#Stabby blorbo of my heart
missbrunettebarbie · 3 months
What my blorbos have in common
Inspired by this post, I now want to see if I can put my blorbos in categories. Since the post needs work and I know I want to add Duela Doe from Gotham Knights (which means I'm gonna need to kick someone out), this post will actually contain all 11 blorbos.
1. The revolutionaries
Here's to the Lyra Silvertongue's, Kyle Brody's and Daenerys Targaryen's of the world, who took it upon themselves to change the worldorder.
2. The burned-out romantics
I didn't realize until now that this is something I love in characters, but apparently I like seeing wide-eyed romantics slowly lose their trust in love. This goes for Niohuru Zhen Huan, Caroline Forbes, Georgiana Pearson and Jacqueline de Bellefort (who oddly didn't get burned out. There is something almost perversely fairytale-esque about Jackie loving Simon till the very end.) Maybe Blair Waldorf too. Do I want to add Duela here? I don't know. The way she behaved when she was in love makes me think she is a romantic at heart, the world just made her cynical in general.
3. The ambitious social climbers/social vampires
This category is for Georgiana Pearson, Caroline Forbes, Niohuru Zhen Huan and Blair Waldorf (although I think she is a softer version because she didn't start as low as the other nor did she hit quite the same rock bottoms). Also funny enugh, I added 'social vampire' not for Caroline, but for Georgiana, who is the only here who's ambition isn't exactly to climb the social ladder, it's more to drag everyone down to her level.
4. The liars/con-artists/double agents
Kinda self-explenatory. Root, Lyra, Jackie, Georgiana, Duela, they all fit this category and I love them for it.
5. The (self-)chosen-one
Buffy and Root go here for obvious reasons. Maybe Kyle inn a way that ties into his revolutionary role. This is probably the category that I myself understand least because as it can be seen not many blorbos fit here. (I need to find more stories where I love the chosen ones).
6. The husband killers
I mean, it's pretty clear what this is about xDD Jackie, Daenerys, Zhen Huan - my darling Black Widows.
7. The ~Problematique/overprotective mothers/sisters
Caroline can go into the ~problematique mother category (and I love her for it!) cause I've watched Legacies, ok? Georgiana I think is a bit of a mix between that and overbearing. I added sister just for Buffy, who is firmly in the overprotective category. Anyway I love how their role as mother/sister plays such an important role in their arcs and how it informs us of entire facets of their character.
8. The masterminds/the planners
This one is hard to explain, but I'm thinking here of the stereotypical chessmasters that try to arrange everything to their will. Kyle, Georgiana, Jackie and Zhen Huan go here. These guys are the ones that ploan ahead and measure their every move.
9. The unapologeatic power/money-lovers
Root, Duela and Blair are the money-lovers, Caroline, Buffy, Georgiana (she loves the power of controlling people's lives more than money IMO) and Lyra are the ones that love their power. For Caroline is her power as a vampire, for Buffy is being the Slayer, for Georgiana is how she can control people's lives as Chase while I added Lyra here because of how she loved her power of reading the Altheometer.
10. The intuitive stabby happy
I feel like I can only explain this by showing who goes here: Duela, Buffy and Caroline. These guys are basically the opposites of the Masterminds, they are the ones that act on intuition, not on plans. They go for the offensive tactic quickly and more often than not their intuition is right. I'm debating whether I should put Root here or not, as I remember her being very intuition-driven, but not as ... blunt as Caroline or Buffy.
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oersteds · 2 years
Have any headcanons about the Live A Live heroes? (Yes, this includes Oersted.)
oh gods i have too many. brain full of hcs for the blorbos. like i think the only protag i *don't* have hcs for is pogo. but that's just "the prehistory chapter is a lore desert"
i call the "main" (selectable for the finale) heroes "protags" bc there's more than eight heroes in live a live. for example, taroimo is a hero, but not the near future protagonist. (not every protagonist is a hero. i count odio as a protagonist, but that's just me really liking odio and his cool cape. i want to be wrapped in it like a blanket, it looks soft)
anyways. (some of) my hcs? under the cut. the post? long. hotel? trivago
no hcs for pogo. sorry lil dude your chapter's story consists of "fecal funny" and not much else--
lei does not know how to keep a place tidy. not in the "a woman's job is to clean" way, but in the "damn dude you live like this?" way. i mean the girl was living in a forest what do you expect--
yun is adopted by the other protags as the little brother. he is *everyone's* little brother. even cube looks at him and goes "little brother". tiny lil dude.
hong gives really good hugs, he just respects people's personal space, so he doesn't do it without consent. a friend on all levels including physical.
cube is just some guy. probably powered by kato's dad magic. i don't *actually* think he's powered by a liquid human--
sundown is one of those dudes who wears his clothes for as long as possible, until there's no other option but to replace it. probably a little after that. considering his situation, it makes sense that he can't really buy new shoes all the time.
masaru is actually a lot smarter than he seems. 25IQ memes aside, the *real* himbo imo is oersted "base IQ stat of 2" livealive. masaru can learn his opponent's skills by bein' hit with them *once.* (though that might be because his opponents are teaching him.) he might be playing dumb, either for playing up the "dumb hero" stereotype, or to get his opponent's guard down. or both.
akira actually still sucks at teleporting after the trial of heart. also he would be a dark type pokemon, *not* a psychic type. psychic types don't kick their opponents... "under the belt"
oboro would stab me for calling him "oboro borealis." he would stab as a warning, for that matter. he is very stabby, he just forces himself to hold back for the pacifist route. also he's spawncamping odio in the final chapter
oersted isn't selectively mute, he's just constantly interrupted over the course of the middle ages chapter. his villain speech is both because nobody is around to hear him out, and because nobody is around to interrupt him.
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antoncrane · 3 years
Thinking about him. 🥺💙💙💙
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dxppercxdxver · 3 years
hm how about the rook/stiletto for the blorbo &c. asks?
blorbo (favorite character, character I think about the most): call me cliché but it has to be myfanwy. i’m just so enamored by characters who are simultaneously two or more people, in this case because of her amnesia, because she has such a dichotomy with herself that Fascinates me. also she’s funny as hell and i think we need more unhinged female characters who are canonically Just Okay looking (if i have to pick a Non main character favorite i’d probably go with shantay or eckhart)
scrunkly (my “baby”, character that gives me cuteness aggression, character that is So Shaped): i am going to skrunklyfy heretic gubbins. a balding forty-five year old man. because he is the Only Character in this series who can even Remotely be considered Cute (except maybe the gestalt baby but ew)
scrimblo bimblo (underrated/underappreciated fave): INGRID. FUCKING. WOODHOUSE. she is my wife my love my beautiful hero in purple she does so much and is responsible for the greatest fucking plot twist in the book i am obsessed with her oh my God (second to her is pawn alan summerhill—li’l pawn alan—because he is just my scrimblo)
glup shitto (obscure fave, character that can appear in the background for 0.2 seconds and I won’t shut up about it for a week): bronwyn!! she’s a brilliant addition to the story that addresses a lot of the plot holes and also the direct reason behind one of my favorite scenes in the book. she’s just So Normal and it really works to complement the rest of the story. also? the greek woman. just perfect. and and! wolfgang. my bunny boy wolfgang
poor little meow meow (“problematic”/unpopular/controversial/otherwise pathetic fave): alas. graaf gerd de leeuwen. he is a flayed mass of muscle and goo inside a fish tank with a propensity for splashing when he’s mad. and he’s So Bad at threats it’s ridiculous. what’s not to love (other than all of him)
horse plinko (character I would torment for fun, for whatever reason): hmm. pawn poppat. he feels like he’d be easy to rile up. or!! graaf ernst von suchtlen!!! listen even if the naked man that grew from the human heart that was mailed to my po box turned out to be my ally he is still A Naked Man Grown From A Human Heart Mailed To My PO Box. he deserves a little retaliation
eeby deeby (character I would send to superhell): conrad grantchester. all of the gestalts. noel bittner (although i think getting swallowed by a dragon in canon means he’s already there). conrad grantchester. gestalt again. grantchester. grantchester
noticing that all of these characters are from the rook and i didn’t mention stiletto at all. not that i don’t like stiletto it’s just that felicity and odette fill the same niche myfanwy does in my brain and i haven’t read it as much as the rook so i don’t remember all the side character’s names shjshs
honorable mentions for characters that live rent free in my head:
- alrich
- lady farrier
- the flesh cube
- odette’s little brother
- pre-amnesia myfanwy
- the psychic duck
- felicity And odette obviously
- frau blumen
- random protester #1
- the woman that staked out the vampire den
- pawn monica jarvis-reed
- the gay bishops murdered in the 1600s
- stabby crystal man
- alrich again
thank you for the asks cupola!!!
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For the ask game: tdp and lotr ;)
Ohoho I see how it is, fam! Gosh, okay uhhhhhhhh
blorbo (favorite character, character I think about the most) - Runaan, my angsty long-haired neurodiverse stabby honorable hot elf son who is hopelessly in love with his husband and cannot say feelings to save his life
scrunkly (my “baby”, character that gives me cuteness aggression, character that is So Shaped) - Bait, tubby lump o' grump, a rainbow of colors and feelings
scrimblo bimblo (underrated/underappreciated fave) - Opeli, Queen of Order and President/Founder of the We Hate Viren Club, what is their combined backstory like, gosh
glup shitto (obscure fave, character that can appear in the background for 0.2 seconds and I won’t shut up about it for a week) -Crow Master, my emo son, what is up with his corvid-shaped shadow, he tries so hard to do a Good Job!
poor little meow meow (“problematic”/unpopular/controversial/otherwise pathetic fave) - Viren, High Mage of Katolis, Bi Disaster Man, Irredeemable(?) Asshole, Horny On Main For Elves Power, Stealer of Shirts, Eater of Orange Peels, Swiper of Crowns, Locker-upper of Children, Devil-Dealing Dumbass, Reluctant Blood Ritual Performer, Just Generally Thirsty, Researcher and Schemer Extraordinaire Yet Still So Foolable, Smooth-kneed for Saleer, First of His Name
horse plinko (character I would torment for fun, for whatever reason) - ahaha no this would also be Viren if I wanted to break someone, but usually I torment Runaan because he can take it
eeby deeby (character I would send to superhell) - you might think I will say Aaravos, but it's actually whoever is responsible for the Moonshadow elves having to deal with the angst of blood promises/binding ribbons and having assassins in the first place. Someone set this precedent, and it's still here, ruining human and elven lives/families alike. So if that's a dragon, like Luna Tenebris, fine. If it's Bloodmoon Huntress, fine. If it's still Aaravos, fine. May every step they take on the path to superhell land on a Lego.
blorbo (favorite character, character I think about the most) - Elvenking Thranduil, yes I have a type, stoic white-haired queer badass leaders who protect their people in problematic ways while looking hot, what about it
scrunkly (my “baby”, character that gives me cuteness aggression, character that is So Shaped) - Kili, he's literally a chibi dwarf, come on
scrimblo bimblo (underrated/underappreciated fave) - Celebrimbor, the elven smith who got fooled into making the Rings of Power. He's kinda a Feanor 2.0, except way better than the OG redheaded disaster elf because his heart was in a much better place, and realistically who wouldn't fall prey to the charms of Sauron? Anyway, he makes pretty magic artifacts, he's an artificer and that's freaking awesome
glup shitto (obscure fave, character that can appear in the background for 0.2 seconds and I won’t shut up about it for a week) - gotta be the Mouth of Sauron, he's freaky and gross but somehow weirdly compelling
poor little meow meow (“problematic”/unpopular/controversial/otherwise pathetic fave) - Denethor, Steward of Gondor, for the sheer amount of family and cultural angst he can carry all at once, he's an idiotic drama king steward and he drives so much of the plot with his dumb slanted perspective... He's basically a Viren
horse plinko (character I would torment for fun, for whatever reason) - Gimli son of Gloin, because he howls so horribly and Generally Emotes With Overkill, but also so his gentle elven prince, Legolas Greenleaf, can show up to help calm him down and set things right again
eeby deeby (character I would send to superhell) - Smaug! He's a sad little king of a sad little hill, petty and cruel, a tiny little bitch and a coward, pathetic but not even in an interesting meow meow way like Denethor. Just fall, burn, and perish already, you paper airplane lightweight. Ugh.
DUDE this was fun, tysm!!
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for the blorbo ask, centuarworld???? rlly curious!!! :D
Ooh thanks so much for the ask, I'm so grateful that you've given me the opportunity to ramble about Centaurworld!
Blorbo: Wammawink. I think this one's pretty self-explanatory, but yeah, the whole overprotective Mama-bear war-orphan mage thing is very unique and her design is really cute
Scrunkly: Okay, I'll probably get so much hate for this but... Ched. Yes I know, but I just love the way he's animated, and his voice actor does a really good job delivering his bits. They didn’t have to have him make a squeaky noise every time he's held but they DID and now he has my heart (Stabby is a close second tho)
Scrimblo Bimblo: This is tough because the Centaurworld Fandom does a pretty good job of giving all the characters equal spotlight, but I suppose I don't see a lot of Beartaur stuff? The Beartaur is fun, at least after you learn about his roommate dynamic with Woman. Would’ve loved to see more of that tbh!
Glup Shitto: Becky Apples, Becky Apples. Season two fell short for me in a lot of ways, but one of its biggest crimes was not expounding more on Becky's character. Let her speak!
Poor little meow meow: Uh. Okay very predictable on my part but. Tie between Woman and The Nowhere King. Enough said
Horse Plinko: Hey look, it's The Nowhere King again! He just absolutely radiates angst, y'know?
Eeby Deeby: Sunfish Merguy
Had a lot of fun with this, thanks again for the ask! <3
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p1nkwitch · 3 years
Can I also ask you about homestuck for the blorbo ask? I'm actually quite curious about your answers for this one 👁️
Of course! I always love to talk homestuck. Ah its been a while.
blorbo (favorite character, character I think about the most)
Gamzee Makara my son how have they butchered you and turned you into a joke...
I love him, similarly enough as with Peter, lonely kid, raised on a weird religions who was mostly abandoned by his guardian? sIGN ME THE FUCK IN. The fact that Karkat was his best friend and his moirall killed me in a good way, i was so angry that it got ruined and that they ended up turning his character into an evil deux ex machina plus an asshole in every way. He was also just a kid and he was utterly fucked from the begining due to his blood caste and basically everything else! He had no chance to win or have a happy ending. So yeah i love him and i have feelings about him and what was done to the kid.
scrunkly (my “baby”, character that gives me cuteness aggression, character that is So Shaped)
Roxy Lalonde, Vodka Mutini and John! Listen one is a cat i know, but Roxy and John were the highlight to me during the entirety of the last act, every time i saw them i was happy, their relationship was cute, they literally were hope incarnated and i will always hold them dearly to my heart no matter what. John grew on me as a protagonist and Roxy overcame her troubles and was all around a good friend to everyone.
I stan this two and want nothing more than to hold their cheeks and squeeze them.
scrimblo bimblo (underrated/underappreciated fave)
The mailwoman, she went utterly murder stabby and once her job was done she went back to being her normal self to work on the thing she loved the most. She takes no shit from anyone and she will kick your ass.
Also Aradia cause i love her and she is cool as fuck.
glup shitto (obscure fave, character that can appear in the background for 0.2 seconds and I won’t shut up about it for a week)
Technically its not obscure... But like every small appeareance of my boy davesprite made my day. I was always looking for them to reference my boy or making sure he was still alive. Davepetasprite is also my child and i adore them as well, but i will always favour the fanta child first.
poor little meow meow (“problematic”/unpopular/controversial/otherwise pathetic fave)
Bro Strider and Spades Slick. Bro because well, he ended up being horrible, then again we will never be sure if it was fully him or if lil Cal messed him up to the extreme, i feel he is compelling to be honest.
Spades Slick was cool as fuck and i will remain bitter that he got killed and we got Jack Noir as a trade, its not the same, that man was Karkats sort of mentor and he was hilarious, plus he and Ms Paint were cute. Did he murder a lot? Yes, did he try to kill Hussie? Yes. He was the best character there was.
horse plinko (character I would torment for fun, for whatever reason)
Dirk and Karkat, im sorry for Karkat, but by the end of the comic he was... a shadow of his former self in many ways, so a bit of torture will have to do.
Dirk pissed me off a lot too, he had his moments where i enjoyed him greatly, but oh boy did they get interrupted by some weird fucked up shit he did.
eeby deeby (character I would send to superhell)
Caliborn, every singly time he appeared i wanted to skip his text beceuse he was annoying, i knew he would be ending up as lord english but like, god his teen self was just so obnoxious i wanted him to die already.
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