starkerhead · 3 years
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A Lil’ Bit of Sugar
fill for @spooky-starker-week Bingo 2021: Trick or Treat Summary: “Peter, I dare you to go trick or treating at one of those pompous assholes’ mansions.”  Content: Starker, fluff Word Count: 1.2K Read on AO3 ♡: @momothequeen134 @winterthal @sarcastich @lemonpeter @bluestarker @babybatscreationsv2 @90minsofscreentime 
“Aren’t you guys a little old to be trick or treating?”
“It’s called ‘rebelling against social norms’,” MJ explained. “We’re protesting against the notion that childhood ends at the cusp of teenagehood, which punishes teens for indulging in any kind of innocent fun.” 
The man at the doorstep stared at her incredulously, then glanced at Ned and Peter, who were behind her. All three were clad in costume, holding pumpkin-shaped candy buckets like they were five and not fifteen. 
“Uhh, yeah, you’re not getting any candy from me. Find another house to raid.”
MJ flinched as the man slammed the door in her face. 
“What’s his deal?” she said in her usual deadpan voice.
They got back onto the pavement, continuing along the row of decorated townhouses. Cheers and laughter pierced the air as children ran in the streets. The Halloween decorations along the houses illuminated the darkness, the orange and white lights twinkling in their periphery. 
“We still had a good run,” Ned piped up, shaking his bucket which rattled with a good handful of mini candy bars. “Some of them were too polite to refuse.” 
MJ shook her head.
“Not good enough. We gotta go big, my dude. I’m not going home without a full bucket.” 
Peter was quiet as MJ and Ned continued to discuss their candy strategies. He examined the decorations of each house they passed by, taking note of the tacky displays and the ones he actually liked. One house had some particularly good-looking jack-o-lanterns, which he silently praised. It was nice to just bask in the moment, listening to his friends chattering while walking around town in a Spiderman costume. He felt like a kid again. 
As they turned a corner onto the next street, Peter yelped when he walked right into Ned. He was about to tell him off for stopping abruptly when he looked up and gaped at the sight in front of him: a long row of mansions, covered in the most extravagant decorations possible. Houses covered in neon lights and cobwebs, their yards filled with zombies and skeletons. Mechanical screams and cackles echoed in the distance. 
“Howard Beach,” MJ muttered. “Rich people territory.” 
There was silence as they took in the spectacle. A group of kids approached a coffin on one of the lawns, shrieking as an automated corpse burst from inside. 
“Well, you wanted the big guns, right?” Peter said. “Here’s your chance. I’m sure some of them could spare some full-size candy bars.”
MJ snorted. “Peter, I dare you to go trick or treating at one of those pompous assholes’ mansions.” 
“Maybe I will.”
“I’m serious, you know. I will hold you accountable.”
“And I am, too. Just pick a house and I’ll do it.” 
MJ surveyed the houses in front of them, contemplating for a moment. 
“That one.” She pointed towards the distance at the largest, most expensive-looking mansion on the street. 
Peter raised his eyebrows. 
“The only house that’s not decorated?” 
MJ nodded, her gaze taunting him. 
Maybe it was the superhero costume that gave him the courage, because before he knew what he was doing, Peter started towards the house. 
He didn’t realize how hard his heart was thumping until he stopped at the entrance. Through the gate, the edifice towered above him, and he suddenly found himself wanting to back away. It was a beautiful piece of architecture, with a double staircase leading up to the door and a goddamn fountain in the garden. 
How do people just live like this?
He sucked in a breath and buzzed the gate. Ned and MJ giggled behind him, adding to his nerves. 
To Peter’s surprise, the light of the buzzer turned green and the gate slid open. Peter looked back and flashed a grin of triumph at his friends, whose mouths were wide open. 
“See? I told you I could do it.” 
As he walked up the steps, a man appeared at the front door. Peter’s fingers trembled, and he thought of turning back, but MJ and Ned were watching him. 
And then he was standing at the doorstep, staring up at the most beautiful man he had ever seen. 
The man leaned against the doorframe, his arms crossed. He looked to be in his fifties, his dark beard speckled with gray. He peered at him over his glasses, his piercing brown eyes making Peter want to shrink away. 
“What is it?” The man said, his tone firm. 
Peter’s mouth was suddenly dry. His grip on his pumpkin bucket tightened, making him recall what he was doing there in the first place.
“Uhh, trick or treat?”
The man cocked an eyebrow, and Peter swore a smirk was tugging at his lips. 
“Seriously?” his voice was amused. Peter could feel his cheeks heating up.
“I’m being very serious, sir.” 
The man stepped away, and for a split second Peter thought he was going to shut the door in his face. 
But he disappeared inside his house for several minutes, the front door still wide open. Was it an invitation for him to step inside? No, he probably shouldn’t go inside a stranger’s house. But what if he was being rude? 
Peter snapped back to reality when the man reappeared in front of him. His eyes widened at the sight of what the man had in his hands: a pile of full-size candy bars, and not just the common Hershey's bars either, but the expensive stuff, the fair-trade, luxury brand chocolates filled with caramel and ganache and everything else that Peter never dared to reach for on the shelves. The man dumped them into Peter’s pumpkin bucket, weighing it down with the sheer heft of the chocolates. 
“I scavenged what I could from the house. You can probably tell I don’t usually get trick or treaters, so it’s what I have on hand.”
Peter cleared his throat, his gaze wavering as he struggled to process what was happening. 
“N-no, yeah, it’s- it’s good. This is- this is amazing, actually. Thank you.”
He looked up to see the man smiling at him. Peter suddenly felt naked.
“Say hi to your friends for me.”
Peter turned to find the pair half-concealed behind a bush. They ducked their heads when they realized the man was looking at them, making Peter laugh. 
“Yeah, I’ll do that. Sorry for bothering you. It was- it was just a stupid dare. We don’t usually, you know, knock on rich people’s doors.”
Tony chuckled. 
“It’s alright, kid. Happy Halloween.” 
“You too, sir! Thank- thank you. So much.” 
Peter’s feet were wobbling as he descended the steps back to where his friends were waiting for him. 
“Dude, your face is bright red,” MJ said.
Peter ducked his head down, ignoring the comment as he showed his bucket to them. 
“Woah. I thought rich people were stingy,” Ned said.
“Apparently this one isn’t.” 
“Well, Peter, I have to say I underestimated you,” MJ said. “You’re clearly a master of seduction.”
“Shut up,” Peter said, turning away to hide the smile growing on his face. 
As they made their way back, MJ and Ned were once again locked in a heated discussion, while Peter hung back behind them. He kept his eyes on his feet, lost in thought as his brain kept wandering back to the mysteriously generous stranger with the sparkling brown eyes. 
He looked down at his bucket, his fingers ghosting over the bars of chocolate, the ones that had just been in the man’s hands moments ago. 
He wondered if he would ever see him again. 
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starker-sorbet · 3 years
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Tony and Peter going to pick out a pumpkin together for their first Halloween as husbands
@spooky-starker-week bingo fill: Pumpkins
card below
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snowstark · 3 years
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Pumpkin Picking. 🎃
Peter and Tony go pumpkin picking together and share some kisses behind the pumpkin patch.
For @spooky-starker-week | Fill: Pumpkins For @starkerfestivals Flufftober | Day 8: Dorky Holiday Spirit
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spooky-starker-week · 3 years
Spooky Starker Week Bingo
Spooky season is right around the corner!
This year, we decided to do something different and instead of a week of prompts, we're doing a spooky starker bingo 🕷️
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How to Participate: Fill any of the prompts listed in the squares. Tag us at @spooky-starker-week or use #spookystarker2021 and we'll reblog your work 🎃 If adding to ao3, you can use the collections SpookyStarker
Duration: all of October
What can I create?: Anything as long as it's been inspired by the prompts 😊 (fanfics, fanart, headcanons, playlists) Just remember to tag appropriately!
Any other rules?: This event is styled in a bingo game fashion. This means that in order to cross out a square, the prompt must be filled. Getting "bingo" means either filling prompts horizontally, vertically, or diagonally, OR going for a blackout which means filling all prompts. However, it is not necessary to go by these rules because we just want everyone to have fun 😊
Prompts in Text:
Row 1: Witching Hour, Monster Under the Bed, Baking
Row 2: Pumpkins, FREE, Friendly Ghost
Row 3: Trick or Treat, Rituals, After Dark
If you have any questions, feel free to send in an ask to the blog. We're looking forward to all the spooky content! 🕸️🎃🦇
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sunset-starker · 3 years
Time for another moodboard & drabble(ish) for @spooky-starker-week for Spooky Starker Bingo
Prompts Filled: Rituals & Witching Hour
(yes, two in one!)
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Everyone was up in a tizzy. Someone had broken into the safe of Stark Industries and had stolen the broken Iron Man armor. The same armor that Tony Stark died in, that Pepper had had locked up so that no one could ever steal his designs and use them for anything other than what Tony intended.
And someone had stolen it! Had taken it right under security’s nose!
What on Earth would someone want with broken, empty armor?
Peter hadn’t meant to get so caught up in this. What had started all of this was the arc reactor, of all things.
(That, and he just missed Tony Stark so damn much.)
He had stood by, holding hands with May, and just watched as Pepper let the original arc reactor float away in the water. And he got it, that this was symbolsing of the world letting go of Tony Stark or whatever, but all he could think about was that she shouldn’t have done that, now anyone could end up finding it and does who-knows-what with it!
So, once it had gotten dark, he had crept back out to the lake - grateful that Pepper and Morgan had gone to stay with her family for a couple of days - and dived in, finding the reactor and taking it back to the apartment.
It was all downhill from there, really.
Okay, so…
Peter was desperate. And when he had found the spell one day by accident when he was helping out Dr. Strange, how could he not attempt it? The ritual itself seemed easy enough, and really, if it didn’t work, no one would have to know what he had done, right?
So… he stole the Iron Man suit.
And now… now he was out in the cemetery, in a large black hoodie with the hood covering his face - and laying out the broken pieces of the Iron Man armor. Next, he pulled out the picture of him and Mr. Stark, sitting it down next to him. Next came some candles, the copy of the spell he had made so Dr. Strange wouldn’t notice the book missing, and then the herbs he “borrowed” from the other man to make up for the ones he couldn’t find himself. The final pieces he needed were the arc reactor, and a small vial of blood. Breaking the arc reactor out of the little case it was in, he gently placed it on top of the empty chest of the suit. Then, lighting the candles, he sat back on his knees, pulling a pocket knife out.
Like he said, he was desperate, okay?
Glancing up at the full moon above him, he took a deep breath. He didn’t even really need the paper, he had memorized the spell word for word at this point. He didn’t want to risk messing anything up.
“As the witching hour rises with the glow of the moon
I bring to you, the pieces of a soul taken too soon.”
He closed his eyes and took another deep breath before he opened up the vial and dropping the few drops in the middle of the reactor. It was Morgan’s, which he had gotten from Stark Industries, since Tony had been paranoid - he had blood samples of everyone he knew and cared about, and Peter had only needed the few drops, so it wouldn't be missed.
“With the blood of the family and the blood of the willing,” he said, now dragging the knife across his hand and dripping his own blood on top of the reactor. He took a shaky breath as he glanced at his watch.
One minute to midnight.
“Now with the power of the full moon, I will you to come back to the living!”
His watch beeped.
Beep. Beep. Beep. Beep. Beep.
Nothing. He rested his head on the cold metal, heartbroken. It didn’t work. He felt a few tears slip down his cheeks and fall onto the metal below his cheek.
Beep. Beep. Beep. Beep. Beep.
Peter’s body locked up as his spidey sense went haywire, and then he felt a large metal hand come up to cradle the back of his head.
Bingo card below the cut
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starkerhead · 3 years
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Cookie Dough
fill for @spooky-starker-week​ Bingo 2021: Baking K*nktober 2021: Against the Counter Content: 18+, soft-turned-aggressive s*x  Word Count: 1K Read on AO3
“Whatcha got there, Petey pie?” 
Peter smiled as Tony’s arms snaked around his waist from behind, his chin resting on Peter’s shoulder. He continued to roll out the cookie dough on the kitchen counter, coating the rolling pin with flour as he worked. 
“Did you forget? We’re in charge of dessert tonight.”  
“I didn’t forget, I just thought it’d be easier to get something store-bought.”
Peter rolled his eyes. 
“Well, you know I don’t do store-bought. What would be the point of having this dinner in the first place?” 
“I don’t know, catching up with friends? Enjoying an evening of laughter and good company?”
Peter chuckled as Tony pressed a kiss to his cheek.
“You look good like this,” Tony whispered, his hands sliding beneath Peter’s apron which he’d half-jokingly gotten for him. It was pink and lacy, with the words “property of Tony Stark” printed across the chest. Underneath, Peter had on nothing but boxer briefs. “So pretty, like my obedient little housewife.” 
Peter could feel his cheeks beginning to flush. 
“Don’t try anything,” Peter warned. “They’ll be here soon.” 
“I wasn’t gonna.” 
Peter scoffed as Tony’s fingers crept across his stomach, drawing soft circles on his skin. He let out a shudder as his hands brushed against a sensitive spot, sending tingles throughout his body. 
“Oh yeah? Then what are your fingers doing?”
“They’re trying to relax you. Is it working?”
Peter sighed softly and leaned into Tony’s touch. Tony’s hard cock pressed back against his ass. 
“Tony, no,” Peter muttered as the man pressed kisses down his neck, whimpering as Tony cupped his growing erection. 
“You just keep on working,” Tony whispered against his ear. “Let me make you feel good.”
Peter picked up a ghost-shaped cookie cutter, trying to focus on the job at hand while Tony tugged down Peter’s boxers and pulled out his leaking cock. He sighed as Tony’s large hand wrapped around his length, slowly stroking him from behind, his breath hot against Peter’s neck. 
“How’s it going there?” Tony said, smirking as he watched Peter fumble with the mold, his fingers trembling as Tony increased his pace. Peter moaned as Tony sucked on his neck, making him press down into the dough at the wrong spot, decapitating a ghost in the process. 
“Seems like you need some help,” Tony chuckled. Peter glared at him. 
“I hate you,” he breathed. Tony only hummed in response, pulling down Peter’s boxers all the way to squeeze an ass cheek. 
“Well, since you’re not getting anything done anyway.” 
He pulled down his own pants and briefs, teasing his head against Peter’s entrance. Peter sucked in a breath and gripped the edge of the counter, abandoning the task in front of him altogether.
“Fuck, just do it quick, just get inside me.” 
“As you wish,” Tony said with an air of triumph. 
He cursed as he began to press inside, the tight squeeze of his walls overwhelming his senses. 
“God, you’re always so tight, aren’t you? No matter how much I fuck you, how much you’re a slut for my cock, your asshole will just always be so perfect for me.” 
“Shut the fuck up,” Peter muttered, “and fuck me like you mean it.”
“You said it.” 
Tony slammed into him, making Peter cry out and drop down onto his elbows on the counter. His hands scrambled for purchase, fingers fisting in the cookie dough as Tony thrusted relentlessly. Tony’s grip on his hips tightened, leaving handprints on his flour-stained skin. 
“You really are so pretty,” Tony muttered. “Looking so cute baking in this skimpy little outfit. Did you want me to fuck you? Wanted me to leave you red-faced and fucked out, to show our friends what a slut you are?” 
Peter whimpered at his words, the heat spreading on his cheeks. 
“Shit, Tony, Tony, please please…” Peter babbled as the man abused his hole again and again, making him see stars as he hit his prostate. 
“Please what?” Tony said, his voice a growl against Peter’s ear.
“Please, I’m close, I’m so close, I need to cum…” Peter whimpered, looking back at Tony with pleading eyes. 
“You can cum for me,” Tony said. “Cum, Peter, let go.” 
Tony’s hand wrapped around Peter’s length again, tugging at him in time with his thrusts. Peter’s entire body trembled at the stimulation, his knuckles white as he gripped the counter, feeling the pressure build in his lower abdomen. 
Peter groaned out Tony’s name as he came, staining the side of the table. With a few more thrusts, Tony’s release followed soon after, filling Peter up with his seed.  They panted together as they came down from their highs, bodies still pressed together, Tony buried to the hilt inside Peter. 
“Well, dessert is ruined,” Peter muttered, glaring back at Tony. 
“I’m sorry, baby,” Tony chuckled, pressing a kiss to Peter’s cheek. “”Let’s order a pumpkin pie or something, okay?” 
Peter grumbled but gave in as Tony pressed their lips together. Peter’s lips were buttery and sugar-coated, making Tony smile into the kiss. 
They jumped and broke apart as the doorbell rang. Peter turned to stare at the door in alarm. 
“Shit, get dressed,” Tony said, picking up their clothes from the floor. 
“Wow, who thought it’d be a good idea to fuck just before a Halloween dinner?” Peter muttered. His face was still impossibly pink, the bruises along his neck unmistakable. 
“Well, if you didn’t want me to pounce on you, maybe you shouldn’t’ve been baking nearly naked.” 
“Way to blame the victim,” Peter said, glaring at Tony while a smile tugged at his lips. 
“Please,” Tony said, rolling his eyes as he zipped up his pants. “You were not a victim.”
“Open up, you horndogs,” Nat’s muffled voice sounded through the door. 
Peter’s eyes widened. 
“You don’t think they heard, do you?” 
“If they did, we gave them a good show.”
Tony laughed at Peter’s mortified expression. 
“Come on. Let’s go greet them.” 
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♡: @momothequeen134​ @sarcastich​ @lemonpeter​ @winterthal​ @romannticparker​ @babybatscreationsv2​ @snowstark​ @90minsofscreentime
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starkerhead · 3 years
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Scaredy Cat
fill for @spooky-starker-week Bingo 2021: After Dark Summary: For someone who acts so tough, Peter never expected Tony to be such a scaredy cat.  Content: fluff, same-age Starker Word Count: 0.8K Read on AO3​
It was a dark and stormy night. 
Really, it was, and Tony and Peter had decided to spend it by watching shitty 1-star Halloween movies. 
“Ooh, I’m so scared,” Tony said, waving his hands as a man in bad zombie makeup jumped out from behind a wall. He mimicked the main characters’ cries as they ran from the monster. Peter laughed, turning from his position on the couch to slap Tony’s arm. 
“Stop it,” he said through a chuckle. “At least try to focus on the plot, will you?” 
“What plot? The one where the couple run out of flour in the middle of the night so they knock on the door of a haunted house?” 
Peter rolled his eyes, snuggling into his boyfriend’s chest. Tony’s hold on Peter tightened as he pulled him in closer by the shoulders, leaning his cheek on Peter’s head. They watched as the woman on the screen ascended the stairs of the Victorian-style house. She entered the bedroom, looking around warily as she approached the closet. 
“I’m sure there won’t be any monsters in there,” Tony said. 
The woman opened the closet doors, revealing a man dressed in white. 
“Oh my god! It’s a ghost!” Tony slapped his hands over his eyes, peeking out from between his fingers. “I can’t believe it, I totally didn’t expect that.” 
Peter couldn’t control his fits of laughter as he watched Tony make the dumbest jokes, poking fun at every flaw in the movie. More than the jokes themselves, Peter just liked seeing Tony enjoy making him laugh. He studied the fluttering of Tony’s long lashes and the way his lips twitched with amusement, admiring the way the screen illuminated him in blue amongst the darkness. Warmth pooled in Peter’s chest at the sight.
He loved Tony so much. 
Tony raised his eyebrows when he caught Peter staring. 
“Nothing,” Peter said, offering a small smile.  
A flash of white burst in from the window, followed by a crack of thunder booming through the room. Tony yelped and kicked his legs off the couch, shielding himself beneath the blanket. Peter erupted into a fit of laughter. 
“Tony, that’s enough, come on,” he said between chuckles. Tony stared at him, his face slightly flushed, only laughing half-heartedly in response. 
They carried on roasting the movie, cracking each other up as they went along. Tony was less witty than before, though, and Peter couldn’t help but notice how he was a little more on edge. 
As the thunder rumbled outside, rain pelting against the window in heavy splatters, Tony pulled his knees up to his chest, tugging up the blanket to shield more of his body. He stayed quiet even as multiple horribly-dressed vampires began to chase the woman. 
“You okay?” Peter asked halfway through the movie. 
“Yeah, why wouldn’t I be?” 
“You seem kinda nervous. Is something bothering you?” 
“I’m not nervous. I just-“
The TV blinked out, casting the room in complete darkness. Tony cried out, then cleared his throat. 
“Ugh, great. Now the power’s out,” Peter grumbled. “It couldn’t have waited till after the movie?” 
Peter turned on the flashlight on his phone, shining it against Tony to see his wide-eyed expression. 
“What’s up with you?” Peter said, furrowing his brows. 
He searched Tony’s face, and then the realization dawned on him. 
“Wait, you’re not afraid of the dark, are you?” 
Tony looked away, not meeting Peter’s gaze. It was all the confirmation Peter needed. 
“Aww, baby, come here.” 
Peter tugged Tony towards him, folding his arms around his shoulders, a hand reaching up to caress his hair. 
“Poor baby is scared of the dark,” Peter cooed, making Tony groan and wriggle in his grasp. Peter tightened his hold on the boy, which Tony reluctantly relaxed into. 
“It’s not like I believe in ghosts or monsters or anything,” Tony muttered. “It’s just that I don’t like not being able to see what could be lurking in the shadows. And thunder makes me jumpy.” 
“It’s okay,” Peter whispered into Tony’s hair. “I get it. I don’t think of you as childish or anything because of it.”
“And I’m not a poor baby,” Tony huffed. “I’m a big boy.”
“Yeah, you’re a big boy, aren’t you? You’re a tough boy who just happens to be afraid of thunderstorms and the dark,” Peter said. “It’s alright. You don’t have to be so brave all the time.” 
He pressed a kiss to Tony’s jaw, making his eyelids flutter at the touch. Tony leaned into him, and Peter closed the gap to connect their lips together. 
“I’ll protect you from the monsters, okay?” 
Tony grumbled but nodded, his eyes half-lidded as he leaned up to kiss Peter again. Their tongues danced lazily together, caressing each other against the backdrop of the pattering rain.
Tony was usually the big spoon, but that night it was Peter who held him tight in his arms, engulfing him in his warmth. Tony relished the feeling of Peter’s body pressed against his back, the familiar scent of Peter’s detergent relaxing him. He placed a hand on Peter’s, rubbing his thumb over his knuckles. Tony smiled as Peter’s hand closed around his, lacing their fingers together. 
Tony felt safe.
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♡: @momothequeen134 @winterthal @sarcastich @lemonpeter @romannticparker @babybatscreationsv2 @90minsofscreentime @snowstark
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starker-sorbet · 3 years
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Peter refused to let Tony go. They barely had any time together before Thanos, before Tony died. And he refused to accept it.
He would do anything to bring Tony back to life. Delve into dark magic and try whatever rituals he could get his hands on. Whatever it took, even if it meant making an enemy of Dr Strange, Peter would do it.
But one thing was for sure, Tony wouldn't stay dead, not if Peter had anything to say about it.
@spooky-starker-week bingo fill: Rituals
card below
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starker-sorbet · 3 years
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Vampires Peter and Tony awakening from slumber as the sun sets upon the city of New York and, after darkness has shrouded the city, setting out upon the streets to remind the human populace of to whom their home belongs.
@spooky-starker-week bingo fill: After Dark
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starker-sorbet · 3 years
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Husbands Tony and Peter spending their afterlife together, dancing through the abandoned rooms of their old manor and offering shelter to those who wander into their home.
@spooky-starker-week bingo fill: Friendly Ghosts
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starkerhead · 3 years
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fill for @spooky-starker-week​ Bingo 2021: Free K*nktober 2021: Bondage  Word Count: Drabble (100 words) 
Silver, translucent threads cascade down his body. He strains against the adhesive substance, but they secure him in place. He shudders as Peter’s hands crawl along his skin, the delicate caresses leaving goosebumps in their wake. 
“Peter, please,” Tony cries out.
“In due time, my love,” Peter whispers. He admires his handiwork: Tony laid bare and splayed out before him, beneath a webbing of his own design. Fingers ghost over Tony’s length, causing the man to jut up his hips in desperation. 
Tony whimpers at the darkness swirling in his eyes. 
“Oh, Tony. We’re going to have so much fun.” 
Bingo Card under cut
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♡: @momothequeen134​ @sarcastich​ @lemonpeter​ @winterthal​ @romannticparker​ @babybatscreationsv2​ @snowstark​ @90minsofscreentime​
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starker-sorbet · 3 years
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Tony and Peter having a quiet night in, snuggling up together and watching Nightmare Before Christmas
@spooky-starker-week bingo fill: Free Space
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starker-sorbet · 3 years
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Tony and Peter taking their daughter Morgan out trick or treating
@spooky-starker-week bingo fill: Trick or Treat
card below
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starker-sorbet · 3 years
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Peter and Tony baking Halloween cookies with their daughter Morgan.
@spooky-starker-week bingo fill: Baking
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starkerhead · 3 years
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Demon of the Night
fill for @spooky-starker-week Bingo 2021: Witching Hour K*nktober 2021: Inc*st/ Non-con
Content: 18+, Dead Dove: Do Not Eat, Inc*st, Groping, Heavy Non-con, Underage, Peter!whump Word Count: 0.9K
Read on AO3
The demon comes to Peter every night. 
It comes when the moon is hanging high in the sky, when his parents are fast asleep. 
They tell him he’s just imagining it, that monsters aren’t real.
But he can feel it. A dark presence looming over him, watching him sleep. 
He’s not sure when it started appearing, but since he began to notice it, he’s been petrified of going to bed. He’d delay his bedtime, staying up as late as possible, even digging out his old nightlight. You’re a big boy now, Pete, his father had said. You shouldn’t need a nightlight. He’d confiscated it then, leaving Peter feeling vulnerable and more terrified than ever. 
Sometimes Peter does wonder if he just has an active imagination. The creature has never made contact with him, only staying in the shadows. When he squints his eyes open a fraction, he can barely make out a manlike figure. But it could be a trick of the light; his senses fooling him to show him what he wants to think. 
That is the thought that swirls around in Peter’s mind tonight. 
It must be around midnight, he isn’t sure. He’s in his bed, his eyes squeezed shut. The creature still hasn’t shown up yet, which is unusual. He begins to wonder if it has finally decided to leave him alone. 
And then he feels it. A shift in the air around him, a figure moving to stand above him. He has never dared to open his eyes. He doesn’t want to know what he might find.
He holds his breath, tries to stay still, hoping that the creature will think he’s asleep. His fingers tremble as they clutch the blanket.
And then the creature moves. 
It lowers its face to hover above Peter’s. Peter thought monsters were supposed to feel cold. Instead, the creature’s body heat sends goosebumps along Peter’s skin. 
Peter stiffens as a hand rakes down his arm, fingers ghosting over him. The hand is warm, the nails short and round, unlike the long claws of witches and monsters in his ghost stories. It feels like a human’s hands. But a human had never sent so much fear jolting through Peter before. 
The hand moves to his shoulders, tracing over his collarbone, his chest, his stomach. It slides under Peter’s shirt, the fingers dancing over his bare skin. Peter shivers, then holds perfectly still when the hand stops in its movements. The hand is retracted, and for a moment Peter wonders if it has finally decided to stop. But the hand returns, pushing up his smooth skin towards his nipples, taking one between two fingers and pinching. Peter holds back a gasp as the fingers twist and rub the bud. 
After what feels like an eternity, the hand slides out from under his shirt and moves downwards past Peter’s belly button. The fingers tug at the waistband of his boxers, pulling it down just beneath Peter’s cock. Peter bites his lip as he’s exposed to the cold night air. The fingers ghost over his length, holding Peter’s cock in one hand, fondling his balls with the other. Peter stifles a whimper as the hand wrapped around his cock begins to stroke him, tugging at his cock in soft motions. 
He begins to pudge up in the creature’s hand. Tears are prickling in the corners of Peter’s eyes. 
He doesn’t want to. He doesn’t want it to feel good. But it does. 
He wants the creature to stop. But it doesn’t. 
The creature shifts again, the hand leaving him momentarily. Then, to Peter’s horror, he feels wetness on his dick. A feeling akin to a tongue on his cock, laving over the length, swirling around the tip. Soft groaning sounds come from below, creating vibrations on his cock. It’s a deep voice. A man’s voice. Or like a man. 
Lips sink down on Peter’s member, pressing against his pubis. It’s scratchy, like the kiss of his father. The feeling of a beard against his skin. 
He tastes blood. Only then does he realize he’s been biting down hard on his bottom lip. Moans threaten to burst from his lips, but he swallows them down. It takes all of his willpower to keep his hips still, to stop himself from chasing the wet warmth the creature provides. Pleasure is building in his lower body. The feeling is foreign to Peter, and he doesn’t know what to do. Doesn’t know what to expect. 
That is, until his hips are stuttering and he feels fluid shoot out of his cock. A moan escapes his lips as waves of pleasure wash over him. The lips stay wrapped around his cock, swallowing all of his cum. Then his dick is released with a pop. Tears are streaming down his cheeks. He hopes the creature thinks he’s having a dream. A dream or a nightmare, he doesn’t know. 
Peter shudders as he comes down from his high. The creature stands up, and Peter thinks it’s going to leave at last. 
A hand comes up to caress his cheek. It’s large and cups Peter’s entire face easily. 
“Sweet dreams, Petey pie,” the creature says. 
It’s the way his father bids good night to him. 
Tears continue to run down Peter’s face as the creature finally moves away from his bedside and exits the room, leaving Peter alone, shivering with cold sweat and a stained face, the moonlight streaming over his body. 
The demon of the night never visits Peter again. 
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sunset-starker · 3 years
Time for another moodboard & drabble!
@spooky-starker-week for Spooky Starker Bingo
FREE SPOT - Came Back Different
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Peter and Tony had been happily dating for the last 6 months, when the unthinkable happened.
Peter was kidnapped, taken hostage by someone who wanted to hurt Tony. Everyone thought that this is what would break the older man, would make him finally snap. And even though he would do anything to save Peter, the man he loved, he didn’t snap. He kept a level head, and got Peter back.
Peter was different though. Whatever they had done to the younger man… It worried Tony. Peter didn’t tell him what happened the two weeks he was held captive, and the men who had caught him didn’t say a word, no matter the threats made to their wellbeing.
Peter was so somber now, so different from the Peter that Tony had grown to know and love over the years. He grew distant, pulling away from the older man. They stopped eating dinner together, stopped going out on dates. Tony didn’t want to hover, but he was concerned.
And then came the news.
“Local “hero” Spiderman seen breaking into banks.”
“Spiderman newest villain in town?”
“What happened to Spiderman?”
And then the photos; of Spiderman in an all black suit, attacking people and then, fighting with other heroes.
Tony knew he was the only one who could stop the younger man, and hopefully bring his Peter back from whatever the hell had happened to him.
Before it was too late.
Bingo card under the cut
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