#Stupid Capricorn
foursaints · 4 months
Let's start a blood feud, where our kin 2,000 years in the future will hate each other, but not know why.
every night i dream of someone who will virulently disagree with all of my headcanons but back it up with textual analysis. and together we can wildly misinterpret the source material at each other (angrily) and send long (angry) paragraphs with quotes cited and secondary sources… and somewhere along the way perhaps what we really find is…. each other….
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thedarkoneswithin · 2 years
The Zodiac signs reply to "I don't like you"
Aries: I don't like you either.
Taurus: Ok?????
Gemini: Awesome! I hate you too!
Cancer: I understand! I don't like my own personality.
Leo: Your in denial? That's cute.
Virgo: I never I said I like you to begin with, so... ok???
Libra: Why don't you like me? I'm the nicest person here!
Scorpio: Haha... Your a fool to think I would give a fuck about someone like you. Also, get in the bin brother- Your so ugly, mate!
Sagittarius: Your rude.
Capricorn: How does this affect me?
Aquarius: What?
Pisces: Oh, ok..haha...haha..haha ( depressed inside. )
if you like my content, don't forget to follow me!
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in-the-nighttime · 19 days
Any random facts about karl?
i might add more to this later but this is off the top of my head for now! i have yet to finish his biography so ill have more interesting bits to put in here in the future
- he initially impressed hitler when he was the first physician in the scene of a car accident involving hitler’s niece as well as his adjutant, he was eventually hired by hitler due to his efficiency and speed in emergencies as well as surgical skill
- by 1934 he was already a part of the inner circle and living at the berghof
- at the very end of the war, hitler learned brandt had moved his wife and son towards allied lines. for this, he was charged with treason after a court-marshal, and sentenced to death, but only survived after himmler’s intervention, who was influenced to act by speer.
- although known mainly for the T4 program and complacency in human experimentation, brandt specialized in injuries of the head and spine. he was recorded to have been indifferent on human experimentation, while many SS doctors were enthusiastic about using inhumane methods
- before his hanging, he was offered poison instead, in order to have a less humiliating death, but he would rather have been hung than kill himself. he also volunteered to have his body used in a medical experiment that would ultimately end in his death, but this was denied by the court. this part is more well known but when he was being hung, he continued to speak past the last words that were allotted to him, and was hung while still speaking
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pythiaswine · 1 year
i LOVE when older ppl think my lack of interest in the opposite sex is because i'm just so focused on college and my career. john laurens who?
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c4p7ch4 · 2 years
One-shot: Basta (Inkheart) x OC (Zera)
I've got no excuse for this except I was bored
Warnings: english is not my first language, also: might be out of character, it's late and I can't think straight; also also: fluff and vulnerability (that shit hurts)
"I feel terrible"
"Well, you look terrible, too." Zera said jokingly to Basta, who had just woken up from his feverish slumber. But Basta was in no mood to joke around.
He caught a cold two weeks ago that got pretty bad due to his poor immune system, and he's been bedridden for five days now. The symptoms slowly subsided, but since Basta hardly slept the entire time he was sick, he was incredibly exhausted.
Especially the last two days he could hardly rest, his thoughts were constantly circling around that night and he was unimaginably nervous whenever Zera was around. Neither of them spoke about the kiss, Zera didn't know that Basta was wide awake when she fulfilled his birthday wish and Basta didn't dare to bring it up.
"Come on, stop whinig around and sit up. Breakfast's ready." Zera said and put down a tray with bread and eggs on Basta's lap. When Zera left for the kitchen and came back with a cup of hot coffee, he still hadn't touched any of the food.
"Why aren't you eating?" asked Zera, confused. Basta didn't look up as he mumbled: "I'm not hungry." even though his stomach was gurgling with emptiness, as if it wanted to digest itself.
He didn't feel like eating. He felt awful, not only because he was hungry and tired and sore from lying around in bed so much without getting any rest, but also because he felt dirty. He couldn't remember the last time he had taken a proper bath and he hasn't been able to shave in the last few days, so his face was covered in stubble. He felt disgusting. And ashamed, especially because Zera had to see him like this.
"Of course you're hungry, you've barely eaten anything in two days. Your body's just sending you mixed signals because you're exhausted. I could fetch you something else, if you don't feel like eggs-"
"I said I'm not hungry!" Basta snapped at her and threw the tray off his lap, sending the plate of food flying onto the floor. He regretted his outburst immidiately and finally looked up to meet Zeras eyes, expecting an anxious or maybe even furious expression on her face. But instead, she looked neutral, almost indifferent. She looked Basta straight in the eyes and stared at him, he felt more and more uneasy until he realized that she was contemplating.
After what felt like an eternity, she said, "You should shave. And you should go outside, you didn't have any fresh air since you got here.". Then she took the chair which was standing next to Basta's bed and left for the bathroom. Basta heard her rummaging around at the sink but didn't know what to do, so he just stayed seated on his bed, staring at the mess he created, cursing at himself. He clawed at the blanket beneath him, he wanted to kick himself, angry as he was. His rising fury fizzled out when Zera stepped out of the bathroom, standing in front of Basta, startling him.
"'Think you can walk?"
Basta nodded puzzled and got up without asking any questions. Zera led him to the bathroom and gestured him to sit down at the chair she put in front of the sink. Basta couldn't surpress the brief look of shock when he saw himself in the mirror. He really did look terrible.
"You know, it could be worse," Zera started when she caught Basta's look, "you could look like Cockerell."
Basta huffed at that, but he had to smile at the joke. Then he went solemn again "You're just saying that to make me feel better."
Zera turned away to get the materials she prepared. "No I'm not. I'm not that nice."
She came back with a make-shift shaving set. There wasn't any shaving cream, but she managed to mix something up out of the soap she had at hand. She put a towel over Bastas' shoulders, startling him with the sudden movement, and placed the shaving set on the sink. Basta hadn't yet processed what was happening when Zera came to stand between his legs, leaning against the sink, soap in one hand, Bastas' chin in the other, spreading the soap on his face.
His face felt rough beneath her fingers, but it wasn't unpleasant. In fact, she almost enjoyed tracing the sharp edges of his face. The enjoyment faded when she noticed Bastas wide eyed look, like a deer staring at the headlights of a car, not knowing wether they meant danger or not. There was something else to his gaze she couldn't name. She stopped her movements and stepped aside to make room for Basta to shave himself.
He took the blade with a shaking hand. At first she thought he was shaking out of nervousness, then she realized it was probably because of his weak condition. She stopped his hand and took the knife from him before it touched his cheek.
"Wait, let me do it." she said, shaking her head.
But Basta recoiled from the knife, first anxious, then furious.
"The hell you are doing! You really think I'd let you get that close to my neck with a knife?" he shouted at her, standing up to make himself bigger. He couldn't let her realize how weak he really was. Unfortunately, Zera wasn't intimidated by Basta, especially not when he looked like a rabid dog, with all the foam on his face. She would have laughed at the sight if she hadn't been ireful herself.
"And you really think I'd kill you or watch as you kill yourself, shaky as you are? You know damn well that Capricorn will have me killed if his second in command dies on my watch! Either you let me help you or you can go back to bed." Zera shot back, arms crossed.
Basta stared her down angrily, but he knew she'd stand her ground no matter what, and he didn't feel like fightning, right know he wasn't strong enough for that. Exasperated he yielded, sitting down, arms crossed, tilting his head away from her. Zera came to stand between his legs again and he squirmed, when she took ahold of his face. His breath quickened along with his heartbeat and he had to fight the urge to draw away.
"Relax, I'll be careful." Zera whispered and began to draw the blade gently across his face.
Basta hated to admit it, but he found pleasure in her caresses. Of course he couldn't let her know that.
He hated how weak she made him at times, and if she knew, she'd use it to her advantage, undoubtly. That is, if she didn't know already. She had to know, why else would she be so caring towards him? She's manipulating you already, idiot! On the other hand, she was caring towards everyone. That's something he hated and admired about her. She was tough and fierce, but also caring and attentive, even to those that did her harm. Even to those stupid brats, that were intentionally clumsy just to have an excuse to come see her and be babied by her. Even to him. Of course she takes care of you, that's her job! She's got no other choice! Yet... her ministrations still felt good to Basta, even if they were forced.
He struggled to keep a stern expression, but secretly he was in heaven. His hard stance gave way for a second as the gentle touches made his body tired and his head heavy, so he leaned into her touch. Zera surpressed a soft giggle and used her hold on his face to tilt his head the other way and shave the other side of his face.
She felt that this form of self-care was good for him, despite his stiffness and tough demeanor, and that he desperately needed it. She didn't take it personally that he lashed out at her. Apart from the fact that he was very temperemental in general, he was also very weary at the moment, which made his fight or flight instincts kick in early on. He was on constant survival mode, that's something she noticed about him early on. She supposed that's bound to happen when you live in a hostile environment such as Capricorns community, and as far as she could tell, no one had Basta's back. He was cross with everyone, most likely even with himself. That drains a person, isolation and loneliness, and even though he would never admit it: he longed for company. That's probably the only thing both of them shared.
Basta's cheeks and mouth area were shaved smooth, now only his neck was left.
"Tilt your head backwards" Zera said as she cleaned the blade.
Basta blinked rapidly, as if waking up from a dream and taking in his surrounding again. He eyed Zera for a moment before he did as she bid. Zera took hold of his shoulder and shaved his neck. She saw him swallow hard, he brought his hands down to his legs and clawed into his trousers. It must have been really hard for him to be in such a vulnerable position. Zera decided to try to lighten up the mood.
"Have you heard what happened to Scipio yesterday? He and some other boys did some arm wrestling and he managed to break his arm. I didn't even think that was possible, but yet here we are. Sometimes I wonder how some of them made it this far down the road. They seem like the kind of people who would cut off their ears to find out if they could still hear when they did."
It made Zera smile to hear a low chuckle from him.
"And the other day Amario wanted to give a flower to one of the kitchen maids, but he picked something poisonous, both his hands were red and swollen and then somehow he got it in his eyes too, he looked like a blown up tomato."
The mood did lighten up a little and soon Zera was finished with the shave. Basta dried his face with the towel and looked into the mirror with satisfaction.
"There, all nice and smooth." Zera commented, leaning against his shoulder, content with her work, "I kind of miss it, a little stubble suits you." Zera gestured Basta to leave the bathroom and started cleaning up. Her last comment upset him a little and he almost regretted letting her shave him, but he felt better than before none the less. He stood in the doorway for a moment and looked back, contemplating what to say. He rarely ever thanked people, but he felt this was the right time to do so. Still, he couldn't bring the words out, he just stood there, mouth open but no words coming out.
Zera beat him to it and said "You're welcome. And now clean up the mess you made outside."
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jbeansdraws · 2 years
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Redraw that sad birthday cat meme because it's my SWTOR son's birthday!
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gadmiral-thrawn · 7 months
I made a thing
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Pls don't hate me for the capricorn
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eoieopda · 8 months
for those of you that queue posts — do you ever just want to dump shit in your queue quickly without tagging it? do you ever actually do that? did the world end?
the process of tagging stuff before queueing it feels counterproductive sometimes.
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todayisafridaynight · 2 years
see i know astrology is some nonsense cause masato and ichi were born the literal exact same day and yet you got the two most different dudes on the planet
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forestslut · 1 year
my toxic capricorn trait is that i am very good at making you feel stupid and it feels very very good to do so. but i am trying to be less toxic so i haven’t done this in a long time. and as you may have guessed, it is killing me inside. i think there should be a law that gives me the right to (justifiably) make one person feel stupid, once a week. that’s just 4-5 times a month. i don’t think that’s unreasonable.
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noxtivagus · 2 years
thinking some more before i. be productive 🫣
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thedarkoneswithin · 2 years
The Zodiac Signs at a party!  (1/3 )
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bewby · 2 years
12H 😳👀
12H ⇢ which is/are your biggest fear(s)?
my worst fear is my fear of death because it literally can make me so scared of even existing because it all just leads to death. my thought process is like. i'm terrified of not knowing what will happen, and SPECIFICALLY losing control and having to experience death like. i literally will stop breathing, and i will fade into nothingness. and that is terrifying. rn i can handle it but when i think about it too much it can sometimes cause me the worst anxiety attack ever fjyjdjjd. also fear of being ridiculed/replaced/forgotten hehe bpd time😏
more silly ones: fear of really huge objects or .. things in general. it's difficult to describe. like there's this pic someone edited thatwas like, imagine if jupiter was our sun and i almost killed myself from how TERRIFYING it is to me. i'm also terrified of my eardrums exploding or the ears of my cat or other animals. that are exposed to loud music (? i know). or when something spins. too much. or goes back and forth LKKE BASICALLY SWINGS SCARE ME AND THIS IS SO STUPID. YOU KNOW THOSE SWINGS THAT GOROUND AND RIUND... i actually get SICK just looking at them. if i told you guys the reason i would actually sound insane but these fears are silly and IRRATIONAL SO!!!!!! anyways also i have phases where fears come and go, i had a fear of the world spinning too fast and it used to Genuinely Make me go insane. lol
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huwdy · 2 months
so for some fucking reason i RLLY got a thing for capricorn men??? this is not good for my being or wanted
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not to be low vibrational but i can't help to think what would allow me the consistency to fix my life is if my brother and his girlfriend would break up already
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beefcakeds · 2 years
i forgot that i have to go to the theatre tonight when i clearly want to watch hannibal and eat chips in peace. when will my suffering end?
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