how do u get invested in a new file like i was so comfortable with it being easy to make money that i start a new file and get so pissed off at how i can't fish immediately how i can't do anything immediately but i want to get new files so i can perfect my stagery for the community center and afterwards do u have any tips for the start of the game the ways in which how to spend ur time playing
My advice? just enjoy the process!
easier said than done, I know
Personally, my favorite part about starting a new farm is the small stuff! It feels great when you get out the farmhouse and the farm is covered with rocks and weeds and wood and you have so much land to do whatever you want with It's a lot at once but I like setting small milestones along the way! I go scythe the weeds because I like the sound and It feels like I'm getting a lot done without wasting energy right away then I go for the rocks and from there I just make small goals like that I know it's hard to start over when you got used to the easy shortcuts you spent so much time on to get but the challenge of getting all that stuff was what made it worth getting in the first place
make small goals.
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stagerie · 25 days
goodbye stagnantdipshit, hi stagerie
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ohmeadows · 1 year
thoughts on kafstelle?
not a priority ship for me, as i'm not very invested in any ship involving stelle (mildly averse to MC-shipping, not a judgment on others who like it, just doesn't hit for me) but i am not ruling it out if something perks my interest.
mostly i'm intrigued by the times stelle rejects destiny and fate and how kafka reacts, and like... the projection surfaces both of them present. that's a bit esoteric perhaps but kafka plays so much with stagery, cinema, roles, scripts to follow; stelle is a slate wiped (mostly) clean. who are they in the quiet, still places? what happens when they step off the stage? who are we when no one is looking, in the moments when we have no use? who are you to me, and does it matter?
also was talking to a friend about how fascinating i found it when stelle rejects kafka's talks about destiny and fate, and tries to prove it wrong. one of us said it's because she enjoys toying with her food inevitably squirming right into destiny's maws anyway; the other said kafka wants to be proven wrong about destiny and fate being inherent and inescapable. who's right? who's to say. it's worth exploring as ideas and concepts nonetheless.
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Round 1 Poll 12
Corrode Away: 「Zacky is a talented guitarist, bassist, songwriter, and lyricist. Along with his solos, he is also the bassist of OrcaMind and the guitarist of State of Decay. Plus, I have met him and he's a nice guy. There are so many layers/iterations/personas/clones. Sassery Williams, Affiliatery Williams, Stagery Williams, Don't Fuck With Me Williams, Nicery Williams, Fuckery Williams, and so on. Proud to be one of 21 subscribers.」
SadCornyBitch: 「The song has a very cool guitar part where it’s a lot of sus chords and the vocals are just soaring! The lyrical content is also quite relatable. Cara’s voice has great tone… also worth noting that her shaggy impression is famous…」
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wordwhile · 4 years
Outside the fair, in the valleys and woods, all was quiet. The sun had recently set, and the west heaven was hung with rosy cloud which seemed permanent, yet slowly changed. To watch it was like looking at some grand feat of stagery from a darkened auditorium. In presence of this scene after the other there was a natural instinct to abjure man as the blot on an otherwise kindly universe; till it was remembered that all terrestrial conditions were intermittent, and that mankind might some night be innocently sleeping when those quiet object were raging loud.
Thomas Hardy, The Mayor of Casterbridge
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idxbroker · 4 years
via Inman
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amanihnc · 4 years
communication stagery
To complete this summary, we were keen to create our own group"HNCgroup" through  teams application  to share our ideas and complete our manifesto, but some of us faced some difficulties such as cutting off the internet or voice, and I was one of those who suffered from the problem of not hearing others in the group, which led us to create another group in Slack, as Slack represents better then teams. Everyone can use it and answer questions at any time they are allowed via mobile and shar they work in easy way.
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its-isabelle · 4 years
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Here are some of my instagram artist I took inspiration or looked at many of the design I like, find clever or just work. I wanted to do a mood board of my inspiration as I didn’t take one thing out of one design took bits and bobs out of all of them or thought to have used some of the designs I found. I like how all my inspiration uses type within there type, to help frame, help style and more.
The artist includes :
These artist have very many designs on there isntagram verying but the one thing that links them is type.
Commuication stagery
The communication strategy we has was to first do calls on teams and messages but then we had technical problems of people not being able to hear so we did slack messages which we found easier to do. We had to still do some calls just so we could discuss but we would write a little brief message about the call or ask the people in question the same question and some feedback we had to see if they agreed or wanted to add anything.
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steterismylife · 8 years
I recently beat Pokemon Sun and I got my ice type Ninetails!!! :D Her name is Angel and I love her. I went into the “Elite Four” unprepared but I beat it amazingly. 
Stiles beats the game with high level pokemon. He has trained his ass off to get to the battle tree and he battles Blue then almost dies. He hates the game for a while and sets it aside.
This causes Peter to catch up with his whole “starter team” and he gets through everything pretty easily. Only loving on his first starter. He soon gets to the battle tree and just beats red with his eyes shut.
He hasn’t told Stiles this and he begins to go online to challenge random people. He begins winning almost everyone until he is put face to face with Stiles. Honestly, he wanted to win and tried to do everything in his power to do so but it just didn’t happen. Stiles used better stageries that made Peter impressed.
The battle ended with his screen saying he lost and he went to put the game away. Going over to Stiles to watch the other over his shoulder. “Having fun?” Peter mumbles his question and startles Stiles.
“Oh! I just beat this guy that had all starters on his team! It was cool!” Stiles praised and Peter smiled warmly.
At least he was cool even though he lost. 
He leaned down and kissed Stiles cheek before going to the kitchen. Maybe he’ll play again later.
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anadromeo · 5 years
Stephanie played today's #4 #RarestWord: STAGERY for 210pts, def'n at https://t.co/f8XuCZneJg #game #scrabble pic.twitter.com/TfgpKr5SFO
— Anadrome (@anadromeo) July 25, 2019
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jegathesh-blog · 7 years
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#puff_throated_babbler The puff-throated babbler or spotted babbler (Pellorneum ruficeps) is a species of passerine bird found in Asia. They are found in scrub and moist forest mainly in hilly regions. They forage in small groups on the forest floor, turning around leaf litter to find their prey and usually staying low in the undergrowth where they can be hard to spot. They however have loud and distinct calls, including a morning song, contact and alarm calls. It is the type species of the genus Pellorneum which may however currently include multiple lineages. Puff-throated babblers are brown above, and white below with heavily brown streaks towards the breast and belly. They have a chestnut crown, long buff supercilium and dusky cheeks. The throat is white, and is sometimes puffed out giving it the English name. Puff-throated babblers have strong legs, and spend a lot of time on the forest floor. They can often be seen creeping through undergrowth in search of their insect food, looking at first glance like a song thrush. Some subspecies have streaks on the mantle while others, especially in Peninsular India, are unstreaked. The widespread distribution with population variations has led to nearly thirty subspecies being described. The nominate population is found in peninsular India (excluding the Western Ghats). The population in the northern Eastern Ghats is paler and has been called as pallidum while a well marked dark form occurs in the southern Western Ghats which has been named granti (includes olivaceum). The western Himalayas population is punctatum (includes jonesi) and in the east is mandellii which has streaking on the back and nape apart from having call differences. In the east of India, south of the Brahmaputra River occurs chamelum while ripley is found in a small region in eastern Assam (Margherita). Further east in Manipur is vocale and pectorale in Arunachal Pradesh and northern Burma with stageri further south, followed by hilarum, victoriae and minus. Further east are found shanense, subochraceum, insularum, indistinctum, chtonium, elbeli, acrum, oreum, dusiti, vividum, ubonense, euroum, deignani, dilloni and smithi. #wikipedia
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lacedove · 8 years
The sun had recently set, and the west heaven was hung with rosy cloud, which seemed permanent, yet slowly changed. To watch it was like looking at some grand feat of stagery from a darkened auditorium. In presence of this scene, after the other, there was a natural instinct to abjure man as the blot on an otherwise kindly universe; till it was remembered that all terrestrial conditions were intermittent, and that mankind might some night be innocently sleeping when these quiet objects were raging loud.
Mayor of Casterbridge, Thomas Hardy
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celestinehall · 4 years
Not good at arranging throw pillows? Good thing there’s Stagerie
A web app developed by a Des Moines agent gives those who aren't good at staging — or those who don't like having that conversation with their clients — a way to offer advice without coming across as pushy. Not good at arranging throw pillows? Good thing there’s Stagerie posted first on https://www.inman.com/
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margartspencer · 4 years
Not good at arranging throw pillows? Good thing there’s Stagerie
A web app developed by a Des Moines agent gives those who aren't good at staging — or those who don't like having that conversation with their clients — a way to offer advice without coming across as pushy. Not good at arranging throw pillows? Good thing there’s Stagerie posted first on https://www.inman.com/
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felishasheats · 4 years
Not good at arranging throw pillows? Good thing there’s Stagerie
A web app developed by a Des Moines agent gives those who aren't good at staging — or those who don't like having that conversation with their clients — a way to offer advice without coming across as pushy. Not good at arranging throw pillows? Good thing there’s Stagerie published first on https://oicrealestate.tumblr.com/
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lenakrruger · 4 years
Not good at arranging throw pillows? Good thing there’s Stagerie
A web app developed by a Des Moines agent gives those who aren't good at staging — or those who don't like having that conversation with their clients — a way to offer advice without coming across as pushy. Not good at arranging throw pillows? Good thing there’s Stagerie published first on https://grandeurparkcondo.tumblr.com/
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