jh4l · 4 months
I Am God and I am the Creator of all things, I alone am eternal and self existing I am completely self sufficient and independent of anything else other than my existence, I Am loving, all knowing, all powerful, omnipresent, unchanging, holy, just, gracious, righteous, and merciful.I AM the One True God, all other so called gods are nothing but man made idols, I AM THAT I AM. 
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mrspotatoheads · 1 year
What is revision?
Revision is when we change a certain thing/event that has already took place.
How to revise?
Revision is simple. All you have to do is accept that the thing you want to change has already changed, it happened exactly how you wanted it to.
Which method to use?
You can use any method for revision, this goes for when your manifesting anything. You can visualise the certain event going the way you desired, script, or say affirmations.; anything to get you in the state of the wish fulfilled.
The most common thing people want to revise are grades, if you want to change your grade from a D to an A you can visualise receiving the paper back and see the A on the paper, you can script having a conversation with your parents and telling them you got an A, or you can simply affirm things like “I got an A in my test” and continue to remind yourself whenever you find yourself worrying.
You can revise absolutely everything, every time you think of the event just remember it going the way you desire. Simple.
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Tend the garden with love
And see how far
A single seed can go
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afropearl · 4 months
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altars 🐚
I never realized how much I devote to Myself
My vanity, with skincare and makeup to enhance glamour
jewelry that glistens in moonlight, as I love silver
My mirror, a portal into Myself adorned with messages to remind Me ‘I am the center’
My end table, with crystals and books and candles, shells and sand from past sea trips
the bathroom, carefully curated to cleanse, restore, and enrich My skin and hair with luxurious oils, lotions and creams
My silk sheets, soft clothing, nutrition, exercise, relaxation; they all are offerings to Me.
I am one of the Goddesses.
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k-tarotz · 4 months
buy two, get one for free
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In celebration of summer being around the corner we decided that from June 1ST until June 30TH we will hold a sale to make our readings more affordable to those who are saving up but would still like to have a reading of their own! It’s a get two, get one for free sale, similar to one we have held before.
⟡ if you buy four readings, you get two for free and so on.
⟡ this does not apply to astrology readings.
⟡ there’s no limit to the amount of times you can take part of this sale, as long as it’s within the said time frame.
If there is anything you are curious about you can always feel free to ask us, we will gladly answer! Thank you for reading.
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littlestarlucia · 5 months
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“you are the universe experiencing itself.”
it took me a while to figure out what the definite meaning of this sentence was. then i realised that it has different definitions for every soul, as we are always connected, no matter our paths or life purposes.
energy is energy, and you, the universe, will never end.
isn’t that fascinating.
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school-of-roses · 2 years
✧☆Introduction to Set Up☆✧
Everyone starts somewhere! Setting up for a ritual can be a whole process that some look forward to, some dread, and others simply see as part of the process. This can apply for home grown or found rituals alike.  More ceremonial practices might have their own rules for how one should set up for their rituals that are specific to them, but if you are making your own, you own this part of the process too.
Cleansing and Warding
More often than not you’re going to want to cleanse and ward a space before you do a spell. This cleans the slate and readies the space for your intent. This is also when you might ward against unwelcome spirits or against those who might seek to undermine your working. While not everyone is going to make a hobby of making enemies of other witches, the person undermining your working might even be yourself, your own self doubt, your own conflicted wishes.  This is the moment you leave that at the door. Cleanse out what does not serve you, ward against it while you work, and have faith in yourself to carry through unimpeded.  This is your space now.
Who, What, When, Where, and Why?
Who is going to be part of a spell can range from a group to those who will be present metaphysically.  Your guides might be part of this process, your friends might be apart of the process. You may even say a prayer to ask a deity or similar entity for their help with the proceedings. Regardless, those who are present should know that this is what is happening.  You largely don’t want anyone interrupting.  
Spellwork often involves materials or other objects that correspond with what you are trying to do. This is your substance.  These are your elements.  You may want to make a checklist of all the components you will need, or construct the spell where you keep all of your witchy objects to have it be burnt, buried, or returned to nature to complete your spell. This is going to vary by spell.  Other things to consider are what you have your spell in, what you plan to do with it after, and how this can be done. (You wouldn’t bury forever a non-biodegradable vessel or burn something that produces toxic gas for example.)
Those who prescribe more to astrology are going to use the position of the stars or phases of the moon to decide when to perform a spell.  Those that follow the equinoxes/ solstices, or the wheel of the year might pick times when the veil (the separation between the physical and the metaphysical) is thinner.  Those that follow saints or other religions might pick specific holidays to plan for when their guides, patrons, or deities will be able to offer them the most assistance.
 Many witches take to doing their craft in their home, and will have an altar of sorts that they do their spellwork around. However, many practitioners will also take into account place as an aspect of their working.  They may go out into the woods to get more help from nature or take advantage of very old corresponding trees that they don’t have to take clippings from in order to utilize. It also might be the best way to find a space that you can temporarily designate as your own, or where you won’t be bothered.
The ease of using an altar means that you have to be less concerned about not having everything with you that you plan to use.  If this is the case you can have everything set up ahead of time, or just in reach for when you need it.  However, if you plan to go somewhere else, you might want to pack a travel altar (a smaller, often easily concealable, altar to take with you).  This will act as your witchy toolbox.
Setting up as a process is important to many for a variety of personal reasons. As you progress as a witch you may do more rituatual preparation or you may do less.  It can help get you in the right headspace, involve divination to decide if it’s worth it, or just be a more literal act of preparing tools, objects, and a clean quiet space. Your reasons are your own, and all of them are completely valid ways to approach the craft.
Sealing and Taking Down
Once you’ve sealed, signifying that this now comes to a close you may want to start undoing everything you’ve put up to perform the spell. This begins the process of returning the space to the way it was prior.  If this is your home it might include taking down the warding around the spell.  If this is out in nature remember to take only memories and leave only footprints.  Usually in the reverse order that you put everything up. I still use righty-tighty lefty-loosey. Many also cleanse the space afterwards.
I have a tendency to leave things for a few days the way they are because I have the executive function of a goldfish, but whether you do this can depend heavily on location, living situation, and how much you put up in the first place.  If most of what you did was clean the house and light some candles this isn’t a big deal, but if there are tripping hazards, something a child or pet could get into, or something that could attract wild animals, you’re probably going to want to be prompt with taking it down.
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hiddenpie · 2 months
- people who are disrespected or violated and don’t feed the pain or poison they experience to others but genuinely work to transmute into power. That’s dope.
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rosethewitch · 2 months
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Rose petals, glass gems, Clear quartz and rose quartz runes infusing with my rain moon water for a spell jar later! It's a process. My friend just lost her step mom 🥺
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rest-in-being · 2 days
The words of a guru are a finger pointing. Initially the student fixates on the guru's pointing finger and on the words of the guru and on the guru himself/herself. The student looks to the guru and to the outside for happiness just like he/she has done their whole life .
But eventually, the student looks to where the guru's finger is pointing which is pointing right back at the student saying what you seek is right here within you and has been here the whole time. Just look within. It's all there.
An honest, humble guru delights in a student being free of the guru.
It's really simple
Shut the fuck up, look inside and relax.
That's it.
Anything else is mind.
Anything else is distraction.
Like writing this post.
The other day i was lying in bed
I feel my mind "wanting to do something"
A distraction
Even reading spiritual literature is a distraction
Even writing this post to you is a distraction
That's enough, Back to Being
i read this somewhere.....
Stop staring at the teapot and drink the tea.
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ivemanifest · 9 months
Tuning into your heart will open up massive expansion, positive vibrations and DEEP healing. Tune into your heart chakra and expand into your most blissful self ❇
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jh4l · 2 years
In The End It All Comes Down To This: Do You Fully, Truly Believe That You Are The ONLY Operant Power Of Your Reality? Because That's The Real GAME CHANGER.
Once you can accept this, all the worry disappears. You don't panic about having doubts or emotions. You just know you're it, always have been and always will be.
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mrspotatoheads · 1 year
Can y give me ideas of amazing things to manifest please
Of course! These were some really random ones, I could go on forever.
Pretty privilege, infinite money, ability to talk to animals, your own private island, being royal, always getting free samples, a pet fox (I think it’d be cute), an extraordinary singing voice, drawing skills, ambassador for a luxury brand, staring role in a very popular movie/show, acing all tests without studying, being able to write/speak every language, telekinesis, being able to win every bet, being able to play multiple instruments, amazing cooking skills, telepathy.
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abyssa111 · 1 year
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Andy Warhol
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Amorphous dance
Ascendant trance
Delirious and wild
Perspective enlightened
Pressure tightened
Molding rough coal
Into diamond
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k-tarotz · 10 months
Hi if it’s okay with you can you do a read on Ri-Ki from enhypen future spouse? Thank you 💕
Riki's future spouse:
3 of wands × the emperor × 6 of cups
His fs is most likely not living in the same city or even country as him
It will start off as long distance romance and relationship [3 of wands indicates it]
His fs is someone who likes to travel
And someone that will also respect him and his boundaries, I feel like Riki is someone who wants a lot of freedom
He definitely wants to become a father one day in many years
He wants to build his own little family with his fs
And be a good father figure [the emperor]
He might will want to travel with his fs, kids too laters, back to Japan and/or Korea due to homesickness, especially if he decides to move into his fs country/city [6 of cups]
Someone younger than him also but not by much
Smaller than him
Possible shorter hair til around shoulders
Cute style
Big doe eyes
Soft skin and smooth appearance
- Hun
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