theserpentpharmakiea · 9 months
Every December - January the old woman of Winter is celebrated. For the past 3 years I have been teaching a class about these woman of myth and folklore. My fascination started with connecting to the ancestral spirits of my heritage La Befana and The Cailleach, and learning along the way the connection they have to the other fascinating woman of Winter and the land. I hope to see you there.
To check out my upcoming class and my other on demand and upcoming classes, go to Zinzeudo University at zinzeudo.com
The holiday season is a time for many things, family, food, and magic. The time between early
December until Mid January is full of spirit activity and stories of Witches, Ghosts, Goblins, and
Elves, some of these stories are terrifying in there own way and some are heartfelt and warm.
Most of these stories and traditions came from pagan beginnings, the legend of La Befana is no
different. The traditions of The Christmas Witch in Italy are old, full of pagan symbolism, and
goddess worship. Looking deep in these legends we open up a different side to the old woman
of Winter and relation to the Old Hag from many cultures. We will touch on the similarities La
Befana has with other Crone and Hag Goddesses as The Cailleach, Baba Yaga, Berchta, Hulda,
and Ragana. As well as similarities to Abundance Goddesses like Strenia, Abundia, and Feronia.
Join me as we travel with La Befana The Christmas Witch.
In this class we will learn
- Lore
- How to build a relationship
- Creating a shrine
- Offerings
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violetmoondaughter · 9 months
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The origin was connected to a set of pagan propitiatory rites according to which the twelfth night after the winter solstice was celebrated the death and rebirth of nature through Mother Nature. The Romans believed that on these twelve nights, female figures flew over cultivated fields to propitiate the fertility of future crops, hence the myth of the "flying" figure. According to some, this female figure was first identified with Diana, while according to others she was associated with a lesser deity called Sàtia (goddess of satiety), or Abùndia (goddess of abundance). 
Another hypothesis would link Befana with an ancient Roman festival, which was always held in winter, in honor of Janus and Strenia and during which gifts were exchanged. 
According to other interpretations it would recall a female personification of winter represented as a hunched old woman with a hooked nose, disheveled white hair and abnormal feet, dressed in rags and broken shoes. 
Some similar figures are Perchta, Bertha, Berchta, Holda or "Frau Holle" and Baba Jaga. 
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mask131 · 2 years
Cold winter: More about la Befana
Freely translated from “The Great Book of the Christmas Spirits”
The Befana
On the eve of the Epiphany, children hang their socks near the window while waiting the arrival of the Befana, this dark-clad old woman wearing worn-out shoes and a scarf on her head. As she visits all of the children of Italy on this night, she takes from her great bag candies for the good sons and daughters, and coals for the nasty brats, and leave them in the socks, to be discovered on the morning of the Epiphany itself, this grand feast where all the family gathers to eat cakes and sweets.
According to the legend, the old woman, millennia ago, found herself on the path of the Three Magi as they were searching for the divine child. As she was busy with cleaning up her house, she refused to join them to go honor the divine baby, but she later regretted her decision and left her house in hope of finding them back… But since she never found back baby Jesus, she decided to wander every year during the night of the Epiphany in the Italian countryside, visiting each house in which a child leaves – and the children usually leave for her brand new socks and shoes, given she keeps wearing out her own while walking so much. To the good, nice and obedient children, she brings toys, sweets, candies or befanini (biscuits with dried raisins and/or chocolate chips). To the naughty kids, coal – for the original symbolism of this gift was “a way to burn away the old year”. But with time the lump of coal became dark candies and licorice.
Some see in the Befana a descendant of a Roman goddess named Strenia that was celebrated by the ancient Romans on the Capitol: around the time of today’s Epiphany, they cut a bough from her sacred wood and brought it to the Capitol ; and her celebration, which was about banishing away the cold season to welcome the warm one, also involved numerous gift-giving. Others rather invoke a more Germanic ancestry, claiming the Befana comes from the figure of Frau Holle, invoking that just like her the Italian old woman likes to check how neat and tidy the houses she visits are. Numerous local “variations” of the Befana in Italy bear a closer resemblance to the German Frau Holle. For example the Redodesa, that doesn’t wear a scarf on her head but a black and pointy hat, sneaks in the houses during the Christmas night and punishes women that are still working by beating them with her iron spindle. In Belluno, the women who haven’t finished their housework by Christmas night and the children who are out on the streets on this very night are taken away by beings called the Reduoje ; and there are many more beings of the Christmas and Epiphany nights that hant these magical times, “Befane” bringers of treats and threats. In the Dosoledo, you can hear the chains of the Ardoiee that haunts the houses of disobedient children ; in the Trentin, the Giampa flies in the sky in a cart covered in chains, with a pack of vicious hounds sniffing away naughty children ; and beings called the Vuarvole were said to come down the chimney to kidnap naughty children during winter nights. The Befana, much kinder than these beings, also often uses the chimneys to enter houses, in order to leave her gifts in the hanged socks – and another good fairy of these nights is the Maratega, an old wrinkled woman who lives in the region of Venice and gives candies as rewards and coal as threats.
If the Befana, this “old woman of winter”, finds a nice, neat and tidy house, all cleaned-up and with properly patched-up clothes, she will in return use her broomstick to sweep away the last snowflakes of the season, and allow the sun to return into the world.
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The book mentions a few additional spirits and entities of Italy.
# Samblana: in the Dolomites one can find the Samblana, a winter queen with a great power of seduction. If a young man falls under her “winter light”, he will wish to join the beautiful lady more than anything else – but by joingin her, he will surely die in a mountainous rift or in an avalanche.
# Mammona: The Mammona wanders during the Christmas night beating up with her cudgel anyone she meets – particularly young ones.
# Fratelloni: In the province of Brescia, during the winter nights one can see the slow procession of the Fratelloni: a hoard of ghost appearing as gaunt and skinny men draped in snow-covered shrouds. They are silent, but people can see from far away the terrifying lights of their lamps.
# Pumpunalu: when a woman gives birth during Christmas night, she has to be wary of this impish spirit who likes to sneak in the cribs, taking the place of the baby.
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hedgewitchgarden · 2 years
According to Italian traditions, Befana is an old woman who gives presents throughout the country on the night of January 5, also known as the Epiphany Eve. By giving out gifts, the lady is often compared to Santa Claus. 
Many people believe that the name Befana originates from the Feast of Epiphany.  Others have the belief that Befana is a descendant of Strenia, a goddess of the Romans.  In reality, Befana was not as popular in Italy as it is today. It started in Rome and only spread to other parts of the country during the 20th century.
The majority of Italians believe that Befana visits all the children in Italy on the eve of January 6 and gives them rewards. If the kids have the right character, she gives them candy. Otherwise, Befana gives either dark candy or a lump of coal. In the impoverished regions in Italy, such as Sicily, children get a stick in a stocking instead of coal. 
Since the Befana is an excellent housekeeper, people believe that she always sweeps the floor before leaving. Some trust that the sweeping means doing away with the problems of the year. In most cases, the child’s family leaves a small amount of food and a glass of wine for the Befana.
Regarding appearance, the general impression is that the Befana is a hag riding a broomstick through the air, donning a soot-covered black shawl since her entry point into houses is the chimney. She always carries a gift hamper containing candy and other presents. 
The Legend of the Befana
Some Christians believe that the Three Wise Men who gifted baby Jesus in the bible approached the Befana before the birth of Christ. The men asked for directions to the location of Jesus since they had already spotted his star in the sky. Since the Befana was unaware of the location, she offered a one-night shelter to the wise men.   On the following day, she refused to go on the search for Jesus, citing busyness as her most significant concern.
Later on, the Befana decided to follow the men in the pursuit of Jesus. The search is still on to date because she could reach the wise men. This explains why the Befana travels around children and gives the good ones candy, while the poor ones get coal, online, and garlic. 
Another Christian legend states that the Befana was an ordinary woman with a beloved child whose death caused significant grief. When Jesus was born, the lady went to see her, believing that he was her son. She took gifts to Jesus to make him happy, and as a result, Christ made her the mother of all Italian children. 
If anybody sees the Befana, they get a thump from her broomstick because she likes to remain private. The objective of this belief is to keep children asleep during the night.
The last explanation about the origin of the Befana claims that she was cleaning and turned the wise men away when they came looking for Jesus. Later, guilt befell her, and she started looking for Jesus. The broomstick she travels on is for cleaning purposes, while the gift hamper is intended for baby Jesus.  Although the Befana is yet to succeed on this mission, she gives gifts to children because all of them have Jesus in them.
The Befana Today
All regions in Italy celebrated the Befana, making it a national icon. However, the practice is held in the highest regard in the Marches, Latium, and Umbria. Urbana is the official home of the lady. A massive festival occurs every year, with up to 50,000 people in attendance. Several people imitate the Befana by swinging from the main tower and enjoying their time with kids. 
Italian children usually expect to get coal in their stockings as an indicator of any bad behaviour committed earlier in the year. Three Italian regions are renowned for lively Befana traditions.  
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donfjp · 3 years
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IG Connecting Consciousness was deleted from Instagram he is on Telegram as Telegram Connecting Consciousness He is back as in IG as @shaynevibes_truth #happynewyear2022 #happynewyear #light Aʀs ʟᴏɴɢᴀ, Vɪᴛᴀ ʙʀᴇᴠᴇ. #solinvictus #janus #sirius #strenia #orionbelt #moon #capricorn traitor of #jesus #artofinstagram #sun #naiveart #naiveartist #instaart #artworksartist #naiveart #artistofinstagram #artistoninstagram #artist #instaartist #artistic #artistry #donfjp #jahwehelohim (at Puerto Rico USA) https://www.instagram.com/p/CYMZ7WArdGx/?utm_medium=tumblr
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2broschlininahotub · 2 years
Meet the Rikka
The Rikka fairies are all named after cold resistant flowers found in Europe and/or Africa. The Rikka Queens are named after a type of flower arrangements.
They all have a few abilities they share one teleportation. They can appear any where that is cold to the point ice is freezing or snows. That means they can appear on dragonspine mountain. How they use these are the umbrella like staves they have. Naturally they are immune to the cold. Even if they are naked in the snow they would not be effected.
Here is my idea about their origin. They were once human but transformed into as winter spirits. During a situation that happened during winter or winter months where they could be in a dangerous situation.
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Meet teardrop the fragment of snezhnaya. She is the fragment that represents a genuine love.(Note The love is that of romantic and parental love) The reason why she became this cause she was abandoned by her husband during their wedding. The reason why cause, the husband wanted to protect her cause a cult was about to sacrifice her and her unborn baby. She ran in the middle of the woods and dying cause of lack of food, water and the cult trying to sacrifice her. She was transformed into a rikka queen cause of this. She feels her husband is out there but doesn't know what he might look like cause maybe he might be corrupted by the cult.
Her powers are that the ability of to resurrection but they must have an affinity with ice. Another is the ability to freeze any object. She can instantly make someone freeze and have frostbite on their heart.
She is not a loud person. She prefers to stay hidden in most areas. She is the mom of the group because she is actually is a mom. She also has trauma of said event.
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Meet Snow Princess or snow
This was teardrops daughter. She was born after Teardrop's rebirth. This means she contains a fragment. Her fragment represents familial love. She is somewhat shy around people in general. She usually calls upon other people around her when in danger. This might lead to meeting a few people. Most of the time whopperflowers or any sentient plant life help her.
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Meet Mudan and Erica.
Mudan's name is Chinese for peony. Erica comes from the Erica genus of flowers have a flowers known to be cold resistant.
@bye-bye-sunbird this is the girl that is going to be his suitor.
Mudan is a very shy girl. She acts very mature. She was saved by a mysterious masked stranger. She was in love with him but feels like she he doesn't like her back.
Erica is a very up beat girl. She is that friend that tries to help her beastie by telling her to confess her feelings. She wants her to confess her feelings. Erica was accidentally saved by another masked man. Erica asked if he wanted to visit her again.
Erica and Mudan were both framed with attempted murder cause of voodoo dolls of another concubine. They were both looked in a prison left to die but became fairies cause of their genuine innocence and they were dying.
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Meet kanzashi
She is named after a flower ornament that she is actually wearing.
Kanzashi has an ability to basically make life grow around her. Any where she goes nature starts to come but in a way that it still matches the weather. Fruits start to come from trees but the trees bloom wisteria like flowers.
Kanzashi was actually supposed to be assassinated but ran away.
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Meet these three, primula, cyclamen and strenna.
Primula comes a flower called a primrose. Cyclamen comes from a flower with the same name.
Strenna comes from a goddess called Strenia. Strenia has a holiday in the new year in which gifts are given. One of does gifts are wreaths or flower crowns.
The reason why Primula and cyclamen joined the rikka was cause of an specific event that led to a large boom. They were all nearby a meltdown of an experiment. They became rikkas after they were saved by another pair of rikka.
Strenna was a little girl that was about to die by an avalanche.
This is a specific ability tied to strenna. She can power people up by giving them a flower crown or ornament. She can also summon other beings to help her. She summoned a penguin that beat up a dragon.
Primula and Cyclamen have a habit of waking on water to ice skate around. These twins both love playing children's games like hop scotch. They are going to meet a young boy and his "toy seller" of a brother.
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Meet Snow drop and Hellebore
Snowdrop is named after a Snowdrop flower while hellebore is named after a genus of cold resistant flowering plants.
Snowdrop and Hellebore both saved primula and Cyclamen. These two are their current caretakers with strenna as the older sister of primula and Cyclamen. Snowdrop is going to meet a certain ginger.
How these two joined was cause they were lost in the woods looking for something. Hellebore was lost going to a funeral while Snowdrop was lost going to a wedding as a bridesmaid. The reason why they were lost was cause snowdrop's driver was drunk while Hellebore's had a seizure mid drive.
@nomorefstogive if you want to imagine what their home would look like the entrance of their home would look like a wedding venue. There are teardrop bouquets being tied to tries. Then their home is that of a castle made of snow and ice.
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ryad-walking · 5 years
حقيقة التقويم و السنة الأمازيغية
من الغريب أن يخترع البربريست رفقة اسيادهم الفرنسيين خرافة الأمازيغية و اللغة الأمازيغية (التمازيغت أو اللهجة الزواوية المعدلة علمانيا) الفرنسية الصنع والتقويم الأمازيغي إنطلاقا من أكاذيب التي لا يصدقها حتى الأطفال الذين يشغلون عقولهم ، ثم يجعلونها من المسلمات. و من ناقش اكاذيبهم فهو خائن عندهم و من واجه أكاذيبهم عنفوه و مارسوا معه كل أصناف العنصرية الباربارية (المتوارثة ربما من الشعب الكبايل التراقي من بلغاريا او من الشعب السيكثي القوقازي).
لم يكن للبربر تقويم اسمه التقويم امازيغي و لا حتى البربري و لا السنة الأمازيغية و لا حتى السنة البربرية.
إستند البربريست (المتمزغون) في بناء خرافتهم و ترويج لها ( ما يسمى التقويم الأمازيغي الأكذوبة ) على عدة حقائق ممزوجة مع أكاذيب و خرافات :
أولا السنة الفلاحية التي تتستر على فضيحة انعدام التقويم البربري :
اعتمد البربر بعد الإحتلال الروماني على التقويم اليولياني في المناطق الريفية (يحتفل بعض العرب والبربر بنهاية العام الفلاحي الى يومنا هذا) ثم على التقويم الغريغوري المتحول من التقويم اليولياني (السنة الأعجمية) في المدن بينما التقويم اليولياني استمر عند الفلاحين.
العجم غير البربر في العرف والاستعمال.
البربر تسمية لمزيج من اثنيات مختلفة أغلبها هاجرت من فلسطين و من اليمن و من آسيا و قلة من إفريقيا بما فيهم أحفاد
الإريتريون (فيهم حميريون) و أفارقة الغرب الإفريقي الذين هاجروا إلى الصحراء الكبرى كما قلت سابقاً ( عدد البربر من جذور عربية يتجاوز ⅔ ).
كان على البربر أن يسموا أنفسهم الأمازيج.
من المعروف أن التقويمات القديمة السائدة هي التقويم الفارسي ، عربية (اشورية ، كنعانية ، ..) المصري و عدة تقويمات اغريقية (أش��رها التقويم الأثيني الذي أسس في أتكا و تبعته أثينا عاصمة اليونان (ساهم العرب الحميريون في إنجازه ) و هي و التقويم المصري من مصادر التقويم الروماني.
أخذ الرومان الذين تبعوا بداية التقويمات الإغريقية التقويم المصري الشمسي والقمري و عدلوه ليسمى التقويم اليولياني الذي لم يكن دقيقا.
اتبع الرومان في البداية تقويما يوناني الأصل ، فيه 10 أشهر و كان ذو مصداقية ضعيفة.
جاء غريغور رئيس كنيسة روما و حذف 10 أيام من التقويم اليولياني و قدم بالأيام من 4 الى 15 أكتوبر.
و أول اشهر التقويم الميلادي:
يناير ، إله البدايات و النهايات عند الرومان و عند الإغريق.
فبراير ، تعني التطهير مع ممارسة طقوس وثنية.
مارس إله الحرب الروماني.
أبريل تعني الربيع.
مايو أو مايا اسم إله الرومان المؤنث ام الإله عطارد.
يونيو من جونيوس و كان عيد الشباب الروماني.
يوليو نسبة ليوليوس القيصر.
أغسطس نسبة للامبراطور أغسطس.
سبتمر سبعة ، اكتوبر ثمانية ، نوفمبر تسعة ، ديسمبر عشرة.
كما ذكرت سابقا ان سكان شمال إفريقيا ( الإرتيريون_الحميريون ، الكنعانيون ، القيداريون ، السبئيون ، الفرس ، الميديون ،..) من الشعوب المهاجرة من القرن الافريقي و من اليمن و من فلسطين و من فارس و من أوروبا ، ... كما سكن الإغريق ( فيهم عرب حمير) في ليبيا و في غيرها.
لم يذكر التاريخ تحديداً التقويم الذي صنعه سكان المنطقة (و خصوصاً التقويم الخرافة الأمازيغي).
ما هو تقويم النوميديين قبل الإحتلال الروماني ؟!
قبل الإحتلال الروماني كان النوميديون ( مواطنون من الدرجة الأولى مثل البونيين في تعاملهم مع قرطاجة وكانوا مستقلين عنها و لكن كانوا مرتبطين بها ثقافيا ، علميا ، عسكرياً ، إجتماعيا و اكاديميا و فيهم من الكنعانيين ) يتبعون التقويم البوني الذي بدأ قبل 700 سنة ق.م أي منذ تأسيس قرطاجة.
كما كان للكنعانيين (أسلاف المفنقين) تقويمات قديمة ومنها التقويم الفلاحي الكنعاني.
عاش الكنعانيون في ممالك و في اقطاعات كثيرة بفلسطين و كذلك أحفادهم المفنقين بلبنان و سوريا.
بعد الاحتلال الروماني للمغرب البوني الكنعاني ، بفضل خيانة ماسينيسا (النوميديون ماعدا القلة من حصلوا على المواطنة الرومانية فهم مواطنون من درجة الخدم عند روما التي تعتبرهم همجا نكاية في قرطاجة Barbari ) إتبع النوميديون التقويم اليولياني المصري الأصل في حكم يوليوس القيصر كما تأثروا بالعيد الفلاحي الروماني الوثني و ربطوا بينه و بين خرافاتهم.
كان الرومان يحتفلون بإله يانوس كل 1 يناير (بداية نهاية السنة الرومانية)
جانوس إله من الصف الأول و يعتبر عند الرومان مع الآلهة جوبيتر ، مارس ؛ الإله الأب ( اسقطه الكهنة المدلسون زورا و بهتانا على رب المسيح ﷺ و هو الله تعالى في الديانة النصرانية على يد الكنيسة الكاثوليكية [ كانت تقدس جانوس ، جوبيتر ، سيبال kubileya وآتيس ابن الإله] الموجودة قبل ميلاد المسيح ﷺ بأكثر من 150 سنة).
الذين يحتفلون بأول يناير بداية كل سنة ميلادية فهؤلاء يحتفلون بالإله جانوس.
لم يكن شهر يناير معروفا عند الرومان قبل 700 ما قبل الميلاد.
قام الملك الروماني Numa Pompilius بإدراج شهري جانفي و فيفري في التقويم الروماني سنة 713 ق.م ( التقويم نوما Numa ) يعني بعد احتفال البربر المزعوم بنصر شيشنق بشهر يناير !
يناير لم يكون موجوداً في التقويمات المصرية و الرومانية عند تملك شيشنق.
كان مارس أول اشهر السنة و لكن أصبح يناير هو أول أشهر السنة ربما زمن نوما أو سنة 450 ق م عهد مجلس الحكم الاستثنائي أو الحكومة القنصلية Decemviri legibus scribundis consulari imperio
و السؤال المطروح ، لما اختار المتمزغون شهر يناير المقدس عند روما و عند أولادها مثل فرنسا ؟!
كان مواطنو و كهنة الروم في كل 1 يناير (عيد ديني Étrennes المرتبط بالاله المؤنث Strenia) يقدمون القرابين و يأكلون التين و حتى التمر والعسل و يتهادون ويقدمون التمنيات بالعام الجديد للإله جانوس و لبعضهم البعض تبركا بجانوس رب الحرب والسلام!
قولة عام سعيد Bonne année أو happy new year التي كانت تذكر تبركا بالإله جانوس الوثنية متوارثة الى يومنا هذا و يستخدمها المسلمون جهلا بكثرة.
كما كان للرومان اعياد دينية كثيره منها ما يسمى :
العيد الفلاحي هو عيد وثني روماني Compitalia كان يقام في نهاية كل سنة فلاحية يحتفل به من 11 الى 15 يناير.
كما كان يقام أثناء العيد الفلاحي الروماني عيدا وثنيا اخر من 11 الى 15 يناير Carmentalia و خلال هذه الأيام تقدم الأدعية للإله المؤنث Carmenta ليعرفوا المستقبل و هذا العيد يخص النساء خاصة.
خلاصة المبحث الأول :
- لم يكن هناك تقويم رسمي للبربر قبل الإستيطان الفينيقي.
و الأسباب كثيرة ، منها أن البربر شعوب كثيرة وفدت مهاجرة و كانت تعيش حياة بدائية (تجمعات قبلية) و لم تتحضر او تعرف التحضر الا بعد وفود الفينيقيين الذين ساهموا في تعليم و تكوين أهل المنطقة ، و أغلبهم من بني عمومتهم كما علموهم الصناعات العديدة و منها إنتاج زيت الزيتون ...
- لم يكن للبربر قبل الإستيطان الفينيقي دولة او أحداث رئيسيه و هامة تاريخيا ليبنوا عليها تقويهم كما فعل الفينيقيون بعد تشييد قرطاجة.
- كانت البربر قبائل متفرقة و متناحرة و ليس لهم ولاء الا لمصلحة قبيلتهم أو لمصالحهم الشخصية.
- كان الرومان يستخدم قبائل بربرية ضد قبائل بربرية أخرى و من الأمثلة عن خيانة البربر : ماسينيسا الخائن وقبيلة مازيس العميلة و غيرها...
- لم يعرف عن البربر بعد هزيمة الفينيقيين و بعد الإحتلال الروماني لشمال إفريقيا الا اتباعهم للتقويم الفلاحي الروماني الأصل ذو الجذور الشركية.
يعتقد Jean Servier أن التقويم البربري ليس مشتقًا من التقويم اليولياني و إنما اشتق من التقويم القبطي المشتق من التقويم المصري.
- اعتقد البربر أن عنزة (مجرد حيوان لا عقل لها) أغضبت جانوس رب الرومان فأرسل جانوس (إله الرومان ينتقم من عنزة لا عقل لها) الرياح و العواصف و البرد فقتل العنزة.
و إلى يومنا هذا يستحضر بعض البربر يوم سلف المعزة ويعتبرون يومها يوم حيطة وحذر، ويفضل عدم الخروج للرعي 12 يوما مخافة عاصفة شديدة.
كما يلبسون (بعضهم) جلود الماعز و يتذللون (يتمسحون على الأرض) ويطلبون العفو من ربهم جانوس ليرضى عنهم ، و يهبهم محاصيل زراعية جيدة و ينجيهم من العواصف.
الإحتفال بعيد الفلاحين الشركي ( و لا أقصد الاحتفالات العربية و البربرية بالمحاصيل الزراعية الخالية من الشرك) ضمن 12 أو 13 يناير هي محاولة إعادة البربر الى الجاهلية و الشرك و التفرق مع تحقيق التبعية للغرب ثقافيا ، دينيا و لغويا (فرنسا وريثة روما).
ثانياً : ابتداع الحدث التاريخي ليبنى عليه التقويم الأمازيغي المزعوم
زعم البربريست أنه كان للبربر قائدا يدعى شيشنق (ادعوا أنه ولد بولاية أم البواقي ، الجزائر) ، قام بتوحيد البربر ثم أعلن الحرب على المصريين ، هزم رمسيس 2 سنة 950 ق.م ثم احتل مع جيشه مصر و اعلن نفسه ملكا على مصر (يعني أعلن رسميا عن تبعية كل بلاد البربر لمصر [غباء البربريست] لأن مصر كدولة حكمتها أسرة القائد كأسرة ملكية مصرية لأكثر من 200 عام بقوانين و مواثيق مصرية مع الولاء التام لمصر).
لكن أي طفل إذا قرأ التاريخ سيضحك على هذا التأريخ المفضوح.
أولا شيشنق من حقبة 943–922 ق.م (شيشنق بن نمرود بن شيشنق بن باثوت بن نبنشي بن ماواساتا بن بويو واوا) لم يكن أمازيغيا
(الأمازيغ كمصطلح ظهر بعد 1970 ميلادية)
بل كان مصريا حقيقيا من أصول ليبية. أسرته من إهناسيا (بني سويف ، مصر).
قدم جده الخامس بويو واوا من الواحات الليبية ، من قبيلة التحنو التي سكنت قريبا من وادي النيل و هي بعيدة جدا عن الجزائر و عن أم البواقي.
كان هناك تقارب ثقافي و اجتماعي كبير بين التحنو والمصريين قبل تولي شيشنق الملك.
ذكر الألماني هولشر أن قبائل التحنو كانت تعيش في دلتا النيل ثم طردهم مـن هــذا الإقــليم الخصيب ملــوك منطقــة الوجه البحري، عندما تم توحيده مع منطقة الوجه القبلي.
يعتقد البعض أن التحنو تحولت الى قبيلة الليبو (الريبو).
شاركت الليبو في حروب ضد رمسيس 3 (1186–1155 ق.م) و ضد الملك مرنبتاح (المتوفي في 1202 ق.م) ابن رمسيس 2 (1303 إلى 1213 ق.م) حفيد رمسيس الأول المتوفي في حوالي 1292 ق.م
مصر مثل الفينيقيين و الرومان متعددة الشعوب و من المعلوم أن جل فراعنة مصر ليسوا مصريين أصلا بمفهوم الإنتماء للأرض عند ظهور المصريين.
من الوثائق عن الصراع المصري الليبي :
- رسومات معبد الكرنك: تعود إلى عهد الملك سيتى الأول ابن رمسيس 1 : تشير إلى هجمات خطيرة قامت بها قبائل التحنو.
قد تم الإشارة إلى مثل هذه الهجمات أيضاً في عهد رعميس 2 من خلال نقشين عثر على أحدهما في معبد بيت الوالي والآخر في معبد أبى سمبل والنقشان يتحدثان عن ... هجمات قبائل التحنو لقد شكك بعض الباحثين في حقيقة هذه الهجمات الخطيرة التي قامت بها قبائل التحنو، وصدها من قبل ملوك سكان منطقة وادي النيل.
- نقوش مسلات رعمسيس 2  في مدينة تانيس: تشير النقوش إلى استعانة الملك بوحدات عسكرية ليبية تم ضمها للجيش المصري.
- نقوش معبد الكرنك وعمود القاهرة ولوحة اتريب وأنشودة النصر: تتحدث جميعها عن انتصار الملك مرنبتاح على التحالف الذي ضم كل من الليبو والقهق والمشوش مع شعوب البحر التي تتمثل في خمسة أقوام وهم الأقاواشا و التورشا و الشردان و اللوكا والشكلش. توجه هؤلاء جميعا نحو الدلتا لاحتلالها لغرض الاستقرار بها وكان يقودهم في هذا الهجوم زعيم قبيلة الليبو مرى بن أدد.
في عهد الأسرة 20  في عهد الملك رمسيس 6 (1145-1137 ق.م) كانت هناك تحركات عسكرية دائمة للمشواش ، لكن الملك انتصر عليهم ثم طردهم.
- بردية هاريس الكبرى يصل طولها أكثر من أربعين متر وعرضها حوالي 42 سنتمتر، تتحدث عن هجوم قبائل الليبو على منطقة الدلتا و السبب في هذا الهجوم أن الفرعون أراد أن يفرض على الليبيين ملكا منهم رباه في قصره ولكن الليبيين رفضوا.
نقوش ولوحات معبد رمسيس 3 الجنائزي بمدينة هابوالواقعة في طيبة الغربية: تتحدث عن هجوم قامت به قبيلة المشوش ضد منطقة وادي النيل وقاد هذا الهجوم زعيم المشوش كبر وابنه مششر.
يرى الباحثون أن المشواش هو اسم مصري لقبائل ليبية وفيها التحنو ، سكنت غرب النيل.
كان المشواش يسكنون الساحل الليبي.
يعتقد الباحثون أن المشواش من المكسيس.
المازيكس أو المكسيس من طروادة. الطرواديون من حمير العرب سكنوا غرب الأناضول.
اتضح من كل هذا أن القبائل الليبية التحنو ، المشواش وغيرها فشلت عسكريا في نزاعها مع الحكومة المصرية.
خلال حكم الأسرة 20 اندمج الكثير من المشوش والليبيين في الجيش المصري.
كان ملوك مصر يقدمون لهم اقطاعات و اراضي . فظهرت اسر ليبية عسكرية شديدة الثراء و كان نفوذها عظيم.
بل وصل بعضهم إلى قيادة كل الجيش المصري و منهم شيشنق الأول المصري الليبي الأصل.
كما كان هناك أمراء مصريون من اصل ليبي (المشواش) حكموا مناطق في مصر باسم الفرعون.
يذكر المؤرخون أن ماواساتا ابن بويو واوا صار كاهنا لمعبد اهناسيا ، ثم ابنه نبنشي ثم خلفه ابنه باثوت، ثم ابنه شيشنق، ورث عن أجداده وظيفة الكاهن، وصار بعد ذلك الكاهن الأعظم وقائد حامية إهناسيا. تزوج من محنتو سخت ابنة زعيم قبيلة مي (المشواش) ، وأنجب منها نمرود، الذي تزوج من الأميرة تنتس بح، أنجب منها شيشنق ( تزوج من ابنة الفرعون بسوسنس ) الذي ورث منصب الكاهن الأعظم و كان قائدا عاما لجيش الفرعون كما كان يلعب دورا هاما في البلاط الملكي ، ثم أصبح فرعون مصر ومؤسس الأسرة 22 عام 950 ق.م عن طريق الشرعية و ليس بالغصب أو بإكراه بعد الوفاة الطبيعية لآخر فرعون الأسرة 21 بسوسنس 2 (سماه الإغريق و فيهم الحميريون سوساكوس) ، بعد أن اندمج في المجتمع المصري وعاشت أسرته فيها لمدة خمسة أجيال، وبعد أن استقر جده 4 ماواساتا بمدينة أهناسيا.
كما عين ابنه أوبوت كاهنا أعظم في طيبة ليضمن السيطرة على السلطة الدينية الموحدة.
زمن ملوك داود ﷺ و ملك سليمان ﷺ كانت فلسطين قوية جدا و لم يتجرأ ملوك مصر على اقتحامها. كان شيشنق يسالم فلسطين في الظاهر و يحرض أمراء بن إسرائيل الطامعين في ملك سليمان ﷺ في السر.
بعد وفاة النبي سليمان ﷺ و دخول الأمراء في صراع على الملك ، دخل شيشنق فلسطين و هاجم اورشليم (القدس) و نهب كنوزها.
أخضع اكثر من 165 مدينة فلسطينية و أردنية لحكمه.
خلاصة المبحث الثاني :
- شيشنق لم يكن من الأمازيغ أو حتى من البربر بمفهومه الدقيق الحديث و حتى القديم بل كان مصريا أصيلا من إحدى القبائل الليبية التي عمرت في مصر المشواش ذات الأصول الدخيلة على ليبيا مثل باقي البربر.
بل قبيلته مزيج من أفارقة الصحراء الكبرى و من سكان قدموا عبر البحر الأبيض المتوسط و من المحتمل انه من المكسيس الطروادية ذات الجذور العربية الحميرية.
يعني أن شيشنق في النهاية عربي الجذور و هو ليس من القبايل (الزواوة) و لا علاقة له بقبائل الهوارة ، زناته ، ... المشكلة للشاوية اليوم ، رغما محاولة الزواف الربط بين المكسيس و المزيس الامونية و الكنعانية الأصل.
- وصل شيشنق الى الحكم و كان الأحق به. لقد جمع السلطات الثلاثة العسكرية ، الدينية و المدنية و كان متزوجا من ابنة الفرعون ، لهذا نجح في إقناع رجال الدين و البلاط ليكون ملكا جديداً لمصر.
- لم يذهب شيشنق الى الجزائر البعيدة جدا بمقاييس ذلك الزمان و لم يولد بها و لم يكن قائدا لبربرها و لم يذكر التاريخ عن جيش بربري انطلق من الجزائر و قطع الصحراء الليبية الواسعة و المتوحشة ليحارب المصريين.
- مصر ، البربر ، الفينيقيون و الرومان ومثل أمريكا اليوم و دول الإسلام أممم متعددة الشعوب و من المعلوم أن جل فراعنة مصر ليسوا مصريين أصلا بالمفهوم العرقي
- كانت هناك وقائع حربية بين مصر و قبائل ليبية قبل مولد شيشنق و كان الانتصار من نصيب المصريين.
- لم يلتقي شيشنق (943–922 ق.م) برمسيس 1 ( المتوفي خلال 1292 ق.م تقريباً) من الأسرة 19 و لا برمسيس 2 (1303 إلى 1213 ق.م) و لا برمسيس 3 (1186–1155 ق.م الأسرة 20) و لا برمسيس 4 (1155-1149 ق.م ابن الثالث) و لا رمسيس 5 (1149–1145 ق.م ابن الرابع) و لا رمسيس 6 ( أخ رمسيس 3 و عم رمسيس 4 المتوفي في 1136 ق.م و لا برمسيس 7 (1136–1129 ق.م ابن السادس) و لا برمسيس 8 ( 1130 ق.م - 1129 ق.م اخر أبناء رمسيس 3) و لا رمسيس 9 المتوفي في 1107 ق.م و لا برمسيس 10 (1111 ق.م. - 1107 ق.م ابن التاسع) و لا برمسيس 11 ابن العاشر المتوفي في 1069 ( حكم بعده القائد سمندس صاحب الأسرة 21).
السؤال يبقى مطروحا :
لما اتخذ البربريست بفرنسا من تاريخ و حادثة تولي شيشنق المصري الحكم في مصر ؟!
هل السبب أنه من أصل ليبي ؟!
لماذا لم يتخذ اجداد السوريين أو اجداد التونسيين من وصول كراكالا الفينيقي_الغربي (البونيقي) الأصل إلى الحكم في روما تقويما سوريا أو تونيسيا جديداً ؟!
لماذا لم يتخذ الليبيون من الإمبراطور الروماني سيبتيموس سيفيروس البونيقي الليبي الأصل تقويما ليبيا أو بربريا ؟!
الإجابة واضحة !!!
اختاروا شخصية تاريخية (من تاريخ معقد و مشوش) بعيدة من قبيلة عاشت الحرب و السلم مع مصر و اعتقدوا أن الجزائريين لا يقرؤون و لا يكتشفون الحقيقة.
و رغما هذا يدافع هؤلاء البربريست ( الذين تدربوا على الكذب) عن التقويم حتى لو كذبهم الكل لأن غايتهم الأساسية تدمير كل حقيقة تثبت الجذور العربية لشعوب البربر و تدمير الإسلام ثم إعلاء لغة و دين و علم فرنسا بالتزوير و زرع الشك !
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La Strenna per l’anno che verrà. Ovvero quando l’augurio è impresso in un libro
Tra i più bei doni che si possono fare a Natale, si sa, ci sono i libri. Di narrativa, fotografia, storia, qualunque genere voi scegliate, il libro che regalerete sarà un dono apprezzato da chi lo riceverà. Lo sanno bene le case editrici che da più di due secoli allestiscono per Natale strenne editoriali dalle vesti eleganti per farne dono agli estimatori più affezionati. Ma cosa sono le strenne? E da dove prendono il nome? L’origine delle strenne è antichissima e risale addirittura a un uso in voga ai tempi della Roma imperiale.  Infatti il 1° gennaio, giorno dedicato a Ianus, il dio bifronte che con un volto guarda indietro e con l’altro guarda avanti, i Romani erano soliti porgere gli auguri per il nuovo anno regalando vasi che contenevano miele, datteri o fichi e che erano avvolti da ramoscelli di alloro. Questi rametti venivano staccati da un boschetto sulla via sacra consacrato a Strenia, una dea di origine sabina apportatrice di fortuna e felicità, motivo per cui questi rametti di alloro venivano chiamati strenae   (A. Cattabiani, Calendario. Le feste, i miti, le leggende e i riti dell’anno, Milano, Rusconi, 1988). Col tempo, il termine strenna passò a indicare più genericamente il dono in sé e, quindi, a essere utilizzato per le preziose edizioni a tiratura limitata realizzate per Natale. 
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Ricordo d'amicizia. Dono pel capo d'anno e pei giorni onomastici, Milano, C. Canadelli, [1846?]; E. De Marchi, Le quattro stagioni. Strenna a beneficio dei Rachitici, Milano, Cooperativa Editrice Italiana, 1892
La strenna editoriale quale la conosciamo noi di fatto nacque tra la fine del XVIII e l’inizio del XIX secolo in Inghilterra, dove per augurare un nuovo anno propizio si diffusero due particolari forme di pubblicazioni. Da una parte vi erano i calendari lunari, ovvero gli almanacchi di taglio e destinazione popolare, contenenti pronostici meteorologici, brevi racconti, consigli di economia domestica e proverbi destinati a scandire il tempo di contadini, artigiani e piccoli commercianti; dall’altra le raffinate strenne editoriali destinate alla classe borghese, o keepsake (pegno d’amore, dono propiziatorio per l’anno nuovo), curate in ogni minimo dettaglio, dalla rilegatura ai capilettera.
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Keepsake français. Souvenir de littérature contemporaine, Paris, Louis Janet, [18..?!
Sul modello inglese, nel 1830 viene pubblicato a Parigi il primo “Keepsake français ou souvenir de Littérature contemporaine” con alcuni brani dei più grandi autori della letteratura del tempo introdotti da La maison d’Aspen, la tragedia di Sir Walter Scott tradotta dall’inglese. Tra gli altri vi segnaliamo la breve biografia di Michelangelo Buonarroti scritta e firmata dal “nostro” Monsieur De Stendhal.
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Non ti scordar di me. Strenna pel capo d'anno ovvero pei giorni onomastici, compilata per cura di A. C. Pubblicata a Milano da Vallardi dal 1831 al 1847. N. 1
La prima strenna italiana, invece, venne stampata due anni più tardi a Milano per i tipi di Vallardi. Il titolo, Non ti scordar di me, rimandava al fiore che per antonomasia è il simbolo del ricordo e del pensiero affettuoso. Il prezioso volumetto di 216 pagine si ispirava nella struttura e nell’intento alle étrennes francesi e ai Keepsakes inglesi e, come si affermò nell’introduzione, raccoglieva “molte scritturine siano in prosa, siano in versi, di svariatissimo genere, nuove e prodotte da quante, fra le colte penne che sono ‘Decoro e mente al bello italo regno’, si vorranno pur degnare di offrir un dono, lieve per esse, ma prezioso per la parte più venusta e gentile della società, a cui sarà destinato… La veste, per così dire, festiva, le incisioni analoghe ai componimenti, e caldamente raccomandate al bulino di buoni artisti, e la nitida stampa concorreranno a rendere cotali Strenne graditi presenti fra persone che s’amano”.
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“Strenna italiana per l'anno ...” Milano, Paolo Ripamonti Carpano, 1834-1894; “Strenna femminile Italiana per l'anno...”,  Milano, presso Paolo Ripamonti Carpano, 1837-1839
Da allora, nel giro di pochi anni fiorirono centinaia di strenne editoriali che assunsero sempre più l’aspetto di miscellanee di testi, talvolta giustapposti in modo quasi casuale. Facevano eccezione tuttavia la “Strenna Italiana”, che mantenne sempre una certa raffinatezza anche nella scelta degli autori, e la “Strenna femminile italiana”, composta e illustrata da donne colte e appartenenti a illustri famiglie del tempo che affrontavano anche tematiche sociali e politiche. (Notti di dicembre. Racconti di Natale, a cura di G. Padovani e R. Verdirame, Palemo, Sellerio, 2001)
Era in atto dunque un cambiamento nello stile e nei temi delle strenne: dal libro inteso come oggetto piacevole da sfogliare ed esibire, si stava passando al libro pensato per far riflettere e trasmettere degli insegnamenti. Le stesse novelle prendevano spunto da argomenti commoventi e talvolta patetici che  denunciavano tematiche sociali attuali, come l’oppressione di classe, e allo stesso tempo ponevano l’accento sui buoni sentimenti, sull’importanza della famiglia e la speranza di un risarcimento di un’ingiustizia subita. Questi temi diventarono il fil rouge del tipico racconto di Natale, costruito sempre più intorno a motivi legati all’infanzia, spesso turbolenta o addirittura negata (si pensi al modello di Dickens o alle fiabe dei fratelli Grimm e di Andersen), incentrato su protagonisti bambini e rivolto soprattutto a loro.
Ma questa è un’altra storia e ve la racconteremo la prossima volta.
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A. Vertua Gentile, Il Natale dei Fanciulli, Milano 1895; G. Fattori, I racconti della notte di Natale, Roma, 1909 (frontespizio e illustrazione)
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ofgraveconcern · 4 years
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Befana Country: Italy 🇮🇹 When: Night of January 5 In Italian folklore, the Witch Befana visits children on the eve of the Feast of Epiphany (January 5th), giving candy 🍭 and fruit 🍎 if the children have been good, or black candy, coal, garlic and onions if they have been bad. In the households she visits, she is said to sweep the floor with her broom 🧹 sweeping away the problems of that year in order to prepare for a new one. A mythic continuation of the Sabine/Roman goddess Strenia, Befana’s myth is said to have begun with two similarity matched origins. 📖 Story One: Seeing the star that was announcing the imminent birth of Jesus, the Three Kings, or Wise men, passed through Befana’s village asking for directions. Staying with her as she was said to provide the best kept house, they invited her to join them, whereupon she declined stating that the business of sweeping her home took up most of her time. Later she changed her mind and tried to seek out the Wise Men, but could not find them; and to this day she searches for the baby Jesus, handing out gifts to all children. 📖 Story Two: Having lost her own child around the time of Jesus’ birth, Befana is wracked with grief and sets out to see the baby Jesus, thinking in her maddened state that the child is hers. Upon reaching the infant Jesus and giving him gifts, in return she is given the gift of being the mother to all children in Italy. The illustration is my own interpretation. #christmasfolklore #yule #yuletide #folklore #winterfolklore #mythology #folkloreart #mythologyart #yuleart #yuleartwork #illustration #darkillustration #weirdhistory #strangehistory #darkhistory #mythicalart #mythicalartwork #christmashistory #christmasstories #italianchristmas #befana #witchythings #witchchristmas #paganchristmas #christmashistory #historyofchristmas https://www.instagram.com/p/CI8lkp0HQfX/?igshid=1p0yl6cluluum
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quase-bruxa · 7 years
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Celebração do Dia 31 DE DEZEMBRO No Brasil, celebra-se neste dia o Orixá Yemanjá, a Deusa Mãe ioruba da água salgada. Yemanjá ou Ymojá é uma das maiores deusas africanas. Em sua pátria, ela era a deusa ioruba regente do Rio Ogum, filha do mar, para cujo seio ela fluía. Era também a Mama Watta, a Mãe d’Água, que deu origem a todas as águas e gerou inúmeras divindades. Mesmo dormindo, ela criava, incessantemente, novas fontes de água. Era representada como uma mulher madura, com seios volumosos, longos cabelos negros, cercada de conchas e peixes, já que seu verdadeiro nome – Yéyè Omo Ejá – significa “Mãe cujos filhos são peixes”. Os vários nomes a ela atribuídos, na verdade, representam os sete caminhos pelos quais chega-se ao local de sua origem: mar, lagoa, rio, fonte, espuma, ondas e arrecifes. Seu culto atravessou o Atlântico, difundindo-se nas religiões afro-brasileiras, na santeria de Cuba e no vodu do Haiti. Ela foi sincretizada à Virgem Maria, adotando vários de seus nomes conforme o local do culto. Sintonize-se com a intensa egrégora criada pelos adeptos de Yemanjá. Vista roupas brancas e leve uma oferenda para perto da água do mar, rio ou lagoa. Podem ser flores, colares, pulseiras, moedas, perfume, pentes, sabonetes, espelho ou champagne. Agradeça a Yemanjá a proteção e peça-lhe um Ano Novo com muita luz, paz, saúde e amor, saudando-o na forma tradicional “Odó Iyá”! Festa de Strenia, a deusa da terra e da abundância na Sicília, celebrando os dons de Pandora. Dança do Fogo em Samoa para a deusa do fogo vulcânico Pele. Comemoração das Três Nornes, na Escandinávia, as deusas do destino. Noite dos Desejos, no México e Dia de Sorte, no Egito, celebrando a deusa com cara de leão Sekhmet. Festa da Fada Dourada, no País de Gales. Antiga celebração, na França, da deusa da abundância Abonde, equivalente da romana Abundita, da celta Habonde ou Habondia. Seu culto sobreviveu na Europa até a Idade Média, reverenciada, especialmente, pelas bruxas e pelos magos. Expulsão dos demônios do azar e chamada dos espíritos da sorte, no Japão. As pessoas, vestidas com máscaras grotescas e roupas de palha, andavam pelas ruas, fazendo muito barulho e coletando de cada casa dinheiro, bolos de arroz e saquê. Cerimônia Hogmanay, para o deus solar Hogmagog, na Escócia, afastando os maus espíritos usando máscaras e fazendo barulho. *informações extraídas do livro “ O Anuário da Grande Mãe”, de Mirella Faur.
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margiehasson · 5 years
Ma perché a Natale ci si scambiano i regali?
Lo facciamo ogni Natale, praticamente da sempre. Ma vi siete mai chiesti perché il 25 dicembre ci si scambiano i regali? Ebbene, sembra che a generare l’usanza dei regali di Natale sia stato il re dei Sabini, Tito Tazio. Fu lui a chiedere in dono ai suoi sudditi – nel periodo dei Saturnali, ovvero dal 17 al 23 dicembre – un rametto di alloro o di ulivo raccolto nel bosco sacro alla dea Strenia (da qui la parola strenna), simbolo del nuovo anno, di prosperità e buona fortuna. L’usanza divenne popolare e i rametti furono sostituiti con doni vari che gli adulti si scambiavano come simbolo di uguaglianza sociale. L’idea di impacchettarli con carta e fiocchi decorati e preziosi risale a tempi molto più recenti: prima di un secolo fa, infatti, il regalo non era associato all’idea di sorpresa.
L'articolo Ma perché a Natale ci si scambiano i regali? sembra essere il primo su Glamour.it.
Ma perché a Natale ci si scambiano i regali? published first on https://lenacharms.tumblr.com/
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emile00gaston-blog · 6 years
Deer And Deer Hunting - How To Be A Successful Deer Hunter Very Quickly
Many people would a little surprised to look at the mount of feed they have to buy to maintain bird feeder filled decrease drastically that they simply brought the feeder inside or covered it at night. Even homemade gravity deer feeders corn would be realized if some week moochers, like squirrels, will also excluded. There are various regarding feeding deer that have to addressed before setting out a feeder. First and foremost. Deer are beautiful creatures and search to be friendly, cuddly and friendly. This is very far from simple fact that of the difficulty. Deer can become aggressive, although rarely, for many people reasons when i advise a distance and do not approach them for any reason. If you find a wounded deer, or any wild or domestic animal, call your local wildlife control organization , nor approach it. Any wounded animal is potentially very critical. The people of Rome often used edible gifts as their stenae. These edibles were often sweet treats regarding example honey, figs and years. The strenia still endures in France as the principle word of etrennes, which usually a French word meaning "New Year's gifts." In lot of European countries the custom of giving small gifts on New Year's Day is still practiced, even though much belonging to the meaning been recently lost and plenty of of the gifts are not any longer hand woven or harvested. You always be among how to people don't have necessary skill level, or the time to build and install a water powered car system These days most drivers are very happy let their car be serviced with mechanic and get on when using the rest to their lives. All they want is comprehend their vehicle will these people from One place to another reliably, therefore that cheaply it could possibly. Easy - have a water for gas kit installed because of your mechanic. deer Chow is a manufactured, pelletized product with a mix of varied feed types and could have animal remnant by-products from slaughterhouses an alternative choice like. If http://cary98spencer.webgarden.at/kategorien/cary98spencer-s-blog/deer-hunter-reloaded-in-order-to by-products are not processed correctly they might have various diseases that can be introduced towards the deer population through a feeding physical exercise. Please do not use deer chows unless are generally positive considerable tested safe. When hunting season is over, or it gets too costly to feed the ever growing number of deer looking at your feeding station, the deer once again have to regulate their digestive systems as nature contains. But they start late, its colder and when they need the calories, as well as vitamins nutrients faster than their catching up "gut" give. deer feeding times alabama 2018 get thin, weak and deficient in as well as minerals deer feeding tips minerals. Easy prey for predators, easy targets for disease because their immune systems are lowered, and yes they die at heavier rates. Of your good thing- less deer.
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Hunting is such a challenge to me. People always assume they are dumb animals but as I've said before, we are in their enviromentally friendly. We learn their habits and watch for their signs. If you are really into sufficient sleep you'll be watching them year rounded. What is all boils down to is when there is a involving food, home made deer feeders these types of everywhere. Once the particular has opened their mouth, you can then need to inset your nipple towards the child's oral health. This is where new mothers get upset. The question usually is, what lengths? So, convey . your knowledge way to described ought to to to hold they get their mouth around your nipple almost really. Ever nipple size differs thus it is as much as the mother's best wisdom. The main thing is help to make it sure the nipple is totally in the baby's mouth without their nose being suffocated by the breast. Wish to ensure you they breathe freely.
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josef3tia-blog · 6 years
Is Your Log Home Energy Efficient Or Genuinely?
Watch the sauces and marinades! These delicious meal additives are flavorful, make the most of full of SUGAR. They are also sources of hidden allergens like soy, corn, and wheat - all of which I arrange to avoid. I will ask the wait staff with the ingredients and when I choose them with my order, I are "on the side". Why feed deer? In addition to the obvious reasons of some of our enjoyment, Doe Deer that receive good nutrition throughout winter will produce the healthiest fawns in late spring. Most Does carry two fawns and it takes a lot of energy develop them from a healthy means. Feeding deer throughout the year help hold them in your neighborhood which means they provides their babies in late spring. Believe https://www.podomatic.com/podcasts/feedthatgame , this can be a treat you will not deer feeding tips want to overlook. Watching a pair or associated with baby deer feeding and frolicking around your yard will warm your heart like hardly any other experiences. It is one of my most awaited wildlife moments within the whole year, I guarantee it turn out to be one of yours too. Some cross-country skiers opt for a more intimate experience - preferring to travel in packs of 2-3. But for those looking different new friends and perhaps ski with other families, Algonquin's Wildlife Ski Tour can be an excellent procedure. This March, join 'The Friends of Algonquin Park' along making use of park's wildlife centre like they host a ski event along the Leaf Ski Trail network. Visitors get a guided tour of the park's winter wildlife particularly in the thrilling excitement of group skiing.
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I got up early this Sunday morning, October 11th, and began my look out. I was at first a little taken aback by two particular things. The high regarding fellow hunters, and the relatively little deer form. Having previously hunted more remote areas, I started lower my expectations. You should commence having a very basic outline. Basically in large roman numbers. From there, go in and create sub-sections with capital letters for each one of the outline. Car the sub-sections, add in numbered lists for each of the letters. Therefore, you can in reality write comprehensive book in this fashion. I to help say this eight point was a pleasure to although I would have rather seen a doe home made deer feeders long ago. That's just how life is at time. Only were attempting to find bucks, I probably possess seen a doe. In you can find out more belonging to the woods, its spring as i write this, and everyone is starting to discover the outdoors (today was amazing). Another thing outdoors comes the related activities, for me its water skiing; and guess what precisely? I'll NEVER lose a pair of eye glasses in the river again, great was the actual procedure. best time to hunt deer moon phase 2017 of Rome often used edible gifts as their stenae. These edibles were often sweet treats pertaining to example honey, figs and occasions. The strenia still eats in France as the root word of etrennes, is actually a French word meaning "New Year's gifts." In a good many European countries the custom of giving small gifts on New Year's Day is still practiced, although much on the meaning has been lost and often those of the gifts are just like longer handmade or received.
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donfjp · 3 years
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#happynewyear2022 #happynewyear #light Aʀs ʟᴏɴɢᴀ, Vɪᴛᴀ ʙʀᴇᴠᴇ. #solinvictus #janus #sirius #strenia #orionbelt #moon #venus #capricorn traitor of #jesus #artofinstagram #sun #naiveart #naiveartist #instaart #artworksartist #naiveart #artistofinstagram #artistoninstagram #artist #instaartist #artistic #artistry #donfjp #jahwehelohim #adonai #6 (at Puerto Rico USA) https://www.instagram.com/p/CYMRd1GL7aa/?utm_medium=tumblr
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Prevent Disaster During Not Your Your First Camping Trip With These Tips
5) Inspect your wheels. Like tires, it's not smart to get thrifty whether or not this comes towards the brakes. Particular they is going to be top contour around get you thru the season. deer Chow is a manufactured, pelletized product which has a mix of various feed types and could have animal remnant by-products from slaughterhouses or the like. If these by-products are not processed correctly they might have various diseases that could be introduced into the deer population through a feeding action. Please do not use deer chows unless an individual positive usually are tested careful. B.T. necklaces are deer feeding tips extra fun help make than usually are very well to buy and create a great craft project for the sleep over party. My daughter and her friends spent one whole Saturday afternoon designing and making these unique little necklaces and then gave these phones all their friends the following Monday at school. They any blast both making them and providing them with away. The people of Rome often used edible gifts as their stenae. These edibles were often sweet treats such as honey, figs and date ranges. The strenia still thrives on in France as the fundamental word of etrennes, that is a French word meaning "New Year's gifts." In linked here of giving small gifts on New Year's Day is still practiced, even though much for the meaning recently been lost and several of the gifts are not any longer hand woven or collected. Gather your herbs in bundles and then secure them together a new rubber band or series. Rubber bands tend to be much better than bits of string because herbs will shrink slightly as they dry. However, if gravity barrel feeders for deer 'd rather use string, just be sure they don't slip out during dehydrating. read review , Oregon The river remains safe and secure by the Wild and Scenic Rivers Act leaving nearly untouched by development. It is a very vivid river with great rapids. Where a break off the office or civilization entirely is true are after this is the river which. However, diane puttman is hoping not completely wrong that rattling has nowhere. In fact, it is by far the most effective way home made deer feeders to attract attention on windy days or for calling long distances. Deer can hear the crack of antlers much farther than may hear a low-pitched grunt. It is better to commence Moose Hunting following an organized route with a good modus operandi and the services of a particular trained instructions. Book a hunting holiday in advance from kinds choices situated on the network.
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