#Stoplight is definitely a winter boi
teethofthedeeps · 8 months
🍁 MAPLE LEAF - what is their favourite season? why? 📸 CAMERA - do they enjoy having their picture taken? what's their go-to pose? do they like taking photos? what do they take photos of?
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Winter is definitely the season Stoplight feels most comfortable. He knows the cold, he knows the dark and there are plenty of both to be had at this time of year when the sun sets early and lets the night go on and on. It's just better, and the fact less people go outside makes it so much easier to creep up onto land to observe how the 'surface dwellers' live. It's hard to make sense of, especially during the darkest weeks when brightly-coloured lights start appearing all over the place. He wonders perhaps if the humans are communicating with each other, or it's some other form of display beyond his understanding? Either way he likes the twinkling lights and all the different colours, finding their flashing patterns far preferable to that of the great flashing bolts up in the sky.
Stoplight does not like cameras. He does not know what they are, only that they make a big flash of light when humans lift them up and do... something with them. Somebody took a picture of him once or tried rather, startling him when they crossed paths one fateful night at the docks. Needless to say, things didn't go well. A budding journalist decided it would be a great idea to stake the docks out - a place already notorious for criminal activity - in hopes of catching the crooks in action. What he snapped instead would be the last photo he'd take in his life as Stoplight lunged out of the shadows, grabbing the man and dragging him into Gotham Bay. Stoplight found out that night that cameras taste funny, further adding to his dislike.
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tirednotflirting · 4 years
hold on to the memories, they will hold on to you (and i will hold on to you)
part two to but we were something, don’t you think so?
because I actually cannot stand leaving something too open ended. enjoy.
and if you want it, check it out on ao3 here
It’s a freezing cold, early Tuesday morning when Luke sees Ashton for the first time since the almost (but not quite) meeting at the stoplight at the edge of campus.
(This time it’s been 5 months and 4 days since he last saw Ashton. Back then his hair was longer and his attire was hardly weather appropriate. Luke had been paralyzed by memories and a thousand different what if possibilities, none of which had come true.)
It had been quite a hectic morning up to that point. Luke’s alarm had failed to go off (again) and it's the last day he’ll be meeting for his Advanced Linear Algebra course and it’s pretty vital that he make it to that lecture so he knows what to focus on for the final they’re having the next week. He rushes around the apartment, cursing Calum silently for not waking him. He knows it isn’t his roommate’s responsibility to keep track of Luke’s oversleeping habit but they’ve been living together for two years now and Luke has definitely had to wake Calum up to get to exams on time before. 
He rushes through an augmented version of his morning routine, quickly brushing his teeth and shoving a beanie over his bedhead curls, momentarily thankful for the cold that required something to cover his ears. He trips over himself as he pulls on a pair of jeans while shoving his textbooks and journals into his backpack. On his way out the door, Luke hastily locks it since he isn’t sure if Calum ended up back in his bedroom the night before or if he stayed with Michael again. He skips waiting for the elevator to race down the stairs and out the front door of his complex.
He’s finished running the first block when he feels his phone buzz and he’s already winded so he figures stopping for a quick second to check the message (likely one from Calum if he is home to ask why Luke slammed the front door) wouldn’t hurt. Only the notification wasn’t a text, it was an email from Luke’s professor.
My wife and I caught some bug over the weekend so class today will be canceled. I am sad to miss our last meeting but please feel free to come with any questions to my extended office hours later this week. Attached is the concept guide for the final I planned to go over today. Happy studying.
Luke takes a deep breath in through the nose and imagines the air he can see from the cold after exhaling to be all of the anger he feels at having to rush through the apartment for nothing. He considers for a moment just turning around and getting in some more rest since his next class isn’t until 3. But he’s got the study guide now and he is (unfortunately) awake, so he starts toward the university still but figures he can reward himself for not going back home with a coffee from the shop just off campus. 
Though tired still, Luke walks briskly to the shop since he had only grabbed his cardigan that he leaves hanging by the door since he couldn’t be bothered to hunt around for his coat. Especially so because he’s pretty sure it may still be in the back of Michael’s car anyway. He doesn’t live too far from campus though so soon enough, he’s pushing against the door to enter the warm shop. 
He’s always loved this place. The exposed brick and odd collection of thrift store comfy chairs and tables make the shop look like a scene out of a TV show about college or something and Luke lives for any cheesy college experience he can get. He especially loves it there in the winter, when he knows he can step inside with a bright red nose and immediately be enveloped with a cinnamon scented warmth that the chain places could only ever dream of achieving. 
He steps to the counter and orders one of the seasonal lattes to have in a mug rather than a to go cup and after providing his name and paying the kind, blushing girl at the register, he turns to find a spot to cozy up in for the next few hours.
And that’s when he locks eyes with Ashton.
His hair is shorter and red now, like the color on a candy cane but deeper and it matches the blush currently spread across his cheeks. He’s at one of the bigger tables, surrounded by several textbooks and journals. His glasses sit on the edge of his nose, threatening to fall onto the pages in front of him. The dark sweater he has on is the kind that makes his hazel eyes appear a bit darker around the edges. 
Luke’s attention is briefly drawn away from him when he hears his name called from the counter and he jumps just slightly and before quickly turning to go get the mug, he swears he sees a smirk play at the edges of Ashton’s lips. 
He reaches the counter and thanks the barista and when he turns back, Ashton is standing right in front of him and it takes everything in Luke to not drop the mug of sugary coffee. His momentary observation about Ashton’s eyes is emphasized further now that they stand only a couple feet away from one another, the closest they’ve been physically in nearly 18 months.
“Would you like to join me at my table?” Ashton asks, the words coming out quick but with a tone of hesitation, as though his brain was fighting against his lips on whether or not to ask. 
Luke had imagined a moment almost exactly like this a million different ways. Only recently had he given up on the idea of ever running into him again, of being asked to join him for a meeting that would become another big, Hollywood produced moment in Luke’s memory. However, in every one of those fantasies that Luke had allowed to play out in his mind, he had failed to factor in what it would feel like to hear the forgotten voice of a lost love. He felt like he had been betrayed by his own memories because the voice he had been hearing as he tried to sleep wasn’t the exact tone or depth of what he had just heard again. 
After a moment, Luke releases the breath he hadn’t even realized he had been holding in as he speaks just one word. “Yes.”
He follows Ashton back to the table, letting his bag fall off his shoulder to gently land at the floor and sets his mug down a safe distance from the big, scary law textbooks Ashton has opened up on the table. He takes a seat but keeps his feet tucked below his chair, worried that any direct physical contact might cause a forest fire or something. “Are you already studying for the bar then?”
Ashton’s brows shoot up as he takes his place on the opposite side of the table. “Oh, um yes,” he nods quickly, a faint blush still painted on his cheeks. “I’m taking the exam at the beginning of June but I haven’t taken a look at some of this stuff in ages, you know?”
Luke nods slowly, remembering the times they would lie in bed together after Ashton had been accepted to their university’s law program and Luke would run his fingers up and down his back while listening to Ashton speak excitedly about far off exams and internships. He had told him all about it because Luke was supposed to be there, cheering him on while he read and interpreted case files. A lot had changed. 
He’s pulling his textbook out of his bag and setting it on the table while trying to think of more to say when Ashton speaks first. “Linear Algebra? Were you able to get into Henderson’s course? I know you always talked about him like he was a rock star during registration week.”
Luke’s throat feels dry and he’s wondering if this is all maybe actually a dream. Like maybe he’ll wake up in a few minutes to the alarm he thought he missed this morning and this is all just his subconscious playing a really cruel joke on him. “Yeah, our last lecture was meant to be this morning but he’s sick and,” Luke pauses for a moment and takes another deep breath and sip of his drink and realizes he cannot make small talk with someone who used to be his entire world. “Ashton, what’s going on?”
Ashton licks his lips before opening his mouth as though to respond but Luke cuts him off. “You dumped me with no warning at all because you were worried about making his law thing work and now you’re inviting me to sit with you while you study for the bar and my head is spinning.”
“I miss you.”
“And I know that’s bullshit and I know it's been like a year and a half and I know that I saw you in the summer and I didn’t say anything and that was probably the worst thing I’ve ever done,” he speaks quickly, something like panic at the edge of his words. “I let my insecurity get the best of me. I convinced myself I wasn’t going to be good enough at this and that I would have to spend all my time working on all of this and that I wouldn’t have enough time left to treat you the way you deserve to be treated. I was so scared of us turning into an afterthought in my mind.”
“So rather than talking to me you just ended it so we wouldn’t have to be a thought at all?” Luke scoffs. 
“I wanted to give you the world. I wanted you to be my world. Nothing less than that seemed worthy. And if I wasn’t going to be able to give that to you, I didn’t want to keep you from the possibility of finding someone who could.”
“Damn it, Ashton,” Luke shakes his head and checks around for people looking to make sure his volume is controlled. “All I wanted was you. Fuck, all I want is you.”
“Even now?” the red headed boy whispers, his eyes just a touch glossy. “Even after July?”
Luke feels a burning at his eyes and immediately blames the cold wind, despite being inside for nearly 15 minutes now. “July ripped my heart apart in a way that I had never felt before. And in a way, I think it was what I needed. Like, it had a sense of finality to it. And I’ve been doing better. But that doesn’t change the fact that I would turn the entire world upside down for you. For us.”
They’re both quiet for a few minutes after that. Luke takes a few more sips of his drink and watches the steam rise from the mug in between each one. Eventually he looks past the steam to where Ashton sits as he takes Luke in. Like he’s trying to see into his thoughts. Eventually he clears his throat and runs a hand through the red tousled curls.
“When I saw you in July, I didn’t say anything because I felt like nothing I could say to you would fix anything. That my trying to fix anything would be like trying to get the toothpaste back in the tube, ya know? But when I got home, I called my therapist and I just told her everything. I had never talked to her about us before because I was too scared of being judged. And when I told her that she told me it was pretty possible that the way I ended things was for the same reason. And so all semester I was trying to find a way to run into you again. And I guess the universe picked for that to happen today.”
“I just wanted to support you. Just wanted to love you,” Luke shakes his head, a sad smile pulling delicately at his cheeks.
“And I was so scared to let you.”
“Would you let me now?” Luke asks and hopes there’s less desperation in his voice than what he senses there to be. “Would you let me take care of you a bit? In the way you always did for me?”
Hesitantly, Ashton lifts his arm from where it’s been resting at this side and reaches a hand out over the papers taking up his half of the tablespace. “I’d love nothing more.”
Luke reaches a hand up and intertwines their fingers while his gaze stays locked with Ashton’s. He lets out a breathy giggle when Ashton moves to rub his thumb in small patterns on Luke’s palm, the blonde’s eyes dropping to where they rest. The hazel eyed boy smiles. “I know this conversation isn’t over and we really do have a lot of ground to cover. But I don’t ever want to go another day without making you laugh.”
Luke’s eyes widen, wondering if Ashton felt the weight of his words in the same way Luke did. But then he looks up from their hands to Ashton’s face again, only to find him nodding with understanding. Slowly, he lets his feet drop from where they’ve pulled below his chair and he feels his boots knock against Ashton’s. Neither make a move to change the position though. Luke bites his lip briefly in thought before replying. “I feel exactly the same.”
The rest of the morning and early afternoon are spent catching up in a way that should have felt strange, given that they were describing their day to day life to someone who they used to start and end every single one with. But it felt easy and it felt right and Ashton had been correct that they needed to sit down and talk through the hard stuff but there was always tomorrow (and every day after that). When it finally got to the time Luke needed to make his way over to the math department for his next class, Ashton offers to walk with him. As they continue conversation on their walk across the campus, Luke can’t help but notice how the whole scene feels like watching an old, beloved movie after not seeing it for a few years. Everything feels so familiar but there’s a new meaning to it, one that couldn’t be seen the first time around. 
When they reach the doors to the building, they stop just before the steps, their hands still tangled together between them. “Would you let me make you dinner tonight? I’ve got the stuff for that pasta thing you always liked and a bottle of red?” 
Luke smirks and lifts a brow, teasingly. “You drink red wine? Proper law student now, huh?” Ashton rolls his eyes but squeezes his palm against Luke’s. “But yes, that sounds nice. What’s the gate code?”
“Still the same.”
Luke lets out a laugh. “I’m sorry, you kept your gate code as your ex’s birthday?”
Ashton shrugs, a grin spreading across his own cheeks. “Listen, I knew I would never forget the code that way.”
Luke blushes, the whole day finally feeling real with that response because it was such an Ashton thing to do. Maybe they did still know each other. “I’ll see you later, Ash.”
“See you soon, Luke.”
They part ways then and Luke makes his way up the steps. He’s just about to reach for the door when something buried deep his mind tells him to turn around. And when he does, their eyes lock again and small matching smiles pull at their lips. And now Luke knows, he never has to worry about Ashton not looking back again.
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gelaofficial · 5 years
Queen of Pinafores and Miniskirts.
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Reviewing the highs and lows of the Queen of Pinafores and Miniskirts, Mary Quant.
A lot of people know Mary Quant as the woman who was an extraordinary and out of the box designer. She was not afraid to use different kinds of fabric that were never used in the industry before such as upholstery, latex and etc. V&A has recently honoured her and showed some of her amazing pieces in a recent exhibition.
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After walking a few distance from South Kensington Station, I came across a stoplight just before the crossing. There I saw somewhat a reminder of the exhibition I was going into. To be honest, I never really knew of Mary Quant and so I didn’t know what to expect. I have been to a few exhibitions in the V&A before and it was the first time to see something like this. A bright, vibrant coloured signs as you look down making you feel like you’re almost the exhibition.
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A few moments later, I arrive at the meeting place my tutor had set for us. While we were waiting for some of my classmates to arrive, I was just admiring the V&A, just as I normally do when I get fascinated by architecture. I saw this poster again of Mary Quants Exhibition. I still remember how it was so easy for it to catch your eye with the bright pink colour contrasting the black dress the woman was wearing on the photo. If you had not already been going to the exhibition, the poster itself would have intruiged you to go inside and see what it has to offer.
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Upon entering the exhibitions, these are the two most striking bit that I have noticed.
1. Mary Quant’s signature sitting pose. In one of the articles that I came across online, it says that the reason for Mary Quant sitting like that is that she was someone who never wanted to be taken too seriously. This was her little way of defying the common standards society was then imposing to women.
2. When I entered, the first thing I noticed was this wall leading up to a staircase. It was an overview of what the exhibition housed and what a true icon Mary Quant was. It mainly said that even though Mary Quant defined the young, playful look for the 1960s but became one of Britain’s best designers ever known in the world. She was a role model for working women and helped to shape a forward looking society post-war.
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“Quant clothes at budget prices to buy a piece at a time.”
In 1963, Mary Quant came into a new territory with her Ginger Group Collection. The name was a political term for a pressure group, derived from the use of ginger as a verb to pep things up. It was Quant’s aim to change the course of fashion. One of her ways was by producing fun, edgy clothing for a wider clientele.
In the first photo, you can see a mannequin rocking a dark hair bob-cut with fringe which was a very 1960′s clean look. However, you then become entranced with her striking orange dress. This dress was just a plain silhoutte but because of it’s good colour combination with the red and white stripes that are lined on her wrists and on her neck, it instantly becomes young and fresh. The material of the dress looks as if it was made of a country with colder weather.
The last photo for me seemed a little underwhelming. When I saw it, it made me curious as to why Mary Quant wanted to include this piece in the Ginger Group Collection. I think because she wanted to cater to different styles, she made on that was a little on the conservative side. In that era, wearing that length of skirt would have not been considered as conservative. However, because I knew that she was the inventor some might say of mini-skirts, I wasn’t expecting something in that length to be included in her collection. The top was very simple yet elegant and structured. I also like the detail of the buckle, which I found later on in the exhibition that she was very fond of. I also saw the mannequin’s hairstyle which was definitely embodying Mary Quant.
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Borrowing from the Boys.
One of my favourite parts of the exhibition. As everyone probably knows, Mary Quant was not one to try and fit in into society’s norms. She was one of the few who braved standing out. She would take tailoring clothes intended for the city gents’ suits or even military uniforms and re-vamps them into her own fun, unique style.
1. In the first photo we see a pinafore dress paired with a necktie and a striped polo shirt. This was worn by Elizabeth Gibbons. When I saw this I instantly thought, “Menswear”. It was a really clever way of playing and inserting menswear into women’s clothing. She somehow made a masculine figure into a feminine silhoutte. The polo shirt looks very crisp but also looks like a soft fabric has been used to make it. The pinafore however, looks as if it was really made for Winter Season. It looks as if it’s made of wool and ofcourse, who would miss the quirky polka-dot print the necktie had. If I was to live in that era and see a woman wearing that, I would feel empowered.
2. In the next photo, we see a sweatshirt, pinafore top and trousers ensemble. This to me resembles woman at work, a powerful woman at work rather. It looks as if it was assembled to look like work dungarees. This piece was released in 1963 and it was aimed for women in their 30s. Again, Mary Quant wanted to defy the norms of society and take mostly men’s clothing and incorporate it into womenswear. Trousers were considered inappropriate for women and are banned for them to wear in formal settings such as restaurants. Quant’s trousers are smart and practical and she used to wear them anywhere she wanted.
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The Lobster Bag/Accessory 
There wasn’t anything much written in the plaques about this bag/accessory which was really disappointing as it was the highlight and what was striking with this outfit. It completely does not go with anything she’s wearing and yet it compliments the whole outfit. Everything in her outfit looks so soft and delicate. Even when you look at the petal like or ruffle detailing of her shorts, you’d focus on how delicate it looks. It is definitely in contrast with how hard and stiff the lobster bag/accessory is. This was a very good play on softs and hards in terms of fashion contrasts.
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Comparing high necks and different prints. 
We have, in my opinion, two very different styles of garments. First, the top photo is a dress and the bottom is a two piece garment. The reason I think comparing both of these would be interesting is because of their kind-of similar high necks and different prints/vibe.
1. The Liberty Print Smocked Dress. This garment is the like feminine wearable art. The fabric looks so soft and delicate, the colour combination could not be more perfect. The way the different shades of pinks are mixed together, the way the print stands out not in a very aggresive but in a gentle manner. The high gathered neck makes the garment look so conservative and classy at the same time. The length is just perfect not too offend anyone in contact and it just divine. It makes you instantly feel like you’re ready to brace spring or summer in beautiful style. This was worn by Claire Fiander. 
2. The Two Piece Tartan. In contrast with the first dress, this two piece is a mix of feminine with a more aggressive sense of masculinity. It was Mary Quant who wore this piece in bright tartan for her first publicised visit to New York. What I love about this piece is that even though it’s a skirt, you can still see the structure with the subtle pleats. You can also see the minor details that are very Mary Quant such as the buttons and the high neck we previously saw in the first dress. I love how this is a little longer in terms of length and it still looks very edgy and unusual.
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8 out of 10.
I have had my fair shares in visiting exhibitions and with this one, I wasn’t aware of it. I can definitely say that it has been different from the Designer Exhibitions I went to as it was more raw and personal. It wasn’t like Christian Dior’s where it was filled with different designer’s history with working with the brand, same as when I came to see Balenciaga’s Exhibition. This was more like Mary Quant’s art in garment form. It was an embodiment of everything she stood for, how she was a true icon. How she became one of the best designers the world has to know. In 10 out of 10, I would probably give it an 8. It did not expect much from it and it ended up giving me so much knowledge, respect and interest with what Mary Quant had to offer. The impact it had on me was different because it felt like you were being educated in the kind of different norms society had in the 60s versus how it is now. It gives you an idea that if it wasn’t for someone like Mary Quant to break the norm, we would still have been living to the same standards in 2019.
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Work of Art by Mary Quant.
One of the few exhibitions that surpassed my expectations. I think this was mainly because it was not focused on how she started the brand, it was more like she was the brand. I seldom see any other things apart from garments in exhibitions, given some always include handbags or shoes but in Mary Quant’s exhibtion, they gave us a glimpse of her make up products, socks, quirkly shoes and even barbie dolls. They gave us an overview of how they market stuff to different kinds of audiences and how they definitely cater to every style you can possibly think of. Overall, I think if you have the chance to see this, you should. It definitely is a work of art and in my opinion, it feeds inspiration to your creative hunger.
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bitchesgetriches · 6 years
My dad just ambushed me with "that car you inherited from us with 200,500 miles on it is going to turn into a money sink soon and now is the best time to buy because it's both the end of the month and the end of the model year." I know he's right; this is NOT a car known for its longevity and I'm very lucky major repairs haven't been needed yet. My dad used to be all about used cars because of the depreciation, but now he says that buying last year's model from the dealership is the best option.
           (200500 anon II) I have a decent-paying job but it's new, I had some credit card debt from eating during grad school, and I just moved, so I don't have much cash on hand for a down payment. But I could make car payments, based on online calculators.         
           (200500 anon III)Thoughts on the car thing? Given my druthers, I'd like to replace my car BEFORE I have to spend a lot of money just making it driveable. But if I can stick it out a little longer until I have more saved up, that's better - unless I'm going to be paying way more because it's not the end of the year. And then there's the gently used / new but not this year's new.            
(This message just shows how behind we are on the 300+ questions in our ask box. SORRY BOUT IT.)
Your dad is correct: buying a car at the end of the month and the end of the year will get you the best deal. He’s also right that buying last year’s model at that time, especially if it’s a gently used car, is the absolute best deal for your money and for the car’s longevity. 
For example, I bought a used 2015 VW Golf with 20,000 miles on it in December of 2015. You might also remember that time because of the Volkswagen emissions scandal. I got that car for a fucking song.
All of which is to say: if you can hang on to the car and keep it running until December of this year, you’ll have enough money saved up to make a decent down payment AND you’ll be able to get a good deal on the car.
To keep the car running, here’s what you do:
Go to a car parts store (like O’Reilly or Pep Boys), NOT a dealership or a mechanic. Ask them to test your battery and alternator because you want to know how much more life you’ve got in those parts.
While you’re there, buy coolant. Should be like $12. Ask them to help you top it off or just point you to the coolant reservoir.
Next, go to Jiffy Lube or Midas and ask for a very basic oil change. Before you walk in, make sure to print off a coupon to take with you or upload it to your phone.
While you’re there, ask them to rotate your tires, check the tire pressure, and check how long you have until you’ll need new tires.
Don’t let them upsell you on anything, but definitely take any information they give you on parts that might need to be replaced. Then, google how important those parts are and make an informed decision about whether or not you want to replace them before buying a new car.
Go easy on the car. Coast into stoplights instead of stomping on the brakes. Accelerate gently. Drive the speed limit. Avoid driving in bad weather if you can. Park it in a driveway or garage if you have one, rather than on the street. Don’t let the gas gauge go below a quarter tank. When the winter’s over, wash the car or at least use a hose to spray off the undercarriage to get any road salt off (it’ll rust out your parts).
Seriously, if you can hold out this year with basic maintenance, do so. Aggressively save for that new car and buy it USED at the end of November or December. Here’s some more advice:
Dafuq Is a Down Payment and Why Do You Need One to Buy Stuff?
The Joys of Getting Around Without a Damn Car
Understand the Hidden Costs of Travel and Avoid Them Like the Plague 
Almost Everything Can Be Purchased Secondhand
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atruththatyoudeny · 6 years
MONTHLY READS | December 2018
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Happy 1D Fanworks Appreciation Day! Thank you so much for all the hard work you put into your stories and the courage to share them with us! I am so grateful for all the amazing authors in this fandom! Here are the fics I read this month, as always, Top 5 + 12 more under the cut.
Captain Jack
by jaerie for 1D Fanworks For Charity | DARK DRUG FIC - Please read the tags on the fic page carefully! | a/b/o | 31k Louis has been searching for something and Harry is there to give it to him. Drugs, sex, disappointment, and the tangled web they’ve woven that keeps them trapped in the same cycle.
Better Not Pout, I'm Telling You Why
by runaway_train for Larry Holiday Fic Fest | Christmas | fluff | strangers to lovers | workplace relationship | 24k Niall wipes his hands again with his cloth, jaw tense as his eyes narrow in contemplation at the man in front of him. After a pause, he opens his mouth. “OK, I need to tell you something and you have to promise not to laugh.” Oh here we go, now the truth is away to come out. “Okaaaay…” He drops the towel. “Harry still believes in Santa Claus.” Louis hoots out a single loud chord of laughter. “Fuck off. No he doesn’t.” “He does. I swear.” Niall manages to say it with a completely straight face, but he must be taking the piss. “Niall, he’s twenty two. Do you honestly expect me to believe he’s managed to make it this far through life without someone telling him the truth that Santa isn’t real?” Or The one where Harry still believes in Santa Claus and Louis doesn't want to be the one to burst his bubble.
Santa Baby Honey
by SadaVeniren | Christmas | crack | fluff | humor | BDSM | exhibitionism | 28k “Let’s cut right to the chase,” Niall said, loading the powerpoint, which was just one page, comprised of Louis’ face and the words How do you solve a problem like this asshole? “It’s the beginning of November and Louis is already being a fuckwit. How are we gonna have him knock that shit off this year?” aka Louis is the CEO of a toy company and Christmas is a stressful time of year so his assistant decides the best way to make him chill out is by getting him laid through a Secret Santa
O' Christmas Tree
by Justalittlelouislove for Larry Holiday Fic Fest | Christmas | kid fic | fluff | 15k At a stoplight, he finds himself doing some retrospective thinking of his own. Instead of going over one of his fifty or so mental to-do lists, his mind drifts to Harry’s dimples, the way his whole face changed when he smiled, how some of the pine trees almost matched the green of his eyes perfectly. It’s- well it’s annoying is what it is. He can’t spend all his time thinking about some tree farmer with broad shoulders, he’s got bigger fish to fry. Girl Scout meetings, homework charts, client lists, lots and lots of very large fish sitting around waiting to be fried. or: Louis has a busy schedule to keep and a daughter to raise. He definitely isn't looking for a relationship. Enter Harry Styles, a local Christmas tree farmer that seems just a little too good to be true.
Along The Heather
by noellehenry for HLRegencyVictorianFicChallenge | Victorian AU | Jane Eyre AU | verbal abuse | physical abuse | Minor Character Death | panic attack | attemped murder | angst | mystery | 35k Orphaned Harry Styles grows up with his cruel aunt and cousins, before he is sent away to a boys' boarding school, which teaches poor and orphaned boys. Even though his aunt tries to undermine Harry's experience at the school, he does well in school, and stays on at the school as a teacher after he graduates. When he becomes restless after significant changes at the school, he applies for a job as a tutor at Thorgill Hall, teaching the younger brother of Mr. Louis Tomlinson. Harry develops romantic feelings for his pupil's brother... Thorgill Hall,however, holds a secret; it’s becoming slightly more eerie every day and when his life is threatened, Harry makes a drastic decision…
Your touch is the only thing I feel
by 2tiedships2 | a/b/o | strangers to lovers | fluff | 15k Liam. Liam was finally here. Louis kept his eyes closed and cuddled farther into Liam’s side, revelling in the pheromones Louis’ body desperately needed. He wasn’t sure how long Liam had been holding him, but Louis figured it had to have been at least an hour by the way his body had loosened. The need of an alpha’s touch seemed to have been temporarily lifted from his mind. Louis listened to the sounds of the pub around him. It was louder than before he had fallen asleep and he briefly wondered why Liam hadn’t just woken him to go back to their flat. “Who the fuck are you?” Louis’ eyes flew open at the sound of Niall’s voice, and the arm that had been around Louis shoulders lifted in the same instant. He missed the warmth immediately. Louis looked from Niall’s stormy face over to the person who was definitely not Liam. The alpha Liam impersonator, who smelled a lot better than the actual Liam now that Louis was alert, looked back at Louis with wide eyes and familiar furrowed brows. Or the one where Louis refuses to settle for just any alpha despite intense touch deprivation. Fortunately Harry isn't just any alpha.
Pull your-elf together
by EmmyLouWho for Larry Holiday Fic Fest | Christmas | fluff | pining | 4k Louis looks Harry up and down. “Hang on, aren't you a bit tall to be an elf?” “Alright, Princess Leia,” Harry says, and Niall loses it. “Ohhhhhh,” he says. “Harry, we are definitely going to be good friends.” Or: Santa's Winter Wonderland is a great place to fall in love.
And Touch Me Like You Never
by runaway_train for Larry Holiday Fic Fest | Christmas | implied/ referenced drug use | implied/ referenced alcohol abuse | mildly dubious consent | angst | roommates | coming out | friends with benefits | dom/sub undertones | friends to lovers | pining | 35k “Lets move back a bit yeah?” Harry clutches at his waist with a free hand and tugs him to move through the crowd until they are almost at the back of the group and settles them both beside the far wall. “There. That better?” Louis looks up at him, as if he’s a tad dazed. “Uh, yeah, thanks. Can’t really see much from back here either though.” Harry lifts a shoulder and grins at him, placing a hand on the wall behind Louis to pen him in. “We’ll just have to create our own fireworks then, won’t we?” He says it jokingly with a wink, and Louis laughs but he seems nervous. He must know that Harry is harmlessly flirting. Harry flirts with everyone after all, including Louis. “Do you think this is a good idea Haz?” Louis asks quietly, almost too quietly in the clamour of the room, his head bowed as he scuffs his shoe on the carpet. “Stop over thinking it Lou, it’s one kiss. What’s the worst that could happen?” Or The one where Harry and Louis agree to be each other's New Year's kiss and it ends up being a lot more than they bargained for.
Head Over Heels
by Sasparella76 for Larry Holiday Fic Fest | Christmas | enemies to friends to lovers | 26k Louis Tomlinson and Harry Styles are both up and coming editors at Cowell Publishing. Louis thinks Harry is brilliant at his job and beyond gorgeous. It’s just a pity that Harry is also the most annoying man Louis has ever met.
Holiday Greetings (And Gay Happy Meetings)
by 2tiedships2 | Part I of It's the Most Wonderful Time of the Year | a/b/o | Christmas | strangers to lovers | enemies to lovers | fluff | 18k "Onwards to drop me off at Robert's before you go to Harry's!" Louis proclaimed when they were safely in the car. Or at least Louis was safely in. Niall was still brushing the snow out of his hair that Louis had accidentally dropped on him. "We're picking up biscuits first," Niall grumbled as the snow melted into his hair. "You can wait in the car." After three times of the car sounding like it was dying a slow and tragic death, it finally decided to start. "This is what happens when you try to change the name of your car after five years," Louis said as a reminder of Niall's stupidity. "You'd be upset too if you were a car named Greased Lightning with a passenger trying to get it renamed to Dusty." "To be fair," Niall explained, "the name Dusty does seem a bit more accurate." "Make sure to leave the car running while you're getting whatever you're getting from Harry," Louis said in disgust. "This car is going to choke for good after that comment and I don't want to be stuck at Harry's place when that happens." Or the one where Niall's dead car and and a foot of snow conspire to force Louis into spending time with an alpha he hates.... or does he?
(That's Just) The Way I Am
by lululawrence for 1D Fanworks For Charity | fake/pretend relationship | lights angst | 17k There was no way Harry would want to bring anyone out for an introductory trip like this. The fighting between himself and his father was sure to be be worse than usual and father still hadn’t accepted Harry’s pansexual identity. Harry wasn’t dating anyone at the moment, but at this point he almost wished he were dating a man just so he could incense his father. The door jingled, pulling Harry’s attention away from the window and to the man who had just walked into the cafe. Now that was exactly who Harry should try bringing home. The man was dressed in ratty black skinny jeans and what was obviously a self cut tank top that used to be a Stone Roses t-shirt. His black chucks had holes in the canvas, indicating exactly how old they were, and his maroon beanie wasn’t in much better shape. The more Harry studied the man’s smoky eyeliner rimmed eyes and the lipstick he had swiped on to match his hat, the more Harry started hatching an idea. What if Harry really did bring this man home?
I Just Wanna Give You Love
lululawrence for 1D Fanworks For Charity | soulmates | famous/not famous | 18k Graham Norton appeared on the screen introducing his guests and out of nowhere, everything in Louis’ world was turned upside down. Louis gasped as he intently took in the man on the screen, smiling and waving from his seat beside Sir Ian McKellen. “Oh my God,” Louis said before it all sank in as to what it meant. “Holy fucking shit!” “Louis William, you watch your mouth,” Jay said. “What has got into you?” Feeling like a madman, his palms to his cheeks, Louis couldn’t help the tears of surprise, relief, and fear as he turned to his mum. “What colour are his eyes? What do you call that colour?” “Louis, are you telling me that the man on the screen, Harry Styles, is your soulmate?” Or the one where the world is in black and white until you meet your soulmate, but Harry is world famous and Louis is...well...not.
This is a Rainbow War
by lululawrence for 1D Fanworks For Charity | famous/ not famous | friends to lovers | fluff | pining | travel | 15k “So what are we doing?” Niall asked as he slipped in. “Harry seems to really like rainbows,” Louis said, purposefully vague. “So let’s go ahead and make sure he’s really in the spirit.” Louis untaped the flag he’d used to hold it together and showed Niall what he had inside. He’d been keeping a wide variety of flags from each show and gathering them until he had enough to cover Harry’s entire dressing room with them. “Oh this is going to be great,” Niall said with a chuckle. “Oh my God,” Shawn said excitedly. “It’s going to look like someone puked pride flags all over a campsite.” “Exactly,” Louis said. Or, the one where Harry's a famous singer, Louis is part of his road crew, and after Harry gives Louis a special assignment regarding rainbow flags, things maybe turn out a little differently than either of them planned.
Naughty or Nice
by noellehenry | Christmas | miscommunication | innuendo | humour | fluff | 10 Louis never intended for his boss, the very attractive Harry Styles, to find out he has a temporary, additional job as a Christmas Elf at Harrods Department Store. When he gets a request to show up in his elf costume at Mr. Styles' office, after office hours, Louis' mind goes wild...
Nobody Likes To Be Played
by rosegoldhl for Girl Direction Fic Fest | Girl Direction | infidelity | implied/ referenced homophobia | fluff | friends to lovers | emotional/psychological abuse | 19k The first thing she realized as she walked into the bar was that there was some sort of gig from an unknown, obscure rock band, the kind of music Louis enjoyed. The second thing was that the place was packed with teenagers and university students, and Harry looked out of place in trousers and a polka-dot shirt. The third was that this outing was destined to ruin her life.
Until I Found You
by dimpled_halo | a/b/o | Cam Boy/ Porn Star | enemies to friends to lovers | slow burn | fluff | 45k Harry Styles is the popstar of the century, or so the media proclaims. He’s linked to every omega he’s seen with, donned as an alpha lothario who isn’t ready to settle down any time soon. His team works hard to publicise him as an alpha who can’t keep his knot in his pants, but not everything is as it seems. Louis Tomlinson, an aspiring musician working as a porn star and camboy, is waiting for his big break. When he meets Harry Styles he can’t stand the alpha that only uses his power and fame to bed as many omegas as possible. He runs into him at a party and hopes to never see him again only to find that Harry’s assistant is dating Louis’ best friend. To make matters worse, Harry’s about to embark on a world tour and is in need of a guitarist at the last minute, an opportunity Zayn uses to put in a good word for Louis. What happens when the opportunity that Louis has been waiting for finally comes, but at the price of having to share the stage with one Harry Styles?
Merry Birthday
by jaerie | Christmas | a/b/o | soulmates | soul marks | 9k Harry Styles and Louis Tomlinson have unfortunate soulmarks branded onto their skin. The first words their soulmate will ever speak to them are two of the most common greetings, so common that they don't even notice when it finally happens for real. A Christmas soulmate AU.
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noah-andrews · 6 years
Artie x James | Scene week
Whom ∶ Artie Abrams @foureyesabrams(Dom) & James Beiste (switch/sub)
Where/When ∶ Dom building, Artie Abram’s suite. Dec.11.
Classes ∶ Reward and Punishment (James) Denial/Chastity (Artie)
Jamie made his way to Sir Artie’s room tapping his cane along the hallway. He knew his way around pretty well at this point and his room was right next door to Sir Sebastian. Once there he double checked the braille number plate, folded up his cane, and knocked, before sinking down to his knees to wait. He didn’t know exactly what to expect from this new Dominant. They certainly had very different ways of speaking, but that was a very small thing when you came down to it. He needed to branch out and do more scenes. For points if nothing else, but also to learn and experience more.
On his crutches, Artie strides his way to the door and opens it to find Jamie kneeling there so good. With a grin, he shifts on his crutches a bit so he can release one arm. “Good boy, Jamie. Didn’t get lost like I’m always fearin’ for anyone who comes to visit me.” He praises. “Can ya reach up and take my hand so I can get ya inside?” Extends a hand down, waiting for the other to reach up and take it so he can pull him to his feet and lead him inside.
Jamie hears the distinctive sound of crutch. He knows from Molly that there had been a car accident of some sort that had resulted in her loss of hearing and that her brother’s spine had been injured. He think they must have a strong family because the Abrams children all seem to be spirited and joyful people. Molly is definitely a bit more serious like himself, but Artie seems to be a ball of energy. He reached up his hand, quickly feeling the warmth of the other boy’s hand. “Thank you Sir.” He makes his way to his feet and lets Artie lead him inside. “I quite looking forward to this. I appreciate you reaching out to me for scene week.”
Ensuring that Jamie makes it in okay, he closes the door with a foot and reattaches his arm to the second crutch. Striding further into the room, he gives the sofa a tap with his crutch. “There’s a sofa for ya to sit. This is the warmest room in the whole suite, bless the fireplace. And I don’t feel like freezing. So we’ll be doing this scene in here, if that’s cool with you.” Removing his crutches entirely, he sets them aside and takes a seat on his coffee table, awaiting for Jamie to settle himself down. “I appreciate ya taking me up on this, even if you can’t fully understand my dialogue.”
“My boyfriend’s suite is set up in pretty much the same way I believe and yes the fireplace is quite a Godsend. I don’t think I’ll ever acclimate to this horrendous weather.” He made his way over to the sofa and felt around to get a feel for it’s dimensions before sitting and laying his folded up white stick next to him. “Well perhaps you can help my conversation skills get a bit… cooler.”
“You already cool, dawg.” The dom scoffs slightly, resting his elbows on his knees once the other is sitting across from him. “So far everyone who wanted to scene with me is cool. That includes you. It’s a shame it’s too cool outside to show off this coolness.” Artie snorts at himself, fixing his glasses and sitting up straight again. “But right on. So, like we discussed, I’m gonna tie you up and keep you edging. Alright? I need ya to recite your limits and safeword for me, Jamie.”
Jamie couldn’t help the chuckle that rose up and bubbled out of him. Artie was funny and light-hearted. He knew that they only knew each other in a surface sort of way, but what he knew, he already liked very much. “I’m afraid outdoors is not suitable for man nor beast these days and we haven’t even reached full winter weather.” He shook his head at the travesty of that. He was a Californian boy born and bred. “That sound perfect Sir. My soft limits are age play and pet play.. My hard limits are blood play, humiliation, bathroom play and giving or receiving excessive pain.” He nodded to himself making sure that he wasn’t forgetting anything. “I use the stoplight system for safewords.”
“That’s why I’ll make sure you get back alright, because yikes it’s cold. Don’t need ya freezing to death before you even get back to your room.” Artie shakes his head, completely understanding the dislike for this cold weather. While he personally didn’t mind it, he wasn’t a fan on not being able to feel certain parts of his body due to the cold. That was an area of his life he wasn’t wanting to look back on. “You use the stoplight system, good boy. Can you recite those colors to me, please? Gotta be sure you can say them correctly in case something goes wrong.”
“That would be unfortunate.” Again he couldn’t help the little laugh. “And I appreciate your gentlemanliness.” For all of his light-heartedness, it was becoming apparent that Artie took his role as Dominant seriously. He appreciated that from both perspectives. His Dom side felt a kinship to the careful way he was approaching the scene. He was one to do research and fully discuss limits and safewords before entering a scene. His submissive side was comforted, already feeling safe and able to surrender the control he would need to for the scene. “Green, if I am feeling good with the scene and want to continue or resume the scene. Yellow if I am needing a break or have a question or concern. Red if I need to stop the scene.”
Picking up the rope he had set on the coffee table beforehand, he runs it through his fingers to ensure there was no roughness to it. Nothing that would bring a pricking sensation since he knew that could get annoying, and because this wasn’t a punishment of any way, he needed it to be as smooth as silk. “Good boy.” Artie praises again, shifting to his knees in front of Jamie on the sofa. “Let’s get some of your clothes off for my viewing pleasure. Do you have a preference on if your arms are in front or behind your back?”
Jamie smiled at the praise, already getting into a submissive head space. He always worried that after an intensely Dominant scene like he’d recently had with Nick, he’d have a hard time finding that submissive space in his own head and body. But he was quickly and gently sliding back there with Artie. “Thank you Sir. He began to undress, stopping at his boxer briefs and waiting to see if the Dom wanted him completely naked just yet or at all. He thought over the two options finding there could be pros and cons for each. In this case since he’d be edged he decided that having his hands farthest away from his cock might be best. “Behind my back, Sir.”
While he offered a helping hand when he could, he let Jamie strip on his own accord while staying out of the way. When the boy was down to his boxer briefs and taking pause, the Dom doesn’t push for those to be removed as well since he could do just fine with the underwear remaining on so long as the sub was comfortable. “Behind your back it is.” Sitting on the sofa beside Jamie, he gently turns the other and starts to bind his wrists and arms with the rope, making quick work while always pausing to ensure it wasn’t cutting off any blood flow in the process. Once he had the boy bound, he sits back. “Not too tight?” He asks, needing to confirm as he returns to his seat on the coffee table, wanting to keep his focus on Jamie’s facial reactions to everything.
It had been a while since he’d been bound in any way. He can’t actually remember. It was probably with Sir Mateo when they’d first been getting to know each other. He forgot how soothing and comforting it was. The twists and turns and the way Artie’s hands, warm and confident, moved him this way and that lulled him more deeply into a submissive space. “Not at all Sir. Green Sir.” He used the color to affirm that he was doing well… more than well.
Nodding from the confirmation, he takes a silent inhale as he delves into the scene officially. “Alright, Jamie. How about you tell me about your interests?” He asks, picking up a bottle of sensual oil to pour into his own hands, rubbing them together to get them nice and warm. Having done this with a few girlfriends in his past, he knew this would always felt nice. “What do you do in your spare time that doesn’t involve toying with boys hearts?” Smirks to himself, reaching out to start gently massaging over Jamie’s thighs.
Jamie hadn’t been expecting this sensual aspect of the scene. The oil was warm on his skin and smelled of almonds. Artie’s hands held just the right amount of firm pressure. “I… I am or was studying to be a lawyer. I try to keep up my studies. Reading is my favorite pastime I suppose.” He chuckled. “I don’t believe I do too much toying, Sir. I’m a boring sort of person. Quiet.” It wasn’t something that he was ashamed of or apologetic about, but he was aware that others might expect something more. “I do enjoy meeting new people like yourself though.”
Artie’s hands move further up the bare thighs, pressing in with his palms but teasing his thumbs along the more sensitive skin of the others inner thighs. “You don’t want to be a lawyer anymore? What’s the story with that?” Asking gently, as he continues with his sensual massage, going slow and firm. “Nothing wrong with being quiet. Just makes it far more fun to get you to make all the noises, right? Makes it more...erotic.” He smirks, leaning down to press a few kisses to the oil covered skin.
Artie’s touch is insistent but slow and steady as well. Those hands are well practiced in exploring and delighting the human body. He couldn’t help the small groan that bubbled up from his chest as he pressed into a particularly sensitive spot on his inner thigh. “It’s not that I don’t want to be, I’m just not sure how realistic continuing my studies will be once I’m in a claim. Submissives don’t do very well in the professional fields.” He shrugged, not completely sure of the whole thing himself. Another laugh was pulled out of him at the statement, but it quickly dissolved into another low quiet groan as the feel of warm wet lips touched his skin.
“Such a shame, I’m sure the world needs you in the law field.” Artie muses, pressing another kiss to the boys skin. “So what do you like reading in the meantime? Anything saucy?” He asks against the others flesh, sitting back when he pours some more oil in his hands as he scoots in closer, starting to massage some of the oil into the other boys chest, and down his torso with a thoughtful hum.
“I’m not so sure about that, but thank you for having faith in me, Sir.” He tried to think of what he read that might fit that category, but it was hard to think when the Dom was touching and kissing him like that. “I don’t know if Jane Austen fits that description. I love Haruki Murakami. He deals with sexuala..aaahh..ahh… “ A kiss in that same spot that he was quickly realizing must be an heretofore unknown erogenous zone for him had him stuttering and moaning. “S...sir” The hands were on his chest now. “You’re very good at this.”
Artie smirks to himself, feeling smug that he’s able to get a reaction. Positive ones at that. Being able to lean in and press an open mouth kiss to the other boys chest, squeezing gently at the others waist. “Thank you. Because I like these noises you’re making already.” The Dom teases, thumbs tracing across the waistband of Jamie’s boxer briefs, kissing up to Jamie’s neck with a slow exhale of breath. “You like listening to music at all? Anything that really gets you going? To work those hips of yours? Even against your boyfriend?”
Jamie was sure that wouldn’t be able to hold back the noises even if he tried. “I think you’re the one making me make them Sir.” He shuddered at the touch of his fingers under the the waist of his briefs. It was just teasing so far. Artie obviously was a patient lover, a patient Dom. “I… yes… Jazz, classical… oh… get’s me going? I guess Jamie Lidell is… well he sounds very sexy Sir.” He hadn’t done much with music with either Nick or Mateo, but he thought that maybe he should give it some thought.
“Jamie Lidell. That dude someone you can climb into your boyfriends lap, grind yourself down on him to that sexy voice, let yourself just get up and lost in those beats and tunes?” Artie asks, keeping his voice level and clear, even if he was adding the teasing touches. His oiled hands find their way back up the others sides, and around his shoulders. “Until your man is just begging for you. Because you move so good, and he wants nothing more than to make you feel good in return.” Grinning, Artie removes his glasses so they don’t accidentally slip off, ghosting his lips over a freshly oiled shoulder, breathing heavy and with purpose to heat the body oil up even further with his warm breath.
Jamie hadn’t considered doing any of those things, but the more Artie spoke the hotter the whole idea became. He hardened in his briefs as his hips moved a little of their own accord as if they were trying to act out the little story Artie was spinning. His touches were igniting a warmth in him as if there was a flame inside him. “I… I don’t know Sir. I’m not sure I could do that.” He wasn’t a dancer or particularly good at moving his body but he could picture the whole thing and it made him tingle… or maybe that was Artie’s hot lips and breath skating along his oiled skin. “Is that what you’d like Sir. Someone grinding on you?”
Enjoying the reaction he was getting, adding a big of an ego stroke as it was giving him the notion that he was putting a nice picture in the others mind. And that’s all that really mattered. Putting ideas into his head to try out on his boyfriends later, if only to play tease. “Oh hells yeah, having someone sitting in your lap and gettin’ you interested is very hot. Bet you know how to move your hips real good too.” He presses, grinning now against Jamie’s shoulder now using his own version of breath play as he keeps his breath warming the oil that might’ve been cooling down at this point. “Get your men hot and bothered before they take full control to pay the favor in return. You sound good when you cum, I bet. You like getting loud for your men, huh?”
He was getting the idea that Artie was a lover of words and stories and painting mental pictures. He was indeed very good at it. Jamie was nearing the edge already and his cock hadn’t even been touched. Just the Dom’s words and light teasing touches were bringing to the heights of arousal. “I don’t know if I can do it they way you’re describing Sir? That sounds so… sexy.” Jamie wasn’t usually lacking in confidence, but the way Artie made it sound just seemed so out of character for him and yet was so arousing. “Yes… yes Sir. I get very loud. Want them to hear how good they make me feel.”
“Why don’t you think you can do it the way I’m describing, babe?” The Dom questions, his fingers brushing along the growing bulge in the others boxer briefs, purposely touching for a moment before he pulls back. “I bet you do. And I bet you’re beautiful at it too.” Although he hadn’t been with a guy, it didn’t stop him from pulling from his usual book of how to get his partner hot and bothered based on experience with past partners of the lady species. The view of the other getting highly interested was spurring him on, as his hands run down the others torso, down to his thighs to spread them a big further. Despite being clothed, it would offer some better view of what was going on. “Do you like begging? Begging for your mans cock?”
Jamie actually blushed. He wasn’t the sort to blush, but here he was feeling flushed with some sort of unknown shyness. “I’m… reserved… I’m not sure I can let go that way.” And it’s true. He holds back, always tightly controlled. He jolts a little when Artie just barely touches his hardened length. Even through the cotton fabric it feel so good. “Yes… yes Sir. I like begging. Begging for his cock. Begging him to touch me. Please touch me Sir. Please.” He’s trembling now. Artie’s teasing has sent him for 0 to 60 in no time at all.
Artie wears a wicked grin, always loving that reminder as to why he had the mark he had. To get anyone to turn into jelly at his touch. At his words. It was a mad rush through his body, giving his interest below the belt it's own twitch. Another gently touch of finger against hot skin over fabric, he runs the back of his fingers along the other boy's straining cock. “You do beg beautifully, Jamie.” Artie remarks, teasing a finger around the tip of the others boys cock. “When was the last time you came, handsome? When was the last time you really felt good?” Artie’s whispering hotly now, only a whisper away from the submissives mouth.
Jamie’s head fell back as he groaned. Artie was both amazing and maddening. He hadn’t experienced teasing like this… well ever. When the Dominant spoke again he was so much closer than Jamie had thought his breath hot and sweet against his face. “Oh God… I… a few days. It’s been a few days since I’ve been with my submissive boyfriend. I felt so good, but not since then… haven’t come since… since then.” Without conscious thought his bound arms strained and his hips flexed.
Allowing the time and space for Jamie to speak, all while continuing the slow drag of fingers against fabric, creating that tormenting friction that was driving the other boy practically insane. It was a good look on the boy, and Artie silently gave props to the boyfriends for being able to see this sight anytime they wished. “You poor thing,” Artie coos, still not moving away from his personal space invasion just yet, “a few days in itself is such a long time for such a handsome thing like yourself. So beautiful. Almost give this vibe that you're pure which always drives us men mad with want.” He inches closer, though still not close enough to actually kiss. “You remember the best orgasm you ever experienced, Jamie?” His teasing fingers being more persistent now, moving between an open flap to encourage the others reddening and aroused cock out from his underwear.
Jamie nodded. In actuality he often went longer between sexual encounters. He was quite a fan of sex, but he was as careful and restrained in that area of his life as he was with others. But somehow hearing Artie it did suddenly seem like such a long time. He nodded a few times out of breath and out of words. It would probably only take moving forward less than an inch to kiss the Dominant. “The first time I submitted, Sir. The first time I submitted to Sir Mateo with Nick… it was… it was amazing.” Then there was warm air heating his bare cock, he sucked in a breath and his abdominal muscles contracted. “Oh… Sir… Sir please touch me.”
“The first time you submitted to them at the same time?” Artie repeats and clarifies, just barely skimming his thumb over the head of Jamie's cock only to sit back, folding his hands in his lap. Purposefully removing his touch of pleasure now that he had the other begging for it. “Bet you made beautiful sounds for them when you did too. Did you beg for them to touch you? To fuck you? Was it nice and slow? Did they take their time with you? Touching every….inch….of your body.” He again reaches out, thumbing over one nipple as he talks. “Or did they take you like they owned you? No holding back.”
“Submm… submitted with Nick for Sir.” His head fell back as he moaned at the feel of just the flick of Artie’s thumb or maybe finger. “Yes… begged Sir to fuck me.” This was so different for him. He rarely spoke with such words. “Begged Mateo to fuck me. He… he took me so slowly. Took me while I went down on Nick… was… was… ahhh… Sir!” He had to bite on his lip to keep from crying out as the Dom played with his sensitive nipple.
“You like it slow then,” the dominant male continues, the smugness of his features not lifting as he runs his thumb in small circles around the boy's nipple. “A nice slow drag, to build you up. Is this Sir Mateo big enough for you? Just right? Does he hit all those sweet spots?” Artie again leans in, giving the abandoned nipple a flick of his tongue. “Mentions what a tight ass you have every time he takes you?” His thumb and forefinger pinching down on the sensitive nipple for a second, if only for a reaction and surprise.
“Oh… yes, yes Sir.” He does like it slow, loves what Artie is doing to him. He rarely let’s himself get so deep into a sexually submissive state and never with anyone other than Mateo. It’s both free and terrifying as well as incredibly arousing. He’s already riding his edge and having to hold his body back from finding release. “Yes! He’s big… perfect… fills me up so good.” He’s about to answer in the affirmative, thinking about his Dom saying those exact words but the Dom he’s currently playing with pinches his nipple hard and he’s gasping for air and having to hold on tightly to any control. “Ahhhh… fuck…”
The reaction was nice and exactly what he was hoping for, and Artie awards himself a mental pat on the back. “Does that make you a good boy for him then, Jamie? Are you a good boy for your man?” Extracts his hand back again, returning to not touching. “You like being fucked on all fours like an animal in heat just needing to be mounted and fucked by Sir Mateo? Or are you more of a missionary boy? Legs spread, wrapped around his waist, as he pounds into you over and over again.”
Jamie tensed all over as his body attempted to hold back. “Yes… Yes. I’m good for him. Always Sir.” It was so strange to be telling someone who was essentially a stranger such intimate things about himself and Mateo. But it was as if the Dom had a magical pull on him, drawing the words out one by one. “Love to lay flat on my belly, feel him take me from behind like that, feel him touching me from head to toe… feel him inside me, on me, pushing me down.” He can’t believe he’s saying these things, doesn’t even know if he’s told Mateo that is his favorite position. His breath is coming harsh and shallow. “Please Sir, touch me again… touch me please.”
The image of the boy in front on him laying flat on his stomach, completely naked, begging for his Dom to fuck him brought another twitch of interest and arousal from Artie. He didn't voice this of course, as his pleasure wasn't important for this scene, past watching the boy squirm. Ignoring the plea for now, though he does lean back in so Jamie can feel his warm breath against his lips once more. “And he always fills you to the brim? Stretches your insides around his cock, like you were made for it. Were you made to take cock, Jamie?”
He breathed a sigh of relief as he felt Artie move closer, but even as he moved in, the Dom still didn’t touch him and he was left to yet again dance on the razor’s edge of his arousal. He whimpered with need as Artie continued to bring the sexual image to life with words. For someone who used such an abundance of slang, he truly had a way of painting a visceral image with his words. “Yes. Yes Sir. He does. Stretches me so much. I was made to take him.” He was practically in tears with his need, chest heaving and small whimpers escaping his lips.
“And after fucking you so many times, with his amazing cock, it's a wonder on how you're still a tight little thing.” Artie grins, purposefully dragging his words out again, almost speaking in a whisper against Jamie’s lips. “Look at you...so greedy. So needy and impatient in wanting to be touched...you like having your cock touched? Or do you prefer having a hot mouth around it instead?”
Jamie nodded. He truly was greedy and needy. He wanted to be touched so badly. Needed to come. His brain was near short circuiting at this point. If he’d truly had to decide he wasn’t sure he could have formed words. But he only had to submit to what Artie wanted. “I want whatever you want Sir. Just please touch me. Your hot lips, talented hand… anything. Please Sir. I’ll be so good for you.”
His begging was adorable, and Artie was pleasantly enjoying himself. Of course he continues holding back from touching, needing Jamie to hold out as long as he could. “You wouldn't be good for me otherwise, Jamie?” He asks, pretending to sound a bit scandalized. “Are you never not a good boy? Be honest now.”
He knew that he wasn’t being particularly ‘good’ right now, begging for the Dom’s touch instead of accepting what he was giving. But he was… or at least he thought he was. “I am Sir. I can be patient. I will Sir.” He tried to calm himself, though his body was still straining of its own accord. “What would you have me do Sir. I’ll do whatever Sir wants. I am good.”
“Begging so greedily isn't exactly good, handsome.” Artie argues gently, though he does reach a hand back in and start running the back of his fingers up Jamie’s inner thigh. “Do you like playing a bad boy to get your Sir to give you more attention? To be manhandled?” He asks, resuming his questioning as his fingers move up and over the exposed cock, only to run down the opposite leg.
Jamie was actually shaking. “I’m sorry Sir. You just… you have me so needy.” He never played the bad boy and wondered idly whether Mateo would like such a thing. He thought not. But the tone in Artie’s voice he was getting the idea that he quite liked having a submissive who was just the tiniest bit naughty. “I think you like teasing me Si….” He was interrupted by the fingers on his cock… but only fleetingly and he moaned in frustration. It was quite possible that this scene was going to kill him… not that he even considered safe wording. This was the most delicious torture.
Artie chuckles softly. “Oh, I do indeed. You make the most precious little noises for me, Jamie.” His fingers stop on their path over the others inner thigh, and start to outline invisible patterns in a circular motion. Anything to keep this boy continuing to writhe under his touch. “You always this needy and squirmy for your Sir? Bet it gets him going even more to see you like this. Just begging for him to touch your poor neglected cock anytime you can.”
Jamie had never thought of himself as being capable of these noises. He always thought of himself as being always so in control of himself and his reactions. Even when he submitted there was a part of himself that he held back. This week is proving to him that that he is capable of being a very different submissive than he thought. “Not always Sir. You just… you tease so much.” It was true. Mateo didn’t usually neglect his cock for quite so long. He had other things that he liked to do with his submissives. “Yo...you… ahhh… you tease so well. I’m… oh God Sir I’m so on edge.”
Artie grins. Success. Another brief touch to the boys neglected cock with his fingers and he’s pulling away again. “Well that’s definitely good. You have wonderful stamina. I’m impressed.” Artie stands, with a bit of difficulty at first to find his balance without crutches, as he leaves Jamie sitting there on the edge. “You like anything sweet, handsome?” Artie asks from where he had the sofa facing away from the kitchen, giving the fridge door a pull open. “Or do you have a food allergy?”
Jamie nearly chokes when Artie touches him so so briefly before pulling away entirely. He can hear his footsteps moving away and has to breath in and out quickly to try and not melt into a puddle on the spot. “Oh… No allergies Sir. Whatever you choose will be good.” Because honestly he can’t even think about food at the moment. He can only think about how much he wants those warm hands and hot breath on him again.
A few moments later, Artie returns to his spot in front of Jamie with a few food choices on a tray which he sets aside. “You ever lick something sweet from your Sir’s hot cock, Jamie?” He asks, dipping his finger into a jar of natural honey. “Besides his cum, of course…” Bringing his finger up, he spreads a bit of the honey on Jamie’s bottom lip for him to taste. When he does, Artie teases his other fingers over the head of Jamie’s cock.
Jamie thinks and realized that he hasn’t done any sensory play with food with his Dom and God does he want to now. “No Sir… W..want to.” Without warning Artie touches something thick and sticky to his bottom lip. He instinctively licks his lip. At the exact same moment as the Dom touches his cock with just a teasing finger, sweetness explodes over his tongue. He convulses and whimpers. “Sir!” He can barely catch his breath anymore. His cock is hard and and he can just about feel his heartbeat in the straining flesh.
Purposefully ignoring Jamie’s outburst and whimper, Artie sucks the honey off his own finger to clean it. “Can ya tell me what the taste I just added on your lip was, sweet boy?”
“H..honey, Sir.” His tongue slipped out searching for more even though the sweet treat was absolutely gone. Every part of his brain was firing now. His cock was straining and searching for friction. His sense of taste and smell was excited and wanting more. Artie’s smooth voice was filling his mind. Clarity soon came to him. He was the submissive in this scene. He needed to shift his perspective. “Sir… Sir… let me please you.”
“Good boy.” Continuing to deny the boy the opportunity to feel absolute pleasure, he dips his finger in a bit of creamy peanut butter and dabs it on his bottom lip, giving another stroke to the boys cock with his clean hand. “What's that?”
Jamie eagerly swiped at his lower lip. The sweetness was replaced with creamy saltiness. It strangely took a moment to place the flavor. Of course that could have been because again at the same time Artie stroked his cock. “Hahhh… peanut butter, Sir… peanut butter.”
“Good boy.” Another verbal praise followed by a physical glide of thumb down the length of hard flesh then back up, circling the swollen head. “One more and then maybe I'll let you come...maybe.” His hand removes itself from his cock again, as he sucks the peanut butter off to clean his digit once more and dips it into a bowl of mixed sugar and cinnamon. A personal favorite treat he liked as a kid. Placing the grainy bits on the other boy's eager lips with his finger, right as he clasps his other hand around Jamie’s cock to give it a few strokes. “What does that taste like, gorgeous boy?” Artie asks,
keeping his tone even.
Jamie’s eyes fluttered as the praise added yet another level to everything. He huffed out a relieved breath… though the ‘maybe’ left room that he might not get to climax in this scene. A reminder that a submissive’s job was to give control to the Dominant even if it ultimately meant they didn’t get that ultimate physical pleasure. The last item had a new dimension in that it’s texture was so different. It tickled at his lips. He licked and smiled at the familiar taste of cinnamon mixed with sugar. “Cinnamon sugar Sir. One of my favorites.” The smile melted into a deep and prolonged groan as Artie stroked his cock now.
“Damn right it is.” With the last answer, Artie stops his stroking. “You are a clever boy, Jamie. Those boys of yours are lucky to have ya.” Pushing the tray aside so he can move in closer. “You did so well. Holding out for me. All that begging, and the noises you make are music to anyone's ears.” Gently cupping Jamie’s face with his hands, his thumbs brushing along his cheek bones. “Are you doing alright? Was everything alright?”
The praise is more gratifying than he would have thought it could be. He smiled and can feel his cheeks heating up as the Dom strokes along them. There is probably a blush forming there that he can’t control no matter how hard he tries. He is still quite breathless and all of his senses are on overload, but he nods. “I am Sir. I’m good. It was wonderful.” He thinks that they must be done and instead of being let down that he hadn’t cum, he feels lighter than air, floating along the musical notes of Artie’s voice.
Having his paranoia eased, as it wa always a reigning factor that he did something wrong, he presses a kiss to Jamie’s forehead. “Thank the heavens. I’m gonna untie you now, alright? Then I'll let ya come because you were such a good boy.” Carefully teaching behind Jamie to his bonds.
Artie kissed his forehead and the tender gesture was somehow both completely out of place and absolutely perfect. His breath stutters in his chest at the promise of his release. He leaned forward a bit to give the Dom access to untie the bonds. Once free he flexed his fingers and brought his arms forward relishing the ease in tension in his shoulders that he hadn’t even been aware of. “Thank you Sir. Thank you.”
Licking over his palm to be sure it wasn't too dry, Artie takes hold of Jamie’s cock as he would his own and starts the movement. His wrist twisting to add different direction of where pressure would be had as his hand pumps as a steady pace. “You close for me, Jamie?” The Dom asks, keeping his focus mainly on the boy's face to watch every reaction, no matter how major or minor it was. “You want to feel good?”
Artie took hold of his cock and with clever little twists of his wrist soon had Jamie whimpering and moaning. “Yes… yes Sir. So close… ooh … huh… ffffuck… yes.” He devolved into nonsense as he approached and finally, finally was allowed to just fall over that edge plunging into pleasure so intense he stopped breathing for long moments before having to suck in air as he collapsed forward head thumping onto the Dom’s chest.
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volleygifs · 7 years
Haikyuu Fic Recs!
So I’m going to premise this rec list by saying that I like fics on the long-side so if you’re looking for short one-shots, you might not find what you’re looking for in this list. I’m not a huge fan of angst (although that doesn’t mean there isn’t any in this list, just not a lot), I enjoy smut ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) , I like a fair few rarepairs and I like to think that I’m extremely picky when it comes to how something is written, pacing etc. I’ve read all the fics in this list multiple times, they are definitely my all-time favourites. I organized these as best as I could and included the rating, word count and summary from the author for each. 
(Fics with a ♡ beside them are my 100% must-reads.)
Recs are under the cut, happy reading! 
In April – Teen – 28K - Tooru dates people and it takes Hajime a while to figure out why he hates it. Like six years.
Learning To Walk (So That We Can Run) – M – 27K - In his second year of university, physical therapy just isn’t cutting it. Oikawa’s knee is getting worse, and he can’t hide it anymore. Or: the light angst, project-your-own-life-experiences-on-Oikawa knee surgery fic you didn’t know you wanted.
♡ Conquering The Great King – E – 105K - Iwaizumi blinked his gaze over to Oikawa, “Last time was supposed to be a one time thing,” he said, voice low, lacking some conviction. Oikawa’s lips twitched into a smirk and he brought them hovering just over Iwaizumi’s, “One time thing, Two time thing, what’s it matter as long as it’s not a Relationship thing?”
Third Times a Charm – M – 64K - There are lines you just don’t cross with your best friend. Someone probably should have told them that.
♡ Where The Night Goes – M – 21K - When their bond loses the immediate context of volleyball, they’re left to consider why it’s still so vital and important. Meeting again, by chance, six years later.
Love and Victory – M – 20K - After losing to Shiratorizawa in their final Spring High preliminary, Kageyama leaves Miyagi on a sports scholarship, and Hinata remains in Sendai for university. Or, that’s what Hinata thinks, until he runs into Kageyama on the first day of volleyball intramurals and they set out to form another winning combination.
Love and Now – E – 16K – After their break-up three years prior, Hinata attends Kageyama’s final university match.
Parisienne Walkways – M – 12K - Alternative title: Kageyama likes figure skating and Hinata is gay.
Binding Problem (WIP) – E – 95K - Hinata pines.
Countdown (Series WIP) – Teen, M, E – 28K - It starts with a phone call. Kageyama doesn’t like phone calls, but he likes Hinata. A Kagehina coming-of-age series exploring friendship and romance and awkwardness from Kageyama’s POV.
Thaw – M – 40K - Kageyama Tobio just wants to get through the day. He hates winter, he hates most people, and he really hates getting up for an 8:00AM class. That’s when Hinata Shouyou, bright and obnoxious, literally comes running into his life at full-throttle and changes everything Kageyama thought he knew.
Routine – E – 22K – Hinata is a well-known cam boy, and Kageyama is his biggest fan.
The Way You Look At Me (WIP) – Teen – 62K - Bokuto sees him every day, every commute, at the final train. The stranger he only knows as Train Guy. Wrapped in coats, mystery, and distance - that is, until Bokuto breaks their familiar silence. He struggles with the hardest part of befriending someone he thinks he already knows: taking a step back to reevaluate all his assumptions. He finds the easiest part is getting to learn about Train Guy all over again.
Come Downstairs – Teen – 50K - Akaashi Keiji is pretty certain that he’s got love figured out. Or at least, he’s figured out that love isn’t for him. It isn’t until his new downstairs neighbor moves in that he realizes even intelligent people make mistakes in their calculations.
♡ Give Me – M – 22K – Akaashi is quite sure of who he wants, but this is Bokuto. This needs time, tact, and timing to get there /without/ blundering. (Also if you’re looking for a Fukuroudani team fic, this is it. I love this team, I had so much fun writing all the characters and interactions within and towards Nekoma. I just love the fucking owls so much okay).
Knock On Wood – Gen – 9K - He was awake again, his mind leaving the stage it had briefly slipped into, and he sat up slowly, ignoring his protesting muscles. Something about the knock sounded so familiar- the timing, the precision with which each hit sounded against the wall and resonated in his skull, the sequence of the taps. When it did click in his brain, Bokuto’s eyes widened in shock. He couldn’t believe he hadn’t recognized it sooner, couldn’t believe he was hearing it after all this time. The knock was morse code, and the message was exceptionally simple- all it said was a simple, recurring Hello.
Spending all, spending all my time (loving you) – Gen – 3K - The fastest speed ever recorded for a volleyball serve is 82 mph by the Bulgarian professional Matey Kaziyski. Bokuto’s own serve is around 75 mph on a good day. The stranger in the empty concrete lot behind Bokuto’s apartment building receives 72.4 mph of volleyball with the side of his head. In which Bokuto Koutarou plays volleyball at university, and Akaashi Keiji is a dimension traveller.
Tea Stained Polaroids – Gen – 5K – “I’m gonna date that,” Bokuto declares solemnly, and Kuroo throws a plastic spoon at his head.
♡ Cracks In The Pavement Will Lead You Home – M – 12K - Bokuto often thinks about Akaashi, especially when he’s running. It’s like his legs know where they’re supposed to take him. He grows into a habit of running a lot, just to keep that feeling going. Cracks and holes in the pavement aren’t fun to jump over if the final reward isn’t seeing Akaashi’s face. An alternate universe with a little bit of magic and a lot of growing up.
What Are The Chances? – E – 60K – Akaashi Keiji is a figure skater, and has been skating since he was a child. However, due to family issues, he’s often tasked with taking care of his adorable nephew, Shouyou, and doesn’t really see himself as one that has the time or desire for relationships. But when Shouyou runs off and leads him to a hockey player named Bokuto Koutarou, for some reason his heart stops and he can’t keep himself from thinking about him.
Campfire Effects – Gen – 11K - “my new neighbor shares my balcony and we keep running into each other outside” au, where Bokuto moves into the apartment next door and Akaashi falls in love with the neighbor that always climbs over his railing
Never Fly On One Wing – E – 23K – ‘This was not what Koutarou had planned out for his evening. Yet here he was, sweating, scratches on his arm, and a shaking cardboard box in his lap.’ In which Bokuto rescues an owl.
♡ How to Manage – E – 39K - When Sugawara had walked in the office this morning, Daichi couldn’t help but feel a little guilty for hiring him. Not because he wasn’t the best candidate or because he didn’t deserve the job; he definitely was and he definitely did, but… But Daichi couldn’t help but feel the smallest pang of guilt when Suga glanced in his direction and his heart stepped out of rhythm and his cheeks flushed with heat.
Butterfly In The Subway – Teen – 62K - Sugawara Koushi has no idea he’s already in love with the man he’s supposed to hate.
♡ Black and Blue – E – 116K - Daichi’s new (temporary) neighbor is not only stunningly beautiful but also funny, friendly, with just a touch of mysterious. Naturally, Daichi freaks the fuck out. (AU where everyone lives in the same building and everyone is gay)
Silica Sand – Gen – 32K – Overworked, over-stressed programmer Azumane Asahi works on the top floor of a Shinjuku skyscraper. Nervous around his coworkers and terrified of the long drop on the other side of the window, Asahi falls into a miserable routine, only to have it broken one day by a simple message on the outside of the glass. AU.
♡ Vienna Waits For You (WIP) – M – 125K - “It was the day before Nishinoya Yuu’s twenty-second birthday, and he had never been more convinced that he’d reached the end of the better part of his life.” A story about losing many things, finding some of them again, and realizing the rest wasn’t really lost after all.
The Chronicles of the Virgin Asahi – E – 88K - Asahi wants the earth to swallow him whole when he accidentally crashes into tiny Nishinoya Yuu while riding his bike. He remains unsure of his stance on disappearing off the face of the planet after Noya asks him out on a date. But with the (somewhat aggressive) encouragement of his best friends/roommates, Asahi takes one small step forward, and soon finds himself doing a lot less hiding and a lot more living than he ever thought he could.
Stoplights (on hiatus unfortunately) – E – 48K - Welcome to Yamaguchi Tadashi’s sexual awakening. Kindly leave your expectations at the door.
Shooting Stars and Satellites – M – 14K - Tsukishima moves to Tokyo for university, and Yamaguchi stays in Miyagi. Four years later, they see each other again.
♡ In Good Faith We Swap Our Aces  – Various Pairings – 15k - So many questions. Will Oikawa break down first, or Akaashi? Is Bokuto the bigger alien, or Ushiwaka? Who really sent a lamb for slaughter - Daichi or Kuroo? Are bonds being made or broken? What exactly is Karasuno scheming? What kind of purpose is this activity meant to achieve? And just who does this sort of arrangement please?
Not For Sale – Kuroo/Tsukki – M – 19K – Kei’s faced him plenty of times shoulder-to-shoulder or on the other side of the volleyball net; never for any other reason, and never in his very private, very carefully planned, safe time away from the court. Nevertheless, he took Kuroo’s hand and smiled bitterly, finding comfort in the sole fact that his summer couldn’t possibly get any worse.
True Ending – Mattsun/Makki – M – 12K - He never really questioned the handsy nature of their friendship, it was just something that felt normal after falling asleep on a tiny couch while watching movies too many times. Who was Hanamaki to say no to cuddles with someone he considered his best friend? The fact that Matsukawa was always a bit cute in the wee hours of the morning was just something Hanamaki would have to file away in the back of his mind.
Boiled Frogs – Mattsun/Makki – E – 91K - They’ve always been really close friends, but Hanamaki begins to question how close when Matsukawa begins dating someone else - someone else that doesn’t treat him well. When he suspects that Matsukawa may be in an abusive relationship, Hanamaki realizes that opening his best friend’s eyes to his situation may be harder than he had ever anticipated. (Pretty angsty, happy ending.)
It’s Cold Out There – Mattsun/Makki – M – 8K - Seijoh’s parties are always a mess, but this one takes the cake.
♡ Hearts of Gold – Komi/Sarukui – M - 63K - Komi goes to Fukuroudani academy with high hopes. He wishes for a fresh start and to concentrate fully on volleyball, not on his newfound sexuality. This quickly goes down the drain when he meets Sarukui Yamato. Setting his feelings aside, Komi wants to be friends with Sarukui, even when his feelings go haywire when they’re close. (Set in first year)
Into The Battlefield With a Flower Bouquet – Komi/Saukui – M – 14K - Komi likes to take naps, and Sarukui isn’t here for that. When the growing conflict between them drives Komi to challenge Sarukui to a fight, it’s up to the other Fukuroudani first years to make them stop. Then Shirofuku Yukie has an idea. (Set in first year)
♡ Rewrite the Rulebook – Ukai/Takeda – E – 100K - “Karasuno needs a coach.” Takeda knows what the volleyball team needs, and he’s determined to get it at all costs. Ukai is prepared to resist but he’s not prepared for Takeda.
Mixed Signals – Kyoutani/Yahaba – Teen – 7K - Feelings are definitely a thing he’s having. Kyoutani is really sweet. He’s family oriented and he prefers novels with female leads and he’s in all honors classes. He kind of has a big head, totally has a big smile, definitely has a big heart. His eyes are nice, he’s got that dimple. Yahaba groans and rubs his fists into his eyes.
Do Unto Others – Kindaichi/Kunimi – Teen – 10K - Over time, Kunimi has realized he really likes having Kindaichi look after him.
♡ Just The Three of Us – Kageyama/Kindaichi – Gen, Teen, E – 21K - This is the story of the Kitagawa Daiichi trio: how they came together, how they fell apart, and how they found each other again. (5 Parts)
Learning Us – Tanaka/Ennoshita – E – 42K - Tanaka Ryuunosuke had a lot to learn - about himself, about Ennoshita Chikara, and that “happily ever after” is rarely a direct path.
3K notes · View notes
sofiasmusings · 5 years
Did I do it?
Welcome to this year’s edition of “did I do it?” where I look back at last year’s goals and ask myself...did I do it? I’m still trying to think of my goals for 2020 so this will suffice for now. 
1. Work out consistently
What I said last year:
I feel like getting into working out is no problem for me. I’ve got the motivation, I’ve got the gear, but… I don’t always have the time. Last semester my workout schedule became pretty sporadic due to late nights and long shifts at my job. I told myself that lifting heavy pots at work and being on my feet for five hours was enough of a work out but boy was I wrong. At first it felt nice not having to dedicate two hours of my day to the gym, but eventually it caught up to me and I started missing the calming sensation that a routine activity provided me. Not only that, but I remember climbing a flight of stairs while talking to my friend, and once I got to the top I was trying my hardest not to lose my dignity as I huffed and puffed between sentences. I realized that working out actually helped me feel better emotionally and physically, and that I liked how working out forced me to organize my day. I live and breathe organization, so even putting the time slot into my calendar made me feel better.  This year I also hope to maintain a work out journal because who doesn’t like to look back and feel great about the progress they made??? (Also, sometimes I go to the gym and forget what weights I was using for each exercise so that would probably help as well)
The verdict: kind of! I worked out pretty consistently this year after March. The first three months were rough and working out was definitely not a priority. It was also in those months that I realized how crappy not working out makes me feel. As for a journal, it got too tedious to keep up because I’m not exactly trying to build crazy amounts of muscle. In fact, I don’t want to continue growing because I can finally fit my thighs in my jeans lol. I’m using the Popflex 12 week fit journal now to track my daily habits and it’s helped a lot. 
2. Start a savings account and save money every month
What I said last year:
I’d say keeping track of spending is one step to becoming a more successful adult, but I would also say that making sure to save is equally as crucial. I’ve already made a habit of tracking what I spend and what I earn, but I haven’t been doing so great with putting money aside to save…so that’s definitely a goal this year.
The verdict: Yes! I did start a savings account and during each pay cycle, a certain amount is deposited directly into that account before my consumerist tendencies get the best of me. If I have extra money I also like to throw it in there (get yourself a cash rewards credit card!). 
3. Update this blog
What I said last year:
I started this blog because I wanted a place to put my experiences and lessons I learn about the world. I think that I am someone that tends to think through problems and situations internally and through writing. I often find that this helps me reason through problems and most of the time it helps me come to a conclusion.
The verdict: Kind of? I did really bad for the first 11 months but does my dedication to this blog in the last couple days count? They always say it’s never too late...Anyway, something awoke my interest in blogging so 2020 is going to be wild. 
4. Continue updating my art instagram
What I said last year:
I started my art instagram because I got into making digital art in the later part of my high school. I soon came to realize, however, that artist block is a very real thing. Sometimes I would post every day, and other times I would post every other month. I started the account under the premise that I would post a sketch every day, but I don’t think it was realistic for the schedule that I had at that point. I do hope I can start doing something like that again, at least to challenge myself. Also, sometimes I draw celebrities and tag them in hopes that I will be noticed…but the time hasn’t come yet.
The verdict: Nope. I think I uploaded maybe one or two pictures. I think I’ve done a good job of picking up reading and blogging again but this one’s going to take some time. I really miss drawing. 
5. Find a job
What I said last year:
It’s crazy because my goals used to be “Find an internship” but now it’s all about finding a job. At the end of the day I just really want a job that allows me to grow and provides me with training and leadership opportunities. I believe that I have had experience in a lot of different types of work environments and fields, and if there’s anything I’ve noticed, it’s that I adapt pretty quickly to my surroundings. No matter where I end up, I just want to do my best.
The verdict: Yes! I’ve been working for 1.5 years now. In fact, I had to choose between two job offers at one point. The job I found (or rather, the job that found me) has allowed me to grow and has provided training and leadership opportunities. 
6. Update and keep up with my skin care routine
What I said last year:
Ya girl needs some serious edits to her skin care routine. It’s been a fight since middle school to keep my skin clear, but I think something in my routine is finally working. Obviously I need to monitor my stress levels, sleep schedule, and diet, but I’ve also been spending quite some time researching different products. Here’s to clear skin in 2018!!! Also I need to drink more water because sometimes it’s 11 PM and I realize I’ve only drank one cup of water.
The verdict: Yes! Hydration, sleep and diet really help. I rarely have new breakouts and I notice they usually appear around my period or when I eat really greasy food. Investing in good products also helps...I’ve dropped some $$$ at Sephora and discovered Banish Acne Scars and these products have helped me control my acne. Now I’m focusing on finding the right balance for my skin and fading my scars. 
7. Establish Daily Routine
What I said last year:
I’m a routine type of person and whenever I complete a routine, I feel pretty darn good about myself. I’ve gotten into a small routine here at home over winter break:
Wake up, wash up, eat breakfast, read for a couple hours, write in my journal, draw something, apply for jobs/do work, dinner, watch some TV, and go to sleep.
Routines don’t even have to be that rigid for me. For example, I might aim to remember to take my vitamins every morning after I wake up.
The verdict: YES. My routine’s so crazy that I can predict things now, like how many stoplights I’ll get on the way home. During the week, I wake up around 5:10 - 5:30 am and either do a home work out or go to the company gym. I’m usually at my desk by 7:30 - 8 am and have lunch at basically noon sharp. I leave between 4:30 - 5:00 every day. I strength train Mondays and Wednesdays and do HIIT on Tuesdays and Fridays. Saturdays are my yoga days. Sundays are meal prep days. I think there’s a downside to having routines (especially if you’re like me) because when something changes slightly it throws me off. So...next year’s goal is flexibility?
8. Take more photos
What I said last year:
In 2017, I started a 365 instagram account in which I posted one picture every day for the whole year. I hope to continue doing that, especially since I recently got a new camera. I felt really satisfied seeing my whole year put together in one photo diary, and I look forward to seeing how 2018 will be. The verdict: Yes. It does not matter how slow you go as long as you don’t stop. I might’ve missed a couple days (ok sometimes weeks) on my 365 instagram account, but it’s still going strong after 3 years! While I do think it’s unique being able to look back on your life in pictures, I’m not sure I want to continue it next year. We’ll see. Maybe I’ll commit to another daily/routine thing such as creating a certain piece of content. 
Did I do it? 
5 yes’s 
2 kind of’s
1 nope
Not bad at all. I mean, if I completed all eight goals it would’ve been over for all of you lmao 
0 notes
inawickedlittletown · 6 years
Walking The Wire (103/?)
Summary: Tony Stark always knew about Peter Parker. He didn’t know that Peter was going to get superpowers and become Spider-Man, but he always knew about Peter because Peter was his son.
This will span from pre-Iron Man up through the rest of the MCU (eventually including Infinity War) and will be for the most part canon compliant except where I’ve taken some liberties and interpreted canon a certain way.
Pairings: Pepper/Tony, Tony/Steve (endgame), Tony/Mary (past)
A/N: If you want me to tag you when I post new chapters let me know. This fic is also on AO3
I used Collider’s MCU timeline to stay canon and the title of this fic is an Imagine Dragons song that is just so fitting for Peter and Tony
Chapter One Hundred Two
Peter swung up and threw himself into the air. It was one of those really amazing feelings to fly through the air until he could shoot out another web and then he was swinging again. He shot another web to make a turn onto the next street. There was a thrill to going fast but Peter wasn’t doing it for fun. He was following a police car chase because some crazy person had decided to actually try and pull off a bank robbery in the middle of the day on New Year’s Eve Eve. Maybe they thought it was a good way to end their year.
“I’m not getting anything from running his plates,” Karen said.
“It’s probably not even his car,” Peter said and he threw another web to change direction. Maybe if he was fast enough he could just drop down in front of the getaway car and stop the guy.
“More than likely,” Karen said.
“Hey, Karen, can we cut this guy off?”
“If you take the next left we should be able to catch up faster,” Karen said.
Peter followed her directions as they came. He ended up on a roof and he ran the length of it and jumped off, shooting off a web so he could control the fall and just swing down to the ground. It didn’t take long for the car to appear and Peter had somehow timed it perfectly to drop down in front of the car. He put his hands out and stopped it and the car only lifted off the ground a bit. The driver tried to reverse but by then the police had made it. Some of the police officers gave him wary looks when they spotted him, but they approached the car just as the two guys decided to try and get out of the car and run for it but Peter webbed the one up as he was getting out and the other one stopped when an officer pointed a gun at him.
“Good job, everyone,” Peter said.
He didn’t wait for the police officers to respond or for the robbers to say anything for that matter and instead he just threw a web at the stoplight and threw himself up and ended up on a nearby roof to watch as the two guys were arrested and put into a police car.
“That was easy,” Peter said.
“You’re getting better at this, Peter,” Karen said.
Apparently, he was getting so good that the suit had started to give him access to some of the features that he’d had only after Ned hacked the suit but which had been taken away again once Tony undid everything Ned had done. He blamed getting better at being Spider-Man directly on Steve who was an excellent teacher and trainer. Peter had been spending a lot less time out as Spider-Man since he’d started doing more training with Steve and the other Avengers but it helped that Karen kept an ear out for anything that he could help out with and when there was something, Peter would jump into action. Friday did something similar on a larger scope but lately things had been kind of quiet.
“Ned’s texting,” Karen said, “would you like to see his message on the HUD?”
“Ned probably just saw a video of what happened on YouTube,” Peter said. “I’ll answer him later.”
“Michelle texted too,” Karen said.
“I’ll answer her later too,” Peter said. Michelle’s text was probably completely unrelated to Spider-Man and more to do with school or decathlon. It didn’t matter that they were on winter break. Michelle was if nothing else dedicated.
Peter hung around only until the police all left the scene and then he headed in the direction of Avengers Tower. Karen was always scanning for anything that might need his attention, but there didn’t seem to be anything going on which Peter didn’t really mind because he wanted to be home more than he wanted to be out on patrol.
It didn’t take long to get back and it wasn’t until he was home that he checked his texts.
Guy in the chair: Omg. Peter, that car chase was crazy!
Guy in the chair: and you just swung in and stopped the car. So cool!
Guy in the chair: everyone is talking about it online. I think you might be trending on Twitter. Well in the States.
Guy in the chair: what were they trying to steal anyway?
MJ: I was thinking about themes and how we can do practices around subjects and maybe even certain concepts. What do you think? I just want us to be on our game for the next competition.
Peter didn’t answer them as he continued into the penthouse.
“Hey, Spidey,” Sam said. “Nice work with those bank robbers. It’s all over the news. Who even robs a bank in 2016?”
Peter shrugged his shoulders and he took off the mask. “Yeah, I don’t know. People are nuts. I don’t think they even got away with a lot in the first place.”
“Either way,” Sam said, “it’s smart to have someone looking out for people on the ground.”
Peter grinned at him. “Thanks.”
He sat down next to Sam and as soon as he did K-9 came running towards him. Sam laughed.
“That thing is so real. I think he actually missed you.”
Peter knew well how much emotion Tony somehow managed to impart with his creations and this was no different. K-9 was more advanced than Dum-E and the other bots not quite on par with Friday or Karen, but Tony had made the dog capable of learning. There was coding to ensure that he acted like a dog as well but he was forming a personality and the whole thing was quite impressive.
“That’s because he’s a good boy,” Peter said to Sam when K-9 jumped up on his lap Peter laughed and he pet him. “Where’s your ball, K-9?”
The dog barked in response but then got off him and went to find it.
Tony had had no choice but to tell Peter about the ring mostly because he’d been asking Shuri for vibranium and Peter had had a million questions about what he was going to use it for. But really, he’d done it because he wanted Peter to know and he wanted Peter to be okay with it.
“I -- marriage was never...I never thought I would ever consider it. Partly because of SI but also because I don’t think it’s for everyone and for a long time I didn’t want to settle down. At all. Pepper was -- she could have been it if I wasn’t Iron Man or if I had managed to give it up. And I don’t know. That could have been something. But Steve understands that part of me and most of the rest which is enough and it just makes sense. But I love him, too, and I think it can work. I want it to work.”
It had felt a little like he was over explaining himself but Peter had just smiled at him and nodded. He was excited about it and it made everything feel even easier
“You’re making him a ring, then?” Peter asked.
“So you approve?”
“Duh,” Peter said. “Steve’s the best and I can tell he really loves you too. I think looking back I can sort of tell you really missed him when he was gone.”
“I did,” Tony said.
Tony had once given Pepper a necklace with the shards of the shrapnel that had been in his chest. It had been his way of giving her his symbolic heart and really showing that he was serious about quitting being Iron Man. He had definitely been serious about it at the time but maybe he should have known that he was kidding himself by doing that.
That necklace had eventually been returned to him when they broke up and Tony had kept it and hadn’t really considered what he might do with it. It was a reminder of how quitting hadn’t been possible. Once the ring idea came to mind, Tony had decided to make the shards even smaller and imbed them into the vibranium ring. It was better than any words that he might engrave in the ring. Those shards were his heart and his heart belonged to Steve.
Peter helped him make it and was the one that sneakily got a ring size for him as well by managing to get a measure of Steve’s finger using his webbing while training with him. Steve hadn’t even noticed. His kid really was brilliant.
The ring was simple and understated but beautiful and it was exactly the kind of ring that Steve would wear if he wore rings. But even if the ring ended up on a chain around his neck, Tony just wanted Steve to have it.
Ever since it had been completed, Peter had been urging him to ask Steve, but he’d put it off until Christmas and then New Year’s after that. Tony just wanted the perfect moment. He knew that he probably wouldn’t find it without creating it but it wasn’t really that he wanted perfection or everything to be a certain way -- he just wanted the moment to feel right.
It shouldn’t have surprised him, then, that the moment happened while he was on a work binge in the workshop. Although he’d had some success when it came to the new Spider-Man suit and Steve’s gloves what he wanted for the new Iron Man armor was different and he was still trying to get it right. He was also ignoring all the paperwork that Pepper had sent him and hoping that she wouldn’t nag him about it any time soon.
Steve hadn’t followed him to the workshop like usual in favor of actually using his art room to keep working on his portfolio. Pepper’s idea about going back to art school hadn’t gotten Steve to decide to go back to school, but it had made him a little more aware of his talent. So while he wasn’t going to school, he’d started really studying art on his own again which meant that he was trying all kinds of different things. Thing that Tony didn’t fully understand but could tell he hadn’t been able to do back in the day. It was nice to see him excited about it and Tony had encouraged him to order more supplies and books and whatever else he might need.
Still, Tony wasn’t too surprised when Steve did eventually join him. It must have been well past midnight, but Tony didn’t really notice the time. With Peter on winter break none of them really noticed the time anymore since the usual sign that it was getting late was Peter needing to get to bed so he wouldn’t fall asleep at school the next day.
“Hey,” Steve said and he sounded tired. “I was hoping to find you in bed, but I should have known better and come straight down here.”
“Yes. Dum-E, hold that. Don’t move.”
Dum-E beeped and he moved a little but Tony had expected that and it didn’t really matter all that much. He did what he needed to and took the tool back from Dum-E before turning to look at Steve.
Steve had pastel on his right cheek right above where his beard began and there was some on his white shirt too. His fingers looked to be a little stained too and Tony thought that he looked every bit the picture of an artist and Tony loved it. He loved seeing this different side of Steve that was a little soft and a little bit in love with the world and not the soldier or Captain America but perhaps who Steve used to be when he was tiny and sickly.
“I love you,” Tony said.
Steve stared him. “I love you too,” he said and it sounded like a question, like he was wondering why Tony said it in the first place.
“I have something for you,” Tony said and he rubbed the back of his neck because no amount of preparation made this easy even though it should have been. Tony rarely got nervous, but this had him nervous. “I should have -- I guess it was supposed to be a Christmas present but that didn’t really work and then I thought maybe tomorrow night but--”
“What is it?” Steve asked eyebrows burrowed and yet he didn’t look worried. Mostly, he looked curious and open and there was so much to love about him and suddenly it just -- it wasn’t all that hard anymore. This was Steve after all.
Tony reached for Steve’s hands and he let himself smile a little “Steve, I, I never thought this would happen. That I would want this even with anyone and I think you know I want nothing more than to spend the rest of my life with you,” Tony said, “if it means we’re heroes together or that we retire to a farm I don’t really care as long as you’re at my side--”
“I know, Tony. I know. I feel the same--”
“Good. That’s good. It’s really good.” Tony said and he could feel his smile getting wider. “But I figure before we get to do all of that maybe we have one more step.”
“What do you--”
Tony interrupted him. “Will you marry me?”
Steve gasped audibly and his mouth fell open. His eyes glinted and showed his obvious surprise and it took him a few seconds to move past the shock.
“Yes. Of course. Yes. Tony, I--”
Tony was swept up into Steve’s arms. He wrapped his own around Steve’s neck and laughed because Steve actually picked him up off the ground. It was so easy with Steve -- so absolutely easy -- at least this part of it. The being in love part.
Steve set him back down and pulled back long enough to look at him and then he was kissing him and Tony melted into the kiss, letting himself get lost to sensation of having Steve there and knowing that he’d said yes and that they really were on the same page.
“I have a ring,” Tony whispered in between kisses, their foreheads pressed together.
Steve kissed him again, a deep but quick kiss before Steve just pulled him into a hug that Tony broke out of only a few minutes later. He grabbed Steve’s hand and took him to the other side of the workshop where he’d hidden the ring.
“What are you doing?”
“I told you, I have ring,” Tony said and he found it at last in one of the drawers of a tool box inside a small leather ring box. He thrust it towards Steve who opened it slowly and Tony watched him.
He watched the emotions pass over Steve’s face -- his interest and curiosity and how he seemed to consider the ring for a long moment before he reached in to take it out.
“Vibranium,” Steve said.
“Felt fitting. Shuri was very happy to provide it. She said something about shipping us which I really didn’t understand. But Peter laughed and said he agreed -- but he wouldn’t explain. Anyway, there’s also -- those specs -- they’re the shrapnel that was in my chest.”
That tore Steve’s eyes from the ring and they met Tony’s. “You kept that,” he said.
“Yeah, after I got it taken out. It just -- it made sense, it kind of represents how much I’ve gone through and survived and how much I want to keep on living. With you at my side.”
“Oh,” Steve said and then grabbed Tony’s hand, holding it palm out and placed the ring there.
“What? Steve, I--”
Steve extended his left hand out to Tony and wiggled his fingers. “I think you should do the honors.”
Tony laughed and took Steve’s hand with one of his own and then lifted the ring towards Steve’s ring finger and put it on and the moment felt right -- the ring fit Steve’s finger perfectly and Tony almost couldn’t believe that the ring he’d made was actually Steve’s now.
“I’ll have to get one for you,” Steve said as he admired his ring.
“You don’t have to--”
“I do. I want to.”
Steve’s hands reached out to cradle Tony’s face and feeling the cold ring on his skin next to Steve’s warm fingers was unsurprisingly thrilling and then Steve was kissing him again. His future husband was kissing him so Tony kissed him back.
Chapter One Hundred Four
0 notes