇪🇸 #brazil #agentina #georgia #usa🇺🇸 #spirituality #spiritualgangster #spiritualawakening #santería @todos #todos @fam0us_redd @_franse1 @baba.ochosi_thehunter @brilliantly_divine.llc @yeyesbotanica_atlanta @21savage @21lilharold @baba_ifadare_1 https://www.instagram.com/p/Cl1XNQAtu7d/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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air-atman-in-ravi · 8 months
Transcend desires
.Let us not get so swept away by our senses, by our mind that we continue to be driven by wants and desires. Instead, let us learn to discipline the mind, transcend desires and thoughts. From being in the mind state, let us evolve to being in the state of Consciousness, the state of no thoughts, of awareness.
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breathenbounce · 11 months
Sixteen Things
This week, sixteen things I wish people told me when I turned 16. I wrote these to my daughter as she just turned 16, and I thought that everyone could learn something from this. So I will give you that part of it...
Nothing is permanent in life.  The bad times don’t last forever.  Like a bad storm they eventually disappear, but keep in mind this also applies to good times as well.  Always enjoy the good and hold onto it, and sit with the bad.  These things blow with the wind.
The first person you need to make happy is yourself.  If you have a cup of some really sweet juice, if you give it to everyone, there won’t be any left for you.  If you give people kindness and good energy remember to always take care of yourself first.  There is a reason they tell you to put your mask on first on a plane.
Don’t accept judgment from anyone.  Including yourself.  Judgments are stories we tell ourselves to justify mistakes.  Mistakes don’t need to be justified.  They need to be noted, possibly not repeated and moved on from.
If you feel something in your gut, trust it.  Don’t second guess it.  You know you better than anyone else.
Always look for opportunities to have fun.  The more you feed the kid in you, the happier you will be.  If something seems silly, that’s more of a reason to do it.
Never let anyone tell you how much you are worth. If you crumble a $100 bill throw it on the floor and step on it, it’s still worth $100.  The same is true for you.  People will say crazy shit to you and try to tell you things that are reflections of how they feel about themselves.  Always know your worth, and put tax on it.
Take your time with everything. If you are working on something big do it in small doses.  You will get big results.  I promise.
When anxiety hits, take deep breaths and find five psychical things in your space and say them out loud.
Find time for yourself to relax once in a while.  If you need to walk away from some responsibilities, come back to them after. Your mental health is more important that anything else.  Keep your brain well rested and sharp.
If all else fails, there may be one thing you didn’t think of.  Go to bed and try that one thing the next day.
If someone makes you mad, or if you’re forced to make a big decision, pause.  Go to bed. If you still feel the same way, then respond accordingly.
You will make friends throughout your life.  You will meet a whole cast of characters.  Remember the ones who were there for you during the roughest times. Hang onto them as much as you can, but don’t suffocate them LOL
You get one chance to make a great first impression. However you get more chances to enhance it.
Music is medicine for the soul
A wise man once had two arrows shot at him  The first arrow hit him because he didn’t see it coming.  You have control how you respond to the second.
When all else fails, always choose love
Maybe you learned something, maybe you didn't. But its good to leave this list up so you can remember.
Love and peace to you. namaste
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bijoutarot · 1 year
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Friends With Benefits
What is their next move?
Pick an image 💕
Left to right *
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Image 1
Your friends with benefits situation has been a casual yet emotional rollercoaster. This person treats this connection like it is light and free yet emotionally they are locked in. They want to play house with you without having the what-are-we-doing-conversation. This person has a deep love for you but they are reluctant to express their love. You are getting impatient with this connection because it has reached a plateau. You are ready for it all with the right person. You want this person to be more active and take initiative. You are growing impatient. You are tempted to move on because this is not going anywhere. Their next move is to stay silent. They are afraid of regretting the decision if they commit.
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Image 2
Your friends with benefits situation moved very fast. You guys hooked up right away and hit it off. Things felt so natural and without pressure. You two love spending time with one another. This connection has been the easiest thing. No stress. No drama. I see that you two share a love of being on the fast lane. It was easy to choose one another. This feels like something you don’t have to think about. You guys are spontaneous. This is the type of person that is more than a friend but not serious enough for a huge intro when introducing them to your friends. As holidays approach it will bring you guys to the question you are both avoiding. What are we doing? Do we want to take this connection to the next level? You are both avoiding this talk because of the fear that it will somehow ruin the fun.
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Image 3
This friends with benefits has been going on for a number of years. For some of you it has been 6. This is a solid connection. You guys go back to each other when there is an awkward in between time when you are single. One of you is a runner. Whenever something gets too hard or when a conversation gets to emotional they withdraw. Sometimes they walk away and return like nothing happens. What keeps you two invested in one another is the trauma you both have in common. There are situations throughout the years that brought you closer but never a commitment. The next move is going to be an ultimatum. Move with me, let’s be together or I will go alone.
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Image 4
This friends with benefits situation is addictive. The passion between you two is undeniable but so are the issues. You guys have “broken up” and reconciled countless times. One of you has a serious addiction to sex, drugs, and alcohol. They have made a lot of bad decisions and claim to not remember doing it. This is something you refuse to deal with long term. The next move is a decision. Your person wants to be stubborn and is in denial about their substance abuse. This will be a difficult conversation because they will be manipulative. For some of you your person is in legal issues because of their struggle with sobriety. You are trying to be supportive but they are very resistant.
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tafadzwasworld · 1 year
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But a spiritual one coz you gotta pray man, you gotta pray.🤞🏾🖤🤍
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polykrom · 2 years
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"The sense of oneness with her"
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monk-with-quotes · 2 years
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Love is the medicine.
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aboutmyreview · 1 year
#soulmates #soulguidance #love #spiritualgangster #positivevibes #positivity #lovepoems #lovers #couplegoals #sketch #sketching #couple #coulplesketch #Relationships #relationshipadvice #instagram #lovecycle #usa
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mantrapiece · 2 years
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An old Tibetan vajra pendant made of solid bronze. Only one of this particular design in stock. @mantrapiece . #mantrapiece #vajra #guanyinpendant #power #prayer #protection #jewelry #spiritualjewelry #spiritualconnection #spirituality #spiritualawakening #spiritualgrowth #spiritualjourney #spiritualgangster #spiritualguidance #spiritualhealing #spiritualbeings #spiritualbeing #spiritualjewelryshop #spiritualjewellery #spiritualguide #spiritualpath #spiritualinspiration #spiritualenergy #spiritualknowledge #spiritually #spiritualité #spiritualworld #spiritualpractice (at Los Angeles, California) https://www.instagram.com/p/Co8XwmTvTw2/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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artangonism · 2 years
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“The mandala is a map for spiritual transformation.” - June-Elleni Laine #spirituality #spiritual #spiritualawakening #spiritualjourney #spiritualgangster #spiritualwisdom #wisdom #transformation #transform #deveopment #develop #spiritualmandala #shiv #shivajimaharaj #shivratri #shiva https://www.instagram.com/p/Co5gOM5SsEC/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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