#St. Mark's Eve
ravensonravens · 5 months
The lone watcher of St. Mark's Eve.
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My girlfriend, Jess (who's Gansey in these pics), started reading The Raven Cycle at the very end of last year. Shortly after, she got me into it, and we're both madly in love with this series now.
We wanted to do something for our first St. Mark's Eve in the fandom, so we decided to do some shots of Gansey's church watch!
This series has become something really special for us, and we're excited for the summer and all sorts of TRC fun. 💖
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cabeswatercowboy · 5 months
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ST. MARK'S EVE--LET'S GO!!!!!!!!
(((Meet me at the corpse road?!?! 👻☠️)))
Noah: Me, Gansey: Jess
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audikatia · 1 year
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It was April 24, St. Mark’s Eve. For most people, St. Mark’s Day came and went without note. It wasn’t a school holiday. No presents were exchanged. There were no costumes or festivals. There were no St. Mark’s Day sales, no St. Mark’s Day cards in the store racks, no special television programs that aired only once a year. No one marked April 25 on their calendar. In fact, most of the living were unaware that St. Mark even had a day named in his honor. But the dead remembered. -The Raven Boys
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rachthechaosbi · 5 months
is that all? that’s all there is
is that all? that’s all there is
is that all? that’s all there is
is that all? that’s all there is
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vir7ues · 5 months
the most annoying person you know is about to start their annual re-reading of the raven cycle
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Vincent Price - Eve of St. Mark (1944)
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hairymoths · 1 year
happy St. Mark's eve, to those who celebrate
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piningeddiediaz · 1 year
happy ‘is that all? that’s all there is’ eve to everyone who celebrates
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~ "There are only two reasons a non-seer would see a spirit on St. Mark's Eve, Blue. Either you're his true love," Neeve said, "or you killed him.
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juliasgoodusername · 1 year
Ley Lines Map for All the Gansey-core Girlies
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Have you ever wished there was an interactive map that not only graphs the ley lines described in TRC, but also has layers full of possible spiritual points, arranged in loose categories and sloppily curated by sheer force of mental illness?? Okay baby here you go:
FAQ under the cut 😘
Was this necessary?
Genuinely it was not. My investigations uncovered that Maggie Stiefvater does not really care about geography, nor does she remain consistent about the ley lines, so I can't even really say that it's book-accurate.
Example 1 - There are multiple understandings of ley lines. Some are circles, patterns, connect the dots, etc. but TRC goes with the definition of "perfectly straight" lines "that crisscross the globe" (The Raven Boys Chapter 2, Chapter 15). One of the big three lines connects Boston to St. Louis (The Raven Boys Chapter 22). And the main line also passes through Boston (see example #2)! But half of all the Pynch drama in Call Down the Hawk specifically blames Boston/Harvard for not being on the ley line. Hello?? It's on TWO of them!
Example 2 - Maggie makes it clear that the connection between D.C. and New York, which also connects to the UK and Pilot Mountain, is the main line that Glendower's squad traveled on (The Raven Boys Chapter 7, Chapter 22). The weird part is how after defining this line, all of Adam's ley line adventures place it directly along the Shenandoah National Park/Blue Ridge Mountains (Blue Lily, Lily Blue Chapter 2 + many other quotes I don't feel like looking up). There's no way to connect the DC-Pilot Mt line to Shenandoah, but I can totally see how Maggie Stiefvater would think it connects when looking at a flat map.
So yeah. It doesn't really matter, but thanks to my research we can CONFIRM that it doesn't really matter. You're welcome.
So why did you make this?
For fun...it wasn't exactly worth it. But by sharing it with y'all, hopefully no one else will make the same mistake.
What about line #3?
The third line never has specific connection points in the books so I basically made it up :) but I narrowed it down to 2 candidates, with my chosen line based on Ronan's mention of the "Pando thing" in Greywaren's epilogue.
How did you decide on/find points?
Honestly it was a lot of vibes. You can read in the description of the map how I started from certain resources, like all the stuff in the books, and other people's Google maps. My big discovery was realizing that UNESCO World Heritage Sites covered a lot of territory between history and nature, but before that I was literally googling things like "strange places Kentucky" and pouring through articles. If a place seemed weird and magical, I added it.
Yes this took forever. Easily 3x as long as the 300 Fox Way floorplan, if not longer.
Is this map complete?
I had other ideas for things I should add to it but I got tired, so nah.
You've put down everything from urban legends to alien sightings, but why don't I see many hauntings on the map?
Blatant author bias; I firmly don't believe in famously haunted houses! The vast majority of "haunted" places operate as tourist attractions, so if I took them at their word I'd have to also log Disney World for being the most magical place on earth, wouldn't I? Also Re: I got tired.
Can I copy this map / add to it / use it for reference?
Please please please please
I found a typo
I bet you did! I'm not even proof reading this post bestie.
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marcelineuntitled · 5 months
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super on time not late st mark's eve drawing <3 bonus blue:
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apppleioi · 4 months
that’s all there is
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audikatia · 1 year
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Thought I'd share the St. Mark's Eve tarot spread I put together for today!
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blueisnotimpressed · 1 year
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Happy "dead in a ditch" day to those who celebrate
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realclaramorrow · 5 months
anyway happy st mark's eve to those who celebrate. hello queers how does being obsessed with horror podcasts, religion, and or the supernatural feel
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professorllayton · 8 months
guys trk is literally gonna be 8yrs old this year. does anyone else fear time and its unrelenting unwavering devotion to moving forward.
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