miaqc1 · 2 days
Squidgeworld Blazed Post 😀❤️
Squidgeworld Archive.
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A cool "Ao3 clone" with many improvent over Ao3.
More relationship type: Queerplatonic, Antagonist, Non-Binary/Male, Non-Binary/Female, Non-Binary/None-Binary.
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More archives warnings: I won't post them since they are "sensitive content" and Tumblr could refuse to blaze the post.
Serie of Original Works can be tagged as a Custom Fandom.
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Less delay to wrangle a new fandom compared to Ao3. No more 1 month waiting for very obscure fandoms to get wrangled!
Languages can be added upon request.
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No need to get a invite to have a account.
Feel free to join. 😀
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polyshipweek · 26 days
Polyship Week 2024 - Daily Prompts
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[ID: Poster for Polyship Week 24, taking place 17–23 November, listing the prompts for each day. /end ID]
The prompts for #PolyshipWeek24 are here! As with last year, the final prompt of each day links to an image — feel free to use the phrase or the image itself for inspiration, and please credit the original creator if you remix their work.
Day One
Team as Polycule
"Is that my hoodie?"
Group Hug (smolmoss)
Day Two
"Blorbo Has Two Hands"
Stair Cuddles (adorkastock)
Day Three
Queerplatonic Partners
Reverse Tropes
Through the Years (shutterstock)
Day Four
Aro/Ace & Polyam
Time Travel
Let's Dance (shutterstock)
Day Five
Relationship Anarchy
"You're burning up!"
Arranged Marriage
Only One Bed (House promo image)
Day Six
Queer Disabled Polyam
Kink Discovery
Tight Squeeze (Sailor Moon, gif by xbuster)
Day Seven
Free Day! Happy Polyamory Day!
Event Guidelines
Works featuring polyamorous characters and relationships of all kind are welcome — any characters, ships, fandoms, and OCs too!
Queerplatonic relationships, as well as asexual and/or aromantic characters are explicitly welcome on ANY day!
Works may be in any medium — fic, art, gifsets, podfic, vids, and more!
Participate in as few or as many days as you like. Choose your favorite prompt each day or mash them up — whatever sparks your imagination!
Please tag us @PolyshipWeek or use the hashtag #PolyshipWeek24 so we can reblog your creations!
Need even more inspo? You can view the entire list of suggested prompts here.
Ao3 Collection | SquidgeWorld Collection | Twitter | Bsky
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sl-walker · 6 months
As one of the two people who managed to get otw-archive running on the open internet who is not OTW, I'd like you -- the public, the number of people recently saying 'make your own using their software' -- to sit down and try it.
While I strongly appreciate that message, being a firm believer in independent archives and a decentralized fandom umbrella, I can guarantee the people typing that as a 'gotcha' to the antis -- who are reprehensible at the best of times -- are not one of the people who got otw-archive running on a server with actual humans using it because there are only two of us. And again, I'm one of them. @squidgiepdx is the other.
There are only two of us because it's a viciously badly optimized disaster of software involving so many running processes in so many different languages that it took me fifty hours of work just to get it marginally functional and many more dedicated hours since then maintaining it. It constantly runs at 95% RAM usage on our server. I have a beautiful single-fandom archive for the effort, but by god, I am so, so tired of people who know jack shit of what they're talking about pretending like it's as easy as unzipping a package and making it run.
SquidgeWorld took so fucking much work. Walter did that. Ad Astra took so fucking much work. I did that. And we are both willing to help other people do that! We are both incredibly happy to offer our time and expertise to anyone else who wants to help us become more than TWO PEOPLE OUT OF SEVERAL BILLION to make that software run for archives that don't belong to OTW.
But stop pretending it's easy. That casual dismissal diminishes the amount of time, effort, frustration, tears and dedication that Walter and I gave to make our archives happen. I can't stand antis either, but boy, the amount of entitlement in fandom isn't gonna get better by ignoring how hard it is to make and build and maintain communities, especially in this world where you can't even get people go type 'Extra kudos' into a fucking comment box.
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incoherent-orca · 10 months
if anyone is lookin for an alternative to ao3 because,,, apparently they prioritize the feelings of zionist volunteers 🥴
you might wanna try squidgeworld.org
thinking of migrating there. the layout is supposed to be the same as ao3
EDIT so I've signed up and its literally the same interface as ao3, just with a better default color scheme lmaoo
can now confirm they their TOS clearly prohibits AI scraping + they have a policy to ban commenters that harass creators (even on anon)
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doobledabbadoo · 13 days
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BOOM!! schmookie fanfic jumpscare upon ye!!!
AO3 Link
Squidgeworld Link
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virgothozul · 18 days
Has anyone used SquidgeWorld Archive ( https://squidgeworld.org/ ) to read/post fanfictions ? Apparently it's exactly like Ao3 but with a clear position against AI :
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Their Terms of Service state :
7. Added May 13th, 2023: Artificial Intelligence (A.I.) generated works are not supported in the archive. The only exception to this rule would be partial only in posts that are clearly marked meta as part of discussion of said works. Otherwise, no. AI generated works are not welcomed in the archive 8. Added September 24th, 2023: Web scraping by artificial intelligence (AI), or any process of extracting data from the contents of this website for the purpose of use with artificial intelligence (AI) is strictly prohibited. Any data collection, content aggregation, or use of contents on this website in any way for training datasets or machine learning models is expressly prohibited. For more information, contact us via the “Contact Us” section of this website, or via any of the links on other Squidge.org property websites.
It sounds nice ! I love Ao3 but indeed it doesn't mention AI, simply stating that "AI generated works are allowed". So it's good that at least some fanwork websites are addressing the issue ! Hopefully Ao3 will release a clear rule against web scraping / machine learning for all posted works.
Now if you're wondering what is available right now on SqWA, I haven't checked all my favorite tags yet. If you're planning on writing something, maybe give it a go ?? So we'll have more to look forward to !
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can i ask you why i should assume squidgeworld or whoever's running squidgeworld is any better than ao3? because i can't really find any info on who's running squidgeworld, so it seems to me it's just a case of lack of info allowing you (or anyone) to assume no one affiliated with that site is problematic in anyway.
as many issues as i have with ao3 there is a level of transparency there that i don't see at squidgeworld. can you direct me to info on who runs it / how it's run? who's doing site maintenance, who's monitoring the site, who's making decisions on if a fic gets pulled or a user banned, etc?
and if you don't think that once it gets big enough it's going to be dealing with some of the same issues ao3 is dealing with, you're fooling yourself
i'm going to assume you're genuinely asking and not just a troll, but genuinely speaking, the fact that squidge.org has an explicit anti-racism policy is more than the OTW has.
We do also know exactly who is running the site: a nonprofit called Squidge.org—"Squidge.org INC is a US 501c3 non-profit organization"—founded by Walter Hopgood (aka Squidgie). You can even volunteer for them.
There really isn't a guarantee that they won't ever have the same problems that AO3 has. But as of right now? We know they're doing leagues better. They aren't running off a toxic work environment that has had issues with racism for years, as far as we can tell, and seem to actually be making actual change to their websites to benefit users (see: recent QPR relationship update).
Hell, one day there might be volunteers for Squidge coming out about their experiences in that org, and I'm not denying that. But considering the benefits of decentralizing our fanfiction posting, moving away from the AO3 and its thoroughly documented racism, zionism, suspicious money handling, and glacial movement as an org—I'm happy to make the switch for the time being.
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squidgiepdx · 7 months
Fandom Volunteers Needed!
Squidge.org is in need of a few people to volunteer. We currently need an archivist, people for an official Abuse committee, and a treasurer. If you are interested, please read the details in the link and you can reply via instructions on that post.
Link: https://www.squidge.org/blog/archives/215
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the-bar-sinister · 7 days
Finally grabbed a squidgeworld account and will be slowly crossposting our fics there. Sloooowly. I don't want to flood the damned site XD
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hangryyeena · 5 months
SquidgeWorld refusing to even talk about Palestine and other genocides happening because "this a fandom space" is wild and severely disappointing
#squidgeworld#// rant#'death threats' are not an excuse to stay silent!!!!#yeah they're not cool but you made it clear you wouldn't say anything either#stop allowing to look away by giving them a space where they can#what about palestinians or sudanis or congolese folk who are being genocided-#-who want the privilege to read fics on your site?? they don't matter??#'you wouldn't ask google 'what's your stance on x' you are not google!!! you are *one* person!!!!#'fandom spaces are sacred' sacred enough to turn a blind eye to genocide?? the fuck???#fuck your 'escapism' you are encouraging people to look away#that's not escapism that's ignoring the world in favor of your happiness#the LEAST you COULD'VE done was making a post saying you want a free palestine/sudan/dr congo/etc. or express SOME form of solidarity#'yes the world is unjust' then speak up bitch!!!!#so ao3 are zionists and squidgeworld is refusing say anything#maybe it's better for nobody to use your site 🤷🏾‍♀️#if you can't even stand in solidarity with people of color then you don't actually care about fandom#because the people being genocided that you don't care about are the same people in these 'fandom spaces' you claim to care about!!#honestly feel like a damn fool for even suggesting people migrate there from ao3#people who look away are not allies. they're cowards who don't want to lose support for being on the right side of history#anyways free palestine/sudan/dr congo/haiti/hawaii/tigray and other countries and nations experiencing genocide!!!#by refusing to speak up you have chosen the side of the oppressor.#long post
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I’m the only one reading it so I want Wandom to have more than one person reading their fic
@figitorynonsense @6pixiepop9 @lolitaah-xoxo @lunar-stims @starlightsugar @foggymud @sweetandsourcookies @princessterribear @homosexualmother @marvelousmugs @kotymeaw @squidsinatrentchcoat443 @vampzghozt @rateater2000 @bucket-of-ragrats @bellatheinkdemon @paukitstuff @greatpepperblade @thelionplush @kayisconfused @chaotic-agender
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k0sk1 · 10 months
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ao3's good twin sister squidgeworld
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sl-walker · 2 months
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Boldly Writing is going to hopefully be the nonprofit for indie archives; the ultimate plan is to give us an umbrella org that lets donations to our archives, etc. be tax-deductible, allows us to access a lot of services for free or reduced cost through the org and otherwise lets us move forward with championing the causes of more independent and decentralized fan communities while still providing the social networking and cohesion of a single community over all.
My ultimate vision is to expand and clean up our documentation for installing/running otw-archive, offering tech support for new instances of the software (and ourchive when it releases!), eventually culminating in server space we can offer similar to Walter at Squidge.org. Walter's been carrying a lot of the non-OTW side of the fandom on his shoulders for a long time as we've lost more and more independent commuities; another org working in tandem with Squidge (and indeed OTW!) would only be good for fandom.
Boldly Writing is a non-membership model nonprofit, but you're more than welcome to be a part of the organization via volunteering. Right now, we're possibly looking for a fifth board member -- or more! We can have several! -- for fiscal year 2025. A board member's main responsibilities are just to show up for the four annual meetings required by us, propose and/or vote on resolutions and bylaws and whatnot, and otherwise support the org. Terms are three years. If you're interested in this, you have to be a US citizen and over 18, but that's basically it.
Other things, like committees and assignments, are next on our agenda. (Those can be a lot of fun, too!) Currently, our Boldly Writing discussion takes place on Ad Astra's server, though we might eventually make a new one for the org.
Scroll to the Boldly Writing category for our unofficial first meeting minutes and any org discussion. If you wanna be our fifth board member, hit me up!
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selcaby · 5 months
People leaving AO3 for Squidgeworld out of dissatisfaction with OTW’s (lack of) political side-taking (aka trying to protect their highly international and multicultural body of volunteers from harassment) are going to be disappointed, I think.
Squideworld isn’t some anti-Zionist haven, it’s just another fanfic archive, belonging to a fan community that’s been online since 1994. It’s a lot smaller, and I don’t know how well its volunteers have been able to keep up with its recent growth. If they have some kind of management of volunteers, I bet they want to keep politics out of the virtual workspace too.
It happens to run on the same software as AO3, which is great because that’s good software and it’s open source, meaning they were welcome to use it. They actually contributed some documentation which ought to be helpful to anyone else who wants to install the software. It does mean they’re still reliant on OTW volunteers for bug fixes, security updates, etc. So, not completely independent.
I bet the people who moved there from AO3 are going to fall out with Squidgeworld too, sooner or later.
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artificial-radiance · 6 months
Hey! I found your A Path Through the Woods au, and I really loved it! Is there a fic for it? And, if not, can I write a fic for it?
(With full credit, of course.)
Tumblr removed everything I typed up =_=;;
But thank you!
I do not have a fanfic anywhere for my AU, and have been holding off on making one to avoid burnout, since I'm drawing art for it and running it as an interactive story privately. I've considered writing fics though, since it would help me characterize both the Voices and Wardens better.
As for other people writing fics, I don't entirely mind. My concern lies in characterizations, since I don't have everything public or on paper yet. The only public characterizations I've made are for the Warden concept art posts, and this answer I gave about the Voices.
But if you post a fic someplace I would see, my AO3 and Squidgeworld names are Artificial_Radiance if you want to gift them to me. I also ask that credit is given, with a link to my blog here <3
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bittersweetscrolls · 10 months
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~Introduction to my Blog~
Alex\Scrolls| they/him | 🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍⚧️ | 20 | New fanfic writer
This is a multi-fandom blog; my mains consisting of MHA/QSMP/Legend of Zelda
Sidlink from Legend of Zelda BOTW/TOTK
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Endhawks from MHA
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Philza Minecraft from Hardcore/QSMP
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I tend to get hyper-fixated very easily on certain characters and want to practice my writing for them ✨
Feel free to send me head canons of your own, just be a decent person
You can find me on AO3 and SquidgeWorld
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