lady-oyanka · 5 years
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PSA: the share button, copy links etc. these can be used by anyone. You can share pics, events, ads, merch...anyone can do it. Emojis they can be used by everyone 😁😂😀🤣😉🤪🤡 but apparently certain individuals who have nothing better to do other than bitch, moan and complain, have a problem with me doing certain things for a select handful of people. Guess what instead of being a cry baby do the same as I do share the events, or whatever. Buy the merch you are bitching about, go to the events you are bitching about. Otherwise stick your tongue where the sun don’t shine. Everything gets back to me. You people don’t pay my bills, nor do you wake next to me in the morning. Therefore take your opinions and shove them and proceed to rotate on them. #doitorshutthehellup #shareit #buyit #crybabyshit #stickthisinyourear #idontgivearatsass #growsome #jealousyisabitch #boohoo #takeyourdramaelsewhere https://www.instagram.com/p/B3-zrFhpbaK/?igshid=tl9ajy4tbami
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30 years ago today Van Halen dropped OU812 their 8th studio album. The album marked their second release with lead vocalist Sammy Hagar and completed the transition from the Roth era. Like 5150 before it, OU812 was something of a departure from the band’s more traditional hard rock roots found on the “six-pack” of classic albums from the band’s first generation. Hagar, along with Eddie Van Halen’s new found obsession with keyboards and synthesizers, saw the band moving in a more diverse, more melodic direction that left a bad taste in the mouths of some fans. These “Dave or Gravers” as they are often called were unable or unwilling to accept the band’s more “pop” direction and declared their undying affiliation for the original line up the band. Van Halen approached this subject or rather didn’t, with their typical aloofness and indifference towards fans, all while selling millions of records, performing sold-out tours, and achieving a string of #1 albums, a feat never met by a DLR fronted version of the band. 
More open-minded fans were treated to some great music beyond 1984 and as different and polarizing as OU812 was, this is a great listen, a diverse, interesting record that honors the band’s history while firmly accepting their position as melodic rock hitmakers. Revisionist fans like to focus on the keyboard-laden hits and ballads that Sammy Hagar penned with Eddie and seemingly ignore some of the heaviest songs to come from this era. OU812 is split pretty evenly between the two making this a mess for DLR fans to wade through. 
The first single Black and Blue hit the airwaves ahead of the album’s release. It’s slow bluesy opening masks a heavy mid-tempo rocker that eschewed the shorter, punkier tunes of the bands past for an over 5-minute track that let the band stretch their musical legs. The hallmarks of classic VH are all here. Fun, sexually charged lyrics, harmony-heavy background vocals, cymbal-heavy drums, and Ed’s signature sound and crazy solo. Admittedly, Hagar’s lyrics lack a certain poetic subtlety that David Lee Roth was the undisputed master of, but what he lacked in subtlety he made up for with a distinct voice and impressive range. 
Upon its release, the album proper was sequenced well and made for a fun enjoyable listen. If fans did not buy in with Black and Blue, the album opener Mine All Mine was not going to change their mind. While it's a heavy tune, with some of Sammy’s best lyrics, it's a keyboard-heavy tune that has the album open right out of the gate with a distinct keyboard sound over guitar. It works as an album an concert opener very well. 
DLR fans could be heard collectively groaning on the second song, another keyboard tune and worse, a ballad! Sammy Hagar used the word love liberally and literally in direct opposition to David Lee Roth’s more...casual approach to the term. Songs like these are what cause many to throw around ridiculous claims like “Sammy Hagar turned Van Halen into Journey”. A.F.U. (Naturally Wired), Source of Infection and Sucker in a 3 Piece dispute those claims later in the album providing some of the heaviest riffs in the band's catalog and providing Eddie Van Halen a platform to display his effortless guitar god skills. Feels So Good and Finish What Ya Started, while amazing songs, fuel the complaints of the Dave or Gravers. 
Feels So Good a keyboard oddity in the Van Halen catalog remains one of their most interesting tunes. Though the airy keyboards affix the tune permanently to its time, Al’s drums are heavy and awesome, Sam’s vocals are outstanding and the guitar solo is as interesting and compelling as anything Ed’s done. 
That’s the thing with this album. It has a diverse sound. The songs are collected and sequenced in an interesting manner and its diverse sound, moving effortlessly between longer heavier tunes and poppier more accessible sing-alongs create a summery vibe and provide a great listen as a complete album. Toss in a country tune custom built to become a live staple an OU812 (Finish) and an epic rocker that unfortunately, eventually quickened the demise of this version of the band and OU812 quickly becomes a classic Van Halen album. At 30 years olde, OU812 shows its age a bit. It has been desperately in need of a re-master since its initial release and some of the tunes are a bit dated, but overall this is a great album that helped Van Halen continue its dominance of hard rock as the 80′s became the 90′s. 
Essential Tracks: When It’s Love, Cabo Wabo, Finish What Ya Started
Give Them Another Listen Tracks: Mine All Mine, Feels So Good 
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rotteddolly · 12 years
stickthisinyourear replied to your photo: Sorry about my face, but my bookmark is the cutest
Im reading that too! :D
:D sweet
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em1ree · 12 years
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stickthisinyourear replied to your photo: I’ve got a bad habit of scrunching my nose up in...
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juleznotjulia · 12 years
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My best friend, Rachel, just cut her hair really short and donated it. Her mom was unbelievably angry at her for cutting it without telling her, and is punishing her by taking away her car. (she says Rachel deceived her and cannot be trusted). 
Please help me show support for Rachel, and to prove to her mom that cutting her hair was not a bad decision.
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krissynotchrissy · 12 years
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Let it be known that on this day, November 17, 2012, that I, Krissy (Tumblr user theconsultingtearbender), and Rachel (Tumblr user stickthisinyourear) met at Shadocon 2012 and it was most glorious. :D She is so nice and lovely and I had so much fun meeting her and going to the DW panel with her. :) (And yes, I am cosplaying as Oswin. :3 More on that when I get home.)
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oh-look-itsme · 12 years
Bulbasaur: What is the first Pokemon game you ever owned?
I believe the first pokemon game I ever owned was Sapphire. Oh, yeah, it was. I just remembered 'cause when I got it, it had come out a little while ago (but it still got TV commercials), and it was probably the easiest pokemon game to get/find at the time.
I lost it once, found it behind a bookshelf, and good lord I loved playing it. I've restarted it a few times because of the whole "Diamond can take pokemon from earlier generations" thing. 
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ifreakinghatesplenda · 12 years
25: What physical traits do you look for in a potential interest?
Hmm..Not too tall, since I'm only 5'4"Also, I'm a fan of guys who are lean. Have a bit of muscle but not too much. But that's just a preference. Doesn't matter to me for girls. I'm not picky :)
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em1ree · 12 years
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stickthisinyourear replied to your post: but i mean i guess its okay because there are pictures of Aladdin and the peasant section is in comic sans
I want to see this so much omfg
You can't really see the Aladdin pictures, but the Men of the Husbandry is the peasant class and it's in Comic Sans lol
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juleznotjulia · 12 years
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stickthisinyourear replied to your post: Got home from play practice at 8pm and have a ton...
Kade and I went trick-or-treating. All of his friends kept asking if I was his girlfriend. Silent treats rolled down my cheeks.
You should have said yes. And that you were betrothed to him. 
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krissynotchrissy · 12 years
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niinas · 12 years
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Perfect People who are Perfect:
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starlightdancers · 12 years
So I've gotten 3 new followers today....
I dunno what I did, but hello! And welcome!
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oh-look-itsme · 12 years
Q - A ship you’ve abandoned and why
I've abandoned many ships, especially in Hetalia.
The biggest two I've abandoned HAVE to be UsUk and Franada on the grounds that there's so much shipping drama and UGH. I will, however, still somewhat ship Franada (more as a bromance than anything), but I'll never go back to UsUk. 
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rotteddolly · 12 years
stickthisinyourear replied to your post: stickthisinyourear replied to your post: Why am I...
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milk-bubbles · 12 years
Thank you for being awesome and sharing that picture of us (Weeping Angels) on Tumblr. You are lovely. I love you so much (is that too weird to say?).
You're welcome!  I can't believe how many notes it's gotten already, lol.
And that's not weird to say.  I love you, too.  :3
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