#Stede's cabin
bizarrelittlemew · 1 year
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this has to be a shout-out to the fandom for speculating about the sleeping arrangements aboard the Revenge for over a year
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smudgeandfrank · 9 months
Me: I'm not going to draw any backgrounds for this comic.
*looks down at iPad*
Me: ...Oh.
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jude-shotto · 1 year
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Day 17 - Reunion
Gentlebeard Sad Reunion - airafleeza💖
There's a lot of ways the reunion could go down...
Note: Edward is in the auxiliary closet.
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arsenicflame · 2 months
Izzy Hands in the captains cabin late at night, sat by the fire with his leg off, shirt untucked and waistcoat unbuttoned, hair falling loose around his face (and then getting tucked behind his ear), a pair of tiny glasses perched on the end of his nose, glass of fine brandy by his side, and book in hand.
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ohhhh my god. stede in 1.08 having two places set for breakfast and saying he ‘wasn’t expecting a guest’, implying that by that point he and ed had established a routine of having breakfasts together, just the two of them, in stede’s cabin
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goayda · 12 days
What if… (in a S1 AU where there was no duel and they are all learning to work together) Stede and the crew are discussing a new fuckery for a raid and Roach suggests tricking some other ship’s crew into eating poisoned apples, like in that story Stede read to them the other night, and then steal everything from them. The crew likes it, but Stede is not sure killing with poison is very gentlemanly or kind so he convinces them to change the plan a bit.
Instead of a deadly poison, Roach promises to use something else (They’ll be totally out of it, he assures Stede, we could steal the clothes they’re wearing and they won’t complain) and instead of apples, since they don’t really have much fruit to spare, they will use cookies that they will offer to them while disguised as merchants.
So Roach starts cooking, the crew keeps their eyes on the horizon to see if they can find a target and Stede goes to tell Ed about their plan.
A bit later, though, Izzy, who has been sleeping through the morning because he had the night shift, wakes up and goes to the galley to get himself some coffee and sees some recently made cookies there and they are so tempting! He usually complains loudly about how much food they waste on pastries and cakes, but there is nobody there (Roach must have just gone out) so he takes a few of them because, hell, he is hungry, and he leaves with the cookies and the coffee before anybody can see him.
He gulps everything down quickly because he wants to check the plan for the day with the captains and they also have to talk about restocking soon, but when he goes to the captain’s cabin, Edward is in the middle of one of his stories and Stede doesn’t stop asking questions about it so Izzy just stands there and waits for them to finish.
When they do and they finally remember they were supposed to be talking about something else, Stede turns to Izzy to tell him about the fuckery they are getting ready, but he realizes that the man looks a bit… unwell. When Stede gets closer to ask him if he is alright, Izzy sways and he is about to fall face-first on the floor, but Stede manages to catch him at the last moment and that’s how he finds himself holding the full weight of the man against his chest.
“Soft,” Izzy mumbles while he rubs his face against Stede’s silk shirt. “So soft…”
Edwards laughs so hard at this, but Stede isn’t finding it funny because the first mate, who is clinging to him like a limpet now, is clearly not well. Once Edward stops laughing, though, he reassures Stede that it’s nothing too serious.
“Did you get something to eat from the kitchen today, mate?” Edward asks the first mate, amused. “It looks like Roach has already made those cookies you talked about, Stede.”
And Stede watches in amazement how Izzy blushes and then tries hide his face against his chest.
“How long does the effect of those cookies last, Ed?” Stede asks, still sounding concerned.
“I think we’re about to find out, mate,” Edward replies with a shit-eating grin.
(Then he goes to lock the door of the cabin because, yes, this is so funny, but if the rest of the crew sees Izzy like this and they tease him about it when the man is sobered up again, Izzy will jump overboard and Edward can’t have that.
When he reaches the door, though, Edward hears a loud whine and when he turns around he sees that Izzy is reaching an arm out to him.
“Eddie, don’t go,” Izzy says, pouting.
And Edward chokes on his own spit.)
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napneeders · 11 months
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Alright, Bonnet. Have it your own way.
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squircatlies · 11 months
Since magic is real in ofmd undead Izzy season 3 please and thank you <3
I want him to lose at least one body part per episode and watch the crew replace it with random shit like the most fucked up arts and crafts project.
He's the wooden boy now.
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areyoudoingthis · 10 months
ed already had such a strong aversion to the pirate lifestyle before he even met stede, was sick of the drudgery and the violence to the point where he was relieved about getting a "forced" way out via the privateering academy. and then stede left him when he shaved his beard and stopped wearing blackbeard, and izzy pushed him into embodying the kraken for months, and then he died, and then low tortured stede in front of him and he had to watch stede kill him and then do a "how to become a pirate in 10 short steps" speedrun and then he thought the british had killed him during their pirate extermination campaign.
the writers were honestly so galaxy brained for letting him retire to live on land do arts and crafts for a while. that poor guy needs to breathe
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castieldelamancha · 11 months
i love how light and funny the conversation ed and stede have at the end is "smells like future to me!" feels like they both know it won't be all easy and perfect in the new life they are trying to build for themselves but also feels like they know they can make it work as long as they are working together
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tempocon · 11 months
spare a thought for all the fic writers currently trying to figure out how the fuck you fit an inn inside that clearly one-room shack
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Ooooooohhhhhhh now I’m thinking of an Izzy with an Ella Enchanted style curse on him hhhhhhhhhh
Read-more cause this got away from me lmfao
He keeps it fairly under wraps for most of his life, sets out to sea at twelve, gets picked up by a press gang at seventeen. He manages, its  expected, for a sailor to follow orders on a navy ship, after all (of course ‘no’ isn't an option available to him anyway).
They get boarded by pirates when he's about twenty one and he’s taken on as part of their crew, the captain is after crew more than loot, tells him he should join (saying ‘no’ would have just had him killed, and he's doing his very best to live).
Some time after, he's nearing twenty five, they’re raided by another ship, the Ranger. Benjamin Hornigold likes a ruthless sailor (a ruthless pirate) and Israel Hands has never allowed himself to be anything but. He decides he wants to keep this one. He offers, Izzy accepts. Ben tells him to kill his former captain (wouldn’t have said ‘no’ even if he could have, the man was a bastard).
He earns a reputation of being kind of a kiss-ass, he doesn’t really mind, it keeps most people from asking questions. But Ben’s got his pet projects Edward Teach and John ‘Jack’ Rackham and they’re both too sharp for their own good (though, Jack is better at playing dumb). They notice its not just Captain’s orders he follows to the letter, but everyone’s. They test him, subtly at first, but eventually they show their hand. Tell him that they know there’s more to Izzy’s obedience than he lets on.
He’s terrified for how they might use this against him (the usual ways, which most men abused without even knowing about his curse, easier, safer to let them think he wanted it) but they tell him they don’t want to take his agency from him like that. They offer to help him. He’s not sure whether to trust it (he knows, by rights, he shouldn’t) but he can’t say ‘no’ to ‘trust us, let us help’ (whether Edward is aware of the command, Izzy will never know, decades later Edward doesn’t even remember what he said to convince him).
So they stick by him, as best they can, if someone gives an order he doesn’t want to follow they’ll tell him, quietly as they can, not to. It works, for the most part. Though eventually, Ben notices Izzy’s not quite as obedient anymore (though he still never says ‘no’ to his captain’s orders). He doesn’t like that. He notices Izzy’s been spending more time around Teach and Rackham, decides they’re bad influences (he intends them to captain other ships in his fleet, they’re allowed to push back on orders, Izzy will never have a command of his own, he is not). He separates them. Puts Teach and Rackham on the Marianne with the flimsy excuse of ‘getting practice in’. (he sees them off with Izzy at his side, a claiming hand on his shoulder, Ed and Jack aren't sure how they manage it, but they don't try to kill him right then and there) They now only ever see each other when they all make port. Its a trying few months (for Ed and Jack, for Izzy. . .).
They meet at port one last time (apart, at least). Edward has a plan. They’re going to mutiny. They’ve been stirring the pot on the Marianne (whispers had already started before they got there, not too many of the crew were happy to miss out on loot just because Ol’ Ben had an apparent soft spot for the Crown). He presses his knife into Izzy's hands. Tells him, back on the ship, when everyone else is asleep, he’s to slip into the captain’s cabin and kill Ben, in his sleep, so he can’t order him to stop (Izzy is never sure if he would have said ‘no’ to that unintentional order, had he been able).
The mutiny goes off without a hitch (Ben wakes when the knife plunges into his throat, but he can’t give orders around the steel and the blood that choke him). Edward makes Izzy his first mate, gives Jack the Marianne. He and Izzy go on to create a legend.
Things are good, for a long while they're good. Edward is an inventive and charismatic captain, the crew love him and the loot he leads them to, and Izzy's position (and Edward's possessive protectiveness over him) means that anyone who dares order Israel Hands around, that doesn't have the title of 'his captain', meets a quick end.
Unfortunately, for Izzy, 'good' never tends to last. He'd hoped (and damn him for daring to hope) that he was free, as free as he could be, from his curse, sailing under Edward (Blackbeard), and he was. For a while. Its about a decade later when Edward starts to get bored. He never orders Izzy to do anything degrading or dangerous (more dangerous than he can handle at least) but it still hurts somewhere deep in his chest the first time Edward gives a casual order and doesn't look to see if Izzy wants to follow it.
They come across Jack every now and again. It always takes him a bit to readjust to Izzy, to remember he needs to phrase things as suggestions rather than orders, he always manages eventually. (that little pain in his chest digs a little deeper when he notices Edward avoids giving him orders when Jack is around, though he can't say why) Their crossing paths wind up fewer and farther between as the years go on. One notable visit involved Jack asking Edward to marry him and Anne Bonny ('why not just have your first mate do it?' 'Annie is my first mate, man, 'sides, I want my two best buds to be there for it!'). Izzy isn't sure what to make of Edward's renewed willingness to run into Jack afterwards (only knows that the pain in his chest grows all the sharper for it, and at seeing Jack, happy with Anne, he feels a bit monstrous about that). It doesn't matter much in the end, things go back to normal once Mary/Mark (depending on the day) Read enters the picture and (mostly) steals Annie away from Jack.
And suddenly Izzy finds himself at fifty five, on a beach, wondering ‘what kind of fucking idiot runs his ship aground‘. Edward is intrigued, Izzy can't tell him 'no'.
He hates the Revenge with every fiber of his being. None of the crew listen to him, Edward doesn't back him up (and neither do Fang or Ivan, following their captain's lead). The first time one of the crew gets it into their head to give him a mocking order he nearly passes out with the force it takes him to not jump to the task immediately. He retreats to his cabin later and vomits at the feeling of violation he hasn't felt in decades (he tells himself he hasn't felt it, Edward is his captain, above all else is loyalty to his captain, his own feelings don't matter).
He hates stupid fucking Stede Bonnet most of all. Hates him for putting a light back in Edward's eyes that hasn't been there for a long while. Hates his pompous attitude, his flippant disregard for the institution of piracy, how little he seems to actually care for the safety and well-being of his own men (leave alone the danger he poses to Edward). Most of all he hates that he calls him 'Iggy'.
So when he challenges him to a duel, and he accepts, its only for Edward's sake that he sets the terms at 'banishment' and not 'death'. When he loses he finds he rather wished it had been to the death. (he doesn't understand, Edward wanted this, he hadn't even told him to stop, hadn't ordered him to stop)
He retreats to Spanish Jackie'z to lick his wounds and to work out a plan to pull Edward out of the steady march towards his own demise that he faces aboard the Revenge. Jackie, Izzy is fairly certain, knows about his curse to some extent (he suspects she doesn't abuse the knowledge for the sake of having a bargaining chip, should she need it), she talks him out of any corners the navy bloke with a grudge against Stede Bonnet inadvertently walks him into. She also runs him into Jack Rackham (and Izzy realizes, at the sight of the silver starting to peek its way through his dirty blond, that its been nearly ten years since they've last seen each other, that pain in his chest not any duller for it) and the last piece of the plan falls into place. Jack tries to talk him out of it, says its not a good idea, even offers him a position on his own ship (not that its his ship to offer anymore, since Annie took over captaincy and made Mary/Mark her first mate, but they've both always had a soft spot for Izzy on account of Jack's soft spot for Izzy, they'd be more than willing), not once does he order though and Izzy can't let Edward keep doing this to himself. Jack will understand when he sees him, Izzy says. Jack goes.
(Izzy hears, when the navy gunners crow triumphantly about hitting the dinghy, the one that Jack and Edward were in, the one that Edward jumped out of, he tells himself not to let it show when that pain in his chest comes back twenty-fold at the thought)
Edward claims the Act of Grace. He and Stede Bonnet leave to lick the king’s boots. Izzy doesn't make it a single day as captain. Edward comes back just before he goes overboard with the anchor to follow. He comes back wrong. Izzy can't take it. Edward can't take it.
The Kraken wakes and Izzy is introduced to the concept of a living hell. (even the captive crew stop trying to give him orders, at the haunted look in his eye, when they see how the Kraken orders him around, when he discovers Spriggs alive, if a lot worse for the wear, he doesn't even need the order to keep it under wraps, he doesn't want to know what the Kraken would order him to do if the boy is found out, he shudders at the thought)
When stupid fucking Stede Bonnet (and his marooned crew) finds his way back to the Revenge Izzy allows himself a single moment to feel relieved. Until, at least, the Kraken orders him to kill the man. He can't. He fights. The crew are all shouting at him not to, it eases the strain. The Kraken levels his pistol at his head, the crew goes silent.
'Israel, I order you to kill Stede Bonnet'.
His sword is in his hand. Stede's gotten better with his own sword, is managing to hold his own against Izzy (in truth, its mostly due to Izzy straining to not follow the order, but there is a marked improvement). The Kraken growls 'Kill him Izzy, fucking- kill him!' Izzy loses his sword to the mast again (he's grateful this time), his knife is in his hand a second later. He's got less reach than Stede does but Stede is trying not to hurt him. Why is he trying not to hurt him?
'Bonnet. Bonnet, you have to stop me. I can't. I can't kill you. I can't let him do that to himself. You have to. Run me through. Right here-' he taps his chest with his free hand, the one that isn't swinging the knife around, the left side, right over his heart '-only way to stop this. He might even listen to you afterwards.'
'Izzy. Izzy no.' In his shock, Stede lowers his sword. Izzy swears as he knocks it out of his hand. Presses close, crowds him against the doors to the captain's cabin, knife against his throat.
'Just fucking kill him already!'
A bead of blood wells under the tip of the blade. Izzy meets his own eyes in the polished reflection of his knife.
'Izzy stop fucking around and do what I told you to!'
His hands shake with the weight of the order. There are tears in his eyes, he can see them in his reflection.
A memory comes, unbidden: He, Edward, and Jack hiking through dense jungle to find a witch that Jack thinks might be able to break his curse, or at least tell them how to break it themselves. Her words 'I cannot break this curse Israel, this is something you must do for yourself. I can tell you this, however, to do this you'll need to face yourself. Face yourself and free yourself. That is all I can say, I'm sorry, I'd tell you more if I could.' They'd left disappointed, Jack cursing about scams and 'you can't even trust witches these days, man', Edward contemplatively silent.
Face yourself and free yourself. Izzy's eyes flick upwards to Stede's concerned face, back down to the blade. He meets his own eyes again.
'Izzy-' The rest of the Kraken's words go unheard.
Izzy tells himself, voice scarcely more than a breath: 'You will not be obedient.'
He feels, more than sees, Stede's gasp. He ignores it. His hand still wants to press the knife upwards. He tries again.
'You will not be obedient.' A little louder this time.
'The fuck did you just say-' Again.
'You will not be obedient!'
The knife flies across the deck, lands with a clatter. Silence (but for the sound of Izzy's labored breaths).
He turns, ignores the shocked crew, meets Edward's wide eyes with his own watery ones (when had the tears started falling so freely?).
'. . . Iz. . . ?'
Everything goes black.
#the dork is being a dork#izzy hands#jack rackham#mmmm i feel safe enough tagging#edward teach#stede bonnet#am i ever going to be able to imagine a cj that isn't in love with izzy? all signs point to 'no' lmfao#izzy is also in love with jack if that wasn't obvious#problem is a bit two-fold in that he's also still in love with ed AND there was an unintentional order in 'above all else is loyalty to your#captain' so even if he was emotionally aware enough to realize they were mutually in love he wouldn't have done anything about it#cj is the world's number one izzy respecter he worked SO hard to make sure izzy never had to do anything he didn't want to do#also he 100% survived the navy guys saw him survive but they didn't like izzy cause he's a pirate so they wanted to fuck with him#he finds his way back to the revenge sometime later (maybe with anne and mary/mark with him) and BEGS izzy to come with him#they compromise and start a fleet (jack stays on the revenge more often than not cause izzy stays on the revenge more often than not)#this COULD turn into stackedhands but its mostly cjizzy#and izzy/people who actually care about him and his well-being#which does start to include the crew post kraken#anyway izzy wakes up later in the captain's cabin and there are several uncomfortable talks to be had#(also i don't necessarily think ed realized he wasn't ordering izzy when jack was around)#(it was kind of like falling into old habits)#(while also knowing subconsciously that jack WOULD rock his shit for doing that to izzy)#(same with avoiding him thru the years)#(he knew he was fucking up with izzy but wasn't ready to face it and let himself be held accountable the way jack would make him do)
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ask-calico-jack · 5 months
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arsenicflame · 29 days
Edward "human weighted blanket" Teach & Izzy "crush my soul out of my body" Hands
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theclaravoyant · 11 months
rip the scene where Stede’s handing over the “keys” to Frenchie and he can’t make himself let go like
Congratulations Frenchie, new Captain of the Revenge . Who I trust absolutely . Long live Captain Frenchie. Couldn’t be leaving her in more capable hands. Any second now
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New parallel; stede sees the revamped cabin for the first time. When he looks at the library, he flashes back to showing it off to Ed and Ed saying it's incredible
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