trickstarbrave · 10 months
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reincarnation of indoril nerevar? nah. nerevar's soul never got reincarnated. instead you have his descendant--from a secret child he had with voryn dagoth, the line continued on and on until nerevar's son was reborn and shipped off to morrowind, unknowingly righting the wrongs of his ancestors and solving his family history of absolutely abysmal luck
i tried playing around with colors. not sure how well it came out in some areas but uhhhh. yknow im still learning
i also STILL dont have a name for this guy. i know his name is the same as the first kid but im absolutely fucking abysmal at naming. i know his first lifetime, this life time, long family history of shit luck, and nerevar haunting him and teaching him (moon and star can be worn by his descendants--nerevar had that enchantment modified when he was hopeful he'd be able to pass it on to his children and his childrens' children. lol. but wearing it lets him FINALLY hear old nerevar)
let me know what you think of him. i got Stuff i could say about him. along with name suggestions :'D
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starsinthenigth · 2 months
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★rats rats we are the ra-★
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sterenheart · 11 days
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New Bellamione fanfic!!
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wellthebardsdead · 4 months
Vivienne: *sits down in the sleeping giant inn, still hearing Steren giving Delphine an earful from downstairs*
Taliesin: are you okay?
Vivienne: mm. Just tired… is Kaidan alright?
Taliesin: he hasn’t said much since you handed him those dossiers on what happened to his family. But he’ll be okay. I’ve got my eye on him. Do you want a drink?
Vivienne: no, no I’m good. *smiles trying to hide his anxiety, worrying how this will effect his friends and their safety moving forward*
Taliesin: *sees through it easily, just gently pats his shoulder and smiles* sit tight, I’ll go talk to Kaidan then get you some water. Okay?
Vivienne: thank you… *watches him walk off before blinking as a drink is held in front of him and the bench beneath him shifts with the weight of another figure*
???: what’s a pretty thing like you doing sulking all alone?
Vivienne: *turns his head to see a nord man beside him offering him a drink* o-oh um, n-no thank you I’m waiting for my- *catches himself, wanting so bad to call steren his partner, lover, boyfriend…* -friend.
???: who? That prissy elf in a dress? *glances over to where Taliesin had walked off to* A cute thing like you won’t stand a chance out in skyrims wilderness with that sort of company. Especially with the dragons about.
Vivienne: *ears pinning back in annoyance* I can handle m-myself just fine, and Taliesin is a veteran of the Great W-
Bishop: sure you can sweetheart, but why chance it? I can guarantee you’ll find yourself in too deep over your pretty little head and you’ll be wishing you had a real man to take care of you. The names Bishop by the way, I could get used to having a girl like you on my arm~
Vivienne: I’m not a girl I’m- not a man either.
Bishop: *rolls his eyes* with a face and body like yours I can’t see how you’d ever be considered a man, even under all that fabric I can tell you’ve got a figure I’d love to see riding me front or back~
Vivienne: *visibly disgusted, even the patrons at the brothel weren’t so openly vile until gold had been exchanged* y-you horrible beast- *gets up and immediately readies himself to loosen his thuum as he feels the man grab his wrist*
Bishop: Hold on where do you think you’re go-
Vivienne: FUS-
Steren: *suddenly slugs bishop hard across the face making him let go of vivienne and stagger back in shock* filthy creature!! *snarls and grabs him by his hair punching him in the gut repeatedly before dragging him to the fire pit and shoving his face into it, holding him down in the coals until his screams die with him* good riddance… *gets off him before spitting on his corpse and looking around the inn at the other patrons, visibly bristling for another fight* Anyone else?!?! *watches as they all quickly look away* … good… *looks over at vivienne and smiles softly as he walks to him and pulls him into his arms* are you okay?
Vivienne: I-I am. Thank you…
Steren: *presses his forehead to his and gently holds his wrist, inspecting it for bruising* you’ve enough on your plate to worry about without adding random creeps to the mix… are you sure you’re alright?
Vivienne: *smiles up at him* I am. Now that you’re here.
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clouseplayssims · 7 months
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The couple that tanks in aspiration together... stays... together?
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kittykittyanon · 25 days
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click on the image and up your brightness for the second pic!!! it came out darker than i expected it to LMAO ((it looks lighter on my laptop screen :<))
@starsinthenigth i'm not sure what the context of this is,, maybe your sona got caught snatching donnie's stuff (つω`。)?? it's supposed to be present dontron,, but he looks like future donnie so i guess he can also be that...? whatever you want!!! ヽ(>∀<☆)ノ(((o(*°▽°*)o)) (((o(*°▽°*)o)))
((alt context could be that steren accidentally vwooped themself into the bad end future and was noticed by future purple man? (•⩊•)))
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from left to right;; it's the reference i used for the fisheye lens thingy ((brock lee,, found it after searching 'fisheye' on pinterest HSHFKDJF)),, the original donnie looking down at steren before i realized it doesn't quite make sense and extended it with the addition of tilting everything,,, and the height difference between steren and donnie ((6 inches is 15.20 cm and 5'3 is 160 cm)) that i used!!!
sorry if i'm annoying you with these random art posts,, i don't want to make you feel like you have to respond every time (#><) (#><) !!!
i remember seeing you say something about a first-person g/t horror game and i thought of this a while after!! i think i drew this two to three days ago?? i drew steren first then donatello;; but after that i realized that if i wanted it to be from the pov of steren looking up at him; i'd have to either redraw the entire thing ((i realized it only after i finished rendering)) or duplicate everything and use the transform thingy to fix the perspective and move the color layers to fit into the lineart :PP
it made me take a break from it for like a day or two cause i got a little overwhelmed after shrimping over my pc screen for a few hours but i finished it!! ta-daahhh!!!! it still kinda doesn't look right to me ((i feel like donnie should still be a little bigger than that..? not sure though,, i can't exactly visualize how it would look very well)) but i don't feel like editing it a second time (ノ*°▽°*) (ノ*°▽°*) !!!! /lh
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moonsforestfriends · 24 days
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Caelus and Steren Noctis picking pumpkins to decorate
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angelitaby · 11 days
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★werggg, if your new blog-theme was a person, I could see them collecting lots of cute little accessories, as well as keychains, most of them being various shades of pink and such. /pos !!★
(..no shit sherlock) (shut-) (no you)★
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omg defs!! she totally gives off light pastel decora assorted with some grunge themes! a maximalist with her hairclips, nail charms, keychains, makeup, ect ect! a kuromi girly fs ,, naming her yummi bc idk i think it fits
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keleren-ie · 9 months
Sooooooo I've got a question for @trickstarbrave and @mulberrycafe (I hope I'm doing this correctly I'm still discovering how tumblr works). You've been talking about Vivi and Steren having a baby, and I have to know : what would it look like ?
I've taken the liberty of making a few hypothesis. Feel free to correct me, I hope I got their features right.
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theangelcatalogue · 5 months
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★cool blog change alert- I repeat cool- ★
(woah it's korra-)
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It's Korra! Cause i love her, she is so Overhated
Korra my silly little girl :3
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trickstarbrave · 14 days
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i just wanna talk about steren because i love him. sorry for what will no doubt be rambling u_u @the-elder-polls i will be including art and stuff as necessary bc i love my boyyyyyyy and ive drawn him a lot
he's technically a nerevarine. he isnt nerevar's reincarnation though, instead nerevar (trans) and voryn had a kid by accident and well. steren is the reincarnation of THAT child.
first lifetime in his early life he was born at kogoruhn and raised in house dagoth. The cover story is nerevar was on a pilgrimage for azura and voryn had a drunken affair with a woman. steren is born, voryn fakes the death of the random woman, now he has a son. very few people know the truth. nerevar wanted to raise him but he was originally born a commoner and while he's strong enough to protect himself, he wouldn't put it past anyone with a grudge to target a literal infant just to spite him. nerevar still visits often though, under the guise that of course he'd be nice to his closet friend's son
steren was born a few years before the war of the first council though. tensions were getting high between the chimer and previously quiet dwemer, and house dagoth being the spies for the chimer by and large discovered what kagrenac was up to. you know the rest (mostly). nerevar and voryn die, the tribunal become gods, the dwemer vanish, everyone becomes dunmer except ayem and half of vivec... tribunal had caught on though that steren was nerevar's son as well though and they think it is particularly cruel to kill nerevar's only child just because he's of house dagoth blood. so they pretty much wipe his memories for the most part and have him raised in house indoril.
steren grew up in house indoril, and eventually realized he was of house dagoth. he confronts vivec who had become a sort of mentor to him, and vivec tells him to leave it in the past. he was spared because he was an innocent child. house dagoth were destroyed because they were traitors. they had to be purged from morrowind. there is nothing in the past that will give steren the answers and comfort he wants and will only lead him to his doom. this goes over as well as you would expect with him leaving house indoril and looking for answers alone. at some point he got married and had a kid, but his mission was about uncovering the secrets of house dagoth the tribunal tried to bury and learn more about his parents. he's killed during a collapse of some ruins. his wife takes the kid and promptly leaves morrowind, fearing what the temple may do now that steren is dead
family line continues for a while, and during this time nerevar's ghost has been watching over them. he felt too bad leaving his son all alone in the world, so he silently watched over him, heartbroken. then steren died and nerevar followed his child, his child's child, and so on. up to the third era where steren is reborn to a dying woman on the run from some illiac bay nobleman. after she dies, steren goes to an orphanage. unknown parents, born under a certain sign, fulfilling the prophecy. he's arrested when, after leaving a house he was robbing, he stumbles upon a dead body at the completely wrong time. the trial is shit because this is the TES universe (guilty until proven innocent is canon fsr, dont let me ramble about why we'll be here all day) and he develops a fear of large crowds having their eyes all on him (idk what thats called). he stays 3 months in prison before being pardoned and shipped to morrowind. despite it being his home province he never heard great things about it.
he follows the storyline pretty closely. except that this is my world so mods like tamriel rebuilt are canon for me. he joins house hlaalu and the mages guild. he's really freaked out by all the sleepers who know him by name saying weird shit calling him 'prince' or some shit so he decides to take the opportunity to visit the mainland when the mages guild asks him to. on the mainland he does a bunch of stuff but finds vissamu and an ancient tome from house dagoth. he doesnt know why but he cant let go out of the house dagoth stuff. its familiar. but it also makes his heart ache.
more importantly though on the mainland is he comes across a dunmer who didn't know what house or family he was from. a nearby temple has you gather ingredients for a ritual to summon an ancestor spirit. steren does it correctly and then after seeing the guy happy to know who he is and able to build a relationship with his deceased family, asks the temple to do the same for him. an ancestor spirit is in fact summoned but before they can reveal who steren is, nerevar shoos them away. all steren knows is it fails but the priest sees what is clearly saint nerevar watching over him and tells him he doesnt know why it failed but that he is watched over well. steren hears a voice urging him to go outside and does so. there, nerevar reveals himself, able to communicate with him now, and tells him he stopped the spirit. she wanted to come and talk to him, but she was a woman of house dagoth (voryns mom specifically) and nerevar feared what might happen if his lineage was revealed to others. steren is kinda freaked out, asking if he'll go insane like some of the sleepers he sees, but nerevar assures him he wont let that happen.
back on vvardenfell steren continues his questing. gets corprus, cures corprus. goes to kogoruhn and finds at the old family hearth a bottle with what was originally his baby teeth as well as locks of hair from both parents, typical things to leave near the family hearth for protection. steren takes it with him, not knowing why he's so attached to it.
after getting the ring though he gets his past life memories back and realizes he's not nerevar reborn. he has memories of "uncle nerevar" in his first life. he demands answers, crying, and nerevar comes clean that no, he isn't nerevar reborn. nerevar didnt want him doing this either, but azura has no other options because nerevar refused to reincarnate and apologizes to steren. but steren asks how he can wear the ring then and nerevar is quiet before explaining that while he was alive he asked azura to modify the enchantment so that nerevar and his descendants can wear the ring. that steren's other parent was always nerevar, but nerevar couldnt be open about that fact because he couldnt bear the thought of his own child being killed
fighting dagoth ur is particularly painful because dagoth ur recognizes steren as his son but well. he's still insane. dagoth ur thinks steren is too corrupted and blinded by the tribunal who stole him away and brainwashed him, but dagoth ur can kill and remake him, just like he did his brothers. then he can bring back nerevar, purge the empire from morrowind, and live together as a family, proud and openly. defeating him was not easy emotionally or physically tbh, but steren did win.
also at some point he got trueflame. i havent figured out when he did the tribunal dlc quite yet. it might be while he was on the mainland if im being honest but i feel like almalexia would def spill the beans on who he is. maybe he takes out the assassins, comes back, gets the ring, and then goes to deal with the rest of the stuff from tribunal.
after daogth ur's defeat, azura comes to usher nerevar to moonshadow. spirits arent supposed to remain in the realm of the living for too long and he risks being completely destroyed. nerevar is worried, but steren assures him he'll be fine, and nerevar goes to rest. then azura says she'll give steren any gift within her power to him as a reward for doing such a difficult task, and steren says he just wants to be with his parents again. azura frowns and says she cant bring back the living. steren knows. azura is even more upset because steren is not that old for dunmer and is already asking to die. but instead of killing him she sends him to another world where his parents ARE alive. and also 200 years in the future where theyre together in hopes steren can be with his parents and live happily there. she's going to let this worlds nerevar and voryn have the memories of steren's world too so it wont be weird.
mephala though intervenes with the reasoning "you can just send people to different worlds and time periods. you'll fucking break the dragon." and drops him off not in mournhold but in blacklight, outside of a brothel where the reincarnation/child of vivec (named vivienne, who belongs to @wellthebardsdead) is currently being kept. in this world nerevar was the nerevarine, azura restored him to his status, voryn reincarnated, i wrote about them getting together here. steren, strongly resembling voryn, is taken in by force and fed poison to both diminish his strength and keep him from healing the injuries from dagoth ur. but he and vivienne save up money from tips and escape. steren couldnt take his ring or sword but he figures the brothel madam probably pawned them off and he should just gtfo of morrowind before the temple figures out theres two copies of nerevar's ring and sword and if theres an impersonator running around. they hop on a boat like a day or two before voryn and nerevar track down the brothel in blacklight to look for steren.
they get off the boat in.... SKYRIM!!! surprise, vivienne is the dragonborn too. he and steren are very close but very shy about admitting the fact theyre in love. theyre both traumatized and afraid of hurting the other or being rejected. im sure you can imagine.
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look at how cute they are...
also since steren isn't the dragonborn he doesnt do much of the msq. he is more like a follower but he has some side content he does. he joins the companions, contracts lycanthrope (thanks hircine, not helping steren's opinion of daedra at all), ends up doing the forsworn conspiracy and after breaking out of the mine the forsworn take over markarth. vivienne does the thieves guild and steren helps with that bc he does know some dwemer from being taught it by both nerevar as a ghost and voryn when he was a kid. also he did the mages guild in morrowind so he knows a lot of dwemer stuff. oh steren also got fucked up by the heart of lorkhan a little and during the peace talks he did make the throat of the world start shaking when he got violently angry. steren is also not at all impressed with delphine (he already didnt like the blades for obvious reasons)
oh they also adopt a scrib. named mr scribbles. its later revealed scribbles is a girl but (sorry i cant draw bugs well)
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alduin is defeated and vivienne comes back. steren was worried sick but is happy to have his beloved back. they confess, its cute, and steren gifts him a necklace he made with traditional house dagoth craftsmanship
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shortly afterwards though miraak's cultists show up and despite what they want they have to go to solthsheim and deal with it..... ugh. while all this is going on nerevar and voryn arrived in skyrim and were trying to track their son down sort of on a wild goose chase. by the time they catch up steren and vivi are on their way to solstheim.
on solstheim they try to keep a low profile. steren uses a bandana to keep the big red star on his face covered. vivienne ends up getting turn grey and cold like vivec which doesnt help the vivec allegations. after he's turned steren starts getting some gold patches on him too (i forgot the red star like an idiot sorry)
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one of vivienne's clients though survived the purge that voryn and nerevar did. his name is sen dres and he's been hiding out on solstheim getting enough political power to either go to skyrim and find vivi or get vivi when they come to solstheim. sen hates steren thinking steren is the one who convinced vivi to leave and his plan is to kill steren and take vivi back to morrowind to live with him forever. when he finds out vivi is the reincarnation of vivec he wants to force him to become vivec too because then he can have a god as his slave/husband. i hate sen dres so much. anyways he manages to get steren and vivienne alone and convinces vivi if he comes quietly they'll leave steren alive. only to promptly stab steren straight through the stomach and leave him there to bleed out while vivienne is gagged so he cant shout and drugged.
nerevar and voryn do arrive in time to help steren and heal him up. they were told by the house hlaalu dude actually what sen dres' plan was because that guy saw steren had the tattoo of a house hlaalu grandmaster and he doesn't want a potential high ranking member of house hlaalu to die. they get steren to safety and with the rest of the dragonborn gang rescue vivi and the two of them are happy together again while recovering :))) and steren gets to see his parents
steren and vivi also end up getting married eventually. yay!!!!!!
other stuff i couldnt figure out where to put it-- at first the good three think vivi is vivec. mephala sent steren to vivi to see if he'd betray steren to alleviate his own suffering. but vivienne did not, instead he took care of steren and wanted to escape with him. boethiah and azura both try to kill vivienne though. and molag bal thinks vivienne is vivec and should be married to him ugh. do you see why steren hates daedra.
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starsinthenigth · 1 month
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★unjuraka, poppe the clown★
CW: minor blood, axe. all poorly drawn.
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sterenheart · 1 year
Just another random idea, which I have no hope of writing because my WIP’s folder is out of control. If anyone else wants to write it, send me the link! 😂
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wellthebardsdead · 4 months
Steren: *stumbles back into breezehome to find the group all putting on their armour and vivienne unconscious by the fire after being knocked out with a simple sleep potion* I- what’s going on?!
Taliesin: What’s going on?! That’s ALL You have to say for yourself?!
Kaidan: You fuck off to jorrvaskr for the night, a werewolf is seen barreling through the city and you suddenly disappear for 3 days only to turn up and ask “what’s going on??!?!” Vivienne’s been distraught you fucking arsehole! We thought you’d been killed or kidnapped! We were just heading out to look for you!
Inigo: we had to knock our friend out because he was growing delirious refusing to rest until he found you.
Steren: *contracted lycanthropy and is still coming to terms with what happened* I- I’m sorry, I can explain everything. I-… oh Vivi… *walks to his side and strokes his hair*
Vivienne: *whimpers in his sleep but leans into his touch* mnn…
Steren: *kisses his forehead softly* I’m sorry for making you worry…
Vivienne: *smiles in his sleep* Mm…
Steren: … *tail suddenly pops out and starts wagging*
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clouseplayssims · 7 months
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Still working on that baby...
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